Folk remedies for moths. Destruction chemicals

How to deal with moths? This question arises when a gray butterfly of unpleasant appearance is found in kitchen supplies or traces of its activity on clothes.

Just catching an insect and destroying is a ineffective method, because the victim will be a completely harmless male.

Moth: a real disaster for things and products

The biggest misfortune is the voracious caterpillars, which actively destroy home products and mercilessly spoil things in cabinets. All day is enough for such a larva to gnaw a through hole in a woolen sweater. In everyday life, about 30 species of moths are distinguished, and all of them conduct wrecking activities in relation to humans. How to deal with moths in an apartment?

The moth that lives in the closets does not like fresh air and bright light, so it does not touch things that are often worn. But in relation to winter clothes she is not picky, she feeds on felt, wool, natural velvet, fur. In an effort to get to food, she easily gnaws at plastic bags and synthetic fabrics found on the way. The caterpillars of the “fur coat” moth withstand a temperature drop of up to 0 ° C and can go without food for a month.

How to deal with moths at home

There are many ways to deal with moths: both traditional methods, time-tested, and modern drugs are effective. Naphthalene was once considered the most famous anti-molar drug. However, the large-scale use of such a tool led to the development of resistance of some moth populations to it. In addition, it was found that the drug causes great harm to human health, because it is a carcinogen - a factor that causes the occurrence of malignant tumors. How to deal with moths in other non-threatening ways?

Folk remedies against moths

How to deal with moth folk remedies? From folk remedies, tobacco is effective, the pungent smell of which by insects is absolutely not tolerated. In a lively flowering form, this plant must be kept on the windowsill, periodically placed in a cabinet with moths.

Either use dry leaves, which are placed in fabric bags and hang (or spread out) in the presence of moths. Dried lavender is the counterpart to tobacco in the fight against moths. In addition, in order to enhance the result, it is recommended to put pieces of laundry soap in the pockets of clothes. Fresh orange peels are used to protect kitchen furniture and products.

Living geraniums growing indoors will also scare away unpleasant butterflies with their smell. Fresh leaves of the plant are recommended to be laid out on shelves of cabinets.

However, such natural remedies are just repellents - repellents. With the massive presence of moths, chemical preparations should be used, the assortment of which in the consumer market is presented in various forms.

Against moth - aerosols

How to deal with moth chemicals? Aerosols and sprays ("Antimol", "Clean House", "Armol", "Raptor", "Extremite") are solutions of powerful insecticides that are in a container under high pressure. Sprayed in a room or wardrobe, they have a toxic effect on the larvae and adult moths. Easy to use, such drugs are characterized by the speed of action and have a low cost. True, insecticides during and after treatment will have to inhale not only moths, but also humans. It is especially difficult for allergy sufferers in this case.

The use of aerosols in comparison with other antimole agents is perhaps the most time-consuming. When destroying moths, in addition to the surfaces of cabinets, it is required to process all clothing, furniture upholstery, and carpets. Often, for such a volume, one bottle with the drug is not enough. After a few hours, the room needs to be cleaned, and things should be washed and ventilated qualitatively. Processing performed in full accordance with the instructions will allow you to completely get rid of clothes, furniture and fur moths.

In the kitchen, the use of aerosols is very limited. They can handle cabinets and bedside tables, previously freed from products. Places of concentration of larvae in food stocks themselves cannot be treated with such insecticides.

Simple and durable fumigators

Fumigators (DiK-3, Raid, Mosquitall) are quite simple to use: you just need to turn on the drug in the outlet and forget about it. An extension cord can be pulled into the cabinet. The action is somewhat stretched over time: the effect occurs over a period of 3 days to 2 weeks. But the accumulation of insecticides in the air will be several times lower than when treated with aerosols. The principle of operation is to heat the aromatic insecticidal plate and the evaporation of the poisonous substance when the fumigator is turned on. Sometimes the plates are replaced with special fluids that act similarly. The dimensions of the fumigators are relatively small, approximately 95 * 60 * 50 mm; action area up to 30 m 2.

The advantage of this method is its low cost and long term of use. In dining rooms and kitchens, use the fumigator carefully, avoiding the accumulation of chemical vapor in the cabinets where food is stored.

Sections against moths

How to deal with moths in an apartment? In addition to aerosols and fumigators, there are special sections from moths (Mosquitall, "Raptor"). They are characterized by a prophylactic effect and are intended more to scare away adult insects than to destroy their larvae. Therefore, the use of such devices is recommended before the appearance of a winged pest in the house. Available in the form of suspended and attached plates with various flavors that repel the insect: chamomile, tangerine, lavender. The anti-grinding effect of 2 sections extends over ½ m 2 of the cabinet area. Replacement with new ones is done after about 4 months. The chemical product is recommended to be stored in places inaccessible to children, separately from food.

