Merchandiser functions at the point of sale. Who is a merchandiser? Work as a merchandiser

Today, working as a merchandiser is one of the most accessible for those people who are interested in successful startups, as well as subsequent career growth. It should be noted that specialists of this profile are in great demand these days, since the retail sector is developing continuously. However, many people do not even know what kind of profession it is, what are the duties of a merchandiser and what he does in general.

Who is this?

The word merchandise itself, translated from English, has several meanings, since it is a product, commodity science and even all sorts of attributes. The duties of a merchandiser are specialization in goods, therefore such specialists are present in all organizations. In the CIS countries, this profession is the same as in the West. These are the employees who are directly responsible for sales promotion. In other words, the main responsibilities of a merchandiser include maximum increase sales volumes in various retail outlets.

What is his job?

Contrary to common opinion, working as a merchandiser does not at all mean fulfilling duties in the form of laying out goods on supermarket shelves. In fact, increased sales as well as sales promotion are the result integrated approach to these processes, which include whole line action.

Thus, the duties of a merchandiser include the following:

  • The study of the demand from buyers for certain goods, including also how demand changes depending on the characteristics of the target audience, seasonality and a number of other factors.
  • Direct participation in the assortment policy of the company in that part of the outlet to which this employee is assigned. In other words, job duties the merchandiser includes the formation and subsequent maintenance of the assortment, control over balances, stocks and other issues.
  • Issues related to organizing the design of the sales area, including ensuring the arrangement of equipment, soundtrack, optimal lighting.
  • Ensuring the maximum free movement of buyers around the trading floor assigned to the employee, as well as the ability to select the necessary goods without involving sellers or with minimal assistance (a thorough analysis of the display of goods, as well as full control over compliance with accepted standards).
  • Analysis of competitiveness in the field of promoting similar goods.
  • Providing reports on the results of using various marketing tools, as well as careful control over the growth of sales of goods.

Such a list of responsibilities can be expanded or specified, depending on what goals are set for the company or a particular store, as well as which company has a pricing, trade and assortment policy. In other words, considering the job responsibilities of a merchandiser, you can define them only approximately, since the functionality may differ even between several colleagues working in the same company, but located at different facilities.

Merchandiser in a supermarket

Supermarket and hypermarket are the most popular and at the same time the most promising formats of work in the retail sector. Indeed, it is in such self-service stores that merchandisers are most often in demand.

In this case, everything is quite logical, since it is in these conditions correct execution responsibilities of a merchandiser is one of the key guarantees that sales will increase and various products will be promoted more effectively in the current market.

For comparison

In small retail outlets that do not provide full self-service, the technology of displaying goods is not something special, and this is due to the fact that main goal adherence to a certain technology is the psychological effect on the buyer. For example, the duties of a merchandiser (this is especially important for a resume) include the location of expensive goods at the level of the visitor's eyes, constantly ensuring the effect of the availability of an assortment, as well as many other tasks, and with a different sales format, spend money on professional specialist in this area is practically pointless.

Merchandiser in the online store

Quite often, at various specialized sites, you can see various announcements that on this moment looking for a person who will work as a merchandiser in an online store. At the same time, many people have a quite natural question: "What are the duties of a merchandiser of a store of this format, if this specialist serves a retail zone?"

In fact, if we consider the original name of the profession and its meaning, then, of course, it is impossible to find an application for this employee, but in such a situation employers simply substitute concepts, and in reality, a marketer is required for the job. Of course, in principle, these specialists have roughly similar responsibilities.

For this reason, if you are interested in such a position, you should pay attention to the sales format that is declared by the employer, since the duties of the merchandiser are point of sale significantly differ from what functions this specialist performs in an online store.

Supervisor of merchandisers

For the uninitiated, the profession of a supervisor is even more unusual compared to a merchandiser. However, in fact, they are directly related to each other, because the supervisor is the person who determines what is the responsibility of the merchandiser, and who also controls the implementation of these duties.

The work of a supervisor is in the majority of cases analytical, that is, he is engaged in a thorough collection of information regarding sales growth in those retail outlets that are in his competence. The responsibilities associated with the transfer of such information already lie directly with the merchandisers who serve specific points.

