Children's table and chairs with their own hands. Child chair do-it-yourself: drawings, sizes, diagrams Children's chair with their own hands drawings sizes

The baby grows not by day, but by the clock, and all the time it really wants to be like adults. The table and chair are one of those things that are not only "like adults", but also also differ in great functionality. Most of these goods in stores or are sold at a very high price, or made of poor-quality plastic with a specific smell and short-lived chipboard. But there is a good way out for parents - these furniture items are easy to do.

Necessary materials and tools

Materials for self-making of a children's table and a highchair are not so small, they are available, they can be bought in any construction supermarket. As the main material, not only natural wood, but also to the phaneer or chipboard can be used. But, of course, much more durable and durable material is a tree. It is environmentally safe and does not distinguish poisonous evaporation, does not cause various allergic reactions.

The list of necessary materials for the table includes a convenient assortment.

  • Countertop. Its sizes you can work out yourself. Workstore, like some other details, best to make to order. A classic square or rectangular shape is welcome. A round children's table is not common practice.
  • Four tree legs.They are also recommended to buy to order. Now such goods can be ordered in carpentry workshops and even in some building stores.
  • Boards for the power case. They must be purchased in the amount of 4 pieces.
  • Screws, nails or spikes With glue at your discretion.

You also need to purchase a hand-assembly stool material.

  • Boards for the back and seat.
  • Bars for pens. They are acquired at will, depending on whether you plan to make armrest handles or not.
  • Four legs. They should be small, but carefully treated sanduth.
  • Screws or nails of suitable sizes.

In addition to these things, the tools will be needed, which will be needed both for chairs and for the table:

  • electric drill;
  • carpentry glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • roulette;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • a hammer.

Design schemes

When purchasing materials from wood, it is necessary to check their quality. Bruks and boards should be without jar, cracks or small protruding burrs. Wood should not be raw, rotten or amazed pests. Table. The design of the table is not complicated, so the lack of drawings are allowed, the main thing is to gently connect and "fit" parts of the future product to each other. Initially, it is necessary to count on the fact that the height of the table will be no more than 50 cm. Such an height will be the most optimal for the child. It is important to take into account the fact that the size of the table and the stool should be commensurate.

The design of the table can be different, but we will focus on a classic square version with 4 legs.The feature of the design of the table is its legs. They should be rather thick and stable. The cross section of each leg should be within 5x5 cm. Chair. As a rule, the design of all chairs with the back (just the same we consider in this article) is identical, the differences can only be in the form and size of the back. You can also experiment with the shape of the seat. It can be classic square, polygonal, round, with thread or upholstery.

Not so popular with independent manufacture, but quite real on the execution of tables and chairs, assembled without the use of screws, nails or other fixing materials. Details are fastened with the help of special fastening techniques of wooden bars in pieces of dusts. Such work requires experience and skills, therefore it is not quite suitable for non-profesionals. With respect to the construction of the structure there are a large number of options - various screws, nails, glue types and even spikes.

Upon completion of the process of designing the table and the stool, it is necessary, as at first, check them for the presence of protruding pieces of wood, cracks. It is necessary to minimize all sharp corners and uneven surfaces. But about it more below.

How to make your own hands?

Consider in more detail the process of manufacturing furniture.


  • Preparation of legs. Since the children's chair is furnished with small dimensions, then, accordingly, its details must be small. In particular, the length of the legs should not be more than 30 cm for a 70-centimeter chairs. All legs need to be cut and correct the sandpaper to one length. Of course, boards for slats must also be ground.
  • Prepare planks for legs and jumpers for seats. This is done for the subsequent stable and strong stool design.
  • Connect the entire design. At this stage, you need to carefully check all the pieces of details.
  • Glue design.To do this, it is best to use furnace glue, but it is quite suitable and superchalter from the shopping store.
  • Fixing the seat and legs.You can make it with screw screws or a simple hammer and nails. Recently, the relative popularity has won spikes. On the spikes "attract" the part and fastens all this with glue. It turns out quite reliable fastening.
  • Processing emery paper.This process is necessary in order to remove all potentially dangerous for a child's jar on the tree and give the stool a nice look.


