How to plant roses from cuttings in the summer. Features of the propagation of roses by cuttings in the ground in autumn

A rose can be grown not only from a seedling, but also from a small shoot. How to prepare properly planting material, to plant the cuttings and take care of them, you will learn from our article.

By following the tips below, you can prepare cuttings for planting with your own hands using popular and rare varieties of roses.

How to plant a rose from a cutting or bouquet at home

Planting roses with cuttings at home is such a simple and effective way that it is very popular. It is also important that this way you can root them not only at different times of the year, but also both outdoors and at home.

Note: This procedure is most successful with summer seedlings, then with spring ones, and, finally, with winter ones.

For the procedure, you will need: a sharp knife, a freshly cut flower, and a pot of soil.

You can use commercially available universal soil as a nutrient substrate, or you can prepare a nutrient mixture yourself. For her, you need humus, ordinary garden soil and sand. All components are combined in a 2: 2: 1 ratio. It is advisable to fry the substrate prepared in this way in the oven in order to protect the plants from various diseases.

Figure 1. Harvesting, rooting and planting of seedlings

The container for planting should be at least 20 cm deep. Drainage must be poured onto its bottom, which will protect your sprout from excess moisture and prevent root rot.

After preparing the soil and selecting a suitable container, you can start cutting and planting shoots (Figure 1).

How to prepare cuttings for planting

Gardeners know that all woody plants, including roses, root best when buds are just beginning to acquire their color on a young shoot, that is, even before flowering. It is then that the shoot passes from a herbaceous state to a lignified one.

When choosing branches, pay attention to their thickness. As practice shows, flowers reproduce most successfully from thin, sufficiently mature shoots. They can be distinguished by their color: they are no longer green, but are just beginning to acquire a brown tint. The most the best option is cutting seedlings into three buds. This is explained by the fact that weak plants grow from short branches in the first year.

To prepare planting material, you need to do the following steps(picture 2):

  1. Make the lower cut of the future seedling just under the bud, stepping back from it by 1.5 mm. In this case, the cut line should be oblique, and the length should be about 15 cm.
  2. Make an upper cut in a straight line, 1 cm above the kidney.
  3. Remove the lower leaves and shorten the upper ones by a third of their length.
  4. Remove all thorns.
  5. Tie the chopped sprouts into bundles and put in cold water(special solution - root, for example) to stimulate root formation. The water should be changed every two days.
  6. After the appearance of the embryo of the roots (after 15-20) days, transplant the plant into open ground, or in a prepared container with soil.

Figure 2. Harvesting of seedlings of culture

In this way, you can prepare cuttings for any type of planting, regardless of the season.

Cuttings in autumn

Such reproduction in the fall is carried out in order to preserve the planting material until spring in a viable state. This is explained by the fact that keeping them in the house all winter is quite inconvenient, therefore, the landing method is used before the winter.

Simply put, they are buried in the ground, and covered with a dry shelter on top to keep warm. With the arrival of spring, it is transplanted to permanent place in the usual way.

How to cut cuttings

If you want to decorate your garden with roses, you need to know how to cut the seedlings for planting. First you need to choose the right shoots suitable for cutting. Freshly faded stems, or those that are just about to bloom, are best suited. Their characteristic feature is the easy removal of thorns.

Then the shoots are cut with a sharp knife or pruning shears into pieces 15 cm long. It is necessary to ensure that there are three buds and several leaves on each cut stem. In this case, the cut under the lower kidney should be oblique, while the upper cut is drawn above the upper node at a height of 2 cm in a straight line. The lower leaves and all thorns must be removed (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Rules for cutting shoots for planting

The cut branches are dipped in a lower cut into cold water or a special solution to stimulate the development of the root system (root). You can make this stimulating mixture yourself from a teaspoon of honey and a glass of water.

How to keep cuttings in the winter

How to root cuttings of roses

When the seedlings have root embryos, you can start rooting them. If you do this at home, you will need pots that have been pretreated with potassium permanganate solution and filled with drainage and special soil.