How to deal with domestic moth to get rid of it forever? In combination with natural and chemical methods, it is required to get rid of moths in a physical way. Butterfly traps are used to catch butterflies. If insects are wound up in cereals, and their number is not terrifying, then the grains can be sorted out and heated in the oven at 60 degrees for 40 minutes. The nest found in the closet should be eliminated, its location thoroughly vacuumed, shake all things from the closet and put in a cold place for a day (for example, on the balcony).

Food Moth: How to Get Rid

Food (grain) moth settles in cereals, flour, dried fruits; its larvae in the caterpillar stage can spoil almost all edible reserves. Adults do not have a mouth, so they do not eat at all. Despite the short life span (no more than a week), butterflies manage to lay up to 100-150 eggs. Under favorable conditions (high humidity, warm temperature and lack of ventilation), the reproduction of the insect is a continuous cycle. How to deal with food moths in the kitchen?

It is necessary to get rid of food moth very carefully, in several stages. It is necessary to check all stocks of cereals, flour, sugar. If an insect is found with damaged products, you will have to say goodbye or calcine in a pan and sift.

  1. The food storage areas should be treated with fumigators and anti-grinding aerosols, and put on the shelves repelling agents: garlic, lavender, orange peels.
  2. Hang sticky tapes from flies and destroy moths flying by hand.

Preventative measures

In order to prevent the appearance of moths in the household, it is recommended:

  • Store all groceries in tightly closed containers.
  • Ventilate and clean the room regularly. Once a month and carpets using disinfectants.
  • Before storage, winter clothing must be washed and cleaned. Moth prefers to wind up on things with sweaty and dirty spots. After cleaning, it is recommended to put woolen and fur things in plastic bags, and fur coats - in thick paper covers, sprinkling them with antimole preparations beforehand. Some storage items can be wrapped in newspapers: moth butterflies cannot stand the smell of ink.

How to deal with cabbage moth

Outside the premises, in summer cottages, the Inconspicuous externally operates; it inflicts significant damage to garden crops, in particular cabbage. After leaving the egg, the caterpillars feed only inside the heads of cabbage and other cruciferous crops. Gnawing through the tangled tunnels, they hit the plant and are able to completely destroy it.

How to deal with cabbage moth? It is required to deal with it comprehensively, because the pest is characterized by the ability to develop resistance to drugs effective in the previous season. Chemical treatment is definitely required. The best tools are:

  • Actellik. Available in 2 ml ampoules, toxic, has a 2nd hazard class. Spraying is carried out with a solution of 30 ml of the drug diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • Bitoxicilide and Lepidocide. The result is visible after 2 days from the time of processing the garden crop, the protective effect lasts about 2 weeks.

In parallel with the chemical treatment of the tracks, it is required to collect manually. This method will protect against the mass appearance of adults laying eggs. It is imperative to remove weeds and dig the soil well at the place where the cabbage grows. This is necessary in order to prevent overwintered individuals from climbing to the surface of the soil.

Fighting Mining Moths

There is still such a kind of moth as mining. The small insect got its name from the ancient word "mine", which implies the creation of hidden passages. In this way, the caterpillars of the mining moth damage the leaves of the plants from the inside. Moreover, it is very difficult to identify the pest outwardly: only the death of the plant indicates its presence.

Caterpillars of the mining moth feed on almost all types of fruit and berry plantings, flowers, weeds, ornamental and medicinal plants. If a mining moth is found on the site, how to deal with this pest? What techniques should be applied?

In the fight against “miners” the use of chemicals is effective, namely: “Bi-58”, “Karate”, “Dimilin”, “Confidor Maxi”, “Aktara”, “Aktofit”. In the presence of several generations of mining moths, spraying should be carried out repeatedly.

How to deal with moths during the flight? For this, in greenhouses and open ground it is required to hang plates, planks, pieces of yellow plastic coated with glue, placing them at the level of the main leaf mass along the rows of plants. Before the start of summer, glue belts should be attached to tree trunks. It is also important to remove the affected parts of plants with their subsequent destruction by hand. In autumn, it is imperative to clean under the tree and compost the fallen leaves, and carefully dig the trunk circles.

It is customary to call the one that lives on the premises and eats clothes, carpets and upholstery of furniture made of silk, fur, wool. And the special danger is not adults, but larvae and caterpillars. That is why the struggle should begin with their elimination.

The best means of fighting moths are excellent ventilation, sunlight, low or very high temperatures. Therefore, it is advisable to ventilate all clothing and shoes on the street during the day. And those things that can be ironed, certainly subject to this procedure.

