System block: components and their functions. System block - what is it

Today, computer technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and, for example, a PC can become completely outdated in a few years. And on outdated equipment, many modern programs will run slowly or not run at all. Someone will offer to buy and someone - to upgrade. In both cases, you need to know the structure of the computer system unit.

General information

What are the main parts of your PC? In general, the structure of the computer assumes the presence of the following elements:

  • Internal devices of the system unit.
  • (usually a keyboard and mouse, but can be supplemented by many others, such as a drawing tablet).
  • Information output devices (monitor, headphones).
  • Additional (card readers, TV tuners, network adapters, USB modems).

The structure of the computer system unit must be considered in detail, because it includes many important components that directly or indirectly affect the performance of the system as a whole. These components include:

  • Motherboard.
  • CPU.
  • RAM.
  • Hard drive or solid state drive.
  • Video card.
  • Sound card.
  • PCI devices.

The structure of the computer processor

It is believed that the central processing unit is the most complex digital device in the computer. It is made in the form of a silicon wafer in a package with many pins that are connected to a special socket on the motherboard. A substance is sprayed onto silicon that reproduces a complex, but very small electrical circuit.

Several million elements (transistors, resistors) are included in the structure of a computer processor. All parts are a few nanometers in size. After the device is manufactured, a radiator is installed on it to remove heat and a blowing fan. With the simultaneous operation of a large number of transistors, this cannot be dispensed with.

The structure of the computer processor is so high-tech that only two companies in the world compete in this market segment (Intel and AMD).

Main characteristics of the CPU

The main characteristics of the CPU are the cache size, the number of cores. Accordingly, the higher these parameters, the faster the device performs calculations. The clock frequency determines how many logical and arithmetic operations can be performed per second by one core, respectively, if there are two cores in a computer, then twice as many operations per second are performed.

The cache is designed to store instructions that programs send to the central processor. Information is exchanged with the cache at the highest speed. If its size is too small, then you will not be able to use the full speed of the processor.

The structure of the motherboard

Of course, it is necessary to consider the structure of the computer motherboard. The motherboard is a complex device with a multilayer circuit. It contains the main sockets for connecting all other computer devices, sets of logic for all components to work interconnectedly, controllers for the main interfaces (sound card, I / O devices). Often, the motherboard may have slots for additional devices (PSI-e, PCI, USB).

The key component of a motherboard is the chipset. This is a chip that connects device controllers to the CPU for their joint operation. The internal structure of the computer is entirely determined by the chipset. For example, you can't install 3rd generation memory on the motherboard if the logic only supports 2nd generation, same with all other devices.


RAM (RAM) - random access memory. Describing the internal structure of a computer, this element cannot be ignored. RAM stores temporary data and processor instructions for which there is not enough cache space. The most important characteristics of memory are frequency, volume, generation and timings. At the same time, a DDR2 or DDR generation memory bar cannot be installed in a DDR3 slot, because the sets of software logic for all these generations are different.

Frequency and timings are the most important indicators for determining the speed of information exchange with RAM. There are two reciprocal rules at work here. If the frequency is higher, the speed is higher. The opposite law applies to timings, so their lower values ​​are preferable.

video card

The structure of a personal computer modern world necessarily requires the presence of a video card. In simple terms, this device prepares and generates graphic information, which is subsequently displayed on the screen.

The video adapter can be built into the computer motherboard or connected to the PCI-e connector. Adapters of the first type are almost always called budget adapters, they allow you to work comfortably in office software packages, but do not form complex three-dimensional images. Even if graphics output to such video cards is tough, it is unlikely that their power will be enough to confidently maintain an acceptable FPS level (number of frames per second).

If we consider a video adapter connected to the PSI-e connector, we can say that this is an additional computer that is installed inside the system unit. Its structure also includes a processor (but not a CPU, but a GPU) with a cooling system, video memory (GDDR), a controller, a DAC and an ADC (digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters).

The fact that such a complex apparatus is included in the structure of a computer is due to the increased resource requirements for rendering realistic three-dimensional graphics. Otherwise, you will have to forget about the beauty of modern video games.

You can study the main characteristics of a video card based on the most important parameters of the other components that make up the computer. Here you need to include the frequency of the video processor, the volume, frequency and bandwidth of the video memory. It is impossible not to say about SLI and CrossFire technologies. They allow you to combine several video adapters to increase the power of the video system.


Disk Drive) is used to store data. It is on it that OS, games, programs are installed, it is on it that music, videos, photos are stored. The structure of the computer is such that any device can be replaced with a similar one without problems, however, after changing the HDD, all user data is lost, therefore, the highest reliability requirements are imposed on devices of this type.

HDD Main Features

Capacity (measured in bytes), the larger this value, the more data can be written to the drive. In modern conditions, it makes sense to give preference only to those members of the family whose capacity is above 500 GB.

The spindle speed (measured in revolutions per second) determines the average data access speed. The higher this characteristic, the faster the reading and writing of information. Remember that high turnover creates high level noise.

Interface (type of connector for connecting to the system board). The structure of a personal computer in the modern world is such that it is almost impossible to choose a motherboard and a hard drive so that they do not fit together.

Cache is like RAM. Its purpose is to smooth out the difference in read and write speeds. When choosing a device, this parameter can be ignored.


Everything is moving forward, everything is developing, the computing power of processors is increasing, teaching aids and lectures are changing, according to which computer science is taught. The structure of the computer, however, has one component that remains unchanged - the keyboard. It can be with membrane keys, semi-mechanical, mechanical or use a scissor mechanism.

The structure with a membrane mechanism includes plastic cones and three layers of film on which the contacts are located. When the key is pressed, the cone contracts, shorting the top and bottom contacts. These keyboards are the cheapest and lightest.

In semi-mechanical keyboards, instead of short-lived sputtered contacts, metal contacts are installed, which are mounted on but the return of the key to its original position and the closing of the contacts is still performed by a plastic cone.

Mechanical keyboards use a spring as the return mechanism. They are considered the most durable and reliable. Their normal service life is from 50 to 100 years. The weight is much higher than any other.

Considered a type of membrane. These are most often installed in laptops. Under the key, in addition to the membrane, there are two rectangular cross bars that provide a smooth stroke, and this, in turn, protects against jamming.

Power Supply

When describing the anatomy of a computer (or the structure of a computer), information about that component is often left out. But in vain, the stability of the entire system depends on the power supply.

Its main characteristic is power. The modern market offers a choice of devices from 300 to 1600 watts. Four hundred is enough for an office computer, and the latest gaming system will require at least a kilowatt.

Keep in mind that the PB must not only provide all the components with the necessary power, but also have excess power that exceeds the nominal values ​​​​by 20%. This is the case because over time, the characteristics of power supplies "sag", and peak loads can disable the device.

As computer science says, the structure of a computer is absolutely independent of the selected power supply. They are versatile and suitable for any configuration. However, more powerful power supplies have a larger size and an increased number of the same type of connectors. In the vast majority of cases, the number of connectors is redundant even on the lowest power supplies.

It is better not to use cheap PBs that are produced by manufacturers without a name. Low voltage is supplied to PC devices (from 3 to 12 volts), and even a slight fluctuation in this indicator can disable some piece of hardware. In addition, in practice, such power supplies give out power a quarter less than the data in the passport.

Instead of an afterword

The educational program on the topic "building a computer for dummies" is completed. It describes not absolutely exhaustive information. In such descriptions, you can delve endlessly, describing the technical details, however, for a simple user, the information provided in this article is enough. Understanding already at this level, you can not call yourself a teapot or a beginner.

As soon as PC users do not call the system unit: both the processor, and the iron box under the table, and many more interesting names. Each of these names has its share of truth. Because, if you look inside, then it is there that you can find the processor and most often the system unit is iron and stands under the table.

System unit. What is it?

Let's look in the dictionary and find the real definition. A system unit (colloquial case, system unit) is an element of a personal computer that protects the computer components inside from mechanical damage and external influence.

In addition, it maintains the temperature inside itself, which is necessary for stable operation, shields electromagnetic radiation, which is created by internal elements.

