Making bouquets of fresh flowers: rules. Bouquets of flowers: master class

The spiral bouquet assembly technique is used by florists all over the world, literally being a basic skill of this art. Such a composition looks more magnificent, neat and voluminous due to the favorable arrangement of the stems, which gives space to each bud and does not allow them to overlap and press on each other.

This is a fairly simple, but elegant method, and every beginner florist can master it, and even those who have never been involved in drawing up bouquets.

Spiral bouquet: weaving technique

To work within the framework of this technique, it is necessary to choose flowers that have straight and non-fragile stems. Roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, etc. will do. You need to work with tulips more carefully, choosing those that have straight, unbent legs. Rose thorns and lower leaves, if present, must be removed. The spiral arrangement of the bouquet is simple, and it starts with a central flower that serves as the starting point for the entire composition. It should be tall enough and have an even, dense stem. The rest will gather around him in a circle.

Spiral bouquet: master class

The process will be described for a right-handed person. In this case, the bouquet is held in the left hand, while its new elements are added with the right. For left-handers, the distribution of hands will accordingly be different.

For work you will need:

  • secateurs;
  • scissors,
  • plants prepared for weaving;
  • twine (floristic tape).

Before starting to work with the selected plants, "practice" on twigs, twigs or Chinese sticks to acquire the desired skill.

  • Place the central flower in the left hand at the level of 2/3 of the total length, holding it on the ring and middle fingers.

  • We take the second plant in the right hand and place it under a slight slope on the ring and index fingers of the left. Direction is always counterclockwise!
  • The third element rests on the middle and index fingers of the left hand and is adhered to with the thumb.
  • Draw the fourth stem under the ring finger between the index and middle.

  • We continue in a circle in the same order. It is better to work in front of a mirror in order to be able to control the result. When the flower is in front of the bouquet, it should tilt to the left. On the reverse side - to the right. Each subsequent element falls on the previous one slightly obliquely, forming a spiral composition.

  • We tie the finished bouquet in the narrowest place with a string or floral tape for secure fixation.
  • We straighten the flower heads and carefully cut the bottom of the stems with pruning shears at the same level. Try to make oblique cuts between the buds - this will prolong the life of the plants.

The higher the bunch is made, the denser the flower cap will be. Low binding will give a visually more voluminous, lush bouquet.

If the plant legs are very thin or you just want a more lush and voluminous bouquet, you can put more greenery between the flower stems.

For a special occasion

If the bouquet is intended for the bride or for another occasion when he does not have to calmly stand in a vase from the very beginning (transportation, delivery, carrying in his hands, etc.), additional fixation will be required. For this, there is a special floral glue, thanks to which the structure will not fall apart even when riding a motorcycle on a country road. Treat the cuts on the stems with the same glue. This will allow moisture to be retained, and the bouquet will live without water for a longer time.

Optional circle!

A bouquet assembled in a spiral pattern does not have to have a classic shape. If you master this technique well, you can lay out, for example, a heart. In this case, the structure is created without a central, apical flower. If at the same time the interception is made low, then the flower hat will take the shape of a circle. It can be either hollow inside or "filled". To make a heart, you need a wire that is strong enough.

She needs to braid the stems at the base of the buds, and then bend it in the shape of a heart. A gift can be placed in the center of such a composition. But it should be borne in mind that it should be very light - for example, Rafaello sweets.

Making bouquets of flowers is an art worth learning to delight your loved ones with bright compositions from living plants. What your bouquet will be depends on who you are going to give it to, how many flowers should be, what event it illuminates. To create a harmonious beautiful bouquet, where the colors and varieties of plants are selected with taste, you need to know the basic rules of floristry.

Plant preparation

  1. When making bouquets, use freshly cut plants. The stem is cut at an angle, the flower is immediately placed in water to avoid the formation of an air lock.
  2. It is better to put flowers in rainwater or distilled water, in extreme cases - in tap water.
  3. Chrysanthemums, roses, hydrangeas or jasmine need to split the stem before placing in water.
  4. The stems of peonies, dahlias or poppies are pre-placed in boiling water.

