Cactus on cactus how to care. How to grow cacti from seeds at home

There is an opinion that these houseplants Good radiation is absorbed. That is why cactis very often put next to the technique. These flowers are particularly popular with computer users. Although cacti do not need careful care, but they can get sick and die. That is why you need to know how to care for cactus at home. First, let's learn the features of these colors.

About flower

The birthplace of this plant is America. Cacti are distributed in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru and other countries where semi-desert are located. Forest species Live in tropical jungle. Wild cacti grow to gigantic sizes. If you divide this plant for two types on their place of habitat, then we get:

  1. Desert.
  2. Forest.

For each of these species need special care. First you need to decide on the variety of cactus.

At home, we most often meet the dwarf individuals of this plant. Small-sized cactis are obtained by selection.


Popular desert species


Echinocereus of Knippel.

Echinocactus Cargo.

Ceresian Peruvian.

Hamcereus Sylvester.

Pletoid aporakactus.

Espola woolly.


Prickly pear.

Capricorn astrophitum.


Very often, cacti are breeding people who love flowers, but forget them to water. Fortunately, these plants can be long without watering. But it is not worth stopping it, the flower uses all its stocks and will definitely die. That this does not happen, as well as that the cactus bloom must adhere to the rules for the care and placement of this type of plants.

The soil

Soil for cacti can be bought. But there are several disputes arising between flower companies. Some argue that the cactis will suit the universal soil from the store. Others are just cooked at home.

If you feel about the second type of people, then familiarize yourself with the main ingredients for the manufacture of soil for cactus at home.



Where to find

Brick crumb

Stops excess moisture

Smash the red brick hammer.


Disinfects the soil

Coal from burned deciduous trees.

River sand

Mandatory for this type of plants. Helps the soil remain loose

On a river beach. Wash before use.


Feeds the soil if it is not rich in useful trace elements

From spring to spring, the cow humid is overwhelmed. At this time, it covers with leaves.

Greenhouse land

Replaces the clay-turf soil

In the garden

Clay-turf soil

Replaces leafy land

Under thick grass growing near the forest or garden.

Sheet land

Absorbs water, saturated nutrient substances

In April, find a place with deciduous trees, from under the snow and foliage the ground is taken.

Basic requirements for soil:

  1. Looseness.
  2. Shears water.
  3. Skip air.
  4. Weak acidity.

Landing Capacity

The size of the pot depends on the size of the roots of the plant. If they grow styling, then it is worth choosing a wide capacity. If the roots are long, then the pot must be deep.

Important! Do not buy a big pot right away. It must be a little more root roots.

Material Pot does not matter. But it is worth remembering that large-sized cacti can turn the plastic container. For such species it is better to choose clay pots.


Although cactuses and take root in semi-deserts, but house varieties These plants require another climate. In winter, during heating seasonThese flowers suffer from batteries. No need to have a pot next to the heaters. Best place the cactus on the windowsill, away from the heating device.

Important! These plants do not like drafts.

Air humidity

Cactus consists of water. Therefore, the room must be the average humidity. If it is small, the flower will quickly lose its water reserve. Big - rot.


Indoor cacti looks like their desert relatives for love for light. The solar place should belong to this plant. In winter, it is better to use additional lighting, with a lamp. If the cactus is not allowed, it will get sick.



  1. Spring - 1 time in 2 days.
  2. Summer - 1 time / 2 days + follow the humidity.
  3. Autumn - 1 time / 6 days.
  4. Winter - 1 time / 10 days + follow the temperature in the room.

Important! When watering, water should not fall on the flower.


Important! It is impossible to feed during flowering in the winter.

The plant needs fertilizer at the end of March. After the coming of September with the feeding need to be closed. The plant begins at rest period.

Period of rest

All cactuses need rest. At this time, the flower is better located in a cool darkened place. Reduced watering.


Two main types of breeding:

  1. Using cuttings.
  2. With the help of seeds.

Method number 1.

Just and reliably. Separate a stalk. Put it in a cup with water until the roots appear. Transplant to the soil.

Important! The cut slicer must be dried in the sun.

Method number 2.

Important! The soil must be wet constantly.

After the appearance of the needles, planted in a pot. A month later, these plants take care of the same way as adults.


Time: March, April, May.

Small cacti transplant every year. Adults - every 3 years.

4 days before the transplantation ceases to water. The process itself does not differ from the transplant of other plant species. After that you need to cover the flower with a can. At the same time, watering is done every day for 4 days.

