Kobe is tenacious. Choosing a place and soil for planting

To make your backyard smart and bright, be sure to plant a kobe. This beautifully flowering shrub liana is simply created for landscaping a garden. Homeland of the thermophilic climbing plant are the mountain forests of the subtropics and tropics of the Central and South America. In our country, it is usually grown as annual plant, because our kobeya does not always tolerate frosts.

Kobeya: photo and description

The plant is characterized by long, above 7 m, stems, on which complex pinnate leaves are in the next order, and the tips of the branches are complemented by tenacious tendrils, due to which the flower can tear itself off the ground, clinging to any base. Kobe grows quite quickly, for a short time, decorating vast areas with natural cover.

The plant blooms with large (approximately 9 cm in size) "bells", which create a musky pleasant aroma: during the growing season, long pedicels form from axillary leaves, which are crowned with single or group flowers of 3-5 pieces with a large pistil and stamens. Young leaves of the inflorescence first have a yellow-green hue, then the flower turns purple or white (depending on the type of kobe). The fruits of this plant are like boxes that are leathery and elastic to the touch, filled with small round seeds.

If the sun often pampers the plant with its warmth and light, then the kobeya will definitely reciprocate: in excellent weather, the flower grows surprisingly fast. Moreover, the fibrous powerful roots of the flower actively use nutrients from the environment.

In his family kobei there are 9 varieties, of which only one variety has taken root in ornamental gardening, which is also called creeping kobe, or, as they are also called, "monastery bells." This type of plant is successfully grown as an elegant decoration of a personal plot.

Features landing kobei

The growth stage of a kobei from a seed to a beautifully growing liana can be divided into two main processes:

  • at the initial stage, kobei seeds are planted for seedlings;
  • at the next stage, the germinated seeds are transplanted into the ground.

Tropical "living" determined the main character trait of this plant: kobeya does not tolerate negative temperature Therefore, it is cultivated as an annual plant. Get this beauty on personal plot only possible by planting kobei seeds.

Kobeya in the garden: photos of the plant on the site

How to plant kobei seeds?

We offer you to get acquainted with the instructions for growing kobei:

  • start work with seeds in early spring . The bottom of a wooden container is covered with several layers of dense toilet paper or gauze, then impregnate this flooring with a dilute solution of manganese (potassium permanganate). Liana seeds are laid one at a time at a small distance between them. The container with the upcoming seedlings is preserved with a plastic film;
  • a place for a container is selected warm, under the indirect rays of the sun. It's okay if the seeds suddenly become covered with mucus: in this case, they are washed with a solution of manganese, the bedding paper is replaced and clean planting material is laid on it again. Tender seedlings are formed in about 18-21 days. When the sprouts grow a little, they are planted in a common container;
  • the approximate diameter of the total container for transplanting a plant is about 9–11 cm. Loose soil is poured into this pot and seedlings are dug to a depth of 1.6 cm. Each seed is laid out horizontally, with the flat side to the bottom. With the formation of the first leaflet on the seedlings, it is transplanted into a separate container, not forgetting to install a peg in the ground - a “package”.
  • to landing on open land(mid-spring) seedlings need to be prepared in advance. 16–22 days before planting, the seedlings need to be hardened off; for this, the container is placed overnight on the loggia. This should not be done if there are still frosts at night;
  • growing quickly, seedlings are strongly drawn out, and this greatly reduces their decorative properties. To create branched and lush crown, young shoots need to pinch;
  • for normal acclimatization young plant select the most closed from drafts and the sunniest area, for example, near the wall of the house or near the fence. Kobeya will be able to put up with the lack of sunlight, but a constant shadow will not allow the liana to show all its beauty during flowering. With the advent of summer, planting pits, located at a distance of 80–100 cm from each other, are filled with soddy soil, peat and humus. Seedlings are placed here without removing the earthen clod. While weak seedlings have not yet begun to trail, they are supported in the form of pegs. A little later, when the shoots are already stronger, the plant will be able to independently climb onto the support installed nearby.

Conditions and care for kobe after transplanting into open ground

Liana is actively growing and expends a lot of its energy in order to climb up with the help of its tendrils - and it is quite logical that this plant needs abundant and constant watering, as well as a large amount of nutrients, to grow. Especially the satisfaction of these needs becomes relevant when the summer days turned out to be dry and hot. Moreover, it is constantly necessary to carefully monitor that after watering the vines, water does not stagnate in the soil, otherwise the kobei root system will certainly suffer from ubiquitous fungal infections.

