Gatsania can be grown in pots. Gatsaniya - African beauty, planting, care and when to plant gatsaniya in open ground

It is difficult to overcome, but even more difficult to refuse her African sister to settle in her native garden. Hundreds of merrily circling petals of this unusual flower create a unique round dance of colors in the midst of traditional plantings, no worse than a horde of butterflies. The "African opera" is conducted by the sun itself, and such a colorful show usually starts exactly at noon, when the bright disc is at its zenith. The summer miracle also has a name - gatsaniya. Some of the old school gardeners are used to calling the African flower gazania. Such a gesture does not need reproaches, because the beauty of the hero of the theme does not disappear from this.

Gazania, a flower that loves the sun

The homeland of gatsania is the country of Mozambique in South Africa. The climate of this region is famous for the constant heat, coupled with the moisture of the Indian Ocean. It is not surprising why gatsania is also found in coastal areas of Australia, which in part echo the tropical temperament of the "black" mainland. And since in the era of enlightenment Mozambique was a colony of Portugal, the migration of "motley chamomile" to Europe was not long in coming. At the same time, in the 17th century, Europeans noticed an amazing ability to open up in the middle of the day.

But the hero of the theme owes its name to the Italian priest Theodore von Gaza, known for his translations of the treatises of Aristotle and Theophrastus.


Gatsania belongs to the aster family. In the conditions of eternal summer, it grows in one place for several years. The North European climate gives the South African flower the ability to live for only one season. This became the main reason for the emergence of a stereotype about the presence of annual gatsania varieties on the thematic market. But in fact, all representatives of the "African chamomile" are perennial. It's just that our frosts do not allow Gozania to live until next summer, and not everyone can afford to grow it inside their homes.

On a note

It doesn't matter if life takes place on the territory Middle lane or Siberia, and the desire to plant an African beauty in the garden never ceases to pester: breeders have created many ultra-early ripening gatsania hybrids marked "F1". They manage to bloom after 8-10 weeks from the moment of germination, which allows you to get visual pleasure in July-August, if the flower was planted in May-June. In the south of the country, gatsania can even survive the winter, the temperature of which drops at least minus 5-7 ° C. In particular, it comes about velvet places like Krasnodar region, Crimea, South Ossetia, etc.

Gazania varieties

If the white-yellow lace of chamomile hangs high above the mother shrub, then gatsania is a somewhat mundane flower - depending on the daylight hours and the variety, the stem of gatsania is either absent or short. In the latter case, the flower reaches a height of no more than 30 cm.

White gazania "Gazania Nivea";

Gatsania can be easily recognized by its variegated inflorescences: 5-9 cm single baskets are golden hairy "achenes" (like chamomile) surrounded by many petal arrows.

The color of the latter is predominantly bright and juicy; it also gives out a series of flowers.

Gazania Sorts Table

On a note

Many gazanya flowers bloom with multi-colored arrows, which darken closer to the "achene" and thus create an interesting ring pattern around the base. Moreover, the inflorescences themselves, growing from one bush, may differ from each other in color. As a result, the flower bed is decorated with fiery and even pink and white flowers at the same time. The corresponding color indicates the hybridity of the variety ("Kiss Mix") or different ripening periods of the inflorescences. In one bush, their number can exceed thirty.

Now about the green mass: the leaves are dark or dull green in color, collected in a socket. Despite the fact that the shape of the "tops" is elongated-lanceolate or feathery, the density of each leaf is kept at the highest level. On the seamy side, there are villi that accumulate moisture in themselves so that the plant does not die during a long drought. Also, the villi protect the foliage from soil vapors, which cause rot.

The similarity of almost all varieties of gatsania is the reaction to the sun: the brighter the light, the more freely the buds bloom. With the slightest cloudiness, the opposite effect is observed. But if the florist is lucky enough to grow the Talent variety in a flower bed, multi-colored lace will delight the eye even at night. Moreover, the foliage of the Talent is silver-plated, which gives the whole plant a very noble appearance.

Gazania variety series Talent

Growing from seeds

Reproduction of gatsania occurs mainly through seeds. Moreover, if the cultivation of a flower involves open ground and is limited in the optimal light day, it is advisable for the grower to first germinate and harden the pet, and then move it to nature. There is a seedling method for this. On the other hand, the thematic market offers early-maturing gatsania varieties that sprout, develop and bloom at an accelerated rate.

In order not to get into trouble with the cultivation of gatsania, we suggest taking a look at the following table.

