Human energy centers. Chakras

Have you thought about what human chakras are, why they are needed, where they are located and how to cleanse them? Let's understand in simple terms.

I think that the article should begin with the question of whether there are human chakras? After all, we do not see them and most people do not feel them. So, is there any reason to believe that they do not exist?

Definitely not. There are a lot of things in the world that a person, unfortunately (although no, it’s more suitable here, fortunately) does not see and does not feel. These include not only some mystical things, but even simple radio waves, the existence of which no one denies today.

If you go back 500 years and talk about today's technologies, then this would most likely shock people. Someone would call you crazy, someone would simply not believe it. For example, let's take a phone. Today we can talk on the phone and do not even think about how this happens. But before it was something impossible. How? How can two tubes carry on a dialogue at any distance?

For some people, the human chakras represent something like a telephone for our distant ancestors. I hope that the time will come and people will realize that chakras really exist. Even though we don't see them, that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Each of us has our own energy. And no one knows your energy better than yourself. We cannot unequivocally say: "chakras really exist", however, this term defines the inner feelings of many people who were engaged in spiritual development. They have chakras. Why would a simple person who is not engaged in spiritual growth deny their existence?

What are chakras?

Chakras are the psycho-energetic centers of a person, which are the intersection of the channels through which the vital energy of a person flows. They are also called the rotating whirlpools of energies that run along our spine.

As you should already know from the article about human energy, in order to exist and interact with the outside world, we need energy. As stated in the above article, one of them is food. It helps us to renew tissues and "build" our body. But this is clearly not enough for us. There is an opinion that we get only 20% of the energy for existence from food. Where to get the remaining 80%?

We will discard some others and immediately say that it is the chakras that help a person to absorb the energy necessary for the body from the outside world.

Chakras can remind us of the receiver and transmitter of the energy that surrounds us. They work with the electromagnetic field and turn it into energy that fills us with vitality.

We are surrounded by chaos of various energies. Thanks to the chakras, a person receives from this chaos what he needs. How open these chakras are, how much energy you can receive. In addition to how to receive, the chakras are also designed to give energy to the energy world around us.

In simpler terms, with the help of chakras, a person “eats” energy from the environment and gets rid of unnecessary energy. Unnecessary human energy can be used for other purposes. For example, it is absorbed by animals, plants and objects that have an extremely low coefficient of vitality (surrounding objects). In addition, the energy that comes out of the chakras of one person can be transferred to another.

Understanding the work of the chakras can be an indispensable tool for you in understanding your inner world. By becoming aware of the chakra system, you will be able to easily deal with the problems that arise in your life.

Human chakras their meaning

Do we need them at all? What is the meaning of the human chakras? Let's start with the fact that if a person's chakras stopped working at the same time, he would die. After all, human chakras are energy centers, and their significance is quite obvious. Man cannot live without energy.

When one or more chakras work poorly, a person feels a lack of something in his life (later we will consider what each of the chakras is responsible for).

Full and harmonious work of all chakras brings a person great pleasure in life. Life becomes full, rich and joyful.

Chakras on the human body

Some of you may be wondering, "Does my body have chakras?" or "Do I have all the chakras?". Definitely - YES. Chakras on the human body are present in absolutely everyone. The only difference is how they function. Even for a specific person, they can work in different ways, depending on the period of life.

Some people are lucky to see chakras (or this happened due to long training). They describe them as shining whirlwinds in the form of circles that are concentrated at a point on the human body. The faster this vortex works, the more energy it can "process".

How Chakras Work

There are seven chakras in total. Each of the chakras works in its own frequency range.

Figure 2. Frequency spectrum. As you can see, the colors of the spectrum correspond to the colors of the chakras.

We will not delve into how a person transmits energy and information with the help of chakras, but only say that this happens with the help of electromagnetic waves. For a more detailed consideration of this issue, you need to refer to one of the sections of physics, namely, electromagnetic fields and waves.

As we have already said, chakras can carry both energy and information. The lower chakras (1-3) work mainly with energy, while the upper ones (6 and 7) work more with information. The middle chakras are a kind of balance between energy and information.

As you already know, chakras are designed to both absorb and expel energy. From this it follows that they can be in one of these states, but not simultaneously, but alternating.

What are chakras responsible for?

Each chakra is responsible for a different aspect of life. In one book, I came across a good example of this. Imagine that our spine is an elevator and the chakras on our body are floors. As we rise from the lowest chakra upward, we can observe life in a more beautiful way. Agree that the view from the first floor is more boring than from the seventh.

Chakras are responsible for ensuring that your life is filled with energy. And this, in turn, determines that joy, health and well-being in life.

When the work of one of the chakras is limited, you may feel a painful condition, a breakdown, a feeling of discomfort. If all the chakras are blocked, physical death can occur.

First chakra Muladhara (root chakra)

Figure 3. The first chakra Muladhara.

Color: red. Crystals: ruby, garnet, obsidian. Location: base of spine.

The first chakra is called Muladhara (sometimes also called the root chakra or the lower chakra). It connects the human body with the Earth. The Muladhara chakra is responsible for what a person needs in the first place to survive: food, water, warmth, shelter, protection, clothing. Procreation also applies here.

In order for this chakra to be in a healthy state, you need to find a place in nature where you would feel good. Some people like mountains, others like blooming gardens, some people like big canyons, and some people like lakes and forests. There are people who feel good only in the city. In a word, you need to communicate with nature, which you like.

