Black dots on calangean. Video "Saving indoor flowers from pests"

Why calangean yellow leaves. What to do? Such a request is often introduced in the search engines, people are too actively caring for their indoor flowers. Let's look at why it happens.

Wrong watering

Most of the flower products are not aware that Calanechoe is a succulent. Water pour generous hand, from the soul and often. Do not even give the soil in a pot well dry. But the plant is completely able to do without watering a long time. And overflow leads to the strongest reinforcement of the roots. And if you save the calanchoe that drought from drought is very simple, then the yellowing of the overflow is almost never restored.

Signs. The leaflets are yellowing throughout the plant, soft, watery. Kalanchoe itself looks oppressed, often shoots bend under the weight of the water inside the sheet plates.

What to do. Urgently save! The usual cessation of watering, as some sources recommend, will not give anything. The root system has already begun to rot. You need to immediately stop this process, otherwise the plant will perish.

For this, Calanchoe is pulled out of the pot, then rinsed the roots under the jet of warm water. Now you need to carefully cut all rotten, poorly smelling and dark color. The sections are sprinkled with a crowded activated carbon, leave to dry out at least an hour.

After that, Kalanchoe transplanted into another soil and new pot. In the old one there may be many pathogenic bacteria.

In the future, strictly followed the moderation of watering. Recommended scheme: Top layer of soil in a pot plus another 5 days. By the way, they do not really know. The soil is only slightly moistened. No need to wait until water flows from the drain holes. Kalanchoe does not like this. Otherwise, the root system, like a pump, absolutely absolutely all moisture. Do not miss the owners again to water the plant again, seeing dry ground in a pot. The circle closes, the leaves will start yellowing again.

Wrong lighting

Signs of lack of light. The leaves are yellow, minor. Savages become thin and long, like matches.

What to do. Calanchoe loves the bright light. But not more than 10 hours a day. Therefore, the output is only 2:

  1. Artificially creating a short light day, covering the calangean with a light-tight material.
  2. Select such a place of content where the duration of the lighting is normal. For example, oriental windowsill.

By the way, if Kalanchoe has already stretched out and yellowed, then save the shoots will not work. They will no longer become a magnificent compact bush. They will have to trim. Just do not throw out. Such shoots are perfectly rooted, so why not get a few new plants? Of these, then you can easily form a beautiful crown with proper care.

Dry air

The second is the reason for the yellowing of the leaves from Calanchoe, especially during the heating season. Rarely who thinks how hot heating radiators affect the plant.

Signs. On the whole plant, the tips of the leaves turn yellow, then begin to dry out entirely.

What to do. Moisturize air near Calanchoe as often as possible. You can do this in several ways:

  • Spray warm clean water From the pulverizer.
  • Put around a few additional containers with conventional water.
  • Turn the radiators with wet towels or blankets.
  • Locate the pallet with a clamzite, peat or sphagnum. Constantly water them with water.
  • If you do not have the ability to provide calangean normal wet air, it is better to artificially enter it into the state of rest. Put in a cool place (+ 14-16 ° C), reduce watering. In this position, the plant may be no more than 2 months, well, then you will have to come up with an increase in humidity. Otherwise, the tips of the leaves will so yellow.


    Signs. The leaves are yellowing on the whole plant, look for boiled, crossed, but not dry. The plant as a whole looks healthy.

    What to do. Stop frying calangean. It loves a bright light, so many flowerfish will settle it on the southern or western window. It is quite acceptable, that's just in last years Summer of the middle strip presents incredible surprises. On the sun, the thermometer column is paid much higher than + 40 ° C. As a result, the plant is simply fried.

    It is necessary to pronounce calangean in the most sun. This can be done with white paper, dense light cloth. As a result, the plant will receive enough lighting, but it will cost without sunburn. And it is better to rearrange the pot behind the chart. For example, on a table or bedside table near the window. Then it does not have to make shaping every day.

    Natural wiliation

    Signs. The leaves are sometimes yellowing at the bottom of the stem, gradually dry and fall. The plant looks cheerful, grows well and blooms.

    What to do. Do not change anything! Your pet suits absolutely everything. And the loss of a certain number of lower leaves is the normal natural process of aging. Do not interfere in the usual microclimate. Calanchoe feels perfectly.

    Incorrect fertilizer

    The overaffect of nutrients is also destroyed as a flaw. Immediately after the transplantation, some comrades begin to paint the pot in a pot in a pot. And Kalanchoe What? Furiously all absorbs the root system. But the leaves refuse to perceive such an increment.

    Signs. Sheet plates are turned yellow, then become brown. A red border can appear, brown wet spots. The plant looks unhealthy, does not bloom. There is a large number of loose shoots, they can start rotting the macushki.

    What to do. Stop it to eat yourself and stop the dirty flower. This is a succulent, he is used to living in very cruel conditions. And you send him fertilizers!

    Normally need to be reduced by 2 times the dose of microelements recommended by the manufacturer. Then all this will benefit all this. The oversupply always harms. Have you ever seen full of people with healthy health? There are no such. So why should Calanechoe be different? Always think before pouring mineral water into water for watering.

    Council. To not be mistaken, use long-playing fertilizers. Just place a tablet or granule in a pot. Calanchoe itself will take so much food as needed at the next irrigation.

    Signs. Sheet plates change pigmentation on all plants, sticky stains, small points appear. Then they grow up.

    What to do. Open eyes. After all, it is very difficult to not notice on the calanchoe leaves non-crude guests. Insects are very well distinguishable by the naked eye, especially on the bottom of the leaves.

    Immediately treat the victim by any insecticide system action. Just be sure to look at the packaging the phrase "allowed for indoor plants." And strictly follow the dosage.

    It is advisable to place Kalanchoe for a time to quarantine, so that the remaining flowers are not infected. If necessary, processing is repeated once again in about 7-10 days.

    Excessive watering or too cold air Self lead to various diseases. As a rule, the owners understand it too late.

    Signs. The leaflets are very quickly yellow, then covered with a naizh raid. Or whipped flush. The plant fades, then dies.

    What to do. Of course, you can try to save the calangean, spraying with fungicide. But even if it recovers, the view will have a very non-primable. What is the beauty in a long bald stem with a bunch of curves of deformed leaves on the painter? Still, not palm tree.

    Out of such a situation only one. You will have to cut as much healthy cuttings as possible to try to root them and grow new calangean. As a rule, it does not occur with this, shoots very quickly gain strength, build up root system And go to growth.

    And you should not slander about loss. In any situation you need to be able to see your advantages. But you will have a lot of young healthy plants instead of one patient and breakdown poorness.

    Now you know why calangean yellow leaves. What to do? - also know. Therefore, you can provide your petty decent conditions for maintenance at home and without yellowing. And he will thank you juicy green foliage and fabulous blossom.

    Video: Care and Country Country Secrets

    Why did the shepherd leaves become sticky? How to care for her?

    This is a shield or falsity. With the damage to the shield, treat by accutelle. It is necessary to dissolve an ampoule of 1 l water and process during the appearance of the pest. The consumption of the solution is up to 2 liters per 10 sq.m. No more than 4 treatments. Waiting time 3 days ..

    This is either a shield, or a word .. and my falsist was. Just washed off Slowly with soapy and that's it. I have it already a tree. Immediately wash the whole thing. Gradually. good luck to you)

    I read that with such a disease you need to struggle with flushing Tly (shields). Once a week - shower under pressure, but at the same time, close the ground with cellophane. Periodically, the plant must be molded with a soap solution of the forgeal soap, and after an hour and a half, be sure to flush, but it is possible in the absence of the Sun. Good luck! And yet - do not overflow the water into the plant, and use warm and relaxed water, between the treatment splash the plant from the sprayer with warm water. And remember that water quality plays a very important role in the vital activity of plants and other living organisms!

    The first sign is shiny sticky discharge, similar to syrup splashes.

    Kalanchoe - flower of life

    Kalanchoe is not only decorative, but also medicinal plant. Motherland this beautiful flower Is Madagascar. In itself, this plant is unpretentious, but it is only necessary to follow some rules for its content. Calanchoe, as well as cacti, belongs to the genus of succulents, just a few species grow in bedroom flowering, although there are almost 200 species in the wild. For more than a century, this plant helps people to restore lost health.

    Varieties and types of calangean

    Since the varieties in wildlife meet a lot, we will only describe those that are found in our garden centers, and, therefore, they are growing in our homes and apartments.

