Oats in the garden. Oats as green manure: the best time to plant

Good day, Dear friends!

Summer residents using principles on their site organic farming, have long adopted the sideration method. Planting various summer cottages on temporarily free of main crops with the subsequent incorporation of the vegetative mass into the soil is a proven, effective and very budget way maintaining soil fertility.

Let's talk about for what, when and how sow oats like green manure before winter and about the benefits this method soil enrichment.

Siderata can be sown at any time, except, of course, in winter. Most often, gardeners practice winter crops cover crops, which are carried out after harvest in the fall. In a short period of heat, they manage to gain a sufficient amount of greenery, which they leave under the snow, and in early spring are plowed into the ground simultaneously with the planned digging and preparation of the beds for sowing.

This practice makes it possible to almost completely restore the balance of nutrients in the soil, carried by plants over the previous season, and to prepare the plantation for the reception of new vegetable, berry, fruit and ornamental crops in the future. To the most beloved by all gardeners siderates, intended for autumn crops, includes winter oats.

The benefits of winter oats for the garden and vegetable garden

Cereal culture for a short time (up to 60 days) gives an excellent growth of greenery (up to 200 kg / weaving), which allows the summer resident to fully replace the traditional autumn and spring application organic matter (humus, manure, compost, bird droppings) and mineral compounds (ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt, nitroammofoska, etc.).

In addition, oats are considered a universal predecessor for everyone. cultivated plants, except for cereals, and, as a rule, this type of agricultural product is grown in private gardens extremely rarely. It should be noted that the budget for oat greening is also important. Consumption planting material is 2-2.5 kg per hundred square meters, and its price is affordable for every vegetable grower.

Benefits of sowing oats as green manure before winter

1. Cleansing the soil. Oats are phytosanitary. Phytoncides, essential oils and other biologically active compounds secreted by the root system of green manure into the ground, inhibit growth perennial weeds (wheatgrass, sow thistle), cleanse the land from and nematodes, which is especially useful before or after cultivation of potatoes.

2. High productivity. The planted seeds germinate at a temperature of + 2 ° C. Seedlings perfectly tolerate small soil frosts down to -4 ... -5 ° С, continuing the growing season until a steady onset of cold weather, which allows plants sown no later than the end of September (for middle band), collect the required amount of herbs.

3. Protection of soil from erosion and freezing. Oat greens left for the winter on the site traps snow in the beds, contributing to the preservation of additional moisture in the spring. Ground cover plants prevent weathering and erosion of the upper fertile soil layer, as well as leaching of nutrients on light soils during the period of heavy autumn precipitation and spring snowmelt.

4. Structuring the soil. Erect fibrous root system in a few weeks it penetrates into deep soil horizons (up to 2 meters), qualitatively loosening the soil and increasing its porosity. In addition, the rhizomes are adapted for extracting poorly soluble salts of phosphorus and potassium from the lower layers of the earth and converting them into compounds available for cultivated plants.

5. The rate of decomposition. The roots and greens of oats are overheated very quickly, giving all the nutrients to the soil. At least 2 weeks should pass before the planting of the main crop on the garden bed after the planting of the vegetative mass of winter oats. Spring digging after sowing oats as green manure before winter can be carried out immediately after the snow melts and the top layer of the soil warms up, plowing greens to a depth of 3-5 cm, or you can postpone the event to a later date, closer to planting work.Lupine as a siderat Greetings, dear friends! Let's talk today about lupine as a green manure to improve soil fertility in ...

  • Good day to you, dear readers! Many summer residents regularly use planting, followed by plowing of green mass ...
  • Today, there are more cases when the land does not meet the necessary requirements. It can contain a lot of clay or sand. To improve its physiological properties, it is worth using the method of growing green manure plants. They serve for humus, thanks to which the composition of the soil improves, because it is saturated with useful components. As siderates can be cereals and legumes. Oats are in great demand among gardeners, which have a number of advantages over other plants. It will also be interesting to know which ones should be planted first.

