How to place garden tools in a barn. How to store garden tools

To care for a garden and a vegetable garden requires a lot of inventory and tools. Rakes, shovels, hoes, garden shears. It will take a long time to list. And all this must be stored somewhere, so that the inventory is at hand, remains dry and clean. We present you with a selection of interesting garden tool storage ideas.

The simplest option, which does not require either effort or special monetary costs, is a rail. You may be familiar with this item from the kitchen, where such a bar with holders is usually hung on an apron near the stove and sink. For garden tools, the railing should be larger, and you can hang it anywhere - in the garage, shed, just on the outer wall of the outbuilding.

Homemade holders for shovels, hoes and other tools with long handles. We have already touched on this topic in the article on storing tools in the workshop, but there are so many ideas that options can be supplemented.

Garden hose. An important inventory that tends to roll on garden paths and get in the way. You can purchase a special hose reel, or you can fold it into such a compact box, which has also become an unusual tall flower bed.

Hanging shelves and containers for small items. There are also plenty of small garden tools on the site, so they need their own storage space. This option looks modern, comfortable, everything is in its place, next to it.

These homemade garden tool holders will only work if the shovel and rake have a matching handle with a hole.

Purchased plastic stand for all tools used in the garden. It is convenient that the stand is light, in summer it can be installed somewhere under a canopy, not far from the beds themselves, and for the winter it can be hidden in a shed or country house.

This option can be called a garden cabinet. You can build one yourself or use an outdated wardrobe that no longer has a place at home. Everything in one place, protected from bad weather and dampness.

A similar option, conveniently and compactly attached to the wall of the shed. The advantage of garden cabinets for inventory is the presence of a door that does not always hide an attractive picture, as well as the ability to equip shelves to fit your needs.

Mobile wooden box on wheels. There is where to insert the handles of tall garden tools, hang and put smaller tools. In addition, this repository can easily "travel" around the site, moving closer to the work site.

A double cabinet that simultaneously protects the electric meter and the shield from external influences and moisture, and also serves as a storage for a hose and small garden tools.

If you have a lawn mower on the property, you can purchase or build a separate "garage" for it. It will also provide enough space for other gardening tools, such as a hose for watering the lawn after mowing.

Old mailbox. Gloves, garden shears, small shovels for digging out tubers and replanting flowers can be conveniently folded. It can be installed directly next to the garden bed, so as not to look for the necessary fixtures in the barn.

Finally, examples of how a properly organized storage system for garden tools in a barn or garage can look neat and beautiful in its own way. Racks, roof rails, open shelves, small boxes - all this can be used to get rid of chaos and put things in order in such a large enough storage.

Is it correct? After all, competent preservation for the winter is a guarantee of the durability of the tools.

Each species has its own algorithm for preparing for "wintering". And the more complicated the technique, the more complicated the algorithm. We will talk about the correct storage of summer cottage "assistants". Let's try to figure out what we are doing right and what we are wrong about.

10 general rules for preparing for winter storage

As mentioned above, the preparation process and storage conditions depend on the complexity of the instrument. You cannot argue with the fact that (even the most expensive, convenient and favorite) it is easier to clean and clean for the winter than other equipment.

But at the same time there is a few general rules for preparing for conservation:

