Non-standard forms of law lessons in high school. Lesson outline:Standard type of number Standard type of number lesson script


The study of law in a modern school occupies no less important niche than the study of the native language, history, mathematics and other basic subjects. Civic consciousness, patriotism and high morality of a modern person largely depends on his knowledge and respect for the laws of society and his country.

Legal training is important not only for professionals in this field, but also for people who are not directly related to the law, because. elementary legal knowledge is necessary to solve various life situations. This knowledge is especially important for adolescents in order to prevent them from committing various offenses. The relevance of the work is due to the constantly functioning process of modernization of education in general, as well as the need for general research in the field of teaching law in high school.

The aim of the work is to study the concept of "non-standard lesson", as well as to study its role in teaching law in high school. From the goal, the following tasks can be distinguished:

1. To study the concept of "standard form of the lesson", to characterize the main types and types;

2. Explore the term "non-standard lesson", give a brief description of the types and types of such classes;

3. Investigate the forms of lesson organization most suitable for senior classes, the possibility of their application in law lessons.

This topic is currently being actively studied by a number of researchers. The works of T. A. Stefanovskaya, N. P. Prashkovich, L. N. Sokolova, and others provide extensive theoretical material on the topic. Their research deals with the definition of the concept of "non-standard lesson", the types of such classes that are most suitable for a certain age group. Unfortunately, the topic has not yet been studied enough, which does not make it possible to have a unified theoretical base, but allows you to get acquainted with the different points of view of the authors on the problem.

The object of the study is non-standard forms of law lessons in high school, aimed at more effective teaching of law and increasing students' motivation to study the subject.

The subject is directly types of non-standard lessons of law.

Work structure. The work consists of a table of contents, an introduction, 2 chapters, including 4 paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

Standard and non-traditional forms of lessons

Definition, types and main types of lessons

In the modern educational process, the main organizational form of transferring knowledge, skills and abilities is the lesson. A lesson is a special form of organization of learning, in which the teacher directs the cognitive activity of students, taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using various types, means and methods aimed at ensuring that all students master the basics of what is being studied directly in the learning process, as well as for education and development of their cognitive abilities. Under the conditions of the class-lesson system, classes are held in most general educational institutions. Lessons are held for a set time in specially designated places.

The typology of lessons is a very controversial and topical issue of modern pedagogy. Many authors offer their reasons for distinguishing different types of lessons. We turn to the work of M.I. Makhmutova Makhmutov M. I. Modern lesson. M., 1981. S. 77., in which it was proposed to distinguish between lessons according to the purpose of the organization in accordance with the general didactic goal, the nature of the content of the material being studied and the level of students' learning. Consider each of the types of lessons, their brief description and possible types of their implementation, corresponding to each type.

1) Lessons of learning new educational material.

The purpose of such a lesson is to master new material by students through the assimilation of new concepts and methods of action, independent search activity, and the formation of a system of value orientations. The forms of lessons for studying new educational material are very diverse: lesson-lecture, discussion with students of certain issues of a new topic, heuristic conversation, independent work with a textbook, documents and other sources. From this, certain types of lessons can be distinguished, for example, a lesson-lecture, a lesson-seminar, a lesson in theoretical and practical independent work. Lesson time is devoted to the work of students with new material, during which all kinds of techniques are used to enhance the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, such as giving the presentation of new material a problematic character, the teacher using vivid examples, facts, involving students in discussing them, reinforcing certain theoretical positions with their own examples and facts, the use of visual-figurative material and technical teaching aids. All this is aimed at a meaningful and deep explanation of the new material by the teacher and the ability to maintain the attention and mental activity of students when working with it. In addition, it is also common that in the lesson, in the course of studying new material, work is also underway to streamline and consolidate previously learned material. It is impossible to study new material without remembering, without analyzing, without relying on the material already covered, without applying it when deducing some new provisions.

2) Lessons to improve knowledge, skills and abilities.

The main didactic tasks that are solved in these lessons:

a) systematization and generalization of new knowledge;

b) repetition and consolidation of previously acquired knowledge;

c) application of knowledge in practice to deepen and expand previously acquired knowledge;

d) formation of skills and abilities;

e) monitoring the progress of studying educational material and improving knowledge, skills and abilities.

In most classifications, this type of lesson is divided into several types: lessons for consolidating the material being studied; lessons of complex application of knowledge, skills and abilities; lessons in the formation of skills and abilities; repetition lessons, etc.

The types of this type of lessons are: lessons of independent work (reproductive type - oral or written exercises); lesson-laboratory work; lesson of practical work; lesson-excursion; seminar lesson.

3) Lessons of generalization and systematization.

Lessons of this type set themselves the goal of establishing the level of students' mastery of theoretical knowledge and methods of cognitive activity on key issues of the program, as well as testing and assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students throughout the program material studied over the course of a quarter, half a year and for the entire year of study.

The lessons of generalization and systematization provide for all the main types of lessons that are used within all five types of lessons. Their specificity is that each time during the lesson, the teacher designates questions in advance - problems for repetition, indicates in advance the sources that students need to use, conducts overview lectures if necessary, sets tasks for students to complete them collectively outside the lesson, and conducts consultations. both group and individual interviews in the course of preparing students for the upcoming lesson, gives recommendations for independent work. In high school, the most common type of generalization and systematization lessons are lessons in which problematic discussions are held, or seminar lessons, in which certain content of the studied section of the program or program material as a whole is deepened or systematized, as well as lessons in which students purposefully (separately or groups) solve creative problems of a theoretical or practical nature.

4) Combined lesson.

This is the most common type of lesson, which solves the didactic tasks of the three types of lessons described above. The main elements of such lessons are:

a) organizing students for classes;

b) repetition and testing of students' knowledge, revealing the depth of understanding and the degree of strength of everything studied in previous classes, updating the necessary knowledge for subsequent work;

c) the study of new material and the organization by the teacher of the work of students to comprehend and assimilate it;

d) the primary consolidation of new material and the organization of work to develop students' skills and abilities to apply knowledge in practice;

e) the teacher giving homework and explanations for its implementation;

f) Summing up the lesson with grading for the work of individual students throughout the lesson.

