Installing a modern toilet. How to install a toilet in the apartment

Plumbing equipment must be established in compliance with construction standards and rules. Knowing about it, many homemade masters experience insecurity in their abilities, and even a real fear.

They seek help in service companies that require decent money for their services. But the installation of the toilet is not so difficult at all, as it may seem.

There are several ways to install plumbing, we will analyze in detail each of them.

Method of installation of the toilet depends on the type of device and its structural features. You can find two main types of equipment, the technology of installation work in each case will be completely different. It:

  • Outdoor toilets. Mounted directly on the floor covering at the end of the finishing work indoors.
  • Hinged toilets. Installed using special fasteners at some height from the floor level. Installation of equipment is carried out before the start of repair work.

The floor toilet is installed directly on the floor covering. This is the most common type of equipment.

Hinged plumbing devices are installed using special installation structures to which the system is fixed.

Outdoor equipment can be mounted in two ways to mount to the floor:

  • internal, quite complex in execution, but more aesthetic;
  • outdoor when the mount is carried out with the help of special technological holes based on the device.

In addition, the method of installation of the plumbing device depends on the method of connecting to sewage. There are three options:

  • Horizontal edition. The device is connected to the sewer system exactly at right angles.
  • Vertical release. Sewer slurry for connecting the device must be in the floor.
  • Oblique release. Such equipment is attached to the fan pipe at a certain angle, most often its value is 45 °.

Consider in detail how to install the floor toilet with your own hands.

Connecting the device to sewage

To connect plumbing equipment to sewage, you can use various connecting elements:

  • Fan pipe. The shaped product from the midfarfor, faience or porcelain. It is quite difficult in the installation, used most often by professional masters.
  • Plastic pipe. Used when mounting the equipment, located close enough to the sewer pipe.
  • Eccentric. Plastic part consisting of two nozzles with displaced centers. The special structure of the eccentric allows you to connect the output of the toilet and the sewer pipe, even if the equipment is somewhat shifted. Detail is available in different sizes.
  • Corrugation. Flexible plastic device that allows you to connect any to the type of toiletz with sewage field. At the same time, the location of the riser or pipe, as well as the device itself can be any. Optimally suitable for self-installation of equipment.

Consider various ways to connect the toilet to sewage.

Method # 1: Fan tube or plastic pipe

Such a mount assumes that the shaped elements combine the release of the toilet bowl with the sewer. Please note that independent work with such elements can be quite complicated, especially if you don't get a toilet to the riser at the desired distance due to some reasons.

In this case, you will have to use other connecting elements or invite specialists. If the sewage hole is convenient and the toilet to it is suitable, the work can be performed independently.

With the help of plastic connections, you can perform any complex configuration required to connect toilet bowl. When installing such a system, do not forget about special rubber seals

When installing a vertical or horizontal connection, it is important to use special rubber seals: cuffs, inserts, etc., which should go bundled with connecting elements. Details provide a reliable and dense connection, however, for insurance you can additionally use the sealant.

We substitute the sanitary device to the location of the connection and insert it output into the sewer, not forgetting about seals and sealant.

After that, the toilet can be mounted to the floor.

If it is decided to connect the toilet to the sewage with the fan pipe, it must be remembered that the release of equipment and the seven-tube must be perfect to each other. Displays the device will not work

Method # 2: Eccentric

When connecting to sewage using eccentric sealant, it is not necessary to use a sealant, since the form form provides the necessary tightness. The output of the eccentric cuff is inserted into the sewer. It is important that the diameter of the part was selected correctly.

Eccentric allows, if necessary, disintegrate a little to the toilet relative to the riser, but this distance is small.

For reliability, it is still possible to wove the place of connection with silicone sealant. We substitute the toilet and put on its conclusion the second end of the cuff. Equipment can be mounted to the floor.

Method # 3: corrugation

The simplest of all methods allowing you to connect the riser and the toilet of any type if necessary. We wipe the rifle corrugation. The wavy strip is abundantly applied silicone sealant on the ribs of the rubber band, which will later be hidden in the sewer tube.

We spend the same operation from the opposite edge of the corrugations, processing the site that will be on the neck of the toilet bowl.

We insert the corrugation into the sewer fool and wear the second end of its end to the equipment. Highly press plastic fingers, controlling the reliability of the connection.

The easiest way to connect the toilet to the sewage using corrugations. The element can be stretched and give it the necessary form, so without any problems, equipment of any type is connected

Installing a bowl of an outdoor device

Depending on the method of attaching the toilet to the floor, the connection of the device to sewage can be carried out up to this point or directly during this operation. Installation of the toilet begins with the installation of the bowl, which can be performed in different ways.

