How to choose shrimp: tiger, king or regular? Shrimp - the benefits and harms of crustaceans What is the difference between wild shrimp and sea shrimp.

Kirill Martynenko

Brand Chef and Managing Partner of Boston Seafood & Bar, Krevetka Seafood and Torro Grill

What shrimps are there in Russia?

There are more than 2000 species of shrimp in the world, and all of them are edible. However, only 35 species can be considered commercial - they are harvested in large volumes. In Russia, the diversity is even less. This is due to the geography of production and various import restrictions.

All Russian shrimps are wild and cold water. They are caught at a depth of more than 300 meters with large trawls Special fishing nets-bags for bottom fishing.... The most popular Russian shrimp is the Pacific Far Eastern shrimp, or pandalus borealis. In the northern seas, you can also find pandalus, but it is smaller than its Far Eastern counterparts. Is there some more Bering shrimp Better known in Russia as a bear., greenlandic Despite its name, it lives in the Pacific Ocean., comb and chilim. These are fundamentally different types. They differ in mass, structure, time of gaining their weight. What is important is that they are caught in their natural environment.

Aquaculture shrimp

Warm water shrimp are much larger. Most of them are grown in special freshwater farm ponds. Warm water shrimp are not just big - they gain weight very quickly. In fact, this is a cow that grows for slaughter.

For the convenience of our guests and regular users, we have compiled a catalog of popular types of aquarium shrimp. This list is in alphabetical order, with a photo and a link to a single shrimp. Also, if necessary, you can always refer to the section of the site.

Not so long ago, in 2006, thanks to new research on Japanese shrimp, it was established that the Caridina japonica shrimp (discovered and described in 1892) and the Caridina multidentata shrimp (described earlier in 1860) are the same species. Thus, since 2006, the name of the Amano shrimp has been officially changed to "Caridina multidentata".
The famous aquascaper and creator of the so-called "natural aquariums" Takashi Amano was the first to use these shrimps to fight algae in his herbal aquariums.

After discovering their amazing ability to eat algae, he immediately ordered several thousand shrimp from a local live goods merchant. Since the 1980s, aquarists have been calling her "Amano".

Babaulti shrimp have a bright green body. Green babaulti shrimps are distinguished by their peculiarity: they are able to change the color of their body, becoming green, then light brown or red. The color depends on what mood the animal is in, how it eats, and in what conditions it lives.

It is also worth noting that it is quite difficult to find well-colored babaults on sale, as in the pictures. Often these are tiny, pale green shrimps.

In addition, there are many babaulti color morphs: brown, orange and red varieties.

Blue dream shrimp do not have any special requirements for aquarium decoration. The main thing is the presence of a certain amount of moss, plants and driftwood in the aquarium. All types of plants can be used, but small-leaved plants and mosses are best. It is recommended that you build secluded spots for the shrimp and add oak, almond or beech leaves to the aquarium. Dry leaves are both a shelter and a treat for shrimp.

Cherry or Cherry shrimp is a species of shrimp, selectively bred in Germany, obtained in the process of long crossing of wild Neocaridina Heteropoda shrimp.
An aquarium with shrimp of this species should be well planted with plants on which the Cherry Shrimp spend a lot of their time just to sit, and be sure to have hiding places in which they hide for protection, especially after molting.

Almost transparent shrimp with dark transverse stripes along the body and light specks. Rostrum with straight upper and slightly convex lower margins. The single-toothed, straight-ahead end of the beak protrudes slightly beyond the anterior margin of the scaphocerites. Of the three antennae of the 1st pair, two have grown together with 6-7 segments. Has small claws. The color of the shrimp largely depends on the color of the food, as well as on the shade of the soil. Shrimp size is about 5 cm.

In 1993, Japanese Hisayasu Suzuki, while breeding shrimp of classic black color, accidentally got an unusual shrimp - red shrimp. After a while, 3 more pieces of such shrimp appeared. Having decided to fix the red gene, he proceeded to select and breed shrimp with red stripes.
By 1996, the breeder had several thousand red and white stripe shrimps that were rapidly gaining popularity and love among shrimp lovers. Hisayasu Suzuki patented their name "Crystal Red".

