How to remove an ox nest from the apartment. How to get rid of the OS and the Osin nest in the country? Folk Recipes Reliable OS

If an ushin nest appeared inside or near your home, this is an unpleasant situation, especially if you have children or someone from family members allergic to masculine bite. In addition to the fear of being dressed, you constantly chase the buzz and buzz in the form of striped winged creatures that constantly fly there and here around your garden. Do not worry - there are several effective methods with which you can kill OS, get rid of the nests and from the OS arrival next year. Just start with 1 method to learn more.


Part 1

Planning and security

    Make sure you have no allergies on the up bites. If you are not sure, you have an allergy or not, then do the test at the allergist before you get rid of the nest.

    • If the test confirms that you do not have allergies for bites, then you can proceed to destroy the nest yourself.
    • However, if you find allergies, ask someone to help you or contact a specialist, as the bite can be very dangerous for your health.
  1. Contact local SanEpidemstancy. In the conduct of the SES, there is control over the population of insects and rodents, which are pedestriating of diseases or represent a different danger. Perhaps there you will advise you what to do, or even come to destroy the Osin nest.

    • Enter in the Internet search engine "SES [Name of the settlement] to get additional information.
  2. Call the disinsector. In most cases, it is best to provide the destruction of the aspen socket professionals. If the SES responds that they are not engaged in axes, find a private company engaged in disinsection.

    • If the nest is located in a hard-to-reach place, for example, in the cavity of the wall or under concrete overlapping, you will definitely need help professional.
    • If you are allergic to OS bites, it is also recommended to call a disinsector, as the independent destruction of the nest may be dangerous for your life. However, even if you do not suffer from allergies, it is very dangerous with an axis nest, and if you do something wrong, the result may be fatal.
  3. Think if you can leave the nest as it is. If the masculine nest is far enough away from your home, then it does not constitute a significant threat. Then you best leave it alone, especially if the wasps belong to the mind of less aggressive, such as paper wasps. The wasps are an important part of the ecosystem, as they pollinate plants and flowers, and also eat garden pests, such as caterpillars.

    Find out what type of OS type you prevail. Before getting rid of the nest, it is best to know what type of OS you are dealing, because you can determine which method of deliverance to you the most. Here are three main types of OS, which you may encounter:

    Put the protective clothing. It is very important to wear upper clothes before you are going to get rid of the masking nest to prevent bites. Even if you do not have allergies, the aspen bite can be painful!

    • Put long jeans, socks and shoes, sweater hooded on the head and gloves.
    • You can also wrap a scarf around the bottom half of your face and put on protective or ski glasses.
    • If you use a pesticide spray, make sure that your clothes are old, as the remnants of the spray can absorb fabric. You should also wash or throw out clothes right after the end of the procedure.
    • If it so happened that the wasps were stung during the removal of the nest, then look at the treatment instructions here.
  4. Never become a staircase to get to the nest of the wasp, which is at high altitude. If the masculine nest is high, such as, for example, on the eaves of a two-story house or on the top branch of the tree, do not use the staircase to climb it.

    • While you will stand on the stairs and destroy the masculine nest, the swarm of the OS can fall on you, as a result of which you can fall and seriously injured.
    • In this situation, it is best to call a specialist or use anything like a smoke method (see below) to destroy the nest.
    • You should try to destroy the osine nest only if it is within easy reach.
  5. If you use pesticides, make sure there are no children and pets nearby. If you decide to use a pesticide spray or powder for the destruction of the OS, it is very important to isolate the area and make sure that no one is especially children and pets - will not be near, at least within 24 hours. Pesticides that are used to exterminate the OS, very strong and poisonous.

    • In addition, it is very important that you destroy all the dead OS, which you will find on the ground near the nest. Otherwise, your dog or a cat or a local wild animal can swallow a dead ax and ultimately poisoned.
  6. Get rid of aspen nests as early as possible at the beginning of the year. From the time of year, which you choose to destroy the axis nest depends, you will succeed in this or not. To understand this, it is advisable to know how all these three types of OS (paper wasps and hornets) exist.

