Types of shrimp: description and photo. King, tiger and Atlantic shrimps What are the names of shrimps

Shrimp are marine crustaceans, the size of which varies from two to thirty centimeters, depending on the species, and there are just over a hundred species of shrimp. Shrimp are sold raw or cooked-frozen in packs, with raw shrimp being dark green or gray in color, and processed shrimp pink. Frozen boiled shrimps, which are sold in packs, do not require lengthy heat treatment; they can simply be thawed or scalded with boiling water and thrown into soups, paellas, curries and other hot dishes at the very end of cooking so that their meat retains its tenderness.

King prawns

There are about eight species of king prawns, their length ranges from 20 to 25 cm, and their weight is from 30 to 40 grams. King shrimps differ from ordinary shrimps by the presence of a short beak and a massive back part and, accordingly, they have more meat - and it differs in taste, a little sweeter, almost like crabs. King prawns are available frozen (and peeled) and fresh in most supermarkets.

Shrimp paste

A homogeneous pasta of shrimp meat and salt (you can make it at home, boiled shrimp meat with a pinch of sea salt in a blender) is added to curries and sauces.

Large shrimp with tails

Large shrimps are king, their size reaches twenty to twenty-five centimeters, but even among the usual you can find larger individuals - they are sold frozen, for example, under the Agama brand. Often the shrimp is not completely peeled, only the shell is removed, leaving the tails. These are great for grilling in the form of kebabs - they are convenient to hold by the tail.

Marinated shrimps

Pickled shrimps are sold in supermarkets as canned food, but it is better to cook them yourself: mix raw or boiled shrimps with lemon juice, lemon zest, olive oil and spices and leave for half an hour or an hour. Raw shrimp then need to be fried, for example, on a grill, while boiled shrimp can be immediately added to salads, soups and other dishes.

Peeled boiled shrimp

Boiled peeled shrimps of various sizes are sold in supermarkets frozen, these are found completely peeled, and some leave a tail that is easy to hold with your hands. However, the shrimp is easy to clean: for this, with a knife with a grooved blade from the head to the tail of the boiled shrimp, you need to make a longitudinal incision along the ridge, cutting through the shell. Then remove the shell, pick it up with a knife and pull out the dark intestine thread that runs along the shrimp back - this is the esophagus. And optionally, leave or remove the chitinous tail.

Dried shrimp

Salted and dried shrimp have a strong odor, and you need to add them to food in microscopic doses, for example, for flavor in soups and hot dishes - as a seasoning. It's a good idea to soak them in warm water before using them and then rinse them to remove excess salt.

Tiger chrimp

Tiger prawns are the largest shrimps, reaching over thirty centimeters in length and weighing an average of about 650 grams. Outwardly, tiger shrimps differ from ordinary and king shrimps by the presence of dark stripes on the shell and the taste of meat - it is tender and most of all resembles the meat of crayfish. And you need to cook it no longer than two or three minutes so that it does not become rubber.

The main thing we know about shrimp is that they are quite tasty, but at the same time they are quite small. Meanwhile, there are species of very large as well as giant shrimp. In this article we will tell you about what they are called, where they live and how they live.

Acquaintance with the view

Shrimp are crustaceans and decapods. It should be noted that these living creatures live in almost all seas, and some species have even mastered and adapted in fresh waters and settled down quite well in them.

Not all shrimp are as small as we are used to seeing on store shelves. Adults of some species may well reach a length of 30 centimeters. More than a hundred species of these crustaceans live in the Russian Far East alone, and not all of them are small and defenseless.

An amazing feature of shrimp lies in their arbitrary hermaphroditism, that is, young individuals may well change sex from male to female (on the contrary - never!), If required by the “demographic” situation in the interests of the continuation of the species.

Shrimps live quietly, peacefully, settled, rarely change their habitat, do not migrate. They rest for a long time, digging into the sand or algae at the bottom, they go out mainly to hunt for small mollusks.

Shrimp is caught in small volumes, harvested on an industrial scale, grown on special farms, and all because the taste of the meat of these crustaceans conquered mankind. True, not all eat them. The Jews, for religious reasons, do not eat arthropods. Supporters of Islam still cannot come to a consensus about whether it is permissible to eat shrimp or whether it is better to abstain from them.

The meat of the decapod crustacean has a delicate taste and a specific pleasant aroma. It is rich in protein and calcium, it does not belong to high-calorie foods, and therefore is especially appreciated by supporters of a healthy diet and adherents of diets. All over the world, shrimp meat is considered a delicacy.

