Clean the armrests of upholstered furniture. How to clean dirt and stains on a fabric sofa

The sofa is the most significant piece of furniture in the house, the most favorite place to relax, watch TV, lie around with a book, just sit with a cup of tea. For children - a subject for entertainment. It's great to jump on it, run, sometimes with your favorite pets, eat your favorite treats. Pets are also not averse to lounging on the couch, and no matter how you swear, they will not pay attention to your strict taboo.

The sofa is the most significant piece of furniture in the house, the most favorite place to relax, watch TV, lie around with a book, just sit with a cup of tea.

A favorite place for guests who also like to sit on the sofa at the set table. In the end, mismatched stains appear on the furniture, some of which can be difficult to remove. How to get rid of them, how to restore their original appearance, what should be used in order not to spoil the upholstery?

It seems like an impossible task. If you approach the cleaning process correctly, then everything will turn out to be much easier than you thought. It all depends on the cover of the sofa and the origin of the stain.

Pets are also not averse to lounging on the couch, and no matter how you swear, they will not pay attention to your strict taboo.

Upholstery undergoes a lot when using a sofa. Even if you are clean, furniture will still leave dust from clothes, traces of sweat and sebum. You have become a habit, sitting on the couch watching your favorite show or TV series, to have something to eat. And if there is nowhere to accommodate guests in the room, they, of course, will sit on the sofa. After their "invasion", stains from pizza, fat, beer, wine, tea or coffee, jam will certainly remain.

A favorite place for guests who also like to sit on the sofa at the set table.

Small children are a separate topic. They can smear the sofa with anything - smear clay, paint with paints, felt-tip pens, chalk, some like to stick gum, grab with chocolate hands, or, who did not have time to reach the toilet, just pee on it. Urine, penetrating into the fabric, leaves not only stains, but also a persistent odor. It can be difficult to get rid of it. Cats and dogs just love to sit on the couch, leaving fur, drooling and unwashed paws. Dogs love to lie down on the sofa after a walk.

If the sofa is leather

How to clean a sofa at home? It all depends on what kind of upholstery fabric it is covered with. It is unacceptable to clean leather and fabric with the same product. It is important to remember a few tricks, then you can easily cope with difficult to remove stains. Let's take a look at how to properly clean a sofa with leather upholstery.

To get tough stains out, it is best to go to a professional.

It is better to clean such furniture with a damp cloth, it is advisable not to wet the coating too much. Can be cleaned with specially formulated leather wipes. Folk way: shine and mask cracks will help egg white... Beat it and apply it to the surface with a gauze. For the same purpose, you can use milk. Traces of wine, marker or pen, they are removed with an alcohol napkin or soaked in vodka or alcohol.

If you approach the cleaning process correctly, then everything will turn out to be much easier than you thought.

You can use soapy water, lukewarm water, and a fiber cloth. The solution is used to wipe the sofa and rinse carefully. Then the conditioner is applied to the surface. This procedure will add polish and a refreshed look. To prevent streaks, wipe with a fiber cloth.

With a vacuum cleaner with a special furniture attachment, you need to go through all the corners and joints.

Fat stain, still fresh, can be easily removed with starch. The blood is washed away only ice water... Light leather upholstery can be cleaned with a regular dish soap.

Upholstery undergoes a lot when using a sofa.

More problems are caused by mold that has appeared on leather furniture due to humidity in the room, or a liquid remains on the surface that was not removed in time. Favorite place the appearance of mold - folds of the sofa. Do not start, you need to immediately carry out the treatment with vinegar solution. Wipe the affected area and wipe. Once the mold is ingrained enough, it is almost impossible to get rid of it at home. It is advisable to consult a specialist.

If the upholstery is fabric

Nowadays, specialist sofa cleaning services are not cheap. But at home, you can get rid of the most difficult stains with almost no expense.

It is advisable to consult a specialist.

Before you start cleaning a fabric sofa, there are a few rules you need to know.

  1. It is not recommended to clean the flock coatings with products containing alcohol.
  2. Microfiber upholstery is only suitable for dry cleaning. Only in exceptional cases apply wet cleaning.
  3. Light surfaces are cleaned with white cloths. If you use colored ones, the surface of the sofa can become stained due to the action of cleaning agents.

The spots are removed by moving from the edges to the center.

Before starting cleaning, it is necessary to remove the accumulated dust, crumbs, hair left by pets. With a vacuum cleaner with a special furniture attachment, you need to go through all the corners and joints.

After their "invasion", stains from pizza, fat, beer, wine, tea or coffee, jam will certainly remain.

The velor upholstery is cleaned with a fiber cloth and vinegar solution (1 tsp per liter of liquid). All movements are made in the direction of the pile. To get tough stains out, it is best to go to a professional.

Apply napkins and gauze on a fresh stain, as they perfectly absorb liquid.

For suede, take a brush with soft bristles. Greasy marks can be removed perfectly with alcohol or an eraser.

Tapestry does not tolerate wet cleaning, only vacuuming is suitable, since cleaning agents do not serve the coating for a long time, wears out in a short time and changes color. If you can't do without wet cleaning, then the stain is covered with foam.

Traces of wine, marker or pen, they are removed with an alcohol napkin or soaked in vodka or alcohol.

We clean the dirt on the velor coating with a foaming agent - a small amount should be diluted in 250 ml of water and applied to the stain.

If stains appear on the furniture, it is better to try to remove them immediately, do not tighten.

For silk and velvet, powder cleaning is acceptable.

Children can smear the sofa with anything - smear clay, paint with paints, felt-tip pens, chalk, some like to stick gum, grab with chocolate hands, or, who did not have time to reach the toilet, just pee on it.