Kobeya grows quite quickly, but begins its flowering only after weekly bait - it is necessary to start adding fertilizer from the time of growing young sprouts from seeds in closed ground. Feeding should be alternated:

  • First, the soil where the kobe grows is saturated with organic fertilizers;
  • Then mineral supplements.

At the beginning of the growing season, the plant needs nitrogen most of all, and before flowering (early July) - in phosphorus, potassium and various useful trace elements. The bait must be carefully dosed: if you give Kobei an excessive amount of nitrogen, then the liana will actively release leaves, because of this, the flowering time will be significantly reduced. A unique fact: the more acidic the soil, the brighter red color the inflorescences of the plant acquire, if there is a lot of lime in the soil, then blue color prevails in the flower petals.

Ground circles certainly mulch with sawdust, peat or any other material, to which is of organic origin, so that it is possible to control the degree of humidity.

Kobe is strongly "loved" by all sorts of garden pests, among which spider mite and aphids, therefore this plant must be frequently inspected and treated with insecticides, if necessary.

wintering kobei

As we said above, tropical liana grown in our conditions as an annual plant, especially since growing a beautiful vine from a small amount of seeds is quite simple. At the same time, some summer residents manage to preserve this shrub in the winter, so that with the departure of spring frosts, there will already be an adult, last year's plant on the backyard territory.

This is actually a challenge to nature itself: organizing the wintering of a kobe and not ruining it is a rather difficult task, since this plant is, first of all, quite large, and the liana does not take root very well after transplantation. However, this emotional shake-up is only good for the plant. As practice has shown, a kobeya that has coped with wintering begins to bloom earlier and does it quite actively.

How to keep a kobe in the winter?

With the onset of autumn, at the end of September, all foliage is removed from the plant and carefully dug up. The most important thing is not to damage the roots - the root system, although quite large, is very fragile. Store the plant itself in a container, placing it in a cool and dark room at a temperature of at least 9-11C. The cellar is the best for this.

In winter, kobeya is in a dormant state, and this plant does not require care. Periodically, it is necessary to check the ground in which the roots of the vine are located, controlling it normal level humidity. With the onset of spring, the plant is moved to a warm and bright place., slowly increasing the amount of watering the vines. The plant is returned to its original place in the backyard at the beginning of summer, when the insidious frosts are already far behind. The care and planting of a kobe that has managed to endure the winter is the same as for annual plants.

In mother plants that were able to overwinter, cuttings are cut off for vegetative propagation bush. When, after wintering, plants under the influence of heat and solar lighting begins to form young shoots, the strongest of them are prepared for this purpose: they are carefully cut so as not to deform mother plant, and kept in wet sand until the shoots create their own root system. Young seedlings are transferred to open ground when good weather returns to normal.

Flower growers who have been growing this climbing vine for a very long time talk about one unique feature: kobeya, which is not grown from seeds, but from cuttings, begins to bloom earlier, but not as brightly and actively as one that is grown from seeds.

Growing kobei in garden compositions

Flower growers love to grow the "branched" beauty for its cheerful, lush appearance and significant growth on any surface where only the vine can reach. Here's how you can refresh and ennoble your home garden with the help of kobei:

For many gardeners, kobeya is a rather capricious house flower. But those people who decided to grow this flower culture, and create her proper care, as a result, they will be able to get a magnificent plant that will decorate a flower garden on a balcony or a personal plot.

Another of gardeners' favorite plants is climbing kobea, which is somewhat labor intensive to grow from seed. But the time and effort invested is compensated by the gorgeous view and abundant flowering. Look!

Brief botanical reference

Liana Kobeya (translated from Latin Cobaea) is a climbing shrub. The plant belongs to the cyanide family. Despite being a perennial, kobe is grown as an annual. The liana is named after Barnabas Cobo, a Spanish Jesuit monk-naturalist, for a long time who lived in Peru and Mexico - the birthplace of kobei.

If we talk about natural growing conditions, then the plant prefers the humid subtropics and tropics of America. Since 1787, the liana began to be used as ornamental plant for decorating hedges or gardening arbors.

Ground Requirements

Growing kobei requires compliance with a number of rules. Only with their scrupulous implementation can seedlings be achieved and suitable seedlings obtained. Let's talk about the ground first. For good development it is necessary to provide the plant with soft, moderately moist and loose soil. Unfortunately, in the latitudes of Russia, natural conditions are different, so you have to find a way out of the situation by regularly loosening, moistening and nourishing the earth.

