Plant a cypress at home. Time and method of transplant

The cypress plant is a small genus of evergreen trees found on the Mediterranean coast, in South America and Central Asia... Due to the dark green gloomy color of the foliage, the Greeks and Romans considered the handsome coniferous man to be the personification of sadness and inexpressible sorrow. Everything changed with the advent of Christianity: from an inconsolable mourner, a slender tree turned into a symbol of rebirth and hope. In the Bible, the cypress is mentioned as an inhabitant of paradise, and according to some sources, the famous Noah's Ark was made from solid ephedra wood.

In modern landscape design cypress is prized for its unpretentious disposition, austerity of lines and a luxurious appearance. Elegant tall trees look great both in single plantings and in a group. The cypress was not disregarded by indoor florists. Are you surprised? In vain! Some types of cypress really grow well indoors, filling the house with beauty and a wonderful pine scent.

Conditions of detention

The choice of a place for a green pet should be taken with the utmost responsibility, because cypress is still a street plant. An unpretentious ephedra will be most comfortable on a light windowsill on the west or north side. The cypress is not afraid of the shadow, but it is advisable to shade the delicate needles from direct sunlight. The optimum temperature for keeping in spring and summer is about +25 ° C. The ephedra does not like frequent movements, therefore, it is allowed to rearrange the pot with a tree only if absolutely necessary.

For the winter, it is recommended to move indoor cypress to a cool, bright room, for example, to a glazed loggia, where the temperature does not drop below +5 ° C. Leaving the pet to winter in warm room, remove it away from working heating appliances and do not forget to spray the needles more often.


Caring for a cypress tree in a room is quite simple:

  • Water the ephedra regularly and in moderation. Soft (filtered or settled for 3-4 days) water is served after the top layer of soil in the pot dries out 2-3 cm deep.
  • High ambient humidity is the main condition for the well-being of indoor cypress. It is recommended to systematically spray the crown of the pet with lukewarm water, and in the summer heat, the pot with the plant is placed on a wide pallet with wet peat or expanded clay. Twice a month, small specimens can be rinsed under a warm shower to wash off accumulated dust from thick needles. During the cool wintering, water procedures for the plant are canceled.
  • From May to August, indoor cypress is fed with complex fertilizers for conifers, but they are bred 2 times weaker than the recommended dose.

As for pruning, unlike street specimens, radical shaping is not required for the pot ephedra. Indoor trees do not build up a sufficient amount of green mass, so ugly "hemp" will remain in place of the removed branches. For sanitary purposes, it is enough to free the plant from dry, weak and growing shoots inside the crown every spring.

Transplant rules

In the first 2-3 years of life, a room cypress tree is shown a monthly transplant, then the procedure is carried out as needed, that is, when the root system of the plant becomes cramped in the old pot. Substrate for ephedra is prepared from leafy and soddy soil, peat and sand (2: 1: 1: 1); ready-made slightly acidic soils "Coniferous" and "Cypress" are suitable. The tree is transferred to a new container by transshipment without destroying the earthen coma. A complete replacement of the soil is carried out only in case of decay of the root system. The cypress is very difficult to transplant, therefore, to ease the suffering of the pet, water it for a month with a solution of "Zircon", and add "Epin" to the water for spraying. Chemicals are diluted in a ratio of 2-3 drops per 200-300 ml of water and are applied every 10-12 days. They begin to feed the transplanted tree 40-45 days after the procedure.

Note! It is undesirable to disturb large potted specimens with a transplant. In this case, the quality of the depleted substrate will help to improve the regular replacement of the upper soil layer with a thickness of 3-5 cm.

Growing from seeds

Generative propagation is commonly used for species of cypress trees. Seeds are extracted from cones, mixed with wet sand and placed in the lower compartment of the refrigerator for stratification. Sowing is carried out in early spring:

  • The seedling container is filled with peat mixed with garden soil and sand (2: 1: 0.5).
  • Cold-treated seeds are embedded in the substrate to a depth of 1 cm.
  • The soil surface is compacted and sprayed with warm water through a spray bottle.
  • The container is covered with glass and placed on a lighted windowsill.
  • Crops are regularly watered and aired.

The first shoots appear after 2-4 weeks. A month later, the seedlings dive into small cups. To create a humid warm microclimate, the plant can be covered with halves of plastic bottles. When young cypresses grow up and get stronger, they are freed from "captivity", transplanted into flower pots and transferred to the "adult" mode of keeping.

