Speech Plato Karataev. The cooking "Plato Karataev in the novel" War and Peace

The personification of all Russian people, the quintessence of his best qualities, became the image of Plato Karataev in the novel. Despite the fact that he appears very briefly, this character carries a huge semantic load and is in the work of one of the main.

Plato Karataev is a Russian soldier who met Pierre Duhov, hitting the French. For Bezuhova, who lived with him by side of about a month in inhuman conditions, Plato forever remained a bright, unforgettable memory, the embodiment of the philosophical depths and wisdom of the Russian people.

Plato Karataev in the past was peasants, was married. In the army I was hit by an unfair decision of the court for the deforestation of the Barsky Forest. But, despite all the injustice of the life and military service, Plato did not stumble. He loves all people, including the French, every living being, the whole world, feeling him in an integral part. And this love helps him take all the strikes of fate submissively and with wisdom, which is reflected in the people who are constantly used by him. In a word, a voice, sympathy of karatayev, able to console all who needed consolation.

Pierre Duhov met Plato Karataev at the moment of a deep mental crisis. Seeing how the French shot prisoners, Pierre lost faith in humanity, in the meaningfulness of his acts. The words spoken by Plato at the time of their first communication, contained the folk wisdom about the limb of suffering and that life is longer. What a little guess this illiterate peasant is the only true tone, which was so necessary for the desperate Pierre? Maybe his words and actions were the result of inner harmony based on faith in justice and the feasibility of all that is happening in the world, for for all God's will? Related peasant philosophy of patience, submission of fate, willingness to suffer for people and faith in the celebration of justice committed in the mind of Pierre inner coup.

Man and Barin, being captured on an equal footing, were subordinated to one goal - to survive, stand out, while remaining people. Lyuhov learned this from Plato Karataev. In the face of Karataeva, the whole Russian people became supporting, source of force and subsequent internal rebirth. The death of Plato became the deep inner shock, which forever changed his worldview. This is a huge sense load of the image of Plato Karataev in the novel "War and Peace".

Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is an extensive historical canvas, in which the fates of numerous heroes develop against the background of the epic panorama of the war with Napoleonic invasion. And, despite the fact that most of the characters of the novel belong to the noble class, the main character of the work is still the people. Patriotism and courage, cohesion in the face of the enemy, the great strength of folk unity - that's what was the key to the victory of Russia over Napoleon.

Option 2.

The external and inner appearance of Plato Karataev in the novel "War and Peace" of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, especially Yapik and attractive. Plato is an interesting and significant character, a man of "his era", in it the car reveals the entire essence of the human inner world and the meaning of his life on Earth. Although his role in the novel is not so great, it is this man who left an important imprint in the life of Pierre Progness.

Plato Karataev Simple peasant fifty years old, his parents were poor, therefore he was not trained by a diploma. Despite the low social status and lack of education and high education, the reasoning of Plato wise and instructive, unlike an aristocratic Pierre. His knowledge is mainly based on the experience of his life and the life of his peasants around him.

The inner world of Karataev is good-natured and soulful, has and attracts the surrounding people. It blows with warmth and positive emotions. The appearance of Plato is the same radiant, as well as his character. It is low growth, a round-blood, with good brown eyes and a pleasant smile. A man constantly giving them surrounding his cute smile, exposing smooth white teeth. Despite its old age, the movement of a man smooth, calmly not issued to his present origin, the hair still untouched by gray. Clothing Plato prefers free, not cutting cutting Crow.

Before Plato came to the service, he was married, his daughter was born, but she died early. A man, despite the doubtful origin, was not a poor peasant. At one fine moment, Plato was caught on a crime - he cut a stranger forest, then he was sent to the service in the army. He misses his house, but still continues to smile and raise the mood to others.

Plato Karatayev Good and honest person, he perfectly understands all the difficulties and complexity of life, considers most of the prevailing situations inevitability. Open Plato's character helps to find a common language with any interlocutor. He knows a large number of sayings, interesting stories and proverbs. They differ significantly from the coarse soldiers' statements.

Plato loves to sing and makes it as if the song goes through his soul, a man's voice looks like a trill of birds. In the army, he to get acquainted with the aristocrat of Pierre Bezuhov and on the kindness of spiritual in every way he helps him in everything. That will put the patch in the shirt, then treat baked potatoes. Plato always adheres to its principle - if promised, help.

