Garden ivy is an evergreen plant. Planting and care rules, culture reproduction

The fence, entwined with ivy or bright-blooming liana, looks very beautiful and well-groomed. But in addition to the aesthetic purpose, it can carry additional functions. Climbing plants for a fence are capable of performing several tasks at the same time - decorating, masking old or simply dull walls and creating shady corners in the garden, they can protect the garden from uninvited guests.

Green fences protect gardens from noise and street dust. In order to grow such a fence on your own plot, you need to make very little effort and then beauty will always be with you.

You need to have an accurate idea of ​​what you want to get in the end, otherwise the initial joy can be replaced by disappointment. It is more practical to plant perennial climbing and weaving plants along the fence. A choice should be made between evergreen and deciduous, flowering and decorative deciduous, prickly and thornless.

Ornamental deciduous trees include ivy, maiden grapes, Amur grapes, lemongrass, honeysuckle, actinidia. Clematis and climbing rose are recognized as the most popular of the flowering ones. Campsis, calistegia, asarina, passionflower are slightly inferior to them, but they also enjoy their share of popularity among gardeners. Wisteria is not inferior in beauty to a rose, but is not able to endure winters on more territory country.

Climbing plants for the fence

Wild grapes

A little more time will pass and the fence will disappear under the leaves of wild grapes

For those who decided to plant greenery on the site with the least labor, time and financial costs. The leaves are large, dense, consisting of five oval pointed leaves. It blooms with small inconspicuous flowers, the berries are unsuitable for food. Summer option- a rich green color, and in the fall it is purple in all its splendor. The lianas are up to 20 meters long.

The plant is so unpretentious that to plant it, it is enough to dig a hole 30 cm deep, water and plant the cuttings at a distance of 50 cm. All care comes down to watering the grapes on hot days and tying the shoots. When planting in spring, in the fall of the first year, the lashes can reach 2m. By the end of the second year, he covers the entire area allocated to him with a dense carpet.

Feels great both on the sunny side and in the shade. It tolerates winter frosts at 35-40 C. It is not afraid of recurrent frosts. Further care consists in pruning shoots and watering infrequently. In nurseries, the price of a seedling varies from 400 to 600 rubles.

The Amur grape differs from the girlish in the shape of the leaves and does not have such a violent growth rate, but it gives completely edible fruits and is not an aggressor in relation to neighboring plants.


Ivy covers the fence with a dense wall

Evergreen ivy - resident middle lane... Unpretentious in choosing a landing site, although he prefers shaded places and periodic watering. With the help of suction roots, it braids buildings and fences and climbs very high. Colchis ivy has a high growth rate and lianas up to 30 meters long.

Propagated by rooted cuttings. They are planted at a distance of 30-60 cm, provide good drainage, top dressing and regular watering and mulching of the soil. In the fall, the shoots are cut off. Winter-hardy varieties are covered with foliage, and the rest are transplanted into a container and sent to winter in a bright and cool room, provide easy watering. Before spring planting in the ground, the plants are hardened.

Climbing plants for a fence

Curly (climbing) rose

A curly rose is a festive mood

Designers love to use climbing roses when decorating a garden. This is understandable. Brightness of colors, bizarre shapes, abundant flowering give these plants just a fabulous look. Roses are more demanding to care for, but they will reward this care with exuberant flowering. Regular pruning, feeding and watering is all that is needed for the normal life of this plant.

Usually roses bloom once a season - May - June, but there are varieties that delight with flowering throughout the summer. In order for the buds to form along the length of the entire plant, it is recommended to arrange 2-3 main shoots horizontally, the shoots emanating from them will give a huge number of buds. Plants are planted in September. Be sure to keep in mind that the rose loves the sun and does not like wetlands.

Propagated by cuttings and seedlings. Warm winters can survive on a support, covered with spruce branches and polyethylene. In cold climates, roses are removed from the support, old and weak shoots are pruned. The shoots remaining on the bush are tied up and laid on the ground. the base of the bush is covered with earth or compost. The plant is covered with spruce branches and a film or agrofibre. Saplings from 500 rubles.


