Viola flower: description of annual and perennial varieties. Dangerous diseases and pests for the flower

Violet tricolor, moths. Probably, there is no such person who at least once would not admire this bright sensual flower. If you are looking for a beautiful garden for your garden, but at the same time unpretentious plant, then the choice is obvious - viola.

Planting and caring for a viola does not require special knowledge and skills; any gardener can cope with this task. This flower can be grown both in the open field and in pots, and in pots. The simplicity of reproduction will allow you to admire this plant for many years. So it is worth looking at the photo of the viola, picking the varieties you like and starting planting.

Viola: varieties and varieties

The genus viola has up to 500 varieties, but only a few of them are chosen for cultivation in gardens. We will dwell on these types and varieties in more detail.

  • swiss giants;
  • rococo;
  • bambini.

Viola planting

Viola feels good both in sunny areas and in the shade. However, sun exposure and complete shading should be avoided. Try to choose a place where your flowers will be shaded for several hours a day, and the rest of the time they will bask in the sun.

Viola can be planted both by seedlings and by seeds. Seeds are sown outdoors in May. 2-3 seeds are placed in the holes, and 50-60 seeds in the furrows per meter. Gardeners do not advise deeply deepening the seeds, 0.5–0.7 cm is enough. Sprinkle on top with a thin layer of earth and water. The first shoots will not be long in coming. After a week, it is recommended to tighten the young growths with a dark film so that they do not burn in the sun. After two weeks, the film can be removed.

Viola propagates very easily by seeds

Planting seeds for seedlings is done in the same way. In February, seeds are sown in pots or boxes. Young violets dive twice. The first time as soon as the first shoots appear, the second time in 2-3 weeks. In open ground, seedlings can be planted in two months. There is no need to leave large gaps between the beds with the viola; 25 cm is enough for the free growth of the viola.

Council. If you decide to grow seedlings, then it is best to use a special ready-made substrate for violets, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

Plant care

The viola root system is located rather shallow, therefore watering of this flower should be regular. But you should not allow stagnation of water. In addition, the viola gratefully responds to loosening. For the winter, the viola is best covered. A small layer of spruce branches, peat or leaves will be enough for this.

Loosening the ground around the viola must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Council. To prolong the flowering of the viola, remove wilted flowers and seed pods.

Fertilizing and feeding viola

You can start fertilizing this perennial plant by preparing the garden. In autumn, when digging, it is recommended to add humus or mineral fertilizer. Seedlings must be fertilized every two weeks with complex mineral fertilizers.

Do not use organic fertilizers to feed viola.

Adult flowers will be grateful for the superphosphate top dressing, which must be applied once a month, but manure should be avoided.

Viola propagation

To preserve varietal qualities, viola can be propagated by cuttings, since when the seeds are over-pollinated, the resulting seeds can give offspring that have lost their maternal characteristics. In addition, cuttings make it possible to rejuvenate plants that, after three years, grow too much and lose their splendor of flowering.

Viola: how the plant works

Viola can be grafted at any time of the year, even during flowering, it easily tolerates transplants. It is best to choose green shoots, on which 2-3 buds have already formed. Carefully cut cuttings are planted in a garden bed, which is best done in a shaded area. It is not worth deepening the cuttings, 0.5–1 cm will be enough. Do not forget to periodically water your seedlings, and in a month you will have ready-made planting material.

Council. When planting cuttings, you can cover them with a damp cloth or paper to avoid drying out and wilting.

Diseases and pests

Viola, which is very easy to plant and care for in the open field, will delight you with colors all summer. And in order to avoid the difficulties associated with diseases and pests, follow the simple rules of agricultural technology. The most common disease among violets is powdery mildew... It occurs with improper feeding - from an excess of nitrogen. In this case, it is necessary to treat the plant with soda mixed with soap.

Powdery mildew

In addition to powdery mildew, with an excess of moisture, you may encounter problems such as a black leg or gray rot... If these diseases are detected, immediately eliminate the diseased bushes until the fungus has spread to the entire garden.

Occasionally, the viola is more spotty, while the leaves dry up, and the plant itself weakens and dies. Such plants must be uprooted and burned, and the remaining perennials must be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.


Of the pests for viola, caterpillars are dangerous, which eat the leaves of the plant. To combat them, specialized means are used.

Viola in landscape design

Viola is very friendly and gets along well with other perennials. It goes well with and.

Small-flowered violets are most expressive when they grow in large numbers. A peculiar carpet of green leaves and small flowers of fragrant violets can be made even more spectacular by adding other early flowering crops to it. Woodplants, doronicum and tiarella are ideal.

White violets will perfectly match with red ones. Very often in landscape design, violets are decorated along with gorse and iberis.

Viola looks wonderful in the same flower bed with different plants

Various varieties of viola are used as border plantings, and ground cover is combined with ornamental shrubs and dwarf conifers. On flower beds and mixed flower beds, forget-me-nots, tulips, etc., have become constant companions of viola. The unpretentiousness of viola and the ease of growing it in pots allows you to decorate not only flower beds and gardens, but also terraces, balconies and window sills.

Viola, like all violets, is also distinguished by its medicinal properties. Its decoctions are used for laryngitis, gastritis and many other diseases. And the violet tincture itself is often drunk instead of tea, as it has a very pleasant taste and aroma.

Decorative composition with viola

Viola, as we were able to make sure, is a simple and unpretentious plant, the cultivation of which will not give you any trouble, subject to the rules of agricultural technology and minimal effort. And bright multi-colored flower beds with violets will delight you with their flowering until the frost.

Planting viola seeds: video

Types and varieties of viola: photo

Viola flowers (garden violets) are not only the well-known pansies, amusing passers-by with funny "muzzles" on the petals. In fact, the Viola genus has about 400-500 species of annuals, biennials and perennials. When choosing viola varieties for cultivation as a pot crop or an open field plant, usually choose several types. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Violet tricolor - herbaceous plant, mainly wild. Occurs in ravines, ditches, meadows with acidic or neutral soil. Viola tricolor is often called wild pansies.

The plant forms small bushes, up to 15 cm high. The leaves are rounded, pointed at the end, collected in a rosette at the base of the bush. Peduncles with small flowers (diameter up to 1.5 cm) at the ends rise from the outlet. Several shades appear in the color of flowers: white, yellow, blue, violet.

Violet tricolor differs in unpretentiousness, can grow on poor, not fertilized soils

Viola tricolor is considered an annual or biennial plant, although in fact it can "live" much longer, somewhat losing its decorative effect (this applies to almost all viols). Bloom - from April to September.

Violet tricolor is not only an ornamental, but also a medicinal plant. It is used in dried form by itself or as part of herbal preparations.

Tricolor violet - a flower suitable for decorating a garden in a natural, natural style

Viola horned (Viola cornuta)

Horned viola is a perennial garden violet that can be grown for many years in a row without losing its decorative effect. But! Its winter hardiness depends on the variety. Species varieties overwinter without problems, hybrids (which, as a rule, are sold in bags with seeds) in cold winter may be lost.

Viola cornuta (cornuta) has a significant difference: a slightly curved spur, 10-15 mm long, located at the back of the flower. Perennial delphiniums and aconites (wrestlers) have the same spur.

Viola horned - perennial garden violet

The flowers of the horned viola are small - up to 3-5 cm in diameter. Species specimens are colored in modest shades of lilac, blue, violet with an invariable yellow eye in the center. The hybrids are more diverse, among which there are varieties with blue, snow-white, cream, orange, yellow, red flowers. The flowers have a pleasant aroma.

Horned viola is successfully used as a potted plant, in the open field - in borders and flower beds. However, when planting, it should be remembered that the horned viola is easily pollinated with other garden violets - with tricolor viola, Vittrock's viola. The resulting hybrids may not look like mother plants, which is not always appropriate in the planned flower arrangements.

Viola horned Azure Wing (hybrid)

Viola horned varieties:

  • Alba - snow white flowers
  • Boughton Blue - pale blue flowers with a white eye;
  • Columbine - White-purple flowers with a bright yellow eye in the center
  • Etain - white and yellow flowers with a purple border
  • Hansa - deep blue-violet flowers

The horned viola blooms all season: from April to frost. It reproduces well by self-sowing, cuttings, some varieties by dividing the bush. This type of viola should be sown in autumn or early spring, through seedlings.

Viola Wittrockiana

This is the most popular type of viola. They are mainly offered to us in the markets and in flower shops... Viola Vittroca flower is a hybrid created by crossing the tricolor violet (Viola tricolor), Altai viola (Viola altaica), yellow viola (Viola lutea), horned viola (Viola cornuta) and some other species. Viola Wittroca is the garden pansy flowers.

Violas of Wittrock are the most popular among the viols. It is them that we most often see on balconies and summer flower beds.

The upright bush of Viola Vittrok branches densely and reaches 20-30 cm in height. Leaves - rounded-oval, with rounded teeth. The flowers are large (up to 6-11 cm in diameter) of irregular shape, of various shades, rise above the leaves. The petals are rarely monochromatic, more often colored veins, strokes, spots are clearly visible on them.

In recent years, ampelous varieties of Wittrock's viola have been bred. The lashes of such viols reach 30-40 cm, the flower is about 5 cm. Wittrock's ampelous viols are grown either in pots and hanging baskets, or as a ground cover capable of creating a flowering pillow up to 60-75 cm in diameter.

Viola Wittroca is traditionally considered a biennial. However, with early sowing (at the end of winter or early March), it blooms in the year of planting, along with other summer plants - in May-June. When sown in autumn, Vittrock's viola blooms in the second year in early spring.