  • The most common calangean kalandium - belongs to the Tolstanka family, has a thick stem and has long blossom From December to April a month, the flowers are small, terry and formed in elegant blizzes. It grows with a small bush, requiring trimming after flowering. The shades of flowers have pink, yellow and white all depends on the variety of the plant.
  • Rosalina - comes from the expanses of South Africa, has colorful bright pink flowers.
  • Blossfeld - It is also called Calanchoe Mix, this is a very miniature plant, which has a variety of colors - lilac, red, white.
  • Mangini - has thin stems with a length of about 30 cm. And blooms downstream flowers similar to bells. It looks very nice in the interior planted in the suspended porridge.
  • Laciniatra - it is also called deer horns, has thick leaves, served around the edges. Motherland is also Africa and in nature he grows up to one and a half meters high.
  • All varieties have beautiful flowering and healing properties.

    Kalanchoe Blossfelda

    Landing, care and reproduction

    As any plant has its own secrets in content. It got well at home. Just grown it, you need to follow certain rules, here are some of them.

    How to create irrigation mode

    This tropical plant does not matter responding to the overalling of the Earth. When the Earth will be constantly wet, then the roots will begin to refine. Even when the plant blooms, watering does not increase, but pour out the occasionally and gradually.

    In the summer, the plant watered cool water outstanding during the day to get rid of chlorine. If the water is very tough, then water should be softened by boiling. For this, half of the water is boiled and allowed to settle. After that, it is mixed with an estimated water, as a result, the rigidity decreases.

    When watering, it is also necessary to avoid water from entering the leaves and trunk. If they come to them, rotting. If it happened overflowing the plants, it should be carefully taken out of the pot and wrap the earth with paper disposable towels, which will absorb excess water. In the heat, the approximate frequency of moisture every four days. Since the plant has a large margin of water in the leafy plates, the lack of water does not threaten it. He is more dangerous to overvoltage.

    In winter, especially if the plant is cool, the plant is watered much less frequently. Water it is necessary to water with warm water about once a week. If winter happened in the winter, the plant is likely to die. After watering with cold water, the plant can get sick and die.


    Since the birthplace of this plant is South Africa, he loves solar lighting. It can be safe on the sunny window sill during the summer until lunch. In the afternoon, if there is no natural shadow, then it must be created. Otherwise, juicy leaves can burn in the afternoon sun. Burns appearing on the leaves are not heal and remain until the end of the life of this sheet. In winter, the sun for the plant is safe and no need to rearrange it.

    Temperature mode

    This plant prefers a moderate temperature from 16 degrees 20 heat. But even with a decrease in temperature to 5 degrees, heat will not damage the flower. The most interesting thing is that this flower does not take place above 30 degrees, starting to hurt with different diseases.

    Air humidity

    The flower does not require high humidity and therefore the daily spraying is not necessary. If you constantly expose it high humidity, the leaves will accumulate overabundance of water and start cracking. And already in damaged leaves can get fungus, and the sheet rotting. So dry air in the heating season it is absolutely not terrible.


    It is almost no need to feed, as the plant does not like feeding and reacts badly to them. But if it still begins not the grip of minerals, then you need to begin feeding fertilizer for cacti, since there is a reduced nitrogen content. In winter, it is strictly forbidden to fertilize, the flower will not survive this. The best time for feeding is the beginning of May and watering fertilizer for cactus dose should still be reduced twice.

    Transplantation Plants

    The plant is good to transplant with the help of transshipment, this is a way at which the old land does not shid down with the roots, but simply gently rolls out of one pot in a little more. Immediately after the transplant is not worth it.

    The first irrigation is carried out the day after the healing of possible wounds on the roots of the plant. For good conditions The flower is accepted in a week. If for some reason the transplant is carried out in winter, then it is necessary that it is warm in the room.

    Reproduction of Kalanchoe

    A plant is multiplied, like a monetary tree, very easy - stalling, kids or seed method of reproduction. It is very interesting when the dropped leaves in the same pot have a root root in the ground and a small young bush is formed at the feet of an adult plant.

    To propagate with the help of seeds, they are planted, not blunting into the ground, and covered with dark glass. As soon as the first leaves appear, they are transplanted into separate pots with a diameter of no more than 7 cm. During the growth period, they are sometimes fissile to fertilizer for cacti.

    Flowering Kalanchoe

    Flowering occurs once a year, at the end of winter and lasts depending on the variety of the plant, it happens until the end of May.

    The secret of flowering at home is that it is necessary to perform certain conditions. The plant needs to provide a two-month rest (cool place and meager watering) and 8 hours day. For this, it is either covered with a cap, or in the room deprived of light. After these manipulations, it is exposed to a lighter place, and after a while he throws the bouquets of flowers at the ends of his twigs.

    Pests and Calanechoe Diseases

    Diseases arise for various reasons.

    Useful properties of the plant

    With the help of Calanechoe juice, brazers are preparing, which are used in inflammation or skin irritation. In addition, the juice is rich in the content of vitamins, therefore it is accepted with avitaminosis, as well as with physical or mental fatigue.

    But clean juice can not be used strongly concentrated and, when used, causes burning. Based on the squeezed juice, various ointments and decoctions are prepared.

    Ointment when skin damaged

    Get juice from juicy young sheet plates, 30 ml. Such juice should be added to 50 gr. Lanolina and Vaseline. The extracted mass is scrupulously smeared and saved in the refrigerator. Mased to be treated with any damage to the skin from irritation to frostbite.

    Alcohol tincture for the treatment of varicose veins

    Such alcohol tincture increases blood flow by veins. To get rid of the blue mesh veins, you need to rub the feet to the tincture, ranging from the feet and rising to the third of the thigh. After 15 minutes, pain passes, but to fully cure the legs to undergo a course of treatment for 4 months. Rub the places where the blue vehicle grid is clearly expressed.

    Grinding juicy leaves and 2 tbsp. Add 500 gr. Vodka or alcohol. Insist 10 days in a dark place mixing the contents daily. After cooking stored in the refrigerator.

    With any diseases of the oral cavity (angina, stomatitis)

    Juice can be squeezed by itself, and you can buy in a pharmacy. But it must be remembered that pure juice causes a strong burning, so it should be diluted before use boiled water 1: 2. Rinse the oral cavity four times a day.

    Treatment of helminthosis

    Cracks on the nipples

    Often, during the feeding of a child, painful cracks appear on the nipples so that they need to drop 3-4 drops on the crack every day and cracks will be lit. Calanechoe also applies to folk recipes In the treatment of gynecology.


    It is believed that this plant has no contraindications to the treatment of different diseases. And in official medicine, the emphasis is on the fact that this plant is not toxic. But since the juice of the plant itself is rarely applied, mainly it is still with some components, then this should be considered. Therefore, this green doctor has contraindications. And doctors believe that there are a number of diseases in which this drug cannot be applied.

    First, the use of these plants must be coordinated with the attending physician. Since there is an allergic reaction to preparations made on the basis of this plant. It is also impossible to take it during pregnancy and lactation. Low blood pressure also does not contribute to the use of exhausts from the plant. Patients with tumors and liver disease, diabetes and rheumatism also should not take drugs with this plant.

    Children should not be given non-diluted calangean juice, since he even an adult is very annoying the mucous membrane.

    To test if there is an allergic reaction, you need to drop five six drops of juice on the inner fold of the hand. Wait 10 minutes and if an allergic reaction does not give yourself a felt, then you can begin treatment.

    Collection and storage of calangean

    Before disrupting the leaves, it is necessary that the flower is cutting the useful substances. Therefore, we need a week, do not water the plant, and then carefully cut off the right amount Leaves, of which will be hidden. Then leaves need to be washed and crushed. Increase in a dark place for 5 days. After with the help of gauze, squeeze juice and add medical alcohol in accordance with 1 to 5, the resulting tincture is subsequently kept in the refrigerator. For proper storage The shelf life of raw materials is preserved throughout the year.

    Calanchoe is considered not a picky flower, and with proper care it will not only be happy with his bloom, but to engage in the healing of the whole family. So this is a wonderful reason to start growing on your windowsill, this beautiful flower.

    Flower of Life - Video

    Echinacea and pro beneficial features Read here.

    Why don't sticky leaves become in room plants?

    Admiring the household flowers, causing them, we sometimes notice that at our indoor plants without visible reasons suddenly become sticky leaves. Anxiety anxiety call makes it look for this riddle.

    Sources of the problem

    A healthy flower always looks natural and luxurious. Any deterioration of the appearance should always be alarmed. Why is there in room plants sometimes leaves become sticky? Why do our gentle handsome hands have lost their appeal? Is it just an external deficiency or such a phenomenon are really dangerous for our green friends?
    Unfortunately, this symptom says that our favorites have become a refuge of small, sometimes imperceptible insects. Sticky raid on the leaves of indoor plants is nothing but the accumulation of the life of pests. Who could leave him?

    With the rest of pests without special chemicals We can't cope with protection. To combat them, most funds used to protect them garden plants. But, given the specifics, only those that are allowed for use in the room or a greenhouse are followed. Preference is desirable to give drugs with systemic action.

