Words of congratulations on the graduation of elementary school. Original congratulations from children and parents at Graduation in elementary school

I bring to your attention the wishes of the 4th grade graduates from their teacher - my version to help the teacher.

All wishes are personal, for each child - his own. Knowing the nature of your children and making the necessary changes, you can make them even more individual - and this is many times more valuable and interesting, I will not tire of repeating it.

In some places I first write a short description of the prospective student, and immediately - possible ones from their teacher. Any coincidences are, of course, coincidental.

An important point: I am a supporter of objectivity and justice, as far as it is real in our subjective world. Therefore, I will not only praise, but also transparently hint at problematic behavioral traits with a proposal to correct them.

How delicately it turned out, it's not for me to decide. But in any case, you will have to customize the text of parting words for your children, so I don’t accept claims)))

But I am happy to accept any constructive ideas and feedback in the comments under the article - please take a few minutes for them.

So let's go.

Wishes to 4th grade graduates from their teacher

For a cheerful boy who does not bother at all about his studies and lessons:

One boy got into the land of Unlearned lessons and enjoyed life until he met a cow who wanted to eat him, because he called her a carnivore, and one and a half diggers, which he himself received through incorrect calculations. I wish you to be a resident of the country Only lessons learned, and that the results please, and not overshadow your wonderful smile!

For a good child who finds learning difficult despite his best efforts:

There is a saying: "If you try, everything can work out." You are great, you are trying, this is the main thing. The result may not be visible immediately, but it will be more durable. And I wish you all the best for you. Never give up!


For a diligent, responsible girl, but speaking with others, let's say, too loudly:

You are very essential. This is a remarkable feature that confirms the reliability of a person. But when we say something, we want to be heard. However, here is the paradox - scientists have proven that the quieter and calmer we pronounce the words, the better the interlocutor will hear us. And people hear each other much better when they communicate with mutual respect. This is exactly the kind of communication I want for you!


Wish to a sporty, purposeful boy:

- “I see the goal - I see no obstacles” - these words are called the formula for success. You are a purposeful boy, it is always worthy of respect. Only I wish you to still see the obstacles on your way to the goal and always find ways to overcome them. And these methods must be worthy. The principle “we will achieve at any cost” is not our principle.


Parting words to a student, a little arrogant, who would do well to learn to be friends and respect classmates:

Sometimes even one is a warrior in the field. But still, we live in a world of people and we need to communicate with them, and it is much easier to do this when you know how to see the good in a person and treat him with respect. In addition, no one has canceled the main law of the Universe: before you get something, you have to give something (labor, diligence, time, good attitude). But there is good news - the more a person gives, the more he gains. I wish you only good news!


For a neat, straight-A student who is good but talks a lot, too often, and too fast:

You are a big tidy woman and a big smart one. Keep learning and developing. Re-read, for example, Omar Khayyam - in it everyone can find words for themselves that will help fix something in themselves and become better. And to speed it up, start with a list of his quotes. For example - "Silence is a shield from many troubles" ...


“A foolish person does what is not asked. A smart person does not do what is not asked. And only the wise do what is necessary.” You are a smart, well-mannered boy. I wish that in time you will also become wiser. And know that wisdom does not depend on age, it depends on our experience and the ability to comprehend it.


- “When a person really wants something, the whole Universe conspires to help him achieve his dream,” Paulo Coelho tells us and you. But our dreams and desires will not come true without our participation, here we need to develop character, strive for independence and rely on ourselves. Then the Universe will say: - What a fine fellow, perhaps I will help him! He is a good friend and he tried so hard. He deserved!

I wish you the well-deserved help of the Universe!



- “There is nothing impossible for me” - this phrase could become your calling card, if some other character traits didn’t interfere, right? You are a good, fair boy, but I advise you to learn how to properly direct and spend your energy, otherwise it will not be enough for everything. In vehemence, you can break firewood, but it’s better to chop them calmly.


A strong person is not one who is doing well, because he is lucky. The strong one is the one who influences his own life. Temper your soul and body, train your muscles and mind, and everything will be fine with you, which is what I wish you!

