Salting chicken mushrooms. Cooking chicken and cockerel mushrooms

Veronica Leskina

Happy mom, former model

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Chicken (cockerel) mushrooms have this name due to the fact that they taste like poultry meat. Scientists call such mushrooms ringed caps, but among the people this mushroom has several names.

For example: swamp, dull, Turk, greenfinch, cap, gray sandpiper.

They live in mountain forests, and for Western Europe it is generally a delicacy.

Description and photo

What the Hat looks like

In a cockerel mushroom, the cap looks like a chicken egg, and the edges are slightly curled towards the bottom, but when it grows, the cap becomes flat-convex, the edges become straight, and a bulge forms at the top.

The mushroom has a cylindrical leg, somewhat similar to the leg of an amanita. Surface with thin scales. Color from pale yellow to rich.

Most often, chicken mushrooms grow in Europe and Asia, but also mushrooms have adapted to life in Lapland, and have adapted to the Russian tundra near marshlands. Chicken mushrooms in Belarus can also be found near swamps. They usually grow in groups or plantations. If you want to collect such mushrooms, then it is better to do this with an experienced mushroom picker, since cockerels can be confused with poisonous mushrooms.

Consider how edible chicken mushrooms differ from poisonous toadstools

Often confused cockerels with fly agaric and pale toadstool. But the edible mushroom differs from poisonous mushrooms in that it has a solid ring on the leg.

There are also a number of signs of inedible mushrooms:

  • Fly agaric- a hat with an unpleasant odor. Light pink plates are separated from the stem. The leg at the base is in the form of a tuber with a sagging wide ring.
  • Death cap- white hat. The plates are detached from the stem. At the base, the leg is swollen, with a white film ring.

When can you pick cockerel mushrooms?

The period of their collection is from mid-August to late autumn. Likes to grow next to blueberries and lingonberries, but when the berries finish bearing fruit, their place is completely filled with mushrooms. And it's important to note that chickens grow in ecological areas.

How to cook mushrooms?

It is advisable to rinse thoroughly before cooking. And then the cooking is a matter of taste. Someone likes to open first, and then fry, who just fry and so on. The most delicious recipe is to cook mushrooms in batter (flour, egg, spices, mayonnaise). The cockerels are first enveloped in batter, then in the breading mixture and fried in oil for 5-7 minutes.

Also, chicken mushrooms are harvested for the winter. They are canned, salted, pickled, and fermented. Pickled mushrooms are a real delicacy and the recipe is very simple. For a kilogram of mushrooms, you need to take 60 grams of salt, allspice and black pepper, a few peas, horseradish, garlic, bay leaf, dill and mustard seeds.

The mushrooms must first be blanched in boiling water with the addition of salt, for 1 liter 1 tablespoon of salt. You need to stand for five to ten minutes, and then rinse in cold water. When the water drains, you can add the mushrooms to the remaining spices, stir and cover first with a clean napkin, then with a plate and under oppression. Cooking time from 5 to 10 days. As the mushrooms are prepared, you need to distribute them in jars and store in the refrigerator.

How much to cook chicken mushrooms

You need to cook the mushrooms in three approaches, and each time you need to drain the water and pour in clean water, each approach should be boiled for five minutes. All this is done in order to remove the sand that is stuck between the plates.

Pickled chicken mushrooms

There are two ways - cold and hot.

The main difference between them is in the cooking time: the cold method is cooked for 40 days, and the hot one can be eaten as it was cooked. But no matter how you use it, you get amazingly crispy mushrooms.

Cold recipe

Products: ten kilograms of mushrooms, 1 kg of salt, sweet peas, one bag, cloves 20 g, dill with an umbrella, cold water, juniper branches, oak barrel, oppression.

Cooking method: First of all, steam the barrel with juniper to remove harmful microorganisms. The mushrooms are washed and laid out in layers, pre-salted, and filled with cold water. Close everything and put it under oppression. It will be necessary to withstand a week, the forming foam must be removed. After the expiration of a week, the water is drained. Transfer the mushrooms to another dish, and rinse the barrel, put the dill on the bottom with an umbrella, put the mushrooms on top in layers, salt and sprinkle with spices. Cover and place under oppression, store in a cool place.

Hot cooking method

Products: ten kilograms of mushrooms, water 3 liters, allspice 4-6 pieces, 3-5 pieces of cloves, black peppercorns 7-10 pieces, bay leaf, garlic 3-5 cloves, onions in half rings, jars and metal lids.

Cooking method: Rinse the mushrooms from the sand, put in a saucepan and cook (the method of cooking is above). After boiling, the mushrooms are in a colander, and fresh water 3 liters is poured into the pan and spices are poured. Mix everything and add mushrooms. Boil for five minutes in the marinade. And then distribute the mushrooms to the banks pouring marinade.

Put garlic, onion and 1 bay leaf on the bottom of the jar. After spreading the mushrooms in the jars, roll up well, and let cool, after which you can put in a cool place. Most importantly, don't boil bay leaves in the marinade, as this will add bitterness to your meal.

Mushroom salad recipe for the winter

Products: 1.5 kilograms of chickens, 500 grams of onions, 1 kg of tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of salt, 5 black pepper, 3 bay leaves, vegetable oil, 2.5 liters of water.

Method of preparation: All lids and jars are sterilized, mushrooms are also cleaned and washed. Also roughly cut the mushrooms into equal sizes. Put in a saucepan and boil in salted water for 15 minutes. Fry the onion in cubes in a skillet, and fry the tomatoes separately. In a saucepan, mix all the ingredients and simmer for 60 minutes, and stir. How to prepare a salad, distribute it to the banks and roll it up. It is recommended to roll it up, and after the cans have cooled, put them in a cool place for storage.

Chicken mushrooms - extraordinary taste

Chicken mushrooms, which have such an original name, are actually scientifically called ringed caps. This type of mushroom is typical primarily of mountain forests and foothills. Turk, white creeper, dull rosites ... All these are the names by which the people call chicken mushrooms.

They are part of the European edible rosites. Chicken mushrooms have a cap up to fifteen centimeters in size.

They are quite fleshy, with a bell-shaped lid, as a result of which they received their scientific name. The cap has edges curled downwards and is gray-yellow or ocher in color.

Young "chickens" - mushrooms, the photo of which shows them quite similar to the rest of the spiderweb, as they grow, straighten their spherical or egg-shaped caps, gradually becoming flat with a raised center. In adult podolotniki or Turks, the flesh is soft and friable, at first white, and later yellowing.

In general, chicken mushrooms, photos and descriptions of which show that they very much resemble cobwebs, were previously considered representatives of this species.

Their almond-shaped warty spores are the same as those of the latter. However, chicken mushrooms never have a web-like veil between the edge of the cap and the leg.

Their plates are relatively sparse and accrete, with different lengths.

The leg of this rosites representative is strong, cylindrical, dense at the base, solid with a silky fibrous surface.

Distribution locations

Chicken mushrooms, a photo of which shows that they very much resemble some types of voles, for example, early or tough, forms mycorrhiza mainly with conifers, although they are found no less often under oak or birch trees. In the middle zone of our country, they can be collected in mossy areas in pine or mixed forests.

In mountain ranges, they are found even at an altitude of two thousand meters. Most chicken mushrooms are common in Western Europe and Belarus.

In our country, they are more often found in damp forest areas of Central Russia on ash and podzolic soil types.

These mushrooms love to inhabit mixed forests, but are often found in pure conifers, if, of course, it is humid enough and all the necessary conditions for reproduction and growth are present.

When to collect

Of course, this representative of rosites can hardly be attributed to the most widespread and demanded.

Experts believe that some external resemblance to a toadstool played an important role in the reason for such unpopularity.

However, those who have tried these mushrooms once will surely return to cooking from the ringed cap.

The search for chicken mushrooms begins in mid-August. The season can last until the end of October. This mushroom is especially fond of bilberry and lingonberry thickets.

After the end of the collection of berries, it almost completely fills the places of their distribution in large groups.

And one more interesting fact: chickens grow only in ecologically clean areas.

This is not a gray fly agaric

Very often, beginner lovers of "quiet hunting" take chicken mushrooms for inedible and do not take them into their basket. But this is completely wrong.

These representatives of rosites belong to the fourth group in terms of their nutritional characteristics. They can be eaten both boiled and salted.

They have a very exquisite mushroom aroma and exquisite taste.

Outwardly, ringed caps or chickens are very reminiscent of gray fly agarics. But they can be very easily distinguished from the latter.

It is enough just to examine the inner surface of their cap. There are plates with yellow and brown color.

A distinctive feature of the fly agaric is that at any age they are always snow-white.

There is a difference in the structure of the leg. First, there is a ring located just below their cap. It has the same color as the whole mushroom. Slightly higher there are small yellowish scales. In addition, the stem itself is thinner below the ring than at the top.

These delicious chicken mushrooms

Not everyone knows how to cook a ringed cap. However, those who are already familiar with their taste find that they are simply delicious when roasted.

To prepare such a culinary masterpiece, chickens must be peeled and rinsed thoroughly. Some housewives like to boil them first, and then fry them, others prefer to brown them fresh in oil.

How to eat these mushrooms is a matter of taste, but they are especially good in a batter of flour, eggs, mayonnaise and spices.

First, the chickens need to be dipped in it, then rolled in breadcrumbs and placed in a hot pan, in which sunflower oil is already sizzling. Frying time is approximately five or seven minutes.

A dish prepared according to this recipe is eaten instantly. To the taste of the chicken, mushrooms, the photo of which somewhat resembles fly agaric, are similar to tender chicken meat.


Ringed caps for the winter are harvested in a variety of ways: they are pickled and salted, but the fermented version deserves special attention. The taste of these mushrooms becomes sharp and expressive, which in the mouth is manifested by small sharp bubbles.

The recipe for fermenting chickens is quite easy: for one kilogram of mushrooms you need sixty grams of salt, a few peas of black and allspice pepper. You will also need horseradish, garlic, bay leaves, mustard seeds and dill.

The mushrooms are blanched in boiling salted water, prepared at the rate of one tablespoon of salt per liter of water for five or ten minutes. Then they are thrown back on a sieve, washed with cold water and allowed to drain.

After that, the mushrooms must be mixed with spices and the remaining salt in a container intended for fermentation.

Then the mass is covered with a clean napkin, on top of which a wooden circle or plate is placed, and oppression is placed on them.

Mushrooms are fermented from five to ten days, depending on the ambient temperature. After that, they need to be transferred to jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Chicken mushrooms: 5 recipes

Experienced housewives often stock up for the winter by storing fruits and vegetables in jars. The most favorite winter harvest is mushrooms. They are versatile in cooking, go well in salads, soups, meat dishes and, of course, for a snack.

One of the varieties suitable for salting is chicken mushrooms. It is inexplicable, but true: for some reason, this particular species is unreasonably not appreciated by pickled mushroom pickers. They are also edible, like many others, and taste like mushrooms.

In European countries, this mushroom is generally considered a delicacy.

One of the varieties suitable for pickling is chicken mushrooms

Chicken mushrooms: description

Chickens are edible gifts of the forest that grow in high humidity conditions. The ideal harvest time is from August to October. In short, it is a light yellow or pink mushroom with a bell cap, the flesh is dense.

Description of the main parts:

  1. Hat. In a young plant, it has the shape of a hemisphere, with the edges lowered and slightly curled downward. The color is dull white or silvery white. In an adult plant, the cap is flat-convex with a hump, the edges are raised up. If the climate is very dry, the cap will crack. Diameter from 5 to 12 cm.
  2. Leg. Its height reaches 12 cm in height and up to 3 cm in thickness. It has a cylindrical shape, slightly thickened at the very bottom. Has a membrane membrane.
  3. Pulp. Fibrous, dense, slightly watery, has a white color, tastes like champignons. It does not have a special smell, it is prone to worminess.

Chicken mushrooms are also known by other names:

  • ringed cap;
  • Turk;
  • cap;
  • gray sandpiper;
  • undergrowth;
  • greenfinches;
  • cockerels;
  • rosites is dull;
  • pribolotnik white.

Cockerel and chicken mushrooms (video)

How much to cook chicken mushrooms before harvesting

There are a lot of disputes between the hostesses about how long it takes to cook a ringed cap.

Some argue that it is necessary to cook, changing the water three times, others insist that these mushrooms can not be boiled at all.

In fact, the main prescription for cockerel cooking is the polluted collection area.

Like any other mushroom, the caps absorb all the dirt from the soil and their environment like a sponge.

The closer the cockerel grows to the roadway, the longer it needs to be cooked, and the procedure does not consist in the duration of cooking, but in the number of times the water is changed.

There are a lot of disputes between the hostesses about how long it takes to cook a ringed cap

If you collected the caps in a mixed forest and decided to salt it, it will be enough to change the water 3 times by boiling the mushrooms for 5 minutes.

If they were collected in an ecologically clean area, far from factories and roads, they may not be boiled at all.

In the case of pickling, the situation is a little different, here the ringed cap will need to be boiled for 20 minutes, and then another couple of minutes. in the marinade.

How to pickle cockerels

Fast hot salting

The billet is crispy and dense, moderately salty.

  • 5 kg of cockerels;
  • 160 g salt;
  • 8 pcs. black pepper;
  • 4-8 pcs. fragrant;
  • 3-6 carnation buds;
  • 3-5 leaves of laurel;
  • 6-11 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 liters of water.

