What timber is the best for construction. We analyze the types of timber for building a house, which one is better to choose

The thickness of the timber for the house: choose best option

How to correctly calculate the thickness of the walls for a wooden house

During construction, the thickness of the walls affects 3 parameters:

  1. Wall strength and structural stability. According to all calculations, for the construction of a two-story cottage made of wood, there is enough thickness load-bearing structures 160 mm.
  2. Noise isolation. Compared to bricks and blocks, wood wins, so we get good noise protection even with minimum thickness walls.
  3. Thermal insulation. This is the main reason for disputes among customers of houses made of glued and planed timber, logs. It is to increase thermal insulation that glued laminated timber is produced with a thickness of 175, 200 and 240 mm.

The ideal situation for the builder and future owner is to build a house from a homogeneous material without additional thermal insulation. But for this it is necessary to correctly calculate the parameters of the wall.

Wooden house: wall thickness according to the standard

SP 50.13330.2012 specifies the details of calculating the thermal protection of buildings. There are many formulas in the set of rules - the calculation of overlaps, floor covering, external and internal walls, dependence on the climatic zone, full set to determine the characteristics of the building. But now we are only interested in calculating the dimensions of the building envelope:

d - layer thickness, R - heat transfer resistance (set for a specific region), k - thermal conductivity coefficient (depending on the material). For Moscow, the resistance to heat transfer is approximately 3.2. The average coefficient of thermal conductivity of wood: pine - 0.15, spruce - 0.11 (formulas and values ​​are taken from SP 50.13330.2012 and Wikipedia materials). The result is a wall thickness of at least 35-48 cm. According to the same calculations, Brick wall should be 0.64-2.24 m, and concrete - more than 3 m.

But we see a discrepancy almost everywhere: the thickness of the walls of log cabins rarely exceeds 140-180 mm at the joints, and for panel high-rise buildings, standard reinforced concrete products are only 140-200 mm. How do you manage to live in such houses without additional insulation? In practice, dimensions “according to the standard” are often impossible, therefore, the work of heat engineering is taken into account in construction.

A Practical Approach to Determining Wall Thickness

When calculating, they are rather based not on thermal characteristics, but on a combination of thermal insulation, such as heating equipment and heating costs. What matters is the type of building (for permanent and seasonal residence), the type of fuel (main gas, solid fuel, electricity). As a result, it turns out that you can build from virtually any material, and the extra centimeters only reduce the monthly heating costs.

It is written on the internet that year-round living there is not enough wall thickness from glued laminated timber 175-200 mm, you need at least 250 mm. So, houses with timber less than 250 mm are cold?

It all depends on the heating and ventilation system. Even in a house with enhanced thermal insulation, there will be heat loss through the foundation, roof, when doors and windows are opened. According to our calculations, for permanent residence in the presence of main gas, a wall thickness of 175 mm is sufficient, otherwise the savings on heating do not pay off construction costs. If it is supposed to use electricity, then it is better to choose the production of houses from glued laminated timber 200 or 240 mm.

Let's summarize

For exact compliance with the norms, the thickness of the wall must be 48 cm, but physical properties wood (quick heating, room humidity control, etc.) allow you to comfortably live in a house with a wall thickness of 200 and even 175 mm (with a slight increase in heating costs). More than 3,000 GOOD WOOD customers can confirm this: in most projects, glued laminated timber 175 and 200 mm is used. The main thing is to competently and efficiently perform the connections, correctly install energy-efficient windows, and think over the ventilation system.

Tree to tree discord: real and ideal thickness

Massif house

When building a house from rounded logs, it is necessary to take into account the differences in waves - a diameter of 200 mm at the junction gives 100-120 mm. Accordingly, in bottlenecks, protection drops by 40-50%. Thermal insulation must be calculated precisely according to the characteristics at the joints. The second danger of the array is wood cracks and gaps between crowns. The material in the first months (up to one and a half years) goes through a stage of intensive shrinkage - the tree takes its final shape, the fibers twist, crack. Cracks sometimes reach the center of the log or split the beam into two parts.
When cracks and crevices appear, the thermal insulation falls. If the wall is open (builders recommend abandoning finishing and insulation in the first year), then it will be caulked. In the future, it is recommended to carry out inspections, seal cracks and renew interventional thermal insulation every 5-7 years.

