What paint is best for the kitchen and how to paint the ceiling with your own hands. Painting the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands Ceiling paint for the kitchen

For a kitchen room, the condition of the ceiling is always determined by special requirements. The kitchen has a number of features, as a result of which the materials for painting must meet certain criteria.

And accordingly, color fastness must comply with the highest requirements. Main question, which we will try to answer, is what and how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen.

What makes the kitchen special?

First of all, let’s determine what is the difference between a kitchen and premises for other purposes. Why are there special requirements for the ceiling in the kitchen?

High humidity

Evaporation always occurs during the cooking process. Regardless of what is used for this: a gas stove, a double boiler or a microwave oven, the air humidity increases. In addition, throughout the day, due to the operation of ventilation, humidity changes its value in a fairly wide range.

Temperature fluctuations

Temperature range that the kitchen ceiling can withstand, regardless of big kitchen or small, much wider when compared with premises for other purposes. When ventilating the kitchen in winter period, the ceiling can cool to a temperature that is just slightly above zero degrees. While the stove is operating, the temperature of the ceiling above it can reach 60 degrees.

Attention: The operation of a hood located above the stove can reduce the ceiling temperature and the overall kitchen temperature during cooking. And, of course, it helps get rid of excess moisture.

Exposure to grease and soot

During the frying process, fat will definitely settle on everything. horizontal surfaces, including on the ceiling. In case of use gas stove Soot is added to fat in huge quantities. Therefore, the choice of materials for painting the ceiling should take into account the frequent wet cleaning.

Choosing material for the ceiling

So, on the agenda is painting the ceiling in the kitchen, what can be used to decorate the ceiling, what are their advantages and disadvantages.


Is traditional material, used for ceiling decoration for a very long time. Far from the worst choice for the kitchen at the present time.


  1. The easiest way to decorate a ceiling with your own hands.
  2. When using lime there is no release into the air harmful substances, on the contrary, lime has the ability to absorb them.
  3. Lime whitewashing is a ceiling finishing, the price of which is very low, it will be cheaper only if you don’t finish the ceiling at all.
  4. Lime can mask minor surface defects.


  1. Whitewashing with lime cannot be washed off from soot and grease embedded in it.. To make the ceiling snow-white again, you can only whitewash it again.
  2. Multilayer whitewashing forms very noticeable unevenness over time. These irregularities can only be removed together with plaster.
  3. When using lime, you can forget about any design ideas . The ceiling looks dullly standard.

Water-based paints

When choosing a material and deciding what paint to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, many people choose water-based paint.


  1. During the painting process and after it, no harmful substances or just pungent odors are released.
  2. The cost of such finishing is not much higher than whitewashing with lime.
  3. After painting with water-based emulsion, the ceiling can be wiped with a damp cloth without causing visible damage to the finish. Although it is impossible to say that such a coating will be detergent.
  4. Water-based paint will not interfere with the filtration of water vapor. Therefore, if the house is wooden, the kitchen will not be stuffy.
  5. The layer of water-based paint is much thinner than lime paint, so up to overhaul they can be applied quite a few times.

Acrylic paints

Many experts argue that the use acrylic paints is the best option for finishing the ceiling. This material has all the advantages of water-based paints. But there is no main drawback: after painting with acrylic paints, the ceiling is easy to clean without any damage to the coating.

Attention: Do not get carried away with using detergents, which contain caustic substances and abrasives. The acrylic coating layer can be damaged. It is enough to use ordinary warm water with the addition of laundry soap.

The ceiling surface in the kitchen is different from other rooms. Required for the kitchen area Decoration Materials With special properties. The finish is exposed to different temperatures, steam and high humidity, so facing materials must be resistant to moisture and other influences.

The white ceiling goes great with light-colored furniture in the kitchen

To paint the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands, you need to choose high-quality paint. Let's find out what you can use to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, and what you should be wary of.

Features of the kitchen area

The kitchen is a space to which increased demands are placed.

To choose paint for the ceiling in kitchen area It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the properties of the material and the requirements that apply to the finishing materials of this room.

In the kitchen, the cooking process creates an atmosphere with increased temperature and humidity. Materials used indoors must be resistant to these factors.

Vapor and moisture

Cooking and using steamers and microwaves produce fumes and increase indoor humidity. Ventilation system affects different levels of humidity during the day.

