Paul a child depends on when conceived. A boy or a girl - from what and from whom the formation of sexually depends

By 100 girls on conception statistics accounts for 106 guys: so nature takes care of the preservation of the balance of the floors. But male embryos are more vulnerable, so approximately the same number of girls and boys is born. On the Internet you can find many descriptions of the methods of planning a child of a particular floor. Some are clearly unscrewed, others have a medical base.

Paul of the future child: Scientific theory or coincidence

Human half is determined by a set of 23 pairs of chromosomes, in which genetic information about the body is laid. Twenty-two pairs of them are autosomes that do not affect the floor, the same in women and men. And only one tandem from the entire set determines the sexuality. It is denoted by letters xx or xy. The eggs always has a female chromosome, sperm can contain both x ("female") and y ("Male"). The question of the embryo field is solved precisely at the moment when a certain spermatozoa (male sex cell) is introduced into the oocyte (immature egg in the ovary ripening subsequently). So, the floor of the child depends only on the man. Scientists assure that in fact it is an unpredictable process, and the likelihood of the fusion of the egg with one or another sperm is absolutely the same.

From the point of view of science, the conception of the embryo of a certain gender is an accident

Theories for successful practice

The desire to have a child of a certain sex for some couples is so great that they want to take it under their control. The first to think about the planning of the floor are still ancient Chinese. They noticed that a 25-year-old woman in winter and autumn had more chances to conceive a boy, in the spring and summer - a girl.

Eastern wisdom

All accumulated knowledge about the influence of conception (in time of the year and age of the mother), the Chinese were outlined in a special table. Its accuracy, according to scientists, is approaching 80%. The horizontals show the months of the desired conception, and vertically - the age of a woman. Looking at the letters when crossing lines, you can find out the floor of the future baby.

It is believed that this method originally used only the Royal Family to plan the heir. Then the table went into the people and penetrated into Europe.

According to the Chinese, the use of the table depicted in this picture helps with the conception of the child of the right gender.
On the site of crossing rows specified the floor of the future kid

The same principles are based on the Japanese system of calculating the floor, but is not taken into account for no season, but the date of birth of parents. Knowing them, the couple must plan a sexual intercourse for a time, which is the likelihood of conceiving a boy or a girl is especially great. First you need to define "your" number in the table. It is on the crossing of months, in which future dad and mom appeared on the light.
First you need to find the number at the intersection of the birth of mother and father

Now in the second table on the left you find the resulting number and from it, moving to the right, we are looking for the estimated month of conception. Who is most likely to conceive in the ovulation period of a particular month, determine by spending from month to up (or down if your number is from 1 to 6) to the middle of the plate. There will be pink and blue blocks in an amount of from 1 to 7, denoting, respectively, the degree of probability of the conception of a girl and a boy.
Using a Japanese table, you can try to schedule the gender of the baby

For example, my mother was born in August, dad - in November, the number on the first table is determined - 8. In the second table we find 8 in the first column on the left, moving to the right until any month and look: the maximum probability of the girl conception will be in April, and the boy is in December. A good chance for the boy is also given May and June, and on the girl - December and September.

Whose blood newer?

The theory of floor planning on blood renewal claims scientific. According to it, every 3 years in the female body and every 4 years - in men, blood is completely changing. The calculation method is simple: the age of the mother is divided into 3, the father - on 4. Whose number is greater, the biological fluid is fresh, which means that the floor will turn out.

Important! It should be noted that if a woman has a negative rhesus factor, the result will be the opposite.

In addition, except for age, all operations, childbirth, donor delivery, artificial interruption of pregnancy are taken - all of them allegedly refreshing blood.
The method of planning a kid on the "freshness" of blood is considered pseudo

The accuracy of this method, according to popular estimates, is quite high - 65%. And everything would be fine, if not exact medical facts: plasma, from which the mobile body fabric consists of 52%, is completely updated once a few days. Its elements also live long: erythrocytes about 120 days, leukocytes - 12, platelets about 7-11 days. Therefore, according to science, the blood of parents and the floor of the future child - the concepts are incompatible.

