The most useful indoor plants for growing at home. Indoor medicinal plants

Houseplants are wonderful little healers. Absorbing carbon dioxide, they give us invaluable oxygen, and also release phytoncides - active substances that can kill or inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.
Houseplants are excellent at purifying the air and increasing humidity in closed room, which is especially important in winter period... An apartment with indoor plants has a more favorable psycho-emotional environment.

1. Chrolophytum

If you have no experience at all in keeping indoor plants, you can start your acquaintance with them with chrolophytum. This plant is extremely unpretentious, easy to care for and ideal for a beginner botanist.
Despite its nondescript appearance, chrolophytum is the leader among indoor plants for purifying the air from harmful toxic pollutants. Another important plant ability is air humidification. Chrolophytum is recommended for people suffering from allergies, frequent colds, lung diseases, as well as all those who live in the immediate vicinity of major roads or in industrial areas.

2. Aloe

The aloe juice contained in its fleshy shoots has unique properties. It contains a huge amount of active substances and vitamins.
"Home doctor" aloe will speed up the healing of wounds on the skin, in the mouth, and even the healing of burns. The plant will be an excellent help in the fight against colds (runny nose, sore throat), with stomach diseases. The quality of scarlet, such as the ability to increase appetite, is used in the treatment of wasting.
Aloe juice is widely used in cosmetology.

3. Begonia

Begonia is loved by many people for its beautiful appearance, but not everyone knows that the plant also has healing qualities. Phytoncides secreted by begonia, purifying the air, reduce the content of staphylococcus and streptococcus viruses in it. Begonia is able to increase human immunity, relieve fatigue, and increase mental activity. Place begonias on your work desk in your apartment.
An infusion of begonia leaves is used in the treatment of alcoholism.

4. Violet

The violet beauty has a pacifying effect on the atmosphere in the apartment, expelling negativity from it. Violets are especially relevant in children's rooms.
The flower has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, is used to lower blood pressure, as an analgesic and sedative, as well as in the treatment of coughs and pneumonia. A decoction of violet leaves increases immunity.
Capricious violets do not take root in all homes. They say that if your violet died, there is no reason for sadness, just the flower took away all the negativity from the apartment.

5. Room lemon

Indoor lemon is a frequent guest in our apartments; it can be easily grown from an ordinary seed. But, most likely, it will not bear fruit.
Lemon is able to increase performance and mental activity in humans, and it is an indispensable tool in the fight against stress. The phytoncides secreted by lemon have a general healing effect. Lemon is extremely useful for people suffering from diseases of the lung and respiratory systems.

6. Dieffenbachia

Buy dieffenbachia if you live in an environmentally unfriendly area, near factories or factories. This plant with large voluminous leaves is able to perfectly clean the air from the following toxins: formaldehyde, xylene, trichlorethylene, benzene, and also reduce the overall dustiness in the apartment. In addition, Dieffenbachia is known for its excellent decorative properties, and an adult specimen is quite capable of becoming a home decoration.
If a small fidget lives in your house, you should avoid contact with the plant: dieffenbachia juice can be dangerous.

7. Ficus

Ficus is a home "vacuum cleaner" capable of very effectively cleaning the air from pollution. Ficus can help with mastopathy, serves as a means of preventing cancer. The plant is useful for people suffering from back ailments, it can reduce toothache and even remove the wart.
Such magical property ficus, as the improvement of the general microclimate in an apartment, has been known for a long time. He is able to bring good luck to the house, protect from poverty and even help women in their desire to become pregnant.

8. Prickly pear cactus

Opuntia has many medicinal properties. The plant has both a general strengthening and bactericidal effect, helps to fight the effects of negative factors.
Opuntia shoots help with abdominal pain, in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, it is indispensable in the fight against edema and liver diseases. By eating prickly pear in food, you can quickly lose weight.
The flower of this cactus can even stop the blood.

9. Pereromiya

This compact plant will be a good helper in the fight against respiratory diseases. Another very important property of the plant is known - this is the ability to help a person overcome depression. Pereromiya also contributes to a more relaxed, restrained and friendly environment in the family.