Despite the fact that it is easily communicating with any person, Plato is rarely tied to him truly. For those around him, he is open, the non-conflict person will always extend a help hand if someone is difficult.

Cap captured, Karataev reiterates the previously acquired cold, the disease does not retreat, the man has a constant non-passing heat, such a twentieth is not needed by the French and they decide to kill him.

Plato Karatayev, despite the short communication with Pierre Bezukhov, taught a young man in a different way to look at many things, look for happiness inside him, solve complex life tasks without losing the spirit of the Spirit, and always be positive and open.

Writing on the topic Plato Karatayev

In the novel "War and Peace", the writer described a lot of images. Despite a secondary role, the image of Plato Karataev is important. Karatayev played an important role in the life of Pierre Lesukov. With his help, Lyuhov realized the meaning of life.

Plato Karataeva author described as good-natured and peaceful, at the same time a simple person. His simplicity is expressed in his appearance, in movements, gestures, conversation manner. In any case, he applied a lot of effort and performed his work with a special skill. Getting captured to the enemies, the hero dropped all alien from himself, and decided to return to the former peasant line. In his free time, Plato loved telling stories and fairy tales, also sing. But most of all he loved to listen to stories taken from life. Talking different stories, Karataev decorated with smart and smear proverbs.

In Karataev, readers can see the inner harmony of the soul, which is manifested by faith in God. The hero believed that sooner or later, good and justice would triumph. Therefore, he did not oppose the situation that happened, but perceived it as proper. For him, life had no meaning. He perceived her life as a particle of something.

Before exploring Plato, Pierre experienced a strong stress. Karatayev helped the Bezuhov re-acquire a sense of sustainability to the events. Based on such a feeling, mutual understanding and love lay. With the help of such a mentor, Lyuhov felt joy and completely freed himself from finding his goal, and the meaning of life. He realized that life was the meaning of life. The hero began to believe in God, who guards every person. Thanks to the instructions of Karataev, Pierre believed in God and began to appreciate life.

The image of Plato Karataeva has a more detailed character and occupies a special place in the novel. The author introduced Karataev to his creation, because he wanted to show the spiritual re-education of Pierre. Thus, Tolstoy created an idealized hero who has kindness, meekness, love and self-denial. Such qualities have a positive effect on the bun. For other prisoners, Plato was a simple soldier who performed each instruction.

Full picture of life in the novel

Among the representatives of the nobility, the image of Platon Karataev in the "war and the world" of Tolstoy stands out especially vividly and convex. Creating his work, the writer sought to most fully display the picture of the modern era. In the novel, we pass numerous faces, a variety of characters. We get acquainted with the emperors, Field Marshal, generals. We study the life of a secular society, the life of the local nobility. An equally important role for understanding the ideological content of the work is played by the heroes of the simple people. Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy, who knew the living conditions of the low-cost people, talentedly displays it in his novel. Memorous images of Plato Karataev, Tikhon Shcherbat, Anice, Danil Hunter are created by a writer with a particularly warm feeling. Thanks to this, we have a realistic and objective picture of the life of the people of the first half of the nineteenth century.

Soft appearance of Plato

The most significant character from the simpleness is definitely Plato Karatayev. It was in his value that the author's concept of the shared life and the meaning of the existence of a person on Earth was invested. The reader sees Plato through the eyes of Pierre Dzuhova, who captured the French. It is there that their acquaintance occurs. Under the influence of this simple person, the educated Pierre changes its worldview and finds a faithful way in life. Using the appearance and speech characteristic description, the author can create a unique image. The round and soft appearance of the hero, leisurely, but deft movements, affectionate and friendly expression emit wisdom and good. Plato with the same participation and love relates to comrades in misfortune, to their enemies and to the stray dog. He is the personification of the best qualities of the Russian people: peace, good, soulfulness. Speech of the hero, saturated with sayings, promscakes, aphorisms, pierced measuringly and smoothly. He slowly tells about his simple fate, tells fairy tales, sings songs. The wise expressions are easy, like birds, fly from his language: "It's time to endure, and live a century," where the court, there is not true, "" not our mind, and God's court. "

Constantly engaged useful work, Plato does not bored, does not argue about life, does not build plans. He lives today, relies on the will of God. Having become acquainted with this man, Pierre understood the simple and wise truth: "His life, as he himself looked at her, did not make sense as a separate life. She had the meaning as a particle of a whole, which he constantly felt. "

Plato Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbaty. Comparative characteristics

The worldview and lifestyle of Plato Karataev are closest and expensive to the writer, but to be objective and honest in the image of reality, it uses a comparison of Plato Karataeva and Tikhon Shcherbaty in the novel.

