When and what flowers to plant in the country. What flowers will bloom throughout the summer, a description of the best varieties

Learn how to grow beautiful flowering perennials for luxury blooming clubs all summer long. What are the tricks and secrets used flower growers to bloom from spring to late autumn.

Tricks to create a flower bed blooming all summer

A flower bed, which involves continuous flowering during the entire summer season from spring to autumn, will never look equally impressive throughout this time.

It is much better to create a flower bed that looks as luxurious as possible in one season, for example in summer. And then extend the flowering season for this bed by adding earlier or late flowering plants. This will give you a beautiful flower bed, which will bloom from April to October, with a maximum peak for June-August.

Flowerbeds that bloom all summer often contain peonies, roses, dahlias, phloxes. If you pick them up in the same tone, for example, pink, then for spring pale lilac tulips and hyacinths can be added to this flowerbed, and pink perennial asters can be used for autumn flowering.

An attractive view of a flower bed from March to May can create foliage of such perennials as hydrangea and budery, which bloom only at the end of summer - this will allow using these flowers in the overall composition of the bed for two seasons. This will be especially impressive if you add unpretentious garden ferns to them.

For late flowering beds, you can add to its composition and unpretentious annuals, such as kosmeyu, salvia, cynia - they will bloom until late autumn. So your flower bed will be bright and beautiful from mid-April to mid-October.

And if you add decorative herbs to the flowerbed, the flowerbed will retain its attractiveness until the first frosts.

How to choose a place for a bed of continuous flowering

Choosing a place for a flower bed can significantly affect our choice of colors and the overall design of the flower bed. Based on the location, we will plan the peak flowering season and select the plants that will form the basis of our flower bed. Then we expand the flowering time of the planned flower bed, adding to it a part of flowers with an earlier period and a late period of flowering.

If you have a shady garden, the most suitable for such a flower bed will be flowers that bloom in spring and early summer.

If you have a sunny garden, then on such a bed most of the flowers will feel comfortable. This arrangement is ideal for a flower bed that will bloom all summer.

If you plan to place a flower bed in the south-west, you have a wonderful place for a flower bed, the peak of which blooms - autumn. Because it is this arrangement of the flower bed that will allow it to receive the greatest amount of light on dwindling autumn days.

What flowers to plant in the flowerbed to bloom from spring to autumn

Perennials for spring and early summer

These are some of the best spring-flowering perennials, most suitable for a shady area to create a beautiful flower bed of perennials:

Tulips Snowdrops Muscari Hyacinths Irises Daffodils Crocuses Primula Periwinkle

Summer flowering perennials

This is one of the best perennials for flower beds for flower beds, the peak of which bloom in the summer months:

Dahlia Roses Lilienus Delphinium Veronica Maki Anemones Astilba Sage

Perennials for late summer and early autumn

This is one of the best autumn-flowering perennials that begin to bloom in late August and continue to bloom in the fall:

Chrysanthemums Perennial Asters Echinacea Gelenium Rudbeckia Coreopsis Goldenrod
  Yarrow Sedum

Planting flower beds: how to plant flowers

The most common mistake when creating a flower bed is to plant one instance of a favorite plant. Using a disproportionate number of different types of flowers, you can not get the result that you expected - your flowerbed may look chaotic.

It is much better to limit your choice of plants for flower beds ten species that you liked. Make sure that the timing of their flowering coincide or complement each other.

Buy 3-5-7-9 copies of one type, depending on the size of your flower bed. Then you will create a beautiful flower carpet, where your plants will move from one to another in a smooth, natural way.

Buying several copies of one type will not only undermine your budget, but, on the contrary, will save you - because you will still buy a certain number of plants to fill the entire space of the flower garden. And buying several identical plants, you can count on a discount when buying.

When is it better to plant flowers on a flower bed

If you buy plants in pots, they can be planted throughout the year with two exceptions.

Never plant when the ground is icy - wait for better weather, prikopav their plants near the wall. The wall facing west is perfect.

Do not plant in hot, dry conditions, if you can not water regularly, because as soon as the root ball dries, the plant will suffer.

How to prepare the ground for planting flowers in a flower bed

Land preparation significantly influences how our plants will look and develop in the future.

Hoe remove weeds from the place of future planting, carefully removing all the roots. Dig up the bayonet depth landing area. Add compost - rotted manure, leaves, grass. Now you can plant flowers - gently pull the flower out of the pot, straighten the roots and plant on the flowerbed.

Make sure that in dry weather you water the plants well in the first year of their cultivation.

How to make a flowerbed design, blooming all summer

  1. Once you have bought the plants, plant them in a flower bed.  Give each plant plenty of room for future growth, given that larger plants will need more space.
  2. Do not position the plants clearly in height.: close closer, high away - so your flowerbed will look too formal, like in a parade. If you have a tall aerial plant, such as a cosmea, you can plant it closer to the outer edge of the flowerbed, it will create an intriguing light curtain.

  3. Avoid making round flower beds.since they do not allow gliding and are not advantageous from the point of view of the general perspective of landscape design. Try to make the shape of a flower garden so that it allows the plants to go beyond its boundary. This may be a wavy curb or some irregular triangle, which protrudes from the main flowerbed, and then comes back into the framework of a common border. Such placement of one large plant aside from the main group deceives the eye and makes the flower garden visually larger.
  4. Mix textures by adding vertical plants.. Upward-looking plant trunks, such as delphiniums and lupins, connect the earth with the sky and destroy the monotony of a large number of flower mounds — the natural growth form of most flowers, thus creating greater elegance and interest. The swordlike leaves of irises and gladioli have the same effect, and they will undoubtedly give any flowerbed more grace.

  5. Add one bold and tall plant. For example, amaranth or castor oil, will blow up a flower bed with its maroon-red foliage, at the same time, will become a favorable background for more neutral plants, making the flower garden much more colorful.

  6. If you find a successful combination of plantsdo not be afraid to repeat it several times in a flowerbed - this will give it more integrity and naturalness.

How to care for a flower bed that blooms all summer

For a large flowerbed requires continuous care. It is necessary to cut off the plants that have faded in time to prevent self-seeding and self-capture of territories. At the same time, some seeds may be left out of decorative interest. Weeding, garter of stretched plants - all this must be done in a timely manner. Every three years, perennials must be divided - to rejuvenate the bushes and make new flower arrangements in a flowerbed.

We told you the main strategic points that will allow you to create your beautiful flower bed, blooming all summer long!



Joyful meeting

Any summer resident wants to see his site blooming and well-groomed all season. For this, he needs to choose the right plants and form flower beds in accordance with his imagination. Even if the site grows a lot of diverse, it is impossible to do without annuals. The most unpretentious of all types of flowers available for growing when traveling only on weekends are as follows.

