Do-it-yourself interior partitions from boards. How to make an interior partition made of wood for space zoning? What partitions can be made in a wooden house

In construction, there is one important rule: the density and weight of partitions should not exceed the density and mass bearing walls. Therefore, in wooden houses, the most reasonable solution would be to use panel, frame or frameless plank structures.

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Types of partitions for wooden houses

There are special requirements for partitions in residential wooden houses. They have to:

  • be strong enough to support the weight hinged structures(furniture and plumbing);
  • have a minimum weight and not create an excessive load on the foundation;
  • be reliable sound insulators.

According to the types of structures and methods of their assembly, all partitions can be divided into several types.

Table 1 - Types of interior partitions


Peculiarities Advantages


Shields are called 2-3 layers of boards with a thickness of 20-40 mm, located in a dressing (so that the seams of adjacent rows do not coincide with the previous ones) and soundproofing (cardboard or roofing felt); to connect the shields to each other on one of the layers, a distance of 25 mm is left on the side Reliability, a sufficient degree of sound insulation Big weight


Hollow structures assembled from beams and fixed to the floor and ceiling with strapping. After assembly, fill with a sound insulator. Such barriers include drywall constructions, for which the framework is aluminum profiles or wooden bars Relate to the most economical type of partitions Low strength. When mounting suspended structures, additional reinforcement is required

Frameless (plank)

A continuous row of boards fixed vertically between the bars to the ceiling and floor and reinforced with metal 10 cm spikes with a diameter of 1 cm low cost Insufficient strength and low soundproofing properties


Equip in the process of erecting the building itself in the form of stacked beams or logs tied with load-bearing walls Durability, high sound and thermal insulation properties. Able to withstand the weight of hanging furniture without additional structural reinforcement High construction cost

Important! Proceed to the device of partitions in wooden house do-it-yourself is necessary only after its shrinkage. Otherwise, they will simply lead. Frame and panel buildings, assembled from dried wood, almost do not change their size, so you can install interior partitions immediately after construction is completed. A building made of timber is settled for 6 months, and log buildings for at least a year.

Applying markup. Strap fastening

Partitions are installed only on the subfloor. In the presence of finish coat it is removed to the lag. To protect against moisture and fungus, all wooden elements the future design is treated with antiseptic and water-repellent impregnations. It is advisable to cover them with fire retardants - compounds that prevent fire.

Before the device of the partition, they prepare a strapping with their own hands - bars, with the help of which the frame is attached to the ceilings and the floor. We describe in detail the process of its installation:

  • first, horizontal markings are prepared; for this, tightly stretched cords are pulled along the top and bottom;
  • along these lines, well-dried bars of 50x50 mm are screwed to the floor and ceiling with long wood screws (you can also take 50x100 mm);
  • first, two trihedral upper bars, forming a groove, are attached to the ceiling; they are nailed with 75 mm nails every 0.8 m;
  • then a double bottom trim(lying): a board with two bars attached to it, screwed to the floor;
  • if the partition falls on the beam, then the lower trim is nailed; when it is between 2 beams, it is installed on crossbars (metal supports).

Important! In order to avoid the collapse of the roof, violate the integrity ceiling beam and making grooves in it for attaching racks is strictly prohibited.

Frame installation

After attaching the strapping, the frame is mounted to it:

Important! Since the building undergoes residual shrinkage for many more years, a small gap of 1 cm must be left between the walls, ceiling and frame to protect the structure from deformation.

Heat and sound insulation pad

After the installation of wooden partitions, heat-insulating materials are laid inside them, allowing for a more even distribution of heat in the premises. Most heat insulators also have soundproofing properties. As them, you can use mineral, glass or ecowool, vermiculite or expanded clay backfill, etc.

It is not recommended to use polystyrene for these purposes - it is a good heat insulator, but does not have sufficient soundproofing properties. In addition, this material is flammable, and when burned, it releases styrene, a dangerous gas.

