How to transplant geranium into a new pot. How to plant geranium in a pot and open ground in different ways How to plant geranium and when

Pelargonium, geranium and kalachik are all the names of the same plant, which grows well both in indoor and outdoor conditions. The flower is unpretentious and, with proper care, will delight the owners with flowering all summer, you only need to know when it is best to plant it on the street, and how to look after it after that.

The plant got its name in the 1st century BC. e., its useful properties were highly appreciated by many healers, and it has become popular in Europe. In Russia, it began to grow in the 18th century. Now more than 400 species of pelargonium and 200 species of its South African families have been bred.

On the street, wild geranium can be found in meadows, on the banks of rivers and lakes, in coniferous and deciduous forests. Its cultural varieties demonstrate unpretentiousness to severe weather conditions, they bloom twice a season, can tolerate harsh winters and dry summer days.

Now, along with simple varieties, there are hybrids with double flowers, their colors are very diverse, some of the colors in the wild can not even be found. And the leaves are both monophonic and combined.

New varieties introduced by breeders differ among themselves in a diverse color scheme of not only flowers, but also leaves, which can be dissected or rounded.

Propagation of perennial street geraniums

If you create comfortable conditions for it, then after the fruit of the plant ripens, the seeds open and spread far beyond the boundaries of the site, some of them also settle at the very site of planting.

When planting geraniums already growing in the garden, you need to divide its bush into several parts, it is better to do this in the fall. If the purchased or divided planting material did not manage to be planted before the onset of frost, then you must first take care of its rhizome so that it remains dense and retains its viability.

To preserve the rhizome, it is sprinkled with peat and then placed in a perforated bag or a special container. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime, which should not fall below 1 degree and rise above 4. At this time, you need to monitor the humidity of peat, but you must not allow an excess of moisture so that the roots of the plant do not rot.

When in spring can geraniums be taken out onto the balcony?

Most varieties of this flower tolerate frosts, and actively begin to grow in a new place. Based on what, it can be planted in the ground as soon as the threat of night frosts passes.

In each region, this time comes in different ways, but usually the planting of geraniums can be carried out already in the first decade of May. It is at this time that the rhizomes of the plant can warm up to the desired temperature of 15-18 degrees.

The timing of planting a flower will also be affected by the choice of planting material.

Landing conditions, preparation for landing

Despite its unpretentious nature, pelargonium develops correctly and gives good flowering only if the planting site is right and the conditions created for it.


Although geraniums love the sun, it is still not worth it to plant in areas where the sun shines all day, it is better to choose a land plot in the shade. Or plant it near the trees.

Humidity and temperature

Humidity does not have a special effect on the condition of the plant, but it is not worth spraying or watering its leaves purposefully, since then they will begin to turn yellow under the rays of the sun. Geranium tolerates moderate temperatures, in the summertime - 20 degrees, and in the winter - no more than 15, it is difficult to transfer the temperature drop to 10 degrees.

What should be the soil?

The main thing is that it be acidic or neutral, while you should choose or mix it yourself, so that it is loose and light, it should contain a large amount of peat and sand. Before planting, the plants must be fertilized, do it in the fall. At first, the selected area is dug up and slightly loosened, and then humus and fertilizer are applied. Before planting, the soil needs to be moistened.

Preparing seedlings (or seeds)

Some gardeners germinate seedlings from seeds, others buy ready-made pelargonium roots. But whatever planting material should be hardened before planting. It consists in the gradual adaptation of the plant to air. Seedlings planted in cups or other containers should be taken outside and left for a certain time, which should be increased every day.

If the air temperature at night does not fall below zero, then you can leave flowers on the street. Such hardening will help plants better adapt to new conditions of the open ground and subsequently provide the pelargonium bush with abundant flowering all summer.

In addition to planting a plant from an indoor pot, there are other ways of propagating it:

  • The seeds. The plant grown from them will be two years old and will bloom only in the second year. Seedlings grown from seeds are very whimsical, they can react strongly to abundant watering or heat.
  • Delenki.  A previously grown geranium bush in a pot is divided into several parts, which are planted in open ground and begin to form new bushes almost immediately. At the same time, their flowering begins already in 2-3 weeks.
  • Cuttings.  Adult flowering bushes can be used to obtain viable planting material. The upper part, the length of which should not exceed 15 cm, is cut off from them, it is desirable that they leave two leaves. After the roots appear on the cuttings, they can be planted; closer to autumn, the first flowers may appear on them.

Landing process

Previously cut cuttings and planted in cups, which have been quenched, are taken out to the street and left until planting.

Then the landing process is as follows:

  • Digging holes.
  • Planting a bush and falling asleep with earth.
  • Small watering and tamping of the earth around the seedling.
  • Pinching the apical kidney so that a dense bush subsequently forms.

During the rooting of the seedling, you need to cut off its lower leaves, otherwise they will turn yellow anyway. To get a rolling bush you need to pinch every 10 apical leaf, and do the same with the side shoots.

After landing care

All planting and transplanting of pelargonium is best done in the spring. It does not require special care, but to get a beautiful bush you will have some rules:

  • Water the plant regularly and abundantly, but do not fill it and prevent water from entering the leaves, it is best to plant a watering can under the root, but not bring the fluid to stagnate.
  • Feeding in time, the first can be done immediately after transplanting or planting the plant. As a fertilizer, peat or compost is used.
  • In summer, dried inflorescences should be removed in a timely manner to prolong flowering, and to achieve a decorative bush.
  • In autumn, it is necessary to cut off all dried leaves and branches to give life to new shoots next year.
  • In the spring, it is necessary to feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizer, this will act as a powerful stimulant for the development of dense and saturated foliage on the bush. A month after this top dressing, a second one is introduced, when choosing which it must be taken into account that potassium, fluorine, nitrogen and microelements should be present in its composition.
  • Fertilizer is introduced for different species, so for mountain plants, fertilizing should be less than for those that were bred for planting on the plain.
  • When preparing before wintering, the plant is cut and mulched.
  • In the event that it was decided to plant a garden geranium in a room pot, it is necessary to make a drainage layer for it.

