Installation of heat and sound insulation on the ceiling. Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling: step-by-step installation, how soundproofing is done under a stretch ceiling

Who doesn't want to come home after a hard day to relax in peace and quiet from all the work? But often the noise coming from neighbors or from the street interferes with making this dream a reality. A story familiar to almost every tenant apartment buildings. Competent soundproofing of the floor, walls, and, most importantly, the ceiling will help protect yourself from neighbors with their loud TV, children's clatter or noisy parties.

And here the owner of the apartment faces new problem- and from what, in fact, to make the soundproofing of the ceiling in the apartment? It's not that there is no place to buy materials for this, rather, on the contrary, their choice is so extensive that you can get confused. For this reason, before going to the hardware store, it is advisable to learn more about modern materials for soundproofing and choose the option that best suits your ceiling and budget.

What are noises and where do they come from?

But first, let's get acquainted with our "enemy" and consider what types of noise you can find in your apartment.

All of them can be of three types:

  • air;
  • drums;
  • structural;

Separately, this type of noise can be distinguished, such as acoustic(or better known as an echo), but this is more of a problem for a concert hall, and not for an apartment in a panel house. Now let's look at them in more detail.

airborne noise- air vibrations created by someone talking, working TV, closing the door and other objects and subjects. And if you hear a strong clatter on your ceiling or a nail driven into it, this is impact noise created by mechanical action on the ceiling. The third type of unwanted sounds is structural, sources of which are ventilation, elevators, plumbing and other systems of an apartment building.

Soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment - modern materials

So, we figured out the types of noise, but how do they get into your apartment from above? Firstly, they can pass through the ceiling itself, especially if the issue of sound insulation was not given due attention during the construction of the house (or the builders violated the construction technology). Secondly, various cracks and crevices can serve as "conductors" of noise. Thirdly, sound can go through ventilation and joints with plumbing and heating pipes.

Materials for soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment

Now it's time to talk about modern materials that can be used to soundproof your home.

These include:

  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • acoustic plates;
  • sound insulation based on wood;
  • cork slabs;
  • ecowool;
  • felt;
  • coconut fiber;
  • membrane sound insulators;
  • liquid insulation.


Foam plastics include materials that are foamed plastics, consisting of many porous cells. Due to this structure, expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam have been used for a long time as heat and sound insulators, therefore it is hardly possible to call them "modern" materials. But not to mention the foam is also impossible - the material is very often used for soundproofing the ceiling.

In many ways, its use is due to its cheapness and ease of use - attach foam boards to the ceiling using " liquid nails» is not difficult, and they perform their task as a soundproofing material quite adequately.

But he has two big drawbacks, because they are now trying to abandon the foam. The first drawback is that the material burns very well. The second - even with relatively weak heating, the foam releases harmful substances into the air.

As for the numbers, polyurethane foam has a sound absorption coefficient of 0.4 at a sound frequency of less than 500 Hertz (hereinafter Hz) and 0.95-1 at higher frequencies. This coefficient shows what part of the sound energy is absorbed by a particular material. In this situation, 0.4 means that the foam absorbs 40% of the sound energy below 500 Hz.

Mineral wool and acoustic boards

Another widely used material for soundproofing ceilings in apartments is mineral wool. It is a fibrous material made from molten rocks or glass and assembled into flexible slabs or rolls. At an average sound frequency (about 1000 Hz), the layer mineral wool 50 millimeters thick gives a sound absorption coefficient of 0.76.

Compared to polystyrene, this material is much safer - in case of fire, it does not burn, but only smolders, and then at very high temperatures. In addition, mineral wool is not subject to rotting or attack by fungus and bacteria. But it requires good waterproofing, as it tends to absorb moisture and from this lose its heat and sound insulating properties.

Important! Mineral wool tends to emit tiny particles into the air that can get into the eyes or lungs. Therefore, when installing it, it is necessary to ensure not only waterproofing, but also good sealing. In addition, you can work with it only by wearing gloves, a respirator mask and goggles.

Prices for soundproof panels

soundproof panel

Further development of mineral wool are acoustic slabs - a material designed for more effective sound absorption. As a rule, they are supplied with outer layers that perform the role of waterproofing and sealing and work as a soundproofing material. In addition, acoustic boards are impregnated with hydrophobic compounds that do not allow them to absorb water.

If, for example, we take MaxForte ECOplate, then in its production, unlike ordinary mineral wool, criteria important for sound insulation were taken into account:

Therefore, MaxForte-ECOplate absorbs noise to the maximum and has the maximum class “A” for sound insulation (NRC index 0.96). ECOplate can be used even when installing soundproofing systems for cinemas, theaters, recording studios. MaxForte ECOplate is made from 100% volcanic rock, basalt. It has three varieties that differ in density: 60; 80; 110.

Prices for "MaxForte-ECOplate"


An example of such a material can be "Shumanet-BM" - an acoustic minplate 50 mm thick with a sound absorption coefficient of 0.9-1 at medium frequencies, made of basalt fiber. According to their characteristics, these materials are more efficient, but at the same time their cost is higher than that of conventional foam or mineral wool.

Soundproofing materials based on wood and cork

Surely now the reader will be surprised - how can wood be considered a modern material for soundproofing, because it has been used in construction for thousands of years? With the right attitude, it's possible. Examples of this approach can be considered "Izoplat" - Israeli-made soundproof panels, created on the basis of wood. To be more precise, these are environmentally friendly fibreboards made without the addition of glue and additives harmful to humans. You can find Isoplat panels with a thickness of 12 and 25 millimeters, in the version with paraffin impregnation (to protect against moisture) and without it. The sound insulation coefficient of the Isoplata layer 25 mm thick is 0.95.

Series of ceiling soundproofing panels "Isotex"

There is also a more advanced version of this material - Isotex panels, which are a sandwich of paper base, two layers of fibreboard, a layer of aluminum foil and an external decorative coating. "Izotex" is glued to the ceiling like foam sheets, but at the same time, the panels have a tongue-and-groove connection with each other. Its advantage is that it bridges gaps in the soundproofing material through which unwanted noise could penetrate. As in the case of acoustic mini-panels, this material is more efficient and environmentally friendly, but at the same time it has a high cost.

But the most expensive sound-absorbing material is considered to be cork panels. Their main advantage is the relatively small thickness of the layer, which will be enough for high-quality soundproofing of the ceiling. But at the same time, one nuance must be taken into account - the panels should not be attached to the ceiling itself, but to drywall sheets, which, in turn, are attached to a frame placed under the ceiling. Otherwise, you will provide high sound insulation not to yourself, but to your neighbor from above.

Video - Ecowool test for sound insulation

Ecowool prices

Environmentally friendly sound-absorbing materials

Now let's look at very rare, but very effective sound-absorbing materials with their own advantages - ecowool, felt and coconut fiber boards.

First in this list is environmentally friendly cotton, made from natural cellulose impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants (additives that protect the material from decay and burning). In addition to safety for others, especially for children, the advantage of the material is good performance as a sound insulator - according to the manufacturer, a layer of material 25 millimeters thick has a sound absorption coefficient of 0.98.