Important! Blooming cacti do not transplant.

Diseases and pests

All diseases of the plant due to improper care. First you need to determine why your plant is indignant.

Disease Cause
Not growing There may be various reasons.
Whitewher Lack of moisture.
Changes color Fast change of conditions: rearranged to another place, the temperature changed.
Fall leaves or spines Stress, change in care.
Emptying from Officon Damaged roots.
Spots Flower
Wounds Mechanical damage.
Rotted roots Overbilling of moisture or frequent watering.
Do not bloom Little light

Several tips, care for cactis at home:

  1. In the summer, the plant can be taken to the cottage. Or put on the balcony.

Among the huge number decorative plants, a special place is occupied by cacti. Cacti were delivered to Europe from the countries of South, Central and North America. Plants are distinguished by resistance to the desert climate and the lack of moisture. Therefore, many have the impression that cactus is unpretentious plant. It is such an erroneous point of view that leads to inaccuracies in the care and death of the plant. We will tell how to properly care for home cactus.

Choose a pot

Best Material For a pot under the cactus there will be plastic. When choosing a pot for cactus, its geometric shape is important. Given the peculiarities of the root plant of the plant, it is better to choose high pots. If the height is more width Pot one and a half times - this is the perfect ratio. The plastic pot prevents the evaporation of water, thus protecting the soil from salinization.

We select ground for a pot

For cultivation of cacti, usually select special soil mixtures. You can take a mixture, which in the same proportion contains: leaf, turf, river sand. The composition of the soil in the pot depends on the types of cacti. For cacti that have white spines, the ground is needed, which will be lime. Old cactuses need feeding in the form of peat or humus. With not correctly selected composition of the soil in the pot, root system Cactus can start grew. If this happens, you should clean the root system, removing the spoiled parts.

Planting process

By choosing a pot and soil, we turn to the landing of the cactus. Transplantation and planting plants are better spent in spring. At the bottom of the pot put a layer of drainage (small clay, large sand). On a third of the height of the pot, the main ground mass is falling asleep, the roots of the plant are lowered into it. It is not worthwhile to the ground. Top layer of soil can be sprinkled river sand or small pebbles. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not contain a large amount of moisture.

Proper lighting

In summer, the plant can be reached on a well-lit place. If you live in the city, you should cover a cactus film - it will save it from dust, ultraviolet, rain. If you notice on the "burns" cactus, treat it with a special mixture magnesium sulfate. Young plants are better to keep in a half, if the plant began to change the color - this is the first sign of the sun burn.


Watering plants depends on many factors. Do not water cacti in the rainy time and winter. In the spring plant (especially if it starts to grow) better spray. Since the end of the summer it's time to prepare a plant for winter and gradually cutting watering. If your plant has a large number of barns, it is useful to make regular spraying with water. In the use of feeding, you need to act carefully. Usually, the feeding is used during the period of active growth. The most common is the feeding of Kadatsky: 40 G. Selitras, 25 g. Fosphospionate in potassium, 15 g. 20 percent superphosphate, 10 g. - Merralist of potassium, 9 g. - Potassium chloride, 1 g. - Magnesium sulfate (based on 1 liter of water).

Care in winter

In winter, the growth of the plant stops. To get a similar result of the house, you need to burn the plant with a film or glass from the rest of the room (or balcony). Should be observed temperature mode - About +10 degrees. At a temperature of +5 degrees and below, the plant can freeze.

How do cactuses multiply?

For searches, you can use cuttings or seeds. The easiest to use seeds. The process of reproduction of cacti with the help of seeds requires careful care. Seeds are grown in greenhouse under lamps. During growth, it is necessary to provide a very wet atmosphere - you can cover the greenhouse glass. Sow seeds at the end of winter, not to bring down the cyclicality of wintering. In the greenhouse need to control the illumination, the lamps should be at an altitude of more than 5 cm. From young plants.

The reproduction of cuttings is more complex and not available to all types of cacti. Cutted cuttings sits in the ground vertically in wet soil (better with sand), after which it is covered with a film or a glass. The cutlets develop at a temperature of about +25 degrees.