Temperature changes

Regular temperature changes affect the surfaces of the room. Using a gas stove helps heat the ceiling up to 50 degrees. If you ventilate the room, the temperature will drop significantly.

A hood can help reduce sudden temperature changes.

Settlement of soot and fat

Soot and greasy particles remain on surfaces. Soot settles when the gas stove is running. When choosing a material, it is worth considering regular wet cleaning.

What material to choose for finishing the ceiling: the best options

Before you start finishing works It is worth studying the materials that are best used to paint the ceiling.

Considered the cheapest method. In this case it is used quicklime and different brushes.

Lime does not produce harmful substances. This material is believed to purify the air.

Before renovating, you should decide: what paint is best for the ceiling in the kitchen?

Luxurious ceiling with beautiful butterflies around an elegant chandelier

Properties of lime

You can paint the ceiling yourself using lime. This is an affordable material that is characterized by safety. Lime is diluted plain water. In this case, warm water and 100 g of ordinary salt are added to 2 kg of lime. You can add dye. Water is added to a volume of 10 liters.

Often used in country houses, especially in summer kitchens. If you have the skills to work with this material, you can level curved surfaces.

You will have to paint the ceiling regularly, since grease and soot cannot be washed off from the lime surface.

Painting the ceiling with lime has the following advantages:

  • low costs;
  • Whitewashing is done in a thick layer, which allows you to mask minor defects. Minor cracks and irregularities are eliminated;
  • characterized by safety for humans, as it does not emit harmful substances.

The whitewashed ceiling is different standard view. Lime accumulation after frequent repairs leads to uneven surfaces.

Advantages of water-based paint

Do-it-yourself whitewashing of the ceiling water-based paint counts budget option. The paint is diluted with water before use.

Painting the ceiling has the following advantages:

  • the solution is easy to apply and dries quickly;
  • characterized by safety and no unpleasant odor;
  • Another paint can be easily applied on top of the water-based emulsion.

If you paint the ceiling with a water-based liquid, then this coating can be washed off with a soap solution after a while.

Caring for the coating has some peculiarities - you cannot wash the surface, but you can remove dust with a damp cloth.

If correct, then the thickness of the coating will be less than that of its lime counterpart.

Features of acrylic paint

You can use acrylic paint for tiling in the kitchen area. This option is considered one of the best. This material contains the properties of a water-based solution. A plus is the washable surface that you get after work.

You can clean acrylic paint using warm water with soap and washcloth.

If you get the following benefits:

  • this composition does not fade in the sun;
  • paint fills small cracks and makes them invisible;
  • you can choose any colors;
  • no smell.

Ideal ceiling tiers with beautiful light bulbs looks good in the kitchen

How and with what to paint the ceiling in the kitchen: DIY work

Before painting the ceiling in a room, you should choose a matte or glossy surface.

To use glossy paints you will need to level the surface. Since this composition will highlight all the flaws.

Glossy material has a mirror effect and visually increases the size of the kitchen.

Matte paints do not require a perfectly flat surface. These paints have a porous structure.

To paint the ceiling in the kitchen you will need a medium-nap roller, brushes and a paint tray. Putty, paint or whitewash, sandpaper, antifungal substances and spatulas are prepared.

Painting the ceiling with your own hands consists of the following sequence of actions:

The kitchen interior is created by high-quality finishing.

Tips for painting the ceiling: how to do it beautifully and correctly

To paint the ceiling well, you need to start by brushing the corners. The roller is passed along the wall where the window is located. There shouldn't be a lot of paint. The stripes are performed evenly and smoothly, without interruption.

Knowing the following features will help you paint the ceiling beautifully:

The kitchen in different colors is simply amazing

If the ceiling area is large, then a spray gun is used. This unit will allow you to paint the surface evenly.

Depending on the substrate, surface preparation methods will differ.

If you need to paint suspended ceiling, then the seams are puttied. Then the entire surface is puttyed and cleaned using sandpaper. Priming is done and then painting.

If you need to paint a plastered ceiling. Then his condition is assessed. If there are cracks, they are sealed. If there is fungus, the surface is treated with a special solution.

Features of painting with water-based paint of different colors: painting drywall and other surfaces

Despite modern methods cladding, the use of water-based paint remains popular.

Not used if there are low ceilings suspended structures, which will reduce the room.

In addition, painting is considered more in a simple way than installation of drywall products.

