Pruning irises for the winter in the Urals. Irises: care in the fall, preparation for winter

Perennial irises are able to delight with their flowers in the garden from year to year. The spectrum of their colors is extremely diverse. They are white, yellow, blue, blue, pink, red, purple, brown.

Many gardeners are wondering: do they prune irises for the winter? It refers to necessary rules care of flowers.

When to prune irises in autumn

Pruning irises in the fall prevents the seed from ripening, which inhibits flowering. It will also help to exclude self-sowing of flowers in the garden. Pruning begins after the flowering of irises has ended (in early autumn).

  1. Remove dried flowers and ovules. This will prevent seed pods from growing. To remove, use sharp, clean scissors or pinch off the flowers with your fingers. In this case, the peduncles are cut off at the very base.
  2. Trim the stems of the irises after flowering is complete. This helps to avoid stem rot. Removal is carried out using a sharp instrument (for example). Pruning is carried out at a level of 2.5 cm above the rhizome of the plant.
  3. Cut off the foliage of the plants. The leaves are left on the irises until they wither themselves. This is very important because with their help the flower transfers energy to its roots, which will help them to survive the winter more easily. Therefore, not green, but already wilted leaves are cut off at a distance of about 15 cm from the ground, they are given the shape of a cone. As a rule, the leaves are trimmed in early October.

After the irises have been pruned for the winter, they must be covered with spruce branches, dry peat, leaves, and straw. The material for insulation is placed at a height of about 15 cm.

Compliance with these rules will help prepare flowers for the winter period.

Iris care after flowering: growing and care

The flowering period of irises falls around the second decade of May, and ends only by mid-summer. Successfully selected varieties will make this period longer. But one should not forget that after flowering, they require appropriate care and treatment, as they need to recuperate.

Irises planting and care. Soil preparation

A properly planned plot is already half the success when breeding irises. In case if groundwater come too close to the surface, the soil must be provided with a layer of drainage material, and it is even better to raise the flower bed itself to a height of 15 cm. There must be enough sunlight at the planting site, because irises do not like shade and do not bloom well in such conditions.

Depending on the quality of the soil, organic (ash, humus from compost pit) and nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers(nitroammofosk, azofosk), then loosen, dig up and build a bed of suitable size with a slight angle of inclination to the south side. As for manure, it is best for them to feed the soil a year before planting.

Irises are not very demanding on crop rotation, but they still need to be replanted:

When choosing a new site for planting, you should be aware that during this time the iris bushes can grow significantly and require a larger area. If you refuse to transplant, the plants will experience a lack of nutrients.

Experienced gardeners it is recommended to plant irises in summer. This period is best because the kidneys are laying down. They go to winter with fully formed rudiments, from which new flowers will appear in the next season.

It is advisable to dig up the most delicate varieties of irises, which include some modern Japanese hybrids, and leave for the frost period in a cool and dry place, since at temperatures below 8 degrees they can freeze or even die.

Transplanting irises after flowering should be done only if the roots have already grown new links (annual processes on the rhizome), but the flower bud is not yet completely tied. An annual link with a diameter of up to 2 cm and a length of up to 3 cm is called a landing unit.

It should be separated from the iris with a knife, without digging out the bush itself. Next - shorten the leaves by one third and cut the rhizome, leaving about 10 cm of its length. The active growth of a young seedling in a new place will begin in 1-2 weeks, just when a new bud begins to form and the layers take root firmly.

Transplanting irises in autumn

When planting irises in the autumn, you need to choose plants that have already well developed roots, and the flower bud has reached a length of about 6 cm and a diameter of 2 cm.If the weather favors: there will be no prolonged rains or too early frosts, the irises will quickly take root and delight you flowers next year.

It is very important to consider that the base of the root of a properly planted plant should be level with the ground. The ground should be compacted so that the leaf fan remains upright when gently pushed with the palm of the hand.

The size of the hole depends on the diameter and length of the rhizome. At its bottom, a special mound is built, where the roots are placed. Further, the seedling is slightly pressed, covered with earth and watered. The next time it is worth moisturizing the irises only after 4-5 days. In intense heat, plants need to be shaded. This can be done by constructing a twig frame and covering it with rags or straw.