  1. All tools must be cleaned of soil, dirt, grass and other things, washed and dry well... The key point at this stage is to "dry", as sometimes you do not have enough patience for this. The moisture remaining in the cracks and joints of parts, once it gets into an unheated room (for example, a shed), will turn into ice in the cold, which can seriously damage inventory. Not to mention the technique. To avoid this, leave the tools in the sun for a couple of hours or keep them in a warm room until they dry completely. Important: so as not to puzzle over how and what is better to wash, shovels, scoops and, remember universal way... The tools are poured with water until the handle for 30 minutes. If desired, washed with a washcloth or sponge. If the dirt just “does not give up” then it is worth adding laundry soap, dishwashing detergent or other to the water.
  2. All tools and technique needed inspect for wear or damage to parts. Determine for yourself what needs to be replaced first and what to take note of. Winter is a great time to repair your inventory!
  3. Accessories requiring lubrication are required accordingly. grease... For example, cutting edges to prevent rust.
  4. The owners of plastic tools need to carefully study the instructions, paying special attention to temperature criteria. Not all plastic is frost resistant!
  5. Sharp tools (garden shears, etc.) or toothed tools (hacksaws, etc.) are best stored in covers, pre-sharpened... If there are no special covers, you can adapt what you have. The simplest option is thick cardboard or plastic boxes, old for watering, cut lengthwise (like a skate cover) and put on sharp teeth. Some craftsmen make covers even from the sleeves of old jackets. This is fine for a saw.
  6. The wooden handles and handles of the tools are also cleaned, washed thoroughly and dried even more thoroughly. You can cover them with a fresh layer (without forgetting, of course, to clean off the old one).
  7. It is very important to store your tools upright or on special wall hooks. So they will not get wet from the floor once again.
  8. For fire safety purposes gasoline from equipment must be drained.
  9. The oil from the garden equipment cannot be drained; it must be replaced with a winter one, with a different viscosity (if there is a possibility that the equipment will occasionally be started in winter) or with a special mixture for conservation (if the equipment will definitely not be used).
  10. Premises for storing equipment and tools, it must be dry, well-ventilated, fireproof and with a secure lock.

Where to store equipment and equipment

When the instruments are put in order and prepared for long-term storage, they need to be arranged and put into place. The question arises where it is better to equip these places.

Option 1. In the barn

Perhaps the very first thing that comes to mind is a shed or. Every summer resident has such a small utility room. The main thing is that it is dry and good.
  • Large items (most often gardening equipment) are placed on the floor, preferably at the entrance - in case something is urgently needed in winter (for example).
  • Small inventory, as noted above, is stored suspended on hooks or in containers (can be in) attached to the wall. The order of the arrangement depends on the frequency of use. A chopper is unlikely to be needed in winter, but a shovel is quite. Even if there is a special shovel for cleaning, an extra one can always come in handy.

Option 2. In the garage

If for some reason there is no shed in the country and is not foreseen, but there is a garage, then it is quite suitable for storing tools. It is not necessary to take away space from his accessories. It is enough to equip a "garden corner" in the garage. Planning recommendations can be found on the Internet, you can chat with friends and neighbors, or you can distribute the space yourself.

The inventory stored in the garage must not harm the vehicle. That's why do not place it close to the parking place of the iron horse (minimum distance - 1 meter). Hanging too high and close is also not worth it. Imagine for a second your favorite car and a pitchfork or a rake flying at it ... An unpleasant picture! Anything can happen, sometimes even the most reliable fasteners and hooks fall off, so it's better to play it safe.

Option 3. Put into special storage

Not the most popular way, but it also exists. There is no barn, no garage, the house is either small, or you don't want to litter it, and there is a lot of inventory - contact special companies that accept things for storage. Of course, due to shovels and hoes, hardly anyone will be looking for reliable storage. But those who have a lot of equipment for and other "large size", no, no, yes, and use such services.

Interesting: such warehouses are not very common in Russia. In Europe, on the contrary, the self-storage service is very popular, because Europeans value every free square meter and will not tolerate, even temporarily, unnecessary boxes, containers and other things in a house or apartment.

In case you decide to try temporary storage, please note:

  • on the reputation of the company,
  • how long she has been storing things,
  • as well as what types of storage it provides.
Such a pleasure will cost you from 3000 rubles. for 3 sq. m up to 8000 rubles. for 5-9 square meters of a container or the room that you choose for your tools or equipment.

How to properly store different types of equipment and equipment

The easiest to preserve, both temporary and long-term.

  1. We clean metal elements and handles from dirt.
  2. Wash, dry.
  3. We sharpen the sharp edges.
  4. We varnish the cuttings and handles, wipe the metal parts with a cloth and oil.

