Connection of corners from a pro-thinned-out bar. Cutting houses from timber in a warm corner

The corner joints of the beam are indistinguishable from the laying of the corners of a lady from a log. But not everyone is faced with such jobs every day, and hiring construction team when assembling bigger house or not everyone wants a bath. So the question arises, how to properly fold the corner joints from a bar without using special fastening corners and with them? We will answer it in this article.

The connection of the corners of the construction of a house from a bar is divided into:

  1. Remainder corner.
  2. Angle without a trace

Each of the options is subdivided according to the method of forming the angle into various options.

Laying in a corner with a residue

Corner joints of the house with the remainder are also called "in oblo". The design of the node is locking, it can be assembled in several types:

  1. Unilateral.
  2. Bilateral.
  3. Quadrilateral.

One-sided corner connection

The design of the assembly consists of a notch, which is made transversely in each beam. The width of the groove corresponds to the width of the beam. The location of the groove is top. This connection option is used for all types of timber, but is more common in profiled. It is easier to connect a profiled beam in a one-sided way due to the specifics of its design.

Double corner connection

The design consists of two cuts from the upper and lower parts of the timber. The depth of cut is equal to 1/4 of the thickness of the building material used at home. It is convenient to make such a connection for profiled, glued and edged material. But it is better to cut with specialists, since accuracy is needed.

Four-sided corner connection

To increase the strength of the house, a four-way connection is used. In such a knot, cuts are made on four sides. Laying the links of such a cut is convenient as a Lego constructor, since the crowns transversely stand on top of each other.

All four options are suitable for both plain and profiled timber.

Laying in a corner without residue

To get even corners of the house, that is, without the remainder of the links ("in the paw"), the following types are used:

  1. Butt
  2. With root spike.
  3. With the help of dowels.

Corner "butt"

This connection is one of the simplest and makes it possible to work with the timber without damaging it. For such a connection, building fasteners are used. ABOUT .

When laying, the ends of the timber are folded to each other and fastened with metal spiked plates with nails, staples or corners. Special metal mounting corners, which are convenient to fasten T-shaped corners. The use of metal corners facilitates work and reduces installation time at home. But this method is risky, since apart from the fasteners between the links, nothing holds. Therefore, when laying, it is important that the ends of the timber are even and geometrically correct, without chips and distortions. Only in this way can the tightness of the corner be achieved.

Working with corners significantly reduces time, but they must be selected according to the size of the beam section. It is not recommended to fasten profiled or glued beams with corners, as they will be visible and you will have to finish the walls.

But even accuracy does not give a guarantee and will not save the timber from transverse loads and blowing. Therefore, such a corner of the house needs to be additionally insulated.

For the construction of a bathhouse or a larger cottage, this method is not recommended. In the first case, high heat losses, in the second, it takes a long time to additionally insulate.

Keyed Angle

The key is formed from durable types of wood. In the node, it takes the place of the liner in the sawn grooves. The grooves are made in advance. The key holds the two beams and prevents them from moving relative to each other.

The key may have different shape: longitudinal, transverse and oblique. From the design of envy, the type of its fastening in the knot. It is difficult to make an oblique mount on your own, but quality characteristics this method comes first.

Corner "in the root spike"

Fastening "in the root spike" is used more often than others. A knot is formed from a groove and a rectangular profile, which are cut out at the ends of the timber. Grooves and spikes can be from 1 to 5. But what harder design"in the root spike", the less durable it is. Before cutting, you need to carefully calculate all cuts.

When laying in a groove, an additional insulation made of jute or linen fiber is used. Such a mount is also called in a "warm corner". Since the complexity of the design makes the structure windproof, and in the case of profiled timber, it is not necessary to additionally insulate.

To give the structure for the construction of a house made of glued beams of greater strength, wooden dowels are driven into the end. It is convenient in such cases to use a round section. It is not worth working with metal ones, when they dry out, they will become visible. It is also advisable to use mounting angles. They will strengthen the structure.

