Means of dealing with powdery mildew. Powdery mildew: what it is and how to deal with it

The drug "Khom" is an effective fungicide that is successfully used to combat diseases of vegetable, flower and ornamental crops - apple, pear, plum, grape, peach, potato, tomato, cucumber, onion and other species. The active ingredient of the drug "Hom" is copper oxychloride.

Purpose of the fungicide

Hom is used to fight disease.

Plants are treated with the Khom fungicide in the following cases:

  • with a disease of apple trees and pears with scab;
  • when rot appears on the fruits of the plum;
  • with the defeat of tomatoes and potatoes by late blight;
  • with mildew grape disease;
  • in case of peronosporosis on onions and cucumbers;
  • with the defeat of peach leaves with curl;
  • when spotting and rust appears on flower and ornamental crops.

Fungicide "Hom" has a contact method of action. After the treatment of plants, the active substance on the surface of the leaves prevents the penetration of pathogens into the tissues.

The drug "Hom" is produced in the form of a powder. Packages weighing 20 g and 40 g are on sale.

To treat plants with the Hom fungicide, you first need to prepare a solution. 30-40 g of the fungicide is first diluted with a small amount of water, and then the volume of the working mixture is brought to 10 liters.

Important! Fungicide should not be used during the flowering period.

In case of potato disease with late blight and macrosporiosis, use 40 g of the preparation "Hom" per 10 liters of water. Plants should be sprayed during the growing season.

Hom is used to combat the cercospora in sugar beet. In this case, 40 g of the drug is used per 10 liters of solution, which are consumed per 100 square meters of crops. Sugar beets are also processed during the growing season.

"Hom" fights against diseases of tomatoes such as brown spot, macrosporiosis, late blight. At the same time, 40 g of the preparation per 10 liters of water is used for the treatment of plants. For 10 square meters of crops, 1 liter of solution is consumed.

Cucumbers are processed with "Hom" with a disease with peronosporosis, bacteriosis, anthracnose. For 10 liters of water, 40 g of the drug is taken, the plants are treated during the growing season, 1 liter of solution is taken for 10 square meters of crops.

In case of onion disease with peronosporosis, plantings are treated with the preparation "Hom" - also during the growing season. The consumption of the drug, as in the treatment of other crops, is 40 g of powder per 10 liters of water.

"Hom" helps with the disease of hops with peronosperosis. For processing, 40 g of the drug is used per 10 liters of water, the solution consumption is 2 liters per 10 square meters of planting.

You can also use Hom to protect plums, peaches, apricots, sweet cherries and cherries. The drug helps fight diseases such as moniliosis, curliness, coccomycosis, clusterosporosis. One tree takes 2 - 5 liters of working solution.

"Hom" is used for processing quince, pear, apple. It fights Moniliosis and Scab on these crops. The solution consumption is also 2 - 5 liters per tree.

Hom is also used for diseases of grapes with anthracnose and mildew. Plantings are sprayed during the growing season; 10 square meters requires 1.5 liters of solution.

Ornamental and flower crops are also susceptible to various diseases. They are sprayed with Hom before and after flowering. The product helps fight stains and rust.

Important! For the treatment of plants, only a fresh solution of the fungicide "Hom" is used. It is strictly forbidden to store the finished working solution of the drug.

Processing should be carried out in clear and calm weather, in the morning or in the evening, at a temperature not higher than + 30 degrees.

It should be noted that "Hom" is not resistant to precipitation, the rain quickly washes away the preparation and the plants need to be re-treated.

Security measures

Use protective equipment when working with the preparation.

The drug "Hom" has a third hazard class, that is, it is moderately dangerous for humans. Accordingly, spraying with "Hom" must be carried out in protective clothing, you must wear a respirator or gauze bandage. We must not forget about glasses, gloves, closed shoes. When treating plants with the "Hom" preparation, it is forbidden to smoke, eat and drink. In addition, food utensils should not be used to prepare the fungicide solution. It is necessary to temporarily limit the years of bees in the area of ​​fungicide treatment and make sure that the drug does not get into the sources of drinking water and animal feed.

First aid

If the drug "Hom" gets in your eyes or on the skin, you should immediately rinse the affected area with running water. If the fungicide has come into contact with the skin, then it is impossible to rub the place of contact.

