DIY 3d floors. Required tools and accessories

Modern renovation hard to imagine without quality flooring... Moreover, when you want to bring something new and creative into the atmosphere. Therefore, it's time to think about how to make a 3d floor with your own hands, and a video with step-by-step description works can be viewed on the Internet.


Thanks to innovative building materials and modern technologies, you can independently make a flooded floor, which is not only reliable and functional, but also attractive, extraordinary and appropriate to the style of interior decoration.

Among the features and advantages of 3d floor, it is worth noting:

  • attractiveness and originality;
  • the ability to transfer a huge number of fantasies and ideas to the floor;
  • resistance of 3d floor to mechanical damage;
  • hygiene of the coating;
  • the ability to perform pouring technology on any base;
  • resistance of 3d floor to moisture and chemicals;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to do everything yourself.

About diversity

3 d floor casting technology allows you to make original cover that will look beautiful as in office space and in the living room.

Decorative self-leveling coatings can be decorated with any pattern, pattern, in any color scheme, which allows the owner of the room to bring to life the most extraordinary, daring and varied different ideas.

For instance:

Pouring the base

  • In the living room, the floor can be decorated in the form of a photo of a flower meadow or a big city.
  • In the room for children, you can place your child's favorite characters from cartoons or fairy tales on the 3d floor.
  • In the bedroom, it is recommended to decorate the floor with a famous painting, an unobtrusive pattern, etc.
  • A bathtub or toilet can be decorated with a fill with a photo of dolphins, shells or other marine-themed elements.
  • The floor in the office space can be complemented with a company logo or other brand name.

Today, pouring technologies offer an incredible number of design solutions with which you can create 3d floors in different options and without restrictions. After all, modern materials provide a wide range of colors and shades that do not limit your imagination.

Installation of floors

If you decide to do the installation of 3d floors with your own hands, then, despite your confidence, you will have to repeatedly look through the photos, and also better video showing phased implementation fill.

The process consists of the following types of work:

  1. Preliminary surface preparation.
  2. Base creation - filling the polymer layer. How to do it yourself, you can watch the video on the Internet.
  3. Picture or photo sticker.
  4. Covers the image with a transparent component.
  5. The last stage is the application of a special wear-resistant and shockproof layer.

Innovative technologies

Compliance with all of the above steps allows you to create the effect of a 3-dimensional image. In this case, the depth of 3 d of the effect will depend on the height of the application of the last layer.

The design of the 3d floor is an exclusively individual creation that allows for a wide variety of experiments. For example, instead of a photo or drawing, you can use dried flowers and leaves, pebbles, multi-colored crystals, colored sand and others. decorative elements.

Many experts say that making 3d floors with your own hands is too difficult and almost impossible. Since the slightest non-observance of the technology significantly reduces the life of the coating.

It is for this reason that it is possible to independently perform a self-leveling 3-dimensional coating only if all the subtleties of installation and the stages of technology are observed.

Materials used

In order to do the installation of 3d floors with your own hands, you must use the following materials:

  • A two-component polymer mixture consisting of a hardener and transparent base which are mixed before use.
  • Decor elements - photos, drawings, various natural materials that will determine the appearance of the floors and create the desired 3d effect.

Surface preparation

Preparation of the solution

This stage in the technology of creating 3 d self-leveling floors consists in carrying out the following actions:

  • dismantling skirting boards and old flooring;
  • installation of waterproofing is important for rooms with high humidity;
  • leveling the surface using concrete screed or sandy cement mortar;
  • grinding the surface using a grinder or grinder with a diamond wheel;
  • elimination of cracks, chips, potholes and other defects using cement mortar or epoxy-based composition.

After the surface is level and smooth, it is necessary to remove the debris with fragments and remove the dust using a vacuum cleaner. Indoor humidity should be no higher than 50%.

Base priming

Distribution of special substance

The concrete base must be treated with a primer so that the base layer of the self-leveling floor with a 3-dimensional image is better connected to it.

Use light-nap spatulas, brushes or rollers to apply the primer. The solution is applied in at least 2 layers.

Application of a polymer layer

People who make 3D floors with their own hands must know that the application of the polymer layer must be started no later than 20 hours after priming. A polymer layer is used as a base base, ideal for applying a pattern to it.

Special compounds are applied to the floor screed. But first they are mixed with a solvent in a ratio of 2: 1 using a special mixer, since it is strictly forbidden to do this with your hands.

The mixture must be prepared in small portions, as after 30 minutes the composition will harden. The product is poured onto the surface, after which the base is carefully leveled with a special needle roller and the rule, removing all air bubbles.

