Conclusion on the topic of marital loyalty and treason. Works in the direction of "loyalty and treason"

One of the directions of the final essay is "loyalty and treason". It provides topics related to such concepts: loyalty and treason to a beloved person, to himself, to a friend, his family.

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"Loyalty and treason" works

Almost in any product studying at school, there is story line, To one degree or another associated with loyalty and treason. Consider possible works for the first item:

  1. « » , Natasha Rostov, which changed Andrei Bolkonsky with one, and marry comes out for the third.
  2. "Silent Don", Grigory Melekhov, who can not decide, with whom to be: with Natasha, wife and mother of his children, or with Married Aksinhay.
  3. « » , Margarita, who, being married, loves his master and tries to find him.

For the second item you can take:

  1. « » Bazarov, who at first I am confident in his views, and then meets a woman who changes his world, he begins to doubt himself.
  2. « » , Sonya Marmaladov, a highly moral person who is forced to retreat from his principles and for the sake of the family to go on the "yellow ticket".
  3. "Taras Bulba", the main character, Taras, is faithful to himself, his homeland, so he, without retreating from his views, kills the Son for the betrayal of fragile.
  4. Poems Mayakovsky "About the Soviet passport". The lyrical hero is proud that in his hands "Milk, sickle Soviet passport".
  5. "And dawns here are quiet ...". The detachment of women and their commander sacrifice for the sake of salvation of the Motherland from the Nazis.
  6. "Taras Bulba"Andriy falls in love with the Polish Princess and betrays his homeland.

Loyalty and treason in the work of Taras Bulba.

As an example of friendship, you can take such works:

  1. "Stuffed". Here and an example (Lenka, which takes guilt for his friend's wrongdoing), and anti-example - Dima Somov (It is afraid to tell the truth, looking at how classmates mock her friend).
  2. "Oblomov", Andrei Stolz, who does not throw his lazy, inert friend and helps him to establish business in the village.

The problem of loyalty and treason in the family circle is lit in the works:

  1. "Silent Don", Grigory Melekhov throws his family: Wife, Parents - for the sake of mistress.
  2. "Taras Bulba", Andry goes in advance not only by the laws of his society, but also against the will, the teachings of his father.

Attention! You can use any suitable examples from classical Russian, as well as from foreign and modern literature.

Loyalty and treason - introductory part

Entry should disclose the value of terms "Loyalty" and "treason." After you have given a definition, comment on the problem, give your assessment, express your thoughts On this occasion, tell us about its meaning and relevance.

Subscribe thesis - Highlight main thought, literally in one sentence. And then proceed to the argument.

The problem of loyalty and treason

Here you can talk about what treason leads, tell on the consequences. Think what feelings will experience a traitor, and what will happen to a person who trusted him.

You can reflect and whether the faithful person will ever be happy and about many other things. The problem description will depend from a specific topic.

The problem of loyalty and treason arguments

The arguments for the composition should be taken from the works corresponding to the topic. It is possible to draw them as follows:

And after that you can move to writing an output and summing up.

Loyalty and treason: arguments for the composition, quotes

  1. "Constancy is the basis of virtue" - Balzac.
  2. "Be faithful to someone who is faithful to you" - boards.
  3. "What am your father, comrades and step-off? So if so, that's what: I have no one! No one, no one! " - Andriy, Taras Bulba.
  4. "Take care of honor" - "Captain's daughter" epigraph.

Attention!Use in your essay the quotes are not at all.

Loyalty and treason: conclusion

Move the results based on the above arguments. Do you agree with the topic? Think about what you want to convey in your essay. Perhaps you will advise something to solve this problem. Pay attention to readers for anything call them to action.

You can use such templates that designate the output:

  1. In conclusion, I want to say that ....
  2. I agree (agree) with the author is that ....
  3. Please note that treason is fraught with far from joyful consequences.

Loyalty and treason

This topic rises such a concept as "patriotism" - love for homeland.

