War and world Biography Pierre. The moral quest of Pierre Lyukhov in the novel L.N

The writer united in it the best human qualities showed through the prism of world-wide events personal experiences of the character, the spiritual formation of the personality.

Having finished the "War and Peace", Lev Nikolaevich said that he was ready to spend his whole life on writing a novel, if only it found a response in the hearts of compatriots, in order for the work to appeal in 20 years, and after 30. The vessels of the author of the Epopea were fulfilled: after a half century Roman makes readers around the world think about the meaning of life.

Roman "War and Peace"

Lion Tolstoy approached the creation of another non-free labor with the inherent pedantherapiness. "War and World" is five thousand sheets of drafts and seven years of hard work. The author in attempts to find the truth about the war spent months to study documents, books and magazines about the events of 1812, even visited the battlefields in Borodino.

At first, the writer was going to create a novel about the link of the Decembrist, where the action unfolds in the middle of the 19th century, then changed his mind and returned 25 years ahead, then pushed the framework by the beginning of the war C and, finally, stopped in 1805.

Great artistic creation entered the story also as a new literary format. Lev Nikolayevich stubbornly searched the unusual type of filing, as a result, he presented the genre that was not yet - Roman-epic, which united tens of fate in the light of significant historical events.

Next to the central characters, Prosais was settled by Pierre Probrazova. The illegitimate son of Cyrill Cyril Bezuhova, after 10 years, held abroad, returned to his native fenats. With a young man, the reader meets in the salon Anna Shersher - this is the first release of Pierre in the light. Society with squeaming and irony looks at Naive Bastada with its ridiculous appearance, manners and rectilinear statements.

After the death of Father, Pierre Duhov is inherited and acquires the status of an enviable groom, hits the couments and rags. Soon she says goodbye to the bachelor life, taking into his wife Elena Kuragin, known as Helen. The error in the choice of life companion is obvious - stupid, calculating the lady, besides, does not differ in chastity, changing her husband to the right and left.

A shock for Pierre is becoming news of a love affair with a friend Fedor Dorokhov. Only a duel is capable of protecting the honor, on which clumsy and harmless daughter, forced by the laws of society, wonderfully wounded the opponent. Live with Helen Kuragin is more unbearable, and the young man diverges with his wife.

From the very beginning, Lev Nikolayevich presents a character by a man rolling, who is trying to answer eternal questions about the meaning of life, destination, love and hatred. Spiritual quest is gaining momentum after treason and duelles, as a result, Pierre is fond of fruits. But there is a disappointment here: instead of the highest motives, the tricks reveals the true goals of the movement - to rise in society, take possession of "uniforms and crosses", have a good time in fashionable salons.

To come to himself after the experienced personal drama, the events of 1812, destroyed the ideals of the hero, help. Pierre Duckers in the war sees the heroism of the soldiers and also followed by their example, discovering courage, courage and ability to sacrifice. Borodino battle clearly shows Pierre, as ordinary people without unnecessary thinking about the meaning of being protecting their native land.

Bezukhov makes a decision to stay in the occupied capital, naively believing that he will kill Napoleon. But he captures, where a fateful acquaintance happens to the peasant Platon Karataev.

Wisdom and high spirituality of the soldier changes Pierre's attitude to life and society. Surprisingly, but only in captivity, the hero acquires peace of mind, accepts itself and the shortcomings of others: he understands "not a mind, but with all the creature, the life that the person is created for happiness, that happiness is the very, in satisfaction of natural human needs."

However, the simple way of full adoption of being is not for Pierre, he sees a way out of moral renewal of society and decides to enter the ranks of the secret organization. On the love front, fate presents Pierre a gift - a response feeling and a happy family life. Although before the pair reunited, years have passed.

For the first time, a 13-year-old girl with an open and gullible soul Pierre saw visiting growth. For a very long time, Duchs treated her as a child, with interest watching the development and formation of a person. Natasha, collapsed with a close friend of Pierre, betrayed the groom, almost escaped with her Kuragin's eloquent, helen brother. The betrayal turns the bustle in shock, besides, it feels some involvement in the fall of the heroine, because he was still married to Helen.