If a person cannot provide himself with basic necessities (food, water, housing, clothing, etc.), then he will immediately feel the influence of the Muladhara chakra. This person simply will not be able to concentrate on anything else anymore. Including he will not be able to deal with other chakras. The solution to this problem is obvious: you need to balance this desire for survival.

Second chakra Svadhisthana (sex chakra/sacral chakra/genital chakra)

Figure 4. The second chakra of Svadhisthana.

Color: orange Crystal: carnelian, amber Location: pelvic area

The Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for how satisfied you are in life. If the first chakra is limited to survival, then here you must enjoy some process.

Svadhisthana craves as much pleasure and enjoyment as possible. You can easily get used to this lifestyle: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, etc. But you must not let your second chakra absorb all your energy.

The problem is that at the moment of enjoyment you "lose your head." All you have to do is to be aware of every moment of pleasure. If you notice that you are not doing well with the second chakra, but at the same time you will not do anything, then the search for pleasure in life will never end and will not lead to anything.

There is an easy way to know that the Svadhisthana chakra is out of balance. Pay attention to your attractiveness. If you consider yourself naturally attractive and you do not need other methods to improve your appearance, then most likely you are fine with the second chakra. Also pay attention not to feelings of jealousy and envy. They are signals to the incorrect operation of Svadhisthana, and if at the same time the first chakra does not work well for you, then these feelings will intensify.

Third chakra Manipura (solar plexus)

Figure 5. The third chakra of Manipura.

Color: yellow Crystal: amber, yellow tourmaline, citrine and topaz. Location: solar plexus

The Manipura chakra is responsible for strength and self-confidence, for self-control and self-discipline. One of the most important properties of this chakra is the ability to choose. It helps you say “yes” when you agree and “no” when you disagree with something.

Thanks to the good work of this chakra, you will be able not to be influenced by other people and act on your own, which gives us an important thing in life - freedom.

When we talked about the previous two chakras, we found out that for the first it will be enough just to survive in this world, for the second - to enjoy, for the third it is important that a person constantly develops his discipline and self-control.

If a person's third Manipura chakra is not balanced, then energy conflicts can often occur in his life, in which he allegedly receives some of the vital energy. Such a person can be called an energy vampire. On the contrary, when we see that a person knows how to concentrate and achieve the desired goal, and then take a break and enjoy the result, this indicates a developed 3rd chakra.

If a person does not do what he likes in life, then most likely you can notice how the Manipura chakra does not work properly for this person. After all, he obeys the will of another person and does not do what his own heart requires.

Fourth chakra Anahata (heart chakra)

Figure 6. Fourth chakra Anahata.

Green color. Crystal: aventurine, rose quartz. Location: heart

The fourth Anahata chakra is responsible for having Love in your life. Awakening love in your heart is one of the most important goals in human life.

The Anahata chakra is the middle chakra on the human body, which separates the three lower chakras from the three upper ones. This is the first energy center of a person, which is not aimed at personal energy, but at an attempt to erase the line between people in the world and feel the unity of nature.

The heart is the place that connects your ego and your spiritual life. In addition, according to some assumptions, this is also the place where the human soul lives.

Are you ready to take care of other people without demanding anything from them in return? If yes, then most likely you understand what love is.

If you sometimes have moments when you, feeling complete harmony, begin to do good deeds, then this can be called the first awakening of the fourth chakra of love.

Causing in yourself a state of harmony, joy, love for others, you thereby attract more and more people in whom you cause such states.

If the fourth chakra is unbalanced, then it will be difficult for you to refuse another person and you will begin to indulge the requirements of others, which will not always be best for you. You may be haunted by feelings of guilt and shame that cannot be attributed to positive feelings.

To move up a level from the third to the fourth chakra, you will need a lot of time and effort. You will have to develop a love for life and realize that the world is tripled as one.

Fifth chakra Vishuddha (throat chakra)

Figure 7. The fifth chakra Vishuddha.

Color: sky blue Crystal: celestine, aquamarine, chrysoprase Location: neck

The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is responsible for your creative abilities. Each person has a certain creative gift, talent. However, not all people discover it for themselves and, accordingly, do not use it to the fullest.

A developed and balanced Vishuddha chakra allows a person to be creative. Music, drawing, dancing becomes available thanks to this particular energy center. Performing creative work, a person feels inspiration and joy from his work.

In addition, a person uses his fifth chakra at the time of solving any problems. Sometimes a decision comes to your mind spontaneously. Such moments are called moments of insight.

If the opening and normal functioning of the fifth center indicates that a person has realized his uniqueness and originality, comprehended his knowledge about the world around him and brought them into his truth, then there is the other side. The imbalance of the center can be seen when a person deliberately tries to resist the opinions of others. If someone expresses his opinion on certain things, then such a person will definitely say: "No, you are wrong. I am right."

Also, a situation in which a person cannot express his opinion, because he believes that it is not correct or that no one is interested, can indicate a violation of the work of the Vishuddha chakra.

Sixth chakra Ajna (third eye chakra)

Figure 8. The sixth chakra Ajna.

Colour: blue Crystals: fluorite, indigo tourmaline Location: forehead, point above the bridge of the nose

The sixth chakra Ajna is responsible for your fantasies and imaginary world. Its awakening occurs when you seek to understand the mysteries of the world and the meaning of life. The Ajna chakra is responsible for ensuring that inspiration and grace are present in your life, which will allow you to escape from the reality of everyday life.