This problem is beneficial to the fact that it can choose a lot of examples from literary works dedicated to historical, military topics ("And the dawns here are quiet", "Vasily Torkin", "Little Soldier", etc.).

Each of us understands that this topic is very important in our time. Therefore, there will be no problem in identifying its relevance and significance.

Captain's daughter: loyalty and treason

This product can be used for arguments in directions:

  • loyalty and treason of homeland;
  • a loved one;
  • to myself.

Consider more. Maria Mironov can be used as example of clean, loyal love.

And Peter Greenova can be brought as an example as true Patriot, confident in his life glances, anti-an example to him - Shvabrin. And also we have seen here and traitors of the Motherland, when they were offered to die or go to the side of the invader.

Evgeny Onegin: loyalty and treason

The main character of this work can be used as examples in several directions. He cares for a married woman, especially she is his wife's best friend. It ruins friendship and begins to hostility. You can also consider and use tangled love line Evgeny Onegin - Tatiana.

Another example is the biography of Tatiana's mother, the powerful, worker, who became such because of her husband. In his youth, she dreamed of moving to the capital and marry the military, to lead a secular life. But since she became the wife of the landowner, she had to forget about all your dreams.

Loyalty and treason, examples of essay

Loyalty is constancy in their views, feelings, beliefs. Of course, it is a positive quality. But for each concept there is the opposite term. Antonym for the word "loyalty" is - "treason" is uncertainty, departure in their beliefs.

The theme of loyalty and treason was interested in many writers. I think their attention was attracted emotions and feelings of peoplewho were devoted and are betrayed, thoughts that were the driving force of the traitor at the time of the diploma. In order to confirm my words, refer to examples from the literature.

Bright illustrations on this topic will be "Bakes" Goncharov. Here we see the standard of a faithful friend - Andrei Stolz. This character is quite pragmatic: the views on this person has absolutely stable and constant. It seems to me that it was for this reason that Stolts always left his not too independent friend Oblomov and did not leave him in trouble throughout the work. I think such loyalty and devotion deserve respect.

A more interesting plot, full intrigue, tied to the product of Zhachulya. Here we will face with loyalty, and with treason. Before readers - ordinary students of an ordinary school. The main heroine of Lenka is new in class, she is quiet, modest, sincere. The girl acquired a friend, because of which he was injured by classmates. When Dima reports the teacher that the class passed the lesson, Lenka shows wellness and takes blame before the class for himself.

I believe that this is a very bold act, because she knew how it could end. But how will her only friend behave, looking at how the whole class mocks the innocent girl? And we see that he suffers, thoughts about it do not give him peace, but at the same time, he is afraid to be in her place. Therefore, I chose to preserve my reputation, and not to help the Lenka, which helped him in a difficult moment. I believe it is treason and betrayal. But I think that after reading this book, few people want to get into this situation, because the author so masterfully describes the spiritual torment of the traitor.

Loyalty and treason. Direction of final essay

"Loyalty and treason" example of essay


In conclusion, I want to say that, reading various works on the topic of loyalty and treason, we can learn about actions and mistakes Heroes in order to avoid unpleasant situations in life and be good faithful friends.

The final essay is very important fully reveal the topicTherefore, for a better result, try to select such examples, where the first shows a positive side, and the second is the negative side of the phenomenon specified in the process of writing.

Treason is the worst deed that a person can make. It equates to sin and devalues \u200b\u200bthe concept of a person of honor. A loving person will never change, such a person does not know how to love, but lives only for pleasure. The consequences of vulnerable are always crying and forgive such people. Changing once, will make it again without any feeling of shame and conscience without thinking about the pain he bring.

Why then need to give a chance to a person who is selfish and thinks only about his pleasure? There are no hopes for these people. It does not depend on a bad relationship or lack of attention - this is already laid in a person - not to be faithful and not think about the consequences of events.

It is condemned to treason not only in society, but also in literary works.

An example of treason is a favorite person is a deed. Anna changes with a vron's beloved husband, give birth from him a child and not even think about repentance. This story ends with the suicide of Anna, because she was still unable to live with this heavy burden. The husband of the main character does not refuse her and is located next to her until the end of her life. In this example, the treason led to death, to human death. It is worth thinking: equivalent to treason loss of life?

