Diseases of cedar white bloom. What does hermes look like, measures to combat the pest of conifers

They do not lose their attractiveness and decorativeness throughout the year, and, as a rule, live longer than many deciduous species. They are an excellent material for creating compositions due to the varied shape of the crown and the color of the needles. The most widely used in professional and amateur gardening are such coniferous shrubs as junipers, yew, thuja; from wood - pine, larch, spruce. Therefore, information about their main diseases is relevant. The issue of treating conifers is especially acute in the spring, when you have to deal with burning, winter desiccation and infectious diseases on plants weakened after winter.

First of all it should be mentioned non-communicable diseases, caused by negative effects on growth and development conifers unfavorable conditions environment... Although conifers are demanding on high soil and air moisture, excessive moisture associated with natural waterlogging, raising the level groundwater, spring floods and abundant autumn precipitation, leads to yellowing and necrosis of the needles. The same symptoms very often appear due to a lack of moisture in the soil and low air humidity.

Thuja, spruce, yews are very sensitive to drying out of the roots, therefore, immediately after planting, their trunks are recommended to be mulched with peat and grass cut from lawns, if possible, to maintain mulching during the entire period of their growth, and to water regularly. The most drought-resistant are pines, thuja and junipers. In the first year after planting, it is advisable to spray young plants with water in the evening hours and shade them in the hot period. The overwhelming majority of conifers are shade-tolerant; when grown in open sunny places, they may stagnate, their needles may turn yellow and even die off. On the other hand, many of them cannot stand strong shading, especially the light-requiring pines and larch trees. To protect against sunburn bark, it can be whitewashed with lime or special whitewash in early spring or at the end of autumn.

The condition and appearance of plants largely depend on the supply of nutrients and the balance of their ratios. The lack of iron in the soil leads to yellowing and even whitening of the needles on individual shoots; with a lack of phosphorus, young needles acquire a red-purple hue; with a nitrogen deficiency, the plants grow noticeably worse, become chlorotic. Better growth and the development of plants takes place on well-drained and well-cultivated soils, provided with nutrients. Slightly acidic or neutral soil is preferred. It is recommended to carry out top dressing with special fertilizers intended for conifers. On summer cottages conifers can suffer from frequent visits to dogs and cats, causing excessive concentration of salts in the soil. In such cases, shoots with red needles appear on thuja and juniper, which subsequently dry out.

Low temperatures in winter and spring frosts cause freezing of the crown and roots, while the needles become dry, acquire a reddish color, die off, the bark cracks. The most winter-hardy are spruce, pine, fir, thuja, juniper. Branches of coniferous plants can break off from the gorse and snow break in the winter.

Many conifers are sensitive to air pollution from harmful industrial and automotive gases. This is manifested, first of all, by yellowing, starting from the ends of the needles and their falling off (death).

Conifers are rarely severely affected. infectious diseases, although in some cases they can suffer greatly from them. Young plants in general are less resistant to a complex of non-infectious and infectious diseases, their resistance increases with age.

Types of soil-dwelling fungi of the genera Pytium(pitium) and Rhizoctonia(rhizoctonia) lead roots of seedlings to decay and withering away often cause significant losses of young plants in schools and containers.

The causative agents of tracheomycotic wilting are most often anamorphic fungi. Fusarium oxysporum, which are classified as soil pathogens. The affected roots turn brown, the mycelium penetrates into the vascular system and fills it with its biomass, which stops access nutrients, and the affected plants, starting from the upper shoots, wither. The needles turn yellow, turn red and fall off, and the plants themselves gradually dry out. Seedlings and young plants are most affected. The infection persists in plants, plant debris and spreads with infected planting material or with infected soil. The development of the disease is facilitated by: stagnant water in low areas, lack of sunlight.

Use healthy planting material as protective measures. Timely remove all dried plants with roots, as well as affected plant debris. For preventive purposes, short-term soaking of young plants with an open root system is carried out in a solution of one of the drugs: Baktofit, Vitaros, Maxim. At the first symptoms, the soil is spilled with a solution of one of the biological products: Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B, Gamair. For prevention purposes, the soil is spilled with Fundazol.

Gray mold (rot) affects the aerial parts of young plants, especially in unventilated areas with strong thickening of plantings and insufficient lighting... Affected shoots turn gray-brown, as if covered with a layer of dust.

In addition to these diseases, which are widespread in deciduous trees, there are diseases that are characteristic only of conifers. First of all, they include shute, the causative agents of which are some types of ascomycete fungi.

Common pine shute

Real shute Lophodermium seditiosum- one of the main reasons for premature falling of pine needles. Young plants are mainly affected, incl. in the open ground of nurseries, and weakened trees, which can lead to their death due to strong falling of needles. During spring and early summer, the needles become brown and fall off. In autumn, small yellowish dots are noticeable on the needles, gradually growing and turning brown, later on the dead, crumbling needles, dotted black fruit bodies are formed - apothecia, by which the fungus persists.

Common pine shute that has similar symptoms and a developmental cycle causes Lophodermium pinastri. In the fall or more often in the spring of next year, the needles turn yellow or become reddish-brown and die off. Then, the fruiting bodies of the fungus are formed on it in the form of small black strokes or dots, blackening and increasing by autumn. Thin dark transverse lines appear on the needles. Dispersion of spores and infection of needles is facilitated by moderately warm weather, drizzling rains and dew. Weakened plants in nurseries and crops up to 3 years of age and pine self-seeding are more often affected and killed.

Called by the fungus Phlacidium infestans, which mainly affects pine species. It is especially harmful in areas with many snows, where sometimes it completely destroys the renewal of Scots pine.

It develops under snow cover and develops relatively quickly even at temperatures around 0 degrees. The mycelium grows from needles to needles and often further to neighboring plants. After the snow melts, the dead needles and often shoots turn brown and die off. Diseased plants are covered with grayish, rapidly disappearing mycelium films. During the summer, the needles die off, become reddish-red, later light gray. It crumbles, but almost does not fall off. In a twisted pine ( Pinus contorta) the dead needles are more reddish than those of Scots pine. By the fall, apothecia become visible, like small dark dots scattered over the needles. Ascospores from them are spread by air currents on living pine needles just before they are usually covered with snow. The development of the fungus is favored by drizzling rains, falling and melting snow in autumn, mild, snowy winters, and prolonged spring.