    Destroy aspen sockets at night. If you are planning to get rid of the mascot nest yourself, then it is best to do it at night. At this time, the wasp is less active, less aggressive, and their reaction is slowed down.

    • However, they quickly react to any form of light (which they take for daylight), so it is better not to use a flashlight, if possible.
    • Or you can try to get rid of the nest early in the morning when the wasps are less active, and you have the advantage of morning light.
  7. Plan your escape route. Before installing your attack plan, it is also good to plan your escape plan. After you spray the poison on the nest, the wasps will start quickly reach and attack you, so you need to run quickly before it happens.

    • Determine where you can quickly hide, after the destruction of the aspen nest.
    • Also make sure that there will be no obstacles to your way, such as children's toys or gardening equipment through which you can stumble.

    Part 2

    Destruction of the nest
    1. Use the pesticid spray. Buy an aerosol pesticide designed specifically for the destruction of bees in a local supermarket or a shopping store. Pesticide, designed for small insects, for example, for ants, may not be sufficiently strong for the OS.

      Use insecticidal dust. If the axis nests are in the ground, for example, like American harnesses, use insecticidal dust, which is more efficient than the aerosol spray and can penetrate the heart of the socket.

      • Remove some insecticidal dust, for example "Sevin 5 Garden Dust", and measure around the ¼ cup in a disposable plastic cup.
      • At night or early in the morning, spray the contents of the cup on the hole in the nest, being in special protective accessories.
      • Do not block and do not cover the nests, and allow the OSAM to enter and exit freely. When they pass through the hole, their paws and wings are covered with insecticidal dust, which they carry with them into the very heart of the nest, polluting other OS.
      • After using insecticidal dust, the wasps die in one or two days. If not, you can repeat the process.
    2. Use the dishwashing agent. If you do not like to use pesticides, a simple solution from the dish and water washing means can effectively destroy the OS, first this mixture falls on the wings, thereby preventing them on the movement, and then turn them.

      • Prepare a soap solution by mixing high-quality dishes washing (about ¼ glass) with a liter of hot water until the solution is well mixed and will not be soapy.
      • If you want to destroy the socket, which is in airspace, pour the soap solution into the aerosol sprayer, send a strong flow of water from the hose into the hole of the socket and pour it within 10-15 seconds.
      • If the nest is in the ground, simply pour the solution directly into the hole hole and then quickly release the territory.
      • Despite the fact that the soap solution is very effective, you will need to repeat this process several times, as soap water should get to each OSE, before killing it.
    3. Use smoke. Another way to get rid of air-axis nest without using pesticides is to use smoke.

      • Build a small bonfire or burn fire in your grill directly under the jack. Smoke will rise and go to the nest, who suffered OS and forcing them to leave the nest.
      • Leave smoke for an hour or two, and, after you make sure that the nest is empty, run it off, before throwing away. However, it is also desirable to have a sprayer with water at hand in case the living wasp in the nest remain.
      • Keep in mind that this method is suitable only for air sockets that are on the branches of trees or other open areas. It is unacceptable for nests in the doorway, on a cornily or in places close to your home, as the flame can accidentally get into the house.
    4. Use water. You can drown a free-seeing masculine socket using a bag of fabric and water bucket.

    Part 3.

    Prevent the return of the OS.

      Seal all the inlets. For the winter, make a thorough inspection of your home outside, look at whether there are no potential holes to place the OS in the spare outlet, the unclosed valve, cracks in the walls and doorway. These are all the perfect locations for the axis nests, seal them, thereby preventing the rope of the spring.