Let us briefly describe the installation of heat and sound insulators:

  • before laying them, one of the sides of the frame is pre-sheathed;
  • soundproofing material is placed as tightly as possible, without gaps and voids;
  • since mineral wool is able to absorb moisture, it is protected on both sides with vapor barrier film or a special membrane;
  • with simultaneous laying of electrical communications, they are laid in heat-resistant corrugations; for this, cuts are made for them in the bars, and holes are prepared in the sound insulator.

Frame sheathing

You can close the wooden frame with any material: drywall (GKL), plastic panels, clapboard, chipboard, etc. For baths and showers, more moisture-resistant GKLV or plastic is used.

The sheets are screwed to the frame profiles with self-tapping screws so that the edges of the sheets fall on the center of the rack. Drywall and chipboard are staggered so that the adjacent seams do not coincide with the previous ones. Finished structures further plastered, and then painted or glued with wallpaper. Tiles can also be glued on GKL, fiberboard and chipboard. To increase the adhesive properties (adhesion to the surface), they are pre-treated with a primer.

You can see firsthand how the partitions are assembled in a wooden house in the next video. Its authors talk in detail about the technology of their construction, and also describe the advantages and disadvantages of each type:

The cost of services for the installation of partitions

Revecon offers the installation of wooden partitions according to reasonable prices. We carry out high-quality installation of frame, panel and frameless structures in exactly the agreed time frame with a guarantee for all types of work.

The cost of installation is determined taking into account the selected materials and the complexity of the work. Departure of the measurer is free of charge.

It can be divided into two types - single, double, as well as multilayer:

  • Single - these are partitions between rooms, which are made of boards with a thickness of 40-50 mm, such partitions do not have an internal soundproof layer and can be classified as thin-walled partitions between the premises of a house.
  • Double - these are frameless double-walled partitions in which it is possible to make a soundproof layer.
  • Multilayer - these are partitions assembled from two or more layers of boards.

The basis for partitions from boards

Partitions from boards have a small weight compared to brick partitions, also such partitions do not perform the function of load-bearing walls (do not serve as a support for floors), therefore, their foundation does not require a capital foundation. The basis for the partitions of the boards are floor beams or flooring. The location of the partitions can be done both along and across the floor beams.

Materials for the device of partitions from boards

If we talk about what building materials are used for the construction of plank partitions, then their name itself indicates that the main building material from which such partitions are made are boards. In most cases, these are edged or unedged boards from coniferous trees, such as spruce or pine, at least 40 mm thick. The recommended humidity of boards is no more than 12%.

The construction of partitions from unplaned boards is carried out if further plastering of the surface of the walls of this partition is provided. In other cases, it is advisable to use edged board, and if wall decoration is not provided, then in this case the front surface of the boards should be smooth - it is necessary to process this surface with a planer and sand it.

As a result, we get the following materials:

  • Edged board not planed.
  • Edged board planed (polished from the front side).

Partitions from boards are made from vertically (rarely horizontally) installed boards, which form a solid wall of the partition. The partition boards are fastened to the bars, which are attached to the surface of the ceiling and floor. Consider the main points of the device double and single partitions.

Do-it-yourself double partition from boards

A double partition of boards is usually done like this:

  1. Bars (A) are attached to the floor and ceiling, then boards are attached to these bars.
  2. First, one wall of the partition (B) is assembled from the boards, placing the boards vertically.
  3. Control bars (C) are attached to the finished wall of the partition (B). The distance between the bars depends on the use of the material that will fill the space between the walls of the partition, if the space is not filled, then the control bars can be fixed at a distance of 400 - 500 mm from each other.
  4. After fixing the control bars (B) and if a soundproofing layer was required (D), the second wall of the partition (E) is recruited.
  5. If it is necessary to arrange a doorway, then racks (D) are installed in the intended place. After the wall is installed, before installing the door frame, the bar (G) can be cut out or a threshold can be drawn in this place.

Do-it-yourself single partition from boards

Fastening boards to bars when installing single partitions can be done in two ways:

  1. Boards are installed between two bars, which are parallel to each other.
  2. The boards are installed in grooves made in the bars, which are attached to the floor and ceiling opposite each other.

