Why does the grape dry in spring. Grapes dry, what to do

Grape growing - An activity that is loved by many gardeners. But this process does not always go smoothly. Sometimes you have to face certain difficulties caused by diseases and various pests. If the grapes begin to dry, and the plant itself loses its foliage, then all this becomes a problem that must be dealt with. Sometimes the entire brush begins to dry and most of the crop dies. The moment of drying happens both when the berries are set, and during their ripening. What caused this drying? A number of reasons can contribute to this - various diseases caused by fungi and various microorganisms.

The downy mildew, which affects not only the grape brush, but also young and old shoots, does the most harm. Sometimes, due to this fungus, a whole vine bush dies.

Causes of Berry Drying

We pay attention to the following:

  1. Spotted anthracnose is one of the reasons for the drying of grapes. The largest number of cases of the development of this disease occurs in the rainy period. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that it can develop not only in the warm season, but even when the temperature is kept in the region of + 2 ° С. This disease affects not only berries, but also all green parts of the plant. If anthracnose affects grapes before flowering, then the entire brush will be affected immediately.
  2. Verticillosis is a disease that affects the plant through the root system, after which the pathogenic microorganism begins to multiply, preventing the plant from getting the amount of moisture and nutrients it needs. With this disease, grape berries begin to dry. With the progression of the disease on the grape bush, the leaves begin to dry, and then shoots and bunches gradually suffer.
  3. Bending the ridges of clusters can lead to drying of the berries. The clusters sometimes bend under their own weight, with this position of the brush the berries do not receive the necessary amount of water and nutrients, because of which they begin to wither and dry. Most often this happens with hybrid grape varieties, because they grow very large clusters. In order to avoid such problems, you should grow a grape bush with the creation of support. For these purposes, you can use arbors or arches.

Ways to combat the drying of grapes

There are no effective ways to combat the drying of berries. The treatment of affected areas or the entire bush with various drugs and fungicides is quite ineffective.

(reklama) It is recommended to use three percent magnesium sulfate when the berries dry, or use a half percent solution of sodium chloride. You can carry out preventive preparation of the plant by treating it a month and a half before the probable development of drying out, and then carry out several sprayings in a ten-day period.

Processing with a five percent solution of magnesium sulfate at a time when the grape berries will ripen, form under the influence of sunlight, acquire color and a bunch will be more effective. Processing should be the area that will be next to a ripening bunch of grapes.

But the most reliable, best and most effective way to deal with drying grape ridges and berries will be the correct implementation of all agricultural regulations. You must be able to properly prune the vines, be able to organize a balanced feeding of grape bush, which includes magnesium and the permitted percentage of nitrogen. In addition to the above, it is necessary to regularly water the grapes, carry out its chemical treatment and make fertilizers that will prevent the appearance and development of crest paralysis.

When the vine is healthy and gives a good harvest, the heart rejoices, but it happens when the plants, for no reason, begin to dry, starting from the leaves and ending with the fruits. Here comes confusion, because often, especially beginning gardeners, have never encountered such problems, and do not know what to do in these cases, and the grapes are very sorry - so much work has been expended for its cultivation. So why do the grapes dry? This issue remains relevant for many wine growers.

The grape leaf dries out for many reasons that gardeners need to learn to recognize in order to timely identify the problem that befell the beloved vineyard, and to begin to eliminate it in a timely manner. If time is lost, then healing the plants may not be possible.

Grapes - the leaves dry, which may be the reasons:

  • insufficient moisture;
  • all kinds of diseases and pests;
  • damage to the root system;
  • lack of trace elements in the soil;
  • wrong choice of variety;
  • violation of cultivation conditions;
  • commotion.

Lack of moisture

Although grape plants prefer hot weather, however, moisture for them is a prerequisite for normal growth and fruiting. If you do not water the vineyard in a timely manner, then first the leaves of the grapes begin to dry, then the fruits wither, the root system becomes sick. As a result, the entire plant may die. It is very easy to eliminate this cause - regularly and timely water the plants in specially prepared irrigation grooves, and to prevent moisture from stagnating, often loosen the soil around the bush without touching the roots. If the space around the plants is mulched, the liquid will not evaporate for a long time from the surface of the soil.

Fungal diseases and pests

Numerous diseases cause symptoms such as drying out leaflets of a grape plant. The main ailment that causes drying is chlorosis, which has several species.

Verticillosis also contributes to the fact that the leaves of the grapes dry. The disease first affects the roots of the bushes, as a result of which the plant nutrition process is disrupted. Because of this, mineral substances cease to flow into the plant itself, and the leaves dry, first along the edges, and then completely, later completely disappear. The terrible thing is that this disease manifests itself only in the second or third year after infection.

In case of grape disease with a spotty mosaic, yellow veins appear on the leaves first, then spots appear, and finally the leaves dry and fall off.

