How to clean a burnt pan. How to clean cast iron, aluminum, teflon, steel pan from the inside and outside (with video) from long-term severe soot? Baking soda stationery glue

Anton Smekhov

5 minutes to read

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Many housewives face a problem when, due to constant use, kitchen utensils lose their original appearance. This is due to the appearance of soot on the inner and outer walls of the dishes. And most of all she is interested in how to clean the pan from soot at home.

Many people do not like this development of events, because no one wants to part with their favorite kitchen helpers. An important role in this matter is played by cleanliness in the kitchen, since well-groomed dishes are the card of any cook. This article is useful to housewives who want to put their pans in order.

Nagar - a combination of old fat and soot. Under the influence of high temperature, this tandem emits carcinogens that are harmful to human health. With the further use of such dishes, food cooked in it slowly destroys the health of family members.

The results of numerous studies have shown that chronic fat in combination with soot and soot is a springboard for the development of cancer. Their effect on the body is represented by disturbances in the work of internal organs and slow intoxication. Therefore, leave the problem unattended.

Proper cleaning of the pan from soot provides a competent choice of cleaning agent, taking into account the material from which the product is made. For cooking, housewives use cast-iron, aluminum, ceramic and Teflon cookware. Each of these types requires an appropriate cleaning method. Using the wrong product could result in damage to the product’s work surface.

Safety Precautions

Before proceeding to consider effective ways to clean the pan from soot at home, let's talk about security measures. Often it is impossible to eliminate contamination without the help of a cleaning agent. And the composition of chemical industry products includes substances that you cannot name useful for the body. Therefore, when performing the work of cleaning the pan, adhere to the following rules.

  1. Wash dishes with rubber gloves. A variety of models are sold, differing in size, thickness of rubber and the presence of an inner tissue layer.
  2. When using purchased chemicals, do not forget about a respirator. If not, use a multi-layered fabric dressing. Remember, aggressive substances in cleaning products affect not only dishes, but also your respiratory organs.
  3. During the procedure using chemistry in the air, unwanted impurities will necessarily appear. Therefore, it is recommended to clean the dishes in a ventilated area.
  4. If there are children or pets in the house, make sure that they do not visit the kitchen during the procedure.

Purchased anti-carbon chemistry

The chemical industry does not stand still, so the housewives have access to a wide range of products aimed at combating carbon and obese fat. Such products are very effective and help to quickly remove plaque.

For many years, the use of household chemicals to control carbon deposits, the housewives, through tests and experiments, determined the means that provide the best result. These are Mr. Muscle, Schumanit, AmWay, Frosch, Helper and Oxyday cleaning products.

The listed products provide the best result provided that you follow the instructions on the packaging. The principle of work is painfully simple: the solution is applied to the surface of the pan, wait several hours, and then removed with a kitchen sponge.

Despite its high efficiency, household chemicals have several serious drawbacks. These products are toxic and pose a potential health hazard, and pan cleaning should be done with rubber gloves in a room with windows open.

The disadvantages of the purchased chemistry are well known to housewives, so many prefer folk remedies, which, with the right approach, provide a similar result, but are safer. They will be discussed further.

Folk remedies against carbon deposits

A good frying pan is an indispensable thing, which, with proper care and careful handling, lasts more than one year and makes the family happy with wonderful dishes. And since carbon deposits appear on the surface during cooking, the housewives have come up with many ways to safely clean the pan. Consider popular techniques. For convenience, we divide the pans into categories depending on the material of manufacture.

Non-stick pan

Cleaning a non-stick pan requires the most careful approach. One incorrect movement and damage appears on the surface, as a result of which the dishes become unusable.

  • Dishwasher . Modern household appliances support a function that easily copes with burnt fat at the initial stage. If it is a ceramic product with a non-stick coating, a liquid cleaner is used to clean it to prevent scratches. Powder products are not suitable.
  • Digestion . Digestion helps to cope with soot in such a pan using a solution of 3 liters of water, 50 grams of soda ash and a glass of detergent. Dip the frying pan in a container with a solution, boil over medium heat for half an hour, and then wipe the surface with a soft sponge.
  • Coca Cola . This method has proven effective in practice more than once. To remove carbon deposits, pour a little carbonated drink into the pan and boil for half an hour. To remove carbon deposits from the outside, boil a skillet in the drink.

Video tips

Regardless of which of these methods you prefer, the pan will return its former attractiveness and cleanliness.

Teflon-coated pan

If improperly used, a carbon deposit appears on the surface of the pan with a Teflon coating, which eliminates all the benefits. The problem is aggravated by the fact that mechanical methods are not suitable for cleaning such a product. How to be There are several solutions.

