How to twist cucumbers in liter banks. Billets from cucumbers for the winter. Recipes

Almost every hostess in the summer makes many diverse billets. Preservation of cucumbers for the winter delicious prescription With vinegar based on a liter bank, is considered the most versatile and actual preparation method. Vegetables are obtained by fragrant, crispy and solid. So, let's start consideration by step-by-step instructions.


  • cucumbers - 500-700 grams;
  • dill twigs - 25 grams;
  • hot pepper - 2 slice;
  • clove of garlic - 1 piece;
  • 2 sheets of cherry;
  • currant - 5 berries.

1 liter of filtered water:

  • lavrushka in the leaves - 1 piece;
  • fragrant pepper - 2 peas;
  • vinegar 9% - 80 ml;
  • salt stone - 50 grams;
  • sugar - 25 grams;
  • carnation - 1 inflorescence.


  1. Green fruits are well mine. Put in a large enameled basin, fill icewater And leave for 3-5 hours.
  2. We rinse under water with soap, sterilize over water vapor. My covers are poured with steep boiling water and withstand 3-4 minutes.
  3. In the prepared glass containers laid several branches of dill, purified clove of garlic, a slice of burning pepper.
  4. With green fruits merge water, rinse again. Tightly to each other, we first put the fruits vertically, then we shift the dill branch and horizontally again cucumbers, only smaller. Then add several berries currants and the leaves of the cherry, and on top of the dill branch.
  5. In a small saucepan, we pour fluid, boil and spread in banks. We cover the treated covers, wait a quarter of an hour. During this time, the bank must cool a bit. After time, drain the water, boil it. We repeat the procedure for another 1 time.
  6. We drain the water again, add spices: salt, sugar, laurel, carnation, black pepper. Stir, boiling. After the fire, turn off and pour vinegar with a thin ridge. We break up the finished marinade by tanks, close tightly with covers. I turn down the lid, check for tightness - water should not flow. We insulate the blanket until the banks with content are cooled.

According to this recipe, the conservation of cucumbers for the winter with vinegar can be stored not only in a cold place, but at home. Surprise your loved ones, preparing a delicious fragrant YURCH.

Crispy cucumbers for the winter


  • cucumbers - 800 grams;
  • teaspoon vinegar 70%;
  • clean water - 1 liter;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onion Pink - 1 middle head;
  • black peas pepper - 5 pieces;
  • pepper fragrant - 4 pieces;
  • carnation - 5 inflorescences;
  • parsley twig - 2 pieces;
  • salt stone - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar sand - 2 tablespoons;
  • lavrushka in the leaves - 1 piece.


  1. Green fruits are rinsed under water, lay out in a large saucepan and pour cold liquid. We leave for 5-6 hours.
  2. In the meantime, sterilize the container with covers and prepare vegetables. We rinse the jar with soap, heating in a brass at a temperature of 100 degrees to complete drying. The lid is rinsed and boiling a few minutes.
  3. Vegetables clean from the peel. Cut rings or straw as you like.
  4. In prepared glass jar We put the spices: two types of pepper, laurel and carnation.
  5. With cucumbers drain the liquid, remove the ass. First, we put the cucumbers tightly to each other vertically, then lay out the layer of the chopped onion and carrots, then again green fruits. The final component is the sprigs of parsley.
  6. The required amount of fluid is poured into a pan and bring to a boil. Pour boiling water into the jar, cover with a lid and wait a quarter of an hour. We repeat this procedure again.
  7. Drain of water for the second time, fall asleep in it salt and sugar. Boiling, constantly stirring. Hot brine We fill in the container, add 70% vinegar and close the jar.
  8. I turn over it, cover the plaid and wait for the complete cooling.

The recipe for preserving cucumbers for the winter with the addition of 70% vinegar is simple and simple. Finished cucumbers are obtained by crispy, piquant, but, the main thing, banks do not more. It is possible to store such a workpiece at home when room temperature.

If you do not know what to prepare, do cucumbers with vinegar for the winter. You will spend a minimum of money and get a great workpiece!

Cucumbers for the winter in a bank with vinegar


- Laurel leaf
- cucumbers with bursts - 2 kg
- dill, parsley
- Salt cook
- Vinegar table

Stages of cooking:

Rinse the cucumbers, place them in the container, fill with water (cold), leave a watch for three or four. While vegetables are in water, you can do the sterilization of the container. For this purpose, you will fit the oven or a saucepan with boiling water. If you use the oven, the process will take you somewhat fewer time. Prepare seasonings with greens. Greens are well rinsed, put the greens in them (for several twigs). Lay out garlic slices, laurel, peas peas.