If the fungicide is swallowed, it is necessary to remove the victim to fresh air as soon as possible and give him an activated charcoal tablet, followed by 6-10 glasses of water.

It is necessary to consult a doctor after providing first aid.


You should store the drug "Hom" in a dry place, out of the reach of children and animals, at a temperature of -5 to +30 degrees.

Important! Do not store the fungicide with food, medicine or animal feed.

Store the drug away from fire. When used in private households, it is important not to mix "Homa" with other drugs.

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that occurs on all plants and is especially rampant when there is an abundance of heat and moisture. Our grandfathers and grandmothers, when they came to the garden and saw an ashen bloom on the leaves, sadly noticed that an ashtray, or linen, as it was called even earlier, had come. The fact is that this very linen, outwardly from a harmless cannon, can turn into a monster capable of destroying most of the crop, or even all of it, if you do not fight with it. About what powdery mildew is on vegetable crops, what harm it can cause to tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables, and how to defeat it, we will tell you in the article.

Powdery mildew on a pepper leaf. © Scot Nelson

Powdery mildew - fungal infection

In fact, powdery mildew is a fungal infection that spreads (and then actively develops) not only by the wind or by insects, but also by microscopic fungi that are right under our feet in the soil. They belong to a complex in name, but, in fact, the simplest order of powdery mildew fungi, or erisyphus.

As we already mentioned, powdery mildew is "omnivorous", it can eat your favorite vineyard, beautiful roses, gooseberries (because of it, its area is significantly reduced), almost any grain crops, peaches, as well as cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin, sugar beets and other vegetable plants.

Symptoms and effects of powdery mildew

The very first symptom that you should pay close attention to is, of course, powdery mildew, and sometimes it is on the bottom of the leaf (this is downy mildew) and on top (real). And if the children did not run around the site, scattering something powdery on the plants, and besides, the plantings are thickened, the soil is not the first freshness, and it rains more often than we would like, then there is only one verdict - this attack, alas, did not escape you ... Sometimes on the whitish bloom, well-visible droplets of moisture can appear, but the bloom may well be without them.

Usually on vegetable crops, powdery mildew shows itself not only on leaf blades, it can also be on the petioles, and on young shoots, as well as on fruits and stalks. The very first infection penetrates precisely through the leaf blades, and the more the leaf is pressed closer to the ground, the higher the probability that it will become infected will be. The same applies to the shoot of a vegetable plant - it is pressed to the ground, which means that the probability that it will become infected will be maximum. And then everything is simple - the disease captures the entire vegetable plant as a whole.

If you are a botanist by nature, then, armed with a magnifying glass, you can take a closer look at the place where the mycelium joins the leaf and the ulcers formed in this place. It is clear that the plant will begin to wither, because the fungus will draw off most of the nutrition and moisture, and the leaves under the layer of the fungus will not be able to carry out the normal processes of photosynthesis.

Perennial vegetable crops have a reduced ability to winter hardiness and resistance to negative environmental factors. At the same time, quite large cracks are sometimes formed on the affected fruits of vegetable crops, into which the infection penetrates, rot actively develops and the product simply becomes unusable.

When is powdery mildew most active?

On vegetable crops, powdery mildew is most active in excessively humid years (65-75%), accompanying temperature fluctuations from +14 to + 26 ° С. Powdery mildew of vegetable crops is activated with frequent fluctuations in day and night temperatures, as well as as a result of inept actions associated, for example, with incorrect pinching of tomatoes, when hemp (parts of the stepson) or leaves located at the very bottom of the plants are left.

In addition, powdery mildew often attacks vegetable crops, if the gardener applies too large doses of nitrogen fertilizers, this reduces the immunity of plants, and powdery mildew is right there. Naturally, you should not save space and plant many plants in one area, trying to grow a grandiose harvest, the planting scheme must be strictly observed, otherwise moisture will not evaporate normally from the soil surface, creating favorable conditions for the development of powdery mildew on vegetable crops.

Usually, the planting density also determines the irrigation regime - the gardener thinks that since he planted the garden so tightly that there is no free space, then the plants are simply experiencing a wildest moisture deficit and they urgently need help. It takes a hose and turns everything into a swamp, thereby creating the prerequisites for the appearance of powdery mildew.