    Benefits and contraindications

    Oats as green manure in agriculture used for a very long time. This is due to the fact that it has a positive effect on the soil and on the plant, which will then grow there. The benefits of oats are as follows:

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    When sowing oats as green manure, simply scatter it over the plowed bed. Then grind with earth, the thickness of which is up to 3 cm. If you use a mixed type of sowing, then the rows must be alternated with the rest of the green manure. When planting oats as a green fertilizer, you will have to stock up on seeds well, since they will take much more than when sowing oats as a cereal crop. One hundred square meters takes about 6 kg.

    Due to this density, it is possible to create reliable protection from weeds, because it will be simply unrealistic for other plants to break through such a density. Thanks to such a density of sowing, the roots of oats go deeper, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the soil. Its friability increases, it is saturated with oxygen and nutrients. And all this goes much deeper.

    For accelerated growth of plants, pruning of the upper parts of already grown green manure is used. This acts as a stimulus for the development of green mass, which is so necessary for obtaining fertilizer. It is necessary to mow oats immediately after it has begun to spike, and the green mass has become voluminous. After that, leave the plants on the site. If the crop was abundant, then the surplus can be placed in compost pit... You can speed up the decay process if you water the plant with a solution of EM compost.

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    Very often the land in the garden does not meet our requirements. It may contain a large amount of sand or clay. Most summer residents do not want to overpay for compost and use artificial fertilizers. In agriculture, there are more efficient and safe ways to saturate the soil with useful trace elements. They will interest summer residents who do not want to spend a lot of money and time to create an optimal soil structure.

    To improve the physiological properties of the land, green manure crops are used. They form humus, thereby improving the soil, and filling it useful substances... Such crops can be sown from spring to autumn. Oats are widespread as green manure, which has a number of advantages. These plants are often referred to as "greenish fertilizers", since all nutrientslocated in the root of the green manure, remain in the soil and fertilize it.


    Grain siderates include wheat, barley, oats, rye. For legumes: phacelia, clover, peas, lupine. Compositae include radish, mustard, sunflower. In addition, there are other one-year-old green manures that grow in two months. The early maturing cold-resistant species include oats, fodder peas, mustard. These species are sown in early spring as soon as the snow melts. Plants are sown densely enough, with a wall. Fourteen days before planting the main crop, they are cut off.

    In the autumn, the siderates are planted after the crops, which were made in the fall, are not cut. Plants used to saturate the soil with nutrients can be sown all season long once the soil is free of the main crop. The younger the green manure, the large quantity it contains nitrogen, which means it will decompose faster in the ground. About fourteen days after cutting, the soil will be ready for planting the main crops. Mature green manures take longer to rot, however, the soil receives much more nutrients.

    Oats - the green protector

    In agriculture, oats are often used as green manure to improve the quality of the soil. Oats - annual plant, related to frost resistance. This culture is quite unpretentious. Observing basic agricultural techniques, you can get a sufficient amount of fertilizer to enrich the soil. That is why the owners of farms, as well as vegetable growers in most regions of the country, give their preference to this cereal. Green oats boosts growth organic compounds in the ground, which are necessary for the growth and maturation of the main crops.

    Siderata are one of the safest fertilizers for the soil. Scientists have found that green siderates cover the soil with vegetative mass, thereby protecting it from erosion that can be caused by strong winds or showers. Winter crops, which include oats, are able to return the nutrients to the earth that were used by the main crops over time. summer period... Covering green manures help to correct soil temperature, activate microbial activity, and in addition, change the structure of the soil, creating root canals to improve water permeability, as well as aeration.

    Use of oats as green manure

    Each soil differs in acidity, structure, nutrient levels and other traits. There is no optimal green manure that would be equally suitable for loamy and chernozem soil. In addition, some of these plants are incompatible with some types of crops.