Method # 1: Installation on a dowel

First, we prepare the basis for which the equipment will be installed. The floor must be absolutely smooth, without the slightest drops. Otherwise, the device will rise unevenly and will be loosened when used. If you plan to put a ceramic tile on the floor, you need to do it before starting the installation work.

Uninstalling the united toilet can be lining, but this is a very time-consuming procedure that requires an accurate trimming of each tile. It is much easier to spend all the necessary events in advance.

In addition, we need consumables to work, which will need to purchase drills for glass and for concrete and silicone sealant.

When performing a pencil markup, keep strictly vertically to mark the point under the mounting hole as much as possible

Consider in more detail the external method of fastening the device. We carry out work in the following sequence:

  • We start with fitting. We put the toilet on the base prepared for it and control the angle of inclination, the coincidence of the height of the sewer tube and the neck, etc. If we find any inconsistencies - they are quickly eliminating them.
  • We carry out markup. To do this, first determine the central axis of the toilet. Optimally, if it passes through the center of the room. Focusing on it, we install the device at a distance of about 15 cm from the sewer termination. We take the marker and carefully circuit the contour of the device. Strictly vertically insert the marker into the technological mounting holes and put the labels under the opening.
  • Cooking holes for fasteners. We remove the toilet to the side and, perforator or drill, carry out the necessary holes. If the tile is laid on the floor, first take the drill on the glass, drill the facing, change it to the drill on concrete. Thoroughly clean the hole from dust and pour silicone into it. It will perform the role of the waterproofer. Then we insert plastic dowels.
  • Install the toilet. We laughed in advance to the instrument in advance. We put on it a special rubber gasket or abundantly apply a silicone layer that will perform the role of gasket. We put the equipment in place and pressed it to the floor. Insert the sleeves in the mounting holes and tighten the screws carefully, fix the plugs. Silicone surplus remove a wet finger or rubber spatula.

Spin the fasteners extremely neatly. Excessive force may result in a damage of equipment on which cracks may appear

The device with the inner fastening will be set somewhat differently. Before installing it, you must make sure that all the outlet openings of engineering systems are connected under the toilet. Installation is carried out as follows:

  • Fixing system connect to the toilet body.
  • We carry out markup. We put the device to the place that is intended for it, and supply the contour with a marker or a simple pencil. We remove the equipment and inside the resulting circuit we plan holes under the fasteners, not forgetting that each connection is fixed on the floor two bolts
  • We carry out the necessary holes. On the tile, we first work the drill on the glass, then the drill along the concrete. In the holes fill the sealant and install the dowels.
  • Fastening screw to the floor bolts. We take the toilet, put it on the installed fasteners, and fix the bolts through special side holes. It is not necessary to delay the fastenings. It is possible that in the process of connecting the device to engineering systems, you will need to carry out small adjustments.

Look more on video:

Method # 2: Montage for glue

If, due to different reasons, the bowl of the toilet can not be installed on the dowel, you can carry out installation on glue. The method is suitable only for smooth floors. For the operation, you will need a high-quality adhesive composition. It can be liquid sealant, silicone glue or epoxy resin with various hardeners.

You can make such a composition yourself. To do this, take 100 parts of ED-6 epoxy resin, heated to 50c, add 20 parts of the solvent or plasticizer, well stirred. Then we pour 35 parts of the hardener and prevent well again.

In the resulting mass we introduce 200 parts of cement and mix to obtain a plastic homogeneous mass.

Installation work performed in the following sequence:

  • We carry out markup. We put the sanitary appliance to the place intended for it and supply the contour pencil.
  • Preparing the basis. First of all, we carefully clean the floor and the base of the toilet from possible contaminants. To improve adhesion with adhesive composition, it is necessary to give the surface roughness, so we clean it with an emery skirt. After that, degrease the base of the device and the floor by any solvent or acetone.
  • Exactly following the manufacturer's instructions, we prepare the adhesive composition for work.
  • Gently apply glue to the inside of the bottom of the toilet and inside the contour, scheduled on the floor. The layer of composition should be not too big.
  • We put the toilet to place and strongly press it to the floor surface.

After we glued the device, you need to wait until the glue does not dry. It usually leaves about 12 hours. During this time, the equipment should not be touched, especially to sit on it.

Otherwise, it can shift towards, and the fastening will be not solid enough.