System blocks for personal computers are manufactured industrially from parts based on steel, plastic and aluminum. In order to make the system unit original and unique, wood or organic glass is used.

The composition of the system unit

The system unit includes many parts and components. Let's briefly review most of them.

1. Case - one of the important components, which is one of the elements of the system unit: all other parts are attached to the computer case. Cases vary in size and form factors. When choosing a case for a system unit, you should pay attention to some details.

The larger the case, the easier it will be to place the rest of the elements of the system unit in it. And the heavier it is, the thicker the walls it has, which will allow you to establish good cooling and a low noise level. Computer help Compolife recommends using cases of well-known brands such as Thermaltake, Chieftec, InWin, etc.

2. Power supply - perhaps the most important part of the PC system unit. It is believed that it is better to save on any other part, but not on the power supply. It may seem a little strange, but with a high degree of probability the quality of the power supply can be determined by weight - the heavier the power supply, the better. Quality power supply components: heatsinks, capacitors and transformers; quite heavy items.

The power supply is responsible for providing electrical power to all other components of the computer. It directly depends on how long all other components will work. Due to an insufficiently high-quality power supply, the operation of the entire computer may be unstable, and this may also cause damage to expensive components.

3. The processor (CPU - central processing unit) is the main computing element of a personal computer. All programs consist of a huge sequence of microinstructions, and it is the processor that executes these instructions.

The performance and speed of the entire PC primarily depends on the speed of the processor (this must be taken into account if you decide to reinstall windows to a more modern version). The clock frequency at which the processor operates, the architecture and the number of cores determine the speed of the processor.

For many years, the global processor market has been undividedly dominated by two main competitors: AMD and Intel. And this situation is unlikely to change in the near future.

4. The motherboard is one of the PC components, which is one of the main ones. The motherboard combines all the components of the system unit. In addition, it includes additional components: built-in video card, network adapter, sound card, I / O devices, etc.


An incorrectly selected motherboard can negatively affect the operation of the PC as a whole, despite the fact that the rest of the components will be powerful on their own.

5. Case fan - used to cool the system unit. It is optional, but desirable to maintain an acceptable temperature inside.

6. Strips of random access memory (RAM) is a high-speed computer memory. When the computer is turned off, all information contained in it is deleted.

Given the ever-increasing needs of modern programs, games and applications, we can assume that the more RAM, the better. To date, the minimum amount of RAM installed in a new computer will be 4 GB.

7. Video card - a device that processes and displays graphic information on the monitor. Each video card has its own graphics processor that processes information: 2D and 3D. The video processor significantly reduces the computational load on the CPU (Central Processing Unit).

Without an expensive and powerful video card, you can not even dream of modern computer games. In addition, you are unlikely to be able to seriously engage in the processing of video files or professional photo editing.

8. Network card - an element of the system unit required to connect a computer to a local network or the Internet. Recently, network cards have been integrated (embedded) into motherboards.

9. Optical drive (CD / DVD) - a device for reading and writing optical discs. They differ among themselves in the type of disks supported, as well as in the speed of reading and writing.

10. A hard disk (harddisk, HDD, hard drive) is a long-term memory device. Turning off the computer does not delete data. Speed ​​of work hard drive much lower than that of RAM, and the volume is much higher.

Operating system, installed programs, documents, photos, music and movies are stored on the hard drive. The size of the HDD (hard disk) is measured in gigabytes. It is believed that the more the better. As they say, there is never too much free space.

The front panel of the PC system unit, as a rule, contains two buttons:

  • Power - used to turn on the computer;
  • Reset - used when an emergency restart of the computer is required if it is frozen.

Also on the front panel you can find the following elements:

  • indicators - LEDs and lights that display PC operation: indication of computer operation, indication of the status of the hard drive.
  • disk drives and optical drives are devices designed to work with such storage media as floppy disks and optical disks.
  • connectors - designed to connect some external devices. Most often, these are USB connectors, as well as a headphone and microphone jack.

If you want to assemble a new system unit, if you want it to be made especially for you and not look like hundreds of others sold in stores, then the computer help center will be happy to help make your dream come true. Turning to our service, you can be sure of the reliability and durability of the future computer. After all, it will be assembled and configured by professionals with many years of successful experience!

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How is the system unit of the computer

Good day, dear readers. Today, everyone is at least remotely familiar with a personal computer. This useful device significantly helps in many areas of life. Advanced users can easily distinguish the system unit from the printer, and also explain the difference. But for people who first encountered such a technique, it is quite difficult. In today's article, we will analyze in detail how the system unit of a computer is arranged.

What is it for

Users who have never delved into the study of computer components believe that the system unit is some kind of box under computer desk to display the image on the monitor. And most of them call it "processor". What does the system block do?

Its main task is to connect the components that are inside with a monitor, keyboard, mouse and other peripheral devices. Well, of course, protection from external influences on internal elements.

Case size

There are two major types of system units: horizontal or vertical. The first are placed in a horizontal position under the monitor, but today they are rare. The second type of hull is more common, it is often called Tower, which translates from English as "tower". Vertical system blocks can be divided into several more groups: big, midi and mini.

Dimensions depend on user requirements. The most common are Tower mini (small) ones that take up minimal space but have enough space for subsequent upgrades. Fans of the most modern games need large ones so that there is room for several video cards. Compact cases are suitable for assembling a home personal computer, which is designed for undemanding tasks.

One more important point system block, on which the subsequent placement of components depends. Currently, two form factors are actively used: AT and ATX. It is important to remember that the motherboard must have the same form factor, otherwise it simply will not fit.

What is included in the system unit

As a rule, a power supply is included in the basic configuration of the case, which eliminates the need for a separate purchase. Of course, if you want, you can easily replace it. So, the main components:

  • motherboard;
  • power unit;
  • CPU;
  • video card;
  • RAM;
  • HDD;


The most important part of any system unit, without which work is impossible. Its main task is to connect all the components and ensure joint functioning. It is the largest and most visible part of the block. The motherboard has connectors for connecting components and peripherals.

Power Supply

Responsible for power distribution for each component. It has a set of connectors on the front panel, through which the rest of the system is connected. Usually comes with a case, but can be replaced with a more powerful one. In the picture above, the power supply occupies a position at the bottom of the case, but most often it is located at the top.


It is considered the heart or brain of the PC. It is a silicon crystal grown and processed using special technologies. Responsible for processing information, processors from Intel and AMD are especially popular.

It is completed with a cooling system, which is represented by a fan and a radiator, or only the latter. It is installed in the designated place on the motherboard. The cost depends on the tasks that will be assigned to the processor, it can reach several thousand dollars.

video card

Without this component, you will not be able to work with graphics programs, and games will not start. Almost any modern processor has an integrated graphics adapter, which is enough for simple tasks. But gamers will have to buy a separate video card. How to connect? Of course, to the motherboard, which has special slots. There are many models on the market, aimed at different tasks of users.


Needed to store information processed by the processor. True, RAM works while the PC is turned on, after turning it off - everything disappears. The more of it, the better. A lot of memory provides high speed processing of user data. RAM is small strips that are inserted into special slots. In addition to volume, an important characteristic is the type of memory.


Unlike RAM, hard drives are required to store persistent user data. Their main characteristic is volume, which today is measured in gigabytes and terabytes. The size of the hard disk depends on the tasks of the user. AT recent times HDDs are being replaced by SSDs (hard drives without mechanical parts). They work faster, do not make noise and practically do not heat up.

This is where we will end. We will talk about how to connect the components of the system unit together next time. Share the article with your friends. See you soon!

In conclusion, I suggest watching a cool video about self-assembly of a computer system unit from the Good Choice!

system unit

Computer device. The composition of the PC system unit.

In this article ITart computer service specialists will tell you what elements a personal computer consists of, what devices are in the system unit and what functions they perform. This information will be useful to those who want to assemble or upgrade a computer on their own.

In a general sense, the concept of "personal computer" implies a system unit, in which all computing work actually takes place, and input / output devices connected to it (monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer). In this article, we will focus in more detail on the system unit and the key elements that make up its composition.