The effectiveness and efficiency of a combined lesson depends on a clear definition of the objectives of the lesson, on the teacher's answer to the question of what he should teach students, how to use classes for the reasonable organization of their activities.

5) Lessons of control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Lessons of this type are intended to "evaluate the results of learning, the level of assimilation of theoretical material by students, the system of scientific concepts of the course being studied, the formation of skills and abilities, the experience of educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren, establishing the diagnosis of the level of learning of students and introducing certain changes, corrections into the technology of teaching in the process of learning in accordance with the diagnosis of the state of learning of children "Pidkasisty P.I. Pedagogy. Proc. allowance. M. 2006. S. 313-314. written survey, dictations, presentations, problem solving and examples, etc.; offset; credit practical (laboratory) work; workshops; control independent work; exams, etc. All these and other types of lessons are conducted after studying entire sections, major topics of the subject being studied. The highest form of final testing and assessment of students' knowledge is the exam for the course as a whole.

After the control lessons, a special lesson is held to analyze and identify typical mistakes, shortcomings in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, in the organization of their educational and cognitive activities, which must be overcome in subsequent lessons, the necessary correction is made both in the activities of students and in the activities of the teacher .

It should be borne in mind that the listed types of lessons in their "pure" form are rarely found in practice. More often, the functions of one type of lesson are woven into the structure of another type.

Choosing the type and type of lesson, the teacher is guided by the place of this lesson in the topic, its tasks, the features of the content of the material, the pedagogical concept, the age of the students, their skills and abilities. An important role is also played by the teaching aids available at the school and the readiness of the teacher himself to conduct various classes.

Pedagogical science and practice offer a fairly wide range of such forms of education that not only contribute to the solid consolidation of knowledge, but also activate the mental activity of students, form practical skills, and instill business qualities that are so necessary in real life. In the last decade, game lessons, quiz lessons, press conference lessons, talk shows, etc., have become extremely popular in schools; university forms of education (lecture, seminar, colloquium) are widely used in high school. However, the possibilities of a standard forty-five-minute lesson are far from being exhausted, it is only necessary to make some adjustments to the educational process. According to A.N. Leontiev, in order to informally assimilate the material, one must “not leave” the teaching, but live it, it is necessary that learning enter into life, so that it has a vital meaning for students. It is quite possible to achieve this if, firstly, the topic of the lesson is updated, talking about the events and problems of today; secondly, to appeal not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of children; and, thirdly, consider the lesson as a link in the student's continuous activity, using the integration of school subjects of the same cycle (for example, the humanities) and various forms of extracurricular activities. I will give an example of such work.

Preparing for the study of V. Veresaev's story "Competition" in the sixth grade, the children and I began a conversation about what beauty is and what are its standards. The students were asked to bring to the lesson reproductions of paintings, photographs, posters depicting those whom they consider the standard of beauty. Many girls enthusiastically demonstrated posters of Alsou, Britney Spears, Natalia Oreiro, Brad Pitt and other stars of show business and Hollywood cinema. It was all the more surprising and pleasant to see that five or six people in the class considered their own mothers (or older sisters and brothers) to be the standards of beauty.

At the lesson, after the children carefully examined and discussed everything they brought, I asked them to write a miniature essay: “Why (name) is the ideal of beauty for me?” We got some pretty interesting answers. Here are some snippets.

Yana M.:“I consider Vladimir Vysotsky the standard of male beauty. Maybe someone will disagree with me, but I often watch old films with his participation, and it seems to me that he is the model of masculinity, reliability and strength. He always has a beautiful expression in his eyes - sad, tired, wise. When he begins to speak in his hoarse voice, I become terribly sorry that he died so early.

Sasha Sh.:“The ideal of beauty for me is my mother. She is tall, slender, with blue eyes and doll-like hair. She has musical fingers, ringing laughter, very long eyelashes. Everything about her is perfect, except maybe the character when she gets angry.

Zhenya S.:“I have a very beautiful sister. She has the appearance of a fashion model, however, she is not as tall as necessary, and she cannot become a fashion model and a fashion model. But she has a very slender figure, bright lips, brown eyes and golden hair (her own, she does not paint them). And she also has a very beautiful smile and her teeth are even, not like mine. ”

At the end of the lesson, some of the children's essays (at their request) were read out. At the same time, an atmosphere of genuine interest and goodwill towards all the storytellers reigned in the class. It is also important to note (and the children did) that many people in their idols value not only physical, but also spiritual attractiveness. For example, girls, fans of Alsou, proudly reported that this singer does not smoke, does not drink hard liquor, works hard, gets a good education and hardly attends fashionable "parties". This information, gleaned from magazines and newspapers, was no less important for the students than the external parameters of the girl whom they considered their ideal.

The homework was rather unusual. The children had to answer the question whether they consider themselves beautiful. At the same time, a condition was agreed in advance: “the pure truth” is written, but if the student does not want his miniature essay to be read aloud, he puts an “asterisk” (*) on the title page. If he does not object to the violation of confidentiality, then he draws a "plus" (+) with a red or blue felt-tip pen. The results exceeded my expectations. The writings were surprisingly sincere and touching. The children were not afraid to write about themselves such things that even an adult very rarely admits to anyone except those closest to him (or maybe does not admit to anyone at all). Here are just a few excerpts from works marked with a “+” sign.

Katya K.:“I am an ordinary girl. The nose is like a nose, the mouth is like a mouth, arms and legs are in place. Still, in my free time, I don't mind turning around in front of a mirror. I like to try on different outfits (including my mother's), because I have a good figure. I like to make all sorts of intricate hairstyles out of my thick wavy hair. I have unusual oriental eyes, which I still don’t know how to tint. But on the other hand, I was lucky with the shape of the nails on my hands. Here I show my creativity with might and main, I draw everything that comes to mind. This is called "artistic manicure" ... My character is quite peaceful. I don't like to gossip and give out other people's secrets. And if I decide to do something, I always try to bring it to the end.

Vitalik A.:“I am a kind and good person. I have brown eyes, a slightly upturned nose and long legs. I have dark hair, bob haircut. I have big ears to hear everything in class, but for some reason they don't work. That's who I am."

Sonya S.:“I don’t like anything about myself. I have an expressionless face. I don't like anything."