These crustaceans are often said to be tasty, but very small. You simply cannot find large stores on the shelves in Russia. You can't find more tiger prawns in the supermarket. This does not mean that tiger ones are the largest in the world. For the curious, we have compiled a small rating of the largest shrimp on the planet.

Odontodactylus scyllarus - Peacock shrimp

This amazing creature is today considered the largest shrimp caught by man. Its length reaches 40 centimeters. The almost half-meter shrimp is more than twice the size of large tiger prawns, which at best reach only 20 centimeters.

The giant crustacean is a predator - nature has endowed him with a solid size with claws, which he perfectly uses during hunting and defense in case of danger.

Peacock shrimp hunts like a real crustacean "special forces", having previously built a shelter in the sand. With her claws, she breaks the shell of the mussel to eat its meat. In times of famine, it can attack octopuses. She cannot eat them, but she can easily cripple them.

This species is not only huge, but also unique in its kind. The vision of peacock shrimp is arranged in an amazing way. They can see in several ranges at once - in optical, infrared and ultraviolet.

They themselves are capable of glowing in the dark. When a potential danger approaches, the quick-witted peacock shrimp can send out flickering glowing signals from their own eyes. These signals are received by other members of the species and have time to take defensive or attacking positions, and sometimes just hide away from sin.

Hiding isn't exactly their style, though. These are aggressive and very determined crustaceans, which, in addition to light "signaling", have a unique impact. Its speed is so great that it is impossible to see it with ordinary eyes. While a person blinks once, the peacock shrimp inflicts about 50 blows on the enemy or prey. It was only marine biologists who managed to count uh, who used slow motion for this. In this case, the speed of ejection of a limb is 70-80 kilometers per hour (comparable to the movement of a car).

But the victim is struck not only by a series of blows, but also by the kinetic effect. Such a rapid movement heats up small particles of water to high temperatures, the resulting cavitation bubble arranges a big explosion when the victim touches. If a person provokes an aggressive very large shrimp, then he may well lose his fingers on his hand. With such individuals "communicate" only in a special thick glove.

Attempts to keep such a shrimp in an aquarium were made, but almost always ended in fiasco - first, a mantis shrimp or mantis shrimp (names synonymous with peacock shrimp) killed all the inhabitants of the aquarium, and then often broke glass, since a blow with a claw on the aquarium wall can be compared with a shot from a twenty-second caliber pistol.

For laboratory research, these shrimps are placed in special containers made of extra strong plastic.

And they have a lot to explore. Biologists and anatomists are actively interested in the special unique abilities of this very large inhabitant of the seas. The amazing ability to see in three spectra prompted scientists to create a microscope in which optics could do the same, would be identical to the structure of the peacock shrimp's eye. Such a technique would make it possible to see even cancer cells, and at the earliest stage of their development.

The militaries of the whole world are interested in the structure of the claw and the mechanisms for the development of super-velocity of impact. In any case, American marine biologists working for the US Department of Defense have already begun attempts to create an artificial sledgehammer claw that could become part of a new generation soldier's exosuit.

New Zealand shrimp

In terms of size, this type of crustacean can be safely placed on the second line of the rating. Its length reaches 28 centimeters. Before the discovery of peacock shrimp, it was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the official representative of the largest species of shrimp.

First caught off the coast of New Zealand. Scientists for a long time could not understand to what specific species the catch, which was raised with traps from the day of the sea, was attributed. This species is not yet well understood to be able to say something about the features of the huge crustaceans, but research continues.

King prawns

So they are called for their solid size, which rightfully allows this species of crustaceans to be considered one of the largest. The length of the king prawn is on average 20-25 centimeters. All large shrimps are customarily called royal, although, from the point of view of biologists, this is an inaccuracy. "King" shrimp does not exist as a species, it is, so to speak, the trade name of large individuals.

This includes the black tiger shrimp, which can grow up to 35 centimeters in length under favorable conditions. Penaeus monodon - tiger shrimp was discovered in the 18th century. She lives in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Her vision sensitivity is low - there is only an unpaired parietal eye, which, if anything, is capable of distinguishing light from darkness, and also partially capturing the ultraviolet spectrum. It feeds on small plankton. If she manages to find a dead fish, then the mollusk eats it, not even leaving the scales - everything is good for food.