The system block includes:

1. Motherboard

This board is perhaps the most important element of the system unit, since it interacts with each other of all computer nodes. Devices such as a processor, memory, video card and additional PCI cards (network card, sound card) are installed on the motherboard.

Among the non-removable elements of the motherboard, the most significant is the chipset. This is a set of chips that provide data transfer between all nodes of a computer. The chipset consists of a north south bridge.

south bridge

The south bridge provides the interaction of hard drives, various drives and all peripheral devices with the north bridge.

north bridge

The northbridge provides the interaction of the graphics controller and memory with the central processor, as well as the connection of the processor with all devices for which the southbridge is responsible. Also, the northbridge determines the type of RAM (DDR, SDRAM and others), its maximum allowable volume and the speed of data exchange with the processor.

2. Processor

The processor is the main "brain" of the computer. It performs all arithmetic and logical operations. The performance of the computer as a whole largely depends on the frequency of its operation. Also, computer performance depends on the number of processor cores, and the command system, which determines how many cycles a particular operation will be performed.

3. RAM

Often this element is simply called - computer memory, since it is directly used by the central processor to store data processed in the calculation process, and therefore its size significantly affects the performance of the computer. The data in the RAM is stored only while the computer is on, and after each reboot, the RAM is reset to zero.

4.Hard drive

Responsible for the long-term storage of data on the computer. It takes much longer to access information stored on a hard drive than with RAM, so the size of a hard drive only affects how many programs or files you can store on your computer, and not on the performance and speed of your computer . However, the hard drive hosts a paging file that is used by the operating system to compensate for the lack of RAM when needed, and the size of this file can still affect the performance of the computer. And of course, if you fill up the hard disk partition that hosts the operating system to failure, this will certainly lead to serious problems in operation, such as freezes, slow computer operation, and so on.

5. Video card

Responsible for the formation of the video signal and sending it to the computer monitor. This is a rather complex device that incorporates its own processor and RAM. Often, on the video card board is located additional cooler, although some models still use passive cooling, which means only the presence of a radiator that absorbs heat from the video card. A good video card, coupled with a large amount of RAM and a powerful processor, is able to provide maximum performance to your computer, and allow you to easily run new video games or create 3D graphics and video processing.

6.Optical drive

This device is designed to read and write information on CDs. More functional models have the ability to read and write various disc formats such as DVD and Blu-Ray. However, due to the great popularity of flash memory, optical discs are gradually falling out of fashion, and if we talk about office computers, they often lack an optical drive as unnecessary. It is possible that after some time these devices will completely go out of use, like floppy disk drives (soft disk drives) in their time, but on this moment, nevertheless, on the shelves of stores, all films, music and video games are distributed precisely in the CD format.

7. Power supply

In our list, this element is in last place, but it plays by no means the last role in the operation of the PC, since this device provides power to all components of the computer, and the correct choice of power supply is the key to the reliable operation of your computer.

Thus, in this article we examined the standard configuration of the average system unit of a personal computer. Also, the system unit may contain additional PCI devices, such as an audio card, network card, wi-fi adapter, etc.

The content of the system unit largely depends on the computing system as a whole, its tasks, goals and form factor. In the case of rational use, the system unit is more suitable for the needs of the computing system. Depending on the computer system, the system unit may contain various hardware components:

    A computing unit in the form of a main / system / motherboard with a processor installed on it, RAM. They can also be installed with expansion cards (video card, sound card, network card).

    Power Supply

    Peripheral bays filled with storage devices - hard drive(s), SSD, optical drive, etc.

    The front panel can be equipped with power and reset buttons, power and storage indicators, headphone and microphone jacks, data transfer interfaces (USB, FireWire).

Case types (chassis) for system units[edit | edit source]

Main article: Form factor (technique)

A case that protects the internal components of the computer from external influences and mechanical damage, maintains the necessary temperature conditions inside, shields the electromagnetic radiation created by the internal components, can be represented by standard chassis of various shapes and proportions (dimensions are indicated in millimeters):


    • Desktop (533×419×152)

      FootPrint (406×406×152)

      Slim Line (406×406×101)

      UltraSlimLine (381×352×75)


    • Mini Tower (152×432×432)

      MidiTower (173×432×490)

      Big Tower (190×482×820)

      SuperFullTower (various sizes)

System unit: composition and main characteristics

Sometimes, when discussing computer topics, people often call a computer a system unit, which raises many questions regarding the composition and main characteristics of all the devices in it. Many users do not know anything about the functionality and structure of a computer device, so the reader is invited to fill in knowledge gaps. An article on the topic: "System unit: composition and main characteristics" will allow the user to always be savvy in matters of computer topics.

Metal box with light bulbs

The totality of all computer components responsible for the operation of a personal computer is called a system. Accordingly, the union of all elements on one platform, acting as one independent unit, is called a system unit. Speaking in an accessible language, everything that is in a metal or plastic case, including the frame itself, is called a system. The composition of the system unit of a personal computer is known to almost any user: processor, motherboard, memory, video card, power supply and other components.

The basic functionality of the case is not only the unification of all elements of the computer, but also the provision of free interaction - that is, the physical access of all components to each other. In the market, it is customary to distinguish cases by form factor, which determines the size of the device (height, width and depth). Form factor examples: ETX, ATX, midle-ATX, mini-ATX, micro-ATX, Barabone, Notebook, Server, and more.

The heart of the system

Many users consider the processor to be the most important component, which is a mandatory part of the PC system unit. This opinion is wrong. The task of the central processor is data processing, i.e. complex mathematical calculations: addition, division, subtraction, multiplication. The role of the heart in a personal computer is played by the power supply unit, which not only supplies electricity to all elements of the platform, but also guarantees the quality of its supply (voltage and current strength).

When buying a computer, the user must correctly calculate the energy consumption of all components of the system unit and select the required power supply unit that will cope with the task. Ignoring this recommendation and purchasing a low-quality power supply can render all elements of the computer unusable. Naturally, the cost of one PSU is incommensurable with the losses in case of failure of all computer parts.

Basic I/O system

It is impossible to assemble a computer without a motherboard, which is also included in the system unit. This device is designed to combine all elements of the platform, as well as to manage the performance of installed components. The motherboard has built-in software called BIOS. It is he who provides the operating environment with information about the elements included in the system unit. Composition, serial number devices, name and many other data can be found in this software.

In addition to all kinds of controllers and interfaces, all kinds of sensors are integrated into the motherboard that monitor the system's performance. In case of any problems, the device is able to notify the user with sound signals, however, this is solved at the level of special sounds that only IT specialists can decipher (we are talking about POST codes). Like the chassis of the device, the motherboard has a form factor and is defined by the same dimensions and markings.

Motherboard features

In the computer market, there is a segmentation of components by cost and application. So, a user who chooses an inexpensive computer for himself will find a decent device in the budget class, and fans of resource-intensive games need to choose spare parts for a PC in an expensive one. The basic difference between the existing segments for all computer equipment that is part of the computer's system unit is performance and compatibility.

Also, motherboards can be basic and integrated. In the latter case, special controllers are installed on the basis of the motherboard, which are capable of emulating peripheral devices (sound card, video adapter, Wi-Fi module, etc.). The integration of components significantly reduces the cost of the system unit as a whole, but is not welcomed by buyers, since the built-in components use the production capacity of the processor, slowing it down.

Computer brains

Considering the basic devices that are part of the system unit, the user will certainly get acquainted with the RAM modules. This component in the computer is an assistant to the processor. Working synchronously, both devices in the system perform calculations and fully manage all data, including the operating system and running applications. The more memory, the faster the computer will be.

The memory modules themselves differ in production technology (DDR4, DDR3, DDR2), as well as data transfer speed (measured in frequencies: 1333 MHz, 2133 MHz, and so on). The higher the score, the faster the speed, but there are some limitations. For best performance, it is recommended that the memory and processor run at the same frequency (synchronously).