Vegetative propagation

Insofar as seed cultivation cypress does not guarantee the preservation of varietal characteristics, decorative forms It is recommended to propagate cypress vegetatively:

  • Cuttings - they are taken in June from semi-lignified shoots of the current growth, freed from the lower leaves, treated with "Heteroauxin" and planted obliquely in a mixture of peat, turf and sand (1: 1: 1). Planting depth - 1.5-2.5 cm. It is very important that each cutting has a "heel" (a piece of wood of the mother shoot). The plantings are covered with glass and kept in a bright place, maintaining a high humidity in the greenhouse (about 70%) and a temperature not lower than +23 ° C. After rooting, the cuttings are planted in separate pots.
  • Layers - the lower shoot of the cypress is cut obliquely, bent to the ground and buried in. So that the flaps of the cut, from which the roots should appear in the future, do not close, you can put a small pebble between them. The layering is fixed at the ground with a wire pin, and the upper part is tied to a wooden peg. When the rooted shoot produces young foliage, it is separated from the parent plant and planted in a separate pot.

Having mastered vegetative propagation cypress, in a short period of time you can get a high-quality planting material not only for home cultivation, but also for landscaping a personal plot.

Possible problems

Like all conifers, cypress has phytoncidal properties and strong natural immunity, however, systematic violations of agricultural technology can undermine the health of even this persistent handsome man. The most common problem is yellowing of the needles, which are caused by low humidity ambient air, use of hard water for irrigation and oversaturation of the soil with calcium. The needles can also turn yellow from the contact of branches with a cold window glass... Of the diseases, the greatest threat to cypress is root rot, the development of which is facilitated by stagnation of moisture at the roots. The diseased plant should be immediately transplanted into a fresh, drained substrate, after cutting out the damaged areas.

Popular species and varieties

Almost all representatives of the cypress genus are cultivated and are widely used in park landscaping, however, only a few of them are suitable for growing indoors. The most widespread in room culture are such types of ephedra as:

  • Large-fruited cypress is the most famous representative of the genus in home floriculture, which is a strong multi-branched tree with horizontal shoots. The needles of the plant have a pronounced lemon aroma. Young specimens have a columnar crown, which gradually takes on a spreading shape at the age of 5-7 years. The decorative forms of the type Goldcrest with golden needles and Goldcrest Vilma with bright yellow shoots are very good.
  • Mexican cypress (Lusitanian) is a graceful ephedra with tetrahedral drooping shoots growing in different planes. It has many forms, among which it is worth noting Benthamii with bluish-green needles, Lindlei with green needles and large cones, Tristis with sadly drooping branches.
  • Evergreen cypress is a pyramidal or spreading tree with large gray-brown cones and small needles of bluish-green or gray-green color, tightly pressed against the branches. Indoor conditions, as a rule, dwarf forms of the species are grown: Fastigiata Forluselu and Fastigiata montrosa.
  • Arizona cypress is a gorgeous beauty with a wide-gleaming crown and horizontally growing branches. For greenhouses, the Compacta shrub form and dwarf variety Aschersoniana.

Still in doubt? Not worth it! Indoor cypress is a grateful and friendly plant, so it won't be difficult to get along with it.

If you are looking for indoor plant, which will not only be beautiful, but also useful for a person, choose - it has gained wide popularity among professional florists and amateurs. This is due to its special unpretentiousness to the surrounding conditions and ease of cultivation, and therefore this unique plant can be seen in apartments quite often.

Types of home cypresses

This coniferous plant has several varieties, to which experts refer:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3 Lusitanian cypress (Mexican);
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

Each of the presented species has individual characteristics, including the shape and structure of the crown, shades of bark and needles, the size of cones, resistance to adverse environmental factors (humidity, dryness, frost), the ability to grow at home.

Properties of cypress and cypress oil

The popularity of the decorative cypress is associated with its originality and the beneficial influence, which he has on the health of people living in the apartment. Like any other coniferous plant, this indoor flower possesses antiseptic properties to prevent the spread and multiplication of pathogens - bacteria, fungi or mold. Excreted by plants useful material are able to clean the air space of premises with maximum efficiency, thereby creating a healthy atmosphere in them.

Cypress has other beneficial properties, which are associated with the use of oil obtained by distillation from the cones of this amazing plant. It helps in many ways to cure some diseases of the body and prevent them from occurring in the future. For example, cypress oil has the following properties:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. deodorant;
  3. hemostatic;
  4. tonic;
  5. calming.