Brown shute, or brown snow mold of conifers affects pines, fir, spruce, cedars, junipers, caused by a fungus Herpotrichia nigra... It is found more often in nurseries, young stands, self-seeding and young undergrowth. This disease manifests itself in early spring after the snow melts, and the primary infection of needles with ascospores occurs in the fall. The disease develops under snow at temperatures not lower than 0.5 ° C. The defeat is detected after the snow melts: a black-gray cobweb bloom of mycelium is visible on the brown dead needles, and then the pinpoint fruiting bodies of the pathogenic fungus. The needles do not fall off for a long time, thin branches die off. The development of the disease is facilitated high humidity, the presence of depressions in the cultivated areas, the thickening of plants.

Signs of defeat juniper schütte(causative agent - mushroom Lophodermium juniperinum) appear in early summer on last year's needles, which acquire a dirty yellow or brown color and do not crumble for a long time. From the end of summer on the surface of the needles, round fruit bodies, black up to 1.5 mm, are noticeable, in which marsupial sporulation of the fungus remains in winter. The disease develops intensively on weakened plants, during wet conditions, can lead to death of plants.

Protective measures against shute include picking planting material, sustainable in origin, giving the plants as much resistance as possible, timely thinning, as well as the use of fungicidal spraying. Shaded plants are most susceptible to disease. The harmfulness of shute increases with high snow cover and prolonged melting. In forests and parks, instead of natural regeneration, planting of plants of the necessary origin is recommended. The planted plants are more evenly distributed over the area, making it difficult for mycelium to infest one plant from another, in addition, they quickly reach a height above the critical level. In those areas where Schütte damages Scots pine, twisted pine or European spruce can be used, which is extremely rare. Only healthy planting material should be used. It is recommended to remove fallen diseased needles in a timely manner to cut off dried branches.

Fungicidal treatments must be used in nurseries. Spraying with copper-containing and sulfur preparations (for example, Bordeaux mixture, Abiga-Peak or HOM, lime-sulfur broth) in early spring and autumn effectively reduces the development of diseases. When the disease manifests itself to a strong degree in the summer, the spraying is repeated.

Of particular importance for conifers are rust diseases caused by fungi of the Basidiomycot division, class Uredinomycetes, affecting the needles and bark of shoots, in fact all of their pathogens are of different households, and from conifers they pass to other plants, causing their defeat. Here is a description of some of them.

Cones rust, spruce wither... On the inside of the spruce scales, which is the intermediate host of the rust fungus Puccinia strumareolatum, rounded, dusty dark brown eciopustules appear. The cones are wide open, hanging for several years. The seeds are not germinable. Sometimes shoots are bent, the disease in this form is called spruce wither. The main host is bird cherry, on the leaves of which small round light purple uredinio, then black teliopustules appear.

Summons a rust mushroom Melampsora pinitorqua... The ecial stage develops on the pine, as a result of which its shoots bend in an S-shape, the top of the shoot dies off. Aspen is the main host. In summer, small yellow urediniopustules form on the underside of the leaves, the spores of which cause massive infection of the leaves. Then, by autumn, black teliopustules are formed, in the form of which the fungus overwinters on plant debris.

Rust of pine needles cause several species of the genus Coleosporium. Affects mainly double-doubled species of the genus Pinus, is found everywhere in their ranges, mainly in nurseries and young growth. Etsiostadia of the fungus develops in the spring on pine needles. Yellow vesicle-like eciopustules are located in disarray on both sides of the needles, uredo- and teliospores are formed on coltsfoot, wild grass, sow thistle, bellflower and others herbaceous plants... With a strong spread of the disease, the needles turn yellow and fall off prematurely, and the plants lose their decorative effect.

Miscellaneous mushroom Cronartium ribicola causes pine whirligig(five-coniferous pines) , or columnar currant rust. First, the needles become infected, gradually the fungus spreads into the bark and wood of branches and trunks. In the lesion sites, resin is released and eciopustulae in the form of yellow-orange vesicles emerge from the ruptures of the cortex. Under the influence of the mycelium, a thickening is formed, which eventually turns into open wounds, the overlying part of the shoot dries up or bends. The intermediate host is the currant; gooseberries can rarely be affected, numerous pustules in the form of small columns, orange, then brown, are formed on the underside of their leaves.

Mushrooms of the genus Gymnosporangium (G. comfusum, G. juniperinu, G. sabinae), pathogens juniper rust infect cotoneaster, hawthorn, apple, pear, quince, which are intermediate hosts. In the spring, the disease develops on their foliage, causing the formation of yellowish outgrowths (pustules) on the underside of the leaves, and round orange spots with black dots are visible on the upper side (ecial stage). From the end of summer, the disease passes to the main host plant - the juniper (teliostadia). From autumn and early spring, yellow-orange gelatinous masses of sporulation of the pathogen fungus appear on its needles and branches. Fusiform thickenings appear on the affected parts of the branches, and individual skeletal branches begin to die off. On the trunks, often on the root collar, swellings and sagging are formed, on which the bark dries out and shallow wounds open. Over time, the affected branches dry out, the needles turn brown and crumble. The infection persists in the affected juniper bark. The disease is chronic, almost incurable.

Rust of birch, larch - Melampsoridium betulinum. Small yellow pustules appear on the underside of birch and alder leaves in spring, yellowing, the growth of shoots decreases. Larch, which is the main host, turns yellow needles in summer.

As protective measures against rust diseases it is possible to recommend spatial isolation from affected plants that have a common causative agent of the disease. So, you should not grow poplar and aspen next to pines, five-coniferous pines should be isolated from planting black currants. Cutting out affected shoots, increasing resistance through the use of micronutrient fertilizers and immunostimulants will reduce the harmfulness of rust.

Causative agents desiccation of juniper branches there may be several mushrooms: Cytospora pini, Diplodia juniperi, Hendersonia notha, Phoma juniperi, Phomopsis juniperovora, Rhabdospora sabinae... Drying of the bark and the formation of numerous brown and black fruit bodies on it are observed. The needles turn yellow and fall off, the branches of the bushes dry out. The infection persists in the bark of affected branches and uncleaned plant debris. Thickened planting and the use of contaminated planting material contribute to the spread.

