Do-it-yourself folding bed. Do-it-yourself transformer bed: tips on how to build a reliable mechanism and ideas for their implementation (90 photos) Wardrobe transformer bed make yourself instructions

Author: I have long thought to build a so-called wardrobe bed. During the day - a seemingly ordinary wardrobe, at night - a full-fledged sleeping bed. The idea was facilitated by the prospect of saving square meters in his two-room apartment, and his hands were scratching for a long time after office work with a drill and a screwdriver. Physical work was preceded by mental work: sketches, drawings were drawn, dimensions were verified. And now, after the final sketch of the bed and the choice of colors were approved at the family council, the corresponding details for the future bed were ordered from the company engaged in cutting laminated chipboard.
1. A start has been made.

2. The bed itself was based on an orthopedic base and a mattress from the bed used at that time with a sleeping place of 180 X 200 cm.

3. Remove the so-called lamellas - strips of birch plywood with a curved arc.

4. Thinking that few furniture legs will be able to adequately support the weight of the future bed, it was decided to install the base of the cabinet on two bars 40 X 50 mm.

5. We mark the seats for the cabinet sides.

6. We join the base of the cabinet with its side panels.

7. Fasten the top panel.

8. The "skeleton" of the cabinet is ready.

9. We attach the "skeleton" to the main wall of the apartment.

10. Special attention is paid to this “tool”. All work was carried out in the apartment, there were a lot of shavings. Therefore, it was taken as a rule: I drilled a hole - immediately clean up after you.

11. We proceed to the installation of the bed frame using the bed lifting mechanism and gas springs.

12. An important node of the bed - in this place the greatest loads.

13. Connecting ...

14. Connecting ...

15. Strengthening ...

If a person lives in a small apartment, the lack of space becomes a serious problem. The folding bed literally disappears in just a few seconds! Having made a wardrobe bed with your own hands, you can solve the issue associated with a shortage of square meters: expand the nursery, freeing it up for games, turn the guest room into a home office, the living room into a mini-hotel, taking into account the frequent visits of relatives, and the bedroom can become a gym ...

About serious and funny

So what's so fascinating about the invisible bed design? Is this really a bed? Or is it a closet? The huge mattress can be tucked away neatly, is it really easy to do? Yes! And the transformer was not invented yesterday, but at least a century ago. According to legend, the inventor of the device, William L. Murphy, lived in a one-room apartment in San Francisco. The moral code of those times did not approve of women who dare to enter a man's bedroom, so the savvy guy turned the bed into a wardrobe, and his room into a living room, not forgetting to receive a patent for an invention in 1900. However, at this very moment, Thomas Jefferson already had his beds hanging from ropes and hooks in the alcoves of the bedroom. Murphy is said to have married the very girl who inspired him to transform the apartment.

Changing living space today is seen as a lifestyle choice, and a convertible folding bed solves multiple problems. Modern versions of various models can have glass, mirrors and beautiful lighting, as well as shelves for computers, TVs and music centers. Some apartment owners decorate the walls above the bed with expensive artwork.

Combination of elegance and ergonomics

The convertible folding bed can serve up to 60 years! Since the first model, many designs have been created: the bed can be folded horizontally and vertically, be bunk and have additional functions. For example, beds with tables and models with sofas are popular.

The vertical version of the bed is considered traditional. A horizontal bed is well suited for narrow rooms and areas with low ceilings, for example, it can be installed in the attic.

After installing the wardrobe bed, the room turns into:

  • bedroom-office;
  • bedroom-living room;
  • bedroom-nursery.

When deciding to make an invisible bed, you should look at some interesting ideas:

  • The transformer can be supplemented with comfortable bookshelves.

  • The horizontally located folding bed can be easily attached to low modular furniture.
  • The solution is quite interesting when the room is made in Japanese minimalist style and the built-in bed looks like shoji walls.

  • A transformer in a teenager's room can become part of a cozy corner cabinet.
  • In a children's wardrobe bed, it is sometimes convenient to make a bunk bed.

  • A transformer can have an unusual image if you do the decor yourself. The retro space is charming!
  • A wardrobe bed can appear in an apartment made in any style. For example, with an appropriate solution to its design and decor, it will look good in the sophisticated French atmosphere of Provence. Gray sliding doors add the necessary textured contrast.