Hand tools

  1. We remove dirt, wash, dry.
  2. We replace broken parts if necessary.
  3. Lubricate to avoid corrosion.
  4. We put it in the covers.

hand tools should be kept only assembled.


To preserve the chainsaw for a period longer than 3 months, you must:
  1. Drain off the remaining gasoline or run it at idle speed: gasoline will run out and the tool will stall.
  2. Next, wipe the gas tank dry.
  3. Following the directions in the instructions, remove the filters from the gas and oil tanks, as well as the air filter.
  4. Dry or replace them with new ones, and then reinstall them.
  5. Then you will have to remove the chain and tire, carefully clean them of sawdust, grease them with oil and wrap them in paper.
  6. The clutch cover and spark plug are also cleaned.

Electric saws

With them, everything is much easier. Power saws are cleaned of dirt with a damp cloth. Especially thoroughly clean the chains and bars, then coat them with protective grease.

Petrol lawn mowers

  1. First things first, remove grass particles from knives and other parts.
  2. Then we drain off the remaining fuel and wipe the gas tank so that condensation does not form.
  3. We compare the oil level with the one required in the operating instructions.
  4. We pay close attention to the cutting element. We determine whether it is dull or even needs to be replaced. Accordingly, we either sharpen or put a new knife.
  5. We hang the mower, ready for conservation, on the wall or place it on a stand.

Before conservation, pay attention to the integrity of contacts, contacts and insulation. We clean the knives and remove the line. Everything is similar to the previous types of equipment.

Motoblocks and cultivators

These are the most complex devices due to the abundance of details.
  1. You need to start their general preservation by preserving the engine: we get rid of fuel residues and change the oil.
  2. Next, we work on air filters: we change the paper one, and we wash the foam rubber with water and some kind of detergent.
  3. We also clean the fuel filter.
  4. Change the spark plug. Before putting a new one, experienced gardeners are advised to pour 15-20 ml of oil into the cylinder and turn the shaft so that it disperses to the details.
  5. All attachments and metal parts of the unit are coated with grease, wrapped in paper and placed in a box.
Important: during inspection, or do not leave dirt on any of their parts, be it the engine, assembly or muffler.

With the onset of warmth, gardeners and gardeners get tools and a variety of household equipment from sheds and closets. In the midst of spring work, everything that a summer resident needs should be at his fingertips. There is a constant need for shovels, rakes, shovels, forks and secateurs. On the one hand, they need to be as close to the work site as possible. On the other hand, how do you not want the neat view of the site to be disturbed by the objects scattered around! There is only one way out: you need to define and equip a place for the summer storage of tools. And in winter, they also have to be put somewhere in order to fully meet the new summer season.

The aesthetics of open space will not be compromised by using one of the proposed ideas for convenient storage of tools. Everything you need will be at your fingertips, but not in front of your eyes.

Space under the terrace or porch

If at the design stage of the house you envisage even a slightly raised one, or consider that you have already identified the place for shovels and rakes. It is enough that the structure is at least half a meter above the earth's surface. The greater the distance from the ground and the length of the same terrace, the wider your possibilities.

The free space under the terrace is well organized. Even the rungs of the stairs have been converted into drawers that can hold a wide variety of small items.

You can simply close the space by providing it with an aesthetic door. You will get an original shed, which, by the way, will additionally strengthen the terrace. If there is not too much space under the porch, it is better to limit yourself to drawers, turning the side of the porch into a kind of chest of drawers. In this case, the design should be chosen according to your own taste, it is only important that it matches the general style of buildings.

Another option for creating a utility room under the terrace of the house. It can accommodate not only garden tools, but also a bicycle, for example, or a small boat

A garden bench will work too

As a rule, nobody is particularly interested in the space under the garden benches. And we will fix it and will not let it be empty. Let instead of the usual shop we have a box in which we will put the tools.