In order to tidy up the sixth chakra, you will need creative discipline and spiritual maturity.

The correct work of the Ajna chakra brings harmony and pleasure to your life. In addition, this chakra affects a person's intuition. By trusting her, you will notice that you no longer need to make efforts in order to carry out something planned in life. It may seem to you that all situations adjust to you and you appear at the right time in the right place. To do this, you will have to go through a difficult and painstaking path of work on yourself.

If you have lost or still have not found the meaning of life, then you should concentrate on the sixth chakra of Ajdna. You can use runes or tarot cards to get answers. In life, you will be given enough opportunities. The main thing is that you yourself want to use them.

The effect of the "third eye" or the distortion of reality can be obtained with the help of alcohol and drugs. But this feeling will be false. However, these states show how the sixth chakra works.

Seventh Chakra Sahasrara (crown chakra)

Figure 9. The seventh chakra Sahasrara.

Color: purple or white Crystal: clear quartz Location: top of the head

The seventh chakra Sahasrara is responsible for connections with the Divine, the disclosure of spiritual potential, insight. The author of one of the books about human chakras suggested that people who are now in a psychiatric hospital have come to this level of consciousness (not all, of course). But they are not connected to the lower chakras, so they can live in their own reality, which is different from ours.

People who have completely passed the path of development from the lower chakras to the upper Sahasrara chakra begin to live under the guidance of God, while drawing energy from an infinite source.

It is not possible for people to fully achieve the level of balance of the sixth chakra. And if it is given, then only a few. However, sometimes a person can feel a short-term effect of this chakra. After such an influence, priorities and outlooks on life change.

To live, realize and work on the 7th chakra means to live with faith and serve God. For most people, giving up the security and the most precious thing in life is a huge sacrifice. But this is only at first glance so. When you reach the higher chakra consciousness, you will get much more in life than you had before.

The location of the chakras on the human body

Figure 10. The location of the chakras on the example of a skeleton

Each chakra is a small rotating cone (about 3-5 centimeters in diameter)

Figure 11. The chakra looks like a rotating cone

Chakra colors

All 7 chakras have a different color that corresponds to the colors of the rainbow (red orange yellow green blue blue violet).

Figure 12 Chakra Meditation

Chakra work can be done through meditation. The main thing to understand here is that a person can experience for a moment the work of any of the seven chakras. But without meditation, you will not be able to hold this moment for a long time. You need to find a strong connection between all the chakras, and this can be helped by working with the chakras in the form of meditation. Remember that just knowing about the chakras is not enough, they need to be experienced and felt.

The first thing you have to do when working with the chakras is to develop the ability to feel them and realize the impact on your life.

To work with the chakras you need peace of mind. Perhaps this is the most important requirement in order to begin to be aware and move through the chakra system.


Chakras are human energy centers in the form of small cones that supply energy to a person and get rid of unnecessary ones. Chakras are extremely important for a person, because it is through them that we receive the main amount of energy, which in turn we need for existence.

Poor functioning of one of the chakras can lead to diseases and undesirable consequences for a person. Since energy is primary, and the physical body is built in the likeness of the energy body, various diseases can be treated with the help of chakra restoration.

The founder of this occult science is Academician Vladimir Aleksandrovich Petrov. When he studied at the medical institute, he asked himself the question of the inferiority of knowledge about the causes of diseases and methods of treatment. In 1983, he began to study cosmic energy, alternative healing methods. For 11 years he traveled to the Places of Power and studied shamanic, Central Asian healing techniques. He studied torsion fields with other scientists and people involved in the occult, ancient sciences.

Cosmoenergetics became known in 1994. At this time, it began to gradually spread. Then her classical methods were laid down, which are also used in the modern School of Cosmoenergetics. To date, it has undergone some changes, additions.

Today, the main school of this direction is located in Moscow, and branches in various cities of Russia and abroad.

The concept and principles of operation of cosmoenergy

Cosmoenergy is an occult practice based on connecting to energy-information channels through a mentor.

Most people have a limited perception of the world with the senses. Cosmoenergetics see deeper the laws of the world structure, use the settings for magical purposes.

The disease that struck a person speaks of a violation of the balance of internal energy and a loss of harmony with the outside world. Negative deeds and thoughts weaken the human biofield and attract even more negative energy. It causes illness, failure, lack of a full, joyful life. Cosmoenergetics enables the practitioner to tune in to channels that bring health and good luck in all spheres of life. Helps develop superpowers: clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy and others.

There are many frequencies in the universe with different properties. V. A. Petrov combined them into separate channels and blocks, developing an esoteric school based on ancient knowledge. The student receives initiations by attuning to them with the help of a mentor.

Blocks of cosmic energy, stages of initiation into channels

In space energy there are about 200 channels with different characteristics. They are divided into 4 blocks:

  1. Buddhist block. It is mainly used for healing.
  2. Magic block. It combines channels that allow you to influence the world around you - to engage in magic.
  3. Block of masters. These channels are synthesized from several frequencies with different properties. Suitable for people with developed energy.
  4. Egregor Zoroastrianism. This is a separate area of ​​cosmoenergy. It works with egregors - energy-informational fields that unite people on a certain topic.