Perennial pelargonium is an undemanding plant that can decorate any flower bed. She does not need special care and perfectly complements other decorative flowers in a group planting. When creating conditions suitable for it, the plant blooms all season, but if this does not happen, then you need to timely feed or transplant it in the spring to another place.

With the development of indoor floriculture, an increasing number of exotic plants are on sale. Of course, it is interesting to grow a novelty yourself, but do not forget the usual flowers. One of them was grown by many generations of our ancestors. And now in almost every house you can find the most ordinary geranium. , learn from this article.

And what foliage! Carved, motley, multicolor! These beautiful plants look a little like grandma’s geranium. If only a specific smell of leaves. With proper care, you can enjoy flowering almost all year round.

How to grow geranium at home? Agricultural machinery of any kind is very light. A little effort, simple care and the secret at which pelargonium begins to bloom - that’s the whole cultivation technology. But for those who are breeding this flower for the first time, we will describe everything in detail.

It is believed that geranium seeds do not germinate well. This statement applies only to self-harvested seeds. If on occasion it was possible to purchase a bag of industrial production, then they have a germination rate of almost 100%.

Sow geranium in small cups, one at a time. Of course, if the matter is put on stream, it is better to sow them in a bunch in one container. True, then you have to dive. But planted one at a time will be enough to spud slightly.

The soil should be of classical composition. This is fertile garden land, clean sand and peat. Proportions 2 to 1 to 1. Large drainage is poured at the bottom of the landing tank. Of course, these are not two cobblestones. The size of the fraction is about 1 cm. They should not be neglected, since the root system of geranium begins to rot with excess water.

After drainage, fill the tank with soil to half. Moisturize it, put a seed, sprinkle with a layer of earth no more than 1.5 cm. Then you need to cover the cup with dense polyethylene or glass. Put in a dark warm place (temperature about 22 ° C) and wait for seedlings.

If everything is done correctly, and the seeds are viable, then the first sprouts appear after 9-11 days. After that, the shelter is removed, and the cup is transferred to the light and the temperature is reduced to 18-20 ° C.

They take care of young plantlets as well as adults.

We grow geranium from cuttings

Suppose someone you know cut off a bush of varietal geranium and gave them the cuttings. What to do with them? There are two algorithms for your actions:

  1. We cut off the two lower leaves, then put the stalk in water. Root buds should appear in a week. And after 14-16 days it is already possible to plant the finished plant in a permanent place.
  2. We cut off a couple of lower leaves. Dip the stem section into any root stimulator and plant it immediately in a permanent pot. About 20 days do not touch the flower, only occasionally moisten the soil. After this period, an independent plant is obtained, ready to please you.

Absolutely any soil for geraniums, purchased or made independently, must be decontaminated. It is pre-shed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After 12 hours, calcined in the oven at a temperature of 110-115 ° C. You can pre-freeze the soil for 3 days if it happens in the winter.

These procedures will avoid the manifestation of many fungal and viral diseases.

Despite the fact that the leaves secrete volatile, which kill a large number of microbes in the air, geranium itself is susceptible to certain diseases. As a rule, they arise from improper care. The main factors are insufficient lighting and excessive waterlogging of the soil. Often the sore begins with the root system, and then spreads to the leaves.

Most problems can be avoided simply by properly caring for the plant. But, if trouble nevertheless arose, then it is fashionable to try to save the flower. Here, systemic fungicide preparations will help. They are used strictly following the instructions on the package.

Tip. If you can’t save the plant, then try to save at least a stalk that is not affected by the sore. From it you can grow a new flower.

Pests. With pleasure settle on pelargonium. They are not confused by aroma or fluff on the leaves. Usually this is aphid, spider mite or whitefly. The rest of the enemies are indifferent to the flower.

The first two can simply be washed off with water with the addition of potash or laundry soap. But with the third misfortune a long and persistent struggle lies ahead. It is not easy to remove it, even using the strongest insecticides. Look online for articles on how to get rid of whiteflies, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

Where to place geraniums

The homeland of this beauty is South America. Therefore, a flower loves a lot of light. Moreover, he is not afraid of direct sunlight. So you can quite safely have pelargonium on the windows facing south. Lighting should be at least 14 hours a day year-round. In winter, you will have to use additional illumination for this. Geraniums have no periods of rest.

The first sign of a lack of light is the appearance of a red border around the edges of the leaves. Of course, if it is not provided by the feature of the variety. In this case, lighting affects the duration of flowering, but only slightly. There is another secret for this, which will be described below.

How often to water geraniums

The plant does not belong to the succulent family, but it can accumulate a little moisture in the leaves. It does not tolerate waterlogging at all, but it feels absolutely calm during forced drought up to 5 days. Then he begins to spend moisture from the leaves and dump them. He won’t need them anymore.

So that your bush does not bald prematurely, water the geranium according to the scheme: the earthen lump is completely dry and plus another 2 days. In winter it is about once every 15 days, in summer more often.

Be sure to drain excess fluid from the pan completely. In order not to climb each time with your finger inside the pot, feeling the soil, purchase special beacons to measure the level of humidity. They will change color when the earth dries enough. By the way, water should be at room temperature.