However, despite the fact that the supervisor essentially takes leadership position, he does not have the right to hire or dismiss specialists, as well as impose any disciplinary action on their subordinates. In other words, if a certain specialist does not correctly perform the job duties of a store merchandiser, then he can only report this problem. responsible persons... The functions of the supervisor himself are limited solely to the systematization of the information provided to him, the subsequent transfer of the analysis results to higher management, as well as providing them with their own conclusions and certain recommendations in terms of how to organize work and stimulate sales in the future.

It often happens that the responsibilities of supervisors also include the development of a planogram, that is, what the layout of the product should look like on store shelves. But this does not happen so often and, in general, is contrary to the main meaning of this position, since such actions involve professional approach and represent the direct responsibility of the merchandisers themselves.

What are merchandisers?

Considering the main duties of a merchandiser, one cannot but say that, depending on the instructions, as well as the place of work of such specialists, they are divided into two main categories:

  • Mobile.
  • Stationary.

What are their differences?

The differences between these specialists are obvious and directly follow from the title of this position. Thus, a mobile, or, as it is also called, business, merchandiser is not assigned to any particular outlet, and he must consistently visit various stores in the retail network in order to alternately perform the working functionality in each of them. A stationary merchandiser, on the other hand, constantly serves a particular store. Of course, it is possible to move a specialist from one point to another, but this will also be permanent.

There is also another variety that combines the features of each category at the same time - this is a universal merchandiser. Such a specialist has a fairly flexible work schedule, which provides for the performance of duties of employees of each category, depending on what task is currently in front of him.

Summary and future work

As mentioned above, the duties of a merchandiser in supermarkets and their development is a good option for a career start, and at the same time, this position does not provide for the presence of some kind of specialized education. Quite often it happens that when inviting specialists to this position, employers may not even pay attention to the presence or absence of work experience, and therefore there is always a sufficient number of people willing to get a job for this position.

In order for you to correctly draw up a resume that would ultimately really interest the employer, you need to know what the basic requirements are for applicants. Of course, their list can vary quite a lot, but the main points are the following:

  • Stress tolerance.
  • Endurance.
  • Disposing appearance.
  • Activity.
  • Ability and willingness to take responsibility for the decisions you make.

Do you need any skills?

If we talk about some specialized skills, then, in principle, their presence is optional, but if in the form "Duties of the merchandiser" provided for the resume, you will note, for example, the ability to engage in competitive analysis, as well as mastery of technology displaying goods, then you will have a much better chance that you will end up getting this job.

How to write a resume?

In cases where the desired position for you is a merchandiser, whose duties also include maintaining the assortment and managing stocks, it will also be important to have experience in working with a specialized software, with the help of which the accounting of various inventory items is carried out.

If you have such a skill, then in this case you definitely need to indicate it in the "Duties of the merchandiser" column. For a resume, such information will be a significant plus. If you do not know anything from this area, then do not embellish your own skills and knowledge, as otherwise you may be fired at the very beginning of your probationary period.

“Merchandising” in English means sales promotion and planning, which includes a whole range of measures, the final stage being an increase in the volume of sales of goods, precisely at a particular outlet. This is the main difference from advertising.

The merchandiser works on site and is responsible for ensuring that his product sells faster and better than others, which are posted on retail stores.

Usually, a merchandiser has under his wing from three to twenty stores, which must be visited once or twice a week. Based on this, the main requirement for hiring is the availability own car... By public transport, it is unrealistic to travel around and visit all retail outlets.

The merchandiser in the hypermarket and in the supermarket is responsible for displaying the goods on the showcase.

Let's imagine a situation when a customer, choosing a product, sees all the products scattered on the shelf.

Of course, he will not figure out what's what, and why the emu is, if he clearly decided for himself not to buy this product. It's easier to go to the rack where each type of product is in its place.

Merchandisers, being representatives of a certain brand, must keep order in their windows.

Who is this merchandiser? The answer is very simple - they are energetic, mostly young, sociable, responsible, organized and proactive people.