    Advantages of the impact of systemic drugs:

  • they quickly be absorbed into the plant tissue;
  • do not wash off when spraying or wiping flower leaves;
  • spreading along the veils of the plant (according to its "system"), the substances reach even those sites that were not spied;
  • some of these drugs are permissible not by spraying, but when watering under the root, which makes them use easier and safe;
  • most of these substances have a long exposure period (up to month), therefore, the need for repeated processes is reduced;
  • only such funds are capable of acting on pests covered with dense cuticle, for example, on the shields.
  • Very often, single treatment of the plant may not be enough. The fact is that acting on adult pests or on their larvae, drugs do not have a noticeable effect on already pending testicles. After a couple of weeks, new larvae can come out, so after about 2-4 weeks, it is advisable to repeat the processing.

    Prevention is the best answer!

    By purchasing a new pet, carefully inspect him so that there were not the slightest signs of pests. After the new flower appears in the house, you should not put it right next to other plants. Let it, just in case, will be "quarantine", being away from them. If everything happened safely, you can put it closer to "Old-timers", creating new interesting compositions.
    After the sick plant recover, it must be transplant. Replanting plants, use new vases for them. If you want to transplant the flower into an old love pot, it is pre-boiled with soap solution.

    Periodically carefully examine the domestic flowers, wipe their leaves, do not let the pests of living on them. For some plants, it is allowed from time to time to arrange a warm shower.

    The more attentive you will treat the colors, the stronger the living decoration of your home will grow!

    Why calangean does not bloom, but only gives foliage and yellow leaves

    Whew, torment Cherver, shield - the main pests of Calanchoe. Insects feed on succulent leaves, punching tentacles and pulling cellular juice as a needle for subcutaneous injections. Consider why the plant may not bloom and do not give foliage, but shroud and darken.

    Calanechoe disease: home treatment

    Phytofluorosal rot

    Bad breathability of soilRelated with overvoltage leads to reinforcement roots. Exacely the problem of soil pathogenic microorganisms as phytoofer.

    Phytofluorosis is dangerous for many plants, manifested everywhere equally

    Symptoms of phytoofluoro-fungal infection:

  • growth slowdown;
  • soft stem near the base;
  • brown spots in the field of branching;
    • when progressing the disease, the smell of mold appears.

    What to do: Warns the development of phytoofluorine rot Calanchoe transplant in the plumbered sterile medium. This is a soil containing peat moss and perlite (60:40 or 50:50).

    In the case of using the old pot, it is disinfected in a 10% solution of chlorine lime (1 part of the chlorine lime - 9 parts of water). The phyotophtor does not survive in the dry tissue, but forms the disputes of peace, which cost for a long time without a host plant.

    When the soil moisture and temperature conditions are favorable, its development is enhanced and can achieve an invasive level.

    Do not leave in the tray standing waterwhich flows through drainage holes. Roots are capable of reabsorbing it. Fungicide soil treatment (thiophanate methyl) helps to control the fungus.

    Tyofanat methyl is able to help when infecting soil fungus

    However, chemicals are effective only if the root system is not too extensive.

    Thanks to such a flower less susceptible to infection phytoofluorosis. Significant suppression of symptoms is observed when treating salicylic acid and silicon or chitosan.

    We have already described the negative impact of the disease to the specific varieties of Calanechoe. For example, the phytoophluorosis is treated and treated with Kalanchoe Kalandiv.

    Gray Gnil

    The causative agent of gray rot - Pathogenic (necrotrophic) Mushroom Botritis Gray. The main factors for its appearance is a high level of humidity and cold ambient temperature.

  • on the leaves are formed wet whitish stains;
  • over time, the stains change in color: a grayish piglet, which contains disputes (reproductive cells) of the fungus;
  • the cloth becomes soft.
  • As soon as the disease is detected, it is necessary to urgently change conditions of content Kalanchoe. Remove infected areas. Clear plant with systemic fungicides. Take care of good lighting. Perhaps you have to change the soil.

    Puffy dew

    Fungal disease, striking a wide range of plants, including calangean. It is easily recognizable because symptoms are very peculiar:

    • small chlorotic stains on the leaves;
    • as the fungal mycelium increases, all large parts of the plant covers, manifest in the form of a dusty white or grayish-silver web;
    • black or brown specks (fruit body mushroom) on mycelial surface;
    • height slows down due to disturbed photosynthesis, buds do not ripen;
    • twisting and dedication of the cover (an atypical brownish symptom can occur, resembling a password).
    • Puffy dew - fungus, attacking any plants: indoor and open soil

      Conditions conducive to the development of the disease:

      · Moderate temperatures with high humidity

      Treating fungicides (benomyl, phenarimol), based on sulfur, nithe oil, potassium bicarbonate. The selected means is applied to the stem, and in the sinuses of the leaves.

      Means that has proven its effectiveness and even comparable with some fungicides - milk diluted in water (1 part of milk on 10 parts of water). It is good to use it at the first signs of infection or as a preventive measure.

      The mechanism of action lies in ferroglobulin. This serum protein when exposed to sunlight produces oxygen radicals, during contact with which fungus dies.

      Pests: what to do

      TLL: How to stop blossoming and drop flowers

      At the initial stage of infection, any signs of Tlima are difficult to detect. Insects are so tiny and are located on the back of the sheet that stay unnoticed.

      The danger of Tlya is that it quickly moves to neighboring plants

      Colonia is detected during reproduction. It is noted that the TLL quickly multiplies on the full colors of Calanechoe.

      The pest drinks cellular juice and constantly pollutes it to poison injections.


      • the plant is polluted and deformed;
      • leaves yellow;
      • buds do not bloom, real flowers drop;
      • the affected parts and stalk covered with sticky matter.
      • It is terrible that the wave is a carrier of more than 100 types of viruses. Insect it is necessary to consume a huge amount of juice, since the concentration of sugar is too large with respect to the concentration of amino acids.

        Sugar pest is delayed in the form of a sticky secretion on the leaves and stalks of plants, which attracts ant and serving nutritional solution for mushrooms. This "nectar" scores breathing pores (Ustian), preventing the ability of the plant produce their own nutrients.

        To get rid of the Calanchoeph, is treated with the corresponding insecticide. Treatment is repeated once a week for a month.

        Recommended green soap solution (20 g of soap per liter), which is washed with a plant, pre-covering the soil with polyethylene. Alternatively use a solution with economic soap: It also harms the temperature, but to a lesser extent.

        But the first thing to do is:

        The failure is attracted to the petroleum, which can be rubbed at the base and thus control the population.

        Tiny bugs resembling brown or orange discs or drops, you can detect on the bottom of the leaves Near the residences, on the stem, in the articulation of the sheet with the stem.

        This "nectar" attracts sent mold.growing on sheets. In general, the process is not so fast, often takes a lot of weeks before you notice that the plant has become a target for the pest.

        As save: Effective for the struggle products containing the following chemical ingredients:

      • pyrethrum;
      • natural fatty acids;
      • rapeseed oil.
      • For prophylaxis Regularly check for signs of infection with a shield. In the soil there should be no weeds that often contain harmful organisms. Ants running up and down and "milking" sticky secret - an important signal.


        Tiny, oval shape, with powdered wax coating mathematical worms It looks like cotton spots that are often taken for mold. They move slowly, but when they find suitable place for themselves, they become fixed and form clusters.

        Attaching to the plant, they highlight a sticky substance that is used to protect, while absorb vegetation juice.

        Mute Cherver is also easily determined, like a shield

        The damage caused by the torment Cherver is not immediately manifested, but over time it is destroyed. As with any pests of indoor plants, treatment must begin immediately as soon as the problem is discovered.

        Not Recommended use synthetic pesticidesbecause the torment worm is resistant to most chemical substances. In addition, it develops stability and pesticides that are used on a regular basis.

        It is best to use safe methods:

      • Cotton swab, well-impregnated alcohol, age insects from a flower.
      • Spray on the leaves of an infected flower organic insecticidal soap or a solution of soap water (at the rate of 1 teaspoon of children's liquid soap on 1 liter of water).
      • If the plant is young, it is easier to wash it under flowing water Or under the shower with soap solution.
      • In this case, the product is required to get rid of ants. This is very important because the ants protect these pests and move their waste from one plant to another.

        Diagnostics Symptoms: Questions and Answers

        Does not bloom only gives foliage

        The reason is that Kalanchoe does not bloom, despite the fact that juicy and healthy leaves may be in the rebupping of fertilizers. Calanechoe is a short-lasting plant and blooms depending on how long it is in the dark.

        If it is exposed to sunlight every day more than 12 hours, it may not bloom.