Removing different types of stains

If stains appear on the furniture, it is better to try to remove them immediately, do not tighten. Then they will be absorbed into the upholstery and dry. Apply napkins and gauze on a fresh stain, as they perfectly absorb liquid. The spots are removed by moving from the edges to the center.

Plasticine smeared on the sofa, cream, leftover fatty foods We remove all this with some hard object, then add salt - it will absorb the fat.
Beverages Put napkins on stains from coffee, tea, beer, then clean with soapy water, to which add vinegar - about 2 tbsp. l. per liter of liquid. A napkin is applied to the wine stains, then sprinkled with salt and wiped.

Stains from juices and fruits are cleaned with ammonia and vinegar, mixing them 1: 1, applied to dirt, allowed to dry and washed with water.

Products Traces of condensed milk, jam, chocolate are first dried so as not to smear them, removed from the surface and cleaned with soapy water.

On the gum left by the children on the upholstery of the sofa, you need to put something cold - an ice pack, a freezer. After that it will be very easy to remove it with a knife.

Blood, urine The blood is only washed cold water... You can add aspirin (1 tablet per 250 ml) or salt (1 tablespoon per liter of water). The urine is removed with a tissue, then a carpet cleaner or liquid soap is applied.

It is important to remember a few tricks, then you can easily cope with difficult to remove stains.

When traces remain after the initial cleaning, they are easily removed by "Vanish".

Before starting cleaning, it is necessary to remove the accumulated dust, crumbs, hair left by pets.

How to get rid of odors?

Upholstered furniture is known to perfectly absorb odors. It stays in everything - from filler to wood. This is a fixable matter.

Do not use undiluted vinegar and bleach for cleaning.

Vinegar easily copes not only with beer, but also with various other beverages. We take an unnecessary sheet, moisten it in a weak solution of vinegar, squeeze it and put it on the sofa. Press firmly to the surface. We do this several times. Both odor and stains are removed.

You can use soapy water, lukewarm water, and a fiber cloth.

A soap solution with the addition of 1 tbsp will help to remove the "aroma" from the leather covering. l. ammonia. Apply to the upholstery with a sponge, wipe with a damp cloth and dry cloth.

Light surfaces are cleaned with white cloths.

The child peed on the sofa, iodine will help eliminate the smell. For a liter of water, you need to take 15-20 drops and wipe the "crime scene". It is worth remembering that this tool is used only on dark surface! We clean the light coating with potassium permanganate, lemon or lemon juice, a solution of vinegar. If the smell has already entered the sofa, it is better to use household soap. The surface must be moistened with water and rubbed with soap. Let it stand for about 20 minutes. Then rinse with a vinegar solution, wipe with water and dry.

A favorite spot for mold is the folds of the sofa.

If the urine is not for children, but for an elderly person, first put vodka on the sofa or ammonia, let stand for half an hour.

Microfiber upholstery is only suitable for dry cleaning.

With the "fragrances" of pets, they cope with the following: a vinegar solution (1: 3) is applied, the moisture is removed with a napkin, covered with soda, on top - a solution consisting of hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid. Let it stand for two hours, then wipe it with a damp cloth and a paper towel.

Nowadays, specialist sofa cleaning services are not cheap.

You can remove odors with cleaning products or a pet odor absorber. First, you need to check the product in a hidden place so as not to spoil the look of the furniture.

So, as you can see, the problem is solvable.

The products with which you are going to clean the upholstery made of fabric should be checked on an inconspicuous area so as not to spoil the view.

VIDEO: How to clean (remove) stains from the sofa

50 bistro ideas for cleaning stains on a sofa

Good owners have upholstered furniture that is always clean and unkempt, and ideally looks like new, even after years of use. How to clean upholstered furniture at home in the most affordable, effective, and also non-aggressive ways, I will tell you in this article.

Home cleaning of armchairs and sofas can be done in two ways: with or without special household chemicals... We can easily remove many contaminants ourselves. And only in desperate cases dry cleaning will help.

Consider what you need to consider when working:

  • Choosing a cleaner upholstered furniture by the type of its upholstery, the type of pollution and its age. Specifically, I will tell you about each below.
  • Some upholstery materials can be treated with extremely delicate care. The instructions for the purchased furniture will inform you about this.
  • Removable covers are powder-washed and some are even washing machine... But we will also clarify what temperatures the fabric can withstand, and what washing mode will not damage it or deform the shape of the covers of sofas and armchairs. Surely safer handwash gentle powders.

  • Before using any (even specially developed by manufacturers) tool, you need to check it in an inconspicuous place on upholstery fabric... For example, on the bottom of furniture. Soak a cotton towel in the solution and rub the fabric, and after drying, decide whether to remove dirt or experiment with other compounds.
  • There will be no stains on the casing if you do not combine industrial and home remedies.

  • After the coating has dried, we will collect the remains of the preparation with a vacuum cleaner. However, a universal steam cleaner will help to clean quickly.

Dry wash

When cleaning at home with a vacuum cleaner, we observe important rules that will preserve the upholstery fabric.

  • The vacuum cleaner at the beginning or at the end of the process should only operate at minimum power.
  • If he pulls the upholstery into the nozzle, it will quickly fray. And velvet, velor from a vacuum cleaner can tousle.

  • Separate elements (backs, armrests) are removed, vacuumed and wiped separately.
  • Dry cleaning will be of high quality if you use a steam cleaner for disinfection at the end.

Traditional wet cleansing

A washing vacuum cleaner will quickly cope with this work. But even without it, dirt and dust can be cleaned.

  • If there is no special solution or powder at hand, we make a cleaning soap solution from liquid or laundry soap.
  • We clean the upholstery itself with a cotton napkin moistened with this compound. After all, then the dirt from the upholstery will remain on the napkin, and will not leak with this soapy solution into the depths of the sofa.
  • We rinse the napkin under running water several times - it depends on the degree of its pollution.

