Black currant recipes for baby. Allergy-free vitamins: which berries can you give your child? Useful berry properties

The berries of different varieties of currants look like small multi-colored balls: black, red and white.

Black currant berries are covered with a smooth dense opaque skin. But in the red and white, through the transparent thin skin, small light brown seeds hidden in the juicy pulp are visible.

Listen to the poem.

Currant bush

Grows in the garden

Currant bush.

I'll go up to him

I'll taste

Black berry

Full of juice.

The berry is smooth

Are you already sweet?

If it's ripe -

I'll get down to business:

I'll bring you a canteen

I will shake off the dew from the branches,

I'll pick berries

Collect for jam.

Currant is a perennial shrub 1.5-2 m high. It has carved leaves - sometimes shiny and smooth, sometimes dull and rough, covered with fine hairs. The color of the leaves can also be different: light green, dark green or green with a bluish tint. It depends on the variety.

Gardeners know many valuable varieties of currants: "Belarusian sweet", "exhibition", "dove", "Karelian", "Dutch red".

Currant does not like gusty cold winds, does not tolerate spring frosts, does not grow in damp places. Gardeners most often plant it between apple trees or along the fence. Often lush green currant bushes with clusters of translucent scarlet, yellowish-white or black berries adorn garden paths and alleys. Currants grow especially well on soils rich in nitrogenous substances. Therefore, it is better to plant it where before that pink clover bloomed, vetch grass turned green, beans, beans or peas curled antennae. After all, these plants enrich the soil with nitrogen.

In spring, flowers appear on currant bushes, similar to small bells, collected in inflorescences in the form of brushes, small flower petals are painted in a reddish or greenish color. Currants bloom in the garden earlier than other berry crops. Insects rejoice at this little storeroom of sweet nectar and willingly pollinate the currant flowers.

Listen to the poem.


Golden bee

Flies through the garden

Drinks fragrant juice -

Collects honey.

Currant berries ripen in July. Delicious, sweet and sour, juicy. They contain many useful substances, vitamins, especially C and R. Moreover, vitamin C in currant berries is very persistent, it is well preserved in jam, jams and is almost not destroyed during cooking. There is also a growth vitamin in it - carotene.

Currant berries and leaves have medicinal properties. Fragrant leaves are put in marinades and pickles, to which they give a peculiar taste and aroma. Housewives add them when salting cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms and cabbage. And from currant berries they prepare jelly and mousses, juices and marmalade, make compotes, fruit drinks, wine and make fragrant jam. Also, fresh currants are rubbed with sugar.

Listen to the poem.

Currant berries

Currant berries

As black as agates.

Let's collect the currants

The harvest is rich.

Round and smooth

Juicy taste.

Will be very sweet

Juice, jelly and mousse.

There is an old recipe

How to cook compote

To vitamins

Were all year round.

Currants, like other berry bushes, have many dangerous pests. Currant glass - a small bluish-black butterfly with yellow stripes on the abdomen spoils young currant shoots. The currant leafworm eats the leaves. The spider mite sucks the juices out of the leaves. The fruit moth damages the berries.

To protect the currants from pests, gardeners in the spring dig up the soil in the garden, cut and burn diseased and dried branches. In summer, the bushes are sprayed with infusions of onion peels, garlic, wormwood, yarrow, hot pepper or tobacco.

Many gardeners also know that the common red elderberry perfectly protects the currant bushes from the moth butterfly, and they plant an elderberry bush in the corner of the garden where the currant grows. Sometimes it is enough to stick an elderberry branch into the still not completely dry ground next to the currant bushes. Moths do not like the smell of the bark of this plant so much that they immediately fly away from the garden.

Listen to the poem.

Bunches of red elderberry

Poured and ripe

Bunches of red elderberry

But nobody rips them off.

Who needs them?

Covered with thin skin,

Like beads are burning

But bitter and poisonous -

Young and old know this!

- So why, tell me, the gardener, -

I will not understand in any way,

Where are the currants, gooseberries,

Have you planted an elderberry?

- Bright clover heads,

The berry is full of juice,

Because from the fire

The elder tree saves the garden!

Some gardeners grow onions and garlic near currant bushes. The phytoncides contained in these plants also help cleanse the garden of harmful insects.

Answer the questions

What do currant berries look like?

What color are its berries?

What are the beneficial substances contained in currant berries?

What is made from her berries?

What varieties of currants do you know?