But soon the girl woke up from Char Kuragin and plunged into the pool of the strongest experiences. Bezukhov supported Natasha - and through these suffering examined the pure soul of the heroine. The feelings were born gradually, only after the death of Bologkoe, communicating with Rostova, realized that full of love for this clean, high essence. At the end of the novel Natasha Rostov takes from Pierre Probrachova's proposal of his hand and hearts, and later the spouses are growing four children.


Lion Tolstoy could not decide on the name of one of the key characters of the novel. Before becoming Peter Kirillovich Bezuhov, he had "passport details" three times: they appeared in the sketches, she was Knyazev, then Peter Medynsky, then Arkady Sumupy. And when the author conceived the work of the Decembrists, the hero was named Peter Lobazov. Moreover, the concrete prototype Pierre has no, as the writer admitted, the character is largely similar to him.

In the appearance of the hero there is no aristocraticity. Readers get acquainted with a replete young man with a cut-off head and in glasses - a word, nothing is noteworthy. The sullen, a somewhat stupid face, sometimes with an expression of a guilty person instantly changes a smile - then Pierre becomes even beautiful. The absurdity of the image, the scattering causes ridicule surroundings. However, observational people notice a timid, but a smart look.

Pierre Duhov - Illustration for the Book "War and Peace"

Tolstoy concluded in the character all the best characteristics, making it a benchmark for all times. Brilliant education, kindness, willingness to rush to the rescue, nobility, simpleness and gullibility - from the first pages of beams causes sympathy. Even to the enemy for a duel, hate, on the contrary, justifies Dorokhov - who knows, perhaps, and Pierre could be on the place of his wife's lover.

The novel reflects the evolution of the character of Pierre Progness. From naive and driven turns into a self-sufficient person. The character can come to inner harmony.


To transfer the Roman of the Great Russian Writer to the screen was trying in the era of a silent movie. The first picture of the director Peter Chardynina, the viewer saw in 1913. By the middle of the century, the Americans successfully presented the film - the film received three nominations for Oscar and the Golden Globe Prize.

The Soviet authorities decided to give an answer to foreigners, entrusting the case of "state importance" by the director. The creation of the picture was spent six years and 18 million rubles. As a result - the main prize of the Moscow International Film Festival and Oscar.

"War and Peace" inspired film industry representatives to create two TV shows. The first came out on the BBC channel in 1972, whose script was written to 20 episodes. The 2007 television setting united several countries - Russia, Germany, France, Italy and Poland. And after almost 10 years, the BBC Corporation, which, which, which includes six episodes, was reappeared.

  • 1913 - "War and Peace" (dir. Peter Chardynin)
  • 1915 - Natasha Rostov (dir. Peter Chardynin)
  • 1956 - "War and Peace" (dir. King Vido)
  • 1967 - "War and Peace" (dir. Sergey Bondarchuk)
  • 1972 - "War and Peace" (dir. John Davis)
  • 2007 - "War and World" (dir. Robert Dorngelm)
  • 2016 - "War and Peace" (dir. Tom Harper)


The magnificent picture of King Viors, shot on the novel of Tolstoy, combined the brilliant actors. The role of Pierre Zuhovova went to Henry Fund, although planned to shoot. But the man flatly refused to make a company on the set in the image of Natasha Rostova. Later, the actress said that it was difficult to get into such a complex role.

Sergey Bondarchuk could not decide who to give the role of Rostova Countess. Materials cinema led the ballerina - the girl is gentle and fragile, but blonde, whereas the dark hair is dark. Lyudmila did not pass sample, but received a second chance. On the screens, the audience see the actress in the wig. Bastarda Bezuhova performed the director himself, and the friend Andrei Bolkonsky played charming.

In the 1972 series, I presented a rolling hero, and so convincing that the actor was presented by the BAFTA Award.

The authors of the TV series "War and Peace" of 2007 allowed themselves to move away from the plot line of the work of the Russian classics, reinforcing some points. So, Hehlen Kurakhina died from a terrible disease (in the book - the consequences of an abortion led to death), and Nikolai Rostov speaking on Pierre's duel (actually he was an opponent's assistant). Yes, and Natasha Rostov performed is not similar to the image described in the novel.