Grapes, why do the leaves dry? The reason may be mildew and oidium - the most famous misfortunes of grape culture. It is very sad that not only adult plants, but also grape seedlings suffer from them.

Gray rot on grapes can also cause dry leaves. It spreads in humid and warm weather, it affects, first the leaves, then the fruits, and then the whole plant.

Drying of leaves provokes a disease such as cercosporosis, which is dangerous not only for leaves, but also for berries. It appears on the underside of the leaves in the form of olive plaque, after the appearance of which the leaves begin to dry out and fall off.

Infectious rubella, which occurs during intense heat, can cause changes in the leaf blade, which first changes color to red, then the structure of the leaves changes - they become thicker, at the same time, their fragility increases due to a lack of potassium.

The main ailment causing drying is chlorosis.

Alternariosis also manifests itself in hot and dry weather. The grape leaves at the edges begin to dry, as with a lack of potassium, then they become covered with yellow spots and, eventually, fall off completely.

Escoriasis or black spotting is accompanied by drying of leaves and shoots, the appearance of black spots on them, drying and dying of brushes. The disease is very dangerous, as it affects the entire plant.


Raids on a spider mite vineyard can cause the vine leaves to dry. This pest is so small that it is very difficult to notice with the naked eye. A sign of damage to the plant by the pest is a spider line formed at the junction of the leaf with the shoot. If the tick is noticed on time, then it will still be possible to prevent the death of the plant.

Root damage

If the vine leaves dry, then a possible cause is damage to the root system, which can occur due to improper loosening of the soil, or unsuccessful sheltering of the vine for the winter. Rodents - mice, moles and arthropods can also damage the roots.

Micronutrient deficiency

For grape culture, the content of trace elements such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the soil is very important. Their lack can cause problems, as a result of which the leaves of the plants dry out. First of all, it concerns nitrogen. Correcting the situation is very simple - abundant fertilizer containing nitrogen. The stores sell a huge amount of various nitrogen-based fertilizers. One of the most popular is urea. It is possible to apply ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, an aqueous solution of sodium nitrate for top dressing. Of organic substances, cow and horse manure, as well as chicken droppings diluted with water, are excellent. Potassium deficiency manifests itself as dry leaf edges, which, subsequently, completely dry up and disappear. In addition to nitrogen, it is also necessary to remember the top dressing of grapes and other trace elements that plants need for good growth. It is important to ensure that there is no oversaturation with minerals, which is also extremely harmful to the grape crop.

Wrong variety selection

If the region has a cold climate, and cultivars selected are those that do not tolerate cold, then they are most vulnerable to the incidence of various diseases, as a result of which the leaves can dry out. The right choice of grape varieties will minimize the risk of incidence and ensure the normal functioning of grape plants.

Violation of growing conditions

Grapes, dried leaves? Such symptoms can be caused by a lack of sunlight and heat, a lack of moisture, and soil that is not suitable for the cultivar. Planting plants should be in such places that they were as comfortable as possible - enough light, mineral components. It is worth protecting the vine from frost, covering it for the winter, protecting it from cold winds. It is necessary to timely process grapes from diseases and pests, and prune the plants, monitor the condition of the soil under the vine bushes, and carry out watering and top dressing in time.


Due to the fact that diseases can be transmitted from one plant to another, massive infection can occur. If it is not possible to cure a diseased grape bush, then it is better to destroy it, in order to avoid diseases of other plants.

What to do if grape leaves dry

It is necessary to examine the vineyard more often for morbidity and pest damage. The appearance of plants can detect any disease at an early stage. If the leaves began to dry, then the disease has already gone too far.

In order for the plants to function correctly and be healthy, you need to provide them with decent care. In summer, in the heat, plentiful and regular watering is necessary. It is necessary to ensure that water is absorbed precisely under the root, and not flow out in different directions.

If there are signs of a lack of trace elements in the soil, then appropriate fertilizers containing the necessary minerals should be applied immediately.

Timely treatment with drugs for fungal diseases will help prevent damage to the vineyard by such dangerous diseases as mildew and oidium, and many others. Now there are many available products that will reliably protect your vineyard from various adversities. If the plant is already sick, and all its green parts are damaged, then, in order to avoid infection of the remaining grape bushes, it is worth digging and burning it, and in its place plant a new variety that is resistant to diseases and pests. Against a spider mite, many insecticides will help you.

To avoid chlorosis, it is necessary to monitor the acidity of the soil, and make the necessary fertilizers in a timely manner.

Grapes are a thermophilic plant that loves the sun and warmth. Growing in the middle lane, we expose it to stress, due to which the immunity of grapes is weakened and does not always cope with the disease. The task of the winegrower is to notice and neutralize any ailment in time. Drying and falling of leaves is not so rare. Before taking action, you need to deal with the reasons.