But the main disadvantage of ecowool is the method of its installation. To do this, you will need to hire workers with special equipment that will moisten the material and spray it under pressure onto the surface of the ceiling. Accordingly, their services will not be free, which will affect the final cost of soundproofing the apartment ceiling with ecowool.

Concerning felt, then in Lately it began to be actively used as a material for soundproofing cars. As in the case of cork panels, its main advantage is the relatively small thickness of the layer required for high-quality sound absorption. But, unlike it, soundproof felt is relatively cheap - a sheet 10 mm thick and with an area of ​​​​0.75 m 2 will cost from 150 to 250 rubles.

A relatively rare material for sound insulation are boards made from coconut fiber. The rarity is largely due to the price - one square meter coconut coir can cost 400-700 rubles. The main advantage is safety and environmental friendliness, therefore it is often used as a soundproofing material for bedrooms and children's rooms.

coconut coir

MaxForte EcoAcoustic are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic sound-absorbing boards made of polyester fibers (acoustic sintepon). Unlike mineral wool, they are based on plastic elastic fibers that do not crumble when used. There are no adhesives in the composition, and the fibers are glued together using thermal bonding technology.

When soundproofing is installed under a stretch ceiling, MaxForte EcoAcoustic plates are fixed to the ceiling using plastic dowel mushrooms. After the plates cover the entire area of ​​​​the floor slab, a stretch ceiling canvas is installed below.

Styrofoam prices


Membrane and liquid sound insulators

Now consider the most modern materials - membrane and liquid sound insulators. If previous materials protect against noise from above by absorbing sound energy, then these materials reflect it.

Soundproof membranes are made from dense rubbers, polymers and minerals. The result is a very thin, but at the same time relatively heavy coating that reflects all extraneous sounds and prevents them from penetrating into the room.

By combining such membranes with mineral wool or fibreboard, you can achieve the greatest effect and provide yourself with reliable soundproofing of the ceiling. An example of soundproofing membranes is the Texound coating and the PSI sheet.

Separately, it is worth talking about the method of its installation, which is laborious.

  1. On the ceiling, fix the frame of a wooden beam with a section of 2x3 centimeters. When installing, use a large number of fasteners - the soundproof membrane is quite heavy and the load on the frame will be serious.
  2. Fasten the membrane under the frame. To do this, you will need temporary fasteners from hooks or other parts. In this case, the sheets of the membrane should be overlapped.
  3. Now you need to mount a second frame from the same beam. As a result, the membrane will be, as it were, sandwiched between the first and second crates. You need to fasten the frames together with the help of long self-tapping screws.
  4. All seams between the sheets of the membrane, as well as various holes and areas that can serve as “channels” for noise from above, are sealed with self-adhesive soundproofing tape.

As you can see, this method of protection against unwanted sounds from above requires considerable space, since two crates are mounted at once. Therefore, it should be used only in rooms with sufficiently high ceilings.

MaxForte SoundPRO is the latest composite material designed specifically for soundproofing apartments. Provides protection against noise caused by stomping, falling objects or screeching furniture (impact noise), as well as screaming, crying, loud TV or music (airborne noise) and has vibration isolation properties. At just 12mm thick, the soundproofing performance of SoundPRO is comparable to that of a classic 5cm slab.

Prices for "MaxForte SoundPRO"


  1. MaxForte SoundPRO is fixed to the ceiling with mushroom dowels (3-4 pieces per m2).
  2. The seams between the rolls are glued with construction tape.
  3. A stretch ceiling is installed or a metal profile frame is mounted for further fixing drywall.

Liquid membranes can serve as an alternative to the membrane. soundproofing materials, such as Green Glue. They are made on the basis of polymers or bitumens and are sold in the form of tubes, as "liquid nails" or polyurethane foam. Such a material is well suited for creating high-quality soundproofing of suspended ceilings, when a “pie” is created from an outer sheet of drywall, a layer of liquid sound insulator and an inner sheet of drywall. And already from the resulting panels a suspended ceiling is created.


Now, in order to complete the comparison of materials for soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment, we present a comparative table with the cost (prices are for 2016 and may vary) of each of them for 1 m 2.

Table. Prices for popular soundproofing materials.

MaterialCost per 1 m2, rub.
Mineral wool ROCKWOOL Light Butts Scandic165
Basalt slab Akustov-ShB190
Expanded polystyrene Technoplex XPS100
Acoustic miniplate "Shumanet-BM"260
ISOPLAAT board, 25 mm500
Cork panel Egen Detroit690
Ecowool, material and its installation480-640
Coconut coir "Coconut 85"400
Membrane coating "Texound 70"1100
Liquid Sound Insulator Green Glue700

In a situation where it is important to get rid of noise from above with minimal cost, wins mineral wool, acoustic plates from it and polystyrene foam. But at the same time, to create reliable sound insulation, you will need layers of these materials of considerable thickness, which will make your ceiling a little lower. Would you like to get thin but effective noise protection from above? Then you should give preference to "Isoplat", membrane and liquid coatings, but at the same time, the cost of soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment will increase significantly.

If you want to achieve the best result, it makes sense to combine sound-absorbing acoustic boards and sound-insulating membrane coverings. This option is very expensive, but at the same time just as effective - with such soundproofing of the ceiling, you are unlikely to hear the neighbors from above at least once. Now, having correlated the properties of materials and their cost, you can give preference to the most suitable option for your apartment and your wallet.

Video - Soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment - modern materials (tests)

Noise from upstairs neighbors often annoys residents of apartment buildings. Sounds from the TV or music center, loud speech and clatter interfere with normal rest and poison life. It’s good if excessively active neighbors soundproof the floor - this method is most effective for eliminating interfloor noise. But more often you have to solve this problem yourself with the help of soundproofing ceilings.

Types of noise and methods of their distribution

Noises that annoy neighbors can be divided into two types, the preferred type of soundproofing material depends on their variety.

Distinguish noise:

  • air, these include speech, sounds from audio equipment, musical instruments; such noises propagate mainly through the air and are clearly audible through thin and porous partitions and ceilings;
  • structural, or shock - they occur when walking, falling objects, moving furniture, as well as during the operation of vibrating household devices, such as a refrigerator; such noises propagate through solid materials, and the intensity of their propagation is 12 times higher than air.

The level of airborne noise is regulated by SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises" and is 40 dB during the day and 30 dB at night. Neighbors who turn on loud music at night can be curbed with the help of the police. Structural noises are periodic in nature, so it is difficult to measure and prove their excess level. The only way to avoid them is soundproofing the room.

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises." Download file.

Because structure-borne noise is transmitted over all building structures, soundproofing the ceiling may not be enough, and the walls will also have to be insulated. However, installing a soundproofing layer on the ceiling significantly reduces the penetration of extraneous annoying sounds.

What is stretch ceiling soundproofing for?