The second example of the domestic literature is the hero of the story of Gogol "Taras Bulba". Its treason is the treachercy of its compatriots, close and relatives, for the sake of the beloved Pannochka. The history of Andria ends for himself: he dies from his father's hands -.

Treason, the Motherland, as well as a beloved person, ended sadly. No one will suffer such a dismissive attitude towards itself regardless of related communication.

So, in any case, treason does not lead to anything good. Such a person is already excess in society, is considered an outcast. Punishment for such an act is too strictly death. But it is fair - after all, change and change another person - human sin, and sins always deserve the highest penalties. Death can be not physical, but spiritual. After all, such people - already decomposed personalities whose mind is dulled under the influence of charity. The taste of sweet, but the aftertaste is bitter.

Teacher literature on items disassembles one of the directions of the final essay

Text: Anna Teapikeova, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature School No. 171
Photo: Culture.RF

Already December 6 Eleventh graders will write a final essay, which is a condition for admission to the exam. For 3 hours 55 minutes, they will have to write an essay-reasoning for one of the five topics corresponding to thematic areas declared in September 2017. Today we will analyze in detail how to prepare for a possible topic in the first direction - "loyalty and treason".

Phip comment

As part of the direction, one can argue about loyalty and treason as opposed manifestations of the human person, considering them from philosophical, ethical, psychological points of view and addressing life and literary examples.
The concepts of "loyalty" and "treason" are in the center of the plots of many works of different eras and characterize the actions of heroes in situations of moral choice both in personal relationships and social context.


"Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" S. I. Ozhegova and N. Yu. Swedovaya:

FIDELITY - Resistance and immutability in feelings, relationships, performed by their duties, debt.

Loyalty is based on love, honesty, persistence, sacrifice, devotion.

Treason - Violation of loyalty to someone or something (betraying the interests of the motherland, the transition to the side of the enemy.

Treason is conjugate with betrayal, deception, meanness, treachery.


Fidelity: Devotion, constancy, reliability, invariance, unshakable, resistance, hardness.

Treason: betrayal, infidelity, impermanence, deception, adulter.

Who or what can you stay faithful or change?

  • Motherland:

Motherland, a small homeland, native land;

military duty, oath

  • Love:

a loved one; Spouse /--

  • Friendship:

friend, comrades, close

  • Beliefs:

to myself,

convictions, principles,


  • Faith:

christian commandments

Loyalty and treason - opposite manifestations of person's personality. Each throughout the life turns out to be in front of the moral choice: to keep the loyalty to anything or change.

With the concept of loyalty and treason, honor and dishonor are closely related.

By changing the principles, this promise, betraying someone, a person not only loses respect for others, but also loses his honor, brings out the shame. Store loyalty to their ideals, homeland, a loved one is necessary regardless of the circumstances. The faithfulness of the Word, the honor, responsibility - quality, without which the person cannot be called decent. Larithic to Christian commandments is becoming an important category of moral evaluation of a person. The betrayal of faith and violation of God's commandments is the path to the death of both moral and physical.

Treason is one of the lowest, vigilant and shameful manifestations of human nature. This severe and destructive feeling changes man, calculates. An example of this can be found in the story V. Rasputin "Live and Remember."

The events described in the work unfold in the deep Siberian village in the winter for 1945. Andrei Guskov, who passed the whole war, not hiding behind the back of his comrades, and fought, "like everything, is not better, no worse," after the injury it turns out in the hospital. The closer the end of the war, the stronger it is afraid to die, and desperately pulls him into his native village: "He was afraid to go to the front, but there were no more insulsion and anger on all that he returned him back to war, not allowing at home" . Leaded by fear, offended and anger, Guskov, coming out of the hospital, instead of going to the front, deserts.