- everything secret always becomes clear - this is what folk wisdom says, and the validity of these words is confirmed at every step. It is better to be wise than cunning, and kind rather than evil. You are kind, which is a very good trait. The rest you will figure out yourself if you think it over and weigh it all up.


There are only two days in the year when we can't do anything. One of them is called "yesterday", the other is called "tomorrow". But between them is "today", when we have the opportunity to do something useful for ourselves and others. You are a diligent person. I wish you that your efforts are always positive!


Do you know that you are a cheerful, affectionate girl? These are wonderful features, they should be proud of! You don’t have to be arrogant, of course, but you shouldn’t be shy either. And you are also brave. Not every person can go out and sing, but you can! Remember this more often, and life will become more fun and easier.


You are a creative person. Use this wonderful quality of yours not only for an interesting pastime, but also in order to express yourself. But be sure to remember - the brighter the Master and his creations, the stronger his influence on the world. I wish you to change the world and yourself only for the better!


You are stubborn, inquisitive, you do a lot. I wish you to be able to direct your forces in the right direction, and turn all pranks into scientific experiments. And who knows - maybe in a few years we will have our own Bill Gates or Elon Musk? You don't mind?


One cannot be good for everyone, just as one cannot have a point of view that always coincides with others. Only those who do not know how to think for themselves immediately agree with others. You know how to! It is also important to be able to correct your opinion with the advent of new circumstances and admit at times its fallacy so that the point of view does not turn into a dogma. You need to learn not only at school, but all your life. And you will succeed!


Everything that comes easy to us, we often stop appreciating. And everything that we do not appreciate, leaves us. I wish you to appreciate and develop all your abilities so that they help you achieve success. You are a well-mannered, respectful child, it is always nice. Be respectful of both people and your own talents.


Life is harmony, it should have a place for both pragmatism and romanticism. A constructive approach to business, the presence of one's own opinion and the ability to convincingly substantiate it are wonderful qualities, for this you - respect! It’s only worth remembering harmony from time to time and adding a few other moments to your life.


Each of us is a person, each of us has his own purpose and desires. Omar Khayyam said: “You are where your thoughts are. So make sure your thoughts are where you want to be." You are a smart boy, and I wish the right location for your thoughts and yourself!


Something like that)))

And do not think, dear Reader, that some parting words are difficult and incomprehensible for a fourth-grader. Children tend to understand more than we think.

Where and how to use the wishes of the teacher

primary school graduates

Orally - directly at the very graduation, if there are few children, or at the final class hour, or at the last call. But let's be honest - they may not be heard there, long reading will tire everyone, and the issue of privacy is also important - some of the graduates or their parents will not like what they say about them in public

In writing - this option seems to me more preferable, although more time-consuming. If the teacher writes his own in a commemorative album, a personal letter in honor of the end of grade 4, on any other paper that remains in the family of a young graduate, then there is a chance that the words will be read and even considered)) Maybe not on the same day and not in the same year, but all the more interesting ...

If handwriting is not possible, print it out with a personal signature and hand it in the form of a scroll with a ribbon or as a note in a small bright envelope. And mentally inspire parents to put these words on the photographs that will be periodically taken out and viewed, or hung on the door as a sign with a hint that.

P.S. from 16.09.2017.

With the wish that good things always be in life,

and bad - as little as possible,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Graduated from elementary school
We're going to high school
And here is our cheerful graduation,
From happiness we just sing!

So joyful, so unusual
We will be adults now
And the school is easy and familiar
Opens the door to knowledge!

Graduation 4th grade
I want to congratulate
We are primary school
Overcome with you.

5th grade is ahead
new items,
New teachers
You will be welcomed in the fall.

I wish that at school
You became the best class
And to the first teacher
They ran to visit.

Primary school is left behind and ahead of you is the second, no less important stage of school life - grade 5! Four years flew by in an instant, but everything interesting is just knocking at your door! Today, on your first serious graduation, I would like to wish you more diligence, perseverance, excellent grades and true school friends!

You graduated from elementary school
Guys, what are you good fellows!
To dreams you go with big steps,
And there is not a drop of laziness in you, kids!