Tui can often also appear drying out, drying up of shoots and branches, caused more often by the same fungal pathogens. Typical manifestation is yellowing and dropping of leaves from the ends of the shoot, browning of the young growth of branches; in humid conditions, sporulation of fungi is noticeable on the affected parts.

The causative agent of which is a mushroom Pestalotiopsis funerea causes a necrotic disease of the bark of the branches and the browning of the needles. On the affected tissues, olive-black sporulation of the fungus is formed in the form of individual pads. With a strong drying out of the branches in hot weather, the pads dry out and take the form of scabs. With an abundance of moisture on the affected needles and bark of the stems, a grayish-black mycelium develops. Affected branches and needles turn yellow and dry out. The infection persists in the affected plant debris and in the bark of drying branches.

Sometimes on juniper plants appears biorella cancer... Its causative agent is a mushroom Biatorella difformis, is the conidial stage of the marsupial fungus Biatoridina pinastri... With mechanical damage to the branches, over time, pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop in the bark and wood, causing bark necrosis. The fungus spreads in the tissues of the bark, the bark turns brown, dries up, cracks. The wood gradually dies off and longitudinal ulcers form. Over time, rounded fruiting bodies are formed. The defeat and dying off of the bark leads to the fact that the needles turn yellow and dry out. The infection persists in the bark of the affected branches.

Causative agent nectria juniper cancer is a marsupial mushroom Nectria cucurbitula, with conidial stage Zythia cucurbitula... On the surface of the affected bark, numerous brick-red sporulation pads up to 2 mm in diameter are formed, over time they darken and dry out. The development of the fungus causes the death of the bark and bast of individual branches. The needles turn yellow and fall off, affected branches and whole bushes dry up. The infection persists in the bark of affected branches and plant debris. The spread of infection is facilitated by thickened plantings and the use of contaminated planting material.

V last years on many cultures, incl. conifers, mushrooms of the genus Alternaria. Causative agent Alternaria juniper is a mushroom Alternaria tenuis... On the affected needles, which become brown, and on the branches, a velvety bloom of black appears. The disease manifests itself when the plantings are thickened on the branches of the lower tier. The infection persists in the affected needles and bark of branches and in plant debris.

To combat drying out and alternaria, you can use preventive spraying of plants in spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture, Abiga-Peak, copper chloride. If necessary, in the summer, spraying is repeated every 2 weeks. The use of healthy planting material, timely pruning of affected branches, disinfection of individual wounds and all sections with a solution of copper sulfate and smearing with oil paint on natural drying oil significantly reduce the prevalence of diseases.

Larch cancer causes marsupial mushroom Lachnellulawillkommii... Its mycelium is distributed in the bark and wood of larch branches during its spring and autumn growth dormancy. The next summer, new bark and wood are built up around the wound. As preventive protective measures, it is recommended to plant resistant species of larch, grow them in favorable conditions, do not thicken, and avoid frost damage.

Some types of mushrooms can settle on the stems of conifers. tinder fungi, forming on the bark rather large fruiting bodies, annuals and perennials, causing cracking of the bark, as well as rot of roots and wood. For example, pine wood affected by a root sponge is first purple, then white spots appear on it, which turn into voids. The wood becomes cellular, sieve.

Thuja stem rot is often caused by tinder fungi: pine sponge Porodaedalea pini, causing a variegated red rot of the trunk and the tinder fungus Sveinitsa - Phaeolus schweinitzii, which is the causative agent of brown central fissured root rot. In both cases, the fruiting bodies of the fungus are formed on the rot of the wood. In the first case, they are perennial, woody, the upper part is dark brown, up to 17 cm in diameter; in the second mushroom, annual fruiting bodies in the form of flat caps, often on legs, are arranged in groups. Affected plants gradually die, and unharvested dried plants and their parts are a source of infection.

It is necessary to cut out sick, damaged, dried branches in a timely manner, cut off the fruiting bodies of tinder fungus. Wound injuries are cleaned and treated with putty or varnish-based paint. Use healthy planting material. You can carry out preventive spraying of plants in spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes. Grubbing the stumps is obligatory.

An amateur gardener A.P. Yarkov from Berezovsky with a question about possible reason the death of cedar seedlings on his garden plot... He associates the death of cedar seedlings with the appearance of a white fluffy coating on their shoots and needles and considers this to be a manifestation of signs of some kind of disease. He asks to tell: what is a white fluffy bloom, how to deal with it, and could the appearance of this bloom really be the cause of the death of cedar seedlings?
The appearance of white fluffy bloom on the shoots and needles of cedar plants - Siberian cedar pine - is not a manifestation of any disease, but this is a manifestation of the vital activity of an insect pest - Siberian hermes. Siberian hermes belongs to the proboscis sucking insect aphids, that is, it is an ordinary aphid. Larvae overwinter near Siberian hermes. The eggs are dirty yellow. Larvae of I-II instars are dark yellow or brown. Nymphs are similar to adult females, but smaller. Females are dark brown or almost black. As a result of sucking Hermes, the needles and branches are covered with fluff and pest secretions. On the cedar, Hermes lives on bark and needles. Oviposition commenced on the 20th of April. Oviposition lasts about a month. The number of laid yellowish-orange eggs in a clutch ranges from 1-4 to 50-60. The hatching of larvae begins in the first ten days of May. During the years of mass reproduction, there are 25 clutches of Hermes per shoot, concentrated either on the tops of the shoot, or on individual needles.
In the last days of May, some young females of the first spring generation begin to lay eggs. Females sit in groups of 5-10 under the scales and cracks in the bark of the shoots. Their especially large accumulation is noted at the tops of the shoots. Fertility of females is from 3 to 80 eggs. In the first ten days of June, almost black females, larvae and eggs are observed on the Siberian cedar. The release of the larvae from the eggs is highly stretched and depends very much on the state of the weather. The larvae hatched from the eggs crawl along the shoot and become covered with a whitish bloom. Females and ovipositions of the first spring generation are covered with white long filaments. In late June - early July, females of the second, May generation of Hermes lay eggs. The third and fourth generation of settlers develop from eggs laid by females of the second and third generations at the end of June-July.
Larvae - "false founders" overwinter near Siberian hermes. They are also covered with white down, but less dense and longer than the adult females. Their pubescence increases by the end of October. Thus, the climatic conditions of the Middle Urals make it possible to develop one generation of Siberian hermes on Siberian cedar within one month, and the number of parthenogenetic generations can reach four. Although in years with a cold growing season, the number of parthenogenetic generations may be limited to three. Siberian hermes, together with Siberian cedar, also damages spruce. Therefore, when they grow together, it can switch from spruce to Siberian cedar and vice versa.
Siberian hermes is especially harmful to Siberian cedar at a young age when it populates all the shoots and most of the needles. Such 1-10-year-old cedar plants affected by Hermes are very suppressed, significantly lagging behind in growth and often die. The literature notes that Siberian hermes is dangerous until the age of 20 Siberian cedar. In cedar plants affected by Siberian Hermes, the needles are shortened and lightened, and the needles turn yellow and fall more rapidly, the growth of shoots decreases and their curvature occurs, which, among other things, reduces their decorative qualities.
The fight against Siberian hermes is carried out in the same ways as with other species of aphids, for example, with the green apple aphid. The most effective early spring spraying of cedar plants with various preparations of insecticidal action, which is directed against overwintered larvae. Subsequent spraying turns out to be less effective, since during spraying the laid eggs are not destroyed, and many females are protected by the scales of the bark, under which they sit. With a small amount of pest, spraying with infusions and decoctions of onion husks, garlic, delphinium, coniferous extract, celandine, dandelion, tobacco, makhorka, yarrow, ash and a number of other plants with insecticidal effects can be applied. With a strong and very strong colonization of cedar plants with a pest, they should be treated with Inta-Vir (1 tab. Per 10 l of water), karbofos (75-90 g per 10 l of water), "Kinmix" (2.5 ml per 10 l of water) , "Iskra" (1 tab. Per 10 liters of water), as well as preparations "Aktara", "Arrivo", "Aktellik", "Decis", "Karate", "Fufanom", "Fosfamid", "Fury", " Rogor "," Tsipi "," Tsitkor "and other approved for use and commercially available drugs, taking the method of application from the accompanying document of the drug.
V.N. Shalamov