Glued beam house

The situation is more pleasant - high-tech material is glued together from several pre-dried lamellas. The shape does not change over the years, the multilayer structure protects against deep cracks. As a result, the initial thermal insulation remains at the calculated level. At least the owners' reviews of glued laminated timber and the reports of GOOD WOOD emergency inspectors do not report problems with the deterioration of thermal insulation. Theoretically, the thickness of glued laminated timber is not limited, but in most cases it is used standard thickness- 160, 175, 200, 240 mm.

The characteristics of such walls have been checked so thoroughly and in detail that GOOD WOOD specialists have developed a calculator to calculate the monthly heating costs of most typical projects:

When building houses from glued laminated timber on a turnkey basis, the calculator helps to estimate costs in advance and consciously choose wall parameters, floor characteristics, and window designs.

So what should be the thickness of the walls in the house?

  1. At scientific approach for construction, it turns out that in any case it is required to increase the thickness of the walls to unreasonable limits (up to 30, 50, 100 or more centimeters) or use a layer of insulation and exterior finish. With some materials expanded clay concrete blocks, log or planed timber) this is what happens.
  2. Practice teaches us to include heat engineering parameters and heating costs in calculations, to find a reasonable balance between thickness and heating costs. The result is warm houses without increasing the thickness of the walls or additional insulation. The main thing in this case is to correctly assess the difference between construction costs and heating costs.
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We determine the moisture content of wood, the choice of timber for building a house

Wooden buildings are back in fashion thanks to the fact that they are made of natural materials and even beneficial to health. From a bar build houses, summer residences, baths and arbors. Every builder who has had experience working with wood knows how important it is to use timber of a certain moisture content. Thanks to such types of wood as pine or spruce, have become available cheap houses from a profiled bar of natural moisture. Profiled timber allows you to build houses with even walls. It has grooves or a profile that simplifies construction work and makes the structure stronger. The amount of moisture in the timber will affect many indicators, consider the main ones.

  • In too wet wood, harmful bacteria and mold start, rotting processes begin.
  • wood structure high humidity shrinks over time, therefore its main structural elements can be deformed.
  • Rapid drying of wood in the heat and sun leads to cracks, which can further increase in size.

It cannot be said that completely dry wood is needed to build a house, because it will still absorb moisture from environment. Optimal and most inexpensive option can be considered a bar of natural moisture content of about 25 percent. In order to achieve suitable humidity levels, winter timber is folded in a special way until May. So, it undergoes natural drying, but the edges must be lubricated with drying oil so that the process is gradual. Complementing the material, we want to note that you can order a log house on the website http://srubstroy53.ru/, see what the experts offer and how much their solutions cost.

Types of wood depending on the moisture content:

  • wet and freshly cut wood can contain up to 80% moisture;
  • wood of natural humidity - 18-25%;
  • dry - 10-12%.

Wood felled in winter has a moisture content of about 20-30 percent, and harvested in summer about 70-80. To make the wood dry, a special chamber drying. According to the requirements of GOST, wood with a moisture content of not more than 20-22 percent can be traded. During operation, cheap houses made of timber can gradually gain up to 30 percent of the good when it rains, or lose it in the summer during a drought. In particularly humid areas, it is recommended to use additional funds protect wood from moisture and mold.

moisture meter

A moisture meter is used to measure the moisture content of wood. It determines the amount of moisture per mass of dry wood. A moisture meter will not only help with the purchase of wood of the required moisture, it will also come in handy in the process of building from wood. It can be contact or non-contact. The contact moisture meter has needles that are stuck into the wood for analysis. The device should be able to set the type of wood and other parameters for analysis.

What kind of timber is better to build a house

The choice depends on the amount of finance, the professionalism of the builders and the amount of time available. If the house is being built from a bar of natural moisture, then experts advise waiting up to a year until the bar has passed the drying period. In addition, there is glued or profiled timber, which can also have different moisture levels.

A house made of profiled timber does not need to be caulked, it absorbs less moisture, but the wood drying time is the same as for ordinary timber. Many build country houses from glued timber, such wood is much stronger, thanks to several layers glued together. Glued laminated timber is more expensive than usual, most often it is profiled at the same time. It is best to buy wood that is cut in the northern regions and harvested in winter.

Wooden beam - excellent construction material which is in high demand on the market today. Manufacturers offer various options timber, which differ in the method of manufacture, structure, quality characteristics, cost.

After processing, the profiled timber is divided into three classifications: glued, solid, warm, in addition, the timber can be of natural moisture and dried.

All of them can be used to build a private country house, baths, outbuildings and other. How to choose a bar among all this variety? First you need to find out what its varieties are.