    1. Fruit trees and especially rotten fallen fruits are like a magnet for OS and bees, so think twice before planting a fruit tree near the house. If you already have fruit trees, it is desirable to collect ripe fruits in time and lift everything that fell to the ground, before the wasps get to them.
    2. Mint very effectively helps to get rid of the OS, while it is less poisonous for you and your animals.
    3. If the nest is located on your home, then another natural and very effective method put a bucket with boiling (or as hot water as possible) under the jack. Use a long stick to knock down the socket in the bucket. Then prevent it in the bucket using a short stick, and make sure that all adult individuals and larvae drowned. It is best to do it, putting protective equipment to adult individuals not sturned to you. If you do not have anything against chemicals, then with the help of the second person you can disseminate them on the remaining OS. After the uterus dies inside the nest, all the remaining individuals will dy up, because they will not be able to find their nest.
    4. If you are allergic to an aspen or a row poison, contact a specialist and completely avoid an axis socket.
    5. Warnings

    • Do not attempt to spray spray on an irritated nest. Not all the hornets or wasps can be inside the nest during poison spraying. Wait a few hours while the nest calms down.
    • The wasps can be very dangerous, so be extremely careful.
    • Destroy the masculine nest only if it is small, in plain sight and within the reach of the spray. Otherwise, do not try to get rid of the nest on your own - it is very dangerous. Call disinsection to remove OS.
    • Be careful and do not stay for a long time near the nest, so that the wasps do not find and not stool you.

How to get rid of the mascot nest in the country, there are many proven ways. The choice depends on different factors - the availability of the hive, the location in the country - in the room or outside, personal preferences. Use physical methods of struggle, chemical ,.

How to find a nest

You can get rid of your own pests after it is found. It can be located in an unexpected place:

  • in the garden on the trees;
  • under the rubble branches;
  • in woodwood;
  • in mound in the ground;
  • under stone;
  • in economic extensions;
  • in the attic;
  • in the garage;
  • under the roof;
  • , loggia;
  • windowsill;
  • in an abandoned anthill;
  • old bird nest;
  • cracks in the wall;
  • under the floor.

Move on the territory of human possessions can be different, but more visible public or. They form a swarm, build a nest, hold together, communicate with signals. The bulk - the works of individuals performing different functions are in the nest, engaged in the reproduction of offspring.

On a note!

The wasps in August are extremely aggressive and too active. Since at the end of the summer, the young offspring of males, hawk females appears, the marriage begins. At this time, the aspen family delivers the most trouble.

To find a nest, you need to carefully explore the terrain, bypass all the buildings, trees, examine the house. If it was found that insects are puedaya on the balcony, loggia, but the nests are not visible, you need to sit quietly 20-30 minutes, watch where they fly. Especially effective method with observation in the evening, since all the aspen family returns.

The destruction of the nest is the final elimination

Get rid of the OS in the country, destroy the nest can be in different ways, depending on where it is located. It follows the active actions in the evening, because with the onset of the dark, the wasp becomes inactive, return to the hive for the night. However, caution should be taken - to wear a petition suit, clothes, which in the case of which insects will not be able to pierce.

Fighting axes in the country

The method is suitable for destroying pests outside, indoors. In the ground, the nest is poured a bucket of boiled water. There is no spare output, so those who are inside will not be able to get out, boils alive. The next day repeat the procedure, and then dig a socket. Destroy in any convenient way.

Get rid of the OS in the country, if the cocoon is suspended, you can use water of any temperature. Substitute the staircase to be more convenient to get. Fill a bucket of water, carefully lower the nest, withstand half an hour. Entrance to the hive is always at the bottom. First, the exit is blocked, and then dives in the water all the dwelling. After this time, the cocoon is removed.

Destruction of fire

Spruce Oski began on the garden plot, garden, flowerbed, eliminate the masculine nest can be fire. Water with flammable substance - kerosene, gasoline, machine oil. Throw a match. Burns hive for one moment with all the inhabitants.

Vacuum cleaner to help

It is possible to fight with an axis in the country and unusual ways. The vacuum cleaner with a long tube allows you to reach the dwelling at any height. Insert the tube to the input, quickly turn on the device at full power. Air flows are tightened into the bag all the family for 10-15 minutes, which to do next with them - the decision is individual.