Drawing a picture

This is the new seamless designer floor

After waiting for the base base to dry, you can start decorating the surface. Today there are two ways to apply an image for 3-day self-leveling floors:

  1. Drawing a pattern acrylic paints... This can only be done by a person with certain drawing skills.
  2. Bonding the finished image or photo.

The first method is quite effective and reliable, but relatively expensive. Since to create a picture you need to have expensive materials UV resistant.

The second option is more common. For this, drawings or photos that are suitable for the style of the interior are taken. They are processed in a graphics editor, their brightness and color are corrected, then they are stretched to the desired size and printed on a dense medium.

The most popular options today are vinyl or thermal printed banner fabrics. When placing the image on the base, you should look so that air bubbles do not get under the film.

Filling the polymer component

The polymer composition is poured directly onto the image with a layer of at least 3 mm. The composition is mixed in a clean dish using a drill with a special attachment. The mortar is poured onto the floor in separate portions and leveled using a needle roller. Rolling is done until the composition begins to thicken.

The last stage is the application of a protective layer.


Do-it-yourself self-leveling floors with a 3-dimensional image is not so difficult and time-consuming as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to work carefully and follow all stages. technological process and also use materials good quality. Self-assembly such coverage will significantly save money, since the services of specialists are quite expensive.

Semyon Knyazev

During a major overhaul in any room, work is necessarily carried out to create a new floor covering. The revolution in this area was the emergence of three-dimensional self-leveling floors.

In this article we will talk about:

Their creation by professionals is quite expensive, so many are interested in how to make 3D floors themselves in order to save the family budget. Moreover, such a process will make it possible to translate a variety of design ideas into reality.

Materials used for 3D floor

Before starting work, each person will ask what materials are needed for a 3D floor?

To create a three-dimensional self-leveling floor covering, you will need to purchase:

  1. Two-component primer for starting base coat.
  2. Polymer, which has 12 basic colors and is designed to create a leveling layer.
  3. The image that is created on vinyl based or a banner fabric is used for this.
  4. A two-component polymer that is completely transparent. It is manufactured on a polyurethane or epoxy base. The polymer is required to create a topcoat.
  5. A two-component protective varnish used for the topcoat of three-dimensional floors.
  6. Masking tape and plastic wrap, designed to protect the building envelope.

When working with all materials for a self-leveling 3D floor, you will need tools that will also need to be purchased if they are not available.

Preparation of the base for three-dimensional self-leveling floors

The basis of the 3D floor is a concrete screed, which should be especially even, since even small bumps on the surface will seem like whole mountains. This is due to the fact that polymer floors are 3-5 mm thick. To carry out such work, a special grinding machine is used.

If there is no such tool, then you can use an ordinary grinder, but it will need to be installed on it diamond disc... must be used to remove large protrusions. If there are any chips or cracks on the base, then they must be eliminated with a cement mortar.

After leveling the base, it is necessary to completely remove all debris from it, including dust. For this, a vacuum cleaner is used, it is best if it is an industrial one. The presence of oil stains on the surface of the base is also unacceptable, since they will not allow the self-leveling floor to properly adhere to its foundation.

If the base was poured again, then it must be allowed to dry for 30 days, since when creating self-leveling floors, the presence of excess moisture is unacceptable. Its value in the room should not exceed 50%, and in the base no more than 4%.

For better connection a base coat of 3D concrete screed floor is used with a primer. It fills all the pores of the base and penetrates deeply into it. The primer is applied in two times, the first coat should dry well. To work with it, brushes, rollers and spatulas are used.

Creation of a leveling polymer layer

This stage of work must be started no earlier than 4 hours, but no later than a day after the primer was applied. The self-leveling floor is created directly on the base, but before that, its mixture must be prepared. For this, the transparent component is mixed with a solvent in a 2: 1 ratio using a mixer. The mixture is prepared in small portions, as the composition begins to harden after 30 minutes.

It is then poured onto the base and flattened using a rule and a needle roller that helps air out of the mix. Check the evenness of the polymer layer after at least 24 hours. The complete polymerization of the self-leveling floor occurs in approximately 7 days.

Pasting a three-dimensional pattern

All technology of self-leveling 3D floor is tied directly to the image. It is because of the use of the pattern that several layers of polymer are poured. An image can be created in two ways:

  • when using polymer or acrylic paints;
  • gluing the finished drawing on the prepared base.

The first method is expensive, but at the same time the most reliable and effective. The second option for creating an image is the most common. The required drawing can be printed in any modern printing house.

