Desk sizes. How to choose the right desk for a student? What should be a desk for a first grader

The table is an indispensable part of the interior, without which no home can do. There are many modifications of such furniture: magazine, writing, computer or dining options. In choosing absolutely any model, one of the key roles is played by its height. Let's figure out what this parameter should be in different designs.

Of course, it all depends on the size of the children's room, but there are a few key points to consider:

  • the table should be well lit - optimal light should fall from the side;
  • a good option is to install a desk directly near the window, but in this case it will need to be moved away from the heating radiator by 15-20 cm - this will protect the child from drafts and too dry air, save the furniture;
  • if the desk is corner, then it must be placed in the corner that is closest to the window;
  • if you are equipping a children's room for two, then the table should be near the window, have one tabletop, but two chairs and a conditional division of the workspace.

A desk for a student is an important element in his room. Manufacturers offer a lot of models of the type of furniture in question, so you need to know what requirements apply to a particular student's desk.

Differences between a desk and a computer desk

There are no critical differences between a computer and a desk, as such. But still they are. Let's talk about some of them:

  • stand or compartment system unit. Main distinguishing feature computer furniture. The desk is missing as superfluous and unnecessary detail;
  • speaker stands. Small shelves on the superstructure. Most often located on the sides of it. There are in almost all computer and not in any desk;
  • pull-out shelf under the keyboard, located under the tabletop. A very handy item for computer furniture. If in this moment You do not need to print anything, it just slides in and does not take up space. On the desk is not needed in principle;
  • cable channel and holes for wires. Even if you are working on a laptop while sitting at your desk, wires are clearly not needed. The charger is connected to the laptop, as a rule, at night, and during operation, the mobile gadget is powered by a battery and does not need a power cord;
  • tabletop leather trim. In exclusive and expensive furniture for writing, this technique is often practiced. It is not only beautiful, but also practical. In computer furniture models this species finishing is not applied;
  • monitor mount. In some models of computer tables on the table top are made special mounts, in which the screen of the "smart machine" is fixed. In products for writing, they are absent as completely useless.

But despite many design differences, these interior items are undoubtedly similar. A special similarity can be observed between and their computer "brothers". Yes, and the dimensions of the tables are few differences. In general, based on all the qualities of furniture for writing and a computer, we can conclude that they are close relatives and do not differ very significantly. And in many ways they are even similar.

Do you know how high it should be desk? Read about it in the next section.

Note that even a fragile girl can assemble a desk from improvised materials. Don't believe? Then watch the following video:

Product parameters

For adults

Let's mention the parameters of desks. In some articles of the section, we thought about the size of desks in the context of the convenience of placing them in an office or work area. But the conversation about dimensions tied to anthropometric data did not come up, or this topic was mentioned in passing. And it is no less important than the parameters of furniture in the interior. Let's dwell on it in more detail.

The comfort of working at a desk largely depends on the size of the human body and the correct choice of furniture parameters. According to the "Modulor", which was designed by the great French-Swiss designer and architect Le Corbusier, special proportions are revealed. All modern furniture is made according to them, including desks. Only one single parameter affects the comfort of seating and health - the height of the table.

Based on the average height of an ordinary person, Le Corbusier deduced that the standard height of a desk should not be less than seventy centimeters, but not more than eighty, with rare exceptions. But this is a special case, rarely in our life there are giants and very small people. The proportions are calculated for the bulk of people living on Earth. According to them, desks are made. The average height of all the inhabitants of our planet, according to which the height was considered, is one hundred and eighty-three centimeters.

For comfortable work important and such a parameter as the length of the table. The length of the table is the distance from its left edge to the right edge relative to the person sitting at the workplace. The minimum length of the countertop must be at least sixty centimeters. This minimum dimension is necessary for the comfortable work of one adult. We emphasize the word minimum in this statement, it is desirable that the length of the workplace be longer.

The distance for the legs (that between the legs or pedestals of the desk) must be at least fifty-two centimeters.

An important role in determining a comfortable pastime at the desk is played by the width and height of the chair. They are also calculated in Modulor. The width of the work chair or armchair must be at least forty centimeters with a height of forty-two to forty-eight centimeters, respectively.

But these are all dimensions of furniture for adults.

Photo of a desk with shelves placed by the window

For a child

But how to choose the right desk and chair for him for a child? Let's describe the main criteria:

  • when seated at a table, the feet are completely on the floor, and a right angle is formed between the lower leg and thigh. If the angle is obtuse - the chair is too high, the angle is sharp - pick up the furniture higher;
  • determine the depth of the chair as follows - the seat should not dig into the popliteal joints;
  • the distance between the knees and the tabletop should be ten to fifteen centimeters;
  • correct distance from the eyes to the tabletop should be equal to the distance from the fingertips to the elbow of your offspring.

If you have already managed to buy a desk for yourself, but not for your child, then before running to a furniture store, we recommend watching the following video:

Where is the best place to place this item?