On a note!

The bag is immersed in water, spray insecticides or release the swarm away from the cottage, by observing special care.

Mounting foam

You can destroy the Osin Nest in the country using a mounting foam. The tool quickly solidifies, and with it all insects. Use the method in the garage, in the attic, in the economic extensions, for the fill of the slots in the wall, the floor.

Insecticidal tool from the dacha

Any drug based on toxic substance is used. The wasps are extremely sensitive to the poison, die even with a low dosage. Apply sprays, aerosols in several ways - spray the socket or plastic bag, and then quickly wear it on the cocoon, tie from above. The second option is safer, more efficient. Dangerously for the life of insects No oxygen, in combination with poison, death occurs in a few minutes. A dichlorophos from the OS on the cottage with several active components is often used, as well as mosquitols, which can be sprayed with a distance of 6 m, raptor, raid, clean house. The average price of the drug is 250 rubles.

Extermination of the family in an inaccessible place

If you remove the masking nest in the country, you can not run the OS from the site with simple ways.

  • In the immediate vicinity, the bonfire is bred so that the smoke fell on the hive. In one evening, drive out, the survival of pests is difficult, but to apply these methods of struggle for several days in a row - the hive will empty.
  • Wash the OS in the country can be much faster if you set fire to rubber or skin. The material is tweet for a long time, smoking, it allocates an incredibly sharp smell. With such a fire, there are enough two evenings to expel pests, clean the territory of its own country possessions.
  • Flose checkers help to get rid of the OS on the site. Special products for the destruction of mosquitoes, bedbugs, flies, blinding, other insect people, distinguishes poisonous smoke when combustion. Radius of action covers several meters. With the right location of the checkers, withdraw an Osin socket in the country can be in 2 hours. All smoke checkers act in the same way. Effective products - quiet evening, climate, Fas, City, volcano, Samoro. The price of one from 50 rubles. The action is preserved 14 days.
  • We use the OS at the cottage under the roof of the house, in the attic, the loggia can be with the help of a spiral. When combustion, an insecticidal substance is distinguished, which applies within a radius of 2 m. Regular use of the helix will allow to achieve the desired result. Install on a non-carrier surface, observed the process of afar.
  • To get rid of the OS on the cottage in an inaccessible place, a country house, you need to treat them to a poison bait. They put a saucer or other convenient container, pour bait with the addition of boric acid. The remedy is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a powder, 10 g in one bag. There is no smell, with the right dosage does not distort the taste of food. The wasps eat poison, without guessing its existence. The death occurs within 24 hours. Boric acid is added to jam, lemonade, kvass, compote, juice, syrup, mixed with sugar.

On a note!

From battlers, settled in the wall in a hard-to-reach place, use an insecticidal agent, the mounting foam is either feeding them to a poison bait.


Exterminating OS in the country yourself or reduce their number will help simple. Prepare them from plastic bottles of different tanks. Cut from the neck, insert inside like a watering can be inserted, fixed with braces, adhesive tape, scotch. At the top do the lace, wire, so that you can hang in any convenient place.

Inside pour bait, optionally poisonous. It can be lemonade, compote, jam with water, syrup, juice, raging yeast, kvass. Insects are freely closed inside, but choose through a small neck.

On a note!

During the day, several dozen pests fall into the bottle. The trap is used from the OS on the cottage under the roof, in the attic, in the garden, any place.

What to do with prisoners is an individual solution. It is possible to pour water, throw a bottle into the fire, threaten the insecticidal drug or release to the will away from our own possessions.


The destruction of the OS in the country is not always in their extermination, you can scare the family, make a move. The location of the nest in the depths of the garden, at the end of the garden does not require emergency action, their presence on the site brings more benefits than harm. For this you need to know.

On a note!