Last laid cucumbers. If the fruits hit big size, Cut them into several pieces. Pour the contents of boiling water for a short time, drain the liquid into the sink. Pour in the Council clean water, boil, pour jars again for 5 minutes. Put the liquid into the skeleton, put on the slab with the on fire. Swelling, decay acetic acid. Its quantity is quite easy to calculate. Two tablespoons will be enough for a liter container. After the next pouring of vegetables boiling water, you can start a clock. ready.

Cucumbers recipe for winter with vinegar


Cucumbers - about 800 g
- garlic teeth - 4 pcs.
- Tomatoes - about 800 g
- Picky Bulgarian - 2 pcs.
- Small carrots
- Half of the bulbs
- Half Khrena Sheet
- Easy with black pepper - 5 pcs.
- Carnation - 2 pcs.
- Coriander - 0.8 C.L.
- Mustard in the grains - ½ CHL.

For fill:

Acetic acid, sugar - 1.4 tbsp.
- Sol
- Litter of a driver


Start work from marinade. The amount of water should be half smaller than the volume of the jar. Put the bay leaf, pepper, carnation, coriander, mustard seeds. You can also use the finished seasoning for canning vegetables. In its composition you will find all the above spices + dried garlic. Before the start of the boil, pour an acetic acid into the pouring. Capacities for canning should be pure and sterile, so take care of this in advance. First post the carrot, behind it bow, leaflets of shit, cucumbers, pepper, tomatoes. Between layers of vegetables lay off the cloves fresh garlic. Marinade will boil a couple of minutes, and still hot pour in a container with vegetables. Cover the container with boiled covers, sterilize in a water bath. After silence, turn over for cooling.

And how do you?

Marinated cucumbers for the winter with vinegar.

For marinization, telect elastic and fresh cucumber fruits. It is possible to lay them in the jar, but you can crumble with circles. Save their crispy properties will succeed in any case. Wash vegetables, leave for a couple of chairs in cool water. Remove, sprinkle to get rid of extra drops of moisture. Cut "Tails". Prepare containers, lay out on the bottom of the spice: 5 peas different species Pepper, garlic teeth, 5 laurels. Add the bulb cut into several polek. All remaining space fill with cucumber fruits chopped by pieces. Tightly sink, shake the jar. From half liter of water, prepare marinade. Stir in it 2 ppm Salts, 4 tbsp. Spoons of sugar sand, rearrange on fire. As soon as it starts to spill, pour acetic acid (approximately a tablespoon). This mixture immediately fill the cans, do not cover the lid very tightly, sterilize. Put the installations in a saucepan with hot water, Hold for about 10 minutes. Remove from the sudine, block.

Prepare and.

How to marinate cucumbers for winter recipes with vinegar.

Korean recipe.


Sugar, sunflower oil - 50 ml
- Salt - 25 g
- Acetic acid - 55 ml
- cucumbers - 1 kg
- Morkovka.
- garlic teeth - 4 pcs.
- Mustard grains - approximately 1 tbsp. l.
- Ground pepper black - ½ h. Spoons

Stages of cooking:

Canning salad can be in container any volume. However, it is most convenient to do this in small tanks. Select the fruit of cucumbers without a soft middle. Wash the fruits, cut the tails, cut first on the halves, and then - on the strips. Purified carrot thinly suck so that it turns out a beautiful smooth straw. Mix cucumbers with carrot straw. Skip the peeled garlic through the press, sprinkle, paint with all dry and liquid ingredients. Mix your hands, slightly pressing the salad to start to stand out as much juice as possible. Leave in a cool room for a couple of hours. Vegetables will have soaked with all flavors. Shake the jar several times, prevent a spoon or shovel, sterilize, fill in the infiltrated salad. Tightly cover with lids, a quarter of an hour sterilize, tightly roll up.

Cucumbers with vinegar - This is one of the most common options for preserving your favorite all vegetables. Our following recipes will help you to prepare them this winter.

