Bondarenko Hot Snow Summary by chapters. Hot Snow

During the Great Patriotic War, the writer as an artilleryman was held a long way from Stalingrad to Czechoslovakia. Among the books of Yuri Bondarev about the war "hot snow" occupies a special place, discovering new approaches to the solution of moral and psychological tasks set back in his first poses - "Battalions are asked for fire" and "the last vololates". These three books about the war are holistic and developing, which has achieved the greatest completeness in the hot snow.

The events of the novel "Hot Snow" unfold under the Stalingrad, south of Paulus General Paulus, which was blocked by the Soviet troops of the 6th Army, in the cold December 1942, when one of our armies held back in the Volga steppe, the punch of Phaldmarshal Manstein's tank divisions, which sought to break through the corridor Take it out of the environment. From the success or failure of this operation, the outcome of the battle on the Volga was largely depended, and maybe even the deadlines for the end of the war itself. The time of action of the novel is limited by just a few days during which the Terries Yuri Bondarev is selflessly defend the tiny Piglet of the Earth from German tanks.

In the "hot snow" time is compressed even more denser than in the story "Battalions are asked for fire." "Hot Snow" is a short march of the army of General Bessonov and the fight, so much decided in the destiny of the country; This is a stool frosty dawns, two days and two endless December nights. Without lyrical retreats, the author from constant voltage was intercepted by breathing, the novel "Hot Snow" is distinguished by a direct connection with the direct link with genuine events of the Great Patriotic War, with one of its decisive moments. The life and death of the heroes of the novel, their fate themselves are illuminated by the alarming light of genuine history, as a result of which everything takes on special weights, significance.

In the novel, the Drozdovsky Battery absorbs hardly all readership attention, the action is focused on the advantage of a small number of characters. Kuznetsov, Uhanov, Rubin and their comrades - a particle of the Great Army, they are the people, people to the extent that the typenist person of the hero expresses spiritual, moral features of the people.

In "hot snow", the image of the people inserted to war arises before us in an even unprecedented before Yuri Bondarev's complete expression, in wealth and diversity of characters, and at the same time in integrity. This image is not exhausted by either figures of young lieutenants - commanders of artillery platforms, or colorful figures of those who traditionally be considered by persons from the people, like a bit of a cowardly Chibisov, a calm and experienced navigator or a straight and coarse, Rubin; Neither by senior officers, such as the division commander, Colonel Deev or the Army Commander General Bessonov. Only all together, with the entire difference of ranks and ranks, they constitute an image of the fighting people. The strength and novelty of the novel lies in the fact that unity is achieved as if by itself, imprinted without the special efforts of the author - a living, moving life.

The death of heroes on the eve of the victory, the criminal inevitability of death encompasses high tragedy and causes a protest against the cruelty of war and the unleashed of her forces. The heroes of the "hot snow" are dying - the Battery Sannaster Zoya Elagina, the shy riding Sergunenkov, a member of the Spring Military Council, the kasymov dies and many others ... and the war is to blame for all these deaths. Let in the death of Sergunhenkov, and the rooted lieutenant of Drozdovsky, albeit wines for the death of Zoe, he lies in part on him, but no matter how much Wine Drozdovsky, they are primarily the victims of the war.

In the novel expressed an understanding of death - as violations of higher justice and harmony. Recall how Kuznetsov looks at the killed Kasymov: "Now, under the head of Kasymov, a personal box was lying, and his youthful, I had a lovely face, a newly alive, dark, which became the dead-white, thinned by a terrible beauty of death, watched wet-cherry semi-open eyes on her chest , on torn in a shred, the excised tag, accurately and after death is not comprehended, how it killed him and why he could not stand up to the sight. "

More acutely feeling the Kuznetsov irreversibility of the loss of Riding Sergneenkov. After all, the mechanism of his death is revealed here. Kuznetsov turned out to be a powerless witness of how Drozdovsky sent to the faithful death of Sergunenkov, and he, Kuznetsov, already knows that he will curse himself for forever for what he saw, and there was nothing to change anything.

In "hot snow", with all the tensions of events, all human in people, their characters do not live separately from the war, but are interrelated with her, constantly under its fire, when, it seems, and do not raise the heads. Usually, the chronicle of battles can be retold separately from the individuality of its participants, - the fight in "hot snow" can not be retended differently than through the fate and characters of people.

Significant and weighing past characters of the novel. In some, it is almost cloudless, others have such a complex and dramatic that the victim of the drama does not remain behind, the war, and accompanies the person and in the battle of the south-west of Stalingrad. The events of the past were determined by the military fate of Wuhanova: Gifted, full of energy officer, who would command the battery, but he is only a sergeant. Cool, the rebellious character of Wuhanova determines his movement inside the novel. Past troubles Chibisov, almost broken it (he spent several months in German captivity), responded in whom fear and determine much in his behavior. Anyway, in the novel, the past and Zoya Elagin, and Kasymova, and Sergunenkova and an unlike Rubin, whose courage and loyalty to the soldier's debt, we will be able to evaluate only by the end of the novel.

Especially important in the novel the past General Bessonova. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe son who fell into German captivity makes it difficult for his position and in the bet, and at the front. And when the fascist leaflet reporting that the son of Bessonova was captured, he enters the counterintelligence of the front to the hands of Lieutenant Colonel Osin, it seems that the threat and service of Bezonova arose.

Probably, the most mysterious of the world of human relations in the novel is the arising between Kuznetsov and the Joy. The war, its cruelty and blood, its deadlines, tipping the usual ideas about the time, - it was she who contributed to such a rapid development of this love. After all, this feeling was in the short hours of march and battles, when there is no time for thinking and analyzing their feelings. And it all starts with a quiet, incomprehensible jealousy of Kuznetsov to the relationship between Zoya and Drozdovsky. And soon - so little time passes - the Kuznetsov already bitterly mourns the deceased zoya, and it is from these lines that the name of the novel was taken when Kuznetsov wiped the wet from the tears, "the snow on the sleeve was hot from his tears."