Clematis will add zest to the most ordinary fence

Clematis blooms throughout the season from May to October. Large and bright star-shaped flowers cover the shoots with a solid carpet. The plant is light-requiring, but the root part should be shaded. Watering is necessary 30-40 cm from the roots, so as not to cause root rot. The plant is drought-resistant and frost-resistant. When the shoots thicken or the soil is depleted, they may stop blooming.

Timely feeding and pruning of excess shoots will help correct the situation. Reproduction is carried out by seedlings in autumn and spring. In severe winters, the plant must be protected from frost. Perfect for decorating gazebos. The average price is from 400 to 700 rubles.

Deciduous vine


Campsis are stunningly beautiful flowers

Plant of the Bignoniev family, native to North America and China. The American is more adapted to the conditions of our winter. It is thermophilic and photophilous, but is ready to grow in partial shade. Loves regular watering. Bloom lasts from June to September. Liana grows up to 15 meters high. Timely pruning, it can be given any shape. The flowers are tubular pink, crimson, red, orange, red-golden.

Propagated by seeds (rarely), cuttings, layering and root shoots. Large bright flowers attract not only people. Everything that flies, crawls and jumps tends to his bells. Therefore, experienced gardeners do not recommend decorating gazebos or other resting places with this vine. Distributed on the Black Sea coast, in Central Asia, but can grow in middle latitudes, if provided good hiding place for the winter. Able to withstand return frosts up to -2 C.


Wisteria creates a fantastic atmosphere

It is an incredibly beautiful and fabulous plant with large dangling clusters of fragrant purple flowers. It was this plant that was used in the filming of the movie "Avatar" as the Ava tree. A large woody plant with spiral-shaped stems reaches a height of 18 m. It prefers humid subtropics, but is successfully cultivated in more northern latitudes.

Abundant flowering begins at 5-6 years of plant life in March - early April, before the leaves appear. In autumn, this plant also looks unusual - lemon leaves and large legume pods with seeds. A young plant requires close attention - a warm, slightly shaded and windless planting site with good drainage.

It propagates well by layers and seeds, as well as cuttings and root grafting. For the winter young plant removed from the supports and laid on the boards, then covered with coniferous branches and wrapped in agrotechnical cloth.

And finally, about plant fences

By combining planting, you can use the properties of some plants to improve the qualities of others. For example, experimental gardeners are advised to include clematis seedlings in planting maiden grapes. Thanks to the stems and leaves of grapes, clematis will safely endure the winter cold. And in summer, the bright flowers of clematis bloom a solid green carpet of grapes.

Consider all the nuances when planning. For example, the same wisteria mercilessly clogs all the cracks, climbs under the roof and even into the sewers. Therefore, it must be planted away from buildings.

When decorating a fence with vines that require shelter for the winter, use a special net. With its help, it is easier to remove the plant from the support with a solid carpet and send it to winter.

The wide variety of climbing and climbing plants for your fence allows you to choose a plant that is exactly according to your requirements.

For residents of the middle lane of the heder, unpretentious evergreen ivy, more familiar as a popular ampelous plant for the home. But in the southern regions of the country it is garden ivy.

Huge thickets of this culture can be found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Growing up, ivy climbs the inaccessible tales, the walls of houses, covers the slopes with a dense carpet, its shoots hang from the trees. Plants belonging to perennial evergreen vines are not capricious, not demanding on growing conditions and care. They grow quickly and gladly delight with decorative foliage. different forms and colors.

It is not surprising that the plant was noticed by gardeners for a very long time. In Europe, evergreen garden ivy, which retains its attractiveness throughout the year, is used for decoration and landscaping of urban and rural buildings, parks and gazebos.

Description of garden ivy and cultivated species

In nature, there are half a dozen species of ivy. All of them are perennial climbing shrubs with long shoots that cling to the soil, stones, other vegetation and walls with the help of numerous adventitious roots that form on the adult part of the stem.

The leaves, depending on the type of garden ivy, can be either split, three- or five-toed, or whole. The leaf blades of most garden ivy are dense, leathery with a smooth surface and radially diverging veins. In addition to plants with monochromatic, green foliage, variegated specimens can be seen even in the wild.