When applying for a job, special skills are not required, the age has limitations from 18 to 30 years. This is due to the fact that many employers prefer to raise personnel on their own and conduct various training courses.

Merchandiser - responsibilities

  • The merchandiser's responsibilities include the supply of goods, properly decorated showcases, price adjustments for all goods, mandatory consultation with sellers.
  • Once a month, a report is required, where the employee records changes in prices for products, its demand in the market, includes fixed prices their competitors, etc.
  • The merchandiser, based on his authority, can arrange for various promotions for the product.
  • A merchandiser is a person who knows how to negotiate and convince in the quality of his goods - this is another important quality of an employee of this profession.
  • First of all, this is to convince the owners of retail outlets that it is the goods represented that should be in their store.
  • After the conclusion and signing of a contract for the supply of goods, by both parties, the employee of the company monitors all the terms of the contract.

The most executive, responsible and energetic merchandisers have career opportunities.

Subsequently, they get a top position and become supervisors.

- this is the boss over his wards (merchandisers). It is he who negotiates with his superiors, receiving various instructions, recommendations, distributing them among his subordinates. Engaged in attracting new clients.

This profession came to Russia not so long ago, a little over ten years ago. Promotion, sales planning - this is how "merchandising" is translated from English. The definition of this concept, respectively, can be disclosed as planning the correct promotion of goods in the right amount and at the right time at the right price. This is the essence of this direction. This means that the main task of a specialist in this field is to present the goods to the buyer as correct and necessary.

Answering the question "merchandiser - who is this", it must be said that the employee - the sale of the relevant product with the help of

Right organized activities... It includes smart ads, self-serving layouts, and more. He must also understand how to remove the leftovers in the warehouse, and calculate so that there is no interruption and overstocking. For successful activities he must be aware of the temporary and seasonal fluctuations in demand and be very careful about the expiration dates. In the event that the store has a visual merchandiser, then he must have information about where there are hot zones, "golden" shelves. He should also be able to calculate customer flows and how customers move around the store.

Answering the question "who is a merchandiser", it must be said that he is a psychologist and a competent communicator.

Because he needs self-confidence, as well as knowledge about the product and the company to be successful in his business.

Currently, this profession is being mastered by young people who are just beginning to comprehend the psychology of sales. This position allows you to gain excellent experience of interaction with trade representatives, to see all the nuances of business "from the inside". People who quickly understood the answer to the question "who is a merchandiser" move up the career ladder rather quickly and take more significant positions in a trade organization.

So the main task this specialist- an increase in the level of sales. His working day consists of constant travels to shopping facilities. The merchandiser deals with a certain who monitors compliance with the concepts, posts POS materials and monitors their use.

In addition, he must maintain a positive image of his organization, ensure that products are located favorably and track their availability in sales. For the correct price adjustment, the specialist constantly monitors competitors and provides advice to sellers about the size

Merchandiser - who is this? The requirements for candidates are directly related to the creation and maintenance of the company's image. Therefore, when selecting candidates for this position, the director pays attention to presentable appearance, communication skills, age, higher education... Preference is given most often to people who have a diploma in trade or economics educational institution... In most cases, work experience does not play a significant role in the selection of candidates. But the age range is often limited to 30 years.

The world of professions is very diverse, and in recent times very rare specialties are heard. It is not every day on the street that you can meet a sign language interpreter, trainee, teester, greenkeeper, oenologist, monster, glass blowers or merchandiser. Who are they? Let's deal with one of them. Who is the merchandiser? What are the responsibilities of a person in such a profession? What knowledge should a job seeker have to get such a job?

Merchandiser: who is this and what does it do?

A manager who is engaged in promoting goods and stimulating sales growth in retail outlets - who is this? This is a merchandiser merchandiser. English word merchandise translates as goods, and the profession itself originated in the United States in the 30s. XX century.

Description of the profession

Merchandising is the promotion of the sale of goods. The sale of goods is possible only thanks to an interconnected set of events in retail outlets, and a merchandiser is a manager who brings these events to life. One such specialist can supervise 3-20 trading platforms, which directly depends on his length of service. Experience as a merchandiser is a start in trading that can help in career development at the district or regional level. In the future, you can rise to a supervisor, sales manager or company representative.