In the first version, the boards are installed between two bars. First, bars (A) are attached to the floor and ceiling, then bars (B) are attached in the same way. The distance between the bars should ensure that the boards (B) fit tightly into the space between the bars and have the same distance along the entire length. For example, if the board is 50 mm thick, then the distance between the bars can be made 50 ... 52 mm.

The bar (B) is made shorter than the bar (A) by the width of one board, from which the partition is assembled. For example, if the board is 150 mm wide, then the bars (B) should be shorter than the bars (A) by 150 mm. This will allow you to install boards between the bars, for example, if a door frame is installed in the partition, the direction of installation of the boards is indicated by arrows.

This version of the partition device has a significant drawback - the bars protrude above the floor surface and make it difficult to install the plinth. Such partitions can be used, for example, to divide space in a utility block, garage or country house (not a residential building).

The second option for erecting a single partition from boards provides for fastening the boards to only one bar, more precisely, into the groove that is made in the bar. This option is more time-consuming, but at the same time, the support bars will no longer interfere with the installation of the plinth - it turns out a flat wall from floor to ceiling.

Before erecting a partition according to this option, it is necessary to make a groove 15 mm wide (minimum value) in the bars (A). The depth of the groove is equal to half the thickness of the bar, that is, 50 mm / 2 \u003d 25 mm, this is the depth of the groove.

A spike must be made at both ends of the boards, while the thickness of the spike must be at least 14 mm, that is, 1 mm less than the width of the groove. This will facilitate the installation of the boards and their movement in the groove of the beams (A). The height of the spike relative to the depth of the groove is made 5 mm less. If the groove depth is 25 mm, then the height of the stud should be approximately 20 mm (upper and lower stud).

The length of the board (from point B to point D) should be no more than 2645 mm, with a ceiling height of 2700 mm. Since bars (A) with a groove for installing boards are attached to the floor and ceiling, the distance between the grooves is taken to calculate the length of the boards, which in the described example is 2650 mm. It turns out 2650 mm - 2645 mm = 5 mm, this is the minimum gap between the end of the board and the end of the bar (A).

In the bars (A) it is necessary to make a place for installing boards. To do this, in the lower bars, (for example, near the doorway), you need to cut off one wall of the groove, 150 mm wide (in the example, the width of the board is 150 mm).

When it is no longer possible to insert the boards into the groove from the end, the installed part of the partition and the doorway interfere, then in this case we just use the place for installing the boards made in the lower bar (A). First, we insert the board at an angle with a spike into the groove of the upper bar (A), and the bottom spike of the board passes freely in the prepared place and thus install the spike into the groove.

After the upper and lower spikes of the board are installed in the groove, move the board in the direction of the installed boards and connect them together. All board installation directions are indicated by arrows in Figure 3. Now let's talk briefly about the end connection of the boards.

An effective end connection can be achieved by joining planks through dowels. To do this, it is necessary to drill blind holes at the ends of the boards. We leave one end of the board with holes, and install dowels in the holes from the other end, and so on in each board.

The main thing is that the holes in the end of one board are on the same axis as the dowels installed in the end of the other board. The center-to-center distance between the pins and holes is made the same at about 200 mm, the depth of the pin into the board can be 50-80 mm (with a board width of 150 mm). The depth of the hole in the end of the board, into which the dowel enters when the boards are joined, should ensure that the dowel is completely deepened so that there is no gap between the boards.

Note:In all ways of arranging wooden partitions, boards installed against the wall of the house are attached to it with nails or with dowels.

Wood is a noble material that deserves special attention by selecting wooden partitions, in the future they get a wide field for maneuvering, changing the layout of the room. Remarkable ease of installation. In addition, it is a bet on the environment. It is known that a house cannot be made in perfect harmony with environment, even passive houses use elements that are not 100% safe. However, wood is another matter; making partitions from it seems especially tempting.

Walls and partitions

Before installing interior partitions made of wood, it is worth understanding what it is, how they differ from other types of walls. There are three main varieties.