Geranium loves to eat. From February to November, she needs a regular dose of mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium. But nitrogen can be added very little, otherwise you will get mighty foliage without a single bud. It is strictly forbidden to add organics; pelargonium does not tolerate it at all.

They feed the plant no more than once in 20 days, strictly on the second day after the main watering.

Geranium Formation

Pelargonium grows in height with cosmic velocity. If you miss a little time, then it can fly into a hefty tree. It is not very attractive aesthetically. In addition, the buds appear only at the ends of the shoots. Therefore, the bush must be formed from a very early age.

To do this, pinch the central shoot over 4 leaves. The stepsons are waiting for the appearance of the stepsons, then the tops are torn off and they also have 4 leaves. So do with all the shoots. Thanks to this formation, you will get a lush bush of spherical shape with a large number of buds.

If during the winter the plant stretched out, or the moment of formation missed, it is better to cut the whole bush to 3 leaves in spring. So there will be stepsons and you can again form the geranium beautifully.

By the way, do not throw away the trimmings. You can try to root them for subsequent planting. Or dry it in the shade and place it in cloth bags. It is good to lay out such blanks in cabinets; this specific aroma repels moths well.

The secret to flowering geraniums

And now the valuable advice promised above. They created all the conditions, look after, feed, highlight ... and geranium does not want to bloom. What to do? Discover the main secret. Geranium begins to bloom only when the roots in the pot are almost out of place.

Sometimes the owners see that the roots are entwined with the entire lump of earth and are in a hurry to transplant the pelargonium into a more spacious pot. And she, ungrateful, instead of buds, begins to build up the root system again.

How to do it right? In the spring we do not transplant the bush. It becomes crowded, it begins to bloom. With good care, it does this until the end of summer. When the last bud has faded, we cut it off and only then transplant the plant. Moreover, the pot should be larger than the previous one by 1-1.5 cm. During the winter, the root system will again completely cover the soil lump and the cycle repeats.

That's the trick.

  1. If the climate allows, then in spring you can plant pelargonium in the garden. In this case, it is advisable not to take it out of the pot, but to drop it directly with it. Otherwise, in the fall you will have to call an excavator to dig an overgrown root system.
  2. Geranium absolutely calmly tolerates direct sunlight. But at air temperatures above 35 ° C it is better to shade it a little. Still, this is excessively hot weather, burning leaves and tops of shoots.
  3. By the way, in winter geraniums have enough content at + 16-18 ° С. From spring to autumn, it is advisable to adhere to at least + 21-22 ° C.
  4. The first sign that pelargonium does not like something is the yellowing of the lower leaves. But what exactly does not suit the beauty, you have to determine yourself. Overfeeding with fertilizers, excessive watering, the onset of the disease - any of these factors is reflected primarily in the color shade of the foliage.
  5. If you are having difficulty choosing a fertilizer for pelargonium, then pay attention to those products on the packaging of which are labeled “for balcony plants”. It will be difficult to make a mistake here.
  6. Starting from the age of 2 years, when transplanting, the size of the pot does not increase. By the way, a flower can grow up to 10 years, or even more, if it is provided with suitable conditions.
  7. Old dried leaves and wilted flower stalks are not recommended to be torn off with hands, because it is likely to damage the stem of the plant. It is better to make it a sterile sharp knife.
  8. Seeds collected independently do not convey the decorative qualities of parents to children. But do not despair. Maybe you can develop your own unique variety of geranium?
  9. There is an interesting observation: if a person likes the smell of geranium leaves, then it means that he is not all right with the nervous system, and it would be advisable to check with the appropriate doctor. Those people who do not like aroma have a strong, healthy nervous system.

How to grow geranium at home? Quite simple and effortless. Do not neglect pelargonium and it will thank you with clean air in the house and long bright flowering.

Indoor geraniums growing on window sills, on loggias and balconies, as in the photo, may look like grassy or semi-shrub plants with erect or flowering stems.

All geraniums are highly decorative. Attention is drawn not only to simple or double flowers of all shapes and colors, but also to the unique leaves of the plant. They can be wide, almost rounded, figuredly rugged, palmate, smooth corrugated, green and variegated.

The long-known popularity of indoor geraniums as spectacular and unpretentious plants has led to the fact that the last hundred years: a great many varietal forms of pelargonium were obtained; wild species are open and cultivated; interspecific hybrids appeared.

Therefore, the modern classification of the genus represents about 250 independent species to plant lovers, and the gradation of varieties of indoor plants, adopted by the international community of gardeners, suggests using their notation based on the external characteristics, varieties and types of room geraniums: Stellar - star-shaped room geraniums, their varieties and hybrids ; Tulip - tulip-shaped pelargonium; Unique - indoor unique geraniums; Zonal - zonal or fringed home varieties of pelargonium.

Angel - indoor geraniums angels; Colored Foliage - variegated varieties; Cactus - cactus-like pelargonium; Ivy-leaved - ivy geraniums, which can be standard sizes, as well as dwarfs and miniatures; Miniature and Dwarf - miniature and dwarf plants of indoor pelargonium; Regal - royal geraniums; Scented-leaved - scented geraniums.

Pelargonium is zonal

All kinds of hybrids and varieties of this type of room geranium, as in the photo, grow perfectly in the house, on balconies and even on city flower beds. This is the undoubted leader in popularity and the number of bred cultural varieties, of which today there are about 75 thousand.

When describing the varieties of geraniums, in the photo, and in the names of plants, the following gradation is used according to the number of petals in the corolla: non-double flowers consist of five petals - Single; semi-double flowers include from 6 to 9 petals and are designated Semi-Double; terry flowers of geraniums consist of 8 or more petals - Double.

Terry varieties are sometimes called pion-shaped geraniums, which is somewhat wrong. There is no such group of plants in the classification recognized by the international community.