It is believed that stretch ceilings in themselves are a sound barrier that significantly reduces noise. But, as practice shows, this is not always the case. Under certain conditions, a stretch ceiling can play the role of a speaker, which will repeatedly amplify the vibrations of the floors, as a result, the sounds coming from the neighbors from above will be transmitted downward with amplification.

This situation is possible in several cases:

  • with a significant amount of cracks, crevices and gaps in interfloor ceilings through which airborne noise penetrates - music, speech;
  • at a distance from the base ceiling to the stretch ceiling more than 5 cm, which is possible in case of large unevenness of the floors;
  • when fastening structures not to walls, but to the ceiling, for example, in combined multi-level ceilings; in this case, the fasteners play the role of sound bridges, through which vibrations and shock noises are transmitted.

In order to get rid of noise for sure, it is better to soundproof it with modern materials even at the stage of preparing the ceiling for finishing.

Stretch ceiling do not always cope with soundproofing

Types of ceiling sound insulation

For effective soundproofing of the ceiling, materials that can absorb all types of noise are suitable. According to the degree of rigidity, they are divided into several groups.

  1. Solid- based on pressed mineral wool with the inclusion of natural porous materials such as perlite or vermiculite.
  2. semi-rigid- plates with a fibrous cellular structure based on mineral and basalt wool.
  3. Soft- fiberglass, mineral or basalt wool in the form of rolls, two or three layers, covered with a material that facilitates installation and prevents dusting of the fibers.

Table number 1. Comparative characteristics of these materials.

As can be seen from the table, with decreasing density, the sound absorption coefficient increases. It is important to know that low-density materials are more difficult to mount: solid soundproof materials can be mounted on glue, semi-rigid ones will require installation of a frame or fastening to special dowels, while soft materials must be pulled to the ceiling with twine.

When choosing a material, one more feature should be taken into account: the higher the density of the material, the better it absorbs low frequencies - the sound from a working refrigerator, subwoofer. The sound absorption of high-frequency and mid-frequency noises, which include speech, singing and music, on the contrary, worsens.

It is worth analyzing which sounds annoy you the most, and choose the density of the material based on this.

The most popular soundproofing materials

To facilitate the choice of material, you need to compare the characteristics of sound insulators that have proven themselves in the construction market.

Table number 2. The most popular materials and their description.

NameType and purposeSound absorptionThickness, mm

Universal roll composite material for protection against airborne and impact noise. Ceramic fiber coated with spunbond on both sides.Up to 65 dB12

Basalt fibre. From all kinds of noise.Coefficient: 0.92 for 50 mm 0.95 for 100 mm50 or 100

Rolled composite material, needle-punched fiberglass covered with spandbond on both sides. From all kinds of noise.28-33 dB Coefficient - up to 0.8710, 12 or 14

Slab sound insulator based on basalt wool.Coefficient - 0.850

Rubbery membrane material based on argonite, one side covered with spandbond, minimum thickness.28 dB3,7

What materials should not be used

Soundproofing ceilings has its own characteristics, because of this, the use of certain materials can be useless, and sometimes harmful.

  1. Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene. These popular and easy-to-use materials with good thermal insulation properties are completely unsuitable for soundproofing ceilings. They have a porous windproof structure, due to which sound damping does not occur, and in some cases it even intensifies. Expanded polystyrene can be used as a sound insulator only when installing floors to protect against impact sounds.
  2. Cork. This material is good in soundproofing floors and as a substrate for floor finishes, but it will be almost useless for dampening noise from neighbors from above.
  3. Rolled mineral wool without low density coating. The soundproofing properties of this material are not bad, but mounting it on the ceiling is inconvenient: for good soundproofing, it is necessary to ensure a snug fit of the acoustic material to the base ceiling and a gap of about 20 mm to the stretch ceiling. Loose material will sag, you will have to fasten it to special dowels, located quite often. As a result, many sound bridges are formed that perfectly conduct impact noise, which will make sound insulation ineffective.

Calculation of the required amount of materials

The required amount of soundproofing material is calculated according to the area of ​​​​the room. It must be divided by the area of ​​the insulated surface indicated on the packaging of the material, and the result should be rounded up.

For example, if the area of ​​the room is 20 m² and the area of ​​the insulating mats per pack is 7.2 m², then you will need 20/7.2= 2.77 packs. After rounding up to a whole number, 3 packs of material will come out.

It is convenient to do the calculation on a sheet of paper with a scaled plan of the premises - it is easier to draw the layout of the material and avoid unnecessary trimmings and joints of the insulation. It should be remembered that each gap increases the sound transmission.

For the best effect, the insulation is placed in two, and sometimes three layers with offset seams, so that the second row completely overlaps the joints of the first. In this, the amount of material obtained must be multiplied by the number of layers.

Preparing the ceiling for soundproofing

Before proceeding with soundproofing work, it is necessary to prepare the ceiling, which will help to avoid peeling of the soundproofing boards. Do it in the following sequence:

After preparing the ceiling, you can proceed with the installation of sound insulation using one of the following technologies.

Installation of thin composite sound insulation on glue

The method is suitable for fastening sound insulation such as Maxforte Standard, Termozvukoizol, Texound 70, as well as for board materials based on low-density basalt.

Pros of the method:

  • high installation speed;
  • reliability.
  • additional costs for glue;
  • toxicity.

Required materials and tools:

  • aerosol glue in a can;
  • knife for cutting material;
  • roulette.

Mounting technology

Important! When working, it is advisable to use a respirator and regularly ventilate the room.

Installation of slab semi-rigid sound insulation on glue

This method is suitable for soundproofing board materials such as Maxforte EcoPlite and Shumanet BM, with a density of at least 30 kg/m³.

Pros of the method:

  • saving time - no need to mount the crate;
  • minimum gaps and sound-conducting elements;
  • ease of installation.
  • extra costs for glue and dowels.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • glue on a cement or gypsum basis;
  • spatula for applying glue;
  • sharp knife for cutting plates;
  • roulette;
  • drill or perforator;
  • special plastic dowels of the "fungus" type at the rate of 5 pieces for each plate.

Mounting technology

  1. Prepare the ceiling according to the above technology. Wait for the primer to dry completely.
  2. mixed required amount glue according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Apply glue to the plate over the entire surface in a thin and even layer with a spatula.
  4. The laying of the plates begins from one of the walls, tightly fitting them to each other.
  5. Additionally, the plates are fixed with the help of dowels "fungus". To do this, holes are drilled directly through the glued plates with a depth of 50-60 mm more than the thickness of the insulation. Dowels are hammered into them, 5 pieces per plate - in the corners and in the center. The dowel cap should firmly press the plate.
  6. Wait for the glue to dry and proceed with the installation of the stretch ceiling.

Important! If it is planned to install a stretch ceiling made of perforated acoustic fabric, it is necessary to insulate the slabs with a vapor barrier film and only then fix them with dowels. Otherwise, over time, basalt fibers will begin to penetrate into the room, which is unfavorable for health.

Installation of soundproofing on the frame

This method is suitable for slab or roll materials based on basalt and mineral wool or fiberglass of any thickness, including for a multilayer structure.