1. Calendula(Calendula). Modern varieties Orange Ring ", "Radio", "Muraji"this medicinal flower, as if small suns will decorate even a shaded area in the garden. Sometimes, it seems that it grows by itself, and therefore it is simple and uninteresting. This is not a correct opinion. The flower is beautiful in the garden beds, among its lush bouquets ability to create a special atmosphere on the site.The remarkable property to multiply by self-sowing makes growing marigold easy.

Calendula officinalis "Radio

2. Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica). Modern varieties Spindazzle, Berliner, Rolling cloud, While Prelulde  other. The flower has a neat bush shape with beautiful sword-shaped foliage and surprisingly delicate flowers of various colors. If you wish to create a blue flower bed, Siberian Iris perfectly complements the Muscari ensemble ( Muskari), forget-me-nots ( Myosolis), lupine ( Lupinus) perennial. These flowers are directly created for "lazy gardeners."

3. Nasturtium(Tropaeolum). You can always find an old barrel, a pan in the farm of a summer resident, build a small decorative fence, for example, from wattle fence. And then the perfect flower planted in these devices will be nasturtium, with its festive bouquet of bright flowers. Among the new varieties there are bush and climbing forms with multi-colored double flowers. Long flowering time, beautiful foliage is very convenient for sealing plantings in order to create a beautiful and neat flower bed. In unpretentious.

4. Escholzia(Eschscholzia). A flower smiling at the sun. His graceful carved leaves of gray-green color create a real holiday at the dacha. It is for this flower to determine the weather well. Before the rain it is always closed. If you work carefully, in the spring you can always find plants that have emerged from self-seeding, which will bloom much earlier than those planted in open ground in May.

5.  Golden balls  or. Summer residents call this flower a perennial dahlia, although it is correct to attribute it to rudbeckia. Sort Goldball  and there is the flower that our great-grandmothers grew in village front gardens.

6. (Lavatera). A tall tall plant laureate from a distance may seem like a powerful perennial. Long-flowered bush with white, pink or light-red flowers will perfectly complement the background of any flower garden. Caring for lavateroy is very simple - by planting seeds in May.

7. (Godetia). Most often cultivated varieties Tall double, Mixed, Grimson glow, Dwarf satin. This delicate plant, with numerous clusters of flowers, planted with seeds in May, will require only good lighting and attentive weeding from weeds.

8. (Bergenia). The most common types are B. cordifolia, B. purpurascensgrade Morgenrote. Shady places are not an obstacle to the growth of powerful leaves and beautiful spring flowers. Having planted a bergenia of garden trees, it remains only to admire its beauty, and also to use it to get fragrant Mongolian tea.

9. Red beans(Phaseolus coccineus). Closing the fence or not very beautiful parts of the buildings, it surprises with its unpretentiousness and duration of flowering.

10. Mattiola (Matthiola). Night violet is one of the most beloved and unpretentious flowers to give. Delicate scent and flowers, opening in the evening, create the comfort of summer, sun, rest.

Mattiola ("night violet")

11.  Hydrangea(Hydrangea). It is difficult to find a more beautiful plant for planting as protection from prying eyes, such as a toilet or compost pits. In addition, snow-white hats unpretentious "Audzay", which came to us from Japan, surrounded by neat lawns, next to the majestic ferns (Polypodiophyta) make every corner of the garden cozy and magical. Equally popular and large-leaved.

12. (Centaures). Everybody's favorite, cornflower, planted next to red or blue flax, against the background of a bush of perennial ornamental oats and delicate bells, will create an atmosphere of a flowering meadow on the site.

13.  Tagetes,  or   Marigold (Tagetes). By popularity, he is one of the first places among annuals. But to grow any variety of marigolds better through seedlings. From this very much depends on the beginning of flowering. And then this “autumn king” lights up and makes everyone happy with its beautiful flowers even in summer.

14. (Hosta). Cold-resistant, shade-tolerant plant, not prone to disease. Together with the delicate flowers of the host has a very beautiful foliage. Depending on the type of plant, it can be green, blue, striped and even white. Foliage is used in making interesting bouquets. is one of the most long-lived perennials.

Host "Shade Fanfare

15. (Callistephus chinensis). September, the school and the colorful sea in the flower beds. Currently, many new varieties of this flower have been received, which are also better grown in a seedling manner.

Astra Chinese "Pompon Splendid Serie"

It is difficult to list all the beautiful and easy-to-care plants that you want to see in your flower beds. it Catchment area (Aquilegia), Periwinkle(Vinca), Violet (Viola) Pion(Paeonia),   Phlox (Phlox) Bell  (Campanula), Mallow(Malva), Day-lily,  or   Beauty day(Hemerocallis) , Delphinium  (Delphinium) and others. The main thing every year is to find time for planting a new flower and fulfill the minimum requirements for its cultivation. And then a joyful meeting with flowering beds will be provided during each visit to the country.

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Cottage - this word causes every gamut of memories, emotions and impressions. In order for all these thoughts to be more positive, and trips to the dacha - more joyful, more attention should be paid to flower beds and flower beds. They will delight the whole season with a riot of colors and wonderful aroma. Perennial plants will help to make any color fantasy a reality. The advantage of perennial flowers is that by planting them correctly once, you can enjoy the result for several years. The most popular ornamental perennial flowering plants are described in this manual. And also, for convenience, all flowers are divided into groups according to the flowering period. Having studied the basic principles of cultivation, you can safely proceed to the formation.

According to the flowering period, ornamental plants are divided into spring, summer, autumn.

Spring Flowers Perennials

Flowers that rush to open in early spring are called early flowering. There are perennial flowers that bloom in mid-spring, when the sun is warm enough to warm the earth and air.

Bulbous perennial flowers:

Galantus (snowdrop)  - Flowers appear with the first dripping and melting snow. Bloom about a month (in March). They love sunny places, although they can tolerate a little shadow. The soil is not picky. Propagated by bulbs, as well as seeds that carry ants. Planting bulbs made in the fall. In the spring, after flowering, you can plant overgrown bushes.

Bulbous perennial flowers for giving Galantusy (snowdrops)

They have a short growing season, and then the upper part dies off and until next spring they are not visible.

Crocuses (Saffron)  - bloom together with galantus, have multi-colored buds:

  • Yellow;
  • Lilac;
  • Blue;
  • Cream and others

Crocus flower photo

Crocuses will be an ornament on flowerbeds, lawns, flower beds, in containers, under trees and bushes. Blossom in March, as soon as the snow melts from their territory, and the sun shines.

Hyacinths  - Flowers with large, multicolored buds. Very gentle, but demanding. To grow them you need to follow several rules:

  • The soil for hyacinths is suitable neutral, consisting of leaf and sod land;
  • The flower does not like overmoistening;
  • Light is needed a lot, but direct sunlight is harmful;
  • Plot with hyacinths should be protected from wind gusts.