By the way, exactly this traditional method with diluted soap will remove many stains, and even streaks from baby urine on fabrics that can be moistened. Also, this always available formulation instantly removes fresh stains.

Folk remedies and affordable ways to remove any stains

If there are children or allergy sufferers in the house, then we will replace household chemicals with homemade folk remedies.

  • Candle wax stains. Gently scrape off the hardened wax without damaging the upholstery. Then we'll cover paper towel or with a napkin and iron it with a warm iron.

  • Wine stains. Remove fresh stains from red wine with salt. Liquid will be absorbed into it, and not into the upholstery of a chair or sofa. Then we wipe the cloth several times with an alcohol or vodka solution, changing the napkins.

  • Chewing gum stuck. Peel it off from the casing by cooling it with ice from the freezer. Wrap the ice cubes in a plastic bag so as not to wet the canvas. And carefully scrape off the remnants of the gum that are fragile from the cold.

  • Sweet foods, tea, coffee just remove with warm water with any non-corrosive (chlorine-free) detergent. However, it is not necessary to saturate the fabric. Just repeatedly soak it with a damp cloth and immediately remove the dry moisture.

We always process any stains from the edges to the center. Then the area of ​​contamination will not increase!

  • Beer traces on upholstered furniture with your own hands, it is also possible to eliminate it with ordinary soapy water. And then we wipe them with diluted vinegar (1: 5) to eliminate the smell.

After wet treatment of the stain, upholstery with a dry hair dryer is faster, and hot air will remove moisture from the furniture filler.

  • For fruit juice stains a mixture of ammonia, vinegar and water (1: 1: 2) will help. Apply it to the dirt itself and let it dry. Then we will wash off the dirt with a wet napkin.

  • Traces of blood wash quickly with cool water with aspirin (1 tablet in a glass) or salt (30 g per liter).
  • Collect the urine with a napkin. And we will treat the wet trail with a gel compound for carpets or liquid soap.

  • Dried cream, fat, plasticine first brush off the fabric with a brush and baking soda. And then we moisten the trail and sprinkle it with salt - it absorbs fat even without special means.

Salt, chalk and baking soda only work on fresh, damp stains. And dried stains must be moistened before such treatment.

General cleaning with vinegar

Acetic salt solution is effective, but safe way cleaning the entire contaminated product. Although from the same components we can prepare a more aggressive drug. It will not only remove local stains, but will return freshness to the sofa, and get rid of dust no worse than a vacuum cleaner.

  • In a liter of water we will dissolve 50 g of vinegar and salt.
  • Soak and squeeze a sheet in this solution.
  • Then we will cover the sofa with it and knock it out with our hands.
  • All dirt will end up on a damp sheet, which can be easily washed off in a typewriter. And also, without a vacuum cleaner, we will rid it of dust.

Universal professional tools

The versatility of special detergents is in cleansing all dirt on any upholstery fabric. They will save us time, money and the product itself.

Cleansing Foam

The popular washing foam will perfectly restore the freshness of whimsical fabrics without moisturizing them:

  • We apply it only by shaking the balloon.
  • Wipe the treated area with a rag.
  • If the stain is still noticeable, leave the foam for 15 minutes, and rub it again (you can use a brush).
  • Then we remove it with a vacuum cleaner or dry napkins.

We can make a similar product from bubble bath plus shampoo (1: 1). But only without oils in the composition and the indication "moisturizing" - they form a film. Beat the mixture with a mixer. When the mass becomes dense, its minimum of water will no longer penetrate the interior of the sofa.

Powders and cleaners

Professional dry cleaning at home will be provided with powder detergents for cleaning upholstered furniture. So we use the powder:

  • pre-clean the furniture with a vacuum cleaner;
  • sprinkle evenly, rub in a powdery product;
  • we go to rest for 20 minutes;
  • we remove the powder with a vacuum cleaner.

It is even easier with a cleaning agent: spray, wipe with a brush. Everything!

Cleaning depending on the type of upholstery

We will re-read the instructions for the care of furniture products that we are going to process in advance. Then cleaning upholstered furniture at home will be safe and effective.

The steam cleaner will restore the cleanliness of the product, disinfect the fabric and even the filler.

It will clean suede and velor well. And when processing viscose and especially silk, you must first test it locally.

We wipe natural and artificial leather with a dry cloth. And wipe the remaining stains with very diluted vodka.

Velor, flock, chenille are more often used for cladding. After all, they are more practical, easier to care for. And it is easier to clean upholstered furniture with such upholstery.

We remove the fat from them with a soaped microfiber cloth. And cosmetics, ink will be eliminated by an alcohol solution. We moisten coffee and wine stains and rub them with powder.

Silk is capricious, so let's put aside both the chemistry and the steam cleaner. Better to take a soft clothes brush, wrap it with a white cotton napkin and clean the stain, slightly moistening it with a weak solution of alcohol or peroxide.

Dry cleaning is sufficient for suede. And the foam will get rid of stubborn marks on it. But then we will restore the volume of the dry pile with a rubber brush.

We wash the greasy surface

Glossy dark spots appear on the skin from the constant touch of hands, head, and feet. They are formed by dust and sebum.

  • On substitutes and natural leather upholstery we remove them with a sponge damp from a diluted dish detergent or from a homemade soap and soda composition.
  • We hold the foam on tapestry coverings for 5 minutes, and then remove it with a brush. We will blot first with a damp cloth, then with a dry cloth. After that, we already clean the entire product in order to blur the boundaries of the treated area.
  • We clean the greasy, fleecy products foam sponge and a means for upholstered furniture.

Fight odor

Any furniture at home is saturated with smells. To remove them, special shampoos are produced.