If the long shoots reaching 30 meters in length and ornamental foliage of garden ivy are immediately striking, then the flowering of representatives of this genus sometimes goes unnoticed. Collected in capitate or umbellate inflorescences, greenish flowers are very small and do not represent decorative value.

Small rounded fruits of a dark, almost black color, formed after pollination, look much more interesting.

In culture on the territory of Russia, only a few, the most cold-resistant species are grown:

  1. Orchard ivy is the most common plant and is also used as a indoor plant... This species is distinguished by a slow growth rate, relatively medium-sized three- or five-toed leaf plates and an abundance of varieties.
  2. Colchis or Caucasian ivy also grows in gardens. A strong, fast-growing liana with shoots up to 30 meters long and leaves, sometimes reaching 20 cm in diameter, is found naturally in the foothills of the Caucasus, as well as in a number of Asian regions. Form green or variegated leaves changes as you grow.
  3. Crimean ivy is another Russian species that outwardly resembles the Maltese variety grown in Europe. Heat-loving plants, getting into favorable conditions, become powerful. Their trunks at the base become lignified, sometimes growing together with the trees, which this garden ivy willingly climbs.

Planting and caring for garden ivy

Ivy is rightfully considered a shade-tolerant crop that easily adapts to life as a ground cover plant. Settling under the crowns large trees in the southern regions, it winters well. But the farther north, the higher the risk of freezing is not only due to low temperatures but also because of high humidity, insufficient shelter.

To protect the plant and make it easier to care for garden ivy, planting is carried out in elevated places protected from the wind. The first few years, the culture does not grow too quickly, so young ivy is planted in the spring so that the seedlings are warm season matured and overwintered better. For ivy propagation, choose healthy shoots no older than 2-3 years. In this case, they will take root well, they will not have to be seriously injured when transferred to a new place.

Garden-friendly ivy is not overly capricious and adaptable. To make this happen faster, a moisture-consuming, breathable substrate with a high organic content is prepared for planting. The main part of ivy roots is located at a depth of 20 cm, so the planting hole is prepared a little deeper. At the bottom, a drainage layer must be provided.

After planting garden ivy, care consists of watering, feeding and simple tillage. Very careful loosening will help to increase the permeability of the soil to air and moisture, and mulching can save moisture and protect the plants from the first frost by winter.

The soil is loosened to avoid the formation of a dense crust after rain, trying not to harm the shoots and their adventitious roots, which form closer to the nodes and quickly penetrate into the substrate as they grow.

Mulching with leaf humus, or other porous organic matter, prevents the soil from drying out, and in damp years from decay. The mulch is poured gradually, in a thin layer in several steps, so as not to affect the foliage located near the ground. By autumn, the layer is increased in order to carry out a full-scale insulation and shelter of plants with the arrival of cold weather.

The farther north, the greater the likelihood of freezing of plants used for vertical gardening... This fully applies to ivy for hedges, arches and walls of houses. Ground cover specimens, especially those additionally covered with snow, winter better.

After the snow melts in the spring, do not rush to prune the shoots affected by frost or for other reasons. It is better to remove them at the beginning of summer, when the active movement of juices ends. Slices on large stems are treated with garden pitch.

Water your garden ivy regularly throughout the season, but in moderation, keeping an eye on the moisture content of the soil under the plants.

Breeding evergreen ivy

Most gardenable species form adventitious or aerial roots. This makes it easy to root cuttings cut in the spring and summer months.

For ivy propagation, semi-lignified shoots with visible rudiments or already real adventitious roots are suitable. If you cut off a very young, green growth, the rooting process takes much longer. And when unfavorable conditions, for example, in the coolness, the stalk can completely rot.

For propagation of evergreen ivy, it is better to use apical cuttings, but if this is not possible or you need to get a lot of young plants, the shoot is cut into 10 cm pieces, with at least one healthy node.

You can root cuttings in an outdoor greenhouse by planting several pieces in loose light soil, or in plain water. When a sufficient number of roots appear on the stems, the plants are transferred to their future residence. Given the growth of ground cover shrubs and the peculiarities of caring for garden ivy, planting is carried out at a distance of at least half a meter from each other.

