Feng shui or feng shui. Feng Shui zones: practical tips for the home

What does Feng Shui recommend to do in an apartment and what not?

Feng Shui is the science of harmony with the environment and the art of using it in everyday life. The Chinese have been using Feng Shui for centuries to build their homes and cities.

If you think that failures in life are haunting you because the cactus is standing in the wrong corner of the room, this article is for you!

With the correct application of the principles of Feng Shui in your personal space, you can achieve balance in your environment and, as a result, receive inner satisfaction from life, and this is material well-being, good health, ...

Feng Shui advises:

  • Feng Shui advises: Increase lighting and clean windows regularly - this will allow solar energy to penetrate your home.
  • Feng Shui advises: Fix leaking faucets that could drain your health or wealth.
  • Feng Shui advises: Replace burnt out light bulbs and broken windows as quickly as possible so that positive energy does not disappear.
  • Feng Shui advises: Replace fluorescent lamps with traditional incandescent lamps: flickering disrupts the movement of energy.
  • Feng Shui advises: Remove trash cans away from health and wealth areas.
  • Feng Shui advises: Create paintings that depict a waterfall, a babbling indoor fountain, or an aquarium. Water represents energy and wealth.
  • Feng Shui advises: Get flowers and greenery. Flowers are considered carriers of energy, but in the bedroom they spoil a woman’s love happiness and lead to quarrels and infidelity between spouses.
  • Feng Shui advises: If you see some disorder and are able to change it, act; if for some reason you are powerless over it, erase it from your memory.

Feng Shui does not advise:

  • Feng Shui does not advise: Use mirror tiles. It breaks your reflection and, therefore, your life into fragments.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Combine a study and bedroom. Different types of energy will collide and reduce your progress in both areas.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Sitting with your back to the door (dooming yourself to a “dagger strike”) and the window - you will lack support in your work.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Have “aggressive” corners – corners of walls, cabinets, ceilings that seem to “aim” at the place where you sit, sleep or work.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Hang a mirror opposite the front door or directly opposite the bed. In the first case, the energy is immediately directed back to the door, in the second it destroys the marriage or (which is also bad) causes a rival to appear on the horizon.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Paint large surfaces black: black absorbs energy.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Work in an office located opposite elevators, escalators, or regular stairs. The office at the end of the corridor also brings bad luck. And rope curtains and potted plants soften the chi in the long hallway.

Some more feng shui tips

The most important "healing agent" is cleaning the house from junk. If you hide it in the basement, closet or mezzanine, it will clog your subconscious thinking. Put it in the attic and your life options will be limited (upward movement blocked). Chaotic qi wandering around in a crowded closet can affect your punctuality and stall your career advancement, causing financial stress and health distress.

In addition to junk, immediately get rid of items that you don’t like or that evoke unpleasant memories or associations. Give them to someone who loves them, or trade them.

Add lights and mirrors. Feng Shui considers mirrors to be the main assistants: they reflect energy as well as the image of a person. Mirrors should be hung so that you can see some space above your head and around you. This way you leave room for ideas to develop. Mirrors must be of good quality, framed, with a clear reflection. Round and oval shapes are most effective.

Never place them opposite each other: the energy will bounce back and forth without moving. Avoid mirrors in the bedroom: When we sleep, we release negative emotions, and if the mirror near the bed reflects them back, you risk waking up unrested in the morning.

Feng Shui crystal objects enhance vital energy and improve any area of ​​your apartment. If, for example, you want to spice up your love relationship, place the crystal in the relationship area.

Hanging bells according to feng shui also attract positive qi energy. Hang a bell by your front door. Its melodic ringing will invigorate you and your guests.

Feng Shui plants can slow down the too fast movement of energy in a long corridor and transform energy stagnating in the corners. If you are striving for career growth, “heal” the career area with the help of living plants. Avoid pest plants with sharp leaves, dotted colors and thorns - they create bad energy, conflicts and failures.

If the entrance door located in the quarry area is adjacent to an elevator, which creates an endless vortex of qi up and down, then the quarry will jump in the same way.

Feng Shui recommends placing something heavy at the entrance: a cabinet or sculpture that stabilizes qi. If you're unlucky in love, we put pink roses in the bedroom. If we can’t find a job, we place a piece of black art in the kitchen. We don't have enough money - we put three purple pillows on the sofa in the living room. With difficulty we gnaw on the granite of science - we hang a mirror in a blue frame in the office. They tarnished their reputation - kitchen curtains should be red. Tired of scandals in the family, we light green candles in the living room.