I suggest homemade remedy from amber:

  • The smell of beer, juice, urine is removed with diluted vinegar (50 g in a liter of water). But we moisten only a napkin with which we cover the stained area.
  • We will press it down so that the solution will wet even the flooring material.
  • After 2-5 repetitions, let the sofa dry.
  • The vinegar smell disappears in a maximum of 3 days. Although you can add a fragrant diluted fabric softener.


After reading the article and reading in effective ways cleaning of upholstered furniture and the most effective means, you can safely proceed with the cleansing procedures. I assure you that any upholstery will look renewed if you follow these guidelines.

It is also useful to watch the video in this article with a specific and good example... And if you have questions or new ones practical ideas on cleaning - write in the comments!

Upholstered furniture is an integral part of every modern apartment.

No matter how hard we try to preserve its original appearance, it still gets dirty. The question arises of how to quickly, effectively and without streaks with your own hands clean the sofa from stains, dirt and odors at home. This article contains tips for cleaning different types of upholstery. Independently, without contacting specialized firms and using expensive funds. Only what every housewife has in her house. Accordingly, a too neglected situation cannot be saved in this way. Here you cannot do without the help of specialists.

The first step is to determine what type of fabric your headset is. To understand how she will react to this or that method of cleaning. Plush, velor and velvet, when treated with soapy water, lose their original appearance. From some components, paints shed and discolor. When using a lot of water, the furniture does not have time to dry. Excessive moisture trapped in it contributes to the formation of mold and musty odors. To avoid possible trouble, test the upholstery reaction before cleaning by treating a small area in a non-conspicuous area.

Second important factor- what is required to be cleaned. The type of pollution influences the choice of means, than you can wash or clean the fabric from stains at home. Remember, a fresh stain is always easier to treat than an old one. Therefore, carefully monitor the cleanliness, and do not postpone the removal of the resulting salting until later.

Simple rules for preventive care

  • When buying, try to choose a headset with upholstery, which does not create unnecessary care.
  • To make the furniture less dirty, cover it with a blanket or cover it with a special cover.
  • Avoid eating on chairs and couches. Food particles are the most difficult-to-remove contaminants.
  • Regular grooming won't take long. And the general condition of the headset is much better preserved.

Soft upholstery made of flock, velor, chenille is pleasant to the eye and to the touch. But they also tend to collect dust no less than soft toys, which means washing your sofa at home is a must. Do not lead to a state where, after sitting down to rest, you immediately want to sneeze. It is better to try to clean the furniture from dust at least once every six months. This can be done in several ways.

Vacuum cleaning

Using a special nozzle, it is necessary to thoroughly vacuum all surfaces, not forgetting to climb into hard-to-reach places- corners and joints. It is undesirable to use a conventional brush attachment for such purposes. If there is no optimal one, it is better to walk without any nozzle, with an open hose. In this case, turn on the operating mode at maximum power.

An alternative method is knocking out

Sometimes it is possible to replace vacuum cleaning with wet cleaning. You will need to wet and wring out the sheet. Cover the soft parts of the pillows with it and walk with a carpet beater. All dust, thus, will collect on a damp cloth, which will then need to be washed. The process can be repeated if necessary. The only inconvenience this method is that until the upholstery is dry, it is not recommended to cover it with a cover and sit on the sofa. But you can always find something to do at this time - for example, wipe and tidy up the handles from the sofa and armchairs.

Most stains can be removed with a mild stain remover. It is used instead of washing powder, diluted in a 1: 9 ratio with water. Beat until lather and cover the stain. Then gently wipe this place with a soft brush. Wait 15 minutes and then wash everything off.

Drink traces

Unpleasant stains on the upholstery left by different drinks can be tried to be removed using a bar of laundry soap or soapy water. Rub the damp surface with a regular soap bar. Using a soft bristled brush, thoroughly lather, making circular motions over the soiled part. And leave it that way for 10 minutes. Then remove the dirt with a damp sponge. If after cleaning up the spilled bad smell, it is neutralized by treatment with vinegar.

When you can't remove drinks stains from the sofa with soap, you can use ammonia or ammonia at home. This method is relevant for spilled wine. Place a napkin on top of freshly poured wine to get wet and prevent the alcohol from spreading. Then sprinkle it with salt - it will remove the remaining moisture. After 15 minutes, sweep the salt with a brush, and wipe the residual trace with ammonia. After such treatment, let the upholstery dry and after another half an hour, in order to avoid the formation of streaks, wash this place with soapy water.

Treatment of blood stains

They can only be removed when fresh. Dried dirt is almost impossible to clean up completely. While the blood is still wet, cover it with talcum powder and water. But remember that you can only use cold, otherwise the clotting process will accelerate. Using a sponge, wipe the contaminated area from the edges to the center. If the upholstery is light, you can add a little vinegar to the composition. After, wash everything laundry soap and rinse well after 10 minutes. But do not waste a lot of liquid on this procedure or use a hairdryer to dry.

Removing urine stains

A similar problem arises in families with small children and animals. Even if the mark itself is not always noticeable, an unpleasant smell is felt throughout the room. In a similar situation, at home, such a sofa can be cleaned of dirt and odor both with soda or vinegar, and with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

Dry the stain before processing. Then treat it with soapy water or any detergent composition from powder, shampoo. A mixture of a liter of water, a spoonful of soda and the same amount of detergent with vinegar has proven itself well. Mix everything thoroughly. Using a brush, clean the dirty areas with this composition and dry again. Next, prepare a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and disinfect the upholstery. If the fabric is light in color, you can try to remove the foreign smell with vinegar or sprinkle with baking soda on a damp area.

Fat stains

Sprinkle a similar stain first with chalk, salt, starch or talcum powder. Leave it on for a couple of hours, then sweep away with a brush or vacuum cleaner. Cover the stain with the same compound again and wipe it off with a sponge and soapy water. Rinse off the remaining dirt with warm water.