        Why leaves twisted

        Calanechoe is sensitive to trips, cyclamen ticks and leaflets that cause twisting. If the problem is in this, then you will need to process inxecticide or miticide.

        The fact is that Kalanchoe is rich in flavonoids, which are considered protective from UV.

        Ultraviolet negatively affects the flower health, causing painful sympaths

        The appearance of black spots

        Most likely, it is caused by a fungal disease. This means that Calanechoe suffers from low temperature and excessive humidity.

        In addition to non-sourceal form, black spots may harm at the cellular level, as a result of the exhaustion of leaves (defoliation).

        The appearance of ferrous spots can be a sign of a secondary complication, for example, after infection with a tormentary Cherver.

        Brown spots on the leaves

        Formed due to the water (Eden) or infection with a mushroom. The best way Save the leaves healthy, avoid their wetting. Although the succulent leaves are thick, fleshy, filled with juice, it does not mean that calangean need to water more oftenthan other plants.

        On the contrary, the soil between irrigation should dry. Calanechoe is sensitive to the rebupping of fertilizers, as a rule, needs rare and diluted additives (easy fertilizer once a year).

        When an overlapping of salts containing in fertilizer accumulate in the soil and can burn roots. And since the salty solution moves up, it affects the leaves, causing the formation of brown spots.

        White row on leaves

        Puffy dew prefers the same type of habitat as Kalanchoe: warm, relatively dry plots. At first she may seem harmless and plant even thrives for some time.

        Feed leaves: causes and care

        The reason is most likely in weakness of the plant. In the cold season, this is due to the neighborhood with central heating. Most likely, the plant stands on the windowsill near the battery, and the air around is too dry.

        It is better to transfer a pet into a room with a lower temperature on the following recommendations.

    If you grow calangean, you must be fully aware of what the diseases of the leaves and stems exist, and how the flower treatment is carried out correctly. Now we will describe the main diseases of Calanchoe, and tell me how to cure a home flower.


    If you notice on calando leaves Brown spots are almost certainly phytoofluorosis. This disease occurs due to improper ventilation or excess water in the soil (so do not pour the plant during watering).

    When the plant begins to root, almost on each of its sheet first appear spots painted in brown, gradually leaves can come back up and fade.

    What to do and how to save the flower? Here you will help the corresponding fungicide, which can be purchased in a specialized store.

    Also, you should pay attention to the conditions in which the flower contains, and ensure proper care (the correct irrigation mode and required amount fertilizer).

    Puffy dew

    White flag On the leaves of Calanechoe can be a sign of a disease called a mildew.

    Puffy dew on calangean - common fungal disease, which may arise due to excessive dryness of air indoors.

    White flare itself, which can be detected on calangean, first resembles a layer of dust, but over time it is compacted, and it becomes like flour (so the white flare is called torment).

    Due to the pulse dew, the plant drops the leaves and dies, so the disease must be treated immediately. The main danger of the disease is that it is quite quickly transferred to other plants, so it is better to immediately insulate a sick flower. Treatment is carried out using fungicides.

    Gray Gnil

    Dangerous illness, because of which Kalanchoe becomes soft, his leaflets begin to rot and turn into Cashitz. A mold appears on the leaves, having a gray color, and the plant itself quickly begins to die.

    The best remedy for this ailment is fungicides. It is also worth thinking about how to reanimate calangean after the main danger will be eliminated: it is necessary to replace the soil and provide the right temperature for your flower.

    Stem Rot

    If you notice that the trunk of the plant began to darken and dry, most likely, you encountered a stem rot.

    First, a small point of black appears on the stem, which then grows into a huge black spot.

    Why does the trunk begins to be black, and the plant itself is worse? The sparkling stem can be detected with a sharp drop in temperature - for example, in the winter period, the flower can penetrate and get sick.

    How to reanimate flower? People's waywhich can be used - erase the flare on the stem, and after the disinfection of this place with the help of mangalls or ash.

    Also try to normalize the temperature regime so that the plant gets enough heat.

    Ring spotting leaves

    The disease from which it is impossible to save the flower. In this case, the stem also draws, but numerous round-shaped stains are added to this on calangean leaves. From the infected plant, it is best to get rid of everything and not attempt to do anything.

    "Savish indoor flowers from pests"

    From this video you will learn how to treat indoor plants and save from pests.


    In addition to diseases, the calangean is also affected by a variety of pests. Now we will tell about the most common types of insects that can eat on your flower garden. In addition, we also briefly describe the main ways to combat the annoying bugs.


    Dangerous pest capable of destroying the flower in a very short time. These are small insects graywho are not easy to detect.

    Usually they are hiding on the leaves and in bud blooming PlantsBut in the case of Calanchoe, see small insects much easier.

    The main signs of the appearance of an insect are:

    • sowing leaves;
    • wax allocations on the stem and leaves;
    • the appearance of black mold.


    The shield is most often sits on inner side Sheet either on the stem. These are rather large brown-colored bugs that are easy to notice. The first sign of attacking these pests is rapidly drying flower leaves.


    The ticks will be pulled on the bottom side of the sheet, and their appearance is caused by the dryness of air indoors.

    The flower is quickly yellowing the leaves, in addition, the insects themselves weave a thin cob, which can be noticed on the leaves. Also, the leaves are twisted and fall.

    Therefore, if you do not take any measures, the plant will simply die.

    Get rid of frozen beetles with insecticides. You can also handle the flower with mineral oil or soapy solution, and remove the pests by manually using napkins.


    The wave on the calangean is a common problem with which it is not easy to cope. The cause of occurrence is the soil oversaturated by fertilizers, which these insects love.

    They will settle on the stems and the inside of the leaves, so sometimes the TRU is quite difficult to notice.

    Insects suck juices from Kalanchoe, highlighting sticky raid, which prevents the flower breathing.

    If you see that the plant begins to flow, you need to urgently take action. First of all, cut the affected leaves. Then you can handle the flower with soap solution. If you want to quickly get rid of pests, use insecticides.

    "How to transplant Kalanchoe"

    From this video you will learn how to properly spend Kalanchoe.


    Popular calangean diseases and their treatment

    One of the most dangerous pests For calangean, you can rightly call the TRU. It develops violent vital activity in the spring.

    If you do not start providing assistance to culture, the failure is capable of moving and at nearby room flowers.

    Visually to determine the defeat of the tool can even be new to the stems and leaves will be visible to small insects painted in black or green.

    The trouble loves the juice of the plant, which poisons, injecting poison. In addition, foliage and stems are covered with adhesive mass. Finding the TRU is often manifested on young shoots or inflorescences.

    But as the colony grows, it becomes clear - the culture urgently needs to be saved. After all, the plant is deformed, the leaves become yellow and flying out, flowers too, and the buds simply do not bloom.

    The failure is capable of transferring more than 100 types of dangerous infections. Best sick pieces burn, and surviving process insecticidal agent. Such a procedure is committed 1 time per week for a month.

    A famous multiple flowerfish is a green potash soap. It treats the plant, if 20 grams of drugs are divorced in 1 liter of water. The soil in front of the procedure should be wrapped with a polyethylene film, after which the flower is rinsed with a solution.

    Alternatively, the usual economic soap is suitable.

    Falconist and shield

    The shields are pests that belong to the Coccid group. Visually is insects, having a rejected miniature body covered with a wax shield.

    Due to the vital activity of pests, the plant ceases to develop normally, there is no bloom, the leaflets become yellow and fall apart.

    There are shields, like a wave, on the bottom of the foliage. Adults are usually sitting motionless, but only young moves.

    To make it easier to remove insects from the surface, they advise to rub the foliage with alcohol.

    It will help and infusion from garlic. For its preparation, about 5 teeth should be confused and pour them with 1 glass of water. You need to insist for 2 hours in a dark place, then take filtering and can be sprayed.

    The shields are removed from the surface with an unnecessary toothbrush.

    "Treatment of indoor plants. Kalanchoe "

    Why calangean loses leaves

    Problems with leaves from your beloved room flower may occur for a number of reasons. One of them is the lack of lighting, as a result of which the plant will stretch up.

    Actually, if you make a backlight or rearrange the pot into a lighter place. Light shortage leads to the yellowed and drying of the lower leaves.

    A stagnant air in the room can also lead to the leaffold. A regular ventilation will come to the rescue.

    If straight sun rays fall on the plants, and the pots are located very close to each other, unpleasant spots can be found on the surface of the foliage.

    It is necessary to place the tank and provide the flower shadow. If your pet is missing nutritious elements, it can stop growing and start getting rid of leaves.

    This is relevant after the end of the flowering period, and is usually treated with feeding, or a crop transplant to nutrient soil. On the overaffect in the land of nitrogen or peat you will be systematized twisting foliage. In this case, it is necessary to transplant the flower to another substrate.