There are many varieties of Wittrock's viola, some of which are grouped together. Here is some of them:

  • Swiss giants are compact bushes with large flowers reaching 6-8 cm in diameter. The colors are bright, multicolored, with a traditional "eye" and a dark "butterfly" on the petals.
  • Rococo is a variety series whose flowers have unusual corrugated petals. The size of the flowers is up to 6 cm. They are distinguished by bright colors, complemented by clear strokes and dark spots on the petals.
  • Bambini is a very bright series with abundant flowering. Flowers can have different colors, a lot of delicate, pastel colors - bluish, pink, pale lilac, beige. In the central part of the flower there is a white or yellow butterfly. The flowers are quite large, reaching 6 cm in diameter.
  • Manjestic Jants F 1 (Majestic Giants Series F 1) - giant flowers with a diameter of 9-10 cm? bright colors with a dark spot in the center in the form of a large bow. Even more impressive flower sizes (11 cm) for the next generation of Manjestic - Super Majestic Giants SeriesF 1.
Violas Wittrock look especially impressive in mass plantings

Viola Williams (Viola williamsii)

Viola Williams is a biennial hybrid obtained from the crossing of Viola Wittrock and Viola horned. The stem of Williams' viola can reach 30 cm, the flowers are small - 3-4 cm. Their color is always bright, with strokes similar to the coloring of the flowers of Wittrock's viola, but without the characteristic "muzzle".

Ampel Viola Williams in a pots

Among the varieties of Williams' viola, there are not only bush forms, but also ampelous forms.

Popular varieties:

  • "Pearl Waterfall" - ampelous viola, many white and blue flowers, pleasant smell.
  • "Bengal fire" - ampelous viola, yellow-burgundy butterfly flowers.
  • The Amber Kiss is a bush that forms a lush carpet with bright bronze-yellow flowers.
  • "Froze chocolate" - bush form, prone to rapid expansion in width; reveals many small flowers at the same time; the color of the flowers is brown with a yellow eye and dark strokes.

Viola Williams' luxurious whips in a hanging planter

Viola sororia

Viola Sororia (moth viola) is a perennial bush species, up to 20 cm high. Primrose, blooms in April-May, sometimes again - at the end of summer. It is a small, compact shrub formed by wide, heart-shaped leaves. Each flower, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, rests on its own stem, towering above the leaves. There are varieties with blue-violet, white, white-blue flowers.

Viola Sororia is used as a ground cover - in the design of alpine slides, borders, garden paths, flower beds.

Viola Sororia - perennial unpretentious violet

Viola varieties of Sororia:

  • Ruba - blue-violet flowers
  • Freeckles ("Freckles") - white flowers with blue dots;
  • Albiflora - snow-white flowers.

Viola fragrant or fragrant violet (Viola odorata)

Viola fragrant is a perennial plant, the flowers of which have a pleasant aroma. Due to this, the extract from fragrant violets is used to create perfumes and cosmetic products. Viola odorata is also cultivated as an ornamental plant. However, the acquired varieties, after several years of cultivation, often run wild.

Fragrant violet has not only a decorative look, but also a wonderful aroma

The leaves of the fragrant violet are rounded, with a jagged edge. Flowers, up to 2 cm in diameter, are located on long, thin stems. Species forms are painted in purple, blue, white tones. Cultivars can be red, yellow, purple, pink.

Fragrant violets bloom in April-early May. A second wave of flowering is possible - at the end of summer.

The size of the fragrant viola bush is almost dwarf - up to 15 cm.But if you plant several specimens together, you get a wonderful lush and dense pillow. Due to its decorative effect, fragrant viola is grown in pots on balconies, in flower beds, on flower beds and borders, in mixborders and on alpine slides.

The following varieties of fragrant violets are very popular in culture:

  • Soeur d'Alsace - pink (salmon) flowers, very fragrant;
  • Alba - pure white simple flowers, with a delicate aroma;
  • Ashvale Blue - large whites double flowers with blue spots along the edges of the petals;
  • Marie Louise - blue double flowers with a white center, very fragrant;
  • Lydia Groves - single large pink flowers, sweet aroma;
  • La France - flowers are large, purple, simple in structure;
  • Orchid Pink - Simple pink-purple flowers with pale blue stripes in the center.


Ideas for a beautiful garden: photos and descriptions of compositions

flower arrangements in containers

Introducingto your attention options for container gardening, which is a very fashionable option for decorating a home, garden, cafe, restaurant, area around the office. The convenience of such landscaping lies not only in the ability to combine pots with plantings and change flower arrangements, but also in the ability to replace pots with plants that have lost their decorativeness without prejudice to the overall appearance.

Our nursery provides services for the creation of flower arrangements in containers according to your individual order... You can order planting in your pots, or you can purchase pots from us. In addition, we offer to purchase pots with already planted compositions.

Our publication will tell you how to choose and plant plants in flower containers correctly. "About container gardening"

The scarlet "tails" of akalifa in a hanging pots look very exotic and fresh! And it is not surprising that the second name of this plant is foxtail.

Hybrid ampelous tuberose begonias series Illumination create just a waterfall of flowers.

Bright flowers of tuberose semi-ample begonia Panorama scarlet beautifully contrasted with the white balconies and the light facade of the house.

Despite its very aristocratic appearance, tuberose begonia looks quite organically as a pots made of logs for decorating a country house.

Bush and ampelous tuberose begonias in pots stylized as fireclay clay look exquisite.

Begonias tuberose series Illumination in pots will delight you until late autumn.

A novelty among ampelous begonias tuberose Illumination golden picoteewill not leave anyone indifferent!

Begonia tuberose is very self-sufficient
plant, so it looks beautiful in mono-plantings.
Left Primary Salmon, on right NonStop Yellow with Red Back.

Graceful feather grass will add the finest pots with begonia tuberose primary series trendy cereal sound.

Beauty Fortuna Salmon Bicolourjust incredibly similar to a rose! The outer petals are delicate salmon in color with a yellowish border, and the center of the flower is apricot pink. Against the background of dark foliage, the flowers look amazingly beautiful!

Ampelous begonia multiflora is unusually good Flamboyant! A huge number of simple, slightly drooping flowers adorn this begonia throughout the season.

Charming ever-flowering terry begonia DOUBLET!

Hybrid begonia Big rose bronze leafwith slightly drooping inflorescences, they not only look luxurious, but will also adequately endure all the whims of our summer.

The pots with begonia look interesting big seriesand morning glory sweet potato with lime foliage. This composition is supported by hosta plantain, which has leaves of a similar lime shade.

Begonia big series will delight you with its bright bloom until frost.

The photo shows a green-leaved hybrid with red flowers Big Red Green Leaf.

Hybrid begonia Babywing whitestriking in its size! Only one plant is planted in a planter with a diameter of 35 cm!

Begonia Dragon Wing Rose due to its drooping flowers it can be used as an ampelous plant. With very little care and infrequent watering, it will delight with abundant flowering until frost.

Composition of ever-flowering begonia, ampelous brachicoma and euphorbia.

Mono planting looks quite self-sufficient begonias ever-flowering Ambassador Rose... Few annual flowers are as resistant to heat and lack of moisture as this begonia.

Elegant ampelous begonia series Summerwingsideal for tall flowerpots and hanging pots. Unlike ampelous tuberose begonia, this begonia will delight you with flowering in open sunny places. In addition, it is quite wind resistant.

The charming Bolivian begonia Santa Cruz, despite its apparent fragility, is actually very hardy! Her long lashes do not care about wind or rain. Plus, it can grow in full sun.

The rose remains the queen of flowers in the flowerpot! This standard rose has been living in a pots for 7 years! It is only necessary to add fertile soil to the pots every spring, carry out top dressing during the entire growing season and ensure wintering in a bright room where the air temperature does not drop below -5 degrees.

The thinnest feather grass with ampelous verbena, brachicoma and bidense gives the composition an airiness, and after watering the water droplets sparkle for a very long time on the thin feather grass stems.

Small-flowered fuchsias are considered more resistant to adverse weather conditions than large-flowered hybrids.

Terry with huge flowers is simply amazing!

Bright fuchsia flowers Marinkalook like ripe juicy berries.

Fuchsia Peachy really looks a bit like a peach! Fuchsia Рeachy is also distinguished by abundant and long flowering.

Ampel fuchsias and calibrachoa of the same color look beautiful.

Fuchsias and New Guinea balsams are equally fond of moisture and partial shade, so they can be planted together. Matched to match, they will create a beautiful floral arrangement.

Semi-fuchsia Blue Angeland ampel fuchsia Texas Longhorn perfectly complement each other, creating a waterfall of fancy flowers!

Composition in lilac tones from angelonia, zinnia and fuchsia. Angelonia is a fairly new plant in our gardens that is gaining popularity very quickly. It is sufficiently drought-resistant, highly decorative, does not need to be formed, blooms until frost, is not affected by pests and does not get sick.

And in this composition, pink and white angelonia is echoed by dorotheanthus and darkness, and lilac lavender panicles harmoniously complement the lilac inflorescences of angelonia. Ivy is beautifully combined with the gray foliage of lavender and variegated mint, and the rejuvenation is a bit like the shape of dorotheanthus flowers.

Multicolored calibrachoa and bidense will not leave anyone indifferent!

Suspended pots with asymmetrical fit of snow-white terry surfinia Double Whiteandcalibrachoa magenta color with simple flowers.

Piercing blue - this is how you can characterize the shade of heliotrope inflorescences Nagano... Despite its name, heliotrope is not a big fan of scorching sunlight. For abundant flowering, the northeast side is quite suitable for him.

Place the heliotrope planter next to the gazebo or seating area. The heliotrope flowers exude a subtle vanilla aroma.

Ampelnaya brachycoma Brasco Violet - drought tolerant and abundant flowering plant with a mass of delicate medium-sized flowers.

Scarlet surfinia Fanfara Red looks very effective with lime-colored morning glory.