Sasha R.:“I am of a strong physique, my shoulders are broad, my height is tall. My hair is dark, my eyes are big brown... By nature, I am a kind, sympathetic person, I have a well-developed sense of responsibility for the task assigned. I have a sense of humor. But I am not perfect externally and internally, I need to work a lot more.

Lena B.:“I think I have beautiful hair and also eyes. I like my face. I believe that I correspond to the ideal of beauty of the Renaissance. But I'm too fat, my feet are too big, and my hair is never combed properly.

The only thing I like about my character is my mind. And so I am very quick-tempered, I have a changeable mood, and I can easily offend a person.

Natasha I.:“Every person is beautiful and attractive in their own way. It is difficult for me to judge my external beauty, because the physical appearance is given to us from birth and much can be improved in it. My beauty, perhaps, is my calm, balanced character. “What beautiful eyes she has! What amazing jeans! These are very dubious compliments. I think that we need to get people to say: "What a nice and sweet person she is, what a charming and modest girl."

In the next lesson, we discussed several student works, after which an art critic from the Kaliningrad Art Gallery spoke to the children. He told what standards of beauty existed in the ancient world, in the Middle Ages, in the 17th and 18th courtly and gallant centuries, in the era of romanticism, etc. Demonstrating slides (portraits of Rokotov, Borovikovsky, Bryullov, Kiprensky, Serov), the lecturer clearly showed the students how people from different countries and social groups have changed their idea of ​​beauty over time. Then the students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the photo album "Russian Beauty in Exile" - and were shocked by how beautiful and spiritual the faces of women captured in photographs of the first third of the 20th century were. During the discussion, the children said: “How strange that in the early twentieth century, all fashion models had different faces. Now they are almost the same." A discussion ensued about whether beauty contests should be held at all and what beauty is: compliance with certain standards (for example, 90-60-90) or, on the contrary, originality and a “non-general expression” of the face. Thus, the children naturally approached the discussion of the topic, what is beauty: “Is it a vessel in which there is emptiness, or is it a fire flickering in a vessel?”

Homework was reading the story "The Contest" and answering the questions: what is the ideal of Beauty for the Twice Crowned? And for the Unicorn? The children were asked to answer these questions in writing (make a table), writing out quotes from the text, confirming this or that thesis. And, finally, in the third lesson devoted to the study of this topic, the children, working with fragments of the text, answered the question during the discussion: why did not the famous Twice-Crowned, but his student, who painted a simple and modest Dawn, win in the competition of two artists? (He showed that every person is beautiful, if you look at him with eyes full of love).

The system of lessons and homework is as follows:

1. First hour- lesson-conversation about the standards of beauty; cool miniature essay on the topic: “Why ... (name) is the ideal of beauty for me?”. Homework: Written discussion on whether the student considers himself beautiful.

2. Second hour. Speech development lesson: discussion of children's work; art lecture. Homework: reading the story, answering the questions.

3. Third hour. Lesson-discussion on the text of the work.

Note. In order not to overload the children with written homework, the teacher can combine the literature homework with the Russian language homework. As a result, the story, which had every chance of being misunderstood by sixth-graders (due to the abstract plot and peculiarities of Veresaev's creative manner), became for them one of the most liked and memorable works in the course of literature of the 6th grade (this is evidenced by reader questionnaires filled out by children in end of fourth quarter).

A similar system of lessons can be built when studying other works: Gogol's story "Portrait" (the problem faced by the artist Chartkov: how to capture beauty on canvas and what it is), Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" (Tatyana, who "did not differ in beauty" his sister), "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin (whether Masha Mironova was beautiful).

To be successful, the lesson must become a link in the continuous activity of students, and its topics are designed to arouse cognitive interest. Such a system of lessons and homework not only allows students to receive a large amount of information, but also creates an atmosphere of genuine interest in the work being studied, attention and respect for another person. Children feel free, their self-esteem increases, they are emotional and sincere.

The use of relevant material and the interaction of classroom and extracurricular activities make it possible to better realize the developing potential of the educational process and its unit - the lesson; help to solve one of the most important tasks of pedagogy - the task of holistic formation of individuality.

Tatyana Ptitsyna


Algebra lesson in the 7th grade on the topic "Standard type of number", meta-subject topic "Giants and dwarfs".

Explanatory note.

Meta-subject topic of the lesson "Giants and dwarfs"

Subject: "Standard form of number".

The place of the lesson in the course system

Degree with an integer exponent. The fourth lesson is the standard form of a number.

Lesson type

Lesson of assimilation of new knowledge and application of meta-subject and subject knowledge

Teacher-Student Interaction Strategy

(passive, active, interactive (circular interaction))


Forms of work

individual, group, frontal

Lesson resources

Basic Tutorial:Algebra.7 class: a textbook for general education. organizations / [SEE. Nikolsky, M.K. Potapov, N.N. Reshetnikov, A.V. Shevkin] - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2015.

Screen, Presentation (PowerPoint) "Giants and dwarfs", Internet, projector, laptop, technological map for students 1 and 2. Laundry soap, dishwashing sponge, measuring cup, bottle of clean water, tea bag.

The purpose of the lesson ( for the teacher )

To promote the formation of students' belief in the importance of knowing and applying the standard type of number through solving practical problems on the topic "Standard type of number".

Formed results


Provide value-semantic orientation of students, as well as orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships

While working with study materials students will be able to:

Improve the ability to interact with each other, listen and hear others.

Control the process and the result of educational activities.

Evaluate the result of their educational activities, interest in studying the topic;

Desire to put into practice your knowledge

Adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher and classmates


Not related to the subject, suitable for any lesson, related to UUD

Ability to navigate the knowledge system.

Formation and development of practical thinking, the ability to apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and professional orientation.

The ability to correlate their actions with the planned results, to control their activities in the process of achieving the result;

the ability to create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference.

Development of motivation to master the culture of active use of dictionaries.


System Basics

scientific knowledge in a given subject area

In the course of working with text materials, discussions in pairs, with the teacher students will be able to:

Apply the acquired early knowledge to solving problems of a practical nature;

See the connection between mathematics and other subjects.

Solve physical problems in arithmetic and algebraic ways.