(Andrei Bolkonsky) and (Natasha Rostov). And the evolution of the character of Pierre Duzhova demonstrated.


"We all know what evil is for yourself"
"How easy how little effort is needed to make so much good," Pierre thought, "and how little we care about it!"
"You can know only what we know nothing. And this is the highest degree of human wisdom "
"No one can own a person while the death is afraid. And who is not afraid of her, belongs to all "
"The main thing to live, the main thing to love, the main thing to believe"
"You, such a breed of people who come to people when they are good to spoil them mood"

One of the brightest masterpieces in Russian prose is the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace". A four-volume work, which is distinguished by the diverseness of the storylines, a branched system of characters, the number of which reaches five hundred characters, is primarily not only the reflection of paintings of historical reality, and the novel of ideas. To the final version of the work of Tolstoy went through ideological and plot search, which resembles the image of Pierre's "War and Peace" of Tolstoy.

Ideal quest for the author and hero

Initially, Lev Nikolayevich did not plan to write the story of this character, creating it in the form of the Decembrist, fighting for civil equality and freedom. However, gradually, in the course of the understanding of historical events and writing a novel, the ideological orientation of the thickness changes. In the final of the works, we clearly see that the true essence of the purpose of an active hero is not in the struggle, but in the acquisition of spiritual harmony and personal happiness through rapprochement with the people. Tolstoy reflected his ideological searches through the image of the main character - Pierre Zuhova.

Development of the image of Pierre

At the beginning of the work, the hero is opposed to the modern Higher society, in which insincerity, flattery, superficiality dominate. The young bellows from the first pages of the novel appear an open and honest person who, by all means trying to find the truth and his calling in life is such a characteristic of Pierre in the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Suddenly, being rich, Pierre becomes a victim of his own material situation and falls into the unfortunate marriage. The marriage to Helen Kuragin forced the Pierre in the spirituality and purity of the Institute of Marriage and Family. Pierre still does not give up hands. He tries to find his place in life to do good, help people feel their need to society. He believes that it will definitely find his right thing: "I feel that in addition to me you have to live perfume and that there is really true in this world." These desires were the reason for the entry of the hero in the ranks of the Masonic movement. Peaging the ideas of equality and fraternity, mutual assistance and self-sacrifice, Pierre with a high ideological passion shares the views of the Freemasonry. However, this period of his life brought frustrating. The hero is again at the crossroads.

So that he does or neither thought, was caused by the desire to carry out activities, useful for society for Russia. The chance finally acting correctly and serve as a war of 1812 for him. The main hero of the novel "War and Peace" Pierre Duchevov with the former passion and zeal lights up the idea to divide the fate of their people and contribute their full assistance for a common victory. To this end, it organizes the regiment and fully finances its provision.

Not being a military, Pierre cannot directly participate in hostilities, but also the role of a passive observer to such an active hero is also not a mile. He decides that it is he who needs to carry out a crucial mission that will save Russia from the French invaders. The desperate Pierre conceived an attempt on Napoleon himself, whom he had once considered his idol. Walking on his ardent ideas, Lyuhov does not think about possible consequences. Ultimately, his plan failed, and the hero himself was captured.

Awareness of the essence of true human happiness

There comes the next time disappointment. This time, the hero is entirely disappointed in faith in people, in kindness, in the possibility of mutual aid and friendship. However, the meeting and conversation with Plato Karataev completely change its worldview. It was this simple soldier that had a maximum impact on the change of the views of the hero. Easy and some primitive speech Karataev managed to reveal all the spiritual wisdom and the value of human life more than intricate Masonic treatises.

Thus, Pierre's stay in captivity became decisive in the formation of his civil and personal consciousness. Finally, Pierre realizes that the essence of happiness was actually so simple and always on the surface, he also sought her meaning in philosophical depths, personal suffering, aspirations for active actions. The hero realized that true happiness was to be able to spiritual and physical freedom, to live a simple life in unity with his people. "There is truth, there is virtue; And the highest happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. " The awareness of such ordinary human values \u200b\u200bled, finally, the main character towards mental equilibrium, inner harmony and personal happiness.

Implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel hero

At the end of his ideological quest, the author rewards Pierre's life in the atmosphere of real family idyll. The hero enjoys tranquility and happiness, surrounded by the care of his beloved spouse and the happy voices of four children. The image of Pierre Zuhova is the personification of the hero, through the wind and ideological quest of which and the path of their awareness reveals the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

As you can see, like Pierre, the author, the author himself repeals from his original beliefs. So, at the heart of the novel "War and Peace", the main idea was not serving civil debt or participation in social movements. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and my essay on the topic: The image of Pierre Dzuhova in the novel "War and Peace", - in the image of the ideal of human happiness in a family circle, in life in his native land, in the absence of war, in unity with his people.

Test on the work

In which the author paid a special place to the image of Pierre Laughterhood, as this is a key character. It is it that we now consider it, the discharge of the characteristics of Pierre Dzuhova. In particular, thanks to this Hero Tolstoy managed to give readers an understanding of the spirit of the time when the events described occurred, show the era. Brief content "War and World" also read on our website.

Of course, in all the colors, we will not be able to describe in this article, the characteristics of the nature, the essence and complete characteristics of Pierre Lesukov, because for this you need to carefully follow all the actions of this hero throughout the epic, but briefly get a general idea is quite possible. It is 1805, and one noble Moscow lady arranges a secular reception. This is Anna Pavlovna Shersher. This technique is both Pierre Ducheov - an illegitimate son, originating from the family of Moscow Velmazby. The secular audience is indifferent to it.

Although Pierre studied abroad, in Russia he feels uncomfortable, can not find a worthwhile business, and it plunged into idle life. What does such a lifestyle mean for a young man of that time? At that time, the image of Pierre Dzuhova is overshadowed with boots, idleness, couments and very dubious dating, which leads to the expulsion of Pierre. Yes, you have to leave the capital and move to Moscow.

In the highest light of Pierre, it also interests little, it annoys what he sees people in these circles. More precisely, their nature is unpleasant: they are petty, hypocritical and all the egoists. Is it really thinking Pierre, life and should please this? Is there a deeper meaning, something important and meaningful, what gives the completeness of happiness?

Pierre himself is a soft and dubious person. It is easy to subjugate to someone else's influence, make doubts in his actions. He himself does not notice how quickly the idle Moscow life takes him a rampant and windy. When Pierre's father dies, the Count of Lyuhov, the son inheritance receives the title and all the state, after which society instantly changes the attitude towards him. We are considering the image of Pierre Proghov. How did these events affect him? For example, Vasily Karugina will not wait to marry the young man Helen, his daughter. Although Kuragin can be called an eminent and influential person, the connection with this family for Pierre did not bring anything good, and the marriage turned out to be extremely unhappy.

We see how the characteristic of Pierre Buzukhov is revealed. Young beauty Helen Covarna, Raspital and Liv. Pierre sees the essence of his wife and believes that his honor is crowded. In rage, he goes to madness, which almost plays a fatal role in his life. But, after all, after a duel with Doolokh, Pierre remains alive, and everything ends only the wound, which the offender receives.

Pierre is looking for himself

More and more reflections of a young graph focuses around the meaning of his life. How does he manages her? Pierre is confused, everything seems to him disgusting and having no meaning. The hero sees perfectly that there is something great, deep and mysterious, compared with a stupid secular life and drizzles. But he lacks the knowledge and strength of the Spirit to figure it out and send his life to the right track.

Here, thinking, what is actually the characteristic of Pierre Proghovahova, think - after all, he could have a young and rich graph to live randomly in his pleasure, without worrying about anything. But Pierre cannot. So this is not a superficial personality, but a deeply reflecting person.


In the end, Pierre breaks up with his wife, gives Helen a considerable part of the whole state and returns to St. Petersburg. On the way, Pierre meets the person from whom he learns that some people understand the law of the laws of being and know the true purpose of man on earth. Considering the image of Pierre Laughter at that time, it is clear that his soul is simply exhausted, and he deeply confused in life. Therefore, hearing about the fraternity of Masonov, it seems to him that he is saved and will now begin another life.