Table "How to grow gazania"

On a note

Gatsania perfectly tolerates heat and drought, but with coolness and constant rainfall, everything is different. Therefore, before choosing a variety, it makes a lot of sense to be guided by the weather of the last season: if the past summer turned out to be rainy and cold, then, most likely, the future time will be favorable to the "African chamomile"


Regardless of how the gatsania is grown - "from scratch" or by seedling - the soil for the flower must be drained so that moisture does not stagnate next to its root system. When growing seedlings, it is quite easy to comply with the corresponding requirement - 1/3 of the pot from the bottom must be filled with expanded clay, perlite or crushed foam, through which moisture will go away, and the nutrient soil will be ventilated. Moreover, watering can be done through the pallet, which simplifies the regulation of soil moisture.

Seedling gazania

In the open ground, more land should be allocated for an adult bush, and dig it up only for laying expanded clay under upper layer not everyone wants. Therefore, gatsania seedlings can be planted together with the pot, provided that the latter is deep, which means it will allow the root to develop. Finally, individual growers practice putting flowers in the garden directly in jugs and pots, which is decorative in its own way.

On the other hand, gatsaniya is not such a whimsical flower as to bother with preparing the soil. It is enough to make sure that the latter contains a minimum of moisture, and the organization of drainage will come to naught by default. This rule does not apply only at the time of sowing:

  1. First, the gatsania seeds must be pre-soaked in water for 12 hours. room temperature to accelerate germination;
  2. Secondly, the planting of grains occurs at a depth of 0.5 cm at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other and is accompanied by a slight irrigation with warm, settled water;
  3. Thirdly, before mass emergence, the soil should be moderately moist, but ventilated. This is facilitated by covering the "hotbed" with a transparent film and its daily airing;
  4. Fourthly, the soil for the growth of gatsania seedlings should be light and nutritious. Peat tablets not only meet the above requirement, they allow the grown plant to be settled in the open air without the risk of harming its root system. You can limit yourself to store-bought flower peat or self-prepared soil from sod land, peat, ash, perlite (the ratio is 3: 2: 1: 1, where sod dominates over the rest of the components.

Gazania seeds, depending on the variety, can sprout for a week or even more. All this time, the container with seedlings should be in a well-lit place, since gatsania is a light-loving plant.

Gazania seeds

Those who prefer to harvest the seeds on their own need to wait until the gatsania inflorescence dries up, and after that, shake the grains out of the "achene". Usually, the resulting product retains high level germination for 2-3 years. This rule does not apply unless the so-called. "Terry" varieties of gatsania, because they do not form seeds, which means that they can only reproduce vegetatively - by cuttings. To do this, cut off a healthy long shoot from an adult bush, which has a thickening at the base, and then root the cutting in a root solution so that planting material was ready for a transplant. The optimal time for grafting is late summer or early autumn.

Video "Gazania: growing and care"


With regular 14-hour lighting, gatsania seedlings quickly gain green mass and form the first flowers, not really needing a root and foliar dressing... Therefore, it is recommended to plant a flower rarely or even better - one seed in one cassette pot.

Long-term illumination can be created by arranging lamps with LED or fluorescent lamps... At the same time, young flowers are recommended to be placed near windows that face south. Even better - when the development of seedlings falls on a period of long daylight hours. An adult gatsaniya does not tolerate shadows at all, otherwise she will delight the eye with her variegated laces.

On a note

In order for the seedlings to take root well in open ground, it is recommended to temper it before transplanting, exposing it outside for several hours. In this case, each time the corresponding period must be increased

Watering gatsania should be warm, infrequent, but voluminous: once every five days is enough to quench the thirst for "African chamomile". The volume of water should correspond to the size of the flower. For example, a large bush with 30 inflorescences needs 5-7 liters.

Gazania is an excellent plant for an alpine slide

Since gatsania is a drought-resistant flower, spraying is out of the question. And if someone doubts what has been said, the corresponding task can always be taken over by the rain.

As a result, caring for gatsania includes the following measures:

  1. High quality lighting;
  2. Balanced watering;
  3. Loosening the top layer around an adult bush;
  4. Uprooting weeds growing in the neighborhood;
  5. Root feeding with flower fertilizers every 3 weeks;
  6. Removal of dried inflorescences.

On a note

Gatsania blooms for several weeks, so dried inflorescences change young. To accelerate the rate of development of the latter, the former can be removed independently. Dry leaves, if they have a place to be, deserve an appropriate procedure.

What colors does it match

Gatsania is beautiful in itself, but any grower is a collector in itself. This is a reason to think about the cohabitation of an African beauty with other flowers. And so that the union turns out harmonious, experienced florists suggest paying attention to the following flowering plants:

  • Alissum;
  • Gypsophila;
  • Dimorphoteka;
  • Lobelia.

These flowers are also undersized, therefore, together with gatsania, they can revive any landscape island, be it a flower bed, slopes, etc.

Preservation as a perennial

If, after a sultry summer, you bring gatsania into the house, the flower has every chance of celebrating its second birthday. The main thing is to create for him optimal conditions... The main focus should be on lighting and temperature. If the first lasts at least 14 hours, and the last is plus 22-25 ° C, then gatsania can bloom on New Year's Eve or on March 8.