  1. Soaking . The method is suitable for removing slightly compacted soot. Dip the product in a container of hot water and leave it overnight. In the morning, without much effort, clean the pan from soot.
  2. Food baking powder . Comes to the rescue in the case of old pollution. Mix two tablespoons of powder with a glass of water. Pour the resulting solution into a pan, put on a stove and boil. When the liquid has cooled, remove carbon deposits with a sponge.
  3. Soda and detergent . To remove old stains, mix a glass of detergent with three tablespoons of soda and dilute with three liters of water. Immerse the pan in the resulting composition and boil for half an hour. When the liquid has cooled, wipe the surface of the pan with a sponge. By the way, chopped laundry soap is a great alternative to a detergent.
  4. Lemon acid . Pour water into a spacious pan, add a bag of citric acid, lower the product and boil for a third of an hour. After time, leave the pan in the solution until the liquid cools. Then walk along the surface with a foam sponge.

As for the outside, everything is simpler here, since the surface is less delicate. To eliminate impurities, purchased chemistry in the form of a gel or cream is ideal.

Old cast iron skillet

The appearance of soot on the surface of a cast-iron pan is inevitable, especially if the dishes are used regularly. Fortunately, it’s easiest to clean a kitchen assistant made of this metal. And over the many years of operation of such utensils, many cleaning methods have appeared.

  1. Lemon acid . Pour water into the pan, add citric acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of liquid and boil the dishes in the resulting mixture for at least 15 minutes. Then gently scrape away the soot or remove with a cleaning sponge.
  2. Activated carbon . Using a pharmacy product is one of the simplest and most affordable ways. Moisten the surface of the pan and sprinkle with activated carbon powder obtained by crushing the tablets. Wash in an hour using household cleaning products.
  3. Vinegar . Mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 3, pour the solution into a frying pan, boil over low heat and boil for 3 hours. During this time, all pollution will easily go away. In order not to get poisoned by vinegar vapor, carry out the procedure in a ventilated room.
  4. Sand . Pour some sand into the pan and place on the stove. Turn on the minimum fire. After 2 hours pour sand and rinse the product with water. No additional cleaning is required. I advise you to carry out the procedure only in fresh air, since hot sand gives off an unpleasant odor.
  5. Blowtorch . Light the lamp and direct the flame into the pan. After a minute, the soot itself will fall off. I do not advise cleaning in this way at home, because jokes with fire are bad.

If you do not disdain with more radical methods, use a drill with a metal nozzle. Performing quick and easy movements, clean the surface effortlessly. In this way, I advise you to clean in the garage, but not in the kitchen.

Aluminum pan

Returning the original appearance to an aluminum pan is more difficult than an iron pan. This metal is not friendly with aggressive household chemicals and powder cleaners. You can solve the problem only in the following way.

  1. Pour 10 liters of water into a large container, add 500 grams of soda ash, 100 grams of office glue and grated bar of laundry soap. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Dip the pan into the solution and boil for half an hour, then leave in the liquid until morning. Finally, rinse with water and wipe with a cloth.

To clean the aluminum pan from the outside, abrasives are suitable - a metal brush, salt or sand. If scratches appear on the surface during cleaning, polish the appliance with soda.

Ceramic pan

The ceramic product is demanding in maintenance, and the removal of old pollution is time-consuming, therefore it is recommended to clean it in a timely manner. If a problem occurs, the following tools will help in solving the problem.

  • Medical alcohol . Most effective in dealing with small pollution. Dampen a cotton pad in medical alcohol and wipe the surface of the pan, then rinse with water.
  • Digestion . For complex cleaning, pour water into the pan, add detergent, lower the pan and boil for 30 minutes. After the time, rinse with water.

A variety of detergents for ceramic dishes are sold that easily cope with soot. And although their cost is high, compared to the price of new dishes it’s a penny. According to online reviews, they recommend Organics or Frosch.

Having got rid of soot on the surface of the pan, I advise you to take several preventive measures that will help prevent further pollution.

  1. Clean the surface of the dishes on all sides immediately after cooking, without waiting for complete cooling.
  2. If you wash the pans in the dishwasher, carry out a manual cleaning once a month. With the naked eye, you can easily notice the appearance of burning in the initial stage and easily eliminate it.
  3. Try to use less cleaning powders, iron sponges and other scratching improvised means. This will reduce the chance of scratches.
  4. If a new frying pan comes into your arsenal, be sure to treat the inside with sunflower oil before use, and then wash it with detergent.
  5. Regardless of the material, use a plastic or wooden spatula during cooking. If the tongs are more to your liking, choose a device with protection at the ends.

Now you know all the subtleties of cleaning the pan from soot at home and how to prevent it from appearing. Try to avoid such pollution on the surface of the dishes, because this spoils the appearance of the utensils and causes harm to health. Good luck

Carbon in a pan or stewpan not only spoils the appearance of the dishes, but can also affect the taste of the prepared dishes. To prevent this, it is necessary to properly clean such complex contaminants, based on the type of kitchen utensils.