In St. Petersburg, Pierre passes rites, and now he is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Life changes his painting, the hero opens new views and another world. Although he does not doubt what masons say and what they are taught, some of the verge of a new way of life still look gloomy and incomprehensible. Pierre Duhov, whose characteristic we are now considering, continues to look for yourself, look for the meaning of life, think about your destination.

Attempt to make relief to people

Soon, Pierre Duhov comes to understanding the new thought: a separate person will not be happy if he is surrounded by disadvantaged and deprived of any rights people. And then Pierre tries to improve the life of a simple people, give to the peasants relief.

Such attempts cause an unusual reaction, because Pierre meets misunderstanding and surprise. Even some peasants who were sent by Pierre's activities, cannot adopt a new way of life. That's what paradox! Looks like Pierre again does something wrong! Thanks to these actions, the image of Pierre Dzuhova is revealed increasingly, but for him it is another disappointment. He feels depressed, and again hopelessness, because after the deception of the manager it becomes obvious about the vainness of his efforts.

The characteristic of Peter Bezuhova would not be fully complete if we did not consider that it began to happen with the hero after the arrival of Napoleon, as well as the details of the Borodino battle and captivity. But read about it in the article "Pierre Duhov in the Roman War and the World." Now we will pay attention to one key moment in the image of this hero.

Pierre Duzhov and Natasha Rostov

Pierre is increasingly tied to Natasha Rostova, his feelings are becoming deeper and stronger. Especially, it becomes apparent for the hero after he understands: in difficult moments of life, this woman takes all his thoughts. He is trying to figure out why. Yes, this sincere, intelligent and rich in spiritual relationship The woman literally captivates Pierre. Natasha Rostov also testifies such feelings, and their love becomes mutual. In 1813, Pierre Duchevov married Natasha Rostova.

Rostov has the main advantage of a woman, as shouted Lion Tolstoy. She can love sincerely, durable. She respects the interests of her husband, understands and feels his soul. The family here is shown as a sample, thanks to which you can maintain an internal equilibrium. This is a cell that affects all society. There will be a healthy family, will be a healthy society.

In conclusion, considering the characteristic of Pierre Dunzhova, let's say that he, nevertheless, found himself, felt happiness, understood how to gain harmony, but how many findings, the troubles and mistakes had to survive for this!

We are glad if this article turned out to be useful for you. Even if you have not yet read a completely novel "War and Peace", everything is ahead, and when you read it, pay special attention to the image of Pierre Zuhovova - the main character of the Great Epopea Lion Tolstoy.

L. N. Tolstoy - a writer of a huge, global scale, since the subject of his research was a man, his soul. For a thick man - part of the universe. It is interesting for him what path the soul of man passes in the desire for a high, ideal, in the desire to know the most.

Pierre Duckers - an honest, highly educated nobleman. This is a direct nature, able to sharpen, it is easy to excite. Pierre is peculiar to deep meditation and doubt, the search for the meaning of life. The life path is complicated and tortuous. At first, under the influence of youth and the environment, he performs a lot of mistakes: leads the reckless life of a secular ride and a slacker, allows the prince of Kuragin to scroll himself and marry her daughter Helen. Pierre shoots duel with Doolokh, rustles with his wife, disappointed in life. He is hated by everyone recognized by the lie of the secular society, and he understands the need to struggle.

At this critical moment, Pierre enters the hands of Mason Basdayev. This "preacher" deftly puts up before the gullible graph of a network of religious-mystical society, which called for moral improvement of people and uniting them on the basis of fraternal love. Pierre understood Freemasonry as a doctrine of equality, fraternity and love. It helped him to direct his strength to the improvement of serfs. He freed the peasants, established hospitals, shelters, schools.

The war of 1812 forces Pierre again to take care of the work again, but his passionate call to help his homeland causes universal discontent of the Moscow nobility. He will fail again. However, embraced by a patriotic feeling, Pierre's money is equipped with a thousand militias and himself remains in Moscow to kill Napoleon: "Or perish, or to stop the misfortune of all of Europe, which happened, according to Pierre, from one Napoleon."