Before installing the toilet bowl, we definitely determine the base of the plumbing device and the floor under it sandpaper, creating a rough surface

Method # 3: Installation on your taffeta (wooden gasket)

The method appeared to install plumbing equipment on the wooden floor, but can also be used for other types of coating. To properly install a toilet to the toilet, you need to perform the following operations:

  • Cooking your taffeta. This is the name of the gasket made of durable wood, to which the plumbing device is attached. Cut it from the board with a thickness of 2.8 to 3.2 cm. The workpiece is well process with a olifoy or any other solution against rotting. So that the support rack is securely attached to the floor, fix an anchor in it. The easiest all in checkelling to fill nails in such a way that they oppose the board by 2-3 cm.
  • In the floor we make a recess to install the device. Its shape and size must match the taffeta. Pour the deepening of cement mortar.
  • I turn down the taffeta anchors down and blend it into cement. If everything is done correctly, the board must be flush with the floor. We are waiting for complete drying of cement.
  • Getting to install the equipment. We put the toilet to the taffette and fix it with screws, lubricated graphite or tavot, so that they can be easily unscrewed. Under the heads of the screws, we definitely lay the rubber washers-pads so as not to damage the ceramics.

In addition to the traditional wooden taffeta, you can use a rubber substrate. For these purposes, a sheet material is 5-15 mm thick.

It is possible to use an old rubber rug.

For taffeta, it is best to take durable wood type ash or oak. Be sure to process the part of the oil or another composition protecting the tree from rotting

Installation of a drain tank and connecting to the water supply

After the equipment is fixed, you can start the installation of the drain tank. There are two varieties of this device, consider the features of the attachment of each.

Installing a drain tank on the regiment of the toilet

Such equipment is easy to be mounted. In this case, it does not matter when the internal elements of the tank are installed: before or after mounting the devices on the shelf. In general terms, work is performed as follows:

  • We put the tank in place. Pre-take special rubber gaskets and lubricate them on both sides with silicone for better sealing.
  • Gaskets Let's put on the toilet shelf exactly above the drain holes and install the tank.
  • We bind the shelf and tank with bolts. We wait until Silicone is frozen. This will require 15-20 minutes.
  • We check the tightness of the resulting connection. To do this, pour water into the tank and see whether the leaks appeared. If the shortcomings are revealed, eliminate them.

After we installed the drain tank, proceed to the installation of its internal elements:

  • We connect to the tank clutch clutch.
  • Attach the float valve to the coupling.
  • We screw the tube overflow.
  • Mount the water descent lever.
  • Install the saddle and vertical valve.
  • Through the thrust we combine the mechanism of water descent and the vertical valve.
  • Fix float valve.
  • Adjust the twist of the float knee by installing the desired angle. The less angle, the less water will flow into the drain tank.

Do not forget to adjust the seat of the saddle - many forget about this moment!

Before installing a drain tank on the toilet shelf, be sure to mount special gaskets, providing the system necessary tightness

Construction with a tank fixed above toilet bowl. Its installation is made in this way:

  • After the plumbing device is installed, we bring the drain pipe from the tank to it.
  • Fix the pipe to the toilet, using a special coupling.
  • Considering the height of the drain pipe, we plan on the wall of the attachment point of the tank.
  • Disconnect the tube from the tank, after which we install the equipment on the wall. Reliably fix it. We put the drain pipe into place.

After the installation of the tank is completed, proceed to the installation of its internal elements:

  • Mount the trigger lever.
  • Fix the vertical valve, saddle and overflowing mechanism.
  • Vertical valve, overflow and trigger combine using thrust.
  • We bring the tap pipe to the tank and fix its clutch with the mandatory use of rubber gasket.
  • Fix on the coupling float valve.
  • Under the desired angle, connect the twinge of the float knee with the valve.
  • Adjust the seat position.
  • Correct the location of the coupling, which connects the toilet and drain pipe.

To connect the drain tank and tap pipes, use the flexible hose of the desired length.

After the connection to the water supply is completed, be sure to test the device. We recruit water into the tank and wash off. Control all the mechanisms. If problems are revealed - immediately eliminate them.

The mounting height of the attachment can be different. It depends on the model of sanitary equipment

Mounting cover toilet bowl

The last stage of the flooring of the floor toilet with their own hands is the installation of the seat and covers. This is a very simple operation. Included with the seat already go special fastes, as a rule, they are made of plastic.

Such details are very easy to unscrew and twist. In addition, the increased humidity does not harm plastic elements.

Another plus - the design with plastic fasteners is less moved along Sanfayins. We apply the cover to the toilet so that the attachments are included in the grooves intended for them.

We shift the whole design forward and tighten the nuts tighten, locking the seat in this way.

So that the cover of the toilet and the seat do not slide over the surface of the toilet bowl, you need to tighten the fastening well

Independent installation of toilet bowl - the case is quite sat for a home master. It is important to correctly determine the type of device and, in accordance with this, select the optimal installation method.

It is important to carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer of the equipment, where the installation procedure is described in detail, and in the process of conducting work strictly observe it. If you fulfill all these conditions, the equipment installed by your own hands will work for a long time and without problems.