When purchasing a desk, the question often arises: “How and where is it better to place it?”. Many are guided by considerations of personal taste, someone sets the table based on the convenience for work and proper lighting, and some are guided by the teachings of Feng Shui. And we will focus on all these aspects.

The desktop, according to Chinese teachings, should have not only a beautiful appearance and but also excellent feng shui. Factors to be observed for this:

  • you can not sit with your back to the window;
  • do not sit opposite the door to the room;
  • pay close attention to the symbols of water (images, aquarium, indoor fountain or waterfall). They should not be behind. Place these symbols in front of your eyes or above your head;
  • the larger the table, the better;
  • obligatory order on the table. A tabletop littered with papers is not feng shui.

As Chinese philosophy teaches, if these factors are observed, the owner of the office, where the table is correctly installed, will be lucky in business and finances.

For health reasons, the table is set in front of the window, so that you sit facing the opening. Daylight should fall so that the shadow from the hand does not cover what you are writing.

And with artificial lighting, it is important to ensure that it is not dimmer than sunlight. Ideally white, not yellow, close to daylight. This is what ophthalmologists advise.

And of course, all of us have our own vision of the location of the table in the room. Here you can be guided by our advice, or you can put the furniture to your taste. As they say, the master is the master.

In more detail about the nuances of Feng Shui associated with the placement of desks, the following video will tell:

Points of sale and ways to save

The purchase question can be answered immediately. As we have repeatedly written in many of our articles about furniture, the easiest way is to buy furniture inexpensively, incl. and a desk in an online store: save money and time. Yes, and you can choose among a huge number of manufacturers, without driving around the furniture stores throughout the city. In addition, online stores offer both photos, videos, and 3D models of products, so you can see everything to the smallest detail even better than live.

As for savings when buying a desk:

  • brand and country of origin. Domestic tables are not an example cheaper than Italian ones. And a lesser-known factory does not raise prices because of popularity. Although sometimes her products are much better;
  • material. The simpler it is, the cheaper the table. Chipboard products are three times cheaper than solid wood furniture;
  • dimensions. The smaller the desk, the more less material it took to manufacture, and, consequently, the price is lower;
  • accessories. Various handles, hinges and drawer guides also have their price. The higher the quality, the more expensive the product.

Desk for two

Price abundance

Well, finally, we got to the price categories of desks. There are not so many of them:

  • . The most expensive type of tables. They are made, as a rule, and finished with carvings, inlays, leather. This furniture costs from 40,000 to 800,000 rubles. Pricing depends on the type of wood and manufacturer. Often performed in;
  • medium. Made from both natural wood and wood-based materials. Moreover, the price of these categories of products will differ two or three times. The functionality of medium tables is the same as that of large ones, only they are cheaper and take up much less space. For which they are popular with the people. The price of this category is from 5000 to 35000 rubles;

The health of a person working at a computer is affected by many factors, one of which is the height of the table. An incorrectly calculated height of the product can cause diseases of the spine, as well as visual impairment. In addition, a person who feels discomfort when working at a computer desk consumes much more energy, and, therefore, quickly gets tired. In general, it is troublesome to have a table of improper height. Therefore, I propose to look into this issue in detail.

Solutions for non-standard situations

But what about those who are 155 cm or 195 cm tall? After all, there are many such people. Do they have to suffer all their lives, sitting at uncomfortable tables? Of course not. Here I personally see three options for solving the problem:

  1. 1. You can achieve a comfortable position by changing the height of the chair. Modern office chairs allow you to adjust the height of the user's position relative to the table. So why not take advantage of this? But this option is suitable for people whose height is below 168 cm. You can simply adjust the height of the chair, setting for yourself the most comfortable position in height relative to the top of the table.

    However, I want to note that if you raise the chair higher, then your legs will no longer be bent at the knees at 90 degrees. Therefore, you definitely need to install a low stand under your feet. So you can ensure yourself a comfortable position at a computer desk of standard height. But this method, I repeat once again, is suitable for people of short stature. But what about high PC users? And for tall ones, perhaps the second or third option is suitable. Let's go to them.

  2. 2. Make a table of the proper height according to custom order. This method is a good solution for tall people, and it is also suitable for those who are under 168 cm tall. You have the calculation formula. So, I think you can quickly decide on the height of a computer desk, making it yourself or to order. And finally, the third way.
  3. 3. Make a table with an adjustable table top position. Desks with adjustable height are popular with furniture manufacturers for schoolchildren today. The child grows, and with him his desktop “grows” - this is the right and thoughtful approach. Actually, we can take it into service by designing a computer desk at which a short mother-in-law with a height of 155 cm and her favorite son-in-law with a height of 192 cm will work. It can be made possible to adjust the height of the tabletop to the height of each user.