The genus Macrobrachium is Macrobrachium.Shrimps from the genus Macrobrachium have been used in aquarism for a relatively long time. All members of the family are not distinguished by their peacefulness. Some representatives of the genus are distinguished by solid (up to 15-20 cm) sizes and are used in gastronomy (in particular, Macrobrachium rosenbergi, which is successfully bred on an industrial scale on special farms).
Fortunately for nature lovers, there are quite a few relatively compact creatures among the representatives of the genus, suitable for cultivation in home aquariums. These primarily include shrimp Macrobrachium nipponense - River, oriental Japanese shrimp. In addition to Macrobrachium nipponense, other members of the genus are kept in aquariums.

Rili shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda sp. Rili) - the fruit of selection, bred in 1996. in Taiwan, Hisayasu Suzuki - a Japanese breeder, thus, who gave the world a magnificent shrimp crystal.

Here are the indicative conditions that are most favorable for keeping and breeding Rili shrimp: aquarium - from 10 liters, water temperature - 22-28 degrees, pH 6.0 to 8.0 with soft and medium hard water. It is advisable to keep shrimps in a group of 10 +++ individuals, the aquarium should be rich in aquatic flora - shrimps should have shelters in the form of plants and mosses.

Glass shrimps live for a relatively short time 1 - 1.5 years and grow up to 4 cm. They are extremely easy to maintain and care for. Ghost shrimps, unlike many other relatives, are not pretentious about soft and slightly acidic water. Water parameters for their content temperature: 22-27 С, pH - 6.5-7.5, kH 5-8; gH 5-8, dH 4-8; TDS - 120-180. Weekly water changes are required. Aeration and water filtration is also required. In the aquarium, you need to create places where the ghosts can hide. This can be driftwood, thickets of plants, a pile of stones, etc.

The habitat of the Cardinal shrimp is the rocky areas of the lake of the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Its size is on average one and a half centimeters. They are very active in obtaining food from bottom stones and algae, as well as from the shells of snails from their native island. Therefore, in their home there should be an abundance of decorative elements such as aquarium plants, stones, driftwood for the aquarium and other items overgrown with algae. The color intensity of the Cardinal shrimp has nothing to do with gender, age, emotional or physical state of the individual. Body color - various shades of cherry and red, attractively contrasting on the sides with white specks, which may be edged in blue. A characteristic feature is white front legs, with which the crustacean quickly and amusingly goes through, getting food.

The Black Diamond Shrimp, also known as the Black Diamond Shrimp, primarily in Japan, is becoming a very popular species with modern shrimp breeders. This species was selectively bred from the common Tiger Shrimp, where specimens with the blackest stripes were selected for a long time for crossing, in the end, the selection gave the long-awaited result and the shrimps became completely black.
There are two varieties of the Black Tiger Shrimp - one with black eyes and the other with orange eyes. Moreover, those with orange eyes are valued much higher than their black-eyed relatives.

Types of aquarium shrimp video review

Shrimp are popular with gourmets for their nutritional value and year-round availability. They are not only eaten separately, but also added to salads and appetizers. Shrimp are widespread in all seas of the world and many species live in freshwater bodies. These are small crustaceans, the size of which does not exceed 30 centimeters. In Russia, shrimp are mainly found in the Far East, where there are over 100 species of them. But commercial shrimps are usually divided not by species, but by the size of individuals, it is sorted by size that they go on sale. But the smallest species (up to 7 cm) are deep-sea shrimp.

The history of eating shrimp goes back many centuries. Even ancient culinary experts surprised their masters with magnificent baked shrimps from Minturo, Smyrna or Alexandria.

Shrimp are rich in proteins and valuable amino acids, and also have a large amount of iodine, which is needed for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. They also contain all fat-soluble vitamins: K, A, E, D.

Shrimp contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, fluorine, zinc, vitamins C, B1, B2, B9, PP, provitamin A and B-carotene.

Thus, shrimp are one of the most valuable sources of protein and minerals.

On a note: The amount of iodine in shrimp is 100 times more than in beef!

Shrimp are rich in calcium, which is beneficial for the thyroid, immune system, kidneys, muscular system, blood synthesis, and bone building. Potassium is essential for the cardiovascular system. Zinc stimulates the production of hormones, improves skin, strengthens nails. Sulfur also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, regulates the function of sweat and sebaceous glands, strengthens the immune system, reduces allergies, participates in the construction of connective tissue, including the valve apparatus of the heart, membranes of venous and arterial vessels, articular surfaces.