Seed preparation

Just sowing the seeds will not succeed - they simply will not sprout. The fact is that the seeds are covered with a hard shell. It is necessary to carry out preliminary training: remove it mechanically or simply dissolve to a mucus-like state.

The first step is scarification. To do this, the seed coat is damaged by rubbing it, for example, with sandpaper. After the seeds are distributed over a damp cloth so that they do not touch each other, wrapped and placed in a plastic bag, thereby creating a "greenhouse".

If you have a container that looks like a Petri dish, you can use that as well. A simpler option is a regular plastic container with a lid.

The condition of the seeds is checked daily. If mucus appears on the surface, then it is removed with a cloth, after wetting it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure for removing mucus is carried out in several stages. The appearance of mold indicates an excessively low temperature in the container, so it needs to be moved to a warmer place. As a rule, germination lasts 2 weeks, but in some cases this period is extended up to three weeks.

Keep a close eye on the seeds. As soon as they hatch, the seeds are immediately sown. If you are late, then the seed box will simply remain on the plant and then have to be removed manually, which is fraught with damage to the plant itself.

You can also pre-soak the seeds in special substances - germination accelerators:

  1. Epin Extra. Soak for 4 hours, preparing a solution of 4 drops of the substance per 0.1 l of water.
  2. A mixture of honey and aloe juice in equal parts. Soaking time 1 hour.
  3. Zircon. Soaking time is also 4 hours. The solution is prepared from 5 drops dissolved in 0.1 l of water.

Planting seeds

In order for the future kobeya to be resistant to external influences, cultivation from seeds should begin at the end of February. To do this, prepare the substrate, pour it into boxes. Hollows are made in the ground 1.5 cm deep, the seeds are distributed in them with the flat side down, sprinkled with earth and lightly tamped.

Landing can be planted in peat tablets or in individual paper cups, in which it will be possible to immediately plant the young in bulk in the ground.

The soil with seeds is watered, covered with glass or film and sent to a warm place, preferably under direct sunlight.

Do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse daily and remove condensate.

winter sowing

Often gardeners to obtain early flowering liana seeds are planted immediately in the ground in July, be sure to carry out all the necessary preparation. At the end of August, the young that have appeared are dug up, planted in an individual "house" and sent to spend the winter in a cool room where the temperature does not drop below zero. The ideal temperature for wintering is 8-10 degrees. If it is lower, then the plants additionally cover.

Kobei carry out moderately and only when the earth is completely dry. If the plants are strongly branched in the summer, then they are pruned. At the end of May next year, it will be possible to plant vines in open ground.

With proper cultivation and proper care, the length of the vine can reach 11 meters, and flowering lasts until autumn.

seedling care

During germination, watering should be moderate. You can water the growth stimulator. When shoots appear, the box is shaded from direct sunlight. After a while, when the sprouts acquire a pair of leaves, they can already be transplanted.
To do this, the kobe is pulled out along with an earthen clod and transferred to a pot 2-3 times larger than the previous one. This will avoid another transplant and the vine will develop and grow stronger without additional stress.

Be sure to keep an eye on the volume of the container. In a cramped pot, the liana turns yellow.

After transshipment, it is necessary to finally establish a support for each sprout. As for top dressing, it should not be carried out, since the vine will not grow and develop, but will become tangled, which will complicate its further transplantation. As soon as the vine reaches a little more than 20 cm in height, it will need to be pinned down so that the plant begins to bush.

Landing in open ground

Seedlings can be transplanted only when the temperature at night does not fall below 4ºС. As a rule, this corresponds to the second half of May - the beginning of June. Please note that the young are extremely sensitive to cold, so the grown vine should be hardened before planting. To do this, in the last two weeks before transplanting, they take it out to the loggia, veranda, or in. If the temperature continues to fall below zero at night, the plants need to be covered with a film.

Disembarkation. Option 1

In a sunny place, devoid of wind, dig a hole at least 40 cm deep. Having mixed peat, humus and soddy soil in equal parts, they fill the hole.

The distance between copies must be at least a meter.

After watering the seedlings, sprinkle with earth, lightly tamp and establish a support.

If the seedlings did not sprout at the same time and there are weak plants, they are also planted in the garden, but at the same time they are fertilized with organic matter.