Warehouse of ready information

After processing, the data needs to be stored somewhere, so the hard drive is included in the system unit of the computer. Drives are magnetic and solid-state and differ among themselves in the amount of data they can hold and in the speed of operation. It so happened that solid-state drives have tremendous speed, but their production technology is too expensive, so the volume of such drives leaves much to be desired. Magnetic disks are cheaper to manufacture, however, they have serious speed limitations. It is this limitation that is the weak link in the operation of the entire system unit.

Many professionals recommend combining the two types of drives. Use the fast SSD drive for the operating system, and use the slow HDD as a data storage. This solution is rated positively by many users.

Feedback from the computer owner

Finding out which devices are part of the system unit, do not forget about the connecting link that allows the user to control the computer, as well as see the results of their actions. We are talking about a video adapter that is installed on the base board and allows you to transfer video in real time to an information display (monitor, TV). Video cards are discrete and integrated and differ in performance and functionality.

Naturally, the integrated adapter is limited in its capabilities and is used in a computer only to display an image on the screen. But the discrete device is of greater interest to the user. Having its own GPU and RAM, the device is able to perform its own calculations, which are needed in all games.

global world network

The system unit also includes a network adapter, which can also be integrated into the system board or be an independent device that is installed in a computer in a special slot. The market trend is such that an integrated solution costs a penny, so many owners have already gotten used to the idea that a network controller simply must be on the motherboard.

The controllers themselves differ in data transfer speed and functionality. There are three speed standards: 10, 100 and 1024 megabits per second. And the functionality concerns only additional features: network loading, providing information about network loading and remote control of the adapter.

Sound accompaniment

When discussing what is included in the system unit, many users forget about the sound card, which is a peripheral device, and not an element of the motherboard. The adapter responsible for sound, like a discrete video adapter, is equipped with its own processor, memory and audio signal processing controllers. Remotely, the sound card resembles a miniature amplifier from home theater, which has both a receiver and a digital converter on board.

When choosing a system unit on the market, which includes a discrete audio adapter, you need to be prepared for the disproportionately high cost of the computer as a whole. You always have to pay for quality. Many manufacturers have integrated a sound adapter on the motherboard. This decision was received positively by most users, since it is impossible to notice the difference in sound, when compared with an expensive device, without having an ear for music.

Expansion boards and their functionality

You can judge the purpose of the computer by its insides, for this you need to remove the case cover and determine which devices are included in the system unit. So, in a database server, you can find many hard drives and a RAID controller. This device is able to organize connected drives and create backup storage based on them.

In the editor's computer, you can find a video capture card or a professional television tuner. Such a device allows you to convert the received signal into data and store them on hard drives. Game lovers can see several discrete video cards, and the system administrator prefers to install an optical drive and many network cards in the system unit.


As practice shows, there is nothing complicated in a computer - it is an ordinary constructor, consisting of basic parts (mandatory elements) and peripherals. You just need to know what the end result (purpose) should be, and then it will not be difficult for anyone to assemble the system unit with their own hands. The composition, however, will have to be determined based on financial capabilities, because the computer market requires considerable investments from buyers.

A personal computer is a complex electronic device designed to perform a wide range of tasks. It can be various calculations, calculations, listening to music, watching videos, various office tasks, games, and much more.

A personal computer can be stationary or mobile. To mobile computers include laptops, netbooks and tablets. The desktop computer has also recently undergone changes, but in most cases it is a system unit, monitor, input devices (keyboard and mouse), audio devices (speakers, headphones and microphone), as well as other peripheral devices (printer, scanner, etc.). .). For the normal functioning of a personal computer, only a system unit, a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse are needed. Next, we will take a closer look at each of these devices.

System unit

The main unit of a personal computer is the system unit. It is a case, most often a metal vertical box, on the front panel of which there are power buttons and disk drives. All the necessary connectors and cables are displayed on the back wall. The system unit consists of a power supply, a motherboard (it is also a motherboard or “motherboard”), a hard disk drive (HDD), a video card, a processor (CPU), random access memory (RAM), disk drives (CD / DVD), a sound card and a network fees. Often, the network and sound cards are integrated into the motherboard, that is, the radio elements of the board are soldered directly on the motherboard.

Power Supply

The power supply is made in the form of a separate box, which is located at the top rear of the system unit and has several power cables for all elements of the system unit.

Also Read: Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Types

Power Supply


The motherboard is the largest printed circuit board in the system unit, on which all the main components of the computer (CPU, RAM, video card) are installed, it also has connectors for connecting a hard drive and disk drives, as well as USB ports and connectors that go to the rear panel of the case . The motherboard coordinates the operation of all computer devices.



The processor is a microcircuit designed to perform basic computing operations. Processors are produced by two companies AMD and Intel. Depending on the manufacturer of the processor, the socket (its installation location) is also different, so you should not forget this when choosing a motherboard. You simply won't put an AMD processor into an Intel motherboard.


video card

The video card is a separate printed circuit board installed in the PCI Express slot of the motherboard and is designed to display images on the monitor screen. It processes the received information and converts it into an analog and digital video signal, which is fed to the monitor through a connector via a cable. A video card usually has a processor (GPU) and RAM.

video card


RAM is one or more small cards installed in special slots on the motherboard (DDR). RAM provides temporary storage of intermediate data during computer operation. RAM is characterized by the speed of access and the amount of memory. To date, the fastest memory has the DDR3 standard.



The hard drive is a permanent storage of data, it can be both user data and system or temporary data. The operating system is stored on the hard disk, without which the normal operation of the computer will be impossible. Also, the operating system can use the hard disk to save the contents of RAM (for example, in hibernation mode). It is a closed metal parallelepiped hard drive, which is connected to the motherboard via a connector (SATA).



The optical disc drive looks like a hard drive, but has a retractable optical disc tray on the front panel. Serves as a drive for reading and writing optical discs.

Other additional devices may be installed on the system board, such as a Wi-Fi module or a TV tuner.


The computer monitor serves to provide a graphical representation of information that is clearly understandable to the PC user. Recently, only liquid crystal displays (LCDs) have been produced. Monitors can be equipped with digital and/or analog video connectors (DVI, HDMI).


The keyboard is an essential input device for any computer. The keyboard is a group of keys for entering symbolic information. Also, many modern keyboards are equipped with additional keys, for example, to control media players and various programs.

See also: how to choose a keyboard



The mouse is designed to move the system pointer over operating system objects - windows. A mouse usually has two buttons and a scroll wheel. Technically mice can be optical and laser. The latter have higher accuracy and quality of work.

Additional peripheral devices of a personal computer act as assistants and are designed to expand the capabilities of a personal computer. Audio speakers (speakers) are designed to reproduce sound, a printer - to obtain a paper copy of any electronic document or image, a scanner - allows you to create an electronic image from paper, etc. Other peripheral specialized and diagnostic devices can be connected to the computer, which expand the scope of its application almost limitlessly.

A personal computer, despite its seeming complexity at first glance, is quite simple to use and requires only a little patience and perseverance of the user in studying it. Remember that the computer was created to facilitate our work with you and increase productivity, so do not doubt its ability to perform a particular task.

What is included in a personal computer. System unit device

The composition of a computer system is usually understood not only as components of the basic configuration of a PC, but also as an internal component of the system unit, which is most often meant when talking about a computer. But in this article both concepts will be considered.

Composition of a computer system

So, for example, several components can be distinguished in the minimum composition of a computer:

  • System block - it contains the internal nodes of a personal computer;
  • Monitor - allows data output: texts, images and other information;
  • Keyboard - used to enter information;
  • Mouse - at least with its help you can control the work of computer programs.

(Computer mouse is not included in the basic PC configuration!)

These components satisfy only the minimum composition of a personal computer and therefore the configuration is very often called the basic one.

As necessary, the components of a computer can and even need to be increased, for example, you can no longer do without computer speakers or an MFP (a multifunctional device - a printer, scanner and copier in one) will be your assistant not only in the office, but also at home, but these components are called peripheral and refer to the extended configuration of the computer.

The laptop will good example the minimum or other basic components of the computer, since it also includes an integrated keyboard, mouse - presented in the form of a touchpad or trackball and a monitor located right in its cover.