In the 4th grade a holiday,
Graduation is fun
Finished successfully
You are the primary school.

With the first teacher
Today you say goodbye
Now you're underclass
You are no longer called.

I want high school
Don't give up positions
Everyone is good at learning
Become excellent.

It was only the first stage
And after him another,
Only joy will not disappear
This is the first graduation.

It's a holiday, it's a reason
Note -
Everything is now with the initial let,
But with education!

Graduation in the fourth grade
Congratulations guys
In high school you study
With the same zeal and passion.

Let the ideas succeed
And the fives fly to you,
Let passion and perseverance
The eyes are amazing.

Strength to you, dear, patience,
Never retreat
Believe in strength, smile,
And be a little naughty.

You are not younger anymore
One step above steel.
A little anxious,
Time passed quickly.

More desks, more class
You are no longer a freshman.
Here is your graduation
Dresses, white shirts.

Everything is intertwined in one stream,
Sadness and joy, it is not clear.
First graduation call
Both sad and pleasant.

Well, we wish
So that you don't get lost
Embodied so that dreams
Difficulties not to give up.

They replenished their luggage,
Knowledge, experience, accomplishments.
So that all your school experience
Consisted of achievements!

Fourth class behind
Holidays ahead.
Congratulations on graduation!
So that problems do not arise,

We wish you to rest
Gain strength for sure.
To successfully enter
In the academic year, not the first.

To have fun learning
And they behaved well.
To dream and create -
Everything will turn out great!

Four years have passed, flown by,
You passed this milestone with honor.
You grew up, got stronger, bolder,
And neither the suffix nor the case scares you.

We wish you success and health,
And a strong tooth to gnaw at the granite of science.
Let the houses surround you with love,
And in class, feel free to raise your hand.

Oh, just recently
They took first class.
You were funny then
Don't recognize you today!

We wish you in your studies
Ease, patience,
And always excellent
There was a mood!

4 school years have passed.
Guys, you've grown up.
A wonderful road awaits you
You have everything ahead of you.

Four years unnoticed
Already gone, they can't be returned
But there is still to come
It's been a long, important journey.

Your teacher free you
Azam taught science.
Don't forget those years.
A new stage has come for you!

Happy graduation 4th grade!
We are glad to congratulate you.
A new path in life awaits you
He leads to the pinnacle of knowledge.

We wish you aspirations
New glorious adventures
Only positive ratings
And happy change.

Develop, don't be lazy
Learn everything important.
Good luck, bright days,
And cool and loyal friends.

Congratulations kids on your graduation. The elementary school is behind and now you have to walk on a more difficult road. But, you will definitely cope, because you are great fellows, you are a friendly and cheerful class, you are purposeful and courageous children. We wish you guys an interesting and healthy life, fulfilling your dreams, supporting your comrades, loving your loved ones and achieving great victories along the way. High marks to you and easy study in the future.

Elementary school is over
You are all adults, very smart children!
I wish you all success ahead,
May the ray of good luck shine brightly on you!

I want you to study only for "five",
Always happy and healthy!
I wish you all your goals,
Be ready for bright discoveries!

You are going to the fifth grade - you are big,
Beautiful, tall, cool,
Both wise and literate too.
And there is no one more precious in the world!

Let learning be easy for you,
And the big world will open with a smile,
And smiles at you from the sun from heaven,
And there will be many amazing miracles!

And thanks to all the teachers
We thank them for everything
We wish you prosperity on earth,
Everyday big success!

School year ended
Goodbye, fourth grade.
You are graduates today
Congratulations on this!

No more elementary school
The middle link is waiting for you.
We wish you success
And "fives" at the same time!

Four classes obeyed
You have gained a lot of knowledge
A lot of friends appeared
But the years of childhood passed by.

And now with elementary school
To say goodbye with longing,
And to adult life, but fun
The middle class beckons you with his hand.

May you be lucky and good luck
They will help you study
So that all examples and tasks
You can easily decide!

The fourth grade is over
Your graduation today, kids.
We wish you great success,
Let childhood beckons with bright light.