Note: As drainage, you can use small pebbles, or other material that allows water to pass through well. A special soil for roses is laid on top of the drainage. Ordinary sod land is also suitable for this purpose. Upper layer the soil is sprinkled with washed river sand.

The seedling must be inserted into the sand, making sure that its lower edge does not touch the ground. If you are not using a pot, but a box as a container, leave a distance of 8 cm between the shoots. Still, it is better to root the plants separately from each other.

Provided planting in a garden, the stems are dropped at an angle into the holes previously disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, deepening the lower bud into the ground. The planted sprouts are watered and covered with a glass jar.

The sprouts continue to root at a daytime temperature of at least +25 for another month. Next, hardening begins by removing the cans for a while. Soon, the banks are removed altogether.

Before the onset of autumn, young shoots grow up to 30-40 cm, and on some buds have time to form. In this case, they must be pinched to stop the flowering process, which inhibits the formation of roots.

In pots

After planting the sprouts in pots, sprinkle them with water and cover with a cut plastic bottle or plastic bag to maintain a certain temperature regime(Figure 4).

Containers with rooting seedlings are kept in a sufficiently warm place (+ 22 + 25), away from direct sunlight. It is important to maintain high humidity by spraying the sprouts from time to time.

Figure 4. Seedlings after rooting in pots

As soon as you notice small sprouts in the axils of the leaves, this is a sign that rooting has been successful. From this point on, you can begin to harden the plants, removing the shelter for several hours and controlling the moisture of the soil.

In water

To germinate seedlings in water, it is necessary to lower the cut stems into a container filled with water or a special mixture and keep in a warm, bright place for two weeks. It is during this time that the first roots should appear (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Germination (rooting) of sprouts in water

Germination in water is the easiest, but far from the only way to get planting material at home. Below it will be described what other means can be used for germination.

In potatoes

How to plant a rose in a potato at home is of interest to many flower lovers. This is very interesting way rooting.

Figure 6. Rooting cuttings in potato tubers

The essence of the method is as follows: a hole is made in a medium-sized potato for an escape. Then a seedling is inserted into the potato and planted in the ground (Figure 6). At the same time, potatoes not only keep the sprout moist, but also nourish the plant, and also protect it from diseases.

The video shows how to plant cuttings rooted in potatoes.

Growing in a package

An alternative the traditional way will serve as growing cuttings in a package. For this, the cut seedlings are wrapped in a bag filled with soil. Then the bag is inflated, tied and hung on the window. Within a month, roots appear at the sprouts, after which you can plant them in a permanent place.

If the roses from the bouquet have sprouted, they can be rooted and planted in the ground. To successfully carry out this procedure, you need to know a few simple rules(Figure 7):

  • Choose flowers of domestic varieties for this method of propagation.
  • Only use fresh flowers.
  • Choose a stem that is entering the lignification stage.
  • The petiole should be of medium length (15 cm), and three growth buds should be located on it.
  • All thorns and leaves on the underside of the stem must be removed.
  • Place the cut stems in a vase with cold water, change it regularly until roots appear.
  • Transplant the cuttings into a pot or open ground under cover using one of the methods described above.

Figure 7. Preparation and rooting of rose cuttings from a bouquet

Roses from a bouquet can be planted by anyone in a convenient way, including potatoes.

How to plant rose cuttings in a permanent place

To plant cuttings of roses in a permanent place, you need to wait for the roots to appear on them, and then plant them, depending on the season, either in a pot or in the ground under a shelter.

Before planting, it is worth taking care of the quality of the soil, if necessary, saturate it with nutrients, moisten, disinfect, check the drainage. Only after all the preparatory procedures can you start planting (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Transplanting cuttings to a permanent place

At the same time, planting seedlings in pots is somewhat different from planting in open ground. So, when planted in the ground, the stems are located at an angle of 45 degrees, they almost lie in the depression, while the cuttings in the pot should not touch the soil with their roots. Their root system is located in the surface layer of sand.

The author of the video tells in detail how to properly prepare and plant cuttings of roses.