At the same time, the overall aesthetics of the site will not suffer in any way, but the space under the bench, where it is so difficult to mow the grass, will be put into action. Pruners, scoops and hoses can be stored right next to where they are used.

This bench doesn't look like a tool storage in any way, but that's how it is used. Externally similar to a trendy sofa, it is multifunctional

We build a special box

Now let's do it differently. First, we will calculate the box with what parameters we need so that all the inventory can easily fit there, and then we will think about what other functions it could perform on our site.

Such a wooden box will certainly find some other useful use in the household. For example, you can grow seedlings on it or use it in a gazebo as a dining table.

Let's say we make a container with pull-out shelves or with a hinged lid, or even a combined structure in which the drawers are located at the bottom, and the space for shovels, rakes and hoes is at the top. It turns out a fairly voluminous structure that can be used as a table for growing seedlings, a lounger or a place for children's games.

Original obelisk-shaped construction

A decorative detail on the exterior of your home can be a very useful structure at the same time. It would never occur to anyone that brooms and shovels are located right here, this design looks so neat and natural.

Who would have thought that in such a neat and inconspicuous hiding place, the owner hides shovels, shovels and rods? Yes, in the lower part of the obelisk there is also an air conditioner.

For example, an air conditioner can occupy the lower part of the container, and tools with long cuttings will be placed on top. Fishing tackle can also be stored here, which also needs storage space.

For the little things you need

However, not all garden tools are large. Sometimes we need little things like pruners, skeins of string, gloves, shovels and pegs. Where to put all this, so as not to look for a long time? For them, you should build a birdhouse on a rack corresponding to the growth of the gardener.

This is a real illustration of the expression "everything is at hand". The board is for information that the gardener must not forget. For example, dates of vaccinations can be marked here.

It can be a stand-alone storage or an original addition to a large utility room. In any case, in such a "house" every little thing will lie in its place. And just write down the necessary information with chalk on the blackboard on the inside of the door.

We use suspended structures

Various supports are often used for climbing flowering plants, cucumbers and grapes. On their vertical surfaces, it is easy to make some kind of hooks. With their help, it will be possible to hang all the inventory unnecessary at the moment. In fact, it is in plain sight, but it is either not noticeable, or it will look neat enough.

Take a good look at the pillars, because the inventory placed on them is, in fact, practically invisible

If the climate in your area is dry, this kind of temporary storage is very useful. If it often rains, then you can stuff hooks on the wall of any outbuilding, which is reliably protected by an overhanging roof. However, you can transform the entire outer surface of the wall into a kind of organizer. We will describe its construction below.

Aesthetic cylindrical racks

If in the course of construction work you have scraps of metal or polypropylene pipes, do not rush to part with them. By fixing them in a quiet corner somewhere behind the house or behind a gazebo, you can store all the tools with pens in them. Each item has its own place, which makes it easier to access it later.

The only thing that is alarming in this way of storing inventory is the pitchfork, the sharp teeth of which are directed upwards. We can only hope that this structure will be located in compliance with safety regulations.

We make a shelf with our own hands

There are a lot of ways to make a simple tool shelf with your own hands. We bring one of them to your attention. For the base of the shelf, we need one board over 1 meter long and 40 mm thick. In addition, we will prepare the remains of boards, planks, as well as identical triangular-shaped plywood trimmings.

We take plywood triangles and on each of them we cut out a groove with a jigsaw corresponding to the board that we have prepared for the base of the shelf. We fasten the trimming strips to the triangles with self-tapping screws, saw off their edges. Now each triangle is a console.

This shelf is easy to make: there is no point in buying new materials to create it, you can use those left over from previous construction work

Using self-tapping screws, we fix each console on the base board so that shovels, rakes and other tools could be suspended with the working part up. Cutting boards or chipboard should be inserted between the consoles. This will give the overall structure the necessary rigidity.