Zonal geranium flowers differ not only in splendor and size. Long gone are the days when only red geraniums flaunted on the windows. Depending on the variety and variety, pelargonium pleases the eye with umbrella inflorescences of all shades of pink, cream, burgundy or raspberry. Plants with white, multicolor, and even yellow corollas are not uncommon, as in the photo of a geranium variety called First Yellow Improved.

Rosaceae (Rose-bud Zonal pelargoniums)

An example is a pink-shaped, as in the photo, geranium with terry showy flowers, in structure and appearance resembling miniature English roses. This variety of room geranium, its name and photo of flowers have been known in the world since the century before last.

Tulip Indoor Geraniums

A century later, flower growers received home-grown geranium plants with flowers that, even at the time of their full bloom, did not open, remaining in the bud stage. As a result, this, shown in the photo, indoor geranium was called tulip-shaped.

The species began spontaneous mutation, and the few varieties and hybrids of tulip geraniums that exist today, when growing or propagating, sometimes try to return to their natural form.

Pelargonium (geranium) is a fairly popular plant among many people. They are decorated not only with flower beds and garden plots, but also with window sills in houses.

It is not so difficult to grow it, it can be propagated not only by processes, but also with the help of seeds.

Propagation of geranium by seeds is a simple process, this will require knowledge of some rules.

If you have to sow pelargonium with seeds, then first of all you need to choose high-quality planting material. Geranium has a lot of varieties, differing in the color of the flowers, the shapes of the bush and inflorescences. The seeds of this plant are sold in specialized flower shops and markets. You can also use the order online.

When material is acquired for the propagation of a flower, you need to know certain subtleties. Pelargonium seeds are sold in several types and you should be aware of this:

One of the best species that flower growers prefer to grow is the first two species. They have a good germination rate and are more resistant to various diseases.

Despite the fact that seeds that have not been processed are cheaper, it is better to give preference to processed species, especially to beginners in this business who are going to grow the plant for the first time.

If you still have to plant unprocessed grains, they are recommended to either soak them in warm water for a while or rub them a little with sandpaper so that you can slightly remove the top layer.

When to plant geraniums: the best time to plant

After buying seeds, you can start planting and try to grow the first seedlings. Experienced flower growers do not talk about the best time to plant a plant and believe that this can be done at any time. It is only worth bearing in mind that if planting and propagation is carried out in winter, then the sprouts will need additional lighting.

However, planting pelargonium is better from November to April. Gradually, as the plant grows, daylight hours will grow. When the planting is closer to February, the seedlings appear as daylight hours increase and, accordingly, when they grow, additional lighting is no longer required, which greatly simplifies the whole process. In addition, when planting or propagating at the very beginning of the spring period, in the summer you can already expect flowering from the bushes.

Having decided on the landing time, you need to think about the place. Wooden boxes that need to be filled with a substrate are well suited for this. The substrate may consist of mixtures of several components. Suitable for geraniums:

  • sandy soil, turf, peat in a ratio of 1: 2: 1;
  • peat soil and perlite in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • sandy and peaty soil - also taken in a ratio of 1: 1.

Pelargonium seeds are placed on the surface of the soil. In this case, a distance of approximately 5 cm between each seed should be observed so that when germinating, the seedlings do not interfere with each other's growth. Sprinkle grains on top with a thin layer of soil and spray with pre-settled water from a spray bottle. After this procedure, a greenhouse effect should be created in the container, for which its surface is covered with a film. Then it will be necessary to monitor the soil from above, not allowing it to dry out, but not filling it.

It is better for the container to be in this period in a bright place, but where direct rays of the sun will not fall. The temperature should not be below 18 degrees and above 25. Under optimal conditions and good care, seedlings should begin to appear after about two weeks.

What you need to know about diving geranium seedlings and how to grow it

One of the important steps in the process of growing geranium from seeds is diving. It is also mandatory in the process of plant growth. The picking of seedlings is its transplantation from a common container into separate containers (pots).

Geranium seedlings are dived about when the sprouts acquire at least two formed leaves. Pick-up is best done immediately in separate containers. For this purpose, one of the bushes is carefully taken and its roots are divided into several independent seedlings. The main thing is not to miss the right moment in the upcoming pick, otherwise it will be very difficult to unravel the horses of the plants.

The diameter of the container for the upcoming transplant should be at least twelve centimeters so that pelargonium feels comfortable. It is better to water the transplanted geranium with a watering can, which has a thin nose.

On days when it is raining and cloudy outside, it is better to install additional lighting over seedlings when growing. If there is not enough light for them, this will lead to the fact that the leaves begin to die. If the affected leaves begin to appear, it is better to remove them immediately. As a result, various diseases and fungi can be prevented.

After completing the picking stage, as the plant grows, a special substrate should be added to the container, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

When 6-8 leaves appear on the seedlings, they will need to be nipped so that the plant does not grow too much.

How to care for geraniums: what she loves and what not

To grow pelargonium from seeds, you need to know some of the subtleties of flower care. Proper care of it is necessary from the first days. Although the plant that lives at home is quite unpretentious, you should be aware of some rules:

How to understand that the plant is being properly cared for? This is easy enough to do. There are several signs that help determine if pelargonium is getting proper home care. For example, if the flower has reddening on the leaves, this may mean that the temperature in the room is too low and should be made slightly higher. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, you need to water the geranium a little more often, but if the leaves turn dark, then the plant should be watered less often. In the second case, it may be better to immediately remove the bush, because it can rot. In addition, another sign of excessive watering is the appearance of mold on the leaves.