Which roses are better - grafted or rooted

Roses are propagated by seeds, layering, bud grafting (budding) and cuttings. The most common is species grafting winter hardy rose... Proponents of grafting argue that self-rooted roses (grown from seeds and cuttings) are often no different lush bloom, neither the size of the flowers, nor the hardiness. Grafting is more of a commercial method of propagation, as it allows you to get an adult flowering shrub much faster. Varietal plants are grafted to species roses to increase winter hardiness and resistance. Grafted roses due to the powerful root system they inherited, grafted roses develop rapidly, form large, abundantly flowering bushes... They are more winter hardy. But throughout their lives, rose owners will have to constantly struggle with root shoots. If it is not removed in a timely manner, the resulting "wilderness" in one season can drown out and destroy the grafted part of the bush.

Benefits of self-rooted roses

Cutting roses has its advantages, since it makes it possible to:

  • get a lot of free planting material;
  • avoid the need to remove wild growth;
  • get a more durable plant. The grafted roses are planted by grafting at ground level or with a slight deepening. Over time, many still move on to their own roots. However, their lifespan is about ten years. And self-rooted roses, especially non-covering ones, can exist for decades.

What roses are best propagated by cuttings

It is best to cut roses with small foliage - miniature, polyanthus, climbing small-flowered and ground cover. Floribunda roses occupy an intermediate position, while hybrid tea, climbing large-flowered and park roses take root with difficulty. It is better to propagate them by grafting.

How to cut roses in summer

Proceed to cuttings of roses in the garden are possible from the beginning of July.

Cut off semi-lignified, recently faded shoots from the bush you like with pruning shears. Make oblique slices directly above the bud facing the outside of the crown. The green, soft top of the shoots can be cut off and discarded; they won't be useful for rooting. Cut the cuttings from the bottom and middle of the shoot.

Cut the cuttings from the middle so that each internodal cutting has one leaf at the top. There is no need to leave a "heel".

Cut the leaves in half to reduce moisture evaporation during rooting.

Powder the bases of the cuttings with a root stimulator ("Heterauxin", "Kornevin").

Plant the cuttings to a depth of 2.5-3 cm at 5 cm intervals into a container. Compact the soil, water evenly.

If you are cutting roses in the summer, the container should be dug in a semi-shady spot in the garden. Spray the cuttings with a spray bottle every two to three days and water to a depth of 3-5 cm. Be sure to cover the cuttings plastic cover or with a transparent cover to maintain high humidity and protect against evaporation. You can use a canister from drinking water: the top cut is the cover.

Spray the cuttings periodically with a spray bottle.

Rooted cuttings can be left in a dug-in container in the garden until next year, giving them dry shelter for the winter. If roses took root in July and early August, then they can be planted in fertile soil for growing, covered with non-covering material with a density of 60-80 g / m2 for the winter.

How to cut and grow a rose from a bouquet, see here >>>>.

How to cut roses at home

If you do not have the opportunity to plant cuttings in the garden, you can propagate roses at home. all year round... In particular, this is how roses are cut after autumn pruning... The main condition for rooting cuttings is high humidity air (80-90%), temperature about + 20 ° С. In winter and autumn, a humidifier should be installed in a room with cuttings. Grown cuttings in autumn and winter (with a short daylight hours) supplement the illumination with a phytolamp for seedlings. In the spring, the container with cuttings must be accustomed to the open air on the balcony, in mid-May, planted in the garden, arranging for the first time shading and light shelter.

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I grow in my garden various flowers... Having a rose garden is an old dream. Therefore, I did not miss the opportunity to propagate roses by cuttings from donated bouquets.

After the birthday in October and after the International women's day in March, pots with green wards appeared on the windowsill in the apartment, but attempts to get the rooted queen of flowers failed.

She seemed to do everything as her acquaintances advised, but I had to look for the subtleties of growing roses myself. Now I am sharing the best practices with you.