We decorate the walls of the house with ivy - video

Garden ivy evergreen - unpretentious decorative climbing plant, which is actively used by gardeners and landscape designers for landscaping buildings, structures, outbuildings, slopes and creating hedges. Under natural conditions, evergreen ivy is widespread in oak and beech forests, as well as in the lowlands of Central, Western, Southern Europe and Asia. Bright and juicy thickets of perennial liana can be found in the southern regions of our country, Crimea, the Caucasus, where it is very popular. Garden ivy picturesquely intertwines any surface. The waterfall of decorative and attractive leaves is a real decoration of any corner of the garden. They can plant greenery on a gazebo, a gloomy wall of an old building, hide unattractive parts of a garden, or decorate a fence. In the lowlands, ivy, growing rapidly, forms a continuous carpet covering the ground. The evergreen liana retains its attractiveness and decorative effect throughout the year. Plant maintenance is minimal and not a hassle. Read about how to grow garden ivy on your site in this article.

Garden ivy evergreen: description

Evergreen ivy (Hedera) - climbing liana, belongs to the Araliaceae family. In nature, there are more than 15 species and more than 1000 varieties ornamental plant, which differ in the shape and color of the leaves. Most ivy varieties have a dense and smooth leaf surface. The shape of the leaves is varied: there are varieties like with whole leaves, and three-fingered, five-fingered form. Foliage color advantage bright green, occur decorative species with variegated foliage, with stripes and splashes of yellow, orange, red, with a variegated edging. home distinctive feature an ornamental plant - its unlimited growth. With the help of the stems and the aerial roots located on them, garden ivy can braid any surface, reaching a length of up to 30 meters.

Ivy inflorescence - an inconspicuous inflorescence of greenish-yellow color in the form of an umbrella, is an excellent honey plant and attracts the attention of various insects.

Blue-black berries - fruits that appear after flowering give additional attractiveness and decorative effect to ivy. Ivy berries are poisonous to the human body, unlike birds, which enjoy the fruits of evergreen ivy with pleasure.

Varieties of garden ivy evergreen

Ivy is a thermophilic crop and is predominantly distributed in the southern regions of the country; in the temperate climatic zone, only a few are grown. frost-resistant species plants:

  • Common ivy (garden ivy, evergreen frost-resistant) - is the most common species in our latitudes for landscaping the garden, and is also used as a houseplant. The leaves are medium-sized, have a three or five-toed shape. Depending on the variety, the color of the leaves can be saturated green with shine or have splashes. Common ivy grows moderately, reaching a length of up to 20 meters, braiding the surface with a curly stem with air roots-suction cups, which allow the plant to attach to any support. It is used for vertical gardening of buildings, structures, and is also used as a ground cover crop. Prefers shaded areas of the garden. Among the decorative winter-hardy varieties the most famous are: Sagittaefolia, Eva, Mona Lisa, Goldhert.

  • Colchis ivy or Caucasian ivy is a fast-growing species of evergreen liana, most widespread in the foothill regions of the Caucasus. The shoots are strong, with large leaves that change their shape during the growth process. The leaves are predominantly dark green in solid form; spotted varieties are less common. Due to the power of the shoots and rapid growth, this variety of ivy is capable of tightly braiding any surface in a short period of time, reaching a height of up to 30 meters. Prefers to grow in the shade. Famous varieties garden forms: Arborescens, Dentata Variegata.

  • Crimean ivy is a type of ivy, common in the southern regions of the country and the Crimea. It has fast growth, unpretentious, resistant to drought and frost. As the ivy shoots grow, they become lignified and tightly entwine trees, shrubs, growing together with them. The trunk of an adult liana in a circle can reach up to 1 meter, and a length of up to 30 meters.

Garden ivy evergreen: planting

Ivy is an unpretentious shade-tolerant culture that easily adapts to any living conditions. As ideal location for planting ivy, you should choose elevated areas, protected from strong gusts of wind. It is not recommended to choose a place where moisture stagnates, since excessive moisture in the soil is dangerous for the vines and can lead to its freezing in winter period... In the northern regions, there is a greater likelihood of freezing of a plant used for vertical gardening of gazebos, arches, buildings, hedges than ground cover specimens that tolerate winter better under snow.