Hyacinths, photos of perennial coloring

Flowering period:  end of March, April, beginning of May (depending on the variety and temperature outside).

  • White - Album;
  • From greenish to purple - variety Fantasy Creation - muscari chameleon;
  • Yellow - variety Golden Fragrance.

There are other shades of blue or two-tone muscari. It is better to plant these plants in a group, so they look spectacular. Plant the bulbs in the fall, do not cover, they tolerate cold well and winter in the open field.

Daffodils -perennial bulbous plants. There are more than twenty thousand varieties. All of them are divided into groups:

  • Large-crown;
  • Small-crown;
  • Tubular daffodils;
  • Triandrus;
  • Cyclameniform;
  • Terry;
  • Zhonkleiform;
  • Tatsettoidnye;
  • Poeticus;
  • With a split crown.

Daffodils bloom in April and May. They love sunny places, but can withstand partial shade, the main thing is that the soil is breathable and good drainage. Valuable for winter hardiness. Planted better in late August or early September. Looks good, both on the Alpine hills, and along the avenue, or groups on beds and flower beds.

Herbaceous perennials:

Primula (primrose)  - about 550 species are known. These perennial flowers come in all sorts of colors. You need to plant a plant in the second year of life in the fall, in a wet ground, on terrain with diffused light. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore it grows well under trees, especially fruit trees. For the shape and arrangement of colors, there are five groups of primroses:

  • cushion;
  • umbrella-shaped;
  • tier;
  • bell-shaped;
  • capitatum.

Primula: photos of flowers

In folk medicine, rhizomes are used for decoctions when coughing, and the leaves are a storehouse of vitamins in the spring, they are made into salads.

Frostberry (Helliborus)- early flowering plant. Blossoms in March and April. The flowers are large, depending on the variety:

  • East - has flowers of white and pink color;
  • Black - lilac flowers;
  • Caucasian - pale green flowers, sometimes white. Very frost-resistant, even for the winter does not shed foliage. Strongly poisonous!
  • Smelly - beautiful green flowers, but unpleasant smell.

The hellebore (helliborus) is an early flowering plant.

The hellebore, photos of country flowers

Planting is better to make under the canopy of trees (he does not like sunny areas), the soil should be moist, rich in humus.

  • Medunica (pulmonaria)- shade-loving perennial plant with flowers of different colors on one stem (pink and blue). Green leaves with white spots. Blossoms in April - May. It is a honey plant and a medicinal plant. Prefers partial shade, coolness, moisture, but not stagnant water. To the soil unpretentious. The leaves burn in the sun and the plant fades.

    Pink flowers of Lunaria

  • Periwinkle- A plant with climbing and creeping evergreen stems. Blossoms in April. The flowers are light blue. Periwinkle is very easy to grow. Loves shady terrain, moist soil. It is best to sit in April. It is used both on the Alpine hills, and on beds. If necessary, you can trim and shape.

    In the photo - periwinkle bloom

  • Badan (Bergenia)- low-growing perennial plant with wintering leaves. Spring prone to disease, so you need to handle protective drugs. Badan shade-tolerant, but it is better to plant on areas of poorly shaded, since the flowering period will be later. Blossoms in May - April. Flowers pink, purple small bells. After dividing the bush, plant in neutral, garden soil at the end of summer. Sow seeds in spring.

    Stock Foto Badan in landscape design

  • Anemone (anemone)  - perennial flower resistant to diseases and does not require special care. The main thing to plant in a well-fertilized soil. And also, plenty of water in the heat, and in the winter sprinkle with a ball of dry leaves. Plant in the spring, dividing the bushes or shoots. Can be grown from seed. Anemone blooms with all rainbow colors from April to October, depending on the variety:

Different coloring anemone flowers

Liver (coppice)- evergreen forest plant, which is well acclimatized in a new place. Prefers moderate moisture, shade-loving, winter-hardy. It blooms in April - May in blue single flowers. There are garden varieties with double buds, as well as pink, white, purple color. Needs fertile soil.

Photo flowering sandbox

A kind of garden sandbox

Lilies of the valley -drought-resistant plant with fragrant white flowers, bells. Loves penumbra, in a strong shade of flowers becomes smaller, and leaves more. Loves wet soil, but can withstand drought. The soil must be selected mildly, rich in organic fertilizers. It blooms from late April to mid-summer. Replant by dividing the rhizomes in autumn or spring.

Photo lily of the valley flowers

Brunner (forget-me-not)  - a plant with blue flowers and heart-shaped leaves. Shade-tolerant, light-loving, winter-hardy forget-me-not, needs constant moderate moisture. Suitable garden soil, clay. It blooms from late April to mid-summer. In gardens grow two types:

  • Brunner Caucasian
  • Brunner Siberian

Brunner: photos of flowers in the garden

Perennial flowers blooming in summer

In summer, most garden plants bloom. Starting from May to August, they delight their masters. Examples of the most common are described below. They can be divided into two groups: some attract the beauty of flowers, and others - decorative leaves.

  • Flowering Summer Perennials

Peonies -large beautiful perennial flowers with bright colors. The plant has two life forms: herbaceous and tree. For decorative cultivation, basically, use the second. Bushes about a meter tall, large flowers, bright from white to burgundy color. Blossoms in May - June. For mass flowering next year, the bush should be trimmed immediately after flowering. Peonies are winter-hardy, light-loving, prefer moderate moisture, do not like stagnant water. It is better to replant in the fall - rhizomes. It is worth considering that the root system quickly deepens and can reach more than a meter in depth.

Photo of peony blossoms

Photo peony bushes in landscape design

Lupine- ornamental plants up to a meter tall, with large beautiful inflorescences. Translated from the Latin - "wolf": because of the ability to endure adverse conditions. Loves a fertile, slightly acidic soil - from this the flowers become larger and more magnificent. Planted in sunny areas, but can tolerate partial shade. Good winters. In the summer you need to be watered well under the root. It blooms from May to mid-summer. Some varieties - from June to August.

Photo of lupine bloom

Yarrow -cultivated wild plant. In nature, it is found mainly with white flowers, rarely pink. Decorative types have a different color of flowers. The most popular are four:

  • Yarrow - resistant to adverse conditions, bushes 50-60 cm high. Many varieties have been bred with bright colors: bright yellow, cherry-red, bright red, pink.
  • Tavolgovy - bright yellow inflorescences are very attractive views on the flower beds. Height up to 1 meter;
  • Ptarmika - a bush with a height of up to 70 cm, flowers cream, terry.

Pink flowers of the millennial

It is a shade-tolerant, light-loving plant. It can easily tolerate both heat, dryness, and cold, wintering in open ground. Prefers garden soil. Flowering period: from May to August.