To correctly install the toilet bowl on the tile, follow our step-by-step instructions, equipped with photos and videos.

Opening hours: ~ 1 hour.
Full time: ~ 24 hour.

Preparation of the room to the installation of toilet

Installation of the toilet is more correct to produce in a completely renovated room, so as not to damage the plumbing. You must have a hole for the outgoing sewer tube, as well as a water outlet for the drain tank.

Tools and materials required for proper installation

To install the toilet, we will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Spanling key
  2. Flexible hose
  4. Pencil or felt-tip pen
  5. Yardstick
  6. A hammer
  7. Dowels and bolts (must go complete with a toilet)
  8. Plumbing grease
  9. Liquid Silicone
  10. Rubber spatula

The order of the correct installation of the toilet with your own hands

Step 1. Powerboard to the drain tank

Discharge water access to the system. Unscrew the plug on the water outlet using the configuration key. Here you need to attach a crane. You can use an angular or direct crane according to your choice. Complete threads on the tape tape and tighten the crane into a water outlet. In the case of using an angular crane, tighten it so that it looks down. Break the valve of the crane.

Screw the flexible eyeliner to the crane exit. It is not necessary to use a fum tape, since a sealing gum is provided in the design of the flexible lining hose.

Step 2. Toilet installation reference

To install the toilet smoothly in the middle of the toilet, measure the width of the room at the wall and mark the middle pencil. Make a similar action in the middle of the room and spend the line on two marks. This line will be our guideline that determines the direction of proper installation of the toilet.

Step 3. Assembling sewer plum

If necessary, add the sewage drain of the angular pipe (45-90 degrees) so that its hole looks in the side of the toilet tube under a smoother angle.

Tip: To connect two pipes it was easier, use the sanitary lubricant. Apply it on the inner surface of the drain hole (lubricate the rubber sealing ring) and on the outer part of the corner tube, which will enter the hole.

The sewage drain can be connected to the outlet toilet bowl in two ways:

  • rigid plastic adapter;
  • flexible corrugation.

In both cases, when inserting a connecting element, use the sanitary lubricant as described above.

Step 4. Preparation of the base of toilet bowl and its markup on the tile floor

Tip: Do not connect a pre-tank to the toilet bowl. When and how to connect a tank to the toilet, you will learn later in the article.

Take the floor of the toilet and turn it upside down. The edge of the support part of the toilet must be smooth, without defects. Clean it if necessary with a sharp knife.

Place the bowl base on the floor at the installation site. Focus on the previously paved line (see step 2) to install the toilet correctly and exactly in the center of the toilet. Additionally, check the installation of the installation, measuring the tape measure from the toilet to the left and right wall.

Connect the unit of the toilet to the adapter of the drain system and outline the pencil or felt-tipper the perimeter of the remedy - this will help in the future to install it without additional measurements. Also on both sides, mark the locations of the holes for fasteners.

Step 5. Fastening the toilet to the floor of the tile

Remove the toilet to the side and drill holes in the tile for fasteners. Use a special tile drill. The depth of the holes should be peeling the length of the dowels, which come with a toilet. In the holes drilled in the tile, score plastic dowels.

Reinstall the toilet to the place along the drawn lines and connect it to the sewer plum. Metal screws with washers that come complete with a toilet, screw into both mounting holes, but only half.

Step 6. Additional toilet bowl with liquid silicone

Lift the toilet to 0.5-1 cm, put any coasters in two or three places (use what you have at hand - plastic, pieces of tiles, etc.). In the clearance between the base of the toilet and the floor tile, very gently enter the white liquid silicone. Do it all over the perimeter of the base of the toilet. Rim up to the edge of the toilet and taking out the stands, add silicone. Silicone should be distributed across the perimeter of the base of the toilet to uniformly and create a rich "pillow".

Lower the toilet and tighten the fastening screws to the end with your hands (without excessive effort). Surplus silicone, which turned out to be removed from the outside with a plastic spatula with a moistened soap solution. Form a beautiful Kant around the perimeter of the base.

It is necessary to wait a few hours (see the deadline for hardening the silicone on the package), and only then continue to install the toilet bowl.

How to establish a water descent mechanism in the toilet

On the threads of the main drain device, put the gasket and insert it into the flow hole of the drain tank. From the reverse side, tighten a wide nut with your own hands - do not use the tools to avoid the tank split.

Tip:The shut-off device that controls the water supply to the drain tank, we recommend to mount after installing the drain tank on the toilet. This will allow you to make the screed of fastening screws more convenient - you will not interfere with the excess mechanism inside the tank.