Cleaning a cast iron pan

There are various cleaning options that can be found later.

No. 1: Sand

This method has been used since ancient times:
  • We fill the cast-iron pan with sand.
  • We calcine it thoroughly until the moment when obsolete pollution does not begin to “exfoliate”.
  • We arm ourselves with a sponge with stiff bristles and thoroughly clean all dirt.

The glowing procedure itself can be performed not only directly on the stove, but also in the oven.

A similar method can be used to clean soot using a blowtorch, but this activity is not pleasant in terms of “aroma”, so it is advisable to do this in the open or in a well-ventilated area.

No. 2: Soap + soda

Next method:
  • Boil water so that it covers almost the entire cast-iron pan.
  • Add to the water grated laundry soap (or laundry detergent) in the volume of half a glass, the same part of soda with calcium and one tube of stationery glue.
  • Cook the mixture for at least two hours (if the dirt is dense and obsolete).
  • Clean the dirt with an iron brush, and then be sure to rinse with detergent.

Perform this cleaning in a ventilated area, as there will be an unpleasant odor when cooking the cleaning solution.

No. 3: Vinegar

A cast-iron pan with old dirt can be cleaned with the most “gentle” method of cleaning dishes:
  • Pour a large amount of vinegar into a bowl in which your pan will fit comfortably.
  • Forget about her for a few days.
  • Rinse the dishes and use a stiff or iron mesh to remove any remaining dirt.

No. 4: Salt + Soda + Vinegar

You can “build” the following solution that is useful for controlling carbon deposits, fat and soot: 300 g of sodium chloride, 250 g of soda and 500 ml of vinegar are needed for 5 liters of water. This mass must be boiled and lowered into your cast-iron product for at least an hour.

The result will pleasantly surprise you, but after such cleaning, be sure to rinse the pan with detergent several times after.

No. 5: Citric Acid

This is an assistant in cleaning fat deposits inside a cast-iron pan, which can be used in one of two ways:
  • For 2 liters, you will need to use 4 teaspoons of citric acid, boil the mixture directly in a bowl for about half an hour and cool in it. Then wash off all grease and deposits with a dishwashing detergent or a strong solution of laundry soap.
  • For 2 liters of water, you will need 150 g of lemon and 200 ml of vinegar of any percentage. With this solution, you can clean the dishes as a whole by dipping the pan into the solution and boiling for half an hour. Then cool in the same liquid and rinse in the usual way under running water.

The second method of cleaning is used if inside the cast-iron pan the plaque has become destructive.

No. 6: hydrogen peroxide

The tool is in no way inferior to soda and vinegar in cleaning procedures:
  • Mix the baking soda and peroxide in such a proportion to make a paste.
  • Put on the inner surface of the pan.
  • We heat the dishes and leave the mass to "work" for literally 15 minutes.
After that, it remains with a brush and improvised detergents to wash the pan from carbon deposits.

No. 7: Laundry detergent + vegetable oil

If carbon deposits have not yet reached their zenith, then to clean the pan, you can use a combination of washing powder and vegetable oil:
  • Pour so much liquid into the wide dishes so that you can completely immerse the pan in it.
  • To this add (in a proportion of 2 liters) a handful of washing powder (preferably for hand washing or with laundry soap) and 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Bring this mixture to a boil and boil for at least half an hour.
Then you can use an iron brush and clean the pan from the remnants of soot completely.

No. 8: Shumanit

This is an old proven "drug" to combat old fat and soot. When working with it, it is better to use a mask and tight gloves, because its main cleaning property is acid. Shumanit needs to be sprayed, left for 30 minutes and clean the dirt with a metal brush.

How exactly this tool is used is demonstrated in the following video:

No. 9: ammonia

This is a chemical “hard” exposure method:
  • Mix ammonia (literally three drops) and 10 grams of borax with a glass of water.
  • Pour this mass into the bottom of the pan and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with water and rinse with standard dishwashing detergents.

How to clean an aluminum pan

If an aluminum frying pan has lost its presentable appearance, you can clean it of carbon deposits by the following means.

No. 1: ammonia + soap

If carbon deposits have not yet reached their maximum, then you can try gentle methods of combating pollution:
  • Mix a tablespoon of ammonia with a strong soapy solution (the solution must be "prepared" from a natural laundry soap).
  • Wipe the aluminum pan thoroughly with such a solution or even “soak” it in it for half an hour.
This will help the “young” soot to get off the pan in front of the eyes.

No. 2: Sorrel broth

With a gentle fight against pollution, a strong sorrel broth will help, which can also be used to wipe the pan. If this procedure did not help much, then boil, and then soak, you can even overnight. In the morning to see a brilliant result.