The billet turns out to be crispy and dense, moderately salty

  1. Wash the mushrooms, clean, fill with clean water in a saucepan, boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Drain the broth, pour in clean water, cook again for 5 minutes.
  3. We discard the boiled mushrooms in a colander. Let's drain.
  4. Separately, put a saucepan with 3 liters of water on the stove, add salt, all spices except laurel, and mushrooms to it.
  5. Cook the caps in brine for another 5 minutes.
  6. Put 2 cloves of garlic in each jar, 2-3 onion rings and 1 bay leaf in prepared jars.
  7. Immediately after boiling, distribute over the jars, fill with marinade.

We roll up the lids, let it cool in the room, put it away for storage in the cold.

Royal salting in a cold way

A dense and crispy ringed cap can turn out not only after hot salting, but also after cold. An oak barrel is used for salting.

  • 10 kg of mushrooms;
  • 1 kg of rock salt;
  • 20 gr. carnation flowers;
  • 30 gr. allspice pepper;
  • several dill umbrellas.

A dense and crispy ringed cap can be obtained not only after hot salting

  1. We steam the container for pickling (barrel) with juniper, this will help to kill all microorganisms.
  2. Wash the mushrooms, clean them, put them in a barrel in layers, sprinkle each layer with salt. We leave 1/3 of the total volume of salt for re-salting.
  3. Pour cold water into the barrel, cover with a lid on top, press down with a load.
  4. Remove the foam from the top within a week.
  5. After 7 days, drain all the water, rinse the container, fill in new water. When re-laying, the mushrooms are also laid in layers, sprinkling with salt, and add pepper, cloves and dill.
  6. We again cover the barrel with a lid, press down with a load.
  7. Move to a cold place, closet / basement.

The workpiece can be eaten in 40-45 days.

Chicken salad for the winter

A wonderful winter mushroom salad will decorate any everyday and festive table. The vegetables taste well and complement each other.

  • 1.5 kg of chickens;
  • 500 gr. Luke;
  • 1 kg tomato;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 5 pieces. black pepper;
  • 3 laurels;
  • 60 ml vegetable oil (for frying);
  • 2.5 liters of water.
  1. Wash, dry, sterilize lids and jars for preparation.
  2. We clean, wash, sort the mushrooms by size. We cut large ones into several parts.
  3. Bring the water to a boil, cook the mushrooms for a quarter of an hour after boiling. We send it to a colander.
  4. Peel the onion, cut into large cubes, fry.
  5. In a separate frying pan, fry the tomatoes cut into slices.
  6. Put boiled mushrooms in a saucepan, add 500 ml of water, fried vegetables, spices, salt.
  7. Simmer under a lid on a low fire for 60 minutes, stir so that it does not burn.

We distribute the finished salad among the banks, roll it up. We wrap the jars warmly, let them cool completely, put them away for storage.

Greenfinches in a spicy marinade

Thanks to the spices, the mushrooms according to this recipe are very aromatic with a pleasant spicy taste.

Also read: Milk mushroom: description, recipes, false and edible species

  • 3 kg greenfinches;
  • In a marinade for 1 liter of water:
  • 2.5 tsp 4.5% acetic acid;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 175 g sunflower oil;
  • 2 pcs. allspice;
  • 8-13 cumin seeds;
  • 8-13 rosemary seeds.

Thanks to the spices, the mushrooms according to this recipe are very aromatic with a pleasant spicy taste.

  1. Traditionally, we clean, wash the forest gifts, cook in two waters for 5 minutes. We send it to a colander, rinse with clean water.
  2. Making a pickle. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, put all the spices, vinegar and mushrooms.
  3. As soon as the marinade with mushrooms boils, turn off the fire.
  4. We lay out the workpiece in the jars, fill it with marinade, roll it up.

After complete cooling, we put it in a cool place.

Pickled ringed caps

The recipe is simple, it does not take much time to prepare. Ready-made mushrooms are quite crispy and flavorful.

  • 5 kg of caps;
  • 300 gr. table salt;
  • 3-5 peas of black and allspice;
  • 2-3 horseradish leaves;
  • 8-10 cm horseradish root;
  • 3 tsp mustard seeds;
  • 3 tsp dill seeds.
  1. We clean, wash, boil the mushrooms in salted water. Pour 1 tbsp per liter of water. l. salt. Pour boiled mushrooms into a colander, rinse with water, let drain.
  2. Mix the prepared caps with the remaining salt and all the spices.
  3. Put horseradish leaves on the bottom of the pan / bucket, pour mushrooms mixed with spices and horseradish root peeled and cut into several pieces.
  4. We cover the container with gauze folded in several layers, with a flat plate in diameter and press down with oppression.

After 5-10 days, put the pickled mushrooms in jars, close tightly. We store in the refrigerator or basement.

How to pickle row mushrooms (video)

Mushroom preparation for the winter is always delicious. But never pick these mushrooms yourself if you don't know what they look like.

And even when you have collected those very chickens - if you see mold in a jar with a blank - throw it away immediately.

These mushrooms are gone and can cause serious food poisoning if you eat them.

Attention, only TODAY!

Delicious chicken mushrooms (ringed cap)

Not everyone knows that there are such mushrooms - chickens. But this is one of the most delicious, tender and delicious varieties of them.

In European countries, chickens, or rosites, are valued on a par with real mushrooms. The scientific name is a ringed cap, but in different regions the mushroom bears the names of a pimp (swallowtail) and a Turk.

Sometimes ryadovki are called chickens, but in this case we will not be talking about them.

Appearance and places of collection of chicken mushrooms

Only experienced mushroom pickers should collect ringed caps, who can distinguish them from very similar in appearance, but poisonous cobwebs.

The cap of a young mushroom has a rounded shape, ovoid or almost spherical (Fig. 1). Due to its brownish-pink color, it resembles the shell of brown chicken eggs, worn on a thick leg.

The diameter of a young cap is about 4 cm, as it grows, it can reach 8-10 cm.

Growing up, the mushroom changes the shape of the cap: a bulge appears in the center, giving the chicken a resemblance to a wide cap. The edges of the cap of a young fruiting body, attached to the stem, diverge to the sides and tear the film (coverlet).

As a result, a ring, or skirt, is formed in about the upper third of the mushroom leg, with jagged edges hanging down. If the weather is dry, the edges of the cap dry up and crack slightly towards the center.

The skirt also dries up and becomes inconspicuous, but the ring on the leg remains and serves as one of the main distinguishing features of the chicken.

If you turn over the plucked mushroom and look under the cap, you can see thin plates of the spore apparatus adhered to the stem. In a young fruiting body, they are white or yellowish (Fig. 2).

After the cap opens, the plates turn yellow, and when the spores mature, they acquire an ocher (rusty) hue. The spore powder has the same color and leaves marks on the hands that look like rust.

The color of the plates serves as another sign that allows you to distinguish the ringed cap from similar poisonous counterparts.

The surface of the mushroom cap has fine wrinkles and is covered with a light bloom, reminiscent of flour or pearlescent pollen.

Closer to the edges of the cap, this plaque can form small scales.

Unlike fly agarics, which sometimes have a similar shade, these scales are thin and never occur closer to the center of the cap, being located exclusively along the edge.

The stem of the mushroom has the shape of a regular cylinder. Its base (lower part) is slightly thickened. The surface of the leg has a silky texture, but above the ring of the skirt it may appear scaly. Here she is painted pale yellow.

The part of the stem located below the ring is brighter than the upper one (Fig. 3). The slightly swollen base makes the mushroom look like an amanita or pale toadstool. A distinctive feature is the absence in chickens of a sheath (volva) around this swelling.

So, based on the description, we can conclude about the main differences between the edible chicken mushroom and toadstools similar to it:

  • rounded or slightly convex cap of a brownish, buffy shade with a powdery light bloom in the center;
  • the absence of any flakes or scales on the entire surface of the cap, they can be found only at the very edge;
  • an adult mushroom must have a ring of a torn film-cover, and a young one connects the upper part of the leg and the edge of the cap;
  • there is no filmy or cobweb cover at the base of the leg;
  • in the open mushroom, yellowish or ocher colored plates adhered to the stem are visible.

Also read: How you can grow mushrooms at home

The dense flesh of the chicken does not change color when cut or broken. The smell is pleasant, mushroom, spicy. The ringed cap tastes like a chicken breast.

We collect chickens (video)

Where do chicken mushrooms grow?

You can meet the ringed cap almost throughout Europe and Asia, in North America and on the Japanese islands.

They spread far to the north, even in Lapland and in the Russian tundra, chickens can be collected in dwarf birch. Mountain coniferous forests are also chosen for settling mushrooms.

Mushrooms give preference to acidic soils where blueberries and lingonberries grow.

In central Russia, they are most often found in mossy, slightly marshy areas. The prevalence in such places has given people the opportunity to call them swarms and swans. In Belarus, it is found almost everywhere and enjoys well-deserved love and popularity.

From the beginning of July until the very frost, chickens appear in light coniferous and mixed forests in small groups.

Very often, fruiting bodies are arranged in rings ("witch circles").

In some areas, the mushroom is practically unknown and is considered unfit for food, despite the positive characteristics of mushroom pickers who know it.

We collect cockerels and hens (video)

How to cook chicken

Caps are good in any form: they are salted, pickled, fried. Some housewives advise to boil the chicken before frying, but many fry them fresh. If the option with boiling is chosen, then you need to remember that it is not worth boiling the caps for a long time - they will be ready in 5-10 minutes.

An interesting recipe: make a batter from eggs, flour and mayonnaise. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, dip pieces of mushroom in batter, fry for 5-7 minutes. After this treatment, the mushrooms acquire the characteristic flavor of chicken meat.

Any recipes are suitable for pickling and salting chickens. Boil the mushrooms before salting.

A simple way to marinate is as follows: boil the mushrooms for 10 minutes, drain most of the liquid, and add salt, spices and a little vinegar to the rest to taste.

Boil for another 5-7 minutes and put in hot jars. Pickled chickens keep well in the cellar or refrigerator.

At the first attempts to collect the ringed cap, it is best to use the advice of experienced mushroom pickers.

They can show and explain where the real mushroom is, and where the toadstool looks like.

In case of doubt, you should be guided by the basic rule of mushroom pickers: there is no certainty - you should not collect.

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Chicken mushrooms (ringed caps): what you need to know about these mushrooms

Even experienced mushroom pickers admit that they have not heard of such mushrooms - ringed caps.

Although in coniferous or birch forests, they probably came across them - they simply did not know that they were edible, and did not put the chickens in their basket.

But the taste of chickens (or rosites) is quite high - in many countries of the European continent they are compared to champignons.

In different regions of our country, ringed caps are called differently: pribolotnik, balotukha, turk

In different regions of our country, ringed caps are called differently: pribolotnik, balotukha, Turk. Sometimes inexperienced mushroom pickers also consider some types of rowings to be chickens, but in this article we will talk about real rosites.

What ringed mushrooms look like (chickens)

In order not to confuse these edible "gifts of the forest" with poisonous ones, it is necessary to have a good idea of ​​what the woodworms look like. The cap is rounded, ovoid or almost spherical in shape.

Its color is pinkish with a brown tint, very similar to a chicken egg shell worn on a leg. The diameter of the cap of a young mushroom is up to 4-4.5 cm, in old mushrooms it can reach 9-11 cm.

The surface of the cap is covered with wrinkles and a light-colored bloom, similar to flour

The shape of the cap changes with age.: in the center it becomes more convex, therefore it is often compared to a wide-shaped hood.

The edges of the cap in young chickens, which are attached to the upper end of the leg, eventually diverge to the sides, and the film breaks. And in the upper part of the leg, a frill is formed, the edges of which are torn, lowered down.

In dry weather, the ends of the cap begin to dry and crack, while the cracks go towards the center.

The frill also dries up and is practically invisible, but the rim around the leg remains - and this is a characteristic feature of ringed caps.

On the back of the cap, plates are visible, on which spores of this fungus begin to grow over time. In young fruit bodies, the color of the plates is white or yellowish. But the older the chicken, the darker the color of the plates becomes.

After opening the cap, they turn yellow, and after the ripening of the spores, the plates acquire a rusty color. Spore powder - the same shade, and leaves an ocher mark on the hands or fabric.

The coloring of the back of the cap is another difference between the pimples and the poisonous "doubles".

Features of mushrooms ringed caps (video)

The surface of the cap is covered with wrinkles and a light-colored bloom, similar to flour. Closer to the edge, such a plaque turns into scales, small in size and similar to fly agaric scales. but in females, thin scales are located only along the edge.

The leg of the caps is ringed in shape and resembles a small cylinder. Its lower part is thicker than at the junction with the cap. The surface is silky at the base, and at the top it can be covered with thin scales.

The color of the upper part of the leg is pale with a yellowish tinge. And below the frill, the color of the surface becomes more intense. The base of the leg is slightly swollen, so many mushroom pickers confuse the mushroom with some types of fly agarics.

But rosites does not have a sheath around this swelling like poisonous mushrooms.

You can collect sandwiches from the first ten days of July until the first frost

These mushrooms grow throughout the European and Asian continents, and are harvested in the United States and Canada, as well as in Japan. Moreover, they can be found even in such harsh climatic conditions as Lapland, or in the dwarf birch forest of the Russian tundra. They are also found in mountainous areas among spruce or pine trees. Moreover, the best soil for pribolotniki is acidic. This type of soil can be identified by the plants growing on it - if blueberries or lingonberries grow in the area, then chickens can also be found there.