  • First of all, you need to measure the length of all legs with a roulette. If the difference is discovered in their length, then you need to correct them. Children's rude table can bring a lot of inconvenience, especially during the feeding of the child. This is done with the help of a hacksaw.
  • Drill the grooves in each of the legs.You need to make a groove on the end of the part, and then make it a rectangular shape.
  • Measure the depth of grooves.Next, it is necessary on each of the bars to measure the distance equal to the depth of the grooves.
  • Correction.To do this, you need to enroll each of the wooden bars from all sides, and remove the knife or sandpaper.
  • Connection of parts.At this stage it is important to check the accuracy of the angles, they must all be straight.
  • Bonding design.The final stage, in which all parts, if they are tightly connected to each other, glue with joinery glue. For greater durability, it is possible to use the hammer and nails.

Decorating furniture

The main thing about decorating children's furniture is the safety of coatings. Paints and varnish need to be purchased from a reliable manufacturer and try in advance on a piece of wood. Regarding recently domestic and western manufacturers, special varnish for children's furniture was released on sale. According to manufacturers, it is safe when applied and does not allocate harmful evaporation after drying. The most common version of the chair after painting is screen drawings. They can be completely applied to a conventional small tassel from the art goods store. The same applies to the most different stickers on the furniture.

Colors of paints must be bright, but not poisonous. Basic colors are welcome - blue, red and yellow. As a drawings, you can choose various folk ornaments, simplified animal patterns, symbolic designations of type of stars, a heart (for a girl), machines (for a boy) and even letters and inscriptions. The kid can delight and inspire the opportunity to independently decorate its future furniture. A good option in this case are the prints of his palms. Special craftsmen with golden hands, you can experiment with carvings. She can decorate the head of the chairs. To do this, you first need to apply a pencil pattern, and then start directly the work itself by the jigsaw. If you initially plan to make a thread, then it is best to make it before you collect a chairs.

Children's things are very often subjected to various mechanical and other effects, so it will be better to protect the surface and apply several layers of varnish. In extreme cases, and in the acute need to protect the surface of the table, an epoxy resin can be used, which, frozen, forms a thick film similar to a glass surface. But it is worth it only if the table is used for drawing or will often be a wet cleaning with chemicals.

Make it yourself - the usual or for feeding, not such a difficult undertaking. Even if there is no greater experience with the tree. The principled design is simple, options for the degree of complexity there are mass, no special tools require work.

The main thing is to determine which weight should withstand the product.

The choice of material for is determined by the financial capabilities and skills of the home master. From plywood make the seat is not an example easier, and if the workpiece for any reason we will have an unsuitable, its duplication does not make a hole in the wallet.

  • An array of wood - the best is the beech. Its wood is dense, medium hardness, but it is treated much easier than oak. If the cost of the material is high, then you can use an array of birch or pine. Preference is given to the breeds of deciduous trees.

Pine before making is recommended to expose this procedure as desonying. Wood contains quite a lot of resin, it will interfere with work, and in the future it can cause the appearance of smiling dirty spots on the surface.

  • Plywood is a multi-layer material from a veneer of deciduous and coniferous trees. It is perfect for a children's highchair, as it has a low weight and is very easily processed. With the minimum skill, the chair from plywood can be made very beautiful, with a slit carvings. In addition, plywood is easily beaten, which allows you to make a back curved.
  • Chipboard is the most fiscal option and the most short-lived. The strengths of the material itself are quite enough for those loads that children's furniture are exposed, but the ability to hold the mount - self-tapping screws, nails, this material is low. As a rule, Flat details are made from the chipboard. Like the table for feeding or seat.

The selected material should be in this form:

  • bruks - 20 * 40 mm on average, or more - up to 50 * 50 mm;
  • boards - 25 mm thick;
  • furniture shield, if the material for the seat and backs is chosen an array of wood, or sheets of plywood and chipboard.

The product is best attached to the sewage - wooden bushings. They are inserted into the holes when connecting parts and hold them together. This is the most reliable way. But self-tapping screws, nails and even metal corners can also be used.