The following recommendations will help you paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks:

  1. Coloring is done from the edge to the center.
  2. For a natural and uniform coating, paint is applied in different directions. The first layer is carried out against a source of natural light. And the next layer is done lengthwise.
  3. Before work, paint is poured into a container. To ensure that the paint is evenly distributed over the roller, it is dipped in the solution and rolled over the tray. In this case, the paint will be applied evenly and smoothly.

Coloring is not a complicated process. It takes more time to prepare. The paint is chosen in advance. Good paint is not afraid of moisture and is resistant to dust.

To make it easier to care for the ceiling surface in the kitchen, it is recommended to paint it. However Special attention You need to pay attention to choosing a suitable coloring agent. The coating must be at the same time beautiful, practical, easy to maintain, resistant to friction and wet cleaning. If you are interested in paint for the ceiling in the kitchen, which is better, you will find out from our article. In addition, we will tell you how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands.

Kitchen features

You yourself can decide which paint is best to paint the ceiling in the kitchen if you study all the features of this room and the characteristics of different coloring agents. First, let's talk about the kitchen. We prepare food in this room, so as a result heat treatment food temperature and humidity change frequently. During the frying process, fats and soot are released, which settle on various surfaces, including on the ceiling.

To understand the best way to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, consider the following features of the kitchen space:

  1. Since soot is released during the frying and baking process, it collects on the ceiling and other surfaces, but it is not so easy to wash it off, because it is covered with a greasy coating on top. Best paint for the kitchen ceiling - this is a composition that can withstand intense friction and wet cleaning using various detergents.
  2. Due to temperature changes and during the cooking process, water vapor is formed in the room, which settles on various surfaces. Non-moisture-resistant finishes quickly become unusable, so the paint for the ceiling in the kitchen should provide a coating that is resistant to moisture.
  3. When the housewife cooks, the temperature rises significantly. If at this moment you open a window or window for ventilation, then cold air masses will cause a sharp drop in temperature. Not all finishing materials can withstand such jumps. In this case, when answering the question of what paint to paint the ceiling in the kitchen with, we can recommend using mixtures that do not crack or peel when temperature changes occur.
  4. When deciding what paint to paint your kitchen ceiling, consider how easy it will be to update and repair the surface in the future.

Choosing paint for the kitchen ceiling

To understand how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, it is worth studying the features of different coloring compositions. Let us immediately note that traditional whitewash is not suitable for the kitchen, because it requires annual renewal of the surface, quickly accumulates dirt and turns yellow. A whitewashed ceiling cannot be washed. Even snow-white chalky whitewash will quickly lose its attractiveness from moisture and grease deposits.

Today, the range of paints presented in the store is so extensive that you can easily select a coloring agent based on characteristics and colors.


Essentially, it is a water emulsion with the addition of polymer components. Water-based emulsions are different reasonable price and environmental cleanliness.

Among the advantages of this coloring composition are the following:

  • You can even paint a children’s ceiling with water-based emulsion, because it is completely harmless;
  • even if the heating is turned off in the room, the surface will dry quickly;
  • it is suitable for application on substrates made of different materials, except metal;
  • if desired, the paint layer can be washed off with water;
  • Pigments can be added to obtain the desired shade.

The only disadvantage of water-based emulsions is that the ceiling cannot be wetted or cleaned with detergents. The service life of this finish is 4 years.


This is a type of water-based emulsion, but with the addition of acrylic. Thanks to this component, the composition acquires many additional advantages:

  • before painting, the base does not need to be carefully prepared, because the paint layer hides minor defects;
  • quick drying and easy application are also important advantages;
  • acrylic compositions are completely safe, do not contain aggressive substances and do not smell;
  • despite the wide color palette, if desired, you can mix different colors to obtain the desired shade;
  • The coating not only withstands intense friction and wet cleaning, but also does not crack due to temperature changes.

The disadvantages include the fact that the ceiling can only be wiped with a dampened and wrung out sponge, but not too wet. This paint is also a little more expensive than usual. water-based composition. Its final strength is gained in 2-3 weeks.


Alkyd dyes are made on the basis of a varnish of the same name. White spirit or kerosene is used as a solvent.

Despite the presence of a solvent, this paint for painting the ceiling in the kitchen has the following advantages:

  • wide range of colors;
  • abrasion resistance, so the surface can be washed and rubbed vigorously using various detergents;
  • the coating will not crack or peel due to temperature changes and high humidity;
  • alkyd compounds are simply and easily applied to the ceiling;
  • mixtures can be applied to bases made of any materials, even wood and metal (they do not cause corrosion);
  • There are matte and glossy compositions on sale.