10. Cyclamen

The medicinal properties of the whimsical cyclamen will be beneficial for diabetics. A medicine based on the tubers of a plant can quickly cure sinusitis, headaches and colds. The plant will have a beneficial effect on the hormonal and immune systems of a person, helps with infertility, and can improve the state of the heart.
The mystical property of cyclamen is transformation negative energy in a positive way, it can make your children more obedient and calm. Place the plant in the nursery.

Every person has ever heard of medicinal properties certain plants. Traditional medicine uses with might and main various flowers, herbs and rhizomes in their recipes, helping to get rid of many, even the most serious diseases. But few people know that even on an ordinary window sill in an apartment multi-storey building you can grow a real miracle of nature. Even common and familiar to us houseplants have many healing properties.

Hibiscus... Many have such a plant in their apartments as the Sudanese rose. It is used to make the famous and very healthy hibiscus tea. This drink optimizes metabolic processes, makes the walls of blood vessels strong and elastic, allows you to quickly cope with colds and flu. In addition, it effectively cleanses the body of toxins and removes "bad" cholesterol.

Money Tree ... This plant is scientifically named Crassula and acts as an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent. Its leaves and juice squeezed out of them are actively used for sore throats and other ailments of the throat.

Tree aloe... It is a recognized medicinal plant that is actively used for therapeutic purposes. Its extracts are added to pharmaceutical preparations, but you yourself can easily use it to treat a variety of diseases, from a cold to tuberculosis. Aloe is used to treat diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory and genitourinary systems. With its help, they get rid of long-term healing wounds, purulent lesions and burns.

Balsam... Used in the treatment of dropsy, as well as to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder. In large doses, it is a good emetic. If you soak a cotton swab with balsam juice, it can be applied to ulcers, wounds, and hemorrhoids.

Indoor geranium ... The scientific name of this plant is pelargonium, even official medicine has recognized that its leaves contain anticoagulants, which means that they can be used in the fight against blood clots and clogged veins, as well as in the treatment of thrombophlebitis. Traditional medicine uses this plant as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, astringent and hemostatic agent. Geranium is often used for diarrhea, as well as for uterine, nose and pulmonary bleeding.

Golden mustache or callisia... This plant is used in the treatment of allergic ailments, hemorrhagic diathesis, retinal hemorrhages, and improper metabolism. With its help, they get rid of rheumatism, hypertension, nephritis, prostatitis and diseases of the endocrine system. Callisia-based drugs are also used externally, curing burns, wounds, frostbite and trophic ulcers.

Common ivy... This herb is used by mainstream medicine to treat bronchitis, colds, asthma and whooping cough. Infusion and tincture of ivy leaves are used for various catarrhs, and in addition, for gout, rheumatism and diseases of the gallbladder. Also, on its basis, preparations are prepared for external use - for the treatment of skin lesions.

Sansevieria- This is a unique plant that can completely recycle negative substances and effectively suppress the vital activity of bacteria in the atmosphere of the room. It also cures cystitis and inflammation of the appendages, and rubbed leaves are used to get rid of ulcers.

Tradescantia... It is a common houseplant, and its leaves and shoots are used for therapeutic purposes. Funds based on it have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, wound healing, hemostatic and antidiabetic effects.

Cyclamen... This plant is poisonous, so you need to use it with extreme caution. Preparations based on it are used for disruptions in the menstrual cycle, as well as for various nervous disorders associated with them. Especially effective is the treatment of colds, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and headaches with cyclamen. The crushed tubers of this plant are applied to hemorrhoids and rheumatic tumors. Freshly squeezed cyclamen juice diluted with water 1:10 is used to treat leucorrhoea in women.

Do not rush to immediately start making medicines from your indoor plants. Remember that traditional medicine involves the use of those plants that have been collected away from roads, in clean places, not contaminated with various industrial waste. That is why, apply those medicinal plants that you fed various fertilizers not that not worth it, it might even be unsafe.