Red and black berries on bush tassels are a real pantry of nutrients. Therefore, there is hardly a summer resident who has not planted at least a few plants on his site. As soon as the currants begin to ripen, skillful housewives not only try to feed all family members with enough of it, but also make supplies for the winter.

Bright beads certainly attract children. they are happy to pull them into their mouths, that's just ... Yes, yes, not everyone likes it. I don't like a small bone in red, not everyone understands the taste of black. Moms, on the other hand, are worried about the allergies that currants can cause. But the first question is at what age you can safely give it to a child.

The benefits of currants

  1. Black currant extremely rich in vitamin C (200 mg per 100 g). In addition, it contains vitamins of group B (3, 5, 6), A, P, K and E, as well as minerals potassium (350 mg), magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium (an average of 30 mg) and iron ( 1.3 mg). This entire arsenal is actively involved in complex metabolism, due to which:
  • increases the immunity and resistance of the body in case of infections;
  • toxins are more actively eliminated;
  • the body recovers faster after an illness;
  • increased tissue regeneration (healing of scratches and abrasions);
  • the development of cardiovascular diseases is prevented.
  1. Red has a similar composition and the same beneficial properties, however, it surpasses in the content of vitamin A (33 mg) and is inferior to it in vitamin C (25 mg). The composition includes malic and succinic acid, carotene and pectin.

The most useful is a berry from a bush. Fresh currants should be eaten within 5-10 minutes after removal. Many useful properties are preserved even after freezing, so whole fruits can be prepared for the winter. After heat treatment, vitamin C will no longer exist, but other and trace elements will be partially preserved.

When can you give your child currants?

Black berries are considered allergenic due to their high content of natural dyes. If the child is prone to allergies, then it is better to postpone the acquaintance until the age of one. Red and white are less allergenic.

The main manifestations of allergies will most often be skin reactions in the form of rashes, itching, red spots. Possible: headache, sneezing, runny nose, lacrimation, laryngeal edema, intestinal upset, vomiting. Your child should be given plenty of fluids, activated charcoal, and an antihistamine that your doctor will prescribe after your visit.

On the days of introducing the first complementary foods, do not give other new foods. Observe the reaction of the body for 2-3 days. If everything is in order, then gradually the amount can be increased to 40-50 g. Other fruit / berry purees should not be given. At 1 year old, a baby can already have 100 g, at 3 - 150, 3-6 - up to 200 g.

How to give currants to a child?

The currant has a relatively thick and elastic peel, so it can be given whole only when the child has learned to chew. Until this time, it is better to subject it to mechanical processing - crush or grind into.

Do not get carried away with sugar if the child does not want to eat sour fresh berries. Add them to dairy products, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, yogurt. It's good to cook salads with them, dressed with cream for baby food.

Homemade cottage cheese for a three-year-old from 50 g of cottage cheese and 2 teaspoons of currants:

  • grind cottage cheese with 10 g of low-fat sour cream and 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • place on a plate, sprinkle with chopped nuts on top (4 walnut halves, or 5 cashews / hazelnuts).

Make fruit drinks from them, fresh juices (be sure to dilute with water), cook compotes. For older children, it can be used to make jelly, jelly and mousses.

How to make fruit drink. Mash the berry, drain the juice, put it in a cool place. Pour the cake with boiling water and bring to a boil in an enamel saucepan (aluminum is not suitable). Let cool, strain. Pour in juice and sweeten to taste.

Kissel. Pour 5 tbsp. spoons of currants 300 ml of boiling water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. At this time, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potato or corn starch 150 ml of water, stir well. Catch the berries and pour in the starch mixture in a thin stream with constant stirring. Turn off after boiling.

When to wait with berry complementary foods

Some diseases are contraindications to the use of currants. These include:

  • dysmetabolic nephropathy;
  • gastritis;
  • food allergies.

For some diseases of the digestive system, it can be given only after heat treatment or grinding.

Here, girlfriends, I found a good memo - I share with you))))

Blueberries (from 6 months)... Contains a lot of vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins C, P, PP. Improves visual acuity, regulates digestion, and a decoction of dried berries is an excellent remedy for diarrhea. Give the baby blueberries, rubbed through a strainer. If the baby doesn't like puree in its pure form, you can sweeten it a little. You can also add fresh berry puree to yogurt or porridge.

Blueberries (from 6 months)... The main source of folic acid, as well as vitamin C, carotene. This berry promotes the secretion of gastric juice, has an anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic effect, and protects against radionuclides. Also, blueberry fruits are unique in that they smooth out all allergic reactions and relieve skin irritations.