The wasps destroy the huge colony of agricultural pests, feeding them with their larvae. Provide careful pollination of cultures, which significantly increases yields.

From the wilders on the site you can get rid of a sharp smell. The nest is watered with combustible substances - kerosene, gasoline, machine oil. Either lay out the cloth-soaked rag. They do not like the insects of the satellites, throw their heads of fish.

In the attic of the cottage hangs mint bunches of peppers, a rustic, elderberry. Periodically window sills, window frames, doorways are rubbed from these herbs.

Professional insecticides

Preparations are used in special cases to spray the walls of the house on the dacha, the donor site, a country house, household attacks outside. Concentrates are extremely toxic, retain properties up to 20 days in the absence of heavy rains. The maximum effect lasts 2 hours. Spray walls, window sills, porch, balcony.

The solution is prepared immediately before use. Break the drug in cold water according to the instructions. While you need to use a respirator, rubber gloves, protective suit. Interesting poison in the respiratory tract is dangerous to poisoning varying severity.

The concentrated solution is also used to spray the nest, pouring into the slot in the floor, the wall. Preparations without smell are added to the bait - Delta Zone, Lambda Zone. Tools are bought in specialized stores, ordered via the Internet. Cost from 300 rubles. For a small bottle.

Effective means:

  • Executioner;
  • Tetrix;
  • Sinuzan;
  • Kukaracha;
  • Diazinon

Funds actual for all insects. In addition to flies, mosquitoes are blinding, OS, Sherne, kill and useful beings. Application must be reasonable.

Security measures when delivering pests

- Aggressive insects that any gesture can regard as a danger to life. The nest is guarded by scouts, guards, in case of danger, transmit a signal to others. With the death of the insect, a special substance is distinguished, which captures the conifers, rush massively attack. All of this must be remembered by going on the operation to destroy the nest, an Osin family.

  • Work should be performed in the evening when insect activity will decrease. In the dark, they are poorly oriented in space. But everything should be done as accurately as possible, since the smell hear they are very good. Run to attack blindly.
  • When performing the operation, there should be no sharp movements, all actions should be thought out in advance, prepare the necessary materials. If one insect bites, it is impossible to kill, because it will fly out a whole swarm.
  • When using an insecticide, it should be remembered that it will work in a few minutes, the splashes inside the socket can only reset the swarm. Therefore, it is advisable to use the tool outside or use the polyethylene package. Picks up on the socket, quickly tied, overlapping output.

If the swarm OS accidentally flew into the cottage, you need to get rid of the invasion, use smoke checkers, set fire to rubber, lay a fire. If the insects do not threaten, you can leave them alone, through time they will fly away.

One of the beneficial insects for plant plants and the garden is the wasps. After all, they feed on the larvae of pests of vegetable and fruit crops. Without the OS, it would be difficult to pollinate plants. But if an Osina family is set in the house, then it is dangerous to human health. Insect bites can lead to allergies, to the terrible consequences as swelling of quinque, anaphylactic shock.

The wasps have long been adjacent to the man. There are many insect varieties. When these are separate single individuals, they do not deliver anxiety. But the family clans of the OS, growing during the summer, are dangerous. To their nests, built under the roof or in the walls of the house, can not be approached. Insects are aggressive in relation to man as cold weather occurs. Next, consider how to get rid of the OS in a private house and what to do if they bited.

It is known that they love to arrange the dwelling of the wasa nearby the private houses, gives. After all, fruit trees grow on the plot, flowers on the flower beds. And the axes need nectar, sweet juice for food. They find the place of nesting in advance to survive the cold winter.

Most of all love to build societies insects where it is difficult to see, find.

Only rising to the roof, you can see like a spherical houses made from newspaper paper. They can hang in the corner of the attic, hide under slate. Even in the wall of the house, the wasps can construct their nest. There are varieties that are deceived in the ground, in basements, under the floor.