Example of installation of sound insulation on metal carcass using membrane "100 dB Lux"

An example of mounting sound insulation on a metal frame using a matte insulator "ThermoZvukoIzol"

Pros of the method:

  • no need to drill the ceiling for dowels-fungi - the material is placed by surprise and held tight;
  • You can build a structure of any thickness.
  • extra time and money spent on the construction of the frame.

Required materials and tools:

  • frame guides wooden block or metal galvanized profile;
  • damper tape made of foamed polyethylene for extinguishing impact noise;
  • drill or puncher and dowels for attaching the frame;
  • scissors for metal or a jigsaw for cutting frame material;
  • knife for cutting insulation;
  • tape measure, marker.

Mounting technology

Important! For multilayer sound insulation, the frame can be made as follows: fix the first row of guides along the room, the second - across, on top of the first layer of sound insulation laid. This will completely cover the gaps and create additional acoustic decoupling.

Installation of soundproofing with low density

When using mats or rolls based on low density mineral wool, sagging of the material can be encountered. It is solved by fixing soundproof mats with dowels and twine.

Mounting technology

  1. On the prepared ceiling, a frame from a bar is mounted in the manner indicated above.
  2. Soundproof mats or rolls are placed between the frame bars.
  3. A vapor barrier film is laid on top of the soundproofing layer, fixing it on the frame bars using a construction stapler.
  4. Additionally, the structure is fixed with dowels at the rate of 5-6 pieces per square meter of the ceiling.
  5. To avoid caking and sagging of mineral wool, a cord or twine is pulled between the dowels, creating a lattice or mesh over the entire surface of the ceiling.

Important! The cord or twine should not stretch, so it is better to choose nylon or other synthetic material.

After completing the soundproofing work, you can proceed with the installation of a stretch ceiling made of fabric or PVC film. You can do this on your own or with the involvement of specialists. At the same time, the gap between the sound insulation layer and the stretch ceiling should be at least 2 cm.

For the best protection against noise, you can additionally use modern fabric-based acoustic materials for the installation of a stretch ceiling. The basis of such a fabric is a polyester mesh, at the first stage of production it is poured with polyurethane, and after the formation of a film, microscopic holes are made in it.

Passing through the holes, the sound changes its frequency and intensity to values ​​that are not perceived by the human ear, and is partially absorbed. The cost of such a film is somewhat higher than conventional materials for stretch ceilings, but their soundproofing properties are much better.

Most well-known manufacturers acoustic stretch ceilings - Clipso and Cerutti. In addition to eliminating sounds coming from the ceiling, they also dampen sound vibrations from equipment located inside the room, which will allow you not to disturb your neighbors at a later time.

Properly performed sound insulation does not lose its effectiveness for a long time, and does not require repair or replacement throughout the entire life of the stretch ceiling. Installation of sound insulation under a stretch ceiling will allow you to enjoy peace and quiet at any time of the day and find the long-awaited comfort.

Video - Soundproofing suspended ceiling

If you live in a multi-apartment and high-rise building, then the noise from the neighbors cannot be avoided. For a comfortable stay in an apartment, you need to solve the main task - to get rid of the neighbor's noise from above, because any movement or noise creates the biggest problem, what kind of sound insulation to choose for the ceiling in the apartment and what kind of sound insulation is better.

For a comfortable stay in an apartment, you need to solve the main task - to get rid of the neighbor's noise from above, because any movement or noise creates the greatest problem

The quality of sound insulation leaves much to be desired in any type of house: brick, block, panel and even monolithic. All houses united by one problem- poor interfloor soundproofing of floors. There is a separate one about soundproofing walls.

Noise from any source hits the ceiling, causing it, in turn, to oscillate and re-emit the noise into the apartment below. There is no escape from the mechanical impact on the interfloor partition.

What is the difference between materials for soundproofing the ceiling?

For arranging the ceiling for sound insulation, materials with sound absorption efficiency are suitable. The arrangement of the ceiling is carried out by various methods, for each method, manufacturers of soundproof materials have come up with their own version.

But no matter how good the noise-reducing material is, it must have the following properties:

  • Soundproof The sound wave is not absorbed, but reflected. The sound wave does not rock the floor because the material has a decent amount of mass and internal loss.
  • sound-absorbing– the sound wave is absorbed with the help of special channels-pores. The material has a fibrous composition, friction is present in the pores, which has the function of slowing down the sound wave.

For arranging the ceiling for sound insulation, materials with sound absorption efficiency are suitable.

The sound wave may not penetrate the material, but it will swing and generate secondary noise, so it is better to use a structure with sound-absorbing material inside and massive sound-proofing material outside.

When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to indicators:

  • Material thickness.
  • sound insulation factor.
  • Flammability.
  • Certificate for the absence of substances harmful to the body.

How to choose the right material?

The following materials are considered the most popular today:

  • mineral wool. Material from raw materials with non-combustible properties. Does not shrink, it can be purchased in sheets with a thickness of 5 cm.
  • mineral plates- a convenient material to use, and the soundproofing method with cotton wool is considered the most effective. But only the ceiling in this case will become 15-20 cm lower. So the increased thickness ceiling structure- not always a good option, especially if the height of the ceilings does not please.

Another disadvantage of cotton wool is a danger to human health. You will need high-quality insulation so that the material does not have a negative impact on humans.

  • polyurethane foam. The sound-absorbing material has a tight grip, so it can protect against impact and airborne noise. The material absorbs not only noise from neighbors, but also sounds from your apartment. The disadvantage of polyurethane foam is its toxicity in case of fire. Therefore, such an arrangement of sound insulation is considered dangerous.
  • sealing self-adhesive tape. This material is made from environmentally friendly raw materials and perfectly retains even heat in the house.

You will need high-quality insulation so that the material does not have a negative impact on humans.

A good option is the use of heat, soundproof panels made from ecological fiber of coniferous wood.

There are alternative materials for soundproofing the ceiling. For ceiling sheathing, for example, cork, foam sheets are used. Even with the appearance of more modern materials, love for cork does not change.

But cork soundproofing is only suitable if your neighbors have a concrete screed or laminate on top, and cork saves only from impact noise. The screams of children, loud music, barking dogs - will be available to your hearing with cork soundproofing.

As a soundproofing material, you can use reed tiles, foamed glass. Natural material is sometimes used for soundproofing: coconut fiber, peat, linen tow.

3 most successful ways to soundproof ceilings in an apartment

Even with good quality and the effectiveness of the sound-absorbing material, the technological process of mounting the structure is of paramount importance in understanding the physical processes of acoustics. There are no soundproofing materials for acoustics - there are soundproof structures.

With the wrong design and material, there will be no sense, so you need to choose an effective method of soundproofing ceilings and competently approach the technology of installing a noise-reducing frame.

Today, soundproofing ceilings can be done different ways: using soundproofing boards, using a heat-insulating compound or suspended structure. Each method has its pros and cons, and is applicable in a particular case. To achieve a noise reduction effect, the following conditions must be met:

The most popular method of soundproofing a ceiling is using a soundproofing material. Under drywall, basalt wool, cork, polyurethane foam block or coconut fibers are used. The ceiling structure can be made in three versions:

  • Plasterboard false ceiling with metal frame.
  • with a film or fabric coating, which is stretched on special brackets.