Consider brief descriptions of some channels in blocks.

Buddhist block channels

In this block, they initiate into such channels:

  • Farun Buddha. Channel of initiation into cosmic energy. Gives protection, promotes the healing of almost all diseases.
  • Firast. It is used to heal many diseases, cleanse meridians, clean rooms, things, food, drinks from negativity.
  • Zeus. Designed to work with chakras - human energy centers: for cleansing chakras, cleansing from negativity. Treats diseases of the nervous system.
  • Shaon. It is used to enhance the effect of healing. With it, you can charge liquids, food, ointments.
  • Farun. Corrects posture.
  • Figure. It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ninalis. Stabilizes the cardiovascular system.
  • Ural. Used for colds.
  • Round. Eliminates bad habits and addictions.
  • Synrah. It has anti-aging properties for women.
  • Sinlakh. It has anti-aging properties for men.
  • Hektas. A strong channel that allows you to clear your mind and develop creative abilities.
  • Midi. Energy information channel of the Earth. Allows you to find the right things, people. Clears the mind, works on the upper chakras.

Magic block

It consists of the following channels:

  • First magical channel. It is used to remove various types of damage, protection from black witchcraft. Stabilizes the general mental background.
  • Mother. Channel with yin, soothing female energy. Gets rid of bindings to the lower worlds, protects from the evil eye, black magic.
  • Anael. It is used to harmonize the psyche.
  • Golden pyramid. Used for healing. The effect spreads over the territory, therefore, with its help, epidemics are eliminated, the ecology and the consciousness of many people are improved.
  • Tata. Improves hormonal levels.
  • Agni. Universal channel with male energy. Gives vitality.
  • Hum. Channel with female energy. Stops quarrels, stabilizes the nervous system.
  • Agni-Hum. Gets rid of spirit settlers.
  • Thor. Breaks dark energy.
  • Hecate. Heals women's diseases.
  • Bonn. Develops the ability to levitate.
  • Lugra. It is used to treat animals and plants.
  • Before. It is used for lucid dreams, astral travel.
  • Moonlight. Has an analgesic effect.
  • Sutra Karma. Used to speed up healing.

Block of masters

Consists of the following channels:

  • Perun. Used for defense and attacks.
  • Ulgen. To neutralize UFOs, entities from parallel worlds.
  • ASS. For protection from adepts-black sorcerers.
  • Voodoo. Channel with negative female energy. It is used to influence the human mind with the help of mental images.
  • Shiva. Removes magical bindings, increases intelligence and creativity.
  • Dhanvatari. Channel for self-healing and healing of the Master.
  • Pan. Used to win in disputes, bets, bidding.
  • Phantom operations channel. Its purpose is to initiate any channel up to the Master.
  • That. The development of clairvoyance, establishes contacts with the necessary entities.
  • Toka-Ton. Used for harmony in relationships with the opposite sex.
  • Milutti and Sirius. Channel for merging with the higher mind. Allows you to learn information about the laws of the world order, increase awareness.
  • Nally. Allows you to visit other planets and worlds.

Egregor Zoroastrianism

This direction is adjacent to cosmoenergy. Only a trained person, a Master, can deal with it. Here they turn to the gods, work with the necessary egregors, using various rituals. With the help of EH, healing, a beneficial effect on people's lives, is accelerated. Consider a few egregores:

  • Miter. Carries out the fulfillment of desires.
  • Humo. Brings good luck in all areas of life.
  • Hubby. Protects from natural disasters.
  • Mirikh. It is used for quarrels, divorces, loss of money and vice versa - for reconciliation, finds.
  • Max. Helps to cope with rabies, obsession, treats childhood diseases, etc.

Different opinions about cosmoenergy and possible danger from it

Judging by the reviews of people involved in cosmoenergy, it can both develop a person and harm his health. Many manage to heal themselves, people, animals, develop superpowers: to see the aura and other entities, to establish various areas of life, etc. Some people succeed in almost nothing, although there are few such people. Some students, having received attunements, feel good and even discover new abilities in themselves. But after some time, they observe a deterioration in their health: general weakness, insomnia, nightmares, nervous disorders. There are cases when people after that accept Orthodoxy and explain everything that happened to them with "the machinations of Satan." Prayers help them cleanse the energy cocoon, they feel better, and they believe that Orthodoxy is the only correct spiritual path. But what about those people who succeed?

Wikipedia explains a significant drawback of cosmoenergy. It says that through the body of a person who tunes in to a certain frequency, there is a constant flow of energy that not everyone is able to control. If the practitioner has a well-developed energy body, then everything goes well for him. If not, then various kinds of energy disturbances occur, an imbalance in the structure of the human cocoon.

The main disadvantage of cosmoenergetics is the poor selection of students. At the level of the first healing block, almost no one has problems. If a person, being poorly prepared, connects to powerful channels, to which some people have been coming for years, he gets problems instead of what he wants.

Cosmoenergy can be attributed to parapsychology, esotericism. Materialists and religious people consider it a sect, quackery, denying the possibility of development in such a school. But even among the occultists there are opponents. Some clairvoyant people claim that cosmic energy is based on the invocation of demons and symbiosis with them. Which leads either to the left hand path or to self-destruction, depending on the power level of the person.