Choose insects such buildings where the owners rarely come. Therefore, it is necessary to often bypass such places in order to detect pests on time. Lubuan staggering insects to discover the place of their settlement, you can have a piece of meat or fish that put on the table in the garden. It remains only to observe where the swarm flew from. It is better to get rid of the springs from the mascot nest when it is up to 5-6 individuals. By the fall, the family grows up, and then neutralize the stress "ball" will be more difficult.

It is not necessary to think that the wasworfish isa. When one insect bites, it is not scary. The affected place will swell slightly, turns to redden and after 2-3 days the pain will pass, and skin covers will restore. But the wasps can attack the whole family. And then this will lead to serious consequences.

In people suffering from allergies, the bites cause swelling of quinque, which leads to a fatal outcome.

In addition, all the insects of the wasps on their paws can carry pathogenic microorganisms. There were cases of infection with intestinal infections after the UK bite. Therefore, to fight with the settlement of insects in the house must be necessary.

Preparations against OS, their action and application

The chemical industry produces effective funds whose action is directed to the scary and destruction of the OS.

Name of the drug Act Application
Raptor Affects the gastrointestinal tract of insects, paralyzing the nervous system. The aerosol is sprayed into the nest. After the paralytic action of the main substance on the OS, the socket is removed and placed in the package. It remains to burn an aspen house.
Brave Microcapsules without smell destroy insects. Enjoy the tool in hard-to-reach places at home. There is a drug for 8-9 months.
Carbofos. It acts toxic on the OS. Prepare a solution according to the instructions. Sleep into the container with the fluid nest, trying to drown together with the inhabitants.
Het The suspension of pale pink color contains a chlorpyryx poisoning substance. Acts paralytically on the nervous system of the OS. Mix powder to sweet juice or sugar, honey. Exhibit a dish in an open place.
Commander The basis of the drug imidaclopride, toxic to the OS substance. It has a high penetrating ability, destroying insects in nests, in the ground. Prepare a solution before starting processing. There is a substance for a long time, within 2 weeks.

Choose a chemical drug, depending on where an amino nest is located.

How to drive an OS from the attic you can learn from the video:

Traps and bait for OS

A more harmless way and simple - creating traps for insects. Knowing that stinging insects adore sweet, then you can pour plastic bottles by half a compote or syrup, divorced in water. Suitable and beer, kvass. When climbing inside, the wasps will not be able to fly out of the bottle and die. So reduce the number of members of the aspen families. You can mix in the dessert to poison. Then the wasp will die faster.

Apply special bait. Pieces of fish or meat are wetted by an insecticidal remedy. Tuchi OS flies towards delicacy and die. It is possible next to the bait decompose the cardboard strips, smeared with a thick layer of glue.

Traps and bait will help destroy the insects themselves, but not their dwellings.

Poisonous Mushroom Amanita is used to combat flies and axes. Washed in a liter of water a mixture of 3-4 mushroom caps and 100 grams of honey - an excellent bait, which leads insects to death.

Use such substances that scare insects from home. Waving a bitter pepper pods in the attic, near the doors, beat off the hunt of the axes to fly to the house. They start looking for other places to create a nest.

Dachnips came up with many ways to get rid of stinging insects, settled in homes:

  • Often use water. Immerse the insect nest in water container, the load is put on top so that it does not pop up. It is possible a strong jet of water to destroy the dwelling of insects in the ground.
  • Gasoline or kerosene wet the rag and plug the hole into the nest. Sometimes the houses are settled, the obtay first combustible substances. But this method cannot be applied if there are flammable items.
  • Smoke can make the OS leave the dwelling. It remains gently removing the hive and destroy. In order for the wasp not returned, the place is lubricated with a liquid insecticide solution.
  • In water dissolve the dishwashing detergent. The liter is taken half a cup of soap fluid. You can simply pour the mixture into the hole of the house or spray through the sprayer. The impenetrable film inside the nest will lead to the death of stolen insects.

Although folk remedies helps to get rid of the OS, but the use of chemical aerosols will be more reliable.