    I would not call this method ideal - it has a number of disadvantages. For example, the possibility of designing some models of extensions for such tables becomes more complicated. Also, to change the height of the countertop, you will have to remove everything from the table. However, it is possible that this particular option may become the most good decision question.

So, we considered the issue of calculating the height of a computer desk. I hope I was able to present the information intelligibly and clearly. It remains the case for small things - to make a decision in favor of one or another option. But you must do this yourself. I wish you all good luck! I'm sure you will succeed!

Today, a large number of people spend a lot of time at the computer. Unfortunately, few people know that many factors affect the health of a person in a sitting position. The main one is the height of the computer desk itself. If you choose the wrong furniture height, then this can lead to poor health, especially for diseases of the spine and visual impairment. It is also worth noting that it is inconvenient to work at such a table, which leads to loss a large number energy and fatigue.

The choice of table must be approached very carefully. Of course, if there is a desire, then you can make such furniture with your own hands. You can create various add-ons that will decorate this element of the interior and increase its functionality. In order to make such furniture with do-it-yourself add-ons, you need to take into account some advice from professionals and make the drawing correctly.

computer desk model

How to solve unusual situations

When it comes to furniture with a superstructure that will be used by all family members, you should seriously think about its height. To date, decide unusual situation can be done in several ways:

Table dimensions

With the help of such methods, you can make furniture that will be convenient to use for all family members. The best option here would be to make a computer desk with your own hands. The main advantages of this method are saving the family budget and the ability to create comfortable furniture for work. The main thing is to draw up a drawing correctly.

Computer desk with an add-on: how to make

Before you start creating a project or manufacturing parts, you need to decide on design features furniture. First of all, this concerns the choice of the type of construction. To date, there are several types of construction of such furniture:

  • Direct design. Classic variant such furniture, which is particularly popular. Unfortunately, not everyone may have the opportunity to install such a product along the wall. Peculiarity straight table is that it can have different sizes and functionality. Often it is combined with extensions, which are used to store various items.
  • Angle design. Compared to the first option, such furniture can take up quite a lot of space. Therefore, corner tables are often used in spacious rooms. With their help, you can use the corner space as efficiently as possible.

Each of these structures, both straight and angular, can be easily built with your own hands. The main thing is to draw up a drawing correctly and make parts with high quality.

Making a computer desk with your own hands

The computer desk is important element interior. Since it is often used for work, its manufacture must be approached very carefully. The sequence of manufacturing such furniture looks something like this:

  • The choice of design and location of the table with the superstructure. As for the design, the tables can be rectangular or angular. There should be a separate socket near the table.
  • Design and drawing up drawings. At this stage, a detailed analysis of future furniture is carried out. Here it is worth determining the material and dimensions of the product. For the production of such a design with your own hands, it is best to use chipboard. To create original furniture, you can use metal and glass elements. These features must be taken into account when drawing up a drawing.
  • Production of elements of the future table with a superstructure. Cutting material is best done in special workshops. This will allow you to make a quality cut, without any deviations. The ends of the finished parts are finished with a special tape, which has adhesive coating. To fix it on the surface, you can use a regular household iron. You just need to heat the tape and press it to the end for a few minutes.
  • Furniture assembly. When doing this work with your own hands, you should use the prepared drawings. Confirmants are used to fasten parts. With their help, you can securely fasten the parts into one design.

With these tips and a little effort, you can make a unique computer desk with your own hands. The main thing is to accurately determine the needs and correctly draw up a drawing.

Thematic materials:

Updated: 04/28/2018

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How to choose a chair for a student?

So, you picked up the table, it's time to move on to choosing a chair.

Colored swivel chairs are bought very well from us for schoolchildren. They are adjustable in height, you can pick them up for any table, and children like bright colors, - said the manager of the furniture company Evgeny. - The price is very democratic - 2300 rubles.

In general, the choice of chairs for schoolchildren, as it turned out, is rather modest in Khabarovsk. In all stores we came across almost the same models. Mostly chairs on wheels. different sizes and colours.

Price policy, on the contrary, is very diverse: from 1,500 rubles for the simplest chair, where the back and height position are not adjustable, up to 9 thousand rubles for a chair with an ergonomic back, changing height position, soft armrests, footrest and other bells and whistles.

Let's see what doctors advise us. The back of the chair should be sufficiently rigid and straight so that the child does not have the desire to turn or tilt the body. Armrests for a school chair, according to doctors, are not needed. To select the height of the chair, special tables have been developed. So, with an average height of a first-grader of 119 cm, he needs a chair 30-32 cm high. A 10-11-year-old teenager with an average height of 135-140 cm needs a chair 36-38 cm in height.

Pick up perfect chair, suitable in height to the study table, and for maintaining a healthy posture of your child, you can visit

Don't forget the little things like table lamp, a cup for pencils, a stand for books and other pleasant things. Their child is more interested in choosing for himself.

General standards

Many consumers in search of a particular type of table for the most part rely on its design and functionality completely forgetting about this important nuance like its height.