Pretty many building stores offer their services to cut wood materials in size. If the experience with the tree is small, it is better to use the help of professionals.

If not only the assembly of parts is assumed, but also the full manufacture of wooden children's chair with their own hands, then the following tools will be needed:

  • electrolovka or tree knife for the manufacture of blanks;
  • screwdriver if metal fasteners are used;
  • grifmashinka or emery paper of varying degrees of graininess - all the details of the children's chair are necessarily squeezed and grind to eliminate injury;
  • hammer - used to compact docking;
  • brushes, varnish or water-based paint.

Is your child still quite a bloc? Then the following video will help dad create a haul for feeding:

Drawings and schemes

You can always take advantage of the finished drawing of a children's chair with your own hands found on the construction site. The best in such cases are the sketches presented on the forums. First, they contain the maximum possible amount of information. Secondly, the questions specified on the forums and the answers received on them can clarify the many difficulties arising in the course of the case.

Before proceeding with the manufacture, you need to make sure that the child fit the sizes indicated in the drawing. If not, the parameters should be increased in proportion to, since the stability of the product depends on the correct ratio of height and width.

If the stool drawing is decided to develop independently, it is recommended after calculations, make a test model from ordinary construction cardboard. Thus, the proportions, height and stability of the model can be checked the best method - practical.

Children's chairs - from 0.5 to 6 years, manufactured in two main schemes.

  • For feeding - a stationary or folding product, in which there is a table. There is no longer a one-year-old crumb to sit for a common table: she has a very different feeding mode, and it still can not be trapes with everyone else. An individual table taking into account the growth and weight of the baby - the option is the best.
  • An ordinary stool is that is, the one is needed for classes at the table and for the game. Its form is similar to an adult chair, but the execution may be different.

Traditionally, this is a frame with four legs, seat and back. However, for children, there will be a good version of two sidewalls, seats and backs. The first model is usually made of wood, the second is from plywood and chipboard.

Drawings chairs for children

Drawing 1 Drawing 2 Drawing 3 Drawing 4

Manufacturing process

Furniture production can be divided into 3 stages: preparation of material, cutting and assembly of the product. Possible fourth - finishing. The sequence is the same in the manufacture of any model, but the work itself will depend on the complexity of the design and the selected material.

The following video will help you make a beautiful and bright children's chairs:

Preparation and manufacture of parts

Often these steps are carried out in parallel to each other. Not always the material in the store has a fairly low moisture degree - 12-16%. Therefore, the wood is desirable to dry additionally. Also, any of the wood materials should acclimatize. Therefore, before starting work, it is recommended to leave a tree, a faeer or chipboard in the room no less than a day.

Cut bars, boards and sheet material can be performed independently, or to order in a workshop at a store. Standard Stool Drawing For Feeding Includes the following items:

  • foots for the table and chair - 4 pcs. For each part of the product. Bruks are cut by an electrollized size and necessarily processed by sandpaper;
  • packed and bottom crossbars - 2 pcs. Also manufactured from bars;
  • coast - 3 pcs. For stool and 4 for the table. Bruks are cut on the workbench or on the table, holding in the vice. To cut the angles at 90 degrees, the stublo is used;
  • roundings - 4 pieces, cut out of the board. In this case, wood fibers must be perpendicular to the corner of bend. Otherwise, the item is easily breaking due to internal voltage;
  • the table top and the seat is cut from the sheet of plywood, tree or chipboard in size.

If the chair is made entirely of plywood or chipboard, then all parts are sidewalls, a partition that connects them, the seat and the back are first drawn onto the sheet, and then peel into the jigsaw.

How to make a children's chair from chipboard will tell the following video:

Build product

The best option is to connect to the wanks. The latter is easy to make yourself from the board. The bushings have a rectangular shape, they are sanded.

  • Under the waders in detail, the holes are done: first the drill of a smaller diameter - up to 6 mm, then the chisel is expanding to 8 mm.
  • Mixed parts for glue - joiner, PVA and so on. Before the final connection, it is advisable to install without glue to make sure that the ducts and holes are at the desired level, and the corners are observed.
  • For the maximum durable attachment, they are followed as follows: the parts on the wanks are attached, tapping the hammer to fit the elements as close as possible, and then fix them in the clamp per day. The manufacture of the chair will take more time, but also reliability will be much higher.