Shrimp has very high levels of good cholesterol and is also very high in copper.

Shrimp composition

in 100 grams of product

The nutritional value Vitamins Macronutrients Trace elements

Caloric content 87 kcal

Protein 18.3 g

Fat 1.2 g

Carbohydrates 0.8 g

Water 78.2 gr

Saturated Fatty Acids 0.2g

Cholesterol 160 mg

Ash 1.5 gr

Vitamin A 0.015 mg
Vitamin PP 2 mg
Beta-carotene 0.01 mg
Vitamin A (RE) 16 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.06 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.07 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.3 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.1 mg
Vitamin B9 (folate) 13 mcg
Vitamin B12 (cobalamins) 0.8 μg
Vitamin C 1.4 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 2.3 mg
Vitamin H (biotin) 1 μg
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 5 mg

Calcium 100 mg

Magnesium 60 mg

Sodium 150 mg

Potassium 260 mg

Phosphorus 220 mg

Sulfur 210 m

Iron 2.2 mg

Zinc 2.1 mg

Iodine 110 mcg

Copper 850 mcg

Manganese 0.11 mg

Chromium 55 mcg

Fluoride 100 mcg

Molybdenum 10 mcg

Cobalt 12 mcg

Nickel 11 mcg

On a note: The best shrimp are fresh frozen: they are not only tastier, but also have a longer shelf life. These shrimps can be distinguished by their gray-brown color.

What good shrimp look like

High-quality frozen shrimp are distinguished by a slightly curved shape, elasticity, and their meat is light gray in color. The carapace may be slightly darkened near the cephalothorax and on the back (these spots should disappear after cooking). Some shrimp can be served with caviar. The product should smell like the sea without any unpleasant odors. All shrimps in the package must be whole, the number of broken antennae and tails must not exceed 5% of the total weight. In addition, the container should not contain anything other than shrimp and ice.

The boiled shrimp should be curved and the flesh should be pink with different shades. The meat should be firm and juicy. The taste and aroma of shrimp is characteristic, there should be no extraneous tastes and odors.

What bad shrimp look like

Poor quality shrimp can have an unpleasant odor. Damage to the carapace and antennae is a violation. If the structure of the meat is loose, and its color is gray, yellow or uneven, then the product is spoiled. You should not take shrimp with gray spots on the shell and body, as well as with blackened heads.

On a note: All shrimps in the package must be the same size!

How to determine the quality of shrimp

Carefully examine the package: it must contain the full name of the company, as well as the manufacturer's contact information, the weight of the package and the number of shrimps in one kilogram must be indicated.

On a note: The shrimp package should indicate the number of shrimp per 1 kg or 450 g (this is 1 lb).

If you buy shrimp by weight, the icing on them should not be too thick. Packaged shrimp should not be covered in snow, as this is a sure sign of re-freezing.

On a note: European shrimp suppliers are now leading in terms of quality.

Conventional classification of edible shrimp:

  • Classic shrimps (different types of shrimps, packaged by size).
  • King prawns.
  • Tiger chrimp.

More than 2 thousand species of shrimp are found in nature. However, all of them can be divided into conditional groups according to their habitat. There are warm water and cold water shrimps, as well as sea and freshwater shrimps.

Cold water shrimp

Cold water sea shrimp are very diverse. More than 100 species are found in Russia in the Far East. But the most popular are the northern red shrimp, Pandalus borealis, which live in arctic waters. Their subspecies are the northern chillim Pandalus goniurus and the red comb shrimp Pandalus hypsinotus. These are very small but tasty - a great beer snack.

Warm water shrimp

Warm water shrimp live in the warm tropical waters of the southern seas and oceans. Such shrimps are not only caught in their natural environment, but also bred on special farms. There are few types of warm-water shrimps. The tiger shrimp Penaeus kerathurus living in the Atlantic Ocean is very popular. Also known is the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. It is common on the coasts of Asian countries. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the green tiger shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus is found, as well as the white shrimp Panaeus Vannamei, also called king.