May everything be successful in studies,
Let success be the reward
Let perky laughter and smiles
Destroy obstacles along the way.

Health to you, new aspirations,
Big and small victories
We wish you very beautiful
Such fun school years.

Four years have flown by
And here comes your graduation
Say goodbye to elementary school
You need this spring
Graduates, we wish you
To study further only on "five",
Listen to all your teachers
Grow up, grow up, don't give up!

At the primary grades
Graduation today.
It's been 4 years
For one party.

You will replenish in the fall
High school team.
Items are waiting for you new,
And weekdays are waiting, and holidays.

With the first teacher
It's time to say goodbye.
And more babies
You don't have to be named.

I want high school
Good luck to you,
To be interesting
And just for you to learn.

You completed the fourth grade
With what we heartily congratulate you!
You have gained so much knowledge
We wish you new success
And also a lot of happiness to everyone!
Let knowledge bring light to you!
Let the fifth grade give a lot
Different discoveries and victories!

Beautiful, kind, inspirational and touching congratulations on graduation in grade 4, teachers and parents dedicate to elementary school students. Young boys and girls are told a lot of good parting words and wish them success in the next stage of their education. The graduates themselves thank their first teachers, mothers and fathers, for the love, care and attention, and promise to continue to please them with excellent knowledge, excellent behavior, diligence, perseverance and high marks.

Kind, sincere congratulations on graduation in grade 4 from parents to teachers and class teacher - examples in poetry, prose and on video

The first teacher, teachers of labor, music, physical education, rhythm and other related subjects ... Parents devote the kindest, sincere and touching congratulations to each of these wonderful people with a big loving heart on graduation day in grade 4. It was these teachers who once four years ago met timid six-year-olds with bouquets of flowers and in a smoothed uniform at the entrance to the classroom, surrounded them with care and attention, helped them join the new team, make friends and get involved in their studies. Every day, under their guidance, boys and girls delved into science and mastered the wisdom of the school curriculum, learned about the rules of behavior in society and learned such important human qualities as honesty, kindness, devotion and mutual assistance.

Graduation day in grade 4 is a wonderful moment to congratulate teachers in poetry and prose and thank them for their hard, but such an important and selfless work. And the warmest and most touching wishes that you can express in your own words will serve as a pleasant addition. Such a performance will make the most favorable impression on the teachers and show how much their hard work is highly appreciated by mothers and fathers of adored students.

Dear teachers! Please accept our congratulations that you have prepared another class for graduation from elementary school. You have raised and prepared another generation for adulthood, which we hope will not disappoint you. For us, this day is one of the most important, because we, parents, so want our children to grow up as soon as possible. And this graduation in the 4th grade is another step up, to a more adult life. The knowledge you gained in elementary school will stay with them forever, it will help them in later life. The knowledge that you gave them will be the key to their successful life, successful career. You gave them a start in life and we are grateful to you for that.

You have done a lot for our children.
It was a hard school road
You surrounded the kids with love,
You have been teaching them for four years.
We are very grateful to you for this,
And we wish you great success
Good health, deep patience,
And of course a lot of respect!

Today is a day of mixed feelings. On the one hand, we are happy, because our children have finished primary school and have become even more mature. On the other hand, we are sad, because childhood is over, and there is a completely different life ahead, a life when you have to be responsible for your actions, your actions. But, neither we nor our children are afraid of adulthood, because they had excellent teachers, they had you! Thank you for doing everything possible for the education of our children, for using all your experience and professionalism. We will try to continue to meet the given level and not lead you in anything. You will not be ashamed of us.

Original congratulations from parents for the first teacher at graduation in grade 4 - video

For all primary school students, the first teacher is the most important and respected person. She is always there and ready to help at any moment. She spends the maximum amount of time with the guys and often knows her wards even better than moms and dads. The mentor surrounds the kids with love, finds an individual approach to each, lays elementary knowledge in the young children's heads and instills the concepts of what is “good” and what is “bad”. Parents greatly appreciate this beautiful woman for her soulfulness, cordiality and angelic patience and thank her very much on the day of the graduation party in honor of the end of the 4th grade.