By changing the Motherland, Guskov understands that "his fate turned to a dead end" and after that his life will never be the same, now he is a traitor, a departure of the Motherland. Having lost the soil under his feet, Guskov, without knowing why, makes one more betrayal - changes the wife of Nastya with a random acquaintance. Rasputin depicts the extreme loss of the hero, devastated and lost respect for himself: "He somehow appeared to himself, having hated himself," something "scraper, donating the soul", "this attitude towards himself laid him for a long time."

Thai Andrei Guskov returns to his native village. He is afraid to seem like his parents and opens his terrible secret only to his wife Nastya, who takes him and, becoming an accomplice of his lies, helps deserter and traitor. Comcisisting Wine is tormented by the guilt of her husband, Coruse himself for being deceiving mother-in-law and mother-in-law, steals from home food and supplies for her husband, secretly running towards him to the forest. She has no right to betray Andrei, refuse him and is ready to divide the fate of her husband: "She loved him, sorry and sorry, loving - these two feelings were inextricably constructed in her one. And I couldn't do anything like walls. She condemned Andrei, especially now, when the war ended and when it seemed that he would have stayed alive, like all those who survived, but, condemning it to anger to anger, to hatred and despair, she retreats in despair: Why, she is his wife to him. And if so, you need or completely abandon him ... or go along with him to the end at least on the fell. "

Rasputin shows how the treason and betrayal change a person, on the example of Guskov. During the lives in the forest wintering, he not only appeared to be unrecognizable: overgrown with a thick beard, looked, but also internally lost the human appearance. Andrei learned to swell in Wolf, and so that the owner of the Taiga sacrificed: "When it became completely sick, he opened the door and, as if fooling around, having fun, allowed a plaintive and demanding beast of the Taiga. And he listened to how everything fits and fows far from him. " The hero from afar is quite a little animal watching the cow with a calf and then it is extremely brutally killed. Sometimes Guskova breaks down "unrestrained, one-time desire to set fire to the mill" or somehow harm people. Of all the senses, he had only fear for his own life, the animal instinct of self-preservation.

According to Rasputin, treason and betrayal are devoted to humans.

Guskov, who who had betrayed his homeland and his people, turns into a beast, completely losing the human appearance. However, due to his betrayal, not only he himself, but also the walls: "In all more often the Nastya it seemed that it was tightened with force in some kind of narrow neck and would tighten until it could be breathed, and then, crushed, choking , Semi-in, at the last moment will take place somewhere. To look into this new life, she did not succeed, for her she was as dark, as hidden as the zealous rest. " The traitor has no future, the author claims, cowardice and betrayal are not forgotten and saying goodbye, it is impossible to live with them. That is why in the final, the story dies the walls, becoming eternal reproach to her husband: Live and remember.

Aphorisms and statements of famous people:

  • Without constancy, there can be no love nor friendship nor virtue. (D. Addison)
  • In this world, I appreciate only loyalty. Without this, you have no one and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate. (V. Vysotsky)
  • Treason originates in the heart before manifest itself in action. (J. Swift)
  • Traitors despise even those who served the service. (Public Cornelius Tacit)
  • Everyone's duty is to love their homeland, be incorruptible and bold, to keep her loyalty, even the price of life. (J.-zh. Rousseau)
  • The basis of love, the first to be its condition - faith, unconditional loyalty and devotion. True love is not blind, on the contrary, she, perhaps, for the first time reveals man's eye. The slightest treason of your loved one, it happened sooner or later, there is a complete betrayal of everything, from the very beginning, it destroys not only the future, but also the past, because it means that every day of life, full of confidence, was a lie and heart was deceived. Who was incorrect at least once, he never was faithful. (David Scott)
  • Reliable love helps to transfer all the burden. (F. Schiller)
  • Incorrect friend is like a shadow that keeps behind you while the sun shines. (K. Dossi)
  • Loyalty - Friendship Commandment, the most precious thing that can be given to a person in general. (E. Telma)
  • Be faithful to himself, and then just as true as the night replaces the day, follows this loyalty to other people. (W. Shakespeare)

What questions should be thought about?