Salt water shrimp

Also in the Atlantic Ocean there are southern pink Penaeus notialis, red royal Plesiopenaeus emardsianus, serrated Palaemon serratus, northern pink Penaeus duorarum, northern white Penaeus setiferus shrimp, pink deep-sea Aristeus antennatus, southern pink Penaeus notiatis. Black Sea herb shrimp Palaemon adspersus and sandy shrimp Crangon crangon are found in large numbers in the Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Seas. On the coasts of Japan and China, spotted deep-sea shrimp Pandalus platyceros and captain's shrimp Penaeus chinensis are found. And the Chilean shrimp Heterocarpus reedei can only be found off the coast of Chile.

It is interesting: In nature, there are very unusual types of shrimp. So, the spongicol shrimp lives in glass sponges. This shrimp climbs into the sponge at the larval stage, then grows and, due to its size, can already crawl out. And the mantis shrimp is distinguished by its eyes: it is able to see in infrared, optical, polarized and ultraviolet light at the same time. In Asia, the ninja shrimp lives, capable of changing color, mimicking the environment. Red-nosed shrimps with a long reddish nose live in the waters of the Indian Ocean.

Freshwater shrimp

But shrimp are not only found in sea and ocean waters. Many species also live in fresh waters. The largest and most popular tropical warm water freshwater shrimp are the giant Macrobrachium rosenbergii. They are better known as king prawns. These shrimps are found in Southeast Asia, China, Indy, Northern Australia and the islands of Oceania. It is interesting that, living in fresh waters, king prawns prefer to breed in salt water.

Freshwater shrimps found in Russia are descendants of the preglacial inhabitants of the Earth. For example, in the Caucasus, in streams and cave lakes, there is a blind troglocar shrimp Troglocaris anophthalmus Kollar.

The Far East is inhabited by the species Leander, Paratya, Caridina. Shrimp Palaemon superbus and Leander modestus Heller are found in Lake Khanka. Both Leander modestus Heller and Caridina denticulata sinensis Kemp live in the Amur. Sakhalin is home to L. Paucudens De Haan shrimp. Shrimp Paratya porealis Wolk lives in the Ulunchi River. The freshwater bodies of the Astrakhan region are inhabited by the eastern river shrimp.

It is interesting: The homeland of the eastern river shrimp inhabiting the Astrakhan reservoirs are Vietnam, Japan and China. However, having arrived in Russia along with consignments of Vietnamese fish, the eastern shrimp successfully adapted to the harsh Russian climate and has been living in our country since the 50s of the last century.

How to cook shrimp

How long does it take to cook shrimp

The main thing during cooking is not to allow the meat to acquire a rubbery consistency. In order not to digest the product, you need to consider what type of shrimp you purchased: warm water or cold water.

On a note: Large warm-water shrimps cook longer than small cold-water ones.

Ordinary small Atlantic shrimps are boiled for no more than 2 minutes, and large warm-water shrimps should stay in boiling water for about 3 minutes. The difference is small, but it matters a lot.

The characteristic sign of the readiness of the shrimp is a matte pink color and a slightly transparent shell. After the shrimps are cooked, some cooks recommend not taking them out of the water right away, but leaving them to brew in the resulting broth for 15-20 minutes.

On a note: When the shrimps are cooked, do not rush to take them out of the broth, but let it brew for 20 minutes.

If you bought not fresh-frozen, but boiled-frozen shrimps, then it is enough, without defrosting, to throw them into a pot of boiling water and wait until they float to the surface.

How to improve the taste of shrimp

In Italy, shrimp are sometimes boiled in milk or cream. In China and Japan, green tea leaves are added to the water when boiling shrimp, which helps to fight off the fishy smell.

Russia also has its own interesting approaches to shrimp cooking. For example, there are known methods of boiling shrimp in beer and even in vodka!

The best additives for shrimp during cooking to improve the taste and aroma of a dish are black pepper, bay leaves, lemon, lime, vegetable oil, salt, garlic, tarragon, dill, and cloves.

On a note: The shrimp can be cooked in the microwave, for this it is enough to put the frozen shrimp without adding water for 5-12 minutes, depending on the power of the FSW radiation.

How to peel shrimp

In stores, you can find ordinary unpeeled shrimp, and shrimp without a head or even without a shell.

On a note: On average, 1 kg of peeled shrimp is approximately equal to 3 kg of unpeeled.