These flowers need the same care as all other perennials:

In autumn, caring for irises after flowering consists in carefully covering them with fallen leaves or pine branches (spruce branches) before the cold weather begins. Such insulation is removed immediately after the last spring snow has melted. This is especially necessary for one-year-old plants, since adult plantings tolerate frost much better.

Fertilize the soil after the top layer has dried. By introducing mineral additives, the earth must be loosened 1-2 cm deep, trying not to damage the rhizomes, since they tend to be close to the surface.

Many budding florists are wondering when to prune irises after flowering. After the color has fallen, there is no need to trim the leaves, but the peduncles must be broken out under the base of the bush. Half of each leaf must be cut off at the onset of the first cold weather, so that the plant strengthens the roots, and this procedure is also performed when planting.

Top dressing

Hybrid varieties that have reached 3-5 years of age are fertilized as follows:

  • In the spring they use mineral dressing composed of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The proportions are 2: 1: 1.
  • At the time of bud formation, the same composition is introduced, only with nitrogen and potassium parts increased to 3.
  • 3-4 weeks after the end of flowering, only potassium-phosphorus feeding 1: 1 is used.

Three of these approaches will help make plants more attractive and hardy. The deficiency of nutrients has an extremely unfavorable effect on the development of the plant - the formation of a flower ovary and the active growth of new shoots. At correct fertilization irises, they will certainly give great color next season.

If during the first planting of plants, fertilizing was already used, then in summer period there is no need to repeat the procedure.


Irises are unpretentious "inhabitants" of the garden, which will require minimal maintenance and costs on your part. Special attention it is necessary to pay to the shading of plantings and feeding. But here, too, the main thing is not to overdo it with fertilizers (especially those containing nitrogen), as this can lead to the rapid growth of leaves and a lack of flowers.

Iris care after flowering video

Among the people, irises are affectionately called irises. Their large bright flowers can be of various shades, they adorn flower beds from May to July, depending on the characteristics of the varieties planted. In order for irises to grow in one place for a long time, retain their decorative effect during flowering, you need to provide them proper care after flowering is complete.

After flowering, flower stalks should be cut out or broken off at the base of the bush. After the foliage has started to turn yellow, you also need to cut it to ½ the length. This must be done in order for nutrients to accumulate in the rhizomes. Correct feeding stimulates the formation of buds of flower buds for the next year.

A month after flowering, you need to feed the irises. phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, dissolving 15 g in 5 liters of water per bush. You can not fertilize a garden with irises with manure, as this provokes the development of root rot. If you overfeed the plants nitrogen fertilization, then this stimulates the growth of foliage, fattening of plants, but there will be no flowering. If the irises are not blooming, it is also possible that they are planted in the shade. Sometimes the reason may be the excessive acidity of the soil. These plants prefer neutral and slightly acidic soils. If necessary, you can improve the composition of the soil by introducing compost, humus, dolomite flour, lime fluff, chalk or wood ash.

Preparing plants for winter

If in the region where irises are grown, cold, snowless winters are frequent, in the fall you need to insulate the rhizomes. To do this, you can use straw, sawdust, humus or peat. However, in this case, in the spring, after the onset of stable above-zero temperatures, you need to remove the shelter in time, otherwise the roots may get wet, the plant will die.

The rhizomes of irises can also be cut out in summer, if the weather is wet and rainy for a long time. In this case, the plants are also more likely to be affected by fungal infections. To avoid the death of the bushes, you need to remove the rotted roots as soon as possible, and also select the soil around them. To do this, you can completely dig out the rhizome, carefully examine it, cut out the damaged areas and process it with 20% formalin. After that, dry the roots and plant the plant in another place. For the prevention of fungal diseases, irises can be treated with fungicides in the spring. Effective are "Fundazol", "Ditan M-45" and others.

It is recommended to replant the bushes every 3-4 years, while dividing the bushes. During this procedure, you need to use a sharp knife, sprinkle the slices with crushed coal or ash and dry them before planting. It is necessary that the soil in the iris bed is free of weeds. Only by observing these conditions, you can achieve long and abundant flowering.