The challenge is to root the cuttings and make them feel comfortable in the new environment. To create such conditions, a number of requirements must be met. To facilitate the task, florists offer different ways multiply roses at home and on personal plot... I tried planting cuttings in potatoes and just in the ground of the pot.

Before, I tried to multiply all the roses that were given to me. Among them were the Dutch selection. For their cultivation, powerful stimulants and a large amount of fertilizers are used, which, once in other conditions, they are not able to give a "new life".

Plants grown in Russia are another matter. They can become 100% "donors". In beauty, they are not inferior to overseas colors.

The main thing is that a piece of the stem, which is taken for grafting, must be intact with thorns.

I choose a stem that is not very stiff. I prefer cuttings with green bark rather than light brown. Renewal buds, even in a vase, already demonstrate a desire to give rise to a new life. They are the main contenders for the right to become wards in pots.

Cutting the stem of a rose growing in the open field

I did summer cuttings roses: climbing and tea, grown on garden plot... Donors were stems without buds with a thick green stem that did not have time to stiffen. The climbing rose gives many shoots that have to be cut and thrown away. I use them for reproduction.

Harvesting cuttings

From each stem, I cut pieces 10-15 centimeters long with a sharp knife. I make sure that each has at least 2-3 buds and leaves.

  • I make the lower cut under the kidney at a distance of 5 millimeters at an angle of 45 degrees. The bud is a source of nutrients for root growth and the future plant itself.
  • I make the upper cut perpendicularly, but at a distance of 6-7 millimeters above the kidney.

I clean each stalk of leaves, except for 2 branches, which help the process of photosynthesis. I "mill" them, leaving half of them. I do not touch the leaves growing from the buds.

The next step is very important for the rooting of roses and the stimulation of a vital process. I put the cuttings in a solution of heteroauxin or another drug. Stimulants are sold in flower shops... The packaging contains instructions for dilution in water.

Usually I cut the cuttings and put them in the solution during the day, and the next day I put them in the ground. A day is enough to process roses.

Timing for flower propagation

The choice of the season in the propagation of perennials plays an important role. The survival rate of May and June roses is higher compared to cuttings grown in March or October.

After rooting flowers in June, I transfer them to the garden. In August, I plant roses in open ground. I take into account that in the summer, roses will grow stronger in their natural environment. Successfully rooted and grown flowers are left to winter. In the fall, I cover part of the stem with humus, make a house out of a box and covering material.

Rooting cuttings of roses in pots

In June, I cut the cuttings. Rooting roses at home is considered one of the most productive, but the result largely depends on the person.

On the loggia, I choose a place that is moderately lit, but it is better to refuse the sun. The advantage of breeding at home is that the roses are under vigilant control. At any time you can check, water, not be afraid of frost.

In pots, I make drainage from pebbles or expanded clay. Then I pour in an earthen mixture, and then sand. For roses you need fertile land... I bring in humus and sand one by one.

It is good to add black soil. I add more soil taken from the greenhouse, which has a lot of rotted manure, but no earthworms. I put a handful wood ash... I make the top layer only from river sand.

To create greenhouse conditions The best way stretch the film frame. The structure can accommodate up to 20 "seedlings". I use a 1 liter glass jar for 3-4 plants. I usually have several cherenkov.

First, I water the earth with warm and settled water. I place the cuttings in the sand to a depth of 2 centimeters so that the lower bud is in the ground.

The substrate differs from the earthen mixture in sterility and high moisture permeability. In a favorable environment, microorganisms such as fungus and rot do not develop, and this important condition root formation of green wards.

  • Inside a greenhouse or a jar, I keep a temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius. At night, during a cold snap and even frost, I cover it with a warm blanket.
  • Shade from direct sunlight.
  • Spraying 3 times a day helps to maintain high humidity in the space. To do this, I raise the shelter, irrigate the air clean water from a spray bottle.

Sometimes in a greenhouse with roses, excessive moisture can form. Airing will create a supportive environment.

The magic with cuttings begins after 3 weeks. If the buds start growing quickly, then the roots take time to "wake up". At this stage, I reduce the humidity in the shelter. For this I often ventilate. A week later, I pay attention to the state of the shoots.