Violation of the watering regime is another reason for the appearance of powdery mildew in the garden. Often at the dacha, appearing once over the weekend, we water our vegetable crops too generously, and then forget about them, literally opening the gates and letting powdery mildew into our site ourselves.

Powdery mildew on sunflower. © Scot Nelson

Prevention of powdery mildew

Naturally, you can fight powdery mildew, but prevention is very important, and you should not immediately apply chemistry at the first signs of illness on vegetable crops.

Preventive measures are necessary and effective. For example, it is necessary to water the plants only after the top layer of the soil has completely dried out, and if it was raining and the soil is damp, then you should not moisten it again, because these are not tree crops, and their roots are not so far from the soil surface.

Second measure - it is imperative to observe crop rotation, remove all plant residues from the site immediately after harvesting the entire crop. Another important preventive measure is the cultivation of powdery mildew-resistant varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops. And yet - no overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers, especially during the periods of bud formation.

By the way, about fertilizers: warning you against making an excess of nitrogen fertilizers, we remind you that you need to apply potash (8-10 grams per square meter) and phosphorus fertilizers (7-9 grams per square meter) for nutritious plant nutrition and increase their immunity.

After harvesting plant residues, the soil must still be treated with fungicides, strictly following the instructions on the packaging and only with those preparations that are allowed. By the way, once, by the way, may not be enough to eradicate the disease completely and completely, it is better to carry out three or even four treatments.

Common treatments for powdery mildew

So, we realized that powdery mildew is a very unpleasant infection, and even if we took all precautions, it can still appear on vegetable crops and, at best, deprive us of part of the harvest (or maybe everything). Therefore, let's figure out how you can remove this infection from the site and never let it in there again.

If you are not an adherent of chemistry and noticed that the leaves on the vegetables have acquired a characteristic mealy bloom, then as carefully as possible, moistening the scissors in alcohol each time and rubbing the sections with wood ash, remove all affected leaves of vegetable crops from the site and burn them outside.

Minimize the amount of irrigation water, or better - loosen the soil daily and remove harmful weeds from the site. Everything is banal here: the more you remove the leaves affected by powdery mildew, the more you reduce the chances of infecting other plant organs or neighboring vegetable crops.

After that, it is strongly recommended to still treat the plants with a fungicide, so to speak, to consolidate the result. The main thing in this case is to use an approved, fresh fungicide, strictly following the instructions on the packaging, which, as a rule, indicate the processing time for each crop and the dosage. When treating with fungicide, try to moisten all the organs of the vegetable plant - the upper part and the lower part, so that the fungicide will process everything it can, and there are no corners infected with the infection.

Treatment of powdery mildew on vegetables

Powdery mildew on cucumbers

It is unlikely that it will be possible to describe protection against powdery mildew on all vegetable crops without exception in one article, a whole book is needed here. Let's talk about the protection from powdery mildew of the main vegetable plants, which, as a rule, everyone has on the site.

If powdery mildew is found on the leaf blades of a cucumber, first of all, stop watering, then remove all diseased leaves, try to thin out the plants. For example, if one of them is very badly affected, then it is best not to treat it, but simply remove it from the site.

Further, be sure to loosen the soil to enhance the evaporation of excess moisture, and you can start treatment. It is known that the banal dusting of the affected cucumber leaf with sulfur powder gives excellent results. To prepare it, you need to take 28-29 g of sulfur, dissolve in a bucket of water, fill it in a spray bottle and try to process all the affected leaves and the soil under them.

A solution of colloidal sulfur also helps, it needs the same amount and for the same volume, only if in the first case it is possible to spray 5-7 square meters of diseased plants in this way, then in the second - all ten. The treatments are best done in the evening. Some gardeners speak well of treating affected cucumber plants with a mullein diluted 10 times, this amount is enough for 10 square meters of the garden.

If you decide to use fungicides, then strictly follow the instructions on the package (timing, dose, keep everything in mind). Find out if this or that drug is approved. Previously, preparations based on copper such as "Oxyhoma" helped to cope well with powdery mildew, now they write that there is little use from them, you can use the fungicide "Topaz".