Planting in pots is made in the same color scheme as the previous one, but the Ipomoea sweet potato company is made up of scarlet zonal pelargonium, sanvitalia and dwarf zinnia, and the latter two are surprisingly similar in shape - the only difference is in the size of the flower.

Hybrid glue solo - compact, drought-resistant, unpretentious!

Surfinia, biden and petiolate gelichrizum are like a summer bouquet.

Large-flowered terry surfiniya and ampelous alissum not only look beautiful thanks to the amazing combination of shades of purple, but create an amazing play of aromas.

This composition in a balcony box consists of zonal pelargonium, ampelous brachicoma, verbena and ampelous alissum.

Gorgeous terry and very aromatic matthiola Bedding Hot Cakesin combination with ampelous alissum White Steam and Bicolor Рink Steam... The composition is complemented by pots with matching Waller terry balchamines.

Verbena duet Lipstick and calibrachoa Kali Fuchsia.

And here zonal pelargonium, biden, verbena, ampelous alissum are supplemented with airy inflorescences of euphorbia.

Planters with a sufficient volume of soil make it possible to include enough plants in the composition without compromising their flowering. This floral mix includes zonal pelargonium, Drummond phlox, euphorbia and gypsophila.

Zonal magenta pelargonium in cornflower blue ampelous lobelia foam!

The composition of surfinia and ivy looks restrained and noble in a wall-mounted rattan cone-shaped planter.

A composition of ivy, chlorophytum and philonddron will decorate places where the sun does not reach at all.

In a spring-like fashion, the ampelous viola in combination with any coniferous plant will decorate the yard. Place this planter in partial shade and you will enjoy bright colors for a long time!

A flowerpot with primroses will brightly decorate your yard in early spring, when, after a long winter, you so want juicy colors! Primroses, like all primroses, are not afraid of spring frosts.

For those who like to combine beautiful and unusual - strawberries in a flowerpot! Moreover, it can be supplemented with a variety of plants.

The balcony along its entire impressive length is decorated with a composition of small-flowered lilac surfinia, snow-white ampelous alissum and lime morning glory sweet potato. Below, the composition is supported by glue planted in a flowerpot.

It seems that the flower stand is simply wrapped in a garland of fancy flowers. A great option for vertical gardening of places protected from strong gusts of wind. Surfinia Hot Red.

And here is another version of vertical gardening, made of yellow, salmon and purple surfinias.

Surfinia and calibrachoa in a balcony box will elegantly decorate the front porch of the house.

Surfinia, calibrachoa and verbena complement each other perfectly, decorating the windows of the southern facade of the house.

Surfinia Hot Pink.

Lilac and rose - a noble combination!

Some varieties of surfinias also have a lovely aroma.

Bloom surfinia Hot Red always so abundant that it seems as if it is floating in the air!

Small-flowered surfinia Little Red Energy and Little Merlotkeep habit until the end of the season.

Duet of large-flowered surfinia Fanfare salmon and small-flowered Little Violet.

Composition for a country-style garden with zoned pelargonium, verbena and sanitation.

Scarlet ampelous pelargonium, lime morning glory sweet potato and tiny yellow sanvitalia flowers create a very beautiful composition!

Yellow rudbeckia looks expressive against the background of different varieties of morning glory.

There are few perennials that look so unusual and expressive as ampelous plants in hanging pots.

The round-leaved Pagoda Bells did it just brilliantly!

The lush bloom of zoned pelargonium will be worthy of home decoration in warm time of the year.

Such a staircase, decorated with pots with blooming pelargoniums, will never tire!)))

Scarlet terry ivy-leaved pelargonium is very good against the light wall of the house.

Ivy Pelargonium and Bacopa attract "butterflies"!

Magenta Ivy Pelargonium and Cornflower Blue ampelous lobelia Regatta.

Cornflower blue lobelia and calibrachoa create the feeling of a summer meadow.

Planters with a large volume of soil allow you to create entire mobile flower beds! Heliotrope, hybrid verbena, bidense and light haze of ampelous lobelia.

The lush-flowering Magelana Lilac hybrid verbena is complemented by the bright pink Magelana Lipstick hybrid verbena and the matching Kali Fuchsia calibrachoa.

Ivy-leaved pelargonium in a flowerpot, stylized as a cast-iron pot, in which food was previously cooked, will perfectly fit into the rustic style.

Hanging wicker baskets with bright ivy-leaved pelargonium blend beautifully with natural stone.

Modern hybrids of royal and violoflower pelargoniums have taken the best of both: they are resistant to high temperatures like a violoflower and delightful like a royal. At the Essen exhibition in January 2012, the novelty of this series was presented Candy Flowers Strawberry Cream.

Gatsania is a wonderful drought-resistant plant that looks beautiful both in a pots and in a flower garden. The variety with orange flowers resembles a gerbera.

Plectrantus or Swedish ivy is a fast-growing ampelous plant with a pleasant incense scent.

And here the plectrantus is beautifully complemented by pale yellow petunia, which goes very well with the yellowish border of the plectrantus leaves.

Waller's balsam is indispensable for vertical landscaping of shady corners of the garden. In hanging pots, Waller's balsam gradually takes on an ampelous shape.

Waller's terry balsam varieties resemble small roses. The abundant flowering of balsam will delight you until late autumn.

Waller's variegated balsam with pale pink flowers, planted in a white three-tiered planter, looks like a wedding decoration.

can be placed in a relaxation area and enjoy the aromas of aromatic herbs.

And tasty, healthy and beautiful!

Ampel strawberry Tristan Cherry in a planter! Not only bright pink flowers, but also large, sweet berries! Moreover, it blooms, grows and ripens at the same time and until late autumn.

Wonderful "hedgehog" from the roofing rejuvenated in a flowerpot will become an original decoration for sunny places in the garden. This is not only unusual, but also absolutely low maintenance. And such a "hedgehog" can easily hibernate in the open ground, if it is buried in the garden with or without a pots.

Chrysanthemum multifloraPo pcorn in a pots will decorate the entrance to the house until the very frost! And she doesn't care about snow!

If we take into account the fact that the chrysanthemum tolerates a transplant completely painlessly even in bloom, then it is quite possible to grow it in a garden in the ground and plant it in a flower pot already in mid-September. Although without flowers during the summer, chrysanthemum multiflora is good for its "boxwood" balls!

Unusual "stone" roses echeveria humpback flower do not require any maintenance at all, but they look very beautiful. A small episodic watering is, perhaps, all that is required to maintain the decorative effect of this plant from May until frost.

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"Crystal Bowl" mix variety A bushy, fast-growing perennial, usually grown as an annual or biennial, with oval, dull green leaves. In summer, it forms large, yellow, five-petalled flowers. V. and d. 15 cm.

  • Represented by a two-color hybrid, which is the result of crossing two types of viols (horned and Wittrog). These are fairly tall bushes 30 cm in height and the size of brightly colored flowers of 4 cm.
  • In order for the viola flowers to please and the next year, sowing should be resorted to at the end of summer (in July or August). Planting before winter involves mulching and in March the plant will delight the stunning beauty with blooming flowers.
  • When a root gall nematode appears, galls are formed on the roots, in which the larvae of this pest develop. When ripe, they again enter the soil and attack the roots of plants.
  • The soil prepared in containers should be spilled in advance with warm water;
  • Tszar - being a representative of fragrant viola, has a very pleasant aroma and beautiful flowers lilac shade.

Saint Kund - almost simultaneously blooming 19 flowers of this variety delight the eye with quite large (up to 5 cm in diameter) flowers, which have absorbed numerous shades of orange and yellow. Compact plants grow up to 21 cm in height and continue to delight flower growers throughout the summer and autumn.

Of course, while waiting, you need to monitor the soil moisture and carefully loosen it without damaging the sprouts. After 9 days, shoots should appear from the seeds. And when the first leaves appear, it is time to dive. There is nothing complicated in this procedure either. The main thing is to keep a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. And all the same care: moisture, loosening the soil, nitrogen fertilizer, coolness and shade. At this stage, it is important to avoid stagnant water, as the roots can rot. As a result, a "black leg" is formed and all the cultivation is down the drain.

Late flowering plants are planted in May, while different varieties are best planted at a distance from each other if you intend to collect seeds for subsequent planting. This is done due to cross-pollination: the exchange of genetic material will lead to the fact that the purity of the variety will be compromised, and the next generation of flowers may have an unpredictable color.

  1. Viola has long been considered a mysterious flower. Its second name is "Pansies". These flowers are widespread, and this amazing plant can be grown without much difficulty in your garden. Growing viola from seeds is not a very laborious process, but there are several subtleties to it.
  2. If the varieties of violets Vitrokka, as well as the tricolor violet are grown as an annual plant, for the preparation of seedlings, seeds are sown in March. A temperature of 10 degrees C is sufficient for growing seedlings. Such plants bloom in early summer. If they are grown as biennials, the seeds are sown in June - July on exploratory ridges or in cold greenhouses. Seedlings appear in 2-3 weeks. Seedlings dive in 2-3 weeks, in the phase of two true leaves. In late August - early September, they are planted in a permanent place, keeping the distance between plants 15-20 cm. Young plants bloom in the second year. The transplant is well tolerated even in the flowering state.
  3. (Violet two-flowered) Creeping rhizome perennial. Frost resistant. Flowers are flat, dark lemon yellow, with dark brown veins, formed singly or in pairs on erect stems in summer. The leaves are reniform, green. Shade-loving. Can be propagated by dividing the rhizome. H 5-15 cm, d. 15 cm.

This video provides step-by-step instructions for germinating viola seeds. Sowing is carried out in pre-soaked peat pots, which allow the sprouts to break through. The video sequence is accompanied by explanatory comments that facilitate the process of understanding all actions. After reading the video, you can independently start growing flowers at home.