  • Is it possible to learn loyalty or is it congenital quality?
  • Can loyalty be a criterion of love?
  • Is it possible to call treason to betrayal towards yourself?
  • What can push a person on treason?
  • How can treason affect the relationship of people?
  • Is it permissible to fight on the side of your enemies?
  • Can I forgive betrayal?
  • How important is the loyalty to his word?

There are various many reasoning and ideas on the topic of change. One thing that can be said that each characterizes and relates differently to this phenomenon. In order to understand why men and women are capable of or ready to go on treason, it is necessary to deal with its nature and origin.

To begin with, we will understand with the definition of the word.

Treason is the betrayal of one of the partners of the other, communication with other candidates for the role of the second half, while having a relationship, also here can be attributed to the flirt in the presence of its second half, as such behavior accumulates the dignity of your chosen one. But in most cases, sexually communications on the side consider treason. Communication and flirts can still forgive and write it off at the desire to confirm their significance for others, but the accomplusing sexual act on the side, forgive more difficult.

Treason is expressed in the abuse of trust, infidelity, deception by one of the partners, the formation of their interests above the interests of the partner, the formation of his pleasure or satisfying above their honor and feelings.

Treason is the most destructive force, which only can be in a relationship. It affects all the feelings and emotions of man. Confidence disappears, doubts and suspicions appear. Love, which was between partners, fades and fade away from betrayal. First of all, he suffers, the one who betrayed his hopes, are not justified by expectations, a person does not understand how this could happen and for which it happens to him.

Treason leads to losses that should not have happened to a person, just because one of the partners decided that he was permitted more, only because he set his pleasure and satisfaction is higher than the value of family happiness. Treason is a manifestation of weaknesses, it is an opportunity to compare your partner with someone else, as well as uncertainty in yourself and in tomorrow. When a person is not confident in herself, he ceases to be confident in his second half, he begins to doubt his choice whether he was right. From here begins the search for a more correct decision, that is, another person, constant comparisons, confirmation was right or not.

People who go to betrayal or treason have a choice. Choose your partner and give up treason, or betray a partner, show weakness and go for this step. In this case, the choice is not in favor of the partner, and treason takes place to be.

Treason is always sorrows and suffering, few wins from betrayal.

Speaking about treason, first of all comes to the mind of betraying one partner to another, that is, married infidelity, and do not come to mind other options for betrayal. And a person can change:

  • Yourself.
  • Motherland or state.

How is treason for yourself, everything is very simple. You can change your principles, beliefs, lifestyle, your views, goals and dreams. When a person changes his point of view or under the pressure of the surrounding changes his opinion, then a person changes himself. He moves his principles and beliefs to the background, he shake his hardness. Of course, we can say that many adapt to the circumstances and act in terms of the situation, but changing themselves, the person destroys itself. He has violated ideas about the world, of his life. If he doubted once in the correctness of his judgments, it means to question, many other aspects of a lifetime. It's one thing when a person revised his life, analyzed what was happening and concluded that his beliefs were outdated or not more relevant, then yes, you can find a more appropriate option or improve the available, adapt under life. Such an option involves working on oneself and understanding is unchanged, it is a search for a more advanced belief.

Treason Motherland is actions directed against their country or a citizen of which a person is. This includes espionage directed against certain people, issuing secret information to unauthorized persons, flight abroad, a conspiracy in order to gain benefits for themselves, also a conspiracy for obtaining certain power, terrorism. In a word, treason is the destructive actions damage to the state. Change of the Motherland does not consider the actions by negligence or not knowledge. But this formulation does not justify the deliberate damage, followed by the opportunity to justify itself.

It can be said that nature and causes of treason are always similar. As a rule, people are most often changed in self-dedicated in themselves, with a weak power of will, who can not be happy, who do not know what they want, constantly seeking something new outside the space of this space. Such people do not know how to improve and do not know how to improve what is near them. Thus, a person leaves the existing problems, simply from one state moving to another, leaving from one person to another. It is easier for him to find a new partner, new beliefs and new places to accommodate than to establish relations in the existing sphere and environment of its habitat. Walking on such a way a person aggravates his position, he gets involved in the loan situations, complicates his life, and then outraged why he is all bad. Yes, because it does not know how to solve problems, because it runs away from everyone and first of all. It would seem that such a simple value in the word treason, but leads to irreparable consequences.