In addition, many plants accumulate the harmful substances that they draw from your home. For example, chlorophytum is an excellent filter that is very beneficial for our health. But you shouldn't use it for medicinal purposes.

That is why most herbalists agree that medicinal indoor plants are best used only externally - in the treatment of corns, wounds, corns, cracks, etc. In addition, with their help, you can perfectly improve the quality indicators of the air in your apartment, which will also have a beneficial effect on your overall health. If you want to take such plants internally, in no case should they be fertilized with chemicals.

The choice of a houseplant does not have to be based on the external beauty or rarity of the flower. One of the most important properties of the plant is also its effect on health. Right choice home flower will allow a person not only to enjoy the beauty of the plant, but also to maintain / improve his health. So let's combine business with pleasure by choosing beautiful indoor flowers that have a positive effect on our well-being!

The most healthy indoor plants


Indoor chlorophytum is very useful for apartment residents. Considered one of the most effective room air purifiers. His beneficial features consist in the ability to process air, purifying it from harmful substances, including formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is found in furniture, insulation, plastic, tobacco smoke, and much more. Its synthetic component is very harmful to human health. As a rule, high formaldehyde content is recorded in apartments. Chlorophytum is able to purify the air from such harmful substances in a day. Another advantage of chlorophytum is that it absorbs carbon monoxide and actively releases oxygen.

It has also been scientifically proven that the addition of activated carbon to a pot with this flower increases its cleansing properties several times.

Chlorophytum does not require special means or skills in caring for him (just loves abundant watering).

Indoor geranium

Pelargonium, also known as geranium, has a beneficial effect on the nervous mechanisms of the human body. It helps people to cope more easily. stressful situations and nervous conditions. Geranium also has a positive effect on sleep, so even doctors recommend getting this flower for people with insomnia. Geranium helps people with headaches or blood pressure problems.

Here's how to decorate your windows ... And it's all geraniums!

Pelargonium also has the ability to neutralize dangerous viruses and diseases, to recycle carbon monoxide oxygen, normalize the level of humidity in the air. In short, the sheer health benefits of it indoor flower... Geraniums are best kept in the bedroom, but don't place the plant right next to your bed.

Geranium is not whimsical in terms of handling, it is easy to care for it. And many gardeners even specially breed geraniums for themselves.


Peppermint is a cultivated plant that is widespread in gardens. However, people often plant this plant in pots at home. This type of mint has a special fresh and invigorating aroma.

It helps relieve stress, improve appetite and relieve headaches.

Sansevieria relieves the air of harmful synthetic evaporation products emanating from linoleum and others artificial materials that ours are so rich in modern apartments and offices.

In addition, sansevieria improves the human immune system, and also effectively replenishes the lack of oxygen in enclosed spaces.

Alternative names for this color are "Mother-in-law's tongue" and "Pike tail".

In general, these are very hardy plants, plus they are very compact.

Myrtle and eucalyptus

Myrtle is known among humans as evergreen... Like eucalyptus, it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Special substances that eucalyptus and myrtle produce help to facilitate the respiratory process.

In simple words, it becomes easier to breathe in the same room with these plants. These plants cleanse the lungs, relax the bronchi, and neutralize spasms. Doctors advise people with lung diseases or asthma patients to have these plants.

Homemade lemon

Lemon decorative tree emits substances that destroy bacteria and microbes in the air, thereby purifying it. Experienced growers, from their own experience, are advised to put a lemon tree in the bedroom.

Growing decorative lemon at home requires special conditions, as well as special rules for the content.


Bay leaf not only has a special unique taste, but is also able to fight strong viruses.

Due to the high traffic of roads, many toxic substances accumulate in nearby houses, which get there with exhaust gases.

Hamedorea fights these substances and purifies the air from pollution. Chamedorea should be installed if the house is close to a busy highway.


This plant is the best at cleaning the air from dust. Ficus also humidifies the air in the room.

The essence of the principle of action of ficus is the release of phytoncide. This substance prevents the growth of microorganisms. Ficus accumulates indoor dust on its leaves and thereby eliminates the spread of infection in the air.