There are many reasons why vine leaves can dry, and they are all different.

Lack of moisture

Often drying begins when the water regime is disturbed. Despite the fact that grapes love heat, he cannot survive without water. With a lack of moisture, the berries are wrinkled first, then the greenery wilts. If you do not water on time, the leaves will quickly dry and fall off.

With prolonged drought, small roots are suppressed, and nutrients cease to flow to the plant. A bush of grapes may die.

Lack of nutrients in the soil

Drying of greens may be due to a lack of trace elements in the soil. If there is not enough boron or magnesium, the green part between the veins first turns yellow, then turns brown and dries. In this case, the veins on the leaves remain green.

With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves turn yellow and dry, the shoots do not ripen, the bush itself is smaller.

With a lack of potassium, a dry border appears along the edge of the sheet.


In case of a lesion with a spotted mosaic, the veins turn yellow first, then all the tissue becomes stained. After that, the sheet dies.

Often the drying of the leaves, and subsequently the entire bush, is caused by pathogenic microorganisms - fungi. One of these diseases is verticillin wilt. First, the root system is affected, which ceases to fulfill its function and absorb beneficial trace elements and water from the soil. Leaves and stems no longer receive food. Drying starts from the edge of the sheet, it looks like burned. Leaves dry out and fall off completely. Signs of the disease appear in the second or third year after infection.

The foliage problem occurs with chlorosis. Due to a lack of iron, chlorophyll does not produce. The fabric first turns yellow, then the sheet dries and falls off.

With a mildew disease, first light, almost transparent spots are covered, then they become brown. In wet weather, a white coating is noticeable on the lower part of the greenery. In dry, hot weather, it may not be.


The pest that causes the leaves to dry on the grapes is a spider mite. It is very small and not always noticeable immediately. The cobweb at the junction of the leaf with the shoot is proof that a malicious pest attacked the grapes. If you regularly inspect, then you can find it on the lower part of the foliage, even before it damages a significant part of the plant.

What to do if grape leaves turn yellow

If you go around the vineyard every day, carefully inspecting all the plants, paying attention to the slightest deviation from the appearance, then almost any disease can be detected at an early stage. Drying greens indicates that a violation in the development of grapes has gone quite far.

Regularly water the grapes in hot weather. It is necessary to water under the root, make sure that water is absorbed into the ground, and does not flow around.

If you know the acidity of the soil on the site and follow the feeding schedule, you can avoid the development of chlorosis. We noticed signs of a lack of nutrition - feed the grapes, add the missing trace element to the soil. This will not let all the greens dry.

With verticillium wilting, partial pruning, foliar top dressing and regular watering will help.

From a spider mite any insecticides help.

How to fight if the leaves dry around the edges

The edges of grape leaves often dry out when there is a lack of potassium in the soil. It is usually quite simple to feed the grapes with dissolved potassium sulfate, because liquid fertilizer is quickly absorbed by the root system.

Faced with grapevine disease, novice growers often cannot determine why the leaves of the grapes dry, what to do to prevent the death of the plant. There are many factors that affect the condition of the grape bush. Different methods can be used to combat diseases.

When growing grapes there are many difficulties due to which you can lose a good harvest.

Grape Features

To properly prescribe treatment, you must first determine the cause of the disease, find out why the leaves of the grapes dry and wither. Growing a grape culture in the northern regions, it is almost impossible to avoid various diseases of grapes. Bushes covered for winter often suffer from increased humidity and poor air circulation, which favorably affects the multiplication of fungal diseases.

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What are the causes of disease?

The causes of diseases can be hidden not only in climatic conditions. Violation of the composition of the soil, lack of watering, cool or not enough sunny weather also affect the health of the plant. At the same time, not only the color changes and the leaves of the vine dry, but also the vine comb dries out, the berries begin to crumble and the bush weakens significantly.

Infected plants infect neighboring bushes. If no action is taken, the entire vineyard may die. Some of the diseases are quite difficult to treat, so the only way to get rid of them is only replacing the plant with a pathogen that is immune to a specific type of disease.

A distinctive sign of mildew disease are yellow spots on the surface of the leaf.

One of the most common diseases of grapes is called mildew, its causative agent is a fungus that affects the leaves, shoots and berries of grapes. A distinctive sign of the disease is yellow spots on the surface of the leaf and traces of powdery white or grayish plaque on its lower part. This disease is contagious to neighboring vine bushes, so you need to start fighting it immediately, barely noticing the first signs.

Prevention of mildew of grapes can be fennel sown around a grape bush. The main treatment for already diseased plants is treatment with a Bordeaux mixture in the interval between budding and flowering. In the early stages of the disease, treatment with Ridomil Gold is effective, however, if a month or less is left before harvesting, treatment is not recommended.