Powdery mildew on a cucumber leaf. © Scot Nelson

Powdery mildew on tomatoes

It is interesting that powdery mildew on tomatoes can manifest itself in two forms, more precisely, infecting plants with two types of fungus. The first species is Oidiopsiserysiphoides - mainly in open ground, that is, not in greenhouses and hotbeds. Infection of tomato plants with this type of fungus usually occurs in March. As a rule, already on tomato seedlings, the leaves begin to dry out from the edges, and if you tighten it up to eliminate this problem, the seedlings usually die corny.

The second pathogen is the fungus Oidiopsistaurica, its external signs appear in the form of yellow spots that are located on the upper side of tomato leaves, but the snow-white bloom, typical of powdery mildew, first appears on the bottom of the leaf.

To minimize the outbreak of these two fungal infections, it is necessary to soak tomato seeds before sowing for a couple of days in a solution of Epin or Heteroauxin, Zircon and similar preparations, which somewhat enhance growth and significantly strengthen the immunity of plants.

But what if the tomato infestation has already occurred? The very first method is the treatment of all tomato plants, both healthy and sick, with sodium humate. This drug helps to inhibit, up to a complete stop, the growth of conidia - the causative agent of the infection, and, therefore, inhibits the development of the infection itself.

Treatments must be carried out in accordance with the instructions on the package, use the correct doses and be guided by the recommended processing times. In addition, at the initial stages of the development of a fungal infection, biological preparations can also cope with the destruction of powdery mildew, at least the well-known one percent solution of "Baktofit", which is simply sprayed three times with tomato plants at intervals of a week, naturally, as soon as signs of powdery mildew appear ...

According to gardeners, the so-called culture liquid, called "Planriz", gives a good effect, but it is effective at the very first signs of the disease, therefore, tomato plants will need to be carefully monitored in order to identify these very signs.

If the plants are already quite infected, then approved and available fungicides should be used (again, in strict accordance with the instructions on the package). It can be drugs such as Strobi, Topaz, Quadris, Titovit Jet, Baylon and even Privent. Gardeners advise, especially in wet years, when powdery mildew is actually rampant, so that the drug lingers on the plants more, add laundry soap to the solution (usually a half piece per 10 liters of solution).

With a slight lesion of tomato plants with powdery mildew, it is quite possible not to use chemistry. Gardeners note that the treatment with 10% milk whey gives a good effect, both for preventive purposes, when it is damp and warm, but powdery mildew has not yet appeared, and for medicinal purposes, when only a few leaves were struck, but it is so pitiful to cut them off.

The main thing is that it does not rain after the treatment with milk whey, otherwise everything will have to be done again. Some note the effectiveness in the fight against powdery mildew and ash solution, for this, about 100 g of wood ash is poured per liter of water and this volume is watered on infected plants, spending the solution so that it hits the infected parts. At the same time, you can double the frequency of soil loosening and halve watering of the soil.

Powdery mildew on tomatoes. © Scot Nelson

Powdery mildew on zucchini

Zucchini is another common vegetable crop in our beds, and what a pity when the elegant leaves are suddenly covered with a white powdery bloom. At the first signs of damage, when there are very few affected leaves, they must be carefully cut and burned, and the places of the cuts must be covered with wood ash. If shoots are affected, then they will have to be removed, after which the soil must be loosened.

Their folk remedies for fighting infection can be helped by treatment with a solution of soda ash (10 g per bucket of water) or ten times diluted mullein (at a rate of 50 g per plant). Often, the treatment of the affected areas with an ash solution helps, for this you need to take 50 g of ash, dissolve in a liter of water and spray from a spray bottle in the evening in calm weather on the affected areas.

Do folk remedies fail? We'll have to use chemistry, again - the approved drugs in strict accordance with the instructions previously helped well: “Kefalon”, “Carboran” and even phosphoric sodium.

As a prophylaxis against powdery mildew, zucchini can be treated a week after planting the seedlings with a drug called "Nitrafen", and medications can be used after flowering.

Powdery mildew on zucchini leaves. © Scot Nelson

Remember, whether you are using fungicides or using folk remedies to combat powdery mildew, always apply the treatment in the evening and in dry weather.

Powdery mildew on eggplant

Experienced gardeners claim that it is possible to lime powdery mildew on eggplants in two counts by treating them with a solution of simple soda ash, in exactly the same proportions that we wrote about it in the section on zucchini. Well, those who want a reliable result, let them use fungicides, such as Fundazol. It only needs 10 grams per bucket of water and this rate is enough for ten square meters of land. By the way, eggplants can be processed up to five times during the growing season with foundationol, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions on the package.