In the center and middle of our country, these mushrooms are usually found along the edge of a swampy area, where there is high soil moisture, and moss is actively growing.

That is why they are called in such localities as podolotniks and pribolotukhs.

It is also found in large quantities in Belarus, where there are a lot of swamps.

It is possible to collect sandwiches from the first ten days of July until the first frosts. Their usual places of growth are coniferous plantings or mixed forests, where there is enough light. They grow most often in groups or rings - such rings are popularly called witch's circles.

Unfortunately, in a number of regions these mushrooms are considered inedible and are not harvested, although, according to knowledgeable mushroom pickers, the taste of the mushrooms is beyond praise.

How to assemble ringed caps (video)

But you should carefully collect ringed caps and know well their appearance and special signs, because they can be confused with some poisonous lamellar mushrooms - some varieties of fly agaric, as well as with pale toadstool. Therefore, you need to know how to recognize edible caps.

The main differences between edible pistils:

  • the cap of this mushroom is of a rounded or slightly convex shape of brown (or rusty) color, in the center of the bulge it is covered with a coating that looks like flour;
  • there are no flakes on the surface of the cap, and large scales found in poisonous mushrooms, thin scales can only be along its edge;
  • old mushrooms always have a skirt - a blanket in the upper third of the leg, and in young chickens this film is connected to the edge of the lower part of the cap;
  • on the lower part of the cap, the plates adhered to the peduncle are yellow or rusty.

Old chicken mushrooms always have a skirt.

Chickens are almost universal mushrooms - they can be salted, pickled, fried.

Many housewives add them to soups along with other varieties of mushrooms.

Experienced housewives must boil the caps for 7-10 minutes before cooking, but you can cook them without boiling them first.

Chickens in batter


  • mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 300 ml;
  • flour - about 200 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Eggs and mayonnaise are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, flour is added to the resulting mixture and stirred to form a batter of the thickness of the dough, like for pancakes.

There should be no lumps of flour in the batter. Wash the mushrooms, separate the caps from the legs, dip in batter and fry in a pan until golden brown.

Ready-made mushrooms in batter taste like chicken meat.

Where do chicken mushrooms grow (video)

Salting and pickling

When salting and pickling, any selection of ingredients will do. The main thing is to boil the mushrooms in salted water for 4-6 minutes before salting or pickling.

Then drain 2/3 of the liquid, add salt, spices and vinegar to the remaining water to taste, boil for 5 minutes and pour into jars. Then close it on a turnkey basis.

Store such mushrooms in a cellar or refrigerator.

If this is the first time that the pickers are going, then it is better to go to the forest for a "quiet hunt" with experienced mushroom pickers, so as not to put poisonous mushrooms in the basket. And if there are doubts about the quality of a cut mushroom, then it is better to throw it out.

Chicken mushroom


Nowadays, a huge number of people, for one reason or another, do not eat meat (including chicken): someone is on a diet, and someone adheres to vegetarian food. And, most likely, both of them sometimes really want meat, and the smell of fried chicken seems to them delicious and bewitching ...

In this case, an unusual mushroom can come to the aid of such people, the dishes with which smell like chicken - this is a chicken mushroom or a sulfur-yellow tinder fungus. It is difficult not to notice the mushroom growing on the tree.

The young mushroom has a dazzling yellow color - downright woody chicken - and is visible from several tens of meters away.

Those who have tried dishes with chicken mushrooms say that if you do not know what they are made of, then they really taste very much like dishes with chicken meat.

Tinder fungus is a conditionally edible mushroom, and only young mushrooms are eaten, since adult specimens become poisonous.

Before cooking, you need to boil the tinder fungus for half an hour, drain the water and only then cook their dishes.

Soups, salads, stews, casseroles, pickled, baked pies with minced mushrooms are made with chicken mushrooms. For long-term storage, the tinder fungus can still be dried.

In Germany and America, chicken mushroom is considered a delicacy, there it is also called "wood chicken" or "mushroom chicken".

The sulfur-yellow tinder fungus is also used in medicine, it is a source of antibiotics resistant to staphylococcus.

But it must be remembered that only young, pleasantly smelling mushrooms can be eaten. And adults, with an unpleasant, mousey odor, polypores can cause poisoning, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and hallucinations.

The sulfur-yellow polypore (Laetiporus sulpbureus) is a wood-destroying fungus. Its spores penetrate the damaged bark. The resulting mycelium settles in the core of the tree, causes brown rot of the wood and gradually destroys it.

The wood becomes crumbly and disintegrates into regular, almost rectangular pieces pierced with whitish mycelium. A few years later, the first fruiting body of the fungus appears in a crack in the bark or a cut of the trunk, only one or two small "fans".

A young mushroom usually bears fruit in a year and in exactly the same place. In our botanical garden, there are two mushrooms of approximately the same age.

One of them begins to grow in early June, and the other - only at the end of August, and this is not the first year that has been repeated. The size of their fruiting bodies is gradually increasing.

When the heart of the trees is strongly affected by the mycelium, the mushrooms will bear fruit annually, and at the very end of the life of the trees even two, and sometimes three times per season - from the end of May to the beginning of October.

Usually, the life of a sulfur-yellow tinder fungus ends with the fall of the host tree - its empty trunk cannot withstand the wind.

At the same time, the outer tissues of the tree remain alive, and if the trunk does not fall apart when falling, the tree can live lying down for several more years.

The complete development cycle of a fungus from spores to death of a tree usually lasts more than ten years.

The English name for the sulfur-yellow tinder fungus - "woody chicken" - is given not only for the "chicken" color, but also for the chicken taste of the mushroom when fried. But for food, only young mushrooms are collected, which are in the "dough" stage. With age, the isolated "fans" of the fruit bodies of the fungus become rigid.

They are not tasty, and therefore mushrooms collected from willow and poplar are almost not edible. These trees contain a large amount of bitter substances in the bark and wood, which pass into the tissues of the fungi.

In order for such mushrooms to cease to be bitter, they must be carefully squeezed raw and stewed for a very long time (one and a half to two hours).

From the rest of the trees, the "woody chicken", fried without prior boiling, really tastes like chicken meat.

You can "wood chicken" and boil. And if you add dill during cooking, the mushroom will taste like boiled squid.

Several years ago I canned a boiled mushroom and for a long time fed my acquaintances with salad with "squid", and everyone wondered why these squids were not "rubber" at all.

Of course, you cannot pick mushrooms near highways and on the streets of large cities, just like all other mushrooms. The harmful substances contained in the exhaust gases are absorbed by the porous body of the fungus, like a sponge, and remain in it for a long time.

In medicine, this mushroom is valued due to the content of some antibiotics that can fight resistant forms of staphylococcus.

Most of the mushroom, and this is 70%, consists of resinous nutrients that have a positive effect on the organs of the respiratory system, biliary tract and liver.

Japanese fungal therapists claim that the tinder fungus is able to act on the liver in such a way that it will produce an enzyme that breaks down fats.

For this reason, weight loss preparations based on this mushroom are produced in Japan.

So this is actually not algae - it is mushrooms !, but the Bioluminescent Mushroom and Mushroom from the Red Book that struck me like that. There is such a mushroom - Cedar-apple rotting mushroom, as well as a bleeding tooth or strawberry with cream. The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

Pickled chicken mushrooms recipe for the winter

Housewives often make vegetable and fruit preparations for the winter. But mushrooms are not ignored either. They can be salted, frozen and pickled. Pickling recipes are especially interesting.

Using this method, the mushrooms are not only stored for at least six months, but also used later for the preparation of various dishes - from the first to snacks.

They are also good as an independent type of snack for the festive table.

One of the varieties that can be pickled is chicken. Many mushroom pickers do not really appreciate the recipe for pickled chicken mushrooms, but this is not justified: they are edible, grow in large groups, and the taste is not inferior to champignons.

Also on our site you can find out recipes on how to salt boletus so that your whole family will like them.

A little about "chickens" ...

Chickens, they are also Ringed Caps, are an edible variety of mushrooms that grows in places with high humidity from August to October. It is a mushroom with dense pulp, bell-cap of light yellow or pinkish hue.

Quite popular for pickling and pickling. Chickens are also known as Turks, white chickens, dull rosites. They taste like champignons, young mushrooms are especially tasty.

In some European countries, it is listed as a delicious mushroom.

Pickled chickens for the winter

Note! It is believed that the most delicious part of chickens is the hat - the tender and aromatic flesh. In addition, there is a risk of finding insects in the legs.

Chickens, like any other mushrooms, are not recommended to be mixed with other varieties when pickling. But when preparing soup or salad, mushrooms can be used in different ways.

Why can't you marinate several species together? This is because some varieties of mushrooms have their own nuances of preparation. And if cooked together, the seaming can go bad very quickly.

After reviewing the recipes on our website, you can also prepare other delicious preparations, such as pickled sorrel and salted purslane for the winter.

Pickled chicken mushrooms for the winter

It is considered a quick way to pickle mushrooms.

Cooking ingredients:

  • chickens - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.7 l;
  • vinegar 9% - 2/3 of a regular glass;
  • table salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • laurel - 1-2 leaves;
  • citric acid - 5 gr.
  1. Pour water into a saucepan. It is recommended to use a container with an enamel coating, aluminum can not be used.
  2. Add salt, sugar, pour vinegar.
  3. Reduce the heat as soon as the marinade boils. Add pre-prepared chicken, lavrushka leaves and cook for 15 minutes. Foam will appear on the surface during cooking. It must be collected with a slotted spoon and thrown away, otherwise the marinade will be cloudy.
  4. After 15 minutes of boiling the mushrooms, add acid and turn off the heat.
  5. Leave the mushrooms in the marinade to cool.
  6. Re-release the banks.
  7. Arrange the mushrooms in jars and pour over the marinade. Roll up tightly.

The caps prepared in this way acquire a pleasant spice smell.


  • ordinary water - 1.5 liters;
  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 1/4 tbsp. spoons;
  • pepper - 6 peas;
  • cloves - 1 bud;
  • lavrushka - 1 piece;
  • citric acid - gram;
  • vinegar 9% - 1/3 cup.
  1. Cooking begins with boiling the mushrooms.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, heat.
  3. As soon as the water boils, add 2 tablespoons of salt, stir well.
  4. Peel and wash the mushrooms.
  5. Put the chickens in a container, when the water boils again - reduce the heat.
  6. Cook for 20 minutes, then pour out the liquid and leave the mushrooms to drain in a colander.
  7. Spread cans and lids.
  8. When the liquid drains, put it in a container.
  9. While the mushrooms are draining, prepare the marinade.
  10. Pour 0.5 liters of water into an enamel container, place on the stove over high heat to boil faster.
  11. Add 1/4 tablespoon of salt, all spices and acid to the water.
  12. Boil the whole composition for 25 minutes. Then turn off the stove.
  13. Pour vinegar into the marinade. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes.
  14. Pour the marinade into jars with pre-packed mushrooms.
  15. Close hermetically, cover with a towel. When it cools down, put it in an unlit place with a temperature of 6 to 10 degrees.

For thrifty housewives, we have also prepared recipes for marinated squash, which will not only decorate your dining table, but also become a wonderful and tasty addition to your dinner.

How to pickle chicken mushrooms for the winter

Chickens turn out to be sweetish-spicy, while maintaining their own taste.


  • chicken mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • vinegar - 150 ml;
  • allspice - 6 pieces;
  • cinnamon - 5g;
  • cloves - 1 bud.
  1. Sort out the mushrooms for suitability, clean out of debris, rinse, cut a little of the legs.
  2. Pour 1 liter of water into an enamel container, heat.
  3. Dissolve vinegar, salt, sugar in water.
  4. As soon as it boils, pour out the mushrooms, boil and reduce the heating temperature.
  5. Mushrooms are boiled according to this principle: if only the caps are prepared - 10 minutes, if the columns - 17-20 minutes. Foam forms during cooking, it must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  6. Remove from heat. Leave to cool slightly.
  7. Arrange the cooled mushrooms in prepared containers, pour over the liquid in which the mushrooms were cooked.
  8. Roll up the bottle and store it in a place with a low temperature.

This recipe is interesting in that the result is a ready-made salad. A delicious combination of vegetables and mushrooms, stewed and then pickled, will appeal to even the most capricious critics.


  • ring caps - 3 kg;
  • ordinary onion - 1 kg;
  • red tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • table salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • black pepper - 10-14 peas;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • frying oil - 100 ml;
  • water - 2 500 ml.
  1. Prepare cans and lids for seaming: wash, dry, spread.
  2. Wash the mushrooms from soil and debris, sort by size. Where the mushroom has deteriorated - cut or discard.
  3. Add 2 liters of water, bring to a boil. Put the chicken there and boil for 15 minutes.
  4. Put the mushrooms in a colander.
  5. While the chickens are draining, prepare the vegetables, wash the onions and tomatoes, peel the onions, cut the green center of the tomato.
  6. Heat 2 pans with oil separately.
  7. Cut the onion into small cubes, tomatoes into 5 mm slices. Fry the vegetables individually for 15-20 minutes over medium heat, without a lid.
  8. Put the caps in a saucepan, pour 500 ml of water, add fried vegetables, salt, pepper, bay leaf. Simmer for about an hour over low heat, covered.
  9. Arrange in banks, roll up. Cover with a warm blanket or blanket, leave to cool slowly.
  10. Send to a cool place.