Raspberry (from 7 months)... Perfectly quenches thirst, stimulates appetite and bowel function, prevents anemia. The salicylic acid contained in raspberries has antibacterial and antipyretic effects. Give the baby raspberries rubbed through a strainer or add such mashed potatoes to his cereals and desserts. And raspberry tea is indispensable for colds, sore throats, any increase in temperature - it helps to relieve fever.

Blackberries (from 7 months). A source of glucose, fructose, vitamins A and C, carotene and organic acids. This berry improves immunity and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, helps to cure coughs, and heal the gums. It is very effective in the treatment of stomatitis.

Currant (from 7 months)... Contains a lot of vitamin C (even more than lemon!), Vitamins A and PP. It also contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and other trace elements. Currant strengthens the immune system, helps with sore throat or stomach, enlarged tonsils, improves appetite. Red and black currants are very necessary for babies suffering from anemia.

Sweet cherry (from 1 year old)... It contains vitamins C, P and B vitamins. These aromatic berries help to reduce blood clotting, prevent blood clots, and help with stomach pains. In addition, cherries contain a substance that stimulates the cleansing of the body from uric acid, so they are recommended for babies who have problems with the urinary tract.

Cherry (from 9 months)... It is rich in vitamin C, carotene, mineral salts (potassium, phosphorus, iron), also contains iodine. These elements play an important role in the formation of red blood cells. Cherry improves the functioning of the central nervous system, activates the work of the stomach, kidneys and liver, relieves swelling, promotes the regulation of metabolism, strengthens capillaries. The juice of these berries is used as an expectorant for bronchitis.

Attention! Be sure to remove the seeds before giving the crumbs cherries or cherries.

Mulberry (from 9 months)... Contains glucose, sucrose, fructose, malic acid and fiber. The fruits have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, improve metabolism, have a mild laxative effect, can be used as an expectorant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent. Mulberry is good for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Also, these berries are good for the nervous system, speed up the healing process from colds, and improve heart function.

Apples (from 5 months). These fruits have a beneficial effect on the baby's digestive system. The malic acid contained in them stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, and silicon dioxide strengthens the bones of the little one. Attention! Clean apples just before giving them to your baby - under the influence of air they lose a lot of vitamin C. If these are fruits from your own garden, not treated with chemicals, do not remove the skin - it contains many useful substances.

Plums (from 10 months)... They are rich in fiber, which improves the functioning of the intestines, and also contain phosphorus and magnesium, which affect the nervous system of the crumbs. Plums have a mild cleansing effect and satisfy hunger well. Give a kid suffering from constipation dried plums and prune compote. Attention! Do not boil pitted plums - they contain harmful hydrocyanic acid.

Gooseberry (from 7 months)... Contains organic acids, pectin, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, vitamins C, A, P and PP. Gooseberry cleanses the intestines well, removes toxic compounds, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and helps with anemia.

Grapes (from 1.5 years)... A source of sugar, magnesium, iron and potassium, B vitamins and vitamin C. It has a positive effect on the functions of the nervous and musculoskeletal system, improves the condition of the skin, gums and hair. Grapes are recommended in small quantities for diarrhea and heartburn.
Attention! Sometimes grapes enhance the fermentation processes in the intestines. If the baby often complains of abdominal pain, it is better not to give him these berries.

Watermelon (from 18 months)... Perfectly quenches thirst, as it consists of 93% water, at the same time replenishes the lack of mineral salts that the baby's body loses with sweat. Watermelons are rich in magnesium, an element important for the nervous system of the baby. To check if the watermelon is ripe, knock on it - you should hear a dull sound, as if there is emptiness under the skin.

Attention! Do not give your baby watermelons, which were the first to appear on the market - early berries contain a lot of nitrates and can cause serious harm to health. Wait for the high season.

Today you will come across over a hundred varieties of black, red and white currants. All these berries have a sweet and sour taste and rich aroma. Despite the high content of vitamins and minerals, they can provoke an allergic reaction or indigestion. Therefore, it is important to correctly introduce this product into the infant's diet. In the article we will find out at what age you can give your child currants.

Black currant

Black currant contains a high content of B vitamins, vitamins A, K, E and C. In addition, it contains magnesium and phosphorus, zinc and iron, copper and pectins, essential oils and organic acids. This product improves immunity, removes harmful substances and cleanses the body. Fresh berry juice or tea with currant leaves is an effective solution for colds.