Parting words and beautiful congratulations on graduation in grade 4 from parents to their beloved children

Already behind the elementary school and recent first-graders with smiles and laughter say goodbye to their first teacher and a cozy office, where they spent 4 whole years at their desks. Ahead of them are waiting for fun and carefree summer holidays, and on September 1 they will go to the 5th grade, get acquainted with new teachers and begin to study more complex subjects. Parents present at the festive event congratulate the children on the completion of their studies in the 4th grade and the transition to a new life stage. In verse and prose, they wish their children to continue to gnaw at the granite of science even more diligently, to be more attentive in the classroom, listen to the advice of teachers and bring home only the highest marks. Children, inspired by such pleasant parting phrases, thank their parents for their good wishes, solemnly swear to meet all expectations and promise never to upset their loved ones with low grades, laziness, negligence and bad behavior.

First graduation at school
All the guys are happy
And the grades in the timesheets -
You are rewarded for your work!
You have grown up already
Dear children.
Let's be honest - you are for us
The best in the world!
You moved to the fifth grade
It won't be easy for you.
Know each of you
Dads and moms love it!

Dear children, you have passed the initial stage of school life and successfully overcame the first obstacles, made the first discoveries, achieved the first victories. Today is your little graduation, you are leaving the fourth grade, now a more adult life begins and you have more serious goals in front of you. May your future path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. Moms and dads wish you the right knowledge, strong friendship, versatile interests and excellent studies.

Elementary school is over
It's like they just came to school yesterday.
Years, like one, flew by very quickly,
And all this time you have been working very hard.
We are proud of you, our beloved!
You have become smarter, more serious, older.
Work hard, but don't be lazy
Be obedient, learn successfully!

Short optimistic congratulations on graduation grade 4 from teachers to children - texts in verse and prose

At the matinee on the occasion of graduation in the 4th grade, beloved teachers always congratulate children on graduation. They dedicate beautiful, inspirational texts in verse and prose to their wards, admonish children for the future and urge them to never forget the carefree and fun time spent in elementary school. Future fifth graders sincerely want to believe in themselves, not give up in the face of difficulties, value friendship, respect elders and confidently move forward towards their most beautiful dream, even if now it seems completely unrealizable.

elementary school graduates,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish you guys
Good luck on the way.

Let everything be successful in studies,
You are never sad.
After all, the guys are waiting for you ahead,
Such glorious years.

Dear children, the first stage of secondary education is behind you, you are already graduates of elementary school! With what sincerely and congratulations! Now you are waiting for new subjects, teachers, you will have to work harder, try harder. We wish you to gather your strength, relax, and then go ahead - “gnaw the granite of science”! We believe in each of you, you will definitely succeed!

No one calls you babies -
You have become a little older, learned a lot,
Successfully completed the academic year -
The last one was in your elementary school!
Let your knowledge help in everything!
And they will truly become your wealth!
You were greeted by the school with cordial warmth,
You have become a part of the school fraternity!

Touching congratulations on graduation in grade 4 from teachers to parents of students

On graduation day in grade 4, no less than future fifth graders, their parents deserve congratulations. For moms and dads, this time was also not easy. Every day they worried about how their beloved sons and daughters would fit into the new team, whether they would be able to find good, true friends and whether there would be problems with the school curriculum. But today these worries are already over, because the boys and girls turned out to be on top and justified the hopes placed on them. Teachers are proud of them and believe that in high school the guys will not lose their faces either, and their parents will always support them and will definitely help in difficult times.

Finished 4th grade
And today is our graduation!
I congratulate my parents
And I wish you great joy
Proud of the success of children
And enjoy the result!
You help them in everything
And everything will be your way!

Congratulations on graduation!
Your child has grown.
So much life ahead
So much happiness on the way!
We wish you only good
So that from night to morning
Graduate studied, thought
And I didn't want to relax.
To do well
And he was successful in life!

Happy holiday, parents!
Children - good luck.
Im a guide
Happiness will be let!

I propose a script for the Graduation Concert of the 4th grade. The material contains congratulations to teachers, gratitude to parents, wishes of parents to graduates, funny scenes, songs, dances. The holiday was held in front of all teachers, school administration. It was very festive and sincere.