If you want to end your loneliness, take a closer look at your home environment: most likely, you will see many single items that reflect your marital status. Your task is to generate “paired” energy. Use double candlesticks, couple portraits and soft, romantic landscapes in the bedroom and relationship areas.

If your well-being zone is located in the bathroom, according to Feng Shui there is a danger of money leakage. Keep the toilet lid closed and place a mirror on the outside of the door to prevent energy from escaping down the drain.

Happiness and prosperity to you!

Feng Shui talismans raise many questions among adherents of Eastern philosophy or simply interested people. These questions relate to both their correct use and their correct placement in certain sectors. As a result, we decided to write an article that will describe in detail all the features of using Feng Shui talismans, including issues of choice and location. In the article, we divided all talismans into 8 BaGua sectors and 5 elements. The element will be indicated first, and then the BaGua sector, activated by the talisman in case of constant failures or stagnation in life. Read the information carefully, since not all of the talismans listed work with these sectors. And remember that there are a great many Feng Shui talismans, so it will not be possible to describe them all. At the same time, the strongest representatives will be described in more or less detail. website

Water. North (Career sector), East (Family and Health sector), South-East (Wealth sector).

1. Aquarium.

The main water mascot is the Aquarium. This is a powerful and quite expensive Feng Shui talisman. Like other water elements, an aquarium is responsible for material wealth and well-being. If there are fish swimming in the aquarium, they will act as additional Feng Shui talismans. This is especially true for goldfish, the number of which should ideally correspond to the Gua number of the person who is considered the main breadwinner in the family. The Aquarium talisman will become even more powerful if there is a toad with a coin inside it. But we will talk about it in more detail below. A similar effect can be achieved by using a ship with a treasure trove of gold coins, or an ordinary treasure chest. Do not forget that the aquarium will have to be maintained regularly. The water in it should be perfectly clean, and the fish should always be in complete comfort. It is not necessary to build an entire wall aquarium. Its dimensions should be harmoniously combined with the dimensions and content of the room and apartment.

2. Three-legged toad.

People seeking to improve their well-being with the help of Feng Shui have certainly come across this popular talisman. The toad must hold a gold coin in its mouth, which will be a symbol of home and family wealth. The talisman has several features. Firstly, the coin should not stick to your mouth, because this way the toad will not “give you the money.” Secondly, it is better to place the three-legged toad at the bottom of the fountain, and the fountain should be in the Wealth sector or at the entrance to your apartment. To activate the talisman, regularly place the toad in an aquatic environment. After pulling it out, it is better not to wipe the toad.

3. Heron.

Surprisingly, the Heron bird is a water talisman of Feng Shui. It is best used in the Family sector, that is, in the East. The most useful is the image of a heron in a nest, which is a symbol of family comfort and home. The tasks of the Heron include protecting and cleansing the house from various evil spirits. In China, the heron is found in almost every home, and it is usually located on the sunny side. If the heron has a snake in its beak, which the bird brings to the chicks as food, then the talisman is intended to care for and protect children. If a stone is clutched in the paws of a heron, then this is a talisman for travelers, in the broad sense of the word. The stone adds weight, and this allows you not to go astray and not fly far from the goal. If a heron stands on one leg and holds a stone with the other, and at the same time retracts its neck, then this Feng Shui talisman symbolizes vigilance.

4. Turtle.

This, of course, is a water talisman, carries longevity, wisdom and heavenly protection. Legend has it that the turtle is the founder of the eastern teachings of feng shui. When she crawled out of the water onto the shore towards the Emperor, there were 9 numbers on her shell. Within the mascot there should be one turtle, not a group. Well, the most effective is considered to be a live turtle that will live in your aquarium filled with water. Feng Shui philosophy indicates that the turtle will bring with it a stable income and material well-being. She will be a very good help to the main breadwinner of the family. The talisman is most often produced in black, which corresponds to the water element. However, sometimes you can find gold-plated and metal turtles. The theory of the five elements states that metal can generate water, as a result of which a metal talisman will be even more powerful than a black one. If the turtle is made not in the form of a mascot, but in the form of an image, then you can attach your photograph to its shell. This will help the turtle raise you to the surface, that is, to the goals that you have outlined for yourself.