Thanks to them, it is possible to improve memory and eliminate headaches, relieve different kinds colic, normalize hormonal balance, cure various types of colds, eliminate bleeding gums, wounds and cuts. In addition, cypress oil is used in cosmetology as an effective remedy for combating oily and problem skin, dandruff, and various irritations.

Cypress oil is used as compresses, drops, inhalations, baths, microclysters, rubbing, rinsing, and also as a solution for direct ingestion.

IMPORTANT: it must be remembered that cypress oil should under no circumstances be used during pregnancy, cancer or mastopathy.

Choosing a flower in a store

When choosing a room cypress in flower shop it is necessary to carefully examine the plant, and first of all focus on the color and condition of the needles. It should be light green with no visible changes or spots, indicating that the flower is in good condition. This fact also applies to its trunk and bark, which should have a natural shade of brown. In addition, fresh cypress exudes a light lemon scent, which can be felt if you run your palm against the growth of the needles. Old and diseased plants, as a rule, do not produce this aroma.

ADVICE: pay attention to the soil in the pot - if it is too moist, there is a high risk that the roots of the flower are damaged by rot or putrefactive bacteria grow in the substrate. Choose a plant with moderately damp soil, which will in some way indicate the integrity of the plant's root system.

Plant care

After purchasing a decorative cypress and delivering it to the apartment, it is necessary to provide the plant best conditions growth. This is not so difficult to do, since cypress is not demanding in terms of excessive attention, but the basic rules must be followed without fail. You need to pay attention to the following points when growing cypress at home:

For decorative cypress care not so difficult, the most important thing is to observe the state of the plant in time and provide everything the necessary conditions for its correct growth.

It is difficult to imagine the Black Sea or Crimean landscapes without a slender, handsome cypress. If you are fascinated by this beautiful tree steeped in myths and legends on vacation, try growing a cypress in a pot. Caring for it will require some knowledge and skills, but for this a miniature southern herringbone will delight you with its soft fragrant needles all year round.

Description of the plant

Cypress belongs to the genus of evergreen trees and shrubs of the family of the same name. Forms a pyramidal or spreading crown. Young plants have small, needle-shaped leaves. In adult specimens, they are scaly, pressed against the branches. Cypress belongs to monoecious plants: male and female cones are located under one crown, which ripen in the second year. Seeds are hidden on the underside of the cone scales.

Cypresses are inhabitants of subtropical and tropical climates. Frost-resistant species are grown in gardens and parks, and large-fruited cypress is popular for potted cultivation at home.

In Christian culture, cypress appears as a symbol of eternal life and is mentioned in the Bible as a tree growing in the Gardens of Eden.

In order to arrange a piece of the Garden of Eden on your windowsill, the cypress needs to create conditions close to its natural habitat.

Indoor cypress care

This southern heat-loving culture needs good lighting. But only adult trees can withstand the bright sun, and it is advisable to shade young sprouts at noon. Best location for him - eastern or northern window sills.

Caring for a cypress in a pot at home consists of regular watering, pruning, spraying and ensuring a period of winter dormancy.

In summer, the southern handsome man is kept at a temperature of at least 20 ° C and an abundance of fresh air. For this purpose, a cypress in a pot is taken out onto the balcony, into the courtyard, or the summer cottage. In a hot time, the plant needs regular spraying, loves a shower, or at least a location next to wet moss or wet pebbles.

In early spring, the cypress is pruned to form the desired crown. Until the fall, it is watered abundantly, following the rule - the warmer it is in the room, the more often it is watered.

From May to August, cypress is fed every month with liquid, intended for indoor plants.

The so-called cypress is very similar to the cypress. They belong to the same genus, and you should take care of the cypress in a pot in the same way as for the cypress itself.

How to care for a cypress tree in a pot in winter

For intensive growth during the growing season, the cypress needs a winter rest. At this time, it is kept in a cool room at a temperature of 8–10 ° C. It is watered very sparingly, once every 7–10 days. The best place for the wintering cypress there will be an insulated balcony or loggia. To prevent the roots from freezing, the pot is wrapped with any insulation - foam, mineral wool, with a rag.

With the onset of spring, the cypress is cut off and two weeks later brought into a warm room. Watering is gradually increased and fertilized.

Cypress transplant

Young, fast-growing cypresses are replanted annually from April to May. Adult specimens do not need an annual transplant; this procedure is carried out with them as needed, when the cypress becomes cramped in the old pot.