Farewell to elementary school (holiday scenario).

1st: Good afternoon!



V-: Thank you for your kind words and congratulations.

Alexei Vasilyevich, we cannot help but understand

How difficult it is to be a director and hold power in your hands.

Checks and commissions often get you,

But at school, your mission is to create comfort, coziness,

Understand the problems of everyone, encourage, support,

To be firm, brave, to defend the honor of the school!


B: Svetlana Nikolaevna,

Lyudmila Vasilievna,

Head teacher keeps under control

At school, the whole educational process,

There is no more important role in the school

The head teacher is a constant navigator.

Without it, confusion

Inconsistency, vanity.

Where the head teacher is immediately quiet,

Where the head teacher, beauty!


Q-: School years begin with the first teacher. The first teachers were with us for four years. This is a mother, and a friend, and, finally, a strict mentor. Today we say thank you for their hard work and patience.

Valentina Mikhailovna

Svetlana Evgenievna

1. Again, lilacs are waving tassels to us

All the years have passed quickly

Our first teacher

We will never forget you

2. Your kindness helped us out

Severity taught not to yawn.

And lessons from the start

We tried to do five

3.We promise to study well

We will keep your image in our hearts.

We wish you great happiness

And thank you for everything!


V-: We had to study at school

various items,

And we want to tell you about this today.

V- Gulnara Andagalievna

Pop culture almost crushed

Your special wondrous item,

But you always found the strength

To give her a decent answer.

Million, million, million scarlet roses

We would like to give you from us now

For goodness, for talent and even beauty,

That we were able to open the door to music.

Music number.

B-: Irina Nikolaevna

Irina Valerievna

If there is no power, there will be no use in knowledge,
Health is nothing more important.
We are grateful for all your lessons,
We send physical education greetings to the teacher.

Jumps and crosses, games and throwing,
Pull-ups and push-ups,
for every muscle we say thank you,
for our courage and for our strength.


B-: You foreigners are like gods -

Nobody has any doubts

And beautiful roads to the world

Your subject is revealed to us.

We have become ladies, gentlemen,

At least we can go to Oxford

Or go into business -

Your work cannot be overestimated!

Lyudmila Konstantinovna

Victoria Vladimirovna

You taught us the language

And we say to you: "Thank wow!"


Svetlana Yurievna

About information and bytes

Search engines and websites

We learn about everything from you

Entering our computer class.

It is very important for us to learn

How to make a document, table

And understand the programming language.

Thank you very much!

Q: Thanks to everyone who taught us.

Who just came to our class,

To praise, or scold,

Or invite us to a concert.

B-: Feed and guarded,

Bruises smeared, bandaged.

To whom did we run skipping

Take a book for class.

B-: Who washed after us, swept,

Keep the classroom clean and beautiful.

To all who have been with us during these years,

We say "Thank you so much!"


B 1: What we were!

What have we become!

Everyone's grown up so much

Everyone was so angry!

Studied without knowing much sadness,

And we know a lot, and we know a lot!

B 2: How many words there are in the world!

So many that you can never count!

We need different words

To express your thoughts.

Our Russian language is beautiful,

The stock of vocabulary in it is great!

B 3: It's no secret that it's hard to be friends with math,

And problems are not easy to solve

But now we can handle them wonderfully -

We know what to look for, we know what is given to us.

B 4: Reading is a great lesson,

How much magic in each of the lines!

Be it a poem or a story.

You teach them, they teach you!

B 5: The environment teaches us to love and observe nature.

Do not offend animals and birds,

Take care of the fields, and the forest, and the water,

Q6: What is physical education?

Practice and play

In doing this,

You will become dexterous, strong, courageous,

Plus a good figure

Teacher : That's how much we learned and why

Allow me to present certificates(albums)

Q: We want to say words of gratitude, tenderness and love to our parents, who support us always and in everything.

1 student

We still have to say at this hour

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who helped grow

And will help in many other ways in life.

2 student

Parents follow us invisibly

And in joy, and at the hour when trouble came.