A simple recipe for pickling ringed caps seasoned with garlic.


  • chicken mushrooms - 1kg;
  • table salt - 2 tbsp.
  • fine sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • vinegar essence 70% - 20 g;
  • water for the marinade - 1 l;
  • allspice - 5-6 peas;
  • cloves - 1 piece;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • dried dill umbrellas - 1 piece per bottle;
  • garlic - 1-2 heads.
    1. First you need to prepare the mushrooms. We recommend using only small to medium caps in this recipe as they go great as a cold appetizer. Clean the hats of debris, cut the legs, wash them from the rest of the earth.
    2. Put 1 liter of water on the fire, as soon as it boils - put the chicken and cook for about 20 minutes. Then put it in a colander.
    3. While the chickens are boiling and draining, prepare the marinade: pour 1 liter of water into an enamel bowl, put on the fire, add the spices listed in the list of ingredients, bring to a boil.
    4. Add mushrooms to the boiling marinade. Cook for 3-4 minutes.
    5. Wash containers and lids, sterilize.
    6. Rinse the dill, peel the garlic. Place 1 dill umbrella and 2-3 garlic cloves in each jar.
    7. Turn off the heat, put the caps on the jars, pour the marinade and roll up tightly. Turn over all jars, leave to cool under a few towels or a blanket.
    1. For beginners in such a culinary direction as pickling mushrooms, it will be useful to learn a few important tips:
    2. When boiling mushrooms, it is always necessary to remove the resulting foam. Otherwise, the broth will turn out cloudy, and the product may deteriorate within a short time.
    3. Once the mushrooms and marinade are placed in a container, pour a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil on top. The product will not give off any special smell or taste to the food, but will help prevent mold.
    4. It is not recommended to store mushrooms unprocessed for a long time after assembly / purchase. If there is no time for preservation, at least peel and boil them in salted water. In this form, they can be left in a tightly closed container for 3-5 days in the refrigerator.
    5. Never mix several different pickling varieties if they are completely different in type and family. If you decide to close 2-4 similar varieties from the same family, do not store them for more than 3 months.
    6. It is better to divide large mushrooms into 4 parts, small ones can be left as they are. It is also recommended to sort small mushrooms from large ones and pickle them in separate half-liter jars. After that, it will be more convenient to use the cut ones for cooking meat and vegetable dishes, and use the small ones for salads and as an appetizer for the festive table.
    7. In a jar, the mushrooms should be covered with marinade. If they look at the surface, there is a risk that they will darken very quickly and become covered with shaggy mold. Such mushrooms can no longer be eaten, it is recommended to throw them away.
    8. When rolling, do not forget to check the rolling tightness. This is done as follows: after the neck is rolled up with a lid, it is turned over and the edge is slowly rolled over a towel or table top. If somewhere the lid does not fit well to the neck, the marinade leaks a little. This means that you need to tighten the lid a few more times with a seaming machine.

    For lovers of winter preparations, our collection of recipes also contains a recipe for salting Brussels sprouts, which can serve as a separate dish or used for making salads.

    Chicken mushrooms, which have such an original name, are actually scientifically called ringed caps. This type of mushroom is typical primarily of mountain forests and foothills. Turk, whitefish, dull rosites ... All these are the names that the people call chicken mushrooms.


    They are part of the European edible rosites. Chicken mushrooms have a cap up to fifteen centimeters in size. They are quite fleshy, with a bell-shaped lid, as a result of which they received their scientific name. The cap has edges curled downwards and is gray-yellow or ocher in color. Young "chickens" - mushrooms, the photo of which shows them quite similar to the rest of the spiderweb, as they grow, straighten their spherical or egg-shaped caps, gradually becoming flat with a raised center. In adult podolotniki or Turks, the flesh is soft and friable, at first white, and later yellowing.


    In general, chicken mushrooms, photos and descriptions of which show that they very much resemble cobwebs, were previously considered representatives of this species. Their almond-shaped warty spores are the same as those of the latter. However, chicken mushrooms never have a web-like veil between the edge of the cap and the leg. Their plates are relatively sparse and accrete, with different lengths.

    The leg of this rosites representative is strong, cylindrical, dense at the base, solid with a silky fibrous surface.

    Distribution locations

    Chicken mushrooms, a photo of which shows that they very much resemble some types of voles, for example, early or tough, forms mycorrhiza mainly with conifers, although they are found no less often under oak or birch trees. In the middle zone of our country, they can be collected in mossy areas in pine or mixed forests.

    In mountain ranges, they are found even at an altitude of two thousand meters. Most chicken mushrooms are common in Western Europe and Belarus. In our country, they are more often found in damp forest areas of Central Russia on ash and podzolic soil types. These mushrooms love to settle down, but they are often found in pure conifers, if, of course, it is humid enough there and all the necessary conditions for reproduction and growth are present.

    When to collect

    Of course, this representative of rosites can hardly be attributed to the most widespread and demanded. Experts believe that some external resemblance to a toadstool played an important role in the reason for such unpopularity. However, those who have tried these mushrooms once will surely return to cooking from the ringed cap.

    The search for chicken mushrooms begins in mid-August. The season can last until the end of October. This mushroom is especially fond of bilberry and lingonberry thickets. After the end of the collection of berries, it almost completely fills the places of their distribution in large groups. And one more interesting fact: chickens grow only in ecologically clean areas.

    This is not a gray fly agaric

    Very often, beginner lovers of "quiet hunting" take chicken mushrooms for inedible and do not take them into their basket. But this is completely wrong. These representatives of rosites belong to the fourth group in terms of their nutritional characteristics. They can be eaten both boiled and salted. They have a very exquisite mushroom aroma and exquisite taste.

    Externally, or chickens are very reminiscent of gray fly agaric. But they can be very easily distinguished from the latter. It is enough just to examine the inner surface of their cap. There are plates with yellow and brown color. A distinctive feature of the fly agaric is that at any age they are always snow-white.

    There is a difference in the structure of the leg. First, there is a ring located just below their cap. It has the same color as the whole mushroom. Slightly higher there are small yellowish scales. In addition, the stem itself is thinner below the ring than at the top.

    These delicious chicken mushrooms

    Not everyone knows how to cook a ringed cap. However, those who are already familiar with their taste find that they are simply delicious when roasted. To prepare such a culinary masterpiece, chickens must be peeled and rinsed thoroughly. Some housewives like to boil them first, and then fry them, others prefer to brown them fresh in oil. How to eat these mushrooms is a matter of taste, but they are especially good in a batter of flour, eggs, mayonnaise and spices. First, the chickens need to be dipped in it, then rolled in breadcrumbs and placed in a hot pan, in which sunflower oil is already sizzling. Frying time is approximately five or seven minutes.

    Cooked for this is eaten instantly. To the taste of the chicken, mushrooms, the photo of which somewhat resembles fly agaric, are similar to tender chicken meat.


    Ringed caps for the winter are harvested in a variety of ways: they are pickled and salted, but the fermented version deserves special attention. The taste of these mushrooms becomes sharp and expressive, which in the mouth is manifested by small sharp bubbles.

    The recipe according to which chickens are fermented is quite easy: for one kilogram of mushrooms you need sixty grams of salt, a few peas of black and allspice pepper. You will also need horseradish, garlic, bay leaf, and dill.

    The mushrooms are blanched in boiling salted water, prepared at the rate of one tablespoon of salt per liter of water for five or ten minutes. Then they are thrown back on a sieve, washed with cold water and allowed to drain.

    After that, the mushrooms must be mixed with spices and the remaining salt in a container intended for fermentation. Then the mass is covered with a clean napkin, on top of which a wooden circle or plate is placed, and oppression is placed on them. Mushrooms are fermented from five to ten days, depending on the ambient temperature. After that, they need to be transferred to jars and stored in the refrigerator.

    Among the huge variety of mushrooms on our planet, there is one edible species that only experienced mushroom pickers know about. Meet - these are cockerels. They got such an original name due to the fact that they taste like poultry meat. Next, we will tell you what the cockerels look like, where they grow, how to collect them and how best to prepare them for the winter.

    Other name

    The scientific name for cockerels is a ringed cap. This is the only representative of the European species of mushrooms of the genus Rosites, which is sometimes included in the genus Spiderweb. In Latin, its name is spelled Rozites caperatus.

    There is also a synonym - chicken mushroom, and a number of popular nicknames that were given to him by residents of different regions:

    • white pimple,
    • dull rosites,
    • Turk,
    • cap,
    • greenfinch,
    • sandpiper gray,
    • greenery.
    It is often called "gray ryadovka", but in fact they are completely different types. The gray row (Tricholoma portentosum) belongs to the Ryadovkov family and is distinguished by a dark gray or brownish cap color; in addition, her leg does not have a ring.

    Did you know? In the Swiss national park of the city of Ofenpass, a mushroom mushroom grows with an area of ​​several football fields - 800 m long and 500 m wide. Basically, all this space is occupied by its mycelium, hidden underground and consisting of a branched network of thick hyphae (filaments).


    Cockerels are edible, moreover nutritious and delicious mushrooms. In Western Europe, they are considered gourmet foods.

    Biological description

    So that you have a clear idea of ​​this gift of the forest, we present a description of the biological characteristics of the fruit body of cockerels.


    The hat looks like this:

    1. In the initial development, it is hemispherical, like a hen's egg, with the edges down and curled down.
    2. Growing up, it becomes convex-flat, with raised edges, a small hump appears on top. If the season is hot, the edges of the cap will crack.
    3. In a mature cock, the skin becomes wrinkled and fibrous, covered with a bloom in the form of a white powder.
    4. As it grows, the color of the cap can change from silvery-white to yellow-pink-brown.
    5. The diameter of the caps of the cockerels ranges from 5 to 12 centimeters.


    The inner layer of the fruiting body looks like this:

    1. Dense consistency, watery, has fibers.
    2. Yellowish or whitish in color.
    3. The color does not change on the cut.
    4. The smell is pleasant, mushroom.
    5. The taste is reminiscent of chicken.
    6. May be affected by worms.


    Turning the fungus over and looking under its cap, one can see many thin plates of the spore apparatus adhered to its leg. The color of the plates changes over time:

    1. White or yellowish color - in a young fungus.
    2. After opening the caps, the plates turn yellow.
    3. During the maturation of the spores, the color of the plates changes from yellow to rusty.
    4. It is the ocher-rusty shade of the plates of the edible mushroom that distinguishes it from poisonous companions, in which the plates remain invariably white.

    Spore powder

    Spores are ovoid or elliptical in shape. The powder from the ripe spores of the fungus leaves an ocher tint on the hands.


    In this mushroom, the leg is a well-visible part.

    1. Has a cylindrical shape; thickened at the base, reminiscent of the leg of an amanita.
    2. There is a cortina (membrane), at the rupture of which a ring is formed, tightly fitting the leg.
    3. The surface is silky at the base and thin scales at the top.
    4. The color on the top of the stem above the frill is pale yellow, the lower part is more intense in color.

    Did you know? During active growth, fungi due to turgor (intracellular) pressure, which reaches them inthis period 7 atmospheres, capable of penetrating not only concrete, but also iron or marble. The same pressure level is generated in the tires of a ten-ton dump truck.

    Where it grows and when can it be harvested

    The ringed cap is a widespread mushroom. It can be found on the European and Asian continents, as well as in Canada, USA, Japan. These mushrooms are very fond of the harsh climatic conditions of Lapland, as well as the Russian tundra, where they settle in dwarf birch forests and near swamps (hence their other name - pribolotniki). They also liked the swamps of Belarus.

    They are not uncommon in mountainous regions, where they were found at an altitude of up to 2 thousand meters. Their favorite soils are acidic, damp, podzolic, on which coniferous and mixed forests grow. Lingonberries and blueberries are also often found on these soils, therefore, if you stumble upon thickets of such bushes, it means that the cockerels are somewhere nearby. They grow in large plantations, in multiple compact groups.
    The time of their collection is from the first days of July to the first frost. Collecting cockerels is best accompanied by an experienced mushroom picker who will be able to distinguish these mushrooms from their very similar poisonous counterparts. Read below about the difference between an edible cockerel and a poisonous mushroom.

    What mushrooms can be confused with

    The ringed cap can be confused with inedible mushrooms from the Spiderweb genus. However, edibles have a very important difference - there is always a full-fledged ring on their legs, which poisonous ones do not. On them you can see only small remnants of the bedspread on the leg. Sometimes cockerels are confused with a pale toadstool or fly agaric.

    So that you can distinguish them from their deadly counterparts, here are some important signs:

    class = "table-bordered">

    How to use in cooking

    Cockerels are versatile gastronomically, they can be eaten in any form.

    Taste qualities

    These mushrooms have a unique, delicate, specific taste inherent only to them. Thanks to their delicious taste, cockerel dishes resemble tender chicken. With their nutritional properties, they are not inferior even to champignons.

    What are they suitable for?

    The versatility of cockerels is manifested in the fact that they can be prepared in different ways:

    1. Marinate for the winter.
    2. Dry.
    3. Fry.
    4. Put out.
    5. Salt.
    6. Boil in soup.
    7. Apply as an ingredient in hodgepodge.

    They are harmoniously combined with any vegetables, meat, spices. The caps of young fungi are considered the best in taste. If the mushroom is old, with a hardened stem, it is better to discard it, even if it is not wormy.