Tree. East (Family and Health sector), South-East (Wealth sector), South (Glory sector).

1. Money tree.

To attract finance, there is no more powerful talisman, as a result of which it needs to be placed in the Southeast (Wealth sector). The money tree is a succulent with large, round leaves. You can put a couple of coins in the pot, which will only strengthen the talisman. Next to the tree you can place a fountain or any other water source, including all kinds of images of streams. It is not advisable to place cacti in close proximity. Also, it is better not to place plants in the bedroom. If you do not want to purchase a living tree, you can use a panel for this purpose, which will have a corresponding image. You can make the tree yourself. To do this, you can use coins and banknotes instead of leaves. Sometimes you can see money trees on sale that are decorated with semi-precious stones. But this is rather a talisman of happiness, rather than a talisman of wealth. Only you can decide which feng shui tree is ideal for attracting material wealth to your family.

2. Dragon.

An equally powerful talisman, which is very common in the teachings of Feng Shui. For example, the Qing Long dragon, in whose paws there is a pearl, is the personification of Qi energy. A powerful male talisman for Yang energy. It symbolizes the Emperor, with all the ensuing consequences. It is best to place it in the Southeast or East. The dragon should be, maximum, at human eye level. If it stands higher, the talisman will begin to dominate, which is completely undesirable for the owner of the house. The Dragon is able to bring material well-being to the family, increase activity and positively influence business success. It is better to place it in the living room or hallway. In addition, some experts recommend placing the dragon on the left side of the front door. Do not place the mascot in the nursery or bedroom. He doesn't belong there. The dragon does not like to be placed in the South, which cannot be said about other Feng Shui wood talismans. Jade green dragons, as well as dragons of corresponding shades, have the greatest power.

Fire. South (Glory sector), South-West (Marriage sector), North-East (Knowledge sector).

1. Peacock.

This is a talisman for improving career issues, but it will only work if you sincerely love it, periodically admire the beauty of its outline, etc. The peacock will sense this and repay it with kindness. Before you even have time to blink an eye, career heights will approach you at an alarming speed. It is better to place the peacock in the South, that is, in the Glory sector. As for the Feng Shui talisman itself, it is better to purchase a Peacock made of precious metals, inlaid with stones. It is also possible to use an image of a peacock, but you need to choose the most beautiful and bright picture. The bird likes it when candles are burned near it and it is fed grains.

2. Phoenix.

The phoenix bird is the strongest patron of winged creatures on the planet. She rises from the ashes and can quickly rise above all troubles. By placing the Phoenix in the South, you are guaranteed to attract success and fame. If you place Phoenix in the South-West, he will help you in family matters, and childless couples can even count on replenishment. But remember that the Phoenix is ​​hot-tempered, so it is better to immediately balance it with the Feng Shui talismans of the Turtle or the Dragon. Otherwise, others will begin to notice your increasing impulsiveness. The dragon is the most suitable pair for the Phoenix, since according to Chinese mythology they are in a marital relationship. The appearance of the Phoenix bird, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is very different from how we imagine it. It has the beak of a rooster, the neck of a snake, the crop of a swallow and dragon patterns on the body. In addition, the Phoenix has multi-colored plumage and a fish tail. From the back, such a “bird” resembles a turtle, and from the front, a swan.

Earth. South-West (Marriage sector), North-East (Knowledge sector), West (Creativity sector), North-West (Helpers sector).

1. Crystals.

These Feng Shui talismans are very popular due to the fact that they dispel all the negative energy in your home and even transform it into positive energy. It is worth recognizing that the canons of Feng Shui are not observed in all apartments in our country. For example, the door to the toilet may be located opposite the front door, which greatly affects the overall energy. If you want to correct the situation, hang a beautiful crystal above the toilet door using a red rope (symbol of Fire). Such a talisman will strengthen the Earth in your home, since the Crystal is a real earth talisman. Natural crystals, as expected, have maximum efficiency. Rock crystal can even demonstrate healing effects. Of course, artificial crystals will also work. Just make sure that they have the ability to refract light and that their structure closely resembles natural ones. Before use, it is recommended to clean the crystals in water with stirred sea salt. After this, you can charge the crystals with good thoughts by holding them in your hands. As for the accommodation sectors, they are determined from those listed above by the owner of the apartment. For example, you can hang a crystal, in accordance with the selected sector, on a window or purchase a crystal chandelier and lamps. The light refracted in the crystal will not only cleanse your energy, but will also attract good luck to your side.