Lesson objectives (for teacher)

To achieve personal results

Organize and supervise group work;

To cultivate accuracy in the performance of tasks, responsibility, self-confidence;

increasing the research interest, creative activity and involvement of students in the knowledge of the topic "Standard type of number in our life";

to form skills together with other children in the group to find a solution to the problem and evaluate the results. formation of motivation for learning, readiness of students for self-development and personal self-determination;

creation of conditions for the development of cognitive interest in children to study the topic.

To achieve a metasubject result

Formation of goal-setting skills, control of one's activities, correction and evaluation of results. Development of oral and written speech skills. Formation of work skills individually and in a group, education of students' communicative culture.

To achieve the objective result

To teach how to write numbers in a standard form, to consolidate knowledge on this topic.

The goal of the students (in the form of a learning task) is formulated at the prognostic level.

I will consolidate the ability to solve practical problems using a standard type of number;

I will find out where the notation of the standard form of a number is used, I will learn how to write numbers in the standard form.

Pedagogical technologies

System-activity approach, competence-oriented technologies: problem-based and dialogue learning, ICT, technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing

Methods for diagnosing external and internal educational products of a student.

Diagnostics of personal qualities (internal educational product): the results of his educational achievements on the topic (at the beginning of the topic and at the end of the topic)

Diagnosis of the student's external educational product is the student's verbal self-assessment, then the teacher's verbal assessment by observing his activity in the lesson.

Ways to evaluate the success of your lesson:

Aftereffect, i.e. transferring knowledge to other lessons, to other areas of science, to a life situation.

Formed concepts

Write a number in standard form. Applications of writing a number in a standard form in other areas.

Fundamental educational objects

The concept of a number, the translation of any number into a standard form

Methodological advice

The Internet is necessary, most children have the Internet on their phones, warn that the phones are charged, there is a positive balance, the office is equipped with computers, but it is convenient for children to sit compactly to discuss, argue, defend their opinions, evaluate each other's work. It is necessary that students give themselves points after each stage in the technological maps. There is a summary at the end of the lesson. The child receives 2 marks - personal and team and an assessment of personal results. A personal mark mainly expresses subject results, a team mark expresses meta-subject results. Evaluation is based on complete trust in each other, this brings up honesty, mutual respect, trust.

By the 7th grade, children are already accustomed to such an assessment system. To correct the grades, the teacher collects student flow charts at the end of the lesson. Trust the principle, but verify


    A.V. Mironov "How to build a lesson in accordance with GEF" Volgograd "Teacher" 2016

    M.P. Nechaeva G.A. Romanova "Interactive technologies in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" M. "VAKO" 2016

    ME AND. Perelman "Entertaining algebra. Degrees." M. "Olma Media Group" 2013

    ME AND. Perelman "Entertaining algebra. Numbers and tricks. M. "Olma Media Group" 2013

Job title:

Place of work:

Contact number:

Radnaeva Zhargalma Rabzhinovna

Mathematic teacher

Municipal educational institution "Verkhne-Ivolginskaya secondary school" of the Ivolginsky district


Organizing time

Time: 1 min .

1. The teacher welcomes the students, controls the preparation of jobs. The class is divided into 2 groups, comes up with the name of the team and presents the team members in an original way.

Pupils greet the teacher, check the preparation of jobs.

They choose a captain, come up with a team name and introduce themselves.

The living word of the teacher.

Regulatory: organization of the workplace, their activities

1. Educational tension (challenge and goal setting)

The result of the stage: Finding out the topic of the lesson.

Time: 3 min .

The teacher organizes the work of students to find the topic of the lesson.

math ring.

1) 1 round Exchange of blows. The 1st team gives out 1 word, in response the second team has its own word. The team that completes the ring wins. In their technological maps, everyone marks their ball. 1 word -1 point. As a result, at the end of the lesson, everyone will have individual and team points.

You must guess what we are going to talk about in this lesson.

Slide #1

I propose to the first team the concept of MEGA. Please explain the meaning of this concept. In what cases is it used?

You can use the Internet.

The second team I propose the concept of micro.

Please explain the meaning of micro. You can also use the internet.

Slide #2

So the prefix Mega is the number 1000000 = 10 6

So the prefix micro is the number 0.000001 = 10 -6

2) 2 round Sort the words by composition (morphemic analysis).

1st command you are given the floor


2nd command you have the floor


3) Round 3 Who is faster?

Now let's compare two numbers. 1. Which of the numbers is greater?

We found out that there is a big difference between the numbers.

2. How many times is the first number greater than the second?

3. What prefix is ​​used for the number trillion?

I will read you an excerpt from fiction.

4. You must say an excerpt from which work?

6. How does this passage relate to our lesson?

When he woke up, it was already quite light. He lay on his back, and the sun shone directly in his face.
He wanted to rub his eyes, but he could not raise his hand; I wanted to sit up, but I couldn't move.
Thin ropes entangled his entire body from armpits to knees; arms and legs were tightly tied with a rope net; ropes wrapped around each finger. Even his long, thick hair was tightly wound around small pegs driven into the ground and entwined with ropes.
He looked like a fish caught in a net.

7. Find words synonyms Gulliver-_______, Lilliputians-________

8. Formulate the name of the lesson

Slide 5.

That's right, the meta-subject topic of the lesson: "Giants and dwarfs."

9. And why is the topic of our math lesson like this?

1.Mega is a prefix of some word.

2. metropolis - a city with a million inhabitants;

3. megastar - a big star.

4. Mega popular

5. Mega Pascal - abbr. MPa million Pascal.

6.One million;

7. ten to the sixth power,

1. microscope - An optical instrument with highly magnifying glasses for viewing objects that are indistinguishable to the naked eye.

2. microbe (Greek mikros small, and bios life). A microscopic organism living in air or water; certain types of microbes are sources of disease.

3 .Micro

The first part of compound words with meaning. unit equal to one millionth of the unit named in the second part of the word
Example: microvolt, microroentgen, microstroke, microdistrict, microorganism.

4. one millionth, one divided by a million.

1. Megamillionaire mega- prefix, million- root, er- suffix, zero ending.

2. microwave micro prefix, wave - root, ovk - suffix, a - ending.