If, when creating a three-dimensional self-adhesive floor, an image is used that is made on a vinyl self-adhesive film, then during its gluing it is necessary to constantly monitor that no air bubbles remain under the material. It is necessary to carefully smooth the drawing using a rubber spatula, and at the same time press it tightly against the created surface.

When using the image that is applied to the banner fabric, the gluing process is performed using a thin layer finishing mixture polymer. You can also use a two-component varnish. Further work is performed in the same way as when using a self-adhesive film.

Topcoat and protective varnish application

The final transparent coating on the patterned canvas must be applied 24 hours after it has been glued. The thickness of this layer must be at least 3 mm. Before starting work, the volume of the mixture is calculated, taking into account that about 4 kg of the finishing transparent coating will be needed per square meter of floor. The components of the self-leveling floor are mixed in a clean dish using a special mixer.

It is strongly discouraged to perform such work manually. The transparent mixture is poured onto the image in separate portions, using the rules to align it. A needle roller is also used to remove air from the mixture. They need to pierce the transparent floor layer for 5-45 minutes. During this time, the mixture will retain its fluidity, it depends on the polymer manufacturer.

It is possible to move around the surface of a three-dimensional decorative floor only with paint shoes. This is a special shoe that has high spikes on the sole. It takes 1 to 3 weeks for the 3D self-leveling floor to dry completely. This is influenced by the thickness of the polymer layer, as well as the humidity and temperature in the room.

To extend the life of the created flooring, a protective varnish is used. It also protects the self-leveling floor from chemical and mechanical damage... The components of the varnish are mixed with a mixer for 2 minutes. The prepared mixture is applied to the created three-dimensional self-leveling floor in an even layer.

In this case, the surface must be clean and dry. It is recommended to apply the varnish in two layers. It should be remembered that the protective agent retains its properties after mixing for one hour. Almost every person can make a self-leveling 3D floor with his own hands, for this you need to have patience, minimal skills and strictly observe the technology. It is also important to use only high quality and proven materials.


Self-leveling 3d floors with your own hands - video technology for making 3d floors

Development of modern design solution and repair own apartments does not stand still. What a few decades ago was on the verge of art fiction, even in the thoughts of the most daring and famous meters, today seems to be a normal and appropriate design solution that can be implemented in a small apartment and in large halls- bulk 3d floors. All this concerns such an innovative solution as 3d self-leveling floors, which are gaining more and more popularity in the design of residential premises.

  1. Self-leveling 3d floors
  2. Resistance to mechanical stress of self-leveling 3d floors
  3. Frequently asked questions:
    • Can you make a high-quality self-leveling 3D floor with your own hands?
    • What kind of care is needed for a self-leveling 3d floor?
    • Are there design constraints when creating a 3D floor covering?
  4. Video self-leveling 3d floors with your own hands

Self-leveling 3d floors

A striking difference between such a design solution when decorating a room from others is its pronounced artistic character... Flooring in 3d style is not only an innovation in design, which can sometimes play a dominant, accent role in the interior, but also a fairly strong and long-lasting coating. Scarlet roses, cold ice or hot flames, surf or desert - such ideas and much more can be brought into the interior and brought to life thanks to the self-leveling floor system.

Today it is quite difficult to imagine where the use of flooded 3D floors in the interior and decoration will be inappropriate. Such design reception will look perfect both in the living room, where guests will be received, and on cozy kitchen, where the family will gather in a warm circle over a cup of tea. At the same time, modern technological methods allow using the entire palette of colors in work, and thanks to this, unique floor coverings are created.

In terms of their technological parameters, flooded 3d floors are characterized by the same qualities and properties as ordinary floors, but at the same time they are strikingly different in the style of design and the number of materials used during work. So, unlike the standard color solution, which the floor is filled with, the designers, during the formation of the pattern, use a transparent polymer composition for this type of work, which is directly covered with the pattern glued to the aligned and prepared base.

Like a standard floor covering, the material used is quite resistant to mechanical and chemical stress, and also tolerates temperature fluctuations quite well with a wide range of differences.
With the help of this material, it is quite simple, to quickly level the concrete base and transform the room, giving it an elegant appearance.

Polymer self-leveling poly 3d photos, which you could see in many catalogs earlier, have an absolutely smooth surface, which can be taken care of quite simply and without problems. The whole process of leaving is reduced to wet cleaning and now the floor is clean and ready for further use.
It is worth noting that 3D floors will pleasantly please with a long service life. decorative coating, since according to the manufacturers and the research carried out, this coating will serve its owner for at least 35-40 years.