    Pros of using oats:

    • cold resistance;
    • resistance to shading;
    • can grow in poor soils;
    • simple growing technique;
    • high density of seed germination;
    • affordable price of seed material;
    • the yield of the main crops increases;
    • compatibility with most types of crops;
    • inhibits the growth of weeds, and also clears the soil from them;
    • able to process complex phosphorus compounds in soil;
    • the fertilizer contains a large amount of potassium - this mineral is needed by plants for balanced growth;
    • the roots of the culture give the earth special elements that prevent the formation of fungus and rot.

    Disadvantages of using oats

    • Small amount of vegetative mass.
    • Low nitrogen level for soil saturation. To avoid this disadvantage, it is recommended to plant other green plants along with oats, for example, clover or alfalfa.
    • Demanding to watering.
    • Poorly tolerates heat.

    Oats as green manure, when to sow?

    Basically, oats are sowed by the spread method, which does not require special equipment (if we are not talking about sowing large areas). First you need to level and loosen the soil. Next, the seeds are sown, with the help of a rake, the earth is poured onto them and watered. The soil layer above the seeds should not exceed two centimeters. When to plant green manure? Oats, as well as other types of green manure crops, can be sown in spring... For example, those who live in the southern regions can sow seeds at the end winter period, but for those who have summer cottages located in a temperate climatic zone, it is recommended to wait until warm March days.

    On average, about two kilograms of cereals are required to fertilize one hundred square meters of land. Depending on the type of soil and its nutrient content, the seeding rate can be increased or decreased. When is the green manure in the fall? This question is asked by a large number of amateur vegetable growers. Agronomists advise planting oats in the first weeks of September, it is believed that this optimal time... However, when sowing in the autumn, temperature conditions must also be taken into account. Sowing should be completed before the first frost.

    Using oats as green manure in the summer is a great way to improve the structure and condition of the land on a plot that is taking a break from sowing major crops this year. In the spring, oats are planted, and during the summer, they are mowed until flowering begins, so the young shoots absorb greatest number nutrients and rot much faster.

    When to cut green manure?

    Agronomists advise mowing the crop before flowering in order to avoid uncontrolled self-seeding. Dig oats into autumn time or not, each summer resident decides independently. To form a humus layer, oats should be cut and left on the site. Digging will be required to change the structure of the soil and in order for nutrients to penetrate deep into the earth.

    Seed material

    In case you wish to sow your own oat seeds, you will need to prepare the seed. The siderate oats should be planted in early spring. When preparing the soil for sowing, fertilizers are applied: five kilograms of humus, about a glass of ash or two tablespoons of complex dressings per 1 sq. m.

    It is necessary to sow less often, with row spacing of fifteen centimeters. If the weather does not allow the seeds to ripen in the garden, the stems of the plant are cut off and left to ripen in a dry, ventilated room. Then the seeds are threshed and dried. Then, after about three months, the collected seed material is checked for germination.

    Secondly, it is necessary to mow green manure crops in time, avoiding lignification of roots and stems, as well as the moment of flowering. All this clogs up the site, and makes it difficult to loosen the soil.

    Thirdly, do not sow the same green manure in the same place every year.

    Fourth, choose the crops you want to plant wisely. Some grow well on poor soils, others need fertile ones.

    Siderat oats - valuable fertilizerwhich improves the quality of the earth. With its help, the soil becomes loose, the amount of nutrients and microelements increases, and the moisture content increases. Siderata bring such necessary elementslike magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. These crops are the best environmentally friendly fertilizer.

    The annual use of soil for growing crops impoverishes, depletes the soil, and reduces the volume of crops. Nutrient deficiencies are replenished different ways... Simple, economical and environmentally friendly - sowing green manure plants - annual crops that have a beneficial effect on the structure of the soil, heal it, and enrich it with useful microelements.

    This article is devoted to such green manure as oats: when to sow it, how to grow and harvest it.

    The owners of home gardens grow organic products, using natural, organic preparations for fertilization, pest and disease control.