1.10 6 >10 -6

The first number is greater than the second

2. 10 6 :10 -6 =10 12 a trillion times

3. Tera

four." Gulliver in the Land of the Lilliputians"

5. Jonathan Swift

6. A larger number is Gulliver, and a small one is a midget.

7. Gulliver is a giant, midget is a dwarf.

8. "Giants and dwarfs"

9. We will talk about large and small numbers.

interactive whiteboard, presentation, student flow charts,



Forecasting the anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics;


build logical reasoning

modeling - the transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic);


organization and planning of educational cooperation with the teacher and peers;

expressing one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

The ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express one's feelings, thoughts and needs for planning and regulating one's activities; possession of oral, monologue contextual speech

2. Clarification of the educational object (Goal setting).

formulation of the goal of the lesson by students (in the form of a learning task)

Time: 3 min .

1. The teacher organizes the search work of students by setting goals and an action plan. Creates an emotional mood for work.

Slide #6

Solve examples: 1st team is the first example, the second team is the second example.



Slide number 7

1)1000000000*2100000000000000=10 9 *21*10 14 =21*10 23

2)0,00000000002*0,000000000003= 0,00000000000000000000006 =6*10 -23

Was it convenient to calculate and write down examples?

How can we do calculations if there is a lot of action in the examples and all numbers are either giants or dwarfs?

Yes, that's right.

Slide #8

Look at the following examples and make a conclusion:

The mass of the Sun in grams is:

1 983 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000= 1,983*10 30

The distance to the Andromeda Nebula in kilometers is:

95 000 000 000 000 000 000= 9,5*10 18

The thickness of a human hair is 0.00007m=7,0*10 -5

The mass of a gold atom is: 327.02 * 10 -27 = 3,2702*10 -25

What did you notice in common in the entries of numbers?

Correctly. Single notation of numbers.

What do you think is the subject matter and purpose of our lesson?

A single record of a number or otherwise?

Let's open the textbooks on page 155 and find out how you can name the topic of the lesson differently.

What is the purpose of the lesson?

Slide #8

The standard form of a number.

1. 1000000000*2100000000000000=10 9 *21*10 14 =21*10 23

2 .0,00000000002*0,000000000003= 0,000000000000000000000006=6*10 -23

Uncomfortable. Takes up a lot of space. hard to remember

Student responses.

Perhaps there should be a general rule.

Numbers are written according to a certain rule.

The standard form of a number.

Learn to write numbers in standard form. Perform operations on standard numbers


lesson card


Motivation for learning activities


Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, listen and engage in dialogue

Meaning formation The student should ask the question “what is the meaning, the meaning of the teaching for me”, and be able to find an answer to it


Goal setting The ability to independently determine the goal of training



Establishing relationships between data and question

structuring your own knowledge

(analysis, comparison);


Ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers;

3. Explanation of the topic. Primary fixation of the topic.

Time: 9 min .

Let's make a plan for the lesson.

Come up with a lesson plan.

Slide #9

    Let's study the topic of the lesson

a) look at the definition

b) How to write a number in standard form?

2. Fix the topic of the lesson by solving examples and tasks

3. Summing up the lesson

4. write down your homework

Assimilation of new knowledge.

Find the definition of the standard number form in the textbook.

Slide #10

standard type of numbera is called a record of the form a * 10 n , where 1≤a<10,

Recall what is a significant figure?

Consider the examples in the textbook:

Slide #11

273,095=2,73095*10 2

0,0234=2,34*10 -2

Draw a conclusion from the examples.

What needs to be done to bring the number to the standard form?

To bring a number to standard form, you need to move the comma in it so that it is directly to the right of the first significant digit, and multiply the resulting number by 10 n , where nis chosen so that the product is equal to the given number.

Slide #12

1. Each of you can easily answer the question how old are you, and to the question how many seconds are you able to immediately answer? Count how many seconds you have. And write in standard form.

3600*24*365*13=409968000s = 4.09968000s =4.09968*10 -8 ;

2. Distance Moscow Ulan - Ude on the highway is 5628 km, and in a straight line - 4419 km. How many times greater is the distance along the track than the distance along the straight line? Round your answer to tenths.

3. Oscillation frequencymosquito wings 600 Hz, and the oscillation period of the bumblebee wings is 5 ms. Which of the insects will make more wing flaps in 1 minute during flight and by how much? Write your answer in standard form.

Find on the Internet the meaning of the words period, frequency.

For the first task - 2 points, for the second - 1 point, for the third - 3 points.

Provide a lesson plan. Each group writes down their plan. We make a general plan.

standard type of numbera is called a record of the form a * 10 n , where 1≤a<10,

nThe exponent can be any integer.

The significant digit of a number is its first (from left to right) non-zero digit, as well as all the digits following it.

We move the comma in the number two decimal places to the left and increase the exponent by 2.

We move the comma in the number to the right by 2 decimal places, reduce the exponent by two.

1 .3600*24*365*13=409968000s = 4.09968000s. =4.09968*10 -8 ;

2 . 5628:4419 =1,2735 ≈1,3

3. T=1/600Hz=0.0017s (mosquito wing flapping period)

N to=60s:0.0017s=35294.117

N sh=60s:0.005s=12000

35294,117 - 12000=23294,117=2,3294117*10 -4

Technological map of the student, interactive whiteboard, presentation


Motivation for learning activities


Attention control



Keep the goal of the activity until its result is obtained


analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, the ability to consciously and arbitrarily build a mathematical speech statement in oral form;

Formation and development of ecological thinking, the ability to apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and professional orientation.




4. Dealing with the situation

integration and transfer of knowledge to another subject (application of knowledge)

Time: 15 min .

Exercise 1 .

I give the first group a sponge and laundry soap, the second group a measuring cup, water, a tea bag.

You, looking at these items, should give a description or tell what can be done with the help of these items as an ecologist, historian, physicist, chemist, mathematician, linguist.

Task 2. for the first group.

Laboratory work.

    Sponge and laundry soap.

p=? one. S 1 =9*5,5=49,5 S 2 =9*6,5=58,5 S 3 =5,5*6,5= 35,75 m=350g =0.35kg

F=0.35*10=3,5; R 1 =0.07 PA;

The pressure of solids depends on the surface area of ​​the faces. Soap has 3 different facets.

Task2. for the second group.

Laboratory work.

A jar of water and a tea bag.

The pressure in a liquid depends on the height of the liquid level. calculated at different levels.