With Tikhon Shcherbat, we meet in the partisan detachment of Vasily Denisov. This person from the people is opposed to its qualities Platon Karataev. Unlike peace-loving and all-friendly Plato, the hero is full of hatred for the enemy. A man does not relieve God and fate, but prefer to act. Active, seamless guerrilla is a universal favorite in the detachment. If necessary, he is cruel and merciless and rarely leaves the enemy alive. The idea of \u200b\u200b"non-resistance evil violence" is alien and incomprehensible to Shcherbatom. He is "the most useful and brave man in the detachment."

Giving the characteristic Platon Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbatom, Tolstoy compares their external features, character qualities and life position. Tikhon in peasantry hardworking and cheerful. He never falls in spirit. His rude speech is filled with jokes and booms. Strength, dexterity, self-confidence distinguishes him from a soft and leisurely Plato. Both heroes are well remembered due to the detailed description. Plato Karatayev - Fresh neat, not having gray hair. Tikhon Shcherbato highlights the lack of tooth, which is why it went nickname.

Tikhon Shcherbatoy - a character in which the image of the Russian people personifies - a hero, who has become on the defense of his depreciation. Farms, the strength and cruelty of such partisans were inspired horror in the heart of the enemy. Thanks to such heroes, the Russian people managed to win. Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy understands the need for such behavior of his hero and partially justifies him in our eyes.

Plato Karataev is a representative of another half of the Russian people who believes in God who knows how to tolerate, love and forgive. They, as half of one whole, are necessary for the complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the Russian man.

Expensive author of Plato

Lion's sympathies of Nikolayevich Tolstoy, of course, on the side of Plato Karataev. Writer - Humanist all his conscious life opposes war, inhuman and cruel, in his opinion, events in society. With his work, he preaches the ideas of morality, peace, love, mercy, and the war bears death and misfortunes. The terrible paintings of the Borodino battle, the death of the young Petit, the painful death of Andrei Bolkonsky make the reader shudder from horror and pain that any war attracts. Therefore, the value of the Plato's image in the novel "War and Peace" is difficult to overestimate. This person is the embodiment of the author's main idea of \u200b\u200bharmonious life in agreement with himself. The writer sympathizes exactly as Plato Karatayev. The author, for example, approves the act of Petit, regretting the French captive boy, understands the feelings of Vasily Denisov, who does not want to shoot the captured French. Tolstoy does not accept the heartlessness of DOLOCHOV and excessive cruelty of Tikhon Shcherbatoy, believing that evil creates evil. Understanding that the war is impossible without blood and violence, the writer believes in the victory of the mind and humanity.

In Balagan, which Pierre entered and in which he stayed four weeks, there were twenty-three people of prisoners soldiers, three officers and two officials.

All of them later, as in the fog, Pierre appeared, but Plato Karatayev remained forever in Pierre's soul, the strongest and expensive memories and personification of all Russian, kind and round. When the next day, at dawn, Pierre saw his neighbor, the first impression of something round was confirmed quite: the entire figure of Plato in his subsidence of the French overhang, in a cap and laptops, was a round, the head was completely round, back, chest, shoulders Even the hands that he wore, as if always going to hug something, were round; Pleasant smile and big brown tender eyes were round.

Plato Karataev should have been in fifty years, judging by his stories about the campaigns in which he participated with a long-standing soldier. He himself did not know and could not determine how much he was years; But his teeth, bright white and strong, which everyone rolled out with their two semicircles, when he laughed (which he often did), were all good and intact; None of the gray hair was in his beard and hair, and his whole body had the type of flexibility and in particular hardness and consideration.