Seasonal signs

In Europe, also had their own floor planning methods that were based on time of year. According to the signs, when conceived, the boys are more often born, the girls in the spring were born - girls. This fact was explained by the fact that spermatozoa with Y-chromosoma is produced only in comfortable conditions for the body, and with a spring disadvantage of vitamins there are more chances of sperm with a female structure. The efficiency of the method is also no confirmed - no scientific checks were carried out.

For those who believe in force of the zodiac

In the mid-50s, Evgeny Jonas doctor put a bold experiment based on the knowledge of astrology. He knew that all zodiac signs were divided into men's and female. In each of them, the moon is about 2.5 days - it is formed a lunar cycle, equal to 29 days. Calculation, in which sign of the planet now, a woman can plan exercise for conceiving the child of the right gender.

Girls "get" when the moon is in the following signs:

  • Scorpio;
  • Cancer;
  • Corpuscle;
  • Fishes;
  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn.

The boy can be planned in the months of the remaining signs. Of course, this version has the right to life, because the presence of biorhythms is confirmed by scientists, but it has no scientific justification.

Poses during sex

To conceive a boy, a poses are used, allowing you to deliver sperm as close as possible to the uterus, and the girl will be born when choosing a position with minimal penetration

Sex theory for conceiving the child is based on knowledge that spermatozoa with X-chromosome is uncommon and viable. Y-sperm - rapid, but the innovation. To plan a girl, choose a position with minimal penetration. With her sperm with a male cell often die on the way to the uterus, and more life-life X-spermatozoa slowly and rightly reach her cervix. When conceiving a boy, you need to deliver sperm as close as possible to the uterus. The effectiveness of this theory can be quite large, but a solid percentage not to get into the selected floor remains.

Today in the world there is no reliable method of gender planning a child. The myth of the faster movement of u-spermatozoa compared to X-sperm is based on the assumption that their weight is different because of the different sizes of genital chromosomes. However, it has never been proven, especially since after a special activation process in the vaginal environment (capacitation), the shape of sperm and to distinguish X from it is impossible. The phenomenon, because of which all over the world, in almost all countries, is born almost the same number of girls and boys, so far is the secret nature.

Elena Berezovskaya

Calendar Benedino method

Another method based on the theory of progression of sperm, offered the Polish Dr. French Beneden. He stated that in order to conceive a male baby, the act of love should happen about 12 days before the first day of menstruation. To born a girl, it is necessary to conceive it even earlier - up to 15 days before menstruation. The fact is that the egg lifestyle lives long, it is necessary to fertilize it at the time of ovulation or day after it. It is possible that the X-spermatozoa will live to the right day, but the Y cell should appear in the vagina as close as possible to the day of fertilization. The method has repeatedly been criticized, but did not dispute. Now it is considered the most efficient - its effectiveness comes to 83%.

In the bath - behind the girl?

Another physiological method is based on the properties of sperm to die at elevated temperature, for example, with a regular visit to the pair. The followers assure it that only weaker men's sperms do not survive, and, it became, the likelihood of a girl conceived rises. In fact, the overall worsening of the quality of sperm occurs. In general, the possibility of the appearance of a child from an amateur extremely high temperatures is unlikely. Return to the question of the continuation of the kind, it is possible not earlier than three months from the moment of the abuse of the bath: it is so much spermatozoa in the testicles.
High temperatures adversely affect sperm quality

"Almighty" diet

Whether a certain food will help in the floor planning - the question is very controversial, but not yet studied by doctors. For example, in the seventies of the XX century, research was carried out in France and Canada. The results were impressed: 80% of couples sitting on a particular diet were born children of the desired floor. The method is based on the theory of predominance or deficiency of certain microelements in the body. For the birth of a boy, parents must minimize fats and carbohydrates. They should use more potassium: there are potatoes, peas, bananas, dried fruits, and drink better mineral alkaline water.