Any of these options is installed according to the scheme: installation of a vibration-isolated structure or an independent frame, then any sound-absorbing material that is sheathed with plasterboard or hidden under an acoustic stretch ceiling.

NEW! An example of soundproofing a stretch ceiling with your own hands

When soundproofing a stretch ceiling, the main task is to fill the empty space between the floor slab and the stretch ceiling canvas with a special sound-absorbing material, which:

  1. Provides maximum absorption of noise penetrating into the room from neighbors
  2. Will dampen the stretch ceiling so that it does not resonate
  3. Creates a favorable acoustic environment in the room, muffles the noise that has entered the room

Noise insulation of a stretch ceiling implies high requirements for environmental safety material, since during the installation of the canvas there are holes through which harmful substances can enter the living room.

The best sound absorbing material is MaxForte EcoAcoustic– white hypoallergenic polyester fiber boards or Sound PRO(thin 12mm new generation material). Both materials are environmentally friendly and do not contain harmful phenol-formaldehyde resins.

MaxForte EcoAcoustic

MaxForte SoundPRO

EcoAcoustic and SoundPRO differ in thickness, 50 mm and 12 mm, therefore, if there is no restriction on the thickness of sound insulation, EcoAcoustic is used, if you need to make it “thinner”, then SoundPRO is used.

Both materials are mounted in the same way:

  1. A stretch ceiling baguette is installed (what the canvas will be attached to next)
  2. Either MaxForte EcoAcoustic slabs or MaxForte SoundPRO rolls are fixed to the prepared ceiling surface (floor slabs). Fastening is carried out using conventional dowel-mushrooms.
  3. After the ceiling surface is completely covered with sound-absorbing material, the installation of the stretch ceiling itself is carried out.

Advantage this method is to save height, as EcoAcoustic or SoundPRO fills the empty space between the floor slab and the stretch ceiling, thereby not taking the height of the room.

The cost of soundproofing material for a room with an area of ​​18-19 m 2:

Option 1

Option 2

Walkthrough: Soundproofing Plasterboard Ceilings

This method is popular among people who plan to arrange soundproofing with their own hands. Plasterboard slabs are easy to install, while construction skills may not be possessed. This method does not require the use of a specific material, various soundproofing materials are suitable: mineral wool, polyurethane foam blocks, cork, coconut fiber, etc.

Do-it-yourself frame soundproofing of the ceiling performed according to the following scheme:

Ceiling soundproofing is a whole system - a “layer cake”, in which each “layer” performs its task.

  1. A frame is assembled from a conventional ceiling metal profile (for example, KNAUF 60x27),
    this is the future "skeleton" of sound insulation: what all other layers will be attached to.
  2. The frame is attached to the ceiling using VibroStop PRO vibration hangers. Their task is to break the rigid connection between the floor slab and the metal frame, and along the perimeter the profile guides are attached to the wall through 2 layers of damper tape (through which the drywall will later come into contact with the wall). As a result, vibrations (and sound is, first of all, vibration) will not transfer to the new plasterboard ceiling. Speaking more in simple words, then the task of VibroStop PRO is to remove shock noises that arise from the stomping, falling objects, the rattle of furniture on the floor of neighbors from above.
  3. Special acoustic plates are installed inside the mounted frame MaxForte ECOplate-60 they have the maximum class "A" in terms of noise absorption, they remove airborne noise: these are screams, crying, loud TV or music.
  4. Further, they are attached to the metal profile GVL sheets(gypsum fiber sheet). All sheet joints must be coated with vibroacoustic silicone non-hardening sealant.
  5. Last finishing layer- these are GKL sheets (gypsum plasterboard). They are attached to the GVL, while the joints of the GVL and GKL are made apart.

The cost of soundproofing and auxiliary materials for a room with an area of ​​18-19 m 2

Name units rev. quantity price per piece, rub total, rub
MaxForte-EkoPlita 60 kg/m3 pack. 8 720 5 760
VibroStop PRO soundproofing mounts PC 48 350 16 800
Sealing tape MaxForte 100 (2 layers) PC 2 850 1 700
Sealant VibroAcoustic PC 7 300 2 100
Profile guide Knauf PN 27x28 PC 3 129 387
Ceiling profile Knauf PP 60x27 PC 21 187 3 927
Single-level connector type Crab PC 50 19 950
Profile extension PC 8 19 152
Self-tapping screw metal-metal 4.2x13 kg 1 330 330
Self-tapping screw 3.5x25 (gwl) kg 2 300 600
Self-tapping screw 3.5x35 (for metal) kg 2 250 500
Anchor wedge 6/40 pack (100 pcs) pack. 1 700 700
Dowel-nail 6/40 pack (200 pcs) pack. 1 250 250
KNAUF sheet (GKL) (2.5m.x1.2m. 12.5mm.) sheet 7 290 2 030
KNAUF-sheet (GVL) (2.5m.x1.2m. 10mm.) sheet 7 522 3 654
Outcome 39 840

Plasterboard slabs are easy to install, while construction skills may not be possessed.

Tricks and secrets of soundproofing for stretch ceilings

Stretch ceiling give a lot of benefits for the use of any soundproof materials.

According to experts, a stretch ceiling is more effective in soundproofing a suspended structure. The acoustics are evened out in this case thanks to main feature stretch ceiling - sound damping in a soft texture. The suspended ceiling serves as a resonator.

If you decide to mount the stretch ceiling yourself, then the sound insulation will be the same as for hinged structure or plasterboard ceiling. The frame is made of rails or a metal profile, a special material is glued into the resulting cells, and in the final, a canvas is stretched onto special brackets.

A stretch ceiling is effective in homes where builders have used a floor screed.

Manufacturers are trying to simplify the process of installing a stretch ceiling and now you can buy acoustic material with a perforated surface. The new canvas has special micro-holes through which noise is neutralized more effectively.

An affordable and popular method is considered to be sheathing the ceiling with mineral wool slabs. It has been proven that such material can absorb up to 90% of noise, and the installation of the structure is simple.

Installation of a ceiling with mineral wool boards consists of installations of a special design, in the cells of which soundproofing material is placed. After the frame is clogged with cotton wool, the structure is sheathed with plasterboard. A smooth coating can be painted, plastered, finished with wallpaper.

Installation false ceiling you can do it yourself, how to do it? Installation instructions are the same as for soundproofing plasterboard ceilings:

  • The place under the frame is marked.
  • With the help of rails or hangers, a suspended structure is assembled.
  • Soundproof boards are installed in the resulting cells: mineral wool or fiberglass.
  • The soundproofing material is hemmed with a decorative coating.

Installation of a false ceiling with mineral wool boards can be done in another way:

If you stopped at suspension system, then it is most logical to use cotton wool, and the installation of foam is also allowed. Only styrofoam cannot be glued, over time, it will move away from the ceiling, forming an empty space.