All parts according to the drawings are connected to the specks described by the method. If we are talking about a plywood chair, then its elements are cut off with spikes and grooves, and are connected in the same way - on glue.

Bright children's homemade stool

Finishing Chaul

  • The easiest way is to open an acrylic varnish on a water basis. The color and degree of shine varnish are determined if desired.
  • You can paint the product acrylic paint on a water basis. Although it is not so stable as the oil composition, but is completely safe.

On the seat, and sometimes a soft liner made of foam rubber and a cloth made on the back. The fabric is better to choose well-disintegrating, as it will be polluted quickly.

As the child develops, there is a need to purchase additional furniture, such as children's written table. Here the kid of preschool age can be mastered, drawing, and a schoolboy to make homework. Given the fact that the child from an early age is necessary to develop the right posture, then a written table, intended "for adults" for children's needs no longer suitable. Today, many models of children's tables can be found in the furniture store. But if you wish to get a fully suitable option for your child, taking into account the specifics of his children's room, then it is better to make it personally. Moreover, the manufacture and assembly of children's furniture with their own hands is not a difficult task, which is not even for those who have no carpentry skills.

Consider further how to make children's furniture with your own hands. As an example, a variant of the manufacture of a children's table of simple design was proposed. It will suit both for children of preschool age and for schoolchildren. Such tables are often included in the package of children's furniture for a kindergarten made with their own hands.

For work we need the following tools and materials:

  • A sheet from a solid wood array (for mounting countertops).
  • Wooden bars 60 by 60 mm for erection of the support frame.
  • Wooden boards 40 by 40 mm.
  • Electric drill.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Tripod (for fixing wooden structures during their processing).
  • Grinding machine.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Construction knife.
  • Roulette.
  • Pins for furniture.

The order of installation work on the manufacture of a simple design of the table:

  1. At the first stage, drawings and schemes for children's furniture made with their own hands should be drawn up. The dimensions of the future design are determined here, the most basic of which is the height of the product. It should be such that the child in a sitting position remained smooth back. In addition, the growth of the child should be taken into account, as the table is not made for one year.
  2. Focusing on the conceptual drawings of the product, the legs of the structure are cut. It is better to drink them from a wooden bar in such a way that they do not narrow the book, but remained smooth. Otherwise, the design of the table may turn out to be unstable.
  3. The legs are grouped by sandpaper. With the help of end cutters, they join the frame of the table.
  4. Collecting the frame of children's furniture with their own hands from plywood, it is necessary to place points in which the elements of the structure will be fastened with each other. In this case, the method of fastening the "spike-groove" will be used. To do this, the openings of the desired diameter "under the groove" are drilled in the noted points. The dimensions of the holes must correspond to the magnitude of the future groove.
  5. Fix the legs in the tripod and cut into them the grooves. There should be 2 grooves on each leg.
  6. We place on the frame of the places where the spikes should be placed. During the measurements, be extremely attentive so that the "grooves" on the legs and the "spikes" on the frame were located at the same distance, otherwise the design will be unstable and curve. With the help of a joinery knife on the frame cut out parts of the wood, thereby forming the "groove" in the middle.
  7. We carry out the preliminary measurements of the whole design, so that during the assembly it has the right form. If necessary, adjust the dimensions of the wooden elements.
  8. Next, perform a test assembly of design. At the same time, make sure that the legs made are firmly attached to the "Schip-groove" technology to the frame. After the correctness and stability of the assembled furniture is verified, we again disassemble it into separate details. Then we carry out a finite assembly of the product, while missing the place of attachment of the wooden elements with construction glue. For stability, the design is additionally fastened with self-draws.
  9. The wooden table in finished form is carefully sealed with the help of sandpaper, then treated with protective mixtures and varnished. For similar technology, children's furniture for the garden are manufactured with their own hands.

Folding children's table attached to the wall

We now consider the method of manufacturing another design, namely, the folding children's table attached to the wall. This option can be used when creating a kit for children's furniture for the kitchen with your own hands.