Irises - care after flowering This flower is popularly called the iris, and scientifically - iris. He has bright big flowers of various shades on high legs, filling the flower garden from the second half of May to the beginning of July. it perennial, but in order for it to bloom well the next year, then after flowering, you should ensure proper care for the iris. Consider what to do next after the irises have faded. In fact, care for irises during this period is very simple: remove weeds and loosen the soil with your hands; feed with fertilizers in a timely manner; destroy pests and treat diseases; watering and replanting correctly. Pruning irises after flowering Immediately after the flowers have faded, the flower stalks break out at the base of the bush. Only when the first frost occurs should the iris foliage be cut in half after flowering, just like when planting. If the leaves turn yellow earlier, then they will need to be cut off. Top dressing of irises after flowering A month after the irises have faded, you need to feed them with mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions. These fertilizers should be applied at 15g (1 tbsp. Spoon) for each flower. You can not use manure to fertilize irises, even rotted manure, as this can cause the development of rot on the roots or damage by pests. Compost can be used as a light top dressing. Iris transplant after flowering by the Most the right time for planting irises, the summer period is considered. Therefore, irises are transplanted after their complete flowering for two weeks, at a time when new links are already beginning to appear on the rhizome, but the flower buds have not yet begun to tie. It is necessary to cut off the formed processes carefully, without digging out the flower completely. For planting, annual shoots with a diameter of 1-2 cm and a length of 3 cm are usually used. How to prepare such a sprout? To do this, you need to cut off a third of the entire length of its leaves and shorten its roots to 8-10cm. For landing, you need to plan the site well in advance. The place should be sunny, as irises do not bloom in the shade. It is better to raise the flowerbed or bed on which the irises will grow by 15 cm. Organic and mineral fertilizers must be added to the soil for planting (but manure cannot be applied). If the soil is acidic, you can add wood ash... After that, re-dig the piece of land and make a flower bed with a slight slope to the south. When planting cuttings or sprouts, the following rules should be followed: The sprout rhizome should be placed on the same level with the ground, and the leaves should be upright. Plant the seedling in a hole, the depth of which corresponds to the length of the roots of the sprout, taking into account the fact that it will be necessary to make a small mound for laying the root system on it. After planting, press the sprout lightly in the hole and sprinkle with earth. The newly planted irises are watered immediately and then only after 3-5 days. Iris is a light-loving plant, but on very hot days they need to create an artificial partial shade. Saplings should be planted at a distance of 30-40cm from each other. For the prevention of various diseases, the roots of the cuttings before planting need to be well inspected, rinsed and immersed in a dark solution, transplanting irises after the flowering of potassium permanganate for half an hour. After planting, new shoots begin to grow only after two weeks, since their roots, which are in their infancy, need to grow. It is not possible to transplant and divide irises every year, but only once every 4-5 years. The period after the flowering of irises is considered favorable when these flowers should be cut and planted, since by doing this in the summer, you can be sure that they will get stronger before winter and will survive it well.

Many gardeners love to grow irises on their plots. The flower is incredibly decorative, it has many shapes and colors. However, in order for it to please for many years, proper care and pruning is needed.

Why prune irises

It is a perennial that requires careful pruning. During the period of growth and flowering, it requires the removal of aerial parts several times. When to trim irises:

  • leaves turned yellow and covered with spots;
  • the flowering period is over;
  • the end of autumn and the beginning of frost;
  • care requirements for certain varieties.

Each of the reasons implies a different technique and timing for when to trim the irises. In addition, there are two types of these flowers that require different care.

Why prune irises


Caring for them is minimal. Remove yellow and dried leaves as needed. In the fall, you can skip pruning, if not for this good reason... These varieties have exotic species with spectacular flowers - their fan of leaves is removed by half closer to autumn.


More demanding in care. They are distinguished by the presence of rhizome bulbs. After such varieties have faded, it is necessary to cut off their entire aerial part. The roots of the bulbs are left and try not to damage - this can lead to the death of the flower. The planting material is dried and planted again in the fall. V northern regions the flower is planted in spring so that the plant does not freeze in winter.