The importance of a properly selected table height is explained by the fact that it will be absolutely uncomfortable to sit behind a model that is too low or high. A person can get back pain and even the joints of the hands. In addition, being behind such furniture, any user will rather get tired and tired.

To date, there are general standards in accordance with which modern furniture is made.

One of the most common and popular are tables for the kitchen or dining room. As a rule, such structures are similar in their parameters. Also in Soviet time standards for the dimensions of such furniture were approved. First of all, the height of the kitchen copy depends on the number of people for whom it is designed. In addition, this parameter is affected by the structure of the tabletop (circle, oval, square, rectangle, semicircle, triangle).

Standard measurements are made in all planes. Experts recommend supplementing such designs with chairs in which it is possible to adjust the length of the legs at your discretion.

In accordance with GOST, height kitchen model from the floor to the top edge of the countertop should be 72-75 cm, and the average chair height should be 40-45 cm (excluding the back). Structures with a back must have a height of 90 cm.

Similar standard parameters have computer desks. First of all, these parameters are calculated based on the height of the average user. For example, the average height of men in our country is 175 cm, and women - 162 cm. Based on these parameters, the standard furniture height is calculated - 75 cm.

Construction height standards do not say that only tables of this size are supplied to stores. Fortunately, today it will be possible to choose the most comfortable option for a person with any height and complexion.

Dinner table

As already mentioned, the size of the dining table largely depends on the number of people for which it is designed. The height of the user also affects the height of such a piece of furniture. For a certain circle of people (family), the height of the dining table can be calculated as follows:

  • most often several people live in one dwelling different ages, and the choice of the height of a suitable product should be based on the growth of the highest possible household. If users with small stature are uncomfortable behind such furniture, they can use a special pillow or buy transformable chairs with adjustable support heights;

  • the average height of a person in our country is 160-180 cm, so the lion's share of modern dining tables manufactured with these parameters in mind. The height of the structure in this case, as a rule, is 87-90 cm. It will be convenient for both men and women to use such a product;
  • if all family members cannot boast of high growth (less than 160 cm), then in such situations the legs of the furniture should be slightly lower, and the height of the structure as a whole should be limited to 82 cm from the surface of the edge of the countertop;

  • in some cases, a person's height is even more modest. If it is not more than 150 cm, then you should choose a table whose height does not exceed 76 cm. Using such furniture, undersized users will be as comfortable as possible to sit at the table;
  • in cases where the height of users exceeds 180 cm, it is recommended to choose a high-quality kitchen table with an increased height. It should reach up to 1 m from the countertop to the floor. tall people behind such furniture it will be comfortable to sit and do not have to hunch or bend.

How to choose the right one?

When choosing a computer, kitchen or desk, you need to rely on a number of criteria that will help you purchase the most convenient model:

  • do not forget about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the table will be located. After installing such furniture in the room, there should be enough space for the passage and opening of drawers / cabinets of other interior items;
  • choose designs that are ideally suited to the height of the user. For example, for a child with a height of 130-139 cm, a table with a height of 60-65 cm is ideal, and for an adult with an average height, you should choose a model of 72-75 cm in height;

  • important role in performance characteristics and the durability of the furniture is played by the material from which it is made. Buy only high-quality and reliable options. Currently, tables made of natural wood, veneered specimens or metal constructions;
  • pay attention to the height of the chairs. The tabletop should not be too high or too low from the person sitting on the chair. The most successful and versatile is the chair, which has the ability to adjust the height of the seat;

  • before buying, try to sit down at the table and understand by your feelings whether it will be convenient for you to work / study at it;
  • for younger users, it is recommended to purchase additional footrests, since when at the table, their feet should be on a flat surface. In many table designs (especially computer tables), this part is present and is a special shelf under the tabletop, but in some models it is not there and you need to buy the “foot” separately.

Calculation examples

The height of the manufactured structures is measured from the floor surface to the top edge of the countertop. As mentioned above, the standard options are those in which this parameter is 72-78 cm.

The height of the chair is measured from the floor to the seat and is usually 40-45 cm (ideal is 42 cm).

You can correctly calculate the height of the table for a specific user yourself. Let's get acquainted with a simple mathematical formula using the example of a kitchen model. It looks like this: height (cm) x 75 cm / 175 cm = furniture height. As for the height of the chair, in this case, subtract from the result of the previous calculation:

  • 45 cm if furniture users are tall;
  • 23-43 cm for people of average height (slightly above or below 165 cm);
  • 40cm if users are short.

If you have an average height of 170 cm, then the formula for calculating the height of the table will look something like this: 170x75 / 165 \u003d 77.3 cm. Now, to find out the dimensions of the chair, you need to subtract 45 from 77, 3 and as a result we get 32.3 cm. It seems that everything is very simple and clear, but in life this process often becomes more complicated, because it is not difficult to choose the best option for a particular person, but for the whole family it is problematic. This is due to the fact that each household has its own height.