The way of caring for ficus is distinguished by its simplicity. It is necessary to periodically remove the layer of dust accumulated on the leaves with a damp cloth. This will allow the ficus to be saturated with oxygen and continue to accumulate all the excess dust in the room.


V folk medicine healing properties aloe have wide use... Its leaves are actively used to treat burns and inflammations.

There are more than 500 species of aloe, therefore, to properly care for the plant, it is necessary to know the characteristics of a particular species.

Asparagus, better known among people as asparagus, has the ability to release special substances into the air that contribute to the rapid recovery of damaged tissues and the rapid healing of fractures.

It has long been believed that asparagus prolongs youth. it home plant improves not only the elasticity of the skin, but also its general condition. Asparagus saturates the human body with oxygen, purifying the surrounding air from heavy metals, toxins and gases. Usually it is recommended to put it in the room for people with various respiratory diseases. But it will also benefit people who are not sick.


This type of plant is characterized by the fact that it helps with diseases such as bronchitis or asthma. Pulmonologists often advise people with respiratory problems to get this plant at home.
Rosemary also increases people's activity, relieves stress and helps with fatigue.

The oils that rosemary secretes have a positive effect on the circulatory system, and thereby increases the efficiency of the brain, improves concentration and attention.

Coniferous plants

This type of plant freshens the indoor air by giving off a forest scent. This smell quickly relieves fatigue and exhaustion of the mind. Conifers include araucaria, juniper and cypress.

Juniper (bonsai)

You can often see these plants in offices or offices. The air in such rooms is usually stagnant, which has a bad effect on human health. Exactly because of this reason conifers and placed in places where people are throughout the working day.


The length of the cactus needles is an indicator of the effectiveness of its positive effect on human health. It differs from other plants in that it is able to neutralize electromagnetic radiation by reducing air ionization. In simple terms, it is able to reduce harm from a computer or TV.

Most often, a cactus is placed on a desktop near a personal computer.


Among chrysanthemums, dwarf chrysanthemums are especially noteworthy.

They deplete the bright, pleasant aroma, allowing the person to stay in good shape and maintain a good mood. Home conditions require special rules for keeping chrysanthemums.

These shrubs neutralize bacteria that cause inflammation, such as streptococcus, for example.

This plant, in addition to its beautiful appearance, also has the function of fighting viruses and bacteria.

About 90% of all fungi and harmful microorganisms are destroyed by substances that begonia secretes. Also begonia, like a cactus, significantly reduces the harm of electromagnetic radiation emanating from household appliances.

Indoor plants have a certain energy that has a beneficial effect on the aura of the home. People feel this intuitively, therefore they strive to decorate their home with flowers, decorative greenery. They have a calming effect on the human psyche, balance his moral background, give strength and confidence. In addition, absolutely all indoor plants are capable of affecting the microflora of the premises. They release useful compounds into the surrounding atmosphere and absorb harmful substances from it. Today we invite you to learn more about such plants - real friends of man.

The downside of comfort

In our age, people strive to live in comfortable conditions... But when making expensive repairs, we do not think that the currently used Construction Materials and materials for decoration evaporate substances harmful to health. The latter account for about 80% of unsafe connections. Not to mention harmful effects household appliances and household chemicals.

As a result, we are under a constant "cap" of carbon monoxide and nitrogenous compounds, formaldehyde and phenols, ammonia and acetone, volatile compounds of heavy metals - in total, experts have counted about a hundred types of such poisons. Moreover, in the atmosphere inside the premises, there are much more harmful substances than in the "outside" air - one and a half to four times. The inherent modern interiors the so-called rectangular style.

This is what it is, the other side of the sought-after comfort. Frankly, unpleasant. But not hopeless. Indoor plants will help you cope with the negative impact of the benefits of modern civilization and bring health benefits to you. Moreover, they can calm down, relieve fatigue and the effects of stress with their own appearance... It has long been proven that green has unique property pacify a person, set him up in a positive way, “drive out” all bad thoughts from his head.

What are the useful plants?