If everything is quite simple and clear with the composition of a computer system, then the device of the system unit needs a more detailed consideration.

System unit device

Since one of the variants of the idea of ​​a personal computer has already been considered above, it will be correct to consider the second one. Why is the PC system unit considered in more detail? The fact is that that box, also called the system unit, is not a single whole, as it might seem at first glance, and its internal component can be completely different for each computer. You will say that the monitor also consists of different microcircuits and other complexities, and you will be right, but the difference is that the system unit is a modular system.

Everyone probably knows the Lego constructor, many interesting crafts can be made from its parts, and the system unit, you can change its composition as needed, of course, I mount the components not where you want, unlike the designer, but in special expansion slots of the system fees.

Case of the system unit

The design of the case determines not only the appearance of the system unit, but with it the comfort of home and even its filling, namely the form factor of the motherboard, and with it the number of connected components. The cooling system is entirely dependent on the case of your computer, it must be quiet, but efficient.

System (motherboard) board

It is called both the system board and the motherboard, the semantic load on these terms is exactly the same, when it is called one way or another, they mean the same thing. Thanks to the system board, mechanical fastening is provided directly and with the help of special cables of all components of the system unit, and with it their power supply and internal interconnection. Also on it are various controllers.

Processor and its cooling system

The microprocessor, which is part of the processor, performs most of the computational operations. Modern processors need good power consumption, and the temperature of some representatives even allows you to boil a kettle, so you can’t do without a cooling system:

Radiator - provides passive cooling to the processor, but one radiator can no longer cope with large heat dissipations and therefore a special fan is usually attached to it for air cooling. And in general, it will most likely not be possible to find a radiator separately from the fan.

There are alternative cooling systems, but they are usually required to use the overclocking potential of the CPU.

RAM module

Also, random access memory is called RAM - random access memory is needed to store temporary data, a good example is the clipboard when copying and then pasting. The processor transfers information to RAM and takes it from there as needed. A feature of RAM is almost lightning speed, which makes it possible to exchange data with the processor at its own processing speed. It should be borne in mind that long-term data storage is practically unattainable, RAM is a volatile component of a personal computer, when the PC is turned off, all information will disappear forever.

There are several microcircuits working as a single unit on the module board, and no tools are required for installation in the motherboard, for increasing the RAM, this operation can be easily done by yourself.

Hard disk and solid state drive

HDD, from the English hard (magnetic) disk drive - represents an opportunity for long-term storage of information data, the operating system is usually installed precisely in the hard disk partition. Unlike the operating board, it is not mounted on the motherboard; a special cable is required to connect it. The cables that are used are determined by the hard drive itself, and this is either IDE or SATA (1,2,3). Modern motherboards do not have an IDE connector.

Both individually and in combination with HDD, modern personal computers increasingly use a solid-state drive - SSD, which is based on flash memory, which is well suited for increasing computer speed due to high data exchange with other components, compared to HDD, but at the same time are more expensive. Therefore, to save money, small SSDs are used to install and operate the operating system, and a hard drive is used to store data. Recommended reading article: "Which is better SSD or HDD?".

Video adapter (Video card)

A video card is a graphics card, a device responsible for building (outputting) information on a monitor display. Modern motherboards already come with integrated graphics adapters that perform well both in office applications for viewing high-quality video and in non-resource-intensive games. For high-performance tasks, the video card is purchased separately, mounted on the motherboard, and a variety of models are in completely different price segments.

Optical disc drive

In the configuration of a modern computer, an optical drive is used less and less compared to its former popularity. Used to read and write discs of various formats. It connects to the motherboard using a cable, just like a hard drive or solid state drive.

Floppy disk drive and card reader

The floppy drive is no longer used to build modern computers, but it can still be found in older PCs. On older motherboards, a special connector was provided.

On modern computers, it is more expedient to use a card reader that can read and write information from various types of flash drives.

Sound adapter, modem and LAN controller

The sound adapter is used to record and play sound, headphones, speakers and a microphone are connected to it. A modem is needed to connect and access the Internet, a network controller or network card is used to connect to the network and, like a modem, to access the Internet.

Included in the motherboard today, both a sound adapter and a network card are already built-in, but you can purchase them to expand the capabilities.

Modems, internal in the form of a board and external in the form of a peripheral device, although losing their popularity, are still used to connect to the Internet via a telephone line. More popular these days are 3G/4G modems using a mobile connection.

Power Supply

The name speaks for itself, its main function is to serve electric current all internal components of the computer system unit. Since the stability of the system depends on its power, you should treat the choice with understanding or even make its purchase with a small margin, which will come in handy with a further upgrade (modernization) of the components of the system unit.

The composition of the personal computer and the system unit is not limited to these components, the configuration can be expanded, or components can be replaced as necessary, and the line between understanding these terms has become a little clearer.

How a computer works - everything is on the shelves for beginners - Useful about computers and programs

Page created: 2010-12-21, updated: 2017-06-04

Personal computer - universal technical system.

Its configuration (composition of equipment) can be flexibly changed as needed.

However, there is the concept of a basic configuration, which is considered typical. In such a kit, the computer is usually supplied.

The concept of a basic configuration may change.

Currently, four devices are considered in the basic configuration:

  • system unit;
  • monitor;
  • keyboard
  • mouse.

Personal Computer

In addition to computers with a basic configuration, multimedia computers equipped with a CD drive, speakers and a microphone are becoming more common.

Reference: "Yulmart", by far the best and most convenient online store, where you will be consulted for free when buying a computer of any configuration.

The system unit is the main node inside which the most important components are installed.

System unit

Devices that are inside the system unit are called internal, and devices connected to it from the outside are called external.

External additional devices designed for input, output and long-term storage of data are also called peripheral.

How the system unit is arranged

System block - insides

In appearance, the system blocks differ in the shape of the case.

Personal computer cases are produced in horizontal (desktop) and vertical (tower) versions.

Cases having a vertical design are distinguished by dimensions:

  • full-size (big tower);
  • mid-sized (midi tower);
  • small size (mini tower).

Among cases that have a horizontal design, there are flat and extra flat (slim).

The choice of one or another type of case is determined by the taste and needs of upgrading the computer.

The most optimal case type for most users is the case mini type tower.

It has small dimensions, it is convenient to place it both on the desktop and on the bedside table near the desktop or on a special holder.

It has enough space to accommodate five to seven expansion boards.

In addition to the form, a parameter called the form factor is important for the case. The requirements for placed devices depend on it.

Currently, two form factors are mainly used: AT and ATX.

The form factor of the case must necessarily be consistent with the form factor of the main (system) board of the computer, the so-called motherboard.

Personal computer cases are supplied with a power supply, and thus the power of the power supply is also one of the parameters of the case.

Computer power supply

For mass models sufficient is the power of the power supply 200-250 watts.

The system unit includes (fits):

  • Motherboard
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • ROM chip and BIOS
  • Non-volatile CMOS memory
  • HDD
  • floppy disk drive


Motherboard (mother board) - the main board of a personal computer, which is a sheet of fiberglass covered with copper foil.

By etching the foil, thin copper conductors are obtained that connect electronic components.

Motherboard (system) board

The motherboard contains:

  • processor - the main microcircuit that performs most of the mathematical and logical operations;
  • tires - sets of conductors through which signals are exchanged between the internal devices of a computer;
  • random access memory (random access memory, RAM) - a set of chips designed for temporary storage of data when the computer is turned on;
  • ROM (read-only memory) - a microcircuit designed for long-term storage of data, including when the computer is turned off;
  • microprocessor set (chipset) - a set of chips that control the operation internal devices computer and defining the main functionality of the motherboard;
  • connectors for connecting additional devices (slots).


Processor (microprocessor, central processing unit, CPU) - the main microcircuit of a computer, in which all calculations are performed.

It is a large chip that can be easily found on the motherboard.


The processor has a large copper finned heatsink cooled by a fan.

CPU fan - cooler

Structurally, the processor consists of cells in which data can not only be stored, but also changed.