  1. A load-bearing wall is the main wall of a building, which is a vertical plane that delimits or separates the interior of a building. It can be made of brick, concrete, wood. The wall transfers loads from building elements such as roofs, floors, and balconies to foundations and other building elements. Bearing elements are the main walls of the building. In a wooden house, they are made of timber or logs.
  2. A non-bearing wall does not serve as a support for floors and roofs, but carries only its own weight, relying on the foundation. Such products are used in some to stiffen.
  3. Partition - view inner wall building. It separates the premises of the building, while it is not a structural element and does not have load-bearing properties. Removing the partition does not violate the structure of the building. Partitions are made of brick, hollow blocks, wood. Building systems are also used, which include gypsum boards, which are mounted on a frame made of wooden bars or a metal profile. Soundproof material such systems are most often mineral wool.

Interior partitions from wood can be installed in a house built from any material, but in a wooden one, for example, in log cabin or frame-panel house they are placed by virtue of structural necessity.

To mount a brick partition in such houses, to put it mildly, is unreasonable - a lot of weight will adversely affect the entire building.

Varieties of wooden partitions

Partitions are distinguished by the type of construction. Before installing partitions in a wooden house with your own hands, it should be noted that they must have certain characteristics.

  • lightness - should not create an excessive load;
  • strength and rigidity of the structure;
  • have acceptable sound and heat insulation.

The partition, at least, should not break through the floor / ceiling, fall under the weight wall cabinet or collapse after the open door.

Wooden interior partitions, regardless of design, are made from high-quality, well-dried wood, treated with an antiseptic and other impregnations that prolong the “life” of wood.

From the whole variety of ways to arrange partitions in a wooden house , three groups can be distinguished.

  1. Frame - very light, they can be placed in any desired place. This is convenient both during construction and when redevelopment of the building. Their light weight is especially important when repairing an old house, when they are not known. bearing capacity floors. Without unnecessary expert design work required for construction brick walls, you can make a wooden partition and organize the space as you wish. TO wireframe views include drywall partitions.
  2. Panelboard - made of two or three layers of boards laid in a bandage, due to which quarters are formed along the edges, which are used during installation. Pretty heavy construction. So, with a thickness of 6 cm and a width of 60 cm, the weight of a shield 2.5 m high is about 80 kg.
  3. Frameless are, in fact, partitions made of boards , placed vertically end to end or with a tongue and groove. They are attached to the harness, fixed to the floor / ceiling. In this case, the lower harness is called "lying", and the upper - "nozzle".

You can make a partition in any of the three listed ways, if you wish, on your own.

Making a partition

Interior partitions in frame house can be performed almost immediately after its installation, but in newly built houses of other types (brick, log, etc.) it is better to wait a while until they give a drawdown. Starting to make partitions, you should prepare the tools. Basically, this is a standard carpentry set:

  • hammer;
  • wood saw;
  • a set of chisels, a carpenter's knife, a screwdriver;
  • level, plumb line, ruler, tape measure, chopping cord, pencil;
  • electric jigsaw, screwdriver, electric drill.

Frame interior partitions are most used in frame houses due to the same type of design and similar material. However, this type of partitions is used with no less success in houses made of logs and bricks.

To make interior partitions of high quality, you should make markings in the room. On the floor, in those places where they plan to make partitions, draw a line. Then, with the help of a plumb line, it is transferred to the ceiling and connected along the walls. This will be the boundary (contour) of the future wall.

Frame construction

The main skeleton is built from a bar with a section of 60 * 90 mm. The standard pitch of vertical bars is 60 cm for GKL and 62.5 cm for OSB boards. They are fixed between the bed and the nozzle, made of timber 60 * 110 mm. Crossbars are installed between the vertical posts to stiffen the entire structure. Mount horizontal bars (crossbars) in a checkerboard pattern, creating a kind of honeycomb. Frame partitions in a wooden house can be sheathed with plasterboard or OSB. The plates are arranged vertically and fastened with corrosion-resistant self-tapping screws. The gaps between the plates are sealed accordingly.

door frame installed between two uprights. A horizontal crossbar of the same section is attached above the top, a bar of the appropriate length is installed between it and the ceiling beam. These additions will give rigidity to the doorway, and the wooden frame partition will not rattle when opening / closing the doors.