Cheating at first in Lieutenant Drozdovsky, the best then cadet, Zoya throughout the whole novel, opens to us as a personality moral, one-piece, ready for self-sacrifice, capable of arguing with their heart pain and suffering many. It seems to go through a lot of tests, from an annoying interest to a coarse rejection. But her kindness, her patience and polishing pulls out at all, she truly sister to soldiers. The image of Zoe somehow imperceptibly filled the atmosphere of the book, its main events, its severe, cruel reality with the female start, caress and tenderness.

One of the most important conflicts in the novel is a conflict between Kuznetsov and Drozdovsky. This conflict was given a lot of space, it is exposed very sharply and easily traced from beginning to end. At first, tension extending back in the prehistory of the novel; The disroxacity of the characters, manner, temperaments, even speech style: Soft, thoughtful Kuznetsov, it seems to be difficult to carry a dismissed, team, continued speech of Drozdovsky. Long watches of the battle, meaningless death of Sergunenkova, a fatal injury of Zoe, in which he is partly serving Drink Dovsky, - all this forms the abyss between two young officers, the moral incompatibility of their existences.

In the final of the abyss, this is even sharp: four surviving artillery are sanctified in the soldier's bowler, and a sip that each of them will do is, it is primarily a sip of remembered - in it bitterness and loss. The Order got both Drozdovsky, because for Bessonov, who was awarded him, - he survived, the wounded commander of the stagnant battery, the general knows about the grid wine of Drozdovsky and most likely never know. This is also the reality of war. But no wish the writer leaves the Drozdovsky aside from those who gathered from the soldier's kitp.

The greatest height is ethical, the philosophical thought of the novel, as well as its emotional tension reaches in the final when an unexpected rapprochement of Bessonov and Kuznetsov occurs. This rapprochement without immediate proximity: Bessonov awarded his officer on a par with others and moved on. For him, Kuznetsov is just one of those who stood to death at the turn of the muscle river. Their proximity turns out to be more sublime: this is the proximity of thought, spirit, look at life. For example, shocked by the death of spring, Bessonov blame himself in the fact that because of his imminentness and suspicion, he prevented a friendly relationship between them ("such as Vesnin wanted, and what they should be"). Or Kuznetsov, who could not help the calcares of Chubarikov, tormented by the piercing thought that all this, "seemed to have had to happen because he did not have time to get close to them, understand everyone, love ...".

Disclaimed duties, lieutenant Kuznetsov and the Army Commander General Bessonov move to one goal - not only military, but also spiritual. I do not know anything about each other's thoughts, they think about the same thing and in one direction are looking for the truth. Both of them demanding ask themselves about the goal of life and about the correspondence of her actions and aspirations. They are divided by age and relatives, like a father with her son, and then as a brother with a brother,

During the Great Patriotic War, Pisa-Tel served as an artillers, held a long way from Stalingrad to Czechoslovakia. Among the books of Yuri Bondarev about the war, "hot snow" occupies a special place, in it the author solves the moral issues in it, set back in his first poses - "Battalions are asking for fire" and "the last vololates". These three books about howl - non-holistic and evolving world, up-to-ethable in the "hot snow" the greatest full-of-you and figurative strength.

The events of the novel unfold under the Sta-Lingrad, southerly by the Soviet troops of the 6th Army of General Paulus, in the Cold-Nom December 1942, when one of our AR-Mii was held in the Volga steppe to hit Tan-sichian divisions of Field Marshal Manstein, which sought Put the corridor to the Powllus army and take it out of the environment. From the success or failure of this operation, the outcome of the battle on the Volga was largely depended, and it is possible, even the deadlines for the end of the war itself. Time actions is limited by just a few days during which the heroes of the novel self-lickly defend the tiny patch of the Earth from German tanks.

In "hot snow", even the raft is sick, than in the story "Battalions are asking for fire." This is a short march of the Arm-Mii General Bessonov and the battle, so much re-shivered in the destiny of the country; This is a stool frosty dawns, two days and two endless December nights. Not knowing the respiration to the author from permanent on-branches, the novel is distinguished, the novel is distinguished by a direct connection of Syuzhet with genuine events of the Great Exceptionable War, with one of its decisive moments. The life and death of the heroes of the novel, their fate themselves are illuminated by an alarming light of under-lines, as a result of which everything takes on special weights, significance.

Events on the Drozdovsky battery absorb hardly not all readership attention, Action is focused on the advantage of a non-large number of characters. Kuznetsov, Uhanov, Ruby and their comrades - a particle of the Great Army, they are the people. Heroes have its best do-khovny, moral features.

This image of the people inserted to the war from the people in front of us in wealth and variety of ha-rakters, and at the same time in their integrity. It is not exhausted by either the images of young leight-nantes - commanders of artillery platoons, or colorful figures of soldiers - like a non-much cowardly Chibisov, a relaxing and experienced navigineeeva navigator or a straight and rude ride; Neither by senior officers, such as the division commander Paul-custodie deyev or the Army Commander General Bessonov. Only all together, with the entire difference of ranks and ranks, they make up the image of the fighting people. The strength and novelty of the novel concludes that unity is achieved as if by itself, imprinted without the special efforts of Av-Torah - a living, moving life.

The death of heroes on the eve of the victory, the criminal inevitability of death encompasses high tragedy and causes a protest against the gesture of war and unleashing her strength. The heroes of the "hot snow" are dying - the Battery Sannaster Zoya Elagina, shy riding Sergunenkov, a member of the Military Council of Vesnin, the dies of Kasymov and many others ...

In the novel, death is a violation of higher justice and harmony. Recall how Kuznetsov looks at the killed Kasymov: "This hour under the head of Kasymov lay a personalized box, and a youthful, cheering face, his newly alive, dark, who became a dead-white, was-toned terrible beauty of death, looked in surprise wet-cherry semi-open Eyes to her chest, on torn in the cloth, the excised tag, accurately and after death did not comprehend, how it killed him and why he could not stand up to the sight. "

More acutely feeling the Kuznetsov irreversibility of the loss of Riding Sergneenkov. After all, the reason for his death is revealed here. Kuznetsov turned out to be a powerless witness how Drozdovsky sent to the faithful death of Sergunenkov, and he already knows that he will forgive himself for the fact that he saw, and there was nothing to change anything.