When installing a locking device, check if there are no burrs on the bottom of the device where the hose is worn. Remove the irregularities so that the further connection is dense. Insert the locking device into the hole intended for it in the tank and tighten the plastic nut on the reverse side. Again, do not apply any tools, tighten the nut with your hands.

How to install a drain tank on the toilet

After Silicone fully hardened and assembled the drain mechanism of the tank, you can begin to install it on the toilet.

Between the drain tank and the base of the toilet, it is necessary to pave a soft gasket in the form of a ring (comes with a toilet). Then the tank on the toilet so that the holes for tightening screws on the toilet coincide with the holes on the tank. The connecting screws must have a plastic flat washer and rubber cone-shaped. Insert the fastening screws into the holes of the drain tank and the plastic nuts (horns) twist them on the other side. When screwing the screws, follow the horizontal of the tank.

Screw the flexible hose inlet to the stacker near the drain tank. This connection does not require the use of a fum-tape, since the connection will occur through a rubber gasket.

The installation of a drain tank on the toilet is complete, you can open a crane and check the flow of water, as well as see and eliminate possible leaks in the system.

Put the lid on the drain tank, so that all elements of the trigger entered the hole. Tighten the descent button into the hole. Check the performance of the button. At this stage, the installation of a drain tank toilet is completed.

How to install a seat and a toilet crash

The simplest thing left. Attach the seat on the toilet and grind the mounting screws into the holes. Without much effort, tighten the screws on the reverse side of the toilet. Installing the seat on the toilet is made.

Video lesson: how to install the toilet toilet in the toilet

The work is completed. You installed the toilet with your own hands and, be sure you did it right!

Having understood in the installation technology of the toilet bowl, you can save on plumbing services and perform work as high quality as possible. The toilet can be mounted in the traditional way or more modern method - with installation. In the second case, the drain tank will be hidden in the wall, which is favorable affected by the interior of the room.

You are proposed instructions for performing each of the listed installation options.

With a solidly tired shelf, mm370 and 400.320 and 350.150 Not less than 605 (according to the consumer and manufacturer, it is allowed to make toilet toilet long 575 mm)330 435 340 and 360.260
Without a solid shelf, mm370 and 400.320 and 350.150 460 330 435 340 and 360.260
Children's335 285 130 405 280 380 290 210

Set for work

  1. Perforator.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Adjustable key.
  4. Fan pipe.
  5. Flexible hose.
  6. FUM tape.
  7. Fasteners.
  8. Sealant.

In the case of installation of a toilet bowl, the listed list will expand the corresponding set. Everything you need is bought in any plumbing store.

We dismantle the old toilet

First step . I overlap the water supply and drain from the whole liquid.

The second step. We unscrew the hose by which the tank is connected to the water supply.

Third step. We unscrew the tank fasteners. If they rusted, armed with a screwdriver or a horn key. We press the bolt head to the selected tool and unscrew the nut using a filter key. If it does not work, pre-wrap the kerosene nut. Remove the tank.

Fourth step. We dismantle the toilet bowls.

Fifth step. Disconnect the blocking of the toilet to the sewage.

In the houses of the old building, plums are usually attached with cement coating. For its destruction we use a hammer and chisel. We need to join the cement and gently shake the toilet to the parties. Drain must be checked and dipped. We creep the product, giving water remnants to merge into the sewer.

If the toilet has been released to the floor, you need to take a wax ring

Sixth step. We close a sewer hole with a wooden or other suitable plug.

Important! Sewer gases have not the most pleasant smell. At the same time, they are poisonous and easily flammable. Be sure to take into account this moment during the work.

Preparing for installation

The base for installation of the toilet must be even. There are several options for the development of events, namely:

  • if the floor is laid out with a tile and does not have drops in terms of level, no preliminary measures for leveling grounds do not conduct;
  • if the floor is lined with tiles and is not smooth, we install the toilet with the help of choppers. To do this, the holes are drilled in the floor, they are clogged in the level of the level, and after the toilet, it is attached to choppers with screws;
  • if the replacement of the tile is planned, we dismantle the old cladding and pour a new screed if the old has drops by level;
  • if the toilet is installed in a new home or apartment without any finish, pour the screed and put the tile.

We pay attention to the pipes. Sewer from garbage and various deposits, install a tap (if it was absent) for overlapping the water supply to the tank.

The order of installation of the usual toilet

As a rule, when solding the toilet and the tank are discontinued. The internal fittings of the barrel is most often collected, which significantly facilitates the installation process.

First step. We put the bowl of toilet bowl into its place and make tags at attachment points.

Marked on the floor under fasteners

The second step. We remove the toilet and drill fasteners in marked places.

Third step. We score a dowel to the mounting holes.