Cucumbers for winter with vinegar

You will need:

Dry dill - 2 tablespoons
- Called dust root - tablespoon
- garlic teeth - 2 pcs.
- Makers of fragrant pepper - 10 pcs.
- a piece of burning red punch
- acetic acid - 2 tbsp. Spoons

For fill:

Sugar, salt - 2 tbsp. l.
- Water - 1 liter


Strong fresh cucumbers Soak in a bucket with cold water On one day. Rinse, put into three-liter jars. Banks with vegetables and spices pour steep boiling water, leave until all air bubbles will come out. Drain the water from the cans in the pan. For each liter, add 2 tbsp. Spoons of salt and sugar, boil. Different in each capacity of 2 tbsp. l. Vinegar, fill with boiling fill top. Cover with metal boiled covers, sterilize 10 minutes. Remove the containers, immediately roll up, wrap the paper, expand, cover the blanket, let it completely cool.

Cucumbers in banks with vinegar

Required products:

Fresh dill - 30 g
- Salted cucumbers - 1 kg
- Green Estragona - 5 g
- garlic teeth - 2 pcs.
- Khrena root - 5 g
- Black Picker - 1 g
- Red hot peppers - 1 g
- Mustard Seeds - 5 g
- Easy pepper - 0.5 g

For fill:

Brine for cucumbers
- Acetic acid - 65 g


Salted cucumbers are pretty worn, lay out in container with fresh seasonings (pepper, estragon, horseradish, garlic, dill). Brine strain, bring to a boil, throw a fragrant and black pepper, vinegar, mustard, pour. Pasteurize, tighten, expand the bottom of the bottom, cover the blanket, let it cool. Remove in cold storage room.

Cucumbers in a jacket for winter with vinegar

Fresh cucumbers rinse in advance, dry on the towel, cut the "tips". Put into a jar with fragrant herbs, pour hot marinade with the addition of 175 ml of vodka and 1 tbsp. acetic vinegar. The next day, the addition of cold brine (1/2 kg of salt by 10 liters of water). Tightly hammer with vegetables, cover the dressing lid from above, remove in a cold place for the entire winter.

Cucumber recipe with vinegar

Required products:

Outragon twigs
- Chreem leaves - 2 pcs.
- bulb - 2 pcs.
- garlic teeth - 5 pcs.
- Fresh cucumbers - 2 kg
- Mint leaves, cherries and currants - 3 pcs.
- Penels and Basil leaves - 2 pcs.

For marinada:

Sugar sand, salt - 3 tbsp. Spoons
- Water - two liters
- Carnation - 3 pcs.
- Apple vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
- pinch molot cinnamon


Select good and strong cucumber fruits, wash them out, leave for a while in cold water. Spread on clean jars of spices, garlic, onions, crushed greenery. Fill the jars with vegetables. In the intervals between them spread garlic and onions. Go to the preparation of marinade: Connect all the components for cooking in the bucket, put on the stove, boil. Bars fill with hot mortar, cover with lids, sterilize 15 minutes. Slide the lids, rearrange for storage in the cellar.

And how do you?

Marinated cucumbers with vinegar.

Take 1 kg fresh cucumbers, Rinse them, lay out on the towel. Sterilize the lid and a bottle in a double boiler, sink vegetables into it. Twice pour fresh boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, carefully pour the driver. Rinse the leaves of shit and garlic. Pour garlic, dill and polka dots over vegetables. Pour a bit of salt, sugar sand, pour boiling water, sterilize, tighten with downloading lids, turn the bottom of the bottom, wait until the banks are completely cool. Carefully transfer the workpiece into the cool room, leave for the whole winter.

Prepare and.

Cucumbers for winter recipes with vinegar.

Recipe with mustard.

Select 1 kg of solid salty cucumbers, well wash them, lay out in the tank, perepace with peppers, horseradish and garlic. The remaining brine is strain, put on the stove, boil. Pour fragrant, black pepper, pour 65 ml of table vinegar, add 5 g of mustard seeds. Pour vegetables in tanks, sterilize at a temperature of 90 degrees. Cover covers.

Also use great popularity.

Marinated cucumbers for winter with vinegar.

Select the smallest cucumbers, pour them into a couple of hours with water. Prepare containers: Wash it with water with adding food Soda, slip. At the bottom of laying out cherry, curraned leaves, laurel leaves. The cucumbers thoroughly wash, carefully and beautifully put in the container. Black pen and garlic put in the middle of the jar, add umbrellas of dill from above. Twice pour the cucumbers with boiling water (between each fill with the break of 10 minutes). During this time, vegetables must warm well. Marine brew for the third time. To do this, use water that remained after the fill of vegetables. In boiling water, pumped 2 h. Salt and sugar, pour 2 tsp. acetic acid. Fill out the cucumber fruits, tighten the lids. Put the jars upside down, eat in the blanket until complete cooling. Keep the workpiece in the basement.