No. 3: Soap + Vinegar

Make a solution of laundry soap, grated in cereal, and vinegar 6% in a volume of 100 ml or juice of half a lemon. This mass must be boiled with a frying pan for at least half an hour, and then washed with standard detergents.

No. 4: Activated Carbon

Perfectly fights fat:
  • Crush 10 tablets of coal and, adding a little water, prepare the pulp.
  • Put the gruel on the surface of the pan and leave it overnight.
  • Rinse dishes in the usual way.

No. 5: Salt

You can apply one of two methods:
  • Dilute 270 grams of salt into 9 liters of water, dip the aluminum pan into the solution. Boil it for at least a couple of hours, and then rinse under running water in the usual way.
  • Pour aluminum pan with 1 cm thick salt and calcine, then rinse with dishwashing detergent. The result is not long in coming.

No. 6: Soap solution with soda and glue

We mix silicate glue and soda in equal proportions (about half a glass of one and the other in 10 liters of liquid), plus a bar of 72% grated soap. Bring the mass to a boil, immerse it in a frying pan and cook until the pollution is completely detached (about two hours). Then rinse with detergent and enjoy cooking in a clean bowl.

No. 7: Tooth Powder

Inside the aluminum pan, soot can be removed this way:
  • Turn toothpaste into paste.
  • Spread it evenly on a hot pan.
  • Leave overnight.
  • Wash off the paste in the morning and enjoy the glossy shine.

No. 8: Onion

Onion will also cope with a small deposit:
  • Halve 6-7 onion heads and simmer for 2 hours.
  • Then steam for half an hour in a pan with soda.
  • Rinse normally under running water.

No. 9: Mustard

You can use the tool in the following ways:
  • Make a mustard paste by mixing mustard powder with a little water and a soft brush. Rub the mass into the aluminum surface. If the deposit is not outdated, this method is effective.
  • Make a paste of equal proportions of soda, mustard powder and vinegar. Put on gloves and rub this pan with an aluminum pan. You can leave it overnight, and in the morning wipe off exfoliated fat and soot with a soft sponge. If the deposit is outdated, this method is optimal.

No. 10: Glow

You can clear a small deposit outside the pan by testing the following temperature difference method:
  • Get a basin of cold water to the brim so that your pan can fit comfortably in it. This can also be done in the sink, but then you have to clean the deposit.
  • Heat the pan very well, and when you already understand that the “heat” has reached its climax, transfer it quickly to the prepared basin with cold water.

    You need to glow in a well-ventilated room and carefully, because fire from soot can spread to the sides of the dishes.

  • When the aluminum pan cools down a little, you can already take a brush and clean off the resulting detachment.

We clean the pan with a delicate coating (ceramic or teflon)

A delicate, namely non-stick coating is both ceramic and teflon. This pan is beautiful, but requires gentle care. So, you will have to abandon the iron brush, as it will damage the dishes. When cleaning, you can use the following methods:
  • Mustard powder. Pour, depending on the density of soot, from 2 tablespoons to 100 grams of mustard powder, pour boiling water over it and leave the pan from half an hour to 12 hours depending on contamination. So you can easily remove old fat in the inside of a Teflon-coated pan.
  • Steam bath. You can make a steam bath for the bottom of a non-stick pan: in an old pan, on which you can put your pan on top, make a solution - add 4 tablespoons of soda and a teaspoon of ammonia to a liter of water. Next, put the pan on top, and the whole structure - on fire. We boil as much as it takes to drain all the fat (from 30 minutes to 2 hours) and clean off all unnecessary with a soft sponge.
  • Baking powder. If there is not much carbon, you can clean the “inside” of the pan with a baking powder: pour 30 grams of baking powder, pour water to the top of the non-stick pan and let it boil. As the dishes cool slightly, you can remove all the dirt with a soft sponge.
  • Soda ash. It is applied in the same way as a baking powder. If you add planed laundry soap without fragrances to the mixture, the procedure will be even more effective.
  • Coca Cola. Pour Coca-Cola into the pan and let it boil for half an hour. Then turn it off, wash off the remaining fat and soot with a special rag.
  • Soap solution with glue and soda. If the pollution is old, it is better to soak it in the following mixture: add 3.5 ml of soap solution from laundry soap, 60 ml of silicate glue and 250 g of soda ash to 3.5 liters of water. Let the mass boil and leave the pan in it for 24 hours, as much as possible for complete cleansing. Then rinse thoroughly under a tap with soapy water and operate for your own pleasure.
  • Liquid glass with soda. The following procedure will help from severe greasy contamination on dishes with such a delicate coating: for 3.5 liters of water you will need a couple of tubes of liquid glass and 250 grams of soda. Heat this mass and lower the pan there. Boil over low heat for 60-80 minutes to achieve maximum results, and then clean it in the usual way or with a solution of laundry soap.
You can learn about the secrets of cleaning a non-stick pan from grease and soot without chemical "aggressors" in the following video:

Having considered so many cleaning methods, each of you will be able to find your own method and always use it. It is best to use a paste of soda or mustard powder mixed with cereal soap. These tools are suitable for a pan with any coating and will help prevent severe contamination.