True, in this case there is a small minus, but not in the characteristics of the floor covering, but in its cost, since this way pouring the floor and decorating the room will cost a fairly round amount of money. So, comparing the pricing policy of classic flooring and the 3d format, the technology of filling the latter is 2-3 times more expensive.
At the same time, a bright, catchy drawing of the latter can eventually get fed up and simply annoy, and this is not the most the best way will affect the well-being and mood of the apartment owners. Although at correct selection colors this can be avoided in neutral colors and using classic ornaments.

Floor pouring technology in 3d format

Like any work of this format, floors - 3d floors have their own manufacturing technology. The technology for making a 3D floor provides for a specific, sequential process that allows you to make a floor of this format yourself. And after consistently going through and studying the video tutorials, the question will no longer arise - is it possible to make 3d floors with your own hands.

The process of pouring 3d self-leveling floors with your own hands can take place in three variations. The first method of pouring the floor is the most difficult, since it involves mixing, combining several paints and performing exactly artistic painting on the "object" - on the floor!

The very process of pouring the floor 3d provides, first of all, the need to prepare a concrete surface, cleaning it of debris, treating it with a special impregnation and filling it with a solution, as a rule, white... After that, it is necessary to pour in the dye and level it with a roller or spatula, creating artistic strokes and streaks in parallel, and give the pigment the opportunity to dry out, so to speak "grab".
After that, a second dye is applied, through which the pattern is created and also given time to dry. It is worth noting that if necessary, for example, to make the picture brighter, you can apply a third layer of paint.

It should be remembered that the surface itself must always remain even, and ultimately the last, colorless polymer layer is applied, after which the floor is ready for "use" for its intended purpose.

The second method of pouring floors in 3d format is similar in technology to the first method, since a dye is poured onto the leveled surface of the future floor and passed over the still wet surface with a needle roller. After that, let the surface dry and the floor itself is covered with decorative elements in the form of sparkles, and finally the final colorless polymer solution is applied. With the help of such a topcoat, the surface becomes perfectly flat and allowing the solution to dry out, they allow the use of 3d floors for their intended purpose.

But the most attractive look are 3d floors, made by hand with the use of bright stickers and pictures. In this case, first of all, the surface is leveled with a base polymer solution. After 25-30 hours, when the surface dries out, the selected pictures are applied to it, and, as a rule, its size should correspond to the area of ​​the poured area. After that, the pasted image is covered with a transparent solution, with the help of which a plastic lens is formed, which, in turn, is covered with a finishing protective layer... It is worth looking at the finished works of design art - self-leveling 3D photos of which will not leave you indifferent.

In the course of pouring polymeric 3d floors, many "homemade products" always have a lot of questions, not only about production technology, but also about materials and other nuances of work.
So many craftsmen and customers are interested in signs of wear on a polymer floor. In this case, it should be noted that modern self-leveling 3d floors are characteristic high degree reliability and resistance not only to household mechanical, but also chemical factors... So it is worth noting that such a floor will serve faithfully without any problems for 35-40 years and the floor surface itself will always remain even and smooth. But even with a strong impact with a heavy object and a dent or chip is formed, then it is quite easy to remove them yourself - fill the place of damage with a transparent polymer solution.

Characteristics and indicators of reliability, strength of self-leveling 3d floors, resistance to mechanical impact

First of all, it is worth determining for yourself what the concept of "flooded floor" is. In professional circles, both builders and designers, such floors are a complete likeness of self-leveling floors. Namely, the similarity lies in the fact that in the technological aspect nothing has been changed or added, but only the name has been changed and both methods are completely identical and fit the same.

The current filling technology provides preliminary preparation the surface to be poured and laying the main pattern. After that, the surface itself is covered with a polymer solution, which exactly forms the three-dimensionality of the pasted image. The finish of such a fill is the fixing of the result obtained with the help of a polymer, which gives strength to the picture and protects it from external influences.

What are the features in the process of laying the floor and what are the polymer compositions for pouring, as well as what is the whole technological essence of making a volumetric image?

Considering in detail the very structure of the 3d floor device, as well as the method of its formation, it is worth noting that for its creation with my own hands only 4 components are required. First of all it comes O polymer base, the second component is a drawing with the effect of a three-dimensional picture or pigment blotches applied by a line method. On top of the picture, a polymer is applied to create a lens effect and eventually everything is fixed. protective compound able to withstand mechanical and chemical influence from the outside.

Frequently asked questions:

Is it possible to make a high-quality self-leveling 3D floor with your own hands?