Dicentra -plant with heart-shaped flowers hanging from the arcuate stem. Bush height from 30 to 100 cm. It blooms in May - June. Does not like wet soils, otherwise it is not whimsical to the ground. For a more lush flowering, organic fertilizer should be applied. It grows in sunny and semi-shady places. Needs constant hydration.

Photo flowers perennial Dicenter

Stock Foto Dicentra in landscape design

Phlox- very fragrant and bright flowers. These beautiful plants love sunny areas, garden soil with sand and clay, organic fertilizers. They do not like acidic soils, when the pH is less than 6.5, the lower leaves begin to fall off. May grow in partial shade. The color scheme is very diverse. Flowering period: from May to August (depending on the variety). It is best to replant the division of the bush, in August - September.

Photo of phlox flowers

Perennial garden phlox

  • Violet (viola)  - ornamental plants with beautiful multi-colored flowers. Many species differ in flowering periods and colors. Some garden views:
  • vittrok violet (pansies);
  • clover violet;
  • violet horned;
  • altai violet;
  • fragrant violet.

Violets garden, photo flowering

Fertile, loamy soil is required for these perennial flowers. They love sunny areas, but can tolerate a little shadow. They do not like stagnant water, suitable moderate moisture. Fertilizing to produce mineral fertilizers.

Photo colorings violets

The flowering period depends on the species. Some species bloom in April, some - in May, and there are in June - July. It is better to plant bushes in the third year, in August. You can sow seeds.

  • Astilba- shade-loving bushes with paniculate inflorescences. Ideal for planting under trees on humus-rich soil. Do not overheat the roots, water regularly. Cover bare roots with a ground ball. For the winter, additionally cover the plant with a covering material. Flowering plant in June - July.

    Photo of astilbe flowering

    After flowering, cut flower stalks. For breeding it is easier to use the division of the rhizome in early spring. Can be grown from seed by budding, but this is a more time consuming method.

  • Recruitment (Lysimachia)- tall or creeping grasses with yellow, rarely white flowers. Flowering period from May to August, depending on the variety. This light-loving plant can tolerate a small temporary shadow. Wet, garden soil with periodic top dressing - the key to success in the cultivation of the camelbane. Vegetatively propagated, shoots all spring and summer.

    A photo of flowering wetbed day

  • Gypsophila -bushy plant with small flowers. He likes calcareous soils, is not whimsical to fertilizers, and therefore is used to create a beautiful background in common compositions of flowerbeds, alpine slides,. The greatest density of flowering reaches the third year of life. It blooms all summer. Watering should be regular. Growing from seed or planting bushes.

    Gypsophila, photo

  • Nivyanik (chamomile)  - delicate flowers with a strong rhizome. Unpretentious, light-loving, winter-hardy plant. Loves moderate moisture, garden soil. It blooms from June to August. Propagated by planting bushes, seeds. At one place grows 5-7 years, but it is better to replant every three years.

    Chamomile or garden chamomile

  • Pyrethrum- pink daisy. Shade-tolerant, light-loving plant, loves moderate moisture, constant watering and garden soil. Blossoms in July - August. With a lack of lighting, strongly pulls shoots with flowers. The most common in garden growing are pyrethrum pink, hybrid and red. Propagate by dividing the bush or cuttings. You can sow seeds in a greenhouse in May and plant young plants in August.

    Garden Flowers: Feverfew

  • Delphinium (Brier)  - A plant with a high stem and beautiful buds. It can reach 150 cm in height. There are undersized varieties. It should be remembered that this is a poisonous plant. Therefore, it is better to just admire them in the flower beds and not let them touch the children. Loves light areas, drought-resistant, prefers moderate moisture, basal watering. The soil should be rich in organic matter, loamy or sandy, neutral acidity. You can propagate by sowing seeds or dividing the bush in the spring.

    Delphinium, color photo

  • Clematis (clematis)- Curly liana with large flowers. Flowering period from June to August. Bright flowers from white to deep purple, a lot of varieties. For the winter, you need to additionally cover the roots. Crop dried branches in spring for better flowering. It grows in sunny areas, does not like stagnant moisture, water frequently, under the root. May tolerate temporary shading. The soil should be with good drainage, loose fertile. Next to the bush you need to install a support, on which clematis will splash. The distance between adjacent plants must be at least a meter.

    Photo clematis in the country

    It is better to plant bushes in spring. Landing to a depth of 2-5 cm, sprinkle with sand (protection from soaking). For planting it is useful to prepare a mixture of sand, peat and humus in the ratio of 1: 1: 3.

  • Gentian (gentian) -undersized plant with flowers, bells. It blooms in May - June, and summer varieties from June to August. The color of flowers is mostly blue and blue, but there are varieties with white, pink, yellow bells. For flowers need moisture, a lot of light. The plant will not bloom in the shade. It is better to divide the bushes and plant the gentian after flowering. Can be grown from seed. Suitable for rock gardens, flower beds, for planting along the borders.

    Gentian, photo in landscape design

  • Lily -bulbous perennial plant with fragrant large flowers. Depending on the location of the flower in relation to the stem axis, lilies are divided into groups:
  • Flowers directed upwards.
  • Flowers directed to the side.
  • Flowers downward.

Garden lily flower

Flowering period from June to August, depending on the variety. The color scheme is very diverse. Planted bulbs, better from late August to early October. It is also possible to plant lilies in spring by dividing a bush or bulb children. For planting dig a hole, a depth of 20-25 cm, in place, sheltered from the wind, in partial shade or in light areas. Good drainage, rotted manure in combination with peat, will give excellent results. Regular watering is necessary. Cover for the winter.

Iris (iris, cockerel) -rhizomatous plant with bright colors. Depending on the variety, it blooms from May to August. Prefers garden soil, sunny places. Attitude to moisture is different, depending on the type:

  • Hygrophilous, require constant moisture (yellow iris, Kempfer iris).
  • Normal moisture (Siberian Iris and its varieties).
  • Lovers of well-drained soil (bearded iris and its varieties).

Photos of Iris flower

The color of flowers is a diverse color palette of various shades. The height divided into stunted, medium, tall. Propagated by dividing the bush in July and August.

Planted on light areas, it is possible with partial shading. Loves moderate watering, garden soil, winter-hardy, unpretentious. If the place is not windy, then the garter does not need. Propagated by seed, sowing in the ground or greenhouse, in May. The main place young plants to plant in August - September.

Climbing Rose- A plant with long shoots and lush buds. For abundant bloom from May to August, you need to provide a rose with appropriate conditions:

  • Proper landing: a well-ventilated place without stagnant water and with good sunlight. The distance to the walls and fences, as well as to other plants, should not be closer than 50 cm.
  • Careful dressing during planting and during flowering. Humus, humus, soil bacteria, phosphate fertilizers - all this is necessary for the riot of flowering roses.
  • Timely pruning.
  • Protection from pests and winter shelter.