Ink and ballpoint pen marks

In this case, most likely, you will have to call the masters of the cleaning office. They have enough powerful tools in such a case. It is impossible to remove such stains from the sofa at home in some other way. To discolor them, you will have to use acetone or hydrogen peroxide. But these compounds will also affect the dye of the fabric.

Removing chewing gum

The gum can be removed when it has set. Cover it with ice cubes for a few minutes. When it is completely hardened, carefully cut it off with a sharp knife. Another effective method removal is associated with the risk of further contamination of the upholstery. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only on leather surfaces or wooden armrests... Cover the gum with regular petroleum jelly. After an hour, it will completely crumble, and it will not be difficult to remove it. After that, we wipe everything with a damp sponge or cloth.

Removing old layers

If the upholstered furniture is not cleaned for a long time, the upholstery darkens and takes on a neglected look. It is easy to remove such plaques from leather and leatherette. It is enough to wipe with a damp cloth. With a textile coating, everything is much more complicated. How to clean a sofa from stains at home old dirt, wear and grease, depends on the type of fabric.


A soapy solution is ideal. Moisten the dirty surface with it and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then wash off clean water and blot with a dry cloth. It is advisable to repeat the same action with the entire area of ​​the product, but wash it off immediately, without aging. This will help make the washed area stand out from the rest of the upholstery.

Fluffy surfaces

When cleaning such fabrics, use a foam rubber sponge and dish detergent. But it must be borne in mind that light-colored products will have to be washed entirely. And it is unacceptable to use electrical appliances for zone drying. Stains may appear, which will be very difficult to remove.

Cleaning of leather goods

In case of slight contamination, it is sufficient to wipe the surface with a damp cloth and vinegar. If not all of the stains are removed, try moistening them with soap or detergent solution and rubbing after a couple of minutes. Do not leave for a long time, whitish spots may appear from eating away paint. Another very convenient tool, how and how you can wash the upholstery of a leather sofa from dirt at home - ordinary petroleum jelly or baby oil. They not only cleanse and soften the skin, but also prevent it from drying out and cracking. After that, thoroughly wipe the entire surface from excess fat.

Maintenance of wood trim elements

Very often in the design of upholstered furniture are used wooden parts... Do not forget about them when cleaning the fabric. The dirt is easily washed off with a damp cloth with the addition of ammonia. Small cracks in the varnish, marks on it left by hot mugs - all this can be perfectly removed with oil or petroleum jelly. Apply it with a cloth to the entire surface of the part. Wipe dry after 15 minutes. The white spots will disappear completely after a few hours.

Care rules or how to give freshness to upholstered furniture

If you do not have the desire to go to dry cleaning, do not forget to regularly care for the surface, clean it with a vacuum cleaner. Apply available detergents for cleaning the sofa upholstery at home from dirt, sweat, animal traces and food debris. For similar procedures irreplaceable assistant will turn out to be a household steam generator. Passing the steamer over the fabric elements, you will not only clean them of dirt, but also destroy germs and insects. You will update the entire thread structure. Just remember to let the upholstery dry before use.

You can remove extraneous odors by airing all parts of the sofa disassembled. Or try sprinkling silica gel filler all over the fabric to cat litter... Leaving it in this form for an hour, sweep or collect everything with a vacuum cleaner.

With all these simple tricks, your furniture will last much longer while remaining clean and well-groomed.

There is not one house where there would be no sofa. There are sofas not only in the rooms, but also in the kitchen and even in the hallway. If there is no cape or cover on the furniture, then over time the upholstery becomes dirty and stains appear. To clean your sofa at home, you can use specialized cleaning products or the advice of an experienced housewife.

Sofa cleaners

You can buy softener at the same store as the furniture. Upon purchase, you will be offered a range of cleaning compounds, stain removers and upholstery care products. These products can also be found in household chemical stores.

But you can not spend money on household chemicals and take care of the sofa using simple improvised means that can be found in every home. You will save money, and the result will be no worse than using store formulas.

Sofa cleaning procedure

Whichever product you choose to clean your sofa upholstery, you need to understand how to do the job correctly. So that the result does not disappoint you, follow these recommendations:

  • Choose a cleaning agent to remove dirt by type of upholstery. Remember that leather goods cannot be cleaned with the same compounds as fabric.
  • For each type of material, you will need a different inventory. Sofas made of flock, leather or velor are cleaned with microfiber napkins, suede and nubuck sofas - with special rubber brushes, and other types of upholstery are cleaned with a foam sponge or a soft cloth brush.
  • Take care of the surrounding surfaces before starting work. Cover the floor with newspapers, and cover the furniture with cling film or old sheets.
  • Vacuum up the upholstery to remove small debris and dust.
  • Before starting cleaning, test the selected product for small area... If nothing has changed with the fabric, proceed to cleaning the entire surface.
  • Start cleaning the sofa from the back, then process the armrests, and then proceed to cleaning the seats and lower parts furniture.
  • Apply the product gradually, working on a small area for 30-40 seconds, then move on to the next.

After completing the work, you can reuse the vacuum cleaner to remove the remaining cleaning agents and dry the cleaned surface.

Before you start cleaning your upholstered sofa, you need to determine the type of material. If in one case a soap solution is used, then in another it is strictly forbidden to do it, for example, velvet, plush or velor fabric will shed and lose its original color. How to clean the upholstery of a sofa made of different materials?

Dry cleaning the sofa

When cleaning the sofa with your own hands, do not abuse the amount of water, otherwise the coating and "filling" will become damp, which will lead to the formation of fungus and the appearance of a rotten smell.
If there is no heavy dirt on the furniture, and the upholstery on the furniture is fabric (this method cannot be used for leather and suede), it is enough to vacuum it. You need to do the work as follows:

  • Prepare concentrated saline solution and add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar.
  • Soak the gauze in the product.
  • Attach the cloth to the vacuum cleaner attachment and get to work.