It can be said that the concept of treason is both in a wide and narrow sense. Everyone decides for himself that he considers treason and what kind of aspects accepts, and which is not. But in any case, it is always loss and trouble.

Therefore, at that moment, when you want to change without explicitly, the reasons for your opinion or point of view, want to compare your partner with someone and give in to the weakness to surrender to another or another, think prey on possible consequences. Think how ready you are ready to destroy yourself, betray or humiliate another person. Which side is not to see, but the betrayal is lowness, this is the failure of a person, one of the weak parties, with which he does not want to do anything. If a person has changed, then there is no guarantee that he will no longer do so. For this you need to work on yourself, it is understood that the treason is unacceptable.

It is worth noting that there is no division to male or female treason in this regard are all equal, it is also impossible to say who changes more and more. Everything is very individual and every person decides to change or no, every time turning out to be changed before choosing or not, a person is checked for strength, will be able to resist or judge the temptation to try the forbidden or change its principles, go against its well-minded world.

By changing someone or something, first of all you change yourself, your original choice, you are losing to yourself and others. You kill good and sincere feelings inside ourselves, carry the grief and disappointment, destroy other people's lives, several people at once.

Treason is a kind of test that we like every day, it does not matter that it affects relations, principles or opinions - it remains verification of the force of will.

How do you understand the word "loyalty?

What is loyalty? In my opinion, this word can be understood differently depending on the situation. If we are talking about love relationships, then loyalty is first of all the persistence and invariance in your feelings, willingness to be with a close person in any situation.

So, in the poem N.A.Nekrasov "Russian women" tells about the princess of Trubetsk, which followed the husband-Decembrist to Siberia. The Governor of Irkutsk dissuade her, describing the difficulties with whom she would face: a harsh climate, the need to live in a barracks along with the convicts, scarce and rude food, the upcoming renunciation of all rights and privileges of a notable person. However, the heroine does not frighten his words. She is ready to go to everything, just to be near his spouse, share with him and joy, and grief. On all cautions she answers: I am a woman, my wife!

Let Gorky, my fate -

I will be true to her!

We see that Princess Trubetskaya personifies loyalty and devotion to his beloved person.

The word "loyalty" can be understood and as durability in the performance of duties, debt, for example, before the homeland. Defender of the Fatherland, soldier or officer is obliged to keep faithfulness of the oath, not to change it, no matter what happens.

For example, Peter Grinev, the hero of the work of A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". When the Belogorsk fortress was captured by Pugachev, all officers were offered to go to the side of the rebels. In case of refusal, the tragic fate was waiting for them - be hung. The author shows that, being in front of the choice, Peter Grinev was ready to part with life, but remain a faithful oath. Later he refuses from the proposal of Pugachev, who promised to welcome his high titles: "I am a natural nobleman; I silent the soreman of the Empress: I can not serve. " The writer emphasizes that there was an honor for all for the hero, loyalty to military duty.

Thus, it is possible to conclude: the word "loyalty" implies devotion to someone or anything: a beloved person, Fatherland, duty.

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What act can be called treason?

What act can be called treason? Of course, everyone will answer this question in his own way. I will try to formulate my point of view. In my opinion, treason is such actions as the betrayal of a loved one, in wartime - the transition to the side of the enemy. In confirmation of their words, I will give a few examples.

Recall the story of N.M.Karamzin "Poor Lisa". The main heroine, a simple peasant girl, with all the souls loved the young nobleman named Erast. He also seemed to find his ideal in Lisa. However, happiness lasted not long. The author shows that soon the passion in the heart of the hero gave way to boredom and cooling. Moreover, playing in the card, he decided to fix his position with the help of marriage on the rich elderly widow. He did not say a word about his intentions Lisa, moreover, deceived her, saying that he was going to the army and would certainly return to her. She found out the truth only by chance. It became such a heavy blow to her that the girl committed suicide from despair. The act of Erast, undoubtedly, can be called treason, because he betrayed the feelings of his girl who loved his girl, did dishonestly, licening her and secretly married to another.