Experience shows that this process in theory, it is quite simple, but still requires certain skills, since the polymer composition must be equalized before it begins to solidify. In this case, complete topcoat it is very difficult for yourself. And all this suggests that it is still worth not risking money, time and nerves, and turning to a specialist who will perform this work with high quality and on time.

What kind of care is needed for a self-leveling 3d floor?

Polymeric coating for 3d floors basically contains organic components and therefore self-leveling floors are distinguished by a high degree of strength and resistance to mechanical or chemical influences or weather conditions. And in this regard, the issue of caring for the floor with the help of certain means is not relevant, since any means for cleaning the floor in particular and the house as a whole are suitable. The only caveat is the protection against mechanical stress by heavy metal objects, for example, the legs of metal furniture or household appliances, all other influences will not be reflected in your field.

How can you speed up the creation of a self-leveling floor?

In the process of creating a 3d coating, the main criterion is quality, which directly depends on how well the polymer layer of the future floor cures. If in the process of drying the layer polymer coating its mechanical damage took place, further quality workmanship the floor will be difficult. In this case, the most important thing is to let the floor, each layer of it dry completely, and if the instructions stipulate 10, 20 hours for drying, it is better to give a little more time, and thereby save yourself from mistakes.

Are there any design constraints when creating a 3D floor covering?

The creation of volumetric images when pouring the floor has become not uncommon for many and there are quite a lot of specialists, and at the same time today there are no restrictions - everything is decided by your imagination and imagination, when you can put any drawing, pattern or even a photograph into the base of the floor. And all that remains is to place it on an aligned base and cover it with a transparent and protective layer of polymer.

What is the correct way to place a 3d drawing on the floor?

Today, modern printing technologies make it possible to simplify the placement of any picture, design or pattern on the floor. And even if we are talking about a volumetric image, it will not be difficult for the masters to bring it to life, while not requiring any additional knowledge, adaptations or construction compositions and mixtures. The three-dimensional effect is achieved due to the picture located on the floor and the applied layer of polymer, which has a refractive property of light, which ultimately creates a three-dimensional image - 3d.

Is it worth pouring a 3d effect floor in a kitchen or bathroom?

A three-dimensional self-leveling floor in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen is a fairly acceptable and profitable option design data square meters. The reason for this choice is quite simple - the strength of the polymer as a material and resistance to mechanical damage, chemical damage, dampness and others. external factors... In such rooms, the 3d floor can please your eyes for a long time without any signs of aging of the material for several decades.

What is the most acceptable 3D floor pattern in the toilet?

A three-dimensional drawing for the toilet should be chosen taking into account the thematic focus - a sea wave, ocean surf, underwater animals or other pictures of a similar format. It should be noted that using a three-dimensional image in the toilet is not very good. good option... Since in a small room and in a small area, all the special effect from a three-dimensional drawing will be lost.

What materials are needed to get started on a 3D floor?

In this matter, you should completely trust the specialist, and from the customer it will be enough to submit an application for the performance of work and decide on the format of the drawing with the designer. If you nevertheless decide to act on your own, then first of all it is worth purchasing special polymer mixtures. First of all, it is a leveling compound that is applied to concrete, stone or wood floors. The next step is to select a picture or pigment dye. And the final will be the acquisition of a polymer mixture that refracts light and creates the effect of volume, and also do not forget about the last, fixing, floor covering layer.

DIY 3d self-leveling flooring videos

All the moments and nuances of the work can be seen quite well in the video, which will show the technology of 3d floor pouring.

Not everyone is happy with renovations in traditional styles, someone wants something special in their home. To implement a modern and extraordinary design in the room, you can make 3d self-leveling floors with your own hands. Our step-by-step instruction accompanied by photos and videos.

Advantages of a self-leveling 3D floor

Accessibility to all necessary materials made possible creation bulk 3d floors in every house. Thanks to their attractive appearance, they perfectly complement any interior. More and more consumers are giving preference to 3D floors, given their following advantages:

  • pouring technology allows you to make a self-leveling floor on any base;
  • the materials used are resistant to chemicals and increased moisture;
  • with their help, you can translate any design ideas into reality;
  • they have a hygienic coating;
  • resist mechanical damage;
  • easy to operate;
  • have an original and sophisticated look.

Variety of self-leveling floors

The design of decorative bulk 3D floors provides for the possibility of using any pattern, pattern and color scheme. Thanks to this, even the most extraordinary ideas become real. For a clearer concept, let's look at a few examples of what you can afford.

  • You can make a full-fledged floor from a regular floor at home flower meadow or a huge metropolis.