The crustacean got its name for its characteristic "tiger" stripes on its body.

Where do the large specimens in the store come from?

You won't be able to meet a giant peacock shrimp on a supermarket counter. But king prawns and their smaller relatives are presented in a large assortment.

Small crustaceans mainly live in cold seas, larger ones - in warm waters. Every year, the level of world production of large individuals is about one million tons per year. Almost two-thirds of this volume is made up of tiger prawns, which are grown on special shrimp farms.

But farms cause irreparable harm to the ecology of the sea and land, because they require cutting down mangroves. And in the natural environment, there are fewer and fewer large individuals. Eight years ago, Greenpeace placed the tiger subspecies in a special risk group for extinction. Too many of them are caught because they are available and relatively inexpensive. Peacock shrimp meat is also tasty and sweetish, but it is very, very expensive, and is considered one of the most inaccessible delicacies in the world.

You will learn how to cook tiger prawns in the video below.

With fresh water. Unique arthropods are perceived, first of all, as a nutritious delicacy, an ingredient in various dishes, but shrimp themselves are very unusual and even mysterious inhabitants of the underwater world, with a special body structure. Many fans of scuba diving in tropical waters have the opportunity to follow their behavior - if you move the algae, the shrimp jump out like grasshoppers from ordinary grass.

Origin of the species and description

Shrimp are crustaceans from the decapod order, there are 250 genera and more than 2000 different species of these creatures. Decapod shrimps are higher crustaceans, unlike other multicellular ones, their heart muscle has a symplastic structure. Like all arthropods, they belong to the animal kingdom, they have a chitinous exoskeleton that restricts the growth of the body and therefore the animal must periodically throw it off - to moult.

Video: Shrimp

There are about a hundred species of shrimp that are the subject of fishing, some are cultivated on special shrimp farms, there are several species that are successfully kept even in home aquariums. For many species of these crustaceans, protandric hermaphroditism is characteristic - during their life they are able to change their sex. This unusual phenomenon of the separate appearance of opposite sexual characteristics in hermaphrodite creatures is quite rare.

Interesting fact: Shrimp meat is especially rich in protein and high in calcium, but it is low in calories, however, shrimp, like all other arthropods living in the seas, is prohibited in Judaism. There is disagreement about the permissibility of these crustaceans in Islam.

Appearance and features

The color and size of the shrimp depends on its species, but in all these crustaceans, the outside of the body is covered with a continuous solid layer of chitin, which they change as they grow. The mollusk has an elongated body, flattened on the sides, which will divide into an abdomen, a cephalothorax. The cephalothorax, in turn, has an unusual protrusion - the rostrum, on which you can see teeth of various shapes, depending on the type of crustacean. The color of shrimp can be from gray-green to pink and even blue, with characteristic stripes, spots, the size ranges from 2 to 30 centimeters. Shrimp eyes consist of a large number of facets; their number increases with age. Their vision is mosaic and for this reason the crustaceans see well only at a small distance of up to several centimeters.

However, the eyes are responsible for the production of special hormones that regulate:

  • discoloration of the body;
  • growth, frequency of molts;
  • metabolism, rate of calcium accumulation;
  • the order of the arrangement of the pigment.

The antennae anterior antennae are the organ of touch. The belly of the shrimp is equipped with five pairs of legs - pleopods, with the help of which the animal swims. The female carries eggs on the pleopods, moving, they wash and clean them. The latter limbs, together with the tail, form a wide fan. Bending its abdomen, this crustacean is able to swim back quickly in case of danger. The shrimp has three pairs of jaws of the pectoral limbs, with their help it collects food and brings it to the mandibles, the bristles of which determine whether to eat it or not.

The front pair of clams' legs are turned into pincers. They protect the shrimps, grab large prey. In males, they are usually more developed. The walking legs on the chest are interesting in that the left and right legs from each pair always move independently of each other. The gills of the shrimp are hidden by the edge of the shell and are connected to the pectoral limbs. Water is driven through the gill cavity by means of a large blade located on the hind jaws.

Where does shrimp live?

Shrimps, playing a vital role in the ecosystem of the oceans and seas, have spread almost everywhere.

More than 2000 species of these crustaceans can be divided into the following subspecies:

  • freshwater - found in Russia, waters, South;
  • cold water shrimp is the most common species that lives in the sea, near the coast,;
  • warm-water molluscs - in the southern oceans and seas;
  • brackish - in salty waters.