This insect also does not tolerate the smell of ordinary soap, so all dark corners in the room should be wiped with a concentrated soap solution. To achieve maximum effect, you can also add a little natural lavender oil or fir.

In wardrobes, as well as next to the furniture, you can put gauze bags with dried lavender, tansy or citrus peels - their smell will scare off the insect. It is important to change the contents of the pouches every month so that they continue to exude aroma.

Chestnuts, which can also be decomposed in dark apartments, also help in the fight against moths. And this insect does not favor the smell of geranium, so such a flower will not only give aesthetic pleasure, but also relieve the pest.

What will help get rid of food moth

Food moth starts in various cereals. In order to combat this pest in the kitchen and pantry, you can use vinegar. With this tool, you need to thoroughly wipe all the shelves and cabinet doors.

The insect also does not tolerate the aroma of pepper, garlic, bay leaf, cloves, so moths can rarely be found in cabinets with spices. To protect the cereals from the pest, it is worth putting on the shelf a box with such spices.

Helps to get rid of moths and peppermint. Dried and crushed leaves of this plant can be folded in a gauze bag and also stored next to cereals. However, it is worth changing such a tool every two weeks.

Preventive measures

So that the moth does not start anymore, cereals should be stored exclusively in airtight packaging. Items and shoes should be cleaned only clean. Once a month, it is useful to sort them out and ventilate in the fresh air so that direct sunlight falls on them. In this case, fur products should be turned inside out, otherwise bright light can ruin them. Every 4 weeks, it is also helpful to wipe cabinets and other dark places with soap and water.

Moth in the kitchen is not only flying moths, but also their pupae, larvae and eggs.

  • So, in order to remove pests forever, you need to deal with them in a comprehensive way - find and eliminate the source, clean the furniture / ceiling, throw away everything that has been infected and process potentially infected products.

Food moth can be of different types. Most often in the kitchen in a city apartment you can find: a flour moth, a little less often - a cocoa moth (very similar to a clothes moth) and a southern barn moth (fighting it is more difficult than with others). Where do they come from even in the cleanest kitchen cabinets?

  • Tiny, almost invisible eggs fall into the kitchen in packages of cereals, cereals, gallets, dried fruits, flour, spices and other groceries. Then, within a week, larvae of the food moth hatch from them, which subsequently pupate and turn into moths.

In this material you will find step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of food moths, what preventive measures to take to avoid its reappearance, and how to save foods if it is a pity to throw them away.

Step 1. We are looking for the outbreak and infected products

Moth eggs look like small white sticky grains, similar to semolina. At first, the larvae look like small whitish worms, and then they grow to 1.27 cm and have black or brown heads. Another clear sign of food poisoning is spider webs as in the photo below.

To get rid of food moth, the first thing you need to do:

  1. Inspection of kitchen cabinets and products.  Inspect all the supplies that are stored in kitchen cabinets - you need to find not only the source, but also the products already infected with larvae and eggs.
  • Do not forget to check and not unpacked groceries, because moth easily eats cardboard, foil and polyethylene.
  • Pay special attention to the edges of the lids of the jars - they may have a spider web of moths.
  • Remember that not only groceries can be infected, but also animal feed, seeds for birds, fishing bait, that is, almost everything that is not stored in the refrigerator.
  1. Inspection of the ceiling. Ceiling, ceiling skirting boards, edges of wallpaper and the base of the chandelier. Moth likes to hide in dark crevices and corners.
  2. Inspection of the tops of cabinets.  Here you can also see moth cocoons.

By the way, if you doubt whether there is a moth at all in your kitchen or, say, did you manage to get it out after mopping up, then inspect the room at night - adults will gather around a burning chandelier.

Step 2. We carry out a total cleaning

  1. Eliminate the source and products with obvious signs of infection. As soon as you find which product has become the source of the spread of insects, wrap it tightly in a plastic bag and immediately throw it away, or rather burn it completely.
  2. Thoroughly clean. Empty the kitchen cabinets and remove the shelves, and then vacuum them and the inner walls of the cabinet, paying particular attention to corners and crevices.
  • A vacuum cleaner (without a nozzle or with a small nozzle) will tighten the hidden moth and prevent the inconspicuous eggs from remaining in the closet. This method is very effective, so if you do not have a vacuum cleaner, you should ask friends. The main thing after the procedure is to throw out the bag or freeze it in the freezer for 3-4 days.
  1. Wash all containers and cans. This can be done with vinegar or laundry soap. The container in which the infected products were located should be frozen for 3-4 days or heated in the microwave for 5 minutes.
  2. Vacuum the ceiling. If you find moth settlements on the ceiling, skirting boards, tops of cabinets, near the chandelier, and also under the edges of the departed wallpaper, then vacuum these places.