Care for months

  1. March is the beginning of spraying and season of irrigation.
  2. April - Preparation of plants to transplants, removal of film protection.
  3. May and June - an increase in the intensity of polishes. Plant can be reached on the balcony.
  4. July - the plant should be transferred to the half-day. Water 1 time per week.
  5. August and September - to protect against rain. Reducing watering, processing by pesticides.
  6. October and November - cacti worth keeping on the street until the minimum temperature is +3 degrees. As soon as it becomes colder, transfer plants to the house for wintering.
  7. December and January - wintering, follow the temperature regime.
  8. In February, inspections are conducted for the presence of pests and the presence of seedlings.

Video lessons

Among the home plants there are many exotic species. Some have big sizes, while others eat small insects. However, among them there is one unconditional leader - cactus. This snapped with needles flower is present in almost every apartment. Many people find it very attractive especially during flowering.

Cactus Easy to grow from seeds yourself

Love cactus as well as its vegetative breeding method. If desired, it is not difficult to withdraw a huge plantation at home.

The cultivation of cacti from seeds has some features, but with more detailed study on the site website you can deal with all the nuances yourself.

Preliminary work an important step On the way to its own agrotechnical production. It will be necessary to purchase equipment, study the appropriate material and be patient. In ideal conditions, the bloom of the first cactus comes 5 years after disembarking.

Only verified seeds from the most successful plantations are selected. The process of growing cactus is long, so if there is defects in the plant, frustration will be strong. There is no point in the purchase of seeds.

Flower the first cactus is not soon

Seeds themselves need to rinse in the relevant ass. Especially small species put on gauze tissue and run warm water. An important point Age remains. You need to look after growing only fresh material. The best choice There is a period of up to two years.

When germination, it is worth controlling the temperature and humidity according to the requirements of the selected type of cactus. They differ in each other, which makes the whole process difficult. The needs of the sprout in water are taken into account. For adult moisture species is not so critical, but for germinated seed is vital.

Cacti cheerful family

The soil falling asleep in a wide pot, combine from perlite and coarse sand. Capacity must be filled more than half, but not to the edges. To eliminate the defeat of the cactus fungus it is necessary to take into account drainage system To remove excess water. It is advisable to make several holes at the bottom so that the main amount of water has been held in the soil.

On top of the soil you need to lay a dense layer small brick, sand coarse-grained or basalt. This protective layer will not give the opportunity to go on fertile land. Cacti requires increased protection against fungus and other dangerous plants, which will be multiplied by them.

Cactus cultivation process itself

At home we build mini greenhouse. Cacti due to the specifics of their growth in wildlife are accustomed to hot conditions.

Approximately the same conditions must be created inside the homemade greenhouse. Optimal temperature All breeders consider to +25 ° C. From deviations, variation is allowed within 10 ° C. Even useful in some cases can be considered a temperature of +15 ° C, but not lower.

Important: breeders advise to equip mini-greenhouse with their own heaters and thermostats. Cannot be trusted room temperature Cactus growth control. Even minimal draft slows down the growth processes due to air cooling, only closed greenhouses with heating elements equipped in them.

Other mini-greenhouse requirements:

  • planting the greenhouse is allowed only on the sunny side of the room
  • straight sun rays are contraindicated
  • when heating the air inside the design with seeds, room temperature is taken into account
  • excessive moisture should freely evaporate from pallets

Seed sowing process itself

Purchase seeds need tight to each other. If you take an area of \u200b\u200b2 by 2 cm, it should be obtained up to 20 grains. Cactus used to grow families. Thanks to the small group, the growth should be more intense than with a lonely landing. After laying the grain to the soil, it is slightly pressed with a finger or other medium softness.

Soil on top of seed does not fit. The sun rays during the day should fully illuminate the entire area of \u200b\u200bsowing. But besides the light, there is still water. An ordinary watering can not flood it. Breeders take the entire container with a cactus and put it in a water vessel. Only when impregnation of the upper layer, the process of moisturizing can be considered complete (water should flow through the drainage holes at the bottom).

Board of breeders: 0.5% Chinosol will help protect the young from defeating his fungus. For the preparation of the composition, one tablet dissolves on 2 liters of water. It is not recommended to abuse chemicals.

We observe the growth of the cactus

The cactus itself from the seed appears not earlier than two weeks. All this time, we water the earth or wet it any other in a convenient way. The moisture in the soil constantly supplies the plant with everything necessary, thereby speeding up its growth.

Do not forget about the humidity of the soil

After a crossing of four months, the need for mini-greenhouse disappears. Now the cactus gets out of the shelter to the usual place in the apartment, but with a sufficient number of daylight. The windowsill is not suitable due to the risk of ultraviolet rays penetrating the plant with straight sunshine. Optimally will put the pot on the table near the window.