Choosing the shape of the bouquet

Usually, when composing a bouquet, a round or one-sided shape is chosen. In the first case, the flowers are arranged in an even circle, turning them outward. Round bouquets look good in small baskets or vases, they are perfect for a gift.

One-sided bouquets are good for special occasions (weddings, anniversaries). Flowers of different lengths are arranged in a strict composition directed in one direction. At the same time, you need to start with the longest flowers in the background, moving on to the small ones in front.

Compatibility rules

So that your bouquet does not seem bulky and tasteless, stood in a vase for a long time, delighting a loved one, follow these rules:

Use no more than three types of plants in a bouquet.

Do not combine wildflowers with exotic ornamental plants (such as chamomile and alstroemeria).

It is better not to mix lilies, roses or orchids with other flowers, they are beautiful in themselves.

Roses do not allow other plants to survive in the same water.

Carnations and daffodils die alongside other flowers in a vase.

It is customary to give bouquets of flowers in bright shades to adult women, for girls - gentle light colors.

A bright bouquet should have a combination of three basic shades - red, blue and yellow. For example, purple (red plus blue) is combined with yellow, and orange (red plus yellow) is combined with cyan.


All kinds of green twigs will help to place accents in your bouquet. You can use fern, palm leaves, small needles, climbing plants. Sometimes decorative materials are used - mesh or organza. But remember, not everyone may like the excessive saturation of the bouquet with artificial elements.

Master class - a lush bouquet of fresh flowers



Knife, stapler;

Transparent and packaging films;

Extension cords for inserting flowers;

Florist's sponge.

We use the following natural flowers and decor:

White roses - 5 pcs.;

Pink calla lilies - 9 pcs.;

White alstroemeria - 4 pcs.;

Chrysanthemum branch - 1 pc.;

White and crimson orchids - up to 18 pcs.;

Leaves of palm, aralia, salal and aspidistra - 3-5 pcs.;

Bergrass - as a green decor.

Let's start making a bouquet:

  1. We lay out the flowers on the work surface.
  2. Cut off the desired piece of floral sponge and soak it in water until it is completely saturated.
  3. We make an envelope around the sponge from the film and pinch it with a stapler.
  4. On top, we strengthen a decorative film around the sponge.
  5. The sponge can be placed in a basket by lining it with cellophane along the bottom.
  6. We start from the very bottom level of the composition, placing large leaves of aralia and palm trees. In this case, the stems are cut with a secateurs and inserted into the oasis from a sponge.
  7. Orchid flowers, cut from branches, are inserted into extension cords with water.
  8. Cut and place calla lilies in a bouquet, then roses.
  9. Add split orchids, then whole branches.
  10. At the end, aspidistra and other greens are installed.

You can sprinkle the leaves with floral varnish, and a fresh bouquet is ready.

Master class - a bouquet of flowers in a spiral

When performing such a bouquet, one main flower is placed in the center, the rest are located around it at an angle, like turns of a spiral. Choose the main flower with a strong stem, since the whole composition is attached to it, roses are best suited here. Stock up on scissors, bouquet tying tape, and floral tape.

Getting started:

  1. Trim the stems of the flowers so that they are about the same height.
  2. Holding the central flower with your right hand, take another plant in your left and place it side by side under the right slope.
  3. Take the next flower and place it at the same slope behind the second.
  4. Successively added flowers go around the base, gradually leaving in a spiral.
  5. Alstroemeria or gypsophila can be woven into the bouquet.
  6. The composition can be supplemented with greenery that will surround the flowers.
  7. Tie the stalks of the flowers with braid, add a floral ribbon if desired.

Touching flowers - bright creations of nature, you will find harmony and tranquility in your soul. And colorful bouquets will bring light and joy to those around you.

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You can please with an unusual bouquet of loved ones or decorate a celebration with flowers not only with the help of a professional florist, but also on your own. You just need to follow a few rules so that the bouquet looks harmonious and attractive.

site collected advice from experts for those who want to try themselves in the art of floristry and do it with pleasure.

How to tell if flowers are fresh

To buy the freshest flowers possible, you need to pay attention to their freshness markers. Here are some examples of the most accurate.

The shapes of the bouquets can be different, but for beginners it is better to use 2 techniques for collecting the composition: parallel or spiral. Be sure to pre-clean the lower part of the stems from leaves and thorns.