    How much to cook

    Some foodies like to boil the cockerels before roasting or stewing them. Other forest lovers prefer to fry them fresh. Both options are acceptable if the mushrooms are grown in an ecologically clean area. If you choose the first option, then you need to do this in 3 passes, each time draining the water and filling it with a new one. And do not boil them for a long time - 5 minutes each time is enough. One of the reasons why it is advisable to boil mushrooms several times is sand stuck between the plates.

    Important! It is better not to pick mushrooms near roads and working factories. Despite the appetizing appearance, the presence of harmful substances in them is guaranteed.

    How to salt

    We offer you a choice of two recipes for salting cockerels:

    1. The cold method will allow you to taste the dish no earlier than 40 days later.
    2. Hot way - you can eat immediately after the pickles have cooled.
    Both methods will give you dense and crunchy mushrooms that make a great snack or ingredient in a variety of dishes.

    List of required ingredients and utensils:

    • 10 kg of cockerels,
    • 1 kg of salt
    • 1 bag with sweet peas,
    • 20 g of carnation inflorescences,
    • several umbrellas of dill with seeds,
    • cold water - how much you need,
    • oak barrel with a circle for oppression,
    • oppression,
    • juniper branches.

    Important!If you find even a small amount of mold inside a jar of mushrooms, such mushrooms should never be eaten. It is better to throw them away.

    Experienced housewives often stock up for the winter by storing fruits and vegetables in jars. The most favorite winter harvest is mushrooms. They are versatile in cooking, go well in salads, soups, meat dishes and, of course, for a snack. One of the varieties suitable for salting is chicken mushrooms. It is inexplicable, but true: for some reason, this particular species is unreasonably not appreciated by pickled mushroom pickers. They are also edible, like many others, and taste like mushrooms. In European countries, this mushroom is generally considered a delicacy.

    One of the varieties suitable for pickling is chicken mushrooms

    Chickens are edible gifts of the forest that grow in high humidity conditions. The ideal harvest time is from August to October. In short, it is a light yellow or pink mushroom with a bell cap, the flesh is dense.

    Description of the main parts:

    1. Hat. In a young plant, it has the shape of a hemisphere, with the edges lowered and slightly curled downward. The color is dull white or silvery white. In an adult plant, the cap is flat-convex with a hump, the edges are raised up. If the climate is very dry, the cap will crack. Diameter from 5 to 12 cm.
    2. Leg. Its height reaches 12 cm in height and up to 3 cm in thickness. It has a cylindrical shape, slightly thickened at the very bottom. Has a membrane membrane.
    3. Pulp. Fibrous, dense, slightly watery, has a white color, tastes like champignons. It does not have a special smell, it is prone to worminess.

    Chicken mushrooms are also known by other names:

    • ringed cap;
    • Turk;
    • cap;
    • gray sandpiper;
    • undergrowth;
    • greenfinches;
    • cockerels;
    • rosites is dull;
    • pribolotnik white.

    Cockerel and chicken mushrooms (video)

    How much to cook chicken mushrooms before harvesting

    There are a lot of disputes between the hostesses about how long it takes to cook a ringed cap. Some argue that it is necessary to cook, changing the water three times, others insist that these mushrooms can not be boiled at all. In fact, the main prescription for cockerel cooking is the polluted collection area.

    Like any other mushroom, the caps absorb all the dirt from the soil and their environment like a sponge. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect near roads and factories. The closer the cockerel grows to the roadway, the longer it needs to be cooked, and the procedure does not consist in the duration of cooking, but in the number of times the water is changed.

    There are a lot of disputes between the hostesses about how long it takes to cook a ringed cap

    If you collected the caps in a mixed forest and decided to salt it, it will be enough to change the water 3 times by boiling the mushrooms for 5 minutes.

    If they were collected in an ecologically clean area, far from factories and roads, they may not be boiled at all.

    In the case of pickling, the situation is a little different, here the ringed cap will need to be boiled for 20 minutes, and then another couple of minutes. in the marinade.

    How to pickle cockerels

    Fast hot salting

    The billet is crispy and dense, moderately salty.


    • 5 kg of cockerels;
    • 160 g salt;
    • 8 pcs. black pepper;
    • 4-8 pcs. fragrant;
    • 3-6 carnation buds;
    • 3-5 leaves of laurel;
    • 6-11 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 onion;
    • 3 liters of water.

    The billet turns out to be crispy and dense, moderately salty

    Salting method:

    1. Wash the mushrooms, clean, fill with clean water in a saucepan, boil for 5 minutes.
    2. Drain the broth, pour in clean water, cook again for 5 minutes.
    3. We discard the boiled mushrooms in a colander. Let's drain.
    4. Separately, put a saucepan with 3 liters of water on the stove, add salt, all spices except laurel, and mushrooms to it.
    5. Cook the caps in brine for another 5 minutes.
    6. Put 2 cloves of garlic in each jar, 2-3 onion rings and 1 bay leaf in prepared jars.
    7. Immediately after boiling, distribute over the jars, fill with marinade.

    We roll up the lids, let it cool in the room, put it away for storage in the cold.

    Royal salting in a cold way

    A dense and crispy ringed cap can turn out not only after hot salting, but also after cold. An oak barrel is used for salting.


    • 10 kg of mushrooms;
    • 1 kg of rock salt;
    • 20 gr. carnation flowers;
    • 30 gr. allspice pepper;
    • several dill umbrellas.

    A dense and crispy ringed cap can be obtained not only after hot salting

    Salting method:

    1. We steam the container for pickling (barrel) with juniper, this will help to kill all microorganisms.
    2. Wash the mushrooms, clean them, put them in a barrel in layers, sprinkle each layer with salt. We leave 1/3 of the total volume of salt for re-salting.
    3. Pour cold water into the barrel, cover with a lid on top, press down with a load.
    4. Remove the foam from the top within a week.
    5. After 7 days, drain all the water, rinse the container, fill in new water. When re-laying, the mushrooms are also laid in layers, sprinkling with salt, and add pepper, cloves and dill.
    6. We again cover the barrel with a lid, press down with a load.
    7. Move to a cold place, closet / basement.

    The workpiece can be eaten in 40-45 days.

    Chicken salad for the winter

    A wonderful winter mushroom salad will decorate any everyday and festive table. The vegetables taste well and complement each other.


    • 1.5 kg of chickens;
    • 500 gr. Luke;
    • 1 kg tomato;
    • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
    • 5 pieces. black pepper;
    • 3 laurels;
    • 60 ml vegetable oil (for frying);
    • 2.5 liters of water.

    Cooking progress:

    1. Wash, dry, sterilize lids and jars for preparation.
    2. We clean, wash, sort the mushrooms by size. We cut large ones into several parts.
    3. Bring the water to a boil, cook the mushrooms for a quarter of an hour after boiling. We send it to a colander.
    4. Peel the onion, cut into large cubes, fry.
    5. In a separate frying pan, fry the tomatoes cut into slices.
    6. Put boiled mushrooms in a saucepan, add 500 ml of water, fried vegetables, spices, salt.
    7. Simmer under a lid on a low fire for 60 minutes, stir so that it does not burn.

    We distribute the finished salad among the banks, roll it up. We wrap the jars warmly, let them cool completely, put them away for storage.

    Greenfinches in a spicy marinade

    Thanks to the spices, the mushrooms according to this recipe are very aromatic with a pleasant spicy taste.


    • 3 kg greenfinches;
    • In a marinade for 1 liter of water:
    • 2.5 tsp 4.5% acetic acid;
    • 1 tsp Sahara;
    • 1 tsp salt;
    • 175 g sunflower oil;
    • 2 pcs. allspice;
    • 8-13 cumin seeds;
    • 8-13 rosemary seeds.

    Thanks to the spices, the mushrooms according to this recipe are very aromatic with a pleasant spicy taste.

    Pickling method:

    1. Traditionally, we clean, wash the forest gifts, cook in two waters for 5 minutes. We send it to a colander, rinse with clean water.
    2. Making a pickle. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, put all the spices, vinegar and mushrooms.
    3. As soon as the marinade with mushrooms boils, turn off the fire.
    4. We lay out the workpiece in the jars, fill it with marinade, roll it up.

    After complete cooling, we put it in a cool place.

    Pickled ringed caps

    The recipe is simple, it does not take much time to prepare. Ready-made mushrooms are quite crispy and flavorful.


    • 5 kg of caps;
    • 300 gr. table salt;
    • 3-5 peas of black and allspice;
    • 2-3 horseradish leaves;
    • 8-10 cm horseradish root;
    • 3 tsp mustard seeds;
    • 3 tsp dill seeds.

    Cooking progress:

    1. We clean, wash, boil the mushrooms in salted water. Pour 1 tbsp per liter of water. l. salt. Pour boiled mushrooms into a colander, rinse with water, let drain.
    2. Mix the prepared caps with the remaining salt and all the spices.
    3. Put horseradish leaves on the bottom of the pan / bucket, pour mushrooms mixed with spices and horseradish root peeled and cut into several pieces.
    4. We cover the container with gauze folded in several layers, with a flat plate in diameter and press down with oppression.

    After 5-10 days, put the pickled mushrooms in jars, close tightly. We store in the refrigerator or basement.

    How to pickle row mushrooms (video)

    Chicken mushrooms are so named not because of their external resemblance to this bird, but because they have a similar taste with certain cooking methods. Despite not the most beautiful appearance, they have excellent taste. From them you can cook mushroom hodgepodge, soups. For preparation for the winter, methods of drying, pickling, salting, stewing are used. Before cooking, the chickens must be harvested. The difficulty is that they look like an inedible member of the spiderweb family.

    Chicken mushrooms are named so not because of their external resemblance to this bird, but because they have a similar taste.

    The row is gray or shaded - under these names in the dictionaries there is a description of the chickens.

    There are other names in dialects of different regions:

    • Zelenushki;
    • Gray sandpiper;
    • Greenery;
    • Cockerels.

    Some of its varieties, indeed, over time acquire a resemblance to a cock's comb. These include gray sandpipers; in old mushrooms, the cap rises in a wave and resembles a rooster's comb, it does not have a round shape. It is found mainly in the sandy soils of pine forests.

    In mixed forests, other subspecies predominate. Their hats are rounded, reminiscent of an umbrella. The peculiarity of the cap is that its edges diverge as it grows, the lamellar part protrudes outward. You can distinguish them from cobwebs by the "skirt" on the leg. Cobwebs do not have it, and even in roosters, it disappears over time. As the leg grows, the skirt becomes tight, it breaks, forming a kind of ring on the leg.

    Attention! It is better to collect chickens for the first time under the supervision of a mushroom picker who knows them.

    We collect chickens (video)

    Salting for the winter

    The main disputes between housewives are about the method of preparing forest gifts for the final stage of preparation. Some insist that it is necessary to boil them in three waters, other housewives cook, bypassing the cooking process altogether.

    The main indications for boiling cockerels is the polluted area of ​​their collection.

    The main disputes between housewives are about the method of preparing forest gifts for the final stage of preparation.

    Like any mushrooms, greenfinches accumulate in their body all types of impurities that are in the soil and air. It is generally not recommended to pick mushrooms near roads and factories, but there are practically no such places left in the European part of the country. In this regard, the question arises how much you need to cook them.

    Champignons for the winter: recipes and secrets

    Cooking time

    The closer the mushrooms grow to the roads, the longer they need to boil. This is not so much in the time of the heat treatment, but in the number of times the water is replaced.

    It is enough to boil mushrooms collected in a mixed forest 3 times for 5 minutes.

    The sand can get stuck between the plates so that it does not grind on the teeth in the finished dish; the water needs to be changed 5 or even 7 times.

    The closer the mushrooms grow to the roads, the longer they need to cook.

    Mushrooms collected away from roads and industrial facilities can not be boiled, but immediately start frying or stewing a dish that contains these mushrooms.

    Tsar's salting

    Sand is best removed from mushrooms in cold water under pressure. With this method of preparing mushrooms for salting, harmful substances are also removed from them. But the first mushrooms can be tasted no earlier than after 40 days. And it is better to cook them in an oak barrel.


    • Mushrooms - 10 kg;
    • Salt - 1 kg;
    • Sweet peas - 30 gr;
    • Cloves - 20 gr;
    • Several stalks of dill with seed umbrellas.

    Sand is better removed from mushrooms in cold water under pressure

    Cooking method;

    1. Steam the barrel with juniper to destroy all microorganisms.
    2. Put the washed mushrooms in a barrel, salting each layer with a portion of salt. A third of all the salt must be left for re-salting.
    3. Pour the contents of the barrel with cold water;
    4. Top with two wooden semicircles.
    5. Put oppression (heavy stone) on top, calcined in a fire and steamed with juniper.
    6. During the week, it is necessary to remove the foam formed on top.
    7. After a week, the water is completely drained. It is changed to a new one. When re-filling the mushrooms with water, add sweet peas, cloves and dill.
    8. The barrel must be rinsed before refilling. Dill is laid at the bottom.
    9. Mushrooms are also laid in layers, only this time there will be three times less salt.
    10. The barrel is covered with a two-piece wooden lid, on top of which the oppression is also laid.
    11. The workpiece must be moved to a cool cellar, storage room.

    After a month and a half, you can eat mushrooms. They will be crispy, not very salty. If the first water is not drained, then bitterness will be present in the workpiece.

    Quick way

    Not only mushrooms salted in cold water can be crispy and dense. The hot salting method with oak leaf is efficient, but faster. In addition, you don't have to think about where to put the blanks.