It is more difficult to destroy the dwelling of the OS, which is located in a hard-to-reach place under the floor. First of all, it is necessary to determine where the entrance to the hive is. Lineting a sweet nectar, you can do it. If insects regularly fly to the bait, then poisonous means add to it.

The population destroyed in this way will not annoy the owners at home. And the nest is poured with water or spray with efficient drugs. Then you can be sure that the wasps will not return to the previous place.

Used to scare insect boric acid in powder.

It is mixed to sweet drinks, arranging the containers in the basement. To get rid of the OS under the floor it is possible to use traditional, folk ways, as well as bait.

Beehive in the attic can be destroyed in several ways:

  1. Often just poured the nest with water. You can, climbing the stairs, omit the house into the container with hot water. But here you need to be careful not to fall from the stairs.
  2. Baits made from honey, compote with an admixture of insecticides will allow you to free the hive from the inhabitants. It will only remain gently remove the socket and burn it on the plot.
  3. We advise the vacuum cleaner to tighten the OS inside the bag, and then pull it out and put it in a bucket with water. But there are a danger of insect bites who managed to stay at freedom.
  4. If the nest at a low altitude is located, then spray inside the dichlorophos or carbofos. Then they plug the hole with a rag moistened in the poison. After half an hour, it is possible to destroy the OS habitat.

Each method is effective and will allow to destroy the hive, save from the danger of the bite of insect insects of the private house.

Where only the nests of the wasp! It happens that inside the plaster or even a concrete wall detect a paper house. There is much harder to remove insects. The bait come to the rescue, which set close to the house.

The wasps will change the place of residence when the thread of "jewelry" from the zhuggy pepper hangs around.

It is possible when the hole is detected in the wall to close it with a solid solution. The mounting foam is not suitable, as insects do not need to sprinkle the frozen mass.

It is suitable for the deception of the hole with adhesive film. In concrete, the houses are poured with water, kerosene from the outside of the house.

Video on how to get rid of an inset nest:

Safety in the removal of OS

Before proceeding to the disposal procedure from the osine hive and its inhabitants, it is necessary to consider safety rules:

  1. It is best to carry out treatment at night when insects are not so active.
  2. To eliminate the OS attack, protect your hands with gloves, body tight clothing. On the face it is better to wear a mask and glasses. If you lower the slot into the container with water, it is better to keep the bucket on the weight. Be sure to be near the assistant, which will hold the staircase, will help to quickly descend when attacking the axis of the pack.
  3. Before removing the socket, a plastic bag is put on it, inside which the insecticidal agent is sprayed. Package tie at the base of the nest. It is necessary that the package is tight to do not touch the wasps.
  4. It is impossible to approximately approach the nest if an aerosol with poisoning substances sprayed. The wasps at this moment are very aggressive and will cause great harm to man. Nearby should not be children or pets.

People with allergic reactions can not be combined with the masculine nests. It is better to call for this specialists.

Such a dangerous procedure, as the deliverance from the OS, does not pass without the bites of stagnant insects. The damage place is immediately washed with water. After removing the remnants of poison and dirt, wipe the rut with a rut dipped in hydrogen peroxide, alcohol solution.

In order not to form swelling, it is necessary to attach an ice compress to the bite. It helps to quickly pull out the poison from the affected place applied to it a piece of sugar.

For allergies, it is important to immediately take antihistamines.

Multiple OS bites are dangerous for a person, as they can lead to a fatal outcome. Therefore, in this case, the patient urgently hospitalizes. The first aid is to put the patient with warm heating plates, give a tablet of Supratin, 20 drops of Cordiamine. Following the security rules during the fight against the OSM, you can avoid their attacks.

These insects do not belong to the category of bloodsowing, but they deliver to gardeners no less than moshcar and mosquitoes. In addition, the wasps feed on ripen berries and fruits that have to be rebeling and throw out, they also become so aggressive in a certain period that they attack people. How to effectively get rid of the OS on your country, which methods and means are practiced - in this article, a brief overview and analysis of the most common techniques and drugs.