For a few months need to form the roots of the cactus. Subsequently, it can be transferred to any other land. Already formed adult sprout does not require abundant irrigation. Sometimes it is recommended for prevention into irrigation water to add potassium phosphate.

Growing rare plants From seeds - real pleasure for flowerfall. And to grow from seeds such exotic as cacti - this is not something incredible. And, nevertheless, they are not much difficult to grow, subject to certain conditions. And mass positive emotions From this process will be provided!

Experienced cactusists have special tubers with lamps and reflectors intended for this sacrament. But for the successful absorption of their own, they are causing all these attributes are not necessary, although desirable. Cacti from the seeds can be quite possible without these "frills", there would be a desire and good quality Seeds:

Preparation of sowing inventory for growing cactus

It is better to sow each view separately, or two types together in small boxes (for example, children's cubes), which are then comfortable to make one common toss.

It is also possible to sow in one plastic or ceramic candes with a depth of at least 3 cm, which is divided by vertical partitions to cells. Place of seeding of each species marks the number or title. Pre-lei dishes should be thoroughly washed and disinfected by a strong solution of potassium mangartee, chlorine lime or formalin. Ceramic dishes are advisable to boil. All preparation is performed on the eve of sowing.

Preparation of the sowing substrate for growing cactus

The substrate for sowing should be well air and water permeable, poor nutrients capable of keeping moisture, have a weakly acidic reaction (PH-6) and be sterile. This requirements satisfy a mixture of equal parts of a sifted leaf land and a large washed sand that does not contain lime, with a small addition of sifted peat ns powder of charcoal. More complex compositions of noticeable benefits do not have.

For sterilization, the finished mixture is refucing into a saucepan, well moisturized, close tightly with a lid and placed in the oven, where the temperature of 200-250 ° C is maintained. Three liters of the mixture are sterilized 1-1.5 hours. For a smaller amount of the mixture, the duration of sterilization is reduced.

The sterilization is also conveniently carried out over the steam in the pumping boiler. After sterilization, the substrate should remain wet. Sterilization is performed on the eve of sowing. For drainage use fine pebbles, well washed and boiled.

Preparation of cactus seeds at home

The process of preparing seed cacti to landing is similar to many vegetable plants. Making them in a solution of mangartee will help speedy germination, and the rotation process will be minimized.

It is important to remember that after a day after soaking, the seeds can be planted. A longer powering in water will lead to the appearance of long sprouts, which, unfortunately, are easily rolled.

Landing cactus seeds at home

Three layers should turn out in any plant for landing: the first - drainage, then a layer of prepared soil, which should be sealing to remove the formed emptiness, upper layer More loose and small, for this, the soil must be sifted through the siete.

Align the surface, plant seeds, using a needle or a small tassel, additionally moisturize. From above, it is necessary to create a shelter from transparent plastic or glass, set the containers into a warm light place. For moisturizing, use a pipette or a spray gun, prevent the cut. Monitor the temperature that should be within + 25 ° C.

After 2-3 months you can already conduct a diverse of shoots that contributes to hermit Collective plants and reduction of diseases.

A few words about picking cacti

Passed cacti, on which the first spines and gentle hairs began to break through, be sure to transplant, and together with a nickname of land around the root. In a separate pot, a thick drainage layer is equipped, and then fill the container with a substrate for cacti. The surface of the Earth is very thoroughly align, make a small deepening in it and placed there young plant. Roots sprinkle with a thin layer fertile soil. The little sprout is placed in a warm, bright room, protected from direct sun rays, and are moderately watered (as the soil dried).

Cactus Costs

If the signs of growth is not noticed, you need to remember the rule: in doubtful cases, do not water! Always more dangerous excess water than its disadvantage. This is especially important for winter when most cacti is completely dry, of course, with cold content. Low temperatures For many cacti, they are necessary to bloom in the next growing season.

It is cold, but the bright content is sometimes the greatest difficulty in the room culture of cacti. Cold, but the dark room is not suitable here. Many cacti, especially blooming in spring, and during recreation require maximum light. Despite the cold wintering, sometimes cacti flowering is not possible. The reason is that these species are dealing with young plants that have not yet matured to the flowering stage. Certain cacti, such as small-scale, cefalotcereus, the esposta form flowers only in a certain blossom zone, it is called cephalium. This zone is covered with thick, mostly yellow or brown hairs or bristles, which are sitting as a cap on the top or side sometimes at column-shaped cacti (the so-called lateral cefalius).