You can do another way - cut out the stalk, root it and plant it in a voluminous pot. At first, seedling growth requires diffused lighting, relative humidity and coolness (plus 10-12 ° C). After a month and a half, the plant takes root fully and becomes suitable for open ground (although at this moment it is deep autumn or winter in the yard).

The opinion about the unpretentiousness of gatsaniya is controversial, since the corresponding plant does not like cold and precipitation, which are so characteristic of our climate. On the other hand, adhering to simple agricultural techniques, variegated flowering will not keep itself waiting long. Not every day you can see a round dance of colorful butterflies on a flower bed. Therefore, "African chamomile" manages to please everyone for whom magic is not an empty phrase.

Gatsania, sometimes this plant is called gazania or African chamomile. This flower has a very bright color - from lemon yellow to red-orange, which attracts many owners of personal plots. The flower belongs to the Aster family. South Africa is considered his homeland. In Europe, this bright flower appeared in the 17th century. On this territory, he was given the name "midday sun", and all because its petals open after sunrise.

There are both annuals and perennial species of this plant. But due to the fact that the flower is very thermophilic, it is difficult for it to overwinter in cold weather conditions. Gatsania is a short plant and reaches no more than 30 cm in height. The leaves are either dark green or grayish green in color, varied in shape. On the lower surface of the leaves, you can see silvery villi, which serve to retain moisture in dry weather. The inflorescences are presented from single flowers. Their size ranges from 5 to 9 cm in diameter, and the colors can be from bright yellow to burgundy with a brown center.

Planting seeds

Gatsania is very willingly grown by many amateur gardeners, because she is the unconditional adornment of anyone personal plot... However, there is one point. These flowers are very fond of the sun and in cloudy weather they can only be seen gathered in buds. So the best options will be planting this plant in sunny areas. In order to grow gatsaniya from seeds, it is advisable to adhere to the following scheme:

Planting month

Usually, seeds are planted in mid-February - early March, depending on the weather conditions in your region. For residents of warmer areas, the best seed planting options will be from mid-March to mid-April. It should be noted that with early planting, the seeds need a large amount of artificially created light. If the seeds are planted much later, then flowering will begin later.

Planting container

Seeds are best planted in deep containers. Because these flowers have a rather long taproot, then it should be placed vertically and not bend.

Soil mixture

You can cook it yourself. It should be loose, lightweight, breathable. The soil mixture can be prepared from the following components:

  • Earth;
  • vermiculite for looseness and air permeability of the earth;
  • ash to prevent disease.

Sowing scheme

Sowing is desirable rarely and evenly. Because the seeds are quite large, then they can simply be spread out at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Sprinkle a thin layer of vermiculite on top of the seeds. After quite a bit, you can add soil with the addition of sand. So that the upper layers of soil and vermiculite are pressed, the seeds are sprayed from a spray bottle. You can add fertilizer to the water for growth. At the end, cover the container with foil or plastic cover.

For reference... For creating natural conditions, the soil mixture from above can be covered with a small amount of snow. As it thaws, the soil will be moistened. Before that, watering from a spray bottle should be minimal.

Temperature regime

In order for the seeds to germinate, the boxes are placed in a warm, sunny place, where the temperature reaches 18-20 ° C. It should be remembered that gatsaniya loves moisture, but does not tolerate soaking, so it is advisable to ventilate containers with seeds daily and remove condensation. Watering is done by spraying from a spray bottle. Seedlings appear in 1-2 weeks.

Growing in peat tablets

For many, this method seems to be the simplest and most convenient. It is necessary to purchase peat tablets in advance - a compressed mixture of soil and peat in the form of tablets. They are laid out in a special plastic tray and poured with water. After a certain time, the tablets swell, and they should be thoroughly spilled with water again. This procedure is repeated until the tablets increase in size by 4-5 times. You should get neat columns of earth. Further, one seed is placed in each column in the middle. This can be done both with your hands and with a toothpick, after wetting its tip. At the end, the tray is covered with a plastic lid. This method is more comfortable and cheaper. The risk of damaging the young root system is also significantly reduced. However, peat tablets should be well watered and ventilated.

Video - How to properly sow and grow gatsaniya at home

Seed picking

As a rule, seedlings dive without fail. However, this can be avoided if they were planted in a deep container at a decent distance from each other. A pick is made after 2 weeks from the moment of sowing the seeds or when the 4th leaf appears. At this stage, the seedlings take root best and do not get sick. It is best to replant seedlings in peat-earthen pots or in plastic cups- to whom it is more convenient. Peat pots work better. Due to the fact that the taproot of gatsania is very long, transplanting into open ground together with the pot will avoid damage to the root system. In order not to forget which variety is growing in which container, it is best to mark the cups.