The suspended ceiling structure not only protects against noise, but also hides any irregularities, giving the ceiling a very beautiful appearance.

How else can you get results?

One way to solve the problem of soundproofing the ceiling is to install a “floating” floor in the apartment from above. If you have a good relationship with neighbors, the simple technology has an excellent noise-absorbing effect.

The floor is covered with polyethylene foam in the form of granules, then covered with technical cork. The resulting structure is poured with a concrete solution, after drying, the installation of the floor covering is carried out.

Can be used as floor soundproofing roll substrate with a polyethylene foam base or use compositions based on polymer fibers.

ceiling soundproofing cost

The construction services market offers more and more new products. Many companies can install not just a specific ceiling, but a whole complex soundproofing system, where different types of material will be used.

Costs for soundproofing work depend on the type of surface, installation option and the level of noise reduction. For example, if you are planning to install an acoustic suspended ceiling, you will have to pay 240-600 rubles per square meter.

Most inexpensive option soundproofing- installation of a two-level plasterboard ceiling structure. The cost of work will depend on the method of soundproofing, the choice of material.

The price for soundproofing a turnkey ceiling will cost on average from 1,500 rubles per square meter. If soundproofing is needed to create a special room, for example, to build a recording studio, then the cost of soundproofing work will increase.

The ceiling is the main area in the apartment through which noise penetrates. The problem of "noise from a neighbor from above" can be solved by the method of partial soundproofing: by installing a soundproof suspended ceiling structure.

But not always soundproofing the ceiling will help get rid of the problem, most likely, you will need to protect the walls and floor from noise and sounds penetrating the room from all sides.

Video instruction

Stretch ceiling - a finish that allows you to get the perfect evenness of the surface without time-consuming puttying work. Communications are hidden under the canvas or PVC film. The design can be multi-tiered, complemented by lamps. The benefits are obvious. There is only one drawback - such canvases are not soundproof, so the soundproofing of the ceiling becomes a problem that must be solved before the installation of the finish. Consider the materials suitable for use, their features and styling techniques.

Types of materials for soundproofing stretch ceilings

There are several types of insulating materials suitable for installation under tension webs:

  • plates of ordinary or extruded polystyrene foam;
  • heat insulators based on mineral wool, its modifications;
  • canvases and slabs of cork;
  • foam mats;
  • modern mineral-based sound insulators of the Texound type.

On a note! On sale there are acoustic stretch ceilings with soundproofing properties. The structure of the canvas with fine perforation dampens minor waves. To achieve a 100% result, it is recommended to make additional insulation.

Characteristics of materials for insulation of ceilings and laying technology

Before soundproofing the ceiling, the user should study the main indicators of materials, select best option for use in an apartment.

Mineral wool

Ordinary mineral wool insulation is used to insulate walls and ceilings. Today, manufacturers offer improved materials that are more practical.

Shumanet BM

The material is made on the basis of basalt fiber, with a hardened side and porous membrane filling. Strengthening is made of fiberglass, so the plates are protected from deformation, retain shape stability throughout the entire service life.

Main characteristics:

  • size (cm) 100x50 or 100x60;
  • thickness 5 cm;
  • the area of ​​the plates (4 pcs.) in the package is 2.4 m2;
  • sound absorption coefficient up to 27 dB.

The material belongs to the category of non-combustible, according to the characteristics corresponds to SNiP.

noise stop

The plate product is produced in two types and is marked C2, K2 - the letters matter when choosing a material.

Main characteristics:

Production materialHydrophobic staple fiberglassBasalt fiber
ApplicationInsulation floor insulationInsulation, ceiling insulation
Size (cm)125x60120x30
Thickness (cm)2 -
Density (kg/m3)70 90–100
The total area of ​​the boards in the package (m2)7,5 3,6
Sound absorption coefficient (dB)27 20

Materials belong to the group of non-combustible, most often used in combination. C2 has a high noise insulation threshold, K2 is safe for health. First, fiberglass slabs are laid, then basalt slabs - this design absorbs a sound wave up to 46 dB.

Rules for laying mineral wool boards

The soundproofing of the ceiling in the apartment under the stretch ceiling is carried out as follows:

  1. The base surface is equipped with a crate. The cells are formed in increments of 55 cm. The frame can be wooden or metal. The width of the guides is less than the distance from the base ceiling to the tension web.

Important! The metal profile for the frame is pasted over with a special tape to improve the quality of sound insulation.

  1. Laying out acoustic material slabs. Apply tightly to base surface. Under the condition of laying out on a frameless surface, the plates are glued end-to-end. Laying in the frame is carried out with a tight fit between the details of the crate - by surprise.
  2. The adhesive composition is selected according to the type of ceiling. For concrete - cement, for painted surfaces - spray. After fixing the plates, additionally fix the insulation with dowels - 5 fasteners per sheet.
  3. Lay a membrane over the boards to reduce the risk of shedding of fibers on the tension fabric. The membrane is fixed to the crate with stapler staples or double-sided tape.

After the glue has dried, the finish is stretched.


Roll material of the new generation is made without phenol, has the highest rate of noise protection, resists moisture. The thickness is 12 mm, there is no glue in the composition, it is used for frame and frameless stretch ceilings.


  • size (cm) 500x140x1.2;
  • roll area 7m2;
  • roll weight 16 kg;
  • color solutions - black / white.

There is a variety of products of the EcoAcoustic brand on sale - plates made of polyester fibers produced from primary raw materials. Products without phenol, fiberglass have hypoallergenic properties, endure moisture, retain shape stability throughout the entire service life. Sound absorption class A is the highest.


  • size (cm) 120x60x5;
  • area of ​​plates (4 pcs.) 2.88 m2;
  • density 100 g/m2;
  • package weight 3 kg.

Laying rolls and slabs with full overlap of the base base end-to-end, fixing with dowels.


Materials of small thickness have a high density, absorb shock and sound noise of increased intensity. Release form - rolls, sheets.


  • density (kg/m3) up to 1900;
  • average sound absorption coefficient up to 30;
  • flammability class G2;
  • maximum limit of elongation under tension up to 300%.

The raw material for production is aragonite with the addition of plasticizers.

Advantages of Texound:

  1. Resistance to temperature regime. The material does not lose its quality indicators up to -20 C.
  2. Increased elasticity - in this parameter, the product is similar to dense rubber.
  3. Moisture resistance, resistance to mold, fungus. The product is not food for rodents.
  4. Unlimited service life.
  5. Compatibility with any other insulating materials.

The product is produced in different sizes, complemented by a self-adhesive, foil or felt layer.

Texound laying

The type of installation depends on the basis on which the soundproofing of the ceiling in the apartment is made under the stretch ceiling.

There are three installation methods in total:

  • On a flat surface, laying out is carried out on glue. First, the composition is applied to the plane, the time is kept up to 15 minutes, then sheets of insulating material are applied. Overlap installation with approach to the edges up to 5 cm. After that, make an incision along the alignment zone, join and weld the edges of the elements gas burner or building hair dryer. It is permissible not to cook, but to glue the joints on liquid nails. After fixing to the glue, the sheets are fixed with dowels in increments of up to 50 cm.