Cleaning is carried out until the gauze is dry. If the coating is not clean enough, re-soak the cloth in the vinegar-saline solution and repeat the treatment. In this way, you will not only rid the soft "corner" of dust, but also refresh the material.

How to clean a sofa from dust

Dust is the main enemy of housewives. It settles on all surfaces, eats into curtains, carpets and furniture. To remove dust from the sofa, you can take a vacuum cleaner or cleaning compounds, but do not forget about the "grandmother's" methods - simple, cheap and effective.

Dampen an old sheet in cold water, squeeze and cover the sofa. Then take a carpet beater and run it over the surface. You will get rid of dust, and the sheet will "delay" its spread to other furniture.
Remember this way will fit only for sofas upholstered with fabric, leather and suede, such an effect can ruin.

We clean the sofa with a steamer or steam cleaner

Many housewives prefer to clean sofas with a steamer. The advantages of this method are obvious: it is useful device helps to eliminate bacteria, insects, and also removes stains from the surface. In addition, you can freshen up the upholstery and restore it to its original elasticity.
If your house has a vertical steamer, you can safely start cleaning, following the following sequence of actions:

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove debris and dust from the sofa.
  • Walk over the surface with a steamer, giving each section an equal amount of processing time. Staying in one place for too long is not recommended, as you can damage the upholstery.
  • Then open the windows in the room, the inflow fresh air will help the surface dry faster after steaming.

So that the procedure does not take long, and you will see desired result, carry out it in a timely manner, avoiding heavy contamination.

Velor sofa

To clean a velor sofa, use a microfiber cloth and a vinegar solution (1 teaspoon per liter of water).

Pre-vacuum the coating, and then wipe it with a cloth dampened with cleaning agent. In no case do not press on the pile, act gently, applying the composition strictly in the direction of the villi.

If stubborn stains (blood, wine, ink, etc.) appear on the velor surface, it is better not to try to remove them yourself, you risk ruining the upholstery. Contact the dedicated service and professional workers will deal with the problem quickly and efficiently.

Faux suede sofa

Suede is a capricious material that does not tolerate rough impact and a lot of moisture. To tidy up these upholstery, you need a special fine-bristled brush and suede cleaner.

Before starting work, use a vacuum cleaner to remove most of the dust from the surface, and then proceed to cleaning with the preparation, strictly following the instructions.

If there are greasy marks on the surface, a stationery eraser or a solution of water and alcohol prepared in a 1: 1 ratio will help to remove them. After cleaning, it is recommended to apply to the material special composition, which has dirt-repellent properties.

How to clean a flock sofa

When upholstering sofas, flock is often used - this fabric is practical and pleasant to the touch, and it is not necessary to use expensive compounds to remove dirt, stains can be removed with the help of improvised means.

How to clean a flock sofa? If you need to rid the soft "corner" of dust, using a vacuum cleaner will not give much effect. Use this method:

During cleaning, make sure that excess moisture does not get on the fabric, this is detrimental to the material.
When dirt is present on the surface, it can be removed without the use of expensive chemicals. If dealing with greasy stains, treat them hot water after dissolving alkaline soap or dish gel in a liquid.

Traces from markers, pencils, pens or cosmetics are removed with an alcohol solution (10%). Soak a cotton pad in the composition and wipe the stain, if necessary, carry out these manipulations several times.

As a universal remedy, you can apply lemon juice by dissolving 7-10 drops in 200 ml of water. Treat the stain and leave for 10-15 minutes, and then remove it with a damp cloth.

How to clean a sofa "Vanish"

"Vanish" is popular among housewives as a means for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture, it washes away impurities of various origins.

"Vanish" is liquid and powdery. In terms of effectiveness, they are the same and the final choice depends on personal preference. Use Vanish in the following way:

  • Remove dust from the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Prepare the solution according to the instructions and whip up a copious foam.
  • Apply the product to the stains, wait until it is absorbed and repeat the procedure twice more.
  • Use a cloth or a toothbrush to gently clean the dirt.
  • Vacuum up the dirty foam and continue cleaning. This must be done until the foaming composition is completely removed from the surface.

Please note that with Vanish you can only remove relatively fresh stains. Against old and stubborn dirt, this tool is practically powerless; professional cleaning is required here.

How to clean a sofa with baking soda and vinegar

The easiest and cheapest method to clean your sofa yourself is to use a vinegar and baking soda mixture.
Prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of vinegar and baking soda per liter of water. Add a teaspoon of dish gel to this mixture and beat the lather thoroughly.

Using a sponge, apply the product to the furniture and gently clean it with a cloth brush. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended dose of the foaming substance, otherwise it will be practically impossible to "wash" it out of the sofa later.

Another tip: use this method for cleaning only fabric upholstery except for velor, it will ruin the material.

How to clean a greasy sofa

During use, glossy stains appear on the sofa. Most often this occurs in those areas where the upholstery comes into contact with human skin and the deposited dust mixes with sweat secretions, forming shiny "islands".

If the sofa is upholstered with leather or dermantine, dish gel or soap and soda solution will help to cope with the problem. Clean the sofa with one of the compounds and it will look as good as new again.

Cleaning fabric sofas is a little more difficult, here you need to take into account the type and texture of the material. How to remove stains and wash out the oiled "islets"? Let's look at how to tidy up different types of upholstery fabrics.


This material is purified by knockout. The work should be done in this order:

  • Vacuum the coating.
  • Prepare an acetic-salt composition in a proportion of 2 tablespoons of each substance per liter of water.
  • Soak in a homemade "cleaner" big piece gauze or cotton cloth and cover the furniture with it.
  • Remove dust with a beater.
  • As it becomes dirty, the fabric should be rinsed and continue to work until the dust stops escaping.