In addition to the fact that the plant loves shade, it needs the sun's rays to preserve its decorative effect. Lack of light affects the brightness and saturation of the foliage color. When planting vine seedlings, the distance between plantings should be at least 50 cm in order to facilitate pruning and caring for the plant.

Ivy is planted in the spring so that the young shoots have time to mature and prepare for wintering during the summer season. It should be noted that the perennial vine grows slowly in the first years of its life, then, as it matures, it accelerates its growth.

How to plant garden ivy evergreen

Evergreen ivy rooted well and grows in almost any soil, but young seedlings, for faster rooting and growth, need a fertile, organic-rich substrate. Not suitable for growing ivy too dense and clay soil because the roots of a plant need oxygen. The main condition for the successful cultivation of vines is good drainage so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil.

Stages of work:

  1. To plant a crop, prepare soil from equal parts of sod land, river sand and peat. The substrate must be breathable and moist. You can also use an organic-rich, general-purpose store substrate.
  2. Dig a planting hole, its size should be slightly larger than the size of the root system of the seedlings, including the drainage layer.
  3. The bottom of the pit must be covered with a drainage layer. Expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles can be used as drainage.
  4. Place the vine seedling in the planting hole, cover with soil and lightly tamp. Water the plant abundantly immediately after planting.

Garden ivy evergreen: care

It is not difficult to take care of the vine, it is enough to loosen and mulch the soil in a timely manner, water and feed the plant.

Watering garden ivy evergreen

Regular watering and maintaining moisture in the soil is the key to successful ivy growing on the site. Too much frequent watering, which lead to waterlogging of the soil, are dangerous for the plant. If the summer and autumn turned out to be rainy, the additional watering is reduced. To determine if the plant has enough moisture, you need to pay attention to the soil under the vine and the condition of the plant's leaves. If the soil crusted, and the leaves began to dry out, this indicates excessive dryness of the soil. Loosening the topsoil and watering will correct the situation and bring the plant back to life.

Mulching garden ivy evergreen

Young ivy plantings need not only moisture, but also air for rapid growth and good rooting. Therefore, regular loosening of the soil under planting, as well as its mulching, will help maintain air exchange and water balance in the soil. Mulching is also necessary to protect the plant from the first frost. Any organic material is used as mulch: dry foliage, compost, sawdust or peat. Mulch should be added gradually - first in a thin layer, then, by autumn, its layer is increased to prepare the plant for wintering.

After heavy rains, the soil where ivy grows must be loosened to prevent the formation of a dense layer of earth that prevents moisture and oxygen from penetrating to the roots of the plant.

Top dressing of garden ivy evergreen

In order for the evergreen liana to grow quickly and decorate the garden area, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are periodically introduced into the soil, contributing to the lush growth of new shoots and leaves. Complex fertilizer with nitrogen is applied at the beginning of summer. From July, top dressing should contain phosphorus and potassium, which will contribute to increased growth and ripening of shoots, preparing the plants for the upcoming wintering.

Pruning garden ivy

In order for ivy to beautifully frame buildings and buildings, as well as create lush hedges, growing shoots need to be trimmed and pinched. After pruning, ivy produces many lateral shoots that give the vines a spectacular look.
It should be remembered that pruning dry, weak and damaged branches after winter is recommended only at the end of the spring sap flow, approximately in early June. Sanitary pruning is also carried out in the fall, before wintering. Slices on the stems should be treated with garden varnish to prevent infestation of the vines.

How to prepare evergreen ivy for winter

Since ivy is native to Europe, the plant is quite hardy and unpretentious for the regions of our country with a temperate and warm climate, where they are grown frost-resistant varieties long-term climbing vines... The harsh winters of the northern regions, even with winter shelter, ivy can break down and die. In the southern regions, with mild winters, frost-hardy ivy can hibernate without shelter. Its roots are protected with a thick layer of mulch from organic materials, and the snow that has fallen out creates additional protection against freezing of the root system.

In other regions in winter, the vine should be covered with burlap or plastic wrap... In warm climates, vertical vines do not have to be removed from the support, but in the northern regions it is better to remove them and cover them with burlap, spruce branches, with a film, carefully placing it on the ground.