For work we need some tools and materials:

  • Wooden bars 60x20 mm (length 75 cm) - 4 pcs.
  • Wooden bars 60x20 mm (length 35 cm) - 4 pcs.
  • A sheet of durable plywood for the manufacture of countertops.
  • Electric drill.
  • Grinding machine.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Construction knife.
  • Roulette.
  • Carpentry glue.
  • Varnish for handling wooden products.
  • Pins for furniture.
  • Dowel.

The order of installation work on the manufacture of folding table design:

  1. First of all, you should draw up drawings for children's furniture made with your own hands. At this stage, the dimensions of the future table are determined. It is worth saying that this design will be very convenient for premises with a small area.
  2. From wooden bars drink 2 folding legs in the form of a frame for a children's table. In the end parts we do the holes for fastening the structure. They pour glue and fasten the elements of the frame between themselves, additionally tightening it with loops.
  3. With the help of the electric drill in the wall we do holes. Dowels will then be inserted into them.
  4. Since the folding design is manufactured, the countertop should be made of two parts. The first part should be no more than 27 cm, and the second is, depending on the required size of the table (usually its length is up to 50 cm). Elements of countertops are fasten with loops.
  5. The first (the smallest) part of the countertop is attached to the wall on the previously installed dowels.
  6. After the hinges were fastened with two parts of the table top, it is attached to wooden supporting legs. As a result, we received a folding structure, which, if necessary, can be carefully removed, and release the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Children's table desk do it yourself

The design of the children's desk (sizes and materials from which the structural elements of the table for schoolchildren are manufactured):

  • Countertop Party. Made from the sheet MDF. Its dimensions are 50 to 70 cm.
  • Shelf (located under the tabletop). It is manufactured as the table top, from the MDF sheet. Its dimensions are 20 by 70 cm.
  • Patch box. Its side walls must be located under a slight inclination. Their sizes are 40 per 90 cm. The front and rear part of the box is made by sizes of 15 by 65 cm.
  • Wooden feet of desks. They must expand a little down a little (manufactured in the form of a trapezium). The size of the upper part of the legs is 40 cm, and the bottom is 60 cm.
  • A wooden plank for which the child will put legs while working at the table. The elements of the structure between themselves are combined with cabinets.

Procedure for performing work:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to draw the drawings of the children's desk. There are dimensions and shape of the product in the finished form. In addition, at the planning stage, the approximate estimate of the costs for carpentry work and the purchase of materials is determined.
  2. We make wooden legs design. They make holes using a 8 mm drill.
  3. In the finished holes insert the confirmates. They will be attached to the bottom strap for the legs. The legs and the bottom crossbar of the desks are well processed by sandpaper so that their surface is smooth.
  4. Next, we make the part of the party. On the surface of the front and rear parts of the box, we do the holes for the confirm. Holes are made with an indent of 8 mm from the edge of the planks.
  5. We collect all parts of the box and fasten with each other. To cover the bottom of the design, use a sheet of plywood.
  6. The legs are fixed with the overlap at 10 cm. All design elements are tightened with screeds.
  7. We connect the side parts, the box and the base of the structure using the screws. For attachment of the countertops, it should be pre-done 10 holes for confirm. For the reliability of the join of the product, treat with construction glue, and reinforce the box with metal corners. Then carefully check the stability of the design in the assembled form.
  8. All wooden structural elements are grouped, processed by protective compositions and varnished.

Under the desk, it is necessary to make a chair, because not each of them is suitable in design. The procedure for the work is as follows:

  1. We make feet of design. To do this, we use wooden bars 20 by 25 cm. In each of them, we do the holes for connecting to the screeds.
  2. The seat and the back of the chair is made of a durable sheet MDF. The approximate dimensions of these structural elements are the following - the depth of the seat - 27 cm, the backrest width is 15 cm and the seat - 35 cm.
  3. Attach the legs of the chair to the seat. For reliability, reinforce metal corners.
  4. The side parts of the back can be made of wooden bars or from segments of the profile pipe. Confirm them to the seat with bolts.
  5. Bottom, wooden legs are connected to a small wooden plank.
  6. All wooden parts of the product are grouped by sandpaper, processed by protective compositions and are covered with varnish.