Fourth step. Install the bowl. We insert fasteners through special sealing gaskets. Tighten the mounts. It is not worth pulling too much - you can damage either fastenings, or even the toilet itself. I pull until the hard attachment of the plumbing product is to the surface. We close the fastener with plugs on top.

Fifth step. Mount the lid and seat. The guide on their assembly usually comes in a set with the toilet, so we will not stop separately at this event.

Sixth step. Connect the toilet to the sewage. The procedure depends on how to connect the release of the toilet.

Video - installation of the toilet compact with the release of the wall

Prices for components for toilet bowls and urinal

Accessories for toilet and urinal

If the release is done in the wall, we work like this:

If the release is placed in the floor, we do the following:

Helpful advice! If the connection of the toilet bowl with the drain pipe is performed using corrugations, from sealing in most cases you can refuse, because The design of such a transition hose itself is capable of providing a sufficiently dense adjacent.

Seventh step. We carry out the installation of the tank. Drain mechanisms are usually sold already assembled. If the mechanism is disassembled, collect it according to the manufacturer's instructions (the order of assembly for different models can vary somewhat).

We take a gasket from the kit and install it in the waterproof for water in our toilet. Install the tank and tighten the bolts.

Fasteners are most convenient to set this way:

Eighth step. Connect the tank with a water supply with a flexible hose. Turn on the water supply and check the quality of the system. If somewhere rolls up, tighten the nuts slightly. The level of tank filling with water is adjustable, shifting the float is lower or higher.

Several times we give a tank to fill and drain the water. If everything is fine, we accept the toilet to continuously operate.

Modern installation option. A special wall installation is used, in which the tank mechanism hides. As a result, only a bowl of the toilet and a drain button remain in sight.

Mount the wall-mounted toilet on the installation

Video - How to install the suspension toilet on the installation of Geberit Doufix

First stage - installation of frame

We carry out the installation of a metal frame with fasteners. To the frame attach a tank. The position of the frame is adjustable using brackets at the top and screws below. The frames are sold separately, have the same structure and are suitable for use in a complex with any toileties.

The collected design will have a height of about 1.3-1.4 m. The width must exceed the tank width.

Second stage - hang a tank

Installation perform in compliance with the following recommendations:

  • the drain button is located approximately on a meter distance from the floor;
  • between the attachment nodes withstand a step equal to the distance between the eyelets of our toilet bowl;
  • the drain pipe must be located at an altitude of about 220-230 mm;
  • wall toilet hinder at a distance of 400-430 mm from the floor. This is average. In general, focus on the growth of future users;
  • between the drain tank and the wall we carry out no more than a 15-millimeter distance.

Third stage - mount the finished installation

Pre-check the smooth wall with a plumb. When detecting deviations, we do the following:

Fourth Stage - Install the Tank

First connect the tank. Drain can have upper and lateral outputs. Almost all modern Bachkov models allow you to choose between these two options.

Important! When installing the toilet bowl, it is better to refrain from connecting a tank using a flexible hose. Lost much longer than the hose. Will you want to destroy the framework of the carcass in the near future for five minute replacement of such a hose? That's it!

To connect the best use plastic pipes. All the necessary fasteners usually come complete with a tank. Separately you have to buy only the panel for the drain buttons and it is not always.

Connect the release of our toilet with sewage. It is most convenient to do it with the help of corrugations. Check the tightness of the design. If everything is fine, overlap water, temporarily turn off the toilet from the drain and remove the bowl aside.

Important! The procedure for connecting a tank to the toilet and water supply may vary depending on the product model. We specify these moments in a separate manner and follow the management of the manufacturer.

Fifth stage - we are placing installation

To do this, use moisture resistant plasterboard with a thickness of 10 mm. It is recommended to fix a double layer. Pre-do the following:

  • screw the pins in the frame to hang the toilet (are present in the kit);
  • we close the holes of the plugs with plugs (also from the kit) so that they do not beat dust and garbage;
  • we do in a drywall hole for pins, pipes and drain buttons.

Breeping to the frame of the sheets of plating with special self-tapping screws. The fastening step is to withstand at 30-40 cm. The design will have a small size and weight, so there are no rigorous recommendations for the distance between the fasteners.

Plasterboard are lining with a tile or finish with another way at your discretion.

Helpful advice! Before starting facing the box with a tile, we set the plug and cuff location at the place of the future location of the drain button. Usually they are present included.

Video - installation of the suspension toilet

Sixth Stage - Install the toilet

For this, the conclusion of the bowl connect with the sewer and hang the product to the pins (we were installed at the previous stages of work). These actions can be performed in the reverse order as you are more convenient. Tighten the fastening nuts.

Important! Pre-tile, which will contact with, you need to cover the layer of silicone sealant (instead you can install a gasket).