Chilean crustaceans have settled along the entire South American coast, they are found in Black, and "king" shrimp - in. When comfortable conditions are created, some freshwater and warm water species are successfully kept in home aquariums. Many of them were artificially bred, have an unusual color that does not occur in nature.

Interesting fact: Cold water shrimp can only reproduce in their natural environment and do not lend themselves to artificial cultivation. Crustaceans feed only on environmentally friendly plankton, which determines the high quality and value of their meat. The most valuable representatives of this subspecies are northern red and red comb shrimp, northern chillim.

Now you know where is the shrimp... Let's see what they eat.

What does shrimp eat?

Shrimp are scavengers, their basis of food is almost any organic remains. In addition, crustaceans love to feast on plankton, juicy algae leaves, they can hunt young small fish, even climb into fishermen's nets. Shrimp are looking for food by smell and touch, turning their antennae antennae in different directions. Some species are actively tearing apart the soil in search of vegetation, while others run along the bottom until they come across some food.

These mollusks are practically blind and are able to distinguish the silhouettes of objects only at a distance of several centimeters, so the sense of smell plays the main violin. The shrimp attacks its prey sharply, grabbing it with the front pair of legs, and holds it until it dies down. Developed jaws or mandibles gradually grind food, which can take up to several hours.

Interesting fact: At night, all shrimps brighten, becoming translucent, and in daylight they darken, and also quickly change their color depending on the background.

For aquarium shrimp, specially prepared formulations or ordinary boiled vegetables are used as feed. Not a single crustacean will deny itself the pleasure of eating the remains of its fellows or any aquarium fish.

Features of character and lifestyle

Shrimp are very mobile but secretive creatures. They constantly move along the bottom in search of food and are able to overcome quite large distances, in the same way mollusks crawl over the leaves of underwater plants, collecting carrion on them. At the slightest danger, crustaceans hide in thickets, ground, among stones. They are cleaners and play an important role in the ecosystem of the oceans. They attack their relatives extremely rarely and only in cases of severe hunger in the absence of a sufficient amount of the usual food.

They skillfully maneuver thanks to walking, swimming legs located on the chest and abdomen. With the help of tail stalks, shrimps are able to bounce off sharply at a sufficiently large distance, quickly move backwards and thereby scare off their enemies with clicks. All shrimps are solitary, but, nevertheless, crustaceans are found mainly in large groups. Some species are active at night, while others hunt only during daylight hours.

Interesting fact: The genitals, the heart of the shrimp are located in the head area. The urinary and digestive organs are also located here. The blood of these crustaceans is normally light blue in color, but becomes colorless when oxygen is deficient.

Social structure and reproduction

On average, a shrimp lives from 1.6 to 6 years, depending on the species. Shrimp are bisexual, but the male and female glands form at different times. First, at the onset of puberty, the young shrimp becomes a male and only in the third year of life does it change its sex to the opposite one.

During puberty, the female starts the process of forming eggs and at the initial stage they resemble a mass of yellow-green color. When fully prepared for mating, the female secretes special substances, pheromones, by which the male finds her. The whole mating process takes a few minutes and after a while eggs appear. Interestingly, the females keep unfertilized eggs on the hairs of the abdominal legs, and then carry the offspring with them until the larvae emerge from the eggs.

Depending on the water temperature, the larvae develop inside the eggs for 10-30 days, passing from 9 to 12 stages of embryogenesis. First of all, the jaws are formed, then the cephalothorax. Most of the larvae die within the first day and reach maturity no more than 5-10 percent of the entire brood. In artificial conditions, the survival rate is three times higher. The larvae themselves are inactive and are not able to search for food on their own.

Natural enemies of shrimp

A huge number of shrimps die at the larval stage. , whales and many other planktivorous species constantly feed on these crustaceans. They are often prey for other molluscs, seabirds, benthic fish and even mammals. Shrimp have no weapons against their enemies, they can only try to escape in case of danger or hide among the leaves of plants, in extreme cases, crustaceans can try to scare their enemy and, taking advantage of his confusion, sneak away. Shrimps, having camouflage colors, are able to imitate the color of a sandy bottom, as well as, if necessary, quickly change color depending on the environment and the type of environment.

Shrimp are also subject to commercial fishing. In huge quantities, these mollusks are caught in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Every year, more than 3.5 million tons of shrimp are harvested from salt water using bottom trolling, which completely destroys the habitat of crustaceans for up to four decades.