For the first time after the winter period, arriving at the site, each of Dachnikov makes the "bypass" of the territory. In terms of getting rid of the OS, it should not be limited only to its visual inspection, determining the integrity of the fence, concerning structures on separate segments, trees and shrubs.

When the heat occurs, the wasps begin to actively build their nests, which are in the places inaccessible to wind (for example, under the roof of the house, the roof of the dacha shed or toilet, in the gazebo). While they are still small (with a pigeon egg) and uninhabited, it is easy to remove them without any skirmishes with insects. In the overwhelming majority of cases, finding that their new dwelling is eliminated, change its basing, for a long time flying from the cottage territory.

To get rid of the OS, not forever, but at least for this summer period, a similar inspection of the site (with an emphasis on the identification of new nests) is carried out regularly after the onset of sustainable positive temperatures during a month and a half. If during this period, the axes will not be able to bother in the country, then this year there will not be for them in the site. Unless one or two will appear, and then flying, but this is no longer a problem for a gardener that will have to decide.

Get rid of detected aspen houses better in daytime. At this time, almost all insects are flying out, and near the nest there may be three or four individuals from the strength. It will be easy to cope with them.

In summer

It happens that immediately an aspen nest cannot be discovered. These insects are pretty ingenious, and arrange their houses in completely unexpected places. How to proceed? It is much more complicated to get rid of the OS during this period, since, protecting its "private property", they become so aggressive that they are danger even for an adult. Moreover, at this time there are already quite a lot of them in the colony.

There are many methods of getting rid of the OS in the summer, including folk. Not all of them are safe, therefore, what exactly to choose, you, the reader, will have to be solved on your own.

The best time to destroy the owned nest nests is the night. First, all insects are assembled, so there is no risk that someone from the survivors will be "revenge" by the dac. By the way, this is not a word game, not an artistic image. Arriving to a ruined nest, the wasps start literally rushing along the site, fiercely attacking people and pets. Secondly, at this time (at night) they sleep, therefore, the task of deliverance from such an attack is greatly facilitated.

Tools for the destruction of the OS

Boiling water

One of the most simple techniques, but it is not always possible to implement it. The meaning is that the aspen nest with its inhabitants is literally knocked down (cut off) from the wall (ceiling) so that it fell straight into the container with hot water. If the house is arranged low and on a flat surface, it is easy to do it. But if he is somewhere in the corner, yes so that you have to put the stairs? It is clear that in such situations is not an option.

Spec \\ liquid

The technology is somewhat different, as it is primarily about delivering precisely from the OS. When they are destroyed, remove the nest and dispose of it is much easier. The meaning is in spraying an aspen house. On the thematic sites there are various tips - solar, kerosene, WD-40 liquid (referred to as "liquid key"), gasoline and so on. It is easy to implement these recommendations in practice, since there is a spray gun on any dacha.

Another thing is how such a method is safe? Many recommended fluids belong to the category of combustible. And if we take into account that most buildings in the country of wood, then it is necessary to think carefully before you get rid of the OS in such a way.

This technique should be tested first only on one nest. The fact is that, according to the reviews of many summer residents, the listed fluids on the OS affect rather weakly. Some of it is associated with the mutation of insects, others - with low product quality (for example, the dilution of gasoline water at the gasoline). So you should evaluate how effective the selected liquid is. Otherwise, the time, strength and materials will be spent by the back.


Methods for their use different. Moreover, the dackets actively advertise exactly the one that helped them to get rid of the OS in the country. And this is understandable, so it is meaningless to evaluate the "better - worse" principle.


  • Dispose the drug nest, and abundantly.
  • The same, but with subsequent sealing of a plastic package, so that the tool does not evaporate and its concentration is not reduced.
  • Put in the capping drug and put on the house, fixing the edges around the perimeter adhesive tape.