This berry helps in the treatment of diseases of the digestion and bladder, kidneys and liver, heart and blood vessels. With regular consumption of such berries, brain activity and visual acuity increase. Decoctions from the leaves of this plant will help children with skin and respiratory diseases. They cleanse the body, increase tone, and help fight depression and stress.

For the first time, black currants can be given to a child after eight to nine months, if the crumbs do not have food allergies to other foods. To do this, make mashed potatoes from one or two berries. If a child has allergic reactions to any foods, do not rush to introduce these berries into the diet. Set it aside for 1.5-2 years.

Compote, fruit drink or black currant jelly are given to children no earlier than a year. At the same time, at first, the drink must be diluted with water. First in half, and then gradually reduce the proportion of water and increase the concentration of the juice. This berry is a strong allergen, so carefully monitor your baby's health. What to do if a child is allergic to black currant, see.

Fruit drink, juice and compote from black currant, as well as the berry itself, should not be given to children with ulcers and gastritis, with increased stomach acidity. The use of black currant is prohibited for thrombosis, hepatitis, thrombophlebitis and is not recommended for bleeding disorders.

White currant

White berries are rich in B vitamins, vitamin P, E and A. This includes magnesium and sodium, phosphorus and potassium, pectin. White currants contain less ascorbic acid than black currants, but here you will find higher levels of potassium and iron. In addition, these berries do not include dyes that can provoke severe allergies.

Due to the reduced risk of an allergic reaction, this type of berries can be safely consumed by children up to one year old. It is this variety that is best introduced first at about eight months. Be sure to watch the reactions of the kids! For a child under one year old, the norm of currant puree is 50 grams. For a one-year-old baby, the portion is gradually increased to one hundred grams.

White currant eliminates heavy metal salts and cleanses the body. It has a positive effect on the work of the heart and the elasticity of blood vessels, improves blood composition, increases visual acuity and accelerates metabolism, and enhances immunity. But this berry should not be eaten with ulcers, gastritis and high acidity of the stomach.

Red currants

This type of berries will strengthen the immune system and eliminate harmful bacteria, cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances. The red currant contains an increased amount of B vitamins and ascorbic acid, iron and selenium, potassium and carotene. It is interesting that even a frozen berry retains a maximum of useful substances.

Fresh berries help with anemia and lack of weight. Red currant improves heart function and vision, accelerates recovery from colds and participates in the formation of bone tissue. The product restores the normal bacterial flora and normalizes the stool if. Currant juice increases appetite, eliminates swelling and nausea.

This berry is not recommended to be given to children earlier than nine months, since there is also a possibility that a child may develop an allergy to currants. Start with a portion of 30-40 ml or grams and gradually increase to 50. After a year, you can give your child 100 grams of currants.

The product should not be given in case of ulcers and high acidity of the stomach, incoagulability of blood and increased sensitivity of tooth enamel, with hepatitis. We found out whether it is possible to feed a child with currants, depending on the type and variety of berries. Now let's look at the general recommendations for complementary foods.

Rules for introducing currants into complementary foods

It is recommended to introduce currant complementary foods after eight months, provided that the baby does not have a tendency to allergies. It is better to start with white berries, as they are the least allergenic. Give the crumbs mashed potatoes and watch the reaction. If there are no negative consequences, the baby can sometimes be given this berry, but observe the norm and do not overfeed!

Choose fresh, large and dry fruits without specks, mold, cracks or other defects. The berries should be of the correct round shape and preferably on a branch, then they retain their freshness longer. You can store currants in the refrigerator for two weeks, at room temperature - no longer than five days.

Do not give pitted fruits to young children, otherwise it can cause digestive and stool upset. Before use, be sure to rinse and sort out the berries! You can easily prepare various desserts, pastries, mashed potatoes, compote or currant jelly of any type.

Currant recipes for children

Children's oatmeal

  • Oatmeal - 1 glass;
  • Any currant -100 grams
  • Milk - 3 glasses;
  • Jam, honey or ground walnuts - 1 tablespoon;
  • Vanillin and cinnamon to taste.

Pour oatmeal into boiling milk, mix. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon and vanilla, stir and cook for one minute over medium heat while stirring continuously. Rinse the currants, put on top and add jam, nuts or honey.

Milk oatmeal is the best breakfast solution for a child. This recipe to diversify the diet of children over two to three years old, will make the usual dish original and tasty.

Currant compote for babies

  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 30 grams;
  • Any currant - 150 grams.