Either way, the first healing block won't hurt anyone. There is a similar direction - Reiki - the management of vitality. It was founded in Japan by the monk Mikao Usui. Tradition is similar to cosmoenergetics in terms of initiations, only it has only a few adjustments-steps. It allows a person to develop bioenergetics and establish harmony with the outside world. Her main focus is healing. No matter how popular this tradition is, time-tested, and it has opponents. They claim that this is an egregor created for profit and sucking the life force out of people. This is all refuted by positive reviews of Reiki. There are many more. There are schools that combine cosmic energy and Reiki. For example, "Horizon of Consciousness".

The danger of cosmoenergy lies in the fact that it is not suitable for all people. After all, everyone has a different energy potential and different priorities in life. For some people, this school is ideal, it will make them strong and successful, while others will be disappointed and realize that this is not their way.

Human energy centers and their opening are very important for human energy health. Because it directly affects physical health, as well as spiritual development, social life and almost all spheres of human life.

We will briefly talk about each chakra and teach you the basic practices, techniques that allow you to open them.

Human charkras - description and meaning

First Chakra - Muladhara

Learn to survive. She is responsible for all the primal instincts: to continue the race, to defend themselves, to eat, to dress. You need to develop muladhara in order to be able to connect with the earth, to feel which places give you energy and which ones take away. A sign of imbalance in this chakra is a constant sense of danger. Fear of being hungry, homeless, etc.

People with unbalanced muladhara stock up on food for several months in advance, are obsessed with security, buy the most expensive alarms, but at the same time save to the point of absurdity. Careful work with consciousness, prayers and is necessary to calm fear and put the first chakra in order.

Second chakra - Svadhishthana

Teaches pleasure. It is she who is responsible for attractiveness, the desire to like the opposite sex, the need for emotions. And if muladhara teaches to survive, then svadhishthana helps to do it with pleasure.

If there is no balance in the second chakra, a person tends to get more and more thrills that will destroy him. He is insatiable for emotions. This is the case when instead of love - lust, instead of gourmet - gluttony, instead of outdoor activities - a constant search for thrills and adrenaline addiction.

In order to be saved and discover Svadhishthana, it is necessary to learn to control pleasures, immerse yourself in them and enjoy them fully in order to get satisfaction. The inability to enjoy and leads to a fatal dependence on new sensations.

To open and balance this energy center, you must first realize the problem, and then proceed to meditation.

Third Chakra - Manipura

Gives strength. Generates conviction and principles. Responsible for the ability to influence others, make decisions, be able to refuse or agree in the right situation. Self-control, discipline, the ability to accept limitations and follow rules. Firmness and achievements - for all this manipura is responsible.

The opening of the chakras in this case is necessary in order to be protected from aggressiveness, to have a developed will and self-control.

If the chakra is out of balance, you use your power too much or, conversely, you are very weak-willed. In the first case, you are dependent on victories, you constantly need to assert yourself using aggressive methods. In the second, you constantly feel guilty, you don’t know how to refuse, you fawn and adapt to those around you.

The disclosure of manipura is necessary in order to come to balance and be realized in life.

Fourth Chakra - Anahata

Asks for love. Responsible for the feeling of unity with the world, the ability to love, while controlling the mind. If the chakra is open and balanced, you will always achieve your goals, gain material and spiritual balance.

The anahata is unbalanced in sentimental people who easily break their hearts. Disorder with anahata is also in the case when a person strives only to give or only to receive in love. Or when anyone is a need for him, when a person is looking for love in others, forgetting that he should be its source.

Remember that even if 100 people tell you that they love you, you will not be satisfied if there is no love inside of you.

Meditations on the chakras are also used to work out the anahata. But this is not the only way. You need to start with the ability to love yourself, equally receive and give love.

Fifth Chakra - Vishuddha

He says create. Teaches creativity, reveals the potential of the individual. Moreover, creativity in this context is not artistic, musical and other abilities. This refers to the love of work, the ability to bring something new into it, to make a discovery. Even if you are a driver.

A well-opened and developed vishuddha allows you to tell the world about your “I”, to express yourself. But this cannot be done if a person does not realize and does not recognize his own uniqueness.

If the fifth chakra is not open enough, there is a stagnation of energy. This is very detrimental to the potential of the individual. A person becomes anxious, nervous, uncontrollable, he wastes energy. This is the case when you agree with your mother who sends you to study engineering when you wanted to become a psychologist. You indulge the desires of others who control you, and not your own (in terms of purpose, profession).

If you open vishuddha, inspiration will appear, you will begin to have a feeling of enlightenment, you will learn to benefit the world around you and you can prove yourself in anything. A lot of thoughts, ideas - it remains only to grab onto one thing.

Sixth chakra - Ajna

Shows that magic exists. Responsible for creativity, the ability to see God, the presence of spiritual will. A developed ajna in a person helps him never agree with the gray reality.

If the sixth chakra is unbalanced, a person has a desire to dream, to go into the world of dreams in order to reach the heights in his own virtual reality. In this case, a person ceases to pay attention to the material world.

The task of opening the sixth chakra is to discipline the spiritual will, to teach how to be realized in the material world, and not just dream of success in your own mind. With a good disclosure of ajna, a person is able to control reality, desire and achieve what he wants, he knows how to direct creative energy in the right direction.

Seventh Chakra - Sahasrara

This is pure spirituality. Embodiment of cosmic energy. The balance of the seventh chakra and its opening allows you to always hear God within you. Thanks to this, a person always has a clean source of correct answers. He sees his true path.