Powdery mildew on onions

The onion is often struck by a false mealy growth, it seems to be hiding behind the leaves and it is not always possible to find it. Usually, downy mildew on onions appears during a period of excess moisture in the soil and in thickened plantations. The first affected leaves must be pulled out, and then fungicides must be applied.

List of remedies for powdery mildew (preparations)

By the way, since we could not tell about all the vegetable crops that powdery mildew can affect, we will first list fungicides that are effective on literally every vegetable crop (of course, when used in strict accordance with the instructions on the package).

These are Skor, Quadris, Hom, Vectra, TiovitJet, Fundazim, Fundazol, Vitaros, Baylon, Phtalan, Tsineb, Kuprozan, Topsin-M, Fitosporin-M, Previkur, Switch, Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate, copper oxychloride, colloidal sulfur and others.

Traditional methods of dealing with powdery mildew

Against this background, it is impossible to bypass, of course, and folk remedies for combating powdery mildew on vegetable crops, let's briefly present them.

So, very effective, especially at the initial stages of the development of the disease, is the treatment of the affected areas of vegetable crops with soap and soda solution. To do this, in a bucket of water, preferably rainwater, dilute 45-55 g of soda ash or ordinary baking soda and add 18-20 g of liquid soap or, finely grated, ordinary soap. Next, you need to shake it all up well, bringing it to a homogeneous composition and process the plants twice with an interval of a couple of weeks.

The second option is a milk whey solution. To do this, about a liter of milk whey can also be poured into a bucket of rainwater, that is, soft, water, stir well, and you can carry out up to three treatments with this solution in dry weather, taking a break of three days.

Kefir, here you need a liter of well-fermented kefir or yogurt, dilute in a bucket of water and treat the affected plants with the resulting mixture three times with an interval of four days.

A decoction of horsetail is considered more effective, for this you need to chop a hundred grams of horsetail into small pieces and pour a liter of water, then let it brew under a press for a day, boil for a couple of hours, cool, dilute with water one and a half times and you can carry out up to five treatments of plants at weekly intervals. It is interesting that such an infusion can be safely stored for up to a week without losing its properties.

Mustard solution - you only need a couple of tablespoons diluted in a bucket of water heated to room temperature, and infected plants can be treated with this solution every three days.

Gardeners also respond well to the ash solution. To prepare it, you need a kilogram of finely crushed wood ash, dissolved in a bucket of water and well stirred. After that, the solution should be allowed to brew for a week, strain the solution and add a half piece of laundry soap to it. Treatments with this composition of diseased vegetable crops can be carried out every other day.

Mullein infusion - it must be diluted ten times with water, and then insisted for three days. After that, the infusion must be carefully drained and filtered to obtain a liquid that can pass through the spray bottle. It is important to carry out processing with such an infusion before flowering plants, and after that they can process the soil, removing all weed residues from it.

Infusion of garlic (hot mixture) - here you need to crush 50 g of cloves, pour a couple of liters of rainwater and let it brew for two days. Then you need to strain and process only the area of ​​vegetable plants affected by powdery mildew with it, without touching healthy ones.

In conclusion, an infusion of onion peel is both a weak fungicide and a source of trace elements that strengthens the immunity of vegetable crops. All that is needed is to pour 250 g of onion husks with a bucket of boiling water and let it brew for a couple of days, after which it remains to strain the composition and you can spray the plants with it before and after flowering, and also process the soil to kill the wintering stage of the pest.

Here's everything we wanted to tell you about powdery mildew on vegetable crops and how to deal with it in all possible ways. What methods do you use to combat powdery mildew? Let us know in the comments in the article.

Fungicides are those drugs that are extremely difficult for a modern gardener or summer resident to do without. Many of the most dangerous diseases of cultivated plants are of fungal origin, and it is against them that the action of all such drugs is directed. Today we will talk about the most effective remedy from this category - Home.


The main purpose of Homa is to treat rust and stains in ornamental and floral plants. This drug also helps well against late blight on tomatoes and potatoes, peronosporosis on onions and cucumbers, as well as against scab and curly leaves of fruit trees and shrubs.