Photo weaving climbing roses

Gladiolus- tall beautiful plants with a large inflorescence ear. More than 10,000 varieties of these flowers have been registered. They differ in height, shape and size of the flower, in color, in the flowering period, in the length of the inflorescence, etc. Gladioli prefer sunny places, but in hot days and in the midday time, partial shade is needed. Good drainage, regular watering, loamy or sandwich soil will ensure good flowering. Depending on the variety, gladioli bloom from June to September. The peculiarity of growing these flowers is the constant digging up of corms for the winter.

Lakonos (Fitolacca) -perennial with a large rhizome and bush height up to 200 cm. The flowering period falls on July-August, small flowers are gathered in the inflorescences of the brush, which are about 25 cm long. Decorative flowers are not only flowers, but also the fruits of the plant. Berry brushes purple, look beautiful on the bushes. But they cannot be eaten, as all parts of lacunosa (and berries, and juice) are poisonous. It is a photophilous, but also a shade-tolerant plant. Loves moderate moisture, garden soil. It is necessary to plant on the areas sheltered from the wind, cut the stems for the winter and cover with peat or humus. Propagate by division of rhizomes or seeds, in spring or autumn.

Gazania- ornamental herbaceous summer flowering plants. In latitudes with a mild, warm climate, it grows like a perennial. In more severe areas - for the winter is dug in pots, and planted in the spring. For good flowering, gazania should be planted in sunny places, watered moderately, periodically fed with mineral fertilizers. The flowering period is from June to August. Some varieties bloom in September and until frost. Propagate the plant by sowing seeds in a greenhouse or containers in March. Planted young plants in May.

  • Decorative leafy plants

Hosta -shallow, leafy perennial. Beautiful leaves - this is the main advantage of the host. It grows in the form of a bush, up to 90 cm high. Beyond the color of the leaves, the plants share:

  • Monophonic hosta - leaves with a shade of yellow, blue or green.
  • variegated - leaves with patterns of different colors:
  • with white border;
  • golden border;
  • yellow border;
  • cream border;
  • color center and green or golden border;
  • tricolor.
  • Varieties - chameleons - change color during the season.

Khosta in landscape design

Prefers well-drained loamy, neutral soil. For a beautiful, strong bush, you need to leave it alone for 5 years - do not replant and divide. At one place can grow up to 20 years. Propagate by dividing the bush in the spring, but you can in the summer.

Zhivuchka- A plant resistant to adverse weather conditions. It is unpretentious, it is well accustomed to both light and shaded areas, for which it received its name. Can grow on wet and dry soils. Dense foliar cover zhivuchki, can drown out more delicate varieties of plants, so you need to consider this when planting flowers.

Creeping zhivuchka - undersized flowers to give

Well suited for decorating alpine slides, planting the circumference of trees, borders, fences. In addition to decorative leaves, in mass plantings pleases the eye with bright colors. Popular types:

  • Creeping zhivuchka - evergreen plant, height 7-10 cm. Blooms blue flowers. Leaves can be colored with a combination of red, green, gray, yellow, white.
  • Pyramidal tenacious - evergreen plant, height about 25 cm. Flowers purple or pink. The leaves are large, green, brown, gray shades.
  • Zhivevka Geneva - perennial plant with blue flowers. It is covered with fibers, for which it received the second name “shaggy”.

Propagated by dividing the bush can be the entire vegetative period.

Reassured -low squat or creeping plant with succulent leaves. Landing should be made in sunny areas. Shading is not suitable for succulent. The soil should be poor, stony, sandy. Fertile, garden soil should be diluted with sand, screening. Rejuvenated has beautiful leaves with color from green, gray to brown, brown shades. You can multiply by sowing seeds in the spring in containers, or young bushes the entire warm period of time.

Rejuvenated: plant species

Copena- ornamental foliage plant of the lily group. Shallow-water kupena feels bad in sunny places. Loves moderate moisture, garden soil. Flowers are small, white, inconspicuous. It is divided into two groups:

  • Kupena with erect stem. The leaves are lanceolate, small flowers grow from the sinuses (kupena whorled, kupena pink, kupena narrow-leaved).
  • Kupena with arcuate stem. The leaves are oval, small flowers hang from the axils of the leaves (kupena fragrant, kupena broadleaf).

Propagate best by dividing the rhizomes at the end of August, but you can sowing seeds.

Spurge- as a decorative leafy, and flowering plant. These are very different plants, with more than 2000 species. Among perennial euphorbia, gardeners use the following:

  • euphorbia cypress;
  • spurge long-horned;
  • spurge multicolor;
  • euphorbia scaly;
  • spurge fiery.

You can choose the appropriate type, under a certain terrain. For example, in sunny areas euphorbia grows well multicolor, cypress. For shady places, euphorbia scaly and long-horned will do. But all these plants need well-drained soil. It should be remembered that the milky sap that stands out from the stalks is poisonous. Need to work in gloves. In the fall should be cut euphorbia. To plant bushes, best of all, in spring, by dividing young rhizomes. You can also sow seeds in spring. Capable of self-seeding.

Euphorbia garden

Ferns -spore plants with large leaves - vayya. Divided into three main groups:

  • Large ferns that grow in the thickets. The length of the frond is more than 50 cm (eaglet, onokleya, ostrich fish, light shielder).
  • Large bushy ferns. Leaves longer than 50 cm, designed for single planting (kochedzhnik, Osmunda, polniyoryadnik, shchitnikov).
  • Small ferns with leaves less than 50 cm long. The most famous: adiantum, asplenium, woods, hymnocarnium, etc.

All ferns grow in the shade, need constant moisture. The land should be loose, without manure and compost. Natural soil without any fertilizer is the ideal soil for these plants. Planted in spring and late summer. Better under the trees, near the walls and fences, on the north side near the house. Ferns are resistant to diseases and pests.

Garden ferns - shade-loving plants

Fescue- Perennial cereal grass. Form a bush of long, hard leaves .   Beautifully look both in separate landings, and in flower compositions.

Tall species (30-70cm):

  • blue-headed fescue;
  • calle fescue;
  • myra Fescue;
  • glacial fescue
  • siberian fescue;
  • wali fescue.

Low-growing species (15-30cm):

  • forest fescue;
  • sheep fescue;
  • pancake fescue;
  • fescue prickly.

Gray Fescue

Ideal for alpine slides, as they like stony, dry, sandy soil and sunny areas. Do not like stagnant moisture, excessive moisture, fertilizer. Resistant to cold and disease. The disadvantage is the rapid degeneration of the bush. Within a few years the curtain density decreases. Propagate the plant by dividing the bush in the spring. Dry leaves should be removed as they die.