  • Favorite heroes of the child from cartoons and fairy tales may appear on the floor of the nursery.
  • In the bedroom, make an unobtrusive pattern on the floor or place a famous painting around the perimeter of the entire room.
  • Decorate your bathroom with dolphins, seashells in the sand and other marine elements.
  • In your office, you can make a company logo to fit the entire floor, which will give it even more solidity.

List possible options can be very long, but you need to independently understand what exactly you want to get, and it will be already easy to translate this into reality. This can be done thanks to a wide range of colors and shades of self-leveling floors that cannot limit your imagination.

Installation of self-leveling floor

The technology of pouring 3D floors consists of several stages:

  • preparation of the foundation;
  • creating a polymer layer;
  • drawing an image;
  • covering the pattern with a polymer component;
  • applying a protective layer.

To make high-quality self-leveling floors, it is very important to carefully follow all these steps. The correctness of the process performed will allow you to achieve the desired result and obtain a realistic 3D effect of a self-leveling floor, the depth of which will depend on the thickness of the polymer layer.

It is worth noting that the technology of 3D floors makes it quite interesting to experiment. Instead of simple image, you can place any decorative elements, for example, colored sand, pebbles, colored crystals, or even dried flowers and leaves.

At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to make a 3D floor with your own hands, but if you do the work gradually and carefully, then you will surely succeed.

Preparatory process

When installing a self-leveling 3D floor, you will need the following materials.

  • Polymer two-component mixture, which consists of a hardener and a transparent base. Stir them before using.
  • Decorating components. Usually this is a drawing, but as already mentioned, you can use everything that your imagination allows.

According to the technology of self-leveling 3D floors, preparatory work is envisaged, in which you need to do the following:

  • removal of old coverings and skirting boards;
  • installation of waterproofing;
  • the use of sand-cement mortar or concrete screed to level the base;

  • grinding the surface with a grinder;
  • elimination of all defects (cracks, potholes, chips) with a cement mortar.

After that, you need to thoroughly clean the base of the floor from all kinds of debris and dust. It is necessary to ensure that the humidity in the room does not exceed 50%.

Before proceeding with the application of the polymer layer, it is necessary to prime the surface. This is done so that the area with the 3D image can be as tightly connected to the base as possible. Apply the solution to the floor in at least two layers. In this case, a brush, a spatula and a roller with a small nap are used.

Creating a polymer layer

After priming has been done, it is recommended to wait at least 20 hours. After this time, you can proceed to the polymer layer on which the pattern will be applied.

Using a mixer, you should mix special compounds with a solvent in a 2: 1 ratio. The resulting mixture can now be applied to the floor screed. Considering that the composition hardens after 30 minutes, it should be cooked in small portions. Pour the product onto the base. Now, using a needle roller and a rule, we get rid of bubbles, at the same time leveling the surface.

Image application

After the base has dried, you can start decorating the floor. The technology of self-leveling 3D floors allows you to apply a picture in two ways:

  • acrylic paints: available only to people with drawing skills;
  • gluing the finished image is an easier way.

In addition to being able to draw well for the first method, it also requires expensive materials that can counteract ultraviolet light.

For the second version of 3D floors, you need to take any drawing or photo that fits the interior. The image is processed in the editor, the brightness and color are corrected and the right size and then print. Most often they use drawings with thermal printing on banner fabric or vinyl film. When laying the image, it is important to ensure that no air bubbles remain under the film.

Applying a protective layer

The polymer composition is poured directly onto the images. Its thickness must be at least 3 mm. To mix the composition, you must use only clean dishes so that no debris or dust gets into the mixture. This is very important, as the surface must be completely transparent to create the desired 3D effect. You need to mix the solution with a drill equipped with a special nozzle.

Pour the mixture onto the floor in small portions and smooth out immediately with a needle roller. It is necessary to do rolling until the composition begins to thicken. Finally, after the polymer component has hardened, a protective layer must be applied.

As it turned out, the technology of self-leveling 3D floors is not complicated at all and is quite feasible on our own. To reach the goal and create in your home interesting design, you just need to slowly and carefully follow the instructions. By making a self-leveling floor with your own hands, you can significantly save on the work of specialists, since such services are quite expensive. To see the whole sequence of actions with your own eyes and find out the details of how the self-leveling floor is made, watch the video and photo of the process.