To conceive a girl Eat products with calcium:

  • cottage cheese;
  • manna porridge;
  • eggplants;
  • chocolate;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;

What does science offer: Eco and Microsort

In fact, the floor can be planned to be 100%. This is done in the process of extracorporeal fertilization under the conditions of the laboratory. The desired spermatozoa is introduced into the egg cell. But "to make" a boy or a girl to order, at least in Russia will not be able to: the choice of sex parents is prohibited by law since 2012. The exception is only a pair, already having four same-sex children, or parents who want to avoid the birth of a sick child whose pathology may be related to a belonging to a particular floor.
With the help of eco, you can conceive the child of the right gender

The questions of the birth of the heir, the continuer of the genus was always relevant, especially if it was about the ruling, property and royal families. Even in ancient times, when there was little about genetics, people were interested, the sex of the child depends on some of the parents. Couples practiced abstinence from intimate life, acrobatic postures and even removal of one egg, if it was important to give birth to the heir. And only today genetics above all this is quietly laughed, because they know exactly that the sex of the child depends on the man. So, we'll figure it out in detail in this topical question.

Paul baby depends on a man or from a woman

Many seed couples, planning replenishment in the family, are wondering what sex is dependent in conception. To find the answer for him, let's turn to genetics.

When conceived, a female egg and a male spermatozoa merge. They are carriers of gene information. Eggs of future mothers contain exclusively X-chromosoma - female. Spermatozoa - X-chromosoma and y-chromosome. That is, half of all male cells contain female, the other half is a male chromosome. The emergence due to the muffin of the egg and the spermatozoa combination "XX" leads to the conception of the girl, "Hy" - boys. Based on the above described, it can be understood from which the floor of the future child depends, more precisely, from whom - from the future dad, whose chromosome is determining.

Do floor of a child depends on a woman, from the ovary

It turns out that the future mother does not absolutely affect the one after 9 months after successful conception she will be born. And yet there is an opinion that some of the child depends on a woman. We are talking about the theory of ovulation, that is, the influence of the ovary, in which ovulation took place before conception, the girl or a boy will be born. It is assumed that cells ripen in the right ovary, which, when conceived, merge only with "female" spermatozoa, and in the left - with "Male." Determine in which ovary was ovulation before conception, it is possible using an ultrasound.

There is another pretty interesting theory of definition of the floor of the future kid, when the month of conception and age are taken into account and age at this moment. This is the so-called ancient Chinese method, in the reliability of which many women have already been convinced. There are other ways to find out who the woman will delight the future of the Father, before the uzist announced. These are Japanese tables, theory of blood update. The original is the so-called leading method - the influence of relationships in the family at the birth of a son or daughter. If a man leads in it, girls appear on the light, if a woman is boys. Such a theory is explained by the fact that the feminine began in the leadership of the spouse is suppressed, and nature is trying to align relationships with the advent of the daughter. When the main family is in the family, the sons will appear on the light to enhance male influence.

Of course, all these are theories and assumptions. They do not allow one hundred percent accuracy, as, however, and the ultrasound method.

So, it is reliably that it is the future father that determines (spontaneously, of course) the emergence of the heir or heir to the future. After all, it all depends on its chromosome, or rather male sex cells that are fertilized by an egg.

What are the difference between the X and Y-sperm of the future Father? The first is characterized by stability and slowness, that is, the vitality. The second is fast, but you cannot live and function for a long time. By the way, today, in the age of global stresses and emotional shocks, the male body often falls under their influence, as a result of which the development of the main hormone of testosterone and, accordingly, "male" spermatozoa is reduced. That is, if at the moment of conception, the man is depressed, depressed, tired, upset, then, most likely, a girl conceiving will occur. And when the pair wants to have a son, then it is necessary that the spouse stay in a good arrangement of the Spirit, I was confident in myself, I didn't worry about anything.