Classification by size and type of profile

Planed timber with a section of 100 mm. designed for baths and household buildings, for the construction of houses it is better to use a beam with a cross section of 150-200 mm.

When choosing a profiled beam, attention should be paid to what size it has. Today, manufacturers offer lumber with different section, there is standard sizes- these are 200 * 200 mm, 150 * 200 mm, 150 * 150 mm, 100 * 150 mm, 100 * 100 mm. All of them have a different purpose, it is important to immediately determine what thickness is needed.

A bar with a thickness of 100 mm is used for the construction of light houses, baths, outbuildings, verandas. Residential buildings are not built from such a bar. 1 cube of wood includes 11 pcs. bars with a section of 100 * 150 mm, 8 pcs. with a section of 100 * 200 mm. The profile usually has 2 grooves.

Products of 150 mm are used for the construction of a residential building, its profile is usually made in the form of a comb. The material perfectly protects from wind, cold, a section of 150 * 100 mm is usually used for construction. Products in 200 mm are distinguished by the most the best performance. Best for large country cottages, if necessary, maintaining construction works in the northern regions.

Profiled beams differ from the rest precisely in that they have a profile, i.e. their side is not smooth, but specially processed for ease of installation. The type of profile can be very different. It all depends on the purpose, the type of material. Today, manufacturers offer the following profile options:

  • with 1 spike;
  • with 2 spikes;
  • with bevelled chamfers;
  • comb, i.e. with large number spikes;
  • the so-called Finnish profile.

Profiled timber differs from planed timber by the presence of combs on working surface which are precisely inserted into each other and do not form cracks.

For construction, it is usually recommended to use a "comb" type profile, which prevents moisture, cold, and drafts from penetrating inside. If not a residential building is being built, but a bathhouse, then it is enough to use a profile that has 1-2 spikes.

Today, the Finnish profile is popular, which is a relative novelty on the market. Its quality is high, it perfectly withstands numerous loads. The profile itself has a groove at the bottom, along the upper part there is a spike of two parallel strips. The depth of the groove is large, but this ensures the tightest fit of the bars. Protection from wind, cold, moisture in such a bar is the best, and shrinkage after construction is uniform.

Insulation is rarely used, but even if there is a need to use it, then the outside of the material is completely invisible.

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Is it worth paying attention to the structure of the timber?

Glued laminated timber has the highest performance characteristics, a house made of glued laminated timber does not require shrinkage.

You can also choose profiled bars according to their structure. There are 3 types of timber:

  1. All-massive material, which is made from a solid array, has a cross section of 160/200 mm, 200/220 mm. On each side, the wood is machined to give it the required appearance. Coniferous wood species are used for production.
  2. Glued laminated timber can be made from softwood or solid oak. For manufacturing, lamellas are used, which are glued together with a special glue. The slats are laid in a special way, the fibers of one board must run perpendicular to the fibers of the next. This option provides protection against decay, possible fire.
  3. Special warm timber consists not only of wooden lamellas glued under high pressure, but also from a layer of hard insulation that runs in the center. The wood turns out to be light, tough, it is designed to withstand even the most unfavourable conditions exploitation of the northern regions. Today, this material is only gaining its popularity, it is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties.

Before choosing bars, attention should be paid to their appearance. Today, manufacturers offer material with such a front surface:

  1. D-shaped side that forms a convex surface that mimics the surface of a natural log. It is also called a block house, outwardly it allows you to imitate an old Russian hut. Today, this finish is used more and more often, projects can be selected the most extraordinary.
  2. Normal straight surface. Many manufacturers offer a special material that, after laying, forms an unusual, but very beautiful drawing on the surface of the wall. After installation, the front side does not need additional finishing at all.

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Dried timber or regular?

During the drying process, the distance between the bars should be at least 2-3 cm, a bar with a moisture content of not more than 20% is suitable for construction,

The proposed profiled timber can also be classified according to the type of humidity:

  • wood with natural moisture;
  • pre-dried timber.

For wood of the first group, the moisture content will be 20-25%. This option is not very suitable for construction, since the shrinkage level will be about 10%. The cost of such material is much lower. After construction, it will take time for complete shrinkage. Before proceeding to finishing work, will have to wait up to 10-12 months.

Dried timber is more suitable for building a house, since its shrinkage percentage is minimal, and such a long time is no longer required. This material is processed at the production stage, it is dried to 8-12% moisture, but shrinkage will be small, and the beam itself will not crack. Such a house can be used immediately after all the work is completed, it is not necessary to wait for almost a year.