Representatives of room flora, useful for our health, will not only decorate the interior of a home or office, but will also allow you to breathe clean and fresh air... They will help you improve your health, get rid of blues and depression and protect you from many ailments.

Plants that purify the air. They have a pronounced air-cleaning ability. Let's call them. it crested chlorophytum, treelike crassula, asparagus, pinnate epipremnum, monstera, spurge.

Plants that fight pathogens.

  • Myrtle, ruella, dieffenbachia, psidium, sanchezia destroy the causative agent of staphylococcal infection.
  • Begonia, aglaonema, Andre and Scherzer's anthurium, Japanese euonymus streptococcal microorganisms win.
  • Laurel, cherry laurel and ponzirus your allies in the fight against E. coli (laurel is good for spasms of the intestines and biliary tract).
  • Mint, sage, monarda, hyssop, lavender cope with Klebsiella, which causes meningitis, pneumonia, sinusitis and other diseases.
  • Begonia, myrtle, rosemary, dieffenbachia, anthurium, pelargonium, sansiviera, tradescantia, epipremnum, treelike crassula, aglaonema reduce the total number of microorganisms in the indoor air.

Plants that absorb harmful substances. it chlorophytum, aloe, climbing philodendron... They are able to absorb phenols and formaldehyde evaporating from new furniture, destroy pathogenic microflora. Ivy, and dracaena utilize benzene, and chlorophytum and cirrus epipremnum purify the air from carbon monoxide.

Plants that ionize the air. Monstera, ferns, pelargonium, saintpaulia. Improves the quality of the air in the kitchen.

Chlorophytum - air purifier

Leader in degree beneficial influence on the dwelling is often called chlorophytum... And deservedly so: it is an order of magnitude more effective than any technical device for air purification. This beautiful and at the same time unpretentious plant, with proper care, capable of producing a lot of "mustache" with "babies", easily "straightens out" the formaldehyde released by thermal insulation. Empirically it has been established that ten chlorophytums are sufficient to absorb this substance in a medium-sized apartment.

In addition, it perfectly cleans the air from nitrogen and sulfur compounds and from phenols. Therefore, chlorophytum needs to be "settled" in dwellings with new furniture and, of course, in kitchens, where toxic products of gas combustion accumulate. At the same time - as they say, "in return" - it releases biologically active substances and phytoncides into the surrounding atmosphere, capable of coping with certain types of pathogenic microflora.

Others have similar cleansing properties. unpretentious plants - aloe, spathiphyllum, common ivy, sansivieria(the latter is better known under the popular names "mother-in-law's tongue" and "pike tail"). Aloe, in addition to its obvious air-purifying properties, helps to fight colds, relieves the condition in case of purulent inflammation. Its life-giving juice is also used in cosmetology.

The benefits of citrus plants

Impressive health benefits citrus plants ... They have a beneficial effect on the mental tone of a person, increase efficiency. Moreover, not only physical, but also mental - due to the ability to enhance the amplitude of brain biocurrents. Irreplaceable helpers in the fight against stress, various fears.

Citrus fruits are grown at home mainly for fruits - lemons, tangerines, oranges and grapefruits. But many of us underestimate the essential oils they make, which are just as beneficial. For example, essential oil lemon tree helps to lower blood pressure. On top of that, they, especially lemon, practically sterilize the surrounding air. By the way, similar properties are also possessed by eucalyptus, myrtle and kalanchoe.

Geranium is your home doctor

Geranium or pelargonium often referred to as a home doctor. Especially for people with cancer. For everyone else, this plant is an excellent way to prevent malignant neoplasms. The importance of geranium for health is due to the fact that it ionizes the air and neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals on cells. By the way, the same properties are inherent in ferns... In addition, both of these plants have pronounced antimicrobial properties.

Geranium is a natural stimulant of the adrenal glands, helping to maintain the hormonal balance established by nature, especially adrenaline. Due to its properties, premenstrual syndrome does not manifest itself so strongly and the onset of menopause is facilitated. Fights manifestations of stress, depression, fussiness. It has a positive effect on the moral background, improves mood, soothes; helps a person gain self-confidence.