Falyaris (reed grove)- ornamental grass, 90-120 cm high. Long green leaves with white or cream stripes. Resistant to diseases and pests. It easily tolerates frosts, drought, cutting to a height of 20-40 cm. It can be planted near water bodies, in the shade, although it likes sunny places. The soil should be loose and wet. This plant aggressor grows quickly and other, weaker plants “survive”. For close proximity with such species, it is necessary to protect the metal bushes of the Phararis with metal plates, digging them to a depth of 20 cm. It is best to propagate by dividing the bush, but also with seeds and cuttings.


Rogersia- An exotic plant with unpretentious character. Decorative large leaves will delight until late autumn with different shades, changing them from green - in summer, to burgundy, red - in autumn. According to the leaf form, they are divided into two groups: with palmate leaves (horse-chestnut leaves, podofillovaya rogers), with feathery leaves (feathers and buzynolistaya rogers). The plant loves penumbra, but with frequent watering, can grow on sunny areas.


Suitable soil - loam, fertilizer - humus, compost. In hot periods, you need to water frequently, mulching will help retain moisture. The flowering period falls on the middle of summer. After a month of flowering bright panic need to cut and continue to enjoy the beauty of Rogers. Propagate better by dividing the bush in the spring. But it is possible and at the end of the summer - leaf cutting.

Autumn perennials for gardening

This group includes the smallest number of plants, since nature prepares for winter sleep, then there are few peduncles. In this period of time, decorative leafy plants are pleasing the eye with a variety of colors, evergreens, as well as those rare flowers that did not have time to blossom in August.

Helenium autumn - herbaceous plant with a bush height of 160 cm. It blooms from late July to October. The flowers are large yellow and red, the middle of the inflorescence is dark. The helenium shoots branch out strongly, each ends in a flower, so the bush has abundant flowering. Rhizome poorly developed. The plant prefers sunny areas, but can grow in partial shade. Loose, moist soil is suitable, so on hot days you need good watering. Propagated in the spring of seeds or young shoots. Replace better in 3-4 years.

Steward- perennial blooming from August to October. Plant height from 100 to 150 cm. Pink or purple inflorescences. Planted as a single bush or in a composition with other flowers. Loves sunny places, but tolerates partial shading. It grows well on wet soils rich in fertilizers, peat, requires constant watering. In the spring multiply by dividing the bush or sowing seeds. In winter, the ground part of the plant should be cut.


Echinacea purpurea  - medicinal plant with large, beautiful flowers. Flowering period: from July to the end of September. Inflorescence basket, has petals of pink or white color, and the middle is dark brown. Unpretentious care: water only in drought, with good soil - does not need fertilizer. Loves sunny places, can tolerate partial shade. For reproduction using seeds or separated rhizomes. Planting can be carried out in spring and autumn. Sow seeds in the fall, but their germination is bad. Rhizomes and the ground part are used in medicine for the preparation of immunostimulating tinctures.

Echinacea purpurea

Astra perennial  - cold-resistant plant with flowers - stars. There are spring, summer and autumn varieties. The autumn flowering period is from September to November. Small flowers are densely placed on the bush and have a bright multi-colored color. There are low-growing varieties (height 10 - 50 cm), medium growth (height 50 - 100 cm) and tall (100 - 160 cm). To blooming in the autumn, these varieties include asters:

Unpretentious flowers prefer sunny areas, moderate moisture and garden soil. They reproduce easily: by dividing a bush in spring or from seeds. Sowing can be done either in open ground or in containers for planting seedlings.

  • timing of flowering;
  • the height of the bush;
  • bush form;
  • inflorescence form;
  • size of inflorescences.

Photo of chrysanthemum garden

The flowering period may vary, depending on the species. Early species of perennials bloom from June to September, later ones from September to December. The color of flowers - all shades of red, yellow, white, purple, as well as their combination. For planting you need to choose sunny places, without stagnant moisture, with good drainage of fertile soil, fertilized with organic matter. Good to water in the heat and during the formation of buds. To propagate chrysanthemums, best of all, by dividing a bush in spring. You can also propagate by layering and cuttings.

Thus, for the successful cultivation of perennial flowers in your flower bed, you need to know the basic principles of care and reproduction of these plants. Now you can decide for yourself what perennial flowers to plant in the country so that they bloom all summer long, and our photo catalog will help you with this. Also, this manual will not harm the flowers, not to be disappointed in the floriculture, as well as create a corner of floral joy on your site, with your own hands.

The decoration of the suburban area is not an easy task, requiring not only an aesthetic taste, but also certain knowledge in the field of floristics and gardening. When choosing plants for a flower bed, you need to make sure that they will be in harmony with each other in shape, size and color, as well as meet the requirements for care. If landscaped design is a topic that you have not fully studied, we suggest finding out what flowers to plant in the countryto bloom all summer - photos and details.

  Flowers in the country create comfort

Why do many gardeners prefer to make a variety of flower beds from plants that do not lose their decorativeness during all three hot months? The answer is simple - it makes care easier. When the period of flowering of plants on one bed is long and completely coincides, there is no need to fill the empty places or completely replace the plantations.

Plants for summer beds - annuals or perennials?

The range of ornamental crops blooming all summer is represented by annual and perennial varieties. Gardeners actively use both those and others. The advantage of annuals is the opportunity to draw out the cottage in a new way every season. Even using the seeds of last year's flowers, you can create different shapes and combinations.

Perennials are easy to care for. They winter well, so they do not need to be grown every year from scratch. In addition, during transplantation, perennial flowers can be divided, thereby increasing the number of bushes.

Photos blooming all summer flowers with a description - annuals


In the photo dimorfote

Dimorfoteka feels good on fertile and well-drained soil in high light conditions. The flowering period is quite long - from the beginning of the summer to the very October. Rate the splendor of dimorfote in the photo.

  Dimorfoteka - flower blooming all summer until frost


Unpretentious, light-loving and cold-resistant plant. It does not require special fertilizer of the soil, but it should be light and loose.

  On the photo - terry kosmeya
  Cosmea - a popular flower for giving

California Eschertia

Although it is a perennial, we use it as an annual. Beautiful flowers are often used for cutting. On the provided photo it is clear that all parts of the bush have a high decorative effect: flowers and openwork leaves.

  In the photo Californian escort

The Californian Eschszoltsiya begins to bloom from the very beginning of summer and fades in October, gives self-seeding. Shows a special decorative effect when landing on a well-lit area with a cave soil. Additional fertilizer is not required.

  Eschsoltsiya Californian blooms all summer until October

Mattiola two-horned

The garden flower, popularly known as the night violet, has won the hearts of many gardeners, not so much by appearance, as by the most delicate scent. Being in the country in the evening, you will plunge into the world of the fairy-tale fragrance spreading everywhere. As seen in the photo, night violet can have different variations of color and color structure.