In the "hot snow" all human in people, their characters are revealed precisely in war, depending on her, under its fire, when, can not raise the heads. The chronicle of the battle will not tell about his participants - the fight in "hot snow?\u003e Cannot be separated from the fate and characters of people.

The past of the novel characters is important. In other things, it is almost cloudless, others are so difficult and dramatically, which is not left behind, tall-tired war, and accompanies a person and in the sighing south-west of Stalingrad. The events of the past identified the military fate of Wuhanova: Gifted, full of energy officer, who would command the battery, but he is only Ser-Jant. Cool, the rebellious character of Wuhanova is determined and his life path. Past troubles Chibisov, almost broken it (he spent several months in German captivity), withdrawal in him and much determine in his behavior. Anyway, in the novel of slipping - the past and Zoya Elagin, and Kasymova, and Sergunenkov, and an unlike Rubin, whose courage and loyalty to the soldier's debt we will be able to Oce-thread only at the very end.

Especially important in the novel the past General Bessonova. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe son who fell into German captivity makes it difficult for his actions and in the betting, and at the front. And when the fascist leaflet, I inform you that the son of Bessonova came pronounced, Pop-gives in counterintelligence of the front, in the hands of Lieutenk-Nika-Nika aspen, it seems that there is a threat and for the official position of the general.

Probably, the most importantly human feeling in the novel is the arising between the Kuzn-Tsov and the Love Joy. War, her cruelty and blood, its deadlines, tipping the usual ideas about the time, - it was she who did not meet such a rapid development of this love, when there is no time for thinking and analyzing their feelings. And all this begins with a quiet, incomprehensible jealousy of Kuznetsov to Drozdovsky. And soon - so little time passes - he is already bitterly mourns the deceased zoya, and it is from here that the name of the novel is taken, as if emphasizing the most important for the author: when Kuznetsov wiped the wet from the tears, "the snow on the sleeve was hot from his tears."

Cheating at first in Lieutenant Drozdovsky, the best cadet, Zoya throughout the whole novel opens to us as a personality moral, solid, ready for self-health, capable of feeling the pain and suffering of many with all his heart. It passes through a lot of tests. But her kindness, her patience and participation takes on everyone, she truly sister to soldiers. The image of Zoe somehow imperceptibly filled the atmosphere of the book, its main events, its severe, cruel reality of female las-koy and tenderness.

One of the most important conflicts in the novel is a conflict between Kuznetsov and Drozdovsky. This mu is given a lot of space, it is exposed very sharply and easily traced from beginning to end. At first, the tensions, the roots of which in the background of the novel; The inconsistency of the character-ditch, manner, temperaments, even a speech style: soft, who, thoughtful Kuznetsov, it seems, it is difficult to endure a dismissed, team, continuing drozdovsky. Long watches of the battle, meaningless death of Sergunhenkov, the death of Zoe, in which he is partly the drozdovsky, - all this forms the abyss between the two young officers, their moral incompatibility.

In the finals, this abyss is still sharp: four surviving artillery are consecrated in a soldier's bowler who has just received orders, and a sip that each of them makes it, it is primarily a sip of a memorible - in it bitterness and loss. The Order got both Drozdovsky, because for Bessonov, who awarded him, - he survived, the wounded commander of the outstanding battery, General knows about his fault and, most likely, never know. This is also the reality of war. But no wish the writer leaves the Drozdovsky aside from those who gathered at the soldiers' kittel.

The greatest height is ethical, the philosophical thought of the novel, as well as its emotional on-shiny reaches in the final, when an unexpected rapprochement of Bessonov and Kuznetsova is going. This rapprochement without directly intimacy: Bessonov awarded his official Cera on a par with others and moved further. For him, Kuznetsov is just one of those who stood to death at the turn of the muscle river. Their proximity turns out to be more important: it is a close mind of thought, spirit, a look at life. For example, shocked by the death of spring, Bessonov blame himself in the fact that because of his imminentness and suspicion, he prevented friendship between them ("such as Vesnin wanted, and what they should be"). Or Kuznetsov, who could not help the calcares of Chubarikov, tormented by the piercing thought that all this, "seemed to be able to come across because he did not have time to get close to any, to understand everyone, love. .. ".

Divided by disproportionability of the obligation, Lieutenant Kuznetsov and the Army Commander General Bessonov move to one goal - not only military, but also spiritual. Nothing under-ripe about each other's thoughts, they think about one and the same, looking for one truth. Both required to ask themselves about the goal of life and about the correspondence of her actions and aspirations. They are separated by age and relatives, like a father with her son, and even as a brother with a brother, love for homeland and priority to the people and to humanity in the highest sense of these words.