In order for the children's table to have an attractive appearance, it can be decorated with decoupage technique. For this purpose, any bright pictures are used, which are pasted on the worktop or side parts of the structure, are then covered with primer and varnish.

Children's furniture do it yourself: photo

Parents are always trying to make the life of a kid more comfortable, so the furniture for various situations is always relevant. While your child is small, he is needed highchair for feeding, games and creativity. Of course, such a chairs can be bought in the store, but a good quality product will cost a lot of money. And besides, sometimes you want to do something for your baby with your own hands. Let's figure it out, it's hard to make a children's chair with your own hands - drawings, sizes, schemes can be taken standard on the Internet or to make themselves if you consider tips from this article.

We choose the material

The choice of material is of paramount importance, because the health of your child directly depends on this.


For such a case, the tree is best suited. The advantages of such material are obvious:

  • The tree is easily processed.
  • The cost of individual breeds is quite accessible.
  • The product has a beautiful view.
  • Tree - eco-friendly material.

For the manufacture of children's furniture most often use deciduous rocks, such as beech, linden, birch. If you are using pine or fir, then before starting work, wood needs to do.

Important! When choosing wood, note that there are no bitch on the material. Such sections are poorly handled and subsequently a high chairs can quickly break.


Plywood is also very popular. It is inexpensive and easy to process. Plywood products have a little weight that for a small child is also important. And due to the elasticity of the material, you can get very original carved structures.


Another material from which such things are most often made by chipboard. Flat details are made of it: seats, backs, countertops.

Important! Its main disadvantage is short-life. It is also necessary to chechely approach the choice when buying, paying great attention to the environmentality of the material and the availability of certificates for it.

Additional materials

In addition to the main materials, additional materials will also be needed for the manufacture of children's highchair. These include:

  • To strengthen structures, corners are often used. They can be metal or plastic.
  • Details are mounted with glue, nails, screws.
  • Sometimes the seats and the back are rude to the foam rubber, and on top are tights with a cloth.
  • So that the legs do not scratch the floor covering, there are rubber or plastic lining.

Important! If the product is made of wood, then it is pre-treated with varnish, versa, or painted paint.

Drawings and schemes

Before wondering how to make a chair with your own hands, you need to deal with the drawings. Ready can be found on construction sites or forums. Or you can develop them yourself. But before starting making, make sure that these sizes are suitable for your baby.

Important! The best option is to test the chair, making a model according to drawings from cardboard. Thus, all flaws will come out and you can adjust them without spoiling the main material.

Usually children's chairs are made in two main schemes.

Chair for feeding

This is a product that, as a rule, develops and has a table for feeding. The baby has its own mode and trapes him better individually.

Important! The popular sizes of such a children's chair in many drawings and schemes have such values:

  • height - 840-900 mm;
  • height to the seat - 500 mm;
  • to the back - 700 mm;
  • backrest width - 455 mm;
  • width of armrests - 405 mm.

Normal chairs

The name speaks for itself. It is just a small chair, made to the size of your baby, who need your child for games and feeding.

Important! Here sizes depend directly from the age of the child, so focus on the drawings of a specific suitable model.

What details need to be made?

If you have prepared the drawing and even tested it, now you need to pull out the details from the selected material. So that the chair was strong, you need to do the following main details:

  • Top, bottom, front, medium and lateral crossbars.
  • Legs.
  • Seat.

Important! If any of the parts is not, then the chair will be unreliable, which can lead to a traumaous situation.

How to make a chairs for a child with your own hands? Remember that children's furniture must first be safe for your child's health. Therefore:

  • There should be no sharp corners, cracks, gaps.
  • The surface must be smooth.
  • The product itself should be durable and reliable.

Important! If you make a wooden chair, then carefully choose a varnish or paint for material processing.

Making stool

How to make a chairs for a child with your own hands? Let's consider in more detail the whole process:

  • First you need to cut 4 legs and 4 connecting plates. They will carry the function of the ribs.
  • Using spikes to connect the left legs. In the right places, drill holes drill, lubricate with glue and plant spike tight.
  • Now combine similarly to the front and rear legs.
  • In those places where the legs of the chair are connected to the crossbars, it would be nice to plant metal corners for greater reliability and secure them on a self-tapping screw.