The most common coniferous diseases on household plots Middle Band Russia. Description of diseases is simple and accessible, without unnecessary details. This will allow you to determine the nature of the disease yourself and take simple actions before our arrival.. We will consider diseases of junipers later, they have a similar name, but the symptoms are different.

* Rust larch and pine - yellowish-orange spots appear on the needles at an early stage (in spring), after sporulation - brown spots. individual stages of the fungus develop on herbaceous plants.
*Blister rust Weymouth pines and cedar - affects mainly trunks and branches. It starts with the needles, then breaks in the bark form on the trunks and spore carriers of a yellow-orange color appear. When ringing a branch or trunk, the upper part dies off. if under the crown, the plant dies.
Rust is well "removed" on conifers with "topaz" (" fast ") and" strobe ". To enhance the effect, you can make the following mixture: add kartocid (according to the instructions) - the result is stunning. They act in different ways, as if complementing each other. Powdery mildew on fruit and berry and ornamental crops.

*Common shute (spruce, pine, fir ) - the needles turn brown in May, next year in the spring a large amount appears on the needles black shiny elongated dots (pads) on the underside.
The disease is widespread and especially dangerous in nurseries, where plantings are thickened, strong shade.

shute ordinary on a pine tree.

* Shute brown (spruce, pine, fir ) - in the spring the needles turn yellow, then become covered with a white-gray cobweb mycelium, eventually darkening, as if pecking the needles. The needles turn brown, dry out, do not crumble for a long time.

*Sprinkling green needles on the spruce- appeared for the first time on the "Invers" spruce, I admit that it is connected with bacterial contamination - vascular bactariosis(with fusarium, the needles turn red). Symptoms: a slight loss of the intensity of the color of the needles (dulls), the needles begin to fall off without changing the color, with severe damage or not in time for the treatment - when touched, the needles fall off massively. Important - the color of the needles does not change. Cuts of branches and trunk are clean, no damage or other formations were observed on the root

They were cured as follows: a) the soil was spilled with "foundation" (when neglected), on the rest of the spruce the soil was spilled with "maxim" (1 time). b) After 3-4 days, soil spillage (2-3 times) with phytosporin. To restore the root system, 2 days after watering with phytosporin, spilled the spruce with "zircon" (2 times). Unfortunately at that moment there was no kartocida, if available, some of the unnecessary treatments would have disappeared.

Bottom line: all ate alive, except for one.

shedding of needles on spruce.

* Snowy shute (spruce, pine) - on young needles in the fall appear reddish brown spots, in the spring (there is still snow) on them develops thick white bloom(mycelium), which dries up over time. Gradually, many small black spots (fruiting bodies) form on the needles.

Photo courtesy of a site subscriber.

The photo shows a great resemblance to Fusarium, but it is with the shute that individual shoots can die. There is some similarity with damage to the Spruce shoot moth, but there is no place for biting the shoot bark characteristic of this pest.
Causes : general weakening of plants, thickening of plantings, an abundance of precipitation in certain years.

* Tracheomycosis or fusarium (spruce, pine, fir, larch) - reddening of the needles, its shedding.
Pathogens are soil pathogens that cause rotting of the root system. . The disease occurs in low areas, severe clay soils and bad dr enage ... In addition to the necessary chemical treatment, the following method gives good results. We have used it on several occasions. different plants, it is simple, but effective: plastic tubes 15, 20, 30 cm long were driven into the ground around the affected plant. This allowed the roots to breathe and removed excess moisture. At the same time we spill root system kartocid, foundationazol or maxim ("phytosporin - m, gamair, alirin - b" - biological products).

The peculiarity of Fusarium is in the defeat of the middle part of the crown in all conifers, and only on pines it manifests itself as yellowing of individual shoots.
For other diseases (kr.Fusarium), it is necessary to spray plants in spring and autumn, with severe damage and in summer, with drugs: ABIGA - PIK / HOM, kartotsid

fusarium on blue spruce .

