"Georgy Tuka is a new man, with an impeccable reputation, with intolerance to corruption, with Ukraine in his heart." Lugansk governor Tuka: We will arrange Donbass “the second Odessa About concentration camps, military-field courts and hostages

Was born on November 24, 1963 in Kiev. In 1980 he graduated from secondary school №32.

1982 - 1986 - Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Automated Control Systems.

2009 - 2010 - LLC "N-T Telecom", head of the sales department.

2010 - 2012 - Zenit-Telecom LLC, director.

Since 2014 - Chairman of the Public Organization "People's Rear", is engaged in active volunteer activities in the conflict zone in the south-east of Ukraine.

Since July 22, 2015, he has been the head of the Luhansk Regional Military-Civil Administration. In his presentation, he promised to end corruption. “I will prove by my example that it is possible to govern the region without stealing, not getting rich, but enriching the inhabitants of this land,” Tuka said.

Since April 29, 2016, Deputy Minister for the Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons

Private bussiness

As the biography of Tuki testifies, he has no experience of work in the field of public administration, however, judging by the results of the work of the "volunteer landing" in the Department of Clothing Support of the Ministry of Defense, it is not necessary.

Founder of the site "Peacemaker".

In the spring of 2014, immediately after the Maidan, together with other volunteers, Tuka created a volunteer community and founded the public organization "People's Rear", which began by replenishing the mobile phone cards of the military in Crimea during the annexation of the peninsula. Over time, other volunteers rallied around them. The association of volunteers began to provide the military with everything necessary - from clothing, camouflage, stoves, "stoves", helmets, body armor and individual first-aid kits, collimator and optical sights, thermal imagers, off-road vehicles and equipped resuscitation vehicles. Also, together with other volunteer projects, Tuka and his team organize the production of unloading, sleeping bags, and the like.

With the support of the adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko, the site "Peacemaker" was created - an open base of all terrorists.

In 2014, Tuka tried to start a political career. In the fall, he ran for the Verkhovna Rada, becoming the fifth number on the list of the Ukraine - United Country party, together with journalists Daniil Yanevsky and race car driver Alexei Mochanov. But the party won only 0.12% of the vote.

In early July 2015, Giorgi Tuka participated in a meeting of volunteers with the President dedicated to the fight against corruption and smuggling. The result of these meetings was the creation of special mobile groups to combat smuggling, which, in addition to volunteers, included employees of the Security Service of Ukraine, the DFS, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the border service and the military law enforcement service. As a result, thanks to the rather radical actions of these units - the smugglers' cars began to catch fire in a "strange way" - the volunteers noted serious failures in the established schemes.

Education scandal

Running for parliament in 2014, Georgy Tuka indicated that “from 1982 to 1986 he studied at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. five years, in 1987.However, in 2015, the biography of the volunteer Tuki underwent colossal changes: it turned out that he did not study at the KPI at all, but graduated from the Sevastopol Instrument-Making Institute in 1991. The fact of Georgy Tuki's forgery of the diploma is also proved by an archival certificate from the university. which confirms: such a person has never studied there. Moreover, Tuka himself drove himself into a corner. Visiting the enterprises in Severodonetsk on August 18, he literally said the following: “I am pleasantly surprised. I have not seen such a high-tech production in our country for a long time. Moreover, I studied at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute at the faculty of control systems and automation of technical process. "

Perhaps you already know who Georgy Borisovich Tuka is. Then you will be interested to know the dark spots in his biography and the latest news about him. Criminal history, power, money, pseudo-biography - read the whole truth about politics, who is hiding behind good deeds in the war, and in the meantime he makes millions. Find out all the secrets of a volunteer and a secret millionaire right now!


A family

He spent his childhood and youth in Kiev, where he was born and raised.
Family: divorced from his wife Marina Pavlovna. The ex-wife traded from a stall in the capital market for twelve years (such data are indicated in the register). Although he himself claimed that his ex-wife is a top manager in a large Western company.

Then the woman created JA LLC: restaurants and campsites for RVs.