For example, if the wife is 170 cm tall and the husband is 180 cm, then the average for two is 175 cm. For this value, the height kitchen table should be calculated as follows: 175x75 / 165 \u003d 79.5 cm.

If the family consists of three (or more) people, then it is simply impossible to do without calculating the average height of all household members. To do this, it will be necessary to add all the growth indicators and divide them by the number of family members. After that, you should calculate the height of the table using the above mathematical formula.

Let's check the set again:

  • EULES. School chair, pink, silver. 2 999 rubles.
  • PAUL. Desk, white, pink. 3 999 rubles.

Delivery to Orel was ordered at IKEA57, below we will share contacts.

The whole set is three boxes and a chair seat.
As always happens with Ikea - everything is neatly packed, signed, numbered. The beauty.
Assembling Ikea furniture is a pleasure. The tool required a regular Phillips screwdriver and wrench on 10.
It took 10 minutes maximum to assemble. Voila. Chloe likes (that's the name of the dog) and so do we.

For their children, parents strive to acquire high-quality, reliable things. From right choice depends on the health and progress of the child. After all, if the furniture where you have to do your homework is uncomfortable, the baby will not be able to sit here for a sufficient amount of time. It will be difficult for him to study at home. That is why it is so important to approach the process responsibly.

When choosing sizes for a student, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists. There are certain rules that allow optimal furniture. Spending quite a long time at the desk, the student must sit correctly. The health of his back, vision, as well as comfort and performance directly depend on this. A child will not sit long at an uncomfortable table. This will make it difficult to concentrate on educational material. How to choose optimal dimensions experts advise.

Where to begin?

In second place is the quality of materials. The durability of the product, its comfort for the student depends on this indicator. Compliance of the presented furniture with the interior of the room should not escape the attention of the buyer, but nevertheless this is a secondary issue. The main thing is that the child likes the table. In the selection process, parents should pay attention to the quality of the fasteners. Children are very mobile, so the table must be strong, solid.

This is one of the most expensive purchases that parents of a first grader need to make. But a desk, chosen correctly, is operated for several years.

Popular table shape

When studying the standard sizes of a desk for a student, you need to pay attention to the shape. There are several popular options for the execution of the presented furniture. The first form is the oldest. But she is still in trend. These are rectangular tables with a small number of drawers.

Next, you should pay attention to such a variety as a computer desk. Nowadays, many schoolchildren have appropriate office equipment. At the same time, tables have a special place for a monitor, disks, a sliding panel for a keyboard.

If the size of the room allows, you can purchase an L-shaped variety. On one side, the child can do written work, and on the other, work on the computer.

Another popular design principle is the transforming table. It is adjusted to the growth of the child, so this product is used longer than the usual varieties of children's furniture.

Table making

The size of a desk for a student is regulated by GOST 11015-71. He identifies groups of children according to their height. There are 5 categories in total, which are marked with a letter or color. To make it easier to understand the principles that are used in the manufacture of tables, it is necessary to consider a table of their sizes for schoolchildren.

In the manufacture of furniture for schoolchildren adhere to the presented standards. This allows you to provide children with comfortable tables. Fatigue in this case is significantly reduced. This makes it possible to provide up to 85% of children suitable furniture for productive learning.

One of the dimensional drawings is shown below. All parameters are selected in accordance with the specified GOST.

Table dimensions

To make it easier for parents to choose the correct dimensions of furniture, it is necessary to consider a drawing of a desk with dimensions for a student (presented below). So that the child can freely lay out his notebooks, textbooks, width working area must be at least 60 cm, and the length must be 120 cm.

I - table length (120 cm).

II - table width (60 cm).

If on a normal rectangular table there will be a laptop or computer, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the equipment. The furniture will be even wider and longer. In this case, special varieties of tables will help to organize correctly. It is also important to choose the right height.

The distance from the floor to the countertop should correspond to the height of the child. So that he does not slouch, the desk should be high enough.

But if this parameter exceeds the norm, the legs of a small student will not reach the floor. It is very uncomfortable. There are other sizes to consider when choosing.

Table options

When choosing the size of a desk for a student in accordance with GOST, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of other parameters. It should be noted that the desk is selected simultaneously with the chair. When the child sits behind her, his feet should be on the floor. The knees should be bent at an angle of 90º.

There should be enough free space under the table. If there are drawers, the distance for the child's legs should be 45 cm long and at least 50 cm wide.

You also need to pay attention to the angle of the table top. Ideally, if it is 30 °. If the furniture is without a slope, you need to purchase a stand for books, notebooks.

How to check the correctness of the choice

The optimal size of a desk for a student should be selected together with the child. You need to ask the baby to sit on a chair. Elbows are free. In this case, the shoulders should not be raised. Feet are on the floor. The distance from them to the countertop should be 15 cm.