This dye contains water, synthetic rubber and dyes.

Positive qualities of latex paints:

  1. Good hiding power and resistance to various stains.
  2. There are no harmful ingredients or acetate solvents in the composition, so the coloring agent is completely harmless and does not smell.
  3. Thanks to the large selection, you can choose the right color and finish texture.
  4. The durable color coating is easy to clean with the addition of detergents.

On a note! Latex compounds have virtually no disadvantages. They have only one drawback, which is their rather high price.

Selection of ceiling colors

We should also talk about what color to paint the ceiling in the kitchen. When choosing a suitable shade, you need to be guided by the general colors of the interior and its style.

  • If the kitchen is small and has low ceilings, then it is recommended to paint the ceiling surface in light glossy colors. This will make the room seem larger and taller.
  • When choosing colors, consider the tone of the walls. The ceiling should be 3-4 tones lighter than them. The colors should harmonize well.
  • To perform functional zoning of the kitchen-dining room, paint the ceiling surface in two different colors. For example, the dining area can be emphasized with light matte shades, and the ceiling above the hostess’s workplace can be painted in richer glossy tones.

Painting technology

To make you happy with the result of your work, adhere to the technology of painting the ceiling surface and do not neglect proper preparation grounds. The final result largely depends on the evenness and smoothness of the base.

What will you need?

If painting the ceiling in the kitchen is done with your own hands, then for the work you will need:

  • protective clothing;
  • ladder;
  • brush, rags and kitchen sponges;
  • set of spatulas;
  • spray gun or roller with a long handle;
  • container for coloring agent;
  • narrow brushes for working in hard to reach places;
  • grout mesh;
  • masking tape;
  • primer;
  • primer tray;
  • dye;
  • putty.

Surface preparation

As a rule, painting the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands begins with preparing the base. First you need to get rid of the old finish. If the ceiling was previously painted with water-based emulsion or whitewash was used as a finish, then the old layer can simply be washed off with soapy water. Remains of soaked finish can be easily removed with a spatula. To remove ceiling trim from moisture resistant paint use special washes. Wallpapers and ceiling tiles just scrape it off with a spatula along with the glue.

Further work depends on the levelness of the base. We fill deep holes and cracks with plaster mortar. We eliminate minor defects using a starting putty mixture. After the repair composition has dried, sand the surface and coat it with primer twice (each layer must dry separately).

Applying paint

Above, we figured out which paint is best to paint the ceiling in the kitchen. Now it’s the turn to talk about the technology of its application.

Painting the ceiling is performed in the following sequence:

  1. We use masking tape to cover surfaces that are in contact with the ceiling and may become dirty with paint. In this case we're talking about about walls and baseboards.
  2. Using a brush, we paint the ceiling base around the perimeter of the kitchen and in hard-to-reach places, for example, behind heating risers.
  3. Afterwards we paint the main area of ​​the ceiling with a roller or spray gun. We carry out the work in strips, moving the tool perpendicular to the window opening in the kitchen.
  4. Then let the surface dry completely and apply paint one more time. Now we work with the tool in the opposite direction - along the window in the kitchen.

Finally, I would like to give a few useful tips from professional craftsmen who will help you avoid common mistakes and get a beautiful monochromatic coating:

  • Don't be distracted from the coloring process for long. If the paint on the ceiling has time to dry, then as you continue to work, a visible stripe will form in this place. Try to paint one layer at a time.
  • To hide minor defects in the base, use a matte dye. Glossy enamels highlight even the smallest imperfections, so before painting the base is carefully prepared and leveled.
  • It is better to use paint and primer from the same manufacturer. Solutions based on similar components provide better adhesion.
  • Many paints require thinning. In this case, you should adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • To make it easier to notice poorly painted areas, it is recommended to periodically stop and inspect the ceiling while turning on the carrier. When examining the surface from a certain angle, work defects and unpainted areas are clearly visible.

The next coat of paint can be applied after the previous one has completely dried, otherwise streaks and streaks will appear. To make sure that the surface is completely dry, follow the drying times indicated on the container with the coloring agent, and maintain the temperature and humidity conditions in the room recommended by the manufacturer.