When the night temperature drops, the sprouts cover plastic bottles or film. The next 2 weeks are adaptive for plants.

Disembarkation. Option 2

Seedlings can also be planted in early May. As a rule, this emergency landing is carried out with heavily overgrown vines. The algorithm is identical previous option. But after landing, all the loops are carefully distributed on the ground and carefully covered with a dense film. All corners are securely fixed so that the film does not “run away”.

With this method, daily ventilation is important. Liana flowering will come 2 weeks earlier.

Upon the onset of heat, the "greenhouse" is removed, the lashes are lifted and attached to the installed supports. When you follow all the tips, you will receive beautiful plant with abundant and long flowering.

Growing kobei from seeds - video

Kobeya climbing - a liana with flowers of extraordinary beauty. Actually, she is perennial plant, but, like many guests from southern countries (the birthplace of kobei is the South American tropics), we grow as an annual.

At home, kobe has nine species. We have plants with white and purple flowers. They have shoots from four to six meters long, beautiful pinnate leaves. With the help of tenacious antennae, the kobe easily climbs from one support to another. And her flowers are such that, having seen them once, it is impossible to forget. Campanulas, or rather bells, up to 8 centimeters in diameter with prominent stamens. They can be purple in various shades. At first, the flowers are light, greenish, then they become darker and brighter. The bush during flowering is similar to Christmas tree decorated with colorful bells. There is also a white kobe.

Growing from seeds at home

Kobeya propagates by seeds that do not ripen in our conditions. So you have to buy them every year. Fortunately, there are no problems with the purchase. Practically in all firms dealing with flower seeds, kobeya is available for sale. Growing from seeds is a rather difficult process. Their germination rate is quite low. Reviews of gardeners say that even from germinated seeds, only a third sprouts. They note the company "Russian Garden", whose results are much better. They sprout almost all sown kobeya.

Growing from seeds begins very early, in winter. Sow from February to mid-March. Although some gardeners do it in mid-March. And they say that in July they already admire the flowers that cover the climbing kobe. Growing from seeds can occur in two ways:

  • When sowing dry kobei seeds, they are placed one at a time in a cup. Having laid the seed with the flat side on the surface of the soil, sprinkle it with earth with a layer of 1.5-2 cm and compact the soil tightly. This will help shed the seed coat. She often breaks off the cotyledon leaves, because of which the violet kobe may die. Growing from seeds gives the best results if they are soaked for a few hours in a growth stimulator before sowing. It can be "Epin" or aloe juice.
  • Kobe seeds are soaked in the same way as the seed of all other plants. Features of growing kobei from seeds are that they have an unusual size and shape. The seeds are large, flat and hairy. Their surface is very durable. Because of this, they cannot germinate in any way. When soaked, the seeds are covered with a slippery shell, which is formed from the swelling of the shaggy crust. Gardeners advise removing it, and this can not be done immediately, as it separates for several days. They say that after this, kobeya sprouts faster. Growing from seeds at home may include one more step. Seeds that did not hatch after a day of soaking are advised to pierce with a needle and put them back into the water for a day.

The hatched seeds are sown in the manner described above. After two or three weeks, or even 25 days, shoots appear. So long sprouts kobeya. Growing from seeds (photo attached) in this case gave a result.

Gardeners offer an interesting way. It turns out that kobe can be planted in peat pots summer, in July. Until winter, they grow a little, and then are stored in the cellar. In March, they are taken out into the sun and watered. Waiting for the threat to pass spring frosts, hardened and planted in a permanent place. Plants bloom much faster than those sown in spring. In the cellar, they do not outgrow. But you need to keep an eye on them all the time. After all, there is often high humidity which can lead to plant death. No one says that with this method of storage they died from the cold.


After the first real leaf has appeared at the sprout, they dive into a separate bowl, larger in size, with a volume of three liters, so that a kobe can grow in it for a long time. Growing from seeds (photo) in such a pot will allow the plant to form a strong root.

First, the sprout in the old bowl is well watered, then taken out along with clod of earth, trying not to violate its integrity, and sprinkle with new soil. Watering again. Make sure the plant has enough light.