If the height is chosen correctly, the surface of the furniture will be level solar plexus child.

There is another simple test that allows you to evaluate the correct height of the furniture. When the student sits at the table, you need to ask him to put his hands in front of him. Next, with the tip of the middle finger, the child should reach the eye. If this condition is met, the choice is correct.

Additional equipment

Various additional elements may have desks for schoolchildren. The rules listed above will help determine the sizes. But the dimensions of the furniture also depend on its configuration.

To avoid chaos in the workplace, various shelves and drawers will be required. Various bedside tables may also be included. Such additional elements must be on wheels. This will allow you to freely move the bedside tables if necessary.

Shelves above the table can be open. Drawers in the table are also needed. Some doors can be locked with a key. This will enable the child to feel his personal space, to keep some of his secrets.

Overview of low-cost models

In search of the best furniture options, consider reviewing comfortable desks for the student. Among inexpensive varieties (from 6 to 10 thousand rubles), models such as Delta-10, DEMI, R-304, Grifon Style R800 should be distinguished.

These are pretty high-quality furniture options for schoolchildren. They are noted as the best in the low-price segment by many buyers. The materials from which the presented tables are made are safe for the child.

Wanting to exploit the furniture long time, it is worth buying "DEMI". It can be adjusted to the height of the child. If the baby stoops, sits incorrectly, you can give preference to the R-304 table. It has a special cutout that corrects posture. If there is a computer on the table, it is better to buy R800.

Overview of medium and expensive tables

When studying the size of a desk for a student, you should pay attention to expensive and medium-priced products. Their price starts at 11 thousand rubles. Up to 15 thousand rubles. such popular models as Direct 1200M, Comstep-01/BB, orthopedic Conductor-03/Milk&B, Mealux BD-205 will cost. These are stylish, beautiful models with a wide range of functions. They are selected according to the needs of the child.

Users note that the Moll Champion transforming table has the best value for money. Its cost is about 35 thousand rubles. The tabletop is divided into three functional areas. This is comfortable furniture in all respects. Durability and comfort are confirmed by numerous user reviews.

When choosing the size of a desk for a student, parents tend to buy the most comfortable furniture. In addition to dimensions, for this you need to pay attention to the shape. Lines should be smooth, streamlined.

The surfaces of high-quality furniture do not have hooks, irregularities. The table should not smell like varnish or other chemicals. Too soft a surface will be short-lived. This is typical for low-quality plastic. Therefore, it is better to give preference to more expensive, but solid materials.

It is also necessary to consider the harmonious arrangement of furniture in the interior. It is very important to create proper lighting. Therefore, initially it is necessary to place the table so that a sufficient amount of daylight falls on it. It is also necessary to put a lamp. This is a mandatory attribute of the student's desktop. Some models already have the appropriate places to connect the lamp.

By approaching the selection process responsibly, you can buy high-quality, durable furniture. At such a table, it will be convenient for the child to do homework. He will not slouch, get tired quickly. If a young student really likes this thing, he will be able to spend a sufficient amount of time at the table. And his success depends on it. The table is a personal corner of the child. Therefore, the choice of this piece of furniture must be approached as responsibly as possible.

The right table and chair for homework

The correct position when sitting for a child is a condition for developing posture and maintaining health. education, especially in primary school, is a load, stress for the body. Therefore, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for learning. How to choose the right furniture for a child?

Gorgeous ergonomic writing desk Direct 1200 M, complete with computer extensions

Desk for schoolchildren COMSTEP-01/BB is the simplicity of design and comfortable position of the child

The transforming table can be used for a very long time, it allows you to adjust the height of the legs, as well as the tilt of the tabletop

Correct posture

Children's orthopedic table Conductor-03/Milk&B, which allows you to adjust the height of the table and the angle of the table top

Adopted and the rules for the location of the child.

The moll Champion transforming children's desk is a wonderful table for a small schoolchild

Width and Depth

We select the height children's table and a chair according to height

However, it's not just the height of the table that matters. The width of the table and the depth of the working surface of the chair are important. The tabletop should be of such a width that after placement necessary accessories the child's forearms were left with at least 10 cm of space.

Correct workplace for schoolchildren, allowing to maintain good posture and vision of the child

The depth should be such that when the child's back touches the back of the chair, his legs do not touch the seat. In practice, this is at least 0.3 meters. And the optimal width of the chair is considered to be a value equal to 2/3 of the surface of the thigh.

The growing school desk DEMI is suitable for elementary and high school students

For writing and drawing, do not deviate forward more than 15 °. It is impossible for the person sitting to touch the surface of the table with his chest - this is 100% evidence that the height is chosen incorrectly.

Correct and incorrect position when the child is sitting at the workplace

For different types of activities, the table top needs to be tilted at a certain angle.