For each correct answer -1 point

Each group has its own task. Distribute the roles of who will be an ecologist, who will be a physicist, etc., and everyone prepares his own answer. The opposing team puts a reasonable mark.

They work in technological maps, fill in the table, draw conclusions.

Possible answers

Physics - easy deformation of the sponge, elastic force - easily takes its original shape, Archimedes' law - the sponge floats, can drown if it picks up water, gravity becomes greater than the Archimedes force, soap and sponge have a certain shape, volume, the mass of soap is 350 g, you can calculate density, both refer to solids, the historian is the history of the creation of households. soap, who received the first patent for the production of soap, when and where was soap used for the first time, improvement of soap, segments of the population who could afford to use soap, chemical - color, smell, composition, soap molecules crush dirt molecules, environmentalist - no harm from economic soap to the environment, soap is a natural product, the garden is treated from aphids, the sponge is harmful because microbes collect in them, they cannot be used for a long time, it is dangerous to health, when burned, the sponge releases harmful substances into the atmosphere Mathematician - soap is a parallelepiped, has 6 faces, 8 vertices, 12 ribs, make up a problem: if you reduce the length of the ribs by 2 times. How many times will the volume of the parallelepiped decrease?

Tea taste, smell, color, history of tea creation, Kyakhta-tea way, tonic drink, diffusion, depends on temperature, price, weight, types, varieties of tea, kombucha, benefits and harms of tea, properties of water, liquid, has a certain volume , easily changes shape, the formula of water is -ash 2 o, evaporates, boils, what part of the planet is water, fresh water reserves, about Baikal water, measure the volume with a measuring cup, the capacity of the mug, the capacity of different products is different (rice, sugar, salt, flour , water.)

Technological map of the student, interactive whiteboard, presentation.


Orientation in interpersonal relationships

Apply the rules of business cooperation: compare different points of view; consider the opinion of another person; show patience and goodwill in a dispute, discussion, trust in the interlocutor.


Keep the goal of the activity until its result is obtained


The ability to assess the correctness of the implementation of the educational task, their own ability to solve it;


Analyze the results of elementary studies, record their results;

Apply tables, diagrams, models to obtain information


Learning collaboration with teacher and peers

Determine the task of communication and, in accordance with it, select speech means

Group discussion of problems (if necessary)

5. Demonstration of educational products

Time: 8 min .

Students come up with solved problems, draw conclusions based on the data obtained. One of the group conducts a self-assessment of their work.

Children's answers.

Document camera, ID, technological cards.


the action of moral and ethical evaluation (“what is good, what is bad”);

formation of a positive attitude towards oneself and the world around;


Keep the goal of the activity until its result is obtained

Assess the level of proficiency in one or another educational action (answer the question “what do I not know and cannot do?”).


Present prepared information in a visual and verbal form;


To issue a dialogical statement in accordance with the requirements of speech etiquette.

6. Feedback: diagnostics, control, self- and mutual evaluation, formative evaluation, reflection

Stage result:

For the teacher: obtaining data for adjusting and / or individualizing training

For a student: self-determination, setting personal and cognitive goals

Time: 5 min .

To summarize the lesson, we will hold a small auction. Lot is offered to you. You say everything you know about this lot. For one correct answer, give yourself 1 point, if your answer is final, then 2 points.


Lot No. 1


Lot #2


Lot #3

3,006*10 6 ;

Lot No. 4

5621,2*10 8

Lot #5

Why do numbers need to be written in standard form?

Teacher: evaluate your work in class. Calculate your personal scores. Maximum score, minimum score. Is there a big difference between scores? If there is, calibrate, put the corresponding scores in the technological maps. Calculate team scores. Whoever has more points, that team won.

Teacher: Everyone put a grade for the lesson for themselves and try to comment on it.

Who does not want to comment, write in the technological map what you liked, what you did not like. Handing over technological cards.

Possible answers.

Lot #1

According to Ozhegov's dictionary.standard . - something stereotyped, stereotyped, containing nothing original, creative.

In mathematics, numbers are written in standard form. In the Russian language, according to the standard, they parse words, sentences, or inflect words according to cases, gender, and subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle. Basically, tasks are solved according to the same pattern, i.e. according to the standard. According to the standard, parts are made in factories, furniture in a factory, there is a standard for measuring instruments, etc.

Lot #2

According to Ozhegov's dictionaryIn mathematics, a numeric or literal expression showing how many times a number (or value) raised to a power is multiplied by itself.

2. - data that can be used to judge the development and progress of something about the progress of studies, an indicator of study, an indicator of a district, an indicator of a school, etc.

Lot #3

The number is written in standard form. The exponent is 6, the base of the exponent is 10, the number 3 and the following digits are called significant figures, this number is 3006000,

Lot #4

This number is written in a non-standard form. In standard form it will be like this: 5.6212 * 10 11 . To write a number in standard form, you need to move the comma so that it is to the right of the first significant digit and change the exponent so that the number is equal to the original value,

In this number, we move the comma to the left by three digits and increase the exponent by 3, the number has decreased a thousand times, and the degree has increased a thousand times, as a result, the number has not changed. etc.

Students answer the teacher's questions in the form of a dialogue, conduct a self-assessment of their activities in the lesson as a whole.

The guys are talking:

I did it in class today...

You're doing well, Saran, and I learned in class...

I'm happy for you, Mergen, and I learned at the lesson ..., etc. along the chain.

Students give themselves an assessment and comment on it at will (it is advisable to listen to the assessment of both strong and weak students.)


Meaning formation

Moral and ethical orientation

professional identity,

Evaluate your own learning activities: your achievements, independence, initiative, responsibility, reasons for failures


Evaluation of educational activities



Determine the task of communication and, in accordance with it, select speech means

Setting homework

Time: 1 min .

1. Required level -№606;

2. elevated level

3. High level

Students choose the level of the task, write it down in diaries.

Children's answers

Diary, technological map


Moral and ethical orientation


Possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice in an educational and cognitive task

Problem solving

    Distance Moscow Ulan - Ude on the highway by car is 5628 km, and in a straight line by plane - 4419 km. How many times greater is the distance along the track than the distance along the straight line?

    Each of you can easily answer the question of how old you are, and the question of how many seconds you can immediately answer.