At the end of summer or even in September, kobeya blooms. Growing from seeds starts earlier for this very reason. If seedlings appeared in mid-February, and it can be planted in open ground at the end of May, then all this time it will be indoors and grow. If you dive into a small bowl, then soon it will become small and you will need to transship it into a deeper pot so that the leaves do not turn yellow. You also need to take into account that the kobeya is a vine, and she needs a support on which she will twist. Some plants have time to grow before landing in the ground to a height of up to two meters. It’s also good if it doesn’t need to be transported anywhere, and this happens.

Kobe can be propagated by cuttings. Plants obtained in this way begin to bloom faster. But the bush itself is stronger if it has grown from a seed. The cuttings are planted in the sand, moistened and made from a film, in which constant humidity is maintained. But for this you need to have a ready-made plant on hand, from which cuttings can be taken. Since there are not so many such trees around, it is quite difficult to do this. As you can see, the only way available to everyone that kobeya reproduces is growing from seeds. When to plant it in open ground?

Temperature regime

Kobeya is not afraid of cold and low positive temperatures. mature plant can withstand frosts up to 5 degrees. And the young is dangerous and zero. It is planted in the ground at a stable temperature at night not lower than 4 degrees. It's around the end of May. Before that, you need to harden the seedlings by putting them on a balcony or a protected place in the yard.

Place to land

The kobe is planted in fertile land, previously limed. The site should be well lit and protected from cold winds. It can grow in partial shade, but will not bloom in the shade.

Kobes need a lot of land to grow properly. Therefore, it is almost impossible to bring it in a pot of any size to a state of flowering. So, you should not grow a kobe on the balcony.

Planting in a permanent place

Plant plants at a distance of at least half a meter. Kobeya tolerates transplant well. She quickly regains strength and begins to grow. Sometimes during transportation, its stems are in a twisted state for a long time. During this time, they can wrap up and intertwine with each other. Then it is very easy to damage them when installing on a support.


Kobeya is a very tall liana. If you do not adjust its length, it will climb up and somewhere there weave into a ball. Can climb up to 9 meters! Therefore, usually its top is pinched after transplantation. But you do not need to do this earlier, so as not to get a wide and low plant. If you plan to send the kobe to a long support, then you should not pinch it.


The area where the kobe grows is constantly:

  • watered;
  • fly;
  • loosen;
  • feed.


She needs support in the form of a strong mesh or a specially made arch, which are now widespread.


Kobe will not bloom if the soil around it is dry. Does not like extreme heat when its root system overheats. In this case, without abundant watering, she drops the flowers, and all the long-awaited beauty disappears.


Kobe can be fed complex mineral fertilizer containing a balanced amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. If you give preference to nitrogen, then the plant will intensively produce leaves, and flowers may not appear.

But if all the conditions for care are met, then in July or August (depending on the region and weather) it is covered with large charming bells that will give you joy until frost.


Since kobeya is a perennial plant, you can keep it indoors until next summer. To do this, before the onset of frost, cut and dig the plant. Immerse it in a wide dish and install it in a bright room, the temperature in which is about 12 degrees. It is necessary to ensure that the root system does not dry out completely, but watering is very rare. In February, set the pot in the light in a warm place and begin to water. In this case, it will begin to bloom much earlier and more abundantly.

Moreover, gardeners offer to store kobei bushes with a clod of earth right in the cellar, like seedlings. They claim that plants successfully endure such wintering.


They are used for landscaping arches, arbors, balconies (with landing at the bottom).

If she is not followed, she easily climbs trees or nearby poles and decorates them too.

So, you will have to tinker with the plant a lot. But what a pleasure you will get when the kobe finally blooms. Growing from seeds is a troublesome process. But, as you know, what is difficult for us is valued the most. Nevertheless, many gardeners, having suffered with a kobe for six months before planting, and even a couple of months before flowering, are in no hurry to buy its seeds next year.

28.09.2017 7 420

Kobeya climbing growing from seeds - the main secrets of obtaining healthy varietal plants

If you don’t know how climbing kobe is cultivated, growing from seeds will be an important initial step for getting a gorgeous flower, so you should know when to sow, how seedlings grow and what care should be, what is the correct cultivation technique, when to dig for the winter, how to save in winter and other important aspects...

Preparing kobei seeds for sowing - what is important to know

Kobeya climbing - a plant native to the South American jungle, which grows in nature as a perennial, and in the European climate is an annual. The way that climbing kobe reproduces in nature and in gardens is by growing from seeds, and in the tropics they spill out of boxes as they mature, and then germinate, forming powerful thickets. In Russian gardens, this is impossible - the seeds will not have time to ripen due to the early onset of cold weather, therefore, in the northern latitudes, the liana is grown in seedlings.