Even modern hoods do not save the air in the kitchen from hot steam, burning and soot. First of all, the ceiling covering above the stove, especially a gas stove, is damaged. Therefore, renovations in the kitchen are usually started because the ceiling in the area of ​​the stove has, in the opinion of the owners, simply looked terrible. The service life before the next painting is significantly increased if the ceiling was painted with high-quality paint in compliance with the technology established by the manufacturer.

What tools do you need to have? repair work, what materials should be purchased, what preparatory work carry out and, finally, how to paint correctly - you will learn about all this in detail.

What can you do in the kitchen to make the surface not only beautiful, but also moisture-resistant, durable, practical and hygienic?

How to prepare a surface for painting

Actually, it’s not that long or difficult. Much more time is spent on preparatory work to remove the old coating, priming and puttying the surface. The process will take even longer if you still have to deal with rust stains, oil stains or traces of mold. At the end of the work, the entire surface of the ceiling should be carefully leveled and protected with sandpaper.

No matter how many layers the ceiling is painted, any unevenness on it will stand out clearly, especially under artificial lighting. Even marks from a brush or roller are visible much more clearly if they were painted in a direction across the window. Experienced craftsmen advise checking the readiness of the surface using a carrying lamp or flashlight. Their light directed under acute angle, will immediately point out all the pits and tubercles that must be leveled.

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What to use for coloring

The oldest and most budget method– whitewashing. You can whitewash with chalk or lime. Any painter will say that the quality of ceiling painting will depend not only on his experience and efforts, but also on the whitewashing material itself. Some people like to whitewash ceilings with chalk, but most builders prefer lime. Working with a brush or brush is a matter of habit. Seems to be faster small kitchen with a spray bottle, but, as a rule, it is impossible to do this carefully: everything around will be splashed with whitewash, which will take a very, very long time to wash off. So many people prefer to whitewash their homes by hand.

To prepare chalk whitewash, 30 grams of wood glue and 3 kg of finely sifted chalk are diluted in 5 liters of warm water. To prevent the ceiling from turning yellow over time, ultramarine or blue is added to the solution. The blueness will disappear after some time, but outright yellowness on the ceiling will still be avoided.

Lime mortar is prepared differently: add a little warm water, 100 grams of ordinary table salt and, if desired, some kind of dye (color) to 2-3 kg of slaked lime. Stir all this and gradually add water to a volume of 10 liters. Ideal option For experienced craftsmen is to use quicklime, but then the cooking process lime whitewash It takes a lot of time. Freshly slaked lime differs in all its qualities from ready-made fluff in better side. This kind of lime is much easier to work with by hand, and its color is often much whiter.

Neither chalk nor lime dissolve in water, so when using they must be constantly stirred so that the whitewash is uniform. To obtain a uniform color, you should always whiten in 2-3 layers, carefully rubbing the whitewash. Each subsequent layer is applied in a transverse direction and only on a completely dry surface. It is better to apply lime to a damp ceiling.

You cannot whitewash with chalk a ceiling that was previously painted with lime. Don't forget to wash off all dirt and old whitewash, otherwise whiteness and uniformity of color will not work. All cracks and cracks must be filled with putty, because... Simply whitening them will never work.

Professionals advise creating high humidity in the room before whitewashing. To do this, you can wet the floor, it will then be easier to clean it from the whitewash, and hang wet rags on the heating radiators. Close windows and doors tightly to avoid drafts. Whitening should be done quickly, without skipping. Your flaws are clearly visible only from the outside, so it is advisable to get an assistant who can point out mistakes.

Absolutely no paint oil paint. A thick film will not allow the surface to “breathe”, so constant condensation on such a ceiling will be guaranteed. Water-based and more modern water-dispersion paints (latex, acrylic, silicone and silicate) are completely free of this drawback. The fundamental difference between these paints is that the surface that was painted with water-based paint cannot be washed - some of the paint will simply wash off. But water-dispersion paint can withstand the washing procedure repeatedly.

Latex and acrylic paints are the most popular for painting ceilings. They are elastic and do not crack, are durable and resistant to contamination. With this paint you can even paint over a millimeter-wide crack. Silicate paints are used for ceilings that have already been painted with lime or silicate paint. They do not have the elasticity of latex and acrylic paints, but mold does not develop in them. Experts recommend choosing silicone paints that combine the most best properties both acrylic and silicate paints. They are suitable for all types of surfaces and are compatible with both acrylic and silicate paints. Silicone paints are elastic and cover cracks up to 2 mm wide. Moreover, they have antiseptic properties and are absolutely safe. Their only drawback is their rather high price.