On a note! Sheets with an adhesive base are easier to install - remove the protective paper, lay the material on the ceiling, press it.

  • A crate is formed, mineral wool insulation is placed in the cells, Texound is on top. Glue the seams between the sheets with sealant, then hem the ceiling with plasterboard sheets, mount the stretch fabric.
  • The entire ceiling is glued with Texound sheets, taking into account the welding of the seams. On the surface, a crate or frame is arranged for laying out mineral wool insulation. Then the surface is hemmed with sheets of plasterboard, after that finishing with a stretch fabric.

On a note! For the strength of the fixation, Texound is always recommended to be fixed not only with glue, but also with dowels. Homakoll adhesive is sold in 8 liter canisters.

Styrofoam panels

Plates of modified foam have a thickness of up to 10 cm and are produced from non-pressed or extruded polystyrene foam.


Non-pressed foam plastic is marked with the PSB-S marking, it is produced from granules different size, which determine the density, strength and sound insulation performance. For finishing ceilings, it is recommended to use materials with medium and low density, low weight, for example, PSB-S 25/35. Fixation with adhesive without aggressive solvents, so as not to deform materials. Laying end-to-end, glue the seams with adhesive tape, additionally fasten to the dowels.

Extruded polystyrene foam has a high density, is made by extrusion - forcing raw materials through special molding nozzles. The plates are equipped with a thorn-groove locking connection, which facilitates installation. They are also produced in the format of small lamellas; after laying out, a smooth monolithic surface is obtained.

Important! With a thickness of 2 cm, extruded polystyrene foam dampens and dissipates shock, sound noise up to 27 dB. The index increases with increasing thickness.

For laying out sheets, the same materials are used as for standard foam.

The advantages of both types of expanded polystyrene:

  • light weight;
  • resistance to mold, fungus;
  • reduced coefficient of thermal conductivity, increased - sound absorption.


  1. Materials belong to the class of combustible. When heated, substances harmful to the body are released.
  2. Does not tolerate UV rays.
  3. Over the course of its service life, it self-decomposes, crumbles and will require replacement.

Installation is simple, the plates are glued to the ceiling, then fixed to the dowels. For hardware, holes are pre-drilled in the elements. Drill with a drill, being careful not to crush the foam.

Acoustic foam

The porous structure of the foam provides high-quality absorption of impact noise and sound waves of considerable strength. Materials are used as the main or additional layer, it is permissible to veneer any planes, including walls and floors. Fixation with double-sided tape or glue. This is the most affordable ceiling soundproofing, the price of which does not exceed $ 10 (650 rubles) per 1 m2.

Long service life, light weight and a variety of color, texture solutions allow the use of foam mats for surface finishing as a topcoat. Relief products have a cone height of up to 10 cm.

On a note! Mats are produced in different texture solutions: Wave, Cells, Pyramid. Sheets for isolation of a low-frequency wave are also made.

Installation rules are simple:

  • For fixing, heated silicone, spray adhesive, liquid nails or double-sided mounting tape are used.
  • Under stretch or suspended ceilings, a crate is formed or a frameless installation option is used.
  • Foam rubber is laid out on a clean, dry surface. It is important to ensure that the sheets fit tightly to the base base.
  • Laying elements end-to-end, the entire surface of the ceiling plane is filled. A crate is installed on top of the material in increments of 60 cm - it all depends on the relief of the sheets.
  • Lamps are installed on top of the crate, and the plane is hemmed with plasterboard sheets in the case of a false ceiling or drywall sheets will serve as an additional insulating layer.

Advice! Foam insulation under the stretch ceiling is glued to the base base. The basic rule is laying tightly to the surface without gaps and gaps, so it is better to coat the sheets as a whole or use the composition in the form of a spray.

Preparatory work on the ceiling and the rules for mounting the frame

The crate is required for bases with bumps, protrusions. The formation of the frame reduces the risk of loose fit materials for soundproofing the ceiling, improves the quality indicator.

Preparatory work is carried out as follows:

  1. Evaluate base surface coverage. Smooth ceilings do not require preparation, the insulation is fixed on them immediately.
  2. If there are areas of peeling paint, plaster - clean the areas, remove dust. Prime the surface with a deep penetration primer with antiseptics. Prime in 2 coats, allowing the first to dry before applying the second.
  3. After drying the ceiling, find the lowest corner in the room, set aside the height of the frame formation along the wall, transfer the marks to all corners. Connect the points with a horizontal line - this is the border of the guide rails of the frame.
  4. cut profiles right size. metal elements cover with soundproof tape on the side that is adjacent to the wall. Press the profile with tape against the wall, fasten it with screws or dowels in increments of up to 15 cm.
  5. Mark the mounting points for the fixtures. Install special bases made of plywood or timber under the fixtures, the thickness of the base depends on the mass of the luminaire.

Important! The plane of the base is located on the same level with the tension fabric. The site should not protrude under the finish.

  1. Lead the cable to the lamps. Install the necessary equipment, pull the cable tightly to the ceiling, secure with clamps. It is more convenient to lay wires in a special protective corrugation - this will reduce the risk of fire during a short circuit.

Now fasteners are installed in the installation area of ​​the fixtures, so that after stretching the canvas, the auxiliary elements of the devices are under the finish.

If it is impossible to do the work with your own hands, a service from the masters is available to the owner. How much the turnkey ceiling soundproofing will cost depends on the coverage area, the amount of preparatory work, the layout technique and materials.

To achieve high-quality sound insulation, it is recommended to finish all planes of the room with materials, since the reinforcing belt is a good conductor of sounds. In this case, finishing the ceiling solves the problem only by 30%.

Modern Construction Materials and a huge amount of information on this topic allow you to solve the issue of sound insulation on your own, without the help of professionals.

The presented article will help you protect your apartment from extraneous noise with minimal effort and financial resources.

What materials are used for soundproofing

If you decide to protect your home from the penetration of extraneous sounds, first of all, you need to choose materials for these works.

First of all, you need to determine the nature of extraneous noise. Sounds that penetrate the apartment can be divided into two conditional categories:

  1. 1. Percussion - occur during the operation of a vibrating household appliances, when walking or dropping objects on the floor. These sounds propagate through solid materials.
  2. 2. Air. These include: noise from musical instruments, TV, audio equipment, as well as loud conversations. These sounds are transmitted through the air and are clearly audible in Soviet panel houses.

Sometimes, it is enough to purchase stretch ceilings with sound insulation, which "stop" both air and shock sounds.

This is achieved through air gap between the main and stretch ceilings, the absence of a metal frame and the use soft tissue absorbing any noise. The main disadvantage of soundproof ceilings is their high price. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the installation of these structures will provide complete protection against extraneous noise.

When choosing a material for sound insulation, it is necessary to take into account not only the above criterion, but also the following factors:

  • material thickness (no more than the space between the main and stretch ceilings);
  • availability of documents confirming their quality and safety for health;
  • sound absorption coefficient;
  • flammability level;
  • warranty period of operation;
  • installation complexity.