Shute larch - the needles begin to turn yellow at the ends in small patches, and then turn brown and fall off entirely. Adult plants can also get sick. Development is facilitated high humidity, shading. (HOM / Abiga-Peak, Kartotsid)

shute larch

growth on larch after treatment

Biotorella Juniper Cancer - appears only with mechanical damage to the branches, and then, over time, pathogens begin to develop in the bark and wood, causing bark necrosis. The fungus develops in the tissues of the bark, the bark turns brown, dries up, cracks. The wood gradually dies off, and longitudinal ulcers form. It is being treated, it is checked ! Treatment- cut out all severely damaged branches, cover the cuts with oil paint, spray for a long time and persistently (at least 4 times per season). I didn't cut my junipers, it's a pity, I spilled soil and sprayed them with potato. The photo shows just the consequences, healing wounds.

Biorella cancer, longitudinal ulcers are visible exactly between the toes.

Shute juniper - the needles turn brown on last year's shoots (in May) and do not crumble for a long time. The infection persists in the affected needles and plant debris. Treatment - trimming off the affected ends and spraying with kartocide or other copper preparations

Shute juniper

Shute brown thuja

Brown shute (thuja, spruce, fir) - got sick in the fall, the main danger of this infection is that over-infection of plants is possible, both in nurseries and in backyard gardens. The infection persists in plant debris and affected needles, can fly from forest conifers... Unpleasant disgusting, decorativeness is lost, but not fatal. I will treat, in the fall I will post a photo of what happened in the album (alas, it will not work, the thujas became healthy with a good increase, they were bought right away, did not have time to take a photo), by the way, the small Nidiformis trees were also infected. The needles are browned in the upper part of the plant. Treatment: pruning dried branches, cleaning plant residues, spraying with Kartozid or Abiga-Peak / Hom 3 to 5 times per season, depending on the degree of damage. In my case, at least 4 times per season.

young mountain pine fusarium

restoration of canadian spruce on a trunk after fusarium

Spring yellowing of thuja and other conifers

Near the Moscow Zoo

The needles are green on the underside, they crumble when touched. There was not enough moisture, despite the rainy year 17.

This happens in sunny places from temperature fluctuations or dehydrates from frost, which then leads to the drying out of the entire plant. It is most often that conifers die from dehydration. This is due to the fact that very often, almost always, trees in comas (dug out before November) and in decorative containers are not watered. The trees still stand dry before planting, while the air temperature is still positive and the plant's vital activity continues. incl. and the work of the roots (which remained). The lack of moisture in the plant itself leads to such a sad result; sun, wind - all this reduces the water content in the plant, and the root is not working yet. It is difficult to explain to non-understanding people that plants in containers require additional watering, despite the rainy weather. Rainwater still needs to get into the container, rolling down into the wax needles.

* When buying, check for a lump, it is best if the trees with a lump are dug in or there is a visibility of watering, the branches are elastic. After planting, thuja with a lump, you just need to to carry out water-charging irrigation for the winter and spraying with water along the crown will not interfere. This is done with all wintering plants, even foliage. e named.

*** When and for what sores to treat conifers is in the article "A simple definition of diseases"!

*Of all these drugs, the most effective was KARTOCID, especially on conifers. In order for the plants not to get sick, it is necessary to process it 3 times per season (for details, see Art. " simple definition of diseases"). Important! Having made a tank mixture "kartocid +" spark of gold ", you will get an amazing result, for the whole season there will be protection from only 3 basic treatments.

The studies carried out at the Institute for the Protection of Agricultural Plants showed a multiple excess of the effectiveness of this particular tank mixture in comparison with that of cypermethrins, then - zetacypermetrins... These are not final conclusions, in the summer of 2016, further experiments will be carried out to improve the effectiveness with other drugs in various drugs, interesting results will be reported in a timely manner in this article.

GOOD NEWS: The tank mixture can now be done with Aktara (8 times the dose is allowed) kartocid + aktara = super! Especially for those who do not like foreign smells when treating the garden. By the way, it is possible to spill soil with this tank composition. Attention : sadness!!! Aktara belongs to those drugs that are responsible for the disappearance of bees (alas, a proven fact, France in 2017-18). Change in tank mixes neonicatinoids (aktara, regent, confidor, calypso) on pyrethroids or malathion (organophosphorus, improved malathion), or do not use Aktara during the flowering period and the whole solution to the problem.

*** In field experiments, it surpassed Fundazol several times in quality and speed of influence on bacterial and fungal diseases and copper sulfate many times as well, plus health safety. At the same time, copper sulfate is pathogenic, and protective masks do not save from harm.

+++ Tank mix kartocid + epin / zircon great double effect : the stimulant increases the resistance of the plant, the kartocid destroys any byaka at this time. (Read more in the article (Kartotsid ")

++++ Tank mix kartocid + fast- excellent result! It is no longer necessary to observe the waiting period for one drug to act. to process others.

Conclusion: of all tested fungicides, kartocid proved to be more effective, works great in a tank mixture.

*** If conifers get sick, then treating them with fungicides 2-3 times is not a panacea, they need to be treated 2 times a month. Conifers are treated quite hard, this explains such a number of treatments and so on until complete recovery.

Slices must be covered with "Ranet" or a similar agent from "Etisso", to restore the general condition of conifers, they are spilled and processed along the crown with "Super humisol" + HB 101. The best mineral fertilizer was Nutrisol (Puccioni S.p.A, Italy) ", it really works on conifers. Now it is sold as" nutrisol for conifers " ... I highly recommend it, I haven't met it better yet.

***It is imperative that ALL conifers are required when planting and in spring process, alternating,adaptogen-antistress Epin-Extra with inductor disease resistance and root formation with Zircon. Enough once with each of the drugs.

photos of some diseases and pests are in the album (plant protection)


The first spraying of trees with maximum effect will only be in phase of separation of flower buds in fruit. This is when you can distinguish flower buds from vegetative ones. This period is called "blue" spraying, i.e. copper-containing preparations are used for diseases (kartotsid, hom, copper sulfate, abiga-peak). Do not forget to remove the main sources of disease (pruning diseased branches, affected needles, diseased leaves and fruits, etc.) Be sure to carry out a set of agrotechnical measures that increase the vitality of trees and disease resistance. The main thing in the fight against diseases is high agricultural technology and sanitary-preventive measures, but do not forget to observe in all measure."Overfed" plants suffer as well as overweight people. Soil pathogens causing root rot and affecting the vascular system of trunks and branches. The access of nutrients to young branches ceases, leaves turn brown and dry, buds and shoots also dry up, plants die.