His face, despite the minor round wrinkles, had an expression of innocence and adolescence; He had a pleasant and singers. But the main feature of his speech was in vulnerability and sport. He apparently never thought about what he said and what he would say; And from this in the speed and loyalty of his intonation was a special irresistible persuasiveness.

His physical forces and turnover were such the first time of captivity, which seemed to not understand what fatigue and illness were. Every day, in the morning, and in the evening he, I was lying around, said: "Put, Lord, a pebble, a raise Kalachik"; In the morning, getting up, always equally shrugging, said: "Legted - curled, got up - shakeped." And indeed, it was worth him to lie down in order to immediately fall asleep with a stone, and it was worth it to shake up, so that it was immediately, without a second of delay, to take something like children, inserts, take toys. He knew everything, not very good, but not bad. He is a pitch, Paril, sewed, planing, talked boots. He was always busy and only at night allowed himself the conversations he loved, and songs. He sang songs, not as they sing songwrites, who know that they are listening, but sang, as the birds sing, obviously, because these sounds it was also necessary to publish how it is necessary to pull out or disperse; And these sounds have always been thin, tender, almost female, guy, and his face happened very seriously.

After getting captured and tricks the beard, he, apparently, discarded everything from himself all the frightened, alien, soldier and involuntarily returned to the previous, peasant, folk warehouse.

Soldier on vacation - a shirt from a port, - he used to say. He reluctantly spoke about his soldiers' time, although he did not complain, and often repeated that he had never been the whole bitch. When he told, it was preferably told from his old and, apparently, the expensive memories of "Christian", as he spoken, the peasant life. The sayings that filled his speech were not the most part of the indecent and fascinated sayings that the soldiers say, but these were those folk sayings that seem so insignificant, taken separately, and who are suddenly the meaning of deep wisdom when they are said by the way.

Often he spoke exactly the opposite to what he said before, but also it was fair. He loved to talk and spoke well, decorating his speech by the smear and proverbs, who, Pierre seemed to be invented himself; But the main charm of his stories was that in his speech the events are the simplest, sometimes the most, who, without noticing them, saw Pierre, received the nature of the solemn pleasing. He loved to listen to fairy tales, who told in the evenings (all the same) one soldier, but most of all he loved to listen to the stories about the real life. He smiled happily, listening to such stories, inserting words and making questions that kneaded to understand the disagreement of what he was told. Attachments, friendship, love, as Pierre, Karataev understood, did not have any; But he loved and lovingly lived with everything, with his life, and in particular with a person - not with a famous person, but with those people who were before his eyes. He loved his shawl, loved his comrades, French, loved Pierre, who was his neighbor; But Pierre felt that Karataev, despite all his affectionate tenderness to him (to whom he involuntarily gave tribute to the spiritual life of Pierre), would not be upset for a minute to separation from him. And Pierre the same feeling began to test to the karataev.

Plato Karatayev was for all other prisoners with the most ordinary soldier; His named sokolik or a plate, good-naturedly drowned over him, sent him over the parcels. But for Pierre, how he introduced himself on the first night, incomprehensible, round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth, so he remained forever.

Plato Karatayev knew nothing by heart, except for his prayer. When he spoke his speech, he, starting them, seemed to not know what he would grab them.

When Pierre, sometimes struck by his speech, asked to repeat said, Plato could not remember what he said a minute ago, - just as he could not say with the words to tell his favorite song. There was: "Rim, Berezanka and nausea me," but in words did not make any sense. He did not understand and could not understand the meaning of the words separately taken from speech. Every word of him and every action was a manifestation of an unknown activity, which was his life. But his life, as he himself looked at her, did not make sense as a separate life. She had meaning only as a particle of a whole, which he constantly felt. His words and actions were poured out of it as evenly, it is necessary and directly like the smell separated from the flower. He could not understand neither the price nor the meanings of a separate action or a word.

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It rarely happens that the life and identity of serfs or individual representatives of the peasantry caused changes in the individual or the worldview of the people of higher society, aristocrats. This trend is exceptional in real life and is no less rare in the literature or other branches of art.

Basically, there is the opposite: the influential gentlemen bring the cardinal changes to the life of ordinary people. In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" there are many such situations that in everyday life happen in the ranks of years. There are many heroes in the novel, one of them occupy a dominant position, other secondary.