What do you need to know?

The transformer, which the simplest drawings give an idea of, consists of 4 key components:

  • lifting mechanism;
  • heavy-duty magnetic closure that prevents the bed from falling out;
  • bed frames;
  • cabinet.

Any modern mechanism designed for the wardrobe bed allows for easy folding.

The lifting system can be:

Spring mechanism. Typically, it consists of heavy-duty compressed steel springs in the bed frame that make lifting and lowering easy. But after several years of intensive use, the springs need to be adjusted.

Piston mechanism. Unlike a spring device, pistons are safer, last much longer and break less.

Each mechanism is designed for a specific weight. A pair of metal springs or a piston lift make it easy and safe to place the bed box into the frame. A secure latch will keep the furniture in a closed position.

It is important to remember that the mechanism in creating a modern Murphy bed is the most important thing. Equipment installation is likely to be the most time consuming part of the job. Only correct installation according to the instructions will guarantee safe folding. If the mechanism for the wardrobe bed is purchased in furniture hardware stores, an easy-to-understand installation diagram will definitely be attached to the kit.

A person who has ever made a closet or similar large-scale piece of furniture with their own hands probably has all the skills to build a transformer into a wall.

The process of making the piece of furniture itself includes:

  • creating a cabinet that looks like a frame;
  • the bed box to which the legs are attached.

The beds, which are hidden in the closet, do not have heavy spring mattress structures. Typically, an orthopedic or regular mattress rests on a wooden platform, wire mesh or slats and is secured with elastic straps that hold it in place when the device is folded vertically.

How to make calculations?

To create a bed, the most attractive option is to use a combination of high-end plywood and solid wood. As already mentioned, bookshelves can be added to the sides of the cabinet designed to hide the bed, and halogen lighting can be built into the top of the frame. The bezel of a structure can look as simple as a sheet of plywood, or be as complex as a piece of antique furniture.

The height of the legs, sides and the height of the part of the mattress protruding above the sides is the total height of the berth, on which the depth of the cabinet structure depends. Usually it is about 450 mm (standard chair height) - comfortable to sit down.

Given the thickness of the lifting mechanism, simple calculations can be made. If the mechanism is 32 mm thick, then the gaps between the sides of the bed and the sides of the cabinet will be 32 mm on each side. Accordingly, the calculation takes into account the width of the berth, the thickness of the sides of the base, the clearances for installing the mechanism and the thickness of the cabinet sides.

The height of the cabinet depends on the length or width of the bed.

Work order

The biggest obstacle for many people is finding a place for carpentry work. Therefore, it is worth considering the issue of assembling in the garage or renting a special room for a while.

To make a transformer, you need to prepare the following tools for work:

  • centimeter tape measure;
  • building level, square;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • grinding machine;
  • keys (hex);
  • screwdriwer set.

In addition, you will need quality materials. Based on the sizes, you need to make a list of them.

A mattress, regular or orthopedic, should be purchased right away to check the dimensions of the bed frame and wardrobe. Pillows are usually stored in a closet or dresser, not on the mattress when hidden.

  • Assembling the bed frame

The frame consists of 4 boards of the same height, which will serve as the sides of the bed. It is important to create a straight rectangle with 90 ° corners. The frames are connected using glue-coated wooden pins. After the glue dries, self-tapping screws and furniture corners are used to finally fasten the sides. Along the perimeter, you can nail a yarn with a cross section of 100x50 mm, it will serve as a limiter for the mattress.

The base can be made from a single piece of plywood, or, for example, it can be knocked down from planks. There are many options. Important! Sometimes additional stiffeners may be needed. At this stage, you can make decor.

  • Assembling the cabinet frame

The cabinet frame parts are fastened in the same way as the bed frame parts.

When folding the bed, the wardrobe may simply fall to the floor. To avoid this, you need to attach it to the load-bearing wall using metal corners. The fasteners are placed as high as possible on the sides. If the folding bed is hidden in the structure of the furniture wall, then the weight of the wall will be a good insurance, in the case when the cabinet is located "by the way" between the ceiling and the floors, theoretically it will not be able to fall in any way.

  • Bed legs

The legs can be made independently by ensuring their embedding with the help of furniture hinges, or they can be purchased together with the mechanism.