Thanks to these simple manipulations, you will not only clean the sofa from dust, crumbs and animal hair, but also eliminate unpleasant odors.

Lint-free fabric upholstery

To clean the fabric upholstery, you will need a warm soap solution and a thick piece of cloth (you can use a terry towel).

Vacuum the sofa and then apply the product to the surface in one direction. If necessary, use a cloth brush, and after cleaning, remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner.

Pile materials

For such fabrics it is better to use "Fairy" or "Vanish". Dissolve the product in water, beat the foam and clean the surface using a foam sponge.

Do not let the furniture get wet, especially light-colored ones, otherwise after drying it will “beautify” with abundant stains.

How to remove various stains from sofa upholstery

If, as a result of cleaning, stains appear on the furniture, the reason is an abundance of moisture or an excess of the dosage of foaming agents. In this case, the process will have to be repeated, observing the rules of work and not allowing the fabric to get very wet.

If there are stains on the surface of the sofa, effective elimination it is necessary to find out what exactly it is stained with. How do I remove stains from my sofa? A cleaning agent is selected depending on the type of contamination:

If you do not trust folk remedies, you can use a purchased composition, selected in accordance with the type of fabric with which the furniture is upholstered.

How to clean the armrests of a sofa

Armrests are the part of upholstered furniture that gets dirty the most. Clearing them is not as difficult as it might seem. Apply one of these remedies:

  • strong solution of laundry soap;
  • "Vanish";
  • composition for cleaning car covers.

Test the substance on a small area of ​​the coating before use, and only then proceed with the basic cleaning.

Correctly caring for upholstered furniture, you will achieve a flawless look of the upholstery and get rid of the need to think about the "constriction" of the sofa.

As a rule, the sofa is a favorite resting place for all family members. The adult part of the population loves to lie on it and watch films or read books. The kid uses it as a trampoline. Yes, and four-legged friends, if any, despite the strictest prohibitions, are not averse to climbing on it. When guests arrive, the load on this comfortable place increases even more. And as a result - after a while the sofa blooms different kinds stains. How to make the upholstered furniture retain its original appearance for a longer time, how to clean the sofa from all kinds of stains and grease? Ideally, before buying a sofa, you need to determine how much stress will be on it and buy upholstered furniture that matches your lifestyle. In order for the sofa to serve you for a long time, then use the following recommendations on how to clean the sofa at home quickly and efficiently.

  • If you have a large family and you all gather in the hall, receive guests there, then choose upholstered furniture that is easy to clean.
  • If you have small children and pets, you should not buy leather upholstered furniture. In such conditions, it will be difficult for you to protect it from the claws of your pets and the pranks of your babies.
  • Buy or sew a cover on the sofa.
  • Don't eat while sitting on the couch.
  • Clean your sofa at least once a month, even if you think it is clean enough and free of stains. It is important to clean the sofa from dust, otherwise - over time, stains will appear on the upholstery.

How to clean a sofa at home from dust?

Cleaning the sofa from dirt and dust

It is good to remove dust and dirt that is not ingrained in the following ways. Choose from them the one that seems to you more convenient and successful in terms of expenditure of energy.

Vacuuming the sofa

The easiest way to remove dust from upholstered furniture is to vacuum it. If you have a special attachment, it will make your task easier.

For more effective cleaning, you can wrap the attachment with gauze soaked in a solution of water and salt. To do this, prepare a solution: add 2-3 tablespoons of salt to warm water. This will not only save you dust, but also freshen up the color of the upholstery.

Important! Do not vacuum a sofa with velor or velvet upholstery - this can damage the structure of the pile.

Knocking out the sofa

In addition to the vacuum cleaner, there is another method - knocking out:

  1. Dissolve in 1 liter warm water 2 teaspoons of salt and a tablespoon of vinegar.
  2. Dampen a sheet or other suitable cloth with this solution.
  3. Squeeze it out well. The fabric must be damp.
  4. Spread the sheet over the surface of the sofa.
  5. Knock it out thoroughly by rinsing the fabric periodically.

All the dirt will settle on the sheet. Do not use the sofa until it is completely dry.

Vanish cleaning

In addition to folk remedies, you can also use household chemicals. For this purpose, "Vanish" is suitable:

  1. Dilute the product according to the instructions. To do this, dissolve 1 part of the product in 9 parts of water. If the contamination is strong, then a more concentrated solution can be made.
  2. Whisk the solution until a stiff foam is obtained.
  3. Apply the foam evenly to the upholstery, scrub in a circular motion and leave to dry.
  4. After a while, vacuum the furniture.

Getting rid of grease

If the sofa has not been cleaned of dust for a long time, then shiny spots appear on it.

Leather and leatherette

On dense leather upholstery, these stains can be easily removed with a sponge dipped in soap and soda solution. Alternatively, you can dissolve any dishwashing detergent in water and treat with it. leather sofa... These methods are also suitable for cleaning leatherette upholstery.

Fabric upholstery

But what can you clean a sofa upholstered in fabric?

  • Lint-free upholstery can be cleaned with a brush and soapy water. Instead of soap, you can also use dishwashing detergent. Whip up the lather, apply on stains for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with clean water and dry with an absorbent cloth or tissue.

Important! Make the general cleaning solution not very saturated. So that later you do not have to wash out the remnants of the product from the surface of the sofa.

  • Fluffy coatings must be treated with a foam sponge. A solution of laundry soap or dishwashing detergent is suitable as a cleaning agent.

Important! It is always more difficult to clean light-colored furniture - in addition to removing stains, you will have to clean the entire upholstery in order to eliminate the risk of stains.