Interesting fact: There is no species under the scientific name "king" shrimp, as all large species of these arthropods are called. The largest species is the black tiger shrimp, which can reach 36 cm in length and weigh up to 650 grams.

Population and status of the species

Despite the huge number of natural enemies, a low percentage of larval survival and active fishing, the status of the species is currently stable and there is no fear that this species of crustacean will disappear completely. Shrimp have incredible fertility, are able to quickly restore their population - this is what saves them from complete extermination.

There is a theory that shrimp can independently regulate their population:

  • with its excessive growth and the coming food shortage, they begin to bear offspring less often;
  • with a significant drop in numbers, mollusks reproduce much more actively.

Most of the particularly large and even giant shrimp, reaching 37 centimeters in length, are grown on shrimp farms. Due to the peculiarities of the functioning of farms, the specifics of nutrition, the meat of these crustaceans is filled with various chemicals. The best quality shrimp are those naturally grown in clear, cold waters.

Interesting fact: In summer and spring, the shores glow in the dark thanks to the luminescent shrimp that live in the sand and become visible at low tide. The noise of the clicking shrimp can disrupt the operation of submarine sonars - the sonar will hear only a continuous noise curtain.

Shrimp- what is actively consumed in food, bred in aquariums, but they know very little about this strange creature that plays an important role in the ecosystem of the world's oceans. This is not just a delicacy or an ingredient in popular dishes, but a unique organism that surprises and delights with its peculiarities.

In the underwater world, there is a huge number of living creatures that differ in classes and types. The class of crustaceans is represented by shrimps. They can be found in any sea or ocean. Shrimp vary in appearance, size, color and lifestyle. The shrimp's lifestyle is calm, they do not change their habitat and are located in the same territory throughout their life.

The life of a shrimp ranges from six months to a year, and the average size ranges from 6 to 14 cc. The maximum length is 40 cm, this is the largest shrimp in history. The smallest shrimp is harvested in the North Pacific Ocean and the Barents Sea.

Features of shrimp life

A species of shrimp, common on the west coast of Africa, lives in muddy areas near the mouth of the river. The temperature of the natural water layer varies from 17 to 23 degrees, and the depth does not exceed 70 meters. In daylight, the shrimp are buried in silt and rest until dark. At night, they hunt small creatures from the category of crustaceans.

The Far East is also rich in various types of shrimp. There they are called shrimp or chilim. In the coastal areas of the Kuril Islands, on South Sakhalin and in Primorye, there is a species of grass shrimp, they live in sea grass. Small sandy shrimps live near the mouths of the river. A large type of shrimp, which reaches 30 cm, is called shrimp - a bear cub, they are common in the Japanese, Bering and Okhotsk seas.

Rating of the largest shrimp

In the first place in the ranking of the largest shrimp is the Odontodactylus scyllarus shrimp. This species was caught in Colombia, its length reached 40 cm. The size of the shrimp was twice the average size of the tiger, which reaches 20 cm. It was classified as a species of peacock shrimp or mantis shrimp. The mantis shrimp is a predator, the size of which can reach 30 cm, and its powerful claws give it additional size. Because of them, it is popularly called "biting finger".

Shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus, or Peacock shrimp

The peacock shrimp hunts from the sand. They use their claws like a hammer that can shatter mussel shells to feast on tender meat. They can also easily hit the octopus and damage it. This type of crustacean has a unique optical system. Their eyes see in the optical, infrared and ultraviolet ranges.

Peacock shrimp can glow at night. This phenomenon was discovered by marine biologists, they found that the light signals that come from the eyes of shrimp are a signal of an impending danger to other individuals. The mantis shrimp is clearly visible in shallow water, the surface of its body is covered with characteristic spots. And in the depths of the reservoir, they can only be distinguished by the light that comes from the eyes of this individual.

To understand the full scale of the richness of such "signaling" and to compare the functionality with a peacock shrimp, you need to use special equipment, the weight of which will reach 100 kg.

In second place is the type of shrimp, which reaches 28 cm. It is recorded in and is the official representative of the largest type of shrimp. The crustacean is 10 times larger than any species in its class and was caught by fishermen in the north of the New Zealand coast.

The official record for the largest shrimp was set by British biologist Alan Jamieson. We managed to catch the shrimp at a depth of 10 kilometers. The scientist was surprised at his prey and for a long time could not understand what genus this creature belongs to. They managed to catch an unknown shrimp using a trap located at the bottom of the sea.