During the Great Patriotic War, the writer as an artilleryman was held a long way from Stalingrad to Czechoslovakia. Among the books of Yuri Bondarev about the war "hot snow" occupies a special place, discovering new approaches to the solution of moral and psychological tasks set back in his first poses - "Battalions are asked for fire" and "the last vololates". These three books about the war are a holistic and developing world that has achieved the greatest completeness in the hot snow.
The events of the novel "Hot Snow" unfold under the Stalingrad, south of Paulus General Paulus, which was blocked by the Soviet troops of the 6th Army, in the cold December 1942, when one of our armies held back in the Volga steppe, the punch of Phaldmarshal Manstein's tank divisions, which sought to break through the corridor Take it out of the environment. From the success or failure of this operation, the outcome of the battle on the Volga was largely depended, and maybe even the deadlines for the end of the war itself. The time of action of the novel is limited by just a few days, during which the heroes of Yuri Bondarev are selflessly defend the tiny Piglet of the Earth from German tanks.
In the "hot snow" time is compressed even more denser than in the story "Battalions are asked for fire." "Hot Snow" is a short march of the army of General Bessonov and the fight, so much decided in the destiny of the country; This is a stool frosty dawns, two days and two endless December nights. Without lyrical retreats, the author from constant voltage was intercepted by breathing, the novel "Hot Snow" is distinguished by a direct connection with the direct link with genuine events of the Great Patriotic War, with one of its decisive moments. The life and death of the heroes of the novel, their fate themselves are illuminated by the alarming light of genuine history, as a result of which everything takes on special weights, significance.
In the novel, the Drozdovsky Battery absorbs hardly all readership attention, the action is focused on the advantage of a small number of characters. Kuznetsov, Uhanov, Rubin and their comrades - a particle of the Great Army, they are the people, people to the extent that the typenist person of the hero expresses spiritual, moral features of the people.
In "hot snow", the image of the people inserted to war arises before us in an even unprecedented before Yuri Bondarev's complete expression, in wealth and diversity of characters, and at the same time in integrity. This image is not exhausted by either figures of young lieutenants - commanders of artillery platforms, or colorful figures of those who traditionally be considered by persons from the people, like a bit of a cowardly Chibisov, a calm and experienced navigator or a straight and coarse, Rubin; Neither by senior officers, such as the division commander, Colonel Deev or the Army Commander General Bessonov. Only all together, with the entire difference of ranks and ranks, they constitute an image of the fighting people. The strength and novelty of the novel lies in the fact that unity is achieved as if by itself, imprinted without the special efforts of the author - a living, moving life. The death of heroes on the eve of the victory, the criminal inevitability of death encompasses high tragedy and causes a protest against the cruelty of war and the unleashed of her forces. The heroes of the "hot snow" are dying - the Battery Sannaster Zoya Elagina, the shy riding Sergunenkov, a member of the Spring Military Council, the kasymov dies and many others ... and the war is to blame for all these deaths. Let in the death of Sergunhenkov, and the rooted lieutenant of Drozdovsky, albeit wines for the death of Zoe, he lies in part on him, but no matter how much Wine Drozdovsky, they are primarily the victims of the war. In the novel expressed an understanding of death - as violations of higher justice and harmony. Recall how Kuznetsov looks at the killed Kasymov: "Now, under the head of Kasymov, a personal box was lying, and his youthful, I had a lovely face, a newly alive, dark, which became the dead-white, thinned by a terrible beauty of death, watched wet-cherry semi-open eyes on her chest , on torn in a shred, the excised tag, accurately and after death is not comprehended, how it killed him and why he could not stand up to the sight. " More acutely feeling the Kuznetsov irreversibility of the loss of Riding Sergneenkov. After all, the mechanism of his death is revealed here. Kuznetsov turned out to be a powerless witness of how Drozdovsky sent to the faithful death of Sergunenkov, and he, Kuznetsov, already knows that he will curse himself for forever for what he saw, and there was nothing to change anything. In "hot snow", with all the tensions of events, all human in people, their characters do not live separately from the war, but are interrelated with her, constantly under its fire, when, it seems, and do not raise the heads. Usually, the chronicle of battles can be retold separately from the individuality of its participants, - the fight in "hot snow" can not be retended differently than through the fate and characters of people. Significant and weighing past characters of the novel. In some, it is almost cloudless, others have such a complex and dramatic that the victim of the drama does not remain behind, the war, and accompanies the person and in the battle of the south-west of Stalingrad. The events of the past were determined by the military fate of Wuhanova: Gifted, full of energy officer, who would command the battery, but he is only a sergeant. Cool, the rebellious character of Wuhanova determines his movement inside the novel. Past troubles Chibisov, almost broken it (he spent several months in German captivity), responded in whom fear and determine much in his behavior. Anyway, in the novel, the past and Zoya Elagin, and Kasymova, and Sergunenkova and an unlike Rubin, whose courage and loyalty to the soldier's debt, we will be able to evaluate only by the end of the novel. Especially important in the novel the past General Bessonova. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe son who fell into German captivity makes it difficult for his position and in the bet, and at the front. And when the fascist leaflet reporting that the son of Bessonova was captured, he enters the counterintelligence of the front to the hands of Lieutenant Colonel Osin, it seems that the threat and service of Bezonova arose. Probably the most mysterious of the world of human relations in the novel is the arising between Kuznetsov and Love. The war, its cruelty and blood, its deadlines, tipping the usual ideas about the time, - it was she who contributed to such a rapid development of this love. After all, this feeling was in the short hours of march and battles, when there is no time for thinking and analyzing their feelings. And it all starts with a quiet, incomprehensible jealousy of Kuznetsov to the relationship between Zoya and Drozdovsky. And soon - so little time passes - the Kuznetsov already bitterly mourns the deceased zoya, and it is from these lines that the name of the novel was taken when Kuznetsov wiped the wet from the tears, "the snow on the sleeve was hot from his tears." Cheating at first in Lieutenant Drozdovsky, the best then cadet, Zoya throughout the whole novel, opens to us as a personality moral, one-piece, ready for self-sacrifice, capable of arguing with their heart pain and suffering many. It seems to go through a lot of tests, from an annoying interest to a coarse rejection. But her kindness, her patience and polishing pulls out at all, she truly sister to soldiers. The image of Zoe somehow imperceptibly filled the atmosphere of the book, its main events, its severe, cruel reality with the female start, caress and tenderness. One of the most important conflicts in the novel is a conflict between Kuznetsov and Drozdovsky. This conflict was given a lot of space, it is exposed very sharply and easily traced from beginning to end. At first, tension extending back in the prehistory of the novel; The disroxacity of the characters, manner, temperaments, even speech style: Soft, thoughtful Kuznetsov, it seems to be difficult to carry a dismissed, team, continued speech of Drozdovsky. Long watches of the battle, meaningless death of Sergunenkova, a fatal injury of Zoe, in which he is partly serving Drink Dovsky, - all this forms the abyss between two young officers, the moral incompatibility of their existences. In the final of the abyss, this is even sharp: four surviving artillery are sanctified in the soldier's bowler, and a sip that each of them will do is, it is primarily a sip of remembered - in it bitterness and loss. The Order got both Drozdovsky, because for Bessonov, who was awarded him, - he survived, the wounded commander of the stagnant battery, the general knows about the grid wine of Drozdovsky and most likely never know. This is also the reality of war. But no wish the writer leaves the Drozdovsky aside from those who gathered from the soldier's kitp. The greatest height is ethical, the philosophical thought of the novel, as well as its emotional tension reaches in the final when an unexpected rapprochement of Bessonov and Kuznetsov occurs. This rapprochement without immediate proximity: Bessonov awarded his officer on a par with others and moved on. For him, Kuznetsov is just one of those who stood to death at the turn of the muscle river. Their proximity turns out to be more sublime: this is the proximity of thought, spirit, look at life. For example, shocked by the death of spring, Bessonov blame himself in the fact that because of his imminentness and suspicion, he prevented a friendly relationship between them ("such as Vesnin wanted, and what they should be"). Or Kuznetsov, who could not help the calcares of Chubarikov, tormented by the piercing thought that all this, "seemed to have had to happen because he did not have time to get close to them, understand everyone, love ...". Disclaimed duties, lieutenant Kuznetsov and the Army Commander General Bessonov move to one goal - not only military, but also spiritual. I do not know anything about each other's thoughts, they think about the same thing and in one direction are looking for the truth. Both of them demanding ask themselves about the goal of life and about the correspondence of her actions and aspirations. They are separated by age and relatives, like a father with her son, and even as a brother with brother, love for the homeland and belong to the people and to humanity in the highest sense of these words.