This is a beautiful apple tree leaf- phosphorus deficiency.Approximate coloration is also available for other plants (with color variations). It is removed by spraying with potassium monophosphate or orthophosphoric acid (diluted, of course, otherwise there have been cases), or superphosphate at the root, as an option with complex water-soluble fertilizers on the leaves (aquarin, nutrisol and analogs)

Read part II there is also interesting, there is a "new" pest for conifers in the south of Russia ...

Siberian hermes

An amateur gardener A.P. Yarkov from the town of Berezovsky with a question about the possible cause of the death of cedar seedlings in his garden. He associates the death of cedar seedlings with the appearance of a white fluffy coating on their shoots and needles and considers this to be a manifestation of signs of some kind of disease. He asks to tell: what is a white fluffy bloom, how to deal with it, and could the appearance of this bloom really be the cause of the death of cedar seedlings? The appearance of white fluffy bloom on the shoots and needles of cedar plants - Siberian cedar pine - is not a manifestation of any disease, but this is a manifestation of the vital activity of an insect pest - Siberian hermes. Siberian hermes belongs to the proboscis sucking insect aphids, that is, it is an ordinary aphid ... Larvae overwinter near Siberian hermes. The eggs are dirty yellow. Larvae of I-II instars are dark yellow or brown. Nymphs are similar to adult females, but smaller. Females are dark brown or almost black. As a result of sucking Hermes, the needles and branches are covered with fluff and pest secretions. On the cedar, Hermes lives on bark and needles. Oviposition commenced on the 20th of April. Oviposition lasts about a month. The number of laid yellowish-orange eggs in a clutch ranges from 1-4 to 50-60. The hatching of larvae begins in the first ten days of May. During the years of mass reproduction, there are 25 clutches of Hermes per shoot, concentrated either on the tops of the shoot, or on individual needles. In the last days of May, some young females of the first spring generation begin to lay eggs. Females sit in groups of 5-10 under the scales and cracks in the bark of the shoots. Their especially large accumulation is noted at the tops of the shoots. Fertility of females is from 3 to 80 eggs. In the first ten days of June, almost black females, larvae and eggs are observed on the Siberian cedar. The release of the larvae from the eggs is highly stretched and depends very much on the state of the weather. The larvae hatched from the eggs crawl along the shoot and become covered with a whitish bloom. Females and ovipositions of the first spring generation are covered with white long filaments. In late June - early July, females of the second, May generation of Hermes lay eggs. The third and fourth generation of settlers develop from eggs laid by females of the second and third generations at the end of June-July. Larvae - "false founders" overwinter near Siberian hermes. They are also covered with white down, but less dense and longer than the adult females. Their pubescence increases by the end of October. Thus, the climatic conditions of the Middle Urals make it possible to develop one generation of Siberian hermes on Siberian cedar within one month, and the number of parthenogenetic generations can reach four. Although in years with a cold growing season, the number of parthenogenetic generations may be limited to three. Siberian hermes, together with Siberian cedar, also damages spruce. Therefore, when they grow together, it can switch from spruce to Siberian cedar and vice versa. Siberian hermes is especially harmful to Siberian cedar at a young age when it populates all the shoots and most of the needles. Such 1-10-year-old cedar plants affected by Hermes are very suppressed, significantly lagging behind in growth and often die. The literature notes that Siberian hermes is dangerous until the age of 20 Siberian cedar. In cedar plants affected by Siberian Hermes, the needles are shortened and lightened, and the needles turn yellow and fall more rapidly, the growth of shoots decreases and their curvature occurs, which, among other things, reduces their decorative qualities. The fight against Siberian hermes is carried out in the same ways as with other species of aphids, for example, with the green apple aphid. The most effective early spring spraying of cedar plants with various preparations of insecticidal action, which is directed against overwintered larvae. Subsequent spraying turns out to be less effective, since during spraying the laid eggs are not destroyed, and many females are protected by the scales of the bark, under which they sit. With a small amount of pest, spraying with infusions and decoctions of onion husks, garlic, delphinium, coniferous extract, celandine, dandelion, tobacco, makhorka, yarrow, ash and a number of other plants with insecticidal effects can be applied. With a strong and very strong colonization of cedar plants with a pest, they should be treated with Inta-Vir (1 tab. Per 10 l of water), karbofos (75-90 g per 10 l of water), "Kinmix" (2.5 ml per 10 l of water) , "Iskra" (1 tab. Per 10 liters of water), as well as preparations "Aktara", "Arrivo", "Aktellik", "Decis", "Karate", "Fufanom", "Fosfamid", "Fury", " Rogor "," Tsipi "," Tsitkor "and other approved for use and commercially available drugs, taking the method of application from the accompanying document of the drug. V.N. Shalamov