All existing on this moment materials for soundproofing the ceiling can be divided into three groups:

  1. 1. Soft (fiberglass, various types of cotton wool).
  2. 2. Semi-rigid (slabs based on mineral wool).
  3. 3. Solid (compressed mineral and natural materials).

Sound absorption coefficient inversely proportional to the density of materials. For example, soft sound insulators with a minimum density of 10 kg / m3 have a coefficient of 0.95, and hard ones, with a density of up to 400 kg / m3 - 0.4.

Important point! Remember that high-density sound absorbers absorb low-frequency sounds best, while soft materials absorb mid- and high-frequency sounds best.

Considering all the above information, we can conclude that in order to select materials, it is necessary to determine the nature of extraneous noise, and then use an insulator, starting from its density and sound absorption coefficient.

If the sound insulation of the stretch ceiling in the apartment does not suit you, correct the situation using one of the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • basalt fiber;
  • acoustic membranes;
  • slabs based on basalt fiber;
  • natural materials.

In specialized outlets you will be offered not only the listed options for sound insulators, but also other materials, each of which has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Preparatory work

If you have decided on the choice of an insulator, then you can proceed to the preparatory work.

The main purpose of these actions is to ensure reliable fixation of the material, as well as to prevent the occurrence of mold, fungi, etc.

A high-quality painted ceiling, without damage and cracks, does not require preparatory work, you can safely fix the sound insulator.

The damaged surface must be carefully treated, adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. 1. Areas with obvious defects are removed.
  2. 2. Using a hard brush, dirt, dust, small bumps, etc. are removed. (the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling is processed).
  3. 3. The ceiling and walls are primed (about 10 cm from the corner, around the entire perimeter of the room). This should be done 2-3 times, but each next stage of work is performed only after the previous layer of primer has dried.
  4. 4. After preparing the ceiling, you can proceed to the installation of guide profiles.
  5. 5. With the help of a building cord and a level, the places where the fixing elements of the stretch ceiling will be strengthened are determined.
  6. 6. Next, you need to cut the profile and in those places where it will be adjacent to the wall, glue the soundproof tape. This is necessary so that extraneous noise does not spread throughout the room through metal structures.
  7. 7. The next step is the installation of the profile using dowels.
  8. 8. Be sure to mark the places where the lighting fixtures will be installed. To them is carried out electrical cable and the whole complex of works on the installation of lamps is carried out. At this stage, special attention should be paid to the electrical cable so that it does not sag, there is no damage to the insulation or potential short circuit threats.

If you figure it out, then you don’t need any special knowledge or experience to perform the preparatory work.

A grown man who knows how to use a level and knows how to drill holes in the walls is sure to cope with this task.

Mineral wool as sound insulation material

If you have already wondered what sound insulation of a ceiling under a stretch ceiling is, then you should know about the use of mineral wool as a soundproofing material.

This is a quality soundproofing with excellent performance, which is sold in hardware stores in rolls or plates.

The main advantages of the presented material are:

  • relatively low cost;
  • cotton wool does not burn;
  • there are no difficulties during the installation process;
  • additionally acts as a heater.

But there are also certain disadvantages: using wool as an insulator, you will not be able to install built-in lights, in addition, this material is very afraid of water.

Installation of cotton wool by the frame method begins with marking the ceiling for the subsequent fixation of a metal profile or wooden bars. Don't forget to put soundproof tape. This is necessary to exclude the transmission of sound through solid materials.

Between the elements of the frame, mineral wool is tightly laid and fastened vapor barrier film. It will not only protect the wool from moisture, but also prevent debris from damaging the ceiling sheet.

Alternative option fixing the presented material - adhesive method. It involves the use of mineral wool boards, on which a special adhesive is applied. Additional fastening elements in this case are plastic dowels.

Among the specialists in this field of activity there are those who use only wireframe method, other masters prefer to glue the plates. In this case, subjective factors play a decisive role.

The use of expanded polystyrene to protect the apartment from extraneous noise

Unlike the previous material, expanded polystyrene has high moisture resistance, while it has excellent elasticity, reasonable cost and a long period of operation.

Installation of expanded polystyrene is quite within the power of anyone who knows how to work with their hands.

In order to strengthen presented material, you do not need to make a frame (another positive point), it is enough to use glue, dowels or liquid nails.

This insulator is designed to absorb shock sounds; it copes with other kinds of noise much worse than mineral wool.

Acoustic membranes and other modern soundproofing materials

Recently, the soundproofing of a stretch ceiling has been rapidly gaining popularity with the help of acoustic membranes.

The presented material is produced on the basis of natural components (natural material - aragonite).

Unlike expanded polystyrene and mineral wool, the thickness of which can reach 10 cm, this material is very thin - up to 4 mm.

The main advantages acoustic membranes are:

  • High elasticity.
  • The ability to absorb sounds over a wide range of frequencies.
  • Ability to muffle impact noise.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Doesn't lose his functionality in case of sudden changes in ambient temperature.

Main disadvantage of this soundproofing material is its great weight.

In order to reliably strengthen acoustic membranes, it is necessary to first make a metal frame or a structure of wooden bars.

Important point! The installation of this sound insulator cannot be carried out alone, due to its large weight, you will need at least one assistant.

The desire to use materials of natural origin, in almost all spheres of human life, has become the reason for the manifestation of interest to cork insulators.

This is a very light, environmentally friendly material that perfectly performs its main functions - it protects the apartment from extraneous noise.

Installation of cork slabs carried out with the help of glue (light weight allows you to do this quickly and reliably). The main disadvantage of this material is its high cost, which is an order of magnitude higher than the price of other sound insulators.

Another type of environmentally friendly materials that you can purchase if a stretch ceiling with sound insulation does not protect well from noise is wood fiber boards. They are made from the waste of woodworking enterprises, furniture factories etc., without the use of synthetic ingredients.

The thickness of the plates rarely exceeds 2 cm, which makes it possible to lay them in two or three layers, overlapping the joints. Wooden sound insulators are not susceptible to deformation and are not afraid of the impact of adverse external factors.

For the installation of wooden plates, you can use ordinary plastic dowels. The joints between them must be treated with sealants or liquid nails.

In addition to the listed options that allow you to protect your apartment from noisy neighbors, soundproof materials have been increasingly used lately. on a fabric basis. They are made from polyester, treating it with substances that form a thin film.

Their installation is carried out without much difficulty, and the manufacturers of these products claim that the functionality of the material is maintained throughout the entire service life, even if you very rarely do overhaul in room.

Another positive The use of fabric-based sound insulators is their ability to absorb noise, both outside and inside the room. If you're hanging out with friends or listening to loud music, your neighbors won't come running to ask you to be quiet.

A detailed analysis of the presented topic proves that soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling will help you always feel comfortable in your home, without fear of unexpected "concerts" in neighboring apartments.

At the same time, in order to make high-quality sound insulation, you do not need to spend a lot of money or look for experienced specialists, you can do this task yourself.