2. Elephant.

This talisman is able to attract good luck to you in all its forms. The elephant is placed in almost any sector, since it is not picky. But we would still recommend placing the talisman in the North-West, in the Mentors sector. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the Elephant talisman can be made from any material. The only condition is that the trunk is directed upward. By placing the talisman on the windowsill, as if an elephant is looking outside, you can attract not only good luck, but also good Qi energy that will come from outside. If the elephant looks inside the house, then it will increase the luck that you already have. It is recommended to give the Elephant to those people who are famous for uncontrollably spending their money. The talisman will give them feelings of calm and confidence, which will be reflected in the character of the recipient. If the Elephant is placed in the Southeast (Wealth sector), then do not forget to decorate the talisman with precious jewelry to enhance its effectiveness. These can be rings, chains or beads.

3. Mandarin ducks.

Ducks are a Feng Shui talisman that is best placed in the Southwest (Marriage sector). The talisman symbolizes marital happiness, love and fidelity. Legend has it that beautiful mandarin ducks are capable of remaining faithful to only one single partner for the rest of their lives. But remember that there must be two ducks. This sector generally loves pairings, including figurines, candles and other feng shui paraphernalia. You can leave wedding rings near the ducks overnight. Some people even put a wedding photo and marriage certificate next to them. Mandarin ducks used as a mascot should be orange and made of natural materials. For example, stone ducks will enhance the Earth in your home.

Metal. West (Creativity sector), North-West (Helpers sector), North (Career sector).

1. Mobiles.

This is the name for constantly moving objects that allow you to activate energy flows in the house. The energy does not stagnate, but it does not leave the apartment too quickly. The mobile can be placed in any room, including the living room, office and bedroom. One way or another, it will be beneficial. Constant movement will manifest itself already on the first day after installation. The mobile phone will have the greatest effect in the Helpers, Creativity and Career sectors. If you are a business person, be sure to place a talisman on your desk.

2. Tiger.

This talisman is distinguished by its belligerence, for the tiger is a real protector and fighter against evil spirits and otherworldly forces. The tiger rules over all evil. This talisman must be used with great care in the house. The tiger is quite finicky in handling, and its warlike energy in some cases can be directed against residents. If someone in the family was born in the year of the pig, rooster and rabbit (traditional food of the tiger), then using the talisman is not recommended. If there are no such people in the house, you can use a sleeping tiger cub, which will protect the family from troubles. The most powerful feng shui talismans are the white stone tiger, which are best placed in the West. If you want to control the Tiger, buy him a Dragon talisman, which should be vertically higher than the tiger talisman.

Feng Shui talismans that can be placed in any sector at your own discretion.

These talismans can be located where you feel a special need. Note that these talismans are no less powerful than those described above, but their disposition is more good-natured and calm, as a result of which all members of your family will feel the positive effect of their use.

1. Unicorn.

This is a kind and mystical animal that will certainly bring wealth to your home and rid it of all negative energy. It is not recommended to use the Unicorn for more than a year, as the teachings of Feng Shui clearly tell us. Note that Chinese mythology shows us this mythical animal in a completely different form than we are used to. The unicorn has a dragon's head, a lion's tail, deer antlers, and cow hooves. Its body is covered with shell and scales. Tradition says that the Unicorn is the son of the Dragon. He is able to clearly distinguish between the concepts of good and evil. The Unicorn is also the Dragon's horse. In Japan it is called Kirin. A feng shui talisman is used if a couple is trying to have a child or wants to help existing children. You need to place the Unicorn so that it looks from your house. It is better to place it on the right side of the front door.

This Feng Shui talisman is designed to stabilize the energy flows in your home. Its goal is to transform negative into positive, control negative energy, and prevent it from leaving a certain territory. Hang the pagoda in the place where, in your opinion, the most negative energy accumulates. This could be a toilet, bathroom or any other room in your home. The pagoda will act as a gate guard if you hang it near the front door. People who unknowingly or consciously bring negative energy into your home will no longer appear in your home. Popularly this phenomenon is called the evil eye. If the Feng Shui talisman “Pagoda” is combined with a turtle figurine, then it is better to place it in the Southeast, East or Northern sector.