First, the cups are filled with soil mixture. The seedlings are well spilled with water so that they can be easily removed from the soil. A small depression is made in the cups, where the seedling is transferred with the ground. The earth is slightly compacted, if necessary, it is poured into a glass. At the very end, the seedlings are watered abundantly with water so that the roots are in good contact with the ground.

After the pick, it is best to move the cups to a place with temperature regime 12-15 ° C. The ideal option would be to use a loggia for these purposes. In order for the plants to take root well in the open field, at about the same time they begin to harden fresh air... For a couple of hours for these purposes, you can open a window or window, but be sure to make sure that the seedlings do not stand under a direct stream of air. Transplanting seedlings into open ground is carried out from May to June (depending on the climatic conditions of the region). The subsequent care of gatsania is very simple.

reference... As a rule, the first flowering of gatsania occurs after a couple of months, but be prepared for the fact that this period may be longer.

Choosing a suitable place on the site

An open, well-lit area is ideal for gating. There is no need to be afraid that the plant will be in direct sunlight, because this flower is very light-requiring and drought-resistant. The most favorable conditions for the growth of gatsania are hot, sunny weather. The seedlings are transferred to open ground when the night temperature reaches 10 ° C. Before planting, it is advisable to fertilize the land with humus or mineral fertilizers... Small pits are prepared for seedlings and transplanted together with peat pots. If the pick was made into plastic cups or another container, then with the help of a spatula, the seedlings are carefully taken out without damaging the root. It is advisable to observe the distance between the bushes of the order of 20-30 cm.

Gatsania forms compact bush width and height 20-25 cm. Flowers are large enough. On the site, this plant looks great both as separate small beds, and planted without much order. It is not whimsical to care for, is not afraid of drought, does not like an excess of moisture. It goes well with other types of ornamental crops. One of the features is the curling of the petals into a bud at night. However, more recently, breeders have bred a variety that is not picky about the sun's rays, which makes it possible to grow this flower and residents more northern regions... With its flowering, it will delight the eye until the beginning of autumn.

Gatsania (Gazania) is a plant from the Asteraceae family from Central Africa... It looks like a large chamomile of all shades of yellow and orange, and blooms almost all summer.

Its distribution area is wide enough - from mountain meadows to sands South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania and Angola. Some species thrive in the Mediterranean, Austria and New Zealand.

Gatsania attracts flower growers not only with its bright beautiful flowers, but also by the fact that it is extremely unpretentious: it can grow on open sun and in poor soils and is resistant to lack of watering.

Popular types of gatsania among florists with descriptions and photos of flowers

In total, there are nineteen species of this plant in a wide variety of colors, but how garden flower only gatsania rigins and its hybrids are bred.

Gatsania Rigins, Gatsania harsh (shiny) grows up to 30 cm in height. Its foliage is dull, gray-blue in color, the flowers are shiny, with contrasting stripes around the core of the flower. The natural color of gatsania is yellow, it is not for nothing that it was nicknamed "midday gold", and hybrid varieties can be of almost any color - white, pink, red, burgundy, etc. Gatsaniya blooms throughout the summer.

Rules for caring for a gatsania plant

Gatsaniya grows in almost any conditions

Among the many types of gatsania, you can find varieties that are adapted to almost any conditions. In regions with temperate climate gatsania is grown as an annual and requires little maintenance.

You can only admire the gating in all its beauty during the sunny season. It is unpretentious, in order for the plant to be comfortable, enough sun, well-drained soil and infrequent watering.

Like any other plant, she likes good soils, but if there are problems with fertile land in your area, gatsania will easily adapt to poor soil with a large proportion of sand. In the future, she will need timely weeding, loosening the soil and watering. Watering "African chamomile" is better rarely, but a lot, only after the topsoil dries up.

Fertilizing gatsaniya is enough once every one and a half to two months. if the land in your garden is fertile enough. If not, then you will have to apply fertilizers much more often: once every two to four weeks.

Abundant flowering of gatsania is facilitated by the timely removal of faded inflorescences.

Flowering is possible only during the sunny season. She loves the sun so much that she closes the flowers at night and even in cloudy weather.

If gatsaniya does not bloom, most likely it does not have enough light. and it is worth transplanting it to a sunnier place.

Adult gatsania is an unpretentious plant, but growing it from seeds is a laborious process, requiring precision and care.

When growing seedlings, it must be borne in mind that it begins to bloom no earlier than three months after sowing. Optimal time for germination of seeds, it is considered March or April, depending on the growing region.

Growing Gatsania from seeds is a rather complicated process.

It is best to plant seeds in deep boxes, from which it will be more convenient to dive seedlings in the future. If there is no deep box on the farm, an ordinary one will do, but then, after the appearance of the first four leaves, you will have to plant the sprouts in separate peat pots.