    Sideration - an opportunity to improve the structure of the soil, increase productivity, protect the soil from erosion (destruction by wind and water), without resorting to "chemistry".

    The root system of useful plants absorbs nutrients (potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, silicon, magnesium, calcium) from deep layers of the soil, making them available for assimilation and nutrition of garden plantings.

    The roots of siderata are a real "bioplow" that improves the structure of the earth (makes sandy soil coherent, clayey - more airy), loosens, allows oxygen to penetrate, and maintains water balance.

    Green fertilizers are used to reduce acidity, develop beneficial microorganisms, enrich the land with organic matter, and get rid of weeds.

    Oats as green manure: advantages and disadvantages

    Any green manure crop is beneficial for land and agricultural plants grown after it.

    When planning the planting of vegetables or berries, you should familiarize yourself in advance which siderates are used for specific crops.

    Fertilized oats are no exception: they have their pros and cons.

    Positive properties include:

    • frost resistance, shade tolerance;
    • undemanding to the composition of the soil;
    • high seed germination;
    • ease of care when growing;
    • compatibility with most crops (except potatoes and cereals);
    • good herbicidal properties (inhibits the growth of weeds);
    • rich in phosphorus and potassium compounds;
    • decrease in soil acidity;
    • the development of substances by the root system that suppress the reproduction of pathogenic fungi and rot;
    • at spring planting will delight you with seedlings long before the appearance of primroses.

    Disadvantages are considered to be modest amounts of green mass and nitrogen. Another significant disadvantage is that oats react poorly to hot weather and lack of watering.

    Growing features

    Like any plant, oats have their own cultivation specifics.

    Which crops are best sown in front of?

    Oats are an annual from the family of cereals, an unpretentious crop in terms of care.

    Oats planted as green manure will be a useful precursor for plants that need a higher potassium content in the soil. These are tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, pumpkins, eggplants, onion, raspberries, blackberries, currants, strawberries. Grown after oats, these crops will delight you with a bountiful harvest.

    Do not plant oats before:

    1. Potatoes: the chances are high that the green manure will infect the culture with the wireworm. It is advisable to sow oats after potatoes, since in this case it will act as a biofertilizer for the soil.
    2. Cereals: Plants belonging to the same family suffer from the same diseases and pests.

    When and how to sow oats?

    Oats should be planted in the ground until it dries out after the snow melts. Grain does not like heat and drought, therefore best time for planting oats as siderata - spring (March-April, in warm regions - the end of February). Before the hot summer green manure will have time to grow and enrich the substrate with useful substances - you will not have to fertilize the soil with manure.

    In autumn, oats are planted as green manure after harvest: from early September to tenths of October. If these deadlines are met, the cereal will have time to grow the deciduous mass before severe frosts.

    Sowing oats is possible in two ways: randomly and in rows. In small areas or beds, the plant can be sown in rows. The distance between the stripes is about 10 cm. large areas sow randomly, trying to spread the grain evenly.

    In both cases, the soil is first loosened and leveled. Grain material is prepared: the seeds are kept for 20-30 minutes in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, then washed several times in clean running water.

    Consumption of oat seeds per one hundred square meters of land - 2-2.5 kg when sowing randomly, 1-1.5 kg when planting in rows. IN plastic cup with a volume of 200 ml, 95-100 g of seed is placed.

    After planting, be sure to sprinkle the grain with a layer of earth 2-4 cm. This will save the material from being blown away by the wind and pecking by birds. Carefully water the area with a watering can or a spray hose. Oat grain loves moisture, so it germinates better in moist soil.

    How to care for crops?

    Special measures for the care of the cereal are not required. The only requirement is a sufficient amount of moisture for the growth and development of green mass. If the weather is stingy with precipitation, you need to water the plantings using a spray nozzle.

    If the sprouts that have broken through are weak, grow poorly, this means that the previous plant has depleted the substrate so much that even oats cannot develop on it. In this case, you need to add a small amount mineral fertilizers, superphosphate or nitrate.