Step 3. Kill adults and stick traps

How to catch adults who have already scattered in the corners of cabinets and kitchens? Males (incidentally, harmless, but fertilizing females) can be caught using an adhesive trap (photo below). The principle of its action is simple - a trap processed by pheromone of females attracts males and “catches” them, and without males, a moth cannot reproduce, of course. Thus, pheromone traps will help prevent the re-emergence of insects.

  • You can buy such a trap for 200-300 rubles in online stores and household chemical stores.

Females will have to be killed by traditional methods - a fly swatter or a folded newspaper, since they fly poorly and slowly, then this is not so difficult.

Step 4. We process potentially infected products

So, you threw away the source product and products with obvious signs of infection, but what about the rest of the supplies that seem clean or were slightly infected?

It’s easiest to throw them away as well, but you can save potentially infected food if you wish in the following two ways:

  • After sifting and sorting through cereals, flour or another product, keep it in the freezer or on the balcony (in winter) for at least 3-4 days.
  • After pouring the product on a baking sheet, warm it in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees for at least 40 minutes. Before heating it, of course, you need to clean it.

Keep in mind that the first way of processing, although longer, but retains all the vitamins and nutritional properties of food.

Step 5. We carry out prevention and protect products

  1. Pour new or cold / heat-treated products (including animal feed) into glass, thick plastic or metal containers / jars with tight-fitting lids. This will protect the supplies from the penetration of moths and prevent its escape outside the container. Recall that cardboard, paper, foil and plastic bags are easily eaten by it.

  1. In the fight against moths in the kitchen, a folk recipe is also useful - storing products with natural repellents:
  • With a couple of leaves of bay leaf;
  • With peeled but not chopped garlic (a couple of heads are enough);
  • With orange peels.

  1. On the shelves you can also put something out of the above, either: lavender twigs, birch leaves, geraniums, wormwood, rosemary, laundry soap or strongly smelling essential oils. For example, fir oil is suitable, with which you can moisten a cotton pad and leave it in the cabinet.

Remember that these folk remedies scare away adult moths, preventing it from laying eggs in products and on shelves, but they will not affect the larvae. Moreover, if you suddenly put a package of infected cereals on a shelf with lavender, the moth larvae will not die in it, and the butterflies that appear later will no longer be afraid of the smell of lavender. That is why it is necessary to deal with domestic pests comprehensively.

And a little more about prevention

The following tips will help you avoid the reappearance of moths:

  • Try not to store food for more than 2-4 months and, of course, do not store supplies that have expired.
  • Store foods that you rarely use in the refrigerator.
  • Buy dry foods in small quantities to manage to eat them for a couple of months.
  • Buy groceries only from reputable manufacturers and, if possible, check the quality of goods in the store. For fidelity, freshly bought cereals, cereals, flour, nuts, dried fruits and other products freeze for 3-4 days (in dry form).
  • Keep animal feed, such as seeds for birds or, say, fishing baits, out of the kitchen.

The appearance of moths in an apartment always annoys the owners. These insects can cause irreparable harm to clothing and other property. They quickly multiply and the scale of the damage is imperceptible. but increasing rapidly. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of moths has not lost its relevance for several decades.

Types and causes of the appearance of moths in the house

Moth - a small butterfly, a representative of the order Lepidoptera. Its larvae eat keratin, which is located in the hairs of fur coats, wool, and in the pile of carpets. One caterpillar is capable of making a through hole in a product in a day and irreversibly ruining its appearance. Therefore, the mole must be stained.

Moth multiplies rapidly and spoils clothes, cereals and much more.

Clothing and carpets, the diet of the larvae is not limited. Feathers of pillows, bristles, genuine leather products, including book bindings, dried fish or meat, and even heat-insulating materials are suitable as food for them.

To get rid of these pests, you need to focus on the destruction of eggs and caterpillars.Butterflies themselves, which can be seen fluttering around the house, are not a direct threat. Their danger lies in the fact that they lay eggs, at one time there can be about 100 pieces. Caterpillars are formed from eggs, which damage things.

Detecting larvae is quite problematic, as the moth lays eggs in dark places.After some time, the caterpillar of the moth turns into a chrysalis, then into a butterfly, which again lays eggs. Moths can breed throughout the year, regardless of the season. The life span of one individual often reaches two years.