Buying for growth

Children's table Mealux BD-205 with Stabilus lift, with which you can easily adjust the height of the tabletop

Not every family can afford to make frequent purchases - children grow up quickly. Many people buy children's furniture for 5-6 years of study. How to place the seated person in this case?

Wooden adjustable table and chair

The way out is to buy the appropriate chair.

School desks with adjustable chairs

Comfortable chair, the height of which is adjusted as the child grows

In order for the child's legs to have normal support, a special stand is purchased or made independently, taking up to 30% of the space. It can be made both permanently installed near the table and portable. In the latter case, 2-3 people can comfortably use it. As the student's height increases, the stand is simply removed.

Table for a child for study and other activities with a high chair according to the age of the child

The best option for a table "for growth" is an adjustable model. The value changes in increments of 5–6 centimeters, so you can choose the parameters for any height. Table made from quality materials, will last the entire period of study.

The growing table allows you to adjust the height of the table and the angle of the tabletop, depending on the height and type of activity

PC placement

Convenient correct computer table for classes and games

Computer desk for a senior student

More than 60% of families in the country have at least 1 PC. 50% of the offers of desks are products that provide for the placement of a monitor and a system unit. This solution looks convenient and saves space, but you should not choose a universal product.

Computer desk and chair placed in the corner of the room

It is better to place the computer separately. Then there will be more space, and from educational process nothing will distract.

Table for writing and studying on a computer for a teenager

Do not forget about gymnastics - every 15-20 minutes, sitting should be interrupted to perform a warm-up. The implementation of these rules guarantees the correct, beautiful posture and the health of the spine.

Comfortable computer desk of an unusual shape

Video: Desk desk transformer 'Acrobat', array

According to statistics, the vast majority of pathologies of the spinal column develops due to the fact that a person sits incorrectly at a desk. The root cause of this phenomenon is the incorrectly selected dimensions of the furniture, which directly affect the ease of use, posture and back health. That is why, if necessary, to purchase a desk, the dimensions of the product are the first thing that should be taken into account when choosing. The range of products varies in a fairly wide range, from a compact rectangular configuration to transformer models or corner structures. First of all, it is worth focusing on the user's height, the presence of certain medical indications, the dimensions of the room where the table is planned to be placed, and only then on the interior features and personal tastes.

An important criterion that affects the size of the desk is its functionality. If for elementary school student a standard configuration is enough, then the workplace of a student, architect or office worker should be much larger. Of course, the dimensions of the room in which it is planned to put the furniture are also taken into account. If it is a small room, the best option there will be a small size school desk. These models are divided into:

  1. Single pedestal. This is the most standard design, which is positioned as small-sized. On one side is working surface, on the other - a built-in cabinet with one or more drawers. Standard dimensions - 120 x 60 cm.
  2. Two-pedestal. Another compact classic model, the drawers in which are located on both sides of the countertop. Standard dimensions- 140 x 60 cm.
  3. With rolling cabinet. The model is most often found in offices, slightly expanding the functionality of the furniture. The curbstone can be used as part of the table or as a separate self-sufficient element of the situation. Dimensions usually coincide with single-pedestal counterparts.

In some cases, the desk is combined with a computer, which affects the dimensions of the furniture. Functional L-shaped (corner) designs are popular, they are roomy, while not very bulky, they allow you to conveniently place all the necessary student supplies, a PC or laptop. The width of such tables starts from 120-160 cm, the depth is in the range of 800-120 cm. Transformer tables are also classified as medium-sized furniture, they are slightly higher and wider than standard ones, while they have a lot of additional features, in particular, adjusting the angle of inclination and table top height. Such models are conveniently placed in standard apartments where every square meter is valuable.

The best option for a student is a full-fledged set with a built-in table, where all the necessary educational and developmental supplies, as well as household items, will fit. At the same time, it should be understood that the functionality and bulkiness of such a model are directly proportional.

Single pedestal


With rolling cabinet


Set with built-in table

Standard sizes

The standard sizes of the desk were developed by the joint efforts of designers and employees of medical research laboratories. When creating furniture, experts took into account ease of use and ergonomics. Much attention was also paid to medical indicators. The main goal of the designers was to avoid overstrain when working at the table, which can lead to diseases of the spine and stagnation of blood in the body with a long stay in one position. The main dimensions of a desk for a student, which you should pay attention to when choosing, are height, length, depth.

straight table

Direct desk - the most common variation of furniture. Most important parameter- height. The calculation is based on the height of a person. With an average adult male of 175 cm and a woman of 162 cm, the height of the furniture should be approximately 75 cm. This is an average standard size, which is used in the manufacture of a direct desk. The dimensions of this model for adults can be summarized in a table.

These are standard indicators that most manufacturers adhere to.

A direct desk for a child differs in height from an adult version. In children's models, this parameter starts from 52 cm. Properly selected dimensions will guarantee that the student will keep his back straight during classes. If a laptop or computer is used at the same time, the monitor screen at the required height of the furniture will be at eye level, which also does not harm health.