Is the form of a child's abdomen depends on

Last century, when women were not necessarily sent to the ultrasound three times during the hatching period, as is done today, many experienced people closer to childbirth were determined who would be born in a pregnant woman in her appearance. And the main factor in the diagnosis of gender served as the abdomen of the future mother, his form and location. If he was sharp, discovering, like a horizontally cucumber, means a woman wears son. In this case, the figure woman is saved, because, looking at the back at her, the pregnancy can not be noticed. But when the tummy, as it were, the blurry - it seems that the woman has recovered, dismissed herself, - she wears a daughter. The waist is not preserved, the pregnancy of such a woman is visible even from behind around the round outlines of the shape. But this is just a tendency, and each future mommy has a figure in different ways.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

Do you always think about who will be born - a boy or a girl? And your curiosity is no less from what you will learn about it only on your baby's birthday? What if you can find out already now? For example, by the date of conception or by what profession does your partner? You can believe or not believe in funny signs, but to know about the factors that can affect the floor of the future child, it is simply necessary.

I got a boy?

The probability of birth of a boy is more if:

You and your partner live together

Research data, during which 86,000 pairs were interviewed, they suggest that you have a little more chance, if you live together with a partner.

51.5% of the couples who lived together before the conception of the child were born boys (compared to couples who did not live together before the conception of the child, where this figure was 49.9%). However, how exactly the joint life affects the floor of the future child, the scientists are not yet clear.

You together for less than a year

If your relationship is fresh, new and interesting, you most likely (Brewis and Meyer 2005). During the period of frequent sexual proximity to the partner from Y-spermatozoa, "responding" for conceiving a boy, more chances to fertilize the egg.

During the period of turbulent personal relations, the y-spermatozoa is easier, they have less the size of the head and shorter the tail (Jongbloet 2004). Therefore, they move more actively, falling into a thick fertile mucus that is not very favorable for them (a special mucus produced by the uterus in a period favorable for fertilization). This coincides with the first and recent day of the so-called fertility window, including ovulation time (Jongbloet 2004).

If you have sex with a partner, you have more chances to conceive a child in the first and last day of your fertility window, when Y-spermatozoa is more active and it is easier to fertilize the egg.

You worry the stressful situation

It is noticed that during periods of long-term stress and stress, for example, during the war and after it, boys are born more (Helle et al 2009, Hohmann et al 2010).

According to one of the theories when a woman is experiencing constant stress, the production of testosterone and cortisol hormones increases (Grant 2007, Grant and Irwin 2009). This may lead to changes in the structure of the egg cell itself, which facilitates the process of its fertilization of Y-spermatozoa.

How exactly this happens is not yet clear. However, about the very moment of fertilization of the egg, scientists, too, still know little.

You prefer calorie food

In one of the studies, British scientists divided 740 women's tests into two groups depending on the calorie content of their diet (Mathews et al 2008). 56% of women whose diet was more nutritious (about 2413 calories) gave birth to boys. For those who drink less calorie food, boys were born in 45% of cases.

Boys are more vulnerable and, according to statistical data, a woman has less chances to conceive a boy or successfully endure it if the diet of the future mother is not nutritious. X-spermatozoa (definition of the girl's conception) is more stable, therefore, in a difficult time for a female organism (for example, during a lack of nutrition), they survive them more.

However, regardless of your desire to have a boy or a girl, it is necessary to understand that a full-fledged diet of the future mother is very important to conception, and during pregnancy.

I have a girl?

You have a little more chances to conceive a girl if:

You are more than 35 years old, and the future dad is more than 40

The greater the age of future moms and dad, the greater the likelihood that it is the X-spermatozoa that fertilizes the egg (Matsuo et al 2009). Perhaps this is due to the influence of hormones, which produces the organism of a mature woman. In addition, the older your partner is, the more chances of the X-sperm win the "race". The quality of sperm depends on the age of a man - than he is older, the less Y-spermatozoa in it.

However, this can be explained by the fact that the older the married couple, the less that they have sex (Brewis 2005). It is also possible that more mature couples prefer to have sex during, coinciding with the middle fertile period of a woman, when X-spermatozoa has an advantage over Y-spermatozoa.