  • Installation of mechanisms

The spring or piston mechanism is installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Modern transforming furniture is made in a huge number of variations and designs. It allows you to significantly save usable space, which is especially important for our small apartments. This is an ideal solution when there is not enough space, when it is necessary to place in one room a lot of pieces of furniture necessary for a normal existence. In this article, we will give examples of how do-it-yourself transforming furniture is made, drawings and assembly diagrams.

The main advantages of transforming furniture

Today you will learn how do-it-yourself transforming furniture is made. Drawings should be selected depending on the type of headset. But first, let's look at the undeniable advantages of transforming furnishings:

  • High levels of operational convenience. Even a beginner can disassemble and assemble such mechanisms.
  • Incredible compactness. Such furniture can be placed even in a small corner of the room.
  • Ample opportunities for transforming your home interior.
  • Possibility of combining two rooms in one room. That is, you can connect a children's and an adult bedroom, a living room and a bedroom.
  • A wide variety of design options for beds, sofas, transforming chairs.
  • The ability to execute any idea with your own hands if you have some skills and materials.

Making a transforming bed

A transforming bed is the most striking example of how to properly manage the available space, save usable space, while not getting rid of the most important things in the interior. It will be in the room, but it will not take up too much space, it will not crowd out other necessary furniture. Let's take a closer look at how to make a functional and comfortable transforming bed for a small apartment with our own hands.

Perform the manufacture of a transforming bed according to these instructions:

  • First of all, draw up a diagram or use a ready-made drawing for making such a transforming bed. It is important that the drawing includes the most accurate measurements, all elements, dimensions, shelves, additional boxes. That is, you need a detailed work plan.

Important! Be sure to buy a mattress with a special orthopedic base, because this is the main element in such transformable furniture.

  • Prepare the required number of slats. There should be enough of them to fit the mattress to support the load on the bed. In addition, they must be easy to install.
  • The base of the transforming furniture is installed on wooden blocks, so keep this in mind, because they must cope with the weight of the intended users.
  • Mark the side parts of the furniture, collect all the elements into a single structure.
  • Install a bezel over the top of the bed as it will act as the bottom of the bed.
  • Securely attach the transforming bed body to the wall using dowels and anchors. For this purpose, it is necessary to choose a sufficiently strong wall.
  • Then connect the body to the bed. To do this, prepare lifting mechanisms, preferably gas, since they are better in terms of lifting and lowering heavy structures.
  • If you plan to store things at the bottom of such transformable furniture, then make a preliminary markup, fix the shelves, drawers, attach handles, and install the latching mechanisms.
  • Cover the base of the bed with a sturdy laminated sheet.

This is the easiest way to make a transforming bed with your own hands. You can choose any drawings at your discretion, in this regard, be guided by your own capabilities and skills.

Do-it-yourself convertible wardrobe

Such furniture can serve for more than fifty years. Since the appearance of such models, their design has changed a lot - they can be folded vertically and horizontally, be two-tier, with a huge number of additional functions.

Important! Vertical beds are considered traditional. Horizontal models are ideal for narrow spaces with low ceilings.

Let's take a closer look at how a do-it-yourself transforming wardrobe-bed is made. The drawings we will be using have four main components:

  • Lifting mechanism.
  • Magnetic closure to prevent the bed from falling out.
  • Frame.
  • Cupboard.

Preparing the necessary tools

Prepare the following tools for making do-it-yourself transforming furniture:

  • A centimeter tape measure.
  • Building level, square.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Electric drill.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Grinding machine.
  • Hex keys.
  • Screwdriwer set.

Important! You can purchase a mattress immediately, the main thing is that it matches the structural dimensions of the cabinet frame and bed.

The process of assembling a transforming bed

Assemble such transforming furniture according to these instructions:

  • Assembling the frame. The frame will consist of four boards of the same height, which serve as bumpers for the bed. Try to make a rectangle with even corners. Connect the frames with glue-coated wooden pins. Once the glue is dry, secure the base with self-tapping screws and furniture corners. You can additionally nail a rail with a section of 100 by 50 mm along the perimeter to make a kind of limiter for the mattress.
  • Assembling the bed base. Make it from a single piece of plywood or knock it out of planks.
  • Assembling the frame for the cabinet. Fasten the frame parts in the same way as for the bed frame parts.