Some shrimp recipes may be pre-cleaned prior to cooking. In others, on the contrary, it is required to cook whole shrimp. Even recipes for some dishes include the use of shrimp along with shell or tails. Also, when frying or baking on shrimp bodies, heads are often left. However, if you still need to peel the shrimp, there are several ways.

Shrimp cleaning methods

You can start the cleaning process by separating the head, and then, pulling the tail, carefully remove the shell with the paws and at the same time pull out the insides.

Another way is to start with the legs and then separate the head and shell. If caviar is on the paws, it is better to remove it first.

On a note: Shrimp caviar can also be eaten: it is both tasty and healthy.

There are ways to clean shrimp using kitchen utensils: cut off the legs with scissors, and cut the shell along the outer bend with a small knife, push apart its halves and pry off the inside with a point. Then they take out the meat and rinse it.

Tip: To easily peel boiled shrimp, dip it in cold water for a few seconds after boiling.

Using shrimp shells

Shrimp can be used to make soup broth. There are several ways to prepare this broth. First, the shells can simply be boiled in a saucepan with the addition of spices. There should be a little water just to cover the contents. After boiling, reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes. After boiling, wait until the water has cooled down.

The second method is to pre-wash and dry the shrimp shells in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Then cook with seasonings, onions and garlic until boiling, then reduce heat, add herbs and cook for another hour. After cooking, leave for 30 minutes.

On a note: Strain the soup through cheesecloth before using the shrimp shell broth.

Shrimp market in Russia

Cold water shrimp are harvested in Scandinavia, Russia and Canada. Canada, Denmark, Norway, Greenland, Russia, the USA and Japan are suppliers of Atlantic cold water shrimp to the Russian market. They are sold mainly fresh frozen.

Warm-water shrimps are supplied to the domestic market by such countries as China, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ecuador. They are sold in three types - frozen in a block of ice, individually frozen with a head and without a head.

In 2010, supplies of two main types of shrimp were made to Russia: Pandalidae shrimps accounted for 67.8% of the turnover by weight, and 52.8% in price, and Penaeus shrimps accounted for 30.5% and 44.9%, respectively. At the same time, Pandalidae turned out to be 47% cheaper than Penaeus.

In 2007-2010, the average increase in shrimp imports to Russia amounted to 6%. In 2010, the volume of imports almost returned to the pre-crisis level of 2008 and amounted to $ 199 million.

The statistics of average monthly deliveries from 2007 to 2010 showed a drop in the total volume and delivery prices in 2009 to an average annual level of $ 3.09 per 1 kg of goods. In 2010, there were obvious trends in sales growth, while the average annual price since 2008 has grown by 4%.

Russia is one of the world leaders in terms of shrimp consumption. In 2013, shrimps were supplied to Russia from 24 countries!

The main shrimp importers to Russia are Canada, China and Denmark. The largest supplier of shrimp to Russia is Canada (more than 40% of all imports), but China's share is growing with each Goth (from 2.7% in 2007 to 22.8% in 2010).

The most expensive shrimp supplied from Portugal, Nicaragua and Vietnam.

Relatively cheap shrimps - from Italy, Spain, Japan, the Netherlands, Estonia, Iceland, Tunisia.

Major suppliers imported shrimp to the Russian market: Albatross, Polar Seafood Russia, Vichunai-Rus, New Alaska, Agama Royal Greenland, Sea Prod.

Most of the companies on the Russian shrimp market are representative offices of foreign producers. In addition to sales, these enterprises, as a rule, carry out processing and packaging of products.

Shrimp are marine crustaceans, the size of which varies from two to thirty centimeters, depending on the species, and there are just over a hundred species of shrimp. Shrimp are sold raw or cooked-frozen in packs, with raw shrimp being dark green or gray in color, and processed shrimp pink. Frozen boiled shrimps, which are sold in packs, do not require prolonged heat treatment; they can simply be thawed or scalded with boiling water and thrown into soups, paellas, curries and other hot dishes at the very end of cooking so that their meat retains its tenderness.

King prawns

There are about eight species of king prawns, their length ranges from 20 to 25 cm, and their weight is from 30 to 40 grams. Royal shrimps differ from ordinary shrimps by the presence of a short beak and a massive back part and, accordingly, they have more meat - and it differs in taste, a little sweeter, almost like crabs. King prawns are available frozen (and peeled) and fresh in most supermarkets.