It belongs to the glorious Pleiad of Frontovikov, who, having survived the war, were displayed its essence in bright and solid novels. Images of their heroes, the authors took from real life. And the events that we in peacetime perceive from the book pages calmly, for them there were victims. The summary of the "hot snow", for example, is the horror of bombing, and whistling of cravy bullets, and windy tank and infantry attacks. Even now, reading this, an ordinary peaceful person is immersed in the bunch of gloomy and terrible events of that time.

Frontovik writer

Bondarev is one of the recognized masters of this genre. When you read the works of such authors, it is impassing the realism of the rows that reflect the various sides of the difficult military life. After all, he himself passed a difficult front track, starting it under Stalingrad and finished in Czechoslovakia. Therefore, novels and produce such a strong impression. They affect the brightness and truthfulness of the plot.

One of the bright, emotional works, which created Bondarev, "hot snow", just tells about such simple, but immutable truths. Already the name of the story says a lot. In nature, there is no hot snow, it melts under the sunny rays. However, in the work he is hot from the spilled blood in grave battles, from the number of bullets and fragments that fly to brave fighters, from unbearable hate Soviet soldiers of any rank (from ordinary to Marshal) to German invaders. Here is such a stunning image created Bondarev.

War is not only a fight

The story "hot snow" (a summary, of course, does not convey the entire liveliness of the style and tragedy of the plot) gives some answers to the most important moral and psychological literary lines in earlier works of the author, such as "battalions asking fire" and "the last vololates".

As no other, telling the cruel truth about that war, does not forget about the manifestation of ordinary human feelings and emotions of Bondarev. "Hot Snow" (analysis of its images surprises the lack of categorical) - just an example of such a combination of black and white. Despite the tragedy of the military events, Bondarev makes it clear to the reader that even in war there are quite peaceful feelings of love, friendship, elementary human dislike, stupidity and betrayal.

Fierce battles near Stalingrad

Retell the brief content of "hot snow" is quite difficult. The action of the story takes place near Stalingrad, the city, where the Red Army in fierce battles finally broke the ridge by the German Wehrmachut. A little south of the Blocked 6th Army Paulus Soviet command creates a powerful line of defense. The artillery barrier and the infantry attached to it must stop the one of the "strategist" paularis, the manstein.

As is known from History, Paulus was the creator and inspirer of the infamous Barbarossa Plan. And for quite understandable reasons, Hitler could not allow a whole army, and also headed by one of the best theorists of the German General Staff, was surrounded. Therefore, the enemy did not regret the strength and means in order to pierce the operational passage for the 6th Army from the environment created by Soviet troops.

About these events and wrote Bondarev. "Hot Snow" tells about the fights on the tiny staddle of the Earth, which, according to Soviet intelligence, has become "tanning". There should be a fight, which may decide the outcome of the battle on the Volga.

Lieutenants Drozdovsky and Kuznetsov

The task of blocking the tank columns of the enemy receives the army under the command of Lieutenant General Bessonov. It is its composition that the artillery division is described in the story, which the lieutenant Drozdovsky commands. Even a short content of "hot snow" cannot be left without a description of the image of a young commander, who has just received an officer rank. It is necessary to mention that in the school Drozdovsky was in a good account. The disciplines were made easily, and his becomes and the natural military gauge was treated the look of any building commander.

The school was located in Aktyubinsk, where Drozdovsky went straight to the front. Together with him, another graduate of the Aktobe Artillery School was received in one part - Lieutenant Kuznetsov. By coincidence, Kuznetsov received a platoon of the battery, which was commanded by Lieutenant Drozdovsky. Surprisingly by the Military Fate, Lieutenant Kuznetsov reasoned philosophically - Career just begins, and this is not the last appointment. It would seem what career when around war? But even such thoughts attended people who were the prototypes of the heroes of the story "hot snow".

Summary should be supplemented by the fact that Drozdovsky immediately put the dots over "and": he was not going to remember the cadet, where both lieutenant were equal. Here he is the battery commander, and Kuznetsov is his subordinate. At first, it was calm to such vital metamorphosis, Kuznetsov begins to quietly. He does not like some order of Drozdovsky, but to discuss orders in the army, as it is known, is forbidden, and therefore the young officer has to come to terms with the current position of things. In part, this irritation contributed clearly to the commander of the Zoya Sanners, which in the depths of the soul liked Kuznetsov himself.