They transplant cypress at home in a pot very carefully, since it does not tolerate even a violation of the integrity of the earthen coma. In fact, the plant is transferred into a larger container, gently shaking off the earth along the edges of the earthen coma.

A drainage several centimeters deep is poured at the bottom of the pot, a little sand and a soil mixture consisting of:

  • 1 part sand
  • 1 part,
  • 1 part of turf land,
  • 2 parts of leafy or regular garden soil.

New soil under the earthen lump is poured so that the root collar of the transplanted plant remains above the soil surface.

Cypress is placed in new pot, trying not to showered the earth from it, and carefully fill the space between the roots and the walls of the pot with soil. The soil is slightly compacted and watered.

Diseases and pests

Cypress diseases are usually associated with inadequate care. So, from waterlogging, his roots rot. In the event of root rot, the diseased specimen is transplanted into new land by removing rotten roots and reducing the frequency of watering.

Due to the dry air in the room, cypress can suffer from an invasion or spider mite. The disease can be easily treated with Fitoverm or Aktellik. To prevent the appearance of pests, it is necessary to maintain an optimal air humidity in the room.

Subject to these simple rules for the care of a cypress in a pot, it can grow into a slender and graceful tree, which will become a real highlight of the interior.

Video about transplanting and reproducing cypress in a pot

Ask experienced flower growers, and they will tell you that under the USSR, no one even heard that conifers can be grown on windowsills.

Today you will not surprise anyone with this, because dwarf conifers perfectly take root in the conditions of our apartments. Nowadays, many enthusiasts grow thuja, cryptomeria, cypresses and even cedars in pots.

This list also includes interesting plant, which will be discussed today - hamaecyparis or cypress(chamaecyparis). The cypress is a miniature indoor coniferous tree. It is also called false cyparis, hamecyparis or indoor cypress.

This coniferous handsome man can not only decorate a home, but also benefit the health of the owners, releasing substances into the atmosphere that can kill pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Of course, to grow a handsome coniferous man, it will take a lot of attention and care. However, the beauty and benefits of chamecyparis are undoubtedly worth the effort.

And how nice to hear in the room fresh forest scent!

Brief description of the family and variety

Cypress is a bright representative of coniferous monoecious evergreen trees the cypress family. To all their appearance it resembles a cypress: in shape, the presence of needles, cones.

It differs from a real cypress in its flatter branches and small cones, each scale of which contains two seeds. The needles of young cypress trees are needle-shaped, and those of adult plants are scaly. The tree bears fruit in small cones ranging in size from 0.5 to 1 cm.

Grows in nature on the coast of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean of North America, in subtropical regions East Asia... Under natural conditions, chameciparis grow in the form of cone-shaped trees up to 60 meters high. Indoors, a tree can grow as little as 2 meters in height.

Breeders have bred about 200 varieties of cypress trees. The varietal diversity of plants is so great that among them you can see trees of weeping, pyramidal and dwarf forms with needles of yellow, gray, blue and variegated colors.

Indoor conditions, the following types of cypress are most often grown:

  • Nutkan cypress (Chamaecyparisnootkatensis)- grows on the Pacific coast, reaches a height of 40 meters. It has a grayish-brown bark and dark green needles with an unpleasant odor. Cones are spherical, brown with a purple tint. Can be grown at home.
  • Lawson's cypress (Chamaecyparislawsoniana)- lives in North America, growing up to 60 meters in height. The bark and needles are scaly, spherical green cones. Well suited for indoor floriculture. Its most interesting varieties:
      • Alumii(gray-blue needles);
      • Alumigold(yellow needles);
      • Erecta vitidis(light green needles).
  • Thuate cypress (Chamaecyparisthyoides)- distributed in the eastern part of North America. It has soft green needles with a bluish tint, which is replaced by silver in spring and bronze in autumn. In nature, it grows up to 25 meters.
  • Pea cypress (Chamaecyparispisifera)- homeland is Japan, where it reaches 30 meters in height. It features a smooth reddish bark with a blue or brown tint. The needles are dark green, covered with white stripes and spots on the inside. Cones are small, round, brown. The varieties bred on its basis are incredibly beautiful:
      • Boulevard(silver-blue needles);
      • Filifera aurea(golden needles);
      • Squarrosa dumosa(bluish-green needles).
  • Blunt cypress (Chamaecyparisobtusa)- grows in the northern part of Japan. Differs in light brown smooth bark, shiny light green needles and small spherical cones.
  • Mourning cypress or in Latin Chamaecyparis funebris is a native of China with grayish-green needles and dark brown cones. The funeral cypress is the smallest of its kind and is perfect for growing in the bonsai style.