Shrimp paste

A homogeneous pasta of shrimp meat and salt (you can make it at home, boiled shrimp meat with a pinch of sea salt in a blender) is added to curries and sauces.

Large shrimp with tails

Large shrimps are king, their size reaches twenty to twenty-five centimeters, but even among the usual you can find larger individuals - they are sold frozen, for example, under the Agama brand. Often the shrimp is not completely peeled, only the shell is removed, leaving the tails. These are great for grilling in the form of kebabs - they are convenient to hold by the tail.

Marinated shrimps

Pickled shrimps are sold in supermarkets as canned food, but it is better to cook them yourself: mix raw or boiled shrimps with lemon juice, lemon zest, olive oil and spices and leave for half an hour or an hour. Raw shrimp then need to be fried, for example, on a grill, while boiled shrimp can be immediately added to salads, soups and other dishes.

Peeled boiled shrimp

Boiled peeled shrimps of various sizes are sold in supermarkets frozen, these are found completely peeled, and some leave a tail that is easy to hold with your hands. However, the shrimp is easy to clean: for this, with a knife with a grooved blade from the head to the tail of the boiled shrimp, you need to make a longitudinal incision along the ridge, cutting through the shell. Then remove the shell, pick it up with a knife and pull out the dark intestine thread that runs along the shrimp back - this is the esophagus. And optionally, leave or remove the chitinous tail.

Dried shrimp

Salted and dried shrimp have a strong odor, and you need to add them to food in microscopic doses, for example, for flavor in soups and hot dishes - as a seasoning. It's a good idea to soak them in warm water before using them and then rinse them to remove excess salt.

Tiger chrimp

Tiger shrimps are the largest shrimps, reaching over thirty centimeters in length and weighing an average of about 650 grams. Outwardly, tiger shrimps differ from ordinary and king shrimps by the presence of dark stripes on the shell and the taste of meat - it is tender and most of all resembles the meat of crayfish. And you need to cook it no longer than two or three minutes so that it does not become rubber.

Despite the fact that the types of shrimp can be very different, but they are all united by the fact that they all belong to crustaceans - the order of decapods.

Sea shrimps inhabit almost all seas and oceans of the planet, and freshwater shrimps live in rivers and lakes.

If we talk about the size, then they can vary from very small (about two centimeters) to a giant thirty centimeters or more.

Most of the ornamental species come from East Asia. A significant number of these are the inhabitants of the seas, some genera have adapted to fresh waters. The desire to breed more colorful species led to multiple attempts at crossing and the search for new species that are distinguished by dazzling colors. In turn, as a result of crosses and a huge selection done, now on sale you can find individuals with an extremely spectacular color.


Freshwater shrimp has a complex structure, expressed in many legs. It is worth noting that these legs serve as shrimp not only for movement, but also help to perform various functions, even help with breathing. Freshwater river shrimp is divided into 2 parts, the cephalothorax and abdominal region.

In the area of ​​the cephalothorax, there are the eyes and the main part of the limbs, as well as antennae and walking legs.

On the abdominal part, there are additional limbs that help the shrimp not only move in the water, but also bear offspring.

In shrimp, the front segments of the breast are fused with the head, 5 pairs of hind legs are intended for movement. The forelimbs have a slightly different role, namely the transfer of food to the mouth. The carapace is designed to protect the head, chest and gills.

The extremities of the extreme abdominal segment have undergone changes and have the appearance of wide plates, in the form of a fan, which helps her to make quick swimming movements. The mouth consists of powerful jaws, the main purpose of which is to grind and crush feed. The blade, located on the jaws, serves to circulate water in the gills. The front part of the carapace has an elongated shape. The legs on the abdomen of males serve only for swimming, while females need to hold their calves. If we talk about males, then their front pair of abdominal legs serves as an organ for copulation.

Both freshwater and sea shrimp have stalked eyes, which can turn in different directions, which guarantees a wide view. When looking for food or a place of refuge, shrimps use not only sight, but also smell. These functions are assigned to the antennae, near which the organs of balance are located.