When lower leaves fall, this may mean that the plant does not have enough home lighting. Thus, caring for geraniums at home is not so complicated and consists of moderate and timely watering, not too frequent fertilizing, removing diseased leaves, dry inflorescences or dry leaves. If you follow these simple rules for caring for a flower, then the result will be good and the geranium will certainly please the grower with lush and long flowering.

How to protect homemade geranium from diseases

Unfortunately, in some cases, the plant may become ill. This occurs for a number of reasons, and not only with street cultivation, but also at home. For example, various pests can cause flower disease. It can be ants, aphids or caterpillars. Geranium is very afraid of them.

To control these pests, you can use aspirin. It is a universal tool that can be used with almost any variety of pests. To kill pests with aspirin, you need to take one tablet and dilute in one liter of water. With this solution, you need to spray the roots three times a week.

Another pest control tool is Marathon, which is a good way to get rid of aphids or whiteflies. It is quite easy to use. Several granules of the preparation are poured into the flower pot and after that the plant is watered with water.

To eliminate the caterpillars use the Monterey tool. The product is prepared according to the instructions, after which the affected geranium bushes are sprayed.

However, it is better to prevent any disease than to carry out treatment later, therefore experienced flower growers recommend that preventive measures be taken using the Messenger drug. It is able to increase the immunity of not only geraniums, but also other plants, which means protecting them from all kinds of pests and diseases.

Geranium (pelargonium) is a widespread houseplant with bright flowers. Geranium can also be grown from seeds, but I prefer grafting, which is carried out from mid-February to early March.

At this time, pruning of geraniums is already required. After all, geranium is photophilous, and in winter there is little light, and the plant is stretched, it becomes not very beautiful.
  Geraniums need to trim the bare shoots to the height that you need (but not quite a stump, of course), from them new branches will go.
  And you can update the geranium every year by replanting from a new shank, as our great-grandmothers did in ancient times.

  For propagation of geranium, apical cuttings with a length of about 7 cm with 3-5 sheets are suitable.
  Cut the cuttings, making an oblique cut under the kidney, cut off the bottom pair of leaves, dry the cut and the place of leaf cut for 2-3 hours, so that the cut is pulled by a film, and plant immediately in prepared pots with soil, slightly water.
  To form a lush bush, pinch the top kidney. We put in a bright place, but not in the sun!

  Many just cut the cuttings and put into water, I advise you to put activated charcoal tablets in a jar of water so that there is no rot.
Roots form very quickly. Then they are seated in pots.
  You need to take a small pot. Earth geraniums do not need much. The faster the roots braid around a lump of earth, the faster the plant will bloom, and the smaller the pot, the more flowering will be.

  In large pots, the plant may not bloom at all, it does not need it - life is already good, why bother? In one pot you can even plant several cuttings.
  In the process of rooting, the lower leaves may turn yellow - tear them off when a couple of new leaves appear.

  To form a beautiful lush bush, pinch the top on the 8-10th leaf, lateral shoots - on the 6-8th and constantly turn the pot so that the bush is even.
  Geranium loves:
  - the sun (but also tolerates a slight shadow);
  - warm (but it will survive very light autumn frosts);
  - not frequent, but plentiful watering;
  - good drainage in a pot;
  - moderately fertile, even scarce soil, (otherwise there will be a lot of greenery, but few flowers);
  - regular top dressing;
  - removal of faded inflorescences to continue flowering.
  In June-July, if necessary, cuttings can be made.

  Iodine water is a very good top dressing: dissolve 1 drop of iodine in 1 liter of water and pour 50 ml of this composition over the walls of the pot. Do not overdo it so that the roots do not burn!
  After such watering, geranium blooms continuously and elegantly!
  If the leaves turn yellow, the reasons may be as follows:
  - if the leaves dry only the edges - the reason is the lack of moisture;
  - if the leaves are sluggish or rot - the reason is an excess of moisture.
  In both cases, the leaves may fall.

  The bareness of the stem, the lower leaves fall off - a lack of light.
  In summer, geraniums love to live in the fresh air - take it to the balcony or to the garden, plant it well in the ground.
  At first, having experienced the stress associated with a change of place, the geranium will hurt, it may turn yellow and fall leaves. But then it will delight you with abundant flowering.
  On the street, geranium blooms amazingly, and the bush grows much more than ever before at home.

  In the sun, sometimes the leaves of geranium turn pink - this is a normal phenomenon, like a “tan,” the plant is no better, no worse.
  In autumn, in cool weather of 10-12 degrees, geraniums "go crazy" from such a temperature!

You can keep geranium on the street until the start of frost, until the temperature drops to + 2-5. Then it will need to be cut, transplanted into pots and put in a cool place (10-12 degrees) for hibernation or, gradually accustoming to a higher temperature, bring it into the room where it will continue flowering.

Pelargonium, or the more common name in Russia, geranium is completely capricious to care for and very easy to reproduce plant. Many generations of flower growers have become convinced of this, and they even unite into communities of Pelargonist fans. There are many reasons to love pelargonium: it has decorative and fragrant greens, it blooms beautifully and for a long time, and is healing. But there is one unpleasant feature in the complaisant nature of pelargonium. Indoor geraniums do not really favor transplants. The procedure, on duty for most plants, for it can end in failure. To prevent this from happening, before transplanting geraniums, read the simple rules of this procedure.

Pelargonium: features of home care

Pelargonium, which is firmly established on the windowsills of our apartments, hails from the South African savannah. And like all Africans, she loves the sun very much, she is warm and negatively related to too nutritious and too moist soil, because rains in the savannah are rare and the land is very poor.