The second most common is the oidium fungal disease. It manifests itself, as a rule, during periods of drought, and the first sign of the disease is the appearance of characteristic ash-colored spots on the leaves of the plant. Subsequently, the leaves dry and fall, and the berries become cracked and rot.

To avoid the appearance of this fungus, it is necessary that fresh air constantly circulates around the bush and between the shoots of the plant. This requires timely thinning of greens and weeding of weeds. You can eliminate the signs of the disease with a solution of colloidal sulfur, they spray the plant from the outside.

Gray rot also belongs to fungal diseases. It occurs in a warm and humid environment around the plant and spreads to its upper part without affecting the root system. The vernal disease manifests itself in the form of a gray and fluffy coating on the leaves. When the leaves vibrate with the wind, the plaque crumbles, affecting the entire plant. The entire crop is at risk, since the berries of a diseased grape change color to brown and quickly rot.

A solution of baking soda will help get rid of some diseases of grapes.

Of the simple tools that help fight this fungal disease, you can use a solution of drinking soda (0.5 tsp. Per 1 liter of water), which the plant is treated after removing the affected parts.

All leaves and shoots affected by gray rot must not only be removed from the bush, but also burned to prevent the spread of the disease to surrounding plants.

Drying of vine leaves can also be triggered by cercoscosporosis. This is another of the fungal diseases, which manifests itself in the appearance of an olive shade on the underside of the leaves, after which the leaves quickly crumble, and the plaque goes over into bunches, making the berries hardened, and adding a lilac shade to their natural color. Berries peel off at any touch.

The infected parts of the plant must be removed and burned, and the remaining bush treated several times with a Bordeaux mixture.

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Less common grape diseases

Rubella is the oldest known infectious grape disease. The disease manifests itself in the hottest time of the summer season, and, as the name implies, manifests itself in reddening of the leaves of the plant. First, the leaves turn red, then they become thicker, acquiring smoothness and fragility due to a lack of potassium. The application of fertilizer containing 1% potassium nitrate will help to cope with the threat of crop loss. As a rule, fertilizer is applied by spraying before sunrise or after sunset, so that the leaves do not additionally suffer from sunburn.

It will take 3-5 spraying approaches with an interval between them of about 10 days.

Phomopsis disease is manifested by drying of leaves and shoots, and the presence of black spots.

Alternaria disease manifests itself in hot and humid weather. Symptoms are similar to oidium, as they appear as bright spots on the surface of the leaf with necrotic foci in the center. At first, a dry border is formed on the leaves, similar to the symptoms of a lack of potassium. In the rainy period, the leaf darkens, mold forms on it. The berries are first covered with a shade with a metallic sheen, followed by a velvety coating characteristic of mold. For the treatment of grapes in this case, drugs from systemic fungicides are used: “Skor”, “Quadris”, “Super Colfugo”, etc. The time period between treatments is 10-14 days.

A disease that is similar in symptoms to black rot, and is accompanied by escoriosis, drying out of leaves and shoots, and the presence of black spots is called phomopsis. In this case, the disease affects the berries immediately after the flowering period, and they begin to rot after 6-7 weeks. The dried-up clusters and shoots fall away.
Protect the plant from the disease by timely autumn pruning of shoots and burning of damaged parts. Additionally, spraying with Bordeaux liquid or zuparen is used.

Of the pests, a spider mite population can cause leaf redness. To get rid of it, the plant is treated with special preparations.

There is no grape variety that is not susceptible to disease. But you can initially select for cultivation those varieties that are less susceptible to diseases and have increased resistance to fungal diseases.

Timely care, removal of diseased shoots and leaves, top dressing and spraying will help to save both plants and crops.

We treat diseases

In my opinion, disease is the only mortal threat to the vine. The most delicious and beautiful varieties are most affected by diseases. Despite the efforts of breeders, so far this law cannot be overcome. Carriers of mildew resistance genes - the most formidable disease - are varieties with a mediocre taste, high acidity, and, like Isabella, a sharp “fox” flavor. Unfortunately, when trying to cross the grapes tasty and stable, they could not get good offspring for a long time - disease resistance genes are transmitted only together with a bad taste. But now there is hope that with the help of genetic engineering it will be possible to obtain varieties of the highest quality. The grape’s genome will soon be possible to collect “by bricks” from several parents, placing in it genes that protect against diseases and pests, and taste, aroma, color and all that’s all that is good in different varieties and forms.

But for now, protective treatments will have to be done unambiguously. Moreover, according to the scheme and on time, alternating drugs.