Add sugar to the water and bring to a boil. Rinse the currants thoroughly and sort out, remove the stalk and put in water. Boil the mixture for three minutes, cool and strain. This compote retains the vitamin value of the berries even after heat treatment.


  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Black currant - 1 glass;
  • Butter - 1 pack;
  • Ground nuts - 80 gr;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 gr;
  • Starch - 40 gr.

The oil should be slightly melted and softened. Mix it with powdered sugar and beat until creamy. Continuing to beat, add the currants. Then put the nuts, sifted flour, starch, mix the ingredients and knead the dough. Roll a sausage about four centimeters in diameter from the dough and wrap it in cling film. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

After the cold, remove the film, cut the dough into circles and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for ten minutes. The result is a bright cookie with an original color, aromas and taste. Children will definitely like it!

Semolina dessert

  • Milk - 1⁄2 cup;
  • Semolina - 3 tablespoons. spoons
  • Breadcrumbs - 3 tablespoons. spoons;
  • Red currant - 300 grams;
  • Water - 3 tablespoons. spoons;
  • Starch - 3 tablespoons. spoons;
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • Sugar and salt to taste.

Bring the milk to a boil, add a little sugar and salt, then gently pour semolina in a thin stream. Cook for two minutes, stirring constantly to avoid clumping. After that, cool the mass. Form into balls or dumplings from the mixture, roll in breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown.

Rinse the berries and remove the stalks, put in a separate container. Pour orange juice and water, bring to a boil, cool and strain. Dissolve the starch in water and add to the currant-orange mass. Bring to a boil again and cool. Pour the resulting syrup over the balls. The result is an original and very satisfying dish that, if necessary, will help the child gain the missing weight.

Cold jam

  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.8 kg;
  • Oranges - 2 pieces.

Beat the berries with a blender and mix with sugar. Chop the oranges together with the peel and mix with the currants. The resulting mixture is laid out in sterilized jars and closed. You will get an excellent treat for the cold season, which will warm and strengthen the immune system. At the same time, the dish is prepared easily and quickly, unlike classic jam.

Why are berries so valued? It is believed that they contain almost all vitamins. However, this is not entirely true. Basically, berries are sources of vitamin C, b-carotene and folic acid. The rest of the vitamins (and there are 13 of them in total) are present in these small pulpy fruits in limited quantities. The exception is sea buckthorn, which actually contains almost all known vitamins.

On the other hand, berries are rich in sugars, bioflavonoids (vitamin P), dietary fiber (pectin), organic acids, and mineral salts. All these substances are also indispensable in the nutrition of babies, like vitamins. The largest amount of vitamin P among berries is found in black currants, strawberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, and grapes. Vitamin C, b - carotene and bioflovanoids have a prophylactic effect against cardiovascular, oncological and other diseases. Organic acids increase the secretion of gastric juice and, thereby, appetite, as well as promote better absorption of food. Dietary fiber is essential for the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract, including the prevention of constipation. In addition, berries have a number of other medicinal properties and are successfully used in folk medicine.

How to give berries correctly

There is a misconception that the more you feed your child with berries and other sources of fresh vitamins, the better. Allegedly, useful substances will be deposited "in reserve", and they will be enough for the whole winter. Unfortunately, this is not so. The child's body does not assimilate more than necessary, and the excess vitamins are simply excreted through the kidneys, with urine. In addition, an excessive amount of berries can cause fermentation in the intestines and diarrhea. Large amounts of vitamin C contained in berries can be harmful for kidney disease such as dysmetabolic nephropathy , accompanied by increased urinary excretion of salts - oxalates, which further provoke the formation of kidney stones. With this disease do not recommend berries with a high content of vitamin C(black currant, kiwi, rosehip decoctions, sea buckthorn). In some diseases of the digestive system, berries are given only after mechanical and heat treatment - in the form of jelly, compotes, jelly, mousse. When gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) be careful with sour berries(lingonberries, dogwood, cranberries, etc.). As for babies with food allergy , in their diet are excluded: strawberries, strawberries, raspberries. Limited to: blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, black currants, blackberries. Allowed: gooseberries, white and red currants. From the foregoing it follows: firstly, it is necessary to observe the measure in everything, including the desire to enrich the child with vitamins. Secondly, if the baby has any diseases, especially gastrointestinal, kidney or allergic diseases, then it is better to consult a doctor about the summer menu. Berries can also cause intestinal infections in a perfectly healthy child, if they are not properly washed. To prevent such consequences, these gifts of summer should be washed under running water, and then doused with boiling water.