Features of cleaning different coatings

Cleaning methods depend on the material the sofa is upholstered in. Good for leather may not work for fabric upholstery. With a few tips and tricks, you can clean your sofa at home quickly and efficiently.

Leather or leatherette:

  • Such a coating can be cleaned with a damp cloth, but it is not recommended to wet the skin too much.
  • You can use special wipes for cleaning leather and leatherette products.
  • Egg white will hide any cracks and give the skin a shine. Whisk a few whites in a bowl and apply to the sofa using cheesecloth or cotton cloth.
  • Egg white can be substituted with cow's milk.
  • Wine stains can be removed with an alcohol wipe, or cotton pad dipped in alcohol or vodka.
  • Pen or felt-tip marks can also be removed with alcohol or tape.


  • Dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water or liquid soap... Best cleaned with a microfiber cloth. Do not press hard on the upholstery to avoid damaging the pile.
  • Pet hair, hair and other debris can be brushed off.
  • If there are complex stains on the velor sofa, it is better to use the services of specialists.

Nubuck or suede:

  • For cleaning, it is better to use a porous soft sponge or soft brush.
  • Remove greasy stains with an eraser, rock salt or an alcohol solution.

Important! Protect your sofa - buy a special water repellent treatment. It will protect the upholstery from water and other liquids.


  • Dry cleaning is best for this type of finish. If moisture gets on the tapestry, the color or texture of the material may change.
  • If dry cleaning does not help the situation, you can make a solution of shampoo and warm water. But only foam should be applied to the stains; you should not wipe them off with water.

Get rid of stains and unpleasant odors

How to clean a sofa at home from stains and odors? Any stain requires a special approach. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for all types of stains. If stains appear, remember the following:

  • Try to remove the stain as soon as it appears. Stubborn stains are much more difficult to remove.
  • Before tackling the stain, remove any dirt and dust from the sofa by vacuuming or knocking it out.
  • Start with more gentle measures, and only then move on to more aggressive ones.
  • Test the product on a small, inconspicuous area. Wait until the area is completely dry, and only then draw conclusions.
  • Brush the stain from the edge to the center so that it does not spread even more over the surface.
  • Increase the concentration of the cleaning agent gradually.

So, let's start removing different types of stains.

Greasy stains:

  • If appeared greasy stain, cover it with chalk as soon as possible. It will absorb all the fat. Brush off and add powder again. If the stain does not completely disappear, it will become less noticeable.
  • Instead of chalk, you can cover the stains with talc, starch, salt, or baking soda. Leave it on for a few hours, then brush or vacuum.
  • Any remaining stain can be removed with any upholstery cleaner.

Beer stains:

  • Wipe off the stain with ordinary soapy water and then treat with a mild vinegar solution.
  • To remove this kind of contamination, you can prepare a decoction of the soap root. Pour a liter of water into a container, add half a spoonful of soap root and boil for about an hour. Then cool the broth and clean the stains with it.

Blood stains:

  • If the contamination is fresh, then make a paste of talcum and water, apply it to problem areas... After the detergent has dried, you can brush it off with a brush.
  • You can use starch or cornmeal instead of talcum powder.
  • Treat a fresh stain with laundry soap and cold water.
  • If the dirt is stubborn, crush an aspirin tablet in 200 ml of water and wipe the problem areas with the solution.
  • It is better to clean a light sofa with a saline solution. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water and treat areas with traces of blood. Leave it on for an hour. If it does not go away, the procedure can be repeated.

Urine stains

If a child gets dirty on the sofa, try to dry the sofa immediately with napkins. Then treat these places with alcohol or diluted in water. citric acid... Wash stains with soapy water or Vanish.

Ballpoint pen marks

What means to clean the sofa if there is a nuisance in the form of traces from a ballpoint pen?

Such traces can be removed well with alcohol. But do not rub hard, otherwise the ink will blur and the surface of the dirt will increase even more. Apply cotton wool soaked in alcohol to stains, and change cotton swabs more often.

Juice stains:

  • Such contaminants can be easily removed with ammonia diluted in water.
  • You can mix ammonia with vinegar in a 1 to 1 ratio and use this solution to clean problem areas.
  • You can use nail polish remover, acetone, or rubbing alcohol.

Coffee or tea stains

Add a little vinegar to the soapy solution, wash the stain with this solution.

Jam, chocolate or condensed milk

Let the stains dry to prevent dirt from smearing onto the upholstery. Then remove the crust, and the traces can be treated with soapy water and dried with a cloth or napkin.

Wine stains

Blot the stain with a tissue or paper towel:

  • Sprinkle any traces of red wine with salt and scrub with a brush. Then you can treat it with a soft cloth soaked in alcohol.
  • Traces of white wine can be easily removed with alcohol.

Stains on velvet or plush upholstery:

  • It is not recommended to clean such upholstery with water or soapy water. If you are making a soapy solution, then you only need to apply the foam. You need to brush in the direction of the pile. Use a soft sponge or microfiber cloth to clean.
  • Clean contamination with alcohol or refined gasoline.
  • It is better to entrust difficult stains to specialists from dry cleaning.

The sofa is the main resting place for the whole family, so it is not surprising that after a while it can lose its original color, as well as become saturated with various unpleasant odors.

How to freshen up your sofa at home?

  • This is easy to do if you use a steamer. With it, your favorite sofa will be as clean and fresh as on the first day of purchase. Hot steam will destroy all microorganisms that have settled on your furniture, remove all unnecessary odors.

Important! Let the furniture dry well after this treatment.

  • Pet litter can help with stubborn odors. Scatter the balls over the surface of the sofa and crush them a little. Let them lie like this for an hour. During this time, they will remove all unpleasant odors. Then they can be simply swept away with a broom, and the surface of the furniture can be vacuumed.