Another example of treason can be called a fisherman act from the story V. Babyova "Sotnikov". The work describes two partisans who captured to the policemen. If the centuries courageously endured torture and accepted death with honor, then the fisherman, on the contrary, from the first minutes in imprisonment only thought about how to save his own life. He was ready to go for anything for anything: to publish the location of the partisan detachment, go to the side of the enemies, personally execute the comrade. Overall, he betrayed the comrade, despised the debt of Defender of the Fatherland, changed his homeland.

Thus, it is possible to conclusion: treason can be called such actions, which are based on betrayal. Changing, a person betrays the confidence of loved ones, comrades, comes duty and honor.

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What can push a person on treason?

What can push a person on treason? It seems the reasons that prompted the person to make a betrayal may be a lot. It may be korestolubie, and fear for their lives, cowardice, weakness of character. Consider several examples.

So, in the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" we see a young nobleman Eras, who conquered the heart of a simple peasant of Lisa. The author shows that after a while, Erast changed his beloved: going to the army, he promised the girl to return, but in fact he left her forever. Moreover, losing to the card almost all his estate, he decided to fix his affairs, marrying a rich woman. What did ERAST be at such an unfair act? This is also a korestoye, because he did not want to lose a state and agree on poverty. At the same time, the cause of treason can also be considered the egoism of a young man who only thought about himself and his interests, absolutely not worrying about what the influence of his act would give him to the Lisa devoted to him. Erast belonged to the girl as a thing that could be thrown away, and did not think that for her his behavior would become a fatal blow, as a result, she had broken her life (the reader finds out that Lisa committed suicide, having learned about the treason of her beloved) . Corestatrol and egoism - that's what pushed him on treason.

Let us now turn to the story V. Babykova "Sotnikov". We see the partisan on the surname Fisherman, who, hitting the enemy's hands, is decided on betrayal: he is ready to give the location of the partisan detachment to the enemies, serve in the police, even take part in the execution of a comrade. What pushed him to grasp the homeland and the debt of the Defender of the Fatherland? First of all, fear for your life. Cowardice, weakness of character determines its postple. Fisherman wants to live by anything. For him, this is more important than debt to the birthplace, honor, partnership. He thinks only about himself, it's easy to sacrifice others, just to escape yourself. This is also an egoism that can be considered the cause of treason and in this case.

Summing up, you can come to the conclusion: the human treason is pushing different reasons, but they are always lying on themselves, care is only about their own interests, disregard for the lives of other people.

How do you understand the expression "loyalty to debt"?

How do I understand the expression "loyalty to debt"? In my opinion, the meaning of this expression is revealed when it comes to military debt. For the defender of the Motherland, this is primarily the willingness to fulfill its duty in any situation, be ready to give life if necessary. I will illustrate what has been said in several examples.

So, in the work of A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter", the main character of Peter Grinov demonstrates loyalty to debt. When Pugachev captured the Belogorsk fortress, all its defenders were asked to go to the side of the rebels. Otherwise, they were executed. The author shows that Peter Grinehne, as a commandant of the fortress, refused to become a traitor and was ready to take death, but not to change the oath. Only a happy chance saved the hero from the gallows. Later, Pugachev again suggests Grinevo to go to his service, to which he answers decisive refusal: "I am a natural nobleman; I silent the soreman of the Empress: I can not serve. " When Pugachev asks him at least not to fight against him, Grinevu again responds negatively: "How can I come in this? ... you know yourself, not my will: we are told to go against you - I will go, nothing to do. You are now the boss himself; You yourself require obedience from your own. What will it look like if I refuse my service when my service needs? We see that the hero is faithful to military duty: does not change the oath, even risking life.