To date, there are approximately 40 varieties of these pests. The most common ones are:

  • Fur moth - it feeds on natural fur materials. It has a brilliant yellowish color, on the front wings there are small black dots. Caterpillars are white in color, resemble a worm.
  • Wardrobe moth lives in woolen cloth or cloth. It has a white head fluff and purple-brown wings.
  • Furniture moth is light yellow and has brownish front wings. The caterpillar at the first stage of life eats furniture hair stuffing. Before pupating, she moves outward. Cocoons of this moth can be found on the lower surfaces of sofas and chairs.
  • Food kitchen moth - an insect of silver-white color. On the front wings is a brown pattern. Females lay eggs mainly on crops: wheat, barley. But for this purpose they can also use seeds stored in the house, dried fruits, as well as old wood.

Moth can penetrate into a living room in various ways. Often insects fly from the street. You can also bring them into the house with things. Pests lay eggs in the folds of clothes, so that the larvae go unnoticed. Pets can also cause insects. Sometimes caterpillars live in animal hair.

How to get rid of her quickly

Handling an apartment and things

The method of fighting moths depends on its habitat. The following method will help get rid of pests in the kitchen:

  1. Start by inspecting the products. If they are severely affected by insects, they must be thrown away. Eating such a food can cause serious health problems.
  2. If pests have settled in the kitchen recently, the situation can be easily corrected. Sort the products carefully. Then dry them in the oven, heated to 60–70 ° C for 20 minutes. Leave the door ajar. After that, place the products in tightly closed containers or plastic bags.
  3. The next step is to process the shelves and cabinets. Wipe them first with soapy water, then with clean water.
  4. Treat all cracks with vinegar. You can do this with a brush. Do not close cabinets until completely dry.

For the complete destruction of food moths, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the entire house from its larvae

To destroy moths that live in clothing and other items, brush off affected items on the street or open balcony. Caterpillars usually cling weakly to clothing. Therefore, intensive shaking helps to get rid of them. Also, the moth larvae cannot tolerate sunlight and fresh air. Therefore, place your clothes all day in a brightly lit and well-ventilated place. Then process things with dichlorvos.

If possible, store fur and wool in paper or special non-woven bags.

Temperature effect

Moth is not able to maintain vital activity at sub-zero temperatures.  The best indicator for her is + 23 ° C. For pests to die, damaged products should be left in the winter in the cold for 8–10 hours at a temperature of -20 ° C. The mole will have no chance of surviving.

No less effective will be the use of high temperature.Before folding your clothes in a closet, iron them with a hot iron or steam them.

All clothes must be ironed carefully.

Special chemicals

To achieve the death of pests will help the processing of premises and furniture with chemical agents.

There are several types of drugs for the destruction of moths. These are plates, sections, briquettes, tablets and sprays. Each remedy differs in the principle of action. Consider their features in more detail:

  1. Tablets and briquettes are made on the basis of camphor and paraffin. Their advantage is low cost. Put the tablets for two weeks on the top shelf of the cabinet. The vapors that come from them will scare off the mole. These funds are quite effective, but they also have a serious drawback: they are unsafe for human health.
  2. More convenient to use the plate. They have no unpleasant odor. The action of the plates is to etch the moth butterflies and caterpillars. These drugs retain their properties for six months. Use them similarly to tablets.
  3. Sections are recognized as the safest remedy for moths. They can be safely applied even in children's things. Top sections are covered with a protective film. Before use, it must be removed and placed in the top of the cabinet. The product will fight moths for 4–6 months. Then it must be replaced. In small rooms, the footage of which does not exceed 15 square meters. m, you can not use more than two sections.
  4. Lime pests will help and sprays. To get rid of insects, two treatments of the cabinet with an interval of 2-3 weeks are enough. Sprays have a pleasant smell and do not spoil the fabric. These are such drugs as Armol, Clean House, Raptor and Antimol, and many others.

Photo Gallery: Home Insect Killer Chemicals

The simplest and most popular moth remedy is a cabinet pendant.

Moth pills can be potentially dangerous to human health!

Under the brand name Armol, a whole series of moth remedies is produced

The popular brand MOSQUITALL produces special sections from moths for the children's room

MOSQUITALL aerosol is convenient to use at home and in the country

Raptor spray is designed to handle cabinets and things

Means of Raptor will effectively protect the kitchen from food moth

Chemical preparations against moths include toxic substances. Therefore, before poisoning the moth, take care of safety measures. It is important to remember the following:

  1. Do not start work without a dressing gown, gloves and a gauze bandage.
  2. After the procedure, wash your face and hands with soap.
  3. Protective clothing should be discarded.

Folk remedies

Safer are considered popular methods of combating moths. But they must be used with caution. Before fighting pests, be sure to conduct a test and make sure that you are not allergic to the component used.