The internal cells of the processor are called registers.

It is also important to note that data in some registers is considered not as data, but as commands that control the processing of data in other registers.

Among the processor registers there are those that, depending on their content, are able to modify the execution of commands. Thus, by controlling the sending of data to different registers of the processor, it is possible to control the processing of data.

This is what programs are based on.

With the rest of the computer devices, and primarily with RAM, the processor is connected by several groups of conductors called buses.

There are three main buses: data bus, address bus and command bus.

address bus

Intel Pentium processors (namely, they are most common in personal computers) have a 32-bit address bus, that is, it consists of 32 parallel lines. Depending on whether there is voltage on one of the lines or not, they say that one or zero is set on this line. The combination of 32 zeros and ones forms a 32-bit address pointing to one of the RAM cells. The processor is connected to it to copy data from the cell to one of its registers.

Data bus

This bus is used to copy data from RAM to processor registers and vice versa. In computers assembled on the basis of Intel Pentium processors, the data bus is 64-bit, that is, it consists of 64 lines, along which 8 bytes are sent for processing at once.

Command bus

In order for the processor to process data, it needs instructions. It must know what to do with those bytes that are stored in its registers. These commands come to the processor also from RAM, but not from those areas where data arrays are stored, but from where programs are stored. Commands are also represented as bytes. The simplest commands fit into one byte, but there are also those that require two, three or more bytes. In most modern processors, the instruction bus is 32-bit (for example, in the Intel Pentium processor), although there are 64-bit processors and even 128-bit ones.

During operation, the processor serves the data in its registers, in the RAM field, as well as the data in the external ports of the processor.

It interprets part of the data directly as data, part of the data as address data, and part as commands.

The set of all possible instructions that the processor can execute on data forms the so-called processor instruction set.

The main parameters of the processors are:

  • operating voltage
  • bit depth
  • working clock frequency
  • internal clock multiplier
  • cache size

The operating voltage of the processor is provided by the motherboard, so different brands of processors correspond to different motherboards (they must be selected together). With the development of processor technology, a gradual decrease in the operating voltage occurs.

The processor capacity indicates how many bits of data it can receive and process in its registers at a time (per clock cycle).

The processor is based on the same clock principle as in conventional clocks. The execution of each command takes a certain number of cycles.

In a wall clock, the pendulum sets the oscillation cycles; in manual mechanical watches, they are set by a spring pendulum; in an electronic clock, for this there is an oscillatory circuit that sets the cycles of a strictly defined frequency.

In a personal computer, clock pulses are set by one of the microcircuits included in the microprocessor kit (chipset) located on the motherboard.

The higher the frequency of clocks received by the processor, the more commands it can execute per unit of time, the higher its performance.

The exchange of data within the processor is several times faster than the exchange with other devices, such as RAM.

In order to reduce the number of accesses to RAM, a buffer area is created inside the processor - the so-called cache memory. This is, as it were, "super-RAM".

When the processor needs data, it first accesses the cache memory, and only if the necessary data is not there, it accesses the RAM.

Receiving a block of data from RAM, the processor enters it at the same time into the cache memory.

"Successful" cache accesses are called cache hits.

The percentage of hits is higher, the larger the cache memory, so high-performance processors are equipped with an increased amount of cache memory.

Often cache memory is distributed over several levels.

The cache of the first level is executed in the same chip as the processor itself, and has a size of the order of tens of kilobytes.

The L2 cache resides either on the processor die or on the same node as the processor, although it runs on a separate die.

The cache memory of the first and second levels operates at a frequency consistent with the frequency of the processor core.

The third-level cache is made on high-speed chips such as SRAM and is placed on the motherboard near the processor. Its volumes can reach several MB, but it works at the frequency of the motherboard.

Bus interfaces of the motherboard

Communication between all own and connected devices of the motherboard is carried out by its buses and logical devices located in microprocessor chips (chipset).

The performance of the computer largely depends on the architecture of these elements.

Bus interfaces

ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) is an obsolete system bus for IBM PC-compatible computers.

EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture) - An extension of the ISA standard. Features a larger connector and increased performance (up to 32 MB/s). Like ISA, this standard is now considered obsolete.

PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect - literally: the relationship of peripheral components) is an input / output bus for connecting peripheral devices to a computer motherboard.

AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port - accelerated graphics port) - developed in 1997 by Intel, a specialized 32-bit system bus for a video card. The main task of the developers was to increase the performance and reduce the cost of the video card by reducing the amount of built-in video memory.

USB (Universal Serial Bus - Universal Serial Bus) - This standard defines the way a computer communicates with peripheral equipment. It allows you to connect up to 256 different devices with a serial interface. Devices can be switched on in chains (each next device is connected to the previous one). The performance of the USB bus is relatively low and is up to 1.5 Mbps, but for devices such as a keyboard, mouse, modem, joystick, and the like, this is enough. The convenience of the bus is that it virtually eliminates conflicts between different equipment, allows you to connect and disconnect devices in "hot mode" (without turning off the computer) and allows you to combine several computers into a simple local network without the use of special equipment and software.

The parameters of the microprocessor kit (chipset) determine the properties and functions of the motherboard to the greatest extent.

Currently, most motherboard chipsets are based on two chips, called the "north bridge" and "south bridge".

The "Northbridge" controls the interconnection of four devices: processor, RAM, AGP port and PCI bus. Therefore, it is also called a four-port controller.

"South Bridge" is also called functional controller. It performs the functions of a controller for hard and floppy disks, the functions of an ISA-PCI bridge, a keyboard controller, a mouse, a USB bus, and the like.


Random Access Memory (RAM) is an array of crystalline cells capable of storing data.


There are many different types of RAM, but in terms of the physical principle of operation, a distinction is made between dynamic memory (DRAM) and static memory (SRAM).

Dynamic memory cells (DRAM) can be represented as microcapacitors capable of accumulating charge on their plates.

This is the most common and economically available type of memory.

The disadvantages of this type are connected, firstly, with the fact that transient processes are inevitable both during charging and discharging capacitors, that is, data recording is relatively slow.

The second important drawback is related to the fact that the cell charges tend to dissipate in space, and very quickly.

If the RAM is not constantly “recharged”, data loss occurs after a few hundredths of a second.

To combat this phenomenon, the computer is constantly regenerating (refreshing, recharging) RAM cells.

Regeneration is carried out several tens of times per second and causes waste of computing system resources.

Static memory cells (SRAM) can be thought of as electronic microelements - triggers, consisting of several transistors.

The trigger does not store the charge, but the state (on/off), so this type of memory provides faster performance, although it is technologically more complicated and, accordingly, more expensive.

Dynamic memory chips are used as the main RAM of a computer.

Static memory chips are used as an auxiliary memory (the so-called cache memory) designed to optimize the performance of the processor.

Each memory cell has its own address, which is expressed as a number.

One addressable cell contains eight binary cells in which 8 bits can be stored, i.e. one byte of data.

Thus, the address of any memory cell can be expressed in four bytes.

RAM in a computer is located on standard sockets called modules.

RAM modules are inserted into the appropriate slots on the motherboard.

Structurally, memory modules have two versions - single-row (SIMM-modules) and double-row (DIMM-modules).

The main characteristics of RAM modules are the amount of memory and the access time.

Access time indicates how long it takes to access memory locations - the smaller it is, the better. Access time is measured in billionths of a second (nanoseconds, ns).

ROM chip and BIOS

At the moment the computer is turned on, there is nothing in its RAM - no data, no programs, since RAM cannot store anything without recharging cells for more than hundredths of a second, but the processor needs commands, including at the first moment after turning on.

Therefore, immediately after switching on, the starting address is set on the address bus of the processor.

This happens in hardware, without the participation of programs (always the same).

The processor turns to the exposed address for its first command and then starts working on programs.

This source address cannot point to RAM, which has nothing in it yet.

It points to another type of memory - Read Only Memory (ROM).

The ROM chip is capable of storing information for a long time, even when the computer is turned off.

Programs in ROM are called "hardwired" - they are written there at the stage of manufacturing the microcircuit.