    How to salt mushrooms: step by step recipes and tips

    For cooking, it is better to take cans of 0.5-1 liters and metal lids for seaming.

    Of the products you will need:

    • 3 liters of water;
    • 150 g salt;
    • 4-5 pcs. sweet peas;
    • 2-3 pcs. carnations;
    • 8-10 peas of black pepper;
    • 1 bay leaf for each jar;
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic (in each jar):
    • 2-3 rings of onions.

    Not only mushrooms salted in cold water can be crispy and dense

    Cooking method:

    1. Mushrooms that have been cleaned and cleaned of dirt must be poured with water and boiled for 5 minutes.
    2. Drain the water, pour fresh water, and repeat the procedure.
    3. During the last boil of mushrooms, put 3 liters of water on the adjacent burner for boiling.
    4. Salt, peppers and cloves are added to the boiling water. Immediately with them, you can move the mushrooms squeezed out of excess water.
    5. In salted brine, the chickens need to be boiled for 5 minutes too, so that they are salted.
    6. Peeled cloves of garlic, rings or half rings of onions, bay leaves are laid out in clean jars.
    7. Immediately after turning off the gas, the mushrooms are laid out in banks along with the brine.
    8. Banks are rolled up with lids. They must cool down at room temperature, after which they must be put into the refrigerator.

    Advice! It is better not to boil the bay leaf, otherwise the brine will be bitter, not fragrant.

    Pickled greenfinches

    It is necessary to marinate mushrooms so that neither salt nor vinegar interrupt their taste, but emphasize it.

    Marinade composition:

    • 1 liter of water;
    • 1 dessert spoon of salt;
    • 1 dessert spoon of granulated sugar;
    • 2 dessert spoons of table vinegar 4.5%;
    • Half a glass of vegetable oil;
    • Sweet peas - 2 pcs;
    • Zira - 8-12 grains;
    • Rosemary - 8-12 grains.

    Attention! Zira and rosemary give a delicate aroma. If necessary, they can be replaced with caraway seeds or dill seeds. The dish will acquire a different flavor, it will be brighter, but no less original.

    Cooking method:

    1. Washed mushrooms are boiled in two waters. The liquid is drained after 5 minutes of boiling the mushrooms in it.
    2. In a smaller pan, the marinade is prepared, but for the last stage of boiling the mushrooms, it is required that the boiled mushrooms fit into it along with the marinade.
    3. After boiling water, for a moderately hot brine, spices are added. Vinegar is poured last.
    4. Chickens are reclined in a colander, washed with additional running water and placed in a saucepan with marinade.
    5. After boiling the marinade with mushrooms, the gas turns off.
    6. The hot workpiece is laid out in cans and rolled up with lids.
    7. The cans cooled down at room temperature are sent for storage in a refrigerator or a concrete pit in a garage.

    Attention! If mold has formed inside the jar with mushrooms during storage, it is better to throw the blank out so as not to get poisoned.

    The ringed cap, which is affectionately called by the people a mushroom, a cockerel and a chicken, is considered a delicacy by experienced mushroom pickers. It tastes like real champignons. Young mushrooms are especially tasty, they are fried, stewed, boiled, salted and pickled.

    A chicken on a leg has a foil ring of irregular shape

    • Servings: 5
    • Preparation time: 15 minutes
    • Cooking time: 15 minutes

    Chicken mushrooms for the winter in the marinade

    Deliciously cooked pickled mushrooms are always on the table. This is a great cold appetizer that will cheer you up and increase your appetite. The ringed cap is perfect for pickling. It is better to collect this mushroom in the forest together with an experienced mushroom picker, because it looks too much like deadly poisonous toadstools. You will find a brief description of the ringed cap at the end of the article.


    1. Wash the mushrooms, clean them of debris, for large mushrooms, the legs can be cut off, and the caps can be cut into pieces.
    2. Heat 1.5 liters of water, when it boils, add 2 sprigs of dill, 2 bay leaves, 3 pcs. black and allspice peas, 2 pcs. cloves, 1 tbsp. grape vinegar.
    3. When the marinade boils, put the prepared mushrooms in it, cover, and cook for 15 minutes after boiling.
    4. Cut the onions into large half rings, mix them with vegetable oil.
    5. Remove the finished mushrooms from the pan and combine with the onions. Then put in clean jars, fill with the marinade in which they were cooked, and close tightly with lids.

    When the mushrooms have cooled down, you can eat them. You need to store such mushrooms in the refrigerator.

    Mushroom chicken in batter

    Mushrooms in batter are obtained with a crispy, golden brown crust, tender, they are somewhat reminiscent of chicken meat. They can be breaded and fried fresh, but it is better to pre-boil them for 5 minutes in salted water.


    • chicken mushrooms - 500 g;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • mayonnaise - 50 g;
    • flour - 100 g;
    • salt - 5 g;
    • paprika - 3 g.


    1. Cut off the legs of the mushrooms, cut the large caps into pieces, sprinkle them with salt and paprika.
    2. Prepare a batter from eggs, mayonnaise, flour and a pinch of salt, it should be as thick as sour cream.
    3. Dip mushroom caps in batter and fry in hot oil in a skillet.

    Chicken rosy mushrooms cool slightly and serve.

    Chicken mushroom salad recipe

    In addition to mushrooms, the salad includes fresh cucumbers, eggs and processed cheese; it turns out to be hearty, with an unusual refreshing taste.


    • mushrooms - 500 g;
    • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
    • boiled eggs - 8 pcs.;
    • processed cheese - 3 pcs.;
    • salt - 5 g;
    • mayonnaise - 100 g.


    1. Boil the washed mushrooms in salted water for 15 minutes. Cool them down and cut into strips.
    2. Cut boiled eggs, cucumbers and peeled cucumbers into strips too.
    3. Combine mushrooms with eggs, cucumbers and cheese in a salad bowl, salt to taste, season with mayonnaise, and stir.

    In such a salad, you can add other ingredients to your liking - canned corn, bell peppers or shrimps.

    Chicken mushroom, short description

    The ringed cap grows next to conifers, birches and oaks, forming mycorrhiza with them. Prefers moist, mossy forests and blueberries. The picking season starts in July and ends in early October.

    The lamellar cap of the ringed cap has a diameter of 5 to 15 cm. It is hemispherical or prostrate, with an elevation in the middle, gray-yellow in color with a pearly sheen.

    The ringed cap is considered one of the best edible mushrooms. You can make many delicious dishes from it, for example, marinate, fry in batter or add to a salad.

    Chicken mushrooms are so named not because of their external resemblance to this bird, but because they have a similar taste with certain cooking methods. Despite not the most beautiful appearance, they have excellent taste. From them you can cook mushroom hodgepodge, soups. For preparation for the winter, methods of drying, pickling, salting, stewing are used. Before cooking, the chickens must be harvested. The difficulty is that they look like an inedible member of the spiderweb family.

    Chicken mushrooms: description

    The row is gray or shaded - under these names in the dictionaries there is a description of the chickens.

    There are other names in dialects of different regions:

    Some of its varieties, indeed, over time acquire a resemblance to a cock's comb. These include gray sandpipers; in old mushrooms, the cap rises in a wave and resembles a rooster's comb, it does not have a round shape. It is found mainly in the sandy soils of pine forests.

    In mixed forests, other subspecies predominate. Their hats are rounded, reminiscent of an umbrella. The peculiarity of the cap is that its edges diverge as it grows, the lamellar part protrudes outward. You can distinguish them from cobwebs by the "skirt" on the leg. Cobwebs do not have it, and even in roosters, it disappears over time. As the leg grows, the skirt becomes tight, it breaks, forming a kind of ring on the leg.

    Attention! It is better to collect chickens for the first time under the supervision of a mushroom picker who knows them.

    Chicken mushrooms: how to pickle for the winter

    The main disputes between housewives are about the method of preparing forest gifts for the final stage of preparation. Some insist that it is necessary to boil them in three waters, other housewives cook, bypassing the cooking process altogether.

    The main indications for boiling cockerels is the polluted area of ​​their collection.

    The main disputes between housewives are about the method of preparing forest gifts for the final stage of preparation.

    Like any mushrooms, greenfinches accumulate in their body all types of impurities that are in the soil and air. It is generally not recommended to pick mushrooms near roads and factories, but there are practically no such places left in the European part of the country. In this regard, the question arises how much you need to cook them.

    How much to cook cockerels

    The closer the mushrooms grow to the roads, the longer they need to boil. This is not so much in the time of the heat treatment, but in the number of times the water is replaced.

    It is enough to boil mushrooms collected in a mixed forest 3 times for 5 minutes.

    The sand can get stuck between the plates so that it does not grind on the teeth in the finished dish; the water needs to be changed 5 or even 7 times.

    The closer the mushrooms grow to the roads, the longer they need to cook.

    Mushrooms collected away from roads and industrial facilities can not be boiled, but immediately start frying or stewing a dish that contains these mushrooms.

    Tsar's salting

    Sand is best removed from mushrooms in cold water under pressure. With this method of preparing mushrooms for salting, harmful substances are also removed from them. But the first mushrooms can be tasted no earlier than after 40 days. And it is better to cook them in an oak barrel.

    • Mushrooms - 10 kg;
    • Salt - 1 kg;
    • Sweet peas - 30 gr;
    • Cloves - 20 gr;
    • Several stalks of dill with seed umbrellas.

    Sand is better removed from mushrooms in cold water under pressure

    1. Steam the barrel with juniper to destroy all microorganisms.
    2. Put the washed mushrooms in a barrel, salting each layer with a portion of salt. A third of all the salt must be left for re-salting.
    3. Pour the contents of the barrel with cold water;
    4. Top with two wooden semicircles.
    5. Put oppression (heavy stone) on top, calcined in a fire and steamed with juniper.
    6. During the week, it is necessary to remove the foam formed on top.
    7. After a week, the water is completely drained. It is changed to a new one. When re-filling the mushrooms with water, add sweet peas, cloves and dill.
    8. The barrel must be rinsed before refilling. Dill is laid at the bottom.
    9. Mushrooms are also laid in layers, only this time there will be three times less salt.
    10. The barrel is covered with a two-piece wooden lid, on top of which the oppression is also laid.
    11. The workpiece must be moved to a cool cellar, storage room.

    After a month and a half, you can eat mushrooms. They will be crispy, not very salty. If the first water is not drained, then bitterness will be present in the workpiece.

    Fast salting

    Not only mushrooms salted in cold water can be crispy and dense. The hot salting method with oak leaf is efficient, but faster. In addition, you don't have to think about where to put the blanks.

    For cooking, it is better to take cans of 0.5-1 liters and metal lids for seaming.

    Of the products you will need:

    • 3 liters of water;
    • 150 g salt;
    • 4-5 pcs. sweet peas;
    • 2-3 pcs. carnations;
    • 8-10 peas of black pepper;
    • 1 bay leaf for each jar;
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic (in each jar):
    • 2-3 rings of onions.

    Not only mushrooms salted in cold water can be crispy and dense

    1. Mushrooms that have been cleaned and cleaned of dirt must be poured with water and boiled for 5 minutes.
    2. Drain the water, pour fresh water, and repeat the procedure.
    3. During the last boil of mushrooms, put 3 liters of water on the adjacent burner for boiling.
    4. Salt, peppers and cloves are added to the boiling water. Immediately with them, you can move the mushrooms squeezed out of excess water.
    5. In salted brine, the chickens need to be boiled for 5 minutes too, so that they are salted.
    6. Peeled cloves of garlic, rings or half rings of onions, bay leaves are laid out in clean jars.
    7. Immediately after turning off the gas, the mushrooms are laid out in banks along with the brine.
    8. Banks are rolled up with lids. They must cool down at room temperature, after which they must be put into the refrigerator.

    Advice! It is better not to boil the bay leaf, otherwise the brine will be bitter, not fragrant.

    Pickled greenfinches

    It is necessary to marinate mushrooms so that neither salt nor vinegar interrupt their taste, but emphasize it.

    • 1 liter of water;
    • 1 dessert spoon of salt;
    • 1 dessert spoon of granulated sugar;
    • 2 dessert spoons of table vinegar 4.5%;
    • Half a glass of vegetable oil;
    • Sweet peas - 2 pcs;
    • Zira - 8-12 grains;
    • Rosemary - 8-12 grains.

    Attention! Zira and rosemary give a delicate aroma. If necessary, they can be replaced with caraway seeds or dill seeds. The dish will acquire a different flavor, it will be brighter, but no less original.

    1. Washed mushrooms are boiled in two waters. The liquid is drained after 5 minutes of boiling the mushrooms in it.
    2. In a smaller pan, the marinade is prepared, but for the last stage of boiling the mushrooms, it is required that the boiled mushrooms fit into it along with the marinade.
    3. After boiling water, for a moderately hot brine, spices are added. Vinegar is poured last.
    4. Chickens are reclined in a colander, washed with additional running water and placed in a saucepan with marinade.
    5. After boiling the marinade with mushrooms, the gas turns off.
    6. The hot workpiece is laid out in cans and rolled up with lids.
    7. The cans cooled down at room temperature are sent for storage in a refrigerator or a concrete pit in a garage.

    Attention! If mold has formed inside the jar with mushrooms during storage, it is better to throw the blank out so as not to get poisoned.