For a long time, the most famous folk method of eliminating moths was naphthalene. But he is not able to provide the necessary result. Naphthalene only repels butterflies; its effect on eggs and larvae does not apply.  But this is not the only reason why you should refuse to use this tool. There is scientific evidence indicating the likelihood of cancer in humans and animals due to exposure to naphthalene.

In this regard, consider safer options:

  1. Put in a cabinet a sachet of fragrant salt: 1 tablespoon of salt, 10 drops of fir or lavender essential oil.
  2. Camphor, cedar wood, dry orange peels, cloves, peppers, fresh leaves of geranium, pieces of laundry soap are also suitable.
  3. Vinegar can smoke moles from home. Put the frying pan on the fire, and when it is hot, pour a few tablespoons of acid and leave the room for a while so as not to breathe poisonous vapors.

Photo gallery: folk remedies for repelling moths

The use of vinegar requires caution

Camphor balls placed on the shelves of the cabinet effectively repel insects
When putting wool or fur things away for summer storage, sprinkle them with cloves and pack them in tightly closed bags

It should be remembered that the effectiveness of all folk methods is limited to scaring butterflies, so it will not work to destroy caterpillars and eggs.

If the moth thoroughly settled in your closet, it is better to use chemicals immediately.


Undoubtedly, it is always better to forestall the appearance of moths in the house than to fight it. Therefore, preventive measures should be followed, which suggest the following actions:

  1. Clean regularly and ventilate the apartment.
  2. Clean upholstered furniture and carpets using a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Do not skip slots in furniture where larvae accumulate when cleaning.
  4. Wash cabinets and dressers every year with soap and water.
  5. Only store clean, ironed clothing.
  6. Moth primarily affects contaminated things. Use polyethylene or heavy paper bags for storage. These materials will not be able to completely protect things from the penetration of moths, but their use will significantly reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.
  7. This rule does not apply to fur products. They must not be placed in plastic material.He does not let air through, and the fur in such conditions will quickly become worthless. It is advisable to store a fur coat in a paper case, which can be purchased at a hardware store.
  8. Small items can be put in paper bags and secured with tape. Moth does not tolerate the smell of printing ink. To prevent it from settling in fur shoes, stuff it with newspapers before storage.

Store cereals and flour in airtight jars

Video: how you can poison a mole

The destruction of moths is a doable task. To achieve the desired result, you need to regularly monitor the state of things and, if necessary, proceed with the fight against the pest. A positive effect can be achieved with the help of preventive measures that will help prevent the penetration of moths into the apartment.

Probably every mistress at least once in her life was faced with the problem of the appearance of a moth. Small gray moths fluttering around the apartment bring a lot of trouble to the owners, and disgusting white larvae make half-faint sensitive ladies. To remove them from home and permanently get rid of pests, they use simple folk remedies or industrial preparations.

Know the enemy in the face: what constitutes a mole

Moth belongs to the order Lepidoptera, like butterflies, but does not have a proboscis. The moth itself does not feed; its meaning of existence is reproduction. The stages of this process are eggs, larvae, moths. The larvae devour our favorite woolen sweaters, spoil products from mink and other fur, turn cereals, dried fruits and pasta into miserable trash.

Types of domestic moth: description, differences, where they live

More than a dozen types of domestic moths are known, but most often in a house or apartment you can find moth fur (fur, wool), clothes (clothing, clothing, furniture) and grain. The names of the pests speak of their main taste preferences.

  1. Fur coat prefers to feast on fur and wool products, including fur inside winter shoes. A wool rug will also be to her taste. It does not disdain products made of felt, velvet, feathers and can even be found in books if there is nothing more. If there are stuffed animals in the house, then it is worth taking care of their protection. The furry moth is so voracious that even a stuffed squirrel will enjoy it.
  2. Wardrobe adores dirty clothes. Uses the remains of nutrients on the fibers of the fabric in places of pollution and stains from sweat, leaving holes in the clothes after the meal. It spoils sofas and other upholstered furniture. It is also called furniture or clothing.
  3. Cereal moth lives in food storage areas. She is often called food, as her favorite foods include not only grain and cereals, but also any pasta, legumes, sesame, dried fruits and mushrooms, flour, sugar, peeled nuts and even tea.

On its way, a small gluttonous creature is able to gnaw even cellophane. For this reason, you should not hope that by placing your favorite mink coat in a bag, you will protect it from the prospect of becoming food for dozens of small worms. A gluttonous moth is very dangerous for your property, but, fortunately, is harmless to the human body.