Important! To prevent the cabinet from falling to the floor when tilting the base, use metal furniture corners. Place the fasteners on the sides as high as possible.

  • Sleeping legs. Make them from timber and furniture hinges so that they turn out to be recessed.
  • Installation of furniture mechanisms. Install the piston or spring mechanism according to the manufacturer's instructions.

As a result of performing all the above manipulations, you will receive a durable, beautiful, multifunctional structure - a do-it-yourself transforming wardrobe-bed.

Do-it-yourself transforming chair

Such a chair can be used as a full-fledged separate piece of furniture, which is important for small rooms. This is the most successful combination of bed and resting place, allowing you to organize the useful space ergonomically. It is unprofitable to buy such a thing ready-made, therefore it is better to make a transforming chair with your own hands.

Preparatory stage

Buy the necessary materials according to the list:

  • Chipboard, fiberboard sheets.
  • Wooden bars.
  • Plywood.
  • Foam rubber.
  • Hinges.
  • Furniture screws.
  • Sandpaper.
  • PVA glue.
  • Upholstery fabric.

The following tools are useful for making such transforming furniture:

  • Roulette or long ruler.
  • Construction stapler, staples.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Scissors.
  • Screwdriver.
  • A sewing machine for creating a furniture cover.

Making a transforming chair

The process of making such a variant of transforming furniture step by step looks as follows:

  • To create the body of the transforming chair, measure out the sheets of plywood, fiberboard and chipboard.

Important! The plywood will be used to make the folding part, the chipboard will go to the back, bottom and sides.

  • Using self-tapping screws, connect the side parts to the back and bottom.
  • From the beams, make two frames corresponding to the length and width of the seat. Attach plywood to them.
  • On the sides of the transforming chair, attach steel contours equipped with through hinges so that the chair unfolds evenly when finished.
  • Measure pieces of foam rubber with a height of 2-3 cm by the size of the product, glue them to the top of the frame.
  • Apply upholstery fabric, then staple to the timbers at the bottom.
  • Using a thin layer of foam rubber, cover the sidewalls.
  • Sand the wide bars with sandpaper, use them as armrests.

Important! To prevent the product from dusting and rubbing, you can also sew a cape or a special cover. To do this, you can use carpeting and faux fur, which will make the furniture even more cozy and comfortable.

Making a transforming sofa with your own hands

It is actually not difficult to make a transforming sofa with your own hands, but the benefits of it are obvious. With it, every square meter of living space will be used rationally, while not disturbing comfort and coziness. Making such furniture is simple, the main thing is to draw up the correct drawings, prepare the necessary components and parts, then assemble them into one structure using carpentry tools.

Tools and materials for making a transforming sofa you will need the following:

  • MDF boards 20 mm thick.
  • Durable plywood.
  • Hinges.
  • Furniture nails.
  • Screws.
  • Drill.
  • Circular saw.
  • Screwdrivers.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Grinding angle.
  • Pencil.
  • Roulette.

Before starting work, you should correctly draw up drawings and a project, indicate the number, types and sizes of all parts. In our case, the structure will be a special base and a supporting box.

Step-by-step assembly of a transforming sofa

You need to do the following to get a comfortable convertible sofa:

  1. Take two carrier boards, connect them with screws, fasten them with a transverse board from below. At the top, reinforce the strength of the structure with a transverse beam, install it, attach it to the side of the bearing racks. Place the same board in front of the box.
  2. Attach the side trim to the end part of the transforming furniture using fasteners. Do the same with the top of the box.
  3. Fasten the front stand of the transforming furniture to complete the installation of the base of the future sofa. First attach the cross bar, then, relative to it, install the end board on top of the box.
  4. Remember, the key to success in making do-it-yourself transforming furniture is correctly drawn up drawings and a high-quality calculation of all elements. The main thing - do not doubt the success of the implementation of your idea, feel free to get down to business, do not stop in case of the slightest problems.