  In the photo mattiola two-horned


The second name of the flower - snapdragon. The popularity of the plant increases every year. It affects a variety of varieties: bushes can have different heights, colors and the structure of flowers.
  In the photo antirrinum

A wide variety allows us to experiment with new varieties of plants every year. Antirrinum will bloom magnificently all summer, if you plant it on a sunny plot.

  Antirrinum - great dyeing summer cottages for the whole summer

Photos of ornamental crops blooming all summer - perennials

Astratia large

It has about 10 varieties and is an unusually popular ornamental plant in modern cottages. Motley umbrellas will be pleasing to the eye the whole summer, if you follow the basic rules of care.

  On the photo is large   Umbrellas astrantia delight the eye the whole summer

Salvia Dubravnaya

This is a well-known sage. Salvia Dubravnaya - the easiest to care variety of culture, perfectly tolerate frost.

  On photo Salvia Dubravnaya, or Sage
  Sage blooms all summer

Primorye Armeria

Neat shrubs with delicate flowers require the simplest care and do not need shelter for the winter. Armeria Primorsky loves the sun and sandy well-drained soil.

  In the photo is Primorye Army

Calmly endure drought. Armeria feels great among the stones, so it is often used to create rocky flower beds.

  Primorsky Armeria - a beautiful dacha decoration


As seen in the photo, this plant has unusually delicate pink or white flowers. Sufficiently tall bushes are most often used in flower beds as rear-view plants.

  In the photo gypsophila

Varieties of gypsophila, which bloom in early summer, bloom in bloom in early or late August. One can understand the soil in which the gypsophila prefers to dwell, by translating the name from Latin - a lover of lime.

  Gentle flowers of gypsophila delight the eye all summer.

Cuff soft and ordinary

The cuff is an elegant plant that attracts summer people with the beauty of leaves and small flowers. When creating flower beds, it is important to consider that the cuff is a low plant (20-40 cm). The love of gardeners is explained by the long-lasting decorativeness of the culture - all summer until the very cold.

  On the photo cuff soft
  Cuff ordinary at the cottage

Wolf's stinker

  On the photo is a silly wreck

The main feature of idiot is unpretentiousness. It can be safely planted in the flooded and shady area.

  Derebennik very unpretentious flower to give

Large-flowered flax

Often used in the country to create rock garden. Flowers have a very bright color (red, pink, blue, etc.). Flax adorns any flower garden, being at the same time quite simple to maintain.

  On the photo large-flowered flax

You have a great opportunity to appreciate the decorative qualities of the culture from the photo. An important feature in the cultivation of large-flowered flax is full solar lighting.

  Large-flowered flax is perfect for rock garden in the country

Now, we hope, you will not have problems with what flowers to plant in the country, so that all summer bloom. Photos showing the plants in all their glory, will help you create excellent compositions that will truly please the eye.


  •   The best crafts for the garden

Creating flower beds at their summer cottage is a pleasant and hard work. After all, it is worth a careful approach to the choice of colors. Perennial flowers, blooming all summer - this is an ideal option and the dream of any grower. After all, such flowers easily endure harsh winters and do not need annual planting.

It is easy to decorate the cottage with flowers. After all, there are a large number of flowers that do not require hassle during planting and care. It is necessary to choose and select the plants that will emphasize the originality and seasonal characteristics of the site. The dream is feasible, so you can admire the beauty of flowers from spring to autumn.

Flowers are a decoration for the dacha and pride of a grower. After all, the bright colors of flowering plants create comfort and harmony. The flower world is amazing diversity. Choose flowers for registration of the suburban area you need those that will delight the whole season with beauty and harmony.

What perennial flowers to choose?

Some gardeners prefer annual flowers, as they are unique in their colors. But many choose perennial flowers.

The advantages of perennial flowers for giving:

  1. Do not require about 2 years.
  2. Withstand slight freezing.
  3. Wonderful .
  4. Do not require additional.
  5. Looks great throughout the warm season.
  6. Can be used as a basis for creating flower gardens.
  7. Growing perennial flowers is much cheaper, since during a transplant a plant can be divided into several parts for.

In order for the flower garden to please the whole warm season, you need to take care of this in the fall. Autumn is not time to faint, you need to work in the garden in order for flowering plants to please the eye.

Planting perennial flowers can be of three types:

  1. Bulbs.
  2. Roots.
  3. Seeds.

You can land the whole composition, which will not require a transplant in the coming years.

The rules of planting perennial flowers

  1. Decide on a plan for how it will look.
  2. You need to clearly know what kind and growth of planting flowers. Stunted should be in the foreground, tall plants in the background.
  3. Remember that curb flowers to place along the paths and.
  4. Consider the colors, flowering time and harmony of each plant.

Perennial flowers that are planted in the fall

Consider perennial flowers for giving with photos and names so that every gardener can pick up a flower that will look perfect in a flowerbed.

Bloom in spring

- There are 4 species, the most popular are Dutch hybrids. All species bloom in different springtime, so plant all the varieties.

  - The plant begins to bloom in April. There are more than 30 varieties, which differ not only in color but also in shape.

Daffodils - there are a large number of plant varieties, different colors and shapes. The bulb of the plant remarkably overwinter, so in the spring it will be able to please with beautiful and elegant flowers.

Tulips. There are a large number of groups of tulips, which differ in color, shape and variety.

Periwinkle - a short-growing flower, reaches a height of 20 centimeters, small flowers, blue. Remarkably grows in the shade.

Adonis Amur - a short growing plant. Blooms yellow, red and pink small double flowers.

Perennial flowers for the garden, which bloom in late spring and all summer

The daylily is a tall flower that has a variety of colors: pink, orange, white, and so on.

Pansies are a delicate perennial flower that fascinates with its original form and unusual combination of colors.

Peony is one of the spectacular tall flowers that look great not only at the summer cottage, but also in flower bouquets.

Phlox paniculata - fragrant, bright, tall flower that pleases the eye with its diversity.

Lily - a gentle and incredibly cute flower. Buds are striking in their beauty. Capricious plant, susceptible to disease. But if you carefully care for it, the flower will give you chic flowers.

Cornflower is an extraordinary tender plant. There are several species with white, pink, dark purple and purple-lavender flowers.

Astilba is a perennial tall plant that blooms all summer and pleases with bright colors. Flowers of the plant are small, can be pink, white, purple. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests, does not require special care.

Hosta The flower has large leaves, which can be of different colors. Flowering stems are long, can reach 125 centimeters.

Bell - if properly care for a flower, then it can bloom until the cold. The type and color of bells is diverse, so they can be found on almost every bed of the dacha.