New construction and repair technologies are constantly appearing on the market, which are being improved and refined. Self-leveling floors can be cited as confirmation of this fact. They appeared relatively recently, so that not all consumers were able to get acquainted with their operational features. But the designers are already proposing to additionally use volumetric drawings when filling them. They allow you to create interesting interiors and implement different stylistic concepts. A similar idea can be implemented on your own, because making 3D floors with your own hands is not so difficult. To do this, it is enough to study in detail the detailed instructions and watch a video clearly illustrating all the stages of the technology.

Your attention is invited detailed manual, which will help you to independently carry out the installation of three-dimensional polyurethane floors. Modern technology 3d flooring is based on the creation of a three-dimensional effect that has both depth and scale of the image.

You can install such a floor anywhere, not just in the kitchen or in the toilet. It is suitable for a living room, a children's room, and a bedroom. If you choose the right drawing and color palette, combined with the colors of the interior, a rather interesting general picture is obtained, which forms the very home comfort.

Steps for creating three-dimensional floors

In order to understand how to proceed, where to start and what to pay special attention to during work, it is necessary to draw up a clear plan that reflects the main stages of installation. The described technology consists of several steps:

  1. Preparatory work.
  2. Selection and preparation of photos for 3d floor.
  3. Thorough preparation of the base.
  4. Application of the main base coat.
  5. Laying the picture.
  6. Application of a protective finish coat.
  7. Coating with varnish.

Let's dwell on each stage in more detail.

Preparatory work

Experts warn that in order to make three floors yourself, you need to have certain skills and knowledge, as well as be prone to adventurism. After all, not everything can work out the first time. For the successful implementation of this goal, you must first equip forced ventilation. It will allow you to protect yourself from toxic vapors that the composition of the polyurethane floor forms during pouring. Regular respirator without forced ventilation would be useless.

Note! It is impossible to start pouring the floor if the air temperature in the room is below +10 degrees Celsius, and the humidity of the base exceeds 4%.

Selection and preparation of photos for 3d floor

Floor pouring process

The hardest thing about assembly process- choose and prepare the image correctly. Creative people will easily cope with this task, since they see the most winning combinations colors and shades, can make up the perspective and know what they want. An ordinary man in the street, as a rule, often cannot even formulate his desires. Therefore, the main advice is to study the ready-made portfolio of companies that carry out the installation of bulk three de-floors.

As a rule, such projects are published on the pages of specialized sites. You can also get free expert advice there. Another option is to order the production of the project by an experienced designer working remotely. This is also a good solution for those who cannot find their bearings and make the right choice on their own.

The Internet provides powerful information support. Its resources can provide both colorful photos and an interesting training video that clearly demonstrates all stages of the process. After watching it, you can really assess your strengths and answer the most important question- to make three de floors with your own hands or entrust the process to experienced craftsmen?

If you want to master the technique yourself, choose an image, contact any company specializing in the production of outdoor advertising, and order it to produce vinyl film on which the selected pattern will be printed. As a rule, each such company has a collection of ready-made three-dimensional scenes and compositions.

Note! Before placing an order, you need to ask what image quality the printer can provide, and on what basis the drawing will be applied. A high-quality basis will be obtained only if the printer resolution is at least 1440 dpi, and the image is printed on satin.

The production of a drawing takes up a significant proportion of the total cost of the project. The price of one square meter will be approximately $ 100.

Preparing the base

Leveling the floor covering

After all preparatory work, and the drawing is printed, you can start preparing the base for pouring three-dimensional floors. The ideal base is a smooth cement-sand screed, well dried and primed special composition providing the necessary adhesion. If there is an old one concrete surface, it will first have to be repaired.

To do this, it is carefully examined, and cracks, chips and potholes are found on it. If any, they must be thoroughly filled with epoxy or special sealant. Large pits and potholes are filled with quick-drying compositions based on quartz-epoxy components.

Note! If concrete base in places it began to crumble, it cannot be repaired. It is advisable to immediately dismantle it and fill in a new one. cement-sand screed... Otherwise, self-leveling three-dimensional floors will not last long.

After the repair, the concrete base is carefully polished, then vacuumed and primed with a special compound for self-leveling floors, which is applied with a viscose roller. This mixture will fill all the pores of the concrete and finally level the surface.

Note! Many fear that the three-d floor will be cold. This is not true. Its finish surface is quite warm.

Many are interested in the issue of compatibility of self-leveling floors and underfloor heating systems. This combination is permissible, and you can also use electrical cable, and the water system. But such an idea will cost unreasonably expensive, so no one undertakes the installation of such a tandem.

Apply a base coat

A place for relaxation

The process of creating self-leveling floors can take 3 days. The first day the surface is primed. On the second day, you can apply the base coat. As it, the masters advise using a polymer floor or making an ordinary self-leveling screed. And that's why.