Durable cast iron skillet. It is important to properly care for the thing and remove the soot from it in time, not to let it become rusty, moldy. Nagar is easy to remove with a knife if you heat the pan.

A good recipe from the time of the USSR: soda + 72% soap + silicate glue.

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to clean cast iron. And carbon, rust can spoil it. Using our tips, you can remove them.

Some people think that a cast iron skillet is needed every time.

This is not entirely true, but it is better to clean immediately after contamination. Sludge is a layer consisting of butter and fat, and it is already non-stick. On this surface, it is excellent to fry a steak, french fries and anything you want.

After use, it is best to use or other cast-iron cookware under running hot water. You can use a sponge or a rag, but cleaning products are not needed. The thing must be dried immediately.

If there are any solid food debris in the pan, you can get rid of them in one of several ways.

  1. Take a sponge or brush with nylon bristles. Pour hot water or Coca-Cola into the pan.
  2. If you want to quickly remove solid food from the bottom or sides of the pan, then you need to pull the dishes out of hot water, pour kosher salt and rub using paper towels. The movements during rubbing should be circular. Using salt, iron is also cleaned. Do not believe it, but Coca similarly removes food debris.

If you know from experience that it is difficult to remove the stain by the above methods, type water in a cauldron or other utensil, boil it, and the soot will leave behind. You can pour a thin layer of vegetable oil into the pan after washing.

How to remove rust?

Rust appears on the surface of the pan if the dishes are not dried in time or put in a place too wet for storage.

Take a walk on dry stuff with coarse sandpaper. Polish the dishes carefully with fine-grained sandpaper. So you remove the rust from cast iron.

Clean Coca-Cola

Not everyone believes, but Coca will really remove the soot from the pan. The liquid dissolves old fat.

Immerse the container in the drink, or pour it inside the kitchen equipment and soon the soda will corrode the fat. Coca-Cola Cleansing is an easy procedure.

Cast iron skillet firing methods

Sludge in a pan appears due to the fact that fat and residual products are burnt. Over the years, if you do not clean the kitchen equipment, a decent layer can gather.

It is removed by burning. Some of these methods can be implemented at home, while others are too dangerous, because they threaten with fire.

Method number 1

Choose a burner with the biggest fire. Turn it on at full power and heat one of the sides of the pan.

So you can clean and cauldron. After 2-3 minutes, you need to remove the dishes from the fire and try to remove the layers of soot with a strong knife.

Does not work? Continue to glow on the same side for 2-3 minutes. Removed from this region? Do the same with other parties.

Wash the pan with a soapy sponge under warm running water. Dry with disposable paper towels.

Method number 2

Here, to remove carbon deposits use a blowtorch. The fat that makes up soot burns and turns into soot.

She is easily removed. So clean the cauldron, removing carbon deposits, men. They wear fire-resistant mittens like welders and do it in garages.

The rust is cleaned with sandpaper.

In a house or apartment, refrain from such experiments. Fire may occur.

Method number 3

Are you going to update the cauldron, remove the soot from your favorite pan? Do it right at the stake.

For example, this procedure can be performed in nature, if you light a fire, throw a cauldron or a pan there. If she has a cast-iron handle, then the container is placed in the fire entirely.

If the handle is wooden, plastic, remove it and only then can you leave the pan for 15 minutes in a fire.

Then remove with a stick and remove the soot with a knife.

If the procedure does not bring the desired result, place it again in the fire and red-hot. Work hard with a knife while removing old carbon deposits.

There are other ways to clean cast iron. For example, by chemical means. Consider them.

Effective chemicals

We will figure out how to remove carbon deposits from household chemicals. Use such funds.

  1. If the layer of fat in the pan is small and you bought it not so long ago, then wash it with a washcloth with a dishwashing detergent, such as Fairy or another similar quality detergent.
  2. Use a cauldron or a frying pan for years? In the evening, rinse the container with the fat remover, and then apply the detergent that is used to clean the oven. Wrap a greased frying pan tightly in a bag. Let it lie down until the morning. All spots will disappear in half a day. If they remain somewhere, rub lightly with a metal washcloth (it also removes rust).

When you process the pan with potent chemicals, do it with rubber gloves.

If scratches remain on the pan after using the metal scraper, you can clean them using fine-grained sandpaper. It is convenient to clean and iron.