A distinctive feature of the Roman-Epopea is that all the characters of the novel are closely related to each other. Acts of acting heroes are partially or globally affect the life situations of other characters. One of the main characters in terms of such an influence on the worldview of other characters is the image of Plato Karataeva.

Biography and appearance of Plato Karataev

Plato Karatayev - a character in the novel. It appears in the novel only in several chapters, but its influence on the further fate of one of the representatives of the aristocracy - Pierre Zuhova is becoming exceptionally great.

The reader meets in this character in the 50-year-old karataeva. This age line is quite blurry - Karataev himself does not know exactly how many winters he lived. Parents Karataev are simple peasants, they were not literate, so the data on the exact date of birth of the son was not preserved.

Plato's biography is not allocated in the context of the usual representative of the peasantry. He is an illiterate person, his wisdom is based solely on the vital experience of his personal and other representatives of the peasantry. However, despite this, in his mental development, it is slightly higher from the high-structured Pierra aristocrat.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the "manner and characteristic of Pierre Dzuhova" in the novel of the Lion Tolstoy "War and Peace".

This is explained by the fact that Duchs are deprived of the pragmaticity of life positions, he never had to solve complex, controversial issues and vital problems. He is full of idealistic concepts and perception of reality in the framework of irryality. His world is utopia.

Plato Karatayev - good-natured, mental man. All his features appear to the perception of it as a warm and pleasant and positive image of a novel. It has a positive, optimistic attitude and reminds the sun: he has absolutely round head, tender brown eyes, a sweet, pleasant smile. He himself is low growth. Plato is often smiling - at the same time, his good white teeth become visible. His hair was still untouched by gray, either on the head or on the beard. The body was distinguished by the smoothness of movements and flexibility - which was amazing for a person of his age and origin.

About the childhood and youth of the hero we know extremely few. Tolstoy is not interested in the process of its formation as a holistic person, but the final result of this process.

In the clothes of Karatayev adheres to the principle of convenience and practicality - his clothes should not have been filled with movements.

During the captivity of the Karataev, he walks in a dirty, torn shirt, black, soiled portraits. With each movement from it, the unpleasant, sharp smell of sweat is heard.

Karataev's life before service in the army

The life of Plato Karataev to service was more joyful and successful, although not devoid of their tragedies and chagrins.

Plato married, and his daughter was born. However, fate was not favorable to the girl - she died of him before her father got into service.

What happened to the wife of Plato and whether he had more children - Tolstoy does not tell us. About the civilian life, we know that the karatayev lived not poorly. He was not a wealthy peasant, but did not help. His service in the army predetermined the case - Plato was caught behind the cutting of someone else's forest and was given to the soldiers. In the army, Plato did not lose his positive attitude, but he was alien to him, he sincerely regrets that he was not at home. He lacks former life, he misses his house.

Character of Plato Karataev

Plato Karataev does not have an explosive, contradictory character. He knows all the severity of the peasant being, he understands and realizes the injustice and complexity of life, but perceives it as inevitable.

Karataev is a sociable person, he likes to speak and knows how to find a common language in fact with any person. He knows many interesting stories, knows how to engage in his interlocutor. His speech is poetic, she is deprived of rudeness, generally accepted among the soldiers.

Plato knows many proverbs and sayings and often use them in their speech. Soldiers often use proverbs, but mostly they carry the imprint of military life - with some kind of rudeness and sickness. Proverbs of Karataev are not like soldiers' statements - they are excluded rudeness and vulgarity. Karataev had a nice voice, he speaks to the manner of Russian women-peasants - singers and long.

Plato can sing well and loves to do it very much. He does it does not look like ordinary songs of songs - his singing looks like a trill of birds - it is gentle and melodic. Karataev is not mindless, automatically sings, he misses the song through herself, it seems that he lives a song.

Karataev - Golden Hands. He knows how to do any job, it doesn't always have it well, but still items made by him, tolerable, good quality. Plato is able to do as truly men's - heavy, physical work, like a female - he is preparing food, knows how to sew.