The imbalance of the seventh chakra is detrimental to the human mind and can even lead to a psychiatric hospital.

Meditation on the opening of the chakras in this case is useless: in order to balance and open the sahasrara completely, you must first achieve a balance of all other human energy centers.

Why open chakras?

In total, a person has 7 main energy centers. Their schematic arrangement is shown in the figure.

To understand what is required for the opening of the chakras, you need to know the purpose of each energy center. Let's briefly talk about the meaning of each of them, and about when disclosure is necessary.

How to open them?

Deep work with energy centers is possible only under the guidance of a competent and experienced esoteric specialist. Because there are practices that, if used incorrectly, can be quite dangerous.

Video about human energy centers and how to open them:

But there are also simple techniques that will help to open the spell a little without harming the human energy shell. Let's list them:

  1. Meditative techniques: for example, meditative music that opens the centers and uplifts the mood, coupled with the reading of mantras, can perfectly open the necessary energy centers
  2. Strengthening and realization of aspirations. It is necessary to clearly define the goals: which energy center needs to be opened, why do you need it, and what do you want to get as a result. Set high goals. As soon as you do this, the chakras will automatically "turn on" in the process of opening.
  3. Implementation of the principles of a particular chakra. For example, if the principle of anahata is love, cultivate this quality in yourself. Start with self love, learn to receive and give love, fill your life with love
  4. Self-hypnosis. A powerful esoteric technique that helps to “ignite” the power of a particular chakra, strengthening it. To do this, you need to mentally "take" the flow of energy, presenting it as a large fireball. Then, also mentally, direct this ball to the desired energy center, as if pumping it up.
  5. And the last way is to unblock and cleanse the energy centers. Conducted under the guidance of an experienced mentor or spiritual healer

These are the simplest methods that are available to everyone. You can practice them on your own.

Chakra is the energy center in the human body. People cannot perceive them through the senses in the normal state. The ancient mystics characterized them as funnels of vitality that swirled at great speed. They were drawn in the form of a lotus: a circle representing a cup, and petals around, the number of which is different for each energy center. Each chakra. They are all for something on certain bodies.

Ancestors have long discovered that in an emotional state there is an outburst of psychic energy. Based on the nature of emotions, it flows in various centers of the human body. The more subtle the emotion, the higher the chakra was located.

Reference! You might be interested.

You need to be aware that when influencing the chakras, changes affect all spheres of life, therefore it is considered the most effective and powerful spiritual practice. But in order for it to be as effective as possible, everything must be done under the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher. If the practitioner is absolutely ready for a serious understanding of the inner practice, has been doing it for a long time, then the teacher can teach him the meditation practice.

How many chakras does a person have and which ones?

There are only 7 energy centers. These are the main human chakras. Each of them has their own. Their brief meaning is described below, more details can be studied in separate articles.

The state of the chakras is important for a person. If they are, then they are necessary.

The lower energy center, which regulates the basic processes of life. It contains the energy of life. She has 4 petals, under its influence is dhara. Control of this energy center promotes constancy, perseverance and well-being. You can read about the signs of blockage and about the opening of the Muladhara chakra.

She is also responsible for the mobility and condition of the legs. The main properties of a powerful and pure chakra - it seems that a person shines, smells good.

Regulates varuna or water factor. If this energy center is well developed in a person, then it is like water, energetic, flows like water, flowing around obstacles. He does not get attached to anything, does not participate in conflicts, begins to understand the feelings and emotions of others.

Along with the improvement of this chakra, there is a taste in music, food, works of art, etc. A special charm, attractiveness, splendor appear in a person. There is .

It creates an inclination and attachment to the objects of the surrounding world. An open chakra promotes courage, the desire to move, endurance, flexibility, energy. Laziness evaporates, mobility takes its place. This energy center is responsible for good vision. People with open chakra become leaders.

Regulates and directs prana. It contains pranendriya, which allows you to feel the subtle vibrations of the world. A person feels the energy of certain places, knows the thoughts of the people around him, feels everything subtle, incomprehensible to sight and hearing.

A developed chakra makes it possible to transmit one's own emotions to the world. Such people are very attractive, inspiring, able to effectively interact with others and understand them. This energy center promotes carelessness, lightness of consciousness. A person, even in the most difficult situations, remains imperturbable, inspiring everyone with his grace. brings relief and healing.

Regulates the ether factor. It contains superpowers that all people have.

With the improvement of this energy center, unusual attractiveness and eloquence appear. Develops a clear mind and excellent memory.

All the best human virtues are concentrated in Vishuddha.

Regulates consciousness, dwells beyond the bounds of physiological nature. It concentrates the possibilities of omniscience.

The universe is made up of matter, which corresponds to that of which people are made.

Similarly, the mind and consciousness of people correspond to the Universal mind.

Its development leads to self-awareness of the Universal Consciousness. As a result, a person becomes aware of everything that happens in the entire universe.

It is the center of pure mind, where there is no longer any difference between the macrocosm and the microcosm.

All the power and energy that is present in the macrocosm is also in the microcosm.

This chakra represents the center with a thousand petals. All qualities of consciousness are regulated, and can also be turned off or suspended by it.