Universal solution since Soviet times

In the times of the Soviet Union, housewives passed on to each other such a recipe:

  • 0.5 kg of soda;
  • bar of 72% soap;
  • silicate glue - 2 pcs.

To digest the pan, a boil-out or other capacious container is required.

A handle made of wood or other material must be removed. But the iron should be wiped with a sponge moistened in a solution. Sand will remove the rust. For kitchen utensils, stick to the following instructions.

  1. Put water in a container and place it on the stove to heat up.
  2. Grate the soap on a coarse grater and add it to the water. Now pour soda with silicate glue.
  3. Mix and submerge all components of the recipe in water.
  4. Put the pan in boiling water for 15 minutes. Now turn off the water and close the container with a lid. By the way, coca can be used instead of water.
  5. Let the pan lie there for 2 to 3 hours. Then you need to take a sponge and rinse off the tan with it. In difficult places, walk with a metal scraper.

The smell with this method will not be the most unpleasant. It is best to carry out such a procedure on the street, if this is not possible, open the window wide open or turn on the hood.

When you're done stewing or frying, immediately rinse and dry the pan. If you do not dry the kitchen equipment before storage, mold may form on it.

Keep your inventory where it is dry and cool. The iron will not deteriorate in any humidity.

If you live in an area where humidity is high, when you put the item in storage, do not cover it with a lid. Otherwise, it may become rusty and will have to be cleaned.

Now you know how to properly care for a cast iron skillet at home. Rust is removed with sandpaper, Coca-Cola can remove carbon deposits. Care carefully, and your dishes will serve you faithfully for many years.

It takes ~ 3 minutes to read

After prolonged use of dishes for frying products, a thick layer of fat appears on it, which is not washed even with detergents. How to clean a pan of old soot in order to return the dishes to their original appearance and not harm health when cooking? Indeed, burning contains substances that contribute to the formation of malignant cells in the body.


Cleaning preparation

Before washing the old skillet, you should determine what material the container is made of. This will help you choose the right cleaning method, the right tool, the right scraper. In most cases, old fat can be dealt with using the improvised means available in every home. The most important thing is to choose a method suitable for your existing pan. After all, the tool that will clean the cast-iron tank can ruin the Teflon or ceramic.

  1. and aluminum containers are not afraid of hard cleaning; they tolerate the use of abrasive powders and coarse scrapers well.
  2. Tanks with a non-stick layer of Teflon do not tolerate rough machining with metal scrapers and abrasives. Only gentle methods are used to wash them.
  3. Spraying for roasting requires careful care. To clean these pans, special melamine rubber sponges are used that remove contaminants of any origin. And as a detergent, neutral dishwashing gels are used.


How to clean an old pan

Tanks with a large layer of burning and fat immediately catch your eye, compromising the hostess. Therefore, you should know how and how to wash old pans from pollution. Depending on the material from which the containers are made, choose a tool and its application. And before starting the process, soak the pan for 40 minutes in warm water. Add children's washing powder and whiteness to the water per 5 liters of water: 2 tablespoons of detergent and 2 caps of bleach.

Rock salt

Braziers and pans made of an alloy of iron and carbon after using a scraper or knife may deteriorate, become rusty, and products will burn on them. At the same time, black is the normal color for such containers. Therefore, it should be decided: cook without sticking or have a shiny clean cast iron dishes. You can keep unsightly utensils in such places that no one will see, or you can use the folk method using rock salt. Before you clean a cast-iron pan from perennial soot:

  • soak the container for half an hour in hot water with the addition of baby detergent, dry;
  • pour 200 g of salt into the pan, put on a slow fire, holding it for 25-35 minutes;
  • turn off the fire, cover the dishes, leave to cool for one hour;
  • use a soft brush and knife to clean carbon deposits and grease.


Baking or soda ash

In most cases, baking soda or liquor will help clean dishes both inside and out. Cleaning with these elements is suitable for aluminum, steel, cast iron, ceramic and Teflon utensils. If you wish to clean the container only from the outside, you can apply a simple boiling of water with alkali. To do this, add 150 g of the substance to 1 liter of water, boil over low heat for half an hour, rinse.

To get rid of the layer of dirt and grease from all sides, you should use a twenty-liter bucket filled with water with soda or liquor, diluted at the rate of: 15 l 1,500 g of substance. Put a bucket with a capacity on fire, bring to a boil, set aside for 2 hours. Then remove the dishes and clean them.

A special mixture of soda that can be prepared at home will remove old fat from a container of any material. This tool is well suited even for coated dishes, which must be treated very carefully. Before washing the pan from old fat, made of any material, you should prepare: 700 g of soda ash, 1 piece of laundry soap, 2 bubbles of silicate clerical glue. Proceed to the preparation of the product:

  • prepare a wide capacity of 15l-20l;
  • grind laundry soap, pour into a container;
  • add glue and liquor, pour 12 liters of water;
  • bring the solution to a boil, remove from heat;
  • immerse the pan in a liquid, leave for 5-6 hours;
  • having removed the dishes, use a scraper and a knife for cast iron and aluminum containers, and a dish sponge for Teflon and ceramic containers.