The description of diseases is not arranged alphabetically, but according to the degree of their prevalence and harmfulness to grapes.

initial stage

mass defeat


Powdery mildew, persporosis of grapes, the most dangerous disease of grapes, is widespread - everywhere where there are vineyards, there is mildew. The causative agent is a fungus. Lives on living tissues. It affects leaves and green shoots. The mushroom hibernates in spores on fallen leaves and soil, easily tolerates frost and heat. In spring it grows at a temperature of 10 ° C. With wind or rain spray, the spore falls on the back of the leaf.

There can be up to 20 generations of the fungus per season, only the complete death of the plant or a decrease in temperature will stop the reproduction of the pathogen
up to + 13 C.

Outwardly, the disease manifests itself as the appearance of numerous yellowish spots.

In wet weather, the reverse side of the leaf, due to the active propagation of the fungus, is covered with moldy plaque. In dry weather there is no raid.

If the variety is resistant to mildew, the symptoms will be more erased - the spots will be small, quickly dry, may look like punctures with a needle with dried edges. The sheet thus acquires an oily sheen.

Spots appear on the infected green shoots - oblong, first yellowish, then brown. Later they, as well as leaves, are covered with mold.

The tops of shoots on unstable varieties can be especially severely affected. Then the inflorescences that have just begun to cluster in berries are affected. If the infection occurs later, when the berries are already large, bluish-gray depressed spots form under the stem. Later, sometimes already colored berries shrink, turn brown and fall off.

Only a system of preventive, advance treatments will prevent an outbreak of this disease in your vineyard and protect your crop.

- powdery mildew, ashtray - a fungal disease of grapes.
It affects all green parts of grapes at any time during the growing season. Like most fungal diseases of plants, it came to Europe from America in the mid-19th century. It is found everywhere where grapes grow. Especially great damage is caused where early spring and moderately warm summer.

The fungus - the causative agent of oidium - lives only on living tissues. Winters in cracks in the cortex, kidneys in the form of mycelium - mycelium. In the warmest areas of grape cultivation, oidium manifests itself very early - freshly sprouted shoots can be completely covered with moldy plaque. In other regions, the disease manifests itself later on the leaves and clusters in the form of separate spots. Pathogen activation time - temperature +25 C and high humidity. At this time, plaque appears on both sides of the sheet, it is compacted and becomes bright.

Oidium remains on the plant throughout the season and continuously produces spores that can immediately germinate and form new foci of grape damage. Closer to the fall, plaque grows so much that it becomes like felt. Leaves turn yellow, become covered with a dirty gray coating, bend. Young clusters and flowers dry up. If the infection occurred during the period of filling the berries - the skin and flesh crack, the seeds turn out. This is a very characteristic sign for oidium.

Young green shoots may be moldy. With severe damage from the bushes, it can smell of rotten fish. Brown spots of irregular shape sometimes appear on the old vine.

Contributes to the outbreak of the disease warm winter, warm damp spring. In contrast to mildew, prolonged rains stop the spread of oidium. The disease can completely destroy the crop and in 2 - 3 seasons weaken and then destroy the vineyard.
You can deal with oidium with the help of colloidal sulfur, ground sulfur, Tiovit-Jet, Topaz, Skor, Bayleton.

The timing and frequency of processing can be viewed or On the page

Fungal disease of grapes. Distributed everywhere.
In recent years, it has been increasing its harmfulness. The disease is favored by hot, humid weather. It affects leaves, petioles, shoots, berries. The disease outwardly resembles an oidium - shoots are covered with brown or silver spots. At first, light spots with characteristic necrosis in the center appear on the leaves, then the leaf darkens and molds in wet weather. On the berries, the mushroom forms a film, which gives them a light metallic luster, then a velvety coating forms. They wrinkle, and the taste becomes spoiled and unpleasant. If there has been an infection of the clusters in the field, but the development of the disease, for example, due to dry air, has not occurred, then the fungus will easily start growing during storage and spoil the crop already harvested.
To distinguish alternariosis from oidium, you can place the affected part of the shoot or leaf on a damp saucer, cover with a wet glass and put in a warm place - after a few hours, if it is alternariosis, the material is covered with a velvety coating of olive color. Because of this, this disease has another name - olive spotting.

Fungal disease of grapes. Distributed everywhere. Most actively distributed during heavy rains with hail, causing mechanical damage. The causative agent is activated in a humid environment in a wide temperature range from 2 to 30 ° C. For a season can give up to 30 generations. In spring, young leaves and shoots are affected. Brown dry spots with a diameter of 1–5 mm appear on the leaves, surrounded by a brown-black border, sometimes with angular edges. The affected areas are often numerous, they can merge with each other or remain single. The center of the spot dries and turns gray-white. Dry areas often fall out and give them the appearance of “perforated”. Young leaves are most susceptible to infection. Spots can cover the entire leaf, but more often appear along the veins. When necrosis affects the veins, especially on young leaves, the normal development of the leaf is disrupted, which leads to the development of ugly leaves or to their drying. In this case, the tips of the shoots with young leaves look dried and as if burnt.