    When to cut oats and should you do it?

    The opinions of professional farmers and amateurs on this matter were divided. Some advocate digging up green fertilizers, others advocate no-till farming.

    Soil is an ecosystem in which all life forms are represented. Nondescript-looking strata of the earth are rich in insects, fungi, bacteria that are involved in the cycle of nutrients. They create air and water channels that improve the structure of the earth. Digging disrupts this ecosystem that has been building for months.

    What to do with green mass in spring and autumn? It is wise to mow it and spread it out on the soil surface. The greens left behind by the top layer rot on their own, enriching the earth with organic matter. It is permissible to mix the stems with the ground to a depth of several centimeters. In the spring on fertilized useful plants soils are dug up areas for planting.

    The biomass is mown after 40-50 days. During this time, the cereal grows by 15-20 cm. If you miss the moment of mowing, the overgrown above-ground part will become tough, partially lose useful trace elements, and rot for longer. Instead of mowing, the stems are harvested with a flat cutter.

    Grain planted in the spring before planting the main crops is mowed no later than two weeks before planting vegetables and berries. This is due to the fact that all plants secrete colins (poisons) to oppress other seedlings. Two weeks is enough to harmful substances disintegrated and went into the deep layers of the soil, without harming subsequent plantings.

    After mowing the biomass, it should not be buried too deep in the ground: without oxygen, the process of rotting greenery will begin.

    Subject to the rules of organic farming, the use of green manure in crop rotation helps to increase soil fertility, balance acidity, improve structure, and increase yields without resorting to aggressive means and methods.

    Grain green manure oats does an excellent job with the tasks. Taking into account the agricultural technology of cultivation, the crop will become irreplaceable assistant on personal plot summer resident or agricultural fields of farms.

    Competent farming is a whole science. Buying a large land plot and planting some kind of culture on it does not at all mean getting good harvest and make a lot of money. In the agro-industrial complex, every little detail and detail is important, because agricultural crops require a special approach and care, and the land, which provides them with nutrients for growth and development, needs and processing no less live crops.

    If you are a proud owner land plotIt doesn't matter if it is big or small, and you regularly plant something on it, the following information is for you. needs constant enrichment, because she can be depleted and lose her fertility. There are artificial methods, and there are plants that can relieve upper layer soil from and improve its mineral composition. These plants include oats, which are familiar to all of us. Let's find out in more detail how oats can help, when and how to sow it, how - or, and what to do with the grown plants.

    Why sow siderates

    They are not grown for food or for sale. These are plants with a special chemical compositionthat can restore depleted by other plants and prepare it for the next harvest season. They are not collected or procured.

    Such plants buried in the ground shortly before the beginning of their flowering - when the green stems have the most other important elements.

    Important! A culture such as dries up greatly during growth, so it will not work to use oats as a green manure after sowing - it will either take too much water during or dry out before blooming. But before sowing it is very profitable- the stems of this are juicy, nutritious and retain moisture in the soil.

    Their stems quickly gain the so-called green mass, which, after plowing, will turn into, and an extensive root system captures all the upper layers of the soil, not allowing germination. Those grasses that manage to germinate do not receive enough light due to the dense green manure cover and eventually die. In addition, the root system of green manure penetrates well, improving the flow of melt and rain water, oxygen into it, and also protects the fertile layer from blowing away in those regions where strong winds prevail.

    Oats as green manure: what are the values \u200b\u200band disadvantages

    In addition to crops often grown as green manure, barley and oats are also very popular. Oats belong to one of the most ancient cereal crops; people planted it in spring and before winter as green manure, when there was no wheat yet.