    Chicken flavored mushroom dish

    To get a chicken dish from a row, you need to prepare:

    1. The caps of the washed mushrooms, cleaned of dirt, must be dipped in a batter made from flour, salt and eggs. The final layer will be breading.
    2. Vegetable oil is poured into a hot frying pan, taking into account that the cockerels in batter are immersed in it at least half.
    3. The fire diminishes under boiling oil, mushroom blanks are immersed in it.
    4. The browned cockerels are turned over and browned on the other side.
    5. If the feeling haunts that they are not fried enough, then they can be sent for additional heat treatment in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for half an hour.

    The dish can be served hot or cold. An excellent sauce for it will be sour cream, without any additions.

    The most dangerous thing that can happen when cooking mushrooms collected from mixed forests is poisoning due to a cobweb that is very similar to this delicious, delicate, but not very beautiful mushroom.

    Chicken mushrooms: a detailed description and recipes for the winter. How to pickle, pickle, how much to cook, what they taste like.

    Chicken mushrooms: 5 recipes

    Experienced housewives often stock up for the winter by storing fruits and vegetables in jars. The most favorite winter harvest is mushrooms. They are versatile in cooking, go well in salads, soups, meat dishes and, of course, for a snack. One of the varieties suitable for salting is chicken mushrooms. It is inexplicable, but true: for some reason, this particular species is unreasonably not appreciated by pickled mushroom pickers. They are also edible, like many others, and taste like mushrooms. In European countries, this mushroom is generally considered a delicacy.

    One of the varieties suitable for pickling is chicken mushrooms

    Chicken mushrooms: description

    Chickens are edible gifts of the forest that grow in high humidity conditions. The ideal harvest time is from August to October. In short, it is a light yellow or pink mushroom with a bell cap, the flesh is dense.

    Description of the main parts:

    1. Hat. In a young plant, it has the shape of a hemisphere, with the edges lowered and slightly curled downward. The color is dull white or silvery white. In an adult plant, the cap is flat-convex with a hump, the edges are raised up. If the climate is very dry, the cap will crack. Diameter from 5 to 12 cm.
    2. Leg. Its height reaches 12 cm in height and up to 3 cm in thickness. It has a cylindrical shape, slightly thickened at the very bottom. Has a membrane membrane.
    3. Pulp. Fibrous, dense, slightly watery, has a white color, tastes like champignons. It does not have a special smell, it is prone to worminess.

    Chicken mushrooms are also known by other names:

    • ringed cap;
    • Turk;
    • cap;
    • gray sandpiper;
    • undergrowth;
    • greenfinches;
    • cockerels;
    • rosites is dull;
    • pribolotnik white.

    How much to cook chicken mushrooms before harvesting

    There are a lot of disputes between the hostesses about how long it takes to cook a ringed cap. Some argue that it is necessary to cook, changing the water three times, others insist that these mushrooms can not be boiled at all. In fact, the main prescription for cockerel cooking is the polluted collection area.

    Like any other mushroom, the caps absorb all the dirt from the soil and their environment like a sponge. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect near roads and factories. The closer the cockerel grows to the roadway, the longer it needs to be cooked, and the procedure does not consist in the duration of cooking, but in the number of times the water is changed.

    There are a lot of disputes between the hostesses about how long it takes to cook a ringed cap

    If you collected the caps in a mixed forest and decided to salt it, it will be enough to change the water 3 times by boiling the mushrooms for 5 minutes.

    If they were collected in an ecologically clean area, far from factories and roads, they may not be boiled at all.

    In the case of pickling, the situation is a little different, here the ringed cap will need to be boiled for 20 minutes, and then another couple of minutes. in the marinade.

    How to pickle cockerels

    Fast hot salting

    The billet is crispy and dense, moderately salty.

    • 5 kg of cockerels;
    • 160 g salt;
    • 8 pcs. black pepper;
    • 4-8 pcs. fragrant;
    • 3-6 carnation buds;
    • 3-5 leaves of laurel;
    • 6-11 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 onion;
    • 3 liters of water.

    The billet turns out to be crispy and dense, moderately salty

    1. Wash the mushrooms, clean, fill with clean water in a saucepan, boil for 5 minutes.
    2. Drain the broth, pour in clean water, cook again for 5 minutes.
    3. We discard the boiled mushrooms in a colander. Let's drain.
    4. Separately, put a saucepan with 3 liters of water on the stove, add salt, all spices except laurel, and mushrooms to it.
    5. Cook the caps in brine for another 5 minutes.
    6. Put 2 cloves of garlic in each jar, 2-3 onion rings and 1 bay leaf in prepared jars.
    7. Immediately after boiling, distribute over the jars, fill with marinade.

    We roll up the lids, let it cool in the room, put it away for storage in the cold.

    Royal salting in a cold way

    A dense and crispy ringed cap can turn out not only after hot salting, but also after cold. An oak barrel is used for salting.

    • 10 kg of mushrooms;
    • 1 kg of rock salt;
    • 20 gr. carnation flowers;
    • 30 gr. allspice pepper;
    • several dill umbrellas.

    A dense and crispy ringed cap can be obtained not only after hot salting

    1. We steam the container for pickling (barrel) with juniper, this will help to kill all microorganisms.
    2. Wash the mushrooms, clean them, put them in a barrel in layers, sprinkle each layer with salt. We leave 1/3 of the total volume of salt for re-salting.
    3. Pour cold water into the barrel, cover with a lid on top, press down with a load.
    4. Remove the foam from the top within a week.
    5. After 7 days, drain all the water, rinse the container, fill in new water. When re-laying, the mushrooms are also laid in layers, sprinkling with salt, and add pepper, cloves and dill.
    6. We again cover the barrel with a lid, press down with a load.
    7. Move to a cold place, closet / basement.

    The workpiece can be eaten in 40-45 days.

    Chicken salad for the winter

    A wonderful winter mushroom salad will decorate any everyday and festive table. The vegetables taste well and complement each other.

    • 1.5 kg of chickens;
    • 500 gr. Luke;
    • 1 kg tomato;
    • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
    • 5 pieces. black pepper;
    • 3 laurels;
    • 60 ml vegetable oil (for frying);
    • 2.5 liters of water.
    1. Wash, dry, sterilize lids and jars for preparation.
    2. We clean, wash, sort the mushrooms by size. We cut large ones into several parts.
    3. Bring the water to a boil, cook the mushrooms for a quarter of an hour after boiling. We send it to a colander.
    4. Peel the onion, cut into large cubes, fry.
    5. In a separate frying pan, fry the tomatoes cut into slices.
    6. Put boiled mushrooms in a saucepan, add 500 ml of water, fried vegetables, spices, salt.
    7. Simmer under a lid on a low fire for 60 minutes, stir so that it does not burn.

    We distribute the finished salad among the banks, roll it up. We wrap the jars warmly, let them cool completely, put them away for storage.

    Greenfinches in a spicy marinade

    Thanks to the spices, the mushrooms according to this recipe are very aromatic with a pleasant spicy taste.

    • 3 kg greenfinches;
    • In a marinade for 1 liter of water:
    • 2.5 tsp 4.5% acetic acid;
    • 1 tsp Sahara;
    • 1 tsp salt;
    • 175 g sunflower oil;
    • 2 pcs. allspice;
    • 8-13 cumin seeds;
    • 8-13 rosemary seeds.

    Thanks to the spices, the mushrooms according to this recipe are very aromatic with a pleasant spicy taste.

    1. Traditionally, we clean, wash the forest gifts, cook in two waters for 5 minutes. We send it to a colander, rinse with clean water.
    2. Making a pickle. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, put all the spices, vinegar and mushrooms.
    3. As soon as the marinade with mushrooms boils, turn off the fire.
    4. We lay out the workpiece in the jars, fill it with marinade, roll it up.

    After complete cooling, we put it in a cool place.

    Pickled ringed caps

    The recipe is simple, it does not take much time to prepare. Ready-made mushrooms are quite crispy and flavorful.

    • 5 kg of caps;
    • 300 gr. table salt;
    • 3-5 peas of black and allspice;
    • 2-3 horseradish leaves;
    • 8-10 cm horseradish root;
    • 3 tsp mustard seeds;
    • 3 tsp dill seeds.
    1. We clean, wash, boil the mushrooms in salted water. Pour 1 tbsp per liter of water. l. salt. Pour boiled mushrooms into a colander, rinse with water, let drain.
    2. Mix the prepared caps with the remaining salt and all the spices.
    3. Put horseradish leaves on the bottom of the pan / bucket, pour mushrooms mixed with spices and horseradish root peeled and cut into several pieces.
    4. We cover the container with gauze folded in several layers, with a flat plate in diameter and press down with oppression.

    After 5-10 days, put the pickled mushrooms in jars, close tightly. We store in the refrigerator or basement.

    Mushroom preparation for the winter is always delicious. But never pick these mushrooms yourself if you don't know what they look like. And even when you have collected those very chickens - if you see mold in a jar with a blank - throw it away immediately. These mushrooms are gone and can cause serious food poisoning if you eat them.

    Chicken mushrooms: step by step recipes. How to salt hot and cold for the winter. How much to cook. How to ferment. Description.

    30.01.2019 | admin | No comments yet

    Salted chicken mushrooms

    Already at the end of August and from the beginning of September we are going on a mushroom hunt. And from there we proudly carry our trophies in the form of strong mushrooms, boletus, smart boletus and aspen mushrooms, black and white milk mushrooms, honey agarics, volushki and chanterelles. All that remains is to cook them, and in winter enjoy delicious salted and pickled mushrooms. And for housewives it is a lifesaver both on holidays and on days of fasting.

    While we are cleaning them, there is time to think in what form they will be presented: dried, pickled or salted. In this article, we will talk about salting mushrooms. There are many recipes, as well as tips on how to prepare them correctly.

    Read in this article:

    Salting mushrooms according to unique recipes

    There are many ways of pickling mushrooms - the most favorite folk snack. First, we list which mushrooms can be salted:

    • flywheel (Polish mushroom, green and red, variegated);
    • white lump;
    • black lump;
    • yellow mushroom (podskrebysh, yellow wave);
    • loading;
    • boletus;
    • boletus;
    • mushroom;
    • chanterelle;
    • russula;
    • birch bark;
    • white woman;
    • plantain (plantain, seryanka, serushka);
    • White mushroom;
    • valuey;
    • champignon;
    • honey mushrooms;
    • smooth.

    Tip: tubular mushrooms are considered the best for salting, and the most delicious is salted milkweed.

    For salting, only strong and young mushrooms are needed, otherwise their caps will become flabby and tasteless during cooking, and the crunch will be lost.

    Sorting mushrooms

    Sort the mushrooms by type, because each of them is soaked, boiled and salted in its own time. If the laying in barrels (containers) is supposed to be joint, then this should be done after preliminary preparation.

    Mushroom cleaning

    Mushrooms are cleaned of dirt, damage is removed. Then they are washed under running water, especially in the middle recesses of the caps. If the mushroom is lamellar, then the leg is separated from the cap. Between the plates, dirt can be easily cleaned out with a toothbrush. Peel the skin from butter and russula.

    Soaking mushrooms

    It is necessary to soak mushrooms containing milky juice (for example, lactarius). The time it takes to soak depends on the degree of mushroom bitterness (pungency).

    The russula and saffron milk cap are not soaked. White milk mushrooms - 24 hours (you don't need to soak small ones). Volnushka - 24–35 hours. Black milk mushroom, value, white, violin, smooth, bottom root - from 48 hours. The water is changed 3 times in 24 hours. Some change it every 4 hours. And so that the mushrooms do not sour when soaked, 1 liter of salt is added - 10 g or 2 g of citric acid. But this precaution is not a reason to change the solution. After the soaking process is over, the mushrooms need to be rinsed again.

    How to salt mushrooms for the winter. Salting types

    After pretreatment, we begin to salt the mushrooms. But first, let's talk about the types of salting.

    Dry salted mushrooms

    The method is less laborious and the most convenient. But it is applicable for russula, saffron milk caps, when they are not soaked, and rootlets, nigella, smoothies with preliminary soaking.
    Ryzhiks belong to the first category of mushrooms, which are eaten even raw. For dry pickling, this is the best option. This method is also good for russula (except for burning russula). They will not bring harm, but are very tasty.

    Tip: remove the skin from the russula head, it is bitter.

    Mushrooms are placed in rows in a container, so that the caps are at the bottom. Salt is poured into each row: 1 kg - 40 g. At the end, the top row is covered with a natural clean cloth and a wooden circle is placed on top, which is pressed down with oppression (a boiled stone, a jar of water). Note that metal or limestone oppression is unacceptable. After about three days, the mushrooms will settle. Then you can report on new rows (make a bookmark of new mushrooms). If there are no more mushrooms, then the settled ones are ready to transfer them to jars and store them in the cellar or refrigerator. After 10 days you can eat them.

    Cold pickled mushrooms

    The method of salting mushrooms without boiling (heat treatment). In this case, the milkmen must be soaked, and the others must be boiled.

    Spices are placed on the bottom of the container to taste: laurel leaves, cherries, horseradish, oak, currants, garlic, dill, caraway seeds, cloves, pepper. It is not advised to put a lot of spices so that the taste of the mushrooms themselves is not interrupted. Some consider this to be superfluous, and especially for value, milk mushrooms and mushrooms. I spread them with their hats down, and sprinkle them with salt: 50 grams of salt per kilogram. Cover the top with a cloth and put oppression.