Young green shoots are most susceptible to anthracnose. In the spring, symptoms of early damage can occur from the opening phase of the first leaf on the leaves and shoots of grapes. Depressed brown-brown, violet-brown or violet-black spots form on them. With the further development of the fungus, they acquire an oval shape and a pinkish-gray color, and can also be combined with each other. The death of shoot tissues causes longitudinal cracking of the bark, sometimes to the core. Wounds take the form of extensive ulcers. Shoots become fragile and break.

Anthracnose also affects the petioles of the leaves and crests of the hands. The defeat of shoots with anthracnose can be confused with their damage by hail. The differences between them are that the edges of the wounds caused by anthracnosis are raised and have a black color.
The brushes are particularly susceptible to anthracnose before flowering and before the ripening of the berries. Damage on ridges is the same as on shoots. Ill inflorescences dry out completely. If the bunch is pinched by necrosis, then the part of the hand below the necrosis fades.

A sign of berry infection with anthracnose is spots, sometimes roundish, sometimes angular, depressed, brownish or gray, surrounded by a narrow dark border. The lesion center first has a purple color, gradually becoming velvety. In general, the pattern of spots is similar to the image of a bird's eye, hence one of the names "Bird's Eye". Berries may crack.

If you place the diseased parts of the plant in a moist and warm environment, then an easily peeling pink or pink-orange coating will appear on them.

The pathogen overwinters in affected shoots and in mummified fruits (lasts up to 5 years). At a temperature of 24-30 ° C and with frequent rains, the incubation period lasts 3-4 days. In dry weather, the spores of the fungus stick together in lumps and do not germinate. If there is enough moisture, the mucus swells, and with drops of rain or watering are transferred to other plants.

The first treatments are carried out with contact preparations based on copper at the time of shoot growth by 5-10 cm, in the future, treatments with systemic fungicides Ridomil, Skor, Artserid, Acrobat) should be carried out with an interval of 10-14 days. After hail, it is imperative to treat fungicides against anthracnose as soon as possible.

Bacterial cancer

Bacterial disease of the vine. It is found everywhere. The causative agent is a mobile bacterium that penetrates the plant through wounds. Under its influence, normal cells turn into tumor cells. Galls (growths) form on the shoots, which causes obstruction of the vessels. This leads to impaired growth and development of parts of shoots located above the tumor. The main source of infection is planting material and infected tools. There are no reliable chemical control agents. It is impossible to eradicate the pathogen from an adult plant. Sick plants with the manifestation of the first signs are better removed from the site and burn. In place of the affected bush, grapes cannot be planted for at least 3 years. There are indications in the literature that it is possible to improve planting material by installing oxytetracycline in a pharmacy solution. Treatment of diseased bushes at a concentration of 500 units. solution every 2 weeks delays the development of the disease in adult bushes for 2 years. This method has not been verified as safe. In Australia and the United States, a group of soil microorganisms has been identified that are natural antagonists of bacterial cancer pathogens.


Sudden and complete death of the plant. It is caused by certain types of pathogens - verticillosis, fusarium, armillariosis. These pathogens are capable of producing toxins. When pathogens enter the conduction system, plants cause general poisoning. The foliage instantly fades, the plant dies before our eyes. At the same time, single bushes suffer. Apoplexy occurs in hot weather in weakened or depleted plants.

Gray rot

Fungal disease, affects many types of plants, is ubiquitous. It can affect shoots, inflorescences, antennae, berries and leaves. Harvest after the defeat of the fungus is not suitable for food. In wet weather, foci can become covered with a dense gray coating, which dusts if touched. In hot and dry weather, the disease proceeds as a noble rot - the berries wilt and accumulate a large amount of sugar. You can make wine out of them.

Verticillosis (wilt).

- fungal disease. The disease develops in hot weather 2 to 3 years after planting, until then the disease develops asymptomatically. The pathogen enters the plant through wounds and root hairs (through the soil). The course of the disease is characterized by rapid wilting of shoots and the death of the plant - apoplexy. In a less acute form, the leaves gradually turn yellow, turn brown and fall partially or completely. In annual shoots, the nodes are lignified unevenly. If you cut across thick roots, boles or wilted shoots, then a black-brown necrosis is visible on the cut. The causative agent persists for 4 - 5 years in the soil, often affects strawberries - it is not recommended to lay vineyards in areas under this crop. Other preventive measures include weed removal, which may be a pathogen carrier.
The treatment has not been developed. If the bushes do not die within 5 - 6 years, then they will completely recover spontaneously.