If you want the flowers to start to delight in the first year after planting with their flowering, then you need to start growing seedlings in February in order to transplant the shoots into the soil by the end of March.

To prevent the reproduction of root-knot nematodes, sodium nitrate is added to the soil a week before planting.

Seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil and covered with glass or film;

This violet is also known as the moth violet. A growing plant up to 22 cm high, which has single flowers of a rather large size, more often a speckled color. The articulated rhizome of this violet is not very deep and can develop in sufficiently moist soil, since the nodule violet, being a marsh plant, can easily endure complete immersion in water, for example, during the rainy season.

Hybrid The eyes of the tiger are small in diameter flowers of this hybrid, distinguished by bright colors, in which brown strokes diverge along the yellow petals. Early flowering of this viola will delight you with a pleasant aroma and an abundance of inflorescences;

In late spring - early summer, seedlings of pansies are planted in open ground. In the open air, the viola can also be planted in sunny places. In this case, the flowers will be bright, rich and large. But some varieties still prefer partial shade. The penumbra option also has an advantage. Here, pansies bloom 2 times longer than in the sun, only the diameter of the flowers is slightly smaller.

Plants planted in the sun will have larger buds, but they will fade much faster. If you choose partial shade, you can enjoy the beautiful buds for longer. Caring for the plant will not be too difficult, and yet the viola needs constant care.

  • First of all, you need to decide on the choice of the variety, since the viola can vary greatly in the shape and color of the buds. In addition, different varieties tolerate growth conditions differently; they also begin to bloom at different times.
  • The best plants of the most interesting varieties can be propagated by green cuttings, which are carried out from May to July. The green tops of the shoots with 2 - 3 nodes are taken on the cuttings. After 3 - 4 weeks, about 95 - 100% of the cuttings take root. Plants obtained by cuttings in May - June bloom in summer or early autumn of the same year. With later cuttings, flowering occurs in the spring of the next year. Perennial violets are propagated by sowing fresh seeds in the fall in the ground. Seedlings appear next spring. Can be propagated by dividing the bush and cuttings. It is not recommended to cultivate more than three years without dividing, since the bushes grow strongly, lose their compactness, the size of the flowers decreases.
  • The leaves are small, cordate or oblong, dark green. Recommended for scree. Propagated by division in the spring.

Due to the special structure and position of the root system of the flower, attention should be paid to caring for the plant, keeping the soil moist and loose. The fact is that the roots of the viola are only 20 centimeters deep, for this reason it is necessary to water the plant from time to time. However, in summer, if it is not dry, natural irrigation by means of rain will suffice.

This pest does not very often choose viola as an object of attack. If this still happens, then the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and curl, as the tick sucks out its juices.

Place the crops in a dark place and air the covered plantings every day.

How to grow viola from seeds

Common varieties of violet klobuchkova:

Shalom Purim - in the shade, this viola will give the garden a beautiful view of highly corrugated flowers. An improved form of Viola Rococo, it has very large flowers and is sold in various color mixtures;

The maintenance procedures remain the same: do not overmoisten the soil, use complex mineral fertilizers, loosen and weed the soil. The most favorite viola fertilizers are ammonium nitrate (20 g per 1 m²) and superphosphate. They are fed during the summer after 2-2.5 weeks. Remember that pansies cannot be fed fresh manure. It can be harmful.

How to grow from seeds, where to start

Necessary conditions for growth and flowering:

The most common and favorite varieties are:

If the seed pods are not removed, the violets will produce abundant self-seeding. Their seedlings appear then in autumn and next spring. If the seedlings are planted in a timely manner, then in the garden you can have pansies and without special crops.

Dense shrub, woody perennial at the base. Winter hardy. Leaves are small, linear or lanceolate. Flowers are small, solitary, flat, with a long spur, dark pink, bloom in late spring on short stems. Recommended to grow in a greenhouse for alpine plants. It's hard to cultivate. V. up to 5 cm, d. Up to 8 cm.

Viola, Pansies, Violet

You should also remove the weeds that appear near the plant during its growth. It is also necessary to pick off dried flowers with seeds in order for the viola to bloom to have maximum intensity and duration. The plant requires feeding once a month. Top dressing consists in treating the soil with ammonium nitrate or superphosphate - these fertilizers are calculated in the proportion of 30 grams per square meter of land.

Outdoor cultivation

After the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed from the container, and the senses are placed in a cool place under diffused sunlight. As a care for the seedlings, there will be feeding, carried out twice a month.

Royal Robe is a compact plant with fragrant flowers that range in color from violet blue to purple hues. The folded petals of this violet are adorned with fine touches of yellow and black;

Hybrid Cassis is a winter-hardy plant with beautiful purple flowers with a thin white border that runs along the edges of the petals. Compact bush, abundantly strewn with medium-sized flowers.

With the arrival of the first cold weather, caring owners cover the plants with sawdust, spruce branches or straw. It will also be good to bury the flowers with snow, if possible. In some regions of Russia there are quite severe frosts. In this case, it is better not to risk it, but to immediately dig out the viola and cover it in a greenhouse, shed, garage or basement. And in the near future, thanks to such care, she will delight you with luxurious flowers for another season. It is worth showing only a small drop of patience, kindness and love for these beautiful plants in order for them to decorate your flower beds, paths or flowerpots.

Daily watering, which, however, does not need to be waterlogged. Excess moisture in the soil contributes to the disease of the plant with a black leg.

Variety group "Trimardo". It includes such varieties as "Adonis" with turquoise flowers "Cardinal" with dark red buds, as well as "Morenkening" - one of the most mysterious varieties with black buds.



Viola Wittroca

Sprawling perennial with creeping rooting shoots. Frost resistant. The flowers are small, bright purple, with a dark purple stripe emanating from the center of the flower; they form in summer on very short stems. The root system is pivotal, deep. H 7 cm, d. 10 cm.

- all these are different names for the same plant, so beloved by lovers of flowers and flower arrangements. Viola belongs to the violet family and in an adult state reaches 20 - 25 cm. The variety of shapes and colors of inflorescences for which the viola flower is famous, the delicate aroma of flowers have become a strong incentive for mastering the culture at home and fruitful selection work.

The process of growing and caring for a plant is extremely simple, and careful adherence to all the rules will allow you to observe healthy and abundantly flowering viola bushes in your garden. Violation of the agrotechnical process can lead to additional difficulties, such as the appearance of pests and plant diseases. Correct care behind a violet will not allow the occurrence of these difficulties, carrying out a preventive effect.

The caterpillars of these butterflies are grayish-yellow, they damage the roots of the viola, as well as the point of growth of the plant.

  • Viola seedlings are dived in the phase of two true leaves, the subsequent dive is performed when young plants are planted directly in the open ground. There is also an opinion that seedlings should be dived 2 times, namely after 2 - 3 weeks after the first dive.
  • Freckles is the most unpretentious variety, the flowering state of which falls on spring time... Quite large white flowers are strewn with small purple specks.
  • This variety was bred not so long ago, but rightfully occupies not the last place in hanging containers, decorating terraces and balconies. Scourges, up to 40 cm long, can also serve as a ground cover plant, forming beautiful, flowered, green bedspreads up to 80 cm in diameter. The most common varieties of ampelous viola are Violet Wing and Golden Yellow.
  • Viola, a small plant with amazing bright flowers, has won over more than one gardener. This miniature beauty belongs to the violet family, whose representatives are known on almost all continents.

Mandatory weeding of the flower beds will be required, the earth must be loosened to ensure air access to the roots.

  • "Hemalis" is a winter-hardy variety group that includes varieties with sky blue, dark red or white flowers, a wide variety of shades will allow you to choose the best flower bed decorations.
  • Soil: grows and blooms best in rich, moist, well-drained soil. In dry weather, watering is necessary, otherwise the flowers become smaller and flowering stops.
  • Perennial with erect, weakly branching shoots. Frost resistant. Leaves broadly lanceolate, serrated. The flowers are flat, pale blue, with a white center, formed in early summer. Loves partial shade and moist soil. Propagated in the spring by dividing the "bush". H 20-30 cm, d. 15 cm.

Viola spotted, varieties

  • This is how
  • The most common viola disease is powdery mildew, which covers the leaves, stem and flowers of the plant, spreading white or grayish bloom on their surface. The occurrence of this phenomenon is explained by improper feeding, or rather the processing of the plant, carried out only with the help of nitrogen fertilizers. The simplest remedy that allows you to cure viola from this disease is treating the plant with ground sulfur or laundry soap with soda ash.
  • To reduce the damage done by this pest, you should remove the weeds that attract caterpillars. Also, until the viola blooms, spray "Inta-Vir", "Kinmiks", "Fufafon".

Viola Vittroka ampelous

If you sow violet seeds in open ground in the middle of summer, then in May, or at the beginning of June next year, the plant will begin to bloom. To preserve the plantings, it is recommended to cover them with mulch or spruce branches for the winter.

Viola horned

In order for the blooming viola to decorate the balcony or garden beds at the beginning of summer, the seeds must be sown at the end of February.

The winter hardiness of these plants mainly depends on what exactly, hybrid or variety, is planted on the site. Species varieties perfectly tolerate winter cold, but hybrids can simply freeze out and be lost.

Another name for viola is more common, namely, pansies. It is a small, cross-pollinated plant with a fibrous root system. The selection of viola varieties began in 1683 and continues in our time.

The best fertilizing for viola will be a complex mineral fertilizer, which is applied to the soil twice a month throughout the entire flowering period. Manure is not used as fertilizer; ammonium nitrate in combination with superphosphate would be the best choice.