A set of programs located in ROM forms a basic input-output system (BIOS - Basic Input Output System).

Basic I/O BIOS

The main purpose of the programs in this package is to check the composition and performance of a computer system and ensure interaction with the keyboard, monitor, hard drive and floppy drive.

The programs included in the BIOS allow us to observe diagnostic messages on the screen that accompany the computer startup, as well as interfere with the startup process using the keyboard.

Non-volatile CMOS memory

The work of such standard devices as a keyboard can be serviced by programs included in the BIOS, but such means cannot ensure work with all possible devices.

So, for example, BIOS manufacturers know absolutely nothing about the parameters of our hard and floppy disks, they do not know either the composition or properties of an arbitrary computer system.

In order to get started with other hardware, the programs included with the BIOS must know where to find the settings you need.

For obvious reasons, they cannot be stored in either RAM or ROM.

Especially for this, the motherboard has a “non-volatile memory” microcircuit, which is called CMOS according to manufacturing technology.

It differs from RAM in that its contents are not erased when the computer is turned off, and it differs from ROM in that data can be entered and changed in it independently, in accordance with what equipment is included in the system.

This chip is constantly powered by a small battery located on the motherboard.

The charge of this battery is enough to ensure that the microcircuit does not lose data, even if the computer is not turned on for several years.

The CMOS chip stores flex and hard drives, about the processor, about some other devices on the motherboard.

The fact that the computer clearly keeps track of the time and calendar (even when turned off) is also due to the fact that the system clock is constantly stored (and changed) in CMOS.

Thus, the programs written in the BIOS read data on the composition of the computer hardware from the CMOS chip, after which they can access the hard disk, and, if necessary, the flexible one, and transfer control to those programs that are written there.


The hard disk is the main device for long-term storage of large amounts of data and programs.

In fact, this is not one disk, but a group of coaxial disks that have a magnetic coating and rotate at high speed.

Hard disk (hard drive)

Thus, this "disk" does not have two surfaces, as a normal flat disk should have, but 2n surfaces, where n is the number of individual disks in the group.

Above each surface is a head for reading and writing data.

At high disk rotation speeds (90 rpm), an aerodynamic cushion is formed in the gap between the head and the surface, and the head hovers above the magnetic surface at a height of several thousandths of a millimeter.

When the strength of the current flowing through the head changes, the intensity of the dynamic magnetic field in the gap changes, which causes changes in the stationary magnetic field of the ferromagnetic particles that form the coating of the disk. This is how data is written to the magnetic disk.

The read operation takes place in reverse order.

Magnetized coating particles moving at high speed near the head induce self-induction EMF in it.

The electromagnetic signals that arise in this case are amplified and transmitted for processing.

The operation of the hard disk is controlled by a special hardware-logical device - the hard disk controller.

Currently, the functions of disk controllers are performed by microcircuits included in the microprocessor kit (chipset), although some types of high-performance hard disk controllers are still supplied on a separate board.

The main parameters of hard drives are capacity and performance.

floppy disk drive

information on a hard drive can be stored for years, but sometimes it needs to be transferred from one computer to another.

Despite its name, a hard drive is a very fragile device that is sensitive to overloads, shocks and shocks.

Theoretically, it is possible to transfer information from one workplace to another by transferring a hard drive, and in some cases they do, but still this technique is considered low-tech, since it requires special care and certain qualifications.

For the rapid transfer of small amounts of information, so-called floppy magnetic disks (floppy disks) are used, which are inserted into a special drive - a disk drive.

floppy disk drive

The drive inlet is located on the front panel of the system unit.

Starting in 1984, high-density 5.25-inch (1.2 MB) floppy disks were produced.

Today, 5.25-inch drives are not used, and the corresponding drives are not supplied in the basic configuration of personal computers after 1994.

3.5" floppy disks have been produced since 1980.

High-density 3.5-inch drives are now considered standard. They have a capacity of 1440 KB (1.4 MB) and are marked with the letters HD (high density - high density).

On the underside, the floppy disk has a central sleeve, which is captured by the disk drive spindle and rotated.

The magnetic surface is covered with a sliding shutter to protect it from moisture, dirt and dust.

If valuable data is recorded on a floppy disk, it can be protected from being erased and overwritten by sliding the protective slide so that an open hole is formed.

Floppy disks are considered unreliable storage media.

Dust, dirt, moisture, temperature fluctuations and external electromagnetic fields very often cause partial or complete loss of data stored on a floppy disk.

Therefore, using floppy disks as the main means of storing information is unacceptable.

They are used only for transporting information or as an additional (backup) storage medium.

CD-ROM drive

The abbreviation CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory) is translated into Russian as a read-only memory device based on a compact disc.

CD-ROM drive

The principle of operation of this device is to read numerical data using a laser beam reflected from the surface of the disk.

Digital recording on a CD differs from recording on magnetic discs in a very high density, and a standard CD can store approximately 650 MB of data.

Large amounts of data are typical for multimedia information (graphics, music, video), so CD-ROM drives are classified as multimedia hardware.

Software products distributed on laser discs are called multimedia publications.

Today, multimedia publications are gaining a stronger place among other traditional types of publications.

So, for example, there are books, albums, encyclopedias and even periodicals (electronic magazines) released on CD-ROM.

The main disadvantage of standard CD-ROM drives is the impossibility of writing data, but in parallel with them, there are also one-time devices. CD-R recordings(Compact Disk Recorder), and CD-RW recorders.

The main parameter of CD-ROM drives is the data reading speed.

Currently, CD-ROM readers with a performance of 32x-50x are most widely used. Modern samples of write-once devices have a capacity of 4x-8x, and multiple-write devices - up to 4x.

System unit.

In the previous lesson Lesson # 22. What does a computer consist of. Appearance. we dismantled what the computer externally consists of, and now we will climb inside the device.

The system block consists of:

The case protects the internal components of the computer from external influences and mechanical damage, maintains the necessary temperature conditions inside, shields the electromagnetic radiation created by the internal components.

Motherboard. Motherboard (English motherboard, MB; also mainboard, slang. mom, mother, motherboard) - complex multilayer printed circuit board, which is the basis for constructing a computing system (computer).

Power Supply. (BP) - a secondary power supply designed to supply computer nodes electrical energy direct current, by converting the mains voltage to the required values.

HDD. in computer slang, “vince?ster” is a random access storage device (information storage device) based on the principle of magnetic recording. It is the main storage medium in most computers.

Working memory. random access memory; RAM; (in computer jargon, RAM) is a volatile part of a computer memory system in which, during computer operation, executable machine code (programs) is stored, as well as input, output and intermediate data processed by the processor.

Video card. (also video card, video adapter, graphics adapter, graphics card, graphics card, graphics accelerator, 3D card) - a device that converts a graphic image, stored as the contents of the computer's memory (or the adapter itself), into a form suitable for further display on the monitor screen.

Drive. a computer device that allows reading and writing information to a removable storage medium in the form of a disk. The main characteristics of the drive are the type and capacity of the removable media used, the read / write speed, the type of interface and the form factor (embedded (internal) or external).

LAN card. An additional device that allows the computer to communicate with other devices on the network. At present, in personal computers and laptops, the controller and components that perform the functions of a network card are often integrated into motherboards for convenience, including unification of the driver and reduction in the cost of the entire computer as a whole.

CPU. English central processing unit, CPU, literally - central processing unit) - an electronic unit or an integrated circuit (microprocessor) that executes machine instructions (program code), the main part of the hardware of a computer or a programmable logic controller. Sometimes referred to as a microprocessor or simply a processor. Usually, many system unit is called the processor. Do not confuse the system unit with the processor. These are two different computer things. The system unit is where the components of the computer are installed. A processor is a small device smaller than a matchbox. The processor you see in the picture.


Serves to protect the processor from overheating during operation. On high-power processors, heatsinks can weigh up to 3 kilograms. They are usually made of duralumin. They have a ribbed structure.

(fan). It is usually installed on top of the processor heatsink and during operation creates an airflow directed to the heatsink. Thereby speeding up the cooling process of the processor.