It is possible to include water supply and use the toilet to directly intended.

Installation assembly guide remains the same. Only the order of installation of the bowl of the toilet varies. Work in the following order.

First step. Firmly fix the position of the knee. This will help you with metal fasteners.

The second step. Treat the release of the toilet to technical ointment.

Third step. Install the toilet to the place intended for it. Circuit the contour of the plumbing product and take the holes for fasteners.

Fourth step.Remove the toilet and set the mounting corners from the kit.

Fifth step. Install the bowl, press it with the fan tube and secure the plumbing product with bolts or other fasteners, which are included.

Sixth step. Connect the tank to the plum. Installation and connection of this item is performed in the same way as in the case of mounting the wall model of the toilet.

Seventh step. We derive the drain button into a pre-prepared hole in the trim, we turn on the water supply and check the operation of the toilet. If everything is fine, we accept the product into permanent operation.

Read our new article -, and also find out what kind of varieties are how to choose and install.

Video - installation of anxulated toilet with a hidden tank

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Video - installation of the toilet with your own hands

Work on the installation of new plumbing in many beginner masters cause concerns. A variety of constructive solutions of plumbing devices and methods of their connection requires the performer knowledge of the processes of the process.

The main of them we will try to uncover and disassemble how the installation of the toilet is performed properly without the help of plumbers.

The range of plumbing presented on the market is different. Any owner has the ability to choose a presentable and functional equipment for your own taste and wallet.

In addition to traditional outdoor models, manufacturers offer a rich selection of suspended and embedded devices. The drain tank in them can be attached to the wall or connect to the base of the plumbing.

An option of execution of the bowl of floor and suspended models can be any, for example, a plate, funnel-shaped or even visor modification

The newest model of toilet bowls differ in the design of key nodes.

The output drains happens:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • oblique.

The type of graduation drain should be considered when choosing a model. If your plans do not include the alteration of the flow of the sewage pipe, then the draining model must be arranged in the same principle as in the dismantled one.

Inappropriate plums and supply of plumbing, provided that this is not a toilet to be released, it is almost impossible to alimilely alternately and qualitatively.

The fixation of plumbing to the floor is carried out by means of specially done two or four attachment points. But you can meet the models in which the corners are used for mounting to the floor.

The new plumbing device can be put in place for the same or choose another "corner" for it, making a small redevelopment in the bathroom.

Preparation of instruments and materials

To connect a tank to the water supply, you will need a flexible hose. It usually comes in a set. To connect to sewage - a rigid or bent corrugated cuff.

It is impossible to perform a qualitative installation of the toilet, with your own hands without a minimal set of necessary tools that there is in the house of any owner

To build construction and connecting to communications, you will need:

  • perforator or shock drill;
  • a set of screwdrivers with flat and cruciform "sting";
  • set of wrenches;
  • building level;
  • simple pencil or marker;
  • stationery knife;
  • roulette;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer.

If the installation of plumbing will be carried out on the tile, then it is also necessary to prepare the "ballet" or a spear-shaped drill for work on the cafél. To do the holes for the installation of fastening elements, it will also require a car for 8 or 10 mm.

From auxiliary materials will also be required:

  • metallized Scotch;
  • silicone sealant;
  • FUM RTI;
  • polyethylene film;
  • warring Cut Fabric;
  • capacity for collecting fluid.

Depending on the type of the plug-in model and the installation method, cement solution may also be required.

Dismantling of old toiletza

Disconnecting the old toilet is one of the most time-consuming operations.

Work is performed in several stages:

  1. Overlap the crane.
  2. Disconnect the hose from the water supply to the tank, drag the water from it.
  3. The devastated tank is removed from the mounts.
  4. Get out the nuts placed on the rear side of the toilet and disconnect it from the sewage. To break the drain, the toilet should be shoved from side to side.
  5. The remaining water is drained from the toilet, tilting the bowl forward.
  6. The sewer hole is closer to the paradise, they can be removed from dirt and is clogged with a rag gag or a wooden tube of suitable diameter.

Thug bolts The easiest way, holding the head with a horn key and unscrewing the digger nut. If threaded compounds are strongly glued with salt sediments or rusted.

The use of universal lubricant "WD-40" will help alleviate the task, which in minutes is capable of disintegrating deposits. Behind the absence of such a vinegar or kerosene.

The sewer hole is required to be closed in order to the toxic hot gases do not extend beyond the pipeline.

If driving a taffeta or any other support was detected under the dismantled toilet, it must be deleted. It is possible to do this by a perforator, a nail or chisel.

In the houses of the old building, plums on the sewer pipes are often fixed by means of cement coating. To knock off the dried mortar is the easiest to the chisel, felling him in several places. Detailed instructions for dismantling old toiletase read.