It is the polymer composition that allows you to form an ideal base for applying a pattern, the image of which is fixed on vinyl or satin. And the screed is good when the image is formed with the help of others decorative materials- seashells, colored sand or dried flowers.

Note! Sometimes the base layer acts as the main background. In this case, experts recommend a more responsible attitude to the choice of its color.

The base layer is applied with a long trowel and then leveled with a rule. A needle roller helps to expel air bubbles from the mixture.

Apply the image

The base dries exactly one day, so on the third day you can apply the image. Anyone who knows how to draw can create anything with acrylic paints on their own, saving a decent amount for making a drawing in a workshop. But not everyone has such a gift, so for most there are two possibilities:

  • Invite an artist, paying him a tidy sum.
  • To glue on the base a ready-made and printed image, which is also not cheap.

One of the earliest and most popular patterns

In any case, you cannot save at this stage. After all, the overall impression of such an undertaking will depend on the quality of the picture. The vinyl film and banner are simply glued to the floor. The same transparent polymer and primer are used as glue. Both materials are mixed in a 2 × 1 ratio and then a solvent is added to them. The resulting mixture is applied with a roller or wide brush. Moreover, the roller is preferable, since villi may remain on the surface from the brush. The adhesive consumption is approximately 300 grams per square meter.

A drawing is superimposed on a well-primed base. It is better to carry out this operation in several hands, since you have to make sure that no air bubbles form between the base and the film. At first glance, it seems that such work is easy enough. In fact, without certain skills, it will not work to stick the film smoothly and with high quality.

It is necessary to act in such a situation as follows. Two pairs of hands gently press the banner to the surface, and the other pair of hands rubber spatula smoothes the film. Moreover, everything must be done at a fast pace, since the polymer composition quickly sets.

Apply the finishing layer

After gluing the picture, the image must be protected with a finishing polymer layer. The consumption of the mixture will depend on the thickness of the last layer. As a rule, experts recommend choosing a thickness of at least 3 mm. In this case, it will take about 4.5 kilograms of polymer composition to cover one cubic meter.

Do-it-yourself installation of the finishing layer is not so difficult. The technology of its filling is as follows:

It is important that the self-leveling floors spread evenly

  1. The polymer composition consists of two components - liquid and dry. They are mixed together in a large bulk container according to the instructions on the package. It is advisable to knead with a drill, and this process should take at least 20 minutes.
  2. The finished mixture is poured directly onto the glued film. Your task is to distribute the composition evenly and form the same thickness. A long rule will help you to do this.
  3. During the filling process, for the convenience of the work, the craftsmen put special wet shoes on their feet. This is an ordinary thick insole, to the sole of which steel spikes are screwed. The insole is attached to the feet with Velcro. In such shoes, it is convenient to move around the flooded floor without making traces, and also to perform the next stage of pouring. This is the rolling of the floor with a needle roller, which allows air bubbles to be expelled from the thickness of the composition. Rolling is carried out until the floor has hardened within 30 minutes after pouring.

After a few hours, the floor will harden and will need to be covered for a few days. plastic wrap... The final hardening time depends on many factors - the thickness of the layer itself, temperature and humidity level inside the room.

We cover with a protective varnish

The polymer composition is very strong and wear-resistant, but to protect against mechanical damage, it is advisable to cover it with a special varnish in one layer.

This will significantly extend the operational life, as well as form an anti-slip surface.

How to care for 3d floors?

Green grass in the bathroom

As a result of the correct implementation of the described technology, a perfectly smooth seamless coating is obtained, on which cracks and chips will not form. This means that such a surface will be easy to care for. However, there are several rules that must be adopted by someone who has decided to make self-leveling floors in his apartment with his own hands.

In order for them to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time, you need to follow several recommendations:

  1. Once every six months, the floor must be covered with a special protective mastic.
  2. When performing any renovation works connected with renovation of walls and ceilings, it is better to protect polymer floors with plastic wrap.
  3. All large-sized furniture with legs should be “put on” in felt “boots”.
  4. In progress daily care can be used warm water and cleaning agents that are free of chlorine, caustic soda, ammonia and acid.

Generalization on the topic

As you can see, the described technology allows you to realize any, even the most daring design fantasies. detailed instructions, described above, will make it clear how you can make 3D floors with your own hands, not only in the toilet, but also in any other room. The entire installation takes no more than four days. At the same time, the laying technology is available to everyone, so even non-professionals can do it. As a result, the floor will look extraordinary and exclusive.

Ruslan Vasiliev