    The value of oats is as follows:

    1. Protein mass... Its stems are especially nutritious - they contain a lot of valuable protein, much more than and.
    2. Mineral composition ... There is less nitrogen in oats than in rye, but it is also abundant in it. It enriches viscous clay soils.
    3. Aeration... This cereal has a powerful root system - it loosens dense soil with powerful roots and, in addition to enrichment, guarantees enrichment with oxygen.
    4. Strengthening... On the contrary, this root system binds loose, unstable soils, so this cereal is good for all types of soil.
    5. Herbicidal properties... Growing up, this cereal forms dense plantings, its stems are located close to each other, so none of them can appear between this culture - it simply drowns them out.
    6. Unpretentiousness... To the soil, this cereal is completely undemanding, it grows on loams, black soil, peat bogs, clay and sandy soils. A farmer's dream!
    7. Yield... Based on one hundred square meters, the yield of this crop gives a mass equal to 100 kg of high quality.

    Did you know? For the first time, oats were introduced into international classification cereals in 1753, although it was known to farmers for thousands of years. They attributed it to the Myatlikov family because of the beautiful tassels in which flowers appear and grains ripen.

    Each farmer attributes his own to the disadvantages of oats:

    1. Small amount of green mass. Perhaps, in the spring, for depleted land, oats alone will not be enough as green manure, but this crop is suitable for maintaining the area on which it is produced and well looked after.
    2. Low nitrogen content. Due to the fact that there is not very much nitrogen in this cereal, it has to be sown where alfalfa already grows or, and then plow two crops at once.
    3. Need in low temperatures and frequent irrigation. Oats are shady, cool and plentiful. For regions with a cold climate and damp spring, it is suitable, but in hot weather, on the contrary, it withers and dries up.

    As you can see, the advantages of this green manure outweigh the disadvantages.

    Growing features

    There are several secrets, knowing which, you can grow oats with a large green mass and a strong root system, without exhausting the soil. The cereal planted at different times will give different nutritional value, on which the harvest for the next year will depend.

    Which crops are best sowed

    Let's say right away - cereals should not be sown before cereals... Therefore, if you plan to plant a field, oats or wheat, this green manure will not work for you. It is still not advisable to sow oats in an area where it will later grow. under the name "" affects both crops of oat green manure and planting, and this lack of cereal outweighs all its advantages. To prevent the loss of root crops, use in front of another green manure.

    If you grew up in the field last year, and this year you are planning a seeding change, oats, on the contrary, will be useful - it will destroy the residues in the soil. For all other crops, this cereal will feed the soil well, so feel free to plant bushes in the enriched land, sweet different varietiesas well as sockets.

    When and how to sow green manure

    It is a cold-resistant and moisture-loving cereal. Therefore, you need to sow it in a cold, damp time, best of all in october... As soon as the last crop is removed from the fields, and the soil is not yet flooded with autumn rains, the seeds are applied to the soil. This cereal will not tolerate frost, therefore, if winter is planned early, it is better to transfer sowing to spring. If there are thirty to forty free days before frost, the cereal will have time to gain the necessary green mass and become good - overheat and rot under the snow.

    Spring sowing of green manure depends solely on the weather. In warm regions, seed laying begins in February, when melt water appears under the snow. If the winter is cold and long, oats are used as green manure at the end of March, as the frosts recede. Then just a month remains before the stems ripen, the soil is plowed and the crops are planted. It is possible to enrich the soil with this green manure until September inclusive - for early and late crops. Then a monthly break is taken and autumn sowing is carried out under the snow.
    Before applying the seeds to the soil, treat them with a weak solution to remove all pathogenic microflora from them and increase germination. Soak the seeds in the solution for twenty minutes and wash them under running water. It is most convenient to use gauze - the seeds will not drain with water and will rinse well. The earth will have to be loosened and cleaned of old tops - it needs peace and a lot of air. Add seeds in random order, in bulk, do not lay rulers and beds.

    You should take about 2 kg of oat seeds per one hundred square meters of land. The main thing is to distribute them evenly so that there are no bald spots in the crops. If the soil is dry, it is recommended to water it from, but always with a spray, so that the earth does not become dense and knocked down.

    Did you know? In total, the oat genus includes twenty two items. Of these, only three- useful and cultivated crops. The other nineteen are considered malicious