Diseases and pests of coniferous plants. =========== White fluffy plaque on the needles of trees and shrubs indicates the presence of Hermes aphids. A cover of wax fibers, reminiscent of snowflakes, protects insects from moisture loss. Shrubs and trees not grown under food plants, it is more convenient to protect from pests, because protective measures can be carried out at any time of the year and are less afraid chemicals... And it is known that the effectiveness of spraying depends not only on the selection of appropriate drugs, but also on the timing of their use. The malignant pests of conifers are aphids. The saliva of fertilized females of Hermes aphids overwintered on spruce trees causes the formation of cone-shaped growths the size of cherries - galls, inside of which the offspring of aphids develop. In July-August, winged individuals emerge from the galls, which fly to the larch, where they do not form galls, but suck the juices of the needles. They are protected by white fibrous secretions and appear fluffy. white bloom... They hibernate under the scales of the bark and lay eggs next spring, from which winged males and females will develop again. After fertilization, the females return to the spruce, where they winter. By cutting off the galls, the damage caused by pests can be significantly reduced. They fight against "fluffy aphids" on larch by spraying it with mineral oil, which dissolves the finest wax fibers. And most importantly, you should not plant spruce and larch nearby. The emergence of aphids can be prevented by spraying the trees before the young shoots appear, and then and after they have grown, with decis or fastak. Green spruce aphid, approximately 2 mm in size, secretes saliva toxic to the plant. The needles turn yellow (in severely affected silver spruce they turn gray-violet) and fall off. This "baldness" starts from the trunk, only fresh May shoots remain healthy. You can make sure that aphids are attacking by shaking the branches by spreading a white linen under the tree. It is easy to spot green insects with red eyes on it. The mass reproduction of this aphid occurs after mild winter ... It is possible to avoid "baldness" of firs by spraying them with systemic insecticides that act on sucking insects, in particular fast-com. Ornamental conifers are often damaged by the pine shoot (a butterfly from the family of leaf rollers), the larvae of which are introduced into young shoots or buds. The buds dry up, the shoots are bent. If there is little damage, the affected buds and shoots are removed from the tree and burned. In case of mass destruction at the end of April, fastak is sprayed. If in the spring the scaly leaves of thuja and cypress turn brown and the tops of the shoots die off, it is possible that a speckled miner moth has started up in them. Moves, gnawed in the leaf tissue by tiny larvae, and the caterpillars themselves can be seen in the light. In order to prevent the dispersal of butterflies, the affected plants at the end of June - July are treated twice with an interval of 8 days with agents containing pyrethroids. At the beginning of summer, orange growths appear on the branches and trunks of junipers, which in dry weather look like tongues 0.5 cm long, and after rain they turn into fleshy formations 1.5 cm long. These are the organs of sporulation of the rust fungus. It needs two host plants to complete the cycle. The wind carries countless microscopic spores to hawthorn bushes, rowan trees or pears, where they germinate and the filaments of the fungus take root in the leaves. On the upper surface of the leaves, yellowish-brown spots are formed, and on the lower surface - kidney-shaped protrusions, from where spores pour out, which now, for further development, must fall on the juniper. The only effective measure is not to plant host plants nearby, but if signs of illness appear, remove a partner that is less valuable to you. You can, however, try to destroy the rust with two or three sprays at weekly intervals with the preparations of saprol or ditan. Pests and diseases are more likely to attack weakened plants that lack nutrients. It is necessary to apply top dressing with special preparations and balms for conifers, as well as create conditions for the development of insects that destroy pests: ladybirds, lacewings, humming flies. Evergreen shrubs and rhododendrons Plants often suffer from chlorosis due to improper maintenance. Rhododendrons are especially susceptible to this disease. The first signs of the disease - lightening or unnatural yellowness of the leaves - indicate a lack of the main photosynthetic pigment - chlorophyll. This can be caused by overconsolidation of the soil, excess lime, as well as a lack of magnesium and iron salts in it. Prolonged stay in such soil leads to the death of the shrub. Chlorosis can be avoided by properly preparing the soil before planting the plants (there are ready-made substrates for different varieties plants). If the plants are already sick, you should partially change the soil and spray the bushes every 10 days with 0.1% solutions of magnesium and iron sulfate alternately.