Where to begin

With some berries, babies get acquainted with the beginning of complementary feeding. According to the recommendations of the Institute of Nutrition and domestic pediatricians, you can start acquaintance with berries with all types of currants, blueberries, raspberries and offer strawberries (garden and forest) a month later, of course, in the absence of allergies to them. In any case, the first meeting with berries should occur no earlier than 5-6 months. When offering the baby a new berry, they start with small doses - according to the same principle as any complementary food. For a child up to a year old, berry complementary foods (give on the tip of a teaspoon. For a child older than a year, the first portion of this or that berry can be increased to a full teaspoon. Gradually, over 3-5 days, this volume increases to the physiological norm. At 5-6 months the baby can receive 40-50 g of berry complementary foods, while on this day it is no longer necessary to give fruit puree.By the time the baby is 1 year old, this amount gradually increases to 100 g of berries or fruits, by 3 years - 150 g . From 3 to 6 years old - 150-200 g. Do not introduce several types of berries into the child's diet at once. This is due to the fact that when an allergic reaction occurs, it will not be clear which berry it has arisen. did not choke on a berry, and give whole fruits only after he has learned to chew. Fresh berries go well with any dairy products. They can be added to cottage cheese, yogurt, and fresh berry juice to diversify the taste of kefir and milk. boiled or berry - fruit salads, with yogurt dressing or a small amount of 10% cream for baby food. But, When offering your child berries, you should not get carried away with sugar, it is better to accustom him to natural taste. You should not prepare desserts from fresh berries in advance, you need to do this only immediately before use. Of course, no one can say for sure how many minutes vitamin C will be lost in the berries, but it is known for certain that under the influence of oxygen, it oxidizes, and its amount in the cooked dish decreases. The same goes for storing berries. Therefore, one must also remember that the less time has passed since the harvest, the higher their vitamin value.

In the child's diet, you can use not only fresh berries and freshly squeezed juices. The kid, most likely, will really like a variety of delicious desserts: jelly, compotes, mousses, jams, etc. Of course, in the process of even the most careful preparation, a significant part of vitamins is inevitably lost, especially ascorbic acid (vitamin C), but mineral salts, organic acids and b - carotene. And reducing the amount of dietary fiber after cooking is even beneficial for children with unstable stools and some diseases of the stomach and intestines. General principles of preserving vitamins during cooking:

  1. Place any fruit in boiling water.
  2. Always cover the cookware with a lid during cooking.
  3. Use dishes covered with enamel or other protective compound (aluminum and copper can not be used).
  4. Observe the recommended cooking time according to the recipe, do not overcook.
  5. Eat a cooked meal during the day.

To maintain the maximum amount of vitamins in compote, you need to add the berries to the boiling syrup and turn off after 5 minutes. And soft, tender berries - raspberries, strawberries, black currants, blueberries, if possible, do not boil, but put in glasses, pour warm syrup and cool. Kissel prepared using a gelling product - potato starch. By the way, jelly for a child should not be too thick, therefore, it is better to reduce the proportion of starch by half of the dose recommended on the package. To maximize the preservation of vitamins, juice is squeezed out of the berries, the pulp (pulp) is boiled, the syrup is prepared on the strained broth, and when it boils, starch is introduced with continuous stirring, removed from the heat. Then, without stopping to interfere, the previously squeezed juice is poured into it. Jelly prepared from fruit and berry broths, juices, syrups using edible gelatin. Mousse- this is not yet frozen jelly, whipped into a fluffy mass with a mixer.