Gatsaniya seeds are spread on the ground, keeping a distance of 3 cm and pressed down by hand or sprinkled with earth on top. After that, you need to abundantly moisten the seeds from a spray bottle, and cover the box with seedlings with glass or transparent film.

Seedlings of gatsania should grow in sunny places at a temperature not lower than +18 С º. Moisture from glass or film must be removed daily, and the seedlings must be ventilated, every day increasing the airing time by several minutes, so that the small sprouts gradually get used to their surrounding temperature.

If everything is done correctly, the first shoots will appear in one and a half to two weeks. At first, they will grow slowly, but gradually, with an increase in daylight hours, the growth of newborn gats will also accelerate. It's time to transfer three to four month old seedlings to open ground.


It is possible to start growing gatsania in the open air only after the final establishment of warm weather. The flower is native to Africa, and frosts are contraindicated for it, although it tolerates a drop in temperature to +10 C º relatively calmly.

For planting sunny areas with loose soil are best... Weeds must be carefully weeded out and pits must be prepared for seedlings. The hole should be about twice the width of the root ball and should be about twice as deep as your seedling box. To improve the quality of the soil, you need to make organic fertilizers... Seedling bushes should be planted in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of 20-35 cm.

Transplant gatsaniya very carefully so as not to damage the young roots of the plant. If, before planting, the seedlings grew in peat tablets or in separate peat pots, there is no need to worry about the integrity of the roots. After placing the roots in a watered hole, cover it with earth and prepared compost.

Cutting gatsania

Cuttings for propagation are taken from the side shoots as close as possible to the base of the leaf rosette. You need to cut the stalk very carefully., with a small sharp knife or scalpel, bottom sheet delete. Powder the fresh cut with root powder to stimulate root growth. The stalk is planted in a container with a diameter of 8-10 cm, watered and covered with a glass cap or bag. It is best to place the resulting mini-greenhouse in a bright, ventilated room, but not in direct sunlight. Rooting usually takes place in five weeks, and after the formation of a bush from young shoots around the cutting, the plant can already be planted in open ground.

On a note. If the design of your garden allows for the presence of pots and flowerpots with plants, it will be optimal to grow gatsania from seeds or cuttings immediately in a flowerpot, thereby avoiding the moment of transplantation, which is critical for the plant. This method is also good because after the onset of cold weather, you can take the flowerpot into the house and let it overwinter. So there will be chances to grow gatsania as a perennial.

How to collect gatsania seeds

Gatsania seeds are very similar to dandelion seeds.

The gatsania fruit looks like a dandelion, and its seeds are just as volatile. Therefore, in order to collect them for sowing next season, you will have to work hard. The main difficulty is to collect them just in time, until they are scattered throughout the garden. To do this, you will need to build a gauze bag around the fetus. If gatsaniya grows in a greenhouse where there is no wind, everything is much simpler: you just have to check the plant every day and collect the seeds.


In our latitudes, open field gats do not winter and are grown as an annual plant. It is possible to preserve the plant until the next season, if you take it to a house or greenhouse for wintering with a temperature of at least +10 C º. For these purposes, a glazed loggia is suitable.

The requirements for the soil in which gatsania will winter do not change - it must be light and nutritious. It is better to take the pot more and deeper, be sure to put drainage on the bottom.

Apart from bright light and occasional watering, gatsania in winter does not need anything. If everything is done correctly, there are very high chances that the African chamomile will delight you with its magnificent flowers again next season.

Pests and diseases of gatsaniya, how to care and control pests

If you create all the conditions for proper growth in gatsania, then you can not be afraid of pests: the flower will be fully able to resist them on its own. But errors in care can create conditions for the appearance of pests and diseases. Most often, gatsaniya affects aphids, gray rot, spider mites, snails and slugs.

Aphid. Aphids are a very common pest that feeds on the sap of young plants. Plants infected with aphids weaken, stop blooming and bear fruit, and can easily become infected with various diseases. To destroy aphids, you can use insecticidal preparations (pirimifosmethyl, bifenthrin, etc.) or folk remedies- infusions of garlic or tobacco mixed with liquid soap... You can also plant geraniums, onions or garlic next to the gatsania, the smell of which will repel aphids.

You can protect yourself from slugs and snails by sprinkling gravel between the rows

The main biological enemy of aphids is the ladybug, it feeds on these harmful insects. If ladybugs live in the garden, there is no need to fear an aphid invasion.

Gray rot. Gray rot is a botrytis fungus and fungi need water. To avoid infection with gray mold, you should not plant plants close to each other, and when watering, you should try not to get on the leaves. If the fungus nevertheless "clung" to gatsania, treatment with fungicides, for example, foundationazol or euparen, will help.

These insects eat up the shoots and leaves of plants, preventing it from developing normally. Of course, modern insecticidal preparations will also work on snails, but their complete destruction is undesirable for the life of the garden - after all, apart from healthy plants they eat up and recycle their dead remains. Therefore, instead of the widespread destruction of snails and slugs, it is better to protect the most delicious plants from them - set traps, sprinkle inter-bed spaces with gravel, crushed shells or eggshells.