Publication date: 04/05/2016 2016-04-05 15:23:02

What timber is better for building a house?

If you decide to build a house, and choose timber as a building material, this a good choice. Wooden houses, including, and from a bar, durable, reliable, cozy and warm. But the main value of wooden houses is in their environmental friendliness, and also in that unique atmosphere that only wood can create. However, it is not so easy to build a house from a bar yourself, if you do not know some of the features. Here, it would seem, is the building material itself - do you think you can take the first one that comes across? Of course not. What timber is better for building a house? We'll talk about this.

Types of timber for building a house

A wooden beam is lumber, mainly rectangular in shape. The thickness of the beam section varies from 50 to 400 mm. There are the following types of timber:

  • Types of timber for the house - unprofiled, solid timber. In essence, it represents wooden log, which was given a rectangular shape, natural humidity. Advantages: low cost, environmental friendliness, ease of operation. What are the disadvantages? And the disadvantages are that houses made of non-profiled timber need additional finishing, since the aesthetics of non-profiled timber is low. Also, such a beam can have a different cross section, an uneven cut, so there may be differences in the placement of the crowns. Another disadvantage is the natural moisture content of the wood. Because of this, the timber is susceptible to fungal attack, that is, it requires antiseptic treatment (additional costs). Also, over time, the wood dries out, the walls shrink, and at the same time cracks appear in the walls. Although, since wall decoration is required, this is not such a significant drawback. But a more significant drawback is the ventilation of the interventional seams, although this problem is solved by caulking.
  • Which timber to choose for the house - profiled timber. This is also a solid material, however, its main difference from an unprofiled beam is that it has spikes and grooves, vertical cuts - thanks to them, the installation of the house is greatly simplified, and the joints between the beams are very tight, accurate. In addition, the advantage of this material is high accuracy processing, and due to this, the likelihood of building a house with slots is reduced. The walls of the house do not need additional finishing, the house turns out to be warm, it does not need caulking, with the exception of corner and end joints. Disadvantages. This is a need for a break during construction - after the construction of the house, he needs to stand for about 12 months, since the timber must dry. In addition, solid wood always cracks, this is also worth remembering.
  • The choice of timber for building a house is glued laminated timber. It is made from lamellas (boards). For the manufacture of lamellas, coniferous species are used - pine, larch, cedar, spruce. Logs are sawn into boards, dried, processed special formulations. After that, the lamellas are glued together.

What are the advantages: no cracking, since the wood is already dried, high strength, aesthetics of the house, no shrinkage of the walls. There is no need for finishing. And due to the processing of wood, the risk of development of microorganisms, decay is excluded.

Disadvantages: low environmental friendliness of the timber - due to the use of glue. Also, due to the glue, the circulation of moisture and air in the beam is disturbed, which reduces positive characteristics tree.

What timber is better to build a house from?

If you want to save money and are ready to spend more time on construction (due to caulking walls and their decorative finishes), then unprofiled timber will suit you. Its shortcomings can be dealt with, quite simply, and, in principle, there is a weighty argument "for" this building material. Once upon a time, houses were built simply from logs, without processing and other things. They stand for a long time.

What kind of timber to choose for building a house, if you need a "golden mean"? it is clear that this is a profiled beam. High aesthetics, environmental friendliness, less humidity, more good processing- all this undoubted merits profiled timber. True, the construction budget will have to be increased.

Well, if you want maximum reliability, you can take glued laminated timber for the house. How to choose between environmental friendliness and durability? Here, everyone chooses for himself.

What size timber is best for building a house

As a rule, a bar has a square or rectangular section; for a square bar, the height and width are called thickness - they are the same after all. What thickness of timber is best for building a house? Depends on the type of house. So, if a house is being built in which you will live permanently, it is better to choose a thicker timber, 200 × 200 mm. What thickness of timber to choose for a country house? Here you can get by with a bar and 150, 100 mm.

Choice of timber 150 or 200 mm

Everything is simple here. The thicker the beam, the safer than a wall the warmer. And the more expensive. Therefore, for the outer walls of a residential building, it is better to take a beam of 200 mm, but leave 150 mm for interior partitions.

What section of the timber to choose for a country house

Why is a beam with a smaller cross section recommended: to country houses there are no such high requirements, so here you can save money and take a beam of a smaller section. Although, of course, it all depends on the frequency of stay in the house.

How to choose a timber for building a house

You already know about it. Type of timber, advantages and disadvantages, cost, section - now you can make the right choice.