When working with corners from a bar, dowels, fat tails, undercuts are used. During laying, a small gap is formed in the groove, which will ensure the free movement of the beam during shrinkage. If this gap is not provided, then in the future, when the wall shrinks, it can warp.

Of course, the formation of gaps will increase the operating time, but it will save the timber house from undesirable consequences.

Features of laying profiled timber

When choosing a corner connection for the construction of a house from a profiled beam, the choice always stops at the “warm corner” view. This type includes knots: “with a root spike”, “dovetail” and with the help of dowels. We have already talked about the first and last. Let's take a look at the dovetail.

Dovetail connection

At the ends, a special inclined type of groove and tenon is sawn out with exact dimensions. As a result, the connection is strong and heat loss is minimal. And the castle does not spoil appearance façade walls and rooms.

The main stages of installation "in a warm corner":

Before cutting, you need to mark up. For convenience, there are special metal corners - stencils.

After marking with a saw, a spike and a groove are cut out. Then the elements are connected into a "warm corner". Jute or other insulation is laid inside.

The "warm corner" is reinforced with metal or wooden dowels. From the inside, you can use mounting corners, they will give the structure rigidity. When installing such a connection, it is important to alternate a spike and a groove in each row, otherwise the wall will not look aesthetically pleasing, and the corner will not be strong.

The popularity of laying "in a warm corner" is explained by the advantages of the design:

  • Since the profiled material has precise shapes, the angle is windproof and reliable.
  • Since the fastening occurs due to the lock, then additional use corners and nails are not needed. And this reduces costs.
  • The shrinkage field of the profiled timber will not lead away the angle and the material will not crack.
  • There is no protruding material that complicates the exterior finish.
  • Tightness. Due to the design features, the corner is airtight.

Of course, there are two main advantages when laying out in a warm corner: it is possible to cut a groove and a profile only manually, the price for such a mount. For example in major cities average cost for drinking and laying “in a warm corner” costs from 1200 rubles. But you can save money by ordering sawing from the manufacturer's company or by purchasing a ready-made kit.

Wood, of course, has excellent thermal insulation qualities, in addition to all its other advantages. However, a building is not only the material of the elements from which it is assembled, but also the way they are assembled. Cracks and poor joining of bricks or logs will negate the benefits of either option.

A house made of warm corner timber is the result of applying a specific laying technique, which ensures excellent docking of elements.

Materials used

Forming the corner of the house is an indispensable part of the laying of the wall, and it is also the most difficult, since the shape of traditional lumber does not require special devices for this. This problem was encountered, of course, in the construction of log structures and solved it through different assembly methods. So all the methods used today have stood the test of time.

Modern builders rarely deal with a log, but lumber for a house is used very widely.

  • Planed - has 2 opposite or 4 planes, thanks to which the material can be laid quite tightly.
  • Profiled - in addition to the fact that the beam 150 * 150 has a clear geometric shape and size, grooves and protrusions are formed in it, which make it possible to achieve a much more dense and reliable joining of the material. This option in itself provides the best thermal insulation.
  • Glued - made by gluing wooden lamellas under pressure. In terms of strength and density of masonry, it does not differ from profiled. However, it has another valuable quality: practically does not shrink. And this means that over time the density of the masonry does not change and there is no need for additional thermal insulation.

Plus lumber: making additional grooves here is much easier.

warm corner technology

A warm corner is a method of joining lumber. To achieve a really tight docking, a groove is cut inside the joining trunk, and a spike is formed on the mating one. When installing such a material, an almost hermetic docking is obtained.

In practice, there are only a few basic methods of cutting a corner.