    If your kalanchoe has become yellow colorThis indicates a large number of sunlights that came to him.

    When the leaflets became soft to the touch and began to fly away, it is worth decreasing watering and check the roots for infection with root rotes. They will definitely have to treat them.

    The foliage still dies in the cold season, due to the neighborhood with central heating. If the air is dry, the flower is advised to transfer to the room with a temperature of no more than 13 - 15 degrees. Then he pumps without loss of green mass.

    But it is necessary to control that in the room there is no excessively wet, otherwise you will need treatment from mold, which appeared in the form of brown or black spots.

    Other diseases

    From other ailments of Calanechoe, it is necessary to name phytoofluorous rot. This unpleasant fungus is manifested in the form of brown spots in the branch of shoots.

    As a result, culture is very lagged in development. The causes of such a disease are excessive watering, elevated temperature, lack of regular ventilations, a large amount of nitrogen in the ground.

    Treats phytofluorosal rot. Applying fungicides. It is recommended to replace the soil new and water the plant less often.

    An excellent prevention will be the disinfection of the soil before planting the flower, the use of clean tools, constant examinations of culture.

    During the damage to the gray rot, the calanchoe is covered with a gray raid and mocking spots. Next, flower rotates.

    The disease applies to other cultures in the air room, when touched, working using tools.

    The appearance of gray roti is often associated with insufficient ventilation, poor lighting system, excessively wet soil and air. Treat the plant is required by treating it with a special fungicide.

    If on the surface of the leaves you found a torment white flare, then you are dealing with mildew. With such a disease, foliage will further be inevitably fall. Developing a disease due to elevated temperature and dry air in the room.

    As in the case of a gray rot, the processing of fungicidal preparations is effective. DANGER FOR YOUR PETTER AND RING FROM FOLLOSE. When it appears, culture stops normal growth. The further discoloration of the leaves, they become an unnatural form.

    Such a disease is impossible to cure, because the affected areas simply destroy.

    Stem rotten is characterized by the appearance on the stems and foliage of watery black spots. It quickly spreads if there is an excessive moisture in the room. You can treat culture insecticides. If this does not help, the patient plant is subject to destruction.

    The edges of the leaflets are bend, their growth is suspended. Culture tissue fracture. Little glass tied cells are in your colors, if in the room is raw, and the air temperature is increased.

    They need to be flushed with a solution of soap and treat the plant insecticides. Mathematical Cherweans as a result of their livelihoods cover the stiffs and vessels of the leaves with a wax white rode.

    It will help with insecticidal preparations or mineral oils.

    "Saw room plants from diseases"

    To cure a calangean or get rid of pests, we recommend that you look at the video clip. In it you will find useful recommendations and tips for the treatment and prevention of indoor plant diseases.


    Calanechoe diseases and measures to combat them

    Almost all diseases in Calanchoe appear due to violation of the conditions of content. It is worth noting that this plant loves scattered lighting and moderate watering. By providing him necessary careYou will achieve the right development, and flowering.

    But if the plant began to root, his leaves were covered with spots, and on the colors and trunk you found small insects - you need to urgently take action. Let's try to save the Green Doctor from problems together.

    In this article we will tell what pests can hit Kalanchoe and how to deal with them.

    TLA on calanchoe

    The trouble is the most dangerous enemy of Kalanchoe. It appears mostly in the spring.

    If you urgently do not take riding measures, the fault may occupy the neighboring plants, as a result of which it harms with all your colors.

    If you find small insects of green or black on sheets and trunk, know your plant suffers from Tly.

    She takes the juice from Calanchoe and poisoned him by constant injection of his own poison.

    But it is not all - the affected leaves and the stem are covered with a sticky substance that does not give a flower to "breathe full of breasts".

    Most often to detect this insect on young shoots or on inflorescences.

    Signs of defeat Tley

    Stimulates the appearance of the behavior frequent use of nitrogen fertilizers. It has already been noticed that in the crushed colors, the TL multiplies very quickly.

    To get into the house of the TLA may be on newly purchased plants or even on cut bouquets.

    Therefore, it is important for all the newly arrived flowers to withstand in the so-called quarantine zone, simply speaking - in another room.

    At the initial stage of infection, it is rather difficult to notice any signs of defeat tool. Insects themselves are pretty small and, given that the wave to settle on the back side of the sheet, then quite imperceptible.

    You can detect the colony as it is growth - due to a clearly unhealthy appearance of the plant. It is contaminated and deformed. The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall, the buds are no longer dissolved, and the existing flowers fall out.

    It is terrible that the wave transfers more than 100 types of viruses, and its liquid sugar discharge becomes a nutritional environment for fungi.

    How to get rid of Tly?

    The most radical way is to circumcise the affected areas and burning them. The remaining plant is processed by the corresponding insecticide for indoor plants. Repeat processing once a week for a month.

    It needs to be divorced in water (there will be 20 grams of soap on 1 liter) and wash the plant with this solution, pre-linked with polyethylene soil.

    If it is difficult to get such a drug, you can use the economic soap, it is also destroyed for Tly, albeit to a lesser extent.

    Shield and false school

    The shields belong to the cocid sublistrate and are insects with an oblong two-millimeter tel, which is closed with a wax shield.

    Females are much larger than males and have no wings, no legs. They sit motionless, covering the eggs.

    The plant affected by the shields is covered by a peculiar flaw from the accumulation of insects.

    The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall, the growth of calangean slows down, flowering stops.

    The state of the plant is worsening due to the additional damage to a large-scale fungus, which is multiplied in the sticky secret, highlighting the shields.

    The pests hold mainly on the bottom of the leaves. Only young larvae are capable of moving, adults are fixed.

    For the prevention of this disease, the plant must be regularly and carefully inspect. And at the end of winter and at the beginning of the spring, take care so that Kalanchoe was in a well-ventilated room. If the air temperature allows, often spray the plant with water - the shields do not like a wet environment.

    Methods for dealing with a shield

    Insects need to be assembled from the leaves, and then wash the flower with soap solution.

    So that the shields are easier to be easier, they are pre-treated with alcohol.

    There are no special insecticides to fight with shields, so you can use any preparation for indoor plants.

    You can deal with pests and folk remedies - regularly (3-4 times a week) wipe the plant with a cotton swath, moistened in vodka or diluted alcohol. Remove the shields with an old toothbrush.

    You can also wash the plant with an infant of garlic. In the mortar, 5-6 garlic teeth are trimmed and poured with a glass of water.

    Increase the resulting mixture in a dark place for several hours, filtered and spray the plant.

    Why is the leaves fall on calanchoe?

    All flowswies want Calanechoe to always please the eye with green leaves. But it happens that the stalk of the plant is pulled out, and bottom leaves Start yellowing and fall.

    This behavior speaks of incorrect lighting - he just has little sunny rays. Sometimes this trouble occurs after flowering: growth is stopped, the flower begins to lose leaves. All this happens when calangean is exhausted.

    He urgently needs a transplant or good feeding.

    Leaves die and in the cold season. This is due to the neighborhood with central heating. Most likely, the plant stands on the windowsill near the battery, and the air around it is too dry. Transfer the flower to the room with a lower temperature.

    Optimal at this time of the year is the temperature of about 13-15 degrees, then the calangean will pee without losing the green mass.

    The main thing is that under reduced temperature there is no extra moisture, otherwise the plant from mold will have to be treated, which manifests itself in the form of black or brown spots.

    In general, cautious for Calanchoe, it is important to do the trimming of old sprouts in time, then he will delight you for a long time with its beautiful shape and abundant blossom.

    Other diseases of Kalanchoe

    Signs of this disease are dead spots of brown color in the branching places of Calanchoe. Many factors, such as irrigation or poor ventilation, provoke rot.

    Possible surplus fertilizer in soil or too high content temperature. When this disease is detected, watering is stopped and provided by the plant to the partial shift of the soil.

    In the future, some time Kalanchoe must be poured by fungicides.

    Signs of the disease: on the leaves of the plant you can detect specific stains with a white mushroom challenge. Depending on the development of the disease, the leaves die away.

    The danger lies in the fact that the mushroom, causing tormentous dew, is calmly transmitted by air and can infect neighboring plants. The disease develops under dry air and elevated temperatures.

    For the struggle, regular watering is needed (but not frequent!) And spraying by fungicides.

    Accompanied by the formation on the above-ground parts of the plant waving gray spots. If you do not take action, the stains grow, turning into a casket mass, and the plant dies. The mushroom causing the disease remains in the soil for two years.

    It requires excessive moisture, lack of lighting and bad ventilation. When identifying the disease, it is necessary to urgently change the conditions of detention and take care of sufficient lighting and replacement of the soil. And also process the plant with systemic fungicides.