In indoor floriculture, three types of pelargonium are known: zonal, royal and ampelous. It is zonal or garden geraniums that are planted in spring in the flower beds. They bloom for a very long time and propagate without cuttings by cuttings. Royal, or royal pelargoniums are more whimsical. Their flowers are larger and more original than those of the zonal ones, but the flowering periods are shorter, it is more difficult to propagate the royal pelargonium. Ampelic geraniums are the most delicate and difficult to care for. But in general, pelargoniums are not very demanding of the conditions and thankful for the good care of the flowers.

Features of the southerner must be taken into account when leaving at home. Take the pelargonium window sills from the south, east or west side. Put it in a cramped pot to bloom better, give not very greasy soil with a good drainage layer. When a plant grows and blooms, water a lot, but infrequently. In winter, pour less water, only slightly moistening the soil. Pelargonium should not be sprayed, in nature it is not spoiled by high humidity. Slightly pubescent leaves can even get sick if drops fall on them. In summer, put the flower in fresh air or even transplant it into the open ground. There geranium will literally blossom. In the fall, return the whole plant or its cuttings back home again. Organize a cool wintering, the optimum will be + 10-15 degrees. And the light in winter as well as in summer, pelargonium should be plenty. If there is little sun, artificial lighting (phytolamps, fluorescent or LED) will help.

Indoor geranium is good for pinching and pruning. Be sure to remove the faded peduncles so that new ones appear.

But do not rush to transplant pelargonium from pot to pot. This plant is not prone to changing places. After an operation that is harmless at first glance, it may turn yellow and chandruffy so that resuscitation is required.

I must say that the cuttings of pelargonium (with the exception of some particularly delicate varieties) take root very readily in light soil, the survival rate is almost 99%. And for those in the remaining 1 percent, inventive flower growers have come up with the most incredible rooting methods.

What you need to know to transplant a flower correctly

Indoor plants cannot be successfully grown without transplanting. The pot sooner or later becomes small, the soil is depleted, the growth of the green pet stops - and then the time for change inevitably comes. A new pot and fresh soil should stimulate flower growth. But sometimes, instead of positive changes, the grower discovers that the newcomer is sick or even dead. How to act to bring benefit, rather than harm, to pelargonium? First of all, you need to determine if she needs a transplant.

Reasons for transplanting room geraniums:

  • the roots of the pelargonium braided all the earth in a pot and peep out of the drainage holes. It is not difficult to verify this: get an earthen lump and inspect. The roots hold the soil tight, and there is no place for their development - replant! The roots are not visible at the edges - return the plant to the old pot;
  • the plant shows signs of the disease (turns yellow, withers), the earth is very wet and does not dry out - you poured it, and the roots began to rot. So, it is urgent to change the soil;
  • pelargonium has stopped growing, although it receives top dressing and proper care. Perhaps the matter is inappropriate soil;
  • near the bush of geranium the lower part of the stems was ugly exposed, which is almost inevitable with time. The flower needs rejuvenation, and a transplant will help him in this;
  • in the spring you planted pelargonium on a flower bed, on the eve of frost you need to return it to your native windowsill.

If there is no good reason to transplant a geranium, leave it alone. This plant will feel better in the old place of residence. From an unreasonable move there will only be problems.

Choose a pot

If your pelargonium definitely needs a transplant, choose the right pot for it, in which the plant will feel comfortable and will thank bright greenery and flowering.

Let's start with the material. If pelargonium lives with you for a long time and feels good, do not change the material of the pot, as this will necessarily entail changes in the watering regime. But if the flower was uncomfortable or a new plant is replanting, you need to choose which is better: a plastic or ceramic pot. Plastic is cheaper, it is easier to wash, it is easier and does not break. Pelargonium, of course, will grow in such dishes. But she often suffers from waterlogging of the roots. Ceramics are more hygroscopic, the porous walls of the pot are able to absorb excess moisture. In addition, clay takes harmful salts out of the water, which is also beneficial for the plant. Conclusion: if you have a choice, give preference to a pot made of natural ceramic.

A new ceramic pot needs to be prepared for transplantation. Wash it thoroughly and soak for several hours in hot water. If it has already been used, it is necessary not only to wash, but also to remove the mineral salts absorbed into the walls, sterilize: pour a weak solution of acetic acid into it, and then pour over boiling water.

The size of the pot for pelargonium, choose depending on the size of the plant. The diameter of the new container should exceed the old one by only 3-5 cm. A small pot is better than a volumetric one. Pelargonium will then begin to bloom when the roots become crowded. For a medium-sized plant, a pot with a diameter of about 15 cm and a height of 10 cm is enough. In a large capacity, several cuttings can be placed at once. Pelargonium is often, especially in summer, grown in flower boxes. Arrange plants in them at intervals of 15–20 cm. For ampelous varieties, hanging planters or baskets will be needed.

What soil is needed for planting geraniums

Some admirers of pelargonium believe that soil quality is not the most important factor for this plant. They recall how they used to grow indoor geraniums in heavy, cement-like ground. And they grew and bloomed. Only it was not thanks, but in spite of the difficult conditions of existence. Now, when there is a large selection of soil compositions, do not torment the plant.

Pelargonium prefers moderately nutritious soil. Geraniums can react to overly fertilized soil to the detriment of flowering by actively growing foliage. But the friability and air capacity of the soil is a prerequisite. Although, as experienced pelargonists assure, geraniums will not be disturbed by heavy clay loam.

Soil Options:

  • ready-made shop primer for pelargonium, it is also possible for senpolia, with the addition of sand for friability;
  • 10 parts of purchased universal soil plus 1 part of cut sphagnum moss and 0.5 part of humus;
  • garden soil, peat and sand mixed in equal shares;
  • in 4 parts of turf land 1 part of humus and 0.5 parts of coarse sand;
  • equally sheet, sod, humus land and river sand;
  • loam, peat and coarse sand or perlite - all in equal parts.