Motley team

Focusing on the problems of his platoon, the young officer completely dissolves in them, studying the people with whom he had to command. The people in a platoon in Kuznetsova were raised ambiguous. What images described Bondarev? "Hot Snow", which summarizes all the subtleties, describes in detail the stories of fighters.

For example, Sergeant Uhanov also studied at the Aktobe Artillery School, but because of a stupid misunderstanding did not receive an officer's rank. Upon arrival, the part of Drozdovsky began to relate to him down, considering his unworthy title of the Soviet commander. And Lieutenant Kuznetsov, on the contrary, perceived Wuhanova as equal, maybe because of the petty revenge Drozdovsky, and maybe because Uhanov really was a good artillers.

Another subordinate Kuznetsov, ordinary chibisov, had a rather sad combat experience. The part where he served, got into the environment, and the rank himself was captured. And with his irrepable optimism everyone had a nuclear flooring, a former sailor from Vladivostok.

Tank strike

While the battery was put forward to the appointed frontier, and her fighters got acquainted and traveled to each other, in strategic terms the situation at the front changed dramatically. This is how events are developing in the story "Hot Snow". The summary of the Operation of the Manstein on the release of squeezed surrounded by the 6th Army can be transmitted as follows: a concentrated tank blow of the jack of two Soviet armies. This task, the fascist command entrusted the masseer of tank breakthroughs. The operation wore a loud name - "Winter Thunderstorm".

The blow was unexpected and therefore quite successful. Tanks entered the jack of two armies and delved to Soviet defensive orders of 15 km. The general of Bessonov receives a direct order to localize a breakthrough to prevent the exit of tanks to operational space. For this, the interconnection army is reinforced by a tank corps, giving understanding the commander that this is the last reserve bet.

The Last Frontier

The frontier, which was put forward by the Drozdovsky battery, was the last. It is here that the main events will occur, which the work of "hot snow" is written. Arriving at the scene, the lieutenant receives the order to become painful and prepare for the reflection of a possible tank attack.

Commanderm understands that the reinforced battery of Drozdovsky is doomed. Customized more optimistic Division Commissioner Vesnin disagree with the general. He believes that thanks to the high combat spirit, Soviet soldiers will stand out. A dispute arises between the officers, as a result of which Vesnin goes to the forefront to cheer the warriors preparing for battle. The old general does not really trust the spring, considering the presence of the KP in the depths of the soul. But he has no time to pursue a psychological analysis.

"Hot Snow" continues the fact that the battery fight began with a massive laid bombers. The first time hitting bombs, most fighters are experiencing fear, including Lieutenant Kuznetsov. However, taking himself in hand, he understands that this is only a prelude. Very soon, he and Lieutenant Drozdovsky will have to apply all the knowledge that they were given in the school, in practice.

Heroic efforts

Soon there were self-propelled guns. Kuznetsov, together with their platoon, courageously takes a fight. He is afraid of death, but at the same time experiencing disgust. Even a short content of "hot snow" makes it possible to understand the entire tragity of the situation. Shell for projectile fighters tanks sent in their enemies. However, the forces were not equal. After some time, only one serviceable gun and a handful of fighters remained from the entire battery, including both officers and uhans.

Shells became less and less, and the fighters began to apply bonds of anti-tank grenades. When you try to undermine the German self-propelled, young Sergunenkov dies, fulfilling the order of Drozdovsky. Kuznetsov, in the fear of fighting the subordination, accuses him in the meaningless death of the fighter. Drozdovsky himself takes a grenade, trying to prove that he is not a coward. However, Kuznetsov holds back it.

And even in battle conflicts

What then writes Bondarev? "Hot Snow", the short content of which we present in the article continues the breakthrough of German tanks through the Drozdovsky battery. Bessonov, seeing the desperate position of the entire division of Colonel Deev, is in no hurry to enter his tank reserve into battle. He does not know whether the Germans used their reserves.

And on the battery there was still a fight. Sanctuary of Zoya is meaningless. It produces a very strong impression on Lieutenant Kuznetsov, and he again blames Drozdovsky in the stupidity of his orders. And the fighters survivors are trying to deal with the wip the battlefield. Lieutenants, using relative lull, organize assistance to the wounded and preparing for new fights.

Tank reserve

Just at this moment, the long-awaited intelligence is returned, which confirms that the Germans have introduced all reserves into battle. The fighter is sent to the supervisory point General Bessonov. Commander, receiving this information, orders to enter your last reserve - a tank case. To speed up his outlet, he directs the division by Deev, but he, having rummbled to the German infantry, dies with weapons in his hands.

He was a complete surprise for the Gota, as a result of which the breakthrough of the German forces was localized. Moreover, Bessonov receives an order to develop success. The strategic design was a success. The Germans pulled all reserves to the place of operation "Winter Thunderstorm" and lost them.

Awards Heroes

Watching from their NP for a tank attack, Bessonov notes with surprise notes a single gun, which also leads fire in German tanks. The general is shocked. Without believing his eyes, he pulls out all rewards from the safe and together with the adjutant goes to the position of the crushed drozdovsky battery. "Hot snow" is a novel about the unconditional masculinity and the heroism of people. About the fact that, regardless of its regalia and ranks, a person must fulfill his duty, not worrying about awards, especially since they themselves find heroes.

Bessonov is amazed by the resistance of a handful of people. Their faces were smoking and burned. Signs of differences are not visible. Commander Milet took the Order of the Red Banner and distributed to everyone who survived. Kuznetsov, Drozdovsky, Chibisov, Uhanov and an unknown infantryman received high awards.

Deev Colonel Division was part of the artillery battery, which was under the command of Lieutenant Drozdovsky. She was thrown many times under Stalingrad, where there were clusters of the main forces of the Soviet army. The battery was a platoon under the command of Lieutenant Kuznetsov. Kuznetsov and Drozdovsky have studied in the Aktobe School. In it, Drozdovsky has highlighted a special straightening and a sufficiently powerful expression of the face, which was pale and subtle. He was the most successful cadet in the division and the favorite student of the commanders. After they finished their studies, Drozdovsky was the commander of Kuznetsov.