For dinner you can cook.

Cucumbers with vinegar on a liter bank

Recover the roots, soak them on half an hour in water low temperatures. Prepare containers and marinade. Push into water 1 tbsp. Sugar, 2 tbsp. Spoons of salt, 8 tbsp. Spoons of ketchup, stir carefully. Pretty wash vegetables. In each container, put on one carnation, the pea of \u200b\u200bfragrant pepper, 3 black pepper peas. Beautifully fill the tank with cucumbers, pour the marinade. Expand the bottom, carefully wrap up to complete cooling.

Marinated Cornishons.

Clean a couple of bulbs, cover with thin rings. Clean 5 pieces of garlic, smile close. Wash the pod of bitter pepper, cut along, remove the seeds, finely cut. Kornishones rinse B. running water, put in a thick layer in half-liter banks, pour onion, garlic, pepper. Boil 1 cup of water, add 1 tbsp. l. Salt, 1 tbsp. Vinegar, let the marinada cool. Fill the root of the roots, sterilize them in the banks of 10 minutes, tighten.

It turns out quite tasty.

Crispy marinated cucumbers.

You will need:

Acetic acid - 2 tbsp. l.
- Salt - tablespoon
- Small cucumbers - 720 g
- Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
- Umbrella Ukropia
- Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
- Cherry and black currant leaves - 2 pcs.
- black and scented pepper - 2 skids
- garlic teeth - 3 pcs.


Select suitable fruits, wash them well, fill with cold water, let it stand for 8 hours. During this time, periodically change the water in the pelvis. Rinse the fruits, gently cut the "tails". Lay out vegetables in prepared liter jars, add umbrella umbrella, celery branch, cherry leaves, currant leaves, garlic teeth. Add greens, pour boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, gently drain the water, put on fire. Take care of mainnade: pour vinegar, throw salt, sugar. Fill the vegetables, roll off the lids, expand the bottom, put in a secluded place, having wrapped in a blanket.

And how do you?

Try also also the option with mustard grains:


Cucumbers - 3 kg
- horseradish - 100 g
- Small onions - 220 g
- Grains mustard - 5 g
- Black pepper peppers - 15 g
- Lavra leaflets - 3 sheets
- acetic acid - ½ liter
- Voddy - a couple of liters
- Salt - 65 g
- Sugar - 155 g

Stages of cooking:

Wash vegetables thoroughly, put in the prepared jar in a thick layer. Put vegetables with dill stems, crap slices, purified onion. Content pour boiling marinade. Close the container, leave until the next day. Carefully drain the fill, boil, fill the cucumbers again, tie a jar, stop in a cold place.

Be sure to prepare and.

Soldering cucumbers with vinegar.


Large neural salt - 1.5 tbsp. Spoons
- Water - 1 liter
- Small cucumbers - 4 kg
- Cherry leaves - 10 pcs.
- Black currant leaves - 20 pcs.
- Khrena leaves - 3 pcs.
- dill twigs - 4 pcs.
- Oak leaves - 10 pcs.
- Pod of acute pepper - 3 pcs.
- Khrena root

How to cook:

Before you start cooking, we want to give useful advice. In order for cucumbers to be crispy, pick only dark varieties with "pillings". In addition, you need to put the leaves of oak, walnut and root of Khrena. Large leaves Cook with scissors. Dill take only old, along with seeds.

Cucumber fruits Throw cold drinking water, soak overnight. Water drain, wash them. Purified root of shine and sharp peppers cough with pieces. At the bottom of the big pan laying all the leaves and several pieces of shit and pepper. After that, lay out the layer of cucumbers and spices again. Put all the vegetables in the same way. Last layer There must be leaves. In cold water, stir the salt. Fill the cucumbers with the resulting brine. Place a flat plate on top, put a three-liter jar on top. Leave for sickings for three days. A white foam will be formed on the surface of the brine - these are lactic acid bacteria. Finished cucumbers must change their color.