If they tolerate the influx of fresh air favorably, then I increase the ventilation time. After a month and a half, young roses do not need greenhouse conditions. Flowers only need light shading from the sun.

Rooting cuttings in potato tubers

When breeding roses in the fall at home, in addition to a layer of river sand, ordinary potatoes are used. I cut the medium-sized tubers in half, insert the cuttings treated with a stimulant by 2 centimeters into them. The vegetable pulp contains enough moisture and starch to provide nutrition.

I do not completely insert the tuber into the ground. The sides should look out of the ground by 4 millimeters.

Reproduction of roses in flowerpots

Many summer residents have the desire to create on the site small architectural forms with roses and decoration with the queen of flowers. To achieve this goal, planting roses by cuttings in decorative containers - the best way... The cuttings scheme is the same as in pots.

If you plant roses in the fall, then a rose bush will form in the spring. In the summer, in the absence of frost, I take the flowerpot to the dacha.

Rooting cuttings of roses in water

One of the easy ways to get a rose is to place the cut flower stems in water.

Be sure to take settled water, and not poured from the tap!

Sometimes there is no need to take any action, the flowers forgotten in the vase take root, but sometimes it was necessary to make an effort. I lower the cuttings 20 centimeters long into a container with clean water and put them in a bright, but protected from sunlight place.

The optimum air temperature in the room is 25 degrees. It so happened that the stem turned black and was thrown away. Be sure to change the water.

After 3, 5 weeks, a callus forms near the cut - this is the name of a whitish cloud with root primordia. It takes another 1-1.5 weeks for the real roots to appear. Then I plant the wards in fertile soil.

Rooting cuttings of roses in newspaper or cloth

Roses also take root in damp newspaper or cloth. I wrap the stem in wet fiber, then wrap the cuttings. I make sure that the material does not dry out, which is quite difficult to do. You can simply miss this moment. Therefore, this method of rooting is suitable only as an experiment in the reproduction of the queen of flowers.


It is best to breed those species that then grow and bloom beautifully without requiring vaccination. These are roses: climbing; floribunda; polyanty; hybrid polyanthus.

Greenhouse varieties also reproduce well. Therefore, if it was presented beautiful bouquet and you want to have such flowers on your site, then root such cuttings. They are herbaceous (green, not lignified). Such planting material is preferable for the propagation of roses.

After a bud has appeared on the shoot you like, take a pruner and cut off a part of the branch 5-8 cm long. The stalk is taken from the middle part of the branch. It should have 2-3 buds.

The bottom cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees, and the top cut is 90 degrees. Remove the lower leaves to reduce moisture evaporation. Now you need to place the cuttings in a nutrient solution of heteroauxin (root) for a day, lowering the lower part into it by 4-5 cm. The temperature of the solution should be slightly warm (28-32 ° C).

Further, rooting also occurs in water. It is poured into a jar, into which the lower parts of the shoots are lowered for 2-3 weeks. The container should not be in the sun, partial shade will do. Every day or every other day, you must carefully pour out the old one and pour new water.

When the rudiments of future roots appear at the ends of the cuttings in the form of a light ball, then you need to wait another week for the roots to appear. Then you need to bury the planting material in the ground.

Cuttings are planted on a plot or at home in pots to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The soil mixture must be light and nutritious. A little growth stimulant is added to the hole. It is spilled warm water

Roses are planted obliquely, under an injection of 30 ° C from ground level. A plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters is put on top. To do this, the bottom is cut off from her and a little from the side part so that she reclines well on the ground and tightly covers the stalk.

If the bottle is rectangular 5-liter, then the cutting is planted in the soil directly and only the bottom is cut from the container. When the weather is warm, the bottle cap is removed. On cool days and at night it is not removed.

When the cutting takes root, young leaves begin to grow from the buds, then the shelter is carefully removed. This is how the cuttings of roses are rooted.