Fungal disease affects more than 200 species of plants. Develops on the roots. The fungus penetrates the root cortex, releases extremely toxic toxins. The poisoned wood dies and the mycelium settles in it. The penetration of the pathogen causes white peripheral rot. The disease manifests itself in the spring. Leaves fade. The roots become brown, soft, rotten. White films of mycelium form on the inner side of the cortex. Even a single focus of infection can lead to the death of the entire plant. In autumn, with the onset of the wet period, fruit bodies of the fungus appear on diseased or dead plants — legs 5–15 cm tall, caps 4–12 cm in diameter, brownish-yellow.
To prevent the spread of the disease, dead plants must be immediately removed and burned, the soil shed with a solution of copper sulfate. To prevent the passage of mycelium from natural foci to the vineyard, the vineyard is separated from the forest, forest belts, neglected areas, and a ditch.

Viral diseases

A group of infectious diseases that cause viruses. The virology of grapes has been studied little, most diseases have only been described, there are about 35 in total. The pathogen is transferred from a diseased plant to a healthy one only with infected juice — vaccination, sucking insects, nematodes, pruning of the sick and healthy plants with the same instrument, and reproduction by parts of the infected plant. The picture of the disease is always different - sometimes the plant can be an asymptomatic virus carrier (due to good immunity or varietal resistance), in some instances the virus lesion can have a vague, fuzzy picture, and in some cases the disease proceeds quickly with pronounced lesions.

The first group is NEPO viruses - presumably spread by nematodes and planting material - cause:

Short-stemmed grapes - the leaves are curled at the same time, take an asymmetric shape, the venation becomes abnormal. Abnormally short internodes alternate with normal internodes, nodes are sometimes double, shoots are flattened and forked. Berries fall, bushes degenerate.

Yellow grape mosaic - in spring, young leaves and shoots are yellow, then yellow spots or stripes appear on the leaves. The clusters are small with peas. Bushes practically do not grow and degenerate.

Veining - In late spring - early summer, chrome-yellow stripes appear along the veins. Growth stops, bushes wither.

Rucus mosaic virus (mosaic arabis), Tomato black ring spot virus, Raspberry ring spot virus, Strawberry latent ring spot virus - less harmful viruses, may not manifest themselves for a long time, when plants are weakened - common lethal symptoms appear - a sharp growth lag, curly leaves, uncharacteristic color of shoots and leaves, and ultimately the death of bushes.
Similar symptoms - variegated staining, leaf deformation, growth and developmental retardation, wood furrow, discoloration of young shoots give
Grape ring spot virus, Grape chrome mosaic virus, Grape rosette virus other.
From diseased plants were isolated
Tobacco necrosis virus, X-potato virus, Bushy dwarf tomato virus, Alfalfa mosaic virus.

To the poorly known
Asteroid (star) mosaic of grapes (promiscuous chlorotic spots on leaves with central necrosis and leaf deformation),ainashiki disease - the disease manifests itself on ripe berries (sugar in the berries decreases, ripening is delayed, an unpleasant taste appears),Grape enalisation disease (parallel outgrowths 0.3–5 cm long and 0.2–0.3 cm wide appear on the lower leaves, the leaves are deformed, the shoots are twisted, and later the bush is restored).

More widely distributed in grape wood furrow tier - (longitudinal grooves and pits appear on the bark, the bark is thickened and loose, growth is stopped, and the bushes quickly die),Grape Red Virus (leaves fade, turn yellow, and then immediately turn red and fall off),Grapes marbling virus, Vein necrosis virus, Vine graft mosaic virus.
The expressed picture gives
Grape leaf twisting virus - in the second half of summer, the leaves turn yellow or red before the time - the strip along the central vein remains green. The leaves themselves thicken, become brittle and twisted, the crop does not ripen.
Control measures: bushes with signs of viral diseases immediately uproot. On a vacant place, grapes cannot be planted for 5 years.

White rot
(white mouth, urban disease)

This fungal disease often occurs on berries damaged by sunburn or hail. The time of its appearance is the achievement by berries from half of the usual size to the stage of softening, which corresponds to the time from mid-June to the end of August. At high temperature (from 18 to 30 C) and high humidity, the disease proceeds very quickly. In a matter of hours, the berries turn brown, acquire a scalded appearance and wrinkle.

Root rot

It is found in soils with excessive moisture. It is caused by a fungus that can exist on dead parts of the plant and, under certain conditions, switch to weakened specimens of grapes. In affected plants, white strings of the fungus appear between the bark and wood. Often they cover all the roots with a solid white mass. Sick bushes grow poorly, they have short internodes and yellow leaves. After 2 to 3 years from the onset of the disease, the plant completely dies. The disease can develop as secondary after root damage to the phylloxera. Tumors caused by the pest are destroyed and diseased tissues become infected with the fungus. The root system dies in 2 - 3 years.
Control measures: drainage on wet sites, destruction of diseased plants, if the site is infected with phylloxera, then plant the grapes grafted onto phylloxera-resistant stocks.