    As you can see, all diseases inherent in calangean are healing. The main thing is to detect them on time and take appropriate measures.


    Calanchoe: how to care for a flower

    → Indoor plants → Kalanchoe: how to care for a flower

    Calanechoe is a very valuable plant, as it combines both decorative and therapeutic component. Calangeo from Madagascar, but despite exotic, perfectly feels at home our climate.

    With the right care Kalanchoe Be sure to please beautiful bloom. Buds usually have a pink shade and perfectly decorate the interior of the room.

    Kalanchoe nicknamed "house analogue of ginseng", as it is difficult to list all healing properties of this plant.

    After all, it has a healing effect, is actively used in cosmetology and even improves the energy background of the apartment.

    How to choose a plant when buying

    Before buying, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the calanchoe, because it depends on how strong and beautiful plant Let us grow in the future. In order to choose a healthy plant, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

    • Calanechoe stem must be smooth, without dry leaves and damage.
    • It is best to buy a plant during flowering, the number of buds will show how much calangean is great.
    • Given this item best time To buy a plant - winter period, because Kalanchoe bloom in winter, and in the summer are at rest.
    • Foliage should not have stains.

    Growing conditions

    That the plant was healthy and beautiful it is necessary for the correct lighting, temperature, humidity and the composition of the soil:

    • Calanechoe can not be called a whimsical plant. Plant can be placed almost in any place convenient for this. It is not afraid of direct sunlight, but it is best to choose a place for a calangean where the light will dispel a little. It is periodically useful to put it on the sun in the afternoon. Too aggressive sunlight leaves burns on the leaves, and the plant begins to lag in growth. With proper illumination of the foliage of the calanchoe will be framed by brown border. If the light is not enough, the plant is usually pulled out, and the color of the leaves becomes dim.
    • Air and humidity air the most suitable temperature is in the range of 23 to 28 degrees. Calanechoe will endure and a hotter temperature, but this implies frequent watering plants, otherwise, calangean can dry. If speak about low temperaturesThe critical mark is the temperature below ten degrees at which the plant can freeze and die. It is important to remove the calangean from the frosty wind, since the foliage of the plant is prone to frostbite. Calanechoe does not require spraying, on the contrary, excessive moisture may be harmful to him. Therefore, the foliage is enough to rub with a wet cloth.
    • Priming. Kalanchoe refers to the family of succulents, so you can safely take ready mix Soil in the store. However, if we consider the composition of the soil in more detail, it consists of peat with the addition of coconut fiber. The structure of the soil loose, it should not delay the water and prevent the intake of oxygen to the root system of the plant. If you make a substrate yourself, then you can take different robes of humoring, turf and large sand. It is important to disinfect the soil before planting the plant, in order to avoid various calangean infections.

    Watering and subordinate

    Since Calanechoe is a succulent, then excessive irrigation can cause tremendous harm to the plant.

    Watering should be done as follows: Fully shedding soil and drain the residue through the holes in the pot to prevent water stagnation.

    In winter, the plant is enough for a plant of watering a week, with a strong heat the frequency should be increased.

    Excessive watering of plants can be revealed on the following features:

    • Sliding foliage dull color.
    • The appearance of dark spots with yellow border.
    • The soil remains wet and does not enhance.

    How can you save the plant:

    1. It is necessary to get a plant from the tank for landing and check the root system. If it is not damaged by rotting, then calangean can not be replant.
    2. Roots of the plant flush with a napkin.
    3. Place calangean in a warm and dry place (but not about heaters).
    4. After the plant is dry, it can be returned to the planting capacity, updating the drainage, if it is not good enough.

    In case of damage to the root system, all rotten areas must be cut off and process sections of cuts by antiseptic solution, or ash. Next, the plant must be dry and can be processed.

    Calanchoe does not require frequent feeding, it is enough to choose the composition for fertilizer, which is designed for succulents, and use it according to the instructions.

    It is not necessary to feed the calangean in the winter, it can harm the plant.

    How to make a transplant

    Basic Rules Calanechoe Transplant:

    • Calanechoe is growing enough intensively, so it may require an annual transplant.
    • Each time the planting capacity increases at least three centimeters in volume.
    • It is not necessary to transplant the plant during flowering, as there is a risk that the buds will disappear and adaptation will be extremely hard.
    • It is pre-well moisturizing the soil, the plant is getting out of the landing capacity together with the communities of the old soil, and then thoroughly shake.
    • Before the transplant always inspect the root system for the presence of rotting and remove the affected areas.
    • New pot carefully wash hot water And rinse with a solution of manganese.
    • Next, a layer of drainage is laid on the bottom of the planting capacity (from 2 cm thick) and poured up to half a pot prepared and disinfected soil.
    • The plant is located vertically and sprinkled by the remaining soil, subsequently the rambling.
    • You can enter the ground feeder for better adaptation of the plant.
    • Calanechoe is spilled by water, waiting until the extra moisture is sulking from the boarding room holes.

    How to produce pruning

    Pruning is a very useful procedure for calangean. Thanks to the timely trimming of Crown, it becomes richer and a lot of new shoots appear. Cranechoe trimming is carried out after flowering. Slowing inflorescences are cut to the very foundation, after which Kalanchoe gives new shoots.

    In addition, it is possible to patch calangean, this manipulation allows you to form a crown and give it a neat look.

    How to properly trimming so that Calanechoe bloats again:

    • First, the plant must be placed in the half, the light should come to the plant no more than six hours per day.
    • After that, it is necessary to trim the dried inflorescences, the new buds should not be formed.
    • Watering is reduced to 1 time in two weeks.
    • The plant contains in a cool place, the temperature should not be more than 20 degrees.
    • Before in the winter Care is returned to the usual mode.

    After these disteracted procedures, Kalanchoe begins to bloom soon.

    Problems due to improper care

    The consequences of improper care can negatively affect the calangean, therefore it is very important to maintain a comfortable habitat and monitor the state of the plant.

    You can distinguish several basic moments with which the owners of this plant may encounter:

    • If Kalanchoe becomes elongated, while the lower sheets are burying, then he lacks sunlight.
    • If Kalanchoe dumps the foliage, then this may be the cause of rare air ventilations.
    • The stains on the foliage of Calanechoe may appear when sunny burnOr excessive crowded plants.
    • If Kalanchoe stops in growth and relieves the foliage, this may indicate the lack of nutrients in the soil.
    • Swirling plants leaves can talk about too much peat part in the ground.
    • If the foliage of Calanechoe becomes soft and pops up, then this is due to too frequent irrigationor rotten root system.
    • If the foliage of the plant dries, then, most likely, the frequency of irrigation should be increased.

    The main diseases of Calanechoe

    The most common diseases that can be encountered, growing calangean:

    • The damage to the gray rot is due to the overaffect of moisture and the wrong lighting mode. The foliage is covered with stains and gray raid. The disease is very actively applied to the nearby plants. Treatment occurs by treating the plant by fungicide.
    • Puffy dew is manifested by the formation of a whitish plaque and the dejignation of foliage. The disease occurs due to overly dry air, or heat. Treatment is made by plant processing by fungicide.
    • The rot is manifested by black and wet spots on the plant. It usually occurs due to increased humidity and is treated with insecticide. But if Kalanchoe does not help treatment, then the plant should be disposed of.
    • Spotted ring, which manifests itself with characteristic circles on the foliage of the plant. The leaves become rude and losing the form. Such a disease is impossible to cure, so it is necessary to utilize the plant as soon as possible.

    Pests Kalanchoe.

    The main pests of Calanechoe, with whom you can face:

    1. Melts melt. Its presence is manifested by brown crusts on the foliage of Calanchoe, which ceases to grow and begins to twist inside. The tick is a white or transparent insect that dwells directly on the plant. To combat pests, wash with soap solution and subsequent processing insecticide.
    2. Aphid. Under the defeat of the tool foliage becomes yellow and deformed with sticky raid. Fight with aphid with a soap solution and a suitable insecticide. The trouble is very actively applied to neighboring plants, so it is necessary to extremely closely monitor the condition of calangean.
    3. Mealybug. Calanechoe leafy bodies are covered with a whitish flare. To combat Cherver, it is necessary to remove all the affected leaves, and then treat the plant insecticide.
    4. Shield. Calanechoe foliage dry and falls, the stem is covered with a sticky raid, the plant ceases to grow. The pest control is carried out by manually collecting pests and washing the plant. The tight shell shell protects it from most chemicals, so it is good for rubbing a tampon, moistened with alcohol. However, it should be neat so as not to apply a burn plant.

    Kalanchoe is pretty unpretentious plant. If you know the main moments of proper care and maintain a comfortable environment of his habitat, then Kalanchoe will become a real decoration of the house and will delight the owner with beautiful blossom.