On the same expedition, Alan Jamison's team managed to catch another representative of crustaceans, whose size was 33 cm. However, the unknown creature slipped out of the trap at the moment of lifting. This species has not been officially recorded and remains unexplored. There is a video of a secret species that confirms the fact of existence.

Unexplored secrets of the underwater world

The famous director Mac Locky made a film about a giant mantis shrimp, it was released in 2003 and was called - "Crust" - Crustacean. The genre of the film is fantasy. In the plot - a giant peacock shrimp falls into the hands of a former boxer, and he will teach her all the elements of boxing.

If you transfer the meaning of the plot to the real world, then with the provocation of a peacock shrimp, you can lose all fingers on your hand. Therefore, you only need to handle it with a special glove.

The existence of many species has not yet been proven by scientists, but everyone hopes to discover their own unique species, which will reach record sizes.

"Finding such a huge shrimp proves the fact that we know very little about the inhabitants of the marine world, their life and reproduction," - noted the scientists of Alan Jamison's team.

To set a record, you need to carefully and gradually study the underwater world, this can take a large number of years, but they will not be wasted.

Aquarium shrimp are as popular as fish or aquatic plants. A transparent container with these arthropods will be a wonderful interior decoration, but before starting them, you need to figure out how difficult they will need to care. This will largely depend on the species acquired, therefore, it is better for beginners and experienced owners to acquire different representatives of arthropods.

There are different types and complexity of aquarium shrimps, so it is better to study them better before purchasing.

general description

Although there are many types of aquarium shrimp, they all have one thing in common - the same body structure. They have a well-developed tail, eyes with a wide viewing angle, long whiskers that perform the function of touch. Instead of claws, they have three pairs of legs that perform a motor function. The whole body is covered with a layer of chitin. In addition, females are usually almost one and a half times larger than males.

In all other respects, these arthropods are not alike. They vary in origin and family, size, color, and habitat. Therefore, there are several types of aquarium shrimp. Some do not require special care, while others can only be maintained by an experienced breeder.

Types for beginners

For those who start shrimp for the first time, it is better to pay attention to attractive, but unpretentious representatives who do not need to create special living conditions. These include the following varieties:

All of these species are non-aggressive and do not cause trouble for their owner.

For experienced breeders

If you managed to successfully cope with unpretentious creatures, you can try to get shrimps that require more careful attention. For example, one of these types:

These decorative shrimps require professional care under the supervision of an experienced aquarist. For their maintenance, special soil treatment and the installation of a reverse osmosis system are required.

Basic conditions of detention

The shrimp in the aquarium needs proper care. To provide it, even before purchasing arthropods, you need to prepare their home and think over what they need for a comfortable life in the future.

Choosing an aquarium

For shrimp, you need to choose a container of a suitable volume, where for each representative there will be about 0.5 liters of water. Of course, some species feel fine in more cramped conditions, but sufficient space will be the key to the peaceful coexistence of neighbors.

Calculate the volume of the aquarium based on the number of shrimp. For each shrimp 0.5 l of water

The shape of the container is not of paramount importance, but newcomers will find it easier to care for a rectangular wide tank that is easy to clean. You also need to remember to close the container with a lid to avoid jumping out of its inhabitants.

The best solution would be to start a shrimp, that is, a special aquarium where only arthropods will be settled. If fish live in the same container, hunting for small shrimps is inevitable, so they will need a large number of shelters, such as decorations, stones or moss.

Water preparation

Arthropods are more sensitive to water characteristics than fish. They usually do well in temperatures between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius. If the temperature rises to 32 degrees, they will die. If it drops to 15, they will stop multiplying and lose mobility, but there is no mortal threat. The former behavior is quickly restored when the liquid is brought to normal temperature.

For unpretentious shrimps, you can take the most ordinary tap water. It's even good if it has a slightly increased rigidity, since shrimp will build a shell from the elements included in it during molting. But too hard water will be uncomfortable and stop reproduction.

Most shrimp do well in water 20-28C

More demanding creatures will need water with a near neutral pH and zero hardness. This is achieved by passing the liquid through a reverse osmosis unit. After that, you will need to add special salt to the water for the comfortable life of the shrimp.

Before pouring into the aquarium, the water must settle and reach room temperature. You can change the liquid only once a week, pouring out 1/5 of it and replacing it with fresh one.