1. Parallel bouquet

This is the easiest way to create a bouquet, however there is room for creativity. Technique: plant stems are laid parallel to each other, tightly. Often, the binding tape also acts as a decoration.

Such a bouquet can be assembled to make it round, asymmetrical or one-sided.

Round form is assembled from 1-4 kinds of flowers of approximately the same size and additions. In the center is the main flower, around it in a circle we place the rest, so that they are approximately at the same height. The composition can be linked multiple times for convenience.

V asymmetrical bouquet we also place flowers in a circle, but the height of the flowers will be different.

One-sided bouquet. In such a bouquet, there will be the highest point - a flower or flowers on the longest stems, and the rest of the plants are arranged in steps, gradually going down.

2. Spiral bouquet

This technique is suitable for lush bouquets of a large number of different plants or flowers of the same species. The shape of the bouquet turns out to be round, and the arrangement of the stems helps to present a large number of flowers in a favorable light.

Technique: the easiest way is to assemble such a bouquet on the table.

The first flower is the base. We lay the second with a stem on the first with a tilt to the right. The third is behind the first, tilted to the left. And then in the same order.

If you are making a bouquet of the same flowers, you do not need to check it all the time. If there are different flowers in the composition, periodically gently lift the bouquet, holding it at the point of intersection of the stems to check and correct the arrangement of the elements.

Harmony of composition

In order for the bouquet to be successful and live a long time, it is important to observe two rules:

  • plant compatibility;
  • compatibility of shades.

Bouquets can be monochromatic, similar, rainbow or contrasting. If it seems difficult to match colors, you can use the color wheel. Nearby are similar colors, and opposite each other are the brightest contrasts.

The European style of bouquets allows you to combine different flowers, however, some plants are best used in mono bouquets, as they greatly shorten the life of their neighbors. Among such harmful "egoists":

  • daffodil (especially for tulips);
  • carnation (especially for roses);
  • lilies of the valley;
  • bird cherry;
  • mignonette.

But there are also plants - "doctors", they will prolong the life of flowers:

  • cypress;
  • juniper;
  • lily (for roses);
  • jasmine (for lily of the valley).

Design secrets

An objectively beautiful bouquet is always a small floristic secrets that make the composition harmonious. Some of them:

  • in a composition of many colors there should be a main “point”, a focal point that attracts attention. Our eyes are subconsciously looking for "points", and such bouquets seem to be harmonious;
  • do not overdo it with greens, and it should not be higher than flowers;
  • the use of flowers of varying degrees of opening and buds prolongs the life of the bouquet;
  • the rhythm of the bouquet is important: flowers, shapes, colors should alternate, then a certain "movement" of the composition is created, which is pleasing to the eye.

Packaging as part of the composition

Among the stylish and fashionable packaging of recent years and this year, the first place is taken by plain paper. Fabric and lace, dense raw linen - matting, satin ribbons and coarse-weave ropes will add charm to the bouquet.

Large and small nets are losing ground.

Undesirable - polyethylene, it can only be used as technical packaging.

Floral Trends - 2018

No celebration is complete without flowers. They help to express feelings, for a person more than words. They decorate the room, cheer up, inspire, fall in love with themselves. If you are not able to make a gift on your own, you can order a bouquet of flowers in Voronezh, here you can buy beautiful and always fresh compositions from different buds.

How to assemble a bouquet of flowers correctly

Bouquets express feelings, therefore, before creating, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the subtleties of the "language of flowers".

  • Lilies and camellias are great for expressing your admiration.
  • If you make a bouquet of orchids and chrysanthemums, it means that the donor is very pleased to meet you.
  • Mimosa hints that the donor is vainly hiding his feelings.
  • If you want to tell about your charm to a person, you should create a composition of violets, lavender, burgundy roses.
  • With red and white roses, it can be argued that the person to whom the gift is intended is your soul mate.
  • Yellow carnations indicate that the donor's feelings have faded.
  • Carnations, hyacinths and chrysanthemums speak of respect.
  • But white irises, red or pink tulips, roses can tell about love.