How to water cactus at home

Watering during growth and flowering is carried out abundant, but water should not be stood in a pot. Water with warm water, but in no case on the flowers. Well, if you will spray with water every day.
During the period of flowering and bootonization, two weeks carry out feeding (root and extractive) ready mixes For forest cacti rich in potassium and moderate nitrogen content that is harmful to roots in large quantities.

What will be the lighting

Lighting. In the light, cacti need already at the earliest stage of life - during germination. Of course, like many homemade cultures, direct sunlight they will be harmful. Therefore, it is desirable to put the tray on the sunny window, but it is mandatory to priest.

In addition to all listed factors, cacti spacins are very necessary fresh air. How to ensure its access to greenhouse? It is enough to do several small holes in the lid or simply to move it from time to time to air. The first time it can be done a week after sowing. The lid needs to be taken just a couple of minutes to remove the condensate, but not to overcohe out the small "cactis." At night, the lid should be tightly closed.

Cactus blossom

Flowers can form either in the top area, or at the base of the stem cactus, this is an important feature in determining. They are not long saved by par plants, sometimes only a few hours. Some cacti have a kind of feature - bloom at night, because in their homeland is pollinated by night butterflies or battle mice. Flowers evaporate a lot of moisture, so for a long time the plant can not solve such a luxury.

Thanks to the spines, many cacti are very attractive and not in a blooming state. They are not too demanding. It is enough to remember, in what conditions cactuses dwell, for example in the mountains, and it will become clear why they need to raise enough. Many species useful significant differences in night and daytime temperatures, they give stronger spines and more abundant blossom. When buying plants, it is recommended to choose species with especially beautiful spines.

The most common ways of reproduction of cacti - seed, vegetative and vaccination method. Each of them has its advantages and cons, but in any case, without special training here is not to do. This topic deals with many books, there are special forums where experienced cactusists share their secrets. Here you will learn how to propagate the cactus at home by seeds, kids, cuttings and vaccination.

Reproduction of home cacti seeds

Enthusiastic cactius call cacti collections in a beautiful spectacle. Perhaps this is some exaggeration, but the appearance of blooming cacti can hit the most indifferent to them.

Meanwhile, the flowers of cacti are not only evidence of the successful work of the cactusist and not only the decoration of the collection. It - prerequisite The reproduction of cacti at home, although many plants (and most other succulents) can perfectly multiply and vegetatively, to obtain full-fledged specimens of most types of seeds are needed.

Cacti flowers are usually scarets. Representatives of certain species can tie seeds and without reversal. W. separate species Seeds can be obtained by carrying pollen from the stamens on the pestle of the same flower. But this method of obtaining seeds is undesirable - as well as nearby crossing in animals, it leads to the weakening of genetic qualities and degeneration. The same applies to the resellers of nearby plant flowers (from seeds from one parent instance).

Optimal is the oversight of unrelated copies originating from one natural population. In culture, such an opportunity is rare, which leads to a decrease in the quality of cultivated plants.

In general, seed production is a special and demanding professionalism, therefore it is better to use seeds submitted by reliable firms.

If you still want to reproduce the cacti seeds obtained by itself, note that for successful recovery it is necessary that the flowers have been fully developed and fully open. Before multiplying a cactus in this way, remember that the anthers should be mature (pollen should be easily separated from them), and the shares of the pestle, saved and slightly wet. Pollen is transferred to a soft tassel or a tampon from the stamens on the pistil stil. And if the conditions allow you to simply bring one flower to another.

Seeds are collected after the full ripening of fruits, carefully separate from the residues of the pulp and store in a dry cool place.

The cultivation of seed cacti used for most species, serious and time-consuming work, requiring certain skills and special equipment. Therefore, even solid collectors often prefer not to acquire seeds, but the subtle seedlings.

On these photos, the reproduction of cacti seeds is shown:

Vegetative reproduction: how to propagate cacti kids and cuttings

Vegetative reproduction of cacti - stalling or chains - make it easier. Some species have evolutionary devices for such reproduction - easily separated from parent plant side shoots - Babes, often equipped with tenacious spines. In nature, prickly kids, like the fruits of the buried, are spread by animals (in general, in nature, the vegetative reproduction in cacti is spread quite widely). Typically, the place of kids with a maternal stem is very narrow and already in early age Equipped with staple roots. When breeding cacti kids, rooting does not represent problems - it is enough to put a baby on any wet substrate, and it quickly develops the root system. The plant grown from the kids is practically no different from the maternal. But before reproducing cactus kids, consider that this method used for a long time leads to a decrease in the quality of plants and at least a periodic resumption of seeds should be maintained by the normalization of culture.