Dilute Hom to prepare the working solution gradually. First, the drug is dissolved in a small amount of water, after which the volume is brought to the required level. Hom plants should be processed in calm dry weather. Try to keep all the leaves of the affected plants evenly moistened. Plants should not be sprayed with this preparation if the air temperature is above +30 C.

Hom does not cause phytotoxicity if you follow the dosages indicated in the instructions attached to it. The drug belongs to moderately hazardous substances of the 3rd hazard class. It is impossible to carry out processing during the flowering period, since the drug is extremely dangerous for bees. Avoid contact with water sources. The drug solution must not be prepared in a container intended for eating. If the expiration date of the Homa has expired, it cannot be used.

Precautionary measures

Hom treatment should be carried out in special clothing (goggles, respirator, gloves and a gown). Upon completion of treatment, change clothes, wash your hands and face, rinse your mouth. In the process of processing, you can not arrange smoke breaks, be distracted by taking water or food. Make sure that children and pets are not nearby during this procedure.

In case of drug poisoning, it is necessary to remove the victim to fresh air and provide him with the opportunity to rinse the mouth with clean water. If Homa comes in contact with your skin, wash the area with soapy water or plenty of water. If the fungicide gets into your eyes, rinse them with running water for 10-15 minutes. Try to keep your eyes open while doing this. If the drug gets into the digestive tract, drink a glass of milk or half a liter of cold water. After that, take activated charcoal at the rate of 1 g per 2 kg of body weight. Do not induce vomiting under any circumstances!

The drug should be stored separately from food and medicine out of the reach of children and pets in a cool and dry place.

Consumption rates for various crops

The culture Disease Consumption of the drug (for 10 liters of water) Solution consumption
Apple tree, quince, pear Moniliosis, scab 40 g 2-5 l for 1 tree
Peach, apricot, plum, sweet cherry, cherry Coccomycosis, curliness, clusterosporosis, moniliosis
Grape Anthracnose, mildew 15 l per 100 m 2
Sugar beet Cercospora 10 l per 100 m 2
Potato Macrosporiasis, late blight
Cucumbers Anthracnose, peronosporosis, bacteriosis
Tomatoes Macrosporiasis, late blight, brown spot
Onion Peronosporosis -
Hop 20 l per 100 m 2
Ornamental crops Spots, rust 30-40 g -

It affects trees, shrubs, vegetable plants, and does not leave alone ornamental. Moreover, you can predict where the main blow will come. If the end of May and the beginning of June were rainy, then the fungus primarily attacks young plants, and if the weather was hot at that time, old specimens of bushes and trees will be more susceptible to the disease. Pay more attention to them.

Infection begins, most often, from the lower leaves and shoots, spreading further throughout the plant. This disease manifests itself in the form of a white-gray bloom on the upper surface of the leaf. Later, when the spores of the fungus mature, droplets of liquid appear on the affected areas.

Powdery mildew in a plant decreases the leaf surface, capable of photosynthesis and the perception of moisture and oxygen. As a result, the leaves dry up, the yield decreases, and its quality deteriorates significantly. In addition, in diseased plants, winter hardiness decreases, and the affected inflorescences do not give ovaries.

Powdery mildew appears around mid-June. Therefore, during this time, pay special attention to your plants.

The powdery mildew fungus lives off its host plant, so it will not completely destroy it in order to feed here again next year.

The causes of powdery mildew

The following factors, as a rule, lead to the appearance of powdery mildew on plants:

How to deal with powdery mildew


Agrotechnical techniques

  1. A preventive measure against this disease is the acquisition and planting of plant varieties that are resistant to powdery mildew.
  2. It is extremely important to follow the rules of crop rotation.
  3. Do not forget to loosen the soil around the plants, as in this case the upper layers of the soil are saturated with oxygen, from which the fungi die.
  4. Do not thicken the planting under any circumstances. The sun should penetrate well from all sides of the plant. Be sure to remove weeds that also thicken crops.
  5. In autumn, fallen leaves from diseased plants must be removed from the site and burned. It is better to remove the affected tops of currants or gooseberries from the bush and also burn them.

The use of drugs

In addition to agrotechnical methods, good prevention is the use of special preparations such as "Fitosporin" (more on them below).

For the prevention of powdery mildew, copper sulfate is often used, which many consider the most ideal remedy. Processing is carried out only once for any crops before flowering. Take 2 tablespoons of copper sulfate, which are diluted in 10 liters of water. Bushes and trees are sprayed with this solution.