During sterilization, not only harmful but also beneficial inhabitants of the soil die. Special biological products of EM or home remedies will help restore the microflora. For example, some growers add milk to water for irrigation.

Pelargonium needs good drainage. In addition to expanded clay, for it you can take large vermiculite or perlite, brick or foam crumb.

No matter how good the soil is, over time its top layer will be compacted. And pelargonium loves its roots to breathe. Give this pleasure to the plant. Between watering, be sure to loosen the top layer of soil. Pelargonium will appreciate such care and will grow and bloom better.

When to plant

Young pelargoniums are transplanted every two years in the spring, before active growth begins. Adult plants - if there is a need to change the pot. Otherwise, it is enough to update the top layer of the soil substrate.

Sometimes, when the threat of spring frost passes, geraniums are planted on a flower bed. In open ground, the plant can remain until the average daily temperature drops to +15. Before the onset of cold weather, usually at the end of September, he was again transplanted into a pot to return home.

Transplanting room pelargonium with the addition of new land

Like any serious matter, transplanting a living plant is a responsible operation that requires careful observance of the rules. This fully applies to geraniums, not loving a change of residence.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare the tank, soil and drainage. Sterilize everything.
  2. At the bottom of the tank, put 2-3 cm of the drainage layer and part of the soil.
  3. Carefully remove the previously watered pelargonium from the old earthen pot. If the plant does not give in, put it on its side and tap on the wall of the tank, and then turn it upside down, holding the bush.
  4. Inspect the roots. Trim rotten and dried, trying not to hurt healthy roots.
  5. Pelargonium with an earthen lump set in the center of a new pot.
  6. Between the wall of the pot and a lump of earth, gradually add moistened soil, slightly tamping it. Shake the container periodically so that the earth rolls down and fills the void.
  7. Pelargonium water, put in partial shade or next to a sunny window, but not in direct rays.
  8. After a week, rearrange the plant in a well-lit place.

How to return geranium from a flowerbed to a pot in autumn

In early September, it’s time to move the pelargonium from the “summer residence” to the winter apartment:

  1. Water the plant well to moisturize the entire root system.
  2. Prepare a pot with a drainage layer, put a little soil on the bottom.
  3. After waiting for the soil to absorb water, dig up pelargonium with a root lump of earth.
  4. Remove excess earth from a coma, inspect the roots.
  5. If the roots have grown too much, trim the ends of the sides. Remove damaged or rotten ones.
  6. Move the plant with part of the garden soil into a pot.
  7. Deepen the upper roots, but the plant should remain in the soil at the same level as it grew in the open ground.
  8. Tamping carefully, fill the voids between the roots with soil.
  9. Water the pelargonium.
  10. A plant that spent the summer in the fresh air, after transplantation, do not immediately put in the sun, hold for some time in partial shade.
  11. Carry out an easy pruning: the length of the shoots should remain at least 20 cm. Reducing the amount of green mass will help the plant adapt to the pot and home conditions.
  12. At the end of the winter Pelargonium will need a new haircut.

If possible, increase the temperature of the pelargonium content gradually. After the street, let the plant stay for about a week on a warm veranda or loggia, only then relocate the geranium to the house.

Video: transplanting pelargonium from open ground into a home pot

How to transplant the purchased plant, whether to remove the purchased soil mixture

When buying pelargonium, choose a healthy plant without signs of illness or wilting. It is better if there are buds on it, and not blooming flowers.

You should not rush with a transplant of a recently purchased plant. Moving from the store, changing the microclimate, lighting, water quality and watering regime, and so serious stress. Let the pelargonium rest and get used to a new place for a couple of weeks or a month. And if the acquisition is made in the fall or at the beginning of winter, the adaptation will take even more time. Wait until the end of February or March.

There is an opinion that the transportation soil in which store plants live should be completely changed, allegedly it is harmful. This is not true. In fact, its composition is most often quite high-quality. It is loose, absorbs moisture well and dries out. As a rule, it has a lot of peat. The only drawback is that the soil, in order to limit the growth of plants, is poor in nutrients. If you try to remove the shop soil, for example, washing the roots, the plant will become sick, and may die.

Rinse the roots, getting rid of the old substrate, it is necessary only in special cases, when the plant is clearly painful, the roots rot, and the soil acidifies. Then choose the lesser of two evils: root injury is better than rot. Rinse the roots, it is possible in a solution of fungicide, cut the rotted areas and plant the pelargonium in fresh sterilized soil.

If the size of the store pot corresponds to the size of the plant, it is enough to take a container 2-3 cm larger in diameter and do a transshipment, that is, save a lump of old land by adding a little new. This operation is the least traumatic for the roots. Only damaged roots are subject to removal.

Post-transplant care requirements

Geraniums are difficult to take root in a new place. Immediately after transplantation, pelargonium needs gentle care. They put her in a warm place. For a while, the photophilous plant is shaded from the direct sun. Watered sparingly, as the roots that have not taken root are easily rotten. Excess moisture in the soil is the cause of most diseases. The flower is not fertilized, in the right soil nutrients will last at least 2-3 months. No water procedures, spraying - pelargonium does not like this.

Video: how to transplant geranium at home

How to plant geranium without roots

Geranium can be planted without roots. To do this, you need to correctly cut the branch-stalk and prepare a light substrate or other material in which rooting will take place without problems. Whatever method of rooting you choose, follow the general rules: cuttings need heat, light and moderate moisture of the substrate. And no bags or cans on top.