If the cuttings of roses are covered with a jar, then in the evenings it is necessary to raise it and spray the seedlings. Roots need to be rooted in partial shade, in no case in a sunny open place, otherwise they may "burn out".

Helpful advice

Lignified cuttings also propagate roses. But, unlike herbaceous, the data take root worse.

You can root any you like rose... But you need to make an effort. Spend a lot of time caring for her during rooting.

You will need

  • - the Rose;
  • - knife;
  • - plastic bottle;
  • - Heteroauxin solution for root formation.


Cut off the bottom sheet completely, and the top sheet only half.

Make a loose hole for planting a rose.

Rooting will take about a month.

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The ideal time for cuttings is June.
Rooting a rose should be immediately in the ground.

Helpful advice

In winter, you need to cover the rose very carefully.
Do not plant a rose stalk in direct sunlight.


  • Indoor rose, care, transplanting, pruning, pests and diseases

A rose is a flower about which we can confidently say that everyone loves it. There is no person indifferent to her tenderness and gentleness, regal splendor and inaccessibility. Everyone admires the beauty of this flower. The rose decorates our gardens and summer cottages. Having one variety, I want to have two, three. A favorite or especially favorite variety can be easily propagated. For example, cuttings... Despite its apparent simplicity, this simple method still requires certain rules to be followed.


Place cuttings in a special preparation (growth activator) for twelve hours, you can use ordinary aloe juice, which is available in almost every home. Then dip the bottom cut into the vigorous root growth preparation.

Prepare the soil, for this you can use the purchased substrate for roses... Pour a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot or box, then soil and cover with a three-centimeter layer of sand. Plant in this soil cuttings roses, the planting depth should be one and a half to two centimeters.

Water cuttings water ( room temperature) and cover plastic bottles(cut off the bottom and put the neck up), thus forming a kind of microclimate. Water further cuttings through the neck. Top the bottle with any non-woven fabric.

If a bud begins to appear on the handle, remove it immediately. Keep the plant under a greenhouse for three to four weeks, then gradually begin to accustom it to fresh air... It is recommended to keep cuttings at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees, put the pot under a fluorescent lamp in the evening.

Spray for the first three weeks cuttings from a spray bottle five to seven times a day. After three weeks, you can reduce spraying up to three times. At the same time, make sure that the soil always remains slightly moist, but not soggy.

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  • germination of roses

The Rose - garden plant, whose ancestor is the wild rosehip. The very name - rose - unites and summarizes the work of many generations of gardeners and breeders. From the works of the ancients, it is known that roses were grown in the gardens of the rulers of Mesopotamia, and then Rome, several centuries before our era. Several thousand varieties of these plants are now known. But breeders, following, apparently, the principle "there is no limit to perfection" are breeding all new hybrids and varieties. Today, growing a royal beauty in your garden is a matter of prestige for almost every amateur gardener.

General principles of planting roses

Rose is a heat-loving and light-loving plant. Therefore, a landing site should be allocated in the eastern or southeastern part of the site. It is best to plant roses in the spring before the buds bloom. By this time, the earth should warm up well. It is undesirable to plant in the fall - the bush may not have time to take root.

Examine the ground and underground parts of the plant. Remove damaged and dry roots and weak shoots. Shorten the strong and medium ones, leaving 3 to 6 lower buds.

Prepare the soil for planting in advance. Apply organic and any complex mineral fertilizer. There are many of them on sale now, it will not be difficult to find what you need. The best organic matter, in this case, is manure. Mineral fertilizers should be applied no more than 15-20 g per bush. "Overdose" is undesirable, as it can provoke the cessation of flowering and excessive build-up of green mass.

Dig a spacious hole with a diameter of about one and a half and a depth of 1.2 m.First lay drainage (crushed stone, expanded clay, branches), then a layer of soil mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers... The distance between the bushes should be about 1-1.5 m, and for climbing roses- 2 m.The minimum interval for planting miniature roses is 0.6-0.7 m. All preparatory activities best done in autumn. An important point: The grafting site should be covered with a layer of soil approximately 6-7 cm thick. After planting, water the bush abundantly and compact the soil around it.