A little about floristry

Before figuring out how to collect a beautiful bouquet, let's turn to a very interesting science - floristry. Already from the name it is clear that we are talking about plants (approx. Flora), this is one of the forms of design and applied art. Berries, leaves, nuts are used here.
There are four types of compositions in floristry from living plants:
  • made in one color.
  • using contrasting solutions.
  • using different shades.
  • made of different colors.
There are a number of rules, one of which is probably the most important: only one main color should prevail in a bouquet.

"Correct neighborhood" or how to assemble a bouquet of flowers with your own hands

Compositions of fresh flowers can be assembled on your own, however, you should adhere to specific rules. Let's take a look at the points of how to correctly assemble a bouquet.
  • First, you need to think through everything. It is necessary to present the future gift as much as possible. You can draw it, find an inspiring photo on the Internet, dream up yourself. As you like, the main thing is that every detail is thought out.
  • Shape and color. It is very important to decide on these parameters. This is very important and can take quite a long time.
  • It is necessary to study the topic of "neighborhood". It is better not to see some buds together, for example, the composition "roses-wildflowers" will be very inappropriate. If you prefer wildflowers, it is better not to add anything to them, exotic plants also do not need a neighborhood. If you choose an orchid, you can dilute it with a little greenery.
  • There are also rules on how to collect a bouquet of flowers.
For a "handwritten" set, stylistic overkill is unacceptable, translating into simple language, you should not use too many different types of plants in the composition. To avoid congestion, it is enough to use no more than 2-3 varieties of plants and a small amount of greenery.

  • Important details. If you want to make a set of flowers from your garden, you need to cut them at an angle. The number of colors must be odd. The size depends on the celebration: it is customary to give big ones for a birthday, and small, not bulky ones for weddings.
  • The gifts are so different. Forms of men's and women's bouquets differ significantly. It is acceptable for women to give round ones, and for men more elongated ones.

Master class "how to collect a bouquet"

Often, the simplest compositions look very beautiful. A very delicate bouquet can be created from white and pink flowers. Ranunculus and peonies will do.

We need:

  • Floristic tape;
  • Gardening scissors;
  • Wire.
  1. 1. Flowers should be the same length 40-45 cm, cut at an angle.
  2. 2. Prepare the plants: you need to remove all the leaves located at the bottom, then find the largest flower and take it in your left hand. Next, with your right hand, form a composition of smaller buds, pink buds are placed in the center, framed with white ones.
  3. 3. Smaller flowers are located just below the central one, turn the future bunch of buds towards you. When adding new flowers, some should be placed at 45 degrees, criss-cross.
  4. 4. Cover the floral ribbon with a wide pink satin ribbon going from top to bottom. Then, trim all the stems so they are the same.
Now you know how to collect the bouquet yourself.

Composing a bouquet is a difficult procedure for beginners, which is performed according to certain rules. You cannot collect all the flowers you like in one bunch, decorate them with a couple of branches of greenery and pass them off as a beautiful bouquet. The composition should maintain a balance of the combination of shades and combinations of different plants. Another important nuance is the moderate use of decor so that the base of the bouquet is not lost against its background. In addition to everything, flowers must be arranged in accordance with the rules of the language of flowers, which has nothing to do with linguistics. The number of difficulties for such a seemingly simple task is surprising, isn't it? Let's talk about how to arrange a bouquet correctly.

What do flowers say?

The language of flowers is the symbolism that is given to certain plants in the composition of the bouquet. This subtle, refined way of expressing feelings in the East appeared. According to legends, it was invented by women who, due to the peculiarities of local customs, did not have the opportunity to communicate fully. They began to put the gamut of their feelings into bouquets. One of the French monarchs brought the basics of the art of composition to the Old World after a friendly visit to the Persian king. The language of flowers has gained particular popularity in England and France. In these countries, they even began to publish special booklets and dictionaries containing lists of plant names with their symbolic meaning. The language of flowers is widely used by florists. In this case, not only the flowers themselves are important, but also the shades of the buds, the number of participants in the bouquet. Below are examples of the meaning of the most popular plants:

  • Rose (red) - a declaration of passionate love.
  • Violet is a symbol of loyalty and fragility.
  • Chamomile speaks of simplicity and unobtrusiveness.
  • Lily personifies greatness, nobility, luxury. Suitable for a gift to a woman who is adored.
  • Chrysanthemum is a symbol of good health and longevity. In some countries, this flower is sacred.
  • Poppy means sorrow and loss.
  • Gerbera personifies lightness and coquetry. Suitable for a gift to a woman whose relationship is just beginning.
  • The carnation is a symbol of courage and fortitude. "Male" flower.
  • Gladiolus personifies courage, nobility and brings good luck.
  • Iris is a flower of pride (not to be confused with pride) and wisdom. In Japan, "ayame" (iris flowers) of blue, blue and lilac are considered exclusively "masculine" flowers. Only they could be given to men of the samurai class.
  • Lilies of the valley express sensuality, innocence, fragility. Usually they are presented to young "Turgenev" girls.
  • Lilac symbolizes freshness, youth.

Red flowers are a symbol of passion. Pink speaks of sensuality and grace. Blue flowers symbolize loyalty. Whites represent purity and innocence. Yellow, depending on the "neighbors" in the bouquet, can talk about both separation and nascent love.

Basic techniques and rules for making bouquets

Among the variety of techniques, three traditional methods are noted, which can be safely attributed to the classic:

  • Biedermeier. The bouquet can have three shapes: flattened, round, pyramidal. All members of the composition fit very tightly to each other. A striking example of decoration in the Biedermeier style is the traditional wedding bridal bouquet. The plant stems are wrapped with decorative paper or ribbons and form one thick "leg".
  • Parallel. The bouquet is collected by a "ladder". The composition has no center, the buds form parallel rows, which gradually taper towards the top of the cascade.
  • Spiral. The composition is based on the central flower. Other plants are gradually added to the bouquet, forming circles. Their stems are applied to the stem of the central flower at an angle, slightly obliquely. If you look at the composition from above, you get a spiral, hence the name of the technique. The flower stems touch each other only at one point, where the bouquet is clamped by the florist's fingers. Completing the assembly of the composition by adding a border of green leaves.

There are a lot of subspecies of the above techniques and the lists are replenished every year, since there is no limit to the imagination of florists, as well as to the perfection of bouquets.

The most popular types of flowers for the spiral technique are chrysanthemums and roses. Their buds have different colors, so a bouquet of identical plants does not look boring and monotonous.

Roses have very strong, sturdy stems. Gerberas can also be used to form flower "caps", but each leg will have to be pre-reinforced and wrapped with transparent film. Their stems are quite strong, but there is a mismatch between the weight of the flower head and its support. For this reason, gerberas often "break" at the sepal itself. Carnations are also suitable for this type of assembly, but due to the fragility of the stems, only high-class professional florists can work with them.

Types and forms of bouquets

Bouquets, depending on the style of decoration, are classified into three types:

  • Women's. Bright, voluminous compositions.
  • Men's. Discreet bouquets with strict, straight lines.
  • Neutral. They are used as a decorative element and are designed in accordance with the style of the room.

There is another classification by form:

  • Round. This is a classic form that can be classified as a win-win. The round bouquet can be easily integrated into any design. In combined compositions, large buds are placed at the bottom, and small inflorescences are placed closer to the top.
  • One-sided. All participants in the composition "look" in one direction.
  • Asymmetrical. The flower buds are directed in different directions, while the composition is carefully balanced.
  • Linear. Flowers are arranged in a cascade on one line. The lower stems are short. The higher the bud, the longer its “stem”. The bouquet looks luxurious and impressive.

There are also creative ways of drawing up bouquets:

  • In a wicker basket or stucco box. The bouquet is ideal for decorating a table or windowsill.
  • Figures of animals on a rigid frame. The creation of such a composition requires skill from the florist, so this option is not suitable for beginners.
  • Another rare species is glamelia or a flower bouquet, which is collected from the petals of many buds, gluing them together.

The combination of flowers in a bouquet

In addition to the combination of shades, the flowers in the bouquet should look good with each other and "get along" in one vase. For example, despite the external compatibility, the following plants cannot be combined:

  • Carnations with lilies of the valley.
  • Lilies with daffodils.
  • Carnations with roses and lilies.
  • Lilies and cornflowers or poppies.