You have early toxicosis

If you are already in early pregnancy suffer from (excessive vomiting of pregnant women), then more likelihood that you will have a girl.

The data of more than 13 scientific studies suggest that 55% of women suffering from early toxicosis were born Girls Span class \u003d "Citation"\u003e (Veenendaal et al 2011). In the control group of women who did not suffer from severe toxicosis, the girls were born in 49% of cases. Some experts believe that this is due to the high level of the estrogen hormone, which is considered, and the outstanding vomiting of pregnant women.

You were born in a tropical mill or conceived your child there

Do you like long holidays in a warm country?

There are no accurate data on how long you and your partner should be in a terrain with a tropical climate to conceive the girl. Or that for conception of the girl it is necessary only to make the mother of the future child herself was born in such a terrain. Global Research Dates for the birth of children suggests that girls are more often born in countries located near Equator (Navara 2009).

According to one theory, a hormone melatonin is played here. Melatonin causes changes in the reproductive animal system in response to a reduction or an increase in the duration of the daylight. More girls are born at a time when the light day lasts longer. Or perhaps it is an elevated temperature in such countries affects how many and what spermatozoa contains sperm.

Your child was conceived in winter

However, the data show that in some countries more girls were conceived in winter, and in the summer more boys were conceived (Cagnacci et al 2003, Melnikov and Grech 2003). Farmers have many years have been celebrating such a pattern of domestic animals.

This can be explained by the fact that viruses and bacteria are more active in winter. Since Y-spermatozoa and "Men's" embryos are more vulnerable, and X-sperm and "female" embryos are more likely to confront those infections that affect the body of the future mother.

Your partner is heavy or "harmful" work

In some studies, the connection between A href \u003d "#" BCmltype \u003d "Link" Logicalid \u003d "564484"\u003e the profession of the future father and the birth rate of boys and girls. Scientists came to the conclusion that men whose work is associated with constant stress and harmful factors, girls are more often born.

According to these studies, more chances to give birth to a girl in a woman whose husband:

  • professional driver (James 2008)
  • diver (James 2008)
  • specialist serving a hydrocarbon station (Volk 2004)
  • elaver Worker (Milham and Ossiander 2008)
  • military pilot (James 2008)

You got pregnant after hormonally caused ovulation

According to scientific data, in women using hormones, for example, Clomiphene to cause ovulation, girls are more often born. (James 2008). However, not everyone agrees with these data.

You already have two or more children

It is believed that the more children you already gave birth, the greater the chances of the next to conceive the girl. Perhaps this is due to the influence of the gonadotropine hormone, the level of which grows with each pregnancy. Some scientists associate a high level of content in the blood of the future mother of this hormone with a greater probability to conceive and give birth to a girl.

Quite often, women are interested in the question regarding what the floor of their future child depends on. He is especially relevant for those who already have same-sex children and dreams of, or on the contrary - girls. It is this fact that explains the prevalence of various, allowing to calculate the floor of the future kid. And although most of them are inappropriate, but still they instill a woman hope.

From the parents of the child depends on?

To answer this question, it will be necessary to turn to genetic aspects. So, according to them, the sex of the child is determined directly at the time of conception, i.e. At the time when a fusion of 2 genital gamops occurs: male and female.

At the same time, the sex of the child depends solely from the man. This is explained by the fact that they are the carriers of the Y-chromosome. This chromosome is responsible for the male floor. It turns out if the ripe egg in the mother's organism fertilizes the spermatozoa, carrying this chromosome - a boy will be born, and if the X chromosome betrayed - there will be a girl.

Is it possible to predict the sex of the child?

As already mentioned above, the number of ways and methods of the child of the child today knows a lot. However, most of them are invalid, because Based on observations, lunar calendars that have nothing to do with genetics.