When one side of the frame is sheathed, the space between the uprights is filled with insulating material. Acoustic comfort indoors depends on its quality. After laying soundproofing (most often from mineral wool) you can equip the other side of the wall.

Installation of shield partitions

In a wooden house, it can be made from shields. On the floor, according to the previously applied markings, bars are nailed, between which shields will be installed. The same bars are duplicated on the ceiling. The shields are installed in the formed grooves and fastened together with nails / self-tapping screws. It is best to use factory-made shields, because at home it is difficult to achieve high quality.

V Lately they are quite rare. Given the heavy weight of such partitions and high sound transmission, it is better to install them on logs. It is impractical to put them as internal partitions in a frame house (too heavy).

The door frame is nailed to the shields. The space above it is filled with a shield of the appropriate size (ready-made or specially cut). The box should be the same thickness as the finished wall. If you sheathe the GKL shields, in fact, you get a plasterboard partition, which can be finished in any convenient way.

Installation of frameless partitions

How to make the most elementary wooden partition? It's simple, you should build. Boards with a thickness of 40 - 50 mm are installed vertically one next to the other. At the bottom, they are attached to a groove formed by two bars nailed to a pre-installed board. The upper edge rests on a triangular bar, nailed in advance, the second one is pressed and nailed.

It is advisable to take the boards with the selected quarter, so it will be easier to connect them together and, thereby, avoid through cracks. The door frame is attached to the boards with self-tapping screws, the groove at the threshold is closed with a bar.

Drywall partitions in a wooden house can be made on a frame made of a metal profile 10 cm wide. The frame is made from a profile according to the same principle as a wooden one.

Interesting production wooden frame can be seen in the video:

The most popular are frame interior partitions. Their installation is possible in any home, and the relative simplicity of work and ease of construction are captivating. But do not neglect other methods. Each of them has proven itself positive side. In any case, it is up to the owner to decide what to make partitions in a wooden house from.

There are a huge variety of designs of interior partitions, they can be used regardless of the materials from which your house is built.

It is quite important to make the partitions technologically correct and provide the appropriate requirements that will be necessary for certain rooms.

If we consider vertical structures inside the house, you can distinguish load-bearing walls and interior partitions. All floors and roof structures are based on the first, while they themselves are based on. On the plan of the house, the position of the load-bearing walls is strictly fixed.

Interior partitions in this case will not be load-bearing structures. They only divide the interior space of the whole house into separate rooms. Therefore, they can be performed both from heavy building materials(For example, silicate brick), and from the lungs (for example, a tree or). From the building material and the quality of interior partitions depends on the house, environmental friendliness, beautiful aesthetic appearance, the possibility of future redevelopment of space.

Interior partitions in a wooden house should be:

  • durable and reliable so as not to create any danger to the residents of the house;
  • maintain the established period of its operation;
  • not have cracks and crevices on the surface or at the junctions with other structures of the house.

In addition, there are special requirements:

  1. For partitions in the bathroom and laundry rooms, resistance to penetration is quite important. humid air and couple. They must be made from waterproof building materials, but the main thing to consider is to prevent moisture and dampness from entering the structure. This problem will be perfectly solved by the correct lining of waterproof building material;
  2. For interior partitions of the second floors and attic rooms in houses with wooden floors, their low weight is important, since they are able to withstand a small load than reinforced concrete;
  3. If you plan to illuminate a room in the depths of the house, then it is better to use a translucent partition made of special glass blocks or structures with glass inserts;
  4. For laying the corresponding engineering communications(, chimney, etc.) a stationary interior partition of increased thickness is perfect;
  5. Partitions inside the house separating zones with different temperature conditions, must be massive and guarantee good thermal insulation.

Interroom partitions made of gypsum concrete are several times lighter than brick ones, they have a flat and smooth surface.

The thickness of such a construction from one layer of plates will be only 10 cm. If it is necessary to increase the sound insulation of a room or lay pipelines in an interior partition, it must be made double.