Since 2015, he has allegedly been living in a civil marriage with Vita Fedorenko. But does this mysterious woman exist? Maybe the official just declared his belongings on her, and she's just a figurehead?
Children: adult son Pavel, ATO warrior (according to Skelet-info, he was never on the front line). He is married, with his wife Anastasia, a joint business, the owner of which is she.

Daughter Elizabeth - graduated from the Kiev International School in 2018. In her future plans - Yale University. She brags about this on social networks, where there are enough of her spicy photos in short shorts, on which the buttocks are visible.

Daughter of Tookie

There are some pretty candid photos on Instagram. For example, she is topless with her friend in an embrace in the picture (albeit with her back to the audience in the same short shorts). The girls are swinging their bras.

Daughter of Tookie

But the shock is caused by a photo of a different content, where a girl poses against the background of houses destroyed in Donbass.

Daughter of Tookie

The deputy minister also speaks about the immorality of her daughter, her photo, posted on the day of Christmas and the signature: "Let's pray." In the image, a half-naked girl has a cigarette in her mouth and a bottle of alcohol in her hands.

On the head is a monk's attire.
While the war is going on, she is resting in Bulgaria, Spain, etc. From school age - a lover of expensive rest in nightclubs.
Parents of Georgy Tuki - no information available.
Nationality: Ukrainian.


there are two versions of his biography. It is possible that both are fictional.
If we are guided by the data posted on the website of the Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, then he studied at the Sevastopol Instrument-Making Institute.

It is not known in what year. No date has been posted on this web portal.
But the year of graduation is on the official website of the Lugansk CAA. It is indicated here that he graduated from this educational institution in 1991. It turns out that at twenty-eight years old. But on the official website of the party "Ukraine - United Land" it is noted that he studied at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute.

Study of Georgy Tuki

According to the version of the first chronicle, he received the specialty "mechanical engineer". According to the second, he studied at the Faculty of Automatic Control Systems.
If you look at the biography of Tuki, submitted by him to the CEC on the eve of the parliamentary elections in 2014, then the official indicated the following information about his education: 1982-1986. - Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Automated Control Systems.

And on his Facebook page in the “information” column, where data on education is indicated, he noted that “I studied 32 (gymnasium 32“ Success ”) at NTUU“ KPI ”, Kiev, Ukraine”. However, there are no documents confirming that he graduated from this higher educational institution.

Talking about the first version of training in Sevastopol, Tuki's colleagues claim that he did not study there. And he simply ascribed a higher education to himself, because without him there is no way to become a governor.

The fact that the official chose a Crimean university for his biography is most likely nothing more than the confidence that the secret will remain with him. After all, then the already occupied Crimea would hardly have given comments on the reliability of his diploma in case of any questions about his document.

The politician did not expect at all that in 2015 the educational institution would suddenly officially declare that he had never studied here. I had to adhere to a different version - training at the capital's polytechnic. Some sources note that Tuka really studied here, only he did not graduate and did not receive a diploma.

I entered here the third time. Teachers talk about him as an aggressive, uncontrollable and disorganized student. On his account - fights, robberies, robberies, conditional conviction for fraud, racketeering.

Career and business

If we turn to the official version of his biography, then it is indicated there that he began his labor activity at the age of twenty-eight. That is, immediately after graduation.

However, there is reliable information, according to which he worked as an electrician five years earlier, that is, from twenty-three years old. According to the information posted on the official website of the Lugansk CAA, he is a barman in the capital. And this happened during the period of study at the university. Only how this is possible is not clear, because electricians are hardly taught in absentia.

After two months of work at the small enterprise "Juvilex", he worked for a year as a leading specialist at the NPK "Edem".
For the next four years, it is not known what he was doing - information about the work path is then noted since 1996.

After less than a year, he was a department manager at National Investments CJSC.
The next step in the career ladder is the head of the wholesale department.

At the age of thirty-six, he was a senior manager of supplies and trade at the "Region Trading House".
Four months later - a senior manager at the private research and production commercial firm "Gran".