In the North, a pagoda with a turtle will more actively absorb negative energy and protect you from career failures. In the East, it will contribute to career growth. In the Southeast, the talisman will attract material wealth to you, and you will experience great success in your work. Pagodas with a tiger are no less popular. If you hang them in the West, the talisman will improve your health, since the tiger is a born protector of the Western sector. Hanging a tiger pagoda in the Northwest will reliably protect your career success. In the East, such a pagoda will protect creative success. And in the Southeast, she will protect material well-being. Finally, by placing a Feng Shui talisman in the South, you will protect your family from the evil eye and damage.

3. Pi Yao.

Our Universe is a gigantic energy space in which there is continuous circulation and interactions between energy flows, which is why various changes arise in our world. Human life is measured in terms of space and time.

A person moves daily in space and time and really wants to achieve a state of joy, pleasure, well-being, health and success. According to the ancient Eastern sages, the key to success is the implementation of reasonable actions in space, which are performed at the right time, and are also consistent with the energy flows that form our reality.

And Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching about the influence of energy flows on a person’s life, his health, success and wealth. We will tell you more about it later.

What is Feng Shui really?

The basis of the science of Feng Shui is knowledge about the divine energy Qi, which gives life to everything on our earth. Qi energy is found under various designations: spirit, breath, vitality, and life energy. And accordingly, it turns out that Qi is a vital force that passes through all living things and gives them energy and movement.

If we literally translate the word Feng Shui into Russian, it will be designated as “wind-water”.

Traditional Chinese medicine states that Qi energy flows through all the meridians (or Nadis) of the human body. Meridians carry vital force to all internal organs and parts of the body. And how healthy a person is can be judged by his energy state.

Moreover, all components of the body, presented in the form of blood, lymph, nerve cells, as well as muscles and skeletal bones, are secondary to Qi energy and work exclusively thanks to it.

Just as Qi energy flows throughout the body, it is distributed throughout the globe. The meridians of earth energy are called “dragon veins”. In places where Qi energy is close to the earth's surface, there is high soil fertility, it abounds in plants and is very rich, and the same thing happens vice versa - in areas where there is a lack of Qi energy, the soil is too dry, nothing grows on it.

Feng Shui as an art or teaching is a technique for cultivating Qi energy, as well as improving its quality (allows you to harmonize, strengthen, and eliminate negative aspects).

Chi energy is distributed over absolutely all objects and phenomena and has a very powerful effect on them. This energy affects both specific individuals and the entire planet in general. The science of Feng Shui is designed to teach people how to harmoniously fill their lives with Qi energy, thereby bringing their lives and the surrounding reality into complete order.

It should be immediately noted that real feng shui is not at all different recipes, signs and superstitions that can lead to prosperity. Feng Shui is actually a teaching about the living flows of the Universe, by observing the laws of which a person becomes healthy, happy and successful.

To explain this in more detail, we need to mention the following popular concepts: “good places”, “favorable times for various undertakings”, which are actively used in Feng Shui. Moreover, they can relate to the choice of work, and to the conclusion of important agreements, the purchase of real estate, the conclusion of a marriage, the birth of a child, and so on. With the help of Feng Shui, a person gets the opportunity to analyze the situation in a space-time framework, which helps to easily achieve success in different areas of life.

Feng Shui philosophy is based on Taoist principles, which arose approximately between the sixth and fifth centuries BC. They were developed by the famous Chinese thinker Lao Tzu. It was he who first began to talk about the single beginning of everything on our planet, and also revealed to people the concept of Yin and Yang energy, told about Qi energy, and discovered the features of the relationship between man and the Universe, based on energy exchange.

People who practice Feng Shui are able to feel the pure divine energy of Qi. When they cease to be attached to the external manifestations of themselves, they begin to feel the greatest connection between all phenomena on Earth and the flows of Chi energy.

Taoist teachings say that Feng Shui involves the use of special schemes and models of existence in order to comprehend the cause-and-effect relationship between everything that happens in our world. Having mastered the art of Feng Shui, a person gains the ability to become truly happy, calm, harmonious and enjoy life in all its aspects.