Despite the differences in the appearance of these species, they are united common features: crown shape, bumps with turned down and mute protruding scales, straight trunk. There is an exception - Kashmiri weeping cypress whose branches are down.

Secrets of caring for indoor cypress

Hameykiparisovik is considered a not very picky plant to care for. Nevertheless, he requires certain conditions of detention. When caring for a coniferous tree, it is important not to forget that this is a forest dweller. So Fresh air and coolness in the hot season - main condition presented by hamecyparis. And regular rain in the form of spraying is a guarantee of the health of the lush needles of a house tree.

When caring for a cypress, you should not forget about once or twice a month turn the plant 10 or 15 degrees around its axis. This procedure will provide him with a crown that grows evenly from all sides.


The coniferous cypress is very likes bright light, somewhat shaded or scattered, without direct sunlight, so it can be kept on the east and west windows, on the south side it can be placed at some distance from the window.

In the summer you need especially watch closely so that the needles do not burn with hot rays. Cypress, being a true native of the forest, loves fresh air.

Perfect summer option placement of the plant is a balcony, veranda or garden. But even in street conditions the cypress will need shading. However, this does not apply to plants with yellow needles - they, on the contrary, adore the sun's rays.

If you have the opportunity to transfer the tree in the summer to the open air, where the sun does not penetrate and drafts do not reach, the hamaecyparis will develop and grow faster.

In winter, the tree should be as far away from heating appliances as possible. Too dry air is a threat to plant life. The best place for wintering this plant will become a southern window sill, and only with the appearance of bright spring rays, it must be removed away from bright light. Also, in winter, you may need additional illumination with fluorescent lamps.

You should know that in low light hamaecyparisovik stretches out, loses its shape, and in case of excess, the needles turn yellow and fall off. And we should not forget that hamecyparis does not tolerate drafts.


Indoor cypress, although it is a plant in southern latitudes, loves coolness at home. Optimum temperature content for him will be + 8-15 ° С. Do not place the tree next to radiators or other heating devices. In winter, the plant is kept at low temperatures- not higher than 10 degrees. In summer, it does not tolerate heat.

In winter, the plant needs more air humidity, even if the room temperature is low. In case of serious violation temperature regime the needles can dry out and fall off, and new ones on these branches will no longer grow.

Low temperature is one of the main health conditions coniferous tree.


Conifers love abundant watering- such that the soil always remains slightly moist. Water daily in summer and weekly in winter. Use water room temperature, it should be soft, non-calcined. It is better to water often, but little by little, to prevent stagnation of water in the pan.

If for the winter period you arrange a tree in a pallet with wet expanded clay, then water the cypress not necessary... It is enough just to make sure that there is always moisture in the pallet. Evaporation of moisture from the soil surface is reduced by mulching. Experienced florists it is advised to put pieces of ice in the pot, which, slowly melting, moisturize the soil and air around the plant at the same time.

Dry land - signal for soil moisture in the cold season. If in winter chameciparis lives in a warm room, he needs a wet shower twice a day - in the evening and morning.

Try to use only settled water - this does not allow the needles to turn yellow and fall off, especially if the plant is kept at an air temperature above optimal. Spray the plant vital at least once a day, especially when the air temperature is above 15 degrees. One day is enough not to spray the ephedra for its death.

Soil composition and feeding

Weakly acidic soil (pH level - 5.5 - 6.5) is what conifers need for good growth... Your best bet is to purchase ephedra substrate from a specialist store. Before filling the pot with soil, ensure good drainage, and fluff the soil itself well.

Feeding cypress throughout the spring and summer seasons, every 14 days, and then stop feeding. For chamaecyparisovik, ordinary liquid fertilizers for conifers must be diluted with water, reducing the concentration by half.

Before applying fertilizers, the soil must be loosened. Complex fertilizers are used as dressings. mineral fertilizers for conifers or highly diluted solutions of liquid organic fertilizers. Not worth using various fertilizers indiscriminately, especially growth stimulants - they can turn your indoor tree into a huge tree under the ceiling with a thick trunk.