For asthma, colds and cramps

With frequent colds, bronchial asthma and other problems of the respiratory system, it will help rosemary officinalis... In the treatment of bronchitis, an additional factor of recovery is the impact myrtle... And such plants as lavender, mint, sage- reliable assistants in the fight against bacteria of the genus Klebsiella, which can provoke the development of sinusitis, meningitis and pneumonia.

Various allergens are known to be one of the causes of asthma. For example, toxins in exhaust fumes. Therefore, it will be useful to have in the house Dieffenbachia variegated, perfectly cleans the air from toxins. It is better to keep this plant in a room, the windows of which overlook the highway or "look" at some industrial or economic facility (plant, factory, boiler room, etc.).

It has been noted that plants emitting phytoncides are especially active just in the winter-spring period, which usually accounts for the greatest surge in colds.

What is the reason for the usefulness?

People have resorted to the help of various indoor plants since ancient times. Healers of ancient Egypt and Rome knew how to make decoctions, balms and potions from them, and Chinese healers successfully used ginseng- one of the most unusual medicinal plants. In the arsenal of ancient Indian healers, there were more than 700 drugs made from plants.

What is the reason for the benefits of indoor plants? In the ability to release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, ionize the air. It is important for health that the concentration of light ions is high and that of heavy ions is low. Our green friends are able to maintain this balance at the desired level, which has a positive effect on metabolism, activates respiratory enzymes, normalizes the acid-base balance (pH) of the blood, maintains normal blood pressure, increases muscle tone, and helps to strengthen the body's defenses. Indoor plants contain many useful compounds - saponins, cumar substances, vitamins, essential oils, phytoncides, etc. A significant part of them began to be used in modern medicine.

In rooms with a TV and a computer, it is reasonable to "settle" thuyu,cypress or cacti... The latter perfectly neutralize harmful radiation from the screen and monitor. The ability of plants to purify the air is quite understandable: they are sensitive, like a barometer, react to what is happening in environment changes. Since polluted air harms not only us, but also plants, they are actively "trying" to purify it. But where do the harmful compounds from the air go? Some of them are used by plants to support their life, while others are removed into the soil.

Houseplants also have another useful property - to release phytoncides that destroy pathogenic microflora and neutralize toxins. In those rooms where they live geranium, myrtle, rosemary, fig and citrus, the air is much less polluted by microorganisms. But the palm here belongs to the usual agave, almost four times reducing the concentration of microbes.

Fights mold fungi mercilessly prickly pear(this is Cactus, the stems of which look like cakes). Thanks to her, the number of these "inhabitants" in the air of the apartment is reduced by 6-7 times. They also have pronounced antifungal properties lemon, laurel, a coffee tree, ficus, ivy... The most the best place for these plants are damp and darkened rooms.

Plants need good conditions

So, indoor plants purify the air, release oxygen and other compounds useful for humans. They are a source of volatiles organic matter with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, the interest of flower growers in these plants is quite natural. However, it should not be forgotten that for the proper performance of their "duties" for health improvement, optimal conditions- soil composition and moisture content, temperature, lighting. Of course, taking into account the needs of each type. Among other things, careful care for them, regular washing off of dust and, oddly enough, love are important. Yes, yes, plants feel how you treat them, and give good mood and health only on a reciprocal basis.

If you are tired of everyday life at home and gray everyday life at work, then, as they say, God himself ordered a radical change of the environment. Or at least just update it. Help with this the right business they will be able to, houseplants, which will please the eye, disinfect the air, and improve the mood. Having decorated your home and workplace beautiful flower or decorative greenery, you will surely feel the onset of tremendous harmony with your household and colleagues, a surge of strength, the desire to live and enjoy life. We have no doubt that you will surely be satisfied with this result.