The Kuznetsov had 12 people in the platoon, one of them was a member of the tools of Nechaev, Chibisov and Uhanov, who called the title of senior sergeant. Chibisov already visited the Germans. And they watched Kosos on such, that is why Chibisov tried to help him. Kuznetsov was confident that Chibisov should not have surrendered, but instead he must commit suicide, but Chibisova was already more than forty years, and at that moment he only thought about his descendants.
Nechaev previously served as a sailor in Vladivostok, he was always a womanizer, and therefore loved to take for for forcing the John Elagin, which served as a battery sinstructor.

In peacetime, Sergeant Uhanov worked in a criminal wanted list, after which he graduated from studying in a military school in Aktyubinsk along with Drozdovsky and Kuznetsov. As the Uhanov returned through the window in the toilet from the sorry, he accidentally met the commander of his division, which at that time was in the toilet and laughed, seeing him. There was a scandal after which Uhanov did not give the rank of officer. That is why Drozdovsky treated Uhanov dismainfully. However, Kuznetsov took it as equal.
Zoya Elagina at each stop came to the car in which there was a Drozdovsky battery. Kuznetsov assumed that Zoya's Sanners comes to see the battery commander.
At the very last stop, deyev arrived at them, who was the commander of the division, and it was the battery of Drozdovsky. Based on the wand, along with Deev, a lean-free general came, who was not familiar to anyone. It was Lieutenant General Bessonov, he commanded the army. His son eighteen was disappeared on the Volkhov Front, and after this case, when the general looked at the young lieutenant, he always recalled his son.
Deev Division at this stop came out and then went on horseback. Kuznetsov in the platoon riding Sergune and Rubin drove horses. Already at sunset made a small hat. Kuznetsov assumed that Stalingrad was left behind his back, but he did not assume that his division went to meet with the German tank division, which was in the offensive in order to block the Powllus army, which was surrounded near Stalingrad.
The kitchen was lost and behind the rear. People are starved, instead of the water there was a dirty snow with a focus. Kuznetsov began talking about it with Drozdovsky, but he immediately besieged him, saying that they were equal only in the school, and now he is a commander. Each mercenary of Drozdovsky has a resistance to Kuznetsov, and caused the feeling that all orders and words of Drozdovsky were aimed in order to humiliate him and remind of their power. The army went on, while scolding the missing elders.

While Manstein's tank divisions broke out to our troops under the command of Colonel-General Paulus, which was recently formed, in its composition there was a Deev division, which was thrown to the south by order Stalin, just meet the German division "Goth". It was this army that was commanded by General Peter Alexandrovich Bessonova, an elderly and closed man. He did not want to like everyone, and was not going to be for everyone a pleasant interlocutor. Such a game for the conquest of sympathies has always been eager for him.
General in recent years it seemed that his son's life was passed by him and was invisible. He moved all his life from one part to another and thought that he would still have time to live his life, but in Moscow in the hospital he understood for himself that his military life could only go for one scenario, which he had chosen him for a long time ago and for all The remaining life. It was there that was the last time he saw his son Victor, who recently received the title of younger lieutenant infantry. The wife of Bessonova named Olga asked him to take his son to himself, but Victor did not agree, and Besson himself did not insist. Now he tormented himself that he could protect his only siblos, but did not do it. He became more and more to feel that the fate of his son is his cross. Even when he was at the reception at Stalin, where he was invited before appointment, the question arose about his only son Victor. Stalin knew perfectly well that Victor was as part of the army, who was commanded by General Vlasov, besides Bessonov knew him personally. But still Bessonova Stalin approved at the general of the new army.

In November 24 to 29, the troops of the Stalingrad and Don Fronts fought against the German army. Hitler gave orders to Paulus to fight to the last person, and after which the order was given to start an operation "Winter Thunder", which was a breakthrough of the environment of the German army "Don", which was commanded by Manstein General Field Marshal. Colonel-General Goth in December 12 has struck on the Stalingrad front at the junction of two armies. And the Germans have already passed 45 kilometers on the way to Stalingrad. Even the reserves that were introduced could no longer change the situation, the German groups rapidly made their way to the surrounded Army Paulus. The main goal of the Bessonov army, which was strengthened by a tank division, was the detention of the Germans so that they began to retreat. The last frontier, which was, this is the Music River, after it, only steppe was before Stalingrad.
The KP of the Army was located in an almost destroyed village, there was not a very pleasant conversation between the member of the Military Council by the Commissioner Spring Vitaly Isaevich and General Bessonov. Bessonov could not trust the commissioner, he believed that he was specially subsected for supervision for him because of his fleeting familiar General Vlasov.

At night, the division under the command of Deyeva began to be pumped on the shore of Mashkova. The Battery of Kuznetsova began to pump the weapons into the frozen land on the same bank of the river, while the elderly, who had already fallen behind them along with the kitchen. Santing to rest, Kuznetsov remembered her native Zamoskvorechye. His father, an engineer by profession, has bothered at a construction site in Magnitogorsk and died. Only sister and mother await him at home.
The swollen, Kuznetsov and Zoya went to the command item Drozdovsky. The Kuznetsov looked at the girl and represented that she was in a cozy warm house, outside the night window, she at the table, which is covered with a white tablecloth in her apartment, which was located on Pyatnita.

The battery commander explained to them all the situation and said that he was not pleased with the friendship between Kuznetsov and Ughanov. Kuznetsov objected to this and said that an excellent commander would have turned out of Wuhan, if he was given a title.
Zoya remained in Drozdovsky, and Kuznetsov came out. Drozdovsky began to speak with her the demanding and jealous tone of the person who could ask it so. Drozdovsky was dissatisfied with frequent visits Zoe to the platoon of Kuznetsov. He did not want to create the soil for woven about his feelings for her, which can go on the battery, and will go further to the division headquarters or shelf. Zoya was distressed by the fact that Drozdovsky loves her little there. The Drozdovsky family was off-school military. His father died in Spain, the mother also died and in the same year. After his parents died, Drozdovsky did not go to the orphanage, he remained to live in Tashkent from relatives. He thought that from the side of his parents was a betrayal, and did not want Zoya to do the same. He always demanded evidence of love, but the girl did not cross the last line, and it was very saddened and angry him.