In the spring, after the snow has melted, the film is removed to prevent the shoots from drying out.

How to get rid of the growth of garden ivy creeper evergreen?

Some gardeners are faced with such a problem as the growth of ivy over a large area of ​​the site. A fast-growing vine prevents other plants and shrubs from growing fully or braids fruit trees... To remove a liana bush, you need to cut off its stem at the base with a pruning shears and dig out the root. Cut shoots should not be left on the ground as ivy takes root and continues to grow.

To prevent plentiful growth, it is recommended that you prune the ivy regularly to shape it to the desired shape.

Reproduction of garden ivy evergreen

Ivy reproduces quickly and well. It can be propagated by cuttings, so the plant forms adventitious or aerial roots, which take root very quickly. For ivy propagation, it is better to choose spring or summer - a period of active plant growth.

For grafting, you should choose the upper lignified shoots with primordial nodes or visible roots. It is better not to cut a green young stalk, since it will take a longer period of time for its rooting, and in unfavorable conditions it can die. Selected cuttings are cut into fragments up to 10 cm and rooted in loose fertile soil, creating a greenhouse or in water. After the emergence of strong roots, the young shoot can be planted in open ground.

You can propagate ivy on the site using a whole shoot, on which aerial roots are present. It is enough to lay the branch on the ground and lightly press it into the ground, leaving the leaves on the surface, and water it regularly. After about a week, the shoot will take root, its aerial roots will become underground.

Pests and diseases of garden ivy

A particular danger to evergreen liana is represented by ticks, aphids, whiteflies and thrips, which are carried by insects or the wind. If pests are found on ivy stems and leaves, you must immediately start treating the plant with insecticides. Ivy and nearby growing plants are sprayed with Aktellik, diluted with water, or Karbofos. For complete destruction of pests, a second procedure may be required.
Excessive soil moisture or moisture stagnation can lead to infection with fungal diseases. Affected vine leaves and stems should be removed.

Possible problems in growing garden ivy evergreen outdoors

  • Yellowing of the foliage indicates dry soil. When watering is resumed, the leaves return to their previous green color.
  • The appearance of dry and yellow leaves signals an overabundance of soil or top dressing.
  • Falling ivy leaves may indicate dry air. In dry summers, the ivy should be sprayed with water from a hose. Water treatments also help remove dust from the leaves and give the vine a luxurious look.
  • The pallor of the leaves is a sign of a lack of sunlight. If the plant is planted in the shade, it should be transplanted to a more illuminated area, in partial shade.

Garden ivy evergreen: use in the garden

Buildings, gazebos, verandas, woven with green vines, are incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing sight. The buildings look fabulous and simply magical. Ivy gives the gardener room to embody it. creative imagination in the arrangement of the garden area.

Fences covered with ivy, as well as hedges that divide the garden into zones, look beautiful and impressive. When deciding to plant an evergreen liana on the site, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that, in order to give it a decorative and aesthetic appearance, you should regularly prune rapidly growing shoots, especially if ivy grows upward along a vertical support.

Garden ivy on the plot is a great way to hide unattractive areas, for example old building or a fence, decorate an empty wall at home. Liana can beautifully braid and decorate an arch, pillar, column or tree. Having evergreen ivy in the garden, you should be prepared for the fact that in summer, during flowering, butterflies will flock to it, small insect pests and birds that feed on its berries can settle in its lush thickets. To give a beautiful, fresh look, the liana must be sprayed more often with water from a hose, cleaning the leaves from dirt and dust.

Ivy perfectly coexists with many plants: conifers and deciduous shrubs, successfully combined with the planting of rose bushes as a ground cover plant.

Garden ivy evergreen, photo

Today, hedges are extremely popular among modern summer residents and gardeners. And the point is not only that it looks very attractive and is able to protect the site from prying eyes and unwanted intrusions, but also that its creation does not require large investments. Create a beautiful hedge which will become a real decoration personal plot, it is possible with the help of various plants - willow, spruce, barberry, however, many gardeners today are increasingly choosing climbing plants to create such an unusual fence.