Obligatory care

Mandatory care for roses includes weeding, loosening, watering, feeding and pruning the bushes and ensures their normal development. In the warm season, roses are fed twice - in the spring before the buds appear and in the middle of summer before flowering. Plants are not fed in autumn. This helps to prevent untimely emergence of young shoots. Organics are brought in in early spring 1 time in 2-3 years.

Roses are watered once a week in the morning or evening. Abundant watering is also necessary in early spring before the buds awaken. An obligatory component of care is frequent loosening, which ensures free access of oxygen to the roots of the plant.

Bushes are pruned in early spring. Old and dry and diseased stems and growths formed below the grafting site are removed. Otherwise, the bush will begin to degenerate. If wintering was difficult, the shoot is pruned, leaving only 2-3 lower buds - this is the so-called strong pruning, contributing to the early renewal of the plant. All wounds and injuries are covered with garden varnish.

Roses are covered for the winter. Optimal time for this, the beginning of November is considered. Early warming of the bushes can lead to the revival of already dormant roots and the death of the plant from. Roses should not be wrapped up excessively either - this can lead to damping of the roots. The best hideout peat is considered, in extreme cases, you can just do with loose earth. It should be poured in a slide, increasing the layer as it gets colder to 10-15 cm. Lapnik and branches should not be used. All covering material is removed in the 3rd decade of March.

Roses are susceptible to various fungal diseases and can be affected by pests. Fortunately for gardeners, today the acquisition special means protection is not a problem. They are sold freely in specialized stores. Per summer period it is necessary to do 3-4 spraying of rose bushes with drugs that protect them from diseases and garden pests.

Garden roses it is not difficult to reproduce at home. If desired, the gardener can do this using several simple methods and without resorting to technically difficult grafting and budding. Most affordable way propagation of a rose - by the method of green cuttings.

What is green grafting?

In this way, roses are propagated in the second half of summer, when young branches with buds do not yet have time to woody. In this case, the cuttings root easily until winter, which makes it possible to grow own-rooted roses. For cutting cuttings, the period from July 15 to August 15 is suitable. Each of them must have at least three buds, i.e. the length of the cuttings should be 10-12 cm. The lower cut is made with a sharp knife at an angle of 45 degrees, the upper cut at a right angle. The lower leaves must be torn off.

How to root cuttings

Pre-soak the prepared cuttings in a growth stimulator for 24-36 hours. You can use the drug "Heteroauxin" for this. After this period, the cuttings are planted on a previously prepared bed at a slight angle, dipping the lower edge into the soil by 4-5 cm and compacting the earth around. To create a greenhouse effect, you can cover the cuttings with cut plastic bottles, the caps of which can be slightly unscrewed in hot weather.

The bed must be constantly kept moist, and the cuttings themselves must be sprayed daily with water. After about 2.5-3 weeks, fresh buds will hatch on them and at the same time fresh roots will appear, but you do not need to immediately remove the shelters. It is necessary to accustom the plants to fresh air gradually, slightly raising the edges of the bottles, only after that you can remove the shelters completely. You do not need to immediately transplant young seedlings to a permanent place, it is better to leave them in this garden until spring. For the winter, you need to insulate them with spruce branches, and the soil should be thoroughly mulched to prevent freezing.

You can leave the cuttings in water for rooting, and you will need to change the water every two to three days. After three weeks, new roots will appear on the stem and the plant can be planted in a box or pot. After that, you need to wait for good growth of roots and leaves and plant the seedling in open ground, but you can leave the plant on the window until spring. In this case, it must be borne in mind that roses should be at rest in winter. In order not to weaken the plant and allow it to prepare for the next season, you need to reduce watering and create appropriate conditions.

The second method of grafting

For this method, cuttings of roses are harvested in the fall, you can do this before the onset of the first frost. The shoot should be no thinner than 5 mm and have 5-8 buds. Cuttings are cut in a manner similar to that described above and planted in a garden bed. The first weeks need to cover the garden plastic wrap, then the film must be removed and covered with non-woven covering material or thick straw mats.