Vinegar and Citric Acid

You can remove old fat without resorting to buying in-store chemicals. Citric acid and vinegar, each hostess will help achieve an excellent result in the neutralization of soot. To do this:

  • in a container of 5 l add: 4 l of water, 2 cups of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of citric acid;
  • put the solution on fire, bring to a boil, immerse it in a pan, boil for 10 minutes, set aside for 1 hour;
  • having taken out the dishes, clean the soot with a hard scraper;
  • adding 3 tablespoons of washing powder and 50 ml of whiteness to a still hot solution with vinegar and lemon, again immerse the pan for 2 hours;
  • after the expiration of the time, clean the dishes with a soft brush, rinse and dry.

If the dishes are slightly burnt when frying food, you can pour in it: 1 tablespoon lemons, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Boil the mixture for 3-5 minutes, rinse the pan and dry.

Coca Cola

With a slight greasy coating, which is not recommended to be treated with a metal scraper, pollution can be eliminated using Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola. Before washing the pan from old fat, pour the drink into a bucket and boil it. Place the contaminated container in a hot solution for 20 hours. During this time, the phosphoric acid contained in the drink will corrode the entire soot.

Hydrogen peroxide

Porridge made of hydrogen peroxide and citric acid is a good safe way to remove the old pollution of iron and steel tanks. Before you clean the old cast-iron skillet with peroxide, soak the dishes in hot water with the addition of baby detergent for 20 hours. Then proceed with cleaning:

  • combine: 1 vial of hydrogen peroxide, half a glass of baking soda, 1 cap of detergent for dishes;
  • mix the ingredients into a mushy mass, apply to the surface, leave for 30 minutes;
  • after this time, wipe the dish with a soft brush, rinse, dry;
  • in case of severe pollution, carry out the procedure two to three times.

Activated carbon

Aluminum is a beautiful and durable material, but requires special attention to its care. Such frypots must not be washed in a dishwasher; abrasives should not be used for cleaning. Cope with the pollution of such dishes will help ordinary activated carbon. A tool with great surface activity is available in the first-aid kit of every housewife and is able to not only have a therapeutic effect, but also restore the cleanliness of the dishes.

Before you clean the aluminum pan from old carbon deposits, you must soak it in hot water with the addition of washing powder for one hour. Thereafter:

  • pull out the soaked container, dry a little;
  • crush into powder 8 tablets of an absorbent agent, pour onto the surface of the pan;
  • add half a glass of water, put on fire, bring to a boil, set aside for 40 minutes;
  • drain the cooled liquid, wipe the surface with a sponge.

Ammonia and borax

The use of boric acid and ammonia is a harsh chemical method of exposure, therefore, it is applicable only for cast iron surfaces. To use it:

  • in 200 g of water, dilute 5-6 drops of ammonia and one third of a teaspoon of boric acid;
  • pour the mixture onto a cast-iron surface, leave for 30-40 minutes;
  • after time, drain the resulting dirty liquid, rinse the pan well and dry;
  • if necessary, carry out the procedure again.



The most reliable and oldest method of cleaning cast iron and duralumin braziers is the use of sand. Sand grains easily cope even with the oldest soot. For this: Save

Household chemicals

Since it is very difficult to clean the old pan from soot and fat with improvised means, chemicals that effectively break down fat and relieve the most persistent contaminants come to the aid of the housewives. The most popular are:

  1. Helper Professional. An effective cleaner that penetrates into old pollution, which is firmly entrained in the surface. It neutralizes and rinses them without damaging the surface.
  2. Beckmann Grill-Reiniger Aktiv-Gel. A gel that removes even the most old grease from any surface. It does not contain abrasives, has a pleasant aroma.
  3. Xanto Oven Cleaner. Foamy paste that removes dirt, grease and soot. After using the product, there are no scuffs and scratches.
  4. Astonish Oven Clean Power Spray. Spray that cleans the surface of pans of any type. Easily removes carbon deposits, carefully treats ceramic and teflon containers.
  5. Gallus Backofen & Grill. Carbon cleaner to cope with all types of dirt and old grease.
  6. Sales. The liquid intended for cleaning of deposits and grease of any surfaces. Actively affects both in cold and hot environments. It has good adhesive qualities.
  7. Passion Gold. A tool that perfectly removes all contaminants from grease, soot and soot. Gives frying pans pristine cleanliness without damaging the surface.
  8. Well Done. Degreaser spray. It copes well with light soot on Teflon roasters.
  9. Blitz backofen & grill. Spray designed to remove carbon deposits from stainless steel surfaces. Kills harmful bacteria and unpleasant odors, gently affects ceramic and teflon surfaces.