I must say that the finished structure turns out to be quite heavy. To fix such a shelf to the wall, you need an assistant who will support it. If the master works alone, then it is easier for him to initially fix the support board, and only then screw the consoles and elements that provide rigidity to it.

The only difficulty is the weight of the shelf itself, which will be a problem if you have to fix it to the wall alone, but in this case there is a way out.

Another option involves fixing the finished structure with one large nail, and then the final installation with self-tapping screws. Through holes can be made in advance in their locations. The resulting simple shelf collects all the basic inventory.

Garden organizer made easy

For a simple garden organizer, we do not need extra efforts and significant financial costs. It's pretty simple!

We need four 25mm thick edged boards. They need to be prepared for work - trimmed. The picture shows where the holes will be placed on the two planks. Let's outline them. With the help of a feather drill, we will make holes according to the preliminary outline and, then, with a jigsaw or a simple hacksaw, we will cut out the side cuts.

There is nothing complicated in assembling such an organizer. The whole simple process is reflected in sufficient detail in these figures.

We connect the boards in pairs with self-tapping screws to get two L-shaped structures. We now have two uprights. We select the wall on which our organizer will be placed. Let it be, for example, the outer wall of any outbuilding. The racks must be screwed to it parallel to each other at a shorter distance than the length of the shovel handle.

Why not boast of such a decent work result? It's always nice to keep your instruments in order. It will be more fun to work with a clean inventory.

The work is over. It remains only to put all the inventory in the organizer and be glad that it will always be in order.

When the summer season is over

When the cold weather sets in and the work in the country ends, it is time to preserve the tools that served us faithfully and send them for storage. If you follow all the rules, in the spring we will not have to spend money on buying a new one. Spring costs are already high.

We send gardening tools for storage

All shovels, hoes, rakes and other gardener tools should be preserved. We will conduct an initial inspection and repair everything that has broken down during the working season. Dirt and rust must be removed. Cleaning is best done with a wire brush or putty knife. Lubricate the cutting edge and metal surfaces with oil.

Do not leave tools dirty and unlubricated for the winter. All the same, the very same spring will have to do the same work. And in the spring, as you yourself know, there are a lot of things to do without it

It is necessary to sharpen the blades of the delimber and secateurs. Use a file to remove any jagged edges from a delimber or garden saw. A sharpening stone is better suited to the pruner for the same purpose. You also need to take care of the wooden handles. They are also thoroughly cleaned, after which they are abundantly lubricated with ordinary sunflower or linseed oil. Soaked in this way, the handles will not dry out and will last a long time.

Particular attention should be paid to the fertilizer sprayer. It is cleaned, washed thoroughly and dried. All levers and fixtures of the device are thoroughly coated with machine oil. Free the hoses from the remaining water, roll up into a ring and hang on the wall. Store them only indoors.

Electrical equipment storage rules

A well-equipped suburban area cannot do without electromechanical equipment. When preparing it for winter, the following steps are necessary:

  • draining all excess fuel;
  • replacement of engine oil;
  • checking the presence of fasteners (brackets, plugs, screws) and filling the actual shortage.

Power cords also require mandatory inspection. If the integrity is violated, it is better to replace them with new ones. The trimmer head is cleaned, washed and dried. Mower knives are sharpened and lubricated. Both the electric shears and the grass shredder need cleaning. All knives, metal parts and movable joints of various units must be cleaned and lubricated.

Any electromechanical device needs careful maintenance. But the life of a gardener and a gardener is greatly facilitated if he has them and are in good condition.

The tool should never be left where it can be wetted by rain or covered with snow. Even moisture from fog negatively affects its performance. A special utility room would be an ideal storage place. If there is no such room, a workshop or even a storage room in the house will do. Thoroughly preserved gardening tools will successfully survive the period of lack of demand and will not let their owners down in the spring.

Finding anything is always a waste of time. A mess in a barn, in a closet, or, as you know, causes a lot of inconvenience - everyone who at least once, absolutely really stepped on his own favorite rake knows about it. We suggest starting general cleaning and putting in perfect order with a rack for garden tools, which is easy to make with your own hands.