Shrimp sheds constantly. At this time (2-3 days before molting and 1-2 after its completion) they do not eat. Having freed itself from the previous shell, the shrimp tries to hide in dense vegetation or in other shelters. After the shell has been shed, some time must pass before they have time to harden, and at this time, the shrimp is most vulnerable. The discarded shell is usually eaten by the animals themselves, since it contains various nutrients. When shrimp ends molting, complete recovery of damaged or lost limbs occurs. It is worth noting that this process in young individuals occurs much faster than in adults, in whom it can stretch over several molts.


The freshwater aquarium shrimp is gradually becoming a habitual inhabitant of our aquariums due to its interesting and non-aggressive behavior. Small breeds of shrimp can be kept in small aquariums with small fish.

These cute animals are extremely sensitive to lack of oxygen, as a result of which the water must be constantly aerated. The optimum temperature is 15-30 degrees, but it is worth knowing that when it drops to the lower limit, they begin to behave somewhat sluggishly. It does not matter what kind of shrimp you keep, do not allow large fluctuations in temperature.

In an aquarium that contains shrimp, it is imperative that not only plants be planted, but also various driftwood, tiled fragments, stones, in general, everything that can serve as a refuge for them.

If we talk about the soil, then it must be selected on the basis that the particles should not be less than three millimeters. This is important both for the shrimp themselves and for the vegetation, since water circulates poorly in the soil from small parts. The presence of Java moss in the reservoir is desirable, under which all sorts of tiny organisms that serve as food for shrimp accumulate.

It doesn't matter if the river shrimp or the saltwater shrimp lives in your aquarium, it is important to know that these animals tend to lead a calm or even secretive lifestyle. That is why the best option would be to equip a separate shrimp in which they will not be disturbed by other aquatic inhabitants.

What types of freshwater shrimp you would not contain the basic rules are a calm environment, constant water temperature, proper feeding and the presence of shelters.

Video "Features of breeding"

This video explains how to keep and breed shrimp in your home aquarium.


If you are still undecided which shrimp will live in your aquarium, then marine shrimp can be a great option. They differ little in their structure from freshwater ones, the only thing that they need is the organization of somewhat different water conditions. But this is not difficult, because now in pet stores special preparations are sold that help turn the most ordinary tap water into sea water. They are not expensive and you will not have any problems with that. You also need to pay attention to the vegetation. Those crops that grow well in fresh water will simply die in salt water.

Like the common river shrimp, the sea is extremely peaceful, and their fights are nothing more than fencing with the help of antennae.

Very often, the owners of a reef reservoir, having caught a shrimp near the corpse of some fish, begin to blame it for the cause of its death. This is fundamentally wrong. The shrimp is simply not capable of killing.


Almost any type of shrimp is ideal for keeping in artificial reservoirs. They do not hunt fish or gnaw at plants, so they can be kept together with small friendly fish species. Large, especially aggressive fish species perceive small shrimp as food.

In addition to small freshwater shrimp in pet stores, you can often find quite large shrimp on sale. For example, Nigerian (their description on our website in a separate article). Do not worry when buying them, as their disposition is as peaceful as that of other breeds. However, as with any rule, there are exceptions, which include the Rosenberg breeds or the chameleon.


The diet of shrimp is quite varied and they eagerly eat both plant foods and animal foods. Their greatest delicacy can be called the well-known bloodworm, tubule, daphnia, etc. Of the plants, those with soft leaves, for example, ceratopteris, are preferred. They do not disdain dead fish, snails and other animals. At the same time, dry food is also eagerly eaten.

How do they reproduce

The reproduction of these aquatic inhabitants is interesting. The male finds the female ready for mating by smell and fertilizes. Young males, which are able to fertilize up to five females, are especially active. Older individuals are not more than one. The time between mating and oviposition is different. From two to three days to a crescent. The fertilized testicles hang on the female's pleopods until the larvae begin to hatch. All this time she is in some kind of shelter.

In order for the female to feel calmer, it is better to plant her in a separate aquarium, she will not only be calmer there, but there is also a guarantee that the fry will not become prey to other inhabitants of the aquarium. Young animals do not look like adult shrimps at all. And unfortunately, in case of the slightest deviations from the norm, it dies.

Video "Species that are bred in aquariums"

These are three parts of the video showing the most interesting breeds that can be bred in aquariums.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3