  • The "Swiss" varieties are distinguished by their large bud size. This group includes varieties, the diameter of flowers in which may be equal to 8 cm, they will become a personal decoration for a flower bed.
  • Top dressing:
  • Curtain perennial with scaly horizontal rhizome. Frost resistant. The flowers are flat, bright yellow, with purple veins on the lower petals, bloom in late spring over serrated, heart-shaped, bright green leaves. Shade-loving. Propagated by division in the spring. H 10 cm, d. 20 cm.

Fragrant violet

Violet tricolor (tricolor)

In order to destroy pests that like to eat viola leaves, namely caterpillars, the plant should be sprayed with chlorophos or prepared tobacco tincture.

Butterflies of the nymphalid family fly almost all summer, and their caterpillars feed on the leaves of violets. Spraying with tobacco infusion and treatment with Iskra-Bio is suitable against them.

Many varieties of Pansies, for long floweringprefer partial shade. A good place for planting in the garden will be the near-stem circle of plums and tall shrubs, which, growing, will provide the viola with the necessary shading. However, in a sunny place, these plants bloom more luxuriantly, forming large flowers. Adequate watering is very important for all types of "anyutki", but planting them in lowlands can lead to root rot.

  • As containers for seedlings, you can use various containers, pots and rinsed bags from natural juices and milk. The soil for sowing viola seeds should be water-absorbing and provide the seedlings with sufficient nutrition. For self-preparation of the substrate, garden soil with the addition of humus and peat is suitable.Also, for planting viola on seedlings, peat tablets, pre-soaked and placed in suitable trays or containers, are perfect.
  • The slightly curved spur is an important distinction, reaching a length of up to 16 mm, it is located at the back of the flower. The modest flowers of the horned viola have a diameter of 3 to 5 cm. Color palette species varieties start from pale lilac, passing to blue, and ending with purple shades. The center of the flower is decorated with a permanent yellow eye. Hybrids have a more varied color, which is represented by blue, white, red, as well as orange and yellow shades of flowers, which have a rather pleasant aroma.
  • Now there are more than 700 species and different varieties of viola, which find their admirers among flower growers. The size of the plants, the shape of the flowers, and, of course, the growing conditions and breeding methods are different.
  • Viola does not like cold very much, so you need to take care of her protection from frost. At the onset of the first cold weather, it must be covered with spruce branches, the roots can also be covered with a layer of sawdust. If the region is characterized by cold winters with deep freezing of the soil, it is better to move the viola for the winter to a greenhouse or to a basement, then it will delight the owner with excellent flowering also next season.

Viola nodule

The Viola aromatic variety has also become widespread: one of its advantages is the magnificent aroma of flowers.

React negatively to fresh organic fertilizers. Plucking withered flowers prolongs flowering. It is also necessary to carry out periodic fertilizing with mineral fertilizers in the ratio of 30-40 g per 10 liters of water. In harsh winters, plants need light shelter with spruce branches or tree foliage.

  • Carpet perennial. Frost resistant. The flowers are flat, with a yellow center, blue-violet or sometimes yellow, formed in summer. The leaves are small, dissected, with linear or oblong segments. Photophilous. H 12 cm, d. 15 cm and more.
  • ... Beloved by many, charming Pansies - great-grandchildren of wild violets (tricolor and lutea) were given to the world by England in the early 19th century. It was there that the first serious enough attempts were made to breed well-known wild species.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

One of the most popular types of potted plants is

The cultivation of viola, or garden violets, did not leave anyone indifferent. Bright flowers that form lush hats are able to decorate any garden all summer long.

Basic methods of sowing viola seeds

  1. At the end of summer, the viola begins to massively form seed pods, which, when ripe, shoot their seeds in different directions. This makes them very difficult to collect. Some growers solve this problem by tying gauze bags to the still immature testes.

Embedding seeds in the soil

Viola horned is perfect for growing in flower beds and in pots. An important feature of this type of violet is that it can easily be pollinated with other types of viols, while the resulting hybrids are unlikely to be similar to those plants that were originally planted.

  • Being a plant of compact size with a wide range of colors, viola does not go unnoticed and gets more and more fans every year. Unusual flowers, the diameter of which is from 3 to 10 cm, can be either monochromatic, or two, or even three-colored with a contrasting eye in the center of the flower. Dark green leaves are found in both rounded and elongated shapes with divided stipules.
  • Viola is a rather capricious plant, but she will appreciate your care and will delight you with gorgeous flowers.
  • In addition to the usual varieties, you can also purchase seeds for growing the latest achievement of breeders: ampelous viola. It is suitable not only for flower beds and alpine slides, such a plant will become a decoration for balconies and window sills, as it can be placed in an ordinary pots. Flowers are collected in a voluminous white ball, this gives the plant an unusual and very beautiful appearance.
  • Pests and diseases:
  • (Ivy violet, or ivy) Evergreen creeping carpet perennial. Cold resistant. The leaves are small, round. The flowers are purple or white, flattened, formed in summer on short stems. Grown in a greenhouse for alpine plants. Loves partial shade. Propagated by division in the spring. H 2.5-5 cm, d. Is not limited.
  • A serious contribution to the selection of viola was made by a certain Thomson - the gardener of the notorious Lord Gambier. Thomson was subsequently dubbed the father of Pansies. Nourishing a passion for floriculture, Lord Gambier gathered a collection of seedlings growing wild around his estate and handed them over to a talented gardener, instructing him to produce new, hitherto unseen varieties. It took the gardener 4 years to achieve tangible results. The result of painstaking work was a new variety named after Lady Gambier. Viola flowers, bred by Thomson, differed in their larger size, although they were of the same color. Almost two hundred years have passed since that time, and today Thomson violets, impressive at that time in their size, in comparison with the fruits of modern selection, look miniature.
  1. Ampel viola

Viola responds well to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, but reacts poorly to fresh organic matter. And if you remove the fading flowers, you can prolong the overall flowering of plants, which retain more nutrients.

  • Since the seeds of violets germinate well in the dark, covering the plantings with soil meets this requirement. With this sowing method, the location of the planting tray is not critical.
  • Some varieties of viola horned:
  • It is the most common species (Viola Vittrockiana), it got its name in honor of the Swedish professor Veit Vittrock, who wrote a whole book about this plant.

It will turn into an excellent decoration not only for flower beds, but also for borders, flowerpots and many others. decorative elements garden. It is not for nothing that it is considered the flower of love; it is one of the most delicate and interesting plants.

Seedling picking

If you choose the Hungarian violet, it will bloom throughout the summer season, other varieties are classified as early-flowered or late-flowered. Huge varietal variety will allow each grower to choose a plant to his own taste.

Planting seeds in open ground

Powdery mildew. Leaves, stems, buds are affected. They are covered with a white or grayish cobweb bloom. Later, numerous black dots of the fruiting bodies of the fungus appear. Typically, the disease occurs in dry, sunny weather with abundant dew or when only nitrogen fertilization is applied. The disease leads to a loss of decorativeness and a reduction in flowering time. Control measures: balanced mineral fertilization. Spraying of plants after 12-14 days with Topsin-M, BMK foundation, Morestan. It can also be sprayed after 7-30 days with caratan, derozol, phthalan, cuprozan, zineb, soda ash and soap, ISO. Dusting with ground sulfur is also effective.

Growing and care

Evergreen curtain short-lived perennial. Frost resistant. Leaves are broadly oval, dissected; in summer, flattened flowers of the color of old gold with a brown center bloom one after another. From abundant flowering, it is exhausted and dies. Sun-loving. H 10 cm, d. 15-20 cm


... The peculiarities of this type of flowers include the shape of a bush, which has a spherical appearance, reaching twenty centimeters in height. During the flowering period, the bush is covered large quantity flowers of five centimeters in height with a stunning aroma.

Viola propagation by cuttings

Almost all viols are winter-hardy, but some hybrids and varieties require additional shelter, especially in winters with little snow. Pine branches, which trap small snowfall, will help protect plants from freezing.

For sowing it is necessary:

Hansa, this variety will delight growers with blue-violet and blue flowers;

This hybrid is derived from several popular species, such as: Altai viola, horned viola, yellow and tricolor, as well as some others. Most often, this type of viola is found on sale, which everyone fell in love with with a variety of varieties and colors.

Viola propagation by layering

More information can be found in the video. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

Viola diseases

Gray rot

All varieties of viola varieties prefer loamy soil, they grow well on nutrient soils with a large amount mineral fertilizers... It is important to know what conditions are not suitable for this plant.


Spotting. Spots appear on the leaves of various types. On the lower leaves, they appear in the second half of summer, then on the whole plant. With severe damage, the leaves dry out, the plant weakens. The infection persists on plant debris, partly on seeds. Control measures: the destruction of plant residues, deep digging of the soil, spraying with foundation, copper-soap and Bordeaux liquids with a break of 12-14 days is required.

Powdery mildew

(Violet yellow, or mountain) Rhizome perennial, forming small "rugs". Frost resistant. The leaves are small, oval or lanceolate. The flowers are flat, yellow, purple or bi-colored and are formed in spring and summer. H 10 cm, d. 15 cm.


In flower beds, borders, mixborders, on rocky hills, in vases and when landscaping balconies. Scented violets are especially good in small spring bouquets. Some violets, including fragrant ones, are used for forcing. From autumn, the plants are planted in pots, kept in a cold room until mid-October, and then brought into a cold greenhouse with a temperature of 8-10 degrees. When the plants start to grow, they are placed closer to the light, but farther from the heat source, and they begin to water abundantly, spray warm water... They bloom in a month.