Moths of different types of moths, larva - photo gallery

Professional pest control is a radical way to quickly get rid of moths

So, to your horror, you found in your apartment a dark gray moth sitting peacefully on the ceiling, flying out of the pantry or wardrobe. Naturally, you will try to destroy it. But just do not hope that killing a poor moth, you can sleep peacefully. Moth is the tip of the iceberg, since the main danger, as we have already said, lies in the larvae.

There is a professional moth disinfestation service. If you believe her experts, then the moth and its larvae will be destroyed once and for all, which cannot be achieved by more traditional means.

  1. Professional exterminators of gray moths use means absolutely safe for human health, which cannot but rejoice.
  2. Housing treatment is carried out by spraying surfaces with a special preparation from moths (cold fog) or spraying the same preparation in the form of a cloud (hot fog), which costs a lot more.
  3. Barrier protection of the premises is carried out (smearing with a special anti-gel gel around the perimeter of the apartment) and processing of common areas if you live in an apartment building. This service is quite expensive, but if you can’t get rid of the gluttonous pest on your own or the situation is already too running, then you really should contact the specialists.

Unfortunately, contacting such a service is not always possible and rational:

  • such organizations are not in every city;
  • not everyone is ready to pay such money for the disinsection of an apartment;
  • often the problem of the appearance of moths is quite possible to solve on their own.

Disinfectants use moth-effective but relatively safe for humans drugs

How to get rid of moths in an apartment or private house: folk remedies

If you decide to fight on your own, you should first figure out which animal you are dealing with. It is not difficult to distinguish different types of moths from each other. Usually it is enough to see where the moths fly out and inspect that place for the presence of larvae. Depending on the type of moth, the means and methods of struggle will differ.

To date, there are many proven and effective means to neutralize the moth and its larvae. You can either run to the nearest household goods store to buy any advertised insecticide, or follow the advice of your grandmothers and use natural folk remedies.

How to escape from furniture and fur moths

What desperate housewives do not come up with in order not to see carefree moths fluttering in their house - they take away cigarettes from their husbands and hide them in their pockets of hanging clothes, lay dried lavender branches, mint and orange skins in cupboards. Some on a sunny or frosty day take out the entire contents of the wardrobe to the street or balcony, in order to freeze - fry all the living creatures that dared to breed there. Others cover the shelves and the bottom in cabinets with sheets of newspaper, and even wind up their hats and felt boots in it so that not a single mole dares to climb in and lay their eggs.

What to do if a mole is wound in a clothes closet

  1. We take out all the clothes from the closet, chest of drawers, bedside tables and take them out into the fresh air. The weather, of course, should be dry, damp and rain - certainly not our allies. This is best done in the summer. The moth does not like fresh air, and frost and direct sunlight can kill it.
  2. Shake the clothes well to remove the eggs that are attached to the villi loosely enough. You can knock it out like a dusty carpet. This will require some effort, but most of the laid eggs will fall.
  3. All shelves and crevices in the cabinet are thoroughly washed with a solution of laundry soap with water and a few drops of ammonia. You can also use vodka or ordinary ethyl alcohol - 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 1 liter of water.
  4. Take a viscose cloth and wipe dry all surfaces.
  5. All dried and ventilated clothes are reviewed for stains and dirt. Wash if necessary. You can also add ammonia to the rinse water.
  6. Visually clean items can simply be steamed with an iron, if allowed in the care instructions.
  7. Fur products will not be out of place to dry clean, since the fur moth is quite small and can hide well between the villi.

Clove - an effective tool to protect wool, fur coats and other products from clothes moths

The most effective remedy for moths is the well-known spice - cloves. She is able to destroy both moths and her larvae. To do this, it must be thoroughly crushed into powder, and then pour into pockets, hoods and wherever possible. Having tasted such goodies, the larva will die. You can also make sachets with crushed spice and arrange them in all corners of the wardrobe, so that the gluttonous creature does not even think of returning there! The same can be done with chopped chestnuts.

How to protect clothes from spoilage using soap, essential oils, tobacco and herbs - tansy, basil, lavender

As you know, moth does not tolerate the smell of lavender, peppermint, fir, eucalyptus, wormwood, orange and lemon peels, walnut leaves and tobacco. She hates the smell of soap, so even our sensible mothers laid his fragrant pieces between layers of neatly folded linen and clothes. The harmful insect does not tolerate the smell of many essential oils. A few drops of lavender oil should be dripped onto a cotton pad and laid out in cupboards. Also come with sachets with aromatic herbs - basil, tansy, mint.

Can I use bay leaf to protect my house from moths

The scent of bay leaf repels insects, so it can be used to get rid of gluttonous pests. Fresh or dry leaves are laid out in those places where moth may appear - in upholstered furniture, in a closet with clothes, under a carpet, in a pantry where cereals and other dry products are stored. This is a safe and effective way to scare away moths.