The first question for those who are interested in climbing kobe is when to sow seeds for seedlings? It is easy to determine the timing - this tropical guest has an extended growing season, one third consisting of the so-called "childhood", in the first 3-4 months of life the plant is extremely unstable to temperature drops, does not tolerate fluctuations in soil and air humidity.

In order to get a climbing Kobe resistant to external influences, cultivation from seeds must begin at the end of February. Purchased seeds must be soaked in any stimulant:

  • (4 drops / 100 ml of water) - seeds are soaked for 4 hours
  • Aloe juice with honey (1/1) - the seeds are placed in the mixture for 1 hour
  • Zircon (5 drops / 100 ml of water) - kobei seeds are soaked for 4 hours

These drugs are used to accelerate germination planting material. After this treatment, the seeds are dried and placed on a cloth napkin. They need to be laid out at a distance from each other, the seeds should not touch. Next, the fabric is moistened, the seeds are covered with a film to create the effect of a greenhouse.

You need to keep the greenhouse in a shaded place at a temperature of +22 ْС. Seeds of climbing kobe germinate after 2 weeks, and if the temperature is higher, in the range of +25 ْ + ... 27 ْС, seedlings will appear 2-3 days earlier.

Kobeya climbing, growing from seeds - sowing and caring for plants

After the tip of the root appears, the seeds are opened and the sowing of seedlings begins. For climbing climbing vines, agricultural technology at this stage is quite simple. The nutrient soil for the seeds is a mixture of leafy soil (it needs to be taken in 2 parts), humus (1 part), coarse sand (take ½ part) and garden soil (1 part). The substrate is mixed well and poured into containers 15 cm deep. It is desirable that there are drainage holes in the boxes.

In order for the kobeya climbing liana to grow successfully from seeds germinated in advance, they are laid out with the convex side up, and then covered with sifted soil with a layer of 15 mm. Next, the soil in the box is moistened and placed in a bright place with a temperature not lower than +20 ْС. Periodically, the soil must be moistened with a spray bottle.

It's important to know! Kobeya has a low growth energy, so you should be prepared for the fact that no more than 60% of the seeds will sprout. If you do not treat with stimulants before germination, less than 30% of the sown seeds will sprout.

Seedlings of the climbing kobe appear after 3 weeks. Growing at the cotyledon stage is very simple. All that a young seedling needs is diffused light, high temperature and humidity. Kobei have low requirements for soil moisture. It is advisable not to overmoisten the soil in the box, otherwise the seedlings will die from the black leg.

When the first leaves appear in the kobe climbing liana, the seedlings dive into separate containers. Since the bush will form an extensive root system in the future, individual pots with a volume of at least 3 liters should be selected. The sprouts in them are transplanted with a clod of earth so as not to damage the roots. Immediately after transplantation, a peg about 50 cm high is inserted into the pot. When grown from seeds at this stage, antennae are already beginning to form in the kobei, with which it will cling to the support. Growing conditions after diving are as follows:

  • temperature in the range +17 ْ+…22 ْС
  • air humidity is high, it is advisable to place bowls of water next to the pots with seedlings, and also spray
  • watering is moderate, without stagnant water
  • bright diffused light

3-4 weeks before planting in a permanent place, the climbing kobe seedlings grown from seeds begin to harden, for this they are put outside when the weather is good, and 3-4 days before planting it is left outdoors all night, if not cold threats.

Planting kobei in open ground and caring for it

The next stage in the development of the climbing kobe plant, growing from seeds of which is the most acceptable option for European gardeners, is planting in open ground and it can be carried out with the onset of constant heat (late May, early or mid-June). The main thing is that the threat of return frosts is over.

The soil where the kobe will grow should be loose and moisture-resistant. This tropical guest does not tolerate sudden changes in humidity, therefore, in normal garden soil worth adding:

  • a bucket of peat for 1m 2
  • a bucket of sand for 2 m 2
  • a bucket of humus (from manure or plant residues) per 1 m 2

Growing kobei from seeds in the conditions of the northern garden requires a huge amount of nutrients in the soil, and in order to start the active growth of the vine, the soil is enriched with nitrogen before planting, it is added to it in granules (30-40 g per 1 m2).