Useful videos

In these videos you will learn all about chakras:

. In addition, it is important to comply

"Energy-information frame" of a person. Energy information flow and its polarization. European and Eastern types of "energy". Energy centers and chakras

As already mentioned, the concepts of energy, field, etc. in classical physics are an abstraction that helps only in one way or another to perceive and cognize the world around us. This is especially true in the field of phenomenology. The concepts of "biofield, psychic, aura ..." are just an attempt to bring multidimensional information to the level of general perception. At the same time, one should take into account the personal characteristics of a person who figuratively perceives this information in the Information Fields. This is exactly how he perceived it. Therefore, at least, it is not recommended to literally accept the interpretation of the multidimensional structure of the Universe. However, there are some more or less congruent general provisions. Inventing new terms is a thankless task. Perhaps this is one of the most difficult issues of eniology - the development of unambiguous generally accepted terms. Over time, this will happen by itself, but for now we have to use the terminology that is.

A lot has been written and said about the energy potential of a person and its multidimensionality at all times. We will not list the advantages and disadvantages of certain views. You can do it yourself - there is plenty of literature these days. Over the years of work at the ENIO Research Center, its own idea has been developed on many issues. In some ways they coincide with other concepts, in some ways they are radically different. You be the judge. Our concept makes it possible to quite effectively carry out energy-informational corrections, really helping people, and this is a personal matter for the reader: to accept or reject this model.

At the very beginning of esoteric practice, the author quite often used a pendulum when working with patients. Gradually, the idea was formed that people have two types of energy: eastern and western. Western, or European, type - the energy-informational flow conditionally passes from the Absolute downwards through all levels of the Information Fields into the body of the planet. East - from the Earth the energy-information flow goes to the Absolute. The physical body of a person in this case acts as an antenna in a certain energy-information spectrum.

The planet itself participates in the energy-informational exchange of the Universe: there are zones of favorable energy through which the Earth “takes” an energy-informational “breath”, and multiple pathogenic zones are known through which the planet “exhales” (Fig. 40). Energy-information exchange is carried out through plants, insects, animals and through people.

Rice. 40. Energy-information exchange of the Earth in the Universe

The concept of "top-bottom", of course, is abstract. The energy-information channel from the Absolute passes through the entire Pyramid of Multidimensionality up to the “0-transition”. Therefore, the passage of an energy-information channel through a person from top to bottom, for example, is a conditional projection of a mental image into a four-dimensional space. However, this approach to some extent contributes to the understanding of what is really happening.

Many have seen footage from foreign comedies: for some reason, the gardener drops the hose while watering; the hose starts to spin and at the same time pours all over. Serious information is hidden behind stupid, at first glance, shots. Surface friction of the water flow against the walls of a pipe or hose can lead to turbulent effects at the boundary (Fig. 41, 42).

Rice. 41. The passage of water in a pipe: a - distribution of water velocities, b - rotation of the water flow

Rice. 42. Turbulent effect when watering

In turn, this will slow down the flow of water. To maintain the laminar (uniform) movement, the flow of water begins to twist clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the northern or southern hemisphere of the planet. That is why a hose thrown to the ground begins to unwind as a result of the reactive action of the jet. In other words, any flow in a foreign medium is forced to twist in order to maintain its stability. All this prompted the following reasoning: a conditional energy-information channel passing through a person must necessarily rotate. This was clearly demonstrated with the help of a pendulum: in people with a Western type of energy-information exchange, the pendulum rotated against the move (Fig. 43),

Rice. 43. Western type of energy

and for the "Easterners" - clockwise (Fig. 44).

Rice. 44. Eastern type of energy

This flow is energy-informational. Accordingly, by analogy with the electromagnetic one, it must have certain planes of polarization. This was again tested with a pendulum. In the case of Western energy, the pendulum first oscillated along the planes of polarization in the order indicated in the figure: 4 cycles in the planes and the 5th cycle - in a circle. Moreover, each cycle of oscillations in a completely healthy person was exactly 12 seconds, that is, for 12 seconds the pendulum oscillates in the 1st plane of polarization, 12 - in the second ... 12 - in a circle. It is clear that 5 cycles of 12 seconds in total give 60. During this time, a complete scanning and rewriting of information in the Information Fields of a person takes place through his energy-information channel. In the same way, an electron beam in a TV kinescope for a certain time runs line by line across the screen, forming an image.

The connection of the planes of polarization with an additional pattern forms an eight-pointed star. Apparently, this flow polarization diagram (the Star of Bethlehem) was known to esotericists of antiquity, and it was she who formed the basis of the sexagesimal calculus, which was inconvenient for mathematicians and physicists.

The polarization of the eastern energy-information channel is an image of a flower: the lotus is the energy symbol of the East. In this case, the pendulum writes out the petals, gradually turning in a circle in a clockwise direction. No temporal patterns were identified.

In both cases, blockage, the absence of one or another plane of polarization, indicated the presence of a disease or an external remote control program (zombie) (Fig. 45).

Rice. 45. Zombie Man

When working with the pendulum, the following was also revealed: there is not only a "reading" of information, but also a specific energy-information effect on the diagnosed object! This fact is not taken into account by operators working with dowsing frames. Diagnosing the "aura" of the patient, you can apply an astral blow with the help of frames (more details in 6.9). That is why R&D Center "ENIO" completely abandoned the use of any devices.

Even when working with a pendulum in the first years of practice, duplication necessarily took place at the level of astral-mental perception of information.