Transplant and reproduction

Indoor cypresses grow fast enough, so even adults plants are transplanted at least once every two years. Since his root system is quite developed, the container is taken spacious, the bottom is filled with drainage stones (pebbles, expanded clay, broken brick).

Hamaecyparisoviki not very fond of transplants and tolerate them quite hard.

The soil can be bought ready-made - universal or for conifers. If you will prepare the soil mixture yourself, take this composition:

  • turf - 1 part;
  • leaf land - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part.

Carefully, trying not to damage the root system, transfer the plant to another container with laid drainage, sprinkle with new soil, not deepening the trunk too much. After transplanting, it is necessary to place the cypress in the shade so that it got away from serious stress.

As for the reproduction of the cypress tree at home, this is not an easy task... Experienced florists trying to achieve desired result use powerful growth stimulants (such as Epin).

You can try to propagate the plant from apical cutting, process, and then plant in a greenhouse with high humidity air. After the appearance of young plants, they are seated in separate containers.

You can try to plant woody cuttings or the seeds(this is done in the spring). This process is quite laborious, lengthy and not always justified. The seeds are pre-stratified - for this they are placed in a moist substrate for 90 days at a temperature of 5-7 degrees. After this period, the seeds are placed in a warm place for germination. Subsequently, they are seated in individual pots.


To keep the tree lush and beautiful shape, in the spring you need to rid it of dry branches and overly long shoots. In no case should you cut off excess processes in part or in half ( only completely!). In the fall, if necessary, prune the cypress tree for the same purpose - so that it does not grow too high.

Growing features

When caring for an indoor cypress, the following features should be taken into account:

  • In the early spring period, root pruning to reduce crown growth.
  • Cypress required constantly turn by 10-15 degrees, with an interval of two weeks.
  • Can't be put ephedra in a draft - both at home and on the street.
  • Plant does not love lighting changes.
  • Dry branches are removed.
  • To form the crown, excess shoots are regularly cut off. Not recommended cut off part of the branch, especially after the formation of leaves. The branch is cut off entirely.
  • If cultivation is carried out bonsai style- the transplant is carried out every 3-4 years.

Frequent problems of indoor cypresses

If the basic rules for caring for indoor cypress at home are not followed, the following problems may appear:

  • if the tree is pulled, you need to add lighting to it;
  • at yellowing, drying and shedding needles you need to transfer the plant to the shade;
  • another reason yellowing of the needles there may be a lack of watering or fertilization;
  • if twigs dry up in one place - find out if it is nearby heater(spray and water the plant more often);
  • with excessively dry air in the apartment, insufficient watering and low temperatures the tips of the needles are stained v Brown color (increase the intensity of spraying);
  • if the plant withers then it is possible the influence of root rot (urgently transplant into another container and reduce watering).

Diseases and pests

Cypress is resistant to diseases. Only improper care can undermine its health, from which the plant develops rot. The root system of a coniferous tree can rot with waterlogged soil, lack of drainage and improperly selected soil. If the plant does get sick root rot, you need to remove it from the pot, cut off the rotten roots and transplant it into a new container, changing the conditions of detention.

The cypress can be attacked by and.

Shield. The plant is covered with round bumps of green, yellow or brown color, such bulges can appear on both sides of the leaves - these are the scutes. They suck out the juice from the plant, gradually leading to the weakening of the ephedra and inhibition of its development.

For destruction use insecticides Aktellik, Mospilan, Aktara, Intavir, Fitoverm, Arrivo, Permethrin. From folk remedies onion and garlic infusions, potassium soap solution can help.

Spider mite. The plant is covered with a thin cobweb and white spots on the inside of the leaves. After a while, the color of the needles changes, it dries up and disappears. To get rid of the pest, insecticides Aldikarb, Temik, Karbofos, Intavir, Fitoverm, sulfuric and phosphorus agents, dandelion decoction, infusions of garlic and onions are used.

Useful properties of cypress

Cypresses were grown in Ancient Greece... They say that these trees bring positive and strong "Male" energy... Indeed, an old myth says that Cypress is a beautiful youth whom the god Apollo turned into a tree for disobedience. Cypresses, thanks to their amazing decorative qualities have long become habitual inhabitants of our parks, gardens, squares.

Cypress is a plant with unique beneficial properties. :

  • Cypress needles have a pleasant aroma and fills the house with phytoncides, extremely beneficial for the respiratory system.
  • Cypress phytoncides suppress development microbes, E. coli and staphylococcus.
  • The presence of a coniferous tree in the house improves microclimate premises.
  • Inhaling the aroma of chamecyparis needles is an excellent prevention of bronchitis and colds.