Lavender and other smells that will help drive butterflies out of the house - gallery

A solution of vinegar is washed in kitchen cabinets to remove moths.

Moth appeared in the closets: how to get rid of it with vinegar, cloves - video

Industrial Combat

Modern housewives have long forgotten about Dichlorvos and mothballs, since modern means of fighting moths are much safer and more effective. The assortment is quite large.

  1. Insecticidal aerosols help quickly.It is necessary to spray a solution of the insecticide in the habitat of the hated insect and, as the manufacturers promise, there will be no moth in a day. The disadvantage of this tool is that you and everyone who lives with you on the same living space will also breathe with insects. After processing the wardrobe, it is necessary to conduct through ventilation of the room.

    Insecticidal aerosols effectively kill moths

  2. Pills and sections scare away butterflies.They are laid out on shelves with things, hanged in a wardrobe. They have a delicate aroma, most often lavender and orange. Safe and non-toxic, but can cause an allergic reaction, especially in children.

    Pills do not destroy the larvae, but only scare off the moths

  3. Fumigators help get rid of the insidious moth for a long time, but act gradually and slowly. A very convenient way for use in an apartment, as well as in a private house, if the latter has electricity, of course. The main disadvantage of the fumigator is the impossibility of creating a high concentration of insecticide in the wardrobe, which reduces its effectiveness several times. For human health, such a tool is also not the safest, as it can cause headaches and allergies.

    It is convenient to use the fumigator both in the apartment, and in the private house

  4. Adhesive tapes and traps are absolutely safe for both people and animals. It can even be used in a pantry with food. There is no particular effectiveness from them, since such tools help to catch moths, and not their gluttonous descendants - larvae. It can be used as an additional reinforcing agent.

    Adhesive tapes are a good way to catch moths.

Some fumigators should only be included for 1–2 hours, as they can be very toxic and unsafe for people, including pets

Which method is safer to use at home

Which product to choose for moths - natural or industrial - is, of course, your own business. But if the house has small children, pregnant women and animals, then you should think carefully before purchasing any fumigant or aerosol. It is best to opt for classic and more ecological methods that will certainly not harm anyone but a moth.

Thanks to advertising and ease of use, tablets, blocks and sections from moths occupy leading positions even despite the inability to kill our main enemy - the larva. An increasing number of housewives prefer a bag of lavender with a special deterrent block, which is attached to the walls of the cabinet and remains in effect for up to 6 months, or an aerosol if gluttonous insects have a feast. Dichlorvos aerosol is still quite popular, although it is inferior to modern insecticides that are safer for human health. Among folk remedies, cloves and lavender remain the most popular.

Do mothballs help kill insects

The disadvantage of industrial products is that they can cause an allergic reaction in both adults and children. I would like to pay special attention to the well-known naphthalene, which our grandmothers loved to lay on shelves in the closet. It is recognized as a dangerous carcinogen, it does not have the most pleasant smell, moreover, it acts only on moths, and by no means on their cubs. Therefore, naphthalene balls are not the best choice to save your home from moths.

Naphthalene is a dangerous carcinogen, therefore it is not recommended for use in residential premises

Preventive measures

The fight against moths and its larvae is rather difficult, but can be quite successful. So that the nasty insect does not come back and again does not take to gnaw at our property, we must adhere to simple rules of prevention.

  1. Do not be lazy at least once a year to review the contents of cabinets. Take things out. Fresh air does not like moths, and does not tolerate drafts and sunlight at all. Therefore, she and her cubs feel so comfortable in closed dark cabinets and closets.
  2. Wash and clean your clothes before long-term storage; do the same with woolen and duvets. Moth does not like purity.
  3. Keep clothes that you don’t wear in special vacuum bags. No oxygen - no life even for larvae.
  4. Every few months, review cereals, crushed nuts, dried herbs, and other bulk products for larvae. Store them in tightly closed jars.
  5. Make it a rule to dry cereals in the oven or microwave immediately after purchase and only then pour them into storage containers.
  6. Do not forget about folk remedies for prevention. Lay out orange peels, sprigs of lavender or cloves in places where clothes and food are stored.
  7. Buy a geranium. They say her fragrance repels moths. Whether it’s true or not, I don’t know, but the smell of it has such a beneficial effect on the nervous system that even a moth cannot bring you out of balance.

Proven folk and industrial means of combating the moth and its larvae, preventive measures will no longer collide with these insects. Keep clothes in vacuum bags: without air, nothing alive will survive. Check products regularly for larvae, inspect lockers and storage. Use lavender and cloves to deter pests. So you protect the house from pests.