  • “In the paw” - the timber does not protrude beyond the plane of the wall, thus obtaining an angle without a trace. The design is assembled according to the spike-to-groove mechanism. However, practice shows that this is not enough for a corner connection. To reduce blowing, the grooves are made a little differently. There are 3 options for using a template:
    • butt - connections are achieved through the use of metal plates. The method is not the best, since any metal in itself is a conductor of cold;
    • root spike - classical method. On one of the elements 150 * 150, a groove is made, on the other - a spike. The templates for them must match;
    • assembling a beam into a warm corner is also possible on dowels - liners made of hard wood, and not allowing the lumber to be disconnected. The most reliable are oblique keys.

A variation of laying "in the paw" is the "dovetail". The spike in this case has a trapezoidal shape. The groove must exactly match the template. Cutting it is more difficult, but the connection is much stronger. In the photo - masonry using the dovetail method.

  • “In the oblo” or “in the bowl” - a warm corner from a profiled beam. Docking is made due to grooves - one-, two- and four-sided. In the first case, in the upper part of each beam, a cut is made along the width corresponding to cross section top element. When cutting a double-sided groove, the cuts are made both from above and below and are equal in width to a quarter of the height of the lumber.

In the third case, the cuts are cut from 4 sides. The implementation is more difficult, but the installation of such a “constructor” saves a lot of time and leaves no chance for the wind. The photo shows the working moment of installation.

For additional tightness, the corner is duplicated interventional insulation- linen tow, moss or jute insulation.

Technology Benefits

Cutting timber into a warm corner provides a number of advantages that builders highly appreciate:

  • with an exact match of the pattern and the dimensions of the grooves and spikes, the docking is very tight and reliable;
  • a warm corner provides thermal insulation, the maximum possible when using wood as a material;

  • installation is carried out without additional fasteners. And this means both a reduction in costs and the absence of cold bridges, into which metal fasteners turn;
  • since the profiled timber 150 * 150 is prepared in advance, the assembly of the house itself is carried out in an extremely short time;
  • the house looks extremely neat and tidy.

The disadvantage can be considered only a slightly higher cost of such material.

The video demonstrates the laying of profiled timber 150 * 150 according to the template.

Construction wooden house at present, this is an advantage and a guarantee of success for a practical modern person.
The most common and popular type of buildings are, which, in turn, has high strength and does not absorb moisture.

Timber houses effectively solve the energy problem, as they are characterized by excellent thermal insulation, which helps to reduce the cost of heating the building.
A great progress in the construction of structures from profiled timber, which makes it possible to achieve reliable stability of the entire structure, provide protection from cold gusty winds and subsequently retain heat, is the "warm corner" system.

The “warm corner” design is a felling of a log house (corner) with a root tenon. The beam is connected in such a way that adjacent corner elements, one of which has a spike, and the other has a groove, are the same size and symmetrical.

Cutting options in "Into a warm corner"

The spike or protrusion has a rectangular shape (50/80 X 50/80mm) and is located on the edge of the profiled beam. During construction, there is an alternation of joints on the crowns: on the even crowns on the left there is a spike, and on the odd ones there is a groove.

Due to the tight entry of the spike into the recess, a kind of “lock” is formed, excluding the presence of cracks, monolithic construction, which is sealed with linen jute embedded in the groove. Jute insulation is much better and more practical than moss, linen tow or linen batting. Having finished laying the next crown, a round wooden dowel is hammered into the corner. Thanks to the use of wooden dowels, there are practically no gaps in the log crowns, and the structure shrinks faster. To date gusset"warm corner" is the most popular and is considered an easy way to install profiled timber. Material savings and high speed assembly are some of the advantages of this method, which does not require additional fasteners.

In the process of building houses from timber or logs, great attention is paid to cutting the corners of the building. There are several types of corner cutting: "thorn-groove" or warm corner; "to the floor of a tree"; "in a dovetail", one-, two- and four-sided locking groove.

The dovetail design is considered the most reliable, since the spike and groove have a trapezoidal shape.