In the modern world, owners of small apartments are trying to find a way to use residential areas with maximum benefit. Especially popular are things that can be transformed into a variety of items. They are also called transformers. By purchasing one desk, the consumer immediately has a desk, a curbstone, a chest of drawers or even a sofa bed. Interesting? Yes, I agree quite practical for apartments with small areas. We already know about beds that turn into a student's workplace during the day or just a desk, and in the evening into a sleeping place. Or the bed becomes an ordinary wall during the day and a place to sleep at night. True, the cost of such furniture is very high, and not everyone can afford it.

But we are such a people that we always find a way out of the most difficult situation. This time we are offered to pump up our sleeves, think a little and make a transforming bed with our own hands, this will greatly benefit the family and our authority.

We decide

To begin with, I propose to think carefully about what we want to achieve? What will we turn our bed into after sleep? Maybe we can make a desk out of it? Or a wardrobe? Since we are small specialists and we are making furniture for the first time, we choose the simpler option. We decided to make a transforming bed with our own hands, turning it into a wardrobe. First of all, we will make a drawing of the future product, with the dimensions of the product itself and the marking of all attachment points, connections, etc. After completing the project, we buy all the necessary materials for making a bed with our own hands, for personal use.

We need:

20mm Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) boards;
- 10mm durable plywood;
- nails, hinges, screws, self-cuts;
- safety belt;
- glue;
- magnetic buttons or magnetic fasteners.


Folding meter;
... construction pencil;
... sandpaper;
... drill, with a set of drills;
... screwdriver;
... saw (round);
... puncher;
... anchor bolts with a diameter of 10 mm, a length of at least 80 millimeters;
... drill with a diameter of 10 millimeters;
... metal furniture corner with markings;
... grinding corner.

All the necessary materials and tools have been prepared, we begin to carry out our task - to make a transformer bed ourselves. First, we need to make a special box, arrange a special platform, which will be the base of the bed and at the same time the outer part of the cabinet after folding and firmly attach it to the wall surface.

We start manufacturing

Initially, we make a rigid fastening with anchor bolts of a strong metal rail to the wall. It will serve us when strengthening the frame with metal corners. Now we are starting the production of the frame itself, made for a transformer bed with our own hands.

We connect two prepared boards two meters long and one measuring 1, 1 from the bottom with screws and glue. We let the structure dry and on the back side of the vertical boards we fix the transverse top and bottom. We attach the exact same board on the outside of the structure. Then, from the end side of the box, we fix the side cladding with cuts and glue joints. On top of the box, we fix the transverse rail and the end board on it. Don't miss a very important point. The depth of the box should correspond to the thickness of the future bed. It is better to make the box deeper than as a result to get a small one that does not contain the finished product and ugly demonstrates the entire set of items located in the box.

Folding part

We made the support part of the bed. But before we can put the mattress here, we need to reinforce the box with transverse and longitudinal slats, on which we will put plywood a little later. This maneuver will not allow the plywood to bend, and the box will give strength.

Now, in order to make a transforming bed with our own hands, we should proceed to the folding part of the future product. In our case, this is plywood with triangular crossbars on the sides in the end part, fastened to a horizontal board. Do not forget to make all connections with self-tapping screws, pre-lubricated with carpentry glue. At this stage, the structure is a plywood sheet on all sides, surrounded by vertical and end boards with a slope. We fasten both parts of the structure using special fasteners that allow the bed to be assembled and unfolded.

We install the fasteners and make out the box

At the top of the box, we fix a loop through which we stretch the safety strap. Its task is to keep the transforming bed folded. We place magnetic fasteners or buttons in convenient places, they do not allow the product to open when raised. We equip the mattress, preferably a foam one, and fix it firmly on the plywood with glue. We firmly attach the legs, and so the transforming bed is almost ready. It remains only for us to arrange the outer and, if desired, the inner side of the box. It is advisable to paste over the place chosen under the bed of the transformer with a special material that does not allow moisture to pass through. This is necessary so that the bed when folded, does not absorb fumes coming from the wall surface, and is not wet during its operation. For this purpose, you can choose a special building material vapor barrier. It is light, thin, warm and non-toxic, which is very important for home use. Top can be decorated with any material. Side surfaces can be additionally painted with paint or varnished both outside and inside. On the outside of the plywood, you can arrange false crossbars and imitation of handles, like a full-fledged product.