Width and depth are selected taking into account the functionality of the table. If you plan to use it only as a written one, it will be enough small sizes. When working with office equipment, it is worth giving preference to a wide tabletop.

To make the furniture more functional, it is supplemented with drawers, shelves, racks and add-ons that are designed to store textbooks, books, notebooks, albums, and stationery. The optimal parameters of additional devices are summarized in the table.

Table dimensions for adults

Optimum options for accessories

corner model

Such a table is considered very convenient and roomy due to its design and size. The main parameters of the angular adult model according to GOST:

The production of children's desks in height also starts from 52 cm. If desired, you can order a model with individual sizes, however, this service will cost a little more than purchasing a standard product.

Often, a corner desk combines the functions of a computer desk. The design has fixtures for the keyboard, system unit and monitor. They have the following options:

  • sliding shelf - 10-15 cm under the tabletop, this arrangement is convenient for typing on the keyboard;
  • superstructure for the monitor - 10-12 cm, which will allow the eyes not to get tired during work;
  • stand for the system unit - 10-15 cm above the floor covering, which will eliminate overheating.

Advantage corner table in that it perfectly saves space, while it has two separate zones: for working with a computer and papers.

growing structure

For children who are just going to school, the best option would be a growing table, the height of which can be increased as the child grows up. Such a product will not only save correct posture but also save family budget, since you do not need to buy several models during your studies.

The height of the table is adjusted using a sliding or electronic mechanisms. You can also adjust it with legs that have the shape of the letter "X". Dimensions of this design are presented in the table.

The standard step for changing the height of such a product is 5-6 cm.

For two children

In families with two children, there is often a problem with space in the room to install several desks. To save space, you can purchase a special product. This design looks like regular table, although it is slightly larger in size. The increased length allows two children to do homework, draw, sculpt and do other creative work at the same time, without interfering with each other. The presence of shelves drawers, in which you can store the office and books, will also be a plus. The dimensions of a desk for two can be as follows:

If there is a big age difference between children, it will be difficult to choose such a table. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the model with the function of adjusting the height of each workplace. The optimal solution there will also be the purchase of chairs with adjustable height and footrest.

How to determine the optimal height

Before choosing a desk for a student, it is important to study the recommendations of experts:

  1. When writing, the feet should be straight on the floor. It is necessary that they fully reach the floor covering. Stretched legs indicate the wrong height. Both elbows should be on the table. They can't hang down.
  2. The distance from the tabletop to the hips is no more than 18 cm. This standard height which must always be adhered to. The exception is designs with retractable drawers, which slightly reduce these dimensions.
  3. When working at a computer, the eyes should be directly opposite the monitor. In this case, the head should not be tilted down.
  4. While reading, it is very important that the distance between the book and the eyes is equal to the length of the arm from the elbow joint to the fingertips.

A table, correctly selected in height, excludes the development of scoliosis and other diseases of the spine in a child. At the same time, the parameters baby chair: when resting on the back, the seat should not press under the knees. Under these conditions, the back of the child will always be straight. The same rules must be followed by an adult.

Basic requirements for tables for schoolchildren

Separately, it is worth noting the requirements for the size of the desk, at which students spend a lot of time, from the first grade to the eleventh. To select a working model, one should be guided not so much by the style of the room as by the health of the child. Specialists have developed the main parameters of the desk - the standard for students:

  • the width must be 1 meter or more;
  • depth - from 0.6 m and more;
  • place for setting hands - 50 x 50 cm.

The height of the desk depends on the height of the student. These parameters can be summarized in a table.

Guided by these parameters when purchasing furniture for children, you can avoid problems with the spine, which are just associated with improper fit.

When choosing a product, it is important to ensure that it is ergonomic, which will prevent bruises when hitting sharp corners. Convenient for work will be a design with an inclined tabletop, which will allow you not to use bookends. The angle of inclination should be 30 degrees. It is also worth taking seriously the choice of additional shelves and bedside tables, which are often equipped with desks. They should be easy to open and not interfere with the child when doing homework.

The height of the desk depends on the height of the student

Convenient for work will be a table with an inclined top

Additional boxes should be easy to open and not interfere with work

To ensure that classes at any age are comfortable and do not harm the health of the child, parents should consider helpful tips, suggesting how to choose the right desk. The ideal solution for the student there will be a transformable (“growing”) structure. It is convenient in that it allows you to adjust the height to the height of the child, as well as change the slope of the table top. Such a design will cost an order of magnitude more expensive, but will last for many years.

When choosing a standard desk model, you can adjust its height with a chair with a rising seat. Another way out of the situation can be a special footrest, which will reduce the distance from the tabletop to the floor. This is a small structure made of plastic or metal. It can be stationary - installed near furniture, or portable. In the second case, it can be removed if other family members are working at the table, as well as when the child grows up. You can replace such a stand with a small stool.