The system chassis assembly looks like the picture shows.

The figure shows the system unit of one of the powerful computers. Basically, it is enough to use a computer with average capabilities.

I hope that I was able to explain to you what a system unit is and how the system unit differs from the processor?

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The most important block is the system. Actually, this is the computer, at least its most important component.

The main devices for receiving, transmitting, processing and storing information are located in the system unit. It is to it that all, without exception, computer devices are connected, for example, a monitor, keyboard, printer.

All the main components of a computer that can be replaced, removed or added are either inside the system unit or connected to it from the outside. Thus, all the strength and power of the computer is located in the system unit.

System block (also called sistemnik or frame) is a case that houses various functional components of a computer.

The outer shell, namely the body, is usually made on the basis of steel, aluminum and plastic, less often organic glass or wood is used.

On the case, as a rule, there are a lot of holes and this is not at all accidental. These openings are designed for good ventilation, which is essential for the smooth operation of the computer.

Power and Reset buttons

It is necessary to pay attention to two buttons that are located on the front panel of the system unit: the computer power button POWER(large, well-marked) and usually next to it is a small button to restart the computer RESET(in the picture on the left).

Reset and Power buttons

The RESET button, though small, is remote. If the computer "freezes", does not react in any way to any of your commands, then you can try to press this button with a pencil in order to restart the computer.

However, there is no such miracle RESET button on some system units and it definitely is not on the laptop.

System blocks Decktop and Tower

System blocks differ in different form factors (sizes) and, accordingly, in their appearance.

Tower system unit

There are the following types of cases:

The desktop system unit was the first to appear. Monitors then were relatively small and they were placed directly on desktops. Then it turned out that many users do not want to clutter up their workplace and towers began to come to the fore. Subsequently, they took the lead.

Towers are divided into four subtypes, which differ in height. In ascending order, these are:

  1. micro(Micro Tower),
  2. mini(Mini Tower)
  3. midi(Midi Tower - medium) and
  4. full(Big Tower).

As practice shows, in most cases, Midi Tower and Big Tower cases are purchased. This is due to the fact that the energy consumption and the amount of heat generated by modern components require an appropriate size of the case and its internal organization.

Desktops have been preserved either on very old computers, or can sometimes be found on new models. Old CRT monitors (cathode ray tubes) with a large diagonal, when placed on a desktop, could damage it with their weight.

Decktop with LCD monitor

The advent of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitors, which weigh significantly less than CRT monitors, has given desktop cases a second life. Currently, they are used if it is necessary to place the entire computer on the desktop and at the same time save space. This option is used in some educational institutions and offices.

When it comes to saving space on your desktop while placing the entire computer on it and still have a big budget , then it is impossible not to recall one more case of the system unit, which in the future, perhaps, will take a leading position.

A monoblock is a kind of computer that fits a monitor and a system unit in one case. At the same time, a bunch of wires and fan noise go into oblivion.

Some system unit is called a "box", some are called a "processor" and many more different names, they even sometimes use it for other purposes, for example, they warm their feet.

And so, in this article I will write in detail and even show what is inside the system unit, as well as what the case is.

Many people (or maybe not people) wondered "what's inside that box over there?"...

System unit:


First, let me tell you a little about the cases.

Computer cases come in various standards such as MiniTower, MidiTower, BigTower, Server Case, etc. and all of them are designed for the same purpose - to store the main parts of the computer.

Enclosures are usually made of sheet metal, aluminium, panels are usually made of plastic, but also of other materials.

Let's take a MidiTower case as an example:

The photo shows the main areas in which they should or can be located:

  1. power unit;
  2. case fans;
  3. motherboard (ATX or MiniATX format);
  4. devices 5.25";
  5. devices 3.5".

There may be cases where you can put case fans both at the bottom and at the top, as well as, for example, more than one on the back panel, on the side cover, etc.

There are cases where the power supply is located below, and not as in the photo, where it should be on top.


The motherboard is the main part of the system unit, because nothing will work without it.

Motherboards come in ATX, MiniATX, etc. standards. I will give you an example of an ATX format motherboard.

  1. socket for the processor;
  2. additional power for the processor;
  3. slots for RAM;
  4. under the radiator is the northbridge;
  5. under the radiator is the southbridge;
  6. PCI-E x16 slot for video card;
  7. PCI slot;
  8. battery;
  9. SATA connectors;
  10. IDE hard drive connector;
  11. I almost forgot, the connector for the main power supply;
  12. connector for floppy drive;
  13. connector for connecting a processor fan;
  14. PCI-E x1 slot;
  15. connectors for connecting the panel on the case;
  16. connectors for connecting additional USB;
  17. connector for connecting audio devices on the front panel of the case;
  18. connector for case fans.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the elements on the motherboard.

A socket for a processor, also called a socket, is needed in order to connect a processor to it, currently there are a lot of different sockets for different processors, for example, here is 775 (for Intel processors):

And here is socket 939 (for Athlon processors):

The following photo shows the northbridge without a heatsink:

It serves to connect (transmit information) among themselves 3 main components of a computer - a processor, RAM, a video card, and also transfer information from the south bridge to the processor.

South bridge:

The south bridge processes and transmits information to the processor, through the north bridge, from I / O devices.

And finally, the back panel of this motherboard looks like this:

It is needed to connect various input / output devices.


The processor, so to speak, is the brain of the computer, without which, as you probably already understood, the computer will not be able to process any information.

The main characteristics of processors are the clock frequency, cache (of any level), bus frequency.

The photo shows 3 different processors, there is even a slot processor. On the left is s939 AMD Athlon, on the right is s775 Intel C2D E6750, and on top is Slot 1 Intel Pentium III 600MHz.

Photo from the other side:

Cooling for processors

Processors emit a lot of heat, which is why they need to be cooled, otherwise they will simply stop working over time, and besides, the PC will not work even for a minute without cooling, because overheating protection will work, and if the processor is old, it will simply burn out.

Cooling can be air or water. Let's talk about air.

Air cooling can be active or passive. Passive is when only a radiator is installed on the processor, in this way processors that do not heat up so much are cooled, usually such processors are installed on laptops.

Active cooling consists of a heatsink and a fan, and together this is called a "cooler".

Radiators are made from different materials, usually made of aluminum, copper. There are also heatsinks that are based on heat pipes (the most efficient), or mixed, that is, the core can be copper and the fins aluminum.

Heatpipe cooler:

Aluminum heatsink on slot processor:

Cooler with aluminum heatsink:

Cooler with copper heatsink:

And this is how the disassembled Asus V60 cooler, which was shown before, looks like:


There are different types of RAM, there were SIMMs for a long time, then DIMMs appeared, then DDR, DDR2 and finally DDR3, this is for desktop PCs, there is also memory for servers such as FB-DIMMs and simple DDR, DDR2, DDR3 are also for servers , but with ECC support.

The main characteristics of RAM are its capacity, bus frequency, and timings (delays).

The photo shows (from top to bottom) DIMM, DDR, DDR2.

video card

Initially, video cards were needed only to display text on the screen, as well as primitive graphics, but now they are used for games, various graphics, processing various information (for example, video transcoding), and the video card is many times more powerful than the processor, you can even an example: I don't remember the exact figures, but a 4-core processor transcoded a video in 4 hours, and a video card, the same video, in 20 minutes.

I don’t know exactly which ones appeared first, but first there were video cards that were inserted into the ISA and PCI slots, then a special AGP slot appeared, and now there is a PCI-E and PCI-E2 slot.

This is what a PCI-E graphics card looks like:

The main elements on the video card are the processor (1) and memory (2). 3 - connector for connecting a fan, there may also be connectors for additional power.

The main characteristics of the video card: processor frequency, shader unit frequency, memory size, memory frequency, memory type, bus width, and what outputs are available on the video card. There are outputs such as D-SUB, DVI, HDMI, DVI-I, DVI-D, DisplayPort and others.

Power Supply

The power supply is needed by the computer to convert and transfer energy to the elements of the computer. It works like a heart :)