Necessary equipment

As for the equipment of the aquarium, first of all you will need a compressor, since a large number of shrimps may not have enough oxygen.

If there are a lot of shrimps, you definitely need a compressor in the aquarium.

Filtration systems are usually installed in aquariums where both arthropods and fish live, so the shrimp can do without it. But if there are a lot of inhabitants, but there are few plants, then it is still better to purchase an external canister or internal sponge filter. To prevent small shrimps from being sucked in there, you will need to put a sponge on the pipe of the device.

Illumination by crustaceans is necessary for the formation of daily biological rhythms. In addition, aquarium plants cannot do without light. For this purpose, fluorescent or LED sources are well suited. They will work efficiently and economically, and they will not heat up the water.

To maintain the desired temperature, you will have to get a heater. It is better if it is equipped with a thermostat that maintains the set value. But it is not always possible to completely trust the device, therefore sometimes you need to control the temperature set by it with a thermometer.

If the days are hot and the water in the aquarium is very hot, you will need to install a fan or refrigeration unit to reduce the temperature to acceptable values.

Waste products should be removed regularly so that the ammonia released from them does not lead to diseases of the shrimp. To do this, you will have to carefully siphon the soil.

Suitable food

Nutrition is an important point in keeping aquarium shrimp. They eat everything: algae rudiments, fish food, plant leaves. But they also need to be given boiled vegetables or special food purchased at the pet store. In the latter case, you need to pay attention to the composition. It must contain calcium, which is necessary for building a shell. Otherwise, the shrimp may begin to eat their own shell.

Frozen brine shrimp are good food

Frozen food made from bloodworms, brine shrimp, or even cod meat is a good choice.

More often than 1-3 times a week, arthropods do not need to be fed, since they will eat up the plants in the aquarium anyway, and increased nutrition can harm them. In addition, in nature, they often go without food for 7-10 days.

Breeding rules

Reproduction occurs when the female reaches puberty. At this time, she begins to secrete enzymes that attract the male. He fertilizes the eggs that have appeared under her tail, and after 4-6 weeks larvae appear from them. As soon as they come out of their eggs, they will immediately be able to feed on their own and, in general, lead a lifestyle characteristic of adults.

But for this process to take place, it is necessary to create conditions for mating. The female's reaching puberty can be accelerated by replacing the water with fresh water more often. In this case, shrimp molt faster, preceding the release of pheromones.

Shrimp fry immediately lead an independent lifestyle, like adults

After successful fertilization, you need to be even more careful about the characteristics of the water. Under any unfavorable factors, the female can shed her eggs and a new generation will not appear.

It should be borne in mind that up to 40 new larvae may appear at a time, but overpopulation usually does not occur, since with a lack of space and food, large individuals begin to feed on small ones, thereby regulating their numbers.

Fish Compatibility

If you do not want to have a separate shrimp, you can add arthropods to snails or small, non-aggressive fish. Shrimp get along well with the following species:

  • micro-fees;

Neon fish can be a good neighbor in a shrimp aquarium

However, even these fish will be interested in too small neighbors and some of the shrimp will still be eaten. This can be avoided by adding large enough arthropods to small fish so that they cannot swallow them.

To check in successfully, you need to adhere to the following rules:

Thus, slowly and following the well-being of new pets, you can successfully settle them in a new place of residence.

Common mistakes

Those who first decided to have shrimp often face certain difficulties. Their pets get sick or even die, although it would seem that everything was done correctly: an aquarium was chosen, water and food were prepared, all the necessary equipment was purchased.

Aquarium shrimp can hurt and die if the water is too stagnant in the aquarium.

The thing is that small arthropods are very sensitive to various components of the environment. The owner should be aware that the following factors are detrimental to them:

  1. Insufficiently settled water. Fresh liquid, in which microflora has not yet developed, is detrimental to shrimp, therefore, before the first pouring, the water should stand in a dark place for several weeks.
  2. Tobacco smoke. If people smoke in a room with an aquarium, aquatic inhabitants will not live long in such conditions. Shrimp are so sensitive to odor that they can be harmed even by falling asleep on the food with an unwashed hand holding a cigarette.
  3. Medicines and water stabilizers. Any chemical preparations containing the slightest trace of copper have a detrimental effect on arthropods.

Thus, the owner can accidentally make a mistake that will lead to the death of his pets. To prevent this from happening, you need to take a responsible attitude to caring for the inhabitants of the aquarium, and then they will delight with their beauty and health.