How to care for indoor cypress or cypress trees (hamaekiparisovik), see the video below:

What to do if indoor cypress (cypress) dries up? Watch the professional tips in the video:

Needless to say, growing a home tree is not as easy as it seems. But a patient florist can do everything. A little more work and patience - and you will have an elegant cypress tree for a long time, pleasing the eye with a dense crown of fluffy twigs and exuding a healthy coniferous aroma. And on New Year's Eve, the evergreen cypress tree will gladly try on the role holiday tree ! And believe me, he will cope with it "perfectly"!

Has become a decoration of gardens, greenhouses and parks since ancient times. Its spectacular, spreading crown and impressive size fascinate passers-by. Thick, luscious greenery is pleasing to the eye all year round. Every gardener and just a lover of coniferous crops dreams of having an evergreen, luxurious tree. It is given creative forms and is used as vertical landscaping in gardens.

In landscape design, cypress is widely used to decorate large parks and gardens. Thanks to breeders, it became possible to breed it in rather harsh conditions. This is what plant breeders use. The tree is successfully grown in the open field and at home. The gardener will learn how to care for cypress from this useful guide.

It is an evergreen plant that belongs to the cypress family. In nature, it occurs in the form of a tall, stately tree or shrub. The latter is a rather rare phenomenon. The habitat of the plant is North America, the Mediterranean, the Himalayas, the islands of Crete and Cyprus, as well as the south of China. In Russia, the plant is grown in the south of Crimea. Thanks to breeding frost-resistant varieties, cypress is also planted in the central zone of the country.

Many conifer lovers grow a handsome man at home.

Description of cypress:

  • The plant is a slow growing tree. Reaches 70 m in height in places of wild growth.
  • The crown is pyramidal or spreading, depending on the species.
  • The leaves are like needles, fitting tightly to the branches. With age, they change their shape and become covered with scales.
  • The fruits of the tree, cones, are round, sometimes cylindrical. A very beautiful, intricate pattern is formed on the fruits. Cones densely cover the "paws" of the ephedra.
  • Both male and female fruits grow on the same tree, which is hallmark cypress from other conifers.
  • Cypress is fully ripe after about 100 years.

Cypress is considered one of the most ancient plant species, as its bark and needles have been found in fossils. Their age belonged to the Cenozoic era. In Christianity, cypress is credited with healing properties; it is considered a symbol of longevity and good health. The wood was used to build houses, ships and other structures. It is naturally resistant to moisture and temperature extremes.

Cypress disinfects the air, has a positive effect on the central nervous system and is a natural antiseptic. A plant in a room or garden makes an excellent natural air purifier, especially if you have a household with respiratory problems. Cypress will become not only decorative element garden or room, but also a "home doctor". Its breeding is shown both in the garden and at home.

The coniferous plant has about 25 species. However, for the purpose of decorative landscaping, only a few are used, less than 10. Almost all of them are intended for warm countries with high humidity air. Cypress loves sun and moisture.

The following types of plants are distinguished:

  • "McNaba" - this species has a pyramidal shape. It grows up to 12 m. The cypress is suitable for growing in harsh conditions. Frost-resistant, unpretentious.
  • Common cypress - reaches a height of up to 30 m. The foliage is gray, the cones are large, the shape of the crown is pyramidal. Prefers to grow in warm climates - Mediterranean. Not suitable for cultivation in Russia, does not tolerate frost.
  • "Mexican" - a type of tree common in warm lands- Mexico, southern USA. Reaches a height of 45 m. Has a pyramidal shape, the buds are medium in size, dark brown in color. The species is not suitable for cultivation in Russia, it is not hardy.
  • Cypress "Arizona" is subdivided into varieties depending on the shape of the crown, the color of the foliage. Not only trees are distinguished, but also shrubs that can be grown at home. Of many types for middle lane Only two are suitable for Russia - "Arizona" and "McNaba". But they also require special growing conditions.

Growing conditions: lighting and temperature

Cypress loves warm and humid environments. The main condition for growing a tree is bright, but diffused sunlight. If you plan to plant a seedling in the garden, it is necessary to choose a southern site so that the light is diffused and does not fall on the tops of the young tree. A little shading is appreciated. Cypress grows well in fertile and well-drained soils. It is advisable to grow the plant in areas protected from the wind. In the lowland, where the soil is constantly damp, it is better not to plant a tree.