Materials borrowed from the site "Wikipedia" or other open sources of information.

When choosing wood for building a house, the question of which timber is best for construction is of interest to any user. The number of buildings made of lumber is increasing, and, consequently, the demand for materials is growing, which allows manufacturers to offer more and more new products with a wide variety of quality and practical characteristics. As a result, the owner of the construction site is given a good choice, which needs to be carefully sorted out so as not to make a mistake with the purchase of materials.

Types and types of timber

Assuming to build log house for permanent residence, it is worth remembering that lumber looks like a long beam with a rectangular cross section length 6 meters, thickness 100-300 mm. This is a standard size, considered the most optimal for the construction of buildings.

Advice! If this length of the beam is not enough, you should pay attention to the elite Finnish wood: manufacturers offer elements up to 12 meters in length.

Materials differ according to various indicators, for example, according to the degree of processing, there are the following types of timber:

  • Raw edged/sawn;
  • planed;
  • Sanded;
  • profiled.

According to the method of manufacture, lumber is distinguished into:

  1. whole;
  2. glued;
  3. empty, padded thermal insulation materials as a filler.

Now a little more about the types of timber for building a house, modifications and characteristic features.

Edged timber

Considered a classic of the material, it is an element obtained in the process of sawing the body of a tree. During processing, a solid log is freed from edges, the result is a building material in the form of a square-section beam, which has even, untreated, rough planes on all four sides.

The product has natural humidity, therefore, it is possible to inspect the material for distortions that occur during improper storage. Section sizes: 250*250; 150*200; 150*150; 100*150; 100*100 mm. A large range of sizes allows you to choose the optimal batch of lumber to build yourself.

Affordable price, high quality and the practicality of the material are advantages, but among the disadvantages it should be noted the mandatory use of sealing material. It is mounted between the crowns so that precipitation does not fall into the cracks, leading to the destruction of the building. In addition, there is a possibility of losing the shape of the lamellas when the process of natural drying starts.

Planed, polished timber

This is an edged product made from wood, which undergoes a grinding process during processing. The result is sawn timber with smooth planes (on one, two or all sides), sometimes with a corner chamfer removed, which gives an aesthetic appearance and facilitates the construction process.

Advice! Dishonest manufacturers often pass off planed timber as polished, so you need to be especially careful: the price of polished timber is higher than that of planed timber. The differences are obvious: the planed material does not have enough smoothness of the sanded material.

Profiled timber building material

It is considered the most progressive and practical for building a house. Each element is equipped with a locking connection, and, therefore, the crowns adjoin with maximum density. In addition, the smoothness of both sides, the presence of fasteners make it possible to build a warm and strong structure, so the increased price of the product does not frighten consumers.

Advice! There are two profile options on the market: tongue-and-groove (German) and bowl (Finnish). The choice depends on the construction technology and the preferences of the developer.

Glued laminated timber

The material consists of several separate lamellae, obtained by sawing the body of a tree, glued together. Due to pre-drying and gluing, taking into account the direction of the fibers, the product is considered one of the most reliable and high-quality for building a house. High-tech glued laminated timber does not shrink, does not require additional processing wall panels and has high energy saving rates. Developers consider the lack of deformation and resistance to moisture to be one of the main advantages of the material. The high cost of the material is due to its practicality and quality.

Advice! The material labeled LVL is also glued laminated timber, but having ordinary veneer as its components. This causes hardness on the outside, but softness in the core. considered the most expensive and quality material from wood. Due to the increased strength, elasticity and water-repellent properties, the timber is not subject to corrosion, does not rot, the product range has a different set of lengths, which makes it possible to call piece goods universal for building a house.

Finnish timber

Elite wood with the following characteristics:

  1. the annual rings in the lamellas have a unique direction opposite from each other, that is, they "look" at the center of the section.
  2. Strength and flexibility also due to vertical splicing constituent parts every 4-6 meters.
  3. To receive finished product thick elements are spliced, so the question is: which timber thickness pick is essential. Standard technology recommends impregnating elements adhesive composition not less than 2 cm, due to which the material is not completely impregnated, but only in the upper layers.

Important! Glued Finnish timber has a price 2-2.5 times higher than the Russian counterpart.

Composite timber materials

The package and hollow types of timber that have appeared on the market are also suitable for the construction of houses and buildings for various purposes. Representing a hollow inside wooden block, the design consists of a pair of boards equipped with end elements and jumpers.