The ceiling of no room in the apartment is subjected to the same test as kitchen ceilings. Therefore, before starting renovations, you should think about how to finish the surface and, if you decide to paint, then you should understand which paint for the ceiling in the kitchen is better.

Before deciding what to paint the ceiling in the kitchen with, it is worth understanding what harmful factors affect the surfaces:

  • first of all - this high humidity. During cooking there will always be fumes, in addition, here the water tap is opened, all surfaces are often wiped. But humidity is not always present. Usually during the day and at night the moisture dries out quickly. Therefore, the paint for the ceiling in the kitchen must either “breathe” and allow all fumes to pass through, or be resistant to such influences;
  • Temperature fluctuations when ventilating a room can vary greatly even with positive outdoor temperatures. IN winter time the kitchen ceiling can undergo significant temperature changes, which may create unsightly stains and streaks on the surface;
  • using gas equipment emerging combustion products ( geyser, stove, oven), as well as when cooking, soot and grease settle on the ceiling, which will lead to yellowing of the ceilings;
  • possible risk of flooding by neighbors above. Often, many water supply communications pass either through the kitchen riser or nearby, so leaks are possible in emergency situations. This doesn’t happen often, but this option needs to be taken into account.

Based on all of the above, before you start renovating, you need to decide which paint for the ceiling in the kitchen is better.

Old proven method

Acrylic and latex paint compositions

The most popular paints for kitchen areas. The compositions are easily applied to the surface. They are elastic and have excellent covering ability.

Resistant to aggressive kitchen environments, do not crack and for a long time do not get dirty. But if soot or stains form, such ceilings can be thoroughly washed. The main thing in this case is to exclude the use of abrasives.

It is possible to choose paint with a glossy or matte effect. will give the room volume and airiness, but will emphasize all ceiling irregularities. Therefore, apply acrylic or latex paints Only needed on a perfectly flat surface. Matte compositions can slightly mask cracks or other defects in floors.

Silicate and silicone coatings

A fairly common coating for kitchen ceilings. The paint is easy to apply with a roller. Withstands moisture and significant temperature changes. Another good characteristic is that mold and fungal growths do not develop on the ceilings.

Surfaces can be washed and cleaned without fear of damaging the paint layer, and it is worth considering the long service life. At proper care The ceiling can last about ten years without repair.

These coloring compositions have absorbed all the positive properties for painting kitchen areas. Silicone paints can mask minor defects floors, as it has exceptional elasticity and covering ability. Withstands significant changes in room temperature and humidity. This coating can be washed repeatedly.

Perhaps the only drawback of this coloring composition is the cost.

It is quite high, but if you use silicone paint to repair kitchen ceilings, you can forget about repairs for a long time.

From all of the above, it is worth drawing a conclusion about how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen. You can choose an inexpensive whitewash composition, but do repairs every two years, or buy an expensive coating and forget about repairs for many years.

Necessary work in preparation for painting

Painting ceiling surfaces will not take much time. The main thing during renovation is to properly prepare the floors before painting the ceiling in the kitchen.

For example, chalk or limescale must be washed off or removed with a spatula.
Other coloring compounds can be removed using special solvents, which are sold in building materials stores. Having applied the composition to the surface, leave it for a while and then remove it with a scraper or spatula.

One more compulsory work it is necessary to do this after the previous layer has been removed - puttying cracks, chips, seams and other defects of the ceiling. Large cracks must be repaired while removing the old paint layer.

Primed special composition ceilings and embroidered seams and cracks, begin to fill the defects. The main thing is to thoroughly dry the primer and putty joints before painting the surface.

In order not to be distracted while working, you need to prepare all the tools and materials in advance:

  1. a table or a stable stepladder of a comfortable height;
  2. a paint roller of sufficient width for priming and painting the ceiling surface;
  3. special adhesive tape or masking tape;
  4. high quality brushes for treating hard-to-reach areas;
  5. comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement;
  6. spatulas and scrapers of various widths;
  7. putty compounds, ceiling paint, primer, water;
  8. painting tray for primer and paint.

Knowing the sequence of all work, selecting necessary tool and painting compounds, repairing kitchen ceilings will not take much time.