It does not tolerate dampness, root rot may appear.

The optimal substrate for cypress will be a mixture of turf and leaf land, peat and sand. The ratio is 1: 2: 1: 1. Small trees or shrubs are grown at home. They also require good lighting - diffused sunlight. It is necessary to maintain air humidity in the room - above normal. If the air in the room is too dry, the cypress will die.

The temperature of the content in the summer is 20 ° -25 °, in the winter - 10 ° -15 °. It is imperative to maintain these indicators, otherwise the tree will begin to shed needles, turn yellow. The prerequisites for growing are not so much the composition of the soil as the humidity and temperature. Failure to comply with the indicators will lead to the death of the cypress.

Proper plant care: watering, feeding and transplanting

V summer period, in the phase of active growth, the plant is watered abundantly. On hot days, the sprinkling procedure is carried out - this is a necessary measure to prevent the young tree from wilting.

If cypress grows in a room, the procedure should be carried out as often as possible, since the air in the room is very dry. Watering the cypress is desirable with rainwater or tap water, but warm and settled. Make sure that the earthy ball is evenly moistened. Dryness or dampness is unacceptable and the soil should be moderately moist.

During the winter period, cypress is significantly reduced - up to once a week or two, depending on temperature conditions.

The higher the air temperature, more than 15 °, the more often the plant needs to be watered. However, cypress is less hydrated in winter. In open ground conditions, the tree is completely covered for the winter in the first four years of growth. It is covered with bark, covered non-woven fabric and close wooden box... Before closing the cypress for the winter, the tree is watered abundantly.

Top dressing:

  • In the first 4 years of the life of a cypress, both in the open field and at home, they make complex from May to September. Frequency - once every three weeks. These are the most active years when the tree is developing and growing intensively.
  • You can feed it with a mixture of 10 liters of water, 10 g of superphosphate and 2 kg of manure.
  • An adult plant is fertilized only twice - in spring and autumn.
  • Be sure to moisten the soil before applying any fertilizer.

Cypress plays an important role, especially if the tree is grown in harsh conditions. He needs to be helped to gain strength in the early years. Further, the cypress will enter a phase of slow growth and will develop for many decades.

In the conditions of rooms, cypress is transplanted once every two years. The plant does not like this procedure, as it prefers rest, it is better not to touch or move it. carried out by the method of transshipment of the old earthen coma into a new flowerpot. Only the top soil layer is updated. Cypress does not tolerate damage well. Therefore, the transplant is carried out very carefully. The procedure is carried out in the spring - from April to May. If the plant is planned to be planted in open ground, it is advisable to do this in June. Timely transplant contributes to good development plants. However, the procedure must be carried out very carefully.

The plant is bred using seeds or cuttings. The first method is not very popular, since you need to grow an adult tree first. Purchased seeds are often unmatched. on the contrary, it has gained wide popularity in the cultivation of cypress. The shoots germinate easily, there are no problems with them.

To obtain a cutting, it is necessary to cut off the upper shoots of the cypress.

The stalk should be with a heel. The plant is placed in a light substrate of peat, leafy and soddy soil. Cover with foil for better germination. This is the simplest method. If there are cypress seeds, they are planted in spring in a light substrate under a film. As the seedlings grow, the plant is transplanted into a flowerpot, then into open ground - in the second or third year of life.

Both seeds and cuttings are good for breeding a handsome coniferous man. For faster results, growers prefer the cuttings method.

The most common problem in cypress growing is its crown. At the slightest temperature difference, the foliage turns yellow, the needles begin to fall off. The reason is often dry air and insufficient air. For the same reason, spider mites and scale insects may appear. The first one is quite simple to detect, the tick and its cobweb can be seen on the leaves and between them. A sign of the appearance of a scale insect is brown spots on the needles, stems. It is necessary to fight with the help of insecticides - "Actellik", "Karbofos".

But perhaps the most dangerous disease for cypress it is root rot.

It appears due to waterlogging of the soil. In this case, it can only help. But if the roots are badly damaged, the cypress is thrown away. Observing the rules of caring for the plant, you can prevent the appearance of pests and diseases of the cypress.

For a slender and stately cypress, it is difficult because you need to constantly monitor the air temperature and humidity. However, having provided him with the proper conditions, he will delight the owners with a luxurious crown, healing properties and decorative appearance.

More information can be found in the video.