Spider mite. The spider mite is not an insect, so insecticides are useless against it. You will have to use insectoacaricides, phytovern or neoron. Have spider mite there is natural enemies- phytoseiulus and amblyseius, also mites, only predatory. These can be purchased at gardening stores.

In addition, watch the video on this flower, we wish you a pleasant viewing.

Bright large gatsania flowers will improve even the worst mood, and it is not difficult to grow it. And the African golden chamomile sun will bloom in the garden for everyone's joy.

Bright and beautiful flower bed is the main decoration of a garden or personal plot. Therefore, every florist strives to choose the most unusual and cute ornamental plants in order to create unique and creative compositions with their help. The choice of colors is a complex and responsible process that requires certain knowledge and thoughtfulness.

It is quite difficult to single out really worthy flowers among the variety offered in flower markets and nurseries. Experienced gardeners often choose beautiful, blooming gatsanias to decorate their plots, because it is not in vain that they are considered an unmistakable option for drawing up flower beds.

Gazania or gatsania is flowering plant, it can be either perennial or annual. In the climatic conditions of Russia, it is usually acquired as an annual, since gazania does not tolerate the cold and, in rare cases, is able to survive the harsh Russian winter.

This flower is a representative of the Asteraceae family. If you pay attention to the structure of this bright plant, then its resemblance to the usual chamomile immediately catches your eye.

However, gazania is distinguished by larger inflorescences and is able to amaze with the variety of its colors. Flowers of this plant can be colored in different colors and shades, from bright yellow to deep red.

In the natural environment, gazania can be found mainly in warm edges such as Mozambique, Angola and Tanzania. Some varieties are native to Australia and New Zealand. South Africa is considered the birthplace of this "bright chamomile".

This can explain the flower's love for warm weather, bright sun and intolerance. strong winds and cold weather. But perennial varieties this plant in autumn and winter is able to withstand frosts up to seven degrees below zero.

Gallery: gazania (25 photos)

Description of the plant

Before opting for gazania, you should get acquainted with some facts about this flower:

Gazania has a large number of species and varieties. Their main difference from each other is the color of the inflorescences. Breeders from all over the world have been breeding new varieties of gatsania and at the present time we know about forty species of this "golden chamomile".

Many varieties were created taking into account certain climatic conditions. This is how the annual species were bred for regions with cold climates. The most popular types of gatsania are long-shot, hybrid, feathery, potsey, and brilliant.

Growing a flower

Gatsania reproduces in two ways: vegetatively and by seed. The seed method is considered the most common, but do not forget that there are some varieties of gazania that can only propagate by cuttings. For example, terry gatsania are not capable of producing seeds.

How to grow gatsania from seeds? Most easy way- it's just a matter of sowing gatsania seeds directly into the open ground. But it should be remembered that with such a planting, the plant will begin to bloom no earlier than after two or three months, since it has a rather long vegetative period.

Planting with seeds in the ground:

  • in the spring, after the last frost, sow seeds in the soil, the main thing is that there are no return cold weather, since they can destroy the plantings;
  • before sowing, prepare the soil: dig up and fertilize it;
  • sow the seeds one at a time, there should be a distance of at least twenty-five centimeters between them;
  • Embed the planting material by one or two centimeters.

This method is suitable for residents of the southern regions, since in such areas there is quite a long daylight hours already in March. For northern and temperate latitudes, the method of growing seedlings from seeds is perfect.

From seeds at home

Sowing gazania seeds for seedlings is carried out in early March. To do this, use separate containers, tall cups are perfect. This is necessary for the healthy development of the plant's root system; it has a rod-like shape and grows in depth, reaching a fairly long size.

If you do decide to use a common container, then sow the seeds at a distance of five centimeters from each other in a checkerboard pattern. Use light, loose, nutritious soil for planting.

With this method, the seeds do not need to be buried; they can simply be laid on the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkled. To create a greenhouse effect, the container should be covered with glass or transparent film. Florists advise watering with a spray bottle so as not to wash the seeds with a stream of water. A suitable temperature for germination is twenty degrees Celsius.

If these conditions are met, you will receive the first shoots in about one to two weeks. In open ground, seedlings should be planted in May. For this, the seedlings are removed from the containers together with the earthen clod and placed in the fertilized soil at a distance of at least twenty-five centimeters from each other.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is not as popular as the seed method. It is used only for the propagation of certain varieties that are unable to produce seeds. This will require:

When using this method, seedlings are grown from shoots at home.

Outdoor care

Caring for gazania will not be difficult. Anyone, even an inexperienced florist, can handle it. The main thing is to take into account all the features of this ornamental plant and the nuances of growing in nature.