Root in the ground

Rooting cuttings in the soil is the most common way of propagating pelargonium:

  1. Cut apical cuttings 7-10 cm long with 4-6 leaves. Do the cut at an angle. Remove the lower leaves and dry the cuttings, leaving them in the air for 2-3 hours. The cut should be tightened with a film.
  2. Prepare small containers (200 ml plastic cups), make drainage holes in them.
  3. At the bottom, place drainage, on top of light soil, consisting of sand, peat and perlite. Lightly moisten the mixture.
  4. Make a hole in the ground with a wooden stick or pencil. Place the stalk there, 3-5 cm deep, and gently tamp the soil around.
  5. Place the container with seedlings in a bright and warm (at least +22) place. Cover the planting of geraniums, arranging a kind of greenhouse, is not necessary.
  6. Water the landings from below, through the pan.
  7. Rooting takes place in 2–4 weeks.
  8. When the plant has let out real leaves and has strengthened, pinch the upper bud so that the lateral ones develop. Then the bush will turn out magnificent.
  9. If pelargonium was rooted in late summer or autumn, reload in a new pot and more nutritious soil in early spring.

Fans of pelargonium assure that the cuttings of ordinary non-varietal geraniums are perfectly rooted without treatment with stimulants. But if you have a capricious plant, treat a section before planting, lower it for half a minute into a solution of Epin, Kornevin or other root-forming agents.

Video: replanting a rooted cuttings in a permanent pot

Another option - first germinate in water

You can root geranium cuttings in water. Most often, the roots appear and grow quickly, it is interesting to observe this process. However, the method has a significant drawback: “water” roots do not always adapt successfully in the soil. Some of the cuttings die after moving to the soil.

How to root cuttings in water:

Cutting cranky varieties of geraniums, for example, royal, spend the day before, for 3 weeks, stimulating the uterine plant. Make small incisions under the kidneys throughout the branch you plan to cut. Root tubercles will appear in places of notches. Cut the cuttings under them. Then the young roots appear in 2-3 days.

What else do flower growers love to plant geranium

Pelargonists came up with original ways of rooting a favorite plant. Here are the options tested in practice. They are suitable for cuttings of whimsical varieties, weakened or diseased plants. Try planting cuttings in moss, vermiculite, or synthetic winterizer. According to reviews of flower growers, such methods give one hundred percent rooting.

In the sphagnum

In vermiculite

  1. Fill a plastic cup half-dry with vermiculite.
  2. Bury a stalk about 1.5–2 cm into it.
  3. Gently pour warm water under the future root.
  4. Put in a warm and bright place.
  5. Water a little so that vermiculite is slightly moist. The roots should reach for water.

Natural vermiculite is a mineral from the hydromica group. These are lamellar crystals of yellowish-brown color. They do not give in to decay and decomposition, microorganisms do not live in them. In floriculture, vermiculite is used as a drainage material and for rooting cuttings. It can be purchased at flower shops.

In syntepon

Video: rooting cuttings in peat tablets

Is it possible to transplant blooming geranium

Those who have just started to grow geraniums sometimes have a dilemma: to transplant or not a flowering plant. Flowering takes away the power of geraniums, at which time it is more vulnerable. A transplant is a serious stress, and it will be followed by a period of adaptation, which will also require a lot of vital energy. It turns out, replanting a flowering bush, you are guaranteed to lose both buds and flowers, and, perhaps, destroy the whole plant. He does not have the strength to pull out both cases.

But sometimes there is simply no other way. For example, you flooded your pelargonium, and the roots were affected by rot. Then, to save the plants, an urgent transplant is needed, despite the flowering.

How to rejuvenate geranium by updating the stems

Over the years, the lower part of the shoots inevitably exposes near the indoor geranium, as growers say, it “grows”.

Pelargonium can be rejuvenated by transplantation. After moving the plants into a new pot, the roots will receive more space and nutrition for development. And the aerial part needs to be greatly trimmed; in some neglected cases, literally “stumps” with several kidneys are left. For some time, pelargonium will get used to its new position. When the roots heal, left kidneys begin to develop.

The cut top of the geranium can also continue to live and bloom. It will make excellent cuttings. With proper rooting (how to do it, it was said above), it will be possible to grow several healthy plants.

Transplant problems: soil composition and others

Pelargonium does not like a pot change, but still in most cases it adapts safely to a new place. Of course, it can get sick, according to some observations, the addictive time lasts an average of 2-3 weeks.

Most often, gardeners complain of rotting of cuttings or roots. If rooting is carried out in water, the addition of activated carbon will help. Cuttings do not rot in a completely depleted soil or its surrogates - moss, vermiculite, synthetic winterizer. When replanting adult pelargonium, root rot can appear if the unsterilized soil mixture is infected with a fungus, the soil in the pot is flooded, or the pot itself is too large.

Why does geranium turn yellow

It is normal if, after transplantation, pelargonium loses a few leaves. But sometimes geraniums turn yellow almost all. This is also a natural reaction to a change of place. Do not worry, do not try to put geraniums in a greenhouse, spray it, but just give it time to acclimatize. Most likely, everything is normalizing.

But just in case, check: does the soil dry out, and do you fill the plant. Pelargonium should be watered only after drying of the upper layer by 2-3 cm. It is possible to add stimulants (Kornevin or Epin) to irrigation water for better adaptation.

To be able to properly transplant or plant plants is important for the grower. Especially when it comes to flowers that do not tolerate changing places, such as pelargonium. Easy to learn simple rules. True, sometimes the florist does everything as expected, and the plant becomes ill after transplantation. And the other breaks the rules, but the flower is cheerful and cheerful. What is the secret? Fans of pelargonium assure that this plant very well feels the mood and energy of a person. Care for geraniums is necessary with love and in a good mood. So, in addition to the pot and soil, prepare a positive attitude before transplanting or grafting - then everything will work out.

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