General Bessonov came to the battery of Drozdovsky, he waited for scouts, who left behind the "tongue" and soon had to return. The general perfectly understood that the turning point was close to the war, and the testimony of this "language" should have completed the overall picture of the German army. From this largely depended the outcome of the battle under Stalingrad.
The fight was started with the "Junkers" races, after which the German tank division went into the attack. Kuznetsov remembered the sights of the gun during the attack of the Germans, and that if they were destroyed, the battery could not shoot. At first he wanted to send Wuhanova, but then I realized that he could not forgive himself if something had happened to him. Kuznetsov with Uhanov at their own fear and risk went to the tools, and saw the driving SERGUNENKOV and Rubin there, there was a wounded scout next to them.

Scouts immediately sent to NP, and Kuznetsov continued to fight. After a few moments, he did not see anything around him and commanded the victims in the ecstasy, in frantic and gone unity with the calculation. He understood the hatred of death, the bastard with a weapon, fever of rabies, and only understood a little that he actually does.
At the same time, the German self-guns hid behind two tanks that Kuznetsov got down, and began to shoot in the next tool. After evaluating the situation, Drozdovsky gave Sergunenkov two grenades for tanks and ordered to sneak to self-propelled and explode it. Young and frightened Sergunenkov died, he was able to carry out an order. Kuznetsov understood that Sergunenkov was sent, because they had the right to give orders, and he himself saw it all and cursed himself.
At the end of the day it became clear that the Russians could no longer hold the German troops. German tank division broke through the northern shore of the musca. Bessonov did not want to introduce new troops into battle, he was afraid that for the decisive strike of the Russian army would not have enough strength. Therefore, Bessonov gave the order to beat to the last ammunition. Vesnin understood why the legends were made about the cruelty of General Bessonov.
Bessonov moved to KP Deev and realized that the German army was sending the main forces here. Scout, who found Kuznetsov, said that two people and the "language" were stuck in the rear in the Germans. At this time, Bessonov learned that the Germans gathered to surround their division.

The head of the army counterintelligence arrived from his headquarters. He handed the German flyer of spring, there was a photo of the son of Bezonov and said what good care was carried out behind the son of the famous Russian commander in the German hospital. The headquarters demanded that non-extently Bessonov arrived in the Army KP, being supervised. The spring could not believe that Bessonov-younger traitor and this leaflet decided not to show.
Bessonov decided to introduce into battle the mechanized and tank corps and handed over Wesle, so that they drove towards meet and hurried them. When executing the order, General Vesuli died. General Bessonov could also know that his son is alive.
Late in the evening, when all the shells ended, silent the only surviving gun Wuhanova. At that time, the Turnover of General-flesh, Gota forced the Muskov River. At the occurrence of darkness, the fight behind his back began to subside.
Now the Kuznetsov began to measure everything with completely different categories than just a day ago. Chibisov, Uhanov and Nechaev barely kept on the feet of fatigue. "It was one surviving gun<...> and four of them<...> It seemed a reward from fate, randomly experienced day and evening endless battle. They lived a little longer than others. But there was no joy from this life. " All four fell into the German rear.
Completely unexpected Germans resumed an attack. In the light of the missile, they managed to consider a few steps from their fireplace body. Chibisov made a shot into him, thinking that it was a German. But it turned out that it was one of the three Russian intelligence officers who, with such impatience, expected General Bessonov. Two more scouts together with the tongue were able to hide in a funnel about two baked armored personnel carriers.
At that moment, Drozdovsky appeared at the calculation with Zoya and Ruby. Hello, turning on Drozdovsky, Kuznetsov took Rubin, Wuhanova and Chibisov and went to the aid of intelligence. For a group of Kuznetsova, Drozdovsky went, accompanied by two communication and Zoe.

At the bottom of the big funnel there was a plated German and one of the scouts. Drozdovsky ordered to look for a second scout, not even paying attention to the fact that when approaching a funnel, the Germans paid attention to them and the entire area was now located under the machine-gun shelling. The Drozdovsky himself went on the way back, taking a surviving scout and a "language" with him. On the way, the whole group was under fire, the entrance of which Zoya received a serious wound in the stomach, and the Drozdovsky contusion.
When the Zoya dotted on the deployed overcoat until the calculation was already dead. Kuznetsov hated Drozdovsky for the fact that he could not protect the zoya.
Only late Evening Bessonova became clear that the Germans did not manage to challenge from the northern shores of the muscular river. Fights suspended only by midnight, and Bessonov thought, and whether it was interconnected using the opponent of reserves. Finally led to the KP "Language", which confirmed his version of the introduction of all reserves. When the interrogation was over, Bessonov reported that Vesnin died. Now Bessonov began regretting their relationships.
The commander of the front told Bessonov that the tank divisions in the number of four pieces already overlook the rear of the Don Army. The general gave an order to attack. At this time, the adjutant finds the German leaflet in the things, which he does not show the general.
The field of forty minutes of attack in the bog arose a turning point. When tracking the battle of Bessonov himself did not believe his eyes when he saw that several whole tools were located on the right shore. The housing introduced into battle helped the Germans to the right bank and capture the crossing as well as start the environment of the German troops.
After the end of the battle of Bessonov, he decides to go through the right bank. He awarded everyone who was alive after the German environment and this terrible battle. The calculation of Kuznetsov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Wuhans really hurt that the Order was given and Drozdovsky.
Uhanov, Kuznetsov, Nechaev and Ruby drank vodka, in which their order was omitted, and there was still not one fight ahead.

The brief content of the novel "Hot Snow" retold Osipova A. S.

Please note that it is only a brief content of the literary work "hot snow". In this summary content, many important points and quotes are missed.