The “tree floor” design is a beam with a recess at the end half the height of the product. Before assembly, holes are drilled in the corners of the beam under the dowel, calculating to connect several beams. The structure is fastened with nails, staples or wooden dowels.

most popular and in a simple way corner cutting is butt cutting. The beam is installed in a checkerboard pattern, snugly adjacent to each other. This technology allows you to complete the construction of the house in a matter of days. However, when cutting corners into a joint, cracks are formed in the corners, which contributes to the ingress of cold inside the house. Usually, such a house is sheathed, insulated from the outside.

Warm corner in execution

Advantages of the "warm corner" design

1. Ideal Shapes source material contribute to impeccable geometry and a clear entry of structural elements, which makes it monolithic and reliable.
2. The "warm corner" system does not require additional fasteners, which saves money and makes the design uncomplicated.
3. High speed assembly due to finished material contributes to the completion of the construction of houses from a bar in a short time.
4. There are no "cold bridges", thanks to which the heat is retained indoors for a long time.
5. The "warm corner" design presents a comfortable interior and exterior finish, so houses made of timber do not require special decoration.

Currently one of the most promising directions in residential construction is the construction of wooden houses. Despite the huge variety modern materials, practical people who care about their comfort and the health of their loved ones, prefer to build houses from the most natural and environmentally friendly material - wood, namely profiled timber.

Profiled timber has properties for which it is highly valued in construction: it provides an optimal microclimate in the premises and retains heat inside the house. Greatest Efficiency heat conservation is observed only with certain construction systems, including cutting corners using technology "warm corner".

What is the technology of cutting into a warm corner?

The "warm corner" system received wide use in the field of residential construction due to ease of installation and a huge number of advantages. The technology itself is quite simple and, with certain skills, it is possible to lay a beam for a very a short time. If to speak plain language, a warm corner is a cutting (cutting) of a log house with a ledge. During the erection of the structure, the beam is joined together in such a way that one corner element with a “thorn” enters another corner element with a groove, the size of which ideally matches the parameters of the thorn.

The ledge is made as close as possible to the edge of the beam, alternating crown joints. This allows for maximum structural stability. Cutting into a warm corner is good because when building a house, the corner elements are connected so firmly that they form a kind of lock without gaps at the joints.

There are several ways to cut timber joints, each of which has individual characteristics and recommendations for connecting the corner elements of the timber:

"To a warm corner"(dovetail) - the protrusion and the groove are made in the form of a trapezoid, due to which this butt joint characterized by the most reliable and durable. The outer end of the "tail" is larger than the inner one, due to which the lock cannot be disconnected, but rather closes more naturally. We are hammering the joint. This method perfectly protected from moisture ingress into the connection. This is the option we We offer our customers free promotions!
"To the floor of a tree"- in the end part of one beam, a recess is made half the size of its length. Design requires additional fastening bars. Most often, nails or dowels made of wood are used. This method is simpler than the previous one, but provides less thermal insulation of the structure.

"Butt cutting"- considered the most elementary way laying profiled timber. The timber is laid in a checkerboard pattern, which significantly reduces the time spent on building a residential building. With certain skills, build wooden frame at home in a few hours.

There are also other options for cutting joints, but due to the laboriousness of the process and the unjustified in terms of the final result, they are used extremely rarely.

Advantages and benefits of a warm corner

The construction of houses from profiled timber is very popular not only due to natural properties material, but also the advantages that the "warm corner" technology provides:

  • High frame assembly speed - the beam is manufactured at our production facility in a ready-to-build form and does not require additional processing, which helps to reduce the time spent on completion of construction;
  • Assembling the beam according to the "warm corner" system in most cases does not require additional fastening. At the same time, the joint itself is strong and reliable, and finished construction sustainable;
  • Indoors, the required level of heat is maintained and an optimal microclimate is created;
  • Thanks to the ideal geometric shape corner, the house does not require additional finishing outside and inside.

Usually when from a profiled beam, the connection of corners according to the "warm corner" system is made for an additional fee. But, when ordering construction in our company, specialists will cut down a warm corner for free, since this service is included in the standard package of the building.