Features of watering. Since gatsania is native to South Africa, the flower thrives on hot and dry summers. It is particularly drought-resistant, but in order for the plant to please you with its stormy and bright flowering, it will need to be watered.

Gacinia needs moderate but regular watering. And you can also choose another option for providing moisture to the plant - watering it rarely, but abundantly.

Mulching and loosening

After each watering, be sure to loosen the soil in trunk circle... This is done in order to enrich it with air, because under natural conditions gassing prefers light, oxygenated soils.

After loosening, add mulch to the ground. She helps plants long time retain moisture and prevent weeds from appearing. It is recommended to use sawdust and dried peat as mulch.

Top dressing

When caring for gazania Special attention should be given to plant nutrition. It should be done every four weeks. To do this, use a complex mineral fertilizer. Twenty-five grams per one square meter there will be enough land. And also plant feeding can be done during watering.

Collecting gatsania seeds

Seeds are required to grow this extraordinary flower. They can be purchased at garden shops and nurseries, or assembled by yourself. But this process is considered not the easiest one.

In the climatic conditions of Russia, gatsania seeds rarely mature in time. The only exception can be a very hot summer.

And also it should be borne in mind that if you grow hybrid varieties of gazania on your site, then during seed planting they will lose all their species characteristics. The process of collecting the seeds of this plant is rather difficult, as they are very similar to dandelion seeds - just as light and airy.

Therefore, one careless movement or light breath of wind can shower even ripe seeds. If you nevertheless decide to get them yourself, then tie gauze around the inflorescences, this will help you keep them and not lose them.

You learned from our article. how to grow seedlings for gating at home and the features of caring for this wonderful flower. Now you can create beautiful compositions in your flower beds using this ornamental plant.

Gardeners and ordinary people adore this flower for a riot of colors. Gatsania, a perennial or annual, indeed has a vibrant, exquisite beauty. And blooms like a multi-colored chamomile. These plants are native to Africa, which is probably why they like sunny days.

The bright sun, which gives warmth, allows us to admire such a creation of nature. And in the cold season, we can also observe such a plant as gatsaniya. How to preserve these flowers in winter so that later in the summer they decorate the garden area? Such questions are often asked on the forums of amateur gardeners.

Types of gatsania

Gatsania refers to Such plants come in several forms: annuals or perennials, semi-shrubs or shrubs.

They gained fame thanks to the variety of colors. In fact, there are quite a few varieties of this flower, they can be counted up to fifty.

The most popular are considered to be shiny or harsh gatsania. Our breeders have bred flowers of various colors. And now not only a monochromatic chamomile, but also a motley gatsaniya, the photo of which you see in the article, pleases us. The main varieties are gatsaniya one-flowered, shiny, peacock, white, feathery, etc.

Plant features

This interesting southern specimen has its own uneasy character. It manifests itself in the fact that if it is cloudy outside, the petals close, and the middle of the flower becomes invisible.

Initially, these plants, accustomed to warmth and light, could bloom from sunrise to until, but in bad weather they keep closed. But flower growers would like more. And then they, through trial and error, began to experiment on responding to weather conditions with this plant. And so, thanks to their actions, a hybrid called Talent appeared.

As a result, now you can admire the colorful shades of the flower in any weather. So our specialists, despite the plant's capricious mood, quickly found a way out.

Love African chamomile watering. It is advisable for them to arrange it systematically in the heat. If this is not done on hot days, then the flowers before our eyes will become smaller and smaller. And, of course, they will no longer be able to delight us with their beautiful coloring.

Let's talk about hybrid and long rifle gapping

Floriculture uses in our latitudes mainly hybrid and long-shot gatsania. Long rifle gatsaniya native to South Africa. This type of gatsaniya is a perennial. Grows with short and creeping stems. It blooms from August until the beginning of winter. These flowers are seven centimeters in diameter.

Hybrid gatsania has a harsh structure, and the flower is 8 cm in diameter. It can be set in any shade of orange, as well as white and yellow. It grows as a bush in a rosette of basal leaves.

The hybrid flower is distinguished by the decoration of the leaves. They have a linear spatulate structure. Leaves with a shade of silver underneath, resemble velvet to the touch. By the way, such pubescence is not accidental. Thanks to him, the plant is not afraid of the cold. In addition, the leaves help to retain moisture on the flower.

Hybrid varieties are more in demand among our compatriots. The fact is that they have perfectly adapted to our climate. They have large flowers and a large number of semi-double or double petals. And a lot of hybrids and main varieties have been bred. And they bloom in white, crimson, pink, yellow, bronze-lemon, cream, orange, striped and spotted flowers.

Their names are suitable for color. For example, there are such names for varieties (mixtures of varieties): dance, Wonderful miracle, Sunshine, Sunshine, Big kiss, Bonjour, etc.