With small apartments in which a large number of people live, there is a need to save space. The issue of placing furniture can become acute in a children's room, especially if it is alone, and several children of school or preschool age are forced to sleep in it. To significantly save space, you can buy a folding bed. You can create a drawing and make a wardrobe bed with your own hands. This will significantly save financial costs and allow you to create a bed of the required dimensions, taking into account the color scheme of the room and the decorative elements available in it.

Before starting the process of making a bed, you must have a drawing, following which you can make a wardrobe bed with or without additional shelves. A detailed layout of the parts will help you create a quality bed as quickly as possible that will function correctly.

Such schemes most often involve the manufacture of beds in sizes 1800 * 2000, 2120 * 1715, 2040 * 2200, 1731 * 2020. Double beds are made as such. Single bedrooms are most often designed for children's rooms, therefore they are smaller in size. Since their installation is carried out independently, it is possible to create a drawing of the size of the bed, depending on the availability of free space, the age of the child and the possible use of this bed by younger children after the older ones grow up. To create a transformer bed, the drawings must be as accurate and clear as possible.

To make a wardrobe bed with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • Drill;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Saw;
  • File;
  • Pliers;
  • Roulette;
  • Level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Joiner's pencil;
  • Sandpaper with different abrasiveness numbers;
  • Furniture screws;
  • Self-tapping screws.

This is a minimal set of tools; others may be required in the process.


You also need to have the following materials:

  • Furniture boards or chipboard boards;
  • Wooden beams;
  • Wooden boards;
  • Loops for fastening;
  • Corners;
  • Hinge mechanism;
  • Decoration materials;
  • Materials for making legs.

This is also the minimum set of materials. Cutting is done according to the drawing. This is done like this:

  1. With the help of a tape measure and a pencil, all the details of the future cabinet are made in the form of templates according to the data from the drawing;
  2. For patterns, you can use connected sheets of Whatman paper or wallpaper;
  3. Each element needs to be signed;
  4. Mark the connection and attachment points of the transformation mechanism.

Materials (edit)

Assembling the frame

To assemble the frame, you need to know the exact dimensions of the intended bed. They depend on the size of the bed and on the type of bed: single or double. The frame requires 2 side plates located along the frame, 2 side plates for fastening along the width of the bed, as well as a rear base. The back wall will occupy the entire area of ​​the so-called closet, so it should be larger in size than the mattress that will be on the bed. Based on these considerations, it is recommended to make the frame 15 cm wider and 40 cm wider in length (a margin of length is required to be able to fold).

Having decided on the size of the side plates and the back wall for the frame, it is necessary:

  1. Make cutting on a chipboard panel or on a furniture board, using patterns for this;
  2. Cut out the parts with a jigsaw, grind them thoroughly, edge the edges;
  3. Prepare markings for fasteners by transferring data from patterns to plates;
  4. Connect the board with furniture screws, for the reliability of fastening, drill a hole in advance with a drill with a drill with the possibility of preparing a groove for the head and fasteners (connection with screws should be carried out every 25-35 cm).

We cut

Grinding the coating

We connect the elements with fasteners

Mattress box

To create a box for a mattress yourself is the most difficult thing in making a wardrobe bed. When cutting, cutting out parts from furniture boards (or from other materials), you should carefully follow the numbers indicated in the drawing. Thanks to this, it will be possible to create a box that will match the dimensions of the frame.

To make a box you need:

  • Two side walls that can be diagonal;
  • One side wall;
  • Bottom (plywood is the most suitable material for manufacturing).

How to make a box:

  1. It is necessary to cut and cut the plywood bottom in the same way as the back wall for the frame;
  2. Make the back and side walls, process their edges with sandpaper and edging tape;
  3. Using furniture screws, attach the side and back panels to the plywood bottom. It is worth adhering to a distance of 25-30 cm between the screws;
  4. Around the perimeter of the resulting structure, it is necessary to lay a wooden bar, which will serve as a support for the mattress topper. It is advisable to use a beam of 50 * 50 mm in size. It is attached with wood screws to the side walls;
  5. To create a device for a mattress topper, edged boards are used, which are attached with screws to a wooden beam. The length of one board should be such as to reach from one edge of the timber to the opposite. They are placed in the same plane as the plywood bottom. The distance between the boards is 10-20 cm.

We cut the chipboard

We make the side and back wall

We lay the lamellas

Installation of the transformation mechanism

The lifting mechanism performs the function of moving the box in relation to the immovable frame.