With such a neighborhood, the flowers will begin to fade at an accelerated rate. The rose is generally recognized as the queen of flowers. As befits a crowned "person", she is extremely capricious, therefore, in bouquets, she is often surrounded only by decorative greenery (asparagus, fern leaves, palm trees, spruce twigs).

The composition is balanced and complete, but even a rose can have neighbors. And not from the "lower classes", but the same "flower nobility" of a slightly lower rank. The role of a suite of roses can be:

  • Lilies.
  • Chrysanthemums.
  • Gypsophila.

Another "royal" flower is a magnificent lily. For five centuries and up to the present day, "fleur de lis" - the invariable heraldic symbol of the European bourbon dynasty. Over the years, the flower has become automatically associated with high status, wealth, luxury and nobility. As another representative of the blue-blooded flower aristocracy, the lily tolerates the neighborhood of only those plants that do not try to overshadow its own beauty. It should shine, and the radiance will be brighter against a faded background. You can add to the bouquet to the lily:

  • Chamomile Too rustic wildflowers will only emphasize the sophistication of noble lilies.
  • Irises.
  • Phlox.
  • Peonies.
  • Primroses.

Lush peonies also occupy a rather high position in the "flower society", but at the same time they do not boast of their origin, like roses or lilies. They perfectly coexist with small inflorescences, shading the flowers of large buds. Suitable for a bouquet of peonies:

  • Daisies.
  • Velvet.
  • Mattiola.
  • Freesias.
  • Forget-me-nots.

Irises are exquisite representatives of the upper class, but with a "wide" soul, which makes it easy to make acquaintances with flowers in the class below. Although they are endowed with certain regalia, they calmly relate to the neighborhood with knifofia (both in a bouquet and in a flower bed), tulips, lavender. Nobody really expected any whims from those simple village “suns” - sunflowers.

But they really do not tolerate any neighbors in a bouquet arrangement at all. Even greenery "from the outside" is rejected, preferring its own wide leaves as a decoration. The male flower is a carnation, with a truly iron endurance, it steadfastly endures the neighborhood of a wide variety of flowers:

  • Chrysanthemums.
  • Crocuses.
  • Anemones.
  • Dahlias.

Thorny sprigs of ruscus and graceful bergrass are used as decoration for bouquets of carnations. Gerberas, more reminiscent of large multi-colored daisies, greet noble roses or chrysanthemums with the same enthusiasm, as well as “simpler” wildflowers.

There are three main colors used in floristry:

  • Yellow.
  • Red.
  • Blue.

Green acts as a decoration, but the center of the composition is always captured by the representatives of the trio. They complement each other organically. Yellow and red are warm, sunny colors. Blue and its shades (blue, purple, lilac) are cold tones. The color temperature of green is also quite “low”. Pay attention to bouquets that are made entirely of blue flowers. They look strict and unapproachable. The coldness of the blue is greatly enhanced by the surrounding greenery. It is enough to add a couple of warm yellow, orange, red notes to the bouquet and the composition is filled with inner light, its “mood” changes dramatically. Neutral white can set off the brightness of its neighbors or be used on its own in delicate bouquets. For example, white roses do not need any supplements.

Decorated with a sprig of asparagus and wrapped in a transparent envelope, they become the personification of luxurious laconicism. Monochromatic bouquets of delicate flowers (pink, white, pale yellow) are enough to dilute with notes of greenery. The blue color perfectly combines with yellow, and one of its shades, blue, with pale pink. Another elegant, win-win combination is white and red.

Registration rules

In a correctly assembled bouquet, the secondary participants in the composition organically set off the main "central" flowers. The assembly starts from the middle. First, the "skeleton" of the bouquet is collected, to which its surroundings are gradually added. When choosing colors and shapes, they are guided by the gender and age of the person to whom the flower gift is intended:

  • For young girls, small round bouquets are suitable, consisting of wildflowers or decorative roses.
  • It is customary for young guys and men to give discreet bouquets of asymmetrical shape with elongated lines.
  • Voluminous bouquets of roses, asters, chrysanthemums or gerberas are suitable for women of Balzac age.
  • Elderly women are presented with lush rounded bouquets, consisting of buds of bright and juicy flowers.
    Packaging plays an important role in the bouquet. It must be carefully selected for the filling.