Choose perennial flowers that bloom all summer so that they are easy to care for. In order to create a bed on the summer cottage, which will not be difficult - all you need to do is to plant from 8 to 10 varieties of perennial flowers that bloom at different times. This method will provide continuous flowering of your favorite and most beautiful flowers. You need to clearly define the range and you can start.

Remember, almost every plant blooms for about 3 weeks. During this period, 2 or 3 plants may bloom, while creating a non-repeated flowering pattern on the flower garden. There are many perennial varieties of flowers that are resistant to pests and diseases. Thanks to the photo of perennial flowers you can understand in advance which flower will be in the process of flowering. This will help correctly and harmoniously make a flower bed or flower bed.

Giving preference to perennial plants, growers for a long time determine the appearance of their site. In order not to be mistaken with the selection of crops, it is useful to look in the catalog with photos and names describing perennial flowers.

  The world of ornamental plants is incredibly large. But picking flowers for their beds, borders and rabatok, beginners often go about the colorful illustrations and do not take into account such important criteria as the timing of flowering and the dimensions of a particular plant. What flowers to plant in the country to bloom all summer, were clearly visible, unpretentious and perfectly combined with other "residents" of the site?

Tall garden perennials with photos and names

The planning of flower beds begins with the selection of plants that will occupy the main places in the plantings. If you have to break a flower bed with a circular view, its "main characters" will be tall, well-marked flowers. In the flower garden located near the house or the fence, such tall perennials are also indispensable.

It is important that the perennial flowers chosen for the garden not only decorate the site with bright colors, but also have decorative foliage, which, after flowering, will serve as the background for lower plants.

Various species of meadowsweet bloom in the first half of summer. Magnificent brushes resembling light, pinkish or white clouds not only gracefully hover over the carved foliage, but also scare mosquitoes from the site of gadflies, midges and especially annoying mosquitoes at this time of year. Plant height reaches one and a half meters, culture is hardy and even has medicinal properties.

From the end of June or the first decade of July, it is time for luxurious stock roses. High, powerful peduncles hold up to 20 large simple or terry corolla of all shades from white, yellow to purple.

Stock-roses, or as they are called large-flowered mallow, are considered to be heat-loving plants, so not all regions of Russia will be able to calmly survive the winter. However, they can be easily replaced. For example, for the Urals there are perennial flowers blooming all summer long, with a photo and a name close to the previous culture.

  This is a mallow zebraine with spectacular lilac-purple flowers, decorated with the characteristic ornaments of their veins. The non-capricious plant forms a loose grassy shrub up to 1.5–1.8 meters in height with numerous green foliage and erect inflorescences of 10–15 flowers.

  Even more winter-hardy and no less decorative is the buzulnik, which grows well and blooms in the most severe conditions.

  Incredibly spectacularly look dense erect inflorescences of digitalis. Cultivated varieties amaze with a variety of colors of numerous flowers-bells. This perennial flower for the garden will decorate the site from June to August.

  In the middle of summer it is time for flowering of various species and varieties of species. Lilac, pink, white or reddish hats of its inflorescences will look great in open areas, near water bodies, next to dissected rudbeckia, or gold balls, and the same unpretentious alpine asters.

The latter culture is quite low, but it must necessarily be included in the list of the names of perennial flowers for Siberia, the north of Russia, the Urals and other regions where endurance is required from plants (photo above).

  In a small area where the garden is adjacent to garden beds, a Jerusalem artichoke or tuberiferous sunflower with dense heart-shaped foliage, hats of yellow flowers and stems sometimes exceeding a height of 2–3 meters can be planted along the border.

Perennial flowers for a medium size garden

The flowering plants from 40 to 80 centimeters leave the middle zone of the flower bed or flower bed. This catalog of perennial flowers for giving with photos and names is incredibly extensive and for different regions of the country can include dozens and hundreds of noteworthy cultures. And in most cases, not only flowers, but also foliage can serve as a flower bed decoration.

For example, already from early spring, light green leaves of Persian poppy are shown out of the snow from under the snow. And huge corollas of red, orange and even blue colors appear from the first days of summer, along with numerous species of garden daisies, aquilegia, multicolored lupins and luxurious irises.

  The perennial flower kandyk, well-known by photo and name in Siberia, will also be interesting to flower growers of the middle zone.

  Flowering in April or early May, the plant has a great variety of flower beds with already traditional species of crocuses, mouse hyacinth or muscari, the same famous for their endurance and excellent survival beyond the Urals.

  Under the crowns of still not fully blossomed trees and in the shade of buildings, they feel good. They bloom in May, and then, until the second half of summer, the garden is decorated with a dense curtain of broad-lanceolous leathery foliage with bright beads of scarlet fruit.

Recently, anemones have become more and more popular, which bloom for a short time, but it is always magnificent and bright.

  Along with the traditional, well-known by name and photo bulb flowers in the garden and garden there are perennials not less spectacular, but at the same time useful. This is a perennial species of onions available today to gardening lovers with large inflorescences — caps of purple, pinkish, white or greenish tones.

  Equally unpretentious and beautiful are the cultivars of the common yarrow, blooming in the first month of summer and practically disappearing under the snow with inflorescences of yellow, white, pink and orange shades.

The hot summer months are the time of flowering of airy gypsophila, rivaling tenderness with such “stars” of the garden as astilbe, who feel best not in the scorching sun, but in shady corners.

  Since August, motley hats are revealed above the dark green foliage of phloxes, bright corollas of daylilies, included in the list of names that bloom all summer long, as in the photo, perennial flowers for the Northwest. At the same time, the time comes for the plants of the Aster family.

  Inflorescences of doronicum, small-flowered frost-resistant chrysanthemums, perennial gaylardias rise above bright rosettes of leaves. Lilac, pink and white colors brighten the bushes of perennial asters.

Perennial low-growing flowers for the garden with a photo

Foreground beds give a low plants, creating the effect of a continuous carpet. If you look into the catalog with photos and the names of perennial flowers for gardening, such a result can be achieved with the help of stonecrop of different species, which throughout the summer preserves the decorativeness and freshness of greenery.

  The dense, bright cushions of the spikes and short carnations will look like excellent, bright spots on their background.

  For open spaces in areas with light aerated soil can be planted arabis. This plant will quickly take its place and in the second year will delight with pink or white piles of flowers.

  The group of stunted garden perennials includes flowers with the name Dusheney. Ornamental strawberries form a beautiful green cover covered with yellow flowers, on the mete of which later appear red, but, alas, inedible berries.

When decorating a dacha with perennials, you need to take care of their protection from the cold, from which bulbous plants, lilies, clematis and ornamental shrubs are most often affected. They should be covered for the winter with a mulch mixture, peat or dry foliage, and then protected with a nonwoven material.

Flowers perennials for giving - video