Young kobe climbing lianas are planted according to the scheme 60-70 x 70-80 cm, and the holes are dug deep so that the root system does not bend when transplanted. Seedlings are removed from pots with a clod of earth and carefully placed in the holes. They fall asleep with soil from the garden and carefully water the plants from a watering can with a fine sieve.

Immediately after planting, it is important to provide the kobe with a climbing support, because the cultivation of this plant will be a failure without it, as the stems will cling to the surface of the soil, growing weeds and flowers and shrubs growing in the neighborhood. In this scenario, there is a risk that the kobe will crush its neighbors.

In order for the climbing kobe to please the eye with emerald foliage and bright flowers, during the summer it needs to be fed and watered often. Moisturizing the soil is carried out daily, while trying to pour water between the plants, and not under the root. Once a week, complex fertilizers for flowers with potassium and phosphorus are added to the water for irrigation. It is advisable to use them according to the instructions on the package.

To create a jungle effect in the garden, the climbing kobe is ideal, growing from seeds of which is considered the perfect way breeding in the Russian climate. A little effort in the spring, care and maintenance in early summer is all it takes to create a dense upright carpet dotted with bell-shaped bright flowers. Growing this plant usually does not cause significant difficulties, but the vine does not produce seeds. Next year you will have to buy them again in the store.

Kobeya is an amazing vine that amazes with the beauty and size of flowers. Only one of its species has taken root in the climatic conditions of Russia and European countries. It is called "climbing", "creeping" or "tenacious".

It is a perennial crop if bred and grows in warm climates. In the climate of Russia, Kobeya is grown as an annual plant.. It is difficult to breed it at home from collected seeds, because they often do not have time to ripen. This is due to the cultivation of vines exclusively from purchased seeds.

A distinctive feature of Kobei are long shoots, which often reach 6 meters. Leaves with a pinnate structure at the end have a tendril, with which the plant clings to a special support. The creeper flower is a large bell with protruding stamens, which has a purple color. Much less common is a white kobe, on which flowers of the corresponding shade are located. They have a honey scent. The fruit of the plant is a leathery capsule containing seeds.

Kobeya is an amazing liana that amazes with the beauty and size of flowers.

The technology of growing kobe climbing from seeds at home

On closer examination of the seeds of the vine, you can see that they are covered with a shell that has sufficient strength. Before planting them in the soil, it is necessary to soften the shell to a slimy state and by machining remove it from the seed.

To do this, use a container with a wide bottom, so that each seed lies separately from each other at a short distance. The seeds are laid out and filled with a small layer of liquid, after which they are covered with a lid to prevent water from evaporating. After a while, the dense crust should sag and become softer. You need to get the seed and remove as much as possible, as much as possible large quantity shells. After this procedure, return the elements to the bottom of the container until the next opportunity to remove part of the crust. Complete cleansing seed will happen in a few days.

The next step is to sow the material for growing seedlings. This is done by placing the seeds in an individual cup filled with a universal filler (soil) purchased at a store. It is necessary to fill 2/3 of the cup with soil, place the seed on it with the flat part down, cover it with an additional layer of filler (about 1.5-2 cm). The whole procedure is carried out at the end of February or at the beginning of spring, if a wine-white form of flowers is chosen, and in late March - early April, if a purple form is planted. Individual cups are needed in order not to damage the stem and root system of the vine during the first dive.

Gallery: kobeya (25 photos)

How to grow a kobe from seeds (video)

After the seed is planted, you must wait a couple of weeks before the appearance of green sprouts. When the first leaves appear, the first transplant should be made into a larger container, for example, into a 3-liter pot. Transplantation is carried out with the whole clod of earth, in which the plant is located. It is required so that the root system has enough space for development and strengthening. Transplantation can be done several times in ever larger containers in order to wait for favorable climatic conditions in the garden.

Also, the gentle temperature regime of the apartment contributes to the growth of strong shoots. For these seedlings, a base for weaving will already be required, so a ladder made of plastic or metal must be installed in the soil. On it Kobeya will, clinging, grow. First, it must be tied to the ladder for the possibility of the first engagement.

When the stairs were entwined with the first shoots, it is necessary to harden the seedlings. It is transferred to cool air, for example, to a glazed balcony, left for a couple or three weeks. This allows the plant to prepare for the upcoming conditions.

Before planting kobei seeds in the soil, it is necessary to soften the shell to a slimy state.