Houseplants play an important role in every person's life.They are able not only to decorate the room, but also to bring many benefits. Even the most little flower can cheer you up and charge you with positive energy. After reading this article, you will find out what indoor plants can be kept in the apartment.
Houseplants abouthave many beneficial properties that some of us are not even aware of. Most often, when buying another flower, we are guided by its appearance, but we don’t even think about the fact that it can improve our well-being or even cure any disease.
Our great-grandmothers and grandmothers also grew at home aloe, kalanchoe, geranium and other plants that can be used to treat many ailments. Such home healers are able to quickly and effectively eliminate many pathologies without harm to the body. In addition, any home plant in a pot fits perfectly into any interior and perfectly complements it.
Medicinal indoor plants
Any indoor plants in pots have any useful properties. Some can only purify the air and improve our emotional condition... Some flowers can heal various ailments: cough, skin problems, colds, etc. If you have any health problems, why not have your own little potted doctor at home. Today you can buy a houseplant of absolutely any kind.

Indoor chlorophytum.

Chlorophytum home care, which is very simple, should be in every home. Although this plant is inconspicuous at first glance, it perfectly cleans the air. Its important advantage is that it can absorb not only ordinary pollutants, but also some toxic substances(formaldehydes, nitrogenous compounds, sulfur compounds, etc.). A medium-sized potted plant can easily clean up to 3 square meters. area. It is best placed in a living room or kitchen.

Hamedorea graceful.

Hamedorea, like chlorophytum, is capable of purifying the air. It absorbs toxic substances (benzene, exhaust gases, etc.), so it is best placed in houses that are located near carriageways and roads. Such a small palm tree will look good not only on the window, but also in any part of the room.
Indoor plant ficus. Today you can buy ficus in any flower shop... It has a lot of useful properties: it humidifies the air, saturates it with oxygen, destroys toxins and retains dust. Few people know that the fix is ​​capable of releasing phytoncides that kill various microbes. It has been proven that people who have such a plant in their room are less likely to get colds and viral diseases.

Sansevieria home.

Sansevieria at home will saturate the air with oxygen and neutralize harmful vapors from synthetic materials... It is able to increase immunity, so doctors recommend it to those people who often suffer from colds or respiratory diseases.

Pelargonium - indoor geranium.

Geranium, whose beneficial properties are known to many, is a small home doctor. It helps with insomnia and nervous disorders. Its stunning aroma has a calming and toning effect. If you have such a plant in your room, then it will relieve you of fatigue and cheer you up. Geraniol, which is found in the leaves, is capable of antibacterial effects.
Various infusions and decoctions are prepared from the roots and leaves of geraniums, which can be used as a hemostatic, antiseptic, astringent, anesthetic or anti-inflammatory agent. Medicines based on this plant help with gastritis, rheumatism, bronchitis, bleeding, as well as dermatitis, eczema and throat diseases.


Aloe medicinal properties which is known to everyone, must be in the house. This herb can be used to treat inflammation, to treat skin diseases, for cosmetic purposes, for colds, ulcers, upper respiratory tract diseases, to increase immunity, etc. There are many recipes using this green healer. But do not forget that there are some contraindications to its use and any self-medication can harm health. Therefore, it is important to first consult a doctor.

Kalanchoe is viviparous.

Kalanchoe has juicy leaves, the juice of which is very useful. This plant is a home doctor. It is often used to treat wounds, ulcers, pustules, abscesses, inflammations, etc. If you start treatment with Kalanchoe juice on time, you can avoid many problems, including surgical interventions. It is often used in folk medicine to treat women's problems, oral diseases, and sinusitis or tonsillitis.


Did you know that rosemary heals all heart diseases ... In addition, it can be used to treat respiratory ailments. People suffering from asthma, bronchitis and lung diseases should definitely buy rosemary in a pot and put it on their windowsill. A pleasant bonus for lovers of this plant will be that it can be used in cooking as a spice. It gives food an amazing aroma and flavor.
There are many indoor plants, which can be used not only for beauty, but also in cooking. For example, mint, homemade lemon , geranium (with the smell of mint, rose, orange, etc.), lavender, a rose in a pot, which you can buy in any store with flowers and other plants.
If you want to get the most out of it, why not create a miniature landscape arrangement of useful indoor plants. Go well together different kinds geraniums, rosemary with laurel, oregano with lavender, lemon balm and snakehead.