Measures to combat powdery mildew with an emerging disease

It is possible to effectively fight this scourge with biological or chemical preparations. But before processing a plant sick with powdery mildew, all affected leaves must be cut off and burned from it.

Folk remedies

We bring to your attention several simple folk recipes that are successfully used by gardeners in the fight against fungal diseases.

Recipe number 1

It is necessary to take 1 part of cow dung, 3 parts of water and insist all this for 3 days. The finished product is filtered and further diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. The resulting solution is sprayed with diseased plants. This solution destroys the mycelium of the fungus.

Recipe number 2

A very effective remedy is considered to be cottage cheese whey. Simply pour the whey into a handheld sprayer and treat all of your crops. Plants can be treated with serum several times, without paying attention to the period of flowering, fruiting, etc.

Recipe number 3

Another recipe for powdery mildew based on milk. It is necessary to take 1 liter of sour cow's milk and mix with one liter of warm water. Spray crops with this solution for a week.

Recipe number 4

For the next recipe, you will need 50 grams of ordinary table salt and the same amount of laundry soap. These ingredients must be diluted in 10 liters of warm water. The resulting solution must be treated with plants every five to seven days.

Recipe number 5

You need to take ordinary iodine, and add 10 ml to a 10 liter bucket of water. Mix thoroughly and process the plant.

Iodine is used as one of the means in the fight against powdery mildew
Recipe number 6

For 4 liters of water, you should take 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of liquid soap. With this solution, treat your cultures infected with powdery mildew three times with an interval of 2-3 days.

By the way, the plant can be treated both with a conventional spray bottle and with, for example, an ordinary broom. Just dip the broom into the working solution, and sprinkle them directly on the leaves.

Purchased drugs

Systemic fungicides

The above folk recipes are good, but, alas, they do not always work 100%, especially if the plant is already heavily affected by the fungus, and preventive measures have not been taken in advance.

For a guaranteed cure for powdery mildew, it is better to use fungicides (from the word "fungi" - mushroom). You can name the means "Topaz", "Quadris" as an example.

"Topaz" can be called the most effective fungicide against powdery mildew, fruit rot and rust. It is also used for preventive purposes, for which plants are sprayed at the beginning of their growing season. The drug can be used for stone and pome fruit, vegetable crops, for almost all ornamental plants (including indoor flowers), as well as for grapevines.

As for "Quadris", it is used to protect against the main diseases (powdery mildew and downy mildew, late blight, mildew, powdery mildew) of tomatoes, cucumbers, as well as grapes, onions, cabbage, potatoes, peas. "Quadris" has a preventive, therapeutic and eradicating effect. It has good compatibility with other preparations used in crops.

We will not describe in detail how to carry out processing with the indicated means. Let's say that everything is done in strict accordance with the instructions that come with each drug.

In addition to the named "Topaz" and "Quadris" in this category of antifungal drugs, one can mention "Bona Forte", "Bravo", "Vectra", "Discor", "Maxim", "Oksikhom", "Raek", "Skor", etc. ...

Biological fungicides

It should be said right away that when fighting the fungus, systemic fungicides can damage healthy plants, and in general they are not very environmentally friendly. Therefore, the industry produces milder agents, the so-called biological fungicides. These include, first of all, "Fitosporin". It works on the basis of the bacterium Bacillus Subtilus, aka hay stick. Once on plants, this bacterium devours the fungal environment, thereby destroying the disease.

"Fitosporin" is sold in a canned form (sealed in a plastic bag), and in order for the bacteria to come to life, they must be placed in an aqueous medium, or, more simply, the contents must be diluted in water. For the process to proceed in the best possible way, put the container with water, to which "Fitosporin" was added, for five to six hours in a cool place. Then add this suspension to 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water and spray your plants with the resulting solution.

Fitosporin must first be diluted in a small amount of water.

As mentioned above, crops can be treated with Fitosporin in early spring as a preventive measure against powdery mildew.

In addition to Fitosporin, biological fungicides include Glyokladin, Gamair, Baktofit, Alirin-B, Agat-25K, Trichodermin, etc.

When to process

As a general rule, fruit and berry plants are recommended to be processed before and after flowering, until the berries and fruits begin to pour. But folk measures (serum) can also be used during flowering and fruiting.