Important! These two designs should be identical, otherwise the chair will be uneven, and your baby will be uncomfortable to sit on it.

  • Creare both half with bars.
  • Now you need to make a back. The back must be knitted with small nails to the legs.
  • At the last stage you need to secure the seat, and your chair is ready.

Construction of plywood

Make a children's chair with your own plywood hands much easier. In this case, the material will cost you cheaper, and the processing efforts will need less:

  1. Prepare drawings, decide on sizes.
  2. Make the base stool, and then attach the remaining details on the thoughtful drawing to it.

Important! Cut the phaneer carefully, as it is a fragile material. The edges need to thoroughly process so that the child does not hurt during operation. The finished product should be well processed and tested.

How to decorate a chair?

Whatever high-quality chair you do, without proper registration, it is unlikely that this product will like your baby. There are many ways as easy and easy to decorate a highchair. The easiest option - you can offer the child to paint the chair together to taste. You definitely do not lose - the chair painted with your own hands will be your child's favorite item in the children's room.

Purchased furniture for the child's room, especially from natural materials, can be quite expensive. In the store or online is not always the option that will appeal. Children's chair and a table of wood can be created independently. Work will not submit difficulties if you prepare all the necessary parts and tools, use the smell and imagination. The award for work is a unique product, as comfortable as possible for the baby and practical in home.

Children's chair and a table of wood can be created independently.

A chair will cost much cheaper with his own hands, and the one's own sketch will respond to the intended parameters and the desired degree convenience for the kid.

The award for work is a unique product, as comfortable as possible for the baby and practical in home.

All parts made of natural wood can be purchased in the specialized departments of building stores. You will pick up boards and bars of the desired size.

The chair will cost much cheaper with your own hands.

Children's chair, created by his own, is good furniture for the child. In the process of work, you take into account the size of the seat and backs, the most comfortable for the growing baby, check the strength of the structure directly at home.

All parts made of natural wood can be purchased in the specialized departments of building stores.

Created by your own hands a wooden chair can be decorated to your taste, and not be content with the finished decision of the purchase of furniture.

You will pick up boards and bars of the desired size.

Necessary materials and tools

To create a chair, you will need various materials. Separate parts will be manufactured from them. First of all, it is wooden bars and junctions, from which the frame, seat and back is going to the frame. Instead of natural wood array, you can use chipboard or phanel, but these materials are short-lived. For fasteners, take screw screws in sufficient quantities. It will take the sandpaper of medium stiffness.

Children's chair, created by his own, is good furniture for the child.

Sizes of bars (length):

  • support legs - up to 20 cm;
  • connecting slats of the seat frame - up to 20 cm;
  • plates-jumper backrest - up to 20 cm.

Created wooden chair you can decorate to your taste.

In the process of manufacture for legs, the thick bars section 5x5 cm are used. For slats they take parts with a diameter of half smaller from the reference.

For slats, they take parts with a diameter of half smaller from the reference.

The seats board parameters (height and width) - also should not exceed 20 cm. The spinal part may be somewhat higher, but preferably not more than 30 cm.

  • they are less durable;
  • the environmental friendliness of such products has not yet been proven.

Seat board parameters (height and width) - also should not exceed 20 cm.

To make a chair with your own hands, you need suitable tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • electrolovik;
  • wooden hacksaw.

The spinal part may be slightly higher, but preferably - no more than 30 cm.

The collected chair "will require" the original decor. In addition to the thread option, you can use paint or other materials to apply a pattern or application. For neat application, it will be necessary stencil.

The collected chair "will require" the original decor.

Determine with design and design

For a product from a tree you can come up with any option. Children's chair usually make with straight supports and the following shapes:

  • solid square or rectangular;
  • wide truncated cone;
  • direct pass-through (with a bar-jumper).

For neat application, it will be necessary stencil.