Over the years of work, an idea of ​​the energy-information structure of a person gradually began to take shape. Let's consider it on the example of the so-called Western energy (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46. ​​"Immune shell" of the Western type of energy

Once again, I want to remind you that this is an abstract model - a projection of multidimensional information into the four-dimensional perception of our ego. So, the energy-information channel, rotating counterclockwise, enters the crown - the 1st energy center. The channel passes through the body and goes to the Earth. As it passes through the physical body, the energy-information channel activates the work of all energy centers.

1st energy center - is responsible for the relationship with the Absolute and the Information Fields.

2nd - ensures the work of the brain and, first of all, the visualization of mental images, telepathy, etc. In the occipital region on the astral plane there are zones responsible for the production of hormones and enzymes. As will be shown below, it is in this area that zombie programs are being introduced. In other words, the 2nd energy center is responsible for the inviolability of the will of the individual. Traditionally, in esotericism, it is believed that the “third eye” is projected onto the central part of the forehead closer to the bridge of the nose - the place where the Indians put a red dot.

3rd - neck part. This is the verbal level of information exchange and the relationship between the spinal cord and the brain.

4th - cardiac. But it is also responsible for gas exchange.

5th - "solar plexus", "assembly center", the center of balance of the main meridians: right hand - left foot and left hand - right foot. This center is responsible for the work of the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder and kidneys.

6th - navel area. Energy supply center. On the physical plane, he is responsible for the work of the intestines.

7th - the center of psychological balance. Its secondary purpose on the physical plane is to be responsible for sexual functions. In case of external zombification, the remote control unit is projected onto the coccyx. In the eastern "energy" this is the 1st chakra.

As you can see from the diagram, the first 7 energy centers are located in the same way as the chakras in the eastern view. Only their account goes in reverse order for the eastern type and direct - along the course of the western energy-information channel. Further, there is a radical difference between the two types of energy-information exchange. The Western type has two more energy centers that have a projection onto the physical plane.

8th energy center - double - knees,

9th - also double - feet. Both of these centers are responsible for the interconnection of the entire energy-information frame with the Earth - some kind of resonant synchronizers.

Further, there is an even greater difference from the eastern type: three energy centers that are projected only on the astral plane: the 10th, 11th and 12th. These centers were historically conventionally called Faith, Hope and Love. Their purpose, concluded in the very sense of these words, is the intellect and spirituality of our ego.

The energy-information channel perceived by our multidimensional essence (remember the Pyramid of Multidimensionality) is transformed by the physical plan, which is a volumetric resonator in four-dimensional space, and is transmitted to a living intelligent organism - planet Earth. This is the purpose of the one who is called a man. A person that exists in a time period - a century. In other words, a person provides the Earth with a certain range of the energy-information spectrum.

However, the energy-information channel does not completely go to the Earth - a part of it, leaving the 9th center, returns back to the 1st. In this case, a three-dimensional structure resembling an apple is formed. This structure is multi-layered. By analogy with the Pyramid of Multidimensionality, the 1st inner layer, immediately following the physical plane, we will conditionally call the astral plane. Then follow the mental, spiritual ... and after the n-layer - the Absolute. The best model of such an energy-informational frame is the oldest Russian toy - matryoshka. As already mentioned, it is possible to introduce finer detailing of these layers, as was done in Eastern esoteric views, but this is not yet necessary.

Such a multidimensional apple, represented by an energy-informational frame, is an elementary multidimensional cell of the Universe. In the same way, our physical body is made up of individual cells, and each cell contains DNA, which contains information about the whole organism. The cloning method makes it possible to obtain an exact copy of the original organism from any two identical cells (Fig. 47).

Rice. 47. Cloning: 1 - moving core, 2 - removing core

Everything is simultaneously a part of the Universe and each part of it carries information about the entire Universe. This is precisely the meaning of the biblical words: man is created in the image and likeness of God, and in every person there is a spark of the Lord. The structure of the multidimensional energy-informational frame is valid not only for a person, but also for any biological object.

If the surface of an ordinary earthly apple is intact, then not a single pest is able to penetrate into it. The codling moth penetrates the apple in places of impacts, damage.

In the same way, a person does not get sick if all energy centers work normally and the entire multi-layered multi-dimensional energy-informational framework is intact. The multilayer structure of the "apple" is the immune defense of a person and his entire essence. Remember: integral spirituality is projected into the mental plane by our full-fledged mind, which, in turn, determines the integrity of the astral plane, etc. Not a single astral-mental destructor can penetrate a person: in the common people - the so-called settlements, damage or obsession unclean force. Such a person will not be affected by witchcraft, magic rituals, zombie programs! .. He is transparent to all this evil spirits!

No one is able to destroy the energy-informational frame, except for the person himself! And this is done only by human mistakes and stupidities: fortune-telling, spiritualism, abortions...

A psychic or a clergyman says to a patient or parishioner: “You have a Guardian Angel! And you have two! This is God protecting you." Nothing like this. What are called Guardian Angels are additional astral-mental energy centers. These centers do not protect a person from the negative impact of the environment, and vice versa - the environment from the stupidity and aggression of this person.

After all, everything returns to normal: by stupidity, a person himself from the inside breaks all the immune shells of his energy-informational frame, and through these gaps, astral-mental “codling moths” rush into the essence.

This text is an introductory piece.

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