All treatments are best done in the evening, closer to sunset. If the treatment is carried out in the heat in the sun, then everything will be in vain, the drugs will not work.


As you can see, powdery mildew is not as bad as it might seem. The techniques against her are well known, you just have to remember to use them. Choose whichever is more to your liking, which is more suitable for your site and your crops. We advise you to pay attention to Fitosporin and other biological fungicides. Of course, if the situation is not quite running.

Timely measures taken will help you prevent the spread of the disease and get the desired harvest.

In contact with

It is a contact fungicide that is used on many horticultural crops to protect them from diseases, pests, weeds, and the consequences of their actions.

Active substance: copper oxychloride (900g / kg).

It is produced in the form of a bluish-green crystalline powder, odorless. On sale you can find packaging of 20 and 40 g. Hom is a full-fledged substitute for the well-known Bordeaux mixture, but in contrast to it, it is already ready for use.

Homa's appointment

This drug is widely used in amateur gardens and, according to reviews found on the net, is a very effective remedy for many garden diseases. On what specific cultures and from what does Hom help.

Preparation of working solution

Or, more simply, how to dilute Hom: measure the required amount of the drug (see below) and dilute in a small amount of water, and then, stirring constantly, add water to the required volume.

In order for the working solution to better retain on the plants, skim milk can be added to it in an amount of 1% of the total volume.

When to process

All crops are sprayed during the growing season, with the exception of ornamental plants, which are treated before and after flowering.

The processing of plants with Hom is carried out in clear weather without wind, with an air temperature of no more than +30 degrees. Leaves should be evenly moistened on all sides. The working solution is applied on the day of preparation, it cannot be stored.

Treatment of plants with Hom

  • onions (per turnip) against downy mildew... Nome consumption: 40 g per 10 liters of water. The waiting period is 20 days;
  • cucumbers for peronosporosis, anthracnose, bacteriosis... 40 g for 10 liters of water. 1 liter of working solution is enough for 10 sq.m. landings. The waiting period is 2 days;
  • potatoes against late blight and macrosporiosis... 40 g per 10 liters. This amount is enough for spraying 100 sq m of plantings. The waiting period is 28 days;
  • tomatoes from late blight, macrosporiosis and brown spot... 40 g per 10 liters of water. 1 liter of solution is enough to process 10 sq. m landings. The waiting period is 5 days;
  • apple, pear, quince from scab and moniliosis... 40 g for 10 liters of water. 5 liters are consumed per adult tree, spraying is carried out during the growing season. The waiting period is 20 days;
  • peach, plum, apricot, cherry, sweet cherry from clusterosporosis, coccomycosis, moniliosis, leaf curl. Dilute 40 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. 2-5 liters of working solution is enough for 1 tree (depending on the size). C / o 20 days;
  • grapes from mildew and anthracnose... The consumption rate of the drug is 40 g per 10 liters of water. 1.5 l of the solution is enough for 10 sq.m. landings. Spraying is carried out during the growing season. The waiting period is 30 days;
  • beets from cercospora... 40 g for 10 liters of water. This amount of solution is enough for spraying 100 square meters of plantings;
  • flowers from spots and rust of leaves... 30-40 g per 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out before and after flowering.

Precautions when using the drug Hom

The drug Hom belongs to the third hazard class, that is, it is moderately toxic to humans and animals. It also poses some danger to bees, so plants should not be sprayed during flowering.

Work on spraying plants should be carried out in overalls, and after they are completed, you need to change clothes, wash your face and hands with soap. Consumption of food and water, as well as smoking during spraying is not allowed.

Hom is an environmentally friendly preparation, within a short time by soil microorganisms it completely decomposes to the simplest substances, leaving no traces of chemistry. To prevent the accumulation of the active substance in the fruits, treatment with drugs is stopped 20 days before harvesting. For grapes, this period is increased to 30 days.

For most crops, the drug is not phytotoxic, but in some plants, at high humidity, it can cause burns on the leaves and a brown net on the fruits, therefore the maximum effect of Hom is achieved in areas with dry summers.

Fungicide Hom is well compatible with many pesticides and, when used wisely, shows a very high efficiency. The shelf life of copper oxychloride packed in paper bags is practically unlimited.