    On Kalanchoe White Flight: What is it and how to deal

    If a white flare appeared on Calanchoe, it means that the plant struck the fungal disease "Mildew". Treat flower recommended immediately. The disease can destroy Calanchoe.

    On the calanchoe white bloom: what to do

    Source: Depositphotos.

    White raid testifies to the disease "Mild Rosa"

    Disputes of pathogens are in the soil and are manifested only if the rule of plant care is not compared. The fungal disease occurs:

      • when violating the temperature mode. Cool air, humidity favorable for dispute development;
      • rebupping in nitrogen soil;
      • irregular watering. The top layer of the soil should be slightly filled before irrigation. If he dries or, on the contrary, it does not have time to dry before the next moisture, the fungus is activated.

    Earth is infected in the pot in air and through watering if the water is infected. Also, the fungus is transferred through the hands of a person. Touching to one plant, do not touch others if your hands are carefully washed.

    Fighting torment

    Integrated treatment uses complex treatment. First of all, it is organized correct care for calangean. It includes watering, no spraying, removal of old foliage and sunbathing For calangean. Fertilizers are not entered into the soil, nitrogen feeding is excluded.

    To cure Calanechoe and get rid of the dispute, you need:

      • remove the affected parts of the flower;
      • change upper layer of soil in a pot;
      • spray flower chemical preparation - Fungicide or cooked folk agent, for example, mustard mortar. Or dip plant in a pelvic with a solution. Therapeutic fluid should abundantly moisten the surface of the above-ground part of the plant.

    After processing the calangean, proceed to the processing of the same means of the soil, the walls of the pot, pallet.

    It is worth noting that folk remedies It is necessary to use in preventive purposes and in the early stages of infection. If amazed big square Flower, apply purchased chemicals.

    Flip on the flower - a sign of a serious illness. Treatment Start as soon as possible to save the flower.

    Violation of the conditions of detention and care of the plant is the main cause of the disease of the flower. Unfavourable conditions For the plant causes diseases, for example: stains, plaque, mildew and many others.

    Important! Also due to non-compliance with these conditions, pests may appear, which are not less than any disease damage to the plant.

    Read more about why calangean does not bloom, you can read.

    Diseases and methods of struggle

    1. Puffy dew - On the leaves, characteristic white spots with a mushroom rode. The reason is overly dry and warm air. More often water the plant and transfer it to a cool place. For treatment spray fugitis. If during responding the health of the plant will be restored. Remember that mildewing dew is very quickly transferred to other plants. Therefore, proceed immediately.
    2. Ring spotting leaves - Rotains the stalk of the plant and circular spots appear on the leaves. In this case, the flower begins to die and it is impossible to save it.
    3. Gray Gnilsticky leaves With a gray bloom, which later turn into porridge. Replace the soil, water regularly, stick to the correct ventilation. For treatment, use fugitiscides and good temperature conditions.
    4. Phytoofluorosis or phytoophluorous rot - Brown spots or brown plants on the plant. This is due to poor ventilation and excess water in the soil. You need to reduce watering, to properly select fertilizers, carry out preventive procedures and process the plant by Fugniscians.

    Reference. Also, the plant is often exposed to the stem rot - the barrel or the stalk black. This is due to the fact that your plant frozen. The optimal temperature for the plant in winter 15 ° C. It is important to calculate watering at such a temperature.

    Common pests

    • Aphid - The most dangerous enemy of Calanechoe. It appears mostly in the spring. If during the time not to take action, it will spread to neighboring plants. TLL - small green or black insects appear on the leaves or stem. She takes the juice of the plant and amazes him with his poison. Damaged areas are covered with a sticky substance that does not allow the plant to breathe.

      At the initial stage, it is difficult to notice infection, since insects are very small and settled on the back of the sheet. You can detect only due to the unhealthy type of plant. It is contaminated and deformed. To get rid of the Tly, you need to trim the affected areas and burn them. The remaining plant is treated with insecticide. Repeat once a week for a month. You can also use green potash soap: dilute in water and wash the plant with mortar. Can be replaced with economic soap.

    • Milk-shaped ticks - Little glass pliers. When it appears, leaves and sweets are covered with a turn brown color, Plant fabrics are hardening and twisted. Remove insect with soap solution and treat the plant insecticide.
    • Shields and fuddle officers - Insects with a two-millionth taurus, top covered with wax. Form a raid (in which a sage mushroom is formed) and the accumulation of insects on the plant. The leaves are yellowing, fall, the growth slows down, flowering stops. For treatment, urgently remove all insects and rinse the plant with soap solution. Before removing insects, treat them with alcohol. You can use folk remedies (wipe the plant with a rut with alcohol, use garlic or an old toothbrush).
    • Mute Cherver - the insect is powered by Kalanchoe juice. It replaces the fungus "Black Mold". If you do not take action, the plant will die. The appearance is determined by the appearance of white wax discharge. For treatment, use mineral oil to spray leaves.

    And so the diseases of the leaves and pests of the flower look in the photo.

    Preventive measures

    1. Do not allow drafts.
    2. Beware of sharp temperature drops.
    3. Avoid excessive moisture and heat.
    4. Do not contain a plant in dry air.

    Correct care

    • The correct watering is to water in small doses, not allow the overaffect of water. Water out no more than 1 time in three days and after easy soil drying.
    • Spraying is not recommended. The plant does not like high humidity.
    • Plant transplantation is needed at least once every two years (about how to make Calanechoe transplant, read in

    Whew, torment Cherver, shield - the main pests of Calanchoe. Insects feed on succulent leaves, punching tentacles and pulling cellular juice as a needle for subcutaneous injections. Consider why the plant may not bloom and do not give foliage, but shroud and darken.

    Phytofluorosal rot

    Bad breathability of soilRelated with overvoltage leads to reinforcement roots. Exacely the problem of soil pathogenic microorganisms as phytoofer.

    Phytofluorosis is dangerous for many plants, manifested everywhere equally

    Symptoms of phytoofluoro-fungal infection:

    • growth slowdown;
    • soft stem near the base;
    • brown spots in the field of branching;

    Mature leaves are withering (if most of the plant started, then, most likely, the rot is completely struck root and keep it extremely difficult).

    • when progressing the disease, the smell of mold appears.

    What to do: Warns the development of phytoofluorine rot Calanchoe transplant in the plumbered sterile medium. This is a soil containing peat moss and perlite (60:40 or 50:50).

    In the case of using the old pot, it is disinfected in a 10% solution of chlorine lime (1 part of the chlorine lime - 9 parts of water). The phyotophtor does not survive in the dry tissue, but forms the disputes of peace, which cost for a long time without a host plant.

    When the soil moisture and temperature conditions are favorable, its development is enhanced and can achieve an invasive level.

    Do not leave in the tray standing waterwhich flows through drainage holes. Roots are capable of reabsorbing it. Fungicide soil treatment (thiophanate methyl) helps to control the fungus.

    Tyofanat methyl is able to help when infecting soil fungus

    However, chemicals are effective only if the root system is not too extensive.

    Prevention use biostimulating products. Adding salicylic acid you cause increased regulation of genes, important for the production of jasmonic acid.

    Thanks to such a flower less susceptible to infection phytoofluorosis. Significant suppression of symptoms is observed when treating salicylic acid and silicon or chitosan.

    We have already described the negative impact of the disease to the specific varieties of Calanechoe. For example, .

    Gray Gnil

    The causative agent of gray rot - Pathogenic (necrotrophic) Mushroom Botritis Gray. The main factors for its appearance is a high level of humidity and cold ambient temperature.


    • on the leaves are formed wet whitish stains;
    • over time, the stains change in color: a grayish piglet, which contains disputes (reproductive cells) of the fungus;
    • the cloth becomes soft.

    As soon as the disease is detected, it is necessary to urgently change conditions of content Kalanchoe. Remove infected areas. Clear plant with systemic fungicides. Take care of good lighting. Perhaps you have to change the soil.

    When trimming and transplanting, it is extremely careful: germinating disputes rarely affect green, healthy fabrics, but they can penetrate through the wounds.

    Fungal disease affecting a wide range of plants, including calangean. It is easily recognizable because symptoms are very peculiar:

    • small chlorotic stains on the leaves;
    • as the fungal mycelium increases, all large parts of the plant covers, manifest in the form of a dusty white or grayish-silver web;
    • black or brown specks (fruit body mushroom) on mycelial surface;
    • height slows down due to disturbed photosynthesis, buds do not ripen;
    • twisting and dedication of the cover (an atypical brownish symptom can occur, resembling a password).

    Puffy dew - fungus, attacking any plants: indoor and open soil

    Conditions conducive to the development of the disease:

    Treating fungicides (benomyl, phenarimol), based on sulfur, nithe oil, potassium bicarbonate. The selected means is applied to the stem, and in the sinuses of the leaves.