How to prepare vitamins for the winter

The best way to preserve most of the vitamins in berries is to freeze them quickly and then store them properly to prevent thawing. You can buy frozen berries in stores - now there is a large selection. But the preparation of stocks at home is also quite affordable. To do this, you need to collect the berries, select ripe, but not overripe fruits, remove the stalks. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse them under running water, while large fruits should be rubbed with a special brush. Then they are dried on a towel or cotton cloth, folded in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer. In winter, these berries can be eaten fresh after quickly defrosting in the microwave. Various desserts, compotes, fillings for flour products are prepared from them in the same way as from fresh berries. ATTENTION! Avoid thawing berries during storage and slow defrosting, they will lose a significant part of vitamin C. Sugar-coated berries... A good way to keep the beneficial properties of berries longer is to grind them with sugar and then store them in a cool, dark place. To do this, you need to select ripe, not spoiled berries. For 1 kg of berries, 1 kg of granulated sugar is used. If the berry is sour, then you need 2 kg of sugar. Then the mass is whipped in a food processor (or rubbed with a wooden pestle in an enamel bowl). All that remains is to arrange the dessert in glass jars and put it in the refrigerator or in another cool dark place. Various fruit and berry compotes, canned juices are also very useful for babies in winter. Canned berries retain up to 30% of vitamin C. And any blackcurrant preparations will serve as its best source. Compotes prepared from one or more types of berries. They are washed, put in a sterilized jar and filled with pre-prepared sugar syrup, and then closed with an airtight lid. You can read the proportions of sugar and berries in the cookbook. Preparation juices at home - a troublesome business. This is done using a juicer or juicer. Moreover, freshly squeezed juice for long-term storage must be sterilized. As a result of heat treatment, both in the first and in the second case, all vitamin C is likely to be lost. So, it is much easier and better to buy ready-made juice. It is prepared according to all the rules and is enriched with vitamins. On packages with juice for babies, there is a corresponding inscription: "Recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for children ... age." You should definitely pay attention to this.

Berry "features"

The world of berries is rich and varied. It is impossible to list them all. We have already mentioned the general properties of these gifts of nature. But there are features characteristic of certain species. For example… Raspberries ... Its fruits contain organic acids, including salicylic, which have healing powers. That is why raspberries are used as an anti-cold, diaphoretic, antipyretic agent. There are many other valuable components in this berry, such as potassium, calcium, iron, carotene, vitamin C. There is more fiber in raspberries than in all other berries, so it is not used in its natural form for diseases of the stomach and intestines. This berry is prohibited for food allergies. In home cooking, raspberries are consumed fresh and dried; preserves, jams, jellies, marshmallows, marmalade are made from it. Raspberries can be cranked or pounded with sugar (such "cold jam" is stored only in the refrigerator or cellar), prepare compotes for the winter, and make juice. Black currant is one of the most common plants. In terms of vitamin C content, this berry is unmatched in northern latitudes. In addition, its fruits contain folic acid, B vitamins, provitamin A, and many pectin substances. Currants are a good source of potassium and iron salts. In home cooking, excellent juices, fruit drinks, jelly, compotes, preserves, jams, jellies, marmalades are prepared from it. Currant berries can be dried. Vitamin C is well preserved in any blackcurrant blanks... Black currant is prohibited for children with increased excretion of oxalate salts in the urine. It is also limited in babies with food allergies. Red currants. In terms of the content of vitamins, it is close to black, but it contains slightly less vitamin C. The best preparation of red currants is jelly, prepared in a cold way - by mixing juice with sugar. In home cooking, all kinds of drinks, fruit drinks, jelly are prepared from this berry. Pasteurized compotes are prepared from red and white currants. Red currant juice, due to its excellent gelling properties, refines preparations from other berries. Very similar to red white currant, with a sweeter taste. There are no contraindications to the use of this berry. Strawberry. In everyday life, this is often called garden strawberries. Strawberries contain organic acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, carotene. It is used both fresh and for making jam, compotes, jellies, mousses. Strawberries should not be given to children with food allergies. Gooseberry contains pectins, fiber, organic acids, minerals and vitamins: C, P, E, as well as B vitamins and carotene. In home cooking, gooseberry berries are consumed fresh and processed. Juice from these berries can be drunk fresh and canned for the winter, which is a good way to combat seasonal vitamin deficiencies. Gooseberries make good jam, jelly, compotes, preserves. You can crank it with sugar. There are no restrictions on the use of this berry. Cranberry , in comparison with other berries, is especially rich in organic acids and vitamin C. It contains potassium and other trace elements. Organic acids have a detrimental effect on a number of pathogenic bacteria (staphylococcus, E.coli, putrefactive bacteria) that cause stool upset, and suppress the vital activity of microbes in the berries themselves, therefore cranberries are perfectly preserved until spring - on bushes, frozen or just cold boiled water. In home cooking, this berry is used mainly for preparing various refreshing and healing drinks on its basis: fruit drinks, juices, jelly, kvass. A mixture of cranberry juice with honey is very tasty and healthy. The pectins contained in cranberries easily convert its juice into jelly and marmalade. This berry is added to sauerkraut, and when soaked, it is an excellent addition to meat dishes. Cranberries are very useful for infectious diseases, general weakening of the body. Fruit drink made from it is widely recommended for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder. It promotes the elimination of excess oxalate salts from the body. Therefore, if a child has this symptom, cranberry juice is beneficial. Cranberries are not recommended for children with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also limited in the diet of children with food allergies. Lingonberry like cranberries, they are high in organic acids. And it can also be stored, just pouring boiled water. Berries and especially lingonberry leaves have a strong diuretic and antiseptic (antimicrobial) effect, which is used in the treatment of urinary tract infections. Limit it for food allergies and gastritis. In home cooking, lingonberries are used both fresh and for making jams, jelly, compotes, fruit drinks, pie fillings. Blueberry is one of the most valuable berries in our northern forests. Due to the content of a large amount of tannins, these berries are successfully used as an anti-inflammatory and fixative for diarrhea. For this purpose, jelly, decoctions are used, both from fresh and from dry berries. In addition, blueberries are rich in iron - 7 mg per 100 g (for comparison: in beef - about 3 mg per 100 g). Of plant foodstuffs, it is second only to rosehips, lentils and soybeans in terms of the content of this mineral. Moreover, the iron in blueberries is in compounds that are well absorbed by the body. This berry is useful for visual acuity disorders, as it contains a precursor of one of the components of rhodopsin - the main visual pigment. For food allergies, its use is limited. Strawberry is considered the most delicious and aromatic of wild berries. It is rich in iron, manganese, copper, zinc, which is very beneficial for anemia. Strawberries contain a lot of potassium, as well as pectin substances and organic acids. The main vitamins are C and folic acid. The spectrum of other vitamins is also very wide, these are B1, B2, PP, E, pantothenic acid. Strawberries contain a significant amount of bioflavonoids (vitamin P). In home cooking, strawberries are used to prepare preserves, jams, juices and syrups. Fresh berries are used as an independent dessert dish. Strawberries quench thirst, increase appetite, and improve digestion. Infusions from its leaves and berries have a diuretic effect. But children with food allergies should not eat it. Sea buckthorn - a storehouse of vitamins. It contains almost all known vitamins, a lot of vitamins E, A, K. Vitamin C in sea buckthorn fruits is resistant to cooking. Kissels, compotes are cooked from it with sugar, juice and oil are obtained. Sea buckthorn fruits keep very well when frozen. The valuable property of sea buckthorn is to restore strength after an illness. But the juice of this berry is not recommended for children with high acidity of gastric juice. It is often intolerable for babies suffering from liver and gallbladder diseases. Children with increased excretion of oxalate salts with urine should not use sea buckthorn. Rosehip is the richest carrier of vitamin C, iron, b-carotene. These berries are used to prepare vitamin broths. And rosehip infusion is an excellent means of combating spring hypovitaminosis. However, rose hips are not recommended for children with increased urinary oxalate excretion.