In this position, the cuttings should remain until spring. However, in this case, you need to take care of how to protect them from mice: it is advisable to spread a rodent repellent nearby. In addition, this method is more suitable for regions with mild winters, in more severe ones the risk of seedlings freezing will be quite high.

Surely many had a desire to extend their lives. beautiful flowers from the presented bouquet. It is possible to grow a rose from a cutting. However, you need to know that not every flower from the store has a chance to take root. Plants from Holland with long stems almost never take root, but roses from domestic greenhouses can be given a second life.

Rose is everyone's favorite, but rather finicky flower. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, you should use the proven methods of experienced florists.

1. The tool, hands and work surface alcohol solution, as this work requires cleanliness.

2. Use a sharp pruner to cut the cuttings with 3 nodes from the middle of the flowering shoot. Next, you need to make two cuts. The upper one is straight, 5-7 mm above the kidney, and the lower one is oblique, 1.5-2 mm below the kidney. Bottom sheet remove, and shorten the rest by half so that the moisture evaporates less.

3. Place the selected cuttings in liter cans with water (other suitable containers can be used). It is necessary to use clean, unboiled, unboiled water without chlorine. The water should cover the bottom cut by 1-2 cm. Place jars with cuttings in the sun. As the water evaporates, the water will need to be topped up to the desired level (without disturbing or pulling out the cuttings).

4. After 10-12 days, callus will form on the lower cut. And after another five days, the cuttings must be carefully planted, trying not to damage, in prepared pots or in a school on the site. Prepare the soil for planting from humus, sand, peat and sod land (in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 1: 1.).

5. Cover the planted cuttings with a jar, slightly darkened from the inside. The soil must be kept moist, but not waterlogged. After a week, buds will begin to appear on the cuttings. After the appearance of buds, the plants must be gradually accustomed to the conditions the environment and remove the banks.

Rooting roses with green cuttings

Getting new specimens by grafting is troublesome, it is much easier to grow them from existing branches. You can cut many from one plant, then plant roses in your garden, donate the surplus good people or sell.

So, before cutting roses, decide on the timing. This is done when the first wave of flowering passes - a week after that. It is necessary to cut the tops of the branches where there is a growth point. Cuttings should be about 7 cm long and have 2-3 axillary buds

To make the plant spend less energy, tear off the lower leaves. Place the planting material in water for a day, adding a rooting agent. You can immediately dip the slices into Kornevin powder and plant them in the greenhouse. Previously, the soil is loosened and sand is poured with a layer of 3 cm, the branches are placed slightly obliquely.

Cutting roses requires high humidity air, which is available, for example, in a cucumber greenhouse. The temperature is also suitable for root growth - +25 - + 27 ° С. From time to time you need to carefully moisten the soil with a spray bottle. To make the cuttings of roses go faster, spray them with a growth stimulant a couple of times.

If you do not have a suitable greenhouse, then use for rooting. plastic cups, covering them from above with the same container or transparent cans, plastic bottles.

Rooting should take place in partial shade, so in a greenhouse where vegetables grow, cut cuttings will be comfortable.

When foliage begins to form intensively, it means that rooting was successful. You can grow roses here, providing shelter for the winter, and plant them in a permanent place next spring.

Flower propagation by bending branches

This method is suitable for climbing, ground cover roses and those whose branches bend well. See which one can be turned into a horizontal position so as not to break.

Pre-excavate the groove. Add some calcined sand, moisten it, add rooting powder, such as Kornevin. Without cutting the branch, put it in the groove, sprinkle it with soil so that it covers this cutting by 3-5 cm.

It is better to reproduce roses in this way in the spring. When the intensive growth of the bush begins, roots will begin to form. But you do not need to rake the earth, look at the roots, as then they can dry out. With a sharp knife, cut off the rooted branch at the end of August, transfer it to a permanent place with a lump of earth.

Here's how to propagate roses by cuttings to get many beautiful specimens queens of flowers.