    Alternative to Fungicides - the composition of food Sodadissolved in water (1 teaspoon per liter of water), which thoroughly spray the plant.

    Means that has proven its effectiveness and even comparable with some fungicides - milk diluted in water (1 part of milk on 10 parts of water). It is good to use it at the first signs of infection or as a preventive measure.

    The mechanism of action lies in ferroglobulin. This serum protein when exposed to sunlight produces oxygen radicals, during contact with which fungus dies.

    Pests: what to do

    TLL: How to stop blossoming and drop flowers

    At the initial stage of infection, any signs of Tlima are difficult to detect. Insects are so tiny and are located on the back of the sheet that stay unnoticed.

    The danger of Tlya is that it quickly moves to neighboring plants

    Colonia is detected during reproduction. It is noted that the TLL quickly multiplies on the full colors of Calanechoe.

    The pest drinks cellular juice and constantly pollutes it to poison injections.


    • the plant is polluted and deformed;
    • leaves yellow;
    • buds do not bloom, real flowers drop;
    • the affected parts and stalk covered with sticky matter.

    It is terrible that the wave is a carrier of more than 100 types of viruses. Insect it is necessary to consume a huge amount of juice, since the concentration of sugar is too large with respect to the concentration of amino acids.

    Sugar pest is delayed in the form of a sticky secretion on the leaves and stalks of plants, which attracts ant and serving nutritional solution for mushrooms. This "nectar" scores breathing pores (Ustian), preventing the ability of the plant produce their own nutrients.

    The trouble can get into the house with recently brought flowers and even with bouquets. That is why new flowers need to be placed in a quarantine region, simply speaking, to another room.

    To get rid of the Calanchoeph, is treated with the corresponding insecticide. Treatment is repeated once a week for a month.

    Recommended green soap solution (20 g of soap per liter), which is washed with a plant, pre-covering the soil with polyethylene. Alternatively uses a solution with economic soap: it also harms the temperature, but to a lesser extent.

    But the first thing to do is:

    The failure is attracted to the petroleum, which can be rubbed at the base and thus control the population.


    Tiny bugs resembling brown or orange discs or drops, you can detect on the bottom of the leaves Near the residences, on the stem, in the articulation of the sheet with the stem.

    Calanechoe, affected by a shield, weakens, covers winds and falls. The shield can multiply all year round, and produce a large amount of sugar, feeding the plant juice.

    At the shield there is only one plus - it is easy to notice

    This "nectar" attracts sent mold.growing on sheets. In general, the process is not so fast, often takes a lot of weeks before you notice that the plant has become a target for the pest.

    As save: Effective for the struggle products containing the following chemical ingredients:

    • pyrethrum;
    • natural fatty acids;
    • rapeseed oil.

    For prophylaxis Regularly check for signs of infection with a shield. In the soil there should be no weeds that often contain harmful organisms. Ants running up and down and "milking" sticky secret - an important signal.


    Tiny, oval shape, with powdered wax coating mathematical worms It looks like cotton spots that are often taken for mold. They move slowly, but when they find suitable place for themselves, they become fixed and form clusters.

    Most often found on new sprouts, along the residences and articulation with stem. They suck juice, which leads to a delay in growth, deformation, yellowing and falling out the leaves.

    Attaching to the plant, they highlight a sticky substance that is used to protect, while absorb vegetation juice.

    Mute Cherver is also easily determined, like a shield

    The damage caused by the torment Cherver is not immediately manifested, but over time it is destroyed. As with any pests of indoor plants, treatment must begin immediately as soon as the problem is discovered.

    Not Recommended use synthetic pesticidesSince the torment Cherberry is resistant to most chemicals. In addition, it develops stability and pesticides that are used on a regular basis.

    It is best to use safe methods:

    1. Cotton swab, well-impregnated alcohol, age insects from a flower.
    2. Spray on the leaves of an infected flower organic insecticidal soap or a solution of soap water (at the rate of 1 teaspoon of children's liquid soap on 1 liter of water).
    3. If the plant is young, it is easier to wash it under running water or under a shower with a soap solution.

    Ants can cause a problem! They are tolerate insects on the indoor plantTo eat the residues of the Paniflora, which is produced by a torment Cherver.

    In this case, the product is required to get rid of ants. This is very important because the ants protect these pests and move their waste from one plant to another.

    Diagnostics Symptoms: Questions and Answers

    Does not bloom only gives foliage

    The reason is that Kalanchoe does not bloom, despite the fact that juicy and healthy leaves may be in the rebupping of fertilizers. Calanechoe is a short-lasting plant and blooms depending on how long it is in the dark.

    If it is exposed to sunlight every day more than 12 hours, it may not bloom.

    Why leaves twisted

    Calanechoe is sensitive to trips, cyclamen ticks and leaflets that cause twisting. If the problem is in this, then you will need to process inxecticide or miticide.

    Additional ultraviolet radiation may be stress and cause morphological and biochemical changes: leaf twisting and brown spots.

    The fact is that Kalanchoe is rich in flavonoids, which are considered protective from UV.

    Ultraviolet negatively affects the flower health, causing painful sympaths

    The appearance of black spots

    Most likely, it is caused by a fungal disease. This means that Calanechoe suffers from low temperature and excessive humidity.

    In addition to non-sourceal form, black spots may harm at the cellular level, as a result of the exhaustion of leaves (defoliation).

    The appearance of ferrous spots can be a sign of a secondary complication, for example, after infection with a tormentary Cherver.

    Brown spots on the leaves

    Formed due to the water (Eden) or infection with a mushroom. The best way to keep leaves healthy, avoid their wetting. Although the succulent leaves are thick, fleshy, filled with juice, it does not mean that calangean need to water more oftenthan other plants.

    On the contrary, the soil between irrigation should dry. Calanechoe is sensitive to the rebupping of fertilizers, as a rule, needs rare and diluted additives (easy fertilizer once a year).

    When an overlapping of salts containing in fertilizer accumulate in the soil and can burn roots. And since the salty solution moves up, it affects the leaves, causing the formation of brown spots.

    Twisted Leaves Dark Spots On Pokrov White Flap Opala Foliage Foliage Fighting Flower Flower

    White row on leaves

    Puffy dew prefers the same type of habitat as Kalanchoe: warm, relatively dry plots. At first she may seem harmless and plant even thrives for some time.

    The infection spreads, causing significant damage (the leaves are losing color, become pale-green, then yellow and deform).

    Feed leaves: causes and care

    The reason is most likely in weakness of the plant. In the cold season, this is due to the neighborhood with central heating. Most likely, the plant stands on the windowsill near the battery, and the air around is too dry.

    It is better to transfer a pet into a room with a lower temperature on the following recommendations:

    Leaves yellow and dry

    All flower dreamed of calangean always pleased with the eyes with green leaves. But it happens that the stem is pulled out, the lower leaves begin to shut and dry. These problems indicate incorrect lighting.

    Straight sun rays can be disadvantaged for indoor plants

    Kalanchoe prefers Bright indirect light during summer period, respectively eastern or Western Exposition. During the winter, the plant needs more lighting, so it is better to transfer it to the southern exposition.

    Flusted flower

    Sometimes such a problem occurs after flowering when the plant begins to be exhausted. To stop: urgently need a transplant or power fertilizer.

    Taking care of calangean, important on time to cut old shoots. Then it will delight the beautiful form and abundant bloom for a long time.

    How to help Kalanchoe blossom

    As the days become shorter and calangean is experiencing long periods of darkness, the flowers on the plant appear more and more. But bloom can be caused by imitating darkness for six weeks.

    Try to simulate the dark conditions of content so that Kalanchoe blooms

    In the period from October to March, the days are short, and buds appear naturally. On other periods, the plant is removed into the darkness and leave for 14 hours every day and in daylight for 10 hours.

    Homemade irrigation reduces half. Optimal temperatures for the formation of flowers - 7 degrees at night and 16 degrees Day. Calanchoe will bloom in 5-7 weeks.

    After that, regular care resumes. Crowded flowers are removed by stimulating the appearance of new ones.

    Kalanchoe prefers warm temperatures - Between 15 - 25 degrees. At low temperatures (less than 4 degrees), the plant may die within a few hours.

    The best way to prevent calanchoe disease is to comply with simple conditions.

    Save the leaves of the plant dry, provide well-drained and aerated soil. To get a blooming instance, you need to remove the flower in a timely manner in a timely manner.

    Although Calanchoe is considered healing Plant, his bloom looks very beautiful

    In summer it can be taken out to the street in a slightly shaded place, And return to the room in front of the first frosts or 3 months before the desired flowering time. Although it must be remembered that outdoors the plant attracts ticks, shields and tool.