Three more later - already the director of the department of the State Enterprise "Finmash".
A year later, he was the project manager for the Till Corporation Trading House.
In addition, there were several more positions, which he replaced one after another (in Zenit-Telecom, then - NT Telecom). Until in 2012 he founded his own IT company, which supplied equipment for mobile operators. This is what the biography says. And allegedly after twelve years he closed his emergency. But there is no information about this in the registry.

Regarding work at NT Telecom, there is also no match - the CEO claims that there was no Tuki in his swing.
He has in his biography several marks “temporarily did not work anywhere”.
Since 2010 - volunteer, chairman of the board of public organization "Narodny Tyl". It is only unclear how it happened that the organization created to help the ATO soldiers emerged four years before the start of hostilities in the east of the country.

True, he and Tatyana Javarova were registered in the register on August 29, 2014. There are no coincidences in the creation of his charitable foundation.
Apparently, the past was simply cleaned up for him, only ineptly. There are clearly many gaps, inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the development of his biography.

Since 2015 - Governor of the Luhansk Region.
He allegedly took the most active part in the Maidan.
Then, for such an effective work, President Petro Poroshenko instructed him to fight corruption on the line of demarcation in the ATO zone.

For a year of work, he managed to send three smugglers to the dock for the accused (all received conditionally).
2016 - Deputy Minister for the Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine.

Two cars: Opel Vectra, 2007 and GAZ 2705.
On the bank account - one thousand two hundred and thirty hryvnia. No other information is available.

A year later, in 2015, he declares a Kiev apartment, acquired on 12/01/2003, indicating cohabitation with Vita Fedorovna. And one more metropolitan apartment of forty two square meters. There is no information in the column regarding the ownership of these two properties.

Now a car suddenly appears (again, there is no information regarding property rights) Mitsubishi Pajero, 2012. and declared the same GAZ, 2007 onwards. If Mitsubishi was acquired on 04.04.2012, then why was it not included in the declaration for the previous year? And where did the Opel go? There is no data on its sale here.

But he indicates the salary of the common-law wife - eighty-three thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine. And his - sixty-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-five.
In his bank account - one thousand one hundred and twenty dollars. And to the third person he lent seventy-two thousand dollars. I wonder where, with such a salary for a year, he was able to collect and borrow a huge amount of money?

According to Skelet-info, Tuka enriched himself by collecting donations for ATOs. He simply withdrawn a huge part of the funds to his own accounts. After all, the collected amounts are millions of hryvnias.

A modest volunteer has only one million one hundred twenty thousand hryvnia in cash. In the bank - twelve thousand euros.

In 2016, the salary of a common-law wife (place of work - Bayadera groups) suddenly decreased significantly: forty-eight thousand eight hundred forty-three UAH. And, on the contrary, it increased for him - a little more than three hundred thousand hryvnyas.

He keeps one thousand one hundred twenty dollars, six thousand five hundred hryvnias in the bank. In cash from the common-law wife - seven hundred and twenty thousand hryvnyas. and twelve thousand euros in the bank.

Most likely, the daughter's tuition fees amounted to three hundred and eighty thousand two hundred and thirty-six hryvnias (a little over thirty thousand a month).

Compromising evidence and rumors

On account of Tuki - massive personnel purges and the appointment of the right people. Together with Anton Gerashchenko Tuka, the site "Peacemaker" was created, where people are accused of contributing to terrorism.

The expected personnel reshuffle took place in the Luhansk military-civil administration. Instead of the shocking general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Gennady Moskal, the famous volunteer and fighter against smuggling Georgy Tuka became the governor.

"Georgy Tuka is a new man, with an impeccable reputation, with intolerance of corruption, with Ukraine in his heart," said President Petro Poroshenko, commenting on this appointment.

In the same year, Tuka took part in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Ukraine-United Land party, which received 0.12% of the vote.

On August 23, 2014 Georgy Tuka was awarded the Order of Merit, III degree - "for his significant personal contribution to state building, socio-economic, scientific and technical, cultural and educational development of Ukraine, significant labor achievements and high professionalism."

As you know, recently Georgy Tuka took an active part in the fight against smuggling in the Luhansk region. With his participation, cargoes were repeatedly detained, which were sent to uncontrolled territory.