Installation of this system begins with alignment cement-sand mortar ceilings, then a special roofing felt waterproofing is placed under the lower blocks.

The template is made from two racks with a moving rail. Usually, the plates are mounted on top of each other with the long side strictly horizontally, with dressing of all seams. Apply gypsum mortar. Metal reinforcement is laid in all horizontal seams and fastened in the walls that limit the interior partition. The gap between the ceiling and the interior partition is sealed with a special gypsum mixture. It is not necessary to plaster the plates, just puttying is enough.

An important point, the gypsum mixture must be prepared immediately before its use, since it hardens very quickly. And all the metal rods that are installed between the rows of plates must be treated with a special bituminous varnish.

In new houses, before installing partitions, it is advisable to wait a few months after the installation of the load-bearing structures of the house so that their necessary shrinkage occurs. Interior partitions in the house are mounted before the floor screed is made. Performing a screed or roughing in the future wood flooring, between the wall and the floor, a gasket is made of soundproof building material with a thickness of 2 cm.

The installation of systems begins by marking their location with lines on the floor, walls and ceiling.

Interior structures are firmly connected with the ceiling at the base and the near walls.

Interior partitions made of wood

Currently, two types of partitions are used in a frame house using wood - these are solid and frame.

Wooden partitions are used in houses from different materials, without reinforcing wooden floors, they are perfect for the second floors of houses and attic rooms. Such structures are easy to assemble and dismantle, so they are ideal if you plan redevelopment in the future. In rooms with increased humidity, wooden partitions must be protected with waterproof.

Solid partitions made of wood are released from vertically standing boards. To increase the boards, they are mounted in two rows, distributing soundproofing material between them or air layer. The disadvantage of this design is the high material consumption and, as a result, the cost, as well as a large specific gravity compared with frame interior partitions.

Do-it-yourself installation of these partitions in the house is carried out as follows: a special beam is laid at the base of the interior partition, which is firmly supported by the floor beams. To form a solid structure on the strapping, it is necessary to fix two horizontal guides, between which the boards are vertically fastened, connecting them in their upper part with a fixing wooden bar.

When installing a frame partition on a strapping rack, they are placed with a certain step, combining them with an upper strapping. Details and elements of a wooden frame are fixed together with nails or self-tapping screws, using metal corners. On the one hand, the skin is installed, and after that the space between wooden beams filled with soundproofing. The wooden frame structures are fixed to the walls with the help of metal crutches, to the sheathing with the help of self-tapping screws.

At the junction of partitions with adjacent structures, a special metal mesh must be fixed. This will protect the entire structure from cracking.

In a timber frame house interior structures must be installed one year after the construction of the house, i.e. after significant shrinkage. The distance between the top of the interior partition and the ceiling should be at least 10 cm. It must be filled with tow and closed with triangular bars.

Drywall partitions

Drywall wall partitions

A modern system for the installation of plasterboard frame partitions allows you to perform construction works especially fast.

Lightweight plasterboard partitions in the house can be used from different designs and building materials and in any other premises, even with increased air humidity.

The composition of this system includes metal profiles - horizontal guides and vertical rack-mount and special soundproof building material.

They use structures with different skin layers, as well as on a double metal frame. The level of sound insulation of an interroom partition depends on the total number of sheathing sheets, the total thickness of the inner soundproofing layer, and the presence of an air gap.

These structures are assembled during finishing works before installation. A polyurethane soundproofing tape is glued onto horizontal metal profiles, and they are fixed to the floor and ceiling with dowels and screws. Rack metal profiles are installed in increments of 60 cm. The frame sheathing must be fixed on one side with self-tapping screws, and soundproofing material must be placed between the metal profiles. After that, the skin is installed on the other side of the partition. All roughness and unevenness of the cladding, as well as screw heads, must be repaired with putty.

For more good quality sound insulation, partitions are installed to load-bearing structures ceiling and only after that drywall is laid. All seams between drywall sheets should be puttied in several stages.

Interior partitions made of glass materials

Glass interior partitions

To create these interior partitions, glass blocks are used, which differ from each other in a huge palette of various colors, a choice of surface textures and initial sizes.