But, no matter how informatively sounded, individual laws and observations are triggered, and the woman can conceive the child of the desired floor. So, for example, for the most part, the children of the weather have the same gender, and if the interval between 2 children is 3 years and more, then, as a rule, diverse babies are born. Also, many doctors note such a pattern: when pregnancy occurs after a shortly before this abortion, it is very often girls appear on the light.

In addition, it is statistically established that the frequency of the birth of boys at the first birth is maximum and decreases with the number of subsequent pregnancies. Also, than younger than future parents, the more chances they have a chance to conceive a boy, and vice versa.

There is another medical theory that allows you to predict the sex of the child. It is so known that those spermatozoa that are carried by the X and Y-chromosoma have different properties. Y-spermatozoa has, as a rule, a smaller size, and more mobile, however, the duration of their life is less than those who carry the X-chromosome. On this basis, there is a theory, according to which it can be argued that with sexual acts that occur long before ovulation, less viable y-spermatozoa die, so the egg cell is more likely to be fertilized by x-sperm. In this case, the girl will be born. Accordingly, if the sexual contact took place immediately before ovulation or immediately after it, then in most cases there will be a boy, because More movable spermatozoa with Y-chromosome faster reached eggs and fertilize it.

What other methods make it possible to predict the sex of the child?

Many women are interested, whether the floor of their child depends only from a man, or they can also affect it too. From the point of view of genetics, women in this regard are powerless, because The gender is completely dependent on what spermatozoa is fertilized with an egg. However, not everything is so hopeless, as it would seem.

A woman can indirectly affect the floor of the future kid. At the same time special diet deserves special attention. Many have heard that when eating in food or other products increases the likelihood of the Boy's birth, for example, or girls.

Studies confirmed that the parents of the boys used a large amount of sodium and potassium to eat, and the parents of girls were preferred by products rich in calcium and magnesium. Products containing these elements must necessarily enter the diet of parents for 2 months before conception.

It is very naive to think that the floor of the future child depends on the woman. Thanks to national or religious prejudices, a woman sometimes gives birth to only girls or boys. Here is someone who, and a woman is definitely not to blame for the absence of a heir or daughter dolls. Factors affecting the sex of the child are more from the father, his health, lifestyle, and, even, preferences in food.

Boy or girl?

Most parents want to know who will be born. Especially greatly worries this question a couple, waiting for the firstborn. I really want to buy clothes and gifts, under the color of sexual correspondence. Come up with the most beautiful name, and just dream, representing what a wonderful (wonderful) daughter or son is born. Of course, you can always watch a pregnancy calendar: a boy or a girl? And you can already at the stages of pregnancy planning, take some steps towards the planning of the floor of the future kid.

Pope role in floor planning

Y-infected sperms are very gentle comrades and die from the slightest negative effect. They do not maintain a long lack of sex at the father (more than three days), die when drinking alcohol, are very weak in smokers.

X-chromosome-containing sperms, that is, carrier women's start, more enduring. They are not afraid of rare sexual acts, they stand for harmful father's habits and withstand high temperatures inside the body of the future milf.

Girls are born if the fertilization occurred after the sickness at the Father, after excessive alcohol, after a long lack of sexual intercourse.

The role of mom

In mommy, although there is a "small" role in the form of a new life, but it can affect the gender of the baby. Male embryo is weaker. 76% of the miscarriage occurs with the male embryos.

If the mammy got sick, heavily worried or severe physical exertion lay on it, then the embryo can easily choose a female floor. However, this may happen no later than 4-6 weeks of pregnancy.

After reading this article, you can at least a little, but affect the floor of your Chad. If you want a boy, then do not make too large interruptions in sex, refuse, at least, from alcohol, manifold with a large protein content. Make so that the conception occurs in the first day after ovulation. And take care of the peace and health of the woman, at the first weeks of pregnancy.

If you want a lady, then increase the break time between the classes with love of up to 4 days. Drink and smoke - exactly not follow in any case! But small physical exertion at mommy will help to push the embryo to choose a feminine beginning.

Well, in principle, it does not matter who to be born! It is important that the child be on the light is healthy and loving parents!