"If, for one reason or another, the appointment (to the post of head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration - ed.) Does not take place, I will return to the" smuggling front "with the greatest pleasure!", Tuka wrote on his Facebook.

He has no experience in public administration.

In 2014, a group of volunteers "People's Rear" under the leadership of Georgy Tuki launched the site "Peacemaker", where personal data of citizens, whom the authors of the resource identify as separatists, are posted for public access. Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko said that the site is used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine, intelligence and the border service to collect information on the opening of criminal cases and receive a court decision on the detention and arrest of citizens who support separatism. The site's database contains information on over 9000 people.

A number of media outlets drew attention to the fact that on the eve of the murders of the former deputy from the Party of Regions Oleg Kalashnikov and journalist and writer Oles Buzina, their personal data were posted on the site, and thus the administration of the site could be indirectly guilty of the death of these people. There was information that the site may be closed. However, this did not happen.

And Tuka said that the concept of the site will not change: “I don't care where they (Buzina and Kalashnikov - ed.) Were killed. Regarding whether it is allowed or not allowed to publish addresses, let people suspected of separatism and terrorism go to court ".

The harsh and controversial public statements of the new governor caused a violent public reaction. Also very controversial.

"Poroshenko is bringing war and human rights violations to the Luhansk region," Severodonetsk activist Oleksiy Svetikov wrote on his Facebook page and announced a "purge" in the region.

“And this is the case when we are not interested in the biography of the future governor-general, but in his current views,” Svetikov continues. or the state policy in this region will be built taking into account the mental characteristics of this local population. The views expressed in his article by Mr. Tuka should be regarded as calls for ethnic cleansing. Alas, these are not the first such calls in the party Petro Poroshenko, the head of the Poroshenko bloc faction in the Verkhovna Rada, Yuriy Lutsenko, has long been a supporter of using the Serbian Krajina variant for the Donbass case. "

We are talking about the publication "How can we equip Donbass? Seditious thoughts", in which Tuka expresses his opinion on the methods and ways of restoring control over Donbass. In particular, he writes:

“Well, I don’t want to live in the same state with people who enthusiastically plucked Ukrainian flags.

"They are the victim of massive propaganda!" So what? Why do I and my grandchildren have to re-educate them now? Why on earth should my children live next to those who, depending on the situation, take out either a Ukrainian passport or an LPR brochure?

I'm not a bloodthirsty monster at all! I do not wish them all death! But I do not want to live with this "weight on my feet" in one country. At the same time, I will fight for the restoration of the territorial integrity of my country! Unclear?

I believe that it is necessary to create such conditions for these people to voluntarily come to the conclusion that resettlement to the "Russian world" is inevitable. Not humane? Far from it! If now they are going to kill Ukrainian soldiers because "they have nothing to feed their children," then they will probably fly with a joyful whoop to "explore the open spaces" if, for example, they are offered a certain amount of reward. No? There are other methods as well. Not so humane. "

Another local activist, deputy of the Severodonetsk city council, Sergei Samarsky, on the contrary, is confident that with the appointment of Tuki, real positive changes will finally begin. “The new governor of the Luhansk region has not yet been appointed, as the separatists and their mouthpiece, which is the false patriot Mr. Svetikov, are already panicking,” the deputy wrote on his Facebook page. This means that what he promises will be fulfilled. And this worries the representatives-organizers of the separatist movement, representatives of the Party of Regions, as well as representatives of the Opposition bloc. LOO KIU Oleksiy Svetikov And this means that the steps taken by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko once again prove that until now the policy in Donbass was carried out by the method of “trial and error.” And, since the appointment of Georgy Tuki caused such a resonance in "separatist movement" means that the doctor-President attributed the correct treatment in the Luhansk region. And our business, in Petro Poroshenko and his protégé, is to help. " In the meantime, the President has already given the newly-made governor the first tasks: together with the SBU and other departments, to eradicate corruption in the field of issuing passes for crossing the demarcation line and stop the flow of illegal supplies of goods to territories not controlled by Ukraine.