    Advice: if the juice released from the mushrooms does not completely cover them, increase the weight of the oppression or add a saline solution: for 1 liter of water, 20 grams of salt. Waves and white milk mushrooms are considered ready in a month and a half, mushrooms in two weeks, value in two months. This is after the last bookmark. You need to store mushroom pickles in a cellar or refrigerator.

    You can put spices on the rows and sprinkle with table salt, then pour cold water (boiled). The mushrooms should be completely covered with brine, oppression is placed on top. When they settle, the container is transferred to the cold.

    How to salt milk mushrooms in Altai style

    For 10 kg of mushrooms take 400 g of table salt, 40 g of dill, 20 g of grated horseradish root, 40 g of garlic, 40 pcs. allspice peas, 10 pcs. bay leaf. Peeled milk mushrooms are soaked for three days, shifted with herbs and spices and poured with salt brine. Pressed by oppression and kept for up to 40 days.

    Hot salted mushrooms

    For such salting, tubular and plastic mushrooms are good. Preparation and processing are standard. In lamellar mushrooms, you need to cut off, and if the caps are large, then cut them. All milkmen must be soaked. Then boil by transferring them to boiling water with salt: 50 g of salt per liter. From the moment of boiling, there is a certain cooking time:

    1. 15 minutes. - boletus, porcini mushroom, flywheel, boletus, oil can.
    2. 10-15 minutes - volnushka, russula, as well as champignons.
    3. 10 min. - weight and load.
    4. 30 minutes - mushrooms.
    5. 35 minutes - value.
    6. 15-20 minutes - chanterelle.
    7. Pour boiling water over 3 times - mushrooms.

    To find out about the readiness of the mushrooms, you need to pay attention to the fact that they have settled, and to the broth, which should be transparent. If the mushrooms are cooked correctly, they will remain elastic and strong. They need to be allowed to cool, and then put in containers, sprinkled with coarse salt (3% by weight), spices and spices. Then pour the broth. Many people pour sunflower oil on top. Such mushrooms are eaten in a month and stored in a room with a temperature of 0 - +4 ºС (basements, cellars).

    Recipe: from mushrooms - semi-finished product

    Mushroom semi-finished product is prepared from boletus or honey agarics, porcini mushrooms, boletus or oak woods, boletus or mossy mushrooms. Or you can make a platter. For 1 kg of mushrooms, 60 g of salt is taken, you will need a glass of water. Mushrooms are placed in salted boiling water and boiled for ten minutes. Lay out with the broth in steamed containers and pour a little with boiled vegetable oil. Cover with paper and tie. If necessary, you can stew such a semi-finished product, fry, marinate, prepare soups and main courses.

    How to store pickled mushrooms

    As a rule, salted mushrooms are stored where the temperature is kept from 0 to +3 - +4 ºС. They should not be allowed to freeze, otherwise the taste will be lost, they will begin to crumble.

    At an elevated temperature of + 6 ºС, the workpiece will acidify and mold. The brine should cover the mushrooms well. Top up with boiled water if it evaporates.

    When mold appears, replace the fabric or wash and boil the old one. The oppression and the circle are washed and doused with boiling water several times. Boiled sunflower oil added to the brine and creating a protective film can prevent mushrooms from mold.

    Blanch the butter for 3 minutes in boiling water with the addition of salt and lemon (a liter of water - 20 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid). Then the skin will be easily removed from the caps.

    Add horseradish (leaves and roots) to salted mushrooms - this is both spicy pungency and protection from souring. Currant leaves and twigs have a pleasant aroma, while cherries and oak give the mushrooms crispness and strength.

    Do not add spices to milk mushrooms, whites, mushrooms and mushrooms, they will drown out the aroma of mushrooms.

    The mushrooms will become heavier after soaking, so keep this in mind when calculating the salt.

    You cannot salt mushrooms in clay pots and use galvanized tin dishes for this purpose. In dachas and household plots, these are wooden barrels and tubs (not made of aspen), and in the city, enameled dishes or glass jars would be the best option.

    Weight of oppression on a keg of 50 liters filled to the brim with mushrooms - from 8 to 10 kg.

    Before serving the mushrooms to the table, they need to be soaked, or at least rinsed, and fried like that.

    From a decoction of boletus boletus, porcini mushrooms, boletus boiled in half, you can prepare soups and sauces. Store bottled in refrigerator.

    “And before that the hostess brought from the cellar a bowl with aromatic salty lumps. There were still pine needles on them. I washed it with cold water, cut it into pieces with a transparent onion and sunflower oil on a platter to the table. From the vision of such a heart sank ... There is nothing tastier than salty milk mushrooms, where is there meat! ". And to the mushrooms there are also pickled cucumbers in the "Cooking" section.


    Any edible species are suitable for a recipe for harvesting for the winter. Salting of mushrooms is better if strong, young specimens are used for this. This will help to avoid sagging of the cap during preparation. Before salting, you need to thoroughly clean, wash, sort out rotten or damaged specimens, soak them (there are ways without soaking). Salting mushrooms at home can be done in two main ways:

    • cold;
    • hot.

    In a cold way

    The fundamental difference between the methods lies in the speed at which the workpiece is ready after the procedure. Cold pickling mushrooms takes longer to cook. This cooking option does not require additional spices or ingredients. After placing the components in jars, you need to leave them under oppression and sprinkle with salt. Before pickling mushrooms, you can familiarize yourself with the readiness period for different varieties:

    • value - 50 days;
    • mushrooms - 5 days;
    • waves - 40 days;
    • milk mushrooms - 30 days;
    • white women - 40 days.

    Hot way

    Suitable if you need to get a quick meal at the table and there is no time to wait for a month and a half. Hot salting of mushrooms allows them to be put on the table a week after closing. Bitter-tasting varieties should be boiled in salted water for 20 minutes (milk mushrooms are enough for 5 minutes), some varieties (whites, russula, waves) are simply scalded, then kept in hot water for 30 minutes, washed well and then repeat the procedure from the cold method. This option is great for home cooking when only pickling jars are available.

    Mushroom common cap. Description and preparation of the ringed cap (chicken mushroom)

    Not strong and not handsome in appearance, this mushroom, nevertheless, is appreciated by connoisseurs primarily for its unique taste inherent only to it. Collecting it is also a pleasure: in an hour you can fill a bucket, literally on the spot. Its nutritional value is in no way inferior to champignon, in a number of countries it is considered a delicacy. Meet this ringed cap - a little-known, but respectable gift from nature.

    Ringed cap (Rozites caperata) is a delicious edible mushroom.

    The main parts of the fruiting body are as follows.

    • At the beginning of development, the cap has a hemispherical shape, the edges are lowered and slightly curved downward, a silvery or dull white color, like a waxed skin. As it grows, it becomes flat-convex, with a hump, its edges rise, in a dry period they can crack. The skin becomes slightly wrinkled, fibrous with a powdery coating, its color changes to yellow-brown with a pinkish tinge. In diameter from 5 to 12 cm.
    • The pulp is white, slightly watery, firm, fibrous, with a characteristic meat-like taste. Does not change color on the cut, does not have a specific smell. Prone to worminess.
    • The plates are attached to the pedicle, are rare, and have serrated cusps. Their color: white - in young specimens, clay-brown with ocher tint - in mature and old ones. The spores are egg-shaped or elliptical. Rust-colored spore powder.
    • The leg is up to 12 cm high, about 3 cm in diameter, dense, cylindrical, somewhat thickened at the base. The presence of a membrane membrane (cortina) is characteristic, which, breaking, forms a ring that tightly fits the leg. Above the ring, the surface of the leg is weakly scaly.

    The ringed cap is also known under other names:

    • chicken mushrooms;
    • Turk;
    • pribolotnik white;
    • rosites is dull;
    • cap.

    Distribution and when to collect

    Chicken mushrooms are most common in temperate climatic natural zones, but they are also found in dwarf birch forests of northern latitudes, and even in the mountains at an altitude of 2,000 m. Most often they create mycorrhiza with coniferous trees on mossy soil.

    The damp podzolic soil of mixed and deciduous forests is also favorable for the development of mycelium in the vicinity of oak, beech, birch, blueberry thickets. Sometimes mushrooms create rather large plantations, but more often they form multiple compact groups. Collection time is from July to early October.

    Similar species and how to distinguish from them

    In view of some similarity with spider webs (Cortinariaceae), some sources classify the ringed cap as this species. But the description of the characteristic features of chicken mushrooms emphasizes the presence of a ring on their legs, which is never the case with any species of spiderwebs.

    Most often, inexperienced mushroom pickers mistake deadly poisonous or fly agaric for an edible ringed cap. The table shows how the chicken mushrooms differ from their dangerous counterparts.

    Primary processing and preparation

    Gastronomically, the chicken mushroom is truly universal. You can cook it in any way: boil, stew, fry, pickle for the winter, salt. It goes well with almost all types of vegetables, meat and spices. And so that, regardless of the method of preparation, the dish is really tasty, they use the caps of young specimens. Old mushrooms with hardened stems should be discarded, even if they are not damaged by worms.

    Attention! The Turks are not used raw: for salads and cold snacks, mushrooms must be boiled beforehand.

    In addition to excellent nutritional qualities, the ringed cap also has healing properties. Its presence in the diet ensures a stable level of sugar and cholesterol, maintains normal blood pressure, and serves as the prevention of a number of infectious diseases.

    How to salt the caps. Description

    Pickled caps are an easy-to-prepare and surprisingly tasty preparation for the winter from a popular mushroom, which you can very easily make with your own hands at home, without spending a lot of time. Cooking them is a pleasure!

    Finding the caps will not be difficult, because the growing area of ​​the fungus is quite wide. It is found in most of the mixed forests of the European continent and grows throughout the summer to mid-autumn.

    It is quite difficult to pass by these mushrooms: they attract mushroom pickers with their size and large number in small areas. Individual specimens of the mushroom reach fifteen centimeters in height. The hat is of the same diameter. But smaller mushrooms have the best taste.

    The mushroom is rich in trace elements and vitamins, a unique ratio of which helps maintain normal blood pressure, as well as sugar and cholesterol levels in the human body. The use of this mushroom in food helps to fight infectious diseases and strengthens the immune system.

    Ringed caps are a valuable mushroom, the taste of which is not inferior to either porcini boletus or boletus. The dense and crunchy pulp retains its properties after heat treatment, and the pleasant taste and pronounced aroma of forest mushrooms make it desirable on the table. Use the ringed cap for food in salted and fried form. But the most delicious is this pickled mushroom.

    The proposed detailed recipe with step-by-step photographs of all the steps in making delicious pickled caps will help even the youngest and most inexperienced housewives to preserve these mushrooms without unnecessary hassle and hassle.

    The result of your work will be appreciated by tasters, both household members and guests of your home. Be sure to write this recipe down in your personal cookbook. You will use it more than once, because the mushrooms will come out flawless.

    The ringed cap (Latin name - rozites caperatus) is a type of edible mushroom that can be found in the mountains, forests, and foothills. In coniferous forests, they can be found from August to October. Such mushrooms often grow near blueberries or near low birches. The main habitat is in North America, Europe and Japan. Also, this edible mushroom grows in the north, namely in Lapland and Greenland. In the photo, they look very cute and impressive.

    Other names:

    • mushrooms turks
    • mushroom chicken


    The white ringed cap looks like cobwebs. It has brown spore powder and almond-shaped spores. But, the ringed cap does not have a veil, which usually takes place between the edge of the cap and the leg. There is only a membrane membrane, which leaves a ring on the leg.
    The ringed cap is also similar to voles. They also grow in spring, but their fruiting bodies are not so large. The early vole has a bitter flour taste and smell.
    Young ringed caps are distinguished by a bluish tint and a bald surface. In dry weather, mushroom caps may crack or wrinkle. The mushroom plates can be loose or sagging - they can have a serrated edge.

    The leg of the mushroom can be from 2 to 10 cm, it has an off-white tint and a membranous ring. The pulp of the mushroom is white, it does not change its color. And the taste of the mushroom is pleasant, slightly spicy. The spore powder of the fungus has a rusty brown tint. As for disputes, they often have a yellowish tint.
    The cap of the mushroom can reach 4 to 10 cm in diameter. If the hen mushroom is young, the cap can be ovoid or spherical. It can also have a clay yellow tint.

    Features of cooking mushroom

    This type of mushroom can be prepared in a variety of ways. It is worth noting that it tastes very similar to meat. That is why the ringed cap is often sold in markets and specialty stores. Next, we'll talk about how to cook these mushrooms.

    This kind of mushroom can be boiled, stewed, fried, pickled and salted. It will perfectly complement any vegetable dish, making it as tasty and healthy as possible. It is important not to spoil the dish, use only fresh mushrooms.

    • One of the most common recipes is pickled mushrooms. This will require 1 kg of ringed mushrooms, 50 grams of salt, a little allspice and black pepper in peas, bay leaves, horseradish, dill and mustard seeds.
      Boil 1 kg of mushrooms in 1 liter of water, then discard them in a colander and rinse with running water. Next, the mushrooms need to be mixed with spices and covered with a napkin. Turkish mushrooms should ferment within 5-10 days. After that, they can be put in jars and refrigerated.
    • You can also add mushrooms to any delicious salad, but remember that you need to boil them for 5 minutes, and then fry until tender. This will get rid of all the harmful substances found in mushrooms and make them taste delicious.
    • The ringed bell soup is also delicious. But, before adding the mushrooms to this dish, they need to be chopped and lightly fried in a pan with oil. This will make them more flavorful and add a special flavor to your soup.