3. Oscillation frequencymosquito wings 600 Hz, and the oscillation period of the bumblebee wings is 5 ms. Which of the insects will make more wing flaps in 1 minute during flight and by how much? Write in standard form.

Choose one of the problems and solve.


    What was the task? What was the goal, what should have been the result?

    Were you able to get a result? Found a solution, an answer?

    Did you cope completely correctly or with a minor error (what, in what)?

    Did you cope completely on your own or with the help of (who helped, in what way)?

    Practical part.

    Situation solution. Exercise 1

How many situations he named, so many points he received.

Laboratory work

    Sponge and laundry soap.

Calculate the pressure of the soap on the sponge in different ways. Compare results. In which case is the pressure greater and by how much? Write the result in standard form.


    The conclusion is incorrect. -0 points.

    For defense - 1 point.

Reflection: for participation in the auction for one answer -1 point.

Write what you liked at the lesson, and what you didn’t like if you don’t want to speak.

4. Homework:

1.Required level -№606;

2. elevated level - At home, find the technical data sheets of various devices. Write out the data and create a task. Answers to problems should be written in standard form.

3. High level - compose tasks using data from different fields of science. Write the data in standard form and perform operations with standard numbers.

Technological map of the lesson

7th grade student(s)


Topic: _________________________________________

    1. Group

    search for a lesson topic

    search for the purpose and objectives of the lesson

Give 1 point for each correct answer.

    Studying the topic of the lesson.

a) If you found a definition of the standard type of number in the textbook, put 1 point.

b) If you remembered the definition of a significant figure, put 1 point

c) Look at the examples in the textbook and write down the conclusion. If the conclusion coincides in meaning with the correct one, then put -1 point.

Problem solving

1. Distance Moscow Ulan - Ude on the highway by car is 5628 km, and in a straight line by plane - 4419 km. How many times greater is the distance along the track than the distance along the straight line? Write your answer in standard form.

2. Each of you can easily answer the question of how old you are, and the question of how many seconds you can immediately answer. Count how many seconds you have. And write your answer in standard form.

3. Oscillation frequencymosquito wings 600 Hz, and the oscillation period of the bumblebee wings is 5 ms. Which of the insects will make more wing flaps in 1 minute during flight and by how much? Write your answer in standard form.

Choose one of the problems and solve.


I solved the first problem - put in the map - 1 point,

I solved the second problem - put it in the map - 2 points,

I solved the second problem - put it in the map - 3 points.

Conduct a self-assessment of your work according to the plan:

    What was the task? What was the goal, what should have been the result?

    Were you able to get a result? Found a solution, an answer?

    Did you cope completely correctly or with a minor error (what, in what)?

    Did you cope completely on your own or with the help of (who helped, in what way)?

    Practical part.

Situation solution.

How many situations he called, so many points he earned.

Laboratory work.

    Water jar and tea bag

Calculate the water pressure on the tea bag in different ways. Compare results. In which case is the pressure greater and by how much? Write the result in standard form.


Demonstration of educational products:

Prepare a presentation plan to defend the problem.

Criteria for evaluating laboratory work:

    The conclusion is correct. Calculations are correct - 2 points.

    The conclusion is correct. Calculations with errors - 1 point.

    The conclusion is incorrect. -0 points.

    For defense - 1 point.

4. Homework:

Choose one of the levels of homework, do it.

1.Required level -№606;

2. elevated level - At home, find the technical data sheets of various devices. Write out the data and create a task. Answers to problems should be written in standard form.

3. High level - compose tasks using data from different fields of science. Write the data in standard form and perform operations with standard numbers.

Lesson 104

Lesson topic. The standard form of a number.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Basic goals:

  1. create conditions for students to assimilate a new form of writing large and small numbers and the rules for performing actions on numbers written in standard form, to form the skills of determining the order of a number, moving from ordinary to standard notation, and vice versa;
  2. develop cognitive interest in the study of the subject;
  3. to promote the formation of skills to plan their activities: work with individual steps of the algorithm, ways of exercising control and self-control.

Equipment: projector, PC, screen, cards with test tasks, cards with algorithms.

Lesson progress 

I. Organizational moment

  1. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II. Updating of basic knowledge

A task. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150,000,000 km. How many seconds does it take light from the Sun to reach the Earth if the speed of light is 300,000 km/h?

(student decides on the board)

Solution: 150,000,000:300,000= 500 seconds (8 minutes 20 seconds)

III. Learning new material

1. Introductory word of the teacher.

The desire to comprehend the secrets of time, space and one's place in the universe has long haunted man. And today, as noted by the famous science fiction writer E. I. Parnov, a person again “stands at the crossroads of infinities. One road takes him to the world of galaxies, where the expanding matter reaches almost the speed of light, the other to the microcosm with vanishingly small scales of distances and durations...”. And for several millennia, not knowing peace, human thought wanders along these roads.

The starting point in her wanderings has always been the Earth. The diameter of our planet is about 12,800 km, the Sun is 109 times larger. If we imagine the Earth as a grain of 1 mm in size, then the diameter of the Sun will be approximately 11 cm. At the same time, the Earth (on the chosen scale) will move around the star in an orbit with a radius of slightly less than 12 m. The diameter of the entire solar system will exceed 900 m!

Let's go beyond it. The nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri, is located at a distance from us, almost 7 thousand times the radius of the solar system. It takes more than four years for the light to cover this path. If you express this distance in kilometers, you get a 14-digit number. A space station moving at the third cosmic speed (16.67 km/s) will reach it no earlier than 70 thousand years! But this is our closest "neighbor", the rest of the stars are located even further.

Let us now turn our gaze in the opposite direction - the one that takes us into the depths of matter.

Atoms are so small that they cannot be seen with any optical microscope. In size (approximately 10~ 10 m) they are as many times smaller than an ordinary apple, how many times an apple is smaller than the globe. And the number of atoms in an apple is as large as the number of stars in the observable lazy.

In science and technology, astronomers, physicists, chemists, biologists set up experiments, then study the results and get very large and very small numbers. Mathematicians in their scientific work often help them solve various problems using the theory of large and small numbers.

For example, a large number is expressed mass of the earth - 5,980,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons

(5 sextillion 980 quintillion tons).