The advantages of such plants are obvious: they look incredibly beautiful, especially during the flowering period, they grow quickly and do not require scrupulous and complex care. The most common climbing plants for hedges are climbing roses, ornamental beans, ivy, ornamental grapes and honeysuckle.

The climbing rose is rightfully called the most beautiful view climbing plants that can form the basis of a hedge. Unlike other climbing plants, it not only blooms beautifully and profusely, and practically the entire summer season, but also has a pleasant aroma. In addition, like all types of roses, the climbing rose has numerous sharp thorns, which makes it possible to create an impenetrable hedge.

The traditional time for planting a climbing rose hedge is early fall or spring. As with many climbing plants, a wood or iron frame is required to create a rose hedge.

As a rule, such varieties are chosen to create living fences. climbing roses, how:

1) rose "Rmabler", which usually reaches a height of 4 meters and is considered one of the most unpretentious and frost-resistant types of climbing roses;
2) rose of Cordes, which reaches a height of 2 meters and pleases the eye with abundant flowering throughout the summer season;
3) rose "Climber" - one of the most high grades climbing roses (6 m), which bloom twice a season with large flowers, mainly burgundy and scarlet.

Although the grape is considered a thermophilic plant and is predominantly found in the south, some of its varieties can grow well in northern European latitudes. Since the grapes twist well, they are used to decorate hedges.

Traditionally, maiden grapes are used to create living fences, which are unpretentious to the soil and climatic features of the region. In addition, such grapes grow quickly, they perfectly tolerate both cold and heat, they are practically not damaged by pests, and pollination is not required for the formation of its fruits.

The hedge, created from maiden grapes, looks beautiful, not only in summer, but also in autumn. Maiden grapes are decorative with their foliage, which retains its green color in the summer season, and turns red with the onset of autumn, retaining its natural beauty until the beginning of winter.


You can create a beautiful hedge not only from a fragrant rose or girlish grapes, but also from ivy, which is far from the last place in modern gardening. V landscape design it is used for vertical gardening of the site, it is decorated with gazebos, pergolas, walls of houses. The hedge decorated with ivy also looks incredibly beautiful. Ivy is an undemanding, fast-growing and evergreen plant, so it looks equally good in summer and winter.
Creating a living ivy fence is a snap - all you need to do is plant the plant in the ground and prepare the supports. You can make supports from anything - from iron, wood - it doesn't matter, because ivy can cling to everything.

However, rapid growth and undemanding care are not all the advantages of ivy. Another advantage of a hedge made from this climbing plant is its height. A living ivy fence can be of any height - 1, 3 or 5 meters, it all depends on the height of the created frame.

Beans, which have been known to people since the 15th century, have not been used exclusively for a generous harvest of beans for a long time. In landscape design, it, or rather its decorative types, have long been used for landscaping the site, for decorating fences, gazebos or arches, as well as for creating living fences.

Although the ornamental bean is an annual climbing plant, it has many benefits. Ornamental beans have large flowers that are clearly visible against the background of green foliage. With its abundant flowering, this plant will delight from the beginning of summer until the onset of autumn. But even when the decorative beans have faded, they will not lose their attractiveness, because gathered in bunches in pods, they look no less impressive and beautiful.

To create living fences, these types of decorative beans are most often chosen, such as:

Beans "Mammoth", known for its big flowers white;
- Butterfly beans, which are distinguished by their white-pink flowering;
- French beans, which are characterized by bright red flowers.

Since ornamental beans are afraid of frost and cold weather, they are planted in early May in well-fertilized and loosened soil, having previously foreseen the presence of frames on which the beans will weave.


Low shrubs with a dense crown, known as honeysuckle, have long been appreciated by modern gardeners, who began to use it not only for obtaining good harvest incredible useful berries but also to create green fences. main feature honeysuckle is what it will delight with its beauty throughout spring, summer and autumn. At the same time, honeysuckle will delight not only with its green foliage, but also with flowers, which will eventually turn into colorful fruits.