Grape necrosis

Fungal disease - affects ripening berries, shoots and wood. Affected berries acquire a black-bluish color, covered with black tubercles. The disease spreads when hot weather and long rainfall coincide. The causative agent is stored on plant debris.
Control measures: after the onset of the disease - carefully remove the affected parts from the bushes, after the leaf fall, remove all residues from the site, treat the bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid. If the vineyard is planned to be prophylactically treated against mildew, then the appearance of the disease is excluded.

This is a group of diseases with similar symptoms - the dying off of large sections of perennial wood. May be infectious or caused by adverse conditions.
Spotted necrosis or dry sucking - a disease of a fungal nature - infection occurs during the shelter of the vine with soil in the winter. Brown spots appear on the vines, they grow, merge, as a result, the branches die off.
Vascular necrosis of wood - a disease of seedlings, causes darkening of the core and their death in the future.
Bacterial necrosis, Oleiron’s disease, bacterial wilting - affects the entire aerial part. On perennial parts appear black, deeply pressed, with a brown border spots. In inflorescences, normal flowers alternate with blackened ones. The shoots in the nodes break and dry out. In spring, the lower buds do not germinate, and the upper ones give wrinkled, chlorotic shoots. The causative agent is a bacterium. The disease can last for many years in an unexpressed form, and flare up in the cold spring. If there is a suspicion of infection, the treatment is carried out until the buds bloom with 5% Bordeaux fluid, after blooming another 2 times 2%. Heavily damaged bushes must be uprooted.
Non-infectious necrosis can be caused by frost, a deficiency of potassium, magnesium, the effects of toxic smoke and more.

Grape burns

Non-infectious damage to plant tissues caused by high temperature (41 C and above) and excessive solar radiation. Leaves turn yellow in whole or in part. Damaged areas die off. The berries do not ripen. They acquire a red-brown color, wrinkle. Sugar does not accumulate. In areas where such damage is possible, it is necessary to choose a formation where the bunches are closed by foliage. Sometimes you can untie the vertical growth and lay it along the bunches, that is, close the bunches from direct sunlight. The soil must be kept moist - this will help the plant withstand the heat.


Penicillosis or Blue mold is a fungal disease of grapes. Starts with a small, watery, light brown spot. As the stain grows, the stain grows, it is pressed slightly, then it is covered with a greenish-gray, or olive coating. The berry acquires a moldy taste and smell. Appears on berries at the time of ripening. Most often in rainy and warm times, on plants damaged by mildew or pests.


Fungal disease of grapes. The first signs of the disease - yellowing of the tissues between the veins of the upper leaves - appear 7 to 10 days before flowering. Short stems may appear on diseased shoots. The leaves are small, stepsons appear in large numbers and they are thinned. This form of the disease is called cottis. Growth is markedly weakened. In June, the leaves turn yellow massively. With the onset of hot weather, the green color may return. The berries on the infected bushes are substandard - small, unpainted. The bush may die.
Externally, the bushes have signs of chlorosis caused by physiological causes. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to make a cross-section of thick branches, and preferably a stem, dead vessels will be visible on the section, and the wood of the stem base and perennial wood will be painted pink.
The disease often develops in cold and wet springs.
With systematic treatments of the vineyard with a Bordeaux mixture, infection can be prevented. Feeding with ammonium nitrate can sometimes improve the condition of the bushes.

Bacterial spotting


E then a whole group of diseases that cause bacteria. A characteristic feature of these infections is the appearance of specific spots on leaves, ridges, stalks and berries. Bacterioses are widespread and can cause significant damage to the crop.

The disease on the berries begins with a small yellow spot deep in the tissue - this is the place where the pathogen penetrates. Then, in this place, a depression quickly forms which acquires a brown color. Infection occurs mainly through damaged skin - hail, sucking pests (most often cicadas ), or particles of flying soil or mowed weeds from the row-spacings during their processing. Some weeds may be involved in the spread and conservation of bacteria, such asfield loach

A characteristic difference between the defeat of bacteriosis and oidium is that with bacteriosis, the affected tissues fall deep into the berry, and with the defeat of oidium, they are squeezed out with the seeds.

Within 10 days, the berries dry and fall. In the future, they will serve as a source of infection. The development of infection is possible from the beginning of flowering to the start of ripening. There is no cure. It is necessary to collect diseased berries and remove from the site. According to some reports, treatment with a Bordeaux mixture or antibiotics of the ampicillin series can reduce the incidence rate. Prevention is possible with Fitolavin.

On the stalks and ridges, the disease manifests itself in the form of brown necrotic spots on the stalks and branches of the ridges. Ill brushes quickly fade, flowers and berries fall off. Such infection is possible only during the flowering period. The causes of infection and control measures are the same.