Pickles drain and so far retire to the side. Spices and greens throw out vegetables wash in water. Put in the washed containers. Brine boost, pour into the cans to the top, cover with covers. Leave for 10 minutes. Pickles pour back into the pan, boil. Barbs cover with lids. Fill the cucumbers with boiling brine. The fill at the same time should be blurred through the edge. Slide with a typewriter, deploy, snatch in a warm plaid, let it cool. After complete cooling, transfer the storage containers to the cellar or basement.

Acetic acid allows you to store billets from cucumbers for a long time. At the same time, she makes them crispy and retains good appearance. Cucurians can be presserved by integer or in the form of salad. As additional components of the hostess often use fruit leaves, dill, parsley, bay leaf, garlic, onions, etc.

  1. cucumbers - 2 kg
  2. garlic - 3 teeth (big)
  3. dill - 2 umbrellas
  4. horseradish - 1 sheet
  5. cherry leaves - 5 pcs
  6. currant leaves - 5 pcs
  7. pepper easy pea - 6-7 pieces
  8. amaranth - 3 sheets
  9. estragon - 1 twig
  10. gorky pepper - ½ pod
  11. basil - 2-3 sheets
  12. sugar - 1 pt spoon
  13. salt - 2 pt spoons
  14. vinegar - 3 pt spoons

So canned cucumbers! Have you looked at the list of ingredients and were horrified? Do not be afraid. Everything is not so scary. In fact, all this set of greenery and herbs grows in the polysman or in the country. Although, perhaps, I can easily say that, because I live in the south of Ukraine and all this "green tinsel" is sold simply with ready beams of 2-3 hryvnias (this is approximately 8-12 rubles).

I love our southern bazaars for it. You go and one smell is already a stir add. And prices in the summer? This is just naturally "do not burn."

But let's get closer to business. Let's talk: why all this foliage in canned cucumbers lie down?

Well, the passage of garlic, dill and bitter pepper - no one of course does not mind. It is understandable to everyone.

And fuck? He has a unique ability to fight mold. Sometimes on canned vegetables, the "product" mold (or easier penicillin) is formed. So the hell is the main enemy. Plus, hell gives the islant taste of cucumbers in conservation.

Leaves and currants. They retain the color of the cucumbers and give them elasticity. By the way, even more hard, cucumbers will turn out if we put oak leaves. But then canned cucumbers will lose color very quickly and will not be beautiful brown.

Earlier in Russia, when the cucumbers were shed in barrels, they were packed with herbs, rubbing the walls.

In general, all herbs will give the cucumbers canned fortress and aroma!

And what to do if there is neither an amaranth (we still have a piercress) nor basilica, nor Estragona (this is Tarkun another)? The main thing is not to be upset. Add what is and you will have your own recipe canned cucumbers.

But I can't forgive you as an artist: walk through the villages - there for sure all this is and create a delicious miracle - cucumbers canned with an incredible taste of herbs and greens.

My cucumbers are dacha, the most that neither is fresh. It is important.

In one year, we exploded with purchased cucumbers who were torn not only before selling.

Therefore, we take freshly torn dense cucumbers of your favorite size.

Very cool it turns out to be canned very small (3-4 cm) into liter banks. I call them "Moscow". Since at one time only in Moscow, such small and spicy canned cucumbers were sold.

My cucumbers !!!

Since I don't sterilize the cucumbers yourself in the bank on the recipe, you need to boil the caps for preservation, and can hold 3-4 minutes over the hot steam.

My whole greens are carefully mine. Garlic clean. Bitter pepper cut and remove seeds. This in order to weaken the sharpness and bitterness of pepper in ready-made canned orsets.

All put on the bottom of the banks.

All ingredients in the recipe are designed for a 3-liter bank.

Now it is density (like sprats in the jar) put the cucumbers.

Now we poured in a jar (on cucumbers) with boiling water. We do it slowly so that the glass does not burst. Cover the lid (without spinning) and let it stand for 15-20 minutes.

After that, we drain the water into a separate pan. For this, I have a special polyethylene cover with a cut piece. Very comfortably.

Thinking water is boiling again and again hot boiling water pour into the jar with cucumbers.

We repeat again.

2 times drain water.

Before the 3rd final bay of boiling water, we fall asleep into the jar with cucumbers salt and sugar.

We pour vinegar.

Vinegar acts as the main preservative. It forms an acidic medium in which bacteria is not bred.

Better of course to take natural vinegar. I do it at home myself. But if not - the one that is sold in stores.

We need 3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. If you have a acetic essence - it must be divorced in the appropriate proportion.

A variety of cucumbers recipes: Glorious cucumbers, Salad cucumbers, Marinated cucumbers, Piquant cucumbers, Bulgarian cucumbers, low-headed cucumbers For the winter and other detailed recipes.

Cucumbers "Nice"


On a liter jar: 800 g cucumbers

15 pepper peppers

6 oak leaves

6 cloves garlic

. For marinada:

1 h. Spoon vinegar

Black pepper peas to taste


Cucumbers and leaves rinse, cleaner garlic. Place the leaf of oak on the bottom of the prepared bank, large chopped garlic and fragrant pepper, then cucumbers. Fill with boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain the water in a saucepan, prepare marinade. Fill the contents of banks with boiling marinade. Sterilize 20 minutes and block.

Cucumbers "Salad"

On a two-liter bank: 1.5 kg of cucumbers

2 umbrella dill

3 cloves garlic

1 Khrena root

12 pepper peppers

. For brine: on 1 l of water - 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of salt


Cucumbers extinate 4 hours in cold water, drain water. Wash and cut the cucumbers with circles, put into the clean bank along with spices. Prepare brine. Fill prepared cucumbers with hot brine and closely close the lid. Put cucumbers in the refrigerator for 4 weeks, until readiness. Keep cucumbers only in the cold.

Cucumbers cut marinated


On a two-liter jar:1.5 kg of cucumbers

4 umbrella dill

1 tbsp. Spoon peas of fragrant pepper

Leaves of currant

. For marinada: on 1 l of water - 1.5 tbsp. Salt spoons,

1 tsp of acetic essence


Cucumbers extinate 3-4 hours in cold water, drain the water. Wash the cucumbers, cut the circles, put into a sterilized jar along with spices. Prepare brine. Pour the cucumbers with hot brine, pour vinegar, close hermetically lid.

Cucumbers in apple vinegar


On a liter jar: 600 g cucumbers pinch cinnamon

. For fill: on 1 liter of water - 100 g of sugar

. ½ cup of apple vinegar

2 - 3 booton cloves


Currency Clean the skin and cut the circles. Put in the bank with layers, sprinkling each layer of salt and cinnamon. Prepare hot fill and fill the cucumbers. Cool and store in the refrigerator.

Marinated Cucumbers "On Teeth"


On a three-liter jar: 1.7 kg of small cucumbers

2 umbrella dill

3 Sheet Khrena

6 cloves garlic

3 laurels

6-8 black pepper peas

5 leaves of currant and cherry

. For marinada

1 tbsp. Spoon sugar

. ½ tsp of acetic essence


Spices Place on the bottom of a sterilized bank. Cucumbers Cut across 3-4 parts, finish the tips on both sides. Place the prepared cucumbers in the jar on the spices. In boiling water, dissolve salt and sugar, pour the cucumbers with boiling brine. Add acetic essence and hermetically closed.

Cucumbers with celery and onions


On a three-liter jar: 1.5 kg of cucumbers

2 heads of the bunch

1 Celery root

100 g celery leaves

2 umbrella dill

2 laurel sheets

. For marinada: on 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. Spoon salt

2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar

1 dec. Spoon of acetic essence


Curls cut along a large straw. Purified onion - Rings, celery root - cubes. At the bottom of a sterilized bank, lay out dill and lavra leaves, Top to put onion rings and celery cubes, then vertically prepared cucumbers. Put celery leaves from above. Prepare a hot marinade (add a session at the last moment) and pour the contents of the jar immediately. Close hermetically lid.

Bulgarian cucumbers


On a three-liter bank: 1.7 kg of cucumbers

2 Khrena root

2 umbrella dill

3-4 black pepper peas

5 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil

. For marinada: on 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. Spoon salt

1 tbsp. Spoon sugar

1 tbsp. Spoon of vinegar


Wash the cucumbers and cut the circles. At the bottom of the sterilized bank, put dill and pepper, then - cucumbers. Plow boiled vegetable oil. Cook the marinade and pour them cucumbers. Sealanly block.

Piquant cucumbers


On a three-liter jar: 1.8 kg of cucumbers

Greens and umbrellas of dill

5 cloves of garlic

5 Buds Carnations

5 mines of black and fragrant peppers

2-3 laurel sheets

. For marinada: on 1 l of water - 1 tbsp. Spoon salt

1 tbsp. Spoon sugar

2 tbsp. Spoons of vinegar


Cut the cucumbers with a thickness of up to 3 cm. At the bottom of a sterilized bank, lay a spice, then - cucumbers. Cook hot marinines and pour them cucumbers. Cover clean covers and sterilize 30 minutes. Sink.


For a three-liter jar: about 2 kg of small cucumbers (so that the bank filled)

1 Khrena root

3-4 cloves garlic

2 umbrella dill

5-6 pepper peppers

Leaves of currant

. For brine: on 1 l of water - 3 tbsp. spoons of large salt


At the bottom of the prepared bank, lay out purified garlic, washed dill and pepper peas. Cucumbers extinate for 2-3 hours in cold water, drain the water, dry the fruits and put on top of the spices. Fill with boiled brine, cold to room temperature. Put several leaflets of currant on top. Cover the bank of gauze. Let's wander 3-4 days at room temperature. Drain the brine, boil, remove the foam. Cucumbers rinse and put with fresh spices into a clean bank. Pour the brine, cover the lid and sterilize 35 minutes. Sink.

Lightweight cucumbers with pepper


On a three-liter jar: 1.5 kg of cucumbers

2 umbrellas and bunch of dill greenery

2 pods of burning red pepper

4 cloves garlic

Cherry and Currant Leaves

. For brine


At the bottom of a sterilized bank, put finely chopped burning peppers, greens and 1 dill umbrella, peeled garlic and half of the leaves. Place the cucumbers from above, cover them with the remaining leaves. Swarge brine, cool up to 50 ° C and fill the contents of the can. Leave the wander of 3 days at 18-20 ° C. Drain the brine, boil, remove the foam. Rinse the cucumbers, put in a sterilized jar with fresh spices, pour hot, but not boiling brine (if it is not enough - a frace hot water), Cover the lid and sterilize 15 minutes. Plug

Malossal cucumbers with currant


On a three-liter jar: 1.4 kg of small cucumbers

200 g of red currant

Leaves of black currant

. For brine: on 1 l of water - 3 tbsp. Spoons of salt

3 g of citric acid


Cucumbers thoroughly wash, dry. At the bottom of a sterilized bank, put the leaves of currant, on them - cucumbers, from above - berries. Fill with warm boiled brine, add lemonic acid And cover the lid. Sterilize cucumbers for 20 minutes, sunk.

Low-headed cucumbers in apple juice


On a three-liter bank: 1.7 kg of cucumbers

3-4 bud cloves

Currant and cherry leaves

200 ml of apple juice

. For fill: 1 l of water - 1.5-2 tbsp. Spoons of salt

2 g of citric acid


Cucumbers extinate within 4 hours in cold water, changing water several times, dry. Lay out the bottom of a sterilized can leave the cherry leaves, add a carnation. Place the cucumbers from above, cover the currant leaves. Water mix with juice, salt, bring to a boil and cool up to 70-80 ° C. Fill the cucumbers and let's wander 2-3 days at room temperature. Rinse. Fill with cold boiled brine, add the acid and remove the finished cucumbers in the refrigerator.

Cutting low-headed cucumbers


3 kg of cucumbers

3 Umbrella dill

5-6 black pepper peas

3-4 cloves garlic

1 Khrena root

Leaves of currant

. For brine: on 1 l of water - 7 tbsp. Spoons of salt


Cucumbers extinate 2 hours in cold water, trim the tips and cut into a large straw. The bottom of the enameled pan lay out half the leaves, place the spices on top (garlic and wrap, clean and cut down) and cucumbers. Fill with boiled cold brine, cover with a pan with a towel and leave for 2 days at room temperature. Place in the fridge. Cucumbers exercise in food for several days, otherwise they will be saved.

Lightweight young cucumbers with dill


On a three-liter jar: 1.8 kg of young cucumbers

6 cloves garlic

2 umbrella dill

1 bunch of dill greenery

. For brine: on 1 l of water - 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of salt


At the bottom of the prepared bank, put 1 umbrella of dill, peeled and large chopped garlic and half of the greenery. The cucumbers do tricks the tips and scab in several places toothpick. Put cucumbers in the jar, cover the umbrella of dill and the remaining greens. Brine boost, cool slightly and fill the cucumbers. Put for 2 days under the oppression at room temperature, then stop the refrigerator.