When to prune the leaves

Pruning is done in case of transplantation or reproduction of a flower. In this case, the leaves are trimmed almost completely, leaving about a third of the length. Thus, water is retained in the roots for better survival.

When to prune the leaves

If you want to detach young roots, then there is no need to touch the entire rhizome completely. The right part detached with a shovel, and the rest is covered with earth. Watering is not required after the procedure.

Note! It is better to postpone pruning and replanting until the evening when the sun is not baking.

When to trim the leaves of irises - a few days before the intended transplant. It is not recommended to touch them during flowering, all procedures are performed after 3-4 weeks. The plant will restore the forces that went into the formation of peduncles, and form more rudiments of young rhizomes.

When the seeds ripen, the bushes also need pruning. After the flower withers, seeds appear in the receptacle. Each variety is capable of multiplying by seeds, and for some this method is the only one. All peduncles are cut off, but if they want to propagate the plant, they leave it alone, removing parts of the bush that have already dried up.

There are varieties that have seeds with a very decorative look. In this case, the dried buds are removed without touching the flower. Iris smelly possesses the seeds of a beautiful orange and Belamkanda has black showy seeds.

Is it possible to trim irises in July

The flower begins to bloom one of the first, but depending on the variety, these periods also vary. By flowering, plants are divided into groups:

  • the early ones bloom in May;
  • mid-early - flowering closer to the beginning of June;
  • medium - during June;
  • late - in the first half of July.

Is it possible to trim irises in July

Some varieties bloom twice in one season - in the spring and then in the fall. Thus, in July, when the iris has faded, the flower stalks are cut off. This is done so that the plant does not expend energy on seeds, but directs all its energy to the buds that have not yet blossomed.

Additional Information. Removal of dry elements gives more decorative view, this is the way how you can update the irises.

There are varieties that are very easy to sow, if the peduncle is not removed - this leads to a thickening of the plantings in the flower bed. It makes it worse appearance and provokes a deficiency nutrients at the main plant.

Also, flowers are cut during flowering. This is done with a sharp knife, observing the following guidelines:

  • the buds that have faded and have a green receptacle are removed;
  • when flowering occurs in the active phase, it is important to preserve the buds;
  • after the flower has lost its decorative appearance, it is cut at a distance of 2.5 cm from the ground.

Leaves should not be removed during flowering or immediately after. It can even lead to the death of the plant. When pruning the foliage from irises, only the completely yellow or dried tips are removed. At correct pruning a green fan will adorn the flower bed all summer.

Important! You can not make top dressing during the flowering period.

Varieties that bloom twice a year require pruning of stems and leaves. When cutting irises is required for a bouquet, the cut is made almost at the root, without damaging it.

Pruning in the fall

In autumn, pruning is necessary for flowers - this is how the plant prepares for unfavorable conditions winter. The procedure is carried out before the frost in October - the leaves are removed. There are some tips for pruning irises in the fall:

  • it is necessary to cut off the foliage with a cone, so there will be less moisture on the surface;
  • leaves up to 15 cm high do not touch;
  • when irises are cut, the removed parts must be burned;
  • the rhizomes are covered with a layer of earth;
  • if it is winter with a little snow, then the flowers cover completely.

Thus, when it is time to cut irises for the winter depends on the growing region. Somewhere frosts may come earlier.

This is a very common plant with many species, so each grower has his own secrets in caring for it. Here are some tips for flower care:

  • So that after flowering the leaves do not turn yellow, planting material pre-soaked in copper sulfate... This procedure keeps the plant green until the very frost;
  • Only purchased varieties are planted during the period of their acquisition, and already existing bushes are planted in early August. In this case, the planting material is dried for a couple of days and embedded in the ground with a rhizome to the south;
  • In order to multiply the desired variety as soon as possible, they take the rhizome and cut it in two places to a depth of about 1 cm. Then they dry it a little and plant it. Such a plant produces about 6-7 children. It is important to prepare the planting site, fertilize and moisturize it well. The babies are separated from the main bush with a small part of the mother liquor - this way the young plants will have more nutrients.