Viola pests

Gallic nematoda

Just as popular

On average:

Spider mite

Pre-prepare sufficiently loose soil;

Earth scoop

Pearl Duet - a pair of upper petals of this variety have a bright burgundy color, and the lower petals are decorated with dark strokes on a pink background;

Violet Wittrock tolerates shading well, but the flowering becomes less luxuriant, albeit prolonged. By the number of flowers on the plant during flowering, as well as their size, Vittrock's viola can be divided into two main groups, namely, large-flowered and multi-flowered varieties. Otherwise, without clear boundaries between varietal lines, this viola is conditionally divided into monochromatic, spotted and varieties with a two-color flower color.

Violet mother-of-pearl

Viola is a mysterious flower! The scientific name is Violet Vittrok, and in the common people - pansies. There is an ancient legend why the people gave such a name. Girl Anyuta fell in love with a rich young guy, who promised to marry her, but did not fulfill his promise. And Anyuta died of grief, and in the place of her grave flowers grew, which began to be called "pansies". However, each nation has its own legends. In northern France, for example, the viola is a symbol of death. And in Germany she is called a stepmother, explaining that the flower resembles the face of an evil woman.

Any viola very poorly tolerates the following factors:

Black leg. Affects the base of the stem at seedlings and seedlings. At the site of the lesion, the stem tempers and becomes thinner. Diseased plants droop and die. The disease occurs when the temperature, lighting humidity, and thickened crops are violated. Control measures: thickening of crops and high temperature and humidity should be avoided. Disinfection or replacement of the soil is required, watering the soil after sowing and along the seedlings with a suspension of foundationol and similar chemicals, followed by loosening A changeable creeping perennial with a fleshy rhizome. Frost resistant. The leaves are kidney-shaped, dentate, green. The flowers are flattened, blue-violet, sometimes white or pale blue, formed in late spring. Propagated by dividing the rhizome in spring. Reproduces abundantly by self-seeding. H 5 cm, d. 10-15 cm. A fairly fast growing, bushy perennial, grown as an annual or biennial. Leaves are oval, serrate. Summer - autumn forms five-petalled bicolor flowers with corrugated, wavy petals. H 15-20 cm, d.20 cm. Viola horned​4,80​

Viola: planting and care, growing from seeds and seedlings, planting in open ground (photo and video)

The most suitable period for vegetative propagation of violets is the end of May and the first month of summer. If this deadline is observed, then the rooted plants will bloom in the same year.

Planting and growing viola at home

At a distance of about 1 cm, make shallow, about 6 mm, grooves;

Arkwright Ruby - This variety is distinguished by its large bright red flowers. The lower petals are slightly tucked up with dark spots, and the eye, in the center of the flower, stands out for its yellow color.

How to plant a flower with seeds and seedlings

Viola varieties of Wittrock one-color:

Viola seeds germinate best in a dark place.

Too much watering, as a result of which moisture stagnates in the soil. In this case, the soil must be moistened, drought for viola will also become fatal. To maintain an optimal balance, it is worth taking care of creating a drainage layer.

When to plant viola outdoors?

Gray rot. The flowers are covered with a gray fluffy bloom, in which small black flat seals may appear. Rot appears under bloom in flowers, in the upper part of peduncles and seeds. The development of the disease is facilitated high humidity air, lack of light, excess nitrogen. Control measures: ventilation, removal of plant residues, careful watering, use of balanced mineral fertilizers, thinning of plantings. Spraying of plants with euparen, polymarcin, foundationol, topsin-M, captan, tsineb.

(Fragrant violet) Semi-evergreen creeping rhizome perennial. Frost resistant. Leaves are cordate, serrated. The stems are long; flowers are fragrant, flat, purple or white, blooming from late winter to early spring. Grown in landscaped gardens. Reproduces abundantly by self-seeding. Can be propagated by dividing the rhizome. H 7 cm, d. 15 cm and more.

Proper care: watering and feeding

Variety mixture "Floral Dance" A fast-growing, bushy perennial, cultivated as an annual or biennial. Leaves are oval, dull green; flowers are round, five-leafed, of various colors, appear in the fall. H 15-20 cm, d.20 cm.

, Which got its name from the slightly curved spur, one and a half centimeters long. This plant variety is perennial, which allows it to be grown in garden plots for many years in a row without losing its decorative effect.

Potential diseases and pests

For grafting, cut off the stems with 2 - 3 nodes, then they are planted in the soil in a shaded corner of the garden. For rooting, the cut stem can be planted in crates or containers by immersing the one-knot end of the cutting into the ground. It is imperative to monitor the moisture content of the soil, so the plant will definitely put out roots.

We lay out viola seeds in the grooves made with an interval of 1 - 2 cm;

Types and varieties of viola - description with photo

As a perennial plant, it often grows wild. Long bare peduncles rise above the dark green foliage to a height of 15 cm.The creeping rhizome gives above-ground rosettes, from which rounded leaves with lanceolate stipules grow.Rua de Negri - small bushes grow up to 23 cm, a flower with slightly wavy edges, from 4 to 6 cm. The eye is bright yellow, which stands out effectively against the background of black velvet petals. Flowering lasts from April to October, and when good shelter, perfectly tolerates winter; Since ancient times, mysterious stories are inherent in the flower. For example, there is a belief that pansies tend to bewitch love. They believe that it is worth sprinkling the juice of a flower on the eyelids of a sleeping person and, upon awakening, he will fall in love with the one he first sees. But despite the superstitions of European peoples, the cultivation of Violets Vittrock is of great interest to gardeners. The cultivation is quite simple and the plant is unpretentious. It can easily decorate the site no worse than other flowers. It is worth knowing just a few simple secrets, thanks to which the viola will delight with its fabulous flowering from early spring to late autumn.

Insufficient illumination. This is a light-loving flower, so it is better to place the flower bed on the south side. In the absence of the sun, the viola will grow slowly, it does not tolerate shading from other plants. But if you choose an open place for her, you can achieve a good result. The moth caterpillars eat the leaves of the plants. The color of caterpillars is from light green to brown, a dark line on the back, cream on the sides. Control measures: spraying of plants with chlorophos, tobacco infusion is effective against young caterpillars. Frost resistant. Flowers on short stems, flattened, lavender, bloom in late spring, leaves deeply dissected. Loves dry, well-drained soil. It reproduces easily by self-seeding. H 10 cm, d. 15 cm.

Variety mixture "Imperial" ("Imperial Frosty Rose") Erect, bushy perennial with oval leaves, grown as an annual or biennial. In summer it bears large, unusual crimson-purple flowers, fading to white-pink color. H 16-23 cm, d. 23-30 cm.Tricolor viola

Viola is a plant that belongs to the violet family and grows in areas with temperate climate, mainly in areas with mountainous soil. The plant has many varieties, described by various sources as four or seven hundred species. Various types of viola grow in Brazil, South America and Africa, New Zealand and so on. In common people, the flower has a common name "pansies". This is a fairly ancient flowering plant that was used by people to decorate their homes, as well as ceremonial halls for celebrations. Its flowers are often woven into wreaths, making it an extremely popular plant with a rich history and character. When the cuttings of the viola have formed their root system, they can be transplanted to the chosen place.Sprinkle the planting with soil and spill it with water;

The whole plant is covered with fine hairs. Single flowers consist of five petals and are often dark purple hues, but there is a fragrant and white viola. The main difference of this type of violets is their pleasant and memorable aroma. After pollination, the flowers form a seed box, which lays down together with the wilting peduncle on the root litter.viola is white - the bush of this violet is spreading and grows up to 22 cm high.Long peduncles are decorated with white, slightly tinted greenish tint, delicate flowers... This variety pleases with its flowering from April, takes a break at the end of August, and blooms again at the end of September to delight flower growers even in October;

Video: growing viola in a pot at home

Viola belongs to the violet family. It is a herbaceous bush with a height of 15 to 30 cm. Its cultivation is widespread in Europe. She took root well in Russia. Flower cultivation can be annual or perennial. Many gardeners choose to breed viola as a biennial plant. The diameter of the flower reaches an average of 5-7 cm. And in terms of the number of colors, viola is in the forefront. The flower can be red, yellow, blue, purple and variegated. The flowers are quite frost-resistant, but in our latitudes it will not be superfluous to warm the bushes with at least a snow cover.

Viola, Violet, Pansies (Viola) | Pro-TsVETY.rf - photos of flowers and bouquets, poems and riddles about flowers, quotes and aphorisms

Color catalog / alphabetical color names

Fresh organic fertilizers. It is necessary to provide the soil with mineral fertilizing on schedule, but it is important not to overdo it.

Violet mother-of-pearl. Mother-of-pearl caterpillars eat the leaves of violets. Caterpillars are black with a bluish-white lateral stripe. Flight of butterflies - May-June. Control measures: spraying of plants with chlorophos, infusion of tobacco helps against young caterpillars. Curtain perennial with thick rhizome. Frost resistant. Flowers are flattened, velvety purple or white, solitary, formed on thin stems in late spring - early summer. Leaves are thinly dissected into 5-7 or more narrow, serrated lobules. Grown in a greenhouse for alpine plants in a mixture of peat and sand. Growing is difficult enough. H 5 cm, d.8 cm.

Cultivar mixture "Floral Dance" A bushy perennial cultivated as an annual or biennial. Leaves are oval, dull green. In late autumn, it forms round, five-petalled white flowers. H 15-20 cm, d. 20 cm is a wild plant, represented by small bushes growing up to 15 centimeters in height. Basically, the bushes are covered with small flowers with shades of blue, yellow and white.Viola is an excellent decoration for any flower garden, having a huge range of colors and shapes. Often, the plant is planted in pots for a home garden, which can be planted on a balcony or windowsill.

Reproduction by layering requires very little time and effort. It is enough to choose the longest shoots and press them to the soil, and then sprinkle with earth. This procedure is best carried out in the first month of autumn, so by the time of severe frosts, the layers will have time to take root. In the spring, when the plants acquire foliage, they can be transplanted. The method of propagation by layering will preserve the characteristics of the variety and facilitate reproduction.