Have you ever thought about decorating your home according to the art of Feng Shui? You have probably heard more than once from other people that they used one or another feng shui technique (for example, they changed the layout of their house or purchased a special talisman, and so on) and were able to significantly improve their lives with these actions.

In order to begin to fully use the science of Feng Shui, some preparation is required, but there are also various tips that even a beginner can follow to try out this wonderful technique in practice. We recommend that you try the simplest basics of Feng Shui and you will very soon see changes in your life for the better.

  • First recommendation. It is of the greatest importance and indicates that it is imperative to eliminate any disorder around you. It's no secret that in clean houses one thinks completely differently. When a person is not distracted by unnecessary things, it is much easier for him to make the right decision. But what Feng Shui strictly prohibits is storing old things, gifts that remind you of past events (often not the most pleasant). They show that you still have not been able to close this stage of your life and are forced to live it again and again.

  • Second recommendation. It concerns the correct arrangement of things in the home. Of course, there is no universal “pill” in this case, since all situations and homes are different. Even if the layout of the houses is the same, they will differ in their location according to the cardinal directions. If you want to make your home as harmonious as possible, you should seek help from a Feng Shui expert. Alternatively, you can study this ancient knowledge on your own.
  • Third recommendation. In the art of Feng Shui, a special role is given to decorations and correct images on the walls of a home. Everything is simple here: if you surround yourself with images of aggression, suffering, pain, anger, a person will not be able to think positively. Therefore, eliminate any negativity from your home and collect those items that transmit positive energy.
  • Fourth recommendation. It is important that every room in the house is used correctly. For example, the bedroom should have a cozy atmosphere that promotes restful sleep. It is worth abandoning the TV, bright colors, and narrow passages in the bedroom, as all this will disturb a person’s sleep.
  • Fifth recommendation. Finally, remember the correct meaning of colors according to the art of Feng Shui. Using the right colors, you can balance the energy of Yin and Yang in your home.

The art of Feng Shui is very ancient and very interesting; today it is very popular in domestic countries. If you also dream of positive changes in your life, take the risk of turning to this science for help. But most importantly, be sure to follow all its rules.

Finally, watch this interesting thematic video material:

Now the word "feng shui" is heard by many.

And when an acquaintance says that he wants to “fancy” the apartment, it is immediately clear that the person is going to bring coziness and comfort to his home.

However, what is Feng Shui really?

How can I better understand it in order to use it to my advantage?

Some people learn about Feng Shui from books, others from friends.

Surprisingly, but true: there are people who attracted incredible good luck, simply by using auspicious feng shui symbols and talismans in your space.

And there are other people who mockingly call feng shui superstition and something frivolous. Why is this happening?

Typical myths about Feng Shui and their debunking

Myth 1. Feng Shui is a Chinese attribute

The word Feng Shui often means Chinese paraphernalia: images with Chinese characters, Chinese coins, fans, lanterns, figurines, talismans and stylized paintings.

These symbols and figurines can be quite bright and cute. However, not everyone is ready to use them in the interior of their home or office, turning the room into a “Chinese shop”.

And to believe that, for example, having a three-legged toad in a house or office will make a person rich, It's hard enough. And this because, in fact, thisa souvenir is not a means of Feng Shui in itself. After all, then it would be enough to run to the shops, buy toads and enjoy the wealth!

In fact, Chinese paraphernalia, souvenirs and talismans do not mean Feng Shui.

For example, you you won't find the usual assortment of Chinese paraphernalia stores in the interiors of hotels, business centers and other buildings and structures in Singapore, which is said to Singapore is a state built according to Feng Shui.

However, there you can see, for example, this Fountain of Wealth:

So, are all these symbols, talismans and attributes no good?

There are many nuances here.

First of all, symbols affect your subconscious.

For example, when you see beautiful flowers, images of hearts, you understand that this is a symbol of love, and you tune in to this wave.

When, for example, you are surrounded by symbols and images of money, you tune in to a wave of prosperity and abundance.

Symbols associated with unpleasant For you, things and events, at a minimum, spoil your mood. Even if it’s just a photograph of a person who has seriously annoyed you with something.

Therefore, one of the levels of Feng Shui that we can use is the symbolic level.

Symbols influence us, but their influence is no more than 5-7% from the general influence of Feng Shui.

Some of the Feng Shui symbols and talismans are more effective because they are associated with a specific element.