And just now, when the summer cottage season is already over, it’s probably time to start building such garden tool storage rack... If it was about storing a rake, a shovel, and one or two scissors, there would be no need to worry about the mess. All problems would be solved by hanging a couple of hooks on the wall. But the gardening tool is not limited, fortunately, only to these items. Fortunately - because the large variety of special garden tools makes most of the work in the country a pleasure. That is why we often cannot resist buying one or another expensive, but so necessary instrument.

As a rule, these tools are used quite rarely and as a result they often "disappear" somewhere. And at the most inopportune moment - exactly when they are so necessary. Now, if each of them had their own, strictly allotted place ...

We bring to your attention several different hangers, holders and racks for storing gardening tools. Or just a storage rack for all gardening tools and tools. Some of them are designed to store tools with different types of handles, others were designed to store a strictly defined tool. All holders for such a rack can be easily made from planks and scraps of boards. The solid board hanger can be fixed horizontally along the wall. The width of the board should not exceed 15 cm, so as not to visually clutter up the room.

Deep Cutout Wooden Tool Rack

Surely in the box with scraps you can find a board 10 cm wide. Let's make a hanger for tools from it. Use a hacksaw to make U-shaped cutouts with a diameter of 35 mm. A practical distance between the cutouts is 15 cm. The third part of the width of the board remains empty in order to glue the overhead strip under it. This plank is screwed directly onto the wall.

There are many ways to prevent tools from falling out. To the left and right of the grooves, you can screw in the screws and pull on the rubber strip (left), attach a hook (center), or attach a rotating bar between the grooves (right). In the horizontal position, it fixes the instruments, and in the vertical position, it frees them.

The tree will withstand everything

All ingenious is simple! Wooden pegs are a great solution for our hanger. They can be used to store a T-handle shovel, electric extension cable and pruning shears. The diameter of the pegs is 15 mm. It is better to round their edges slightly with sandpaper.

Base support for tools with long shafts - shovels, pitchforks, rakes, etc.

Attachment for secateurs and scissors

This holder is suitable for tools with a wide base. The board is secured with two screws. The width of the board and the distance to the wall are determined based on the size of the inventory. The fastening for the secateurs is made in a similar way. In this case, the board to be attached is wider and it is fastened with four screws to ensure that the scissors are held firmly.

Hook rails are always useful

Small objects and tools with handles can be easily hung on hooks. The rail for this purpose is made from a shovel handle and two wooden blocks. The edges of the pads must be beveled and sanded. Then, from the inside, one blind hole of the corresponding diameter is drilled, the handle is glued in and the rail is screwed into place.

Ax in a case

The third option for making a tool holder from board scraps is for an ax. The intermediate board has a triangular shape to securely anchor the ax.

Each handle has a pipe

Clever holders free up space and create order. This holder consists of boards and pipes.

Holes for pipes (40 mm) are cut at a distance of 25 cm from each other using a hacksaw, and the grooves in the main board are made with a Forstner drill. The planks located at the bottom are glued, and the boards are screwed to the wall - first the lower one, then the upper one.

Everything is at your fingertips on your desktop

A couple of boards are enough for the desktop to acquire shelves. If the wood is impregnated with a protective compound, then the table can remain outside throughout the year.

It will take only half a day to make. True, an assistant is simply needed for successful work.

First, the boards are screwed onto opposite sides of the table, after which it will stand firmly. Then the remaining four boards are installed to form a right angle. The tool holes are cut in advance. For equipment with long arms, it is necessary to provide individual, more spacious places. Consider their location in advance.

If you have no time or difficulty in making a rack for storing tools, then, of course, you can always buy ready-made mounts for equipment, of which there are quite a few in garden and hardware stores. Here are some examples.

Each owner at their summer cottage has many different tools and household accessories that are difficult to keep in order. The article contains interesting ideas for organizing and storing garden tools in a barn, allowing you to create the most convenient access to the necessary things with minimal costs.