It is more difficult to deal with the vegetative reproduction of cacti, not giving children. Fast-growing species (epiphyetic, ceremonic, empty) breeding with cuttings - stem pieces. Before multiplying Cactus with cuttings, choose a healthy overwhelmed, but not an old (unreserved) escape or a plot of stem and cut off with a sharp disinfected tool. The slice on the parent plant is better to do in the most narrow place (in segmented plants - between segments) and it is better to leave the cut on the cutken in the narrowest place, but for Ceres and Epifillaums it is recommended to make a new cut in a wider place. Places of sections on plants and cuttings are dried (in the sun, in a dry atmosphere, sprinkling disinfectants and stimulating the formation with the roots of drugs) cuttings are dry, not on open Sun., in a vertical position of the cut down. After drying out the slice location (no earlier than three days), you can begin rooting. In general, the cuttings are saved for a long time - several months. The cuttings of some species, such as epiphylet cacti, are quite rooted even in a thin layer of water, others form roots simply in the air - supplied to an empty glass or pot. But usually for reproduction of cuttings, the cuttings are rooted in a wet, preferably disinfected substrate (sand, mineral crumb, peat, sphagnum or a conventional earth mixture). After the development of the root system, the plants are planted as with a conventional transplant.

For vegetative reproduction Sometimes kids and shooting shoots grow artificially, cutting off or damaging the top of the stem. But the plants obtained in this way are always less qualitative than grown from seeds.

The plants that have lost the roots or the lower part of the stem are also rooted; The tops of old or disfigured plants. This is a very difficult and ungrateful thing: due to the extensive plane of the cutting plant, the plant is difficult to protect against the rotation, but even during successful rooting its normal form, especially at the location of the root in the stem, is often not restored. In addition, for such plants, despite the external attractiveness, a reduced viability is characterized.

Some species give a lot of root siblings and underground stalls, on which new plants are formed. In the bored thick bush or Kurtin it is not difficult to find independent, rooted and lost relationship with the maternal stalk of the plant. They can be easily separated (especially during transplantation) and immediately fall into separate dishes.

Look at the breeding video of cacti different ways At home:

Grafting at home: how to instill cacti (with photos)

The vaccination of cacti is, on the one hand, the method of vegetative reproduction, on the other - the way they are maintained. In the second case, the vaccination has a number indisputable advantages: allows you to quickly get large blooming cacti makes it possible to maintain difficult in the cornesological culture (that is, growing on our own roots), plants helps save seriously affected specimens; Preserves an abnormal forms unstable in the core-growing culture. However, in addition to the latter, all these advantages are good only for a short time.

As can be seen in the photo, graft cacti are very beautiful:

But, as a rule, such plants are relatively short-lived; In an adult, vaccinations often need more complex activities to preserve them than the cornesological plants; Decorativeness and collection value of vaccinations lower than the core plants; Many types of vaccination in principle cannot achieve their normal state.

The technique of vaccinations of cacti at home is no less difficult than sowing, and also requires certain skills and equipment. In conventional flower growing, the need for its development, as a rule, does not occur.

However, creating a wonderful grafted plant is simply interesting, in addition, it may be necessary to rescue the affected plant. Therefore, at least general ideas About vaccination is needed to all who are interested in cacti.

There are many techniques and ways to vaccinate cacti, including very complex, and witty. Only their description may take a whole book. But the principle of vaccinations is one: as closely can be connected to the lead and diving at the site of the passage of their beams of conductive tissues. Reasonable conditions that need to be observed in the process of how to instill cactus at home: cleanliness and sterility, combining conductive beams, the presence of some pressure pressure on the dating, stimulation of stock growth before and after vaccination, maintaining a wet sterile environment around the vaccination location before tightening places Cut.

The simplest vaccination is carried out like this: Cut the top of the stock and the lower part of the curtain, connect to the lead with a trip in such a way that their conductive beams coincide at least partially pressing the thread with a thread, rubber band or cargo and cover the vaccination with a cap (glass, plastic) or placed in the closing container.

Look at the video how to instill cacti to better understand how this agricultural reception is performed: