When is Irina's day in the year. Female name Irina - which means: name description

Birthday is the most important holiday in the life of any person. Friends, family, relatives and just close people gather for it. In this way, we celebrate our appearance on Earth, thank our father and mother for giving us life. But there is one more important date related to spirituality and religion. or the Day of the Angel, which is associated with the name of the person. Irina is one of the so let's find out when is the Day of the Angel Irina, as well as everything that is connected with it.

Tribute to heavenly patrons

Name day (Angel Day) is the day of remembrance of that saint or great martyr whose name a person was named at baptism. Determined by church calendar... Receiving the name of one of the canonized saints, a person finds his heavenly patron and intercessor before the face of God. Therefore, it is so important not to forget to celebrate your name day - this is an opportunity to thank and show respect to your “mediator”. Today the tradition of celebrating your Angel Day is returning.

Irina: name day, name meaning

In Greek "Irina" means "peace", "tranquility". Irina's birthday falls on several dates of the church calendar.

  1. April: 29th - the day of commemoration of the martyr Irina.
  2. In May: 18th - the day of commemoration of the great martyr Irina; On the 26th - righteous Irina, wife of George the Confessor.
  3. In August: 10th - commemoration of the Monk Irene of Cappadocia; On the 17th - martyr Irina; On the 26th - the memory of the faithful (in the nuns of Xenia).
  4. October: 1st - commemoration of martyr Irina.

What date is Angel Day

Irina celebrate their name day on the day that is next to their birthday. The same goes for other names. But what about other days marked on the calendar as the Day of the Angel of Irina? They are considered “small” name days and are celebrated in a more humble atmosphere. Before the revolution, the name day, or Angel Day, was considered the main holiday, and the day of birth was not celebrated. Let's find out how Irina's Angel Day (like the name day of a person with a different name) should be celebrated according to church requirements.

How is the name day

On the name day, they baked pies, loaves, covered big table, since all relatives and neighbors were invited. Despite the number of guests, this holiday was not noisy and sweeping. After all, he is given for internal spiritual contemplation and appeal to God through the memory of his high patrons. If name days fell on the period of fasting, then only lean dishes were prepared. Moreover, if it was listed in then it was postponed to the next weekend.

The main business of the birthday man was not preparation for the feast, but for the Communion and the sacrament of confession. In the morning they went to church, where, in addition, they lit candles, ordered a prayer service. This is how Irina celebrated the Day of the Angel in Russia since ancient times.

Date of the holiday of the soul

If a secular birthday is a holiday that glorifies the birth of a bodily shell, then a name day is a sign of attention to the soul and a manifestation of respect for your heavenly patron. Accordingly, different gifts are given these days. For a birthday, these are household, mundane items, utensils, money and other material values. And on the name day they always gave what is needed for the conversion and communication with God and the saints: icons, icon lamps, vessels for

Since childhood, Irina is an independent girl, she loves to make all decisions herself, without the help of others and even her parents. Always more drawn to the father than to the mother. Always with a smile on her face, always cheerful and cheerful, it is difficult for her to spoil her mood, she turns everything into a joke. At the same time, Irina has such character traits as determination and firmness. She is very active, always succeeds in everything.

She is responsible for her work, she is a valuable employee for her superiors and good friend for colleagues. Often they will do even more than they should be, they are delayed at work. She is rarely shy, always behaves relaxed, easily finds mutual language with people. Sometimes it can even embarrass you with its swagger or outright joke. He is more friends with the male sex, and begins to get bored in the female team.

Fate: Irina is an amorous person, but she does not lose her head in hobbies, she always strives to maintain independence.

The Saints: Irina Akvileiskaya (name day on April 29), Irina Macedonskaya (name day on May 18), Irina Constantinople (name day on May 26), Tsarina Irina (name day on August 22).

Irina Angel Day

From ancient Greek- calm, giving peace, love, fertile (modern - sexy). Perhaps what originally comes from the name of God? fertility that Eastern Slavs called Yarilo (compare the ancient Slavic name of Yarin - strong, vigorous, sunny). The feast of fertility - the feast of the god Yarila - was celebrated before the spell of Peter's Lent. Irina's birthday is celebrated twice a year.

Irina is a very solid person. She treats all her duties, whether in the family or at work, with a sense of great responsibility. So, at home, she will not go to bed until she completely redoes everything that is needed for tomorrow - she makes preparations for breakfast and lunch, does the laundry, works with the child, talks to her parents, and calms them down if necessary.

At the same time, she will definitely keep secret with her father - she has more friendly relations with him than with her mother. Perhaps because the father in all cases - and when Irina is right and when she is not right - will understand her correctly, calm her down and give good advice... And the mother immediately begins to worry and reproach her for what Irina has done.

Irina calmly endures any adversity, does not lose her composure, does not dissolve in self-pity, but immediately looks for a concrete way out of this situation. Behind her fragile shoulders, both mother, children, and husband can feel like stone wall- and in sorrow, and in joy, and in illness, and in good health.

Irina good specialist- in any work she brings an element of creativity, tries to get to the bottom of each problem. Irina gets married early, often right after school. However, she always tries to get higher education and not stay dependent on her husband. Irina is loved and respected by her relatives, colleagues at work, and appreciates her leadership. She is always restrained, does not talk too much, does not waste on trifles. Sometimes it may seem that she is too cruel, but this is only outwardly - Irina is a kind and sensitive person. You can always count on her help.

Irina, especially "winter", looks good until old age. It seems that the years have no power over her.

Irina Nameday according to the Church Calendar

  • January 12 - Irina, mts.
  • January 16 - Irina, mts.
  • February 26 - Irina (Khvostova), prmts. / new /
  • March 7 - Irina (Smirnova), mts. / new /
  • April 29 - Irina Akvileiskaya, mts .; Irina Korinfskaya, mts.
  • May 18 - Irina Makedonskaya, naval center.
  • May 26 - Irina Constantinopolskaya
  • August 10 - Irina Kappodaki, Venerable
  • August 17 - Irina, mts.
  • August 22 - Irina, queen
  • September 30 - Irina (Frolova), prmts. / new /
  • October 1 - Irina Egyptian, mts.
  • November 2 - Irina, mts.

Irina is one of the popular names. It has Greek origin and means "peace". According to some reports, this name may come from the god of fertility Yarilo, who was revered by the ancient Slavs. Irina's birthday Orthodox calendar celebrated in spring, summer and autumn. Let's consider when girls named Irina have angel day? How is this holiday celebrated in Orthodoxy?

Translated from Greek, Irina means:

  • giving peace and tranquility;
  • fertile;
  • calm.

Despite such calm and pacifying meanings, the energy of this name is strong, bright and positive. The girls who bear this name have good character, complaisance and diligence. They are reliable, decent and moderately restrained. At school, they study well and practically do not cause any problems for their parents.

Despite her affection for her parents, Irina early becomes independent and, as a rule, begins to live early separately from her relatives. Girls with this name are often materialistic and purposeful. Thanks to the ability to realistically assess their capabilities, they always achieve their goal. There is practically no dream that Irina would not have come true.

Interesting! Depending on what date the girl named Irina was born, the character of the child is formed. For example, girls who were born on the 1st will be leaders, 2nd - good managers and salespeople, 3rd - they will be attracted more by spiritual life than material, etc.

Day Angel

From childhood, the Lord endowed each person with a Guardian Angel who helps, protects and guides his ward throughout his life. However, a person also has a heavenly patron, which he receives at baptism. This is the saint after whom the man was named.

The name at baptism is often different from the name given at birth. Ideally, the child is named after the saint on whose day the child was born. For example, if a girl was born on October 1, then she can be safely called Irina in honor of the Martyr I. Egyptian. It is believed that such a child will live a happy and calm life.

Angel Day is nothing more than a day to honor your heavenly patron. As a rule, each person has at least 2 similar dates in a year. When is the name day celebrated? By tradition, it is customary to honor the name day that is closest to the birthday. However, when to celebrate St. Irene's day depends entirely on the person. You can safely celebrate all name days of the year.

How to celebrate angel day

Irina's birthday is celebrated 8 times a year according to the church calendar. As a rule, these days are associated with the death or transfer of the relics of a certain saint.

When is the name day Description
29.04 Holy Martyr I. Aquileia, who was born at the end of the 3rd century near the town of Aquileia (Italy). Her sisters Chionia and Agapia are also honored on this day. All 3 sisters led a godly Christian life from a young age. Therefore, they rejected all offers that came from numerous suitors. The sisters' confessor was the priest Zinon. In one of the visions, it was revealed to him that he would soon die, and that the sisters would be tormented. After the death of the confessor, the sisters were seized and brought before the emperor Diocletian. Seeing the beauty and youth of the virgins, the emperor invited them to renounce Christianity and find worthy husbands for them. The sisters replied that they already have a bridegroom - Jesus Christ, for whom they can endure all trials and torments, even if they entail a cruel death
18.05 Great Martyr I. (Penelope) Macedonian, daughter of the pagan ruler Mageddon (territory of modern Macedonia). According to legend, the holy virgin was baptized by the apostle Timothy himself, who was a disciple of the pious apostle Paul. Thanks to her deep faith, Irina converted a large number of people to Christianity, including her parents. For the Christian faith, the virgin was repeatedly subjected to humiliation and various tortures. But she never betrayed Jesus Christ, continuing to preach among the people and serve the Lord
26.05 Righteous I. Constantinople, who was the faithful wife of George the Confessor, who was subjected to severe torture because of the veneration of holy icons in the city of Constantinople. George, his wife and children were sent into exile, which brought them a lot of suffering and difficulties.
10.08 Venerable I. Cappadocian, who became the first abbess nunnery Chrysovolanta, founded by St. Nicholas the Mystic
17.08 Great Martyr Irina, who was martyred for her firm and unshakable faith in Jesus Christ
22.08 Blessed Byzantine Empress I. Athenian, who was born in the 8th century in Athens. She was the wife of the ruler of the Byzantine Empire Leo IV Khazar. After the death of her husband, the empress took power into her own hands, but as a result of a conspiracy she was soon deposed from the throne.
26.08 I. Piroshka - Hungarian empress and wife of the emperor of the Byzantine Empire Alexei I Komnenos. After getting married, she converted to the Orthodox faith. The Empress led a quiet and pious life, helped people in need, took care of pilgrims and took part in the construction of temples. In her advanced years, she took monastic vows
1.10 Martyr I. Egyptian, life path which was difficult and filled with many trials. Virgo devoted her life to spreading the Christian faith among the inhabitants of Egypt. Thanks to her piety and the incredible power of prayer, she led many pagans to Christianity.

All these martyrs have proved their faith and devotion to Jesus Christ. The girls named after them should be inspired by them as examples of piety, meekness, and humility.

Interesting! in the church of St. Andrew Rublev in Ramenki.

On the day of the angel, Irina can be given beautiful bouquet fresh flowers and nice souvenirs. However, you can make this day special and full of meaning. It is desirable that gifts for the day of the angel are associated with the holy Pleasant.

The most suitable presents can be:

  • personalized icons;
  • church candles;
  • biography of God's Pleasants;
  • prayer books.

Note! To deserve attention from your heavenly patroness, you must say the following prayer daily in front of her icon: “Pray to the Lord for me, holy saint of God Irina, as I earnestly appeal to you, prayer book for my soul, quick intercessor and helper. Amen".

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Let's summarize

Irina's Orthodox name days are celebrated several times a year. On the day of veneration of the heavenly patroness, it is necessary to visit the church and ask the saint martyr for protection and help in various life and spiritual matters. If the appeal is sincere, the patron saint will definitely help.

The list of female Orthodox names is large and varied. Some have their roots in Greek mythology... For example, the name Irina. Christians know several saints who patronize this name, and Irina's name day falls on several calendar dates. Womens the name is quite common and is often found in modern world... It is worn as simple people and famous people.

There are several legends q about the origin of this name... According to one version, it came into modern use from Ancient Greece and is an interpretation of the goddess of peace and fertility Eirena. That is why it is translated into Russian as "peace", "peace", "harmony".

According to another legend, the name Irina comes from the name of the ancient Slavic god Yarilo and means “fertility”, “harvest”, “beauty” and “sun”. V modern language the synonym for these words can also become "sexuality".

Irina has several derivative forms of names. These include:

  • Irena;
  • Iraida;
  • Yarina;
  • Arina;
  • Alina;
  • Rina.

Affectionately a girl with such a beautiful and peaceful name can be called Irishka, Ira, Iusey or Rus.

Patron saints

Ira has several memorable dates in Orthodox saints... Irina's birthday according to the church calendar fall on months such as:

  • January;
  • February;
  • March;
  • April;
  • August;
  • September;
  • October.

It is during these months that the saints who bear this beautiful female name are commemorated in the church calendar. In January, you can congratulate girls on the 12th and 16th. On these days, the martyrs Irina are commemorated, information about whom has not reached our time.

At the end of February, on the 26th, the Holy Martyr Irina Khvostova is commemorated. A woman who died for the Christian faith in 1938 was canonized only in 2003.

7 march Orthodox Church commemorates the martyr Irina Smirnova who died for her faith in 1938. The woman is included in the list of saints in 2000.

In the penultimate days of April, Christians remember Saints Irene of Corinth and Aquileia. The first martyr lived in Greece near the city of Corinth. Since at that time most of the country's population professed paganism, Christians had to hide, and soldiers, at the behest of the rulers, constantly raided them. In one of these armed actions, the girl was captured with a group of fellow believers. She was tortured for a long time, and then killed with a sword.

Irina Akvileiskaya lived in Italy and was left an orphan early. Together with the sisters Agapia and Chionia, who are also canonized as Orthodox saints, she professed Christianity near the city of Aquileia. She was shot from a bow while trying to hide from the military, who were persecuting believers in Christ.

May to August

There are several dates in the last month of spring when holy martyrs Irene of Macedon and Constantinople. The first martyr comes from a noble family of pagans - the rulers of the city of Migdonia. WITH early years became a Christian and preached on the streets of the country. After the power changed, persecution began against it, but neither a sword nor an arrow could harm the ardent preacher.

After an angel predicted her imminent death in a dream, she left the city for a distant cave and asked her fellow believers to fill up the entrance to the tunnel with stones. After 4 days, the Orthodox Christians who had been converted by Irina came to visit her, but the body was not found in the cave. They remember her on May 18.

May 26 in the calendar is considered the day of memory of Irina of Constantinople. The woman was the wife of the Orthodox confessor George in Constantinople. The married couple fervently believed in Christ and for this they were exiled into exile by the ruler Theophilos.

The last month of summer also has several days to honor the memory of the holy martyrs with famous name... On August 10, a prayer service is served for Irina of Cappadocia, on August 17 - for the martyr Irina, and on the 26th the Orthodox world puts candles on Queen Irina.

The Cappadocian saint lived in Asia Minor in the 9th century and was the abbess of the Khrisovalan nunnery. Information about her namesake, recalled on the 17th, has not survived either, it is only known that she died for her faith in Christ.

But about Queen Irina, revered at the end of summer, it is known that the woman was born in Athens and was the wife of the Byzantine emperor Leo. After the death of her husband and son, the widow was sent into exile in an Orthodox monastery, which she had previously founded. The saint died on the island of Lesvos while under the supervision of the guards.

Memorable dates of autumn

September 30 is the date of commemoration of the new martyr Irina Frolova. The woman, canonized in 2004, was a novice at the Spaso-Borodino Monastery and was arrested under Soviet rule. She died in a prison hospital from a lung disease.

1 October are lit in Orthodox churches candles in honor of Irina Egyptian. Little is known about this holy martyr, who suffered at the hands of King Aurelian. There is evidence that she carried the grain of true faith to the people of Egypt, for which she was beheaded with a sword.

On the second day of November, the namesake of the Egyptian Great Martyr is commemorated in Orthodoxy. There is practically no information about her, it is only known that she actively preached Christianity, for which she suffered.

It is worth choosing the right date on which the name day or the day of the angel falls. This is usually the closest number to a person's birthday. If, for example, you were born at the end of March, then the date of your angel day falls on either March 7, if you were born after 2000, or April 29.

A reservation to the date of birth - after 2000 - occurs in the case of several new martyrs Irina, canonized in the millennium and later, therefore dates such as February 26, March 7 and September 30 are suitable for girls born in the 21st century.

The mystery of the name

The day of the angel and the patron saint is celebrated only by those people who have gone through the rite of baptism. It is at this moment that heaven sends a guardian angel to a person who helps him throughout his life. According to the Orthodox calendar, Irina celebrates holy name days on the day that is closest to her date of birth. The Church considers the day of the angel to be a more significant holiday than the very date of a person's birth.

By nature, Irina, whose name day is celebrated in different cycles and seasons of the year, is endowed with mental and external beauty. WITH early age such a girl is very attached to her parents, but trusts her father more than her mother. Her character is inherent:

  • amorousness;
  • living fantasy;
  • a responsibility;
  • independence;
  • cheerfulness;
  • activity;
  • purposefulness.

From an early age, the baby loves to solve her problems herself and does not devote her parents to them. Irishka is a sociable child who is constantly passionate about something. Favorite activities for the girl are dancing, sports and reading fairy tales.

V adolescence Ira is a pretty good student at school, if she's interested. She is sociable, but prefers to be friends more with boys than with classmates. This is due to the fact that she trusts the stronger sex more and it is easier for her to communicate with him. In female society, she is always bored and often loses interest in the conversation.

Girls with this name are diverse personalities, they can either choose a creative profession or devote their lives to politics. Living examples of representatives of this name are singer Irina Allegrova, politician Irina Khakamada, actress Irina Muravyova.

Relationship with the stronger sex

Although the bearers of this beautiful female name have angel days on different dates, their relationship with the male sex is unambiguous. When choosing a partner, girls are guided not only by feelings, but also by logic. In a family, such women become real home keepers and caring wives.

They are attentive and affectionate to their husband, but they demand the same attitude towards themselves. Having learned when Irina has a name day, what date it is worth congratulating her, it is imperative to prepare for this day. Firstly, the beloved will be pleased, and secondly, the man will show how important this woman is to him.

TO negative qualities women with the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirena can be attributed to the following:

  • cold;
  • sham;
  • resentment.

The color of the name is blue, turquoise and all shades of green. Irin's flowers are tulips, camellias and lilies of the valley.

Astrologers are sure that this name suits such signs of the zodiac as Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces. It is not recommended to call your daughter that if she was born under the auspices of Taurus, Leo and Aquarius.

In whatever month of the year the girl Irina was born and whatever date she celebrates the day of the angel, nature has endowed her with unique qualities. You should not dwell on your own shortcomings, it is better to focus on the many advantages.

Attention, only TODAY!

When, according to the church calendar, Irina's name day: May 18 - Irina the Great, Great Martyr; April 29 - Irina Aquileyskaya, martyr; October 1 - Irina of Egypt, martyr.

Characteristics of Irina's birthday boy:

From the ancient Greek language - calm, giving peace, love, fertile (modern - sexual). Perhaps what originally comes from the name of God? fertility, which among the Eastern Slavs was called Yarilo (compare the ancient Slavic name of Yarin - strong, vigorous, sunny). The feast of fertility - the feast of the god Yarila - was celebrated before the spell of Peter's Lent. Irina's birthday celebrated twice a year.

Irina is a very solid person. She treats all her duties, whether in the family or at work, with a sense of great responsibility. So, at home, she will not go to bed until she completely redoes everything that is needed for tomorrow - she makes preparations for breakfast and lunch, does the laundry, works with the child, talks to her parents, and calms them down if necessary.

At the same time, she will definitely keep secret with her father - she has more friendly relations with him than with her mother. Perhaps because the father in all cases - and when Irina is right and when she is wrong - will understand her correctly, reassure her and give good advice. And the mother immediately begins to worry and reproach her for what Irina has done.

Irina calmly endures any adversity, does not lose her composure, does not dissolve in self-pity, but immediately looks for a concrete way out of this situation. Behind her fragile shoulders, both mother and children, and her husband can feel like behind a stone wall - in sorrow, and in joy, and in illness, and in good health.

Irina is a good specialist - in any work she brings an element of creativity, tries to get to the bottom of each problem. Irina gets married early, often right after school. However, she always tries to get a higher education and not stay dependent on her husband. Irina is loved and respected by her relatives, colleagues at work, and appreciates her leadership. She is always restrained, does not talk too much, does not waste on trifles. Sometimes it may seem that she is too cruel, but this is only outwardly - Irina is a kind and sensitive person. You can always count on her help.

Irina, especially "winter", looks good until old age. It seems that the years have no power over her.

Congratulations on Irina's name day:

Do not forget to celebrate Irina's name day and congratulate Irina on the day of the angel.

Irina - means peace, calm,

Believe me, it suits you in full!

You give people happiness and love,

They find kindness in you.

I want to wish you a birthday

You always remain beautiful

And if you want to change something -

Let happiness not tire of responding!

Ira, Happy Angel Day to you!

Happy holiday today,

After all, you can't forget about the name day,

I wish you from myself:

Clear skies and sunny days

Kind and faithful girlfriends and friends,

In the house - prosperity, comfort always,

Let no trouble knocking at his door.

Health, success, smiles in the eyes,

Faith, hope, good luck in business,

In the family - understanding, warmth and love.

Let the flame of youth not extinguish in the blood!

When nature comes to life in spring

The day of the Angel Irina is coming.

And on this penultimate day of April

Under the gentle, crystal ringing of a drop

I, taking an angel as allies,

I can confess: “We love you! "

I, as your Angel, cherish you,

I hasten to help with deed and prayer

Before our most Almighty God,

So that he was merciful, giving you help.

I used to live laughing, and never grieving ...

Let me guard you like an Angel.

Let the good take you into your world.

Trust me to keep you safe.