Creating a product with your own hands requires careful preparation. Previously need to make a sketch of the project. Picture a visual scheme of compounds of all parts individually with calculations of sections and length .. Following the sketches, you recreate the model in reality with the exact parameters. The chair, where all thoughtful sizes are observed, will "fit" the baby, will not create inconvenience.

For a product from a tree you can come up with any option.

Certain models are created with the calculation to ensure that the child is sitting at a common table along with other family members. In this case, the product is chosen by high legs, which are attached not exactly vertically in relation to the seat and the floor, and more widely. The lower part of such a chair will look like a truncated cone, connected to the resistance of wooden bars around the perimeter. The upper part will be approximately 30-35 cm below the table level.

Children's chair usually make with straight supports and the following forms of spinal design

If there are certain skills, then you can collect a folding product. Such objects are easily cleaned if necessary in the storage location.

For the selected designer solution, the parts are treated according to it.

Production Process: Step-by-step instruction

After preparing the drawing with precise parameters, we start collecting a simple children's chair.

  1. Calculate exactly the length of the legs with the length of the legs, disconnect the extra hacksaw.
  2. Drink the lintel-bars to fasten the frame in the seat area.
  3. Connect them with a support structure. To enhance add furnace glue.
  4. Attach the pre-fitted back and seat with self-screws.
  5. All parts of the tree must be cleared with sandpaper so that there are no roughness and sowing.

The chair, where all thoughtful sizes are observed, will "fit" the baby, will not create inconvenience.

If the details are disproportionate, "subgore" them according to the calculated scheme with the help of hacksaw. So that the chair, created by their own hands, was convenient, ask the baby to sit on it, ask how comfortable it is.

If all sizes were defined correctly, the child will like new furniture. To the details were smooth, once again walk the sandpaper over the surface.

Certain models are created with the calculation to ensure that the child is sitting at a common table along with other family members.

For varnishing products, use only safe compositions - a special coating for children's furniture, an environmentally friendly and having the appropriate certificate.

The upper part will be approximately 30-35 cm below the table level.

After the external trim, give the chair well to dry, day or two. Then you can proceed to decorative finish, if such intended. If it is to apply the thread, then the lacquer is made after the completion of artistic processing and sanding parts.

Chaula decoration

For thread, use the jigsaw. You can make a decoration in the form of a flower, cutting it into the center of the back, or any geometric shape. Previously at the place of the future decor, make a pencil markup so that the thread turns out to be smooth. Carved may be parts such as legs and backs. Seat corners can be rounded with a jigsaw and skins.

In the process of manufacture for legs, the thick bars section 5x5 cm are used.

The top can also be made not strictly rectangular, but a truncated cone, rounded, composite. In the last version, you will need additional bars and transverse strips - one or two. Secure them at the expense of special holes in the connecting places with a spinal frame. This is a rather laborious process, but if you wish, you can choose this option.

For fasteners, take screw screws in sufficient quantities.

All parts processing actions must be performed before the highchair is assembled, the process of work will be faster, more convenient and more careful.

If there are certain skills, then you can collect a folding product.

To make your own hands, the subject of children's furniture looked more interesting, you can apply on the back and seat pattern. To do this, you need to use safe paints. The color scheme should be bright, cheerful. On wood furniture, simple ornaments, plant patterns, imitation of children's toys, such as machines are perfectly looking at the furniture.

Instead of natural wood array, you can use chipboard or phanel, but these materials are short-lived.

Due to the fact that the size of the product is small, a large drawing will become a kind of emphasis that attracts the attention of the child - he will like to sit on such a beautiful chair, playing the game or breakfast.

In decorating, you can use appliques - adhesive bright films on sale plentifully.

The image will be smooth if you use pre-cut from paper or tight plastic stencil.

In decorating, you can use appliques - adhesive bright films on sale plentifully. There will be an image in monophonic or multicolor - depends on your imagination.

First of all, it is wooden bars and junctions, from which the frame, seat and back is going to the frame.

In the decoration of the seat or the dorsal part of the children's chair, it is not recommended to use volumetric (protruding) parts, both small and large ones. First, it is uncomfortable for a child, secondly - they quickly fall off when using the product.

To create a chair, you will need various materials.

Video: Children's chair do it yourself