Diseases and pests of conifers. There is a misconception that conifers are very convenient plants, they are not whimsical, durable and, most importantly, are not susceptible to any diseases. I planted thuja, spruce, juniper or pine, and no more problems. Nothing like this! Conifers, like all living things, are susceptible to various diseases, and pests are countless. Take, for example, Hermes, sawflies, or the well-known bark beetle-tpograf. Many of them damage young shoots, needles, as a result of which various parts of the plant begin to turn brown and dry, which in turn leads to a decrease or complete loss decorative qualities, and sometimes to the death of the plant. The first symptom that should alert you is yellowing and browning of individual branches. This is a common story: beautiful plant with a fluffy healthy crown, purchased in a nursery or garden center, planted according to all the rules in a good sunny area with drainage system , into the soil cultivated with imported chernozem. It would seem that everything was done correctly, but the plants suddenly begin to turn yellow and dry. Many immediately begin to take various measures, mainly watering the plants with growth stimulants from root to epin, for some reason there are no results. Unfortunately, growth promoters are not a panacea for all ills, although their use is useful. If the soil does not have adequate nutrition for the plant, and it gives a large increase in shoots, our pets are doomed to the fact that their old branches begin to turn yellow and dry prematurely, giving all the incoming substances to young growth points. In addition, it turned out that imported black soil does not always contain a sufficient amount of nutrients: potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus. Therefore, when planting, you should additionally apply various fertilizers. Inadequate nutrition is the main cause of yellowing and drying of conifers. Exactly the same picture can be observed when overdrying or, conversely, blocking the root system, which is often observed in the absence of drainage or on light sandy and sandy soils. Numerous pathogenic microorganisms that develop both on the bark and on the needles cause enormous harm to plants. Most often these are mushrooms. It all starts very prosaically. A small insect flew in or a beetle crawled in, damage a twig or a needle, the smallest spore of the fungus immediately penetrated through the wound, the mycelium formed and began to live at the expense of the living tissues of the plant. First, the needles turned brown, then the twig, half of the plant, and gradually only the top of the pine tree remains, and from the juniper - one name. We wake up always late, when the decorativeness of the conifers is hopelessly lost. As a result, diseased plants have to be completely replaced. At the same time, there is no guarantee that a new young pine tree, planted on the same site, will not get sick and will not lose its shape, for example, from an attack on it by rust. So, for Weymouth pine in May - June, blister rust or cancer is the main disease that it suffers from every year. Moreover, in the future, rust passes to currants and gooseberries. In addition to this misfortune, pines are noted for: rust of the needles of seedlings, pine withers, resin crayfish. Of the branch diseases, scleroderria cancer has become widespread, in which the formation of deep cancerous ulcers on the trunk, bark necrosis and the death of buds and needles are noted. In this case, the needles become reddish-brown and do not fall off for a long time. Often stem rot appears on pines, caused by the development of tinder fungi in the lower part of the trunk, and honey fungus is also found. And the names of stem rot are some: variegated red stem rot, mixed rot, brown central fissured root rot, etc. In each case, only specialists can determine the disease. If the conifers began to turn yellow and dry, and fruiting bodies of tinder fungi appeared on the trunk, the plants have stem rot, and they are doomed to death. In recent years, the main disease of conifers is shute, which causes yellowing and shedding of needles. Cedars, pines, spruces, pseudo-slugs and junipers are ill. At the same time, the needles become reddish-brown with black transverse lines; over time, black shiny dots of sporulation are formed on it, the spores from which quickly re-infect neighboring branches and plants. There is also a snow shute, in which the needles become dirty gray and are covered with a thin gray mycelium. A lot of fungi-pathogens have been described that cause another ailment - the drying out of the branches of conifers. And it all begins with the same browning and drying of the needles. True, if you look closely, the needles remain clean, without visible constrictions and plaques, but necrosis and browning are noticeable on the bark of the branches, and with heavy rains, a grayish mycelium develops on the bark. There are times when, in a wet and cold spring, fungi that cause rust on juniper shoots, in addition to the usual orange bloom, form abundant sporulation in the form of a gelatinous jelly. So do not be surprised if your conifers have individual yellowing, the main thing is to quickly determine the cause. If these are traces of the activity of numerous pests, then the plants can be sprayed with the "Decis" preparation during the growing season. If no pests are found, exclude the soil factor and feed the plants with complex fertilizers for conifers. The worst case scenario is fungal diseases. In this case, it is necessary to remove heavily infested branches and spray all plants with copper oxychloride or other copper-containing preparations. It is better to carry out processing systematically, for example, once or twice in spring and in August - September. And do not believe those who say that conifers do not get sick with anything, all plants need careful care. Pests are one of the most important factors that negatively affect the state of green spaces. The damage they inflict disrupt physiological processes, retard growth and development, lead to a decrease or complete loss of decorative qualities, sometimes to the withering away of individual parts or the complete death of plants. When creating green spaces, first of all, you should use healthy planting material. It is necessary to carry out plant quarantine measures, which will prevent the penetration of pests and diseases to cuttings and seedlings, coming, in particular, from abroad. To protect plants from diseases and pests, a variety of methods, means and methods of control are used. Preventive measures are very important to ensure the cultivation of good planting material. For growing healthy plants it is necessary to adhere to agrotechnics: choose the right land mixtures, light in texture and with the appropriate acidity, carry out regular loosening of the soil, weeding. Fertilization contributes to the improvement of plant growth, the development of the root system. For example, phosphorus fertilizers cause the most rapid development of mechanical protective tissues, increase drought resistance and winter hardiness of plants. For warning fungal diseases carry out preventive spraying, dusting, disinfection of soil with fungicides. Juniper shoot moth (Argiresthia argentina). Harm in the stage of caterpillars that eat away inner tissues shoots. Damages common juniper and its forms. Control measures: spraying with 0.2% aqueous solution karbofos, collection of spider nests. Juniper scale insect (Doaspis visci). On young cones (or pine berries) and needles, you can see rounded shields of females, elongated shields of males (up to 1-1.5 mm) with pale yellow small larval skins. Sucking the juice from the sap-conducting tissues of the bark, they cause damage leading to the death of the bark, drying out and curvature of the shoots, and a decrease in annual growth. Affects juniper, thuja, yew, cypress. Control measures: spraying stray larvae with 0.2% aqueous solution of karbofos. Juniper needle mite (Eriophyes quadrischus). Signs of damage: the needles at the top of the shoots are enlarged. Control measures: spraying with approved insecticides in May. Juniper aphid (Lichnus juniperu). Appears on young shoots. Aphids during mass reproduction can harm young plants, since, sucking out the juice, they strongly oppress and weaken the plant, retard growth, cause curvature and twisting of damaged shoots, Control measures: treatment in spring with permitted insecticides. Juniper sawfly (Monoctenus juniperu). The larvae (false caterpillars) of sawflies with 8 pairs of abdominal legs, green, with 3 dark stripes and a brown head, damage the needles, shoots, eating away their internal tissues. Control measures: spraying with approved insecticides. Thuja aphid (Cinara juniperina). Damaged needles turn yellow and fall off, reducing the decorativeness of the western thuja forms. Aphids are gray-brown, covered with silvery-white waxy dust. They live in colonies, suck on the underside of the shoots. Control measures: spraying with karbofos. Re-spraying as needed. Thuvaya false shield. It is found on thuja needles and twigs, multiplies to the mass and causes great harm to plantings. The female is almost spherical, about 3 mm, yellow-brown. One generation. 2nd instar larvae hibernate under the bark of young shoots. The first young females appear in mid-May - June. Oviposition occurs from mid-June to September. The maximum number of eggs is 1300. Hatching of larvae in July and August. Control measures: before bud break, in the summer, during the mass release of vagrants (late June - early July), spraying with actellik, karbofos. Spruce-fir hermes. Causes curvature of the needles in places where aphids suck and yellowing it. Hermes, in abundant snow-white pubescence, suck from the underside of the needles. On the needles are brown or yellowish-green larvae and nymphs. Winged individuals migrate to the spruce different types, larch, fir. The founders are located on the bark near the kidneys. They hibernate, start eating in April. Each fertilized female lays one egg. Larvae emerge from the eggs. In the spring they become founders. Control measures: destruction of the founding larvae, in the spring by spraying with permitted insecticides. Spruce common sawfly. It affects the forms of different types of spruce, the caterpillar is grassy-green, damages the needles of young shoots, while the shoot looks like burnt. Control measures: spraying needles affected by caterpillars, karbofos. Yew false shield. Lives on the lower surface of needles, on thin branches, less often on trunks. Control measures: spraying in summer with karbofos. Pine hermes. It is found on the bark of Scots pine and mountain shoots. In this case, the needles are shortened and brightened. Under the white down, there are aphids about 1 mm long, dark red. Rusty yellow eggs are often found here. Gives 3-4 generations. Control measures: against hermes, processing should be carried out during a period when 50% of the larvae have emerged from the eggs. Actellic is very effective. Pine aphid. Oblong-ovate, strongly haired, grayish. They sit in rows on the needles of a common or mountain pine. Eggs overwinter on the lower surface of the needles. Control measures: in the spring treatment with karbofos. If necessary, repeat the treatment after 10-12 days. Common pine scale. Found on needles, causes it to fall off. Often, branches fall and plants die. The scutellum of the female is slightly widened towards the posterior end, grayish, 1.5-2 mm long. There are two generations in a year, Scabbards are difficult to eradicate pests, since females develop under the scutellum, and are also hidden under the needles. The most vulnerable period: the emergence of vagrants and male adults. Control measures: before bud break, conifers are sprayed with approved insecticidal preparations.