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Option # 2 - With horizontal release

Plumbing devices with horizontal release have become among the most popular in our country. The relevance of the installation of such equipment is explained by the specific layout in Russian sewage system apartments.

Main feature of toilet bowls with direct horizontal exhaust pipe - To properly install, a strictly fixed connection point to communications is required.

The horizontal release is located in the back of the bowl or base and directed backwards. Models with such constructive execution are set to the wall with a wall, connecting to any type of sewage riser.

Connection is performed using appropriate nozzles. The sealing of the compound is carried out by placing an sealing gum inside the pipe.

The direct connection is performed only under the condition that the sewage system is made of plastic. To connect to cast-iron pipes, the circumference of which rarely has perfect shape, cuff and eccentric use.

Option # 3 - with oblique release

Flavor in models with oblique release is located at an angle of 45 ° relative to the floor surface. Models with inclined release benefit against the background of their fellows in the fact that it is less likely to be clogged, since such execution allows you to create less resistance when promoting solid evil spirits.

A vulnerable site of devices with oblique release are the articulation points of the product with a sewage pipe, which when incorrect installation can be covered by cracks.

Connecting an appliance with oblique release to the sewage system can be performed in one of three ways:

  1. By directly connecting through the sewage of the sewage branch. Choose when there is no need to move a plumbing device, and the direction of all elements is clearly coincided. The outlet of the toilet is treated with soapy and plug into the fool, equipped with a cuff.
  2. Accession through eccentric. Socket with a displaced center by 5 cm, equipped with a sealing gasket, is mounted in the sewer output and the toilet to the right or left side is displaced by rotation.
  3. By installing corrugated removal. The use of corrugations makes it possible to deploy a device relative oblique sewage release even at an angle of 90 °.

Flexible removal - although convenient, but not the best tool for connecting toilet places with oblique release. It is worth it only in extreme cases when other ways to use no possibility.

To find out in more detail how the installation of the toilet with the oblique release is made, go through.

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The easiest way to connect toilet with oblique release is the use of corrugations that ensures perfect tightness

If it is not temporary, but a long-term connection, the reinforced version of the corrugated pipe is performed using corrugations.

Using corrugation, toilet with inclined release can be connected to a plum located in the floor or in the wall

If you can reduce the distance between the toilet and the sewer system instead of corrugations, it is recommended to use a hermetic cuff and plastic discharge.

Using corrugations in sewage connections

Reinforced corrugation for reliable work

Unitaase connection with side release

Cuffs in the sewage connection node


The technology of proper installation of outdoor toilets of models "Compact" includes seven main stages:

  1. The toiletase is maximally moved to the drain hole and check whether the outlet of the seventery is coincided.
  2. If small displacements have small displacements, the device join the diversion of the sewage using the corrugation.
  3. The sanitary device with the connected corrugated tube is moved to the wall, following the pipes and bends and bends.
  4. The ends of the connecting element are covered with a thin layer of silicone sealant.
  5. Adjusting the position of the device, the pencil outlines the contour of the boundaries of the sole of the device and the point where the holes are planned to drill the dowels.
  6. The toilet is moved to the side. In the outlined points of the diamond drill, holes are made with a diameter of equal size of the dowels used.
  7. Plastic plugs are plugged into the holes. The toilet "lushing" to the previous place. In the prepared holes screw bolts.

Tip: To facilitate the wear of the corrugation, its end must be missed on the inner walls with liquid soap.

If the holes have to be done in the tile to minimize surface damage, first manually drill the top layer, and only then turn on the drill impact mode.

To ensure the maximum dense fit of the toilet soles to the floor coating, silicone is applied according to the intended content of the instrument. The toilet itself after that put on the previous place, focusing on the outlined contour.

To fix a plumbing device, it has been torn through the holes in the fifth of the washers and the screws are cleaned extremely gently. There are no way in any case!

Photo Assembly Assembly and Installation Guide

Consider the process of installing the toilet on the example of the assembly and fastening of the Chinese Panta Plumbing. An excellent product with a guarantee from the manufacturer for 25 years and a very attractive price.

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Before installing a new toilet bowl, we dismantle the old plumbing, we clean up under it, repair and fill the semi-dry cement mortar

In the sewer output, we set a new plastic adapter to which we will connect either corrugation, or rigid plastic knee

If necessary, change the cold water supply pipe in the zone for the toilet. Most often it is necessary to do not change the pipeline a year or two after installing new plumbing

According to the laying from the toilet to the sewage, we exhibit the plumber for fitting to mark the attachment points and delineate the leg

Step 1: Preparation of the floor for installing a new toilet

Step 2: Replacing pipes and sewage connection pipes