In modern gardening, more than twenty species of climbing honeysuckle are now known. The most common among them are:

Honeysuckle is a climbing honeysuckle that can rise to a height of 10 meters and will delight with its flowering for at least three weeks;
- American honeysuckle, which is distinguished by powerful dark purple shoots, dense crown and red fruits;

Evergreen honeysuckle, which can delight with its flowering for several months, blooms with large red-orange flowers and is capable of producing a generous harvest of brightly colored berries.

A hedge trimmed with honeysuckle has many advantages. Firstly, such a hedge will look attractive from early spring until the first frost. Secondly, it is growing very quickly (an average increase of 3-5 summer plants for one season is 1.5-2 m). Thirdly, with the help of honeysuckle, you can create not only a beautiful, but also an impassable hedge.

The listed plants are considered the most common in European latitudes. However, you should not stop your choice only on them, because in the world there are many other, no less beautiful climbing plants, with which you can create an attractive and graceful hedge.


Having country cottage or country cottage area, many may face such a problem: how, without much material investment and physical effort, to improve their site, make it beautiful and well-groomed, give a respectable look. Oddly enough it sounds, the house begins with a fence, a fence and an entrance to the site. This is the first thing that falls on the eye, and by these components others judge the owner, his tastes and capabilities. Everyone wants something creative, individual, but at the same time functional. For example, so that the fence is not just a blank fence that separates the site from the outside world, but serves as its decoration and does not cause problems with constant repairs.

The most effective, inexpensive and readily available method is a hedge. It will become not just a fence separating the milk from the site, but a green barrier between your garden and the dusty street. To achieve as quickly as possible desired result, it is best to plant ivy.

Ivy in the garden

Garden ivy is a climbing perennial plant. Flowering occurs from September to October.
Depending on how old the plant is, its appearance may change, and the ability to bloom appears. Nowadays there is a huge number of different types of plants that differ in shape, size of leaves (up to 20 centimeters), flowers (they can be different color, yellow, green, cream) and color. Ivy of any kind is unpretentious. It grows both in illuminated areas and in the shade. Absolutely any soil is suitable, even poor, but if it is fertilized, this will noticeably affect appearance your plant. It is like a professional climber, can climb the supports and climb high enough. Their powerful root system helps fight soil erosion. A hedge can serve as more than just a fence. On the site itself, you can beautifully arrange a gazebo or a pool for her. Flowering bushes look good against its background.

Planting and leaving

There can be many options for what to do with ivy. It can be used as a ground cover. Ivy grows quickly and luxuriantly in a short time, the ground will be reliably covered with a green carpet. To organize a flower bed, it can become a wonderful background, decorate the foot of trees and shrubs. You can plant ivy in order to ennoble the ugly walls or facade of a building.

To to plant a herb you will need:

  1. Saplings
  2. Shovel
  3. Support

When choosing seedlings, pay attention first of all to seedlings that are compact in size, healthy root system, fresh and shiny leaves. It is better to refuse plants with thin and weak shoots, drooping and yellowed leaves. In addition, it must be borne in mind that there are a great many varieties of ivy, they have different frost resistance, and some varieties can only grow at home.
Planting ivy is best, of course, in spring, the most suitable period is mid or late May. For planting, you need to dig small holes along the supports, at a distance of about 50 cm from each other. Pre-fertilize the soil with humus or compost, loosen it. The depth of each hole should be such that the roots will fit completely. Watering is required after planting. This completes the work, this plant will do the rest by itself. The plant reproduces by layering and cuttings. The growing shoots are directed to the support that you want to plant. During the summer, it will creep along the supports with a dense wall and will serve well as protection from wind and dust. It can be supported by both wooden fence, and metal or plastic mesh... There will even be enough pillars with wire stretched over them.

How to care for a hedge

To protect plants from diseases and various pests, pesticides can be used, within reasonable limits, of course. Since ivy grows very quickly, excess shoots are cut off to the right size, and dry ones are removed. It is necessary to ensure that the plant has enough moisture, and the earth does not dry out. To get new shoots, you need to cut the cuttings from the plant. To protect garden ivy in winter, you need to make sure that the ground does not freeze. A hedge, with the help of simple garden tools, you can give any look, and it looks very impressive. Ivy can grow for many years, and provide the site with fresh greenery, creating coziness and comfort.