An important stage on the way of the quest Pierre is to visit the Borodino field at the time of the famous battle. He understood here that the story creates the most powerful strength in the world - the people. Lyuhov approvingly perceives the wise words of a soldier: "All the people want to feel, one word - Moscow. One end to make want. " The view of the lively and sweaty men-militias, with a loud laughter and talking on the field, "focused on Pierre, the strongest thing that saw and heard so far about solemnity and significance of this minute."

If closer rapprochement of Pierre with simple people occurs after a meeting with a soldier, a former peasant, Plato Karataev, which, according to Tolstoy, is a particle of popular mass. From Karataeva, Pierre is recruited with peasant wisdom, in communication with him "takes care of the calm and satisfaction with himself, to which he in vain sought before."

The life path of Pierre Tychova is typical for the best part of the noble youth of that time. It was from such people that an iron cohort of the Decembrists was compiled. Much relating to them with the author of Epopea, who was faithful to them in the youth of the oath: "To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confuse, fight, make mistakes, start, and again throw, and again start and throwing and throwing it again and forever. And calm is spiritual meanness. "

And therefore his image is extremely important for us. In this article, we will look at Pierre Dzuhov through the prism of three events or chains of different incidents: this is the arrival of Napoleon to the throne, Borodino battle and talk about captivity. You can also read on our website more.

Parish Napoleon

France was in a state of anxiety and insecurity in the future. All the highest society was absorbed by these thoughts, and the fact that Napoleon came to power, greatly influenced the minds of young and the elderly. The youth admired the way the Great Communication, many considered him a sample. When we talk about Pierre Bezukhov in the novel "War and Peace", it is worth saying that he was also delighted with the fact that he did Napoleon, his personality and his talent, and it was difficult to understand Pierre, why were people who prevent the emperor creating the Great Revolution .

At one time, Pierre even wanted to take the oath to stand on the side of Napoleon, but this did not happen. Thoughtful feats and achievements on the benefit of the revolutionary movement of France had to collapse in Pierre's soul. In 1812, when ideals were lost, Pierre began to despise Napoleon and even hated him. Instead of the adoration of this person, Pierre decided that he had to destroy this enemy himself, whose tyrannical domination was brought only to the native land. If you look at this Hero Tolstoy at that time, it can be said that Pierre Duhov in the novel "War and Peace" is a man who is worse to deal with Napoleon. Moreover, he believed that he would fulfill his mission on earth, and here it is its purpose.

Pierre in Borodino battle

In 1812, the Patriotic War broke out, and all the foundations of society broke out. Of course, all this was touched and Pierre, who before this led a completely aimless and rampant life. Now, to serve the Motherland, Pierre left everything and went to fight. And how is the identity of Pierre Probrelov in the novel "War and Peace" change here! He looked so much herself, in vain in search of the meaning in life, and then he had the opportunity to get close to the soldiers - immigrants from ordinary people, to give life another assessment. And in many ways it became possible thanks to Borodino battle.

The soldiers were mostly real patriots, and it was not false and not talked. They were ready to sacrifice the life for the Fatherland and Pierre saw all the horrors of the war and the mood of ordinary soldiers. Pierre suddenly begins to open an understanding of those questions that torment him so much time. It turns out that everything is so understandable. And Pierre Duhov wants, going for an unfamiliar feeling that appeared, breathe full of breasts and give life all the heart.

Pierre Duckers in the novel "War and Peace" - captivity

The Lion Tolstoy continues to show the formation of Pierra's personality, and what happens to him next, fully tempts him and forms mature views on life. Pierre Ducheov is captured, and the French learn to him interrogation, leaving life. However, some other prisoners are executed, and Pierre after that almost goes crazy. Meeting of Bezukhov with a man named Plato Karatayev helps the hero to gain harmony in the shower.

Although the Barak is cracked, in the body physical pain and opposition experiences, Pierre Duhov suddenly understands that he is really a happy man. Something has changed in his heart, he overestimated the ideals and looked at everything in a different way. As a result, the French kill Platon Karataev who gave Pierre the opportunity to look at life correctly. The hero suffers insanely, and soon he is liberated from the captivity of the partisans.

We remind you that you can read the complete feature of Pierre. And in this article we considered the topic: Pierre Duhov in the novel "War and Peace".