Bring your favorite pan to its original appearance can be very difficult. Especially if the kitchen item is quite old or badly charred. However, most pollution can still be overcome with the help of the means available in every home. The most important thing is to choose the method that is suitable for the existing pan. After all, a tool that will clean the duralumin or cast-iron roasting pan may cause unsuitability for a container with a Teflon coating.

The pan, compared to other cooking utensils, is exposed to the most tan. It is not easy to wash the old tefal pan from external soot and dirt, as well as a stainless steel pan with a ceramic coating from perennial soot and from a thick layer of black soot. Some people suggest using a drill, and one forum offers everything to be done with glue from the inside, but this article offers real and effective ways to clean the pan from carbon deposits.

How to clean a cast iron pan

To clean a cast-iron pan, even from an obsolete deposit, you can put it empty for 5-7 minutes in an open flame. After this time, the still hot pan is turned over, and the carbon softened by the flame is removed with a metal brush or a spatula.

How to clean an aluminum pan

It is best to clean the aluminum pan from carbon deposits by boiling it in a solution of planed laundry soap with the addition of a handful of soda and a few tablespoons of bleach.

The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to boil the pan for several hours, and then manually scrape off the fat that has adhered to over time. In advanced cases, this procedure will have to be done several times.

How to clean a non-stick pan

The best way to clean a pan with a non-stick or Teflon coating from boiling is to boil it in a dishwashing detergent solution with the addition of calcined salt - it is strictly contraindicated to clean soot with a metal washcloth from such surfaces. Therefore, after each use of the pan, which has a non-stick coating, it is so important to thoroughly wash it off the fat so that it cannot burn with the further use of the dishes.

How to quickly clean the pan from carbon deposits

If the coating allows, you can quickly clean the pan from carbon deposits using a metal washcloth and laundry soap. The pan is soaped and rubbed with a washcloth to the desired state of cleanliness. Old soot can be scraped off the pan, if it is well heated over an open flame and also rubbed with a wire brush or washcloth.

Use the oven to clean the outside of the pan from soot. Place an empty skillet in a preheated oven, and leave it there for an hour and a half. After this time, remove the pan and try, while it is still hot, to scrape away the soot with a spatula or a wire brush. With severe contamination, the procedure will have to be done several times.

From the inside, the pan will be a little easier to clean. Before putting it in the oven, pour liquid glass solution mixed with soda and water into it at its very edges. Cleaning up one pan will take about 1 pack of soda and 1-2 bottles of liquid glass - the rest is water.

How to clean a pan from Coca-Cola soot

An old and insignificant carbon deposit in a pan, the coating of which is not recommended to be treated with a metal washcloth, can be eliminated by boiling in Coca-Cola.

The old and thick layer of soot is removed by boiling in another solution - in 5 l. water dilute a pack of soda ash or baking soda and one bottle of glue. The pan must be fully immersed in this solution. Boiling time - from half an hour to 2 hours, after which the soot is softened and it can be scraped off with a spatula or a metal washcloth.

How to clean the pan from carbon deposits with citric acid

A proven way to clean the pan from carbon deposits is citric acid. A teaspoon of acid with a slide is added to a liter of water. Immerse the pan in a solution and boil for 10-15 minutes. Allow to cool in the same water, and then proceed to remove carbon deposits.

A good result is obtained when the pan is boiled in a solution of laundry soap and soda to remove carbon deposits. Per liter of water - 0.5 packs of soda and half a bar of soap, which must first be cut. Boil for about 1.5-2 hours, after which the carbon is softened and can be cleaned.

Of the folk remedies for cleaning the pan from soot, the easiest is a bonfire. All carbon deposits burn out in it, it remains only to first unscrew the plastic handles, which will melt in the flame of a fire. In urban conditions, a fire can replace a gas stove. The essence of the method is that an empty frying pan is heated over an open fire and the deposit disappears by itself, or it is easily scraped off the surface of the pan.

Light carbon deposits can be removed from the pan, each time washing the pan with an iron washcloth soaped with laundry soap.

How to clean the pan from carbon deposits using sand

It will be easier to clear the pan of carbon deposits by heating ordinary sand in it for several hours. The pan is filled with sand on the very sides and put on the burner stove. At the end of the specified time, sand is poured out, and carbon deposits are removed with a spatula or an iron brush.

Apple can’t remove the old carbon from the pan, of course. But stains and stains from aluminum pans are not difficult for them to remove. The apple is cut and its halves rub the entire surface of the pan. After 10 minutes, the pan needs to be washed with warm water, and it will sparkle like new.