The differences are:

  1. The package material has an internal filling with a heater having a base of mineral wool or foam glass.
  2. Hollow timber has no filling.

The main feature is an increased energy-saving characteristic, which allows you to build a house with high energy-efficient performance. Due to its technological feature, composite beams are extremely affordable, but they are superior in quality to foam blocks, and experts say: a piece composite product from a beam retains heat 2 times better than masonry made of bricks, gas blocks and other standard materials.

Advice! For areas with high temperature fluctuations, the latest development is suitable - thermal beam. it's the same composite material, consisting of a hollow beam with polyurethane foam filling. Price category finished house comparable to the cost of a house made of glued solid timber, however, when deciding how thick to take a timber, choosing a glued one, you will have to make a wall of 390 mm, an alternative thermal beam can be taken at 160 mm. And this means that at equal cost and energy saving indicators, wall panels made of composite thermal beams will be thinner.

Calculating the disadvantages and advantages of lumber, you should pay attention to optimal humidity. This indicator should be about 15-20%. The quality is achieved by drying in special chambers. The process should be carried out immediately after cutting the log body, and only then, the dried lamellas are processed, polished, and so on.

The choice of timber thickness for building a house

Everything is quite simple here: standard timber for construction it is square or rectangular section with side dimensions of 100, 150, 200 mm. Some manufacturers offer 250 mm sides to order, but here you will need to focus on the price of lumber. It turns out that Wall panel, given by the dimensions of the beam, can be 100-250 mm thick. And a parameter is selected depending on the needs of the owner: the thicker the beam, the higher the stiffness index of the structure. In addition, the wall must provide protection from the cold.

Important! The strength of wall structures is based not only on the thickness of the timber. When building a house, the presence and number of openings, the configuration of the walls and other indicators are taken into account, and the assembly, or rather, its quality, should also be taken into account.

Experienced developers advise choosing a beam with a thickness of 100-150 mm for a one-story building, but parameters of 150-200 mm are better for building a house from 2 or more floors. It is also important to understand that when building an all-weather heated building, it is necessary to insulate the walls from the outside, without this element everything modern houses will not comply with accepted energy saving standards.

If we compare wall structures from a bar different thicknesses, then a weak dependence of the resistance to thermal action, determined by the thickness of the elements, is noticeable. For example, an insulated wall made of 150 mm timber is only 12-15% “warmer” than a wall 100 mm thick. Conclusion: with high-quality insulation and thorough waterproofing, it is enough to choose good beam and also a heater. The calculation is approximately the following: for walls made of timber of 100 mm (100 * 150-200 mm), purchase a heater on a mineral wool base of the same thickness (100-150 mm). This will be enough to maintain the high energy efficiency of the building.

But, nevertheless, when choosing what thickness of lumber to buy, it is worth remembering that the construction of a thick beam has a lot of other advantages, in particular, the structure will have less ability to warp when dried, greater strength and heat capacity.

Advice! Houses for seasonal living, bathhouses and outbuildings do not need to be sheathed with heat-insulating material, but it all depends on what size of timber is chosen. Experts recommend not to get cheap, but to build a bathhouse or a cottage from lumber with a thickness of 150 mm or more. The accumulation of heat is higher, which means that when warming up, the optimum temperature will be maintained longer.

Types of timber connection

The technology for building walls from a bar is different, but it is important to know the types of joining a bar. Today, developers offer the following typical connections:

  1. Angular. It happens with the remainder (in the bowl) and without the remainder (in the paw). With the remainder - a type that represents the protruding ends of the log house at a distance of about 0.5 meters. Expensive, but heat losses are reduced and the strength of the building is increased. Without residue - a type when the end of the frame ends at the level of the wall. The connection takes place by means of staples or studded plates with nails.
  2. Longitudinal connection is used when the length of the beam is insufficient. The increase in size occurs by connecting two elements. There are several ways:
  • spike with a key;
  • in half a tree;
  • root spike.
  1. Connection T-shaped. It is used when it is necessary to fasten the outer and inner wall. The options are:
  • by creating a trapezoidal symmetrical spike in the log house;
  • creating a triangular spike in the log house;
  • locking groove on the plug-in spike;
  • straight groove on the root spike.

Despite the variety of connection types, there are some general recommendations:

  • the rounding of the beam is made with outside to minimize the risk of water accumulation in the grooves;
  • the place where log cabins adjoin, has to be equal and carefully polished.

It is not bad to give the elements additional tightness by smearing the joints with a composition of resin and sand.