How to mount:

  1. The hinges of the hinge mechanism are screwed onto the bed box and onto the frame. In this case, the main support should fall on the frame, because it is immovable;
  2. The dimensions of the box and the frame are adjusted to each other, and the mechanism is connected;
  3. This work must be done with an assistant;
  4. After installing the transformation system, it is necessary to raise the box, check its compliance with the dimensions of the frame;
  5. For an even installation of the hinge mechanism, it is necessary to use a level so that the bed rises evenly and thus reliably keeps on the same plane with the frame. A single line should be achieved at the junction of the upper edge of the frame and the lower edge of the box.

To facilitate the transformation, you can use additional parts that simplify the movement of the mechanism (gas shock absorbers, counterweight). Such mechanisms are especially necessary if a children's bed or a teenage bed is being made. It is not recommended to allow children to fold and unfold the folding bed on their own, but even in this case, it is necessary that children can unfold the sleeping place on their own without assistance, therefore, the transformation system built into the closet with their own hands should be light.

Create a headboard

The headboard of the transformer cabinet should be made of soft material, especially if the bed is intended for children. It is desirable to make soft not only the headboard, but also the lower part of the side walls of the frame. The simplest version of a soft headboard that you can make with your own hands is soft foam upholstery. The role of foam rubber can also be played by a synthetic winterizer.

How to make a headboard:

  1. Fold the softening material in several layers;
  2. This material must be sheathed with a beautiful fabric with decorative elements or quilted stitching;
  3. For ease of maintenance, you can create a detachable hem with hidden zippers. It will be convenient to take it off, wash and put it on again;
  4. The height of the soft headboard should be at least 60-70 cm, and preferably about 1 m. This will ensure the presence of soft upholstery under the back of the seated person at the head of the bed. For the same reason, you should prepare the same softening upholstery for the side walls of the frame;
  5. The height of the foam cushion on the side walls of the frame must match the height of the same upholstery at the headboard;
  6. The prepared upholstery can be attached to the frame or to the wall using screws and fabric (or made of elastic) loops. If the upholstery is not removable, the back of the fabric cover can be stapled.

We cut sheets

Making holes for buttons

We glue the foam rubber

We fix the upholstery

We mount the buttons


The legs for such a bed must be movable and turn at least 180 ° C. In such cases, it is convenient to use metal legs connected together and representing a metal bar with appropriate bends.

How to fix:

  1. Measure the height of the box above the floor, determine the height of the legs;
  2. Measure the width of the box. Calculate the length of the metal strip;
  3. Cook, grind, varnish the leg or order a ready-made one;
  4. Prepare holes for mounting on the box and on the leg;
  5. Such legs are fastened to the lower bar of the box so as to attach to a wooden beam in the middle;
  6. Check leg turnover.

When unfolding the transformer, the legs must be rotated 180 degrees and the bed must be placed on them. When the box is lifted, the legs are tucked so that they are hidden inside the so-called cabinet. In addition, a metal strip connecting two legs (or a straight strip of a cast leg) simultaneously performs the task of keeping the mattress on the mattress pad. This prevents its movement during folding and unfolding of the bed. For the same purpose, you can install stops at the top edge of the mattress topper. Horizontal strips can serve as limiters. There may be several legs, but in this case, the folding process becomes more complicated. The leg must be strong to support the weight of the box, mattress, bedding and sleeping people.

We measure the box

We purchase special legs

Making holes

We fix the leg

Decoration and accessories

With the help of decorative elements, you can completely hide the presence of a transforming bed in the room. There are many ideas for decorating the bottom plank of the bed frame that looks into the room. One of the most beautiful and simple options is to create an imitation of a three-door or four-door wardrobe.

Doors can be imitated using wooden planks and handles, supposedly designed to open such doors. A mirror can be placed on one of the doors.

Another good option to hide the presence of a transforming bed in the room is to mount this cabinet in the furniture wall, creating a bed of furniture boards of the same color as the wall. Next to other parts of the wall, the cabinet will look quite natural, especially if you add decorative elements such as handles and planks. At the same time, adjacent cabinets in the wall can be used to store bed linen, which will greatly simplify the process of cleaning the bed every morning.