He is a caring, disinterested man. During the captivity, Karataev sews a little shirt, making his shoes. Makes it not out of selfish goal - to heal in front of a rich aristocrat to, in the event of a safe liberation from captivity, to receive any remuneration from him, and on the kindness of spiritual. He is a pity unsuitable for the difficulties of captivity, the Pierre military service.

Karataev is kind, not a greedy man. He feeds Pierre Duzness, often brings him a baked potato.

Karatayev believes that he must stick to his word. He promised - to perform this simple truth, he always corresponded.

In the best traditions of the peasantry of Karataev are emphasized. He can't sit still without a case, even in captivity he is constantly busy - master, helps others - for him it is a natural state.

We are accustomed that ordinary men are far from accuracy, but it only partially concerns Plato. He may look pretty unclear himself, but in relation to the products of his work it is always very accurate. Such a diametrically opposite combination is surprising.

Most people, regardless of the social and material situation, are typical of other people. At the same time, it does not matter what feelings are dominated by them in relation to one or another heroes - friendship, sympathy or love. Karataev is friendly, it easily converges with new people, but does not experience special attachment. He easily breaks up with people. At the same time, Plato never initiator the termination of communication. In most cases, such events occur in the context of certain events, over which neither it nor his interlocutor has influence.

Surrounding about him quite a positive opinion - he is non-conflict, positively configured, knows how to support a person in a difficult moment, infect him with his cheerfulness. To summarize this fact and whether the attitude of Karataev was practically impossible to determine.

On the one hand, we can assume that earlier he had a different attitude - he sincerely regrets that he was far from his house and a civilian, "peasant" life.

And it is likely that such an attitude was formed at Karataev as a result of military service - according to Plato, he has repeatedly participated in military events and is not first time participating in battles, so he could already experience the whole bitterness of the loss of combat comrades and in connection With this, such a protective mechanism arose - should not be attached to those people who may not die tomorrow. Another factor taught Karataev to dwell on failures and partings could be the death of a daughter.

In Plato's life, this event was tragic, it is possible to rethink the value of life and the sense of attachment occurred with Karataev at that time. On the other hand, the presence of insufficient information for the life of Plato Karataev to military service and 1812 in particular does not give the right to make an unambiguous conclusion on this.

Plato Karataev and Pierre Duchets

It is unlikely that the image of Karataev had an influence exclusively on Pierre Laughterhood, but we are not known about other interactions of Plato with a similar result.

After disappointments in family life, Freemasonry and secular society as a whole. Bezukhov goes to the front. Here he also feels superfluous - it is too much and is not adapted for this type of activity. Military events with the French become the cause of another chagrin - Duhov is hopelessly disappointed in his idol - Napoleon.

After he was captured and saw the shootings, Pierre finally broke. He recognizes too much unpleasant things for him and therefore the prerequisites for disappointment in the people in general, but this does not happen, since it is at that moment the littleness gets acquainted with Karataev.

Simplicity and calm is the first thing that Pierre's surprised in a new acquaintance. Karataev showed the Bezuhov that the happiness of man is in himself. Over time, Luzukhov also infected by the calm of Plato - it begins not chaotic, as did before, and balanced to lay everything around the shelves in his head.

Death Plato Karataev

The conditions in which the prisoners of Russian soldiers were distant from the ideal. Such a fact leads to a new recurrence of Karataev's disease - he spent time spent in the hospital with a cold, and repeatedly resembles. The French are not interested in preserving the prisoners, especially if they are simple soldiers. When the disease mastered the karataev fully, and it became clear that the fever itself would not pass - Plato kill. This is done in order to prevent the dissemination of the disease.

From the point of view of literature, the death of Plato Karataev was fully justified. He fulfilled his destination and therefore leaves the pages of the novel and his literary life.

Thus, Plato Karatayev is an important element of the novel L.N. Tolstoy. His meeting with Pierre Bezukhov becomes fateful for the latter. Optimism, wisdom and the cheerfulness of a simple man committing that neither book knowledge and a great society could do. Bezuhov is aware of life principles that allow themselves to remain themselves, but it does not degrade and not to renounce their life positions. Karatayev taught the graph to find happiness in herself, Pierre is convinced that the main purpose of man to be happy.

On the pages of the novel "War and the World" even seemingly minor heroes appear non-surrender. The characteristic of Plato Karataev takes an important place. Let's try to remember what this hero was.