Cover the container with planted seeds with cling film or glass, remembering to air it 2 times a day; Cultivars of fragrant violets already have a wider range of colors, and have very large flowers.

Varieties, species, varieties Viola - Viola

Viola x wittrockiana "Super Chalon Giants"

Viola red - the diameter of a bright red flower with a dark eye can reach 7 cm, and the height of a dark green bush reaches 20 cm;

Viola x wittrockiana,

Sowing the seeds of pansies can be done in different terms, depending on when you want to get bloom. The earliest date is February. Sowing in this case occurs in greenhouses. So, for this sowing ritual, you will need: containers, soil, fertilizer, water, and lots of tiny viola seeds.

Viola x wittrockiana,

Seedlings can be germinated at home, for this it is very convenient to use peat tablets.

Viola x wittrockiana,

Viola x wittrockiana,

A group of predominantly bushy perennials that grow slowly to moderately fast, usually grown as annuals or biennials. Frost resistant. Leaves are oval, serrate, green. The flowers are flattened, 5-petaled, 2.5-10 cm in diameter, with a wide range of colors. H 15-20 cm, d.20 cm.

Viola x wittrockiana "True Blue"

Variety mixture "Joker" Fast growing perennial, grown as an annual or biennial. In summer, large, round, five-petalled, blue-purple flowers appear with a black and white mask and a yellow spot in the middle. V. and d. 15 cm.

Viola x wittrockiana "Clear Sky Primrose"

The most popular type of viola is

Viola x wittrockiana,

Considering the fact that viola is a perennial violet that starts flowering very early, you can enjoy the wonderful aroma and appearance plants when nature outside the window is just beginning to wake up. Planting a plant is not a particularly difficult and highly technical process, since this flower takes root quite well in virtually any conditions.

Viola x wittrockiana,

Fluffy bloom gray, which covers the flowers of the plant, are a sign of gray rot. Under this bloom, the flower and seeds begin to rot, the process of damage is accelerated when high humidity, which is accompanied by an excess of nitrogen in the soil and a lack of sunlight. Of the chemicals, to fight the disease, suitable: "Kaptan" and "Polimarcin", "Tsinebom" and "Fundazol".


V. biflora

The room temperature required for the germination of viola seeds must be at least 20 degrees.

V. calcarata

Some varieties of fragrant viola:

V. cazorlensis

Blue Boy - blooming since April, this beautiful lilac-blue flower 6 cm in diameter will certainly conquer gardeners. Its veins are dark lilac, attract the eye, and 19 delicate flowers blooming at the same time will not leave anyone indifferent.

V. cenisia

The containers are filled with soil, which was previously fertilized with superphosphate or ammonium nitrate and moderately moistened.

V. elatior

Peat is an ideal medium for plants, and it is also very convenient for the gardener. Peat tablets need to be soaked, after which the seeds are placed on them and covered with a small layer of soil.

V. glabella

Flowering time of perennial violets:

V. gracilis

They bloom in summer or from winter to spring. We can recommend the following varieties and mixtures of varieties: "Baby Lucia" (summer-flowering) - small, blue flowers. Series "Clear Crystals" (summer-flowering) - flowers of various monochromatic colors (yellow). "Clear Sky Primrose" (bloom from winter to spring) Series "Crystal Bowl" (summer blooming) - flowers of various monochromatic colors (yellow). Series "Floral Dance" (winter-flowering) - flowers of various colors (mix, white). Series "Forerunner" (bloom from winter to spring) Series "Imperial", "Imperial Frosty Rose" (summer flowering) Series "Imperial", "Orange Prince" (summer flowering) - orange flowers with black spots. Series "Imperial", "Sky Blue" (summer flowering) - azure flowers with a spot of a darker shade. Series "Joker" (summer flowering) "Majestic Giants" (summer flowering) - large flowers of various colors. Series "Princess" (spring-or summer-flowering) - graceful shape with small blue, cream * or two-color (purple with white, dark purple with yellow) flowers. "Silver Princess" (summer flowering) - white flowers with a dark pink spot. "Super Chalon Giants" (bloom from summer to autumn) "True Blue" (bloom from winter to summer) "Ultima" series (bloom from winter to spring) - medium-sized flowers, various colors, including two-colored. Series "Universal" (bloom from winter to spring) - flowers of a wide colors: one color (apricot *) and a mixture of different colors.

V. hederacea, syn. Erpetion reniforme, V. reniforme

A bushy, upright perennial grown as an annual or biennial, with spreading stems and oval leaves. In summer and late autumn, large blue flowers with a small yellow spot in the middle. H 16-23 cm, d. 23-30 cm.

V. "Irish Molly"

Viola wittrock

V. lutea

This is a plant that is planted in two ways - seedling or seed. Growing from seeds can be carried out directly into the ground outdoors, by sowing, bypassing the steps for pre-germinating the seeds. It is planned to sow about fifty to sixty seeds on a one meter furrow. To do this, it is necessary to place the pits at a distance of about five centimeters from the previous ones, dropping three seeds into each. Before sowing, the seeds can be immersed for a while in a container filled with zircon or epin.

V. obliqua, syn. V. cucullata

Seedlings and young shoots are most susceptible to "black leg". The base of the stem begins to darken and becomes thin. The plant, being green, lays down on the ground and dies. The factors contributing to the development of the disease can be waterlogging, strong shading of plantings, dense crops. The soil should be disinfected, for this you can use "Fundazol".

V. odorata

Sowing seeds without embedding in the soil

V. palmata

Triumph - has fairly large flowers;

V. pedata, var. bicolor

Bicolor Wittrock varieties:

V. x wittrockiana (Vittrock violet, pansies

Viola seeds are evenly spread on the ground and moistened with a spray bottle, then tightly covered with cellophane or glass and placed in a cool place (usually up to 22 ° C) for 7-9 days.

Viola begins to germinate around February-March, it depends on the selected variety. If you are choosing early flowering viola varieties, the seeds should be placed in seedling containers or a greenhouse. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that fragile plants at first will require constant care: the seeds must be sprayed from a spray bottle, the soil must be constantly moistened.

Spring: Altai, fragrant, yellow, nodule, Labrador, horned, tricolor. Early summer: yellow, nodular, labrador, horned, tricolor. Midsummer: yellow, graceful, horned, tricolor. Late summer - autumn: fragrant, graceful, horned, tricolor.

An upright perennial, grown as an annual or biennial, with creeping stems, with oval leaves. In autumn, pale yellow flowers with canary yellow strokes are formed. H 16-23 cm, d. 23-30 cm. This is the same garden violet, which they love to grow in their dachas and flower beds. This variety was obtained by crossing several types of violets to obtain the perfect flower.

The seeds must be laid to a depth of half a centimeter, after which the filled holes are sprinkled with dry ground earth, and then lightly watered with water. It is advisable to sprinkle the surface with sawdust in order to keep soil moisture longer. A week later, the first shoots will begin to break through, which it is desirable to tighten with a film on top, thereby protecting the young shoots from external influences. The darkening material can be removed after three weeks.

The loss of decorativeness of plants occurs due to the defeat of the buds and leaves of the viola. They are covered with white bloom, and then many black dots, which are the body of the mushroom. This disease spreads with abundant dew, which gives way to dry and sunny days. During treatment, the plant is treated with "Derozol", "Kuprozon" and "Karatan".

Many growers use a method that excludes the deepening of seeds into the soil, this method provides faster germination, but requires placing containers with plantings in a dark place Red charm - has purple flowers;

Lord Beaconsfield - bluish bushes 25 cm tall, strewn with numerous pale blue flowers, dark purple strokes on which do not go unnoticed. The diameter of these bright flowers is about 5 cm.The variety tolerates winter well, and in spring it will delight with friendly flowering; Since the sowing is superficial, the seeds are evenly spread on the ground and moistened with a spray bottle. Then you need to give the seedlings a greenhouse effect. For this, the containers are tightly covered with cellophane or glass and placed in a cool place (usually up to 22 ° C) for 7-9 days.

When the first true leaves appear, the seeds dive, the sprouts should be located at a distance of about 20 cm from each other.In room conditions, viola seeds can be planted throughout the year. Viola blooms in this case only the next year. When seeds germinate optimal temperature regimemaintained for 2 - 3 weeks - 15 - 18C. Crops of viola need constant moisture, while they are sheltered from direct sunlight with foil or linen.

Prefer sunny, loose, fertile soil... Fragrant violet withstands light shading, but abundant flowering is observed in illuminated areas. In shady and humid places, these plants often suffer from slugs.

Variety mixture "Clear Crystals" A bushy perennial cultivated as an annual or biennial. Leaves are oval, dull green. Round, yellow, five-petal flowers bloom in summer. H 15-20 cm, d.20 cm.

Viola Williams

Growing seedlings is just as easy at home, observing the minimum technology for caring for young seedlings. First, you need to prepare special pots of pressed peat, which should be immersed in water for several minutes to saturate them with moisture. After soaking, seeds are immersed in pots, no more than three pieces in one container. After a week, the seedlings must be transferred to new soil, and after another three weeks, the pick is repeated. The seedlings will be ready to be transferred to open soil in one and a half to two months. On permanent place growing seedlings should be at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other.

When the violets wilt and the leaves dry, spots appear, usually on the lower part of the plant, this can be a sign of various kinds of spots. If this happened, then it is necessary to destroy the affected plant residues and treat the soil with Bordeaux liquid at intervals of two weeks.

How to plant seeds without embedding in the soil: Rosina - flowers of this variety are pinkish in color with a dark pink eye. Possessing a fragrant aroma, the flower itself is similar in appearance to a flying bird, since its two upper petals are slightly set back, and the side ones are forward; Jupiter - this variety has a small bush of bright green color, capable of reaching 16 cm in height. Peduncles are crowned with rounded flowers of pale purple color. The lower petals have a velvety effect and are painted with deep purple hues. The diameter of the Jupiter variety flowers reaches 5 cm, and their number reaches 20 pieces;

Viola has features that should be taken into account when growing from seeds - its seeds germinate better in a dark place.

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Do not tighten with a dive, otherwise the stems will quickly stretch up and turn out to be very thin and weak. You can immediately plant the seeds in separate pots, this will allow you to move the grown seedlings to the flower bed without any problems. Early varieties are transplanted into open ground at the end of April, when there is no longer any threat of frost. Before planting, the seedlings are tempered for several days, taking them out for a while in the open air.

Viola flower growing from seed

It is quite difficult to imagine a land without a variety of flowers, which are constantly "smiling" at people from the flower beds. Gardeners are especially impressed by the amusing varieties of viola, which amuse them with pretentious "muzzles" on their petals. How amazingly beautiful flowers look in the front gardens of country houses and on city flower beds. Some of them grow in pots, making the home an oasis of pleasure.

The plant attracts the attention of color lovers early flowering, exquisite shape of buds and delicate delicate aroma. In addition, biologists have many different varieties of viola that can be easily grown at their summer cottage. This flower is no less attractive in the wild. It is found almost everywhere, both in Europe and in Asian countries:

  • on forest edges;
  • along the roads;
  • in spacious meadows;
  • on mountain slopes;
  • in the tropics;
  • in the steppe zone;
  • in the gardens;
  • in city parks.

Having appreciated the beauty of the violet, botanists tried to turn it into a garden plant. So already in the 16th century, new varieties of viola began to appear, and at the time of Charles Darwin's research there were more than 400 varieties of them. In our time, work continues, and the flower continues to attract new fans.

On the territory of Russia, the viola is known as "Pansies". The flower received this popular name in accordance with the legend of a faithful girl who had been waiting for her friend for a long time.

Let's touch the pristine beauty

Viola belongs to the Violet family and grows as a small bush about 30 cm high. It consists of erect shoots, several leaf plates and amazingly beautiful buds. In the center of each of them there is a spot of unique shape and color. Gardeners love this plant very much, because it blooms when spring comes to the ground. As soon as the gentle rays of the sun touch the violet, it opens its delicate petals, giving people joy.

Biologists distinguish between annual and perennial varieties of viola, which bloom before the fall frost. All of them are divided into 2 main groups: large and small-leaved plants. The flower does not require special attention in its care, therefore it is available even for novice gardeners. Consider the most famous types of pansies, in order to personally touch their majestic beauty.

Amazing Viola varieties at your feet

For several decades, pansies have been widely used to create original flower beds and landscape design... It is used:

  • as an exquisite framing of borders and ridges;
  • for padding low bushes;
  • in rock gardens;
  • rockeries;
  • like a rainbow accent on.

Having examined the photos of the varieties of viola, it is easy to pick up suitable option and decorate with a plant private plot... The flower takes root wonderfully in containers, therefore it is suitable for balconies or garden terraces. It remains to get to know the violet better and become her loyal fan.


The perennial artsy beauty Viola Williams is most often grown by gardeners as a biennial plant. The height of the flower is only 20 cm. If you plant several copies of such pansies on a flower bed, you get a dazzlingly bright spring bouquet.

Miniature buds, about 4 cm in diameter, are painted in the following colors:

  • brown;
  • purple;
  • purplish white;
  • brown tint;
  • blue.

The tiger eyes viola is especially impressive for gardeners. This hybrid was bred quite recently. Small buds, about 3 cm in diameter, are colored orange. But thanks to the many brown lines, the flower resembles the eye of a striped wild cat. The plant grows successfully in flower beds, pots and containers. This red-haired viola, photo of which is presented below, impresses with its originality.
Such a variety of violets allows you to create gorgeous flower beds in summer cottages. In addition, they bloom incessantly in both spring and summer.

To extend the flowering period, it is necessary to remove wilted buds and stems from the bush. In hot weather, water and feed the soil regularly.

Horned (kornuta)

Artsy perennial flower with branchy shoots that form original pads, it fits wonderfully into any front garden of a country house. Viola horned in its natural environment grows on the mountain slopes of Spain. Its height is about 30 cm. The bush consists of dark green leaves with pointed tips. During the flowering period, about 60 pieces of single buds appear on it, standing on long petioles. In the center of each of them there is an orange or bright yellow spot in the form of an eye.

Thanks to the creeping root system, the viola cornut forms a chic flower carpet at the feet of their loyal fans. Its flowering does not stop until the autumn cold, although not as luxuriantly as in summer. The variety is considered frost-resistant. Gardeners note several subspecies of horned violets:

The viola got its name due to the long outgrowth, which is located behind the bud.


The species was obtained by crossing several types of pansies. The result is an original variety - Viola Vittrock. The plant is an erect shrub 30 cm in height with many shoots. Each of them has oval-shaped leaves with original teeth. Large buds, of an asymmetrical nature, rise above the dense foliage. They are colored in different colors... Some of them are plain, for example, blue viola. Others consist of several shades.

Breeders continue to develop new varieties of Vittrock violets. Ampel variants, reaching 40 cm of shoot length, have gained particular popularity. They are planted in hanging baskets or special containers in early spring. As a result, the violet gives its owners a "smile" for the whole season.

Viola Bambini, shown here, combines plants that bloom profusely from spring to autumn. These include compact bushes with large buds, decorated with a yellowish or snow-white butterfly. Today, there are many subspecies of Wittrock's pansies, which are divided into several groups.

The largest viola belongs to the Swiss Giants and Manjestic series. They are presented in the form of compact bushes with buds 8-11 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is the most diverse: bright multicolored specimens; options with an eye in the middle of the bud and with an artsy butterfly on delicate petals.

The Viola Rococo depicted in the photo has bright colors of ruffled petals, decorated with exquisite spots and strokes. The buds grow to an average of 6 cm in diameter. The flower is widely used in a summer cottage or urban area. Truly, incredible beauty is at our feet!

To protect the plant from severe frosts in winter, it needs to build an additional shelter from spruce branches or peat.


An amazingly elegant flower with corrugated petals, which opens its buds in early spring, will amaze many gardeners with its beauty. This is a gorgeous viola of Wittrock - Grillage. The plant is used in different compositions because it has large buds (about 8 cm). In addition, this violet tolerates cold wonderfully and blooms until the first frost.

Sowing violets for seedlings should be in the last days of February. And to decorate balconies - at the end of April.

The yellow viola Grillage looks especially beautiful on the flower bed. The rich shade is diluted with a brown spot in the center of the bud and small strokes on the petals. The dark purple version has a snow-white frame around the tips of delicate buds. Tricolor compositions look original on city flower beds and country front gardens. Such terry viols attract the attention of true connoisseurs of flora.


This type of violets especially attracts color lovers, since its flowering can be adjusted. Depending on the time of disembarkation, Viola Tricolor can delight the owners with buds throughout the warm period. Although the plant has low shoots (about 25 cm), its leaves are located in the ground area of \u200b\u200bthe root. The buds consist of 5 delicate petals of different colors. The flowering period lasts up to 8 days. Viola Tricolor is a wonderful option for creating inscriptions on the background of greenery, decorating floral landscapes and stylish compositions.


The purple beauty with a dark intricate pattern in the center of the bud blends harmoniously with the company on the flower bed. Viola Senora belongs to the two-colored representatives of this species. There are plants with red-black, white-violet color. Combines wonderfully with other undersized flowers.


The hybrid violet is a herbaceous bush about 20 cm high. At the beginning of summer, when the sun has already warmed up the soil well, deep blue buds appear. The photo of Viola Priboy makes it possible to examine her delicate petals, original colors and present her in a flower bed. The inflorescences can reach 8 cm in diameter, so the variety is widely used in horticulture.


The majestic variety from the Swiss Giants series is quite large. Viola Ultramarine bushes grow up to 25 cm in height, and the buds are approximately 8 cm in diameter. The variety develops wonderfully on open areaswhere there is a lot of light and air. With the arrival of spring and until late autumn, the bush is constantly strewn with blue flowers. The plant is used to decorate borders and flower beds. In addition, the violet feels great in containers and pots.


As the name suggests, these pansies have large buds. Interestingly, they grow on short but sturdy shoots. Even after the pouring rain, the inflorescences stand upright, causing an unprecedented delight of their fans. A photo of large-flowered viola gives a complete picture of this miracle of creation.

There are many varieties of such violets from the Matrix group:

  • Sangia;
  • Spring Block Mix;
  • Mix;
  • Morpheus;
  • Midnight Glow.

Such a giant viola is ideal for planting at curbs, on an alpine slide and in various containers.

Single color varieties

Of course, the motley coloring of these lovely flowers evokes tenderness, since it is difficult to take your eyes off it. Grades of a monochromatic character are no less attractive. These include pink viola, blue and white. Let's consider some of them.

Kets Light Boy

The short plant is distinguished by unique bluish leaf plates. During the flowering period, corrugated buds of a bluish or lilac color appear on it. The petals that are located at the top are slightly bent back, which makes the viola unusually beautiful.

Viola white

A sprawling 20 cm bush with many green leaves blooms in mid-April and glows with beauty until the first frost. White viola has a fragrant aroma that attracts butterflies and other insects. Sometimes the buds have a greenish tint or delicate yellowness. The majestic plant won the hearts of many as a gardener. Perhaps you should turn your eyes to it to decorate your country cottage area, balcony or apartment.

Acquaintance with new varieties of viola - video