Variety of materials for decoration

There is a huge selection of wrapping materials that vary in color and texture. The most popular are:

  • Corrugated paper. Its edges are sealed using a special machine.
  • Film. The classic version is transparent. It is used for making envelope bouquets, for packing single flowers (popular for the holidays on May 9 and September 1 for school), as an integral part of a complex wrapper made of several layers of different materials.
  • Floristic mesh. It looks like a dense "perforated" matter that keeps its shape perfectly.
  • Craft. Classic wrapping paper. It goes well with any bouquets, brings laconic notes to the composition.
  • Organza. A translucent fabric that perfectly emphasizes the richness and luxury of the bouquet.

As an additional decor they use:

  • Ribbons. The undisputed leader among jewelry. They are "let" in waves along the edge of the package, lush bows are collected from them with the help of a stapler, cut into small, "curly" ribbons, with which flowers are sprinkled on top.
  • Sisal. The fibers of the agave leaves are pale brown in color. They add exotic notes to the bouquet.
  • Ropes. A simple twine is usually used. They are tied up with kraft paper packaging or complemented with sisal designs.

In more expensive bouquets, satin ribbons can be used instead of simple ribbons. Bows made from them are softer and more accurate.

Floral mesh decoration

The floral mesh is made of natural fibers, does not fade in the sun, is not afraid of water, does not have an unpleasant odor, as is the case with film. She gives the bouquet a touch of tenderness and grace. Available in a variety of colors. Can be coated with glitter spraying. In a bouquet, it is usually used without additional packaging materials, since the net itself looks luxurious. The sharp corners of the wrapper can be easily straightened, giving the composition volume. As a rule, flowers are wrapped in several layers of wrapping to make the mesh look denser.

Wrapping a bouquet in foil is a classic option. The material can be used both for "envelopes" and for lush compositions. In the first case, a piece of film is cut from the roll and unrolled on the table. The flower is placed diagonally at one of the corners. After which they begin to wrap it in film. The second corner is fixed with tape. In lush bouquets, the film is collected in an "accordion" around the base of the composition, while holding it in the hand. If the flowers are arranged in a cascade, then the substrate for them is made separately.

A piece of material trimmed at the corners is also collected with an "accordion", fixing at the base with a stapler. After that, it is as if the packaging is wrapped around the bouquet and its edges are fixed to each other. Transparent and translucent film looks beautiful when combined with corrugated paper and opaque wrapper.

Corrugated paper decoration

Corrugated paper is widely used in handicrafts and in the decoration of bouquets and gifts. The surface of the material is "crumpled" in a special machine. Corrugation sizes may vary. For gift wraps and bouquet wrappers, paper is used in a small "accordion". The material is easily stretched, so that it can be deformed to your taste, adding volume to the composition. To make the bouquet look neat, before using the paper, its edges are processed on a special machine that pulls together the turns and fixes them. The edges of such a sheet are "wavy". Corrugated paper looks good with a floral mesh and film wrapper. Unlike these materials, it is afraid of water. Better to use double wrapper. The base is made of corrugated paper, and the outer short packaging is made of waterproof material.

Making a bouquet of roses at home

As a first experience for beginners, it's best to choose simpler compositions. Roses are ideal in this regard, as luxurious flowers do not need lush decoration. They will look equally elegant both in transparencies and wrapped in corrugated paper. Ornamental garden roses have uneven stems and a large number of buds on one branch. It is better to collect miniature round bouquets from such flowers, similar to wedding bouquets, or arrangements in a basket. Exquisite roses on long stems are suitable for lush bouquets and "envelopes". The latter look more laconic, but are ideal as a gift for your beloved woman. Consider a short master class on assembling a simple bouquet:

  • First you need to cut off a small piece of clear film. It is crumpled and squeezed, forming a dense "ball".
  • A wad of film is wrapped with tape. This "ball" will become the basis of the bouquet.
  • Holding it in your hand, they begin to attach one rose in a circle, pinching each stem with your fingers.
  • Now you can add some greenery. Roses pair perfectly with asparagus and gypsophila. The composition is tied with a ribbon, fixing the stems at the base ball.