For example, a bunch of six Chinese coins is associated with the trigram Qian 乾, the element of Metal , and the conscious use of this symbol for certain purposes and in the right sectors of space is one of the practical tools of Feng Shui at the symbolic level.

Symbolism of shapes, such as an ax-shaped building, is also seen in Feng Shui, but again, this is not just a Chinese attribute.

Myth 2. Feng Shui is about affirmations and positive thinking

People who are just getting acquainted with Feng Shui often associate this ancient knowledge with affirmations - phrases that set one in a positive mood, and, in general, with a positive perception of the world.

The word "Feng Shui" literally translates as "wind and water", although this concept has a broader meaning.

Wind and water are not associated with positive thinking, as you might guess from the translation.

Why did this myth arise?

Probably due to the fact that in Chinese metaphysics there are five manifestations or movements of energy, which are called the elements or primary elements - Wood , Fire , Earth , Metal and Water , and these elements are also associated with emotions.

For example, if your bazi chart has a lot of the Wood element, you may have anger, a lot of Fire - optimism, and so on.

In addition, this is confirmed by modern science, in a bad mood, under the influence of negative emotions, We tend to make bad decisions, which we later regret.

Therefore, affirmations and positive thinking help set the mind in the right frame of mind to make thoughtful decisions. However, they can only be attributed to Feng Shui very indirectly.

Myth 3. Feng Shui is the teaching of Bagua and the sectors of career, assistants, etc.

Many beginners in Feng Shui know and use the magical Bagua symbol, which is applied to the floor plan, distributing directions as follows:

The values ​​that are used to determine each such sector are a fairly generalized modern understanding of the properties of the primary elements, sectors of space and trigrams.

In classical Feng Shui, for example, the trigram Dui 兌 in the west represents the element of Metal, from family members - the youngest daughter, from body parts - tongue, throat, from tastes - spicy and pungent, etc. And the trigram Gen 艮 in the northeast - the youngest son, etc.

Principles Bagua School of Eight Aspirations can be taken into account for started room analysis to let the most simplified way, but already use at least the basics of Feng Shui. However, this school is not a school of classical Feng Shui.

A variation of this school is Black hat school, in which Bagua is applied not by combining north with north, as would seem logical, but always by combining the sector of the trigram Kan 坎, north, with the front door, even if the door “looks” to the west or somewhere else.

Schools of newfangled or pop feng shui appeared in the last 20-25 years, and use a simplified and sometimes seriously distorted version of ancient knowledge.

From the point of view of logic and experience of observing the world, it will be quite clear why this version of knowledge is very simplified.

After all, it turns out that everyone has standard sectors of space, and, therefore, all people in similar apartments and houses should live the same way. Regardless of the year the house was built, the location of the bed, workplace, stove, year of birth of the residents and many other important nuances that classical Feng Shui takes into account.

Myth 4. Since Feng Shui is an art, you don’t need to learn it, just feel it

There are about 10 main classical schools of Feng Shui, which can be divided into Schools of Forms and Schools of the Compass, these are the San He directions, which is the basis of the School of Forms, the Ba Zhai school (8 Palaces), the San Yuan directions and others.

But even those who already know a little more about Feng Shui may be confused by the fact that Feng Shui is called an art and a science.

Sometimes you may feel that Feng Shui can be applied relying only on feelings and intuition. However, is this so?

According to the interpretation from the famous ancient Chinese canon “The Thirty-Six Stratagems,” which very clearly reflects the approaches of the ancients, it is stated:

“Count and count again, and do not rely too much on the principles. The principles themselves will be revealed in your calculations. The essence of the calculations cannot be told.

To see in the art of war only art, and not to know thatart is based on precise calculations - which means not knowing how to use art".

So, real Feng Shui is an ancient science and art, where the knowledge system is based on logic and observations of nature and people, complex formulas and theories, whose history goes back thousands of years.

And this knowledge actually works very effectively, as it takes into account many nuances.

If you now need the help of ancient knowledge, you can sign up for a consultation.