After the specified time, if all night frosts have already passed and the temperature regime has returned to normal to a mark of at least 5 degrees Celsius at night, the vine is planted in open soil. It is recommended to do this on time so that the plant does not have time to grow large enough for a comfortable transplant.

For the successful cultivation of Kobei, you need to follow a few rules.

  1. Pits for each creeper should be located at a distance that is not less than half a meter.
  2. The chosen place should be well lit, if this is not possible, then partial shade will do.
  3. The soil must be fertile.
  4. The site should be unreachable for cold winds.

When all conditions are met, it is necessary to fill the dug places with a loose mixture consisting of humus, peat and soddy soil. On this mixture, it is required to place the root system of the vine along with a clod of earth in which it grew. Dig until the roots close and water. Immediately after this, you need to establish a support for the plant so that it does not look for it on neighboring plants. If, according to the weather forecast, night frosts on the soil can still return, it is necessary to cover the seedling with two layers of non-blown nonwoven fabric. Remove material after warm weather is established.

The first green kobei sprouts appear two weeks after planting the seeds.

Options for using kobe creeping in garden decor

Liana grows very fast and is able to decorate the garden plot in a short time. If there is a desire to hide what is happening in the yard from prying eyes, then you need to place the plant near the fence. A high fence will get an attractive look thanks to big flowers creepers.

Often in the garden there are outbuildings that do not differ in external beauty. They can also be hidden under the bright greenery of Kobei. You can use the plant to create a shady area, for this, on the south side, it is planted next to the place where the shadow is planned.

The entrance to the garden can be decorated with a flower arch, which is ideal option for weaving an ever-growing vine. A recreation area, for example, a gazebo, can be transformed with a spaced plant in large pots around the perimeter. You can combine Kobe with Lobelia or Petunia for a lively, colorful bouquet.

Another way to use Kobei in the garden is to divide the site into zones with its help. Liana will harmoniously create hedges between different cultures from each other.

How to transplant a kobe (video)

Kobei landing rules

Kobe can be planted on open area in the garden, and on the balcony of a storey building. For each of the methods, there are a number of rules that must be observed when landing.

On the balcony

The soil must be used as a mixture of two types of soil: leaf and sod, humus and sand. All ingredients are mixed in equal amounts. The balcony should be located on the warm side of the house, where there are no winds.

First, seedlings are grown from seeds, and then planted in prepared containers, fixed around the perimeter of the balcony. In this place, the plant may be difficult to care for, but this must be done in any case.

  1. Tops are pruned regularly to ensure better branching.
  2. feed good fertilizer once every half month.
  3. Water the root system and spray the greens.

First, the liana is tied up to set the direction of movement, then it finds its own support. It can even be a rough wall of the house.

Kobeya can be planted both in an open area in the garden and on the balcony of a storey building

In the garden

On the garden plot care is feeding the soil and ensuring its comfortable composition. Attention should be paid to the drainage of the soil, which determines whether moisture will stagnate at the roots, leave too quickly (with heavy drainage), or conditions are comfortable for the plant.

You also need to ensure that there is a support that will be able to support the weight of Kobei, and will also correspond to its length. Sometimes the liana is planted by cuttings, but it is most reliable to grow it from seeds yourself.

In the garden, caring for a kobe is feeding the soil and ensuring its comfortable composition.

Outdoor climbing kobe care

Kobeya is a capricious plant that constantly requires attention. For this, it thanks abundant and bright greenery, beautiful bells big size that change color as they grow.

Watering and feeding

Watering and fertilizing the plant should be done regularly. Particularly thorough irrigation of the soil should be ensured during the dry season. On such days, you need to water the Kobei root system abundantly. Wherein the process of moisture absorption should be controlled, so that she doesn't get stuck. If this happens, there is a high probability of the appearance of fungal diseases on the roots. Also, the earth should not dry out, otherwise the vine will drop all the flowers due to overheating of the roots.

Top dressing is the application of complex fertilizers to the soil every fortnight. The very first fertilizer is applied a week after planting the vine in open ground. It is recommended to cover the area near the stem of the plant with a layer of mulching. Any organic material will work for this.

Kobeya is a capricious plant that constantly requires attention.

Whip formation

The first time after landing you need to control and direct the growth of kobei in the intended direction. First, this is done by tying it to a support. For more lush landscaping, you need to cut off the tips of the shoots, as well as pinch the vine. In order for the plant to please with its well-groomed appearance, it is necessary to remove dried flowers from it in time.