Let's read it using the table.

On the slide - a table of names of large numbers.











A small number expresses the size of the influenza virus equal to 0.000000103 m (zero point, one hundred and three billionths of a m).

2. Checking the solution of the problem on the board.

Conclusion: we see that it is very difficult to read such numbers and perform any actions on them.

Do you know a more convenient way to write large and small numbers?

Formulation of lesson objectives (together with students)

Let us turn to the help of the textbook, p. 39 (up to example 1).

Exercise. Read the text of the textbook and answer the questions (questions on the slide).

What is the standard form of a number?

What is the name of the number n in this notation?

What does the big positive exponent in the standard notation of a number show?

What does a large negative order show?

3. № 1013 (orally). (Name the order of the number written in standard form).

4. Algorithm for writing a number in standard form

Let us compose an algorithm for writing a number in standard form.

To do this, disassemble the textbook examples 1.2 in the textbook. (slide)

(we formulate the steps of the algorithm)

Algorithm for writing a number in standard form

1. Put in a given numberα comma so that the integer part contains one non-zero digit.

3. Determine the sign of the exponent of a number n:

N>0, n<0,

If α>10 if α<1

IV. Consolidation of the studied material

1. (orally) Express the numbers in standard form:(tasks on the slide)

350, 72000 , 0, 026, 0, 00000905.

2. Write in standard form the numbers:(answers are on the board)

A) the mass of an oxygen atom is 0.00000000000000000000002662 g;

B) soap bubble film thickness 0.000 000 06 cm;

C) the diameter of a water molecule is 0.00000003 cm;

3. Is it possible to say about the following numbers that they are written in standard form:

; ; .

(comment on the decision).

4. Do it yourself № 1014, № 1015.

5. Mutual verification according to the solution presented on the slide.

6. Differentiated work with students.

1 group - students who successfully completed the tasks, then work independently with the textbook. The task for them is projected on the screen:

Answer the question:how do you multiply and divide numbers written in standard form? (slide)

1. To do this, consider example 3 in the tutorial.

2. Follow the steps:

a) (3.5 10 -7 ) (3 10 -5 )= (3.5 3) (10 -7 10 -5 ) = 10.5 10 -12 = 1.05 10 10 -12 =

1.05 10 -11 .

b) .

(the task is projected first, then the decision is projected for verification)

3. Solve the problems: (on the slide)

1. A beam of light travels a distance of 3 10 in 1 s 5 km. In year 3 10 7 With. how far does a ray of light travel in a year? (this distance is called a light year)

2. The Andromeda Nebula is 2.3 10 away from us 6 light years. How many kilometers to her?

(solution appears on screen later for verification)

2 group - these are students who have difficulty solving tasks, they work with the teacher, completing the task written on the board:

1. Represent numbers in standard form:

67; 0, 0027; 29,54; 0,000087; 95 000 000.

V. Checking the knowledge, skills and abilities of students on this topic


1. Independent work for 1 group- test execution:

For a given number, select its entry in standard form and write down in a notebook the letter corresponding to the selected answer:

1. 480

3. 0,000008

5. 17 000 000

Purpose: organization of conditions for the effective construction of non-standard lessons in standard situations of the implementation of the class-lesson system.


    To master the patterns and principles of organizing a lesson as the main form of education.

    Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the classroom-lesson system of education.

    Highlight the grounds for typology and structuring of lessons (on examples)

    Master the skills of planning and analyzing the lesson.

    Understand the distinctive features, possibilities and effectiveness of non-standard lessons (according to the profile of training).

    Learn to apply non-standard techniques in traditional lessons.


    Lesson as the main form of education.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the classroom-lesson system of education.

    Types of lessons, their structure (examples, analysis).

    Requirements for the modern lesson.

    Lesson planning and analysis.

    Non-standard lessons: distinctive features, opportunities, effectiveness.

    The use of non-standard techniques in traditional lessons.

Question 1. Lesson as the main form of education.

From the standpoint of the integrity of the educational process, the main organizational form of learning is the lesson. It reflects the advantages of the class-lesson teaching system, which, with a massive enrollment of students, ensures organizational clarity and continuity of educational work. It is cost-effective, especially compared to individual training. The teacher's knowledge of the individual characteristics of students and students of each other makes it possible to use the stimulating influence of the classroom team on the learning activities of each student with great effect. The class-lesson system of education, like no other, implies a close connection between compulsory educational and extracurricular (extracurricular) work. Finally, its undeniable advantage is the ability to organically combine frontal, group and individual forms of learning within the lesson.

A lesson is such an organizational form of education in which the teacher, for a precisely set time, manages the collective cognitive and other activities of a permanent group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using the means and methods of work that create favorable conditions for all students to mastered the basics of the subject being studied directly during the lesson, as well as for the education and development of cognitive abilities and spiritual strength of schoolchildren.

In this definition, one can single out specific features that distinguish a lesson from other organizational forms of education: a permanent group of students, managing the activities of schoolchildren, taking into account the characteristics of each of them, masters the basics of what is being studied directly in the lesson. These signs reflect not only the specifics, but also the essence of the lesson.

Each lesson consists of certain elements (links, stages), which are characterized by different types of activities of the teacher and students in accordance with the structure of the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. These elements can appear in various combinations, thus defining the structure of the lesson, which should be understood as the composition of the elements, their specific sequence and the relationship between them. It can be simple and quite complex, depending on the content of the educational material, on the didactic goal (or goals) of the lesson, the age characteristics of the students and the characteristics of the class as a team. The variety of lesson structures implies a variety of their types.

There is no generally accepted classification of lessons in modern didactics. This is due to a number of circumstances, but above all, the complexity and versatility of the process of interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom. The most developed and used in practice is the classification proposed by B.P. Esipov. Its basis is the leading didactic goal and place of the lesson in the system of lessons and other forms of organization of learning. He highlights:

    combined, or mixed, lessons;

    lessons on familiarizing students with new material, with the aim of familiarizing students with facts, specific phenomena, or comprehending and mastering generalizations;

    lessons of consolidation and repetition of knowledge;

    lessons that have the main goal of generalizing and systematizing what has been studied;

    lessons on developing and consolidating skills and abilities;

    lessons of knowledge testing and analysis of test papers.