Exotic berries

When the season rich in vitamins ends and the cold sets in, subtropical berries help babies to make up for the lack of vitamins. True, children over 1 year old can be pampered with the wonderful fruits of southern nature. In early November, fruits appear on sale feijoa ... Their flesh is sweet and sour; in taste and smell it resembles pineapple and strawberries. Among vegetables, fruits and berries, it has no equal in iodine content. Feijoa fruit is also rich in pectin. This berry is used both fresh and processed (jam, compotes, fruits ground with sugar). There are no restrictions on the use of feijoa. Fig. It is also called the common fig tree, wine berry, fig. The fruits of this "exotic" are very sweet, they contain up to 75% sugar, so it is very high in calories, and it should be limited in the diet of overweight children. But for babies suffering from constipation, figs are useful because they have a good laxative effect. Dogwood contains a large amount of vitamin C, carotene, organic acids, pectin. The disadvantage is sour taste. They use it both fresh and processed. But give dogwood to children suffering from gastritis should be careful. Its use is not recommended for oxaluria (excretion of oxalates in the urine). Garnet - actually a berry too. Its juicy fruits contain sugars, tannins, organic acids, a small amount of vitamin C. Pomegranate is consumed not only fresh. Pomegranate juice is very common. This berry stimulates appetite, quenches thirst well, and has a slight strengthening effect. However, children with food allergies need to be careful about their use. Kiwi. Among the advantages of this berry are a large amount of vitamin C (more than in oranges), which is available fresh in winter, and good taste. Not recommended for oxaluria. In short, you can support your child's body with the necessary vitamins almost all year round. It remains only to wish that the delicious gifts that nature presents to man bring as much benefit to children and adults as possible.

Bioflavonoids are a group of biologically active substances found in leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, wood of many plants. They have an anti-inflammatory, vitaminizing effect, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize fat and protein metabolism in cells.