How to care

After two weeks of planting, feed the gats with mineral fertilizers. If there is poor soil on the site or flowers grow in a container, then use complex fertilizers, but also after a while, within 14 days.

Be sure to feed a plant such as gatsania at the beginning of the season. Cultivation and care, properly organized, are those actions that will help her to constantly delight you with her flowering.

The most favorable soil for gatsaniya is sandy loam. It should not be waterlogged. And, what is important, there should be a lot of humus in it. When the flowers gain strength, feeding can be canceled. Remove constantly faded inflorescences and peduncles.

How such flowers feel in winter

Such a unique flower as gatsaniya, care, careful and thoughtful, is necessary, however, like all plants. But it won't be too burdensome for you. The plant needs light fertile soil with good drainage.

When the flowers mature, they become cold-resistant, you can admire them almost until the first frost. Although gatsania, a perennial or annual, is a native of the south, it has almost adapted to our latitudes.

Only when you already feel the onset of winter, transplant your loved ones carefully.If you have a glazed balcony and the temperature there is at least +10 degrees, then they will winter well in this place, so that they can return to the garden plot in the spring. Do not forget about moderate watering.

Try to transplant flowers very carefully so as not to damage the roots. You can also use flowerpots in areas for growing a plant such as gatzania. How to keep such flowers in flowerpots in winter? Do not transplant them from pots, but simply take the flowers home with them.

Can a flower overwinter?

1.In winter time the flower will be nice and indoors. Only good lighting will be needed. The plant is unpretentious. If you live in a region with mild, wet winters, free from frost, then you don't even need to take the pot home.

Although they love warmth, as they grow up, the flowers adapt to the local climate. You can use special containers to grow in your garden. And then, with the onset of cold weather after -3 degrees, pick them up, put them on the balcony so that she could get used to the new gating conditions.

Plant wintering can then continue in warm rooms, but only after the flower gets used to the balcony climate, where optimal temperature for it, 9-11 degrees with a plus sign will be considered.

2. But if you live where freezing temperatures are in winter, it is best to grow gatsania as annual plants... To do this, you can sow gatsania seeds. in early spring... Try to water the plants in winter, but very rarely. And make sure that the soil does not dry out. Gatsania (cultivation and care in this case will not be very different) can grow if you either did not transplant it from the pot, or carefully, without damaging the roots, tried to transplant it.

Gatsania-perennial is a low-growing bushy plant, therefore, when you transplant it to open soil, carefully separate the bushes.

About seedlings

Gatsania is sown in the first month of spring. After the seeds have cut through, the seedlings must be sown in greenhouses or in earthen pots. And as soon as it ends spring frosts, plant them in the ground.

We advise you to use peat pots if you grow a flower from seed. This is necessary in order not to accidentally damage the roots. And in this case, there will be no need to dive. So you will solve the problem of vital activity in the winter of a plant such as gatsaniya. We have considered how to preserve it in winter, as well as how to grow seedlings from seeds.

And already from April, the weather usually allows you to send seedlings to a cold greenhouse or to an open ground area. Seedlings must be gradually hardened. This can be done from the moment the thawed spots disappear.

The shoots will gradually get used to cold up to -3 degrees and bright sunlight. If you notice the temperature is lower at night, use lutrasil to cover the young growth. When the temperature outside is more than +17 degrees, shoots should be expected in a decade or a little later.

How to propagate a plant using cuttings

Reproduction of gatsania can be done using cuttings. Midsummer is exactly the period when gatsania, a perennial or annual, quietly reproduces with the help of cuttings, which are obtained from lateral shoots at the base of the stems.

First, treat the cuttings with preparations, then plant them in the shade so that the sun's rays do not fall on them. They need to get used to the new place. When you see that the cuttings are rooted, take a clod of earth along with the cuttings and plant them in the place you have chosen.

In this way, gating will always grow on your site. How to preserve such a flower in winter, now you already know.

Where can you plant gatsania?

They are planted on curbs, paths. Flower beds are arranged next to stones or stunted flowers. Unrepeatable flower arrangements with ageratums, lobelias and other floral creations will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. It turns out to be a wonderful sight that must be immortalized.

No one remains indifferent, contemplating such a gift from nature as gatsaniya. Photos are proof of that.

Is gatsania sick?

She can catch a disease called gray rot. As you can see, the gatsania plant can also get sick, like all life in the world. Growing (and caring for it) during this period will be slightly complicated by the fact that you will need to resort to the help of a fungicide.

Treat the diseased flower with its solution. Preventive measures also will not be superfluous. They are simple: make the flowers grow in non-waterlogged soil.

Also protect them from aphids, snails, slugs, spider mites.

By performing such simple actions, you will constantly enjoy the vibrant exoticism of a native of Africa, and will delight you at any time of the year. Wintering is not terrible for her. So enjoy the sight of these lovely flowers!