With respect and good luck,

10 simple rules of feng shui

Rule #1: there is no place for unnecessary things at home.Do you want to improve the flow of energy in your home, reduce stress and improve productivity? Do a thorough cleaning and fix any broken items. Conduct an honest audit of unnecessary things and get rid of them - don’t just move them to another place, but get rid of them or give them to those who need them and will happily use them. It is useful to get rid of “energy trash” - broken things, abandoned work (for example, an unknitted sweater), things that you have not used for 1 year or a maximum of 2 years, dust collector trinkets and objects that evoke unpleasant associations or memories in you . In this way, you contribute to the influx of energy, and therefore the arrival of new opportunities.

Rule #2: the entrance to the house should be perfect. The entrance to the house is the first impression of the house and apartment. Make your entrance a pleasure to look at: A perfectly designed entrance area will attract positive energy into your home. The entrance should be well lit, clean and uncluttered. Pay attention to whether the door is clean, whether there is an apartment number on it, whether the lock and doorbell (intercom) are working, whether the rug in front of the door is clean.

Rule #3: mirror in the hallway - next to the door The mirror should not be located directly opposite the front door: it can repel the favorable energy entering the house. The best place for a mirror in the hallway is on the same wall as the door or on the side of it, so you can see yourself when leaving the house. Full-length one-piece mirrors are preferable, corresponding to the height of the tallest member of the family.

Rule #4: do not clutter the living room with furniture. Arrange the furniture so that energy moves freely and nothing interferes with communication. For example, do not place the sofa and armchairs in the path of the aisle. It is advisable to arrange the furniture so that when sitting on a sofa or chair, you can keep the door to the room in your field of vision. To make communication comfortable and enjoyable, try to sit diagonally and not opposite each other.

Rule #5: bed in the bedroom - diagonally from the entrance If your bed is still opposite the door, be sure to move it closer to the corner diagonally from the entrance: this is the place of greatest accumulation of favorable energy. Avoid positioning the bed with the head of the bed facing the window, as this is too active energy, incompatible with the sleep function. There should be no massive hanging objects above the bed and headboard that create a destructive flow of energy directed at you. Check if you are reflected in the mirror and other mirrored surfaces when you are lying on the bed: such an arrangement of mirrors can take away your strength due to the outflow of energy. If you can’t remove mirror surfaces, then cover them at least at night, for example, with fabrics: this way nothing will prevent you from gaining strength while you sleep.

Rule #6: choose a domed headboard The headboard of the bed should be solid and have a shape that will not visually separate the spouses. The headboard symbolizes protection - the stronger and larger it is, the more protected and comfortable your sleep will be. Avoid triangular and pointed headboard shapes: they carry too aggressive and active energy, which interferes with full recovery. The ideal headboard shape is round, domed or rectangular. These harmonious shapes will provide the necessary stability and tranquility during sleep.

Rule #7: get rid of storage under the bed. The bed (especially the matrimonial one) should have one large common mattress. Even if you don't have a partner yet, still choose a double bed with one mattress and two pillows. Free space is always filled - this is the law of nature. It is advisable that there be a free and clean space between the bed and the floor, and not a storage area. This prevents energy from stagnating and provides replenishment of favorable energy during sleep.

Rule #8: no sharp corners Check if the corners of the furniture or walls are pointing towards you. Do massive objects hang over you when you lie or sit? If yes, then try to either rearrange the furniture or decorate sharp corners. The influence of Feng Shui energy is perceived through our senses, and our mind and vision are the most powerful channels of perception. Aggressive corner shapes can be unsettling, and overhanging objects can feel oppressive. All this cumulatively creates psychological discomfort and stress.

Rule #9: the kitchen area should be isolated. The kitchen, dining room, stove and refrigerator should not be visible from the main entrance. Since ancient times, the stove has been associated with the family hearth; it is a symbol of the well-being and health of the family. The refrigerator as a place to store food also represents the wealth of the family. These important objects must be protected from prying eyes. It is advisable to place the slab diagonally from the entrance. Make sure your back is to the door while cooking. If yes, then such a position will cause you psychological discomfort and affect the quality of the prepared food. If it is not possible to rearrange the stove, then hang a mirror behind the stove so that you can see those entering while standing at the stove.

Rule #10: do not store broken dishes at home. Part with cracked or broken dishes immediately, even if it is your favorite mug. Drinking and eating from such dishes is considered unfavorable, since a broken object carries destructive energy. In addition, it is unsafe and you can get hurt. Give yourself permission to use your holiday dinner set every day. Let every meal be a holiday that will unite your family around the table and strengthen family relationships.