Many people choose this profession because they know it is a great start to a trading career. Therefore, often a merchandiser is a person who is just starting his career in commerce.

Duties of the merchandiser

A merchandiser is a curator of many processes at a point of sale. Therefore, the responsibilities include the following:

  • A tour of all points every day.
  • Supervision of sellers and their appearance.
  • Control of the availability of goods
  • Logistics.
  • Control over the use of shelves and display cases.
  • Displaying goods at a point of sale.

Merchandiser CV

Many personnel specialists require the following to be reflected in the resume of applicants for such a position:

  • Mandatory driving experience and the presence of a license, respectively (in some cases, you must have your own car).
  • In-depth knowledge of marketing techniques, sociology, psychology.
  • In-depth knowledge of the laws that govern commerce.

Supermarket Marketing Tricks

Merchandiser - who does what and what? This is a manager who knows many ways to get visitors to buy a certain product. What techniques does this specialist use in his work?

This is basic, but far from full list ways to induce the buyer to commit as much as possible more shopping. Every merchandiser knows it perfectly and knows how to use it in practice.

The modern sales system is built somewhat differently than it was 20-25 years ago. Many interesting professions have emerged among the store personnel, the functions of which remain a mystery to most people to this day. One of these specialties is merchandiser. If you ask the majority of consumers who a merchandiser is, then even every tenth supermarket visitor is unlikely to give an exact answer to the question. Meanwhile, a merchandising specialist works precisely in large hypermarkets and supermarkets.

The merchandiser profession appeared in Russia not so long ago; it came along with well-known foreign brands like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and others. In the West and in America, this specialty has existed for a very long time. It is known that sales of a product can be significantly increased if you use a certain technique. Merchandising just implies the use of such subtleties and tricks to increase the turnover of a point of sale. As a part of marketing, this direction is closely related to all the plans that the marketing department builds.

Many people still have no idea what a merchandiser does. However, the job of this specialist makes consumers buy. There are three types of professionals in this category. The first type is stationary. This specialist is at the point of sale all the time. He is responsible for what happens inside the store. Who is a stationary merchandiser? This is the person who, first of all, monitors the shelves and by the way, it was this function that was originally the main one for these specialists. It is noticed that the special arrangement of goods on the shelves, the width and height of the shelves themselves can affect the demand for the goods and their purchase. Today, the duties of a professional in this area have also added advertising, various promotions, price adjustments if necessary, expanding shelves and decreasing them, monitoring the assortment. Also, this person should help carry out various actions, support appearance products and improve brand status.

There is another kind of merchandisers - mobile. Who is a mobile merchandiser? The functions of this specialist are different from those of the stationary employee. If the latter works at the point of sale and solves all issues on the spot, then the mobile works for competitors. Its functions can be compared to those of a spy. He goes to a competitor's supermarket but doesn't buy anything. His responsibility is to assess the availability of goods on the shelves, prices, arrangement of goods and the width of the shelves. The activity of this person does not go unnoticed, but the guards and the administration of the hall are quite loyal to such "spies". After all, the competitor also has its own mobile merchandiser, which from time to time comes into the stores of neighbors.

Now it remains only to find out who the hybrid merchandiser is. This is the last category of professionals of this kind. Sometimes hybrid merchandisers are called universal. Their activities combine the functions of mobile and stationary specialists. One day they can work at the point of sale, and the next day they can go to competitors and do monitoring. Most often, all three types of specialists are present in a large network at once. However, sometimes there is such that there is either one hybrid merchandiser per outlet, or stationary and mobile. Working as a generalist is difficult, but some professionals say that personal monitoring increases work efficiency.

Consumers entering the supermarket for shopping may not notice the humble merchandiser. But the result of his work will significantly affect the choice and quantity of goods in the shopping cart. Therefore, when entering a store, do not forget that everything is already prepared there so that the visitor spends as much as possible. And there are mysterious merchandisers behind it.