We put the room in order

In every outbuilding, you can find many objects and little things, which you cannot do without in the country. However, in order to find the necessary tool or screw, sometimes you have to spend a tremendous amount of time searching. To ensure easy access to the things you need, you should tidy up the room.

The ideal option is to start not even just by putting things in order, but to choose the right ideas for organizing the space, take all the things out of the shed, arrange storage space and only then sort everything into places.

A selection of useful ideas

Proper storage of garden tools and other tools and things in the shed will not only give them easy access to, but will also extend their service life.

Racks and shelves

It is the racks for the barn that play a very important role in organizing inventory. With the correct placement of the shelves, you can store a lot of important things on them. For example, items that are rarely used can be placed on the upper tiers, and essentials on the middle and lower tiers.

To complete the shelves, you can use the materials at hand that remained after construction, or order structures of the required dimensions separately. These can be welded metal shelves or wooden shelves.


Shovel place and rake

Caring for the garden requires inventory that must be stored in a dry room. Therefore, a device for a rake and shovel in a barn is simply necessary.

If there are plastic pipes at home, then the issue for the organizer of high inventory is resolved in a matter of minutes. A wooden plank is attached to the wall of the shed with a screwdriver. The length depends on the amount of garden utensils. Next, we cut the pipe into cylinders 30 cm high and attach them to the bar. The shovel holder or rake is immersed in the cylinder and the inventory is in place.


Country wardrobe, storage in a barn

Every summer resident knows how dirty and dusty things become after work. And for the safety of everyday wardrobe, the right way would be to store things in the country in a barn.

To do this, you can attach hooks on the door or wall, or allocate a place and put a separate cabinet there.

Also, an ordinary wooden pallet will help to create order in the shed. It can be fixed to the wall and can be attached with various hooks and shelves for things.

Rake hanger

Tidying up your barn can reveal many old and forgotten garden tools. Do not rush to say goodbye to them. For example, an old rake will come in handy for storing small garden supplies. This makes a great organizer for storing pliers, garden shears and gloves.


Storage of small items

In the barn, there are always many small items that are rarely used, but take up invaluable space. In this case, you can use plastic containers and hang them on the ceiling rails. But this method is possible if the barn has high ceilings.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services for the construction of small architectural forms... You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Organizer for nails, screws and nuts

Various hardware are always necessary in every household. However, their small size is always difficult to store. Therefore, you can purchase small plastic containers with a screw cap from your local hardware store. Screw the lids to the rack, and then tighten the filled jars. This is a great way to keep everything close at hand while taking up minimal space.

Or you can use plastic bottles by cutting and attaching them to the countertop.

On a note! Methiza (acronym for " meth allic from Delia ") is a generalized name for a wide range of metal products, including various types of fasteners: self-tapping screws, nails, screws, bolts, screws, dowels, anchors, studs, nuts; washers, rivets; lanyards, thimbles, etc.

Working surface

Any utility room needs a surface where you can transplant flowers or subdue something. To do this, you can build a table according to your individual size and from available tools.

Arrange the pallets one on top of the other, covering them on top with a sheet of chipboard. After that, you can paint it with various paints. Plus, the distance between pallets is also a great way to store small items and tools.

On our website you can find the most ... In the filters, you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

Organizer for small tools

An old shoe organizer is perfect for this. You just need to attach it to the wall and store all the necessary things. These can be gloves, garden shears, pruning shears, or your favorite vegetable seeds.


Correct zoning

So that the order in speed does not turn into the opposite, during cleaning, you should divide the space into several zones. For example, an area for storing carpentry equipment, electrical tools, household equipment, items for recreation and entertainment.

This method will help you easily get to what you need without disturbing the order.


Video description

From the video you can learn how to store garden tools in a compact and convenient way.


Using these simple tips, each owner will be able to create an ideal order in his shed, where every little thing will lie in its place and serve for a long time.