Meeting Pierre Dunzhaov with Plato Karataev

Characteristics of Plato Karataev in the Great Work L. N. Tolstoy begins from the moment of his acquaintance with Pierre. This meeting takes place in a heavy life permissible for the little time: he managed to avoid execution, but saw the death of other people. The main character was deprived of faith in the possibility of the improvement of the world and in God. Overcome this turning point in the life of the Pierre helps the leaving of the plastic people.

People's philosopher

Plato Karataev, whose characteristic is the topic of this article - this is a person who was able to introduce Pierre Dunzhanov to the people's start and wisdom of ordinary people. He is a real philosopher. It is no coincidence that L. N. Tolstoy gave karataev name Plato. His speech is full of folk schools, from this ordinary, it would seem, the soldier blows a wise tranquility.

Meeting with Plato Karataev became for Pierre one of the most significant in life. Even many years later, an old-hazeworgled daughter appreciates his actions and thoughts on the principles that he learned for himself, communicating with this random acquaintance.

"Round" Start

The characteristic of Plato Karataev, which develops in our view, is very unusual thanks to the figurative speech of the author. Tolstoy mentions "round" and dispute movements of the national philosopher. The hands of Plato Karataev are folded as if he is going to hug something. West his good brown eyes and a pleasant smile in the soul. In all his appearance, there was something soothing and pleasant in his movements. Plato Karataev was a member of a large number of military campaigns, but, having captured, refused the total "soldiers" and returned to the warehouse of the native from the people.

Why exactly the roundness of movements gives a fat Hero? Probably, Lev Nikolayevich emphasizes this peaceful character of Plato Karataeva. Modern psychologists say that the circle is usually preferred to draw soft, charming, good-friendly people who are moving and relaxed at the same time. The circle is a symbol of harmony. It is not known whether the author of the Great Roman knew about it, but Intuitively he, of course, felt it. The characteristic of Plato Karataeva is an unconditional confirmation of the vital wisdom of Tolstoy.

Polloshi speech

Speech can tell a lot about such a hero as Plato Karatayev. "War and Peace" - the characteristic of the psychological world of characters, since in this novel Tolstoy pays a lot of attention to the peculiarities of the language and behavior of those who want to tell in more detail.

The first words with which our hero appealed to Bezukhov, filled with simplicity and caress. Plato's Speech Karataeva Opening, it is permeated by folk sayings and promscakes. His words do not just reflect their own thoughts, but also express folk wisdom. "It's time to endure, and live a century," said Plato Karataev.

The characteristic of this character is impossible without mentioning his narration about the merchant, who was sentenced to Katorga for someone else's crime.

Plato's speech Karataev, his statements are a reflection of the ideas of the Christian faith of humility, justice.

On the meaning of life

The characteristic of Plato Karataev in the novel "War and Peace" is given by the author in order to show another type of person, not like Pierre Duhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. This simple soldier, in contrast to the above-mentioned main characters, does not reflect on the meaning of life, he just lives. Plato Karatayev does not feel fear before death, he believes that his life is managed by the highest strength. This hero looks at his life not as something separate, but as part of the whole part. The essence of Karataev's nature is the love that he is experiencing to everything in the world.

In conclusion it should be said that L. N. Tolstoy, creating the image of Plato Karataeva, wanted to show how important a person is not in itself, but as a member of the society that exercises common goals. Only participating in public life, you can realize your desires. Only so manifests harmony. All this became clear to Pier after dating Plato Karataev. In accordance with this idea, I would like to add that this of course is interesting to us by itself. However, it is much more important, what role he played in the life of Pierre Zuhovova. Thanks to this meeting, the main character was able to gain internal harmony and consent to the world and people.

The image of Plato Karataev is a mental peoples, an infinite harmony, which is given only through faith in God, in his will on everything that happens in life. This hero loves everyone around, even the French, to whom he was captured. Thanks to the conversations with the "People's Philosopher", Pierre Duhov comes to understand that the meaning of life is to live, realizing the divine origin of all that is happening in the world.

So, we described Plato Karataev. This is a leaving of the people who managed to bring in the life of the main character, Pierre Dunzhova, an understanding of the wisdom of ordinary people.