They seek to protect us from sorrow,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

3 student

Forgive us, dear, dear,

After all, there are no people more valuable than you.

As they say, children are the joy of life,

And you are our support in it!

Leading: In response, our mothers also want to tell you their wishes.

1. So the fourth grade is over,
You have matured by a whole year.
May the friendship that binds you
It will save you from any trouble!

2. Be kind, be humble
And help each other in everything.
Have a good path through life ... And we,
We are always waiting for you with a victory!

Teacher: Thank you very much for your patience, support and attention that you have shown us. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that the very first teachers are moms and dads, grandparents. Without your participation, we would not have been able to raise such wonderful children - our primary school graduates. Therefore, let us present gratitude from the school to our most active helpers!

Thank you letter to parents. (Dubovaya Marina Igorevna, Dubovaya Denis Yurievich, Voronova Valentina Vladimirovna, Krainova Tatyana Andreevna,Parshina Natalya Alexandrovna.

Teacher: After such a touching moment, I think that you still have enough strength and patience. Are your parents ready for the vow?

The oath of parents. (read by the parent)
We will always help children in learning. YES!
To make the school proud of the children. YES!
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks. YES!
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us. YES!
We will be calm, like water in a river. YES!
We will be wise, like a star in the sky. YES!
We will get up in the morning in the cold. YES!
To be in time here and there. YES!
When it's time to finish your studies,
Let's go for a walk with the kids! YES!

Teacher: Attention! There comes a solemn moment. Guys, now you have to take the 5th grader oath.

The oath of the fifth grader. (Children 6 people)
Entering the ranks of middle school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of my parents, in the face of my teachers, I solemnly swear:
1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question pass your ears, even the most difficult and tricky one. I swear!
2. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100 C. I swear!
3. Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km/h when moving along the school corridors. I swear!
4. To draw from teachers not veins, not to squeeze out sweat, but strong and accurate knowledge and skills. I swear!
5. Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. I swear!
6. Be worthy of your teachers. I swear!


You are a primary school graduate!

In the secrets of the sciences of the very first penetrated.

You have a lot of work behind you -

More of them will be, my friend, ahead!

Your program will become more difficult,

It is unlikely that your mother will solve the problem for you.

Dad will also rub his forehead -

So, we will have to decide everything ourselves.

The satchel itself will have to be worn -

It's embarrassing to ask your mom about it.

Try to do everything yourself -

Adult life has come to you.

You are now a middle school student,

Let there be a diary with only fives!

/ FAREWELL SONG to the melody of A. Pakhmutova, Goodbye, Moscow, /

1. It becomes quiet in our hall,

We sing this song for you.

Today we part with you,

Wish you to us: "Good afternoon!"


Friends break up, tenderness remains in the heart.

We will cherish the memory, goodbye, until we meet again.

2. We are sad and sing goodbye,

Remember us more often

We all say to childhood: "Goodbye!"

Accept, school, we are in the 5th grade! (They say in unison in recitative)

teacher: And so our holiday came to an end.
I want to wish before a long journey
Not so little, not so much;
So that the sun shines, so that it is joyful
Walk the ladder of knowledge with friends.
So that grief-misfortune bypasses you all,
To have fun growing and dreaming!

So, my dear girls and boys. We part only with elementary school. But this does not mean that we part forever. Come to my office with joy, with sadness, just like that. I will be glad

1st: Good afternoon!

2nd: Good afternoon to all who have gathered in this hall today!

1st: We salute the venerable teachers.

2nd: Crazy worried moms, dads, grandparents.

1st: Today is a holiday in our school, which our graduates have been looking forward to.

2nd: This feast is dear to all who are in this hall today.

1st: He is dear to parents who for four years worried about their child, for his victories and defeats.

2nd: He is dear to teachers, for no one spent more time with children than they did.

1-:Today we say goodbye to elementary school

2: On a day like this, it's nice to look back and relive the happiest moments of the past.

1: So, we invite you to take a trip to the land of memories and childhood


Q-: Today we are all